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Taternational, Ltd. " Nertin A. Armstrong Armstrong Economics ” A Peelude to disaster} ‘The United States View Givil Right act July 2nd, 1964 former Chaitman of Princeron, Economics Sherman, Act 1890 Conyeight Martin A. Arnotrong ALL Rights Reserved September 20th, 2009 lonments Welcone: ArnstrangBconomice@CMail COM’ (Internationally) ACENOWLEDG Manas TE would Like to thenk the many people who have bean writing from arownd the vorJd, It is encouraging to know that there are so sany people who are intacested in uncovering the trith. I have also special thanks for so many providing valuable insight inte trends arowad the world scom China, Soviet Republics, South Africa, brazil, Australian, and India. 1 believe ve can survive the felly o£ governments avan if they refuse to listen. the key is understanding the nature of events, and that allows vz te correctly maka tha decisionto be on the opposite side, I vould like to alse thank all my old Eriend and former clients fer thei support and to know thet they, have continued to gather: infornation that serves us all in Bimee of crisis. We are standing on the precipice of a new era In global-social-economies. How we enter this maw age is SF critical importance. Government is incapable to doing anything fer any refora of its own abuse of pover is not Rp for negotiation. we must weather the storm, and to do. co we nood to understand its nature. Just as the 19308 Great Depression set in motioa profound changes that were evan manifest in geopelitical confrontations, ve have now Fesched sucha croseroads. A debi crisis has its tentacles @saply onbadded into-every sector right into government. This 1g the distinction from a nete stock moxket craca that naver alters the eccnoay long-terr, We are seriously still dver-Reveraged and some banks are still trying to be hedge fonds and have'to speculate to make a profit, that 1s a key warning sigh that the worse is yet to cone. comments, Suggestions &. Questions comments, Suagestions § = Please mail t Martin A, Arietrong BOI Fort Dix Camp, #12518-050 PO Box 2000 Fort Dix, Na 08640 rans Se SIM OTL NESS BOR FORE UPONTED MEWS CRITICAL JO CUR SURVIVAL omstcronglcorcmcs asi 1 Com yaight, Mastin A eastreng, all pichts reserved" duals ox government: This fopurt may be foowarted as you Like ui:thact charge te india os 4, Te ie provided es 2 Public Semdice at this tlre witout cost because oF hat ve rou Tensd sconamically. The conients ard cesigne of the systems are in fant coayrlchies. pre futues deta, a riy edition of the “SB6 The Groctest Ball Sarent In Wistncy will be =lsssod anda naw beok wil] sonn be published an the model Liseif - The Coeneiny of Tine. Tk is ue oo noe forget tui ts 2 world Sis Sie at iteao ete The Gilnpse. oF the_ A Paelude ta disaster} by Martin A, Armstrong Former Cheirnan af Princeton economics International, Utd and the Foundation For The Study of cycles ULE OF TaW has been the primary mover & shaker of the econony that is just: 50 fundamental at its core, it is often a primary impact upon tha call our’ eoomony. presumed, yet cvarlocked as having it Of man's economic interaction we. It is not difficult to imagine if there is no Rule of | Yaw, then there can be no investment, and that will diminish the overall. national wealth of the state. The dectruction of the Roman Tmpire was teuly accomplished by the ruthiess “acts of Gains Julins Verus Maximinus (235-238 BD} who hated the'rich and perhaps civilization itself and hac waged war upon the people by Saclaring all private wealth belonged to the state, fie Anvented CONSPIRACY and executed in a single case.over 4,000 psople. ‘tha cloment of CONSPIRACY is mersly on agreement. The only nations that still use this manner of cximinally charging people is the Jnited States and Rritain, Of course, the United States is the worsi offender in history. Justice Holmes warned that if tha day'ever came whan all crimes ware prosecuted as a CONSPIRACY, it would be an abuse of that theory. For you see, as used in the United States, one person can commit a’crime, and then testify for the state that you "agreed" with his acts even though you dia nothing at all. You are then guilty of CONSPIRACY the same identical way that Maximinus used this crine to execute all oponents.and to confiscate wealth, while the press and many in the private world do not want to believe CONSPIRACY MEORIES, that is the way the ‘government prosecrtes EVERY caso. fay, because they do NOT have to prove you did a single thing, Just that you "agreed" with somaore who confesses so they do not go to jail, just you, This, however, is merely the resvilt. ‘the real question is how dtd we get here, and how. the Rule of Law was turned on its head in the aftermath of Magra Carta that transformed Jaw into a busines for the state that now thneat— ons our ability to survive as a nation, It is true that Thonas Jefferson aaw in our future that the collapse of the United States would ba brought about by the Judiciary, What 7 am concerned about here is the history of how we got to where we are, and the cyclical timing for the xetribution against corrupt ‘prigess what most people just assume is that tha state has always prosecuted crime. That is just NOP true, You hava surely heard the story about Ring Solomon and the two women who both Gladmed the taby was theirs. The background to that story is that being a judge was the DUTY of the state. Disputes were ALWAYS private and the state merely settled the dispute. gven in ancient Japan, private disputes wore presented toa person, but If the parties did rot reach an accord, then they were looked upon by the society as being uncivilized.

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