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The bold title of the magazine allows the reader to recognise the well-known name and therefore to avoid

confusion for the public. The name would need to stand out as this catches the eye of the public and focusses their attention on the magazine.

One of my favourite aspects of this cover is the consistency kept; the i -D has trademark is to have the model(s) to only have one eye on show. How this is done differs on each cover. The cover below follows the pattern and allows people to recognise the brand of the mag and its good reputation comes with this.

I like how the text is still easily visible on the cover for the user to be able to read without confusion or having to strain themselves. The bright colour contrasts against the dull black/grey to allow noticeable text relevant to the magazine.

The slim yellow bar down the left hand side of the cover, once again, adds to the emphasis of the title and contrasts with the grey colours used on the image. This diverts the eye towards the title which would appeal to the audience and allow them to develop and interest in the magazine as t has already caught their eye. This cover of the popular i-D mag has an urban feel due to the colour scheme and image clashing in a success way which was intended to stand out and be unique to others on the sale shelves.

The image of the women is simple yet effective as the monotone colour scheme used allows the text to stand out more than the image itself. The woman is made to appear naturalistic as she has no clothes on and only a little amount of makeup. Her hair is also simple as a subtle plait allows the focus, once again, to be on the text on the cover. Adding another colour onto this cover would appear too busy and may disorientate the public. The simplistic design is bold and eye grabbing.

The colour pallet used features greyscale tones to contrast effectively with the bright yellow to stand out and catch the eye of the public to entice them into buying the mag. The combination of yellow and greyscale/black &white greyscale is the best as they stand out due to being the most opposite colours on the colour wheel.

I also like the use of the cover being a way of i-D creating a sense of mystery for the public as the cover doesn't brag about the content or give an insight; this would intrigue people and make them want to read/look at the pages inside.

The indie, current style cover focuses on a younger target market and this is identified effectively by the company-the use of colours, models and styles being up-to-date is a style I would like to focus on also as this is relatable to myself as I am included n this age group and will therefore know what works and how I will achieve the certain look.

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