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I-D is a brilliant title for a magazine it stands for a winking face which they then have every model

on the cover page winking. I love this because it makes the magazine recognizable, and has its own unique stamp. The title its self is bold and always placed in the left hand corner of the cover page, I am very influenced by I-D the use of instead having a classic word they use letters and symbols to create something that stands for something thats relevant and effective.

CLASH magazine title is big bold and simple, this makes the title stand out and clear to read from the other text on the page. Clash title is often white on the cover page and either in the in front of the cover page image or behind but its always the central focus your attention is drawn to.

DAZED & COMFUSED have gone for a long but catchy name and they still wanted it to big and recognizable so made DAZED big and the rest of the name smaller down the side of the D. This title has also used a bold and simply font that is easy for readers to see and read clearly. They often change the colour of the masthead to suit the rest of the cover page but they also make it stand out from the rest of the page. They also sometimes have the masthead behind the image as well as on top of the image thats because they are a very well known brand and can manage to pull of changing the layer of the title.

WONDERLAND is a bold and basic title, the font is brilliant, letters equally apart and all the same size is a retro newspaper styled font. I find it really effective and dramatic as it really draws you into the cover page. On every issue of wonderland the masthead is black and white is works because readers can then spot this magazine due to being known for its colour and retro old newspaper style title.

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