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Circuit Training Workout # 83 Get Your Plank On

Need: Dumbbells, Stability Ball Double Pulse Dumbbell Squats 1m TO Double Pulse One Legged Dumbbell Bridge Lifts 1m Each Side TO Dumbbell Double Pulse Bridge Lifts 1m

Deadlift Front Raise Flow 1m TO Plank Dumbbell Front to Backs 30s Each Side TO One SIded Dumbbell Lunge Upright Row 1m Each Side

Elbow Plank Side to Side Hops 1m TO Kneeling Dumbbell Shoulder Press to Stand 1m Each Side TO Kneeled Plank Curl & Kickback 1m Each Side

High Low Plank Leg Raises 1m (up, down, up, raise, raise) TO One Leg Bridge & Abduction 1m Each Side TO Alternating Pike Leg Raise into Sumo Squat 1m (2 raises)

High Plank Knee Tuck Glute Kick Up 30s Each Side TO Leaning Knee Tucks 1m TO Held Tricep Push Up Leg Lifts 1m (switch after 10)

Plank Triangles 30s Each Side Bicycles into Climbers 1m (switch after 10) TO Push Up Plank Alternating Shoulder Touch 1m

Plie Squat with Side Kick 30s Each Side TO Side Burpees 1m TO Alternating Knee to Elbow to Side Plank Flow 1m

Plank Glute Lift into Reach Back Down Dog Flow 1m Each Side ( 3 lifts) TO Side Plank Rainbows 30s Each Side TO Low Plank Alternating Reptile Tucks 1m

Alternating Cross Toe Touch Crunch 1m TO Side Plank Lift & Lowers 30s Each Side TO One Legged Bridge Lift Lower Toe Touch 1m Each Side

Dolphin Plank Lifts TO Backward Lunge with Glute Raise 1m Each Side 1m

Side Plank Stability Ball Leg Lifts 30s Each Side TO Stability Ball Low Plank Rotations 1m (roll elbows 10x in each direction) TO Low Plank Stability Ball Alternating Knee Tucks 1m

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