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Phrasal Verbs 2 Explanations 1 This course focuses on multiple meaning, and alternative ways of e pressing meanings of phrasal ver!s" #ote that there may !e other meanings for the ver!s listed here" $ive away %!etray& His false identity papers gave him away. $ive off %send off a smell ' li(uid or gas& The cheese had begun to give off a strange smell. $ive out %!e e hausted& When our money gave out we had to borrow some. $ive over %a!andon, devote& The rest of the time was given over to playing cards. %stop ) collo(uial& Why dont you give over! You're getting on my nerves. $ive up %surrender& The escaped prisoner gave herself up. %!elieved to !e dead or lost& After ten days the ship was given up for lost. $o !ac* on %!rea* a promise& The management has gone bac on its promise. $o in for %ma*e a ha!it of& ! don't go in for that ind of thing. %enter competition& Are you thin ing of going in for the race" $o off %!ecome !ad ' food& This mil has gone off. $o on %happen ' usually negative& #omething funny is going on. $o round %!e enough& There weren't enough life$%ac ets to go round.

+ichael ,ince, -eter Sunderland, Advanced &anguage 'ractice, O ford, +acmillan, .//0, p" 11/'111

$o through with %complete a promise or plan ' usually unwillingly& When it came to actually stealing the money( )ora couldn't go through with it. $row on %!ecome more li*ed ' collo(uial& This new record is growing on me. 2ang onto %*eep ' collo(uial& ! thin we should hang onto the car until ne*t year. 2ave it in for %!e deli!erately un*ind to someone ' also as have got+ ,y teacher has (got) it in for me. 2ave it out with %e press feelings so as to settle a pro!lem& ! put up with the problem for a while but in the end ! had it out with her. 2ave someone on %deceive ' collo(uial& ! don't believe you. You're having me on. 2it it off %get on well with ' collo(uial& ,ar and #arah really hit it off at the party. 2it upon3on %discover !y chance ' often an idea+ They hit upon the solution -uite by chance. 2old out %offer ' especially with hope+ We don't hold out much hope that the price will fall. 2old up %delay& #orry !'m late( ! was held up in the traffic. %use as an e ample ' i"e" a model of good behaviour+ .ac was always held up as an e*ample to me. 2old with %agree with ' an idea& ! don't hold with the idea of using force. 4eep up %continue& Well done! Keep up the good wor ! 5ay down %state a rule ' especially lay down the law+ The company has laid down strict procedures for this ind of situation. 5et down %disappoint, !rea* a promise& #orry to let you down, but ! can't give you a lift today. 5et in on %allow to !e part of a secret& We haven't let Tina in on the plans yet. 5et off %e cuse from punishment& .

As /ave was young( the %udge let him off with a fine. 5et on %inform a!out a secret ' collo(uial& We're planning a surprise for Helen( but don't let on. 5ive down %suffer a loss of reputation& !f 0ity lose( they'll never live it down. 5ive up to %reach an e pected standard& The play -uite lived up to my e*pectations. 5oo* into %investigate& The police have promised to look into the problem. 5oo* on %consider& We look on this town as our real home. 5oo* someone up %visit when in the area& !f you 're passing through Athens( look me up. +a*e for %result in& The power steering makes for easier par ing. +a*e off with %run away with& The thief made off with a valuable nec lace. +a*e out %pretend& Tim made out that he hadn't seen the )o #mo ing sign. %manage to see or understand& ! couldn't -uite make out what the notice said. +a*e someone out %understand someone6s !ehaviour& .anet is really odd. ! can't make her out. +a*e up %invent& ! thin you made up the whole story! +a*e up for %compensate for& 1ur success makes up for all the hard times. +iss out %fail to include& You have missed out a word here. %lose a chance ' collo(uial& 2ive people got promoted( but ! missed out again. Own up %confess ' collo(uial& )one of the children would own up to brea ing the window. -ac* in %stop an activity ' collo(uial& .ohn has packed in his %ob. 0

-ay !ac* %ta*e revenge ' collo(uial& #he paid him back for all his insults. -ic* up %improve ' collo(uial& The weather seems to be picking up. -in someone down %force to give a clear statement& ! as ed .im to name a suitable day( but ! couldn't pin him down. -lay up %!ehave or wor* !adly& The car is playing up again. !t won't start. -oint out %draw attention to a fact& ! pointed out that ! would be on holiday anyway. -ull off %manage to succeed& !t was a tric y plan( but we pulled it off. -ush on %continue with some effort ' collo(uial& &et's push on and try to reach the coast by tonight. -ut across %communicate ideas& Harry is clever but he can't put his ideas across. -ut down to %e plain the cause of& /iane's poor performance was put down to nerves. -ut in for %apply for a 7o!& #ue has put in for a teaching %ob. -ut oneself out %ta*e trou!le ' to help someone& 'lease don't put yourself out ma ing a meal. A sandwich will do. -ut off %discourage, upset& The crowd put the gymnast off and he fell. -ut up %offer accommodation& We can put you up for a few days. -ut up with %tolerate, !ear& ! can't put up with all this noise!

Practice 1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence. a" Richard and 9 have never really hit it3 yourselves off" !" The manager promised to loo* into my re-uest3the matter. c" 9 am afraid 9 don6t hold with this ind of thing3people li e you. d" 2ang on to the tic*ets, they might fall3we'll need them later. e" The team couldn6t *eep up the pressure3the score in the second half" f" This6ll go off unless you put it in the fridge3close the window. g" 9 thin* the second paragraph3 a great opportunity has !een missed out" h" +ost of the meeting was given over in the end3to Tom's report. i" Stephen eventually confessed up3owned up to si teen murders" 7" Something odd is going on behind my bac 3tomorrow afternoon. 2 Put one suitable word in each space. a" :e can6t watch that programme if the television is 4playing4up again" !" This novel is !eginning to """""""""""""""on me" c" 9t is (uite clearly """""""""""""""""down that only amateurs can ta*e part" d" Sales were slow to start with, !ut now they6re """"""""""""up" e" 9 don6t want to """"""""""""""""""you off, !ut this type of plane has crashed (uite often" f" Two mem!ers of the gang eventually """""""""""""themselves up" g" :e """""""""""""""""""out that we had forgotten ;ane6s !irthday, though it wasn6t true" h" h& There should !e enough plates to """"""""round" i" :hat does that notice say< 9 can6t """""""""""""it out" 7" 2ilary told me to ===="" her up the ne t time 9 was in 5ondon" 0 Read the te t and decide which answer %>, ?, C or @& !est fits each space" The small resort of -alama %1& """ ?"""" out rather in the 1AA/s, as the tourists floc*ed to the more o!vious attractions of the near!y resorts of Calapo and del +are" ?ut now, than*s to a ma7or new hotel development plan, !usiness is %.& BBBBBB, and -alama is more than %0& 1

BBBBBBits poor past showing and unfashiona!le image" The *indest thing one can say a!out -alama is that it %8& BBBBBByou if you6ve !een staying there for long enough" 9t is !eing %1& BBBBBBup as a shining e ample of the latest retro'style of modern hotel architecture, !ut as far as this o!server is concerned, it only occasionally %C& BBBBBBits !illing" 1" > held ." > pic*ing up ? missed ? ma*ing out C made C paying !ac* C hitting it off C puts up with C haled C ma*es for @ gave @ giving over @ ma*ing up for @ pushes on @ made @ puts across

0" > putting it for ? hanging on to 8" > grows on 1" > played C" > live up to ? hold with ? put ? holds out

4 Read the text and decide which answer (A,B, 'hil West test drives the ,ondo 5!#

or !" best #its each space.

Dou6d !e hard'pushed to find a more comforta!le drive ' the super! suspension system ma*es %1& ... 0 ..... an easy ride over !umpy roads, although the performance is somewhat let %.& BBBB!y the handling round corners" +ay!e 9 7ust drove this monster too fastE The instruction manual %0& BBBBthat the F;S can hit a top speed of .8/ *phG .// would !e nearer the mar* ' still not a figure to !e sniffed at" The dash!oard controls are an a!solute picture and easy to operate, although some of the electronics were a !it temperamental on my trial run ' at one point, alarmingly, the windscreen wipers decided to %8& BBBB" >lso 9 did not %1& BBBBwith the gear!o , and only found third gear with difficulty" ?ut hey, 96m the world6s most demanding critic ' this thing is a !eastE @on6t !e %C& BBBB!y the price, a cool H81,///"

1& > out .& > up 0& > puts up 8& > give away 1& > hit it off C& > missed out

? off with ? down ? pulls off ? miss out ? pull it off ? owned up

C for C in C ma*es out C put off C have it out C put off

@up @on @ holds up @ pac* up @ live it down @ hit upon

o%plete the second sentence so that it has a si%ilar %eanin& to the #irst sentence, usin& the word &i'en. !o not chan&e the word &i'en. a& 96m not really interested in sports" &o 9 don6t really 4go in for4. sports very much" !& Terry was rude !ut >nne got her revenge on him" bein& >nne paid Terry """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""to her" c& Dou can stay with us for a wee*" up :e can """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""for a wee*" d& The police only warned Sally !ecause it was her first offence" o## Sally was """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""warning !ecause it was her first offence" e& Sue drew attention to the flaw in the plan" out Sue """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""plan was flawed" f& The plain clothes officer6s !oots showed he was a policeman" &i'en The plain clothes policeman6s real identity """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" his !oots" g& 2ard wor* was what caused ;ill6s success" put ;ill6s success can """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""hard wor*" h& The !o smelled faintly of fish" &a'e The !o """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""of fish" i& 9 thin* my !oss is pre7udiced against me" it 9 thin* my !oss """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""me" 7& The holiday wasn6t as good as we had e pected" up The holiday didn6t """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""e pectations"

Vocabular(2 )or* 1 +a*e a word #ro% each colu%n to co%plete the collocations (ou need #or each space in the text. Column > :or*ing, sic*, promotion -ension, covering, trial Career, 7o!, claims, travel Column ? description, letter, conditions, scheme, path, pay, prospects e penses, from, period

Dou6ll never guess what6s happened ' 96ve only got a 7o!E 9 saw an advert in the press for an administrative assistant at 5ondon 9nsurance, and sent in my C, and a %1& 4covering letter4, more out of curiosity than anything else" :ell, to my surprise, 9 got an interview, and 9 managed to convince them that insurance is the %.& ========" 9 intend to pursue" >pparently, they were impressed with my am!ition, especially when 9 said 9 was loo*ing for a 7o! with good %0& ======, and a wee* later 9 was offered the 7o!" They seem to loo* after you well ' for e ample, 9 was told to send in a %8& ======so that they could reim!urse my %1& ======to the interview" 9t6s little things li*e that which ma*e all the difference" 9 was also impressed !y the %C& ======at the office when 9 went for the interview" So 96m actually starting wor* on +ondayE 96ve received my %I& ======now, and it all seems very favoura!le" >fter a %8& ======of one month, 96ll !e on a permanent contract with %A& ======and paid holiday" There6s even a company %1/& ======which 9 can 7oin" @avid, why don6t you apply< They ta*e on ./ new graduates each year" 9t would !e right up your street" ?est wishes, @an

idem p" .11, .10

2 o%plete each sentence with the %ost appropriate word #ro% the box. agent client competitor dealer e ecutive foreman industrialist la!ourer producer trainee

a" #owadays you often find that the top 4e*ecutive4in a company is a woman" !" 9f you have any pro!lems with your wor*, tal* to the ========"" " c" 62appy Chips6 is the num!er one ========"" of potato crisps in the country" d" 96m starting ne t wee* as a ========"" chef in a large hotel" e" Our company is the ========"" for several large insurance companies" f" @avid was not content until he had !ecome a rich ========"" g" Our firm is (uite a long way ahead of our nearest ========"" " h" :ith mechanisation it is difficult to find wor* as an uns*illed ========"" i" 9 have !een wor*ing as a used car========"" for the past si months" 7" > company should ma*e every ========"" feel important" "

, Match the descriptions (a-j) with the explanations (1-10). a" ;ane was headhunted !y a multinational company =1=" !" -am is at the end of her tether" ===" c" +ary6s assistant was given the sac*" ===" d" ;ean really has her nose to the grindstone" ===" e" Sue was given a golden handsha*e" ===" f" 2elen too* on a new secretary" ===" g" >nn is on the go all day" ===" h" ?renda was overloo*ed" ===" i" ;udith has made good" ===" 7" -auline6s !oss *eeps her on her toes" ===" 1 She is always !usy" . She doesn6t have the chance to !ecome complacent" 0 She6s wor*ing hard" 8 She didn6t get promoted" 1 She was offered a !etter 7o!" A "

C She has !ecome successful" I She was dismissed" 8 She received a cash !onus on leaving her 7o!" A She has run out of patience" 1/ She gave someone a 7o!"


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