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ahi SPECIAL EDITION be, Gary Tyler must go free! We're gonna fight "em We're gonna beat "em WE'RE GONNA WIN GABY's FREEDOM! i 3 Detroiters Demonstrate DETROIT “Gary Tyler must go free, that'® UPSurge, a rank and file organization af Unitod the way I's got to bel” chanted two. hundred Parcel Sérvice workers t Deters, This was the list pubic "The tesding™ speaker was Lisa Abron ‘of tha Detroit Committee to Free" Gary chairserton of the’ Detret, Committe 10 Free ‘heraily washeld at Grand Crcus arkon Gary Tyler Lisa explained, “The Kan won tree Stray May Sar Tyler, the Nadi Pary won't free Gary. What ‘Gary ls the visi ofa racist fame-up. He ie will rae Gary io the siragge of a movernent= now th death ow in Lousiana for'a murder he like the movement tat res Joana itleand the id not comm ‘movement that. Merenspaparsand tight medighavebean lg enced thetruih out. That's wny thevaly and march fo After the ral there” was.a march to the Mtoe Gary on May 4 didn't make the news. |” Federal Bulding where the marchers tok over fiom aeveral ot the Commit- two lanes of Detrot's main ‘street, Woodward ko at the May 1 rally They Fight he Sanne Gross {rom Women fganet fren pol Harricon from Workers” Power ine lirt gemeonstraton inthe country wingharse from the Ped Tide ‘only the Deginang tware Mark Levitan from Ua wieane Carer snd John Gatey from ‘Teameters [Reprinted trom the “Voice of the, Detroit 4 hesodanty with ine Eormmitiee to Free Gary Tyler.” #1, Mey 10, Slopnanie isa loader of TOT. WHO ENDS UP IN JAIL -AND WHY JUST GARY "You tnow, Gary's oo mu Do you want hin to‘‘protect” you?

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