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But when you drive a man almost crazy and when, to his own surprise perhaps, he finds that

he still has some resistance, some powers of his own, then you are apt to find such a man acting very much like a primitive being. Such a man is apt not to only to become stubborn and dogged, but superstitious, a believer in magic and a practitioner of magic. Such a man is beyond religion - it is his religiousness that is suffering from. Such a man becomes a monomaniac, bent on doing one thing only and that is to break the evil spell which has been put upon him. Such a man is beyond throwing bombs, beyond revolt; he wants to stop reacting, whether inertly or ferociously. This man, of all men on earth, wants the act to be a manifestation of life. If, in the realization of his terrible need, he begins to act regressively, to become unsocial, to stammer and stutter, to prove so utterly unadapted as to be incapable of earning a living, know that this man has found his way back to the womb and source of life and that tomorrow, instead of the contemptible object of ridicule which you have made of him, he will stand forth as a man in his own right all the powers of the world will be of no avail against him. You think to supply guns and ammunition to the winning side is generosity; you think sending red cross nurses to the front, or the salvation army is generosity. You think a bonus twenty years too late is generosity; you think a little pension and a wheelchair is generosity; you think if you give a man his old job back its generosity. You dont know what the fucking word means, you bastards!

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