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To them discovered is true natures map, By whom produced nothing is by hap: For she her secret agent doth

possess, Which in the universe is only one, But is distinct thro species numberless, According to their seeds, which God alone In the beginning did produce, and then Set them their law, found out by mental men (19). But a long interval is between, and all the labors of that Heroic Intellect to be passed through before the rejected Keystone regains her Head place. None but a philosopher ever achieved the work, or for reasons that are imperative, ever will. The idle and vicious are totally excluded, nor are the rewards of Wisdom to be won by fools wanting the very principles of melioration in themselves. --- Nemo enim dat id, quod non habet. --- He only that hath it can impart --- and he only has it who has labored rationally in the pursuit. As is exemplified in that saying of Esdras --- The earth giveth much mould, whereof earthen vessels are made, but little dust that gold cometh of (20). Non levis adscensus, si quis petat ardua, sudor Plurimus hunc tollit, nocturna insomnis olivae Immoritur, delet quod mox laudaverit in se, Qui cupit aeternae donari frondis honore. References ~ 1. See Divine Legation, vol. 1 2. St Croix des Mysteres, 2 vols, 8 vo. 3. Gebelin, Monde Primitif. La Pluche des Cieux 4. LAntiquitie devoilee par ses Usages, etc. 5. Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries 6. DeLegibus, lib. 2, cap. 14 7. Iamblicus on the Mysteries; Taylor, p. 109 8. See Praetextus, Hist. Nov. lib. 4; Divine Legation, vol. 1; Des Septchenes, Chap. 2 9. See the extracts rendered by De Septchenes, in his Religion of the Greeks, chap. 2 10. See Zoist, passim. 11. See Taylors Proclus on Euclid, the extract from Synesius, vol. 2 12. Iamblicus, Life of Pythagorus, chap, 16, 17 13. See Porphyrys Aid to Intelligibles, Taylor 14. See Taylors History of the Restoration of the Platonic Philosophy in vol. 2 of his Proclus on Euclid. 15. Secret. Tact. Alberti, in fine; Artis Auriferae 16. Aquarium Sapientum, part 2, in fine; Vaughans Coelum Terrae 17. See his Instaruration of the Sciences, sub init. 18. Aristiteles in Roasrio, and in the Lucerna Salis 19. Eirenaeus Marrow of Alchemy, book 1 20. Esdras, cap. 3, Book 1

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