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Farmakoterapi pada Kelompok Khusus

Fathiyah Safithri Laboratorium Farmakologi FK-UMM 2009

Kelompok Khusus ?
Neonatus dan Pediatri Ibu menyusui Ibu hamil Usia lanjut Penderita gagal ginjal Penderita gangguan fungsi hepar

Dosis yg diresepkan (R/)

Kepatuhan pasien

Dosis yang diminum/diberikan

Faktor FK : A D M E

Konsentrasi obat di tempat kerja

Faktor FD : fungsional reseptor

Fisiologis Patologis Genetik Usia Interaksi


Efek samping




Pasien Pediatri
Pediatri : semua pasien < 16 th Ada 6 kelompok umur pediatri : Premature infants :< 36 mgg kehamilan Full-term infants :36-40 mgg kehamilan Neonates :4 mgg pertama post-natal Infants :5-32 mgg post-natal Children :1-12 tahun Adolescents :12-16 tahun

Factors Affecting Drug Effects on the Infant

I. Drug Absorption II. Drug Distribution III. Drug Metabolism IV. Drug Excretion

- Gastric acid secretion commences soon after birth and increases gradually over several hours. In preterm infants it appears slowly. Very acidic at birth with gradual decrease over the first two years. Drugs affected by gastric pH should not be administered orally. - Gastric emptying is prolonged in the first day of life. Newborn infant: 6-8 hours, Toddlers: 2 hours - Peristalsis in the neonate is slow. Diarrhea causes decrease absorption in small intestine.


thin dermis and epidermis increased tendency to absorb larger amounts of a topical medication
could result in unwanted systemic effects

percutan injection absorption > Muscle mass small muscle mass with poorly developed peripheral circulation decrease the rate of absorption from IM injections

Drug Absorption in Drug Acetaminophen Ampicillin Diazepam Digoxin Penicillin G Phenobarbital Phenytoin Sulfonamides

the neonate compared to adults. Oral Absorption Decreased Increased Normal Normal Increased Decreased Decreased Normal

Dipengaruhi oleh : komposisi cairan tubuh, lemak tubuh, ikatan protein. Pd neonatus, 70-75% BB adalah air, pd preterm 85% pd dewasa 50-60% . Pd neonatus total body fat adalah 15%, sdg pada preterm 1%, toddlers 23%, preschooler 8-12% Protein binding of drugs is reduced in the neonate. Therefore, concentration of free drug in plasma is increased => increased effect or increase toxicity. Drugs (e.g. sulfonamide antibiotics) that displace bilirubin from albumin may cause kernicterus. Conversely, bilirubin may also displace protein-bound drugs (e.g. phenytoin).

Blood-Brain Barrier not mature until approximately 2 years of age drugs more easily distributed to the brain = toxic effects

Drug Metabolism
Metabolism of most drugs occurs in the liver. The metabolizing activity of cytochrome P450-dependent mixed-function oxidases is reduced in neonates (50-70% of adult values). Glucoronide formation doesnt occur until the 3th -4rd years of life. Thus, in the neonate, drugs have slow clearance rates and prolonged half-lives. If the mother was taking phenobarbital, neonatal liver enzymes could have been induced. The ability of the neonate to metabolize certain drugs would be greater than expected and the effect could be less.

Drug Excretion
Glomerular filtration is much lower (30-40% of adult) in neonates for the first few days of life. Within a week glomerular filtration and plasma flow increase by 50% and reach adult values within 6-12 months. Drugs that depend on renal flow are eliminated very slowly in the first few weeks of life (penicilins, aminoglycoside antibiotics, digoxin) Ampicillin < 7 days old=> 50-100 mg/Kg/d , 2d at 12 hr intervals. > 7 days old => 100-200 mg/Kg/d, 3d at 8 hr intervals

Drug Excretion
Urine pH
more acidic in infants
pH remains constant the day and night

older children & adults more basic pH during day and acidic at night results in increased reabsorption of acidic drugs

Penghitungan dosis
Formula Young (berdasar umur) dosis anak = umur (th) x dosis dws

Formula Clark (berdasar berat badan) dosis anak = BB (kg) x dosis dws 70 (kg) Berdasar luas permukaan tubuh dosis anak = luas permk tbh(m2) x dosis dws 1,73(m2)


Drug Therapy during Breast Feeding

Drugs get through breast milk and can effect infant All drugs can be detected in milk, but concentrations usually too low to be of concern (breast feeding is usually safe)
Little research done on this aspect because of dangers involved in these studies
Concentration of drugs differ in milk
Lipid soluble drugs are in higher concentration

Generally most drugs are in too low a concentration to be harmful to infant

Things That Can Minimize Risk:

Dose after breast feeding Take drugs with short life Take drugs that are not found in breast milk Avoid drugs known to be hazardous

ASI : terlibat dalam ekskresi bbrp obat Obat/bhn kimia yg dikonsumsi ibu dpt mencapai ASI melalui mekanisme difusi pasif dan diduga akibat ikatan obat dg protein atau dg permukaan globul lemak ASI Obat/bhn kimia tsb dapat memberi efek pd bayi atau produksi ASI. Target : terapi farmakologik pada ibu efektif dan bayi tidak mendapat efek negatif dari terapi tersebut

Obat yg Mensupresi Laktasi

Bromokriptin Estradiol Kontrasepsi oral dosis besar Levodopa Antidepresan trazodon Piridoksin dosis tinggi

Prinsip Pemberian Obat untuk Ibu Menyusui

Perhatikan apakah terapi obat tsb benar2 diperlukan . Pilih obat yg paling aman utk ibu menyusui (yg tdk diekskresi lewat ASI, wkt paruh pendek, tdk bahaya utk bayi) Jk diperkirakan obat akan berpengaruh pd bayi, perlu dipertimbangkan pengukuran konsentrasi obat dalam darah bayi Sedpt mungkin ibu minum obat 30-60 mnt setelah menyusui atau 3-4 jam sblm menyusui berikutnya

Farmakoterapi pada Ibu Hamil

1/3 to of pregnant women take at least one prescription drug and most take more
Some used to treat pregnancy side effects Nausea Pre-eclampsia Constipation Some medications used to treat chronic disorders Hypertension Diabetes Epilepsy Cancer Infectious Diseases Drugs of abuse

Dua mekanisme yg melindungi janin dari obat yg berada dlm darah ibu

1) Placenta, berfungsi sbg : membran semipermeable tempat metabolisme obat. 2) Hepar : metabolisme obat

Intervillus space Chorionic villus Chorion
Umbilical arteries Endometrial arteries and veins Placental septum

Umbilical vein Amnion

Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Transfer Obat ke Janin

1. Sifat fisikokimia obat 2. Kadar obat yang mencapai fetus 3. Exposure rate. 4. Lama paparan 5. Distribusi jaringan. 6. Tahap perkembangan janin saat terpapar obat. 7. Interaksi dengan obat lain .

Sifat Fisikokimia Obat

A. Kelarutan dalam Lemak (lipofilik) Obat lipofilik menembus plasenta .
kecepatan & 7 obat menembus tgt : BM & konsentrasi dlm darah ibu) Distribusi tgt aliran darah plasenta .

Obat non lipofilik protein plasma.

cenderung terikat kuat dg

BBL apnea

Contoh : obat lipofilik : thiopental (SC)

B. Derajat Ionisasi Obat

Substansi polar / terionisasi plasenta
contoh : suksinilkolin, tubokurarin

sulit melewati

Sifat Fisikokimia Obat

C. Ikatan dg protein. mis. sulfonamides, barbiturates, phenytoin and local anesthetic agents. D. Ukuran molekul obat - BM 250-500 mudah - BM 500-1000 sulit - BM >1000 sgt sulit (mis. heparin vs warfarin) - Sebagian besar obat mempunyai BM 100-500 .

Distribusi : Affinitas Obat thd Jaringan Tertentu

Tetracycline Warfarin Aminoglycosides Quinine Chlorpromazine Diethylstilbestrol Corticosteroids Phenytoin Iodides Propylthiouracil Teeth Middle ear Retina Mullerian Duct Vagina Adrenal Gland Thyroid Gland

Stages of Fetal Development

Sensitivity of fetus to drug is dependent upon developmental stage and when drug is given in relation to the developmental stage 3 stages of embryonic development Pre-implantation period Embryogenic period Fetal period Most critical time for any organ is when it is growing and forming its structures. Diff. organs have diff. critical periods, but the time period from day 15 to day 60 of gestation is most critical - Heart: weeks 3-4 - Ext genitalia: weeks 8-9 - Brain & skeleton: Week 3- end of pregnancy

Stages of Fetal Development

During pre-implantation and embryonic stages the teratogen acts in an all-or-none response, i.e. , the dose is high enough that the fetus will die, if dose is sublethal fetus will recover Gross malformations produced by exposure to teratogens during the embryonic period (1st trimester) Exposure during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters usually results in organ dysfunction rather than gross malformations

Fetal Development
0 5 15 CNS Heart Arms Eyes Legs Teeth Palate Ex. genitalia Ear Full term

Figure 10-1: Effects of Teratogens at Specific Stages of Fetal D evel opm ent Moore, 1993.

Farmakokinetik Obat selama kehamilan

k Absorbsi
 Awal hamil, sekresi asam lambung q 30-40% absorbsi obat asam lemah q, obat basa lemah o  Gastric emptying q  Motilitas GIT q absorbsi obat yg sukar larut (digoksin) o, absorbsi obat yg dimetab di dind usus (CPZ) q

k Distribusi  Vol plasma & CES o (50%) kdr obat dg Vd kecil (ampicillin) dlm plasma <<  Albumin serum q 20%, glikoprotein o 100% (t.u pd eklampsia) fraksi bebas obat asam o (diazepam, fenitoin, as valproat), fraksi bebas obat basa q  Body fat o Obat lipofilik tersimpan di jar lemak o durasi obat o(slow release).

k Eliminasi
 Trimest 2&3, progesteron me o aktivitas enz metab hepar kdr obat cpt q (fenitoin, carbamazepin, fenobarbital)  Awal hamil, renal blood flow dan GFR o 2x eliminasi obat yg eksresi lwt ginjal o  Akhir hamil, renal blood flow dan GFR q


TOKSIK gangg fisiologik / biokimiawi janin gejala terlihat stl lahir TERATOGENIK malformasi anatomik pd pertumbuhan organ janin LETAL kematian janin dlm kandungan TGT SIFAT OBAT & UMUR KEHAMILAN SAAT TERPAPAR


Fase Implantasi (<3mgg) kematian embrio / abortus Fase embrional / organogenesis (4-8 mgg) diferensiasi pertumbuhan malformasi anatomik (teratogenik) - gangg fungsional / metabolik permanen mis. Ca di kemudian hari - letal (IUFD/abortus) - subletal (malformasi pertumb organ, mis fokomelia) Fase fetal (trim 2&3) gangg fisiologik/biokimiawi gangg pertumbuhan mis. Akhir hamil, Analgetik opioid p depresi nfs neonatus

Kategori Obat utk Ibu Hamil

A :byk dipakai, pengaruh buruk (-) mis. Parasetamol, Penisilin, Eritromisin, digoksin, bhn hemopoetik (Fe, folat), INH B :sedikit dipakai, pengaruh buruk (-) B1 : pd hewan kerusakan janin (-). mis simetidin, dipiridamol B2 : peneltian pd hewan blm memadai. Mis ticarsilin, amfoterisin C :pengaruh buruk (+) reversibel, malformasi (-). mis fenitoin, analgetik opioid, fenobarbiton, valproat, karbamazepin D / X:pengaruh buruk (+) irreversibel, malformasi (+) mis. Isotreonin, DES

Fetal Therapy
Therapy directed to the fetus. Corticosteroids. Stimulate fetal lung maturation when preterm birth is expected. Phenobarbital. Given during the last trimester, close to term, induces fetal liver enzymes responsible for the glucoronidation of bilirubin, reducing the incidence of jaundice. Antiarrhythmic drugs. For the treatment of fetal arrythmias.

Bahan yg dpt menyebabkan perkembangan abnormal pada janin.

mis. alcohol (FAS), Thalidomide (phocomelia), DES (uterine cancer), valproic acid (spina bifida).

Identification of Teratogens
Few drugs considered to be teratogenic: hard to prove
Incidence of congenital anomalies is low Animal test may not be applicable Prolonged exposure may be necessary Teratogenic effects may be delayed Behavioral effects are hard to document Controlled experiments cannot be done in humans

To prove a drug is a teratogen:

Drug must cause a characteristic set of malformations It must act only during a specific window of vulnerability (weeks 4 through 7 of gestation) Incidence of malformations should increase with increasing dosage and duration of exposure Risk of malformation with most teratogens is only ~10% Table 10-1 lists proven teratogenic drugs

Mekanisme Teratogenik

1) Menimbulkan efek pd jaringan ibu 2) Menghambat penyaluran oksigen 3) Perubahan nutrisi selama proses differensiasi. 4) Defisiensi

1) Efek pd jaringan ibu. Obat memberi efek langsung pd jar. Ibu, sedang efek sekunder atau efek tdk langsungnya pada janin. mis Cocaine meningkatkan resiko spontaneous abortions, placenta previa and premature labor; neonatal cerebral infarction, abnormal development and decrease school performance. 2) Menghambat penyaluran oksigen dan nutrisi. Akibatnya pd janin : iskemia t. u otak shg menyebabkan kerusakan otak berat bahkan kematian

3) Perubahan penyaluran nutrisi selama differensiasi. e.g. Vitamin A (Retinol) has important differentiationdirecting actions in normal tissues. Excessive amounts may cause birth defects, bone abnormalities and liver damage. Excess niacin may cause ocular abnormalities. 4) Defisiensi. Alterations of certain factors such as vitamins or minerals may be teratogenic. e.g. Folic acid causes neural tube defects, supplementation reduces the incidence of spina bifida.


Mengapa perlu dipelajari ?

      Perubahan farmakokinetik pd usia lanjut Perubahan farmakodinamik pd usia lanjut Komorbiditas: interaksi obat-penyakit Polifarmasi: interaksi antar obat-obat Fungsi fisiologis menurun Kepatuhan kurang

Perubahan Farmakokinetik
Perubahan fisiologis dan fungsi organ menyebabkan perubahan farmakokinetik Perubahan Farmakokinetik meliputi :
Absorbsi Distribusi Clearance: eliminasi (ginjal) metabolisme (hepar)
2004: Cusack, Amer. J of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

Perubahan Farmakokinetik pd Lansia


Pada lansia, adanya peningkatan proporsi body fat, penurunan massa otot dan total body water akan mengubah Vd  Body fat akan meningkatkan Vd obat yang larut lemak shg t mkn panjang, mis. Diazepam, thiopental, trazadone  Total body water akan menurunkan Vd obat yang larut air shg konsentrasi obat dalam plasma meningkat, mis. Ethanol, lithium, aminoglycosides, digoxin

Perubahan Farmakokinetik pd Lansia


 Pada lansia terjadi penurunan kadar albumin akibat penyakit kronis, mis. Malnutrisi, gangguan fungsi hepar atau ginjal.  Akibatnya bioavailabilitas obat yang mengikat protein akan meningkat karena fraksi obat bebas dalam plasma meningkat.  Contoh obat yg mengikat albumin : ceftriaxone, diazepam, phenytoin, warfarin.

Perubahan Farmakokinetik pd Lansia


 Fungsi ginjal q menurunkan eliminasi obat yg diekskresi oleh ginjal. Pada lansia terjadi penurunan renal clearance (Cl) 35-50%  Cl metabolit aktif yg turun akan meningkatkan efek terapi dan resiko utk menjadi toksik  Perlu dilakukan pengurangan dosis dan atau memperpanjang interval pemberian obat.

Perubahan Farmakokinetik pd Lansia


 Pd lansia 65 th, aliran darah hepar q 40-45% dibanding usia 25 th mempengaruhi first pass metabolism  Dan ukuran hepar mengecil  Metabolisme oksidatif dg sitokrom P450 q clearance obat q

Perubahan Farmakodinamik pd Lansia respon reseptor obat dan target organ berubah sensitivitas thd obat berubah ES obat o. Beberapa efek obat o mis. Diazepam (sedasi), alkohol, fentanyl, morphine, dan theophylline Beberapa efek obat q mis. isoproterenol & beta -blockers

Suboptimal Prescribing
Polypharmacy Underuse of Effective Medications Drug-Drug Interactions Drug-Disease Interactions Inadequate Monitoring Inappropriate Dosing Inappropriate Duration Drugs to Avoid


Clearance (Cl) : kemampuan tubuh utk membersihkan darah dari obat per satuan waktu
k Cl hepar : organ metabolisme utama k Cl ginjal : organ ekskresi utama k Cl organ2 lain Eliminasi utama hepar Cl (tubuh total) = Cl (hepar) Eliminasi utama ginjal Cl (tubuh total) = Cl (ginjal)

Gangguan fungsi hepar

 Eliminasi kemampuan eliminasi obat yg mengalami metab hepatal q (tgt keparahan penyakit) perlu penurunan dosis Berapa banyak perlu diturunkan, sulit ditentukan, krn parameter fungsi hepar yg menunj kemampuan eliminasi obat tidak ada. Dianjurkan mengganti obat dg obat yg eliminasi

utamanya tidak melalui hepar

Gangguan fungsi hepar

 distribusi obat. produksi albumin q fraksi obat bebas pd obat2an yg terikat dg protein o toksik  absorbsi. first pass effect terganggu fraksi obat bebas o

Gangguan fungsi ginjal

Cl kreatinin = sbg parameter penurunan fs ginjal. RF = renal function RF =
Cl kreatinin pasien Cl kreatinin normal

Dosis obat = RF X dosis lazim Mis. Amikasin, eliminasi utama oleh ginjal pe q fs ginjal t o pemberian berulang : akumulasi toksik perlu pe q dosis atau menjarangkan interval pemberian

Katzung, B.G. (1998) Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 7th ed. Appleton and Lange. Stamford, CT. Brody, T.M., Larner,J., Minneman, K.P. and Neu, H.C. (1994) Human Pharmacology: Molecular to Clinical. 2nd ed. MosbyYear Book Inc. St. Louis, Missouri. Rang, H.P. et al. (1995) Pharmacology . Churchill Livingston. NY., N.Y. Harman, J.G. et al. (1996) Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 9th ed. McGraw Hill.

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