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MPLS Lab Guide

Version 1.0
(MPLS - Multiprotocol Label Switching)

Author: D !ng V"n Ton

Ha Noi - 9/20/2008

M%c l%c Outline: Lab guide MPLS bao g m nh"ng bi lab sau:
* Lab 2-1: Thi%t l'p mi tr#+ng ./nh tuy%n IGP c1a Service Provider * Lab 3-1: Thi%t l'p mi tr#+ng m4ng li (core) MPLS * Lab 5-1: C5u hnh MPLS VPN * Lab 5-2: 6/nh tuy%n EIGRP gi"a router PE v router CE * Lab 5-3: 6/nh tuy%n OSPF gi"a router PE v router CE * Lab 5-4: 6/nh tuy%n BGP gi"a router PE v router CE * Lab 6-1: VPNs overlapping * Lab 6-2: H8p nh5t cc Service Provider * Lab 6-3: Cc d/ch v9 VPN chung * Lab 7-1: Tch cc Interface cho k%t n:i Internet * Lab 7-2: Nhi;u Site truy c'p Internet * Lab 7-3: K%t n:i Internet trong m<t MPLS VPN

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.

I. Lab 2-1: Thi(t l*p mi tr ,ng ./nh tuy(n IGP c1a Service Provider. 1. Ph4m vi ho4t .<ng c1a .:i t#8ng: - Trong ph4m vi ho4t .<ng c1a bi lab ny, b4n s= dng nh"ng nhi>m v9 v nh"ng cu l>nh c?n thi%t .@ tri@n khai IGP Service Provider v mi tr#+ng ./nh tuy%n. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab ny, b4n s= c khA nBng thDc hi>n .#8c nh"ng cng vi>c sau: - Ki@m tra s, . ./a chE IP, Data-link connection Identifier (DLCI), v tr4ng thi c1a cc Interface c1a Service Provider. - Enable IGP Service Provider v c5u hnh .ng ./a chE IP. 2. Quy #Gc tn router: - P (Provider): Px1 v Px2 l cc router Core thu<c m4ng c1a nh cung c5p d/ch v9. - PE (Provider Edge): PEx1 v PEx2 l cc router bin k%t n:i tI nh cung c5p d/ch v9 .%n m4ng c1a khch hng. - CE (Customer Edge): CEx1A v CEx2A, v CEx1B v CEx2B l cc router c1a khch hng. 3. S, . ./a chE IP c1a MPLS Lab:

- 6/a chE IP c1a cc router . .#8c thDc thi bJng cch sK d9ng bAng ./a chE IP L d#Gi. Ch x chnh l chE s: c1a mMi m<t pod. - BAng chi ti%t ./a chE IP c1a cc Router: Parameter CEx1A (S0/0.101) Cex1A (loopback0) Value 150.x.x1.17/28 10.1.x1.49/32

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.

Cex1A (E0/0) Cex2A (S0/0.101) Cex2A (loopback0) Cex2A (E0/0) Cex1B (S0/0.102) Cex1B (loopback0) Cex1B (E0/0) Cex2B (S0/0.102) Cex2b (loopback0) Cex2B (E0/0)

10.1.x1.17/28 150.x.x2.17/28 10.1.x2.49/32 10.1.x2.17/28 150.x.x1.33/28 10.2.x1.49/32 10.2.x1.17/28 150.x.x2.33/28 10.2.x2.49/32 10.2.x2.17/28

Pex1 (S0/0.101) Pex1 (S0/0.102) Pex1 (loopback0) Pex1 (S0/0.111) Pex2 (S0/0.101) Pex2 (S0/0.102) Pex2 (loopback0) Pex2 (S0/0.111) Px1 (S0/0.111) Px1 (S0/0.112) Px2 (S0/0.111) Px2 (S0/0.112) 4. Ti li>u c?n thi%t:

150.x.x1.18/28 150.x.x1.34/28 192.168.x.17/32 192.168.x.49/28 150.x.x2.18/28 150.x.x2.34/28 192.168.x.33/32 192.168.x.65/28 192.168.x.50/28 192.168.x.113/28 192.168.x.66/28 192.168.x.114/28

- Ti li>u c?n thi%t .@ hon thnh bi lab ny l: Cisco IOS documentation 5. Danh sch cu l>nh: - BAng ny s= m tA nh"ng cu l>nh .#8c sK d9ng trong bi lab ny: Command Network mask] No network network-number network-number [networkM tA 6@ ./nh nghNa m<t danh sch c1a nh"ng m4ng cho ti%n trnh xK l c1a EIGRP routing, sK d9ng cu l>nh network cho vic c5u hnh router. 6@

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.

[network-mask] Router eigrp as-number No router eigrp as-number

xa bO m<t m4ng no ., dng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh network. 6@ c5u hnh giao thPc ./nh tuy%n EIGRP, sK d9ng cu l>nh router eigrp L ch% .< global configuration. 6@ shutdown EIGRP ho4t .<ng trn router, sK d9ng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny.




6@ ./nh nghNa m<t subinterface logical Pointto-Point cho m<t interface v't l. Enable giao thPc Frame Relay trong ch% .< c5u hnh interface. ChE ra gi tr/ DLCI s= lin k%t vGi k%t n:i pointto-point c1a n. 6@ hi>n th/ cc thng tin v tr4ng thi v; cc PVC c1a cc Interface . c5u hnh Frame Relay 6@ hi@n th/ thng tin v; m<t serial interface, sK d9ng cu l>nh show interfaces serial L ch% .< Privileged EXEC. N%u sK d9ng Frame Relay Encapsution, th khi dng cu l>nh show interface serial L ch% .< EXEC s= hi>n th/ nh"ng thng tin v; multicast DLCI, nh"ng DLCI sK d9ng trn interface, v DLCI .#8c sK d9ng cho Local Management Interface (LMI).

subinterface point-to-point Encapsulation frame-relay Frame-relay interface-dlci dlci Show frame-relay pvc Show interface serial [slot/port]

Show ip protocols

6@ hi>n th/ cc tham s: v tr4ng thi hi>n t4i c1a giao thPc ./nh tuy%n . c5u hnh trn router.

Show ip route

6@ hi>n th/ tr4ng thi hi>n t4i c1a bAng ./nh tuy%n.

5. Task 1: C5u hnh cc ./a chE IP c1a cc interface Service Provider. - Nhi>m v9 c1a b4n l c5u hnh ./a chE Layer 2 v Layer 3, .@ .Am bAo rJng c5u hnh .ng cc interface c?n thi%t. a. Cc b#Gc c?n lm: - Hon thnh nh"ng b#Gc sau s= l cng vi>c chuQn b/ cho s, . k%t n:i MPLS logical v s, . ./a chE IP. Workgroup 1 v 2 c1a mMi m<t pod s= c5u hnh cc router nJm trong nh"ng group ny: - Step 1: C5u hnh ./a chE IP v gi tr/ DLCI t#,ng Png cho mMi m<t Interface trn router c1a Service Provider P, subinterface, v loopback. - Step 2: C5u hnh ./a chE IP v gi tr/ DLCI t#,ng Png cho mMi m<t Interface trn router PE, subinterface v loopback. Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.

- Step 3: C5u hnh ./a chE IP v gi tr/ DLCI t#,ng Png cho mMi m<t Interface trn router CE, subinterface v loopback - Step 4: ThDc hi>n nh"ng th1 t9c .@ ki@m tra. b. Ki@m tra. B4n s= hon thnh cng vi>c ny khi b4n thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: - Ping .%n cc ./a chE IP c1a cc router .@ ki@m tra sD ho4t .<ng c1a mMi m<t link - Ping ./a chE IP c1a interface loopback c1a m<t router remote. 6. Task 2: C5u hnh Service Provider IGP. - Cng vi>c ti%p theo b4n s= phAi thi%t l'p mi tr#+ng ./nh tuy%n IGP c1a Service Provider. Cng vi>c ny s= bao g m vi>c enable giao thPc ./nh tuy%n EIGRP trn router . 6.a: Cc b#Gc c?n hon thnh: Hon thnh nh"ng b#Gc sau cho workgroup 1 v 2 cho mMi pod: - Step 1: Trn mMi router CE, enable giao thPc ./nh tuy%n Rip version 2 (RIPv2). Disable tnh nBng auto-summary c1a giao thPc ./nh tuy%n ny .i. - Step 2: Trn mMi router P v PE, enable giao thPc ./nh tuy%n EIGRP, sK d9ng AS number = 1, v chRc chRn rJng cc m4ng c1a Service provider . .#8c c5u hnh v .#8c quAng b bLi giao thPc ./nh tuy%n EIGRP. Disable tnh nBng auto-summary c1a giao thPc ./nh tuy%n ny. - Step 3: ChRc chRn rJng cc workgroup khc cSng hon thnh nh"ng cng vi>c nh# trn. - Step 4: Ti%n hnh ki@m tra. 6.b: Ki@m tra: B4n s= hon thnh cng vi>c ki@m tra khi b4n thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: - Trn mMi router P v PE, b4n s= ki@m tra giao thPc EIGRP . ho4t .<ng ch#a - Trn mMi router P v PE, b4n s= ki@m tra EIGRP . .#8c enable trn t5t cA cc interface serial c1a router ch#a. - Trn mMi P v PE rouer, b4n ki@m tra interface loopback c1a t5t cA cc router P v PE . .#8c hi@n th/ trong bAng ./nh tuy%n. - Trn mMi router P v PE, b4n ki@m tra m4ng 192.168.x.0 c1a t5t cA cc router P v PE . .#8c hi@n th/ trong bAng ./nh tuy%n ch#a. - Trn mMi router PE, b4n ki@m tra m4ng 150.x.0.0 c1a t5t cA cc router P v PE . .#8c hi@n th/ trong bAng ./nh tuy%n ch#a. II. Lab 2-1 Answer Key: Thi(t l*p mi tr ,ng ./nh tuy(n IGP c1a Service Provider 1. Task 2: C5u hnh Service Provider IGP - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# router eigrp 1 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.

Pex1(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 (ty chTn) Pex1(config-router)# network 192.168.x.0 Pex1(config-router)# no auto-summary - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: Pex2(config)# router eigrp 1 Pex2(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 (ty chTn) Pex2(config-router)# network 192.168.x.0 Pex2(config-router)# no auto-summary - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px1 : Px1(config)# router eigrp 1 Px1(config-router)# network 192.168.x.0 Px1(config-router)# no auto-summary - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px2: Px2(config)# router eigrp 1 Px2(config-router)# network 192.168.x.0 Px2(config-router)# no auto-summary - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn t5t cA cc router CE: Cex**(config)# router rip Cex**(config-router)# network Cex**(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 (ty chTn) Cex**(config-router)# no auto-summary III. Thi(t l*p mi tr ,ng m3ng li MPLS 1. Ph4m vi ho4t .<ng c1a bi lab: Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= sK d9ng cc nhi>m v9 v cc cu l>nh c?n thi%t .@ tri@n khai MPLS trn cc sAn phQm Cisco IOS. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab ny, b4n s= c th@ lRm .#8c nh"ng n<i dung sau: - Enable LDP trn cc router PE v P - Disable sD quAng b c1a MPLS TTL - C5u hnh cc .i;u ki>n quAng b nhn (label) 2. S, . v't l c1a bi lab - Khi tri@n khai bi lab cc b4n c th@ dng s, . lab c1a hnh d#Gi .y.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.

3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t: - 6@ hon thnh bi lab ny cc b4n c?n tham khAo: Cisco IOS documentation. 4. Danh sch nh"ng cu l>nh c?n thi%t c1a bi lab ny MPLS command Cu l>nh Access-list access-list-number { wildpermit | deny } { type-code mask | address mask } No Access-list access-list-number { permit | deny } { type-code mask | address mask } Ip cef 6@ enable CEF trn RP card, sK d9ng cu l>nh ip cef L ch% .< global configuration. 6@ disable CEF, sK d9ng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Mpls ip No mpls ip Mpls ip propagate-ttl No mpls ip propagate-ttl [ forwarded | local ] 6@ .i;u khi@n tr#+ng TTL trong header MPLS khi nhn l?n .?u tin .#8c gn vo m<t gi tin IP, sK d9ng cu l>nh mpls ip propagate-ttl L ch% .< global configuration. 6@ sK d9ng c: ./nh gi tr/ TTL = 255 cho nhn .?u tin c1a gi tin IP, th dng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Mpls label protocol {ldp | tdp | 6@ chE ra giao thPc phn ph:i nhn .#8c sK 6@ enable MPLS chuy@n ti%p cc gi tin Ipv4. wildM tA 6@ c5u hnh danh sch nh"ng .i;u ki>n cho m9c .ch lTc cc gi tin, khi m cc gi tin t#,ng Png vGi m<t .i;u ki>n no .. 6@ xa bO access-list . t4o, dng tI kha no L tr#Gc cu l>nh.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.

both } No mpls label protocol

d9ng trn ch% .< interface, sK d9ng cu l>nh mpls label protocol L ch% .< interface configuration. Dng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny .@ disable tnh nBng ..

Show [detail]




6@ hi@n th/ thng tin v; m<t hoUc nhi;u interface . .#8c c5u hnh chuy@n m4ch nhn, sK d9ng cu l>nh show mpls interfaces L ch% .< privileged EXEC.

Show mpls ldp discovery

6@ hi@n th/ tr4ng thi c1a ti%n trnh xK l LDP discovery, sK d9ng cu l>nh show mpls ldp discovery L ch% .< privileged EXEC. Cu l>nh ny s= .#a ra m<t danh sch c1a cc interface .ang ch4y LDP discovery.

Show mpls ldp neighbor [address | interface] [detail] Mpls ]] no mpls ldp advertise-labels [for prefix-access-list [ to peer- access-list ]] ldp advertise-labels [for

6@ hi@n th/ tr4ng thi c1a cc phin lm vi>c c1a LDP, dng cu l>nh show mpls ldp neighbor L ch% .< privileged EXEC. 6@ .i;u khi@n vi>c phn ph:i nhn bLi LDP, sK d9ng cu l>nh mpls ldp advertise-labels L ch% .< global configuration.

prefix-access-list [ to peer- access-list

5. Task 1: Enable LDP trn cc router PE v P - Cng vi>c ti%p theo l thi%t l'p MPLS vGi mi tr#+ng ./nh tuy%n c1a Service Provider. Cng vi>c ny s= bao g m enable CEF v MPLS. 5a. Cc b#Gc c?n lm: C?n hon thnh nh"ng b#Gc sau: - Step 1: Trn Router PE c1a b4n, nh"ng cng vi>c sau s= c?n lm: + Enable CEF. + Enable LDP trn subinterface .ang k%t n:i trDc ti%p .%n router P c1a b4n. - Step 2: Trn router P c1a b4n, nh"ng cng vi>c sau s= c?n thDc thi: + Enable CEF. + Enable LDP trn subinterface .ang k%t n:i trDc ti%p .%n router PE c1a b4n. + Enable LDP trn subinterface .ang k%t n:i trDc ti%p .%n router P c1a cc workgroup khc. - Step 3: Ki@m tra nh"ng workgroup khc xem . hon thnh nh"ng c5u hnh . ch#a.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.

5b. Ki@m tra: B4n c th@ hon thnh cng vi>c ny khi b4n dnh .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: - Trn mMi router c1a b4n, b4n ki@m tra nh"ng interface . c5u hnh LDP ch#a Example: P11# show mpls interface - Trn mMi router c1a b4n, b4n ki@m tra tr4ng thi c1a interface xem . up ch#a v . thi%t l'p m:i quan h> LDP neighbor ch#a. Example: Px1# show mpls ldp discovery - Trn mMi router c1a b4n, ki@m tra LDP . .#8c chE ./nh m<t nhn cho mMi prefix trong bAng ./nh tuy%n c1a n ch#a Example: Pex1# show ip route Px1# show mpls ldp bindings - Trn mMi router c1a b4n, ki@m tra LDP . nh'n m< nhn c1a nh"ng m4ng con v cc interface loopback c1a router core ch#a. Example: Px1# show mpls ldp bindings - Thi hnh traceroute tI router PE c1a b4n .%n ./a chE ip c1a interface loopback c1a router PE c1a workgroup khc v ki@m tra k%t quA hi@n th/ vGi nh"ng nhn c lin quan. Example: Pex1# traceroute 192.168.x.33 6. Task 2: Disable TTL Propagation - Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= disable MPLS TTL propagation v ki@m tra k%t quA. Workgroup 1 s= c5u hnh Pex1 v Px1. Workgroup 2 s= c5u hnh Pex2 v Px2. 6a. Nh"ng b#Gc c?n thi%t .@ hon thnh nhi>m v9 ny: - Step1: Trn router PE c1a b4n, disable MPLS TTL propagation. - Step2: Trn router P c1a b4n, disable MPLS TTL propagation. - Step3: Ki@m tra cc workgroup khc . hon thnh nh"ng b#Gc trn ch#a. 6b. Ki@m tra: B4n s= hon thnh cng vi>c ny khi b4n thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau:

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- B4n s= thDc thi l>nh traceroute tI router PE .%n ./a chE ip c1a interface loopback c1a router PE nJm trn workgroup khc v so snh k%t quA ny vGi k%t quA thu .#8c trong l?n tr#Gc: Example: Pex1# traceroute 192.168.x.33 7. Task 3: C5u hnh cc .i;u ki>n phn ph:i nhn. - Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= sK d9ng nh"ng .i;u ki>n quAng b nhn .@ h4n ch% vi>c phn ph:i nhn c lin quan .%n cc Interface nJm trn router Core - Workgroup 1 s= c5u hnh Pex1 v Px1. Workgroup 2 s= c5u hnh Pex2 v Px2. 7a. Nh"ng b#Gc c?n lm: - Step1: Trn router PE, hi@n th/ LSPs . .#8c xy dDng. Example: Pex1# show mpls for - Step 2: Ch m<t LSP . .#8c xy dDng cho interface Wan .ang k%t n:i .%n router PE v router P khc. LSP ny s= khng bao gi+ sK d9ng bLi v l#u l#8ng s= khng .#8c xc ./nh bnh th#+ng t4i .i@m ny. - Step3: Trn cc router PE v P, c5u hnh cc .i;u ki>n phn ph:i nhn .@ cho php duy nh5t phn ph:i cc nhn c lin quan .%n ./a chE IP loopback v cc interface c1a Core cung c5p vi>c hM tr8 trDc ti%p .%n khch hng. - Step 4: Ki@m tra cc workgroup khc . hon thnh ch#a. 7b. Ki@m tra. - B4n s= hon thnh m9c ny khi b4n thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: - Trn router PE, b4n s= hi@n th/ LSPs . .#8c xy dDng Example: PE11# show mpls f - Trn router P, b4n s= dng cu l>nh sau .@ hi@n th/ LDP bindings Example: P11# show mpls ldp bind 8. Task 4: Xa bO cc .i;u ki>n phn ph:i nhn. Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= xa bO nh"ng .i;u ki>n quAng b nhn v v'y s= khng h4n ch% vi>c phn ph:i nhn c lin quan .%n cc Interface Wan trong Core. - Workgroup 1 s= c5u hnh cc router Pex1 v Px1. Workgroup 2 s= c5u hnh cc router Pex2 v Px2.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


8a. Nh"ng th1 t9c c?n lm: - Step 1: Xa bO cc .i;u ki>n phn ph:i nhn. - Step 2: Ki@m tra cc workgroup khc. 8b. Ki@m tra. B4n s= hon thnh vi>c ki@m khi thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: - Trn router PE, b4n s= hi@n th/ LSP .ang xy dDng. Example: Pex1# show mpls for IV. Lab 3-1 Answer key: Thi(t l*p mi tr ,ng MPLS Core. 1. Task 1: Enable LDP trn cc router PE v P - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# ip cef Pex1(config)# interface serial 0/0.111 Pex1(config-subif)# mpls label protocol ldp Pex1(config-subif)# mpls ip - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2 : Pex2(config)# ip cef Pex2(config)# interface serial 0/0.111 Pex2(config-subif)# mpls label protocol ldp Pex2(config-subif)# mpls ip - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px1 : Px1(config)# ip cef Px1(config)# interface serial 0/0.111 Px1(config-subif)# mpls label protocol ldp Px1(config-subif)# mpls ip Px1(config)# interface serial0/0.112 Px1(config-subif)# mpls label protocol ldp Px1(config-subif)# mpls ip - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px2 : Px2(config)# ip cef Px2(config)# interface serial 0/0.111 Px2(config-subif)# mpls label protocol ldp Px2(config-subif)# mpls ip Px2(config)# interface serial0/0.112 Px2(config-subif)# mpls label protocol ldp Px2(config-subif)# mpls ip

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


2. Task 2 : Disable TTL Propagation - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Pex1 v Pex2 : Pex*(config)# no tag-switching ip propagate-ttl - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px1 v Px2: Px*(config)# no tag-switching ip propagate-ttl 3. Task3: C5u hnh cc .i;u ki>n phn ph:i nhn - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# no tag-switching advertise-tags Pex1(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 90 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 150.x.0.0 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.16 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.32 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.80 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.96 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: Pex1(config)# no tag-switching advertise-tags Pex1(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 90 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 150.x.0.0 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.16 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.32 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.80 Pex1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.96 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px1: Px1(config)# no tag-switching advertise-tags Px1(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 90 Px1(config)# access-list 90 permit 150.x.0.0.0 Px1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.16 Px1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.32 Px1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.80 Px1(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.96 - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Px2: Px2(config)# no tag-switching advertise-tags Px2(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 90 Px2(config)# access-list 90 permit 150.x.0.0.0 Px2(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.16 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Px2(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.32 Px2(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.80 Px2(config)# access-list 90 permit 192.168.x.96 4. Task4 : Xa bO cc .i;u ki>n phn ph:i nhn. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1 v router Pex2: Pex*(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px1 v Px2: Px*(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags V. Lab 5-1: C4u hnh MPLS VPN. 1. Ph4m vi v cc .:i t#8ng c1a bi lab: - Cng ty c1a b4n .ang lm vi>c vGi m<t Service Provider. Pod c1a b4n c nhi>m v9 t4o hai .#,ng VPN .@ hM tr8 cho hai khch hng mGi (Khch hng A v Khch hng B). - Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= phAi t4o k%t n:i VPN cho khch hng c1a b4n. Sau khi hon thnh, b4n s= c khA nBng hon thnh nh"ng cng vi>c sau: + C5u hnh MP-BGP .@ thi%t l'p ./nh tuy%n gi"a cc router PE trong workgroup c1a b4n. + C5u hnh bAng VRF c?n thi%t .@ hM tr8 khch hng c1a b4n v thi%t l'p giao thPc ./nh tuy%n RIP cho khch hng c1a b4n sK d9ng VPN. 2. S, . logical c1a bi lab: Hnh 1:

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Hnh 2:

3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t: - 6@ hon thnh bi lab ny cc b4n s= c?n dng .%n ti li>u: Cisco IOS documentation. 4. Danh sch cu l>nh c?n thi%t cho bi lab: Cu l>nh Address-family ipv4 vrf vrf-name Address-family vpnv4 Ip vrf forwarding vrf-name Ip vrf vrf-name Neighbor ip-address active Neighbor ip-address routeM tA ChTn m<t VRF instance c1a giao thPc ./nh tuy%n ChTn tham s: c5u hnh c1a ./a chE VPNv4 Gn m<t Interface cho VRF T4o m<t bAng VRF Active m<t route trao .Vi vGi cc ./a chE family bn d#Gi c5u hnh c1a neighbor 6@ c5u hnh router nh# m<t BGP-speaking neighbor hoUc perr group, sK d9ng cu l>nh neighbor next-hop-self L ch% .< router configuration. 6@ disable tnh nBng ny, sK d9ng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Neighbor remote-as 6@ thm m<t danh m9c cho bAng BGP hoUc MP-BGP neighbor neighbor, sK L d9ng ch% cu .< l>nh router remote-as reflector-client

configuration. 6@ xa bO danh m9c ny khOi Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


bAng, sK d9ng tI kha no L tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Neighbor send-community 6@ chE ra cc thu<c tnh c1a cc community s= .#8c gKi .%n m<t BGP neighbor, sK d9ng cu l>nh neighbor send-community L ch% .< router configuration. 6@ xa bO danh m9c ny, sK d9ng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Neighbor update-source 6@ c .#8c Cisco IOS software cho php cc phin c1a IBGP sK d9ng mTi Interface cho vi>c k%t n:i TCP, sK d9ng cu l>nh neighbor update-source L ch% .< router configuration. 6@ ph9c h i l4i nh"ng g . gn cho Interface trL v; nh"ng tham s: . gn g?n nh5t, sK d9ng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Ping vrf vrf-name host Rd value Redistribute bgp as-number metric transparent Router bgp as-number Route-target import | export value Show ip bgp neighbor Show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vrf-name Show ip route vrf vrf-name Show ip vrf detail telnet host /vrf vrf-name 5. Task 1 : C5u hnh Multiprotocol BGP - Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= c5u hnh MP-BGP gi"a cc router PE trong m<t workgroup. - Workgroup 1 s= c5u hnh MP-BGP trn router Pex1, v workgroup 2 s= c5u hnh cng nhi>m v9 . trn router Pex2. 5a. Cc b#Gc c?n thi%t : - Step1 : Active giao thPc ./nh tuy%n BGP trn router c1a b4n v gn chE s: AS l 65001. Disable tnh nBng auto-summary. - Step2 : Active cc phin lm vi>c c1a VPNv4 BGP gi"a cc router PE. Disable tnh nBng auto-summary. Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1. ChTn giao thPc ./nh tuy%n BGP .@ c5u hnh Gn m<t RT cho m<t VRF Hi@n th/ nh"ng thng tin c1a cc BGP neighbor Hi@n th/ cc route VPN Ipv4 lin k%t vGi VRF Hi@n th/ bAng ./nh tuy%n c1a mt VRF . chE ra. Hi@n th/ chi ti%t nh"ng thng tin c1a VRF T4o m<t k%t n:i telnet .%n m<t router CE Ping m<t host thng qua VRF Gn m<t RD cho m<t VRF QuAng b cc route c1a BGP vo trong RIP


- Step 3: Ki@m tra trn cc workgoup khc. 5b. Ki@m tra B4n s= hon thnh ph?n ny khi b4n thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: - B4n s= hi@n th/ cc thng tin c1a BGP neighbor v chRc chRn rJng cc phin lm vi>c c1a BGP . .#8c thi%t l'p gi"a hai router PE. Example: Pex1# show ip bgp sum Pex2# show ip bgp sum Pex1# show bgp neighbor 6. Task2: C5u hnh bAng Virtual Routing and Forwading (VRF). Trong ph?n ny c1a bi lab, b4n s= phAi thi%t l'p cc k%t n:i VPN cho khch hng A v khch hng B. Workgroup 1 s= thi%t l'p m<t k%t n:i VPN gi"a router Cex1A v Cex2A, v workgroup2 s= thi%t l'p m<t k%t n:i VPN gi"a router Cex1B v router Cex2B. MMi workgroup s= ch/u trch nhi>m cho vi>c c5u hnh vGi t5t cA cc router PE cho khch hng c1a mnh. 6a. Cc b#Gc c?n lm: - Step1: Thi%t k% m4ng VPN c1a b4n quy%t ./nh cc chE s: RD v RT. - Step2: T4o cc VRF trn cc router PE v k%t h8p vGi cc interface PE-CE vo .ng cc bAng VRF t#,ng Png. - Step3: Khch hng c1a b4n .ang sK d9ng giao thPc ./nh tuy%n RIP, v v'y b4n c?n phAi enable RIP cho VRF m b4n . t4o. - Step4: C5u hnh quAng b RIP vo trong BGP vGi cu l>nh: address-family ipv4 vrf vrfname. - Step 5: C5u hnh quAng b BGP vo trong RIP vGi cu l>nh: address-family ipv4 vrf vrf-name. - Step 6: C5u hnh Rip metric khi .#8c quAng b vo trong MP-BGP bJng cch sK d9ng cu l>nh: redistribute bgp as-number metric transparent - Step 7: 6Am bAo rJng RIP . .#8c enable trn t5t cA cc router CE. ChRc chRn rJng t5t cA cc m4ng (bao g m cA loopback) s= .#8c active trong ti%n trnh xK l c1a RIP. 6b. Ki@m tra. B4n s= hon thnh cng vi>c ki@m tra khi b4n thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: - B4n c?n ki@m tra l4i xem . c5u hnh .ng cc bAng VRF trn router ch#a bJng cu l>nh: show ip vrf detail.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Example: Pex1# show ip vrf detail - Ki@m tra cc giao thPc ./nh tuy%n .ang ch4y trong VRF c1a b4n vGi cu l>nh: show ip protocol vrf. Example: Pex1# show ip protocol vrf Customer_A Pex1# show ip protocol vrf Customer_B - Ki@m tra bAng ./nh tuy%n c1a mMi m<t VRF trn router PE vGi cu l>nh: show ip route vrf. Example: Pex1# show ip route vrf Customer_A Pex1# show ip route vrf Customer_B - SK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf .@ hi@n th/ thng tin bAng ./nh tuy%n BGP k%t h8p vGi m<t VRF. Example: Pex1# show ip bgp vpnv4 Customer_A - Trn router CE, sK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip route .@ ki@m tra cc router .ang nh'n t5t cA cc VPN route. Example: Cex1A# show ip route Cex1A# traceroute 150.x.x2.17 Cex1A# ping 150.x.x2.17 - SK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip route trn router PE .@ ki@m tra cc route c1a khch hng c xu5t hi>n trong bAng ./nh tuy%n khng. Example: Pex1# show ip route - SK d9ng cu l>nh: ping v tracroute trn cc router PE .@ ki@m tra k%t n:i .%n cc m4ng c1a khch hng. Example: Pex1# ping 150.x.x1.17 Pex1# ping 150.x.x1.33 - SK d9ng cu l>nh: ping vrf trn cc router PE .@ ki@m tra k%t n:i .%n cc m4ng c1a khch hng. Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Example: Pex1# ping vrf Customer_A 150.x.x1.17 Pex1# ping vrf Customer_B 150.x.x1.33 VI. Lab 5-1 Answer key: C4u hnh MPLS VPN. 1. Task1: C5u hnh Multiprotocol BGP - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# neighbor 192.168.x.33 remote-as 65001 Pex1(config-router)# neighbor 192.168.x.33 update-source loopback 0 Pex1(config-router)# no auto-summary Pex1(config-router)# address-family vpnv4 Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 192.168.x.33 active Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 192.168.x.33 next-hop-self Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 192.168.x.33 send-community both Pex1(config-router-af)# no auto-summary - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# neighbor 192.168.x.17 remote-as 65001 Pex2(config-router)# neighbor 192.168.x.17 update-source loopback 0 Pex2(config-router)# no auto-summary Pex2(config-router)# address-family vpnv4 Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 192.168.x.17 active Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 192.168.x.17 next-hop-self Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 192.168.x.17 send-community both Pex2(config-router-af)# no auto-summary 2. Task 2: C5u hnh VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwading). - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# ip vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-vrf)# rd x:10 Pex1(config-vrf)# route-target both x :10 Pex1(config)# ip vrf Customer_B Pex1(config-vrf)# rd x:20 Pex1(config-vrf# route-target both x:20 Pex1(config)# interface serial0/0.101 Pex1(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Customer_A Pex1(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.18 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Pex1(config)# interface serial 0/0.102 Pex1(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Customer_B Pex1(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.34 Pex1(config)# router rip Pex1(config-router) version 2 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 Pex1(config-router-af)# no auto-summary Pex1(config-router-af)# redistribute bgp 65001 metric transparent Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex1(config-router-af) network 150.x.0.0 Pex1(config-router-af)# no auto-summary Pex1(config-router-af)# redistribute bgp 65001 metric transparent Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-router-af)# no auto-summary Pex1(config-router-af)# redistribute rip Pex1(config-router-af)# exit Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex1(config-router-af)# no auto-summary Pex1(config-router-af)# redistribute rip - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2 : Pex2config)# ip vrf Customer_A Pex2config-vrf)# rd x:10 Pex2config-vrf)# route-target both x :10 Pex2config)# ip vrf Customer_B Pex2config-vrf)# rd x:20 Pex2config-vrf# route-target both x:20 Pex2config)# interface serial0/0.101 Pex2config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Customer_A Pex2config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.18 Pex2config)# interface serial 0/0.102 Pex2config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Customer_B Pex2config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.34 Pex2onfig)# router rip Pex2config-router) version 2 Pex2config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex2config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 Pex2config-router-af)# no auto-summary Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Pex2config-router-af)# redistribute bgp 65001 metric transparent Pex2config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2config-router-af) network 150.x.0.0 Pex2config-router-af)# no auto-summary Pex2config-router-af)# redistribute bgp 65001 metric transparent Pex2config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex2config-router-af)# no auto-summary Pex2config-router-af)# redistribute rip Pex2config-router-af)# exit Pex2config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2config-router-af)# no auto-summary Pex2config-router-af)# redistribute rip VII Lab 5-2 : 5/nh tuy(n EIGRP gi7a cc router PE v router CE. 1. Ph4m vi v cc .:i t#8ng c1a bi lab: - M<t s: khch hng sK d9ng giao thPc ./nh tuy%n EIGRP nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n bn trong m4ng VPN ; .i khi, EIGRP .#8c dng .@ ./nh tuy%n chung vGi RIP hoUc BGP L nh"ng site khc. Trong bi lab ny, th cc khch hng c1a Service Provider quy%t ./nh sK d9ng giao thPc ./nh tuy%n EIGRP. - Trong ph4m vi c1a bi lab ny, b4n s= tri@n khai EIGRP nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n PECE trong m4ng VPN c1a khch hng. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab ny, b4n s= c khA nBng hon thnh nh"ng yu c?u sau : + Chuy@n .Vi cc site c1a khch hng .ang dng giao thPc ./nh tuy%n RIP thnh giao thPc EIGRP v thi%t l'p VPN sK d9ng giao thPc ./nh tuy%n EIGRP. Nh"ng site cn l4i vWn ch4y RIP nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n IGP.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


2. S, . logical c1a bi lab :

3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t - 6@ hon thnh .#8c bi lab ny cc b4n c?n tham khAo thm ti li>u : Cisco IOS document. 4. Danh sch cu l>nh c?n thi%t cho bi lab : - BAng sau s= m tA cc cu l>nh c?n thi%t cho bi lab. Cu l>nh Address-family ipv4 [multicast | unicast | vrf vrf-name ] M tA Vo ch% .< c5u hnh ./a chE family v t4o m<t VRF. VRF name (hoUc tag) s= phAi t#,ng thch vGi VRF name . t4o trong Step 3 c1a Task 2. Network ip-address network-mask ChE ra m<t m4ng cho VRF. Cu l>nh network .#8c sK d9ng .@ xc ./nh xem cc interface no s= .#8c ./nh tuy%n trong EIGRP. VRF s= phAi .#8c c5u hnh vGi m<t dAi ./a chE . .#8c c5u hnh trong cu l>nh network. Redistribute protocol [process-id] { level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 } [ asnumber ] [ metric metric-value ] [ route-map map-name ] [ match { ThDc hi>n quAng b BGP vo trong EIGRP. ChE s: AS v metric c1a BGP s= .#8c c5u hnh trong b#Gc ny. BGP s= phAi .#8c quAng b vo trong EIGRP cho CE site .@

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


internal | external 1 | external 2 }] [ tag tag-value ] [ route-map map-tag ] [subnets] Router eigrp as-number Show ip eigrp vrf vrf-name interfaces Show ip eigrp vrf vrf-name

ch5p nh'n cc BGP routes c th@ mang theo thng tin c1a EIGRP. M<t metric cSng s= phAi .#8c chE ra cho BGP v cSng .#8c c5u hnh trong b#Gc ny. Vo mode router configuration v t4o m<t ti%n trnh xK l c1a EIGRP. Hi@n th/ cc interface . .#8c c5u hnh ./nh tuy%n trong EIGRP. Hi@n th/ cc VRF neighbors khi cc

neighbors Show ip eigrp vrf vrf-name topology Show ip vrf 5. Task 1: Enable EIGRP VPN

neighbors ho4t .<ng v khng ho4t .<ng. Hi@n th/ cc danh m9c c1a VRF trong bAng EIGRP topology.

- Trong ph?n ny, khch hng c1a b4n . quy%t ./nh chuy@n .Vi duy nh5t hai site tI Rip sang dng EIGRP. Workgroup 1 s= chuy@n .Vi Site A, Cex1A, tI Rip thnh EIGRP v thi%t l'p m<t m4ng VPN. Workgroup 2 s= chuy@n .Vi Site B, Cex2B tI Rip thnh EIGRP v thi%t l'p m<t m4ng VPN. - MMi workgroup s= ch/u trch nhi>m c5u hnh cho t5t cA cc router PE c lin quan. 5a. Cc b#Gc c?n lm. - Step 1: Disable RIP v c5u hnh EIGRP trn m<t trong hai router c1a site nJm pha khch hng c1a b4n. Workgroup 1 s= c5u hnh Cex1A, v workgroup 2 s= c5u hnh Cex2B. B4n sK d9ng x# nh# m<t chE s: c1a AS cho EIGRP. BLi v cA hai khch hng .ang k%t n:i trDc ti%p thng qua cng m<t m4ng 150.x.0.0, v v'y b4n c?n phAi chE ra .ng cu l>nh trn EIGRP t#,ng Png vGi cc interface. - Step 2: Trn router PE, c5u hnh quAng b EIGRP vo trong BGP vGi cu l>nh: addressfamily ipv4 vrf vrf-name. BLi v EIGRP metric ngu n khng t#,ng thch vGi RIP metric .ch, nn c5u hnh metric mUc ./nh l 1. - Step3: Trn router PE, c5u hnh quAng b BGP vo trong EIGRP vGi cu l>nh addressfamily ipv4 vrf vrf-name. Disable tnh nBng auto-summary c1a EIGRP. 5b. Ki@m tra. B4n s= hon thnh cng vi>c ki@m tra khi b4n thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: - B4n s= phAi ki@m tra xem EIGRP . ho4t .<ng .ng trn cc interface ch#a. Example: Pex1# show ip eigrp interface Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- B4n s= ki@m tra xem EIGRP adjacencies . .#8c thi%t l'p gi"a cc router CE v PE ch#a. Example: Pex1# show ip eigrp vrf Customer_A neighbor Pex2# show ip eigrp vrf Customer_B neighbor - Ki@m tra EIGRP topology database trn cc router CE. Example: Pex1# show ip eigrp vrf Customer_A topology Pex2# show ip eigrp vrf Customer_B topology - Ki@m tra k%t n:i VPN bJng cch sK d9ng cu l>nh Ping v Trace trn cc router CE v cc cu l>nh Ping vrf v trace vrf trn cc router PE. Example: Cex1# ping 150.x.x2.33 Cex1A# ping Cex1B# trace 150.x.x2.33 Cex1A# trace 150.x.x2.17 Pex1# ping vrf Customer_A 10.1.x2.49 Pex2# ping vrf Customer_A 10.1.x1.49 Pex1# trace vrf Customer_B 10.2.x2.49 Pex2# trace vrf Customer_A 10.1.x1.49 VIII Lab 5-2: Answer Key: 5/nh tuy(n EIGRP gi7a cc router PE v CE. 1. Task 1: Thi%t l'p EIGRP VPN. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex1A: Cex1A(config)# no router rip Cex1A(config)# router eigrp x Cex1A(config-router)# network Cex1A(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 Cex1A(config-router)# no auto-summary - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex2B: Cex2B(config)# no router rip Cex2B(config)# router eigrp x Cex2B(config-router)# network Cex2B(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 Cex2B(config-router)# no auto-summary

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# router rip Pex1(config-router)# no address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config)# router eigrp 1 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-router-af)# autonomous-system x Pex1(config-router-af)# network 150.x.x.x1 Pex1(config-router-af)# no auto-summary Pex1(config-router-af)# redistribute bgp 65001 metric 10000 100 255 1 1500 Pex1(config-router-af)# exit Pex1(config-router)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-router-af)# no redistribute rip Pex1(config-router-af)# redistribute eigrp x metric 1 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex12 : Pex2(config)# router rip Pex2(config-router)# no address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config)# router eigrp 1 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config-router-af)# autonomous-system x Pex2(config-router-af)# network 150.x.x.x1 Pex2(config-router-af)# no auto-summary Pex2(config-router-af)# redistribute bgp 65001 metric 10000 100 255 1 1500 Pex2(config-router-af)# exit Pex2(config-router)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config-router-af)# no redistribute rip Pex2(config-router-af)# redistribute eigrp x metric 1 IX- Lab 5-3 : 5/nh tuy(n OSPF gi7a cc router PE v CE. 1. Ph4m vi v cc .:i t#8ng c1a bi lab: - M<t s: khch hng quy%t ./nh sK d9ng OSPF nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n trong m4ng VPN, .i khi, n cn .#8c ch4y cng vGi RIP hoUc BGP L trn cc site khc. Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= hon thnh vi>c tri@n khai giao thPc ./nh tuy%n OSPF trn cc router CE v PE. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab ny, b4n c th@ hon thi>n .#8c nh"ng ph?n sau : + Chuy@n .Vi cc router nJm trn cc site c1a khch hng tI giao thPc ./nh tuy%n Rip sang OSPF v thi%t l'p m4ng VPN sK d9ng OSPF. + Hon thnh sD di chuy@n c1a OSPF.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


2. S, . logical c1a bi lab.

3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t - 6@ hon thnh bi lab ny cc b4n c?n ti li>u sau : Cisco IOS documentation. 4. Danh sch cu l>nh c?n thi%t c1a bi lab: - BAng sau s= m tA cc cu l>nh c?n thi%t .@ sK d9ng trong bi lab ny. Cu l>nh Address-family ipv4 vrf vrf-name Default-information orginate always Ip vrf forwarding vrf-name Ip vrf vrf-name Ping vrf vrf-name host Rd value Redistribute bgp as-number subnets Router bgp as-number Router ospf process vrf vrf-name Route-target import | export value Show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vfr-name M tA ChTn m<t instance c1a VRF cho m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n T4o m<t default route trong OSPF Gn m<t interface cho m<t VRF T4o m<t VRF table. Ping m<t host .@ ki@m tra k%t n:i thng qua VRF. Gn m<t RD cho m<t VRF QuAng b cc route c1a BGP vo trong OSPF. C5u hnh giao thPc ./nh tuy%n BGP KhLi t4o m<t ti%n trnh c1a OSPF vGi m<t VRF. Gn m<t RT cho m<t VRF. Hi@n th/ cc route c1a VPNv4 k%t h8p vGi m<t VRF. Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Show ip ospf database Show ip route vrf vrf-name Show ip vrf detail telnet host /vrf vrf-name

Hi@n th/ thng tin c1a OSPF database Hi@n th/ bAng ./nh tuy%n c1a m<t VRF. Hi@n th/ thng tin chi ti%t c1a VRF. T4o m<t k%t n:i .%n m<t CE router .ang k%t n:i trDc ti%p vGi m<t VRF.

5. Task 1: C5u hnh OSPF nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n PE-CE. - Trong ph?n ny, khch hng c1a b4n quy%t ./nh sK d9ng OSPF nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n IGP. T5t cA cc site .ang ch4y giao thPc RIP v EIGRP .;u s= .#8c chuy@n sang OSPF. Workgroup 1 s= chuy@n .Vi Customer A (Cex1A v Cex2A), v workgroup 2 s= chuy@n .Vi Customer B (Cex1B v Cex2B) .@ thi%t l'p m<t m4ng VPN. - MMi workgroup s= ch/u trch nhi>m c5u hnh cho t5t cA cc router PE c lin quan vGi cc site c1a khch hng. 5a. Cc b#Gc c?n lm: - Step1: Disable EIGRP v RIP v c5u hnh OSPF trn cc router CE. C5u hnh OSPF (sK d9ng m<t OSPF process ID cho workgroup 1 l 1 v process id cho workgroup 2 vGi gi tr/ l 2) thng tin v; cc vng trong router CE s= c trong bAng bn d#Gi: Area Area 0 Area 1 Interface (hoUc cc Interface) Wan Interface Loopback 0 E0/0

- Step 2: C5u hnh OSPF (sK d9ng m<t OSPF process ID cho workgroup 1 l 1 v process id cho workgroup 2 vGi gi tr/ l 2) trong VRF trn cc router PE sK d9ng cu l>nh router ospf vrf. SK d9ng OSPF Area 0 trn PE-CE link. - Step 3: C5u hnh quAng b tI OSPF vo trong MP-BGP sK d9ng cu l>nh redistribute ospf trong ch% .< c5u hnh VRF address family. - Step 4: C5u hnh quAng b tI MP-BGP vo trong OSPF sK d9ng cu l>nh redistribute bgp subnets trong ch% .< c5u hnh OSPF router configuration. 5b. Ki@m tra. B4n s= hon thnh cng vi>c ki@m tra khi b4n thDc hi>n cc b#Gc sau: - B4n c?n ki@m tra OSPF adjacency trn cc router Pex1 v Pex2 sK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip ospf neighbor. Example: Pex1# show ip ospf neighbor Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Pex2# show ip ospf neighbor - Ki@m tra OSPF topology database trn cc router Cex1A v router Cex2B. B4n s= nhn th5y tr4ng thi c1a cc k%t n:i. Example: Cex1# show ip ospf database - Ki@m tra bAng ./nh tuy%n trn cc router Cex1A. Example: Cex1A# show ip route - Ki@m tra k%t n:i VPN bJng cch sK d9ng cu l>nh Ping v Trace trn cc router CE v dng cu l>nh ping vrf v trace vrf trn cc router PE. Example: Cex1A# ping 10.1.x2.49 Pex1A# ping vrf Customer_B 10.2.x2.49 Pex1# trace vrf Customer_A 10.1.x2.49 Pex1# trace vrf Customer_B 10.2.x1.49 X. Lab 5-3 Answer Key: 5/nh tuy(n OSPF gi7a cc router PE v CE 1. Task 1: c5u hnh OSPF nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n PE-Ce. - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex1A: Cex1A(config)# no router eigrp x Cex1A(config)# router ospf 1 Cex1A(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Cex1A(config-router)# network 10.1.x1.49 area 0 Cex1A(config-router)# network 10.1.x1.16 area 1 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex1B : Cex1B(config)# no router eigrp x Cex1B(config)# router ospf 2 Cex1B(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Cex1B(config-router)# network 10.1.x1.49 area 0 Cex1B(config-router)# network 10.1.x1.16 area 1 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex2A: Cex2A(config)# no router eigrp x Cex2A(config)# router ospf 1 Cex2A(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Cex2A(config-router)# network 10.1.x1.49 area 0 Cex2A(config-router)# network 10.1.x1.16 area 1 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex2B: Cex2B(config)# no router eigrp x Cex2B(config)# router ospf 2 Cex2B(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Cex2B(config-router)# network 10.1.x1.49 area 0 Cex2B(config-router)# network 10.1.x1.16 area 1 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# no router rip Pex1(config)# router ospf 2 vrf Customer_B Pex1(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Pex1(config-router)# redistribute bgp 65001 subnets Pex1(config-router)# exit Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 Customer_B Pex1(config-router)# no redistribute rip Pex1(config-router-af)# redistribute ospf 2 Pex1(config-router-af)# exit Pex1(config)# router eigrp 1 Pex1(config-router)# no address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config)# router ospf 1 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Pex1(config-router)# redistribute bgp 65001 subnets Pex1(config-router)# exit Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-router-af)# no redistribute eigrp x Pex1(config-router-af)# redistribute ospf 1 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: Pex2(config)# no router rip Pex2(config)# router ospf 2 vrf Customer_A Pex2(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Pex2(config-router)# redistribute bgp 65001 subnets Pex2(config-router)# exit Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 Customer_A Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Pex2(config-router)# no redistribute rip Pex2(config-router-af)# redistribute ospf 1 Pex2(config-router-af)# exit Pex2(config)# router eigrp 1 Pex2(config-router)# no address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config)# router ospf 2 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Pex2(config-router)# redistribute bgp 65001 subnets Pex2(config-router)# exit Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config-router-af)# no redistribute eigrp x Pex2(config-router-af)# redistribute ospf 2 XI- Lab 5-4: 5/nh tuy(n BGP gi7a cc router PE v CE. 1. Ph4m vi v cc .:i t#8ng c1a bi lab: - Khch hng c1a b4n quy%t ./nh mu:n c m<t .#+ng backup cho m9c .ch dD phng vGi cc site. V v'y, c?n phAi sK d9ng giao thPc ./nh tuy%n BGP nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n gi"a CE-to-PE. - Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= chuy@n .Vi giao thPc ./nh tuy%n hi>n .ang ch4y trn CE-to-PE sang giao thPc BGP. Sau khi hon thnh nh"ng cng vi>c ny b4n s= c .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau : + Enable EBGP nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n lin k%t CE-to-PE. + Enable m<t .#+ng dD phng + C5u hnh BGP .@ .i;u khi@n vi>c chTn .#+ng chnh v .#8c dD phng.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


2. S, . logical c1a bi lab :

3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t - 6@ hon thnh bi lab ny cc b4n c?n tham khAo thm : Cisco IOS documentation. 4. Danh sch cc cu l>nh cho bi lab. - BAng sau s= m tA cc cu l>nh c?n thi%t .#8c sK d9ng trong bi lab ny.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Cu l>nh Address-family ipv4 vrf vrf-name Ip vrf forwarding vrf-name Ip vrf vrf-name Neighbor ip-address as-override

M tA ChTn m<t VRF Instance cho m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n Gn m<t interface cho m<t VRF T4o m<t VRF table. 6@ c5u hnh m<t PE router .@ thay th% chE s: AS c1a m<t site vGi AS c1a m<t nh cung c5p, sK d9ng cu l>nh neighbor asoverride L ch% .< configuration router.

Neighbor ip-address route-map name in | out No neighbor ip-address shutdown Ping vrf vrf-name host Rd value Route-map name permit seq Router bgp as-number Route-target import | export value Set metric value Show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vrf-name Show ip route vrf vrf-name telnet host /vrf vrf-name

Gn thng tin route map cho BGP update nh'n hoUc gKi tI m<t neighbor. Enable m<t BGP neighbor . b/ disable vGi cu l>nh neighbor shutdown. Ki@m tra k%t n:i vGi m<t host thng qua VRF Gn m<t RD cho m<t VRF T4o m<t danh m9c trong m<t route map Enable giao thPc ./nh tuy%n BGP trn router Gn m<t RT cho m<t VRF C5u hnh cc thu<c tnh c1a BGP MED trong m<t route map. Hi@n th/ thng tin c1a cc .#+ng VPNv4 k%t h8p vGi m<t VRF. Hi@n th/ bAng ./nh tuy%n c1a m<t VRF T4o m<t k%t n:i telnet .%n m<t router CE

5. Task 1 : C5u hnh BGP nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n PE-CE. - Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= phAi c5u hnh BGP .@ ./nh tuy%n gi"a router PE v cc router khch hng c1a b4n. OSPF s= l giao thPc ./nh tuy%n .#8c dng trong IGP .:i vGi cc khch hng cn l4i. B4n s= thDc hi>n quAng b tI BGP vo trong OSPF v tI OSPF vo trong BGP trn cc router c1a khch hng c1a b4n. B4n s= thi%t l'p m<t .#+ng VPN cho Customer A v Customer B. Workgroup 1 s= chuy@n .Vi Customer A (Cex1A v Cex2A), v workgroup 2 s= chuy@n .Vi customer B (Cex1B v Cex2B) .@ thi%t l'p m<t .#+ng VPN. MMi workgroup s= ch/u trch nhi>m c5u hnh cho t5t cA cc router PE c lin quan. 5a. Cc b#Gc thDc hi>n : - Step 1 : C5u hnh BGP trn cc router CE cho khch hng c1a b4n sK d9ng AS 650x1 cho Customer A v AS 650x2 cho Customer B. Disable tnh nBng auto-summary c1a BGP.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- Step 2: Xa bO OSPF trn cc router PE lin quan v c5u hnh BGP neighbor vGi mMi router CE v cc router PE. - Step 3: BLi v cA hai site c1a khch hng c1a b4n cng chE s: AS, nn b4n c?n enable tnh nBng AS-override trn cc router PE. 5b. Ki@m tra. B4n s= hon thnh th1 t9c ki@m tra khi b4n c .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: - B4n c?n ki@m tra k%t n:i BGP vGi cu l>nh: show ip bgp summary trn cc router CE. Example: Cex1A# show ip bgp summary Cex1A# show ip bgp Pex1# show ip bgp vpn all 6. Task 2: C5u hnh .#+ng dD phng PE-CE - Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= phAi enable cc .#+ng dD phng trn cc router PE. Workgroup 1 s= thi%t l'p k%t n:i gi"a router Pex1 v router Cex2A, v workgroup 2 s= thi%t l'p k%t n:i gi"a router Pex2 v router Cex1A. 6Am bAo rJng cc interface s= .#8c gn .ng VRF v BGP c?n phAi .#8c actived 6a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc hi>n - Step 1: C5u hnh thm subinterface trn cc interface serial c1a router PE v router CE. - Step 2: C5u hnh thm .#+ng dD phng vGi VRF thch h8p. - Step 3: C5u hnh ./a chE IP v cc gi tr/ DLCI trn cc interface sK d9ng cc tham s: trong bAng d#Gi .y: Source Router Cex2A Cex1B 150.x.x1.49/28 150.x.x2.49/28 113 113 IP address DLCI Destination Router Pex1 Pex2 150.x.x1.50/28 150.x.x2.50/28 113 113 IP Address DLCI

- Step 4: C5u hnh t4o m:i quan h> BGP neighbor gi"a router CE v router PE t#,ng Png. 6b. Ki@m tra B4n s= hon thnh vi>c ki@m tra khi k%t quA thu .#8c nh# d#Gi .y: - B4n c?n ki@m tra k%t n:i point-to-point trn subinterface mGi. Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Example: Cex1B# ping 150.x.x2.50 Pex2# ping vrf Customer_B 150.x.x2.49 Cex2# ping 150.x.x1.50 Pex1# ping vrf Customer_A 150.x.x1.49 - Ki@m tra k%t n:i BGP vGi cu l>nh show ip bgp summary trn cc router CE. Example: Cex2A# show ip bgp summary Cex2A# show ip bgp Pex1# show ip bgp vpn all 7. Task 3: ChTn .#+ng Primary v .#+ng Backup vGi BGP. 7a. Cc b#Gc c?n lm: - Step 1: SK d9ng BGP tham chi%u c9c b< trn router CE .@ chTn .#+ng .%n router PE c9c b< (thng qua MPLS core) nh# m<t .#+ng chnh v .#+ng .%n router PE remote nh# m<t .#+ng dD phng. - Step 2: C5u hnh MED trong thng tin c'p nh't ./nh tuy%n .%n tI router CE .@ chRc chRn rJng cc router PE s= sK d9ng .#+ng chnh thng qua MPLS core tr#Gc khi c th@ sK d9ng .#+ng dD phng. 7b. Ki@m tra. B4n c th@ hon thnh ph?n ki@m tra ny khi b4n thu .#8c k%t quA tI nh"ng cu l>nh d#Gi .y: - B4n phAi sK d9ng cu l>nh: clear ip route hoUc clear ip bgp * trn router CE .@ quAng b cc .#+ng .i vGi nh"ng tham s: mGi. - B4n phAi ki@m tra .#+ng chnh (.#+ng k%t n:i .%n router PE local c1a b4n) .ang .#8c sK d9ng. SK d9ng cu l>nh show ip bgp .@ ki@m tra v5n .; ny. V chRc chRn rJng cc .#+ng .#8c nh'n tI .#+ng chnh s= lun .#8c chTn l .#+ng t:t nh5t. Example: Cex1# show ip bgp - Ki@m tra cc tham s: ci .Ut c1a MED bJng cch sK d9ng cu l>nh show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf trn cc router PE. ChRc chRn rJng cc router PE s= chTn cc .#+ng tI .#+ng chnh nh# m<t .#+ng t:t nh5t. Example: Pex2# show ip bgp vpnv4 all - ThDc hi>n shut down .#+ng tI router PE local .%n router CE.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- Ki@m tra .#+ng dD phng (.#+ng .%n router PE local c1a b4n) .ang .#8c sK d9ng. SK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip bgp .@ ki@m tra .i;u ny. Example: Cex1B# show ip bgp - Enable l4i cc subinterface. - Sau khi cc phin lm vi>c c1a BGP . .#8c thi%t l'p vGi router PE local, ki@m tra local link .ang .#8c hi@n th/ nh# m<t preferred link. SK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip bgp .@ ki@m tra. Example: Cex1B# show ip bgp XII Lab 5-4 Answer Key: 5/nh tuy(n BGP gi7a cc router PE v CE 1. Task 1: C5u hnh BGP nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n PE-CE. - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex1A: Cex1A(config)# router bgp 650x1 Cex1A(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x1.18 remote-as 65001 Cex1A(config-router)# no auto-summary Cex1A(config-router)# redistribute ospf 1 Cex1A(config)# router ospf 1 Cex1A(config-router)# redistribute bgp 650x1 subnets - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex1B: Cex1B(config)# router bgp 650x2 Cex1B(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x1.34 remote-as 65001 Cex1B(config-router)# no auto-summary Cex1B(config-router)# redistribute ospf 2 Cex1B(config)# router ospf 2 Cex1B(config-router)# redistribute bgp 650x2 subnets - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex2A: Cex2A(config)# router bgp 650x1 Cex2A(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x1.18 remote-as 65001 Cex2A(config-router)# no auto-summary Cex2A(config-router)# redistribute ospf 1 Cex2A(config)# router ospf 1 Cex2A(config-router)# redistribute bgp 650x1 subnets - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex2B: Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Cex2B(config)# router bgp 650x2 Cex2B(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x1.34 remote-as 65001 Cex2B(config-router)# no auto-summary Cex2B(config-router)# redistribute ospf 2 Cex2B(config)# router ospf 2 Cex2B(config-router)# redistribute bgp 650x2 subnets - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: ************workgroup 1***************** Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-router-af)# no redistribute ospf 1 Pex1(config)# no router ospf 1 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.17 remote-as 650x1 Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.17 active Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.17 as-override *****************workgroup 2 ********************* Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex1(config-router-af)# no redistribute ospf 2 Pex1(config)# no router ospf 2 vrf Customer_B Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.33 remote-as 650x2 Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.33 active Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.33 active Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.33 as-override - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: **************** workgroup 1 ***************** Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex2(config-router-af)# no redistribute ospf 1 Pex2(config)# no router ospf 1 vrf Customer_A Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x2.17 remote-as 650x1 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x2.17 active Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x2.17 as-override ******************workgroup 2********************* Pex2(config-router-af)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config-router-af)# no redistribute ospf 2 Pex2(config)# no router ospf 2 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router-af)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x2.33 remote-as 650x2 Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x2.33 active Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x2.33 as-override 2. Task 2: C5u hnh .#+ng dD phng PE-CE - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex1B: Cex1B(config)# interface serial0/0.113 point-to-point Cex1B(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x2.49 Cex1B(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 113 Cex1B(config-fr-dlci)# no shutdown Cex1B(config)# router bgp 650x2 Cex1B(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x2.50 remote-as 65001 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: Pex2(config)# interface serianl0/0.113 point-to-point Pex2(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Customer_B Pex2(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x2.50 Pex2(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 113 Pex2(config-fr-dlci)# no shutdown Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x2.49 remote-as 650x2 Pex2(config-rotuer-af)# neighbor 150.x.x2.49 active Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x2.49 as-override - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex2A: Cex2A(config)# interface serial 0/0.113 point-to-point Cex2A(config-subif)# ip addrress 150.x.x1.49 Cex2A(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 113 Cex2A(config-fr-dlci)# no shutdown Cex2A(config)# router bgp 650x1 Cex2A(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x1.50 remote-as 65001 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# interface serial0/0.113 point-to-point Pex1(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Customer_A Pex1(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.50 Pex1(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 113 Pex1(config-fr-dlci)# no shutdown Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 Customer_A Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.49 remote-as 650x1 Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.49 activate Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.49 as-override 3. Task 3: ChTn .#+ng chnh v .#+ng dD phng vGi BGP. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex1B: Cex1B(config)# router-map setLP permit 10 Cex1B(config-route-map)# set local-preference 50 Cex1B(config-route-map)# route-map setMED permit 10 Cex1B(config-route-map)# set metric 200 Cex1B(config-route-map)# router bgp 650x2 Cex1B(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x2.50 route-map setLP in Cex1B(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x2.50 route-map setMED out - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex2A: Cex2A(config)# router-map setLP permit 10 Cex2A(config-route-map)# set local-preference 50 Cex2A(config-route-map)# route-map setMED permit 10 Cex2A(config-route-map)# set metric 200 Cex2A(config-route-map)# router bgp 650x1 Cex2A(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x2.50 route-map setLP in Cex2A(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x2.50 route-map setMED out XIII Lab 6-1: Overlapping VPNs. 1. Ph4m vi c1a bi lab: - Khch hng .ang sK d9ng m4ng VPN c1a b4n mu:n c th@ trao .Vi d" li>u gi"a cc Central Site. B4n quy%t ./nh tri@n khai yu c?u ny vGi m hnh Overlapping VPN. - Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= thi%t l'p overlapping VPN .@ hM tr8 nh"ng yu c?u c?n thi%t c1a khch hng. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab ny, b4n c th@ thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: + Thi%t k% m<t giAi php VPN. Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


+ Xa bO nh"ng VRF .ang t n t4i trn router Cex1A v Cex2B. + C5u hnh cc VRF mGi trn router Cex1A v router Cex2B. 2. S, . logical c1a bi lab

* Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= thDc hi>n thi%t l'p VPNs overlapping vGi nh"ng k%t n:i sau : - Cc k%t n:i VPN .,n giAn : + Cex1A v Cex2A c th@ k%t n:i. + Cex1B v Cex2B c th@ k%t n:i. + Cex1A v Cex1B khng th@ k%t n:i. + Cex1A v Cex1B khng th@ k%t n:i. + Cex2A v Cex2B khng th@ k%t n:i. + Cex1B v Cex2A khng th@ k%t n:i. - K%t n:i VPN overlapping (Customer_AB): + Cex1A v Cex2B c th@ k%t n:i. 3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t. - Ti li>u c?n thi%t trong bi lab ny: Cisco IOS documentation. 4. Danh sch cu l>nh: - Nh"ng cu l>nh thDc thi trong bi lab ny s= gi:ng nh# nh"ng bi lab tr#Gc. 5. Task 1: Thi%t k% giAi php VPN. - Site Cex1A khng theer nJm trong cng m<t VRF vGi nh"ng site xA khc. T#,ng tD, site Cex2B khng th@ nJm trong cng m<t VRF vGi cc site xB khc. V Cex1A v Cex2B cSng khng th@ chia s= cng m<t VRF. Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


5a. Cc b#Gc c?n lm: - Step 1: ChE ./nh cc RD mGi cho cc VRF .@ cc router Cex1A v router Cex2B k%t n:i trDc ti%p. - Step 2: M<t RT mGi c?n cho Customer_AB VPN. 5b. Ki@m tra. B4n s= hon thnh ph?n ki@m tra khi b4n thu .#8c k%t quA tI nh"ng cu l>nh d#Gi .y: - B4n s= phAi thi%t l'p .#8c cc RD v cc RT cho cc VRF mGi. 6. Task 2: Xa bO cc VRF .ang t n t4i trn Router Cex1A v Cex2B. - Cex1A v Cex2B s= phAi .#8c chuy@n .%n mi tr#+ng ./nh tuy%n mGi. Cng vi>c ny r5t dX thDc hi>n bLi chE c?n thay .Vi cc gi tr/ RD v RT c1a nh"ng VRF .ang t n t4i. - cc Site Cex1A v Cex2B s= .#8c chuy@n .%n cc VRF mGi. T5t cA nh"ng tham chi%u .%n nh"ng site ny s= phAi .#8c xa bO tI cc giao thPc ./nh tuy%n .ang t n t4i. - Trong ph?n ny b4n s= thDc hi>n vi>c xa bO cc tham chi%u .%n cc router Cex1A v Cex2B. 6a. Cc b#Gc c?n lm: - Step 1: Xa bO m:i quan h> neighbor BGP gi"a router Cex1A v router Cex2B trn cc router PE t#,ng Png. - Step 2: Ki@m tra cc tham chi%u .%n router Cex1A v rouer Cex2B tI cc router PE t#,ng Png, n%u c?n thi%t, th xa bO chng. 6b. Ki@m tra. B4n c th@ hon thnh ph?n ki@m tra ny, khi b4n thu .#8c k%t quA tI nh"ng cu l>nh d#Gi .y: - Trn router PE, b4n thDc hi>n vi>c ki@m tra interface k%t n:i vGi router CE bJng cch sK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip vrf interfaces. Example: Pex1# show ip vrf interface Pex2# show ip vrf interface - Ki@m tra m:i quan h> neighbor BGP . .#8c xa bO trn router PE vGi cu l>nh: show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf summary. Ki@m tra tr4ng thi c1a router Cex1A v router Cex2B. Example : Pex1# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf Customer_A summary

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Pex2# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf Customer_B summary 7. Task 3: C5u hnh cc VRF mGi cho router Cex1A v Cex2B. 7a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi: - Step 1: T4o cc VRF mGi cho cc router Cex1A v router Cex2B trn cc router PE vGi cu l>nh: ip vrf. - Step 2: Gn cc gi tr/ RD mGi cho cc VRF mGi vIa t4o vGi cu l>nh: rd - Step 3: Gn .ng cc gi tr/ RT import v export cho cc VRF mGi vGi cu l>nh: routetarget - Step 4: Thi%t l'p l4i ./nh tuy%n BGP gi"a cc router PE v cc router CE. 7b. Ki@m tra. B4n s= hon thnh ph?n ki@m tra ny khi b4n thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA tI nh"ng cu l>nh d#Gi .y: - Trn router PE, b4n c?n ki@m tra interface k%t n:i vGi CE router bJng cch sK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip vrf interfaces. Example: Pex1# show ip vrf interface Pex2# show ip vrf interface - Ki@m tra cc neighbor BGP trn router PE vGi cu l>nh: show ip bgp vpnv4 summary. Ki@m tra tr4ng thi c1a router Cex1A v router Cex2B. Example : Pex1A# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf Customer_AB summary Pex2# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf Customer_AB summary - Ki@m tra bAng ./nh tuy%n BGP cc VRF mGi bJng cch sK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf. B4n s= nhn th5y cc .#+ng .i tI router Cex1A hoUc router Cex2B v cc .#+ng .i tI cc VRF khc. Example: Pex1# show ip bgp vpnv4 Customer_AB Pex2# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf Customer_AB - K%t n:i .%n router Cex1A v thDc thi cc cu l>nh ping v trace tests .%n ./a chE c1a loopback c1a router Cex2B. Example: Cex1A# ping 10.2.x2.49 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Cex1A# trace 10.2.x2.49 - K%t n:i .%n router Cex2A v ping .%n router Cex2B hoUc router Cex1B. Example: Cex2A# ping 10.2.x2.49 Cex2A# ping 10.2.x1.49 XIV Lab 6-1 Answer Key: Overlapping VPNs. 1. Task 1: Thi%t k% giAi php VPN. - Khng c?n thi%t phAi c5u hnh task ny. 2. Task 2: Xa bO cc VRF .ang t n t4i trn router Cex1A v Cex2B. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-router-af)# no neighbor 150.x.x1.17 Pex1(config-vrf)# interface serial 0/0.101 Pex1(config-subif)# no ip vrf forwarding Customer_A - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Customer_B Pex2(config-router-af)# no neighbor 150.x.x2.33 Pex2(config-vrf)# interface serial 0/0.102 Pex2(config-subif)# no ip vrf forwarding Customer_B 3. Task 3: T4o cc VRF mGi cho cc router Cex1A v Cex2B. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# ip vrf Central_AB Pex1(config-vrf)# rd x :11 Pex1(config-vrf)# route-target both x :10 Pex1(config-vrf)# route-target both x :1001 Pex1(config-vrf)# interface serial 0/0.101 Pex1(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Central_AB Pex1(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.18 Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router-af)# address-family ipv4 vrf Central_AB Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.17 remote-as 650x1 Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.17 activate Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: Pex2(config)# ip vrf Central_AB Pex2(config-vrf)# rd x :21 Pex2(config-vrf)# route-target both x :20 Pex2(config-vrf)# route-target both x :1001 Pex2(config-vrf)# interface serial 0/0.102 Pex2(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Central_AB Pex2(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.34 Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router-af)# address-family ipv4 vrf Central_AB Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.33 remote-as 650x2 Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.33 activate XV Lab 6-2: H9p nh4t cc Service Provider. 1. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi. - Yu c?u .Ut ra l m<t s: Service Provider nhO quy%t ./nh h8p nh5t l4i thnh m<t. 6@ hon thnh .#8c yu c?u ny, th m<t Central P router (P1) mGi s= .#8c ci .Ut v c5u hnh. K%t n:i Frame Relay s= .#8c cung c5p tI mMi router Px1 v Px2 local .%n router P1. Trong tr#+ng h8p ny th Core Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) s= thDc hi>n chuy@n .Vi tI EIGRP sang dng Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS). - Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= thDc hi>n h8p nh5t Service Provider nhO c1a b4n vGi m<t s: cc Service Provider khc. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab ny b4n s= c .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: + Chuy@n .Vi Core IGP tI EIGRP sang IS-IS + Enable MPLS LDP k%t n:i vGi router Central P + Enable IBGP k%t n:i gi"a cc router PE. 2. S, . logical c1a bi lab. - Workgroup 1 s= c5u hnh Pex1 v Pex1, v workgroup 2 s= c5u hnh Pex2 v Pex2. Router P1 s= c?n phAi .#8c c5u hnh tr#Gc.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t. - Ti li>u c?n thi%t cho bi lab : Cisco IOS documentation. 4. Danh sch cu l>nh sK d9ng trong bi lab. - BAng sau s= m tA cc cu l>nh .#8c sK d9ng trong bi lab. Cu l>nh Router isis area-tag M tA 6@ enable giao thPc ./nh tuy%n ISIS v chE ra m<t ti%n trnh xK l c1a ISIS, sK d9ng cu l>nh router isis trong ch% .< global configuration. 6@ disable giao thPc ./nh tuy%n ho4t .<ng trn router IS-IS, sK d9ng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Net network-entity-title 6@ c5u hnh m<t IS-IS network entity title (NET) cho m<t ti%n trnh xK l ./nh tuy%n CLNS, sK d9ng cu l>nh net L ch% .< router configuration. 6@ xa bO m<t NET, sK d9ng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Isis circuit-type { level-1 | level-1-2 | level -2 only } 6@ c5u hnh cc lo4i c1a adjacency, sK d9ng cu l>nh isis circuit-type L ch% .< interface configuration. 6@ khLi .<ng l4i circuit type c1a Level 1 v Level 2, sK d9ng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Metric-style wide [transition ] [ 6@ c5u hnh m<t router ch4y IS-IS .#a ra v ch5p nh'n duy nh5t cc lo4i new-style, .< di, v cc gi tr/ (TLVs), sK d9ng cu l>nh metric-style wide L ch% .< router configuration. 6@ disable tnh nBng ny, sK d9ng tI kha no tr#Gc cu l>nh ny. Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1. level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2 ]


5. Task 1: Enable k%t n:i vGi Router P central. - Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= c nhi>m v9 enable Frame Relay lin k%t gi"a cc router P v router P1, v sau . enable Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) cho cc k%t n:i gi"a cc router. 5a. Cc b#Gc c?n lm. - Step 1: C5u hnh ./a chE IP v cc gi tr/ DLCI trn cc interface sK d9ng cc tham s: trong bAng d#Gi .y. Ch cc tham s: ny chE .#8c c5u hnh trn cc router P, khng .#8c c5u hnh trn cc router PE. Router P11 P12 P21 P22 5b. Ki@m tra. - Trn router P, b4n c th@ sK d9ng cu l>nh: show interface .@ ki@m tra xem cc interface mGi . ho4t .<ng ch#a. 6. Task 2: Chuy@n Core sang sK d9ng IS-IS. - BLi v cc giao thPc ./nh tuy%n thu<c lo4i link-state c khA nBng mL r<ng h,n giao thPc ./nh tuy%n thu<c lo4i distance vector, nn cc Service Provider quy%t ./nh chuy@n Core sang sK d9ng IS-IS. Router P1 . thDc sD sYn sng .@ chuy@n .Vi. Workgroup c1a b4n s= ch/u trch nhi>m cho vi>c chuy@n .Vi t5t cc router . .#8c gn cho b4n. Workgroup 1 s= chuy@n .Vi hai router Pex1 v Px1. Workgroup 2 s= chuy@n .Vi router Pex2 v Px2. 6a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi. - Step 1: Disable EIGRP . .#8c c5u hnh trn cc router nJm trong Core IGP. - Step 2: Enable IS-IS nh# m<t giao thPc ./nh tuy%n trong Core IGP sK d9ng cc tham s: chi ti%t trong bAng sau: Router ID Pex1 Pex2 Px1 Px2 6b. Ki@m tra. NET Net 49.0001.0000.0000.01x1.00 Net 49.0001.0000.0000.01x2.00 Net 49.0001.0000.0000.02x1.00 Net 49.0001.0000.0000.02x2.00 Remarks Trong . x = chE s: c1a POD Subinterface S0/0.211 S0/0.212 S0/0.221 S0/0.222 DLCI 211 212 221 222 IP address

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- B4n c th@ sK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip protocol .@ ki@m tra IS-IS . ho4t .<ng ch#a v . .#8c enable .ng trn cc interface ch#a. Example: Pex1# show ip protocol Px1# show ip protocol - SK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip route v ki@m tra t5t cA cc .#+ng .i .ang gKi v nh'n. Example: Pex1# show ip route Px1# show ip route 7. Task 3: Enable MPLS LDP k%t n:i vGi router P central - Ph?n ny b4n s= phAi enable LDP k%t n:i gi"a cc router c1a b4n v router P1. 7a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi: - Step 1: Enable LDP trn cc Subinterface m b4n . t4o trn router. 7b. Ki@m tra. - Trn router P, b4n ki@m tra m:i quan h> LDP neighbor . .#8c thi%t l'p gi"a router P v router P1 ch#a. Example: Px1# show mpls ldp neighbor - Trn router PE, ki@m tra cc label . .#8c nh'n tI cc workgroup khc. Example: Pex1# show mpls forwarding 8. Task 4: Enable IBGP k%t n:i cho t5t cA cc router PE. - Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= phAi thi%t l'p k%t n:i LDP cho t5t cA cc router P trong mi tr#+ng m4ng c1a Service Provider mGi, nh#ng b4n ch#a c?n thi%t l'p k%t n:i BGP vo th+i .i@m ny. By gi+, b4n c?n thi%t l'p k%t n:i Internal Border Gatewaly Protocol (IBGP) cho cc router PE. - C hai ph#,ng php b4n c th@ tri@n khai. 6?u tin l sK d9ng cu l>nh: bgp neighbor .@ thm m<t m:i quan h> neighbor gi"a cc router. Ph#,ng php thP hai l tri@n khai cc route phAn x4. 6@ hon thnh, th router P1 s= .#8c c5u hnh nh# m<t BGP route reflector. Tuy nhin, .@ thu .#8c nh"ng #u .i@m c1a vi>c c5u hnh ny, th b4n s= c?n phAi xa bO m:i quan h> neighbor gi"a hai router PE v c5u hnh chng nh# nh"ng client c1a router P1. - Workgroup 1 s= c5u hnh Pex1, v workgroup 2 s= c5u hnh Pex2.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


8a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc hi>n. - Step 1: Xa bO m:i quan h> neighbor gi"a router PE v remote router PE trong workgroup c1a b4n. - Step 2: C5u hnh router PE c1a b4n nh# m<t client c1a router P1. 8b. Ki@m tra. - Trn cc router PE, b4n ki@m tra k%t n:i BGP .%n t5t cA cc workgroup khc vGi cu l>nh: show ip bgp summary v cu l>nh: show ip bgp neighbor Example: Pex1# show ip bgp summary Pe11# show ip bgp neighbor - Ki@m tra bAng VRF BGP c1a cc khch hng c1a b4n trn cc router PE vGi cu l>nh: show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf. B4n s= nhn th5y cc route BGP .%n tI cc router CE s= .#8c chTn l nh"ng route t:t nh5t cc cc .ch. Example: Pex1# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf Customer_A - Ki@m tra bAng VRF cho cc khch hng c1a b4n trn cc router PE vGi cu l>nh: show ip route vrf. B4n s= nhn th5y cc route .%n tI cc router CE s= .#8c lDa chTn. Example: Pex1# show ip route vrf Customer_A Pex1# show ip route vrf Customer_B XVI- Lab 6-2 Answer Key: H9p nh4t cc Service Provider. 1. Task 1: Enable k%t n:i vGi Router P central. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px1: Px1(config)# interface serial0/0.2x1 point-to-point Px1(config-subif)# ip address 192.168.100.** Px1(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 2x1 Px1(config-fr-dlci)# no shutdown - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px2: Px2(config)# interface serial0/0.2x2 point-to-point Px2(config-subif)# ip address 192.168.100.** Px2(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 2x2 Px2(config-fr-dlci)# no shutdown

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


2. Task 2: Chuy@n Core sang sK d9ng IS-IS. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# no router eigrp 1 Pex1(config)# router isis Pex1(config-router)# net 49.0001.0000.0000.01x1.00 Pex1(config-router)# is level-2-only Pex1(config-router)# metric-style wide Pex1(config-router)# interface serial 0/0.111 Pex1(config-subif)# ip router isis Pex1(config)# interface loopback 0 Pex1(config-subif)# ip router isis - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2 : Pex2(config)# no router eigrp 1 Pex2(config)# router isis Pex2(config-router)# net 49.0001.0000.0000.01x1.00 Pex2(config-router)# is level-2-only Pex2(config-router)# metric-style wide Pex2(config-router)# interface serial 0/0.111 Pex2(config-subif)# ip router isis Pex2(config)# interface loopback 0 Pex2(config-subif)# ip router isis - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px1: Px1(config)# no router eigrp 1 Px1(config)# router isis Px1(config-router)# net 49.0001.0000.0000.02x1.00 Px1(config-router)# is level-2-only Px1(config-router)# metric-style wide Px1(config-router)# interface serial0/0.111 Px1(config-subif)# ip router isis Px1(config-subif)# interface serial 0/0.112 Px1(config-subif)# ip router isis Px1(config-router)# interface serial 0/0.2x1 Px1(config-subif)# ip router isis Px1(config)# interface loopback 0 Px1(config-subif)# ip router isis - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px2: Px2(config)# no router eigrp 1 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Px2(config)# router isis Px2(config-router)# net 49.0001.0000.0000.02x2.00 Px2(config-router)# is level-2-only Px2(config-router)# metric-style wide Px2(config-router)# interface serial0/0.111 Px2(config-subif)# ip router isis Px2(config-subif)# interface serial 0/0.112 Px2(config-subif)# ip router isis Px2(config-router)# interface serial 0/0.2x2 Px2(config-subif)# ip router isis Px2(config)# interface loopback 0 Px2(config-subif)# ip router isis 3. Task 3. Enable MPLS LDP k%t n:i vGi router P central - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px1: Px1(config)# interface serial 0/0.2x1 Px1(config-subif)# mpls ip Px1(config-subif)# mpls label protocol ldp - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Px2 : Px2(config)# interface serial 0/0.2x2 Px2(config-subif)# mpls ip Px2(config-subif)# mpls label protocol ldp 4. Task 4 : Enable IBGP k%t n:i cho t5t cA cc router PE. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# no neighbor 192.168.x.33 remote-as 65001 Pex1(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 65001 Pex1(config-router)# neighbor update-source loopback 0 Pex1(config-router)# address-family vpnv4 Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor activate Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor send-community both Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor next-hop-self - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# no neighbor 192.168.x.17 remote-as 65001 Pex1(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 65001 Pex1(config-router)# neighbor update-source loopback 0 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Pex1(config-router)# address-family vpnv4 Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor activate Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor send-community both Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor next-hop-self XVII Lab 6-3: Cc d/ch v% VPN chung. - VGi m<t ki%n trc MPLS VPN mGi c th@ .#8c sK d9ng .@ tri@n khai m<t v5n .; mGi . l v5n .; quAn l cc d/ch v9 c1a cc router CE. Cc NMS trung tm c th@ gim st v quAn l t5t cA cc router CE thng qua k%t n:i VPN. - NMS VPN s= cung c5p k%t n:i duy nh5t gi"a NMS v m<t ./a chE IP duy nh5t trn m<t router CE v n .#8c sK d9ng cho m9c .ch quAn l. - Trong bi lab ny, Service Provider c1a b4n . thi%t l'p m<t trung tm quAn l m4ng t'p trung sK d9ng cng ngh> VPN gi"a cc interface loopback c1a cc router Ce v router NMS. B4n s= thi%t l'p k%t n:i duy nh5t gi"a NMS v cc interface loopback trn router CE vGi subnet mask l /32. 1. Ph4m vi ho4t .<ng c1a bi lab. - Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= thi%t l'p m<t m4ng VPN quAn l gi"a cc interface loopback c1a cc router CE v router NMS. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab ny, b4n s= c .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: + Thi%t k% m<t m4ng VPN quAn l. + Thi%t l'p k%t n:i gi"a VRF quAn l v cc VRF khch hng bJng cch c5u hnh .ng cc route .ch. 2. S, . logical c1a bi lab.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t. - 6@ hon thi>n bi lab ny cc b4n c th@ tham khAo thm ti li>u: Cisco IOS documentation. 4. Danh sch cu l>nh sK d9ng trong bi lab. - BAng sau s= m tA cc cu l>nh c?n thi%t .#8c sK d9ng trong bi lab ny: Cu l>nh Export map name Ip prefix-list name permit address mask ge len M tA ChE ra m<t VRF export route map. T4i m<t danh sch IP prefix t#,ng Png vGi t5t cA cc prefix .#8c chE ra trong m<t dAi ./a chE vGi m<t subnet mask lGn h,n hoUc bJng gi tr/ . chE ra. Match ip address prefix-list list nh x4 m<t prefix trong m<t route map vGi m<t danh sch IP prefix . .#8c chE ra. Route-map name permit seq Set extcommunity rt value additive T4o m<t danh m9c route map Gn m<t RT vo m<t route t#,ng Png vGi cu l>nh match 5. Task 1: Thi%t l'p k%t n:i gi"a NMS VRF v cc VRF khc. - M4ng VPN quAn l l m<t d/ch v9 chung. V v'y, hai gi tr/ RT c?n cho m<t m4ng VPN: server RT v client RT. Trn router PE hM tr8 NMS, m<t VRF cho m4ng VPN quAn l v c?n m<t gi tr/ RD t#,ng Png: d#Gi .y s= l m<t s: thnh ph?n c5u hnh trn router NMS PE. ! Create the NMS VRF ! Ip vrf NMS Rd 101:500 Route-target export 101:500 Route-target import 101:500 Route-target import 101:501 - 6@ thi%t l'p k%t n:i gi"a NMS VRF v cc VRF khch hng, b4n s= phAi gn cc client RT cho cc route h#Gng tGi ./a chE loopback c1a router CE khi ./a chE ny .#8c xu5t ra tI VRF c1a khch hng. B4n cSng c?n phAi nh'p vo cc route h#Gng tGi router NMS vo trong t5t cA cc VRF c1a khch hng. 5a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- Step 1: T4o m<t danh sch ./a chE IP s= .#8c dng .@ nh x4 vGi cc ./a chE loopback c1a router CE. - Step 2: T4o m<t route map s= .#8c dng .@ nh x4 vGi cc ./a chE loopback c1a router CE vGi danh sch prefix v gn cc gi tr/ client RT vo nh"ng route .. - Step 3: 6#a cc route map vo nh"ng route .#8c xu5t ra tI cc VRF c1a khch hng vGi cu l>nh: export route-map. - Step 4: nh'p cc route NMS vo trong VRF c1a khch hng bJng cch chE ra .ng cc gi tr/ nh'p RT. 5b. Ki@m tra. - B4n c?n ki@m tra xem cc gi tr/ RT . .#8c gn .ng vo cc route h#Gng tGi ./a chE loopback c1a router CE ch#a bJng cch sK d9ng cu l>nh: show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf name prefix. Example: Pex1# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf Customer_A 10.1.x1.49 - SK d9ng cu l>nh ping mL r<ng, ki@m tra xem b4n c th@ ping tI ./a chE loopback c1a router CE .#8c quAn l .%n ./a chE loopback c1a router NMS CE hay khng ( - SK d9ng cu l>nh ping mL r<ng, ki@m tra xem b4n khng th@ ping tI ./a chE Ethernet c1a router CE .#8c quAn l .%n ./a chE loopback c1a router NMS CE khng ( - Ki@m tra router CE c1a b4n .ang nhn th5y duy nh5t cc prefix vGi m4ng VPN c1a b4n. Example: Pex1# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf Customer_A XVIII Lab 6-3 Answer Key: Cc d/ch v% VPN chung. 1. Task 1: Thi%t l'p k%t n:i gi"a NMS VRF v cc VRF khc - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1 c1a Customer A: Pex1(config)# ip vrf Customer_A Pex1(config-vrf)# export map NMS_Cus_A Pex1(config-vrf)# route-target import 101:500 Pex1(config)# ip vrf A_Central Pex1(config-vrf)# export map NMS_Cus_A Pex1(config-vrf)# route-target import 101:500 Pex1(config)# route-map NMS_Cus_A permit 10 Pex1(config-route-map)# match ip address access-list 10 Pex1(config-route-map)# set extcommunity rt 101:501 add Pex1(config-route-map)# exit Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Pex1(config)# access-list 10 permit host 10.1.x1.49 Pex1(config)# access-list 10 permit host 10.1.x2.49 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2 c1a Customer A: Pex2(config)# ip vrf Customer_A Pex2(config-vrf)# export map NMS_Cus_A Pex2(config-vrf)# route-target import 101:500 Pex2(config)# route-map NMS_Cus_A permit 10 Pex2(config-route-map)# match ip address 10 Pex2(config-route-map)# set extcommunity rt 101:501 add Pex2(config-route-map)# exit Pex2(config)# access-list 10 permit host 10.1.x1.49 Pex2(config)# access-list 10 permit host 10.1.x2.49 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1 c1a Customer B: Pex1(config)# ip vrf Customer_B Pex1(config-vrf)# export map NMS_Cus_B Pex1(config-vrf)# route-target import 101:500 Pex1(config)# route-map NMS_Cus_B permit 10 Pex1(config-route-map)# match ip address 20 Pex1(config-route-map)# set extcommunity rt 101:501 add Pex1(config-route-map)# exit Pex1(config)# access-list 20 permit host 10.2.x1.49 Pex1(config)# access-list 20 permit host 10.2.x2.49 - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Pex2 c1a Customer B: Pex2(config)# ip vrf Customer_B Pex2(config-vrf)# export map NMS_Cus_B Pex2(config-vrf)# route-target import 101:500 Pex2(config)# ip vrf B_Central Pex2(config-vrf)# export map NMS_Cus_B Pex2(config-vrf)# route-target import 101:500 Pex2(config)# route-map NMS_Cus_B permit 10 Pex2(config-route-map)# match ip address 20 Pex2(config-route-map)# set extcommunity rt 101:501 add Pex2(config-route-map)# exit Pex2(config)# access-list 20 permit host 10.2.x1.49 Pex2(config)# access-list 20 permit host 10.2.x2.49

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


XIX Tch cc interface cho k(t n:i Internet. - Trong nhi;u tr#+ng h8p, cc khch hng c1a b4n mu:n gi" l4i m hnh truy c'p internet theo ph#,ng php truy;n th:ng vGi m<t firewall gi"a m4ng VPN c1a khch hng v Internet. 6@ .p Png .#8c yu c?u ny th b4n c th@ tri@n khai bJng cch sK d9ng m4ng VPN chuyn d9ng v Interface vGi nh"ng subinterface trn lin k%t v't l PE-CE. 1. Ph4m vi c1a bi lab. - Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= tri@n khai m<t giao di>n truy c'p internet ring bi>t. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab, b4n s= thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: + Thi%t l'p k%t n:i CE-PE cho vi>c truy c'p Internet. + Thi%t l'p ./nh tuy%n gi"a khch hng v Internet. 2. S, . logical c1a bi lab. - B4n s= c5u hnh thm cc lin k%t Ao gi"a cc router CE c1a Site trung tm (Cex1A v Cex2B) v cc router PE khc. B4n s= phAi c5u hnh thm Static Routing gi"a cc router PE v CE. Remote Site (Cex1B v Cex2A) s= truy c'p Internet sK d9ng k%t n:i MPLS VPN.

3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t. - 6@ hon thnh bi lab ny cc b4n c?n tham khAo thm ti li>u: Cisco IOS documentation. 4. Danh sch cu l>nh dng cho bi lab. - BAng d#Gi .y s= m tA cc cu l>nh c?n thi%t sK d9ng trong bi lab. Cu l>nh Ip route prefix mask null 0 M tA T4o m<t route tVng h8p trong bAng ./nh tuy%n.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


5. Task 1: Thi%t l'p k%t n:i CE-PE cho vi>c truy c'p Internet. - Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= t4o thm m<t subinterface mGi .@ hM tr8 cho vi>c truy c'p Internet trn router L Central Site. 5a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi. - Step 1: T4o m<t subinterface mGi (s0/0.114) trn router central c1a khch hng sK d9ng cc thng tin ./a chE bn d#Gi bAng sau: Router ID Cex1A Cex2B IP Address 150.x.x1.66/28 150.x.x2.66/28 DLCI 114 114

- Step 2: C5u hnh subinterface mGi . ho4t .<ng vGi giao thPc ./nh tuy%n Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) v chRc chRn rJng interface . L tr4ng thi Passive. - Step 3: T4o m<t subinterface mGi (S0/0.114) trn cc router PE sK d9ng thng tin ./a chE trong bAng d#Gi: Router ID Pex1 Pex2 IP Address 150.x.x1.65/28 150.x.x2.65/28 DLCI 114 114

- Step 4: C5u hnh cc subinterface mGi ho4t .<ng vGi giao thPc ./nh tuy%n IGP v chRc chRn rJng interface ny L tr4ng thi Passive. 5b. Ki@m tra. - B4n c th@ sK d9ng cu l>nh show ip interface .@ ki@m tra tr4ng thi c1a cc interface mGi. Example: Cex1A# show ip interface S0/0.114 Pex1# show ip interface S0/0.114 6. Task 2: Thi%t l'p ./nh tuy%n gi"a Site c1a Khch hng v Internet. - VGi giAi php ny, Khch hng v Service Provider quy%t ./nh sK d9ng Static Routing .@ ./nh tuy%n ra internet. Trong ph?n ny, b4n s= enable m<t Static Default Route trn router CE .@ ./nh tuy%n ra Internet v m<t Static Route trn Router PE .@ chE ra dAi ./a chE c1a khch hng. 6a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi:

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- Step 1: Trn router PE .ang hM tr8 router CE c1a b4n, t4o m<t static route .@ chE ra dAi ./a chE c1a khch hng. - Step 2: QuAng b cc route ny vo trong BGP. - Step 3: Trn router CE, t4o m<t default route. - Step 4: Static route ny s= .#8c sK d9ng bLi cA hai Site l Central v Remote. 6b. Ki@m tra. - B4n c th@ ki@m tra static route trn router PE. Example: Pex1# show ip route CE***# show ip route - SK d9ng cu l>nh ping mL r<ng .@ ki@m tra k%t n:i m4ng c1a khch hng vGi Internet. Example: Cex1# ping Protocol [ip]: Target IP address: Repeat count [5]: Datagram size [100]: Timeout in seconds [2]: Extended commands [n]: y Source address or interface: 10.x.x1.49 Type of service [0]: Set DF bit in IP header? [no]: Validate reply data? [no]: Data pattern [0xABCD]: Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose [none]: Sweep range of size [n]: Type escape sequence to abort. XX lab 7-1 Answer Key: Tch cc interface cho k(t n:i Internet. 1. Task 1: Thi%t l'p k%t n:i CE-PE cho vi>c truy c'p Internet. - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex1A: Cex1A(config)# interface serial 0/0.114 point-to-point Cex1A(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.66 Cex1A(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 114 Cex1A(config-subif)# router ospf 1 Cex1A(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Cex1A(config-router)# passive-interface serial s0/0.114 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex2B: Cex2B(config)# interface s0/0.114 point-to-point Cex2B(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x2.66 Cex2B(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 114 Cex2B(config-subif)# router ospf 2 Cex2B(config-router)# network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Cex2B(config-router)# passive-interface s0/0.114 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# interface s0/0.114 point-to-point Pex1(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.65 Pex1(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 114 Pex1(config-subif)# ip router isis Pex1(config-subif)# router isis Pex1(config-router)# passive-interface s0/0.114 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2: Pex2(config)# interface s0/0.114 point-to-point Pex2(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.65 Pex2(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 114 Pex2(config-subif)# ip router isis Pex2(config-subif)# router isis Pex2(config-router)# passive-interface s0/0.114 2. Task 2 : Thi%t l'p ./nh tuy%n gi"a Site c1a Khch hng v Internet. - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Pex1 : Pex1(config)# ip route 10.1.x1.0 150.x.x1.66 Pex1(config)# ip route 10.1.x2.0 150.x.x1.66 Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# redistribute static - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Pex2 : Pex2(config)# ip route 10.2.x1.0 150.x.x2.66 Pex2(config)# ip route 10.2.x2.0 150.x.x2.66 Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# redistribute static

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex1A : Cex1A(config)# ip route s0/0.114 Cex1A(config)# router bgp 650x1 Cex1A(config-router)# network - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex2B : Cex2B(config)# ip route s0/0.114 Cex2B(config)# router bgp 650x2 Cex2B(config-router)# network XXI Lab 7- 2: Nhi<u Site truy c*p internet. - 6@ t:i #u qu trnh ./nh tuy%n, nh cung c5p d/ch v9 s= tin chRc rJng khch hng c1a mnh c th@ truy c'p Internet tI m<t site. BLi v nhi;u site cng truy c'p Internet, th giao thPc ./nh tuy%n dng s= .#8c chuy@n .Vi tI Static sang giao thPc ./nh tuy%n BGP. 1. Ph4m vi ho4t .<ng c1a bi lab. - Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= chuy@n .Vi cc khch hng .@ trDc ti%p truy c'p .%n cc giao di>n c1a BGP. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab ny, b4n s= thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: + Thi%t l'p k%t n:i remote site CE-PE cho vi>c truy c'p Internet. + Thi%t l'p remote site ./nh tuy%n gi"a khch hng v Internet. 2. S, . logical c1a bi lab. - B4n s= c5u hnh thm cc lin k%t virtual gi"a cc router (Cex1B v Cex2A) v cc router PE c1a chng. B4n s= c5u hnh m<t phin lm vi>c c1a BGP global gi"a cc router PE v cc router CE .@ trao .Vi cc .#+ng .i Internet gi"a nh cung c5p d/ch v9 v khch hng.

3. Ti li>u tham khAo. - Ti li>u .@ tham khAo trong bi lab ny : Cisco IOS documentation. 4. Danh sch cu l>nh c?n thi%t cho bi lab. - BAng d#Gi .y s= m tA cc cu l>nh c?n thi%t cho bi lab. Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Cu l>nh Ip route prefix mask null 0

M tA T4o m<t .#+ng .i tVng h8p trong bAng ./nh tuy%n

5. Task 1 : Thi%t l'p k%t n:i CE-PE cho vi>c truy c'p Internet. - Nh cung c5p d/ch v9 c1a b4n . thDc sD t4o m<t m4ng VPN .@ truy;n cc l#u l#8ng tI Internet. B4n s= c?n phAi ra nh'p vo m4ng VPN ny. 5a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi : - Step 1 : T4o m<t subinterface (S0/0.115) trn cc router cn l4i c1a khch hng bJng cch sK d9ng cc thng tin ./a chE bn d#Gi bAng sau: Router ID Cex1B Cex2A IP Address 150.x.x1.130/28 150.x.x2.130/28 DLCI 115 115

- Step 2 : T4o m<t subinterface (S0/0.115) trn cc router PE sK d9ng nh"ng thng tin ./a chE trong bAng d#Gi .y: Router ID Pex1 Pex2 5b. Ki@m tra. - B4n c th@ ki@m tra tr4ng thi c1a interface. Example : Cex1B# show ip interface s0/0.115 Pex1# show ip interface s0/0.115 6. Task 2: Thi%t l'p ./nh tuy%n gi"a m4ng c1a khch hng v Internet. 6a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi: - Step 1: Trn cc router CE (Cex1A hoUc Cex2B), xa bO cc cu l>nh network v passive interface c lin quan .%n Interface Wan tI m4ng c1a Khch hng. - Step 2: Xa bO cu l>nh network tham chi%u .%n m4ng tI BGP. - Step 3: Xa bO static route - Step 4: Thm lin k%t c1a router PE nh# m<t BGP neighbor. - Step 5: Trn router PE, thm cc lin k%t vGi router CE nh# m<t BGP neighbor. - Step 6: Trn router CE (Cex2A hoUc Cex1B), thm cc lin k%t vGi router PE nh# m<t BGP neighbor. - Step 7: Trn router PE, thm cc lin k%t vGi router CE nh# m<t BGP neighbor. IP Address 150.x.x1.129/28 150.x.x2.129/28 DLCI 115 115

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


6b. Ki@m tra. - B4n c th@ ki@m tra tr4ng thi c1a cc BGP neighbor. Example: Pex1# show ip bgp summary XXII Lab 7-2 Answer key: Nhi<u Site truy c*p Internet. 1. Task 1: Thi(t l*p k(t n:i CE-PE truy c*p Internet. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router CE: Cex**(config)# interface serial0/0.115 point-to-point Cex**(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x*.130 Cex**(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 115 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router PE : Pex*(config)# interface serial0/0.115 point-to-point Pex*(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x*.129 Pex*(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 115 2. Task 2 : Thi(t l*p ./nh tuy(n gi7a m3ng c1a Khch hng v Internet. 2a. Customer A : - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex1A : Cex1A(config)# router ospf 1 Cex1A(config-router)# no passive-interface serial0/0.114 Cex1A(config-router)# no network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Cex1A(config-router)# router bgp 650x1 Cex1A(config-router)# no network Cex1A(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x1.65 remote 65001 Cex1A(config-router)# no ip route serial0/0.114 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex1: Pex1(config)# no ip route 10.1.x1.0 150.x.x1.66 Pex1(config)# no ip route 10.1.x2.0 150.x.x1.66 Cex1A(config)# router bgp 65001 Cex1A(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x1.66 remote 650x1 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex2A: Cex2A(config)# router bgp 650x1 Cex2A(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x2.129 remote 65001 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Pex2. Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x2.130 remote 650x1 Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


2b. Customer B. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn router Cex2B: Cex2B(config)# router ospf 2 Cex2B(config-router)# no passive-interface serial0/0.114 Cex2B(config-router)# no network 150.x.0.0 area 0 Cex2B(config-router)# router bgp 650x2 Cex2B(config-router)# no network Cex2B(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x2.65 remote 65001 Cex2B(config-router)# no ip route s0/0.114 - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn cc router Pex2: Pex2(config)# no ip route 10.2.x1.0 150.x.x2.66 Pex2(config)# no ip route 10.2.x2.0 150.x.x2.66 Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x2.66 remote 650x2 - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn router Cex1B: Cex1B(config)# router bgp 650x2 Pex2(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x1.129 remote 65001 - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn cc router Pex1: Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# neighbor 150.x.x1.130 remote 650x2 XXII K(t n:i Internet trong m=t m3ng MPLS VPN 1. Ph4m vi ho4t .<ng c1a bi lab. - Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= phAi chuy@n m4ng c1a khch hng tI m<t m4ng VPN c th@ truy c'p Internet. Sau khi hon thnh bi lab, b4n s= thu .#8c nh"ng k%t quA sau: + Thi%t l'p k%t n:i tI CE-PE trung tm c th@ truy c'p Internet. + Thi%t l'p k%t n:i tI CE-PE remote c th@ truy c'p Internet. 2. S, . logical c1a bi lab. - Trong bi lab ny, b4n s= t4o m<t m4ng VPN c th@ truy;n d" li>u tI Internet, v sau . b4n s= t4o m<t k%t n:i gi"a m4ng VPN v site c1a khch hng. MMi Workgroup s= ch/u trch nhi>m thi hnh nh"ng nhi>m v9 c5u hnh trn cc router PE c1a mnh. - Hnh bn d#Gi s= m tA s, . logical c1a bi lab.

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


3. Ti li>u c?n thi%t. - Ti li>u tham khAo .@ c th@ hon thnh bi lab ny t:t nh5t: Cisco IOS document. 4. Danh sch cu l>nh c?n thi%t cho bi lab. - Cc cu l>nh trong bi lab ny s= sK d9ng l4i L nh"ng bAng danh sch cu l>nh c1a cc ph?n tr#Gc. 5. Task 1: Thi%t l'p k%t n:i Central Site truy c'p Internet. - Nh cung c5p d/ch v9 c1a b4n . thDc sD t4o m<t m4ng VPN .@ truy;n d" li>u tI Internet. B4n s= c?n phAi ra nh'p vo m4ng VPN ny. 5a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi. - Step 1: Trn router PE (Pex1 hoUc Pex2), t4o m<t bAng Internet VPN VRF mGi. Nh cung c5p d/ch v9 . gn m<t gi tr/ c1a RT l 100:600 v m<t gi tr/ c1a RD l 100:600 cho t5t cA cc VRF. - Step 2: Gn interface (114) .ang hM tr8 bLi router CE c1a Central Site (Cex1A hoUc Cex2B) vo trong m<t VRF. - Step 3: Xa bO cu l>nh nighbor c1a router nJm trong Central Site tI Unicast address family. - Step 4: Thm cu l>nh neighbor c1a router nJm trong Central Site cho Internet VRF. 5b. Ki@m tra. - B4n c th@ ki@m tra cc .#+ng .i Internet .#8c nh'n bLi cc router CE nJm trong Central Site .%n cc router PE neighbor. Example: Cex1A# show ip route 6. Task 2: Thi(t l*p k(t n:i c1a Remote Site cho vi>c truy c*p Internet. - Nh cung c5p d/ch v9 c1a b4n . thDc sD t4o m<t m4ng VPN .@ truy;n d" li>u tI Internet. B4n s= c?n phAi ra nh'p vo m4ng VPN ny. 6a. Cc b#Gc c?n thDc thi: Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


- Step 1: Trn cc router PE (Pex1 hoUc Pex2) .ang hM tr8 cc router CE (Cex2A hoUc Cex1B) nJm trong remote site c1a b4n, gn interface (115) vo trong m<t VRF. - Step 2: Xa bO cu l>nh neighbor tI cc router nJm trong remote site L ch% .< global address family. - Step 3: Thm cu l>nh neighbor trn cc router nJm trong m4ng Remote site cho bAng VRF Internet. 6b. Ki@m tra. - B4n c th@ ki@m tra cc .#+ng .i Internet .#8c nh'n bLi cc router CE nJm trong Central Site. Example: Cex2A# show ip route XXIII Lab 7-3 Answer Key: K(t n:i Inernet trong m3ng MPLS VPN. 1. Task 1: Thi%t l'p k%t n:i cho Central Site truy c'p Internet. - C5u hnh cc b#Gc sau trn cc router PE: Pex1(config)# ip vrf internet Pex1(config-vrf)# route-target both 100:600 Pex1(config)# interface s0/0.114 Pex1(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Internet Pex1(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.65 Pex1(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# no nighbor 150.x.x1.66 remote-as 650x1 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Internet Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.66 remote 650x1 Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.66 activate Pex2(config)# ip vrf internet Pex2(config-vrf)# route-target both 100:600 Pex2(config)# interface s0/0.114 Pex2(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding Internet Pex2(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.65 Pex2(config)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# no nighbor 150.x.x1.66 remote-as 650x1 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Internet Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.66 remote 650x1 Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.66 activate 2. Task 2: Thi%t l'p k%t n:i cho Remote Site CE-PE truy c'p Internet. - C5u hnh nh"ng b#Gc sau trn cc router PE: Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


Pex1(config-vrf)# interface s0/0.115 Pex1(config-subif)# ip vrf forward Internet Pex1(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.129 Pex1(config-subif)# router bgp 65001 Pex1(config-router)# no neighbor 150.x.x1.130 Pex1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Internet Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.130 remote 650x2 Pex1(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.130 activate Pex2(config-vrf)# interface s0/0.115 Pex2(config-subif)# ip vrf forward Internet Pex2(config-subif)# ip address 150.x.x1.129 Pex2(config-subif)# router bgp 65001 Pex2(config-router)# no neighbor 150.x.x1.130 Pex2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf Internet Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.130 remote 650x1 Pex2(config-router-af)# neighbor 150.x.x1.130 activate ***************************************** THE END

Created by: D !ng V"n Ton CCNP, CCSP, MCSE, LPI level 1.


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