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Importantt Medicines

1. for Immunity - Amrutottar Kasayam - daily morning 3 tea spoons in equal quantity of water. 2. Every 6 months - after Amudam oil stoma h leaning ta!e vasanta !usuma!ara 1" ta#lets ea h ta# per day. 3. for $old - dasamula !atu traya !asayam - 2 #ottle. - 3 tae spoons per dose 3 times per day. %. &or $old - 'alisadi hoornam - 1 #ottle - 1 tea spoon per dose 3 times per day (. for $old - Kan hanara )uggul - 1 #ottle - 2 ta#lets dose 3 times per day. *In ase of old ta!e 3+%+( for 2-3 days., 6. &or fever - -rutun.aya /as - 1 #ottle- 2 ta#lets 3 times per day. all ta#lets - doodhpapeshwar ompany. all Kasayams - Kotta!al or vaidyaratnam ompany.

0omeo 1rugs 1. &or a idents and hurts et - Arni a 3" 2 2"" 2. for motions - .alapa - 2"" 3. for sore throat - mer sol - 2"" %. fever and #ody pains - /hus 'o3 - 2"" (. for food poision - arseni al# - 2""

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