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Tender no. EL/W/Solar/201 /0!

O""#ce o" t$e %$#e" Electr#cal En&#neer

For the Work of

'ro(#)#on o" 10 *W+ ,r#d connected Solar 'o-er +lant) #n 12 )tat#on) o(er NF Ra#l-a..

A++ro/#mate 0alue Date o" O+en#n&

1 1

R). 3,17,04,183/222102201

Note: i) Tender documents are not transferable. ii) Tender document should be submitted without detaching any pages.

Signature of the contractor -1for Chief Electrical Engineer


(ELECTRICAL TEN ER NOTICE NO$ CEE% 1& % '&1( E!ART"ENT# t$ 1)%&*%'&1(

O+en Ten,er in -eale, i- in.ite, for the follo/ing /or0 fro1 the Ten,erer- .ali, Electrical Contractor2- licen-e or Original E3ui+1ent "anufacturer (OE"# of -olar +hoto.oltaic 1o,ule-$ Ten,er no$ EL%W%Solar%1&%'&1( Na1e of the /or0 E-ti1ate, Co-t of the Ten,er ( Ten,er 7alue # 7ali,it6 of Offer Co1+letion !erio, Co-t of Ten,er ocu1entEarne-t "one6 !ro.i-ion of 1& 4W+ 5ri, connecte, Solar !o/er +lant- in 1' -tation- NF Rail/a6$ R-$ 3,17,04,183/- (Ru+ee- Three Crore Se.enteen La0h Four Thou-an, One hun,re, Eight6 Three# onl6$ *& ( Ninet6 #,a6()8 (Three hun,re, -i9t6 fi.e# ,a6-$ R-$ 1&:&&&%- (Ru+ee- Ten thou-an,# onl6 (R- 8&&%- e9tra if re3uire, ;6 +o-t# ;6 ca-h or to ;e +le,ge, in the na1e of FA < CAO% N$ F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon: /hich i- nonrefun,a;le$ Rail/a6 /ill not ;e hel, re-+on-i;le for an6 +o-tal ,ela6$ R-$ (:&=:8'&%- (Ru+ee- Three La0h Eight Thou-an, Fi.e Hun,re, T/ent6# onl6 to ;e +le,ge, in the na1e of FA < CAO% N$ F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon: 5u/ahati - >=1 &11$ Fro1 1&$&& Hr- of '&-&*-'&1( ?+to 1>$&& Hr- of '1-1&-'&1( At 18$&& Hr- of ''-1&-'&1( At 18$(& Hr- of ''-1&-'&1(

Co11ence1ent of -ale of Ten,er ocu1entLa-t ,ate of -ale of Ten,er ,ocu1entate < Ti1e of clo-ing of Ten,er @o9 ate < Ti1e of O+ening of Ten,er

ELI5I@ILITY CRITERIAA 1 Shoul, ha.e co1+lete, in la-t three financial At lea-t one -ingle -i1ilar t6+e of electrical /or0 of 1ini1u1 6ear- (i$e$ current 6ear an, three +re.iou- .alue of (8B of A,.erti-e, Ten,er 7alue of the /or0$ financial 6ear-# ' Total contract a1ount recei.e, ,uring the la-t Shoul, ;e a 1ini1u1 of 18&B of the A,.erti-e, Ten,er three financial 6ear- < in the current financial 7alue of the /or0$ 6ear$ NoteA Su++orting ,ocu1ent-%certificate- fro1 the go.t$ organiCation- an, !S? /ith /ho1 the6 /or0e,%are /or0ing -houl, ;e enclo-e,$ Certificate fro1 !ri.ate in,i.i,ual-%organiCation- for /ho1 -uch /or0- are e9ecute,%;eing e9ecute, /ill not ;e acce+te,$ Offer- not acco1+anie, /ith -u++orting ,ocu1ent- of cre,ential- < e9+erience -hall ;e -u11aril6 reDecte, /ithout an6 notice to the Ten,erer- an, no corre-+on,ence in thi- regar, -hall ;e entertaine,$ Si1ilar Wor0- i- ,efine, a--Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Solar photovoltaic enerating System of 10 !"p capacity and a#ove$% OTHER INFOR"ATIONA 1$ Non-tran-fera;le Ten,er !a+er can ;e o;taine, fro1 the office of the Chief Electrical Engineer: NF Rail/a6: "aligaon: 5u/ahati E >=1&11 on -u;1i--ion of a++lication along /ith the co-t of ten,er ,ocu1ent- a- 1entione, a;o.e$ In ca-e: it ha++en- to ;e @an,h % holi,a6: the ten,er +a+er /ill ;e recei.e,% o+ene, on the follo/ing /or0ing ,a6 a- +er -a1e ti1ing-$ The ten,er not acco1+anie, /ith re3ui-ite earne-t 1one6 an, co-t of ten,er +a+er in +ro+er for1: /ill ;e -u11aril6 reDecte,$ '$ The ten,er +a+er 1a6 al-o ;e a.aila;le on NF Rail/a6 /e;--ite i$e$ &&&%nfrail&ay%com an, the -a1e can ;e ,o/nloa,e, an, u-e, a- ten,er ,ocu1ent for -u;1itting the offer$ The facilit6 i- a.aila;le free of co-t: ho/ the co-t of the ten,er +a+er a- in,icate, a;o.e /ill ha.e to ;e +ai, ;6 the Ten,erer in the for1 of @an0 ,raft +a6a;le in fa.our of FA< CAO: N$F$Rail/a6: "aligaon: 5u/ahati- >=1&11 at the ti1e of ,ro++ing of ,o/n-loa,e, ten,er ,ocu1ent-$ Thi- -houl, ;e +ai, -e+aratel6 an, not inclu,e, in earne-t 1one6$ In ca-e of an6 ,i-cre+anc6 ;et/een the ten,er ,ocu1ent ,o/n-loa,e, fro1 Rail Net an, the 1a-ter co+6 a.aila;le in the office-: the latter -hall +re.ail an, /ill ;e ;in,ing on the Ten,erer(-#$ No clai1 on thi- account /ill ;e entertaine,$ ($ Rail/a6 A,1ini-tration /ill not ;e re-+on-i;le for an6 ,ela6% ,ifficultie-% inacce--i;ilit6 of the ,o/n loa,e, facilit6 for an6 rea-on /$ In ca-e of ,i-cre+anc6 ;et/een the ten,er ,ocu1ent- ,o/nloa,e, fro1 internet an, the 1a-ter co+6 a.aila;le in the office 1entione, in (1# a;o.e: the latter -hall +re.ail an, /ill ;e ;in,ing on the ten,er-$ No clai1 on thiaccount /ill ;e entertaine,$ F$ The offer- /hich are inco1+lete: un-igne,: an, con,itional: /ill ;e -u11aril6 reDecte,$ 8$ Ten,er ;o9e- are 0e+t in the office of the Chief Electrical Engineer: N$F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon$

'()*+,-S* .)('*/,) )-/0"-1 TEN ER FOR"S (FIRST SHEET# No GGGGGG$ /ssued to 222222222222222222222222222222222 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Signature of the contractor -'for Chief Electrical Engineer

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH To The !re-i,ent of In,ia Acting through the Chief Electrical Engineer N$F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon: !IN E >=1 &11
I%WeHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ha.e rea, the .ariou- con,ition- to the ten,er attache, hereto an, here;6 agree to a;i,e ;6 the -ai, con,ition-$ I%We al-o agree to 0ee+ thi- ten,er o+en for acce+tance for a +erio, of 1'& ,a6- fro1 the ,ate fi9e, for o+ening the -a1e an, in ,efault thereof: I%/e -hall ;e lia;le to forfeiture of 16%our IEarne-t 1one6J$ I%We offer to ,o the /or0 at the rate- 3uote, in the attache, -che,ule- an, here;6 ;in,: 16-elf%our-el.e- to co1+lete the /or0 in ()8 (Three hun,re, -i9t6 fi.e# ,a6- onl6 fro1 the ,ate of i--ue of letter of acce+tance of the ten,er$ I%We al-o here;6 agree to a;i,e ;6 the 5eneral Con,ition of Contract an, Stan,ar, S+ecial Con,ition- of Contract of Engineering e+art1ent: N$F$ Rail/a6: 1**= e,ition correction u+ to ,ate: -+ecial con,ition of contract: Technical -+ecification: general -+ecification: -che,ule of /or0- an, ,ra/ing- lai, ,o/n ;6 the Rail/a6 for the +re-ent contract$ '$ A -u1 of R-$ (:&=:8'&%- (Ru+ee- Three La0h Eight Thou-an, Fi.e Hun,re, T/ent6# onl6 i- for/ar,e, here/ith a- earne-t 1one6$ The full .alue of the earne-t 1one6 -hall -tan, forfeite, /ithout +reDu,ice to an6 other right- or re1e,ie- ifAa# I%/e ,o not e9ecute the contract ,ocu1ent /ithin -e.en ,a6- after recei+t of notice i--ue, ;6 the Rail/a6 that -uch ,ocu1ent are rea,6: or ;# I%/e ,o not co11ence the /or0 /ithin ten ,a6- after recei+t of or,er- to that effect$ c# I%/e /ith,ra/ or 1o,if6 16%our offer /ithin the .ali,it6 ,ate of the ten,er$ Once the acce+tance of the ten,er i- co11unicate, to 1e%u- a legal an, enforcea;le contract co1e- into ;eing$ If in accor,ance /ith the letter of acce+tance: I%/e fail to co11ence /or0 /ithin the +erio, -ti+ulate, in the acce+tance letter an, fail to e9ecute the for1al agree1ent: I%/e -hall ;e lia;le for ;reach of the contract an, the con-e3uence- of ;reach of an6 of the con,ition- of the contract entitle- or / the contract are re-cin,e,: the -ecurit6 ,e+o-it /ill ;e forfeite, an, the !$5$ -hall ;e encha-e, an, the ;alance /or0 -houl, ;e got ,one -e+aratel6$


Signature of the contractor -(for Chief Electrical Engineer

'()*+,-S* .)('*/,) )-/0"-1 TEN ER FOR"S (SECON SHEET# 1% 0/S* (. *,'3,) 3(456,'*S a# Ten,er Notice$ ;# Ten,er For1 (Fir-t -heet#$ c# Ten,er For1 (Secon, -heet#$ ,# Sche,ule of Wor0-$ e# In-truction- to Ten,erer- an, con,ition- of Ten,er-$ f# S+ecial con,ition- of contract$

g# Sco+e of the /or0-$ h# S+ecification- KAnne9ure E1L$ i# D# Anne9ure EMAN to MIN$ !re-cri;e, for1 for @an0 5uarantee @on, KAnne9ure EMONL$

0# R SON- S+ecification for I5ri, Connect Solar 5enerating S6-te1J P S+ec$ No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent -(Q K Anne9ure EM4N L$

Signature of the contractor -Ffor Chief Electrical Engineer

Sche,ule of Wor0Ten,er No$ EL % W% Solar%&'%'&1'

Na1e of the /or0 A !ro.i-ion of 1& 4W+ 5ri, connecte, Solar !o/er +lant- in 1' -tation- NF Rail/a6$

I%We ,o agree to e9ecute the a;o.e na1e, /or0 a- +er 5eneral an, -+ecial con,ition of contract a/ell a- -+ecification gi.en ;6 N$F$Rail/a6 in confor1it6 /ith national Electric co,e an,% or rele.ant In,ian -tan,ar,: IE rule- 1*8) rea, /ith late-t a1en,1ent-$


e-cri+tion of Ite1-



Rate in (R-#

Total in(R-#

e-ign: 1anufacture: -u++l6: in-tallation: te-ting < co11i--ioning of 1& 4W+ 5ri, connect Solar +o/er +lant- /ith 1& 4W In.erter a- +er R SO S+ecification no$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&=(Re.$ &#: A1,t$ M(N effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1& an, con-i-ting of the follo/ing- a# Solar "o,ule: '(& W+ E FF No-$ ;# "o,ule 1ounting -tructure E A- re3uire, for (a# a;o.e$ c# Arra6 Ounction @o9 (AO@# = in 1 out E 1 No$ ,# AC i-tri;ution @o9(AC @# /ith I1+ort-E9+ort "eter: CO' "eter: !o/er e.acuation -6-te1 E 1 No$ e# 1& 47A 5ri, Connect In.erter /ith "a9i1u1 !o/er !oint Trac0ing ("!!T# Charge controller E 1 No$ f# !7C co++er ca;le of re3uire, -iCe- inclu,ing ca;ling /or0 for the -6-te1 E A- +er re3uire1ent g# Earthing 0it E F Seth# Lightning arre-tor E 1 No$ i# Re1ote Ter1inal unit /ith Re1ote 1onitoring Soft/are an, e-0to+ Co1+uter - 1 Set ( e-0to+ Co1+uter -houl, ;e +reloa,e, /ith "S Win,o/- > o+erating -6-te1 an, a- +er Intel . !ro configuration enclo-e, in Anne9ure-I# D# In-tallation acce--orie- - 1 Set e-ign: 1anufacture: -u++l6: in-tallation: te-ting < co11i--ioning of hot ,i++e, gal.aniCe, "S fra1e Structure (Fi9e, t6+e# groun, for in-tallation of !7 1o,ule at ( "tr a;o.e groun, le.el of a++ro9i1ate /eight of '$& "etric Ton$ (For the -ite- /here roof 1ounting of !7 1o,ule i- not fea-i;le#$









rand *otal 7


I%WE OFFER TO O THE WOR4$ 1$ '$ ($ AT !AR: OR ( S# GGGGGB ( IN FI5#GGGGGGG!ercent ( In Wor,- # A;o.e: OR (-#GGGGGG$B ( IN FI5#GGGGGGGG$$!ercent ( In Wor, # @elo/ RATE OF EACH < E7ERY ITE" OF SCHE ?LE$


Stri0e out / i- not a++lica;le$ N@- If the ,ifference occurre, in ;et/een figure < /or,-: / i- lo/er /ill ;e ta0en into con-i,eration$

Signature of the contractor -8for Chief Electrical Engineer

/nstructions to *enderers and conditions of *enders% 1$ 3)-"/' A The ,ra/ing- for an6 -che,ule, ite1 of /or0-: if re3uire, can ;e -een in the office of the Chief Electrical Engineer: Northea-t Frontier Rail/a6: "aligaon: 5u/ahati->=1&11 at an6 ti1e ,uring office hour-$ (..,) (. *+, *,'3,),)A The Ten,erer% Ten,erer- -hall 3uote hi-%their rate- /ith reference to each ite1 an, 1u-t ten,er for all the ite1- -ho/n in the attache, -che,ule$ The 3uantitie- -ho/n in the attache, -che,ule are gi.en a- a gui,e an, are a++ro9i1ate onl6 an, are -u;Dect to .ariation accor,ing to the nee,- of the Rail/a6$ The Rail/a6 acce+t- no re-+on-i;ilit6 for their accurac6$ The Rail/a6 ,oe- not guarantee for e9ecution of all /or0- un,er each ite1 of the -che,ule$ Onl6 one co+6 of the ten,er -che,ule i- to ;e -u;1itte, ;6 the Ten,erer(-#$ ,'*)/,SA All ,ocu1ent- an, entrie- in the ten,er -hall ;e either t6+e /ritten or in in0 an, in Engli-h$ Ten,er- containing era-er- an, alteration- to the ten,er ,ocu1ent- are lia;le to ;e reDecte,$ An6 correction 1a,e ;6 the Ten,erer % Ten,erer- in hi-%their entrie- 1u-t ;e atte-te, ;6 hi1%the1$ If rate- e9+re--e, in figure- an, /or,- ,o not 1atch /ith each other: then the rate/ritten in /or,- /ill ;e ta0en in to account$ )-*,SA Rate- -houl, ;e 3uote, inclu-i.e of all ta9e- .iC$ E9ci-e ut6: -ale- ta9: Octroi: ta9: other local ta9: ro6alt6 or an6 other ce-- or ta9e- a++lie, to the +articular t6+e of /or0$ 4(690,*/(' 9,)/(37 The /or0- are re3uire, to ;e co1+lete, /ithin a +erio, of ()8 (Three hun,re, -i9t6 fi.e# ,a6- onl6 fro1 the ,ate of i--ue of letter of acce+tance% ,-)',S* 6(',17 The Ten,erer i- re3uire, to ,e+o-it R-$ )s% 3,08,:80/- ;)upees *hree 0a<h ,ight *housand .ive +undred *&enty= onl6 K 'B for /or0- e-ti1ate, to co-t u+ to R-$1 Crore an, for /or0- e-ti1ate, to co-t 1ore than R-$ 1 Crore - R-$ ' la0h +lu- T B (half +ercent# of the e9ce-- of the e-ti1ate, co-t ;e6on, R-$1 Crore: -u;Dect to a 1a9i1u1 of R-$1 Crore: (a- in,icate, in ten,er notice#L a- earne-t 1one6 in the 1anner 1entione, ;elo/ failing /hich the ten,er -hall ;e -u11aril6 reDecte,$ The earne-t 1one6 -hall ;e roun,e, to the neare-t R-$ 1&%- $ The earne-t 1one6 for the +erfor1ance of the ten,er /ho /ill 0ee+ the offer o+en for a +erio, of 1'& ,a6- fro1 the ,ate fi9e, for o+ening of ten,er: it ;eing clearl6 un,er-too, that the Ten,erer after -u;1itting hi- ten,er /ill not ,e.iate fro1 hi- offer or 1o,if6 the rate-: ite1- an, con,itionthereof: failing /hich the afore-ai, a1ount -hall ;e lia;le to ;e forfeite, ;6 the Rail/a6$ The earne-t 1one6 -houl, ;e in ca-h or in an6 of the follo/ing for1-A(i# e+o-it recei+t-: !a6 or,er-: e1an, ,raft-: /hich -houl, ;e either of the State @an0 of In,ia or of an6 NationaliCe, @an0- or of an6 Sche,ule, @an0 a++ro.e, ;6 the Re-er.e @an0 of In,ia for the +ur+o-e$ (ii# The earne-t 1one6: /hen ,e+o-ite, in ca-h: -houl, ;e re1itte, to the Chief Ca-hier % "aligaon: 5u/ahati-11: N F Rail/a6 an, the recei+t o;taine, there fro1 -houl, ;e enclo-e, /ith the ten,er a- +roof of the ,e+o-it of the re3ui-ite earne-t 1one6$ A ten,er not acco1+anie, /ith re3ui-ite earne-t 1one6 /ill ;e -u11aril6 reDecte,$ Earne-t 1one6 -hall not ;e acce+ta;le in the -ha+e of @an0 5uarantee @on,$ Earne-t "one6 /ill ;e refun,e, to the un-ucce--ful Ten,erer(-# /ithin rea-ona;le ti1e$ The Earne-t "one6 ,e+o-ite, ;6 the -ucce--ful Ten,erer -hall ;e retaine, to/ar,- the -ecurit6 ,e+o-it for the ,ue an, faithful fulfill1ent of the contract ;ut -hall ;e forfeite, if the Contractor fail- to e9ecute the Agree1ent @on, or -tart the /or0 /ithin a rea-ona;le ti1e (to ;e ,eter1ine, ;6 the Engineer E in E Charge# after notification of the acce+tance of hi- % their ten,er$ No intere-t /ill ;e +ai, on earne-t 1one6$ '(*,7 e+o-it recei+t-: +a6 or,er an, ,e1an, ,raft- -houl, ;e ,ra/n in fa.our of the Financial A,.i-er < Chief Account- Officer%N$F$Rail/a6%"aligaon$


($ F$

8$ )$ >$ >$1


>$( >$F >$8

=$ =$1

4),3,'*/-0SA ,0/ />/0/*1 4)/*,)/-7

Shoul, ha.e co1+lete, in la-t three financial 6ear- (i$e$ current 6ear an, three +re.iou- financial 6ear-# At lea-t one -ingle -i1ilar t6+e of electrical /or0 of 1ini1u1 .alue of (8B of A,.erti-e, Ten,er

Signature of the contractor -)for Chief Electrical Engineer

;# NoteA

7alue of the /or0$ Total contract a1ount recei.e, ,uring the la-t three financial Shoul, ;e a 1ini1u1 of 18&B of the A,.erti-e, 6ear- < in the current financial 6ear$ Ten,er 7alue of the /or0$ Su++orting ,ocu1ent-%certificate- fro1 the go.t$ organiCation- an, !S? /ith /ho1 the6 /or0e,%are /or0ing -houl, ;e enclo-e,$ Certificate fro1 !ri.ate in,i.i,ual-%organiCation- for /ho1 -uch /or0- are e9ecute,%;eing e9ecute, /ill not ;e acce+te,$ Offer- not acco1+anie, /ith -u++orting ,ocu1ent- of cre,ential- < e9+erience -hall ;e -u11aril6 reDecte, /ithout an6 notice to the Ten,erer- an, no corre-+on,ence in thi- regar, -hall ;e entertaine,$

=$' =$'$1 1# '# (#



F# 8#

)# ># =$'$' =$'$( =$'$F *$ *$1

Follo/ing ,ocu1ent- are re3uire, to ;e -u;1itte, along /ith the Ten,er ocu1entA Li-t of +er-onnel: OrganiCation a.aila;le on han, < +ro+o-e, to ;e engage, for the -u;Dect /or0$ Li-t of !lant < "achiner6 a.aila;le on han, (o/n# an, +ro+o-e, to ;e in,ucte, (o/n < hire, to ;e gi.en -e+aratel6# Li-t of Wor0- co1+lete, in the la-t Three financial 6ear- ,e-cri+tion of /or0: organiCation for /ho1 e9ecute,: a++ro9i1ate .alue of contract at the ti1e of a/ar,: ,ate of a/ar, an, ,ate of -che,ule, co1+letion of /or0$ ate of actual -tart: actual co1+letion an, final .alue of contract -houl, al-o ;e gi.en$ Li-t of Wor0- on han, in,icating ,e-cri+tion of /or0: contract .alue an, a++ro9i1ate .alue of ;alance /or0 6et to ;e ,one an, ,ate of a/ar,$ Su++orting ,ocu1ent-%certificate- fro1 the go.t$ organiCation- an, !S? /ith /ho1 the6 /or0e,%are /or0ing -houl, ;e enclo-e,$ Certificate fro1 !ri.ate in,i.i,ual-%organiCation- for /ho1 -uch /or0are e9ecute,%;eing e9ecute, /ill not ;e acce+te,$ Offer- not acco1+anie, /ith -u++orting ,ocu1ent- of cre,ential- < e9+erience -hall ;e -u11aril6 reDecte, /ithout an6 notice to the Ten,erer- an, no corre-+on,ence in thi- regar, -hall ;e entertaine,$ Self atte-te, co+6 of .ali, Electrical contractor licen-e: if the Ten,erer i- not OE"$ Other ,ocu1ent- a- -tate, in technical -+ecification$ 3etails of the "or<s 4ompleted and the &or< in hand in the for1at -ho/n in -'',?5), @ A-B$ The Ten,erer(-# are re3uire, to -u;1it Uero9 co+ie- of the Contract Agree1ent%Wor0 Or,er of the /or0-$ The etail- a- +er -'',?5), @ A>B to A/B to ;e -u;1itte, /ith -u++orting ,ocu1ent- along-/ith ten,er$ The li-t of a,,re--e- along/ith !hone no-$ of local office in N$F$Rail/a6 region for -ale- -u++ort of the 1a0e offere, to ;e furni-he,$ S5>6/SS/(' (. *,'3,)A Ten,er co1+lete, /ith all ,ocu1ent- enclo-e, in a -eale, -u+er -cri;e, /ith ten,er no$ an, the na1e of /or0 1u-t ;e -ent ;6 Reg,$ !o-t%S+ee, !o-t to the a,,re-- of Chief Electrical Engineer: N$F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon: 5u/ahati->=1&11 -o a- to reach thi- office not later than 1:%00 +rs of 88-10-8013 or can ;e ,ro++e, in the ten,er ;o9 0e+t in the office of the Chief Electrical Engineer: N$F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon not later than 1:%00 +rs of 88-10-8013% An6 ten,er recei.e, after the ,ea,line +re-cri;e, ;6 the Rail/a6 for -u;1i--ion of ten,er- in !ara *$1 /ill not ;e con-i,ere,$ Non-co1+liance /ith an6 of the con,ition -et forth herein a;o.e i- lia;le to re-ult in the ten,er ;eing reDecte,$ -5*+()/*1 .() -44,9*-'4,7 The authorit6 for the acce+tance of ten,er /ill re-t /ith Rail/a6 /ho ,oe- not ;in, hi1-elf to acce+t the lo/e-t or an6 other ten,er nor ,oe- he un,erta0e to a--ign rea-on for ,eclining to con-i,er an6 +articular ten,er or ten,er-$ No Ten,erer % Ten,erer- -hall ,e1an, an6 e9+lanation of the cau-e of reDection of hi-%their ten,er$ No corre-+on,ence /ill ;e entertaine, /ith Ten,erer(-# in re-+ect of the reDection of an6 or all Ten,er-$ Ten,er ,ocu1ent- in /hich ten,er are -u;1itte, ;6 a Ten,erer -hall ;eco1e the +ro+ert6 of Rail/a6 an, the Rail/a6 -hall ha.e no o;ligation to return the -a1e to the Ten,erer(-#$ ")(' /'.()6-*/('7 If the Ten,erer % Ten,erer- ,eli;eratel6 gi.e-%gi.e /rong infor1ation in hi-%their ten,er or create-%create circu1-tance- for the acce+tance of hi-%their ten,er the Rail/a6 re-er.e- the right to reDect -uch ten,er at an6 -tage$ ,?9/)1 (. *,'3,),)7 If a Ten,erer i- e9+ire, after the -u;1i--ion of hi- ten,er or after the acce+tance of hi- ten,er: the rail/a6 -hall ,ee1 -uch ten,er a- cancelle,$ Si1ilarl6: if a +artner of fir1 e9+ire- after the -u;1i--ion of their ten,er or after acce+tance of their ten,er: the Rail/a6 -hall ,ee1 -uch Ten,er a- cancelle, unle-- the fir1 retain- it- character$

*$' 1&$ 11$

1'$ 1($


Signature of the contractor ->for Chief Electrical Engineer


,?,45*/(' (. 4('*)-4*7 The Ten,erer /ho-e ten,er i- acce+te, -hall ;e re3uire, to a++ear at the office of the Chief Electrical Engineer: N$F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon in +er-on or if a fir1 or cor+oration: a ,ul6 authoriCe, re+re-entati.e -hall -o a++ear: an, e9ecute the contract ,ocu1ent/ithin -e.en ,a6- after notice that the contract ha- ;een a/ar,e, to hi1$ Failure to ,o -o -hall con-titute a ;reach of the agree1ent effecte, ;6 the acce+tance of the ten,er in /hich ca-e the full .alue of the earne-t 1one6 acco1+an6ing the ten,er -hall -tan, forfeite, /ithout +reDu,ice to an6 other right-$ *,'3,) C-0/3/*17 The Ten,erer -hall 0ee+ the offer o+en for a 1ini1u1 +erio, of D0 days fro1 the ,ate of o+ening of the ten,er /ithin /hich +erio, Ten,erer cannot /ith,ra/ hi- offer: -u;Dect to the +erio, ;eing e9ten,e, further if re3uire, ;6 1utual agree1ent fro1 ti1e to ti1e$ An6 contra.ention of the a;o.e con,ition /ill 1a0e the Ten,erer lia;le for forfeiture of hi- Earne-t "one6 for ,ue +erfor1ance of the foregoing -ti+ulation$ Shoul, a Ten,erer ;e retire, Engineer of the gaCette, ran0 or an6 other gaCette, officer /or0ing ;efore hi- retire1ent: /hether in the e9ecuti.e or A,1ini-trati.e ca+acit6 or /hether hol,ing a +en-ion a;le +o-t or not: in the Electrical e+art1ent of an6 of the Rail/a6- o/ne, an, A,1ini-tere, ;6 the !re-i,ent of In,ia for the ti1e ;eing Or -houl, a Ten,erer ;eing +artner-hi+ fir1 ha.e a- one of it- +artner- a retire, Engineer or a retire, gaCette, officer a- afore-ai, Or -houl, a Ten,erer ;eing an incor+orate, co1+an6 ha.e an6 -uch retire, Engineer or retire, officer a- one of it- irector Or -houl, a Ten,erer ha.e in hi- e1+lo61ent an6 retire, engineer: retire, gaCette, officer a- -uch engineer or gaCette, officer fro1 the -ai,$ The full infor1ation a- to i# the ,ate of retire1ent of -uch engineer or gaCette, officer fro1 the -ai, an, in ca-e /here -uch Engineer or officer ha, not retire, fro1 5o.ern1ent at lea-t t/o 6ear- +rior to the ,ate of the -u;1i--ion of ten,er a- to /hether +er1i--ion for ta0ing -uch contract ha- ;een ta0en if the contractor ;e a +artner-hi+ fir1 or an incor+orate, co1+an6: +er1i--ion to ;eco1e a +artner or irector a- the ca-e 1a6 ;e or to ta0e e1+lo61ent un,er the contractor: ha- ;een o;taine, ;6 the Ten,erer or the engineer or the officer authoriCe, ;6 hi1 in thi- ;ehalf: -hall ;e clearl6 -tate, in /riting at the ti1e of -u;1itting the ten,er$ Ten,er /ithout the infor1ation referre, to a;o.e or a -tate1ent to the effect that no -uch retire, engineer or retire, gaCette, officer i- -o a--ociate, /ith the Ten,erer a- the ca-e 1a6 ;e: -hall ;e reDecte,$ Shoul, a Ten,erer or Contractor ;eing an in,i.i,ual on the li-t of a++ro.e, contractor- ha.e a relati.e e1+lo6e, in 5aCette, ca+acit6 in the Electrical e+art1ent of the N$F$ Rail/a6 or in the ca-e of a +artner-hi+ fir1 or co1+an6 incor+orate, un,er the In,ian Co1+an6 La/: -houl, a +artner or a relati.e of the +artner or a -harehol,er or a relati.e of a -harehol,er ;e e1+lo6e, in gaCette, ca+acit6 in the Electrical e+art1ent of the N$F$ Rail/a6 the authorit6 in.iting ten,er- -hall ;e infor1e, of the fact at the ti1e of -u;1i--ion of ten,er: failing /hich the ten,er 1a6 ;e reDecte,: or if -uch fact -u;-e3uentl6 co1e- to light: the contract 1a6 ;e re-cin,e, in accor,ance /ith the +ro.i-ion- in Clau-e )' of the 5eneral Con,ition- of Contract$ A ,eclaration for1 to thi- effect -houl, ;e -igne, an, enclo-e, /ith ten,er a- -ho/n in -'',?5),- A3B attache, /ith the ocu1ent$






9-)*',)S+/97 The Ten,erer(-# -hall clearl6 -+ecif6 /hether the ten,er i- -u;1itte, on hi- ;ehalf or on ;ehalf of +artner-hi+ concern$ If the ten,er i- -u;1itte, on ;ehalf of +artner-hi+ concern he -houl, -u;1it the certifie, co+6 of +artner-hi+ ,ee, along /ith the ten,er an, !o/er of Attorne6 to -ign the ten,er ,ocu1ent- on ;ehalf of +artner-hi+ concern$ If the-e ,ocu1ent- are not enclo-e, along /ith ten,er ,ocu1ent- the ten,er /ill ;e treate, a- ;een -u;1itte, ;6 the +er-on -igning the ten,er in hi- in,i.i,ual ca+acit6$ 9(",) (. -**()',17 The Rail/a6 /ill not ;e ;oun, ;6 an6 !o/er of Attorne6 grante, ;6 the Ten,erer or ;6 change- in the co1+o-ition of the Fir1 1a,e -u;-e3uent to the e9ecution of the Contract$ It 1a6 ho/ recogniCe -uch +o/er of attorne6 an, change- after o;taining +ro+er legal a,.ice the co-t of /hich /ill ;e chargea;le to the Contractor$ The Ten,erer /hether a -ole +ro+rietor: a li1ite, co1+an6 or a +artner-hi+ fir1 if the6 /ant to act through agent- or in,i.i,ual +artner%+artner- -houl, -u;1it along /ith the ten,er or at later -tage a +o/er of attorne6 ,ul6 -ta1+e, an, authenticate, ;6 a notar6 +u;lic or ;6 a "agi-trate in fa.or of the -+ecific +er-on(-# /hether he%the6 ;e +artner%+artner- of the fir1 or an6 other +er-on-+ecificall6 authoriCing hi1%the1 to -u;1it the ten,er: -ign the agree1ent-: recei.e 1one6: /itne-1ea-ure1ent: -ign 1ea-ure1ent- ;oo0-: co1+ro1i-e: -ettle: relin3ui-h an6 clai1 or clai1-



Signature of the contractor -=for Chief Electrical Engineer

+referre, ;6 the fir1 an, -ign INo clai1 certificateJ an, refer all or ,i-+ute, ite1- to ar;itration$ ''$ '($ 'F$ Ten,er ,ocu1ent- are not tran-fera;le$ )/ +* *( -44,9*7 The Rail/a6 re-er.e- the right to acce+t a ten,er in /hole or in +art or reDect an6 ten,er or all ten,er- /ithout a--igning rea-on- for an6 -uch action$ )/ +* *( ', (*-/*,7 The Rail/a6 re-er.e- the right to negotiate /ith -o1e or all the Ten,ererfor an6 rea-on / -houl, the Rail/a6 ,eci,e to negotiate: the original ten,er offer -hall continue to ;e ;in,ing on Ten,erer u+ to the ,ate -+ecifie, in the ten,er or the ,ate e9ten,e, ;6 1utual agree1ent fro1 ti1e to ti1e$ /'S9,4*/(', *,S*/' -'3 -99)(C-0 (. 9)(354*A

'8$ '8$1

The 5ri, connect Solar 5enerating S6-te1 /ill ;e in-+ecte, ;6 N$F$Rail/a6 re+re-entati.e at the 1anufacturerN- /or0-ho+ a- +er R SO S+ecification +rior to ,i-+atch fro1 the Wor0-ho+$ Follo/ing +roce,ure- /ill ;e follo/e, for acce+tance of 5ri, connect Solar 5enerating S6-te1 till the +rotot6+e an, a++ro.e, 7en,or- are finaliCe, ;6 R SO$ Rail/a6 /ill +lace the Or,er- for the-e ite1- on Ten,erer- /ho 1eet the re3uire1ent- of R SO S+ecification$ Rail/a6 -hall -ee0 clau-e ;6 clau-e co1+liance to the R SO S+ecification /hile -crutiniCing the .ariou- offer-$ Rail/a6 -hall /itne-- the acce+tance te-t a- +er a++ro.e, acce+tance te-t +rotocol$

'8$' '8$'$1

'8$'$' '8$( /'S9,4*/(' (. S/*,7 @efore -u;1itting the ten,er: the Ten,erer /ill ;e ,ee1e, to ha.e -ati-fie, hi1-elf ;6 actual in-+ection of the -ite an, localit6 of the /or0-: that all con,ition- lia;le to ;e encountere, ,uring the e9ecution of the /or0- are ta0en into account an, rate- of the ten,er ,ocu1ent are a,e3uate an, all inclu-i.e to accor, /ith +ro.i-ion of the 5eneral an, S+ecial Con,ition- of Contract for the co1+letion of the /or0- to the entire -ati-faction of the Engineer$


S4)5*/'1 (. *,'3,) 3(456,'*7 The -u;1i--ion of the ten,er -hall ;e ,ee1e, to ha.e ;een ,one after careful -tu,6 an, e9a1ination of the ten,er ,ocu1ent /ith full un,er-tan,ing of the i1+lication- thereof$ An6 clarification re3uire, ;6 a Ten,erer can ;e o;taine, fro1 the office of the Chief Electrical Engineer: N$F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon: 5u/ahati->=1&11 on an6 /or0ing ,a6 ;et/een 1&$&& hr-$ an, 1)$&& hr-$ (9,'/' (. *,'3,)7 CEE%"aligaon or hi- authoriCe, re+re-entati.e- /ill o+en the ten,er- in the +re-ence of Ten,ereror their re+re-entati.e- /ho choo-e to atten,: at 1:%30 +rs of 88-10-8013 in the office of the Chief Electrical Engineer: N$F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon$ The Ten,erer- or their re+re-entati.e-: /ho are +re-ent: -hall -ign a regi-ter e.i,encing their atten,ance$ If -uch no1inate, ,ate for o+ening of ten,er i- -u;-e3uentl6 ,eclare, a- a !u;lic Holi,a6 ;6 the N$F$ Rail/a6: the ne9t official /or0ing ,a6 -hall ;e ,ee1e, a- the ,ate < ti1e of o+ening of ten,er$ The Ten,er of an6 Ten,erer /ho ha- not co1+lie, /ith one or 1ore of the foregoing in-truction- 1a6 not ;e con-i,ere,$ Telegra+hic %Tele9 %Tele-fa9 offer- /ill ;e treate, a- ,efecti.e: in.ali, an, reDecte,$ Onl6 ,etaile, co1+lete offer- recei.e, +rior to the clo-ing ti1e an, ,ate of the Ten,er- /ill ;e ta0en a- .ali,$ The N$F$ Rail/a6 /ill e9a1ine the ten,er- to ,eter1ine /hether the-e are co1+lete: /hether the re3ui-ite Earne-t "one6 ha- ;een furni-he,: /hether the ,ocu1ent- ha.e ;een +ro+erl6 -igne,: an, /hether the ten,er- are in or,er in all re-+ect-$ The Ten,erer- na1e: the +re-ence or a;-ence of the re3ui-ite Earne-t "one6 an, -uch other ,etail- a- the N$F$ Rail/a6 or their authoriCe, re+re-entati.e-: at their ,i-cretion: 1a6 con-i,er a++ro+riate /ill ;e rea, at the ti1e of ten,er o+ening$

'>$ '>$1


'>$( '>$F

The Ten,erer -houl, -u;1it the .ali, ,ocu1ent- of incor+oration of Co1+an6%!artner-hi+ ,ee, ,ul6 atte-te, ;6 notar6 +u;lic /ith -eal an, notarial -ta1+ thereon along /ith the Technical ;i,$ Inca-e the +ro+rietor%o/ner of the fir1%;i,,er are not in a +o-ition to atten, the concerne, office for ,ro++ing of ten,er ,ocu1ent-: +ro+er authoriCation letter on fir1N- letter +a, ha- to ;e gi.en in fa.or of the ;earer of the ten,er ,ocu1ent- for ,ro++ing +ur+o-e in the ten,er ;o9$ *,'3,) ,C-05-*/('7 Infor1ation relating to the e9a1ination: clarification: e.aluation an, co1+ari-on of ten,er- an,

'=$ '=$1

Signature of the contractor -*for Chief Electrical Engineer

reco11en,ation- concerning the a/ar, of Contract -hall not ;e ,i-clo-e, to Ten,erer- or an6 other +er-on- not officiall6 concerne, /ith -uch +roce--$ '=$' '=$( An6 effort ;6 a Ten,erer to influence the N$F$ Rail/a6 or their re+re-entati.e- in +roce--ing ten,er- or a/ar, ,eci-ion- 1a6 re-ult in the reDection of hi- ten,er$ of the

The Contractor -hall not co11unicate or u-e in a,.erti-ing: +u;licit6 or in an6 other 1e,iu1: +hotogra+h or other re+ro,uction of the /or0 un,er thi- Contract: or ,e-cri+tion of the -ite: ,i1en-ion-: 3uantit6: 3ualit6 or other infor1ation: concerning the /or0- unle-- +rior /ritten +er1i--ion ha- ;een o;taine, fro1 the Chief Electrical Engineer: N$F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon$ All ,ocu1ent-: corre-+on,ence: ,eci-ion- an, other 1atter- concerning the contract -hall ;e con-i,ere, a- confi,ential an, of re-tricte, nature ;6 the contractor an, he -hall not ,i.ulge or allo/ acce-- thereto ;6 an6 unauthoriCe, +er-on-$ S/' 0, "()! (. S/6/0-) '-*5),7 Wor0- of follo/ing nature /ill ;e ta0en into con-i,eration a- -i1ilar /or0$ Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Solar photovoltaic 10 !"p capacity and a#ove%$ enerating System of



Signature of the contractor - 1& for Chief Electrical Engineer

S9,4/-0 4('3/*/('S (. 4('*)-4*

1$ i# 3,./'/*/('S -'3 /'*,)9),*-*/('S In the contract ,ocu1ent-: the follo/ing ter1- -hall ha.e the 1eaning- herein a--igne, to the1 e9ce+t /here the contract other/i-e -+ecifie-%re3uire-A I eneral 6anager$ -hall 1ean the officer in the A,1ini-trati.e charge of the /hole of the Northea-t Frontier Rail/a6 an, -hall 1ean an, inclu,e the 5eneral "anager of the -ucce--or Rail/a6 an, 5eneral "anager: Northea-t Frontier Rail/a6$ ,ngineerJ -hall 1ean the Senior i.i-ional Electrical Engineer of the re-+ecti.e ,i.i-ion in e9ecuti.e charge of the /or0-: i-trict Electrical engineer of the re-+ecti.e /or0-ho+ an, -hall inclu,e the -u+erior officer- of the Electrical e+art1ent of the Northea-t Frontier Rail/a6 i$e$ Chief Electrical Engineer% 6$ Chief Electrical Engineer an, -hall 1ean an, inclu,e the Engineer of the -ucce--or Rail/a6$ I4onstruction plant$ -hall 1ean all +lant-: 1achiner6: .ehicle-: tool- an, tac0le-: e3ui+1ent- an, a++liance- or thing- of / nature re3uire, in or a;out e9ecution an, co1+letion or 1aintenance of the /or0- or te1+orar6 e9ecution: co1+letion or 1aintenance of the /or0- or te1+orar6 /or0- ;ut ,oe- not inclu,e 1aterial- or other thing- inten,e, to or for1ing +art of +er1anent /or0$ A I3ay$ -hall 1ean a ,a6 of 'F hour- fro1 1i,night to 1i,night irre-+ecti.e of the nu1;er of hour/or0e, in that ,a6$ A I"ee<J -hall 1ean -e.en ,a6- /ithout regar, to the nu1;er of hour- /or0e, on an6 ,a6 in that /ee0$ A I6onthJ -hall 1ean 5regorian calen,ar 1onth irre-+ecti.e of the nu1;er of hour- /or0e, on an6 ,a6 in that 1onth$



i.# .# .i#

1$1 The-e -+ecial con,ition- of contract: 5eneral -+ecification-: Technical S+ecification: the -che,ule of ite1- /ith a++ro9i1ate 3uantitie-: 5eneral Con,ition- of contract an, Stan,ar, S+ecial Con,ition- of Contract 1**= e,ition < rele.ant ,ra/ing- /ith -uch a1en,1ent-: /hich 1a6 ;e +u;li-he, fro1 ti1e to ti1e ,uring contract +erio, -hall con-titute IContract ocu1ent-J an, the contractor -hall -ati-f6 hi1-elf in e.er6 re-+ect a- to the true intention an, 1eaning of the-e contract ,ocu1ent an, to the nature: e9tent an, 3ualit6 of the /or0 re3uire, to ;e e9ecute, a- no clai1 / ari-ing through the 1i--un,er-tan,ing of the intention or the 1eaning of an6 of the ter1- or e9+re--ion in the-e contract ,ocu1ent- -hall ;e entertaine, after the -u;1i--ion of the ten,er$ Where there i- an6 conflict ;et/een the S+ecial Con,ition- of Contract in the-e ten,er ,ocu1enton the one han, an, 5eneral con,ition- of contract an, -tan,ar, -+ecial con,ition of contract: 1**= e,ition of N$F$ Rail/a6 on the other han,: the for1er -hall +re.ail$ /'*,)9),*-*/('7 In inter+reting the -+ecification-: the follo/ing or,er of ,ecrea-ing i1+ortance -hall ;e follo/e,A a# Sche,ule of Wor0-$ ;# S+ecification$ c# S+ecial con,ition- of contract$ ,# 5eneral con,ition of contract-$ "atter- not co.ere, ;6 the -+ecification- gi.en in the contract a- a /hole -hall ;e co.ere, ;6 the rele.ant In,ian Stan,ar, Co,e-$ If -uch co,e- for a +articular -u;Dect ha.e not ;een fra1e,: the ,eci-ion of the Rail/a6 -hall ;e final an, ;in,ing$



1$F 1$F$1

3,C/-*/('S7 ?nle-- -+ecificall6 +ro.i,e, other/i-e in the ten,er: an6 an, all e9ce+tion /hich the Ten,erer 1a6 ha.e to an6 of the clau-e- of the Stan,ar, S+ecial Con,ition- of Contract or the S+ecial Con,itionof the contract if an6 a- inclu,e, in the ten,er: -hall ;e clearl6 -tate, in the -tate1ent anne9e, to thi- -ection an, i,entifie, a- -'',?5), A,B$ Such e9ce+tion- -hall ;e li-te, in the for1at -+ecifie, un,er the title ISche,ule of e.iation- I$ If the Ten,erer ha- no e9ce+tion-: the anne9ure

Signature of the contractor - 11 for Chief Electrical Engineer

-hall ;e -u;1itte, /ith a INilJ -tate1ent$ If the contractor ,oe- not inclu,e the Anne9ure /ith the ten,er: it -hall ;e conclu-i.e e.i,ence that the -tan,ar, -+ecial con,ition- of contract an, the -+ecial con,ition- of contract are e--entiall6 acce+ta;le to the contractor$ 1$F$' An6 e.iation- fro1 the Stan,ar, S+ecial Con,ition- of Contract an, the S+ecial Con,ition- of Contract Iif an6J: -tate, ;6 the Ten,erer in hi- ten,er or -u;-e3uentl6 intro,uce, ;6 the Rail/a6 -hall ;e a +art of the contract onl6 to -uch e9tent a- ha.e ;een e9+licitl6 acce+te, ;6 the Rail/a6 < incor+orate, in the contract$ An6 -+ecial con,ition- -tate, ;6 the Ten,erer in the co.ering letter -u;1itte, along /ith the ten,er -hall not ;e con-i,ere, a- +art of the contract unle-- -uch con,ition- either /holl6 or in,i.i,uall6 ha.e ;een acce+te, ;6 the Rail/a6$ 9-16,'* The rate- gi.en in the attache, Sche,ule of Wor0- ten,ere, ;6 the Contractor an, a- acce+te, ;6 the Rail/a6: /ill for1 the ;a-i- of +a61ent for -uch ite1- un,er thi- contract$ The rate- of an6 ite1 of /or0 not inclu,e, in the ISche,ule of Wor0-J an, /hich the Contractor 1a6 ;e calle, u+on to ,o: -hall ;e fi9e, ;6 a -u++le1entar6 /ritten agree1ent ;et/een the contractor an, the Rail/a6 ;efore the +articular ite1- of /or0 i-%are e9ecute,$ In the e.ent of -uch agree1ent not ;eing entere, into an, e9ecute,: the Rail/a6 1a6 e9ecute the-e /or0- ;6 1a0ing alternati.e arrange1ent an, the contractor -hall ha.e no clai1 for lo-- or ,a1age on thi- account$ !a61ent for the /or0 ,one /ill ;e 1a,e to the contractor onl6 after the for1al agree1ent ha- ;een e9ecute, ;et/een the +artie-$ @efore e9ecuting the agree1ent: Ten,erer -hall -u;1it full a1ount of +erfor1ance guarant6 a- +er gui,e line$ The 1ea-ure1ent of the /or0 -hall ;e ta0en ;6 the re-+ecti.e Sr$ i.i-ional Electrical Engineer or hi- authoriCe, re+re-entati.e along /ith the Contractor -trictl6 in confor1it6 /ith the Contract Agree1ent an, the Sche,ule of Wor0-$ The entrie- -houl, ;e ,ul6 recor,e, < -igne, ;6 re-+ecti.e -ite in-charge%-u+er.i-or in the "ea-ure1ent @oo0 /hich i- al-o to ;e -igne, ;6 the contractor < concerne, ;ranch officer-$ Then the -a1e -hall ;e -ent to the Office of the Chief Electrical Engineer: N$F$ Rail/a6: "aligaon$ On recei+t of ,ul6 -igne, "ea-ure1ent @oo0: ;ill /ill ;e +re+are, at HR an, ;ill -houl, ha.e to -ign ;6 contractor for arranging +a61ent through FA < CAO%"aligaon$ 1$8$8 A- -oon a- the rid connect Solar enerating System are getting rea,6 for in-+ection at 1anufacturerN- /or0-ho+: in-+ection call -hall ;e gi.en ;6 the Contractor to the Chief Electrical Engineer in or,er to ,e+ute an Electrical Officer to carr6 out thorough in-+ection of the rid connect Solar enerating System at "anufacturerN- +re1i-e-$ The +a61ent again-t Su++l6 < ,eli.er6 of ite1- of the Sche,ule of Wor0 at -ite: if clai1e, ;6 the contractor +rior to erection < co11i--ioning: -hall onl6 ;e 1a,e -u;Dect to -u;1i--ion of routine te-t certificate /itne--e, ;6 the authoriCe, Rail/a6 re+re-entati.e at fir1N- +re1i-e- an, 5uarantee Certificate fro1 the "anufacturer along /ith the -u++l6 of -uch 1aterial-$ !roce,ure for +a61ent of the ite1- -u++lie, -hall ;e -a1e a- +er clau-e 1$8$F a;o.e$ (a# 1$8$) )&B of a1ount again-t the -u++l6 of the 1aterial- a- +er the ite1- of Sche,ule of Wor0- /ill ;e +ai, after the 1aterial ha.e ;een ;rought to the -ite ;6 the contractor in goo, con,ition an, on +ro,uction of a certificate i--ue, ;6 the rail/a6 re+re-entati.e to thi- effect$ !roce,ure for +a61ent of the ite1- -u++lie, -hall ;e -a1e a- +er clau-e 1$8$F a;o.e$ @alance F&B of a1ount /ill ;e +ai, after the ite1- ha.e ;een -ati-factoril6 in-talle, < co11i--ione, an, han, to the Rail/a6 ;6 contractor: again-t !erfor1ance 5uarantee$ !roce,ure for +a61ent of the ite1- co11i--ione, -hall al-o ;e -a1e a- +er clau-e 1$8$F a;o.e$


1$8 1$8$1 1$8$'





S,45)/*1 3,9(S/* ;S%3%= A- +er the re.i-e, gui,eline- of the Rail/a6 @oar, circulate, un,er en,or-e1ent no$ '&&(%CE-I%CT% F%!t$ I ,ate, 1'%1)-&8-'&&): the rate%1o,e of reco.er6 of the Securit6 e+o-it -hall ;e a- un,erA-


The Earne-t "one6 a- in,icate, in the Ten,er Notice ,e+o-ite, ;6 the Contractor /ith hi- ten,er /ill ;e retaine, ;6 the Rail/a6- a- +art of the -ecurit6 for the ,ue an, faithful fulfill1ent of the Contract ;6 the Contractor$ The ;alance to 1a0e u+ the Securit6 e+o-it 1a6 ;e reco.ere, ;6 +ercentage ,e,uction fro1 the ContractorN- IOn-accountJ @ill-$ Securit6 e+o-it -hall ;e 8B of the Contract 7alue$


Signature of the contractor - 1' for Chief Electrical Engineer

1$)$( 1$)$F 1$> 1$>$1

The rate of reco.er6 -hall ;e V 1&B of the ;ill a1ount till the full Securit6 e+o-it i- reco.ere,$ Securit6 e+o-it /ill ;e reco.ere, onl6 fro1 the running ;ill of the Contract an, no other 1o,e of collecting S in the for1 of in-tru1ent- li0e @5: F etc$ -hall ;e acce+te, to/ar,- Securit6 e+o-it$ ),0,-S, (. S,45)/*1 3,9(S/* ;S%3%= Securit6 e+o-it -hall ;e returne, to the Contractor after the co1+letion of the 1aintenance +erio, a- certifie, ;6 the re-+ecti.e fiel,%,i.i-ional authorit6$ The fiel,%,i.i-ional authorit6 -houl, i--ue a certificate 1entioning that the 1aintenance +erio, ha- ;een co1+lete, in all re-+ect- an, that all the contractual o;ligation- ha.e ;een fulfille, ;6 the Contractor an, that there i- no ,ue fro1 the Contractor to the Rail/a6- again-t the contract concerne,$ @efore relea-ing the S : an uncon,itional an, une3ui.ocal INo Clai1 CertificateJ fro1 the Contractor concerne, -houl, ;e o;taine,$ No intere-t /ill ;e +a6a;le u+on the Earne-t "one6 an, the Securit6 the Contractor un,er the Contract$ 9,).()6-'4, 5-)-'*,, ;9% %= e+o-it or a1ount +a6a;le to

1$>$' 1$=

A- +er the re.i-e, gui,eline- of the Rail/a6 @oar, circulate, un,er en,or-e1ent no$ '&&(%CE-I%CT% F%!t$ I ,ate, 1'%1)-&8-'&&) an, a- +er Rail/a6 @oar,N- letter no$ '&&=%RS(5#%>>*%' t,$ '*%F%'&&=: the +roce,ure for o;taining !erfor1ance 5uarantee i- outline, ;elo/A1$=$1 1$=$' 1$=$( The -ucce--ful Contractor -houl, gi.e a !erfor1ance 5uarantee in the for1 of an irre.oca;le @an0 5uarantee a1ounting to 8B of the Contract 7alue$ >an< uarantees ;> s= to #e su#mitted #y the 4ontractor should #e sent directly to the concerned authority #y the issuing >an< under registered post -%3% A+art fro1 the a;o.e @an0 5uarantee- (@5-#: the -ucce--ful Contractor 1a6 al-o gi.e the !erfor1ance 5uarantee a1ounting to 8B of the Contract 7alue in fa.our of FA<CAO%N$F$Rail/a6%"aligaon in the follo/ing for1 (a- +er Rail/a6 @oar,N- letter no$ '&&(%CE$I%CT%F$!t$I t,$ '(%8%'&&># E a# A ,e+o-it of Ca-h in Rail/a6 Ca-h Office: ;# 5o.ern1ent Securitie- inclu,ing State Loan @on,- at 8B ;elo/ the 1ar0et .alue: c# e+o-it recei+t-: !a6 or,er-: e1an, raft-: 5uarantee @on,-$ The-e for1- of !erfor1ance 5uarantee coul, ;e either of the State @an0 of In,ia or of an6 of the NationaliCe, @an0-$ ,# 5uarantee @on,- e9ecute, or e+o-it recei+t- ten,er ;6 all -che,ule @an0-$ e# A ,e+o-it of the !o-t Office @an0: f# A ,e+o-it of the National Certificate$ The -ucce--ful ;i,,er -hall ha.e to -u;1it a !erfor1ance 5uarantee (!5# /ithin (& (thirt6# ,a6fro1 the ,ate of i--ue of Letter of Acce+tance (LOA#$ E9ten-ion of ti1e for -u;1i--ion of !5 ;e6on, (& ,a6- an, u+to )& ,a6- fro1 the ,ate of i--ue of LOA 1a6 ;e gi.en ;6 the Authorit6 /ho i- co1+etent to -ign the contract agree1ent$ Ho/ a +enal intere-t of 18B +er annu1 -hall ;e charge, for the ,ela6 ;e6on, (& ,a6-: i$e$ fro1 (1 -t ,a6 after the ,ate of i--ue of LOA$ In ca-e the contractor fail- to -u;1it the re3ui-ite !5 e.en after )& ,a6- fro1 the ,ate of i--ue of LOA: the contract -hall ;e ter1inate, ,ul6 forfeiting E" an, other ,ue-: if an6 +a6a;le again-t the contract$ The faile, contractor -hall ;e ,e;arre, fro1 +artici+ating in re-ten,er for the /or0$ In ca-e the contractor furni-he- the guarantee ;on, again-t Ca-h -ecurit6 for a -+ecifie, +erio,: he /ill ;e re-+on-i;le for furni-hing e9ten-ion to the -ai, guarant6 ;on, ;efore t/o 1onth- of it- e9+ir6 failing /hich the -ai, guarant6 ;on, -hall ;e got enca-he, /ithout an6 notice to hi1$ In ca-e contractor feel- that no further e9ten-ion /ill ;e nece--ar6 for a guarant6 ;on, e9+iring after t/o 1onth- than he 1u-t a++l6 to concerne, Engineer /ith a co+6 to FA<CAO%N$F$Rail/a6: "aligaon /ith rea-on a- to /h6 enca-h1ent i- not nece--ar6 -o that guarant6 ;on, i- not enca-he, ;efore t/o 1onth- of it- e9+ir6$ ),0,-S, (. 9,).()6-'4, 5-)-'*,, ;9% %=



1$* 1$*$1

The !erfor1ance 5uarantee -hall ;e relea-e, onl6 after +h6-ical co1+letion of the /or0 ;a-e, on the certificate i--ue, ;6 the re-+ecti.e fiel, -u+er.i-or < ;ranch officer -tating that the contractor ha- co1+lete, the /or0 in all re-+ect -ati-factoril6$ The Securit6 e+o-it -hall: ho/ ;e relea-e, onl6 after the e9+ir6 of the 1aintenance +erio, < after +a--ing the final ;ill ;a-e, on INo Clai1 CertificateJ fro1 the contractor$ the Contract- are re-cin,e,: the Securit6 e+o-it -houl, ;e forfeite, an, the !erfor1ance 5uarantee -hall ;e en-ca-he, an, ;alance /or0 -hall ;e got ,one a- ,eci,e, ;6 Rail/a6 a,1ini-tration$ S9,4/-0 4('3/*/('S7



Signature of the contractor - 1( for Chief Electrical Engineer

'$1 '$'

The ,etail- of the ite1- of /or0 to ;e e9ecute, are -+ecifie, in the ISche,ule of ite1- an, the a++ro9i1ate 3uantitie- thereinJ$ The Ten,erer ;efore 3uoting hi- rate- (-hall carefull6 in-+ect the -ite# -hall ;e ,ee1e, to ha.e -ati-fie, hi1--elf a;out the nature an, t6+e of /or0 inclu,ing ancillar6 /or0- nece--ar6 for -ati-factor6 e9ecution$ 6(3/./4-*/(' *( 3)-"/' 7 The Rail/a6 re-er.e- the right to alter%1o,if6 the ,ra/ing-%,e-ign- to -uit the -ite re3uire1ent$ If ,ue to the change in ,ra/ing or ,e-ign- there i- an6 increa-e or ,ecrea-e in 3uantitie- in the ite1- of the Sche,ule: +a61ent /ill ;e 1a,e onl6 for the actual 3uantitie- e9ecute, at the acce+te, rate-$ If there i- -ufficient cau-e for granting e9ten-ion of the ,ate of co1+letion on thi- account the Rail/a6 /ill con-i,er -uch re3ue-t on the 1erit of each in,i.i,ual ca-e$ Such circu1-tance- /ill not entitle the contractor to ,e1an, an6 co1+en-ation thereof$ E5-'*/*/,S /' S4+,350, -'3 *+,/) C-)/-*/('7 The 3uantitie- -+ecifie, in the Sche,ule in thi- ,ocu1ent are 1eant to gi.e the contractor an i,ea of the a1ount of /or0 in.ol.e,$ The Rail/a6 re-er.e- the right to increa-e or ,ecrea-e the a;o.e 3uantitie- an, a,,%,elete fro1 the a;o.e ite1%ite1-$ The contractor /ill ha.e to e9ecute all ite1- of /or0 re3uire, for the -ucce--ful co1+letion of /or0 at the rate- acce+te, ;6 the Rail/a6$ The rate /ill not ;e re.i-e, if the 3uantitie- of /or0 to ;e e9ecute, change$ The contractor /ill ha.e no e9tra clai1 in re-+ect of rate- alrea,6 acce+te, ;6 the Rail/a6 on account of .ariation- ;et/een the 3uantit6 actuall6 e9ecute, an, that -ho/n in the -che,ule$ In,i.i,ual Non-Stoc0 ite1- in contract- -hall ;e o+erate, /ith .ariation of S '8B an, +a61ent /oul, ;e 1a,e a- +er the Agree1ent rate$ In ca-e an increa-e in 3uantit6 of an in,i.i,ual ite1 ;6 1ore than '8B of the Agree1ent 3uantit6 icon-i,ere, una.oi,a;le: the -a1e -hall ;e got e9ecute, ;6 floating a fre-h ten,er$ If floating a fre-h ten,er for o+erating that ite1 i- con-i,ere, not +ractica;le: 3uantit6 of that ite1 1a6 ;e o+erate, in e9ce-- of 1'8B of agree1ent 3uantit6 -u;Dect to the follo/ing con,ition-$ (a# O+eration of an ite1 ;6 1ore than 1'8B of the agree1ent 3uantit6 nee,- the of an officer of the ran0 not le-- than S$A$ 5ra,e$ (i# Ruantitie- o+erate, in e9ce-- of 1'8B ;ut u+to 1F&B of the agree1ent 3uantit6 of the concerne, ite1: -hall ;e +ai, at *=B of the rate a/ar,e, for that ite1 in that +articular ten,erW (ii# Ruantitie- o+erate, in e9ce-- of 1F&B ;ut u+to 18&B of the agree1ent 3uantit6 of the concerne, ite1: -hall ;e +ai, at *)B of the rate a/ar,e, for that ite1 in that +articular ten,erW (iii# 7ariation in 3uantitie- of in,i.i,ual ite1- ;e6on, 18&B /ill ;e +rohi;ite, an, /oul, ;e +er1itte, onl6 in e9ce+tional una.oi,a;le circu1-tance- /ith the concurrence of a--ociate finance an, -hall ;e +ai, at *)B of the rate a/ar,e, for that ite1 in that +articular ten,er$ (;# The .ariation in 3uantitie- a- +er the a;o.e for1ula /ill a++l6 onl6 to the In,i.i,ual ite1- of the contract an, not on the o.erall contract .alue$ (c# E9ecution of 3uantitie- ;e6on, 18&B of the o.erall agree1ent .alue -houl, not ;e +er1itte, an, if foun, nece--ar6: -houl, ;e onl6 through fre-h ten,er- or ;6 negotiating /ith e9i-ting contract: /hich +rior +er-onal concurrence of FA < CAO% FA < CUAO(C# an, of 5eneral "anager$ 9)( )-66, (. "()! -'3 4(690,*/(' 9,)/(3 The Ten,erer -houl, note that in the e.ent of hi- ten,er ;eing acce+te,: he -houl, ;e in a +o-ition to co11ence the /or0 i11e,iatel6 an, to co1+lete the /or0 /ithin 3F: ;*hree hundred siGty five= days ti1e fro1 the ,ate of Acce+tance of the ten,er$ The Ten,erer -hall -u;1it detailed time #ound construction H manufacturing programme an, ti1e -che,ule in,icating ho/ he +lan- to tac0le the /or0 to co1+lete the entire /or0 ;6 the -ti+ulate, co1+letion ,ate$ )-*,S7 Contractor -houl, 3uote the +ercent ( B # a;o.e or ;elo/ the a--e--e, rate of 1ain Sche,ule of Wor0$ The rate for the ite1- of the Sche,ule -hall ;e inclu-i.e of the co-t of all ta9e- < arrange1ent$ The rate- 3uote, ;6 the contractor -hall ;e the co-t of co1+lete, /or0 an, -hall inclu,e the co-t of all la;our- an, 1aterial- inclu,ing tran-+ort: loa,ing an, unloa,ing a- /ell a- -he,-: tool- an, +lant- an, te1+orar6 /or0- or / arrange1ent- re3uire, for the -ati-factor6 co1+letion of the /or0$ All tool-: for1 /or0- an, other te1+orar6 /or0 an, arrange1ent- +ut in ;6 the contractor


F$ F$1

F$' F$(

8$ 8$1


)$ )$1 )$' )$(

Signature of the contractor - 1F for Chief Electrical Engineer

an, for /hich no -e+arate +a61ent- i- 1a,e to hi1%the1 on -ati-factor6 co1+letion of the /or0 -hall re1ain the +ro+ert6 of the contractor$ )$F The contractor -hall ;e entirel6 re-+on-i;le for en-uring -afet6 of hi- la;our: .ehicle-: +lant- or e3ui+1ent- /hile /or0ing at -ite$ No e9tra +a61ent -hall ;e allo/e, to the contractor for all -afet6 +recaution- to ;e o;-er.e, ,uring the e9ecution of the /or0$ The co-t of -uch +recaution- -hall ;e ,ee1e, to ;e inclu,e, in the rate- of the Sche,ule$ S59901/5S, (. 6-*,)/-0S >1 *+, 4('*)-4*() !rior to the u-e of 1aterial- -u++lie, < con-u1e, ;6 the Contractor: the6 -hall ;e in-+ecte, an, +a--e, ;6 the authoriCe, Engineer in-charge or hi- re+re-entati.e at -ite: =$ =$1 ,))()S /' 3)-"/' ,*4%


The Contract -hall not ;e .itiate, ;6 an6 error of an6 0in, in the -ur.e6-: infor1ation: -+ecification-: ,ra/ing- or -che,ule of 3uantitie-$ It i- further +ro.i,e, that an6 ,ra/ing- that /ill ;e -u++lie, /ill re+re-ent the /or0 that /ill ;e actuall6 e9ecute,$ *-?,S7 The rate- 3uote, -hall inclu,e all ta9e-: ,irect or in,irect le.ia;le un,er Central or local ;o,ie-: actor Rule-: Octroi: State Entr6 Ta9: toll-: Ro6altie- : ce-- an, ta9 on i1+ort- that 1a6 ;e +re.ailing fro1 ti1e to ti1e in re-+ect of all 1aterial- -u++lie, in the +erfor1ance of thi- contract$


"-*,) S59901 The contractor -hall 1a0e hi- o/n arrange1ent- to +ro.i,e an, 1aintain at -uita;le +lace- ea-il6 acce--i;le to la;our: -ufficient -u++l6 of /ater for ,rin0ing$ In ca-e /ater i- -u++lie, ;6 the Rail/a6 the contractor /ill ha.e to +a6 /ater charge- a- lai, ,o/n in the 5eneral Con,ition- of Contract an, a- +er rule- in .ogue an, in a,,ition the charge- a-, ;6 the "unici+alit6$

11$ 11$1

S/*, .-4/0/*/,S The rate- 3uote, /oul, ;e ,ee1e, to inclu,e charge- for all -ite facilitie- for la;our that are con-i,ere, nece--ar6 for the e9ecution of the /or0: unle-- other/i-e in,icate, in the contract$ The Contractor -houl, 1a0e hi- o/n arrange1ent- for a.ailing electric +o/er -u++l6 a- 1a6 ;e re3uire, for the /or0$ In ca-e electric +o/er i- a.aila;le: Rl6$ 1a6 -u++l6 a- +er charge- a++lica;le: if a++roache, ;6 hi1%the1$ S-0,S *-?7 The /or0- ;eing I/or0 contractJ /hich i- one an, in,i.i-i;le an, /hich in.ol.e- -e+arate contract for the -ale of 1aterial-: the Contractor -hall not ;e entitle, to get an6 Sale- Ta9 fro1 the Rail/a6 a,1ini-tration for the -u++l6%u-age of 1aterial-$ The rate -hall ;e inclu-i.e of all ta9e- an, no roa, +er1it -hall ;e i--ue,$



1($ 1($1

+/), (. 90-'* -'3 6-4+/',)17 The contractor -hall 1a0e hi- o/n arrange1ent- for all +lant- < 1achiner6: e3ui+1ent: toolinclu,ing -+are +art-: fuel an, con-u1a;le -tore- an, all la;our re3uire, to en-ure efficient an, 1etho,ical e9ecution of the /or0$ The 3uote, rate- -hall ;e inclu-i.e of all charge- of -uch ite1-$ Either at the ContractorN- re3ue-t or -uo-1oto: in or,er to +re.ent +o--i;le ,ela6- in the e9ecution of the /or0: ,ue to the Contractor- ina;ilit6 to 1a0e a,e3uate arrange1ent- for the +lant- an, 1achiner6: e3ui+1ent an, tool- or other/i-e the Rail/a6 1a6 con-i,er on -+ecific re3ue-t-: -uch +lant an, 1achiner6 a- can ;e rea,il6 a.aila;le an, a- can ;e con.enientl6 -+are,$ In that ca-e: the +lant an, 1achiner6: e3ui+1ent an, tool- /ill ;e gi.en on hire ;a-i- at -uch rate- an, on -uch ter1- an, con,ition- a- 1a6 ;e +re-cri;e, in the N$F$ Rail/a6 5eneral Con,ition of Contract of 1**= an, a- +er the Rule- in .ogue$ If: ho/ the +lant- an, 1achiner6: e3ui+1ent an, tool-: re3ui-itione, ;6 the Contractor are not a.aila;le: in Rail/a6- -toc0 or the Rail/a6 ,eci,e- not to -u++l6 the -a1e for rea-on- / the Rail/a6 -hall not ;e ;oun, to arrange for the -u++l6 thereof nor /ill the Rail/a6- ina;ilit6 to -u++l6 the1 to ;e acce+te, a- an e9cu-e for ,ela6 in the e9ecution of the /or0$ The +ro.i-ion in clau-e of the 5eneral Con,ition- of the Contract -houl, ;e note, regar,ing e9ecution of /or0 ;et/een -un-et an, -unri-e$ If the Rail/a6 i-: ho/ -ati-fie, that the /or0 inot li0el6 to ;e co1+lete, in ti1e e9ce+t ;6 re-toring night /or0 ;6 S+ecial or,er: the contractor /ill ;e re3uire, to carr6 out the /or0 e.en at night /ithout conferring an6 right on the contractor for clai1ing an e9tra +a61ent for intro,ucing night /or0$ In e.ent of night /or0ing: the contractor /ill




Signature of the contractor - 18 for Chief Electrical Engineer

1a0e nece--ar6 a,e3uate lighting arrange1ent for -1ooth e9ecution of the /or0$ 18$ 3,354*/(' (. /'4(6, *-? -* S(5)4,7 In +ur-uance of Finance Act: 1*>' ;6 intro,uction of Section 1*A(C# in the Inco1e Ta9 Act: 1*)1 +ro.i,ing ,e,uction of Inco1e Ta9 at -ource fro1 inco1e co1+ri-e, in +a61ent 1a,e to the contractor for carr6ing out an6 /or0 or -u++l6 of la;our for carr6ing out an6 /or0: the N$F$ Rl6$ A,1ini-tration -hall ;e entitle, to ,e,uct 'B (T/o +ercent# of gro-- +a61ent to the contractor aInco1e Ta9$ 1)$ 1)$1 1)$' 6-/'*,'-'4, (. "()! -.*,) 4(690,*/('7 The entire Solar 5enerating -6-te1 -hall ;e 1aintaine, in +ro+er /or0ing con,ition for a +erio, of five ;0:= years fro1 the -ucce--ful ,ate of co11i--ioning$ Each Solar 5enerating -6-te1 in-talle,%co11i--ione, ;6 the Contractor -hall ha.e to ;e 1aintaine, free of co-t ;6 the Contractor at hi- o/n co-t for a +erio, of fi.e 6ear- fro1 the -ucce--ful ,ate of co11i--ioning$ The ,etail of Center- in In,ia -houl, ;e +ro.i,e, along /ith the offer$ All e--ential 1aterialan, 1an+o/er -houl, ;e +lace, at the Center- to en-ure 3uic0 an, efficient after$ -3I5S*6,'* (. -6(5'* 35, - -/'S* *+, 4('*)-4*7 An6 a1ount ,ue to the contractor un,er thi- Contract: 1a6 ;e a,Du-te, again-t an6 a1ount then ,ue fro1 hi1 or /hich 1a6 at an6 ti1e ;eco1e ,ue fro1 hi1 to the M!re-i,ent of In,iaN un,er thiContract or a1ount /$ 1=$ /'.0-66->0, -)*/40,S7 Infla11a;le 1aterial- -uch a- +etrol: oil etc$ -hall ;e -tore, -e+aratel6 fro1 other 1aterial- an, all ,ue +recaution a- re3uire, in the In,ian E9+lo-i.e Act -hall ;e ta0en ;6 the Ten,erer to +re.ent an6 fire etc$ 1*$ ),*,'*/(' (. S,45)/*1 3,9(S/* ;S3=A A- +er 5eneral Con,ition of Contract 1**=: Rail/a6 1a6 retain an6 a1ount ,ue for +a61ent to the Contractor -o that total a1ount -o retaine, 1a6 not e9cee, 1&B of the total .alue of the Contract$ The re-+a61ent of the S$ $ -hall ;e go.erne, ;6 the rele.ant clau-e- of the 5$C$C$: 1**= e,ition$ The rate of Securit6 e+o-it 1one6 -hall ;e a- +er the e9tant in-truction-$



,-)',S* 6(',1 -'3 4(S* (. *,'3,) 9-9,)7 A Ten,er not acco1+anie, ;6 re3ui-ite Earne-t 1one6 an, Co-t of Ten,er +a+er in +ro+er for1 /ill ;e -u11aril6 reDecte,$


)-*,S .() '," H ,?*)- /*,6S (. "()!7 The rate- for non--che,ule ite1- /ill ;e /or0e, out on the ;a-i- of actual co-t of the ite1 of /or0 /ith an a,,ition of 1&B to/ar,- contractorN- hea, an, +rofit$ The actual co-t -hall con-i-t of the follo/ingA-

a# ;# c# ''$

Co-t of hire of +lant: co-t of -+are-: fuel: -tore- inclu,ing tran-+ort an, ta9e-$ Co-t of 1aterial- to ;e -u++lie, ;6 the Contractor at the ti1e of e9ecution inclu,ing ta9e-: /a-tage: tran-+ort etc$ Co-t of la;our inclu,ing all allo/ance-: ;enefit-: a1enitie-: in,irect charge- etc$ 3,C/-*/('S7 e.iation-: if an6: 5eneral Con,ition of Contract an, Stan,ar, S+ecial Con,ition- of Contract: "aligaon: 1**= -houl, ;e clearl6 furni-he, in -'',?5), @ A,B%

'($ '($1

S-0, *-? (' "()!S 4('*)-4*S7 Sale Ta9 Clearance Certificate$ The Ten,erer i- re3uire, to +ro,uce along /ith the ten,er an authoriCe, co+6 of the late-t Sale Ta9 Clearance Certificate in the late-t +rofor1a +re-cri;e, ;6 the 5o.t$ of A--a1$ The -ucce--ful Ten,erer%Contractor -hall ;e re3uire, to -u;1it the Sale Ta9 Clearance Certificate +erio,icall6: a- a +re-re3ui-ite for getting an6 +a61ent- fro1 the N$F$ Rail/a6$

Signature of the contractor - 1) for Chief Electrical Engineer


The a;o.e 1entione, -ale- ta9 on /or0- contract i- ,i-tinct fro1 the -ale ta9 ele1ent- that 1ight ha.e gone into the +rice of .ariou- ra/ 1aterial- u-e, ;6 the Contractor in the /or0 concerne, an, in re-+ect of /hich the N$F$ Rail/a6 /ill not rei1;ur-e an6 -ale- ta9 an, /hich /ill continue to ;e ;orne ;6 the Contractor a- hitherto$ Sale- ta9 a- +er A5ST rate- -hall ;e ,e,ucte, fro1 all the +a61ent to ;e 1a,e to the contractor$ 3(456,'*-*/(' (. ./,03 "()!7 The contractor -hall -u++l6 co1+lete ,ocu1ente, recor, of .ariou- con-truction acti.itie- carrie, out ;6 hi1 in cour-e of e9ecution of .ariou- /or0- un,er thi- contract$ The ,ocu1ent -hall clearl6 ;ringing out the con-truction 1etho,olog6 a,o+te, ;6 hi1: .ariou- +ro;le1- face, an, 1ea-ureta0en to o.erco1e the1 ,uring the e9ecution of the /or0- ;efore the final ;ill i- entertaine,$ The ,eci-ion of the Engineer regar,ing a,e3uac6 of -uch ,ocu1ente, recor, -hall ;e final an, ;in,ing u+on the contractor$ No e9tra +a61ent -hall ;e 1a,e to the contractor on thi- account$



.()4, 6-I,5),7 .orce 6aJeure 4lause E If at an6 ti1e: ,uring the continuance of thi- contract: the +erfor1ance in /hole or in +art ;6 either +art6 of an6 o;ligation un,er thi- contract -hall ;e +re.ente, or ,ela6e, ;6 rea-on of an6 /ar: ho-tilit6: act- of +u;lic ene16: co11otion: -a;otage: -eriou- lo-- or ,a1age ;6 fire: e9+lo-ion-: e+i,e1ic-: -tri0e-: loc0out- or act- of 5o,( hereinafter referre, to Me.ent-N# +ro.i,e,: notice of the ha++ening of an6 -uch e.ent i- gi.en ;6 either +art6 to the other /ithin -e.en ,a6- fro1 the ,ate of occurrence thereof: neither +art6 -hall ;e rea-on of -uch e.ent: ;e entitle, to ter1inate thi- contract nor -hall either +art6 ha.e an6 clai1 for ,a1age- again-t the other in re-+ect of -uch non+erfor1ance of ,ela6 in +erfor1ance: an, /or0- un,er the contract -hall ;e re-u1e, a- -oon a- +ractica;le after -uch e.ent ha- co1e to an en, or cea-e, to e9i-t-: an, the ,eci-ion of the Engineer a- to /hether the /or0- ha.e ;een -o re-u1e, or not -hall ;e final an, conclu-i.e: !RO7I E F?RTHER that if the +erfor1ance in /hole or in +art of an6 o;ligation un,er thi- contract i- +re.ente, or ,ela6e, ;6 rea-on of an6 -uch e.ent for a +erio, e9cee,ing 1=&(One hun,re, eight6# ,a6-: either +art6 1a6 at it- o+tion ter1inate the contract ;6 notice to the other +art6$ Su;Dect to an6 re3uire1ent in the contract a- to co1+letion of an6 +ortion or +ortion- of the /or0;efore co1+letion of the /hole: the contractor -hall full6 an, finall6 co1+lete the /hole of the /or0co1+ri-e, in the contract( /ith -uch 1o,ification- a- 1a6 ;e ,irecte, un,er con,ition- of thicontract# ;6 the ,a6 entere, in the contract or e9ten,e, ,ate in ter1- of the follo/ing clau-e- AIf an6 1o,ification- ha.e ;een or,ere, /hich in the o+inion of the Engineer ha.e 1ateriall6 increa-e, the 1agnitu,e of the /or0: then -uch e9ten-ion of the contracte, ,ate of co1+letion 1a6 ;e grante, a- -hall a++ear to the Engineer to ;e rea-ona;le in the circu1-tance-: +ro.i,e, that the contractor -hall ;e re-+on-i;le for re3ue-ting -uch e9ten-ion of the ,ate a- 1a6 ;e con-i,ere, nece--ar6 a- -oon a- the cau-e thereof -hall ari-e an, in an6 ca-e not le-- that one 1onth ;efore the e9+ir6 of the ,ate fi9e, for co1+letion of the /or0-$ If in the o+inion of the Engineer the +rogre-- of /or0 ha- an6 ti1e ;een ,ela6e, ;6 an6 act or neglect of Rail/a6N-N e1+lo6ee- or ;6 other contractor e1+lo6e, ;6 the Rail/a6 un,er -u;-clau-e (F# of clau-e '& of 5CC or in e9ecuting the /or0 not for1ing +art of the contract ;ut on /hich contractorN- +erfor1ance nece--aril6 ,e+en,- or ;6 rea-on of +rocee,ing- ta0en or threatene, ;6 or ,i-+ute /ith a,Doining or neigh;ouring o/ner- or +u;lic authorit6 ari-ing other/i-e through the contractor- o/n ,efault etc$ or ;6 the ,ela6 authoriCe, ;6 the Engineer +en,ing ar;itration or in con-e3uence- of the contractor not recei.e, in ,ue ti1e nece--ar6 in-truction- fro1 the Rail/a6 for /hich he -hall ha.e -+eciall6 a++lie, in /riting to the Engineer or hi- authoriCe, re+re-entati.e then u+on ha++ening of an6 -uch e.ent cau-ing ,ela6: the Contractor -hall i11e,iatel6 gi.e notice thereof in /riting to the Engineer /ithin 18 ,a6- of -uch ha++ening ;ut -hall ne.erthele-- 1a0e con-tantl6 hi- ;e-t en,ea.ourN- to ;ring ,o/n or 1a0e goo, the ,ela6 an, -hall ,o all that 1a6 ;e rea-ona;l6 re3uire, of hi1 to the -ati-faction of the Engineer to +rocee, /ith the /or0-$ The contractor 1a6 al-o in,icate the +erio, for /hich the /or0 i- li0el6 to ;e ,ela6e, an, -hall ;e ;oun, to a-0 for nece--ar6 e9ten-ion of ti1e$ The Engineer on recei+t of -uch re3ue-t fro1 the contractor -hall con-i,er the -a1e an, -hall grant -uch e9ten-ion of ti1e a- in hi- o+inion irea-ona;le regar, to the nature an, +erio, of ,ela6 an, the t6+e an, 3uantu1 of /or0 affecte, there;6$ No other co1+en-ation -hall ;e +a6a;le for /or0- -o carrie, for/ar, to the e9ten,e, +erio, of ti1e: the -a1e rate-: ter1- an, con,ition- of contract ;eing a++lica;le a- if -uch e9ten,e, +erio, of ti1e /a- originall6 +ro.i,e, in the original contract it-elf$ In the e.ent of an6 failure or ,ela6 ;6 the Rail/a6 to han, the Contractor +o--e--ion of the lan,- nece--ar6 for the e9ecution of the /or0- or to gi.e the nece--ar6 notice to co11ence the /or0- or to +ro.i,e the nece--ar6 ,ra/ing- or in-truction- or an6 other ,ela6 cau-e, ;6 the Rail/a6 ,ue to an6 other cau-e / then -uch failure or ,ela6 -hall in no /a6 affect or .itiate the contract or alter the character thereof or entitle the contractor to ,a1age or co1+en-ation therefore ;ut in an6 -uch ca-e: the Rail/a6 1a6 grant -uch e9ten-ion or e9ten-ion- of the co1+letion ,ate a1a6 ;e con-i,ere, rea-ona;le$


'8$1$ 1

'8$1$ '

'8$1$ (

Signature of the contractor - 1> for Chief Electrical Engineer


E9ten-ion of ti1e for ,ela6 ,ue to contractor AThe ti1e for the e9ecution of the /or0 or +art of the /or0- -+ecifie, in the contract ,ocu1ent- -hall ;e ,ee1e, to ;e the e--ence of the contract an, the /or0- 1u-t ;e co1+lete, not later than the ,ate (-# a- -+ecifie, in the contract$ If the contractor fail- to co1+lete the /or0- /ithin the ti1e a-+ecifie, in the contract for the rea-on- other then the rea-on- -+ecifie, in clau-e 1> an, 1>-A: the Rail/a6 1a6: if -ati-fie, that the /or0- can ;e co1+lete, ;6 the contractor /ithin rea-ona;le -hort ti1e thereafter: allo/ the contractor further e9ten-ion of ti1e a- the Engineer 1a6 ,eci,e$ On -uch e9ten-ion the Rail/a6 /ill ;e entitle, /ithout +reDu,ice to an6 other right an, re1e,6 a.aila;le on that ;ehalf: to fro1 the contractor a- agree, ,a1age- an, not ;6 /a6 of +enalt6 a- -u1 e3ui.alent to T of 1B of the contract .alue of the /or0- for each /ee0 or +art of the /ee0$ For the +ur+o-e of thi- clau-e: the contract .alue of the /or0- -hall ;e ta0en a- .alue of /or0 a- +er contract agree1ent inclu,ing an6 -u++le1entar6 /or0 or,er%contract agree1ent i--ue,$ !ro.i,e, al-o: that the total a1ount of li3ui,ate, ,a1age- un,er thi- con,ition: -hall not e9cee, the un,er note, +ercentage .alue or of the total .alue of the ite1 or grou+- of ite1- of /or0 for /hich a -e+arate ,i-tinct co1+letion +erio, i- -+ecifie, in the contract$

'8$'$ 1 '8$'$ '

For contract .alue u+ to R-$ ' La0h- - 1&B of the total .alue of the contract For contract .alue a;o.e R-$ ' La0h- - 1&B of the fir-t R-$ ' La0h- an, the 8B of the ;alance$ !ro.i,e, further: that if the Rail/a6 i- not -ati-fie, that the /or0- can ;e co1+lete, ;6 the Contractor an, in the e.ent of failure on the +art of the contractor to co1+lete the /or0 /ithin further e9ten-ion of ti1e allo/e, a- afore-ai,: the Rail/a6 -hall ;e entitle,: /ithout +reDu,ice to an6 other right or re1e,6 a.aila;le in that ;ehalf: to a++ro+riate the contractorN- -ecurit6 ,e+o-it an, re-cin, the contract un,er clau-e )' of 5CC: /hether or not actual ,a1age i- cau-e, ;6 -uch ,efault$ -33/*/('-0 S9,4/-0 4('3/*/('S (. 4('*)-4*7 S4(9,7 In general: the contractor -hall -u++l6: -tore: erect: te-t an, co11i--ion all e3ui+1ent- re3uire, for electrical in-tallation$ The contractor -hall furni-h all the 1aterial-: la;our: tool- an, e3ui+1ent for electrical /or0: in the ;ill of 3uantitie- an, -+ecification- hereinafter ,e-cri;e,$ 4('*)-4*() 0/4,'S,7 The Ten,erer -hall ;e a licen-e, electrical contractor: +o--e--ing a .ali, electrical contractor2licen-e: e1+lo6ing licen-e, -u+er.i-or- an, -0ille, /or0er- .ali, +er1it- a- +er the regulation of In,ian Electricit6 Rule- an, Local Electrical In-+ector2- re3uire1ent-$ The Ten,erer -hall not ha.e ;een @lac0li-te,% For;i,,en fro1 ten,ering ;6 an6 Central or State 5o.t$ organiCation an, -hall ha.e goo, +erfor1ance recor,$ E5-0/*17 The Rail/a6N- ,eci-ion /ith regar, to the 3ualit6 of the 1aterial an, /or01an-hi+ /ill ;e final an, ;in,ing: an6 1aterial reDecte, ;6 the Rail/a6 -hall i11e,iatel6 ;e re1o.e, ;6 the Contractor fro1 the -ite$ The Rail/a6 or their re+re-entati.e -hall at all rea-ona;le ti1e- ha.e free acce-- to the /or0- an,%or to the /or0-ho+-: factorie- or other +lace- /here 1aterial- are ;eing +re+are, or con-tructe, for the contract an, al-o to an6 +lace /here the 1aterial l6ing or fro1 /hich the6 are ;eing o;taine, an, the contractor -hall gi.e e.er6 facilit6 nece--ar6 for in-+ection an, e9a1inationan, te-t of the 1aterial an, /or01an-hi+$ 4(S* (. S-690,S -'3 *,S*S7 All -a1+le- -hall ;e -u++lie, ;6 the Contractor at hi- o/n co-t an, the co-t of 1a0ing an6 te-t a+er -+ecification- -hall ;e ;orne ;6 the Contractor$ The Contractor -hall -u;1it four co+ie- of all ;rochure-: 1anufacturer-N ,e-cri+tion: ,ata an, -i1ilar literature$ One co+6 /ill ;e returne, to the Contractor after$ 3)-"/' S7 The ,ra/ing-(if an6#: -+ecification- an, ;ill of 3uantitie- -hall ;e con-i,ere, a- a +art of thicontract an, an6 /or0 or 1aterial- -ho/n on the ,ra/ing- an, not calle, for in the -+ecification- or -hall ;e e9ecute, a- if -+ecificall6 calle, for in ;oth$ The contract ,ra/ing- in,icate the e9tent an, general arrange1ent of .ariou- e3ui+1ent-: a--ociate, /iring: an, e--entiall6 ,iagra11atic$ The /or0 -hall ;e ,one a- in,icate, on the ,ra/ing-$ Ho/ an6 1inor change if foun, e--ential to co-or,inate the in-tallation of thi- /or0 /ith other tra,er- -hall ;e 1a,e /ithout an6 a,,itional co-t to the o/ner-$ The ,ata gi.en herein an, on the ,ra/ing- i- a- coul, ;e -ecure, ;ut it- co1+lete accurac6 i- not guarantee,$ The ,ra/ing- an, -+ecification- are for the a--i-tance an, gui,ance of the contractor$ The e9act location ,i-tance- an, le.el- etc$ /ill ;e go.erne, ;6 the -+ace con,ition-$ The contractor -hall e9a1ine all Architectural: Structural: !lu1;ing an, Sanitar6: Air-con,itioning an, Electrical ,ra/ing- ;efore -tarting the /or0 an, re+ort to the Rail/a6 for an6 ,i-cre+ancie-: /hich in hi- o+inion a++ear: on the1: an, get the1 clarifie,$ He -hall not ;e entitle, to an6 e9tra-: for o1i--ion- or ,efect- in electrical ,ra/ing- or /hen the6 conflict /ith other /or0-$

')$ ')$1





Signature of the contractor - 1= for Chief Electrical Engineer


S/*, 6-'- ,6,'*7 The Contractor -hall e1+lo6 a co1+etent: licen-e, 3ualifie, full ti1e gra,uate electrical engineer an, fore1an an, -u+er.i-or- to ,irect the /or0 of electrical in-tallation- in accor,ance /ith the ,ra/ing- an, -+ecification-$ The -a1e -hall ;e a.aila;le at all ti1e- on the -ite to recei.e in-truction- fro1 the Rail/a6 in the ,a6 to ,a6 acti.itie- throughout the ,uration of the Contract or a- long a- there after the Rail/a6 1a6 con-i,er nece--ar6 until the e9+iration of the X efect Lia;ilit6 !erio,X$ The Fore1an%Su+er.i-or -hall correlate the +rogre-- of the /or0 in conDunction /ith all the rele.ant re3uire1ent- of the -u++l6 authorit6$ The -0ille, /or0er- e1+lo6e, for the /or0 -houl, ha.e re3ui-ite 3ualification- an, -houl, +o--e-- co1+etenc6 certificate fro1 the Electrical In-+ectorate of the Local 5o.ern1ent$ The Contractor -hall on the re3ue-t of the Rail/a6 i11e,iatel6 ,i-1i-- fro1 the /or0- an6 +er-on e1+lo6e, there on /ho 1a6: in the o+inion of the Rail/a6: ;e un-uita;le or inco1+etent or /ho 1a6 1i-con,uct hi1-elf an, -uch +er-on -hall not ;e again e1+lo6e, or allo/e, on the /or0 in Rail/a6 /ithout the +er1i--ion of Rail/a6$ "()!S C/S/*S7 The contractor -houl, 1a0e all nece--ar6 arrange1ent- in hi- o/n effort for in-+ecting the 1aDor e3ui+1ent- -u++lie, ;6 hi1 ;6 the Rail/a6 official-$ S/*, 40,-'0/',SS7 The contractor -hall: fro1 ti1e to ti1e ,uring the /or0-: re1o.e all ru;;i-h: /a-te: re,un,ant 1aterial etc$ fro1 the -ite an, ,e+o-it all -uch ru;;i-h an, /a-te ti,il6 at a +o-ition to ;e in,icate, ;6 Rail/a6$ On co1+letion of the /or0-: the contractor -hall en-ure that all tool-: e3ui+1ent-: -ur+lu- 1aterial an, ru;;i-h ha.e ;een re1o.e, fro1 the -ite$ S/*, *((0S H /'S*)56,'*S7 Contractor -hall 1aintain at -ite the follo/ing tool- an, in-tru1ent-: ;ut not li1ite, to the li-t ;elo/ in /or0ing con,ition-$




a# ;# c# ,# e# f# g#

Cli+-on%Cla1+ "eter In-ulation Re-i-tance Te-ter ("egger# Steel ta+e- of .ariou- length S+irit Le.el Cri1+ing Tool Earth Re-i-tance Te-ter All in-tru1ent- re3uire, to +erfor1 "a-onr6 /or0-$

S5> S*-'3-)3 6-*,)/-0 An6 1aterial reDecte, ;6 the Rail/a6 or ;6 an6 of their re+re-entati.e- -hall ;e re1o.e, fro1 the -ite /ithin 'F hr-$ of i--ue of in-truction-: failing thi- the Rail/a6 -hall ha.e the right- to get the-e -o re1o.e, an, the contractor -hall ha.e no clai1 /hat -o in thi- regar,$ S/ ' >(-)3 Contractor /ill arrange to fa;ricate an, erect -ign ;oar, of a -uita;le -iCe not le-- than =N91'N or a++ro.e, ;6 Rail/a6: at hi- o/n co-t -ho/ing the na1e of /or0: na1e of o/ner: architect: relate, con-ultant- /ith their a,,re--e- an, contact nu1;er-$ S*()- ,-456-,),4*/(' /'S5)-'4, All the e3ui+1ent- an, 1aterial ;eing -u++lie, either ;6 contractor or ;6 Rail/a6 to contractor for erection +ur+o-e- -hall ;e co1+letel6 in-ure, ;6 contractor at hi- o/n co-t u+ to the co1+letion an, ta0ing ;6 the client$ In ca-e of an6 ,a1age: lo--: theft etc$ it /ill ;e the re-+on-i;ilit6 of contractor to -ettle ,o/n of all clai1- /ith in-urance co1+an6$ -)>/*)-*/(' Thi- -hall ;e go.erne, a- +er clau-e no )( < )F of 5CC of 1**=$ I5)/S3/4*/(' (. *+, 4(5)*S The Court- of the !lace fro1 /here the Acce+tance of the Ten,er ha- ;een i--ue, -hall alone ha.e Duri-,iction to ,eci,e an6 ,i-+ute ari-ing out of or in re-+ect of the Contract$ In ca-e of ,i-cre+anc6 ;et/een 5eneral Con,ition- of Contract an, S+ecial Con,ition- of Contract: the latter -hall +re.ail$



')$1( ')$1F


S4(9, (. *+, "()!

The Sco+e of the /or0 -hall inclu,e the follo/ing-A a# e-ign: 1anufacture an, -u++l6 of 5ri, Connect Solar 5enerating S6-te1 a- +er R SO S+ecification

Signature of the contractor - 1* for Chief Electrical Engineer

enclo-e,$ ;# c# etaile, +lanning for -1ooth e9ecution of the +roDect$

rid 4onnect Solar enerating System KCa+acit6 Y 1& 4W+L

i# 5nder Sr% 3,,/!/) -- 8 Set at (1# ADa1nagar Roa, ('# "u0uria ((# Telta (F# 4achna (8# achna$ ii# 5nder Sr% 3,,/-93I ----' Set at (1# Fa0iragra1 ('# Ne/-"al @aCar -tation

6S frame Structure

KHot ,i++e, gal.aniCe,L

i# 5nder Sr% 3,,/!/) - ' Set ii# 5nder Sr% 3,,/-93I -' Set

iii# 5nder Sr% 3,,/)'1 - ( Set at (1# Rangi6a ('# @ar+eta ((# 5oal+ara i.# 5nder Sr% 3,,/*S! E ' Set at (1# "ariani ('# Fur0ating

iii# 5nder Sr% 3,,/)'1 - ' Set

i.# 5nder Sr% 3,,/*S! - ' Set

*otal ----- 18 Sets

*otal ------ 8 Sets

'%>% @ 1= The a;o.e location- are tentati.e an, 1a6 change at the ti1e of e9ecution /hich 1a6 ;e inti1ate, to the -ucce--ful Ten,erer at that ti1e$ 8= Thi- i- a Turn0e6 Contract$ An6 t6+e of -1all fitting-: 1aterial- etc$ re3uire, for in-tallation < co11i--ioning of the /or0 -hall ;e /ithin the -co+e of thi- /or0$ 3= All the Ten,erer- -houl, note the a;o.e a-+ect- /hile 3uoting$


The Sco+e of the /or0 -hall al-o inclu,e +ro.i-ion of Re1ote 1onitoring -6-te1 to 1onitor the flo/ of +o/er generate, in 5ri, Connect Solar 5enerating S6-te1$ The Re1ote 1onitoring -6-te1 inclu,e+ro.i-ion of Re1ote ter1inal unit: C!?: LC 1onitor: la-er +rinter etc$ along /ith nece--ar6 -oft/are$ "aintenance to ;e ,one at -ite ,uring /arrant6 +erio,$ To +ro.i,e after -ale- the offere, 1a0e- -hall ha.e Sale Ta9 regi-tere, office /ith +hone no$ in the N$F$Rail/a6 region for i11e,iate attention$ @ear ri-0 lia;ilit6 of all +er-onnel a--ociate, /ith i1+le1entation an, realiCation of the +roDect$ The contractor /ill ha.e to -u++l6 the O+eration "anual an, i1+art Training to Rail/a6 +er-onnel (' no-$ fro1 each i.i-ion# for -ucce--ful o+eration an, 1aintenance of the 5ri, Connect Solar 5enerating S6-te1 along/ith ( -et- of a- erecte, ,ra/ing- of the -6-te1 to the re-+ecti.e Sr$ EEan, ' -et- of ,ra/ing- to Chief Electrical Engineer or hi- authoriCe, re+re-entati.e in HR office for 1aintenance +ur+o-e an, recor,-$


f# g#

Signature of the contractor - '& for Chief Electrical Engineer

-'',?5), @ 1 S9,4/./4-*/('S The a++lica;le -+ecification- for I5ri, Connect Solar 5enerating S6-te1J a- un,er$ (A# S!ECIFICATION FOR I5RI CONNECT SOLAR 5ENERATIN5 SYSTE"J A

A- +er R SO S+ecification No$ )3S(/9,/S9,4/9S/00D8-8008 ;)ev% 0=, -mendment-3 K,nclosed in -nneGure @ A!BL% (@# S!ECIFICATION FOR IHot ,i++e, gal.aniCe, "S fra1e Structure (Fi9e, t6+e #J IStructure re3uire, in-talling 1&4W+ Solar !o/er !lant at ele.ate, -tructure of height ( 1tr- a;o.e groun, le.el of a++ro9i1ate /eight of '$& "etric TonJ$ The 1& 4W+ ca+acit6 5ri, Connect Solar 5enerating S6-te1 -houl, confor1 to a;o.e R SON- S+ecification-$ The ten,erer inten,e, to -u++l6 -hall co1+l6 /ith the Eligi;ilit6 Criteria a- -+ecifie, in the a;o.e R SO S+ecification-$ Ten,erer -houl, furni-h co1+lete ,etail- of 5uarantee, !articularan, Eligi;ilit6 fulfill1ent ,etail- of the "a0e offere, along /ith Ten,er ocu1ent failing /hich the Ten,er /ill ;e lia;le to ;e reDecte,$ " / i- the "anufacturer%"a0e of 5ri, Connect Solar 5enerating S6-te1 to ;e co11i--ione,W the +erfor1ance of the -6-te1 -houl, ;e -ati-factor6 an, -+ecification of the offere, 1a0e%1anufacturer -houl, ;e -trictl6 a- +er a;o.e R SO -+ecification$

Signature of the contractor - '1 for Chief Electrical Engineer


S N Na1e of 5o.t$ e+tt$% Client /ith A,,re-e-cri+tion of Wor0 CA No$ < ate Total final 7alue of /or0(R-$# ate of A/ar, of Contract Sti+ulate, Co1+letion Ti1e ate of actual co1+letion Re1ar0-


S N Na1e of 5o.t$ e+tt$% Client /ith A,,re-e-cri+tion /or0 of CA No$ ate < ate of +a61ent recei.e, A1ount recei.e, in R-


SN Na1e of 5o.t$ e+tt$% Client /ith A,,re-e-cri+tion of Wor0 Total 7alue of Wor0 ate of a/ar, of Wor0 Sti+ulate, Co1+letion Ti1e B age +rogre-on ,ate Re1ar0-

Signature of the contractor - '' for Chief Electrical Engineer



Li0el6 to ;e 1a,e a.aila;le on /or0-



Signature of the contractor - '( for Chief Electrical Engineer



-'',?5), @ A3B 3,40-)-*/(' .()6

I%We here;6 certif6 thatAi# ii# I a1 % /e are not relate, to an6 one e1+lo6ee in the 5aCette, an, Non-5aCette, ca+acit6 in the Electrical e+art1ent an, or an6 other e+art1ent of the Northea-t Frontier Rail/a6$ I%We ,ra/ attention to the fact that I a1 % /e are relate, to the follo/ing e1+lo6ee(-# in the 5aCette, an, Non-5aCette, ca+acit6 in the Electrical e+art1ent an, or an6 other e+art1ent of the Northea-t Frontier Rail/a6$ NA"E OF THE E"!LOYEE(S# ESI5NATION E!ART"ENT E5REE OF RELATIONSHI!


NoteAThe ite1 /hich i- not a++lica;le -houl, ;e -truc0 out$

Signature of the contractor - 'F for Chief Electrical Engineer

-'',?5), @ A,B



Clau-e No$ of Ten,er ocu1ent-

Alternati.e -ugge-te,%offere, ;6 the Ten,erer

-'',?5), @ A.B
ETAILS OF ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE < S?!ER7ISORY LISENSE SN Na1e of licen-ee Contractor Licen-e No$ I--ue, ;6 La-t Rene/e, ,ate Categor6 a++ro.e, Re1ar0-


-'',?5),- A B Eligi;ilit6 criteria ELI5I@ILITY CRITERIA ATA OF THE TEN ERER

Signature of the contractor - '8 for Chief Electrical Engineer

SN 1

ETALS OF FINANCIAL !ERFOR"ANCE Shoul, ha.e co1+lete, in la-t three financial 6ear- (i$e$ current 6ear an, +re.iouthree financial 6ear-#

"INI"?" CA!A@ILITY At lea-t one -ingle /or0 of Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Solar photovoltaic enerating System of 10 !"p capacity and a#ove$ for a 1ini1u1 .alue of (8B of A,.erti-e, Ten,er 7alue of the /or0$ Shoul, ;e a 1ini1u1 of 18&B of the A,.erti-e, Ten,er 7alue of the /or0$




Total contract a1ount recei.e, ,uring the la-t three financial 6ear- < in the current financial 6ear$



10211 11212 1221 1 213


SN Na1e






SN Na1e of Wor0 Contract no < ,ate !lace of /or0 7alue in La0h of RAntici+ate, ,ate of co1+letion$


Signature of the contractor - ') for Chief Electrical Engineer

4.,.No1 555555555555555555555555555 Date1 5555555555555555555555555555 Amount R)5555555555555555555555555 'er#od1 555555555555 to 555555555555 In con)#derat#on o" t$e 're)#dent o" Ind#a act#n& t$rou&$ t$e C#$%& E'%()*$(+' E,-$,%%*, N.F.R+$'/+0. 1+'$-+2, 6 $ere#na"ter called 7t$e ,o(ernment89 $a(#n& a&reed to e/em+t 1/S. ___: Name and address of the Contractor(s) ;555555 6 $ere#na"ter called 7t$e )a#d %ontractor6)98 9 "rom t$e demand< under t$e term) and cond#t#on) o" an A&reement/Ad(ance Acce+tance No. : LOA no. ; date 5555555555555 made =et-een t$e ,o(ernment and t$e )a#d %ontractor6)9 "or t$e -or> 2 : Name of work ; 6$erea"ter called 7t$e )a#d A&reement89< o" t$e Secur#t. De+o)#t "or t$e due "ul"#llment =. t$e )a#d contractor?) o" t$e term) and cond#t#on) conta#ned #n t$e )a#d a&reement. On +roduct#on o" a 4an> ,uarantee "or R). 5555555555555 6Ru+ee) 555555555555555 onl.9< We ____: Name & address of the Bank_;__ 6$ere#na"ter re"erred to a) 7t$e 4an>89 at t$e re@ue)t o" t$e )a#d %ontractor6)9 do $ere=. underta>e to +a. to t$e ,o(ernment an amount not e/ceed#n& R). 5555555555 6Ru+ee) 55555555555 onl.9 a&a#n)t an. lo)) or dama&e cau)ed to or )u""ered or -ould =e cau)ed to or )u""ered =. t$e ,o(ernment =. rea)on o" an. =reac$ =. t$e )a#d %ontractor6)9 o" an. o" t$e term) or cond#t#on) conta#ned #n t$e )a#d A&reement. 2. We t$e 4an> do $ere=. underta>e to +a. t$e amount)< due and +a.a=le under t$#) ,uarantee -#t$out an. demur merel. on a demand "rom t$e ,o(ernment )tat#n& t$at t$e amount cla#med #) due =. -a. o" lo)) o" dama&e cau)ed to )u""ered =. t$e ,o(ernment =. rea)on o" =reac$ =. t$e )a#d contractor)6)9 o" an. o" t$e term) or cond#t#on) conta#ned #n t$e )a#d A&reement or =. rea)on o" t$e )a#d contractor?) "a#lure to +er"orm t$e )a#d A&reement. An. )uc$ demand made on t$e =an> )$all =e conclu)#(e a) re&ard) t$e amount due and +a.a=le =. t$e 4an> under t$#) ,uarantee. Ho-e(er< our l#a=#l#t. under t$#) ,uarantee )$all =e re)tr#cted to an amount not e/ceed#n& R).3333333333 6Ru+ee) 5555555555 onl.9. . We< t$e 4an> underta>e to +a. to t$e ,o(ernment an. mone. )o demanded not -#t$)tand#n& an. d#)+ute or d#)+ute) ra#)ed =. t$e )a#d contractor6)9 #n an. )u#t or +roceed#n& +end#n& =e"ore an. %ourt or Tr#=unal relat#n& t$ereto our l#a=#l#t. under t$#) +re)ent =e#n& a=)olute and une@u#(ocal. T$e +a.ment )o made =. u) under t$#) 4ond )$all =e a (al#d d#)c$ar&e o" our l#a=#l#t. "or +a.ment t$ere under and t$e )a#d contractor6)9 )$all $a(e no cla#m a&a#n)t u) "or ma>#n& )uc$ +a.ment. 3. We t$e 4an> "urt$er a&ree t$at t$e ,uarantee $ere#n conta#ned )$all rema#n #n "ull "orce and e""ect dur#n& t$e +er#od t$at -ould =e ta>en "or t$e +er"ormance o" t$e )a#d A&reement and t$at #t )$all cont#nue to =e en"orcea=le t#ll all t$e due) o" t$e ,o(ernment under or =. (#rtue o" t$e )a#d A&reement $a(e =een "ull. +a#d and #t) cla#m) )at#)"#ed or d#)c$ar&ed t#ll t$e ,o(ernment cert#"#e) t$at t$e term) and cond#t#on) o" t$e )a#d A&reement $a(e =een "ull. and +ro+erl. carr#ed out =. t$e )a#d contractor6)9 and accord#n&l. d#)c$ar&e) t$e ,uarantee. Anle)) a demand or cla#m under t$#) ,uarantee #) made on u) #n -r#t#n& on or =e"ore t$e5: Expir date of this B.!. Bond ;5< -e )$all =e d#)c$ar&ed "rom all l#a=#l#t. under t$#) ,uarantee t$erea"ter.

B. We t$e 4an> "urt$er a&ree -#t$ t$e ,o(ernment t$at< t$e ,o(ernment )$all $a(e t$e "ulle)t l#=ert. -#t$out our con)ent and -#t$out a""ect#n& #n an. manner our o=l#&at#on) $ereunder to (ar. an. o" t$e term) and cond#t#on) o" )a#d A&reement or to e/tend t#me o" +er"ormance =. t$e )a#d contractor6)9 "rom t#me to t#me or to +o)t+one "or an. t#me or "rom t#me to t#me an. o" t$e +o-er) e/erc#)a=le =. t$e ,o(ernment a&a#n)t t$e )a#d contractor6)9 and to "or=ear or en"orce an. o" t$e term) and cond#t#on) relat#n& to t$e )a#d A&reement and -e< t$e 4an> )$all not =e rel#e(ed "rom our l#a=#l#t. =. rea)on o" an. )uc$ (ar#at#on< or e/ten)#on =e#n& &ranted to t$e )a#d %ontractor6)9 or an. #ndul&ence =. t$e ,o(ernment to t$e )a#d contractor6)9 or =. an. )uc$ matter or t$#n& -$at)oe(er -$#c$< under t$e la- relat#n& to )uret#e) -ould< =ut "or t$#) +ro(#)#on< $a(e e""ect o" )o rel#e(#n& u). C. T$#) ,uarantee -#ll not =e d#)c$ar&ed due to t$e c$an&e #n t$e con)t#tut#on o" t$e 4an> or t$e )a#d %ontractor6)9.
Signature of the contractor - '> for Chief Electrical Engineer

D. We< t$e 4an> la)tl. underta>e not to re(o>e t$#) ,uarantee dur#n& #t) currenc. e/ce+t -#t$ t$e +re(#ou) con)ent o" t$e ,o(ernment #n -r#t#n&. !. Not-#t$)tand#n& an.t$#n& conta#ned $ere#n #9 ##9 ###9 Our l#a=#l#t. under t$e 4an> ,uarantee )$all not e/ceed R). 555555555 6Ru+ee)555555555555 onl.9. T$#) 4an> ,uarantee )$all =e (al#d u+to 55: Expir date of this B.!. Bond ;55. We are l#a=le to +a. t$e ,uarantee amount or an. +art t$ere"ore under t$#) 4an> ,uarantee onl. and onl. #" .ou )er(e u+on u) a -r#tten cla#m or demand =e"ore5: Expir date of this B.!. Bond ;.

Dated t$e33333da. o" _______o" 201 . 'lace1 33333333 : "i#nat$re of Bank a$thorit with "ea% ;

-'',?5), @ A!B )3S(Bs S9,4/./4-*/(' .() )/3 4('',4* S(0-)

!age 1 of 1' Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1&



S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (

(C,)'6,'* (. /'3/6/'/S*)1 (. )-/0"-1S ),S,-)4+ 3,S/ 'S -'3 S*-'3-)3S () -'/S-*/(' 6-'-! '- -) 054!'(" @ 88F 011

Signature of the contractor - '= for Chief Electrical Engineer

,',) 1 6-'- ,6,'* 3/),4*()-*, S9,4/./4-*/(' .() )/3 4('',4* S(0-) ,',)-*/' S1S*,6 (. 10 !"p, 8: !"p, 30 <"p, :0 !"p H 100 !"p 4-9-4/*1 S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (
S' 1$ '$ ($ -mendment 'um#er 3ate 1-t 1*$&'$&* 'n, (r, 1($&8$&* '>$&*$1& )evision 'um#er 3ate )eason Anne9ure-A 1o,ifie, a- +er Rl6 @,Nletter no$ '&&'% Elect (5# % 18&%!t ,t (&$1'$'&&= Anne9ure NAN 1o,ifie, a- +er Rail/a6 @oar, No$ letter no$ '&&'%Elect$(5#%18&%*%!t ,ate, (1$&($'&&* A,,e, clau-e ($& in Anne9ure M@N$ "o,ification ;6 a,,ition-%,eletion- in Clau-e no-$ 1$&: ($&: 8$F: )$1: )$*$1: )$*$': )$*$F: )$*$8: )$*$): )$*$*: )$*$1(: )$1'$1: )$1'$>: )$1'$1F: )$18: )$1>$ Clau-e No$ 1&$& (5uarantee% Warrant6# an, Anne9ure MAN (Eligi;ilit6 Criterion for @i,,ing# ,elete, a- +er Rail/a6 @oar,N- letter No$ '&&)%Elect$(5#%18&%*%!t$ ,ate, 1&$&*$'&1&$

A++ro.e, ;6 E9ecuti.e irector % E" 're+ared 4. SSE/EE %$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE I))ued 4. DEE

!age ' of 1'

Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1&

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (


Sl$ No$ 1$ '$ ($ F$ 8$ )$

e-cri+tion Fore/or, Sco+e Reference Stan,ar,S6-te1 e-cri+tion

!age No$ ( ( ( F F 8

5eneral Re3uire1entTechnical Re3uire1ent-

Signature of the contractor - '* for Chief Electrical Engineer

>$ =$ *$ 1&$ 11$ 1'$ 1($ 1F$

In-tallation < Co11i--ioning ocu1entation After Sale- 5uarantee%Warrant6 ( elete,# Log @oo0Annual "aintenance Contract Anne9ure MAN (,elete,# Anne9ureN @N

* 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 11 11

're+ared 4. SSE/EE

%$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE

I))ued 4. DEE

!age ( of 1'

Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1&

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (

S9,4/./4-*/(' .() )/3 4('',4* S(0-) ,',)-*/' S1S*,6 (. 10 !"p, 8: !"p, 30 <"p, :0 !"p H 100 !"p 4-9-4/*1 1%0 .()"-)3
With the a,.ent of late-t technolog6: the u-e of +a--enger frien,l6 ga,get ha- increa-e, /hich i1+ro.e- the +a--enger -ati-faction$ There i- a nee, to ha.e a relia;le -6-te1 for /hich the +o/er re3uire1ent- ha.e to ;e 1et all the ti1e for the-e an, other o+erational an, -afet6 e3ui+1ent-$ Thi- nece--itate, ,e.elo+1ent of -che1e of u-e of noncon.entional -ource- of energ6 for tho-e -tation- /here the -u++l6 fro1 con.entional -ource of energ6 i- neither a,e3uate nor a.aila;le$ For other +lace- it /ill re,uce the ;ur,en on con.entional -ource-$ It i-: therefore: +ru,ent to +ro.i,e 5ri, connect -olar +o/er 5enerating -6-te1 to generate electricit6 fro1 -olar -6-te1 to 1eet the electrical loa, re3uire1ent at the rail/a6 +re1i-e- /hil-t re1aining connecte, to the electrical net/or0$ A gri, connect -6-te1 run- in a +arallel to the gri, rather than -e+arate to it: -u++le1ent- the electric energ6 generate, fro1 SOLAR ,uring -unn6 ,a6- thu- -a.e- the con.entional energ6$ The energ6 generate, i- to ;e e9+orte, to gri, an, energ6 cre,it- can ;e gaine, fro1 the local -tate electricit6 ;oar,$



Signature of the contractor - (& for Chief Electrical Engineer

Thi- -+ecification +ro.i,e- the generic re3uire1ent for 1& 4W+: '8 4W+: (&0W+: 8& 4W+ < 1&& 4W+ ca+acit6 1o,ule: u-er 1a6 -elect the in,i.i,ual ca+acit6 ;a-e, on the location % location- /here it i- inten,e, to ;e +ro.i,e,$ Thi- -+ecification the general an, technical re3uire1ent- for ,e-ign: 1anufacture: te-ting: -u++l6: in-tallation < co11i--ioning of 5ri, connect -olar generating -6-te1 to ;e +ro.i,e, at the Rail/a6 +re1i-e- for 1eeting the lighting: .entilating an, other Electrical loa, re3uire1ent-$


),.,),'4, S*-'3-)3S
ISA 1'=(FA1*=* (reaffir1e, '&&&# IEC A )1'18 E, ' or late-t IECA)&*&F-1('&&)# R SO S+ecification No$ ELRS%S!EC%SI%&&18-Oct$ '&&1 ISA *&&& IEC )1>'( E,1$& Solar !hoto.oltaic Energ6 S6-te1- - Ter1inolog6 Cr6-talline -ilicon terre-trial +hoto.oltaic (!7# 1o,uleE e-ign 3ualification an, t6+e !hoto.oltaic !art-IA "ea-ure1ent of !hoto.oltaic current-7oltage Characteri-tic S+ecification for relia;ilit6 of electronic- u-e, in Rolling Stoc0 a++lication$ @a-ic en.iron1ental te-ting +roce,ure for Electronic an, electrical ite1-$ Safet6 5ui,eline- for gri, connecte, +hoto.oltaic S6-te1- 1ounte, on the ;uil,ing>A

Electrical In-tallationof @uil,ing!art re3uire1entfor -+ecial in-tallationor locationIEC )&()F->->1' (1**># Section: >1'A !hoto.oltaic +o/er -u++l6 -6-te1-$ NoteA Late-t .er-ion of the -+ecification -hall ;e referre, to$

're+ared 4. SSE/EE !age F of 1' Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1&

%$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE

I))ued 4. DEE

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (


S1S*,6 3,S4)/9*/('
Solar !hoto 7oltaic (S!7# gir, connect -6-te1 -hall con-i-t of 1ainl6 the follo/ingA F$1 Solar +anelF$' "o,ule 1ounting -tructure F$( Ounction ;o9eF$F !o/er con,itioning unit (!C?# F$8 I1+ort < E9+ort 1etering F$) Ca;le an, other acce--orieThe !7 arra6 con.ert- the light energ6 of the -un to C +o/er$ The 1o,ule 1ounting -tructure -hall ;e u-e, to hol, 1o,ule in +o-ition$ The C +o/er -hall ;e con.erte, to AC to -u++l6 the AC loa,- connecte, li0e co1+uter-: light-: fan- etc$ /ithin the Rail/a6 +re1i-e- an, e9ce-- +o/er can ;e e9+orte, to utilit6 +o/er gri, an, ;ought ;ac0 /hen the !7 -6-te1 i- not generating$ Solar +anel- -hall ;e integrate, /ith the +re1i-e- +o/er -u++l6 fro1 electricit6 authorit6$ C ,i-tri;ution ;oar, -hall ;e +ro.i,e, in ;et/een -olar arra6 an, !C?$ It -hall ha.e "CC@ of -uita;le rating for connection an, ,i-connection of arra6 -ection$ It -hall ha.e

1eter- for 1ea-uring the arra6 .oltage an, arra6 current$

Signature of the contractor - (1 for Chief Electrical Engineer

AC ,i-tri;ution ;oar, -hall ;e +ro.i,e, in ;et/een !C? an, loa,- ,e+en,ing on loa,$ It -hall ha.e co11on energ6 1eter: .olt 1eter an, a11eter$ No electrical -torage ;atterie- -hall ;e re3uire, a- e9ce-- electricit6 generate, ;6 the -olar +anel- /hich are not re3uire, ;6 the e3ui+1ent-%, in the rail/a6 +re1i-e- -hall ;e re,irecte, into the gri,$


,',)-0 ),E5/),6,'*S

8$1 Solar generating -6-te1 -hall -u++ort +ea0 electrical loa, ,uring ,a6 ti1e an, al-o e9+ort -olar arra6 generate, +o/er ;ac0 to gri, / the loa, ,e1an, i- le-- than the -olar +o/er generation ,uring holi,a6- an, /ee0en,-$ 8$' The !7 -6-te1 -hall re,uce the +o/er ,ra/n on the gri, an, +re.ent .oltage ,ro+ /hich igenerall6 e9+erience, at the ti1e of S/itching ON of large in,ucti.e loa,-$ The -6-te1 -hall -u++l6 +o/er clo-e to unit6 +o/er factor: there;6 the gri, 3ualit6 an, increa-ing it- ca+acit6$ Solar +anel- -hall ;e in-talle, on the -ha,e free roof /hile the !C? an, ,i-tri;ution ;oar,etc -hall ;e hou-e, in-i,e the roo1 +ro.i,e, ;6 Rail/a6-$ The -tatuar6 of local authoritie-%-tate electricit6 ,i-tri;ution co1+an6 etc$ -hall ;e o;taine, ;6 Rail/a6 Authorit6: if re3uire,$ The re3ui-ite e9+ort 1eter -hall ;e in-talle, ;6 -tate electricit6 ,i-tri;ution co1+an6 to recor, the nu1;er of unit- e9+orte, to the gri, Ho/ if re3uire, the re-+ecti.e Rail/a6 Authorit6 1a6 inclu,e the -a1e in their -co+e of /or0$
%$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1& I))ued 4. DEE



're+ared 4. SSE/EE !age 8 of 1'

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (

8$8 8$) 8$>

Rail/a6 Authorit6 -hall +ro.i,e a -ha,o/ free area V 1'8 - 18& -3$ ft$ % 4W+ of -olar arra6 Arra6 -tructure of !7 6ar, an, all electrical e3ui+1ent- -uch a- !C?: in.erter- etc$ -hall ;e groun,e, +ro+erl6 u-ing a,e3uate nu1;er of earthing 0it-$ Suita;le 1ar0ing -hall ;e +ro.i,e, on the ;u- for ea-6 i,entification$


*,4+'/4-0 ),E5/),6,'*
The C out+ut fro1 the 1o,ule- -hall ;e fe, to arra6 Dunction ;o9 < the -tring- are +arallele, at -u; "ain < "ain Dunction ;o9e-$ Then !C? -hall con.ert C energ6 +ro,uce, ;6 the -olar arra6 to AC energ6$ The AC +o/er out+ut of the in.erter -hall ;e fe, to the AC ,i-tri;ution ;oar, (1etering +anel < i-olation +anel#: /hich al-o hou-e- energ6 1eter$ The AC @ -houl, ;e ca+a;le of interfacing -olar +o/er /ith gri, +o/er an, 5 +o/er an, to ,e,icate, loa, al-o: if ,e-ire,$ The -6-te1 -hall auto1aticall6 /a0e-u+ in the 1orning < e9+ort +o/er +ro.i,e, there i-ufficient -olar energ6 an, gri, .oltage < fre3uenc6 are in the range$ When the gri, .oltage an,%or fre3uenc6 go out of +re-et range: the in.erter -hall ;e i11e,iatel6 ,i-connecte, fro1 the gri,$ The in.erter /ill reconnect after a +re-,eter1ine, ti1e /hen the gri, i- ;ac0 in the range$ Arra6 to in.erter .oltage ,ro+ -hall ;e le-- than 8B at the 1a9i1u1 current out+ut of the arra6$ A,e3uate -+ace < .entilation -hall ;e +ro.i,e, to in.erter$ For -afet6 rea-on-: !7 in.erter -6-te1 -hall ;e ,i-connecte, fro1 the net/or0 follo/ing the fault or lo-- of -u++l6 on the +o/er net/or0$

)$' )$(

)$F )$8 )$)

Signature of the contractor - (' for Chief Electrical Engineer

)$> )$>$1 )$>$'

The +erfor1ance < generation ,ata -hall ;e recor,e, u-ing a ,ata logger$ The 1onitoring -6-te1 -hall co1+ri-e of the follo/ing 1ain co1+onent-A 945 /ill log the in.erter +erfor1ance ,ata < tran-1it the -a1e to the ,ata logger 3ata logger -hall gather infor1ation < 1onitor the +erfor1ance of the in.erter$ It -hall al-o -u++ort 1ea-ure1ent- fro1 the e9ternal -en-or-$ Thi- can ;e ac3uire, re1otel6 .ia a 1o,e1$ 94 3ata logging soft&are -hall ena;le auto1atic long-ter1 -torage of 1ea-ure, ,ata fro1 !7 +lant$ It -hall allo/ .i-ualiCation: 1onitoring: co11i--ioning < of the in-tallation$ 4ommunication interface- The entire -6-te1 -hall ;e o+erate, < 1onitore, .ia -e.eral interface- (RS'('%RSF=8 Tele+hone 1o,e1: 5S" 1o,e1: o+tionalW Wi%Fi#: in a,,ition to the infor1ation in,icate, on the o+erator +anel$ System load Loa, re3uire1ent % +o/er con-u1+tion -hall .ar6 fro1 +lace to +lace$ 1&%'8%(&%8&%1&& 4W+ ca+acit6 arra6- -hall ;e in-talle, < Co1+onent e3ui+1ent- of the -6-te1 -hall ;e -iCe, a- +er loa, re3uire1ent at the -ite location$




're+ared 4. SSE/EE !age ) of 1' Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1&

%$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE

I))ued 4. DEE

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (

F%D S9C 6odule

)$*$1 In,i.i,ual Solar !7 "o,ule -houl, ;e of ca+acit6 '(& W+ confor1ing to IECA)1'18 E, ' or late-t E E,ition II: IEC A )1>(& E I A'&&>: IEC A )1>(& E II A '&&>: 1anufacture, in In,ia in a +lant certifie, un,er ISO *&&1 A '&&= < ISO 1F&&1 an, al-o t6+e te-te, ;6 an6 one of the three accre,ite, te-t la;oratorie- un,er "ini-tr6 of Ne/ < Rene/a;le Energ6: 5o.t$ of In,ia$ The Solar !7 "o,ule -houl, ;e 1a,e fro1 not 1ore than )& No-$ 18)U18) 11 -ingle%+ol6 cr6-talline Silicon Solar Cell connecte, in -erie-$ S!7 1o,ule- of -i1ilar out+ut /ith S%- 'B tolerance in -ingle -tring -hall ;e e1+lo6e, to a.oi, arra6 1i-1atch lo--e-$ S!7 1o,ule -hall contain cr6-talline high +o/er -ilicon -olar cell-$ The -olar cell -hall ha.e -urface anti-reflecti.e coating to hel+ to a;-or; 1ore light in all /eather con,ition-$ !hoto%electrical efficienc6 of S!7 1o,ule -hall not ;e le-- than 1FB$ Fill factor of the 1o,ule -hall not ;e le-- than >'B$ Each 1o,ule -hall ha.e lo/ iron te1+ere, gla-- front for -trength < -u+erior light tran-1i--ion$ It -hall al-o ha.e tough 1ulti-la6ere, +ol61er ;ac0 -heet for en.iron1ental +rotection again-t 1oi-ture < +ro.i,e high .oltage electrical in-ulation$ Tran-1iti.it6 of gla-- -hall ;e not le-- than *1B$ "o,ule Dunction ;o9 (/eather re-i-tant# -hall ;e ,e-igne, for long life out,oor o+eration in har-h en.iron1ent$ The ;ir, -+i0e -hall ;e +ro.i,e, to a.oi, ;ir, -itting on the -olar 1o,ule- at the highe-t +oint of the arra6%1o,ule -tructure$ S!7 1o,ule -hall ;e highl6 relia;le: light /eight an, -hall ha.e a life of 1ore than '& 6ear-$ S!7 1o,ule- -hall ha.e a li1ite, +o/er lo-- of not 1ore than 1&B of no1inal out+ut at the en, of 1& 6ear- an, of not 1ore than '&B of no1inal out+ut at the en, of '8 6ear-$ The rate, out+ut of an6 -u++lie, 1o,ule -hall not .ar6 ;6 1ore than (-8B fro1 the a.erage +o/er rating of all rating-$ Each 1o,ule-: therefore: ha- to ;e te-te, an, rating ,i-+la6e,$ 1ore than one 1o,ule i- re3uire,: i,entical 1o,ule- -hall ;e u-e,$ It -hall +erfor1 -ati-factoril6 in relati.e hu1i,it6 u+to 1&&B an, te1+erature ;et/een E 1&ZC an, S=8ZC$ The -olar 1o,ule- -hall -uita;le enca+-ulation < -ealing arrange1ent- to +rotect the -ilicon cell- fro1 the en.iron1ent$ The enca+-ulation arrange1ent -hall en-ure co1+lete

)$*$' )$*$( )$*$F )$*$8 )$*$)

)$*$> )$*$= )$*$*

)$*$1& )$*$11 )$*$1' )$*$1(

Signature of the contractor - (( for Chief Electrical Engineer

1oi-ture +roofing (I! )8# for the entire life of -olar 1o,ule-$ The ter1inal ;loc0 -hall ;e of N6lon ) 1aterial$ )$*$1F The arra6 -tructure -hall ;e groun,e, +ro+erl6 u-ing 1aintenance free earthing 0it a- +er ISA (&F(-1*=>: te-te, < certifie, ;6 C!RI$

F%D%1: 6ar<ing7
Each 1o,ule -hall carr6 the follo/ing clear an, in,eli;le 1ar0ingNa1e: 1onogra1 or -61;ol of 1anufacturerW T6+e or 1o,el nu1;erW Serial nu1;erW !olarit6 of ter1inal- or lea,- (colour co,ing i- +er1i--i;le#W O+en E circuit .oltage O+erating .oltage$ "a9i1u1 -6-te1 .oltage for /hich the 1o,ule i- -uita;leW O+erating current Short circuit current ate < +lace of 1anufactureW$ Weight of the 1o,ule "o,ule -hall ;e te-te, a- +er -nneGure->%
%$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1& I))ued 4. DEE

're+ared 4. SSE/EE !age > of 1'

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (


6odule 6ounting Structure7

)$1&$1 The arra6 -tructure -hall ;e -o ,e-igne, that it /ill occu+6 1ini1u1 -+ace /ithout -carif6ing the out+ut fro1 S!7 +anel-$ )$1&$' The -tructure -hall ;e ,e-igne, to allo/ ea-6 re+lace1ent of an6 1o,ule < -hall ;e in line /ith the -ite re3uire1ent-$ )$1&$( The arra6 -tructure -hall ;e 1a,e of hot ,i++e, gal.aniCe, "S angle- of -uita;le -iCe$ )$1&$F The foun,ation for 1o,ule 1ounting -tructure -hall ;e +refera;l6 1A'AFA !CC con-truction or an6 other co1;ination ;a-e, on the local -ite con,ition re3uire1ent for /hich ,e-ign ,etail- -hall ;e -u;1itte,$ )$1&$8 The -u++ort -tructure ,e-ign < foun,ation -hall ;e ,e-igne, to /ith-tan, /in, -+ee, u+to '&& 01+h$ )$1&$) The clearance of the lo/e-t +art of the 1o,ule -tructure < the ,e.elo+e, groun, le.el -hall not ;e le-- than 8&&11$ )$1&$> The 1o,ule align1ent < tilt angle -hall ;e calculate, to +ro.i,e the 1a9i1u1 annual energ6 out+ut$ Thi- -hall ;e ,eci,e, ;a-e, on the location of arra6 in-tallation$ )$1&$= All fa-tener- -hall ;e of -tainle-- -teel of gra,e SS (&F$


I5'4*/(' >(?,S7

)$11$1 The arra6 Dunction ;o9e- -hall ;e ,u-t: .er1in < /ater+roof < 1a,e of FR!%A@S +la-tic$ )$11$' "O7- -hall ;e u-e, at the ter1inal- of arra6 Dunction ;o9e- for e9ternal .oltage +rotection$ )$11$( The Dunction ;o9e- -hall ha.e -uita;le ca;le entr6 +oint- fitte, /ith ca;le glan,- of a++ro+riate -iCe- for ;oth inco1ing < outgoing ca;le-$ )$11$F Suita;le 1ar0ing- are +ro.i,e, on the ;u- ;ar for ea-6 i,entification < ca;le ferrule- -hall ;e fitte, at the ca;le ter1ination +oint- for i,entification$ )$11$8 The Arra6 Ounction @o9 -houl, +refera;l6 ha.e 1a9i1u1 &= in+ut an, &1 out+ut /ith "O7 an, Ter1inal @loc0$


9(",) 4('3/*/('/'

5'/* ;945=

!C? -hall -u++l6 the C energ6 +ro,uce, ;6 arra6 to C ;u- for in.erting to AC .oltage u-ing it- "!!T ("a9i1u1 !o/er !oint Trac0ing# control to e9tract 1a9i1u1 energ6 fro1 -olar arra6 an, +ro,uce F187 AC: ( +ha-e: 8& HC to -6nchroniCe /ith the local gri,$ )$1'$1 "!!T Solar charge controller: in.erter an, a--ociate, control an, +rotection , etc$ all -hall ;e integrate, into !C?$
Signature of the contractor - (F for Chief Electrical Engineer

)$1'$' !C? -hall +ro.i,e ( +ha-e: F18S%-1&B 7: 8&S%-& &$8 HC -u++l6 on AC -i,e /ith TH [(B$ )$1'$( )$1'$8 C .oltage ri++le content -hall not ;e 1ore than (B$ egree of +rotectionA I!-'1$
%$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE I))ued 4. DEE

)$1'$F Efficienc6 of !C? -hall not ;e le-- than *'B$ )$1'$) It -hall ha.e +rotection feature- -uch a- .oltage: -hort circuit: te1+erature etc$
're+ared 4. SSE/EE

Signature of the contractor - (8 for Chief Electrical Engineer

!age = of 1'

Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1&

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (

)$1'$> The in.erter -hall ;e efficient ;a-e, on !W" /ith I5@T%"OSFET relia;le ,e-ign$

+o/er ;a-e,

)$1'$= The !C? -hall ;e ca+a;le of co1+lete auto1atic o+eration: inclu,ing /a0e-u+: -6nchroniCation < -hut ,o/n$ )$1'$* !C? -hall ha.e facilit6 to ,i-+la6 it- ;a-ic +ara1eter- of the -6-te1$ )$1'$1& !C? -hall ;e ca+a;le to -6nchroniCe in,e+en,entl6 < auto1aticall6%to ;e +ha-e loc0e, /ith !OWER S?!!LY A?THORITY gri, +o/er line fre3uenc6 to attain -6nchroniCation < e9+ort +o/er generate, ;6 the -olar +anel to !OWER S?!!LY A?THORITY gri, in a,,ition to -u++l6 +o/er to the loa,-$ )$1'$11 @uilt-in /ith ,ata logging to 1onitor +lant +erfor1ance through e9ternal !C -hall ;e +ro.i,e,$ )$1'$1' In.erter -hall ;e te-te, for i-lan,ing +rotection +erfor1ance$ )$1'$1( Onl6 i-olate, in.erter- -hall ;e groun,e, on C -i,e$ )$1'$1F !C? -hall ha.e a facilit6 to 1onitor the Solar In-olation: Te1+ of Arra6 Yar,: Win, S+ee, etc$ The-e ,ata -houl, ;e +roce--e, to a central co1+uter -o that Rail/a6 authorit6 getthe con-oli,ate, 5eneration ata /ith effect of Te1+erature: /in, < ,u-t accu1ulation at a +articular -ite$ Thi- feature /ill hel+ in a-certaining the "aintenance 1etho,olog6: ROI: Future aug1entation +rogra1$ Thi- feature -houl, not onl6 ;e i1+le1ente, /ith a -ingle -6-te1 ;ut fle9i;ilit6 -houl, ;e there for future aug1entation /ith 1ulti+le -6-te1-$ Thifeature -hall ;e incor+orate, a- a -e+arate unit an, -hall ;e an optional feature$


/ndications (through LE - < LC


In.erter ON 5ri, ON In.erter un,er .oltage In.erter loa, In.erter te1+erature$


9rotections7 .oltage ;oth at in+ut < out+ut current ;oth at in+ut < out+ut,er gri, fre3uenc6 te1+erature Short circuit !rotection again-t lightening Surge .oltage in,uce, at out+ut ,ue to e9ternal -ource$


4a#les and +ard&ares

Ca;le- of a++ro+riate -iCe to ;e u-e, in the -6-te1 -hall ha.e the follo/ing characteri-tic-A (i# Te1+$ Range E1&\C to S1'&\C$ (ii# .oltage rating )&&%1&&&7 (iii# e9cellent re-i-tance to heat: col,: /ater: oil: a;ra-ion: ?7 ra,iation: oCone < /eathering (i.# Halogen-free: lo/ -1o0e: lo/ to9icit6$ (.# Fla1e retar,ant (.i# Fle9i;le (.ii# Fulfill- IEC )&(('-1 re3uire1ent(.iii# Con,uctor cla-- IEC )&''= cla-- 8

're+ared 4. SSE/EE !age * of 1' Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1&

%$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE

I))ued 4. DEE

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (

)$1($1 Ca;ling on C -i,e of the -6-te1 -hall ;e a- -hort a- +o--i;le to 1ini1iCe the .oltage ,ro+ in the /iring$
Signature of the contractor - () for Chief Electrical Engineer

)$1($' Co1+onent- an, har,/are -hall ;e .an,al an, theft re-i-tant$ All +art- -hall ;e corro-ionre-i-tant$ )$1F The -6-te1 ,e-cri+tion: general%technical re3uire1ent- etc$ are gi.en for general gui,ance onl6$ The -u++lier%1anufacturer -hall -u;1it the ,etail ,e-ign of the co1+lete -olar generating -6-te1 ;6 u-ing their -oft/are to o+ti1iCe the co1;ination of 1o,ulecon-i,ering the -+ecific location: i-olation: nature of loa, etc$

F%1: -4 3istri#ution #oard ;-43>=7

The AC @ 1u-t ha.e the follo/ing feature-A
)$18$1 @u- @ar 1ini1u1 ( ti1e- ca+acit6 of Solar !o/er +lant$ )$18$' In+ut 5ri, Line -houl, co1e fro1 -uch i-tri;ution @oar, of client -o that Solar !o/er can fee, the loa, or fee, +o/er to the gri, e.en /hen gri, fail- ( 5 Run-# in ,a6 ti1e an, Solar I-olation i- a.aila;le$ )$18$( The Solar !o/er -houl, ;e e9+orte, to the ;u- ;ar in-i,e the AC @ through a LC Energ6 "eter$ )$18$F The e-ignate, Loa, -houl, ;e route, through AC @ an, an Energ6 "eter to regi-ter the Loa, Energ6 Con-u1+tion fro1 Solar < 5ri, ,uring Wee0 a6- an, Holi,a6$ )$18$8 Thi- feature /ill ena;le Rail/a6- to highlight 5REEN !OWERE ]ONE in a ;uil,ing /hich /ill hel+ the1 in long Run to 5et LEE Rating for that ;uil,ing$

)$1) -pproval of System 3esign7

)$1)$1 The conce+t +lan%,e-ign of each -u;-6-te1 -hall ;e -u;1itte, to R SO for$ )$1)$' Rualit6 A--urance !lan -houl, inclu,e ,e-ign control: +roce-- control: 3ualit6 control: te-ting of -u;--6-te1: integration an, ;ill of 1aterial inten,e, to ;e u-e,$ )$1> 9rototype *esting @ R SO -hall con,uct +rotot6+e te-ting of 5ri, connector Solar 5enerating S6-te1 of in,i.i,ual ca+acit6 -e+aratel6$


6aintenance SystemThe Arra6 Yar, -houl, ha.e +er1anent Water Line /ith @utterfl6 .al.e an, ru;;er ho-e -o that cleaning can ;e ,one ;6 .en,or ,uring /arrant6 +erio, an, later on ;6 Rail/a6 +eo+le$


/'S*-00-*/(' H 4(66/SS/('/' 7
The in-tallation -hall ;e ,one ;6 the -u++lier%1anufacture /ho i- re-+on-i;le for it+erfor1ance an, ,irection of in-tallation < en-ure- -tructural -ta;ilit6$ The -u++lier -hall con,uct a ,etaile, -ite a--e--1ent$ The !7 in-taller -hall o;tain ,ata -+ecific to the -ite: rather than rel6ing on general ,ata$ While 1a0ing foun,ation ,e-ign: ,ue con-i,eration -hall ;e gi.en to /eight of the 1o,ule a--e1;l6: 1a9i1u1 /in, -+ee, at the -ite etc$

>$' The S!7 +anel -hall ha.e a +ro.i-ion for ,irectional an, angular a,Du-t1ent of the 1ounting -tructure to get 1a9i1u1 utiliCation of inci,ent -unlight$ It -hall ;e 1ounte, facing -outh < tilte, to an angle e3ual to the latitu,e /here ;eing u-e, for o+ti1u1 +erfor1ance$
're+ared 4. SSE/EE !age 1& of 1' Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1& %$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE I))ued 4. DEE

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (

> %( >$F

Solar +anel -u++orting -tructure -hall ;e hot ,i+ gal.aniCe, "S fra1e$ The -u++orting -tructure incor+orate- corro-ion re-i-tant har,/are- for all e9ternal connection-$


The -u++lier -hall +ro.i,e ea-6-to-u-e illu-trate, in-tallation an, o+eration 1anual in Engli-h an, local language for ea-6 in-tallation an, trou;le-free u-age$ "anual -hall contain co1+lete -6-te1 ,etail- -uch a- arra6 la6 out: -che1atic of the -6-te1: /or0ing +rinci+le etc: clear in-truction on regular 1aintenance: trou;le -hooting of the -olar generating -6-te1 < e1ergenc6 -hut ,o/n +roce,ure$

Signature of the contractor - (> for Chief Electrical Engineer


-.*,) S-0,S S,)C/4,7

The ,etail- of center- in In,ia -hall ;e +ro.i,e, along/ith offer$ All e--ential 1aterial- < 1an+o/er -hall ;e +lace, at the center- to en-ure 3uic0 < efficient after -ale-$ One -et of e--ential -+are- for the -6-te1 ;eing offere, -hall ;e inclu,e, in the offer < ,etail- of the offere, -+are- -hall ;e inclu,e, /ith the technical ;i,$ The +rice for -+are-hall ;e 3uote, -e+aratel6$

10%0 11%0

5-)-'*,,/"-))-'*1 ;3eleted= 0( >((!S7

Rail/a6- -hall 1aintain a log;oo0 ,etailing in-+ection < o+erating acti.itie-$ Thi- log;oo0 1u-t ;e 0e+t in a -ecure +lace < -hall ;e 1a,e a.aila;le for / re3uire, for in-+ection$ Te-ting of all +rotection , -hall ;e carrie, out at regular (no longer than -i9 1onth-# ;6 the cu-to1er < recor,e, in the log;oo0$


-''5-0 6-/'*,'-'4, 4('*)-4*7

The -u++ler /ill ha.e to 3uote the rate- for Co1+rehen-i.e Annual "aintenance Contract$ Cleaning of the +anel- < tightening of the connection- -hall ;e carrie, out once in three 1onth-$ For 1aintenance of !C?: one -et of e--ential -+are- -hall ;e 0e+t rea,6 %a-i,e


're+ared 4. SSE/EE

%$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE

I))ued 4. DEE

!age 11 of 1'

Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1&

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (

-nneGure @,ligi#ility 4riterion for >idding7 ;3eleted= -nneGure > Euality *esting of 9C-6odule
"o,ule- u-e, in -olar +anel- -hall ha.e IEC )1'18 E, ' or late-t co1+liance certificate$ The 3ualification te-ting +roce,ure i- ,efine, in IEC )1'18 E, ' or late-t to e9a1ine the i1+act of 1echanical: ther1al < electrical -tre-- on +o/er out+ut$ The ;i,,er -hall -u;1it a++ro+riate t6+e certificate for the offere, -olar 1o,ule- fro1 IEC a++ro.e, la;orite-$

6ethod of *esting
Signature of the contractor - (= for Chief Electrical Engineer


Cisual /nspection7
Each 1o,ule -hall ;e carefull6 in-+ecte, un,er an illu1ination of not le-- than1&&& lu9 for the follo/ing con,ition-A

1$1 1$' 1$( 1$F 1$8 1$) 1$> 1$=

Rac0e,: ;ent: 1i-aligne, or torn e9ternal -urface-$ @ro0en % crac0e, cellFault6 interconnection- or DointCell- touching one another or the fra1e Failure of a,he-i.e ;on,-W ;u;;le- or ,ela1ination- for1ing a continuou- +ath @et/een a cell < e,ge of the 1o,ule Fault6 ter1ination-: e9+o-e, li.e electrical +artOunction ;o9 -houl, ha.e co11on ter1inal- /ith -uita;le ;6+a-- ,io,e for +re.enting hot -+ot +ro;le1$


9erformance at S*47 ;4lause 10%1 of /,4 F181: ,d 8 or latest=

The current-.oltage characteri-tic- of the 1o,ule -hall ;e ,eter1ine, in accor,ance /ith IEC )&*&F-1 at a -+ecific -et of irra,iance < te1+ con,ition!erfor1ance of !7-"o,ule -hall ;e generall6 e.aluate, at Stan,ar,-Te-t-Con,ition- (STC# a- ,efine, in IEC )&*&F -tan,ar,-A (i# cell te1+ of '8Z C: (ii# inci,ent -olar irra,iance of 1&&&W%1': (iii# -+ectral ,i-tri;ution of light -+ectru1 /ith an air 1a-- A"Y1$8


All !7 1o,ule- -u++lie, -hall ;e acco1+anie, /ith I-7 cur.e- (te-te, in the 1anufacturing unit clearl6 in,icating the -erial nu1;er: ;atch nu1;er: ,ate an, countr6 of origin#$

're+ared 4. SSE/EE !age 1' of 1' Effecti.e fro1 '>-&*-'&1&

%$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE

I))ued 4. DEE

S+ecification No$ R SO%!E%S!EC%!S%&&*'-'&&= (Re.$ &#: A1en,1ent (


,'C/)('6,'*-0 *,S*/'
Follo/ing en.iron1ental te-t -hall ;e con,ucte, on offere, 1o,ule for initial clearance of the offere, -6-te1 once in ' 6ear-$ -ctual test to #e carried out at ovt% )ecogniMed 0a# or manufacturer premises as per standard IEC-)=-'-1 IEC-)=-'-1F

*est 4old *est )apid change of temp% 3ry +eat Salt spray "ind )ain 3ust

*est 3etails Te1+$ (-# F&ZC urationA 1) hr-$ Lo/ Te1+$ A (-# F&ZC High Te1+$ A(S# =8ZC No$ of C6cle- A 1& uration E9+o-ureA (& 1in Ri-e % Fall of te1+ A 1ZC%"inute Te1+$ (S# =8ZC urationA 1) hrTe1+$ (S# (8ZC: RH *8B urationA ' hr- -+ra6 an, '' hrCon,itioning$ No$ of C6cle A &1 !re--ure e3ui.alent to an air .elocit6 of '&& 01%hr$ Te-t a- re3uire, in the 1entione, -tan,ar,Te1+ A F&ZC: RH [ 8&B

IEC-)=-'-' IEC-)=-'-11 Te-t 4a

OSSA 88888 (Te-t No$ 1'# OSSA 88888 (Te-t No$ 1F#

Signature of the contractor - (* for Chief Electrical Engineer

4omposite *emp and humidity *est


uration E 1 h Te1+ ;et/een '8ZC: )8ZC an, -1&ZC: RHA *8B /ell ti1e A At )8ZC /ith *8B RH A &8S&8 HrAt '8ZC /ith *8B RHA(&S(& 1in$ At 1&ZC A ' hrRi-e < Fall ti1eA'TS'TS1THr-: uration-'F& hr-$ No$ of c6cle--1& Electrical I-olation Te-t Routine te-t

IEC E)=-'-(=

Shall ;e ,one at 1anufacturer- +lace for e.er6 1o,ule- offere,


-cceptance 4riteriaA
The "o,ule i- ,ee1e, to ha.e +a--e, the te-t- if the -a1+le 1eet- the follo/ing criteriaA 8$1 There i- no e.i,ence of a 1aDor .i-ual ,efect -uch a- a crac0e, or ;ro0en /in,o/: ;u;;leor ,e-la1ination in the enca+-ulant etc$ 8$' There are no cell ;rea0age- < no /ater infiltration into ter1inal ;o9e-$ 8$( No -a1+le e9hi;it- an6 o+en circuit or groun, fault$ 8$F No .i-i;le e.i,ence of 1aDor ,efect- that 1a6 affect the +erfor1ance of the 1o,ule$ 8$8 In-ulation Re-i-tance not le-- than 8&"-oh1 at 8&& 7 C$ 8$) egra,ation of +erfor1ance 1a6 not e9cee, 8B after each -ingle te-t or =B after the /hole -e3uence$

-------------'re+ared 4. SSE/EE %$ec>ed 4. ADE/EE I))ued 4. DEE

Signature of the contractor - F& for Chief Electrical Engineer

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