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(As Based on the Lecture by JUDGE ESTELA ALMA A. SINGCO



THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Preamble !e" the so#ere$%n &$'$($no (eo('e" $)('or$n% the a$d o* A')$%hty God" $n order to bu$'d a +ust and hu)ane soc$ety and estab'$sh a Go#ern)ent that sha'' e)body our $dea's and as($rat$ons" (ro)ote the co))on %ood" conser#e and de#e'o( our (atr$)ony" and secure to ourse'#es and our (oster$ty the b'ess$n%s o* $nde(endence and de)ocracy under the ru'e o* 'a, and a re%$)e o* truth" +ust$ce" *reedo)" 'o#e" e-ua'$ty" and (eace" do orda$n and (ro)u'%ate th$s Const$tut$on. ARTICLE I NATIONAL TERRITORY The nat$ona' terr$tory co)(r$ses the .h$'$(($ne arch$(e'a%o" ,$th a'' the $s'ands and ,aters e)braced there$n" and a'' other terr$tor$es o#er ,h$ch the .h$'$(($nes has so#ere$%nty or +ur$sd$ct$on" cons$st$n% o* $ts terrestr$a'" *'u#$a'" and aer$a' do)a$ns" $nc'ud$n% $ts terr$tor$a' sea" the seabed" the subso$'" the $nsu'ar she'#es" and other sub)ar$ne areas. The ,aters around" bet,een" and connect$n% the $s'ands o* the arch$(e'a%o" re%ard'ess o* the$r breadth and d$)ens$ons" *or) (art o* the $nterna' ,aters o* the .h$'$(($nes. Archipel !ic "octrine - The # ters roun$% &et#een% n$ connectin! the isl n$s o' the rchipel !o% re! r$less o' their &re $th n$ $i(ensions% 'or( p rt o' the intern l # ters o' the Philippines) Archipel !ic B selines - B sis* +NCLOS - ,o# to tre t - l . n /roup o' Isl n$s n$ Sc r&orou!h Sh ol* #hether to inclu$e or to exclu$e the( 'ro( the & selines0 n$1or consi$er s p rt o' the re!i(e o' isl n$s)

Sect$on /. The .h$'$(($nes $s a de)ocrat$c and re(ub'$can State. So#ere$%nty res$des $n the (eo('e and a'' %o#ern)ent author$ty e)anates *ro) the). Sep r tion o' Po#ers

Principles o' Blen$in! o' Po#ers n$ Chec<s = B l nces - +n$er the principle o' sep r tion o' po#ers% courts c nnot inter'ere #ith the exercise &. the le!isl ture o' its uthorit. to con$uct investi! tions in i$ o' le!isl tion 5Sen te Blue Ri&&on vs > ? $ucon% /R @ 179A93% Bul. 28% 23370 Executive privile!e - Neri vs) Sen te Co((ittee% /R) No) 1:39C7% > rch 2;% 233:6

Bu$ici l Revie#* ReDuisites 5Er ncisco% et l) vs) ,R% et l)% Nove(&er 13% 23370 ABA-A"A /uro P rt. List% et l) vs) Executive Secret r. Er(it % Septe(&er 1% 233;0 " vi$ et l) vs) Er(it % et l)% April 23% 23396) - With RA No) A193% the union o' le!isl tive n$ executive po#ers in the o''ice o' the loc l chie' executive un$er the BP Bl!) 77A h s &een $is& n$e$% so th t either $ep rt(ent no# co(prises $i''erent n$ non-inter(in!lin! o''ici l person lities #ith the en$ in vie# o' ensurin! &etter $eliver. o' pu&lic service n$ provi$e s.ste( o' chec< n$ & l nce &et#een the t#o) The vo#e$ intent o' RA No) A193% there'ore% is to vest on the S n!!uni n! P nl l #i! n in$epen$ence in the exercise o' its le!isl tive 'unctions vis- -vis the $isch r!e &. the /overnor o' the executive 'unctions) 5AtienF vs) Vill ros % > . 13% 233;6)

Non-"ele! tion o' le!isl tive po#er 5A& < $ /uro P rt. List vs) Executive Secret r.% Septe(&er 1% 233;0 Epir c se/erochi vs) "OE% /R) No) 1;8A896) Per(issi&le $ele! tion* 1) t ri'' po#ers o' the Presi$ent - 5Sec) 2: 526 Art) VI6 2) e(er!enc. po#er o' the Presi$ent - 5Sec) 27 526 o' Art) VI6 7) people - 5Sec) 72 o' Art) VI6 - 5Sec) 13 o' Art) G6 - 5Sec) 2 o' Art) GVII6 - 5RA 9A7;6 C) loc l !overn(ents - 5Art G6 ;) $(inistr tive &o$ies - 5po#er o' su&or$in te le!isl tion6 Tests o' v li$ $ele! tion* 1) co(pleteness test 2. su''icient st n$ r$ test 5S nti !o vs) CO>ELEC% 711818A6 5A& < $ /uro P rt. List vs) Exec) Sec)6 Incorpor tion Cl use

233-Econo(ic 4one 5inclu$es Territori l Se s n$ Conti!uous 4one6 - REA"* +N Convention on the L # o' the Se ) Conti!uous 4one - 512 n( 'ro( the en$ o' territori l se s6 Teritori l se s1( riti(e $o( in - 512 n( 'ro( & seline6

Intern l # ters - Re ! n vs) CIR% 73 SCRA 89:* An exception to the 'ull n$ co(plete po#er o' n tion #ithin its territories is &. virtue o' the consent o' the n tion itsel') The e(& ss. pre(ises o' 'orei!n po#er re #ithin the territori l $o( in o' the host St te) The !roun$ occupie$ s e(& ss. pre(ises is not the territor. o' the 'orei!n St te to #hich the pre(ises &elon!) - l . 6 &6 n Isl n$ /roup historic ri!ht P)") No) 1;89

Sect$on 0. The .h$'$(($nes renounces ,ar as an $nstru)ent o* nat$ona' (o'$cy" ado(ts the %enera''y acce(ted (r$nc$('es o* $nternat$ona' 'a, as (art o* the

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

'a, o* the 'and and adheres to the (o'$cy o* (eace" e-ua'$ty" +ust$ce" *reedo)" coo(erat$on" and a)$ty ,$th a'' nat$ons. No) 1A3737C% Octo&er 8% 233A - Custo( r. intern tion l l # is $ee(e$ incorpor te$ into our $o(estic s.ste()

B. the $octrine o' incorpor tion% the countr. is &oun$ &. !ener ll. ccepte$ principles o' intern tion l l #% #hich re consi$ere$ to &e uto( tic ll. p rt o' our o#n l #s) HT n $ vs) An! r % > . 2% 188AI

Civili n Supre( c.

Li( vs) Exec) Sec)% April 11% 2332* /ener ll. ccepte$ principles o' Intern tion l L #% the provisions o' tre t. re l# .s su&?ect to Du li'ic tion or (en$(ent &. su&seDuent l #% or th t it is su&?ect to the police po#er o' the St te)

Sect$on 1. C$#$'$an author$ty $s" at a'' t$)es" su(re)e o#er the )$'$tary. The Ar)ed &orces o* the .h$'$(($nes $s the (rotector o* the (eo('e and the State. Its %oa' $s to secure the so#ere$%nty o* the State and the $nte%r$ty o* the nat$ona' terr$tory.

The $octrine o' incorpor tion is pplie$ #henever (unicip l tri&un ls 5or loc l courts6 re con'ronte$ #ith situ tions in #hich there ppe rs to &e con'lict &et#een rule o' intern tion l l # n$ the provisions o' the constitution or st tute o' the loc l st te) E''orts shoul$ 'irst &e exerte$ to h r(oniFe the(% so s to !ive e''ect to &oth since it is to &e presu(e$ th t (unicip l l # # s en cte$ #ith proper re! r$ 'or the !ener ll. ccepte$ principles o' intern tion l l # in o&serv nce o' the Incorpor tion Cl use in the &ove-cite$ constitution l provision 5CruF% Philippine Politic l L #% 1889 e$)% p) ;;6) In situ tion% ho#ever% #here the con'lict is irreconcil &le n$ choice h s to &e ( $e &et#een rule o' intern tion l l # n$ (unicip l l #% ?urispru$ence $ict tes th t (unicip l l # shoul$ &e uphel$ &. the (unicip l courts 5Ichon! vs) ,ern n$eF% 131 Phil) 11;; H18;AI0 /onF les vs) ,ech nov % 8 SCRA 273 H1897I0 In re* / rci % 2 SCRA 8:C H1891I6 'or the re son th t such courts re or! ns o' (unicip l l # n$ re ccor$in!l. &oun$ &. it in ll circu(st nces 5S lon! = J p% op) cit)% p) 176) The ' ct th t intern tion l l # h s &een ( $e p rt o' the l # o' the l n$ $oes not pert in to or i(pl. the pri( c. o' intern tion l l # over n tion l or (unicip l l # in the (unicip l sphere) The $octrine o' incorpor tion% s pplie$ in (ost countries% $ecrees th t rules o' intern tion l l # re !iven eDu l st n$in! #ith% &ut re not superior to% n tion l le!isl tive en ct(ents) Accor$in!l.% the principle lex posterior $ero! t priori t <es e''ect K tre t. ( . repe l st tute n$ st tute ( . repe l tre t.) In st tes #here the constitution is the hi!hest l # o' the l n$% such s the Repu&lic o' the Philippines% &oth st tutes n$ tre ties ( . &e inv li$ te$ i' the. re in con'lict #ith the constitution) HSec) o' Bustice vs) L ntionI

IBP vs) 4 (or % 77: SCRA :1% 523336* The c llin! o' the ( rines constitutes per(issi&le use o' (ilit r. ssets 'or civili n en'orce(ent) Not#ithst n$in! the con$uct o' ?oint visi&ilit. p trols &. the (e(&ers o' PNP n$ the Philippine ( rines% the >etro > nil Police Chie' is the over ll le $er n$ it is the loc l police 'orces #ho re in ch r!e t ll ti(es)

The vit lit. o' the tenet th t the Presi$ent is the co(( n$er-in-chie' o' the Ar(e$ Eorces is (ost cruci l to the $e(ocr tic # . o' li'e% to civili n supre( c. over the (ilit r.% n$ to the !ener l st &ilit. o' our represent tive s.ste( o' !overn(ent) The Constitution reposes 'in l uthorit.% control n$ supervision o' the AEP to the Presi$ent% civili n #ho is not (e(&er o' the r(e$ 'orces% n$ #hose $uties s co(( n$er-inchie' represent onl. p rt o' the or! nic $uties i(pose$ upon the o''ice% the other 'unctions &ein! cle rl. civil in n ture) Civili n supre( c. over the (ilit r. lso counter( n$s the notion th t the (ilit r. ( . &.p ss civili n uthorities% such s civil courts% on ( tters such s con$uctin! # rr ntless se rches n$ seiFure) The &ilit. o' the Presi$ent to prevent (ilit r. o''icers 'ro( testi'.in! &e'ore Con!ress $oes not turn on executive privile!e% &ut on the Chie' ExecutiveLs po#er s co(( n$er-in-chie' to control the ctions n$ speech o' (e(&ers o' the r(e$ 'orces) The Presi$entLs prero! tives s co(( n$er-in-chie' re not h (pere$ &. the s (e li(it tions s in executive privile!e) The Presi$ent coul$% s !ener l rule% reDuire (ilit r. o''icers to see< presi$enti l pprov l &e'ore ppe rin! &e'ore Con!ress is & se$ 'ore(ost on the notion th t contr r. rule un$ul. $i(inishes the prero! tives o' the Presi$ent s co(( n$er-in-chie' 5/u$ ni vs) Sen! % Au!ust 1;% 23396)

There is no o&li! tor. rule $erive$ 'ro( tre ties or conventions th t reDuires the Philippines to reco!niFe 'orei!n ?u$!(ents% or llo# proce$ure 'or the en'orce(ent thereo') ,o#ever% !ener ll. ccepte$ principles o' intern tion l l #% &. virtue o' the incorpor tion cl use o' the Constitution% 'or( p rt o' the l #s o' the l n$ even i' the. $o not $erive 'ro( tre t. o&li! tions) The cl ssic l 'or(ul tion in intern tion l l # sees those custo( r. rules ccepte$ s &in$in! result 'ro( the co(&in tion t#o ele(ents* the est &lishe$% #i$espre $% n$ consistent pr ctice on the p rt o' St tes0 n$ ps.cholo!ic l ele(ent <no#n s the opinion ?uris sive necessit tes 5opinion s to l # or necessit.6) I(plicit in the l tter ele(ent is &elie' th t the pr ctice in Duestion is ren$ere$ o&li! tor. &. the existence o' rule o' l # reDuirin! it) 5>i? res% et l) vs) B vier% et l)% April 12% 233;6

Courts-( rti l re instru(ent lities o' the Executive to en &le the Presi$ent% s Co(( n$erin-Chie'% to e''ectivel. co(( n$% control% n$ $iscipline the r(e$ 'orces 5see Ru''. v) Chie' o' St ''% A; Phil) :A; H18C9I% citin! WinthropLs >ilit r. L # n$ Prece$ents% 2n$ e$ition% p) C86) In short% courts-( rti l 'or( p rt o' the $isciplin r. s.ste( th t ensures the Presi$entLs control% n$ thus civili n supre( c.% over the (ilit r.) At the pex o' this $isciplin r. s.ste( is the Presi$ent #ho exercises revie# po#ers over $ecisions o' courts( rti l 5citin! Article ;3 o' the Articles o' W r0 Duote$ provisions o(itte$6) H/onF les% et l vs) /en) A& . % /)R) No) 19C33A% Au!ust 13% 2339I Sect$on 2. The (r$)e duty o* the Go#ern)ent $s to ser#e and (rotect the (eo('e. The Go#ern)ent )ay ca'' u(on the (eo('e to de*end the State and" $n the *u'*$'')ent thereo*" a'' c$t$3ens )ay be re-u$red" under cond$t$ons (ro#$ded by 'a," to render (ersona' )$'$tary or c$#$' ser#$ce.

Ph r( ceutic l n$ ,e lth C re Associ tion o' the Philippines% vs) "uDue% et l)% /R

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

Sect$on 4. The )a$ntenance o* (eace and order" the (rotect$on o* '$*e" '$berty" and (ro(erty" and the (ro)ot$on o* the %enera' ,e'*are are essent$a' *or the en+oy)ent by a'' the (eo('e o* the b'ess$n%s o* de)ocracy.

Sect$on /2. The State reco%n$3es the ro'e o* ,o)en $n nat$on7bu$'d$n%" and sha'' ensure the *unda)enta' e-ua'$ty be*ore the 'a, o* ,o)en and )en. Sect$on /4. The State sha'' (rotect and (ro)ote the r$%ht to hea'th o* the (eo('e and $nst$'' hea'th consc$ousness a)on% the). B l nce$ = ,e lth'ul Ecolo!.

Sep r tion o' the Church n$ St te

Sect$on 5. The se(arat$on o* Church and State sha'' be $n#$o'ab'e.

Estr $ vs) Escritor% Bune 22% 2339* It is in$u&it &le th t &enevolent neutr lit.cco((o$ tion% #hether ( n$ tor. or per(issive% is the spirit% intent n$ 'r (e#or< un$! the Philippine Constitution) Benevolent neutr lit. coul$ llo# 'or cco((o$ tion o' (or lit. & se$ on reli!ion% provi$e$ it $oes not o''en$ Mco(pellin! st te interestN)

Sect$on /5. The State sha'' (rotect and ad#ance the r$%ht o* the (eo('e to a ba'anced and hea'th*u' eco'o%y $n accord ,$th the rhyth) and har)ony o* nature.

Onl. the prevention o' n i((e$i te n$ !r ve $ n!er to the securit. n$ #el' re o' the co((unit. c n ?usti'. the in'rin!e(ent o' reli!ious 'ree$o() I' the !overn(ent ' ils to sho# the seriousness n$ i((e$i c. o' the thre t% St te intrusion is constitution ll. un ccept &le) In societ. #ith $e(ocr tic 'r (e#or< li<e ours% the St te (ust (ini(iFe its inter'erence #ith the '' irs o' its citiFens n$ inste $ llo# the( to exercise re son &le 'ree$o( o' person l n$ reli!ious ctivit.) HIsl (ic " LW h Council o' the Philippines vs) O''ice o' the Executive Secret r.% Bul. 8% 2337I Sect$on 6. The State sha'' (ursue an $nde(endent *ore$%n (o'$cy. In $ts re'at$ons ,$th other states the (ara)ount cons$derat$on sha'' be nat$ona' so#ere$%nty" terr$tor$a' $nte%r$ty" nat$ona' $nterest" and the r$%ht to se'*7deter)$nat$on. Sect$on 8. The .h$'$(($nes" cons$stent ,$th the nat$ona' $nterest" ado(ts and (ursues a (o'$cy o* *reedo) *ro) nuc'ear ,ea(ons $n $ts terr$tory. Sect$on 9. The State sha'' (ro)ote a +ust and dyna)$c soc$a' order that ,$'' ensure the (ros(er$ty and $nde(endence o* the nat$on and *ree the (eo('e *ro) (o#erty throu%h (o'$c$es that (ro#$de ade-uate soc$a' ser#$ces" (ro)ote *u'' e)('oy)ent" a r$s$n% standard o* '$#$n%" and an $)(ro#ed -ua'$ty o* '$*e *or a''. Sect$on /:. The State sha'' (ro)ote soc$a' +ust$ce $n a'' (hases o* nat$ona' de#e'o()ent. Sect$on //. The State #a'ues the d$%n$ty o* e#ery hu)an (erson and %uarantees *u'' res(ect *or hu)an r$%hts. Sect$on /0. The State reco%n$3es the sanct$ty o* *a)$'y '$*e and sha'' (rotect and stren%then the *a)$'y as a bas$c autono)ous soc$a' $nst$tut$on. It sha'' e-ua''y (rotect the '$*e o* the )other and the '$*e o* the unborn *ro) conce(t$on. The natura' and (r$)ary r$%ht and duty o* (arents $n the rear$n% o* the youth *or c$#$c e**$c$ency and the de#e'o()ent o* )ora' character sha'' rece$#e the su((ort o* the Go#ern)ent. Sect$on /1. The State reco%n$3es the #$ta' ro'e o* the youth $n nat$on7bu$'d$n% and sha'' (ro)ote and (rotect the$r (hys$ca'" )ora'" s($r$tua'" $nte''ectua'" and soc$a' ,e''7be$n%. It sha'' $ncu'cate $n the youth (atr$ot$s) and nat$ona'$s)" and encoura%e the$r $n#o'#e)ent $n (ub'$c and c$#$c a**a$rs.

The ri!ht to & l nce$ n$ he lth'ul ecolo!. is 'un$ (ent l le! l ri!ht th t c rries #ith it the correl tive $ut. to re'r in 'ro( i(p irin! the environ(ent) This ri!ht i(plies% (on! other thin!s% the ?u$icious ( n !e(ent n$ conserv tion o' the countr.Ls resources% #hich $ut. is repose$ in the "ENR) 5Prov) o' RiF l vs) Exec) Sec)% "ece(&er 17% 233;6 Sect$on /6. The State sha'' %$#e (r$or$ty to educat$on" sc$ence and techno'o%y" arts" cu'ture" and s(orts to *oster (atr$ot$s) and nat$ona'$s)" acce'erate soc$a' (ro%ress" and (ro)ote tota' hu)an '$berat$on and de#e'o()ent. Sect$on /8. The State a**$r)s 'abor as a (r$)ary soc$a' econo)$c *orce. It sha'' (rotect the r$%hts o* ,or;ers and (ro)ote the$r ,e'*are. Sect$on /9. The State sha'' de#e'o( a se'*7re'$ant and $nde(endent nat$ona' econo)y e**ect$#e'y contro''ed by &$'$($nos. Sect$on 0:. The State reco%n$3es the $nd$s(ensab'e ro'e o* the (r$#ate sector" encoura%es (r$#ate enter(r$se" and (ro#$des $ncent$#es to needed $n#est)ents. Sect$on 0/. The State sha'' (ro)ote co)(rehens$#e rura' de#e'o()ent and a%rar$an re*or). Sect$on 00. The State reco%n$3es and (ro)otes the r$%hts o* $nd$%enous cu'tura' co))un$t$es ,$th$n the *ra)e,or; o* nat$ona' un$ty and de#e'o()ent. Sect$on 01. The State sha'' encoura%e non7 %o#ern)enta'" co))un$ty7 based" or sectora' or%an$3at$ons that (ro)ote the ,e'*are o* the nat$on. Sect$on 02. The State reco%n$3es the #$ta' ro'e o* co))un$cat$on and $n*or)at$on $n nat$on7bu$'d$n%.

Loc l Autono(.

Sect$on 04. The State sha'' ensure the autono)y o* 'oca' %o#ern)ents.

B sco vs) P !cor* The po#er o' loc l !overn(ent to i(pose t xes n$ 'ees is l# .s su&?ect to li(it tions #hich Con!ress ( . provi$e &. l #) The principle o' loc l utono(. un$er the 18:A constitution si(pl. (e ns $ecentr liF tion) It $oes not ( <e loc l !overn(ents soverei!n #ithin the st te o' n Mi(periu( in i(perioN 5unli<e in Ee$er l S.ste(6) The ( tter o' re!ul tin!% t xin! or

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

other#ise $e lin! #ith ! (&lin! is St te concern n$ hence% it is the sole prero! tive o' the St te to ret in it or $ele! te it to loc l !overn(ents)

Re* Vicente Chin!% 719 SCRA 1* There re t#o con$itions in or$er th t the election o' Philippine citiFenship is e''ective* 1) the (other o' the person ( <in! the election (ust &e citiFen o' the Philippines0 n$ 2) s i$ election (ust &e ( $e upon re chin! the !e o' ( ?orit.)

Li(&on vs) > n!elin% 1A3 SCRA A:9* +n$er the constitution% provinces% cities% (unicip lities n$ & r n! . en?o. loc l utono(. su&?ect to the supervision o' the n tion l !overn(ent ctin! throu!h the Presi$ent 5 n$ the "ep rt(ent o' Loc l /overn(ent6) Autono(ous re!ions in >usli( >in$ n o n$ in the Cor$iller s% on the other h n$% re su&?ect lone to the $ecree o' the or! nic ct cre tin! the( n$ ccepte$ principles on the e''ects n$ li(its o' utono(.)

Ben!son vs) ,RET% > . A% 2331- Rep tri tion ( . &e h $ un$er v rious st tutes &. those #ho lost their citiFenship $ue to* 16 $esertion o' the AEP0 26 serve$ in the r(e$ 'orces o' the llie$ 'orces in WWII0 76 service in the AE o' the +S t n. other ti(e0 C6 ( rri !e o' Eilipino #o( n to n lien0 ;6 politic l n$ econo(ic necessit.)

N tion l Li! n! (! B r n! . vs) P re$es% C78 SCRA 173* Presi$entLs po#er o' !ener l supervision% s exercise$ &. the "IL/% exten$s to Li! n! (! B r n! .) ONOTE* 5"et ils re'er to Article G6

Sect$on 05. The State sha'' %uarantee e-ua' access to o((ortun$t$es *or (ub'$c ser#$ce" and (roh$b$t (o'$t$ca' dynast$es as )ay be de*$ned by 'a,. Sect$on 06. The State sha'' )a$nta$n honesty and $nte%r$ty $n the (ub'$c ser#$ce and ta;e (os$t$#e and e**ect$#e )easures a%a$nst %ra*t and corru(t$on. Sect$on 08. Sub+ect to reasonab'e cond$t$ons (rescr$bed by 'a," the State ado(ts and $)('e)ents a (o'$cy o* *u'' (ub'$c d$sc'osure o* a'' $ts transact$ons $n#o'#$n% (ub'$c $nterest. ARTICLE IV CITIZENSHIP Sect$on /. .h$'$(($nes< The *o''o,$n% are c$t$3ens o* the

R)A) No) :1A1% #hich h s l pse$ into l # on 27 Octo&er 188;% is n ct provi$in! 'or the rep tri tion 5 6 o' Eilipino #o(en #ho h ve lost their Philippine citiFenship &. ( rri !e to liens n$ 5&6 o' n tur l-&orn Eilipinos #ho h ve lost their Philippine citiFenship on ccount o' politic l or econo(ic necessit.) HAn! t vs) RP% Septe(&er 1C% 18880 T & s vs) CA% /R) No) 12;A87% Au!ust 28% 233AI Rep tri tion si(pl. consists o' the t <in! o' n o th o' lle!i nce to the RP n$ re!isterin! s i$ o th in the Loc l civil Re!istr. o' the pl ce #here the person concerne$ resi$es or l st resi$e$)

Alt re?os vs) CO>ELEC% CC1 SCRA 9;;- In $$ition to the t <in! the o th o' lle!i nce to the Repu&lic o' the Philippines% the re!istr tion o' the Certi'ic te o' Rep tri tion in the proper civil re!istr. n$ the Bure u o' I((i!r tion is prereDuisite in e''ectin! the rep tri tion o' citiFen) Rep tri tion retro cts to the $ te o' the 'ilin! o' oneLs pplic tion 'or rep tri tion) Supr ) Rep tri tion results in the recover. o' the ori!in l n tion lit.) I' he # s ori!in ll. n tur l &orn citiFen &e'ore he lost his citiFenship% he #ill &e restore$ to his 'or(er st tus s n tur l &orn Eilipino) NAT+RAL BORN

(/ Those ,ho are c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes at the t$)e o* the ado(t$on o* th$s Const$tut$on= (0 Those ,hose *athers or )others are c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes= (1 Those born be*ore January /6" /961" o* &$'$($no )others" ,ho e'ect .h$'$(($ne c$t$3ensh$( u(on reach$n% the a%e o* )a+or$ty= and (2 Those ,ho are natura'$3ed $n accordance ,$th 'a,.

Sect$on 0. Natura'7born c$t$3ens are those ,ho are c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes *ro) b$rth ,$thout ha#$n% to (er*or) any act to ac-u$re or (er*ect the$r .h$'$(($ne c$t$3ensh$(. Those ,ho e'ect .h$'$(($ne c$t$3ensh$( $n accordance ,$th (ara%ra(h (1 " Sect$on / hereo* sha'' be dee)ed natura'7born c$t$3ens. - Re $ Sections 2 n$ C o' RA 822;% (en$in! CA 97% other#ise <no#n s CitiFenship Retention n$ Re cDuisition Act 5Au!ust 28% 23376 inclu$in! citiFens rep tri te$ n$ un( rrie$ chil$ren% #hether le!iti( te or ille!iti( te or $opte$% &elo# 1: .e rs o' !e o' those rep tri te$) Sect$on 1. .h$'$(($ne c$t$3ensh$( )ay be 'ost or reac-u$red $n the )anner (ro#$ded by 'a,. Sect$on 2. C$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes ,ho )arry a'$ens sha'' reta$n the$r c$t$3ensh$(" un'ess by the$r act or o)$ss$on they are dee)ed" under the 'a," to ha#e renounced $t.

V lles vs) CO>ELEC% 77A SCRA ;C7* , vin! Eilipino ' ther t the ti(e o' &irth ( <es one Eilipino) , vin! n Austr li n p ssport n$ n lien certi'ic te o' re!istr tion $oes not constitute n e''ective renunci tion o' citiFenship n$ $oes not (ilit te ! inst the cl i( o' Eilipino citiFenship)

Co vs) ,RET% 188 SCRA 982* An tt c< on personLs citiFenship ( . &e $one throu!h $irect ction 'or its nullit.)

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

"+AL CITI4ENS,IP 'r (ers #ere not concerne$ #ith $u l citiFenship per se% &ut #ith the st tus o' n tur liFe$ citiFens #ho ( int in their lle!i nce to their countries o' ori!in even 'ter their n tur liF tion) Con!ress # s !iven ( n$ te to $r 't l # th t #oul$ set speci'ic p r (eters o' #h t re ll. constitutes $u l lle!i nce) +ntil this is $one% it #oul$ &e pre( ture 'or the ?u$ici l $ep rt(ent% inclu$in! the Supre(e Court% to rule on issues pert inin! to $u l lle!i nce)

Sect$on 4. Dua' a''e%$ance o* c$t$3ens $s $n$)$ca' to the nat$ona' $nterest and sha'' be dea't ,$th by 'a,. - >erc $o vs) > nF no% 73A SCRA 973* - The phr se M$u l citiFenshipN in RA A193 (ust &e un$erstoo$ s re'errin! to $u l lle!i nce 5especi ll. 'or n tur liFe$ citiFens6) In 'ilin! certi'ic te o' c n$i$ c.% the person #ith $u l citiFenship e''ectivel. renounces his 'orei!n citiFenship) The o th o' lle!i nce cont ine$ in the certi'ic te o' c n$i$ c. constitutes su''icient renunci tion)

E''ective n tion lit. principle 5Notte&oh( c se6 - The Notte&oh( c se cite$ &. the petitioner invo<e$ the intern tion l l # principle o' e''ective n tion lit. #hich is cle rl. not pplic &le to the c se t & r) This principle is expresse$ in Article ; o' the , !ue Convention o' 1873 on the Con'lict o' N tion lit. L #s s 'ollo#s* Art) ;) Within thir$ St te person h vin! (ore th n one n tion lit. sh ll &e tre te$ s i' he h $ onl. one) Without pre?u$ice to the pplic tion o' its l # in ( tters o' person l st tus n o' n. convention in 'orce% thir$ St te sh ll% o' the n tion lities #hich n. such person possesses% reco!niFe exclusivel. in its territor. either the n tion lit. o' the countr. in #hich he is h &itu ll. n$ princip ll. resi$ent or the n tion lit. o' the countr. #ith #hich in the circu(st nces he ppe rs to &e in ' ct (ost closel. connecte$) Notte&oh( # s /er( n &. &irth &ut resi$ent o' /u te( l 'or 7C .e rs #hen he pplie$ 'or n$ cDuire$ n tur liF tion in Liechtenstein one (onth &e'ore the out&re < o' Worl$ W r II) > n. (e(&ers o' his ' (il. n$ his &usiness interests #ere in /er( n.) In 18C7% /u te( l % #hich h $ $ecl re$ # r on /er( n.% rreste$ Notte&oh( n$ con'isc te$ ll his properties on the !roun$ th t he # s /er( n n tion l) Liechtenstein thereupon 'ile$ suit on his &eh l'% s its citiFen% ! inst /u te( l ) The Intern tion l Court o' Bustice hel$ Notte&oh( to &e still n tion l o' /er( n.% #ith #hich he # s (ore closel. connecte$ th n #ith Liechtenstein)

AASBS% C lilun! vs) " tu( non!% /R No) 193:98% > . 11% 233A- It is cle r th t the intent o' the le!isl ture in $r 'tin! Rep) Act No) 822; is to $o # . #ith the provision in Co((on#e lth Act No) 97 #hich t <es # . Philippine citiFenship 'ro( n tur l-&orn Eilipinos #ho &eco(e n tur liFe$ citiFens o' other countries) Wh t Rep) Act No) 822; $oes is llo# $u l citiFenship to n tur l-&orn Eilipino citiFens #ho h ve lost Philippine citiFenship &. re son o' their n tur liF tion s citiFens o' 'orei!n countr.) On its ' ce% it $oes not reco!niFe $u l lle!i nce) B. s#e rin! to the supre(e uthorit. o' the Repu&lic% the person i(plicitl. renounces his 'orei!n citiFenship) Pl inl.% 'ro( Section 7% Rep) Act No) 822; st .e$ cle r out o' the pro&le( o' $u l lle!i nce n$ shi'te$ the &ur$en o' con'rontin! the issue o' #hether or not there is $u l lle!i nce to the concerne$ 'orei!n countr.) Wh t h ppens to the other citiFenship # s not ( $e concern o' Rep) Act No) 822;) xxx To &e!in #ith% Section ;% Article IV o' the Constitution is $ecl r tion o' polic. n$ it is not sel'-executin! provision) The le!isl ture still h s to en ct the l # on $u l lle!i nce) In Sections 2 n$ 7 o' Rep) Act No) 822;% the

Tecson vs) CO>ELEC% C2C SCRA 1C:0 VeleF vs) Poe n$ Eornier vs) CO>ELEC% > rch 7% 233C - +n$er the Philippine Bill o' 1832% McitiFen o' the PhilippinesN # s one #ho # s n inh &it nt o' the Philippines% n$ Sp nish su&?ect on the 11th $ . o' April 1:88) The ter( Minh &it ntN # s t <en to inclu$e 16 n tive-&orn inh &it nt% 26 n inh &it nt #ho # s n tive o' Peninsul r Sp in% n$ 76 n inh &it nt #ho o&t ine$ Sp nish p pers on or &e'ore 11 April 1:88) Whether or not respon$ent EPB is n tur l-&orn citiFen% #hich% in turn% $epen$e$ on #hether or not the ' ther o' respon$ent% All n E) Poe% #oul$ h ve hi(sel' &een Eilipino citiFen n$% in the ''ir( tive% #hether or not the lle!e$ ille!iti( c. o' respon$ent prevents hi( 'ro( t <in! 'ter the Eilipino citiFenship o' his put tive ' ther) An. conclusion on the Eilipino citiFenship o' LorenFo Pou coul$ onl. &e $r #n 'ro( the presu(ption th t h vin! $ie$ in 18;C t :C .e rs ol$% LorenFo #oul$ h ve &een &orn so(eti(e in the .e r 1:A3% #hen the Philippines # s un$er Sp nish rule% n$ th t S n C rlos% P n! sin n% his pl ce o' resi$ence upon his $e th in 18;C% in the &sence o' n. other evi$ence% coul$ h ve #ell &een his pl ce o' resi$ence &e'ore $e th% such th t LorenFo Pou #oul$ h ve &ene'ite$ 'ro( the Men ( sse EilipiniF tionN th t the Philippine Bill h $ e''ecte$ in 1832) Th t citiFenship 5o' LorenFo Pou6% i' cDuire$% #oul$ there&. exten$ to his son% All n E) Poe% ' ther o' respon$ent EPB) The 187; Constitution% $urin! #hich re!i(e respon$ent EPB h s seen 'irst li!ht% con'ers citiFenship to ll persons #hose ' thers re Eilipino citiFens re! r$less o' #hether such chil$ren re le!iti( te or ille!iti( te) As Section 7% Article IV o' the 187; Constitution $oes not $istin!uish &et#een le!iti( te chil$ n$ ille!iti( te chil$ o' Eilipino ' ther% #e shoul$ not ( <e $istinction) The civil st tus o' le!iti( c. or ille!iti( c.% &. itsel'% is not $eter(in tive o' the Philippine citiFenship)

>o. J Li( J o vs) Co((issioner I((i!r tion% C1 SCRA 282- When citiFenship is r ise$ s n issue in ?u$ici l or $(inistr tive procee$in!s% the resolution or $ecision thereon is !ener ll. not consi$ere$ s res ?u$ic t in n. su&seDuent procee$in! ch llen!in! the s (e)

Burc vs) Repu&lic% ;1 SCRA 2C:* EGCEPTIONS 5to res ?u$ic t principle6 1)6 personLs citiFenship &e r ise$ s ( teri l issue in controvers. #here the person is p rt.0 2)6 the Solicitor /ener l or his uthoriFe$ represent tive too< ctive p rt in the resolution thereo'0 n$ 7)6 the 'in$in! on citiFenship is ''ir(e$ &. the Supre(e Court)

-ilos& . n vs) Er(it % /R No) 1AAA21% Bul. 7% 233A ) The lle!e$ su&seDuent reco!nition o' his n tur l-&orn st tus &. the Bure u o' I((i!r tion

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

n$ the "OB c nnot (en$ the 'in l $ecision o' the tri l court st tin! th t respon$ent On! n$ his (other #ere n tur liFe$ lon! #ith his ' ther) REA"* Eriv l$o vs) CO>ELEC 518:86) ARTICLE V SUFFRAGE R)A) 822; - reDuirin! P$u lsP to ctu ll. est &lish resi$ence n$ ph.sic ll. st . in the Philippines 'irst &e'ore the. c n exercise their ri!ht to vote) On the contr r.% R)A) 822;% in i(plicit c<no#le$!(ent th t M$u lsN re (ost li<el. non-resi$ents% !r nts un$er its Section ;516 the s (e ri!ht o' su''r !e s th t !r nte$ n &sentee voter un$er R)A) 81:8 5election 'or presi$ent% v-pres)% sen tors n$ con!ress(en6) It c nnot &e overe(ph siFe$ th t R)A) 81:8 i(s% in essence% to en'r nchise s (uch s possi&le ll overse s Eilipinos #ho% s ve 'or the resi$enc. reDuire(ents ex cte$ o' n or$in r. voter un$er or$in r. con$itions% re Du li'ie$ to vote) ARTICLE VI LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Sect$on /. The 'e%$s'at$#e (o,er sha'' be #ested $n the Con%ress o* the .h$'$(($nes ,h$ch sha'' cons$st o* a Senate and a ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" e>ce(t to the e>tent reser#ed to the (eo('e by the (ro#$s$on on $n$t$at$#e and re*erendu). Sect$on 0. The Senate sha'' be co)(osed o* t,enty7 *our Senators ,ho sha'' be e'ected at 'ar%e by the -ua'$*$ed #oters o* the .h$'$(($nes" as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. Sect$on 1. No (erson sha'' be a Senator un'ess he $s a natura'7born c$t$3en o* the .h$'$(($nes" and" on the day o* the e'ect$on" $s at 'east th$rty7*$#e years o* a%e" ab'e to read and ,r$te" a re%$stered #oter" and a res$dent o* the .h$'$(($nes *or not 'ess than t,o years $))ed$ate'y (reced$n% the day o* the e'ect$on. Sect$on 2. The ter) o* o**$ce o* the Senators sha'' be s$> years and sha'' co))ence" un'ess other,$se (ro#$ded by 'a," at noon on the th$rt$eth day o* June ne>t *o''o,$n% the$r e'ect$on. No Senator sha'' ser#e *or )ore than t,o consecut$#e ter)s. Ao'untary renunc$at$on o* the o**$ce *or any 'en%th o* t$)e sha'' not be cons$dered as an $nterru(t$on $n the cont$nu$ty o* h$s ser#$ce *or the *u'' ter) *or ,h$ch he ,as e'ected. Sect$on 4. (/ The ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha'' be co)(osed o* not )ore than t,o hundred and *$*ty )e)bers" un'ess other,$se *$>ed by 'a," ,ho sha'' be e'ected *ro) 'e%$s'at$#e d$str$cts a((ort$oned a)on% the (ro#$nces" c$t$es" and the Metro(o'$tan Man$'a area $n accordance ,$th the nu)ber o* the$r res(ect$#e $nhab$tants" and on the bas$s o* a un$*or) and (ro%ress$#e rat$o" and those ,ho" as (ro#$ded by 'a," sha'' be e'ected throu%h a (arty7'$st syste) o* re%$stered nat$ona'" re%$ona'" and sectora' (art$es or or%an$3at$ons. (0 The (arty7'$st re(resentat$#es sha'' const$tute t,enty (er centu) o* the tota' nu)ber o* re(resentat$#es $nc'ud$n% those under the (arty '$st. &or three consecut$#e ter)s a*ter the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on" one7ha'* o* the seats a''ocated to (arty7'$st re(resentat$#es sha'' be *$''ed" as (ro#$ded by 'a," by se'ect$on or e'ect$on *ro) the 'abor" (easant" urban (oor" $nd$%enous cu'tura' co))un$t$es" ,o)en" youth" and such other sectors as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a," e>ce(t the re'$%$ous sector. (1 Each 'e%$s'at$#e d$str$ct sha'' co)(r$se" as *ar as (ract$cab'e" cont$%uous" co)(act" and ad+acent terr$tory. Each c$ty ,$th a (o(u'at$on o* at 'east t,o hundred *$*ty thousand" or each (ro#$nce" sha'' ha#e at 'east one re(resentat$#e.

REA"* RA 822; n$ RA 81:8)

Sect$on /. Su**ra%e )ay be e>erc$sed by a'' c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes not other,$se d$s-ua'$*$ed by 'a," ,ho are at 'east e$%hteen years o* a%e" and ,ho sha'' ha#e res$ded $n the .h$'$(($nes *or at 'east one year and $n the ('ace ,here$n they (ro(ose to #ote *or at 'east s$> )onths $))ed$ate'y (reced$n% the e'ect$on. No '$teracy" (ro(erty" or other substant$#e re-u$re)ent sha'' be $)(osed on the e>erc$se o* su**ra%e. Sect$on 0. The Con%ress sha'' (ro#$de a syste) *or secur$n% the secrecy and sanct$ty o* the ba''ot as ,e'' as a syste) *or absentee #ot$n% by -ua'$*$ed &$'$($nos abroad. The Con%ress sha'' a'so des$%n a (rocedure *or the d$sab'ed and the $''$terates to #ote ,$thout the ass$stance o* other (ersons. Unt$' then" they sha'' be a''o,ed to #ote under e>$st$n% 'a,s and such ru'es as the Co))$ss$on on E'ect$ons )ay (ro)u'%ate to (rotect the secrecy o* the ba''ot.

A-BAJAN-Jouth vs) CO>ELEC% > rch 29% 2331* Where it is &oth i(pr ctic l n$ ille! l to con$uct t#o-$ . speci l re!istr tion 'or ne# voters% the CO>ELEC c nnot &e co(pelle$ to $o so)

The ri!ht o' su''r !e is not &solute) The exercise o' the ri!ht is su&?ect to existin! su&st ntive n$ proce$ur l reDuire(ents e(&o$ie$ in our Constitution% st tute &oo<s n$ other repositories o' l #)

The ri!ht o' citiFen to vote is necess ril. con$itione$ upon cert in proce$ur l reDuire(ents he (ust un$er!o% (on! others the process o' re!istr tion un$er RA :1:8 5VoterLs Re!istr tion Act o' 18896)

> < lint l vs) CO>ELEC% Bul. 13% 2337* The interpret tion o' resi$ence is s.non.(ous to $o(icile) An &sentee re( ins tt che$ to his resi$ence in the Philippines% s resi$ence is consi$ere$ s.non.(ous #ith $o(icile) "o(icile (e ns n in$ivi$u lLs per( nent ho(e or pl ce to #hich% #henever &sent 'or &usiness or 'or ple sure% one inten$s to return% n$ $epen$s on ' cts n$ circu(st nces in the sense th t the. $isclose intent) A&sentee votin! K un$er Section 2 o' RA 81:8 K is n exception to the six-(onth1one-.e r resi$enc. reDuire(ent)

Le#is vs) CO>ELEC% Au!ust C% 2339* There is no provision in the $u l citiFenship l # -

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

the. provi$e the li(it tions on the ERCLs po#er to 'or(ul te the IRR) These re su''icient st n$ r$s)

(2 !$th$n three years *o''o,$n% the return o* e#ery census" the Con%ress sha'' )a;e a rea((o$nt)ent o* 'e%$s'at$#e d$str$cts based on the standards (ro#$ded $n th$s sect$on. Sect$on 5. No (erson sha'' be a Me)ber o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es un'ess he $s a natura'7born c$t$3en o* the .h$'$(($nes and" on the day o* the e'ect$on" $s at 'east t,enty7*$#e years o* a%e" ab'e to read and ,r$te" and" e>ce(t the (arty7'$st re(resentat$#es" a re%$stered #oter $n the d$str$ct $n ,h$ch he sha'' be e'ected" and a res$dent thereo* *or a (er$od o* not 'ess than one year $))ed$ate'y (reced$n% the day o* the e'ect$on. Sect$on 6. The Me)bers o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha'' be e'ected *or a ter) o* three years ,h$ch sha'' be%$n" un'ess other,$se (ro#$ded by 'a," at noon on the th$rt$eth day o* June ne>t *o''o,$n% the$r e'ect$on. No )e)ber o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha'' ser#e *or )ore than three consecut$#e ter)s. Ao'untary renunc$at$on o* the o**$ce *or any 'en%th o* t$)e sha'' not be cons$dered as an $nterru(t$on $n the cont$nu$ty o* h$s ser#$ce *or the *u'' ter) *or ,h$ch he ,as e'ected. Sect$on 8. Un'ess other,$se (ro#$ded by 'a," the re%u'ar e'ect$on o* the Senators and the Me)bers o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha'' be he'd on the second Monday o* May. Sect$on 9. In case o* #acancy $n the Senate or $n the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" a s(ec$a' e'ect$on )ay be ca''ed to *$'' such #acancy $n the )anner (rescr$bed by 'a," but the Senator or Me)ber o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es thus e'ected sha'' ser#e on'y *or the une>($red ter). Sect$on /:. The sa'ar$es o* Senators and Me)bers o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha'' be deter)$ned by 'a,. No $ncrease $n sa$d co)(ensat$on sha'' ta;e e**ect unt$' a*ter the e>($rat$on o* the *u'' ter) o* a'' the Me)bers o* the Senate and the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es a((ro#$n% such $ncrease. Non $ele! tion o' le!isl tive po#er

Eche! r . vs) Secret r. o' Bustice * Bein! (ere constituent unit o' the "ep rt(ent o' Bustice% the Bure u o' Corrections coul$ not pro(ul! te ( nu l th t #oul$ not &e r the i(pri( tur o' the $(inistr tive superior% the Secret r. o' Bustice s the rule ( <in! uthorit. un$er RA No) :1AA)

EASTERN S,IPPIN/ LINES V) POEA% 199 SCRA ;77* Po#er o' Su&or$in te Le!isl tion K #ith this po#er% $(inistr tive &o$ies ( . i(ple(ent the &ro $ policies l i$ $o#n in st tute &. M'illin!N the $et ils #hich Con!ress ( . not h ve the opportunit. or co(petence to provi$e) This is e''ecte$ &. their pro(ul! tion o' #h t re <no#n s supple(ent r. re!ul tions% such s the i(ple(entin! rules issue$ &. "OLE on the ne# L &or Co$e) These re!ul tions h ve the 'orce n$ e''ect o' l #)

ABA-A"A /+RO PARTJ LIST vs) EGEC+TIVE SECRETARJ% Septe(&er 1% 233;* No un$ue $ele! tion o' le!isl tive po#er) It is si(pl. $ele! tion o' scert in(ent o' ' cts upon #hich en'orce(ent n$ $(inistr tion o' the incre se r te un$er the l # is contin!ent) The le!isl ture h s ( $e the oper tion o' the 12R r te e''ective B nu r. 1% 2339% contin!ent upon speci'ie$ ' ct or con$ition) It le ves the entire oper tion or nonoper tion o' the 12R r te upon ' ctu l ( tters outsi$e o' the control o' the executive) Con!ress $i$ not $ele! te the po#er to t x to the Presi$ent)- The intent n$ #ill to incre se the VAT r te to 12R c (e 'ro( Con!ress n$ the t s< o' the Presi$ent is si(pl. to execute the le!isl tive polic.) PARTJ-LIST SJSTE>

/erochi vs) "OE% /R) No) 1;8A89% Bul. 1A% 233A* +n$er the 'irst test% the l # (ust &e co(plete in ll its ter(s n$ con$itions #hen it le ves the le!isl ture such th t #hen it re ches the $ele! te% the onl. thin! he #ill h ve to $o is to en'orce it) The secon$ test ( n$ tes $eDu te !ui$elines or li(it tions in the l # to $eter(ine the &oun$ ries o' the $ele! teQs uthorit. n$ prevent the $ele! tion 'ro( runnin! riot) The Court 'in$s th t the EPIRA% re $ n$ ppreci te$ in its entiret.% in rel tion to Sec) 7C thereo'% is co(plete in ll its essenti l ter(s n$ con$itions% n$ th t it cont ins su''icient st n$ r$s) xxx In the p st% ccepte$ s su''icient st n$ r$s the 'ollo#in!* Pinterest o' l # n$ or$er0P P $eDu te n$ e''icient instruction0P Ppu&lic interest0P P?ustice n$ eDuit.0P Ppu&lic convenience n$ #el' re0P Psi(plicit.% econo(. n$ e''icienc.0P Pst n$ r$iF tion n$ re!ul tion o' (e$ic l e$uc tion0P n$ P' ir n$ eDuit &le e(plo.(ent pr ctices)P Provisions o' the EPIRA such s% (on! others% Mto ensure the tot l electri'ic tion o' the countr. n$ the Du lit.% reli &ilit.% securit. n$ ''or$ &ilit. o' the suppl. o' electric po#erN n$ M# tershe$ reh &ilit tion n$ ( n !e(entN (eet the reDuire(ents 'or v li$ $ele! tion% s

BA-RA A8C1 vs) CO>ELEC% /R No) 1AAA2A1% > . C% 233A* No n tion l securit. or li<e concerns is involve$ in the $isclosure o' the n (es o' the no(inees o' the p rt.-list !roups in Duestion) "ou&tless% the Co(elec co((itte$ !r ve &use o' $iscretion in re'usin! the le!iti( te $e( n$s o' the petitioners 'or list o' the no(inees o' the p rt.-list !roups su&?ect o' their respective petitions) > n$ (us% there'ore% lies) xxx The l st sentence o' Sec)A o' R)A) A8C1 re $in!* MHTIhe n (es o' the p rt.-list no(inees sh ll not &e sho#n on the certi'ie$ listN is cert inl. not ?usti'.in! c r$ 'or the Co(elec to $en. the reDueste$ $isclosure) To us% the prohi&ition i(pose$ on the Co(elec un$er s i$ Sec)A is li(ite$ in scope n$ $ur tion% (e nin!% th t it exten$s onl. to the certi'ie$ list #hich the s (e provision reDuires to &e poste$ in the pollin! pl ces on election $ .) To stretch the cover !e o' the prohi&ition to the &solute is to re $ into the l # so(ethin! th t is not inten$e$) As it #ere% there is &solutel. nothin! in R)A) No) A8C1 th t prohi&its the Co(elec 'ro( $isclosin! or even pu&lishin! throu!h (e$iu(s other th n the MCerti'ie$ ListN the n (es o' the p rt.-list no(inees) The Co(elec o&viousl. (isre $ the li(ite$ non-$isclosure spect o' the provision s n &solute & r to pu&lic $isclosure &e'ore the > . 233A elections) The interpret tion thus !iven &. the Co(elec virtu ll. t c<s n unconstitution l $i(ension on the l st sentence o' Section A o' R)A) No) A8C1) xxx Co(elec h s constitution l

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

$ut. to $isclose n$ rele se the n (es o' the no(inees o' the p rt.-list !roups) CIBAC vs) CO>ELEC% /R No) 1A2137% 5233A6*! the Veter ns 'or(ul in petitionerLs c se% #e re ch the conclusion th t CIBAC is not entitle$ to n $$ition l se t) P rt.-List C nv ss Report No) 23 cont ine$ in the petition sho#s th t the 'irst p rt.% B . n >un % ! rnere$ the hi!hest nu(&er o' votes% th t is% tot l o' 1%237%73; votes) Petitioner CIBAC% on the other h n$% receive$ tot l o' C8;%183 votes) It # s procl i(e$ th t the 'irst p rt.% B . n >un % # s entitle$ to ( xi(u( o' three se ts & se$ on Bune 2% 233C Resolution No) NBC 3C-33C o' the CO>ELEC) A co(put tion usin! the Veter ns 'or(ul #oul$ there'ore le $ us to the 'ollo#in! result* No) o' votes o' concerne$ p rt. No. of add ! o"a# A$$ition l -------------------------- x $%a!$ a##o&a!%d !o S Se ts 'or No) o' votes o' !'% f ($! )a(!* concerne$ Eirst p rt. 5E(ph sis supplie$6 p rt.! this 'or(ul % the result is s 'ollo#s* C8;%183 KKKKKKKK 1%237%73; 3)C11;2C87 3):273C8:9 x 526 x S 2 S *$'$n% o* a (ro(osed 'e%$s'at$on o* ,h$ch they are authors. Sect$on /1. No Senator or a Me)ber o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es )ay ho'd any other o**$ce or e)('oy)ent $n the Go#ern)ent" or any subd$#$s$on" a%ency" or $nstru)enta'$ty thereo*" $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons or the$r subs$d$ar$es" dur$n% h$s ter) ,$thout *or*e$t$n% h$s seat. Ne$ther sha'' he be a((o$nted to any o**$ce ,h$ch )ay ha#e been created or the e)o'u)ents thereo* $ncreased dur$n% the ter) *or ,h$ch he ,as e'ected. Sect$on /2. No Senator or Me)ber o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es )ay (ersona''y a((ear as counse' be*ore any court o* +ust$ce or be*ore the E'ectora' Tr$buna's" or -uas$7+ud$c$a' and other ad)$n$strat$#e bod$es. Ne$ther sha'' he" d$rect'y or $nd$rect'y" be $nterested *$nanc$a''y $n any contract ,$th" or $n any *ranch$se or s(ec$a' (r$#$'e%e %ranted by the Go#ern)ent" or any subd$#$s$on" a%ency" or $nstru)enta'$ty thereo*" $nc'ud$n% any %o#ern)ent7 o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$on" or $ts subs$d$ary" dur$n% h$s ter) o* o**$ce. ?e sha'' not $nter#ene $n any )atter be*ore any o**$ce o* the Go#ern)ent *or h$s (ecun$ary bene*$t or ,here he )ay be ca''ed u(on to act on account o* h$s o**$ce. Sect$on /4. The Con%ress sha'' con#ene once e#ery year on the *ourth Monday o* Ju'y *or $ts re%u'ar sess$on" un'ess a d$**erent date $s *$>ed by 'a," and sha'' cont$nue to be $n sess$on *or such nu)ber o* days as $t )ay deter)$ne unt$' th$rty days be*ore the o(en$n% o* $ts ne>t re%u'ar sess$on" e>c'us$#e o* Saturdays" Sundays" and 'e%a' ho'$days. The .res$dent )ay ca'' a s(ec$a' sess$on at any t$)e. Sect$on /5. (/ The Senate sha'' e'ect $ts .res$dent and the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es $ts S(ea;er" by a )a+or$ty #ote o* a'' $ts res(ect$#e Me)bers. Each ?ouse sha'' choose such other o**$cers as $t )ay dee) necessary. (0 A )a+or$ty o* each ?ouse sha'' const$tute a -uoru) to do bus$ness" but a s)a''er nu)ber )ay ad+ourn *ro) day to day and )ay co)(e' the attendance o* absent Me)bers $n such )anner" and under such (ena't$es" as such ?ouse )ay (ro#$de. (1 Each ?ouse )ay deter)$ne the ru'es o* $ts (roceed$n%s" (un$sh $ts Me)bers *or d$sorder'y beha#$or" and" ,$th the concurrence o* t,o7th$rds o* a'' $ts Me)bers" sus(end or e>(e' a Me)ber. A (ena'ty *or sus(ens$on" ,hen $)(osed" sha'' not e>ceed s$>ty days. (2 Each ?ouse sha'' ;ee( a Journa' o* $ts (roceed$n%s" and *ro) t$)e to t$)e (ub'$sh the sa)e" e>ce(t$n% such (arts as )ay" $n $ts +ud%)ent" a**ect nat$ona' secur$ty= and the yeas and nays on any -uest$on sha''" at the re-uest o* one7*$*th o* the )e)bers (resent" be entered $n the Journa'. Each ?ouse (roceed$n%s. sha'' a'so ;ee( a @ecord o* $ts

NB* The prev ilin! 'or(ul 'or the co(put tion o' $$ition l se ts 'or p rt.-list #inners is the 'or(ul st te$ in the l n$( r< c se o' Veter ns) REA"* P rti$o 711;139) n! > n!! ! # vs) CO>ELEC%


Sect$on //. A Senator or Me)ber o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha''" $n a'' o**enses (un$shab'e by not )ore than s$> years $)(r$son)ent" be (r$#$'e%ed *ro) arrest ,h$'e the Con%ress $s $n sess$on. No )e)ber sha'' be -uest$oned nor be he'd '$ab'e $n any other ('ace *or any s(eech or debate $n the Con%ress or $n any co))$ttee thereo*.

PP vs) B los?os% 72C SCRA 9:8* The histor. o' the provision !r ntin! Sen tors n$ Con!ress(en i((unit. 'ro( rrest n$ $etention sho#s th t the privile!e h s l# .s &een !r nte$ in restrictive sense)

P rli (ent r. i((unit. !u r ntees the le!isl tor co(plete 'ree$o( o' expression #ithout 'e r o' &ein! ( $e responsi&le in cri(in l or civil ctions &e'ore the courts or n. other 'oru( outsi$e o' the Con!ression l , ll) ,o#ever% it $oes not protect hi( 'ro( responsi&ilit. &e'ore the le!isl tive &o$. itsel' #henever his #or$s n$ con$uct re consi$ere$ &. the l tter $isor$erl. or un&eco(in! o' (e(&er thereo' 5Os(eT vs) Pen$ tun6) Sect$on /0. A'' Me)bers o* the Senate and the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha''" u(on assu)(t$on o* o**$ce" )a;e a *u'' d$sc'osure o* the$r *$nanc$a' and bus$ness $nterests. They sha'' not$*y the ?ouse concerned o* a (otent$a' con*'$ct o* $nterest that )ay ar$se *ro) the

(4 Ne$ther ?ouse dur$n% the sess$ons o* the Con%ress sha''" ,$thout the consent o* the other" ad+ourn *or )ore than three days" nor to any other ('ace than that $n ,h$ch the t,o ?ouses sha'' be s$tt$n%.


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

PP vs) B los?os* The (e(&ers o' Con!ress c nnot co(pel &sent (e(&ers to tten$ sessions i' the re son 'or the &sence is le!iti( te one) The con'ine(ent o' Con!ress( n ch r!e$ #ith cri(e punish &le &. i(prison(ent o' (ore th n 9 .e rs is not (erel. uthoriFe$ &. l #% it h s constitution l 'oun$ tions)

Avelino vs) CruF* When the constitution $ecl res th t ( ?orit. o' e ch ,ouse sh ll constitute Duoru(% it $oes not (e n ll the (e(&ers) The & se in co(putin! ( ?orit. is nor( ll. the tot l (e(&ership o' the &o$.% #ithin the coercive po#er o' the ,ouse)

Sect$on /6. The Senate and the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha'' each ha#e an E'ectora' Tr$buna' ,h$ch sha'' be the so'e +ud%e o* a'' contests re'at$n% to the e'ect$on" returns" and -ua'$*$cat$ons o* the$r res(ect$#e Me)bers. Each E'ectora' Tr$buna' sha'' be co)(osed o* n$ne Me)bers" three o* ,ho) sha'' be Just$ces o* the Su(re)e Court to be des$%nated by the Ch$e* Just$ce" and the re)a$n$n% s$> sha'' be Me)bers o* the Senate or the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" as the case )ay be" ,ho sha'' be chosen on the bas$s o* (ro(ort$ona' re(resentat$on *ro) the (o'$t$ca' (art$es and the (art$es or or%an$3at$ons re%$stered under the (arty7'$st syste) re(resented there$n. The sen$or Just$ce $n the E'ectora' Tr$buna' sha'' be $t Cha$r)an.

S nti !o vs) /uin!on % 28: SCRA A;9* The ter( ( ?orit. si(pl. (e ns the !re ter nu(&er or (ore th n h l') Who sh ll sit s o''icers is the sole prero! tive o' the Sen te) 5Note* splittin! o' ter( &et#een Sen te Presi$ent "rilon n$ nother Sen tor6) When the Constitution provi$es th t the Sen te Presi$ent sh ll &e electe$ &. the ( ?orit. it $oes not $eline te #ho co(prises the ( ?orit. or the (inorit.) The $e'e te$ sen tor5s6 in the election 'or the Sen te presi$enc. re not necess ril. the (inorit.) R+LES OE PROCEE"IN/S

Ver vs) Avelino* The (e(&ers o' the Sen te v li$l. suspen$e$ the o th-t <in! o' the 7 sen tors elect) This $oes not ' ll #ithin the po#ers o' the elector l tri&un l) The l tter h s ?uris$iction onl. over elector l contests in #hich contest nt see<s not onl. to oust the intru$er% &ut lso h ve hi(sel' in$ucte$ into o''ice)

Arro.o vs) "e Veneci % 2AA SCRA 29:* Courts c nnot inDuire into the lle! tions th t in en ctin! l #% ,ouse o' Con!ress ' ile$ to co(pl. #ith its o#n rules in the &sence o' sho#in! th t there # s viol tion o' constitution l provision or priv te ri!hts) P rli (ent r. rules re (ere proce$ures #hich ( . &e # ive$ or $isre! r$e$ &. the le!isl tive &o$.) "ISCIPLININ/ >E>BERS

B r&ers vs) CO>ELEC% Bune 22% 233;* The phr se Melection% returns n$ Du li'ic tionsN shoul$ &e interprete$ in its tot lit. s re'errin! to ll ( tters ''ectin! the v li$it. o' the contesteeLs title) But i' it is necess r. to speci'.% #e c n s . th t MelectionN re'erre$ to the con$uct o' the polls% inclu$in! the listin! o' voters% the hol$in! o' the elector l c (p i!n% n$ the c stin! n$ countin! o' the votes0 MreturnsN to the c nv ss o' the returns n$ the procl ( tion o' the #inners% inclu$in! Duestions concernin! the co(position o' the &o r$ o' c nv ssers n$ the uthenticit. o' the election returns0 n$ MDu li'ic tionsN to ( tters th t coul$ &e r ise$ in Duo # rr nto procee$in! ! inst the procl i(e$ #inner% such s his $islo. lt. or ineli!i&ilit. or the in $eDu c. o' his certi'ic te o' c n$i$ c.)

Os(eT vs Pen$ tun* The ,ouse o' Represent tives is the ?u$!e o' #h t constitutes $isor$erl. &eh vior) The courts #ill not ssu(e ?uris$iction in n. c se #hich #ill (ount to n inter'erence &. the ?u$ici l $ep rt(ent #ith the le!isl ture)

Ch veF vs) CO>ELEC* While the CO>ELEC h s exclusive ?uris$iction over pre-procl ( tion controversies involvin! loc l elective o''ici ls 5Sec) 2C2% O(ni&us Election Co$e6% nevertheless% pre-procl ( tion c ses re not llo#e$ in elections 'or Presi$ent% V-Presi$ent% Sen tor n$ >e(&ers o' the ,ouse o' Represent tives)

People vs) B los?os% 72C SCRA 9:8* ,is election s con!ress( n $i$ not there&. (ount to con$on tion o' his o''ense0 neither $oes it entitle hi(% pen$in! ppe l o' his c se% to &e 'ree 'ro( con'ine(ent n$ to &e llo#e$ to tten$ sessions o' con!ress% 'or the people electe$ hi( #ith 'ull # reness o' the li(it tions on his 'ree$o( o' ction n$ (ove(ent) It # s never the intention o' the 'r (ers o' the constitution to shiel$ (e(&er o' con!ress 'ro( the conseDuences o' his #ron!$oin!s) A (e(&er o' Con!ress coul$ onl. invo<e the i((unit. 'ro( rrests 'or rel tivel. (inor o''enses% punish &le t (ost &. correction l pen lties)

Wh t is llo#e$ is the correction o' M( ni'est errorsN in the certi'ic te o' c nv ss or election returnsN) To &e ( ni'est% the errors (ust ppe r on the ' ce o' the certi'ic tes o' c nv ss or election returns sou!ht to &e correcte$ n$1or o&?ections thereto (ust h ve &een ( $e &e'ore the &o r$ o' c nv ssers n$ speci'ic ll. note$ in the (inutes o' their respective procee$in!s) Where the petition c lls 'or the correction o' ( ni'est errors in the certi'ic tes o' c nv ss% CO>ELEC h s ?uris$iction) I' it c lls 'or the reopenin! n$ ppreci tion o' & llots% the Elector l Tri&un l h s ?uris$iction) This Supre(e CourtLs ?uris$iction to revie# $ecisions n$ resolutions o' ,RET oper tes onl. upon sho#in! o' !r ve &use o' $iscretion on the p rt o' the Tri&un l t nt (ount to l c< or excess o' ?uris$iction) Such !r ve &use o' $iscretion i(plies c pricious n$ #hi(sic l exercise o' ?u$!(ent (ountin! to l c< o' ?uris$iction% or r&itr r. n$ $espotic exercise o' po#er &ec use o' p ssion or person l hostilit.)

P re$es vs) S n$i! n& . n* suspension i(pose$ &. Con!ress to colle !ue is $istinct 'ro( suspension spo<en in Section 17 o' RA 7318 #hich is not pen lt. &ut preli(in r. preventive (e sure% prescin$in! 'ro( the ' ct th t the l tter is not &ein! i(pose$ 'or (is&eh vior s (e(&er o' Con!ress) ELECTORAL TRIB+NALS

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

represent tives see< recourse to this Court un$er its po#er o' ?u$ici l revie#) +n$er the $octrine o' pri( r. ?uris$iction% prior recourse to the ,ouse is necess r. &e'ore petitioners ( . &rin! the inst nt c se to the court) ConseDuentl.% petitionersL $irect recourse to this Court is pre( ture) The $iscretion o' the ,ouse to choose its (e(&ers to the ,RET n$ the CA is not &solute% &ein! su&?ect to the ( n$ tor. constitution l rule on proportion l represent tion)

Bon$oc vs) Pine$ * >e(&ers o' the ,RET s sole ?u$!e o' con!ression l election contests re entitle$ to securit. o' tenure ?ust s (e(&ers o' the ?u$ici r. en?o. securit. o' tenure un$er our Constitution)

Ro&les vs) ,RET* Buris$iction o' ,RET once cDuire$ is not lost upon the inst nce o' the p rties &ut continues until the c se is ter(in te$)

A&u& < r vs) ,RET% > rch A% 233A* The Supre(e CourtLs ?uris$iction to revie# $ecisions n$ resolutions o' ,RET oper tes onl. upon sho#in! o' !r ve &use o' $iscretion on the p rt o' the Tri&un l t nt (ount to l c< or excess o' ?uris$iction) Such !r ve &use o' $iscretion i(plies c pricious n$ #hi(sic l exercise o' ?u$!(ent (ountin! to l c< o' ?uris$iction% or r&itr r. n$ $espotic exercise o' po#er &ec use o' p ssion or person l hostilit.) The !r ve &use o' $iscretion (ust &e so p tent n$ !ross s to (ount to n ev sion or re'us l to per'or( $ut. en?oine$ &. l #) It is &sent in this c se) Sect$on /8. There sha'' be a Co))$ss$on on A((o$nt)ents cons$st$n% o* the .res$dent o* the Senate" as e> o**$c$o Cha$r)an" t,e'#e Senators" and t,e'#e Me)bers o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" e'ected by each ?ouse on the bas$s o* (ro(ort$ona' re(resentat$on *ro) the (o'$t$ca' (art$es or or%an$3at$ons re%$stered under the (arty7'$st syste) re(resented there$n. The Cha$r)an o* the Co))$ss$on sha'' not #ote" e>ce(t $n case o* a t$e. The Co))$ss$on sha'' act on a'' a((o$nt)ents sub)$tted to $t ,$th$n th$rty sess$on days o* the Con%ress *ro) the$r sub)$ss$on. The Co))$ss$on sha'' ru'e by a )a+or$ty #ote o* a'' the Me)bers.

Pi(entel III vs) CO>ELEC% 4u&iri% > rch 17% 233:* It is the SET #hich h s exclusive ?uris$iction to ct on the co(pl int o' Pi(entel involvin!% s it $oes% contest rel tin! to the election o' 4u&iri% no# (e(&er o' the Sen te) Sect$on /9. The E'ectora' Tr$buna's and the Co))$ss$on on A((o$nt)ents sha'' be const$tuted ,$th$n th$rty days a*ter the Senate and the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha'' ha#e been or%an$3ed ,$th the e'ect$on o* the .res$dent and the S(ea;er. The Co))$ss$on on A((o$nt)ents sha'' )eet on'y ,h$'e the Con%ress $s $n sess$on" at the ca'' o* $ts Cha$r)an or a )a+or$ty o* a'' $ts Me)bers" to d$schar%e such (o,ers and *unct$ons as are here$n con*erred u(on $t. Sect$on 0:. The records and boo;s o* accounts o* the Con%ress sha'' be (reser#ed and be o(en to the (ub'$c $n accordance ,$th 'a," and such boo;s sha'' be aud$ted by the Co))$ss$on on Aud$t ,h$ch sha'' (ub'$sh annua''y an $te)$3ed '$st o* a)ounts (a$d to and e>(enses $ncurred *or each Me)ber. APPROPRIATION

"A4A V) SIN/SON% 1:3 SCRA C89* The ,ouse o' Represent tives is uthoriFe$ to ch n!e its represent tion in the Co(() on Appoint(ents to re'lect t n. ti(e the ch n!es th t ( . tr nspire in the politic l li!n(ents o' its (e(&ership) The ch n!es (ust &e PER>ANENT n$ $o not inclu$e te(por r. lli nces or ' ction l $ivisions not involvin! sever nce o' politic l lo. lties or 'or( l $is ''ili tion n$ per( nent shi'ts o' lle!i nce 'ro( one politic l p rt. to nother)

/onF les vs) N rv s % 77A SCRA A77* The Presi$entLs cre tion o' the Prep r tor. Co((ission on Constitution l Re'or( throu!h n executive Or$er involves no exercise &. Con!ress o' its t xin! po#er or spen$in! po#er) The ppropri tion 'or the PCCR # s uthoriFe$ &. the Presi$ent% not &. Con!ress) In strict sense% ppropri tion h s &een $e'ine$ s Mnothin! (ore th n the le!isl tive uthoriF tion prescri&e$ &. the Constitution th t the (one. ( . &e p i$ out o' the tre sur.% #hile ppropri tion ( $e &. l # re'ers to the M ct o' the le!isl ture settin! p rt or ssi!nin! to p rticul r use cert in su( to &e use$ in the p .(ent o' $e&t or $ues 'ro( the St te to its cre$itors) I>PORTANT* LE/ISLATIVE INU+IRJ

The provision on Section 1: on proportion l represent tion is ( n$ tor. in ch r cter n$ $oes not le ve n. $iscretion to the ( ?orit. p rt. in the Sen te to $iso&e. or $isre! r$) A politic l p rt. (ust h ve t le st t#o sen tors to &e &le to h ve represent tive in the Co((ission on Appoint(ents% so th t n. nu(&er less th n 2 #ill not entitle such p rt. (e(&ership in the CA) 5/uin!on v) /onF les% 21C SCRA A:86)

Sect$on 0/. The Senate or the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es or any o* $ts res(ect$#e co))$ttees )ay conduct $n-u$r$es $n a$d o* 'e%$s'at$on $n accordance ,$th $ts du'y (ub'$shed ru'es o* (rocedure. The r$%hts o* (ersons a((ear$n% $n or a**ected by such $n-u$r$es sha'' be res(ected.

Pi(entel% Br) vs) ,ouse o' Represent tives% 11118132* Even ssu(in! th t p rt.-list represent tives co(prise su''icient nu(&er n$ h ve !ree$ to $esi!n te co((on no(inees to the ,RET n$ the CA% their pri( r. recourse cle rl. rests #ith the ,ouse o' Represent tives n$ not #ith this Court) +n$er Sections 1A n$ 1:% Article VI o' the Constitution% p rt.-list represent tives (ust 'irst sho# to the ,ouse th t the. possess the reDuire$ nu(eric l stren!th to &e entitle$ to se ts in the ,RET n$ the CA) Onl. i' the ,ouse ' ils to co(pl. #ith the $irective o' the Constitution on proportion l represent tion o' politic l p rties in the ,RET n$ the CA c n the p rt.-list

Ben!Fon vs) Sen te Blue Ri&&on 5237 SRCA A96* An investi! tion th t see<s the $eter(in tion #hether l # h s &een viol te$ is not in i$ o' le!isl tion &ut in i$ o' prosecution% n$ there'ore% viol tive o' sep r tion o' po#ers) Sect$on 00. The heads o* de(art)ents )ay u(on the$r o,n $n$t$at$#e" ,$th the consent o* the .res$dent" or u(on the re-uest o* e$ther ?ouse" as the ru'es o* each ?ouse sha'' (ro#$de" a((ear be*ore and be heard by such ?ouse on any )atter (erta$n$n% to the$r de(art)ents. !r$tten -uest$ons sha'' be sub)$tted to the .res$dent o* the Senate or the S(ea;er o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es at 'east three days be*ore the$r schedu'ed a((earance.


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

Inter(e''at$ons sha'' not be '$)$ted to ,r$tten -uest$ons" but )ay co#er )atters re'ated thereto. !hen the secur$ty o* the State or the (ub'$c $nterest so re-u$res and the .res$dent so states $n ,r$t$n%" the a((earance sha'' be conducted $n e>ecut$#e sess$on. EGEC+TIVE PRIVILE/E is the i(plie$ constitution l po#er o' the Presi$ent to #ithhol$ in'or( tion reDueste$ &. other &r nches o' the !overn(ent) The Constitution $oes not expressl. !r nt this po#er to the Presi$ent &ut courts h ve lon! reco!niFe$ i(plie$ Presi$enti l po#ers i' Mnecess r. n$ properN in c! out po#ers n$ 'unctions expressl. !r nte$ to the Executive un$er the Constitution) xxx In this ?uris$iction% sever l $ecisions h ve reco!niFe$ executive privile!e st rtin! #ith the 188; c se o' Al(onte v) V sDueF% n$ the (ost recent &ein! the 2332 c se o' Ch veF v) Pu&lic Est tes Authorit. n$ the 2339 c se o' Sen te v) Er(it ) secure testi(oni l $eci$in! c ses) n$ $ocu(ent r. evi$ence in

The & l ncin! o' interests K &et#een executive privile!e on one h n$ n$ the other co(petin! constitution ll. reco!niFe$ interests on the other h n$ K is 'unction o' the courts) The courts #ill h ve to $eci$e the issue & se$ on the ' ctu l circu(st nces o' e ch c se) This is ho# con'licts on executive privile!e &et#een the Executive n$ the Le!isl ture% n$ &et#een the Executive n$ the Bu$ici r.% h ve &een $eci$e$ &. the courts)

As Co(( n$er-in-Chie' o' the Ar(e$ Eorces n$ s Chie' Executive% the Presi$ent is ulti( tel. responsi&le 'or (ilit r. n$ n tion l securit. ( tters ''ectin! the n tion) In the $isch r!e o' this responsi&ilit.% the Presi$ent ( . 'in$ it necess r. to #ithhol$ sensitive (ilit r. n$ n tion l securit. secrets 'ro( the Le!isl ture or the pu&lic)

As the o''ici l in control o' the n tionLs 'orei!n service &. virtue o' the Presi$entLs control o' ll executive $ep rt(ents% &ure us n$ o''ices% the Presi$ent is the chie' i(ple(enter o' the 'orei!n polic. rel tions o' the St te) The Presi$entLs role s chie' i(ple(enter o' the St teLs 'orei!n polic. is rein'orce$ &. the Presi$entLs constitution l po#er to ne!oti te n$ enter into tre ties n$ intern tion l !ree(ents) In the $isch r!e o' this responsi&ilit.% the Presi$ent ( . 'in$ it necess r. to re'use $isclosure o' sensitive $iplo( tic secrets to the Le!isl ture or the pu&lic) Tr $ition ll.% st tes h ve con$ucte$ $iplo( c. #ith consi$er &le secrec.) There is ever. expect tion th t st te #ill not i(pru$entl. reve l secrets th t its llies h ve sh re$ #ith it) There is lso the nee$ to protect the con'i$enti lit. o' the intern l $eli&er tions o' the Presi$ent #ith his C &inet n$ $visers) To encour !e c n$i$ $iscussions n$ thorou!h exch n!e o' vie#s% the Presi$entLs co((unic tions #ith his C &inet n$ $visers nee$ to &e shiel$e$ 'ro( the !l re o' pu&licit.) Other#ise% the C &inet n$ other presi$enti l $visers ( . &e reluct nt to $iscuss 'reel. #ith the Presi$ent polic. issues n$ executive ( tters <no#in! th t their $iscussions #ill &e pu&licl. $isclose$% thus $eprivin! the Presi$ent o' c n$i$ $vice)

A<& . n vs) ADuino% /)R) No) 1A3;19% Bul. 19% 233:*! the principles $opte$ in P>PE v) > n!l pus% it is cle r th t #hile the 'in l text o' the BPEPA ( . not &e <ept perpetu ll. con'i$enti l K since there shoul$ &e M (ple opportunit. 'or $iscussion &e'ore H tre t.I is pprove$N K the o''ers exch n!e$ &. the p rties $urin! the ne!oti tions continue to &e privile!e$ even 'ter the BPEPA is pu&lishe$) It is re son &le to conclu$e th t the B p nese represent tives su&(itte$ their o''ers #ith the un$erst n$in! th t Mhistoric con'i$enti lit.N #oul$ !overn the s (e) "isclosin! these o''ers coul$ i(p ir the &ilit. o' the Philippines to $e l not onl. #ith B p n &ut #ith other 'orei!n !overn(ents in 'uture ne!oti tions) xxx "iplo( tic ne!oti tions% there'ore% re reco!niFe$ s privile!e$ in this ?uris$iction% the BPEPA ne!oti tions constitutin! no exception) It &e rs e(ph sis% ho#ever% th t such privile!e is onl. presu(ptive) Eor s Sen te v) Er(it hol$s% reco!niFin! o' in'or( tion s privile!e$ $oes not (e n th t it #ill &e consi$ere$ privile!e$ in ll inst nces) Onl. 'ter consi$er tion o' the context in #hich the cl i( is ( $e ( . it &e $eter(ine$ i' there is pu&lic interest th t c lls 'or the $isclosure o' the $esire$ in'or( tion% stron! enou!h to overco(e its tr $ition ll. privile!e$ st tus)

Executive privile!e% ho#ever% is not &solute) The interest o' protectin! (ilit r.% n tion l securit. n$ $iplo( tic secrets% s #ell s Presi$enti l co((unic tions% (ust &e #ei!he$ ! inst other constitution ll. reco!niFe$ interests) There is the $ecl re$ st te polic. o' 'ull pu&lic $isclosure o' ll tr ns ctions involvin! pu&lic interest% the ri!ht o' the people to in'or( tion on ( tters o' pu&lic concern% the ccount &ilit. o' pu&lic o''icers% the po#er o' le!isl tive inDuir.% n$ the ?u$ici l po#er to

Neri vs) Sen te Co((ittee% /)R) No) 1:39C7% > rch 2;% 233:* The co((unic tions elicite$ &. the three 576 Duestions--- 6 Whether the Presi$ent 'ollo#e$ up the 5NBN6 pro?ectV &6 Were .ou $ict te$ to prioritiFe the 4TEV c6 Whether the Presi$ent s i$ to !o he $ n$ pprove the pro?ect 'ter &ein! tol$ &out the lle!e$ &ri&eV --- re covere$ &. the presi$enti l co((unic tions privile!e) &$rst% the co((unic tions rel te to MDuintessenti l n$ non-$ele! &le po#erN o' the Presi$ent% i)e) the po#er to enter into n executive !ree(ent #ith other countries) This uthorit. o' the Presi$ent to enter into executive !ree(ents #ithout the concurrence o' the Le!isl ture h s tr $ition ll. &een reco!niFe$ in Philippine ?urispru$ence) Second% the co((unic tions re Mreceive$N &. close $visor o' the Presi$ent) +n$er the Moper tion l proxi(it.N test% petitioner c n &e consi$ere$ close $visor% &ein! (e(&er o' Presi$ent Arro.oLs c &inet) An$ th$rd% there is no $eDu te sho#in! o' co(pellin! nee$ th t #oul$ ?usti'. the li(it tion o' the privile!e n$ o' the un v il &ilit. o' the in'or( tion else#here &. n ppropri te investi! tin! uthorit.) Con$uct le!isl tive inDuiries in ccor$ nce #ith pu&lish rules)

In the ( tter o' the petition 'or issu nce o' #rit o' h &e s corpus o' C (ilo S &io% /R No) 1AC7C3% Octo&er 1A% 2339* The Con!ressL po#er o' inDuir.% &ein! &ro $% enco(p sses ever.thin!


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th t concerns the $(inistr tion o' existin! l #s s #ell s propose$ or possi&l. nee$e$ st tutes) It even exten$s Mto !overn(ent !encies cre te$ &. Con!ress n$ o''icers #hose positions re #ithin the po#er o' Con!ress to re!ul te or even &olish)N PC// &elon!s to this cl ss) xxx So lon! s the constitution l ri!hts o' #itnesses% li<e Ch ir( n S &io n$ his Co((issioners% #ill &e respecte$ &. respon$ent Sen te Co((ittees% it is their $ut. to cooper te #ith the( in their e''orts to o&t in the ' cts nee$e$ 'or intelli!ent le!isl tive ction) The unre(ittin! o&li! tion o' ever. citiFen is to respon$ to su&poen e% to respect the $i!nit. o' the Con!ress n$ its Co((ittees% n$ to testi'. 'ull. #ith respect to ( tters #ithin the re l( o' proper investi! tion)

Sect$on 01. (/ The Con%ress" by a #ote o* t,o7th$rds o* both ?ouses $n +o$nt sess$on asse)b'ed" #ot$n% se(arate'y" sha'' ha#e the so'e (o,er to dec'are the e>$stence o* a state o* ,ar. (0 In t$)es o* ,ar or other nat$ona' e)er%ency" the Con%ress )ay" by 'a," author$3e the .res$dent" *or a '$)$ted (er$od and sub+ect to such restr$ct$ons as $t )ay (rescr$be" to e>erc$se (o,ers necessary and (ro(er to carry out a dec'ared nat$ona' (o'$cy. Un'ess sooner ,$thdra,n by reso'ut$on o* the Con%ress" such (o,ers sha'' cease u(on the ne>t ad+ourn)ent thereo*. Sect$on 02. A'' a((ro(r$at$on" re#enue or tar$** b$''s" b$''s author$3$n% $ncrease o* (ub'$c debt" b$''s o* 'oca' a(('$cat$on" and (r$#ate b$''s sha'' or$%$nate e>c'us$#e'y $n the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" but the Senate )ay (ro(ose or concur ,$th a)end)ents. Sect$on 04. (/ The Con%ress )ay not $ncrease the a((ro(r$at$ons reco))ended by the .res$dent *or the o(erat$on o* the Go#ern)ent as s(ec$*$ed $n the bud%et. The *or)" content" and )anner o* (re(arat$on o* the bud%et sha'' be (rescr$bed by 'a,. (0 No (ro#$s$on or enact)ent sha'' be e)braced $n the %enera' a((ro(r$at$ons b$'' un'ess $t re'ates s(ec$*$ca''y to so)e (art$cu'ar a((ro(r$at$on there$n. Any such (ro#$s$on or enact)ent sha'' be '$)$ted $n $ts o(erat$on to the a((ro(r$at$on to ,h$ch $t re'ates. (1 The (rocedure $n a((ro#$n% a((ro(r$at$ons *or the Con%ress sha'' str$ct'y *o''o, the (rocedure *or a((ro#$n% a((ro(r$at$ons *or other de(art)ents or a%enc$es. (2 A s(ec$a' a((ro(r$at$ons b$'' sha'' s(ec$*y the (ur(ose *or ,h$ch $t $s $ntended" and sha'' be su((orted by *unds actua''y a#a$'ab'e as cert$*$ed by the Nat$ona' Treasurer" or to be ra$sed by a corres(ond$n% re#enue (ro(osed there$n. (4 No 'a, sha'' be (assed author$3$n% any trans*er o* a((ro(r$at$ons= ho,e#er" the .res$dent" the .res$dent o* the Senate" the S(ea;er o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" the Ch$e* Just$ce o* the Su(re)e Court" and the Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons )ay" by 'a," be author$3ed to au%)ent any $te) $n the %enera' a((ro(r$at$ons 'a, *or the$r res(ect$#e o**$ces *ro) sa#$n%s $n other $te)s o* the$r res(ect$#e a((ro(r$at$ons. (5 D$scret$onary *unds a((ro(r$ated *or (art$cu'ar o**$c$a's sha'' be d$sbursed on'y *or (ub'$c (ur(oses to be su((orted by a((ro(r$ate #ouchers and sub+ect to such %u$de'$nes as )ay be (rescr$bed by 'a,. (6 I*" by the end o* any *$sca' year" the Con%ress sha'' ha#e *a$'ed to (ass the %enera' a((ro(r$at$ons b$'' *or the ensu$n% *$sca' year" the %enera' a((ro(r$at$ons 'a, *or the (reced$n% *$sca' year sha'' be dee)ed reenacted and sha'' re)a$n $n *orce and e**ect unt$' the %enera' a((ro(r$at$ons b$'' $s (assed by the Con%ress. ENROLLE" BILL "OCTRINE

Sen te vs) Er(it 5E)O) C9C6% April 23% 2339* +lti( tel.% the po#er o' Con!ress to co(pel the ppe r nce o' executive o''ici ls un$er Section 21 n$ the l c< o' it un$er Section 22 'in$ their & sis in the principle o' sep r tion o' po#ers) While the executive &r nch is co-eDu l &r nch o' the le!isl ture% it c nnot 'rustr te the po#er o' Con!ress to le!isl te &. re'usin! to co(pl. #ith its $e( n$s 'or in'or( tion) Con!ress un$ou&te$l. h s ri!ht to in'or( tion 'ro( the executive &r nch #henever it is sou!ht in i$ o' le!isl tion) I' the executive &r nch #ithhol$s such in'or( tion on the !roun$ th t it is executive privile!e$% it (ust so ssert it n$ st te the re son there'ore n$ #h. it (ust &e respecte$)

When Con!ress exercises its po#er o' inDuir.% the onl. # . 'or $ep rt(ent he $s to exe(pt the(selves there'ro( is &. v li$ cl i( o' privile!e) The. re not exe(pt &. the (ere ' ct th t the. re $ep rt(ent he $s) Onl. one executive o''ici l ( . &e exe(pte$ 'ro( this po#er W the Presi$ent on #ho( executive po#er is veste$% hence% &e.on$ the re ch o' Con!ress except throu!h the po#er o' i(pe ch(ent) It is & se$ on her &ein! the hi!hest o''ici l o' the executive &r nch% n$ the $ue respect ccor$e$ to co-eDu l &r nch o' !overn(ent #hich is s nctione$ &. lon!-st n$in! custo()

The &sence o' n. re'erence to inDuiries in i$ o' le!isl tion% (ust &e construe$ s li(ite$ in its ppe r nce o' $ep rt(ent he $s in the Duestion hour conte(pl te$ in Section 22 o' Article VI% the o&?ective o' #hich is to o&t in in'or( tion in pursuit o' Con!ressL oversi!ht 'unction)

The po#er o' oversi!ht e(&r ces ll ctivities un$ert <en &. Con!ress to enh nce its un$erst n$in! o' n$ in'luence over the i(ple(ent tion o' le!isl tion it h s en cte$) Cle rl.% oversi!ht concerns post-en ct(ent (e sures un$ert <en &. Con!ress 5 6 to (onitor &ure ucr tic co(pli nce #ith pro!r ( o&?ectives0 5&6 to $eter(ine #hether !encies re properl. $(inistere$0 5c6 to eli(in te executive # ste n$ $ishonest.0 5$6 to prevent executive usurp tion o' le!isl tive uthorit.0 n$ 5e6 to ssess executive con'or(it. #ith the con!ression l perception o' pu&lic interest) The cts $one &. Con!ress purporte$l. in the exercise o' its oversi!ht po#ers ( . &e $ivi$e$ into three c te!ories% n (el.* scrutin.0 investi! tion n$ supervision)

Sect$on 05. (/ E#ery b$'' (assed by the Con%ress sha'' e)brace on'y one sub+ect ,h$ch sha'' be e>(ressed $n the t$t'e thereo*. (0 No b$'' (assed by e$ther ?ouse sha'' beco)e a 'a, un'ess $t has (assed three read$n%s on se(arate days" and (r$nted co($es thereo* $n $ts *$na' *or) ha#e been d$str$buted to $ts )e)bers three days be*ore $ts


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

(assa%e" e>ce(t ,hen the .res$dent cert$*$es to the necess$ty o* $ts $))ed$ate enact)ent to )eet a (ub'$c ca'a)$ty or e)er%ency. U(on the 'ast read$n% o* a b$''" no a)end)ent thereto sha'' be a''o,ed" and the #ote thereon sha'' be ta;en $))ed$ate'y therea*ter" and the yeas and nays entered $n the Journa'. Sect$on 06. (/ E#ery b$'' (assed by the Con%ress sha''" be*ore $t beco)es a 'a," be (resented to the .res$dent. I* he a((ro#es the sa)e" he sha'' s$%n $t= other,$se" he sha'' #eto $t and return the sa)e ,$th h$s ob+ect$ons to the ?ouse ,here $t or$%$nated" ,h$ch sha'' enter the ob+ect$ons at 'ar%e $n $ts Journa' and (roceed to recons$der $t. I*" a*ter such recons$derat$on" t,o7th$rds o* a'' the Me)bers o* such ?ouse sha'' a%ree to (ass the b$''" $t sha'' be sent" to%ether ,$th the ob+ect$ons" to the other ?ouse by ,h$ch $t sha'' '$;e,$se be recons$dered" and $* a((ro#ed by t,o7th$rds o* a'' the Me)bers o* that ?ouse" $t sha'' beco)e a 'a,. In a'' such cases" the #otes o* each ?ouse sha'' be deter)$ned by yeas or nays" and the na)es o* the Me)bers #ot$n% *or or a%a$nst sha'' be entered $n $ts Journa'. The .res$dent sha'' co))un$cate h$s #eto o* any b$'' to the ?ouse ,here $t or$%$nated ,$th$n th$rty days a*ter the day o* rece$(t thereo*= other,$se" $t sha'' beco)e a 'a, as $* he had s$%ned $t. (0 The .res$dent sha'' ha#e the (o,er to #eto any (art$cu'ar $te) or $te)s $n an a((ro(r$at$on" re#enue" or tar$** b$''" but the #eto sha'' not a**ect the $te) or $te)s to ,h$ch he does not ob+ect. used *or re'$%$ous" char$tab'e" or educat$ona' (ur(oses sha'' be e>e)(t *ro) ta>at$on. (2 No 'a, %rant$n% any ta> e>e)(t$on sha'' be (assed ,$thout the concurrence o* a )a+or$ty o* a'' the Me)bers o* the Con%ress. Sect$on 09. (/ No )oney sha'' be (a$d out o* the Treasury e>ce(t $n (ursuance o* an a((ro(r$at$on )ade by 'a,. (0 No (ub'$c )oney or (ro(erty sha'' be a((ro(r$ated" a(('$ed" (a$d" or e)('oyed" d$rect'y or $nd$rect'y" *or the use" bene*$t" or su((ort o* any sect" church" deno)$nat$on" sectar$an $nst$tut$on" or syste) o* re'$%$on" or o* any (r$est" (reacher" )$n$ster" or other re'$%$ous teacher" or d$%n$tary as such" e>ce(t ,hen such (r$est" (reacher" )$n$ster" or d$%n$tary $s ass$%ned to the ar)ed *orces" or to any (ena' $nst$tut$on" or %o#ern)ent or(hana%e or 'e(rosar$u). (1 A'' )oney co''ected on any ta> 'e#$ed *or a s(ec$a' (ur(ose sha'' be treated as a s(ec$a' *und and (a$d out *or such (ur(ose on'y. I* the (ur(ose *or ,h$ch a s(ec$a' *und ,as created has been *u'*$''ed or abandoned" the ba'ance" $* any" sha'' be trans*erred to the %enera' *unds o* the Go#ern)ent. Sect$on 1:. No 'a, sha'' be (assed $ncreas$n% the a((e''ate +ur$sd$ct$on o* the Su(re)e Court as (ro#$ded $n th$s Const$tut$on ,$thout $ts ad#$ce and concurrence. Sect$on 1/. No 'a, %rant$n% a t$t'e o* roya'ty or nob$'$ty sha'' be enacted. Sect$on 10. The Con%ress sha''" as ear'y as (oss$b'e" (ro#$de *or a syste) o* $n$t$at$#e and re*erendu)" and the e>ce(t$ons there*ro)" ,hereby the (eo('e can d$rect'y (ro(ose and enact 'a,s or a((ro#e or re+ect any act or 'a, or (art thereo* (assed by the Con%ress or 'oca' 'e%$s'at$#e body a*ter the re%$strat$on o* a (et$t$on there*or s$%ned by at 'east ten (er centu) o* the tota' nu)ber o* re%$stered #oters" o* ,h$ch e#ery 'e%$s'at$#e d$str$ct )ust be re(resented by at 'east three (er centu) o* the re%$stered #oters thereo*. ARTICLE VII E+ECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Sect$on /. The e>ecut$#e (o,er sha'' be #ested $n the .res$dent o* the .h$'$(($nes. Sect$on 0. No (erson )ay be e'ected .res$dent un'ess he $s a natura'7born c$t$3en o* the .h$'$(($nes" a re%$stered #oter" ab'e to read and ,r$te" at 'east *orty years o* a%e on the day o* the e'ect$on" and a res$dent o* the .h$'$(($nes *or at 'east ten years $))ed$ate'y (reced$n% such e'ect$on. Sect$on 1. There sha'' be a A$ce7.res$dent ,ho sha'' ha#e the sa)e -ua'$*$cat$ons and ter) o* o**$ce and be e'ected ,$th and $n the sa)e )anner as the .res$dent. ?e )ay be re)o#ed *ro) o**$ce $n the sa)e )anner as the .res$dent. The A$ce7.res$dent )ay be a((o$nted as a Me)ber o* the Cab$net. Such a((o$nt)ent re-u$res no con*$r)at$on. Sect$on 2. The .res$dent and the A$ce7.res$dent sha'' be e'ected by d$rect #ote o* the (eo('e *or a ter) o* s$> years ,h$ch sha'' be%$n at noon on the th$rt$eth day o* June *o''o,$n% the day o* the e'ect$on and sha''

A& < $ /uro P rt. List% et l) vs) Er(it % et l)% Octo&er 1:% 233;* The si!nin! o' &ill &. the Spe <er o' the ,ouse n$ the Sen te Presi$ent n$ the certi'ic tion o' the Secret ries o' &oth houses o' Con!ress th t it # s p sse$ re conclusive o' its $ue en ct(ent) A &ill ori!in tin! in the ,ouse ( . un$er!o such extensive ch n!es in the Sen te th t the result ( . &e re#ritin! o' the #hole% $istinct &ill ( . &e pro$uce$) The po#er o' the Sen te to propose (en$(ents% it c n propose its o#n version even #ith respect to &ills #hich re reDuire$ &. the Constitution to ori!in te in the ,ouse) BICA>ERAL CONEERENCE CO>>ITTEE The Supre(e Court reco!niFes the lon! st n$in! le!isl tive pr ctice o' !ivin! s i$ con'erence (ple l titu$e 'or co(pro(isin! $i''erences &et#een the Sen te n$ the ,ouse) It c n propose (en$(ent in the n ture o' su&stitute% so lon! s the (en$(ent is !er( ne to the su&?ect o' the &ills &e'ore the co((ittee) A'ter ll% its report # s not 'in l &ut nee$e$ the pprov l o' &oth houses o' Con!ress to &eco(e v li$ s n ct o' the le!isl tive $ep rt(ent) Sect$on 08. (/ The ru'e o* ta>at$on sha'' be un$*or) and e-u$tab'e. The Con%ress sha'' e#o'#e a (ro%ress$#e syste) o* ta>at$on. (0 The Con%ress )ay" by 'a," author$3e the .res$dent to *$> ,$th$n s(ec$*$ed '$)$ts" and sub+ect to such '$)$tat$ons and restr$ct$ons as $t )ay $)(ose" tar$** rates" $)(ort and e>(ort -uotas" tonna%e and ,har*a%e dues" and other dut$es or $)(osts ,$th$n the *ra)e,or; o* the nat$ona' de#e'o()ent (ro%ra) o* the Go#ern)ent. (1 Char$tab'e $nst$tut$ons" churches and (arsona%es or co#enants a((urtenant thereto" )os-ues" non7 (ro*$t ce)eter$es" and a'' 'ands" bu$'d$n%s" and $)(ro#e)ents" actua''y" d$rect'y" and e>c'us$#e'y


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

end at noon o* the sa)e date s$> years therea*ter. The .res$dent sha'' not be e'$%$b'e *or any ree'ect$on. No (erson ,ho has succeeded as .res$dent and has ser#ed as such *or )ore than *our years sha'' be -ua'$*$ed *or e'ect$on to the sa)e o**$ce at any t$)e. No A$ce7.res$dent sha'' ser#e *or )ore than t,o consecut$#e ter)s. Ao'untary renunc$at$on o* the o**$ce *or any 'en%th o* t$)e sha'' not be cons$dered as an $nterru(t$on $n the cont$nu$ty o* the ser#$ce *or the *u'' ter) *or ,h$ch he ,as e'ected. Un'ess other,$se (ro#$ded by 'a," the re%u'ar e'ect$on *or .res$dent and A$ce7.res$dent sha'' be he'd on the second Monday o* May. The returns o* e#ery e'ect$on *or .res$dent and A$ce7 .res$dent" du'y cert$*$ed by the board o* can#assers o* each (ro#$nce or c$ty" sha'' be trans)$tted to the Con%ress" d$rected to the .res$dent o* the Senate. U(on rece$(t o* the cert$*$cates o* can#ass" the .res$dent o* the Senate sha''" not 'ater than th$rty days a*ter the day o* the e'ect$on" o(en a'' cert$*$cates $n the (resence o* the Senate and the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es $n +o$nt (ub'$c sess$on" and the Con%ress" u(on deter)$nat$on o* the authent$c$ty and due e>ecut$on thereo* $n the )anner (ro#$ded by 'a," can#ass the #otes. The (erson ha#$n% the h$%hest nu)ber o* #otes sha'' be (roc'a$)ed e'ected" but $n case t,o or )ore sha'' ha#e an e-ua' and h$%hest nu)ber o* #otes" one o* the) sha'' *orth,$th be chosen by the #ote o* a )a+or$ty o* a'' the Me)bers o* the Con%ress" #ot$n% se(arate'y. The Con%ress sha'' (ro)u'%ate $ts ru'es *or the can#ass$n% o* the cert$*$cates. The Su(re)e Court" s$tt$n% en banc" sha'' be the so'e +ud%e o* a'' contests re'at$n% to the e'ect$on" returns" and -ua'$*$cat$ons o* the .res$dent or A$ce7 .res$dent" and )ay (ro)u'%ate $ts ru'es *or the (ur(ose. Sect$on 4. Be*ore they enter on the e>ecut$on o* the$r o**$ce" the .res$dent" the A$ce7.res$dent" or the Act$n% .res$dent sha'' ta;e the *o''o,$n% oath or a**$r)at$on < BI do so'e)n'y s,ear (or a**$r) that I ,$'' *a$th*u''y and consc$ent$ous'y *u'*$'' )y dut$es as .res$dent (or A$ce7.res$dent or Act$n% .res$dent o* the .h$'$(($nes" (reser#e and de*end $ts Const$tut$on" e>ecute $ts 'a,s" do +ust$ce to e#ery )an" and consecrate )yse'* to the ser#$ce o* the Nat$on. So he'( )e God.B (In case o* a**$r)at$on" 'ast sentence ,$'' be o)$tted. Sect$on 5. The .res$dent sha'' ha#e an o**$c$a' res$dence. The sa'ar$es o* the .res$dent and A$ce7 .res$dent sha'' be deter)$ned by 'a, and sha'' not be decreased dur$n% the$r tenure. No $ncrease $n sa$d co)(ensat$on sha'' ta;e e**ect unt$' a*ter the e>($rat$on o* the ter) o* the $ncu)bent dur$n% ,h$ch such $ncrease ,as a((ro#ed. They sha'' not rece$#e dur$n% the$r tenure any other e)o'u)ent *ro) the Go#ern)ent or any other source. PRESI"ENTIAL I>>+NITJ The i((unit. en?o.e$ &. evolve$ throu!h c se l #)

Estr $ vs) "esierto* There is no & sis in the contention th t the i((unit. o' the Presi$ent exten$s to the en$ o' the ter( to #hich he # s electe$ not#ithst n$in! his resi!n tion) It is cle r th t the i((unit. o' the Presi$ent 'ro( suit is concurrent onl. #ith his tenure 5representin! the perio$ $urin! #hich the incu(&ent ctu ll. hol$s o''ice6 n$ not his ter( 5the ti(e $urin! #hich the o''icer ( . cl i( to hol$ o''ice s ( tter o' ri!ht6)

Ro(u l$eF vs) S n$i! n& . n% C7; SCRA 7A1* Executive i((unit. pplie$ onl. $urin! the incu(&enc. o' Presi$ent)

" vi$% et l) vs) Er(it % et l)% April 23% 2339* It is not proper to i(ple $ Presi$ent Arro.o s respon$ent) Settle$ is the $octrine th t the Presi$ent% $urin! his tenure o' o''ice or ctu l incu(&enc.% ( . not &e sue$ in n. civil or cri(in l c se% n$ there is no nee$ to provi$e 'or it in the Constitution or l #)




LopeF vs) Rox s% 1A SCRA A;;* When the l # !r nts the Supre(e Court the po#er to resolve n election contest &et#een or (on! presi$enti l c n$i$ tes% no ne# or sep r te court is cre te$) The l # (erel. con'erre$ upon the Supre(e Court the 'unctions o' Presi$enti l Elector l Tri&un l)

The po#er o' Con!ress to $ecl re #ho% (on! the c n$i$ tes 'or Presi$ent n$1or VicePresi$ent h s o&t ine$ the l r!est nu(&er o' votes% is entirel. $i''erent in n ture 'ro( n$ not inconsistent #ith the ?uris$iction veste$ in the Presi$enti l Elector l Tri&un l &. RA 1A87) Con!ress (erel. cts s n tion l &o r$ o' c nv ssers% ch r!e$ #ith the (inisteri l n$ executive $ut. to ( <e s i$ $ecl r tion% on the & sis o' the election returns $ul. certi'ie$ &. provinci l n$ cit. &o r$s o' c nv ssers) +pon the other h n$% the Presi$enti l Elector l tri&un l h s the ?u$ici l po#er to $eter(ine #hether or not s i$ $ul. certi'ie$ election returns h ve &een irre!ul rl. ( $e or t (pere$ #ith or re'lect the true results o' the elections in the re s covere$ &. e ch n$% i' not% to recount the & llots c st% n$ inci$ent ll. thereto% p ss upon the v li$it. o' e ch & llot or $eter(ine #hether the s (e sh ll &e counte$% n$% in the ''ir( tive% in #hose ' vor% #hich Con!ress h s no po#er to $o)

In ssu(in! the O''ice o' Sen tor protest nt S nti !o h s e''ectivel. & n$one$ or #ith$r #n her protest to the election protestee R (os s Presi$ent) 5S nti !o v) R (os% 2;7 SCRA ;;86)

sittin! presi$ent

Soliven vs) > < si r* The privile!e pert ins to the Presi$ent &. virtue o' the o''ice) There is nothin! in our l #s th t #oul$ prevent the Presi$ent 'ro( # ivin! the privile!e) The choice o' #hether to exercise the privile!e or to # ive it is solel. the Presi$entLs prero! tive)

The 'un$ (ent l rule pplic &le in presi$enti l election protest is Rule 1C o' the PET Rules) It provi$es% MRule 1C) Election Protest) K Onl. the re!istere$ c n$i$ te 'or Presi$ent or 'or Vice-Presi$ent o' the Philippines #ho receive$ the secon$ or thir$ hi!hest nu(&er o' votes ( . contest the election o' the Presi$ent or the VicePresi$ent% s the c se ( . &e% &. 'ilin! veri'ie$ petition #ith the Cler< o' the Presi$enti l Elector l Tri&un l #ithin thirt. 5736 $ .s 'ter the procl ( tion o' the #inner)N


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

Pursu nt to this rule% onl. t#o persons% the 2n$ n$ 7r$ pl cers% ( . contest the election) B. this express enu(er tion% the rule ( <ers h ve in e''ect $eter(ine$ the re l p rties in interest concernin! n on-!oin! election contest) It envisione$ scen rio #here% i' the $ecl re$ #inner h $ not &een trul. vote$ upon &. the elector te% the c n$i$ te #ho receive$ th t 2n$ or the 7r$ hi!hest nu(&er o' votes #oul$ &e the le!iti( te &ene'ici r. in success'ul election contest)

I* a .res$dent sha'' not ha#e been chosen" the A$ce7 .res$dent7e'ect sha'' act as .res$dent unt$' a .res$dent sha'' ha#e been chosen and -ua'$*$ed. I* at the be%$nn$n% o* the ter) o* the .res$dent" the .res$dent7e'ect sha'' ha#e d$ed or ha#e beco)e (er)anent'y d$sab'ed" the A$ce7.res$dent7e'ect sha'' beco)e .res$dent. !here no .res$dent and A$ce7.res$dent sha'' ha#e been chosen or sha'' ha#e -ua'$*$ed" or ,here both sha'' ha#e d$ed or beco)e (er)anent'y d$sab'ed" the .res$dent o* the Senate or" $n case o* h$s $nab$'$ty" the S(ea;er o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha'' act as .res$dent unt$' a .res$dent or a A$ce7.res$dent sha'' ha#e been chosen and -ua'$*$ed. The Con%ress sha'' (ro#$de *or the )anner $n ,h$ch one ,ho $s to act as .res$dent sha'' be se'ected unt$' a .res$dent or a A$ce7.res$dent sha'' ha#e -ua'$*$ed" $n case o* death" (er)anent d$sab$'$ty" or $nab$'$ty o* the o**$c$a's )ent$oned $n the ne>t (reced$n% (ara%ra(h. VACANCJ IN T,E OEEICE OE T,E PRESI"ENT

The Supre(e Court rule$ th t it $oes not h ve n. rule on su&stitution nor intervention &ut it $oes llo# 'or the n lo!ous n$ suppletor. pplic tion o' the Rules o' Court% $ecisions o' the Supre(e Court% n$ the $ecisions o' the elector l tri&un ls) Rule 7% Section 19 is the rule on su&stitution in the Rules o' Court) This rule llo#s su&stitution &. le! l represent tive) It c n &e !le ne$ 'ro( the cit tion o' this rule th t (ov nt1 Intervenor see<s to ppe r &e'ore the Presi$enti l Tri&un l s the le! l represent tive1su&stitute o' the l te protest nt prescri&e$ &. s i$ Section 19) ,o#ever% in the Supre(e CourtLs pplic tion o' this rule to n election contest% it h s ever. ti(e rule$ th t pu&lic o''ice is person l to the pu&lic o''icer n$ not propert. tr ns(issi&le to the heirs upon $e th) Thus% the Supre(e Court consistentl. re?ecte$ su&stitution &. the #i$o# or the heirs in election contests #here the protest nt $ies $urin! the pen$enc. o' the protest)

Sect$on 8. In case o* death" (er)anent d$sab$'$ty" re)o#a' *ro) o**$ce" or res$%nat$on o* the .res$dent" the A$ce7.res$dent sha'' beco)e the .res$dent to ser#e the une>($red ter). In case o* death" (er)anent d$sab$'$ty" re)o#a' *ro) o**$ce" or res$%nat$on o* both the .res$dent and A$ce7.res$dent" the .res$dent o* the Senate or" $n case o* h$s $nab$'$ty" the S(ea;er o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" sha'' then act as .res$dent unt$' the .res$dent or A$ce7 .res$dent sha'' ha#e been e'ected and -ua'$*$ed. The Con%ress sha''" by 'a," (ro#$de ,ho sha'' ser#e as .res$dent $n case o* death" (er)anent d$sab$'$ty" or res$%nat$on o* the Act$n% .res$dent. ?e sha'' ser#e unt$' the .res$dent or the A$ce7.res$dent sha'' ha#e been e'ected and -ua'$*$ed" and be sub+ect to the sa)e restr$ct$ons o* (o,ers and d$s-ua'$*$cat$ons as the Act$n% .res$dent. Sect$on 9. !hene#er there $s a #acancy $n the O**$ce o* the A$ce7.res$dent dur$n% the ter) *or ,h$ch he ,as e'ected" the .res$dent sha'' no)$nate a A$ce7 .res$dent *ro) a)on% the Me)bers o* the Senate and the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es ,ho sha'' assu)e o**$ce u(on con*$r)at$on o* a )a+or$ty #ote o* a'' the Me)bers o* both ?ouses o* the Con%ress" #ot$n% se(arate'y. Sect$on /:. The Con%ress sha''" at ten oCc'oc; $n the )orn$n% o* the th$rd day a*ter the #acancy $n the o**$ces o* the .res$dent and A$ce7.res$dent occurs" con#ene $n accordance ,$th $ts ru'es ,$thout need o* a ca'' and ,$th$n se#en days enact a 'a, ca''$n% *or a s(ec$a' e'ect$on to e'ect a .res$dent and a A$ce7 .res$dent to b he'd not ear'$er than *orty7*$#e days nor 'ater than s$>ty days *ro) the t$)e o* such ca''. The b$'' ca''$n% such s(ec$a' e'ect$on sha'' be dee)ed cert$*$ed under (ara%ra(h 0" Sect$on 05" Art$c'e AI o* th$s Const$tut$on and sha'' beco)e 'a, u(on $ts a((ro#a' on th$rd read$n% by the Con%ress. A((ro(r$at$ons *or the s(ec$a' e'ect$ons sha'' be char%ed a%a$nst any current a((ro(r$at$ons and sha'' be e>e)(t *ro) the re-u$re)ents o* (ara%ra(h 2" Sect$on 04" Art$c'e AI o* th$s Const$tut$on. The con#en$n% o* the Con%ress cannot be sus(ended nor the s(ec$a' e'ect$on (ost(oned. No s(ec$a' e'ect$on sha'' be ca''ed $* the #acancy occurs ,$th$n e$%hteen )onths be*ore the date o* the ne>t (res$dent$a' e'ect$on.

This is not to s . th t $e th o' the protest nt necess ril. & tes the pen$in! ction) In V$ ) $e "e >es 518996 the Supre(e Court hel$ th t #hile the ri!ht to pu&lic o''ice is person l n$ exclusive to the pu&lic o''icer% n election protest is not purel. person l n$ exclusive to the protest nt or to the protestee such th t the $e th o' either #oul$ oust the court o' ll uthorit. to continue the protest procee$in!s) ,ence% the Supre(e Court h s llo#e$ su&stitution n$ intervention &ut onl. &. re l p rt. in interest) A re l p rt. in interest is the p rt. #ho #oul$ &e &ene'ite$ or in?ure$ &. the ?u$!(ent% n$ the p rt. #ho is entitle$ to the v ils o' the suit) ,erein (ov nt1intervenor% >rs) EPB% hersel' $enies n. cl i( to the u!ust o''ice o' Presi$ent) Thus% !iven the circu(st nces o' this c se% #e c n conclu$e th t protest ntLs #i$o# is not re l p rt. in interest to this election protest 5Ron l$ All n Poe vs) />A% PET c se No) 332% > rch 28% 233;6)

Tecson vs) CO>ELEC% C2C SCRA 2AA* The ctions conte(pl te$ in Section C% Article VII o' the Constitution re post election re(e$ies% n (el.% re!ul r election contests n$ Duo # rr nto) The #or$ McontestN (e ns th t the ?uris$iction o' the Supre(e Court onl. &e invo<e$ 'ter the election n$ procl ( tion o' the Presi$ent or Vice-Presi$ent K there c n &e no McontestN &e'ore #inner is procl i(e$) Sect$on 6. The .res$dent7e'ect and the A$ce7.res$dent7 e'ect sha'' assu)e o**$ce at the be%$nn$n% o* the$r ter)s. I* the .res$dent7e'ect *a$'s to -ua'$*y" the A$ce7 .res$dent7e'ect sha'' act as .res$dent unt$' the .res$dent7e'ect sha'' ha#e -ua'$*$ed.


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Sect$on //. !hene#er the .res$dent trans)$ts to the .res$dent o* the Senate and the S(ea;er o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es h$s ,r$tten dec'arat$on that he $s unab'e to d$schar%e the (o,ers and dut$es o* h$s o**$ce and unt$' he trans)$ts to the) a ,r$tten dec'arat$on to the contrary" such (o,ers and dut$es sha'' be d$schar%ed by the A$ce7.res$dent as Act$n% .res$dent. !hene#er a )a+or$ty o* a'' the Me)bers o* the Cab$net trans)$t to the .res$dent o* the Senate and to the S(ea;er o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es the$r ,r$tten dec'arat$on that the .res$dent $s unab'e to d$schar%e the (o,ers and dut$es o* h$s o**$ce" the A$ce7.res$dent sha'' $))ed$ate'y assu)e the (o,ers and dut$es o* the o**$ce as Act$n% .res$dent. Therea*ter" ,hen the .res$dent trans)$ts to the .res$dent o* the Senate and to the S(ea;er o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es h$s ,r$tten dec'arat$on that no $nab$'$ty e>$sts" he sha'' reassu)e the (o,ers and dut$es o* h$s o**$ce. Mean,h$'e" shou'd a )a+or$ty o* a'' the Me)bers o* the Cab$net trans)$t ,$th$n *$#e days to the .res$dent o* the Senate and to the S(ea;er o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es the$r ,r$tten dec'arat$on that the .res$dent $s unab'e to d$schar%e the (o,ers and dut$es o* h$s o**$ce" the Con%ress sha'' dec$de the $ssue. &or that (ur(ose" the Con%ress sha'' con#ene" $* $t $s not $n sess$on" ,$th$n *orty7e$%ht hours" $n accordance ,$th $ts ru'es and ,$thout need o* ca''. I* the Con%ress" ,$th$n ten days a*ter rece$(t o* the 'ast ,r$tten dec'arat$on" or" $* not $n sess$on" ,$th$n t,e'#e days a*ter $t $s re-u$red to asse)b'e" deter)$nes by a t,o7th$rds #ote o* both ?ouses" #ot$n% se(arate'y" that the .res$dent $s unab'e to d$schar%e the (o,ers and dut$es o* h$s o**$ce" the A$ce7.res$dent sha'' act as the .res$dent= other,$se" the .res$dent sha'' cont$nue e>erc$s$n% the (o,ers and dut$es o* h$s o**$ce. Sect$on /0. In case o* ser$ous $''ness o* the .res$dent" the (ub'$c sha'' be $n*or)ed o* the state o* h$s hea'th. The Me)bers o* the Cab$net $n char%e o* nat$ona' secur$ty and *ore$%n re'at$ons and the Ch$e* o* Sta** o* the Ar)ed &orces o* the .h$'$(($nes" sha'' not be den$ed access to the .res$dent dur$n% such $''ness. n$ no (ount o' pprov l or r ti'ic tion #ill v li$ te the exercise o' n. o' those po#ers &. n. other person) Such% 'or inst nce% in his po#er to suspen$ the #rit o' h &e s corpus n$ procl i( ( rti l l # 5PAR) 7% SEC) 11% Art) VII6 n$ the exercise &. hi( o' the &eni!n prero! tive o' (erc. 5p r) 9% sec) 11% i$e(I) These $istinctions hol$ true to this $ .) There re cert in presi$enti l po#ers #hich rise out o' exception l circu(st nces% n$ i' exercise$% #oul$ involve the suspension o' 'un$ (ent l 'ree$o(s% or t le st c ll 'or the superse$ence o' executive prero! tives over those exercise$ &. co-eDu l &r nches o' !overn(ent) The $ecl r tion o' ( rti l l #% the suspension o' the #rit o' h &e s corpus% n$ the exercise o' the p r$onin! po#er not#ithst n$in! the ?u$ici l $eter(in tion o' !uilt o' the ccuse$% ll ' ll #ithin this speci l cl ss th t $e( n$s the exclusive exercise &. the Presi$ent o' the constitution ll. veste$ po#er) The list is &. no (e ns exclusive% &ut there (ust &e sho#in! th t the executive po#er in Duestion is o' si(il r !r vit s n$ exception l i(port) We c nnot conclu$e th t the po#er o' the Presi$ent to contr ct or !u r ntee 'orei!n $e&ts ' lls #ithin the s (e exception l cl ss) In$u&it &l.% the $ecision to contr ct or !u r ntee 'orei!n $e&ts is o' vit l pu&lic interest% &ut onl. <in to n. contr ctu l o&li! tion un$ert <en &. the soverei!n% #hich rises not 'ro( n. extr or$in r. inci$ent% &ut 'ro( the est &lishe$ 'unctions o' !overn nce) APPOINTIN/ POWER OE T,E PRESI"ENT Sect$on /2. A((o$nt)ents e>tended by an Act$n% .res$dent sha'' re)a$n e**ect$#e" un'ess re#o;ed by the e'ected .res$dent ,$th$n n$nety days *ro) h$s assu)(t$on or reassu)(t$on o* o**$ce. Sect$on /4. T,o )onths $))ed$ate'y be*ore the ne>t (res$dent$a' e'ect$ons and u( to the end o* h$s ter)" a .res$dent or Act$n% .res$dent sha'' not )a;e a((o$nt)ents" e>ce(t te)(orary a((o$nt)ents to e>ecut$#e (os$t$ons ,hen cont$nued #acanc$es there$n ,$'' (re+ud$ce (ub'$c ser#$ce or endan%er (ub'$c sa*ety. Sect$on /5. The .res$dent sha'' no)$nate and" ,$th the consent o* the Co))$ss$on on A((o$nt)ents" a((o$nt the heads o* the e>ecut$#e de(art)ent" a)bassadors" other (ub'$c )$n$sters and consu's" or o**$cers o* the ar)ed *orces *ro) the ran; o* co'one' or na#a' ca(ta$n" and other o**$cers ,hose a((o$nt)ents are #ested $n h$) $n th$s Const$tut$on. ?e sha'' a'so a((o$nt a'' other o**$cers o* the Go#ern)ent ,hose a((o$nt)ents are not other,$se (ro#$ded *or by 'a," and those ,ho) he )ay be author$3ed by 'a, to a((o$nt. The Con%ress )ay" by 'a," #est the a((o$nt)ent o* other o**$cers 'o,er $n ran; $n the .res$dent a'one" $n the courts" or $n the heads o* de(art)ents" a%enc$es" co))$ss$ons" or boards. The .res$dent sha'' ha#e the (o,er to )a;e a((o$nt)ents dur$n% the recess o* the Con%ress" ,hether #o'untary or $n#o'untary" but such a((o$nt)ents sha'' be e**ect$#e on'y unt$' a*ter d$sa((ro#a' by the Co))$ss$on on A((o$nt)ents or unt$' the ne>t ad+ourn)ent o* the Con%ress.

Re $* Estr $ vs) "esierto% > rch 2% 2331)

Also Re $* TE>PORARJ "ISABILITJ OE PRESI"ENT K The Duestion #hether the cl i(e$ te(por r. in &ilit. o' Estr $ is politic l Duestion &e.on$ the Supre(e CourtLs po#er o' revie#) The $ecision th t Presi$ent Arro.o is the $e?ure Presi$ent ( $e &. co-eDu l &r nch o' !overn(ent c nnot &e revie#e$ &. the Supre(e Court) POLITICAL U+ALIEIE" A/ENCJ 5ALTER-E/O "OCTRINE6

Const ntino vs) Cuisi % /)R) No) 13939C% Octo&er 17% 233;* Nevertheless% there re po#ers veste$ in the Presi$ent &. the Constitution #hich ( . not &e $ele! te$ to or exercise$ &. n !ent or lter e!o o' the Presi$ent) Bustice L urel% in his ponenci in Villen % ( <es this cle r* With l% t 'irst &lush% the r!u(ent o' r ti'ic tion ( . see( pl usi&le un$er the circu(st nces% it shoul$ &e o&serve$ th t there re cert in cts #hich% &. their ver. n ture% c nnot &e v li$ te$ &. su&seDuent pprov l or r ti'ic tion &. the Presi$ent) There re cert in constitution l po#ers n$ prero! tives o' the Chie' Executive o' the N tion #hich (ust &e exercise$ &. hi( in person

S r(iento vs) >ison0 B utist vs) S lon! 0 Ber(u$eF vs) Torres0 C l$eron vs) C r le* Con!ress c nnot exp n$ the constitution &.


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

incre sin! those o''icers con'ir( tion &. the CA) #ho nee$ prior $nstru)enta'$ty thereo*" $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons or the$r subs$d$ar$es. They sha'' str$ct'y a#o$d con*'$ct o* $nterest $n the conduct o* the$r o**$ce. The s(ouse and re'at$#es by consan%u$n$ty or a**$n$ty ,$th$n the *ourth c$#$' de%ree o* the .res$dent sha'' not dur$n% h$s tenure be a((o$nted as )e)bers o* the Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons" or the O**$ce o* the O)buds)an" or as Secretar$es" Undersecretar$es" cha$r)en or heads o* bureaus or o**$ces" $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons and the$r subs$d$ar$es.

Bin (ir vs) / rucho0 > ti& ! vs) Benip .o% April 2% 2332* An ad "!%( , a))o "!,%"! is per( nent ppoint(ent &ec use it t <es e''ect i((e$i tel. n$ c n no lon!er &e #ith$r #n &. the Presi$ent once n ppointee h s Du li'ie$ into o''ice) The ' ct th t it is su&?ect to con'ir( tion &. the CA $oes not lter its per( nent ch r cter) It is e''ective until $is pprove$ &. the CA or until the next $?ourn(ent o' Con!ress) It is exten$e$ onl. $urin! recess o' Con!ress) I' $is pprove$ &. CA% ppointee c n no lon!er &e exten$e$ ne# ppoint(ent) I' &.-p sse$% the Presi$ent is 'ree to rene# the $-interi( ppoint(ent)

Pi(entel% Br) v) O''ice o' the Executive Secret r.% C92 SCRA 922% Bul. 9% 233;* The l # llo#s the Presi$ent to ( <e such ctin! ppoint(ent) The Presi$ent ( . even ppoint in ctin! c p cit. person not .et in the !overn(ent service% s lon! s the Presi$ent $ee(s th t person co(petent)

CABINET SECRETARIES% +N"ERSECRETARIES AN" T,EIR ASSISTANT SECRETARIES re prohi&ite$ 'ro( hol$in! (ultiple positions n$ receivin! co(pens tion there'ro() 5BITONIO VS) COA% C2; SCRA C7A% > rch 12% 233C6 CONTROL OE EGEC+TIVE "EPART>ENTS

A&! "- a))o "!,%"! - It is te(por r. in n ture) It is stop-! p (e sure inten$e$ to 'ill n o''ice 'or li(ite$ ti(e until the ppoint(ent o' per( nent occup nt to the o''ice) In c se o' v c nc. in n o''ice occupie$ &. n lter e!o o' her choice s ctin! secret r. &e'ore the per( nent ppointee o' her choice coul$ ssu(e o''ice) It ( . &e exten$e$ n. ti(e there is v c nc.% even #hile Con!ress is in session)

Sect$on /6. The .res$dent sha'' contro' o* a'' the e>ecut$#e de(art)ents" bureaus and o**$ces. ?e sha'' ensure that the 'a,s be *a$th*u''y e>ecuted.

Ru'ino vs) En$ri! % /) R) No) 178;;C% Bul. 21% 2339* +n$er Section 19% Article VII o' the 18:A Constitution% the Presi$ent ppoints three !roups o' o''icers) The 'irst !roup re'ers to the he $s o' the Executive $ep rt(ents% (& ss $ors% other pu&lic (inisters n$ consuls% o''icers o' the r(e$ 'orces 'ro( the r n< o' colonel or n v l c pt in% n$ other o''icers #hose ppoint(ents re veste$ in the Presi$ent &. the Constitution) The secon$ !roup re'ers to those #ho( the Presi$ent ( . &e uthoriFe$ &. l # to ppoint) The thir$ !roup re'ers to ll other o''icers o' the /overn(ent #hose ppoint(ents re not other#ise provi$e$ &. l #) +n$er the s (e Section 19% there is 'ourth !roup o' lo#err n<e$ o''icers #hose ppoint(ents Con!ress ( . &. l # vest in the he $s o' $ep rt(ents% !encies% co((issions% or &o r$s) xxx The Presi$ent ppoints the 'irst !roup o' o''icers #ith the consent o' the Co((ission on Appoint(ents) The Presi$ent ppoints the secon$ n$ thir$ !roups o' o''icers #ithout the consent o' the Co((ission on Appoint(ents) The Presi$ent ppoints the thir$ !roup o' o''icers i' the l # is silent on #ho is the ppointin! po#er% or i' the l # uthoriFin! the he $ o' $ep rt(ent% !enc.% co((ission% or &o r$ to ppoint is $ecl re$ unconstitution l) Sect$on /1. The .res$dent" A$ce7.res$dent" the Me)bers o* the Cab$net" and the$r de(ut$es or ass$stants sha'' not" un'ess other,$se (ro#$ded $n th$s Const$tut$on" ho'd any other o**$ce or e)('oy)ent dur$n% the$r tenure. They sha'' not" dur$n% sa$d tenure" d$rect'y or $nd$rect'y" (ract$ce any other (ro*ess$on" (art$c$(ate $n any bus$ness" or be *$nanc$a''y $nterested $n any contract ,$th" or $n any *ranch$se" or s(ec$a' (r$#$'e%e %ranted by the Go#ern)ent or any subd$#$s$on" a%ency" or

Bu<lo$ n! - # nin! EIIB vs) 4 (or % Bul. 13% 2331* The !ener l rule h s l# .s &een th t the po#er to &olish pu&lic o''ice is lo$!e$ #ith the le!isl ture) The exception% ho#ever% is th t s ' r s &ure us% !encies or o''ices in the executive $ep rt(ent re concerne$% the Presi$entLs po#er o' control ( . ?usti'. hi( to in ctiv te the 'unctions o' p rticul r o''ice% or cert in l #s ( . !r nt hi( &ro $ uthorit. to c rr. out reor! niF tion (e sures) The chie' executive% un$er or l #s% h s the continuin! uthorit. to reor! niFe the $(inistr tive structure o' the O''ice o' the Presi$ent)

Ru'ino vs) En$ri! * The presi$enti l po#er o' control over the Executive &r nch o' !overn(ent exten$s to ll executive e(plo.ees 'ro( the "ep rt(ent Secret r. to the lo#liest cler<) This constitution l po#er o' the Presi$ent is sel'executin! n$ $oes not reDuire n. i(ple(entin! l #) Con!ress c nnot li(it or curt il the Presi$entLs po#er o' control over the Executive &r nch) xxx In ( n$ tin! th t the Presi$ent Msh ll h ve control o' ll executive x x x o''ices%N Section 1A% Article VII o' the 18:A Constitution $oes not exe(pt n. executive o''ice W one per'or(in! executive 'unctions outsi$e o' the in$epen$ent constitution l &o$ies W 'ro( the Presi$entLs po#er o' control) xxx The Presi$entLs po#er o' control pplies to the cts or $ecisions o' ll o''icers in the Executive &r nch) This is true #hether such o''icers re ppointe$ &. the Presi$ent or &. he $s o' $ep rt(ents% !encies% co((issions% or &o r$s) The po#er o' control (e ns the po#er to revise or reverse the cts or $ecisions o' su&or$in te o''icer involvin! the exercise o' $iscretion) CO>>AN"ER-IN-C,IEE OE T,E AEP

Sect$on /8. The .res$dent sha'' be the Co))ander7 $n7Ch$e* o* a'' ar)ed *orces o* the .h$'$(($nes and ,hene#er $t beco)es necessary" he )ay ca'' out such ar)ed *orces to (re#ent or su((ress 'a,'ess #$o'ence" $n#as$on or rebe''$on. In case o* $n#as$on or rebe''$on" ,hen the (ub'$c sa*ety re-u$res $t" he )ay" *or a (er$od not e>ceed$n% s$>ty days" sus(end the


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

(r$#$'e%e o* the ,r$t o* habeas cor(us or ('ace the .h$'$(($nes or any (art thereo* under )art$a' 'a,. !$th$n *orty7e$%ht hours *ro) the (roc'a)at$on o* )art$a' 'a, or the sus(ens$on o* the (r$#$'e%e o* the ,r$t o* habeas cor(us" the .res$dent sha'' sub)$t a re(ort $n (erson or $n ,r$t$n% to the Con%ress. The Con%ress" #ot$n% +o$nt'y" by a #ote o* at 'east a )a+or$ty o* a'' $ts Me)bers $n re%u'ar or s(ec$a' sess$on" )ay re#o;e such (roc'a)at$on or sus(ens$on" ,h$ch re#ocat$on sha'' not be set as$de by the .res$dent. U(on the $n$t$at$#e o* the .res$dent" the Con%ress )ay" $n the sa)e )anner" e>tend such (roc'a)at$on or sus(ens$on *or a (er$od to be deter)$ned by the Con%ress" $* the $n#as$on or rebe''$on sha'' (ers$st and (ub'$c sa*ety re-u$res $t. The Con%ress" $* not $n sess$on" sha''" ,$th$n t,enty7 *our hours *o''o,$n% such (roc'a)at$on or sus(ens$on" con#ene $n accordance ,$th $ts ru'es ,$thout any need o* a ca''. The Su(re)e Court )ay re#$e," $n an a((ro(r$ate (roceed$n% *$'ed by any c$t$3en" the su**$c$ency o* the *actua' bas$s o* the (roc'a)at$on o* )art$a' 'a, or the sus(ens$on o* the (r$#$'e%e o* the ,r$t or the e>tens$on thereo*" and )ust (ro)u'%ate $ts dec$s$on thereon ,$th$n th$rty days *ro) $ts *$'$n%. A state o* )art$a' 'a, does not sus(end the o(erat$on o* the Const$tut$on" nor su(('ant the *unct$on$n% o* the c$#$' courts or the 'e%$s'at$#e asse)b'$es" nor author$3e the con*er)ent o* +ur$sd$ct$on on )$'$tary courts and a%enc$es o#er c$#$'$ans ,here c$#$' courts are ab'e to *unct$on" nor auto)at$ca''y sus(end the (r$#$'e%e o* the ,r$t. The sus(ens$on o* the (r$#$'e%e o* the ,r$t sha'' a(('y on'y to (ersons +ud$c$a''y char%ed *or rebe''$on or o**enses $nherent $n or d$rect'y connected ,$th the $n#as$on. Dur$n% the sus(ens$on o* the (r$#$'e%e o* the ,r$t" any (erson thus arrested or deta$ned sha'' be +ud$c$a''y char%ed ,$th$n three days" other,$se he sha'' be re'eased. n$ not the Sen te% #ho is the co(( n$er-inchie' o' the r(e$ 'orces) i' the Presi$ent or the Chie' o' St '' re'uses to llo# (e(&er o' the AEP to ppe r &e'ore Con!ress% the le!isl tive &o$. see<in! such testi(on. ( . see< ?u$ici l relie' to co(pel the tten$ nce)

Inte!r te$ B r o' the Philippines vs) 4 (or * The Presi$ent h s 'ull $iscretion to c ll the (ilit r. #hen in his ?u$!(ent it is necess r. to $o so in or$er to prevent or suppress l #less violence% inv sion or re&ellion) There is no eDuiv lent provision $e lin! #ith the revoc tion or revie# o' the Presi$entLs ction to c ll out the r(e$ 'orces)

" vi$% et l) vs) Executive Secret r. Er(it % > . 7% 2339* PP 131A constitutes the c ll &. the Presi$ent 'or the AEP to prevent or suppress l #less violence) ,o#ever% PP 131ALs extr neous provisions !ivin! the Presi$ent express or i(plie$ po#er 516 to issue $ecrees0 526 to $irect AEP to en'orce o&e$ience to ll l #s even those not rel te$ to l #less violence s #ell s $ecrees pro(ul! te$ &. the presi$ent0 n$ 576 to i(pose st n$ r$s on (e$i or n. 'or( o' prior restr int on the press% re ultr vires n$ unconstitution l) In the &sence o' le!isl tion% the Presi$ent c nnot t <e over priv tel.-o#ne$ pu&lic utilit. n$ priv te &usiness ''ecte$ #ith pu&lic interest) The Presi$ent c n v li$l. $ecl re the existence o' st te o' n tion l e(er!enc. even in the &sence o' con!ression l en ct(ent) But the exercise o' e(er!enc. po#ers reDuires $ele! tion 'ro( Con!ress) E>ER/ENCJ POWER /RANT TO PRESI"ENT R%./ $ !%$0 16 there (ust &e # r or other e(er!enc.0 26 $ele! tion (ust &e 'or li(ite$ perio$ onl.0 76 $ele! tion (ust &e su&?ect to such restrictions s Con!ress ( . prescri&e n$ 4) e(er!enc. po#ers (ust &e exercise$ to c rr. out n tion l polic. $ecl re$ &. Con!ress)

L cson vs) PereF% > . 13% 2331* The $ecl r tion &. the Presi$ent o' Xst te o' re&ellionN $urin! or in the 'ter( th o' the > . 1% 2331 sei!e o' > l c n n! is not viol tive o' the sep r tion o' po#ers $octrine) The Presi$ent% s Co(( n$er in chie' o' Ar(e$ Eorces o' the Philippines% ( . c ll upon such r(e$ 'orces to prevent or suppress l #less violence% inv sion or re&ellion)

S nl < s vs) Executive Co((ittee% C21 SCRA 9;9% Ee&ru r. 7% 233C* The Presi$entLs uthorit. to $ecl re st te o' re&ellion sprin!s in the ( in 'ro( her po#ers s chie' executive n$% t the s (e ti(e $r #s stren!th 'ro( her Co(( n$erin-Chie' po#ers pursu nt to her c llin! out po#er)

/u$ ni vs) Sen! % Au!sut 1;% 2339* It is on the Presi$ent th t the Constitution vests the title s co(( n$er-in-chie' n$ ll the prero! tives n$ 'unctions ppert inin! to the position) A! in% the exi!encies o' (ilit r. $iscipline n$ the ch in o' co(( n$ ( n$ te th t the Presi$entLs &ilit. to control the in$ivi$u l (e(&ers o' the r(e$ 'orces &e ccor$e$ the ut(ost respect) Where (ilit r. o''icer is torn &et#een o&! the Presi$ent n$ o&! the Sen te% the Supre(e Court #ill #ithout hesit tion ''ir( th t the o''icer h s to choose the Presi$ent) A'ter ll% the Constitution prescri&es th t it is the Presi$ent%

" vi$% et l) vs) Er(it * It ( . &e pointe$ out th t the secon$ p r !r ph o' the &ove provision re'ers not onl. to # r &ut lso to other n tion l e(er!enc.) I' the intention o' the Er (ers o' our Constitution # s to #ithhol$ 'ro( the Presi$ent the uthorit. to $ecl re st te o' n tion l e(er!enc. pursu nt to Section 1:% Article VII 5c llin!-out po#er6 n$ !r nt it to Con!ress 5li<e the $ecl r tion o' the existence o' st te o' # r6% then the Er (ers coul$ h ve provi$e$ so) Cle rl.% the. $i$ not inten$ th t Con!ress shoul$ 'irst uthoriFe the Presi$ent &e'ore he c n $ecl re st te o' n tion l e(er!enc.) The lo!ic l conclusion then is th t Presi$ent Arro.o coul$ v li$l. $ecl re the existence o' st te o' n tion l e(er!enc. even in the &sence o' Con!ression l en ct(ent) But the exercise o' e(er!enc. po#ers% such s the t <in! over o' priv tel. o#ne$ pu&lic utilit. or &usiness ''ecte$ #ith pu&lic interest% is $i''erent ( tter) This reDuires $ele! tion 'ro( Con!ress) PAR"ONIN/ POWER

Sect$on /9. E>ce(t $n cases o* $)(each)ent" or as other,$se (ro#$ded $n th$s Const$tut$on" the .res$dent )ay %rant re(r$e#es" co))utat$ons and (ardons"


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

and re)$t *$nes and *or*e$tures" a*ter con#$ct$on by *$na' +ud%)ent. ?e sha'' a'so ha#e the (o,er to %rant a)nesty ,$th the concurrence o* a )a+or$ty o* a'' the Me)bers o* the Con%ress. extern l rel tions n$ is the countr.Qs sole represent tive #ith 'orei!n n tions) As the chie' rchitect o' 'orei!n polic.% the Presi$ent cts s the countr.Qs (outhpiece #ith respect to intern tion l '' irs) ,ence% the Presi$ent is veste$ #ith the uthorit. to $e l #ith 'orei!n st tes n$ !overn(ents% exten$ or #ithhol$ reco!nition% ( int in $iplo( tic rel tions% enter into tre ties% n$ other#ise tr ns ct the &usiness o' 'orei!n rel tions) In the re l( o' tre t.( <in!% the Presi$ent h s the sole uthorit. to ne!oti te #ith other st tes)N Nonetheless% #hile the Presi$ent h s the sole uthorit. to ne!oti te n$ enter into tre ties% the Constitution provi$es li(it tion to his po#er &. reDuirin! the concurrence o' 217 o' ll the (e(&ers o' the Sen te 'or the v li$it. o' the tre t. entere$ into &. hi() x x x 5E(ph sis n$ un$erscorin! supplie$6

"rilon vs) CA% 232 SCRA 7A3* The p r$onin! po#er o' the Presi$ent is 'in l n$ un ppe l &le) Sect$on 0:. The .res$dent )ay contract or %uarantee *ore$%n 'oans on beha'* o* the @e(ub'$c o* the .h$'$(($nes ,$th the (r$or concurrence o* the Monetary Board" and sub+ect to such '$)$tat$ons as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. The Monetary Board sha''" ,$th$n th$rty days *ro) the end o* e#ery -uarter o* the ca'endar year" sub)$t to the Con%ress a co)('ete re(ort o* $ts dec$s$ons on a(('$cat$ons *or 'oans to be contracted or %uaranteed by the Go#ern)ent or %o#ern)ent7o,ned and contro''ed cor(orat$ons ,h$ch ,ou'd ha#e the e**ect o* $ncreas$n% the *ore$%n debt" and conta$n$n% other )atters as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,.


Sect$on 0/. No treaty or $nternat$ona' a%ree)ent sha'' be #a'$d and e**ect$#e un'ess concurred $n by at 'east t,o7th$rds o* a'' the Me)bers o* the Senate.

B . n vs) 4 (or % 7C2 SCRA CC8* It is inconseDuenti l #hether the +nite$ St tes tre ts the VEA onl. s n executive !ree(ent &ec use% un$er intern tion l l #% n executive !ree(ent is s &in$in! s tre t.) 5Also re $ +SAEEE Veter ns Ass) v) Tre surer 13; Phil) 13736 In the 'iel$ o' ne!oti tion% the Sen te c nnot intru$e% n$ Con!ress itsel' is po#erless to inv $e it)

A<& . n vs) ADuino* The $octrine in P>PE v) > n!l pus th t the tre t.-( <in! po#er is exclusive to the Presi$ent% &ein! the sole or! n o' the n tion in its extern l rel tions% # s echoe$ in BAJAN v) Executive Secret r. #here the Court hel$* MB. constitution l 'i t n$ &. the intrinsic n ture o' his o''ice% the Presi$ent% s he $ o' St te% is the sole or! n n$ uthorit. in the extern l '' irs o' the countr.) In ( n. # .s% the Presi$ent is the chie' rchitect o' the n tionQs 'orei!n polic.0 his P$o(in nce in the 'iel$ o' 'orei!n rel tions is 5then6 conce$e$)P Wiel$in! v st po#ers n$ in'luence% his con$uct in the extern l '' irs o' the n tion% s Be''erson $escri&es% is Mexecutive lto!ether)N As re! r$s the po#er to enter into tre ties or intern tion l !ree(ents% the Constitution vests the s (e in the Presi$ent% su&?ect onl. to the concurrence o' t le st t#o thir$s vote o' ll the (e(&ers o' the Sen te) In this li!ht% the ne!oti tion o' the VEA n$ the su&seDuent r ti'ic tion o' the !ree(ent re exclusive cts #hich pert in solel. to the Presi$ent% in the l #'ul exercise o' his v st executive n$ $iplo( tic po#ers !r nte$ hi( no less th n &. the 'un$ (ent l l # itsel') Into the 'iel$ o' ne!oti tion the Sen te c nnot intru$e% n$ Con!ress itsel' is po#erless to inv $e it) x x x 5It lics in the ori!in l0 e(ph sis n$ un$erscorin! supplie$6

It h s lon! &een reco!niFe$ th t the po#er to enter into tre ties is veste$ $irectl. n$ exclusivel. in the Presi$ent% su&?ect onl. to the concurrence o' t le st t#o-thir$s o' ll the >e(&ers o' the Sen te 'or the v li$it. o' the tre t.) In this li!ht% the uthorit. o' the Presi$ent to enter into tr $e !ree(ents #ith 'orei!n n tions provi$e$ un$er P)") 1C9C ( . &e interprete$ s n c<no#le$!(ent o' po#er lre $. inherent in its o''ice) It ( . not &e use$ s & sis to hol$ the Presi$ent or its represent tives ccount &le to Con!ress 'or the con$uct o' tre t. ne!oti tions) This is not to s .% o' course% th t the Presi$entLs po#er to enter into tre ties is unli(ite$ &ut 'or the reDuire(ent o' Sen te concurrence% since the Presi$ent (ust still ensure th t ll tre ties #ill su&st ntivel. con'or( to ll the relev nt provisions o' the Constitution) It 'ollo#s 'ro( the &ove $iscussion th t Con!ress% #hile possessin! v st le!isl tive po#ers% ( . not inter'ere in the 'iel$ o' tre t. ne!oti tions) While Article VII% Section 21 provi$es 'or Sen te concurrence% such pert ins onl. to the v li$it. o' the tre t. un$er consi$er tion% not to the con$uct o' ne!oti tions tten$ nt to its conclusion) >oreover% it is not even Con!ress s #hole th t h s &een !iven the uthorit. to concur s (e ns o' chec<in! the tre t.-( <in! po#er o' the Presi$ent% &ut onl. the Sen te)

The s (e $octrine # s reiter te$ even (ore recentl. in Pi(entel v) Executive Secret r. #here the Court rule$* MIn our s.ste( o' !overn(ent% the Presi$ent% &ein! the he $ o' st te% is re! r$e$ s the sole or! n n$ uthorit. in

Pi(entel vs) Executive Secret r.% Bul. 9% 233;* +n$er our Constitution% the po#er to r ti'. is veste$ in the Presi$ent% su&?ect to the concurrence o' the Sen te) The role o' the Sen te% ho#ever% is li(ite$ onl. to !ivin! or #ithhol$in! its consent% or concurrence% to the r ti'ic tion) ,ence% it is #ithin the uthorit. o' the Presi$ent to re'use to su&(it tre t. to the Sen te or% h vin! secure$ its consent 'or its r ti'ic tion% re'use to r ti'. it) Althou!h the re'us l o' st te to r ti'. tre t. #hich h s &een si!ne$ in its &eh l' is serious step th t shoul$ not &e t <en li!htl.% such $ecision is #ithin the co(petence o' the Presi$ent lone% #hich c nnot &e encro che$ &. this Court vi #rit o' ( n$ (us) The Supre(e Court h s no ?uris$iction over ctions see<in! to en?oin the Presi$ent in the per'or( nce o' his o''ici l $uties) The Court% there'ore% c nnot issue the #rit o' ( n$ (us pr .e$ 'or &. the petitioners s it is &e.on$ its ?uris$iction to co(pel the executive &r nch o' the !overn(ent to tr ns(it the si!ne$ text o' Ro(e St tute to the Sen te)


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

Sect$on 00. The .res$dent sha'' sub)$t to the Con%ress ,$th$n th$rty days *ro) the o(en$n% o* the re%u'ar sess$on" as the bas$s o* the %enera' a((ro(r$at$ons b$''" a bud%et o* e>(end$tures and sources o* *$nanc$n%" $nc'ud$n% rece$(ts *ro) e>$st$n% and (ro(osed re#enue )easures. Sect$on 01. The .res$dent sha'' address the Con%ress at the o(en$n% o* $ts re%u'ar sess$on. ?e )ay a'so a((ear be*ore $t at any other t$)e. interest in the c se such th t he h s sust ine$% or #ill sust in $irect in?ur. s result)

POWER TO CLASSIEJ P+BLIC LAN"S AN" TO SELL T,E SA>E The po#er to cl ssi'. l n$s s lien &le &elon!s to the Presi$ent) Onl. l n$s% #hich h ve &een cl ssi'ie$ s lien &le% ( . &e sol$) There (ust &e l # uthoriFin! its s le or lien tion &. the Presi$ent or &. nother o''icer &e'ore conve. nce c n &e execute$ on &eh l' o' the !overn(ent 5Section C:% Boo< I o' the 18:A A$(inistr tive Co$e6)

,o#ever% &ein! (ere proce$ur l technic lit.% the reDuire(ent o' locus st n$i ( . &e # ive$ &. the Supre(e Court in the exercise o' its $iscretion) Even #hen the petitioners h ve ' ile$ to sho# $irect in?ur.% the. h ve &een llo#e$ to sue un$er the 2)( "& )#% of !(a"$&%"d%"!a# ,)o(!a"&%3. "AVI"% ET AL VS) ARROJO0 C,AVE4 VS) PEA% 7:C SCRA 1;20 BA/ON/ ALJANSAN/ >A-ABAJAN VS) 4A>ORA% 7C2 SCRA CC80 LI> VS) EGEC+TIVE SECRETARJ% 7:3 SCRA A78)

L urel vs) / rci % 1:A SCRA A8A* The Presi$ent ( . not conve. v lu &le re l propert. o' the !overn(ent on her sole #ill) Conve. nce (ust &e uthoriFe$ &. l # en cte$ &. Con!ress) POWER OE /OVERN>ENTS S+PERVISION OVER LOCAL

To ensure th t loc l '' irs re $(inistere$ ccor$in! to l #) xxx Inso' r s existin! le!isl tion uthoriFes the Presi$ent 5throu!h the Secret r. o' Loc l /overn(ent6 to procee$ ! inst loc l o''ici ls $(inistr tivel.) ARTICLE VIII 1UDICIAL DEPARTMENT Sect$on /. The +ud$c$a' (o,er sha'' be #ested $n one Su(re)e Court and $n such 'o,er courts as )ay be estab'$shed by 'a,. Jud$c$a' (o,er $nc'udes the duty o* the courts o* +ust$ce to sett'e actua' contro#ers$es $n#o'#$n% r$%hts ,h$ch are 'e%a''y de)andab'e and en*orceab'e" and to deter)$ne ,hether or not there has been a %ra#e abuse o* d$scret$on a)ount$n% to 'ac; or e>cess o* +ur$sd$ct$on on the (art o* any branch or $nstru)enta'$ty o* the Go#ern)ent.

T xp .ers% voters% concerne$ citiFens n$ le!isl tors ( . &e ccor$e$ st n$in! to sue% provi$e$ th t the 'ollo#in! (%./ (%,%"!$ re (et* 1) the c ses involve$ constitution l issues0 2. 'or ta>(ayers% there (ust &e cl i( o' ille! l $is&urse(ent o' pu&lic 'un$s or th t the t x (e sure is unconstitution l0 7) 'or voters% there (ust &e sho#in! o' o&vious interest in the v li$it. o' the election l # in Duestion0 4. 'or concerned c$t$3ens% there (ust &e sho#in! th t the issues re o' tr nscen$ent l i(port nce #hich (ust &e settle$ e rl.0 n$ 5. 'or 'e%$s'ators% there (ust &e cl i( th t the o''ici l ction co(pl ine$ o' in'rin!es upon their prero! tives s le!isl tors)

AIWA vs) Ro(ulo% /R No) 1;A;38% B nu r. 1:% 233;* Eor citiFen to h ve st n$in!% he (ust est &lish th t he h s su''ere$ so(e ctu l or thre tene$ in?ur. s result o' the lle!e$l. ille! l con$uct o' the !overn(ent0 the in?ur. is ' irl. tr ce &le to the ch llen!e$ ction0 n$ the in?ur. is li<el. to &e re$resse$ &. ' vor &le ction)

TELEBAP VS)C O>ELEC - proper p rt.


B+"ICIAL REVIEW - Bo. vs) PC//0 -ilos& . n vs) /uin!on 0 Opos vs) E ctor n 5petitioners-chil$ren60 -ilos& . n vs) >or to0 IBP vs) 4 (or 5IBP not proper p rt.60 /onF les vs) N rv s 5priv te citiFen not proper p rt.6)

re%$stered #oter K (ust sho# th t the ction concerns his ri!ht o' su''r !e 2. ta>(ayer K he h s su''icient interest in preventin! the ille! l expen$iture o' (one. r ise$ &. t x tion) 3. cor(orate ent$ty K the p rt. suin! h s su&st nti l rel tion to the thir$ p rt.0 the thir$ p rt. c nnot ssert his constitution l ri!ht0 the ri!ht o' the thir$ p rt. #ill &e $ilute$ unless the p rt. in court is llo#e$ to espouse the thir$ p rt.Ls constitution l cl i()

/u$ ni vs) Sen! % Au!ust 1;% 2339* Courts re e(po#ere$% un$er the constitution l principle o' ?u$ici l revie#% to r&itr te $isputes &et#een the le!isl tive n$ executive &r nches o' !overn(ent on the proper constitution l p r (eters o' po#er)

As the c se involves constitution l Duestions% the Supre(e Court is not concerne$ #ith #hether the petitioners re re l p rties in interest% &ut #hether the. h ve le! l st n$in!) LA B+/ALBLLAAN TRIBAL ASS)% INC)% VS RA>OS% C21 SCRA 1C:)

PROPER PARTJ - In this ?uris$iction% the Supre(e Court $opts the M"IRECT INB+RJN test) In People vs) Ver % it hel$ th t the person #ho i(pu!ns the v li$it. o' st tute (ust h ve person l n$ su&st nti l

EVEN W,EN T,E ISS+ES ARE >OOT AN" ACA"E>IC% the Court still entert ins to $?u$ic te the su&st ntive ( tter i' there is !r ve viol tion o' the constitution0 to 'or(ul te controllin! principles to !ui$e the &ench% & r n$ pu&lic n$ c p &le o' repetition% .et ev $in!


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

revie#) PROVINCE OE BATAN/AS VS) RO>+LO% C28 SCRA A79% > . 2A% 233C)

The (oot n$ c $e(ic principle is not ( !ic l 'or(ul th t c n uto( tic ll. $issu $e the courts in resolvin! c se) Courts #ill $eci$e c ses% other#ise (oot n$ c $e(ic% i'* *$rst" there is !r ve viol tion o' the constitution% second" the exception l ch r cter o' the situ tion n$ the p r (ount pu&lic interest is involve$% th$rd" #hen constitution l issue r ise$ reDuires 'or(ul tion o' controllin! principles to !ui$e the &ench% & r n$ the pu&lic% n$ 'ourth% the c se is c p &le o' repetition .et ev $in! revie#) "AVI"% ET AL) VS) ARROJO% ET AL)0 SANLA-AS VS) EGEC) SEC)% C21 SCRA 9;90 ACOP VS) /+IN/ONA% BR)% 7:7 SCRA ;AA0 ALBA-A VS) CO>ELEC% C7; SCRA 8:) POLITICAL U+ESTIONS - re concerne$ #ith issues $epen$ent upon the #is$o(% not le! lit. o' p rticul r (e sure) U+ESTIONS RE/AR"IN/ A">INISTRATIVE ISS+ANCES #ill not preclu$e the S+PRE>E CO+RT 'ro( exercisin! its po#er o' ?u$ici l revie# to $eter(ine #hether or not there # s !r ve &use o' $iscretion (ountin! to l c< or excess o' ?uris$iction on the p rt o' issuin! uthorit. un$er its EGPAN"E" B+RIS"ICTION) BRILLANTES VS) CO>ELEC% C72 SCRA 298% Bune 1; 233C) -ILOSBAJAN VS) ER>ITA% /R No) 1AAA21% Bul. 7% 233A - Petitioners h ve st n$in! to 'ile the suit si(pl. s peopleLs or! niF tions n$ t xp .ers since the ( tter involves n issue o' ut(ost n$ ' r-re chin! Constitution l i(port nce% n (el.% the Du li'ic tion K n .% the citiFenship K o' person to &e ppointe$ (e(&er o' this Court) xxx This c se is ( tter o' pri(or$i l i(port nce involvin! co(pli nce #ith Constitution l ( n$ te) As the &o$. t s<e$ #ith the $eter(in tion o' the (erits o' con'lictin! cl i(s un$er the Constitution% the Supre(e Court is the proper 'oru( 'or resolvin! the issue% even s the BBC h s the initi l co(petence to $o so) xxx It is cle r% there'ore% th t 'ro( the recor$s o' this Court% respon$ent On! is n tur liFe$ Eilipino citiFen) The lle!e$ su&seDuent reco!nition o' his n tur l-&orn st tus &. the Bure u o' I((i!r tion n$ the "OB c nnot (en$ the 'in l $ecision o' the tri l court st tin! th t respon$ent On! n$ his (other #ere n tur liFe$ lon! #ith his ' ther) Sect$on 0. The Con%ress sha'' ha#e the (o,er to de*$ne" (rescr$be" and a((ort$on the +ur$sd$ct$on o* #ar$ous courts but )ay not de(r$#e the Su(re)e Court o* $ts +ur$sd$ct$on o#er cases enu)erated $n Sect$on 4 hereo*. No 'a, sha'' be (assed reor%an$3$n% the Jud$c$ary ,hen $t under)$nes the secur$ty o* tenure o* $ts Me)bers.

Sect$on 2. (/ The Su(re)e Court sha'' be co)(osed o* a Ch$e* Just$ce and *ourteen Assoc$ate Just$ces. It )ay s$t en banc or" $n $ts d$scret$on" $n d$#$s$ons o* three" *$#e" or se#en Me)bers. Any #acancy sha'' be *$''ed ,$th$n n$nety days *ro) the occurrence thereo*. (0 A'' cases $n#o'#$n% the const$tut$ona'$ty o* a treaty" $nternat$ona' or e>ecut$#e a%ree)ent" ,h$ch sha'' be heard by the Su(re)e Court en banc" and a'' other cases ,h$ch under the @u'es o* Court are re-u$red to be heard en banc" $nc'ud$n% those $n#o'#$n% the const$tut$ona'$ty" a(('$cat$on" or o(erat$on o* (res$dent$a' decrees" (roc'a)at$ons" orders" $nstruct$ons" ord$nances" and other re%u'at$ons" sha'' be dec$ded ,$th the concurrence o* a )a+or$ty o* the Me)bers ,ho actua''y too; (art $n the de'$berat$ons on the $ssues $n the case and #oted thereon. (1 Cases or )atters heard by a d$#$s$on sha'' be dec$ded or reso'#ed ,$th the concurrence o* a )a+or$ty o* the Me)bers ,ho actua''y too; (art $n the de'$berat$ons on the $ssues $n the case and #oted thereon" and $n no case" ,$thout the concurrence o* at 'east three o* such Me)bers. !hen the re-u$red nu)ber $s not obta$ned" the case sha'' be dec$ded en banc= .ro#$ded" that no doctr$ne or (r$nc$('e o* 'a, 'a$d do,n by the court $n a dec$s$on rendered en banc or $n d$#$s$on )ay be )od$*$ed or re#ersed e>ce(t by the court s$tt$n% en banc.

PP VS) "J% 78; SCRA 2;9* +n$er Article VIII% Section C516 o' the Constitution% the Supre(e Court ( . sit en & nc or% in its $iscretion% in $ivisions o' three% 'ive% or seven (e(&ers)

IBP vs) 4 (or * $eplo.(ent o' ( rines K is ?ustici &le - the pro&le( &ein! one o' le! lit. or v li$it.% not its #is$o()

EARIYAS VS) EGEC) SEC)% C1A SCRA ;37* Polic. ( tters re not the concern o' the Supre(e Court - !overn(ent polic. is #ithin the exclusive $o(inion o' the politic l &r nches o' the !overn(ent) Sect$on 4. The Su(re)e Court sha'' ha#e the *o''o,$n% (o,ers< (/ E>erc$se or$%$na' +ur$sd$ct$on o#er cases a**ect$n% a)bassadors" other (ub'$c )$n$sters and consu's" and o#er (et$t$ons *or cert$orar$" (roh$b$t$on" )anda)us" -uo ,arranto" and habeas cor(us. (0 @e#$e," re#$se" )od$*y" or a**$r) on a((ea' on cert$orar$" as the 'a, or the @u'es o* Court )ay (ro#$de" *$na' +ud%)ents and orders o* 'o,er courts $n< (a A'' cases $n ,h$ch the const$tut$ona'$ty or #a'$d$ty o* any treaty" $nternat$ona' or e>ecut$#e a%ree)ent" 'a," (res$dent$a' decree" (roc'a)at$on" order" $nstruct$on" ord$nance" or re%u'at$on $s $n -uest$on. (b A'' cases $n#o'#$n% the 'e%a'$ty o* any ta>" $)(ost" assess)ent" or to''" or any (ena'ty $)(osed $n re'at$on thereto. (c A'' cases $n ,h$ch the +ur$sd$ct$on o* any 'o,er court $s $n $ssue.


Sect$on 1. The Jud$c$ary sha'' en+oy *$sca' autono)y. A((ro(r$at$ons *or the Jud$c$ary )ay not be reduced by the 'e%$s'ature be'o, the a)ount a((ro(r$ated *or the (re#$ous year and" a*ter a((ro#a'" sha'' be auto)at$ca''y and re%u'ar'y re'eased.

Ben!Fon vs) "rilon* The Chie' Bustice (ust &e !iven 'ree h n$ on ho# to u!(ent ppropri tions #here u!(ent tion is nee$e$)


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

(d A'' cr$)$na' cases $n ,h$ch the (ena'ty $)(osed $s rec'us$on (er(etua or h$%her. (e A'' cases $n ,h$ch on'y an error or -uest$on o* 'a, $s $n#o'#ed. (1 Ass$%n te)(orar$'y +ud%es o* 'o,er courts to other stat$ons as (ub'$c $nterest )ay re-u$re. Such te)(orary ass$%n)ent sha'' not e>ceed s$> )onths ,$thout the consent o* the +ud%e concerned. (2 Order a chan%e o* #enue or ('ace o* tr$a' to a#o$d a )$scarr$a%e o* +ust$ce. (4 .ro)u'%ate ru'es concern$n% the (rotect$on and en*orce)ent o* const$tut$ona' r$%hts" ('ead$n%" (ract$ce" and (rocedure $n a'' courts" the ad)$ss$on to the (ract$ce o* 'a," the Inte%rated Bar" and 'e%a' ass$stance to the under(r$#$'e%ed. Such ru'es sha'' (ro#$de a s$)('$*$ed and $ne>(ens$#e (rocedure *or the s(eedy d$s(os$t$on o* cases" sha'' be un$*or) *or a'' courts o* the sa)e %rade" and sha'' not d$)$n$sh" $ncrease" or )od$*y substant$#e r$%hts. @u'es o* (rocedure o* s(ec$a' courts and -uas$7+ud$c$a' bod$es sha'' re)a$n e**ect$#e un'ess d$sa((ro#ed by the Su(re)e Court. (5 A((o$nt a'' o**$c$a's and e)('oyees o* the +ud$c$ary $n accordance ,$th the C$#$' Ser#$ce La,. C,AN/E OE VEN+E - L rr n ! vs) CA% 2:A SCRA ;:1* A (otion to ch n!e the venue o' 5 n$ uthorit. to con$uct6 preli(in r. investi! tion c nnot &e t <en co!niF nce &. the courts 'or l c< o' ?uris$iction) The hol$in! o' preli(in r. investi! tion is 'unction o' the Executive $ep rt(ent n$ not o' the ?u$ici r.)

Li(it tions* 516 si(pli'ie$ n$ inexpensive proce$ure0 526 uni'or(0 576 not $i(inish% incre se or (o$i'. su&st ntive ri!hts) WRIT OE A>PARO The ri!ht to en'orce n$ protect personLs ri!hts !u r ntee$ n$ reco!niFe$ &. the &ill o' ri!hts) It is re(e$. v il &le to n. person #hose ri!ht to li'e% li&ert.% n$ securit. h s &een viol te$ or is thre tene$ #ith viol tion &. n unl #'ul ct or o(ission o' pu&lic o''ici l or e( or o' priv te in$ivi$u l or entit.) The #rit covers extr le! l <illin!s n$ en'orce$ $is ppe r nces or thre ts thereo') +pon 'ilin! o' the petition or t n.ti(e &e'ore 'in l ?u$!(ent% the court% ?ustice or ?u$!e ( . !r nt n. o' the 'ollo#in! relie's* T%,)o(a(* P(o!%&! o" O(d%(. MThe court% ?ustice or ?u$!e% upon (otion or (otu proprio% ( . or$er th t the petitioner or the !!rieve$ p rt. n$ n. (e(&er o' the i((e$i te ' (il. &e protecte$ in !overn(ent !enc. or &. n ccre$ite$ person or priv te institution c p &le o' <eepin! n$ securin! their s 'et.) I' the petitioner is n or! niF tion% ssoci tion or institution re'erre$ to in Section 75c6 o' the Rule% the protection ( . &e exten$e$ to the o''icers involve$) The Supre(e Court sh ll ccre$it the persons n$ priv te institutions th t sh ll exten$ te(por r. protection to the petitioner or the !!rieve$ p rt. n$ n. (e(&er o' the i((e$i te ' (il.% in ccor$ nce #ith !ui$elines #hich it sh ll issue) The ccre$ite$ persons n$ priv te institutions sh ll co(pl. #ith the rules n$ con$itions th t ( . &e i(pose$ &. the court% ?ustice or ?u$!e)

PP vs) Sol % 137 SCRA 787* In c se o' $ou&t% it shoul$ &e resolve$ in ' vor o' ch n!e o' venue) PP VS) T+BON/BAN+A% /R No) 1A12A1* Au!ust 71% 2339- In vie# o' the en ct(ent o' Repu&lic Act No) 87C9 or the Act Prohi&itin! the I(position o' "e th Pen lt. on Bune 2C% 2339% the pen lt. th t shoul$ &e (ete$ is reclusion perpetu % thus* SECTION 1) The i(position o' the pen lt. o' $e th is here&. prohi&ite$) Accor$in!l.% Repu&lic Act No) Ei!ht Thous n$ One ,un$re$ Sevent.Seven 5R)A) No) :1AA6% other#ise <no#n s the Act "esi!n tin! "e th &. Leth l In?ection is here&. repe le$) Repu&lic Act No) Seven Thous n$ Six ,un$re$ Ei't.-Nine 5R)A) No) A9;86% other#ise <no#n s the "e th Pen lt. L # n$ ll other l #s% executive or$ers n$ $ecrees inso' r s the. i(pose the $e th pen lt. re here&. repe le$ or (en$e$ ccor$in!l.) SEC) 2) In lieu o' the $e th pen lt.% the 'ollo#in! sh ll &e i(pose$* (a) the pen lt. o' reclusion perpetu % #hen the l # viol te$ ( <es use o' the no(encl ture o' the pen lties o' the Revise$ Pen l Co$e0 or 5&6 the pen lt. o' li'e i(prison(ent% #hen the l # viol te$ $oes not ( <e use o' the no(encl ture o' the pen lties o' the Revise$ Pen l Co$e)

I"$)%&! o" O(d%(. MThe court% ?ustice or ?u$!e% upon veri'ie$ (otion n$ 'ter $ue he rin!% ( . or$er n. person in possession or control o' $esi!n te$ l n$ or other propert.% to per(it entr. 'or the purpose o' inspectin!% (e surin!%!% or photo!r phin! the propert. or n. relev nt o&?ect or oper tion thereon) The (otion sh ll st te in $et il the pl ce or pl ces to &e inspecte$) It sh ll &e supporte$ &. ''i$ vits or testi(onies o' #itnesses h vin! person l <no#le$!e o' the en'orce$ $is ppe r nce or #here &outs o' the !!rieve$ p rt.) I' the (otion is oppose$ on the !roun$ o' n tion l securit. or o' the privile!e$ n ture o' the in'or( tion% the court% ?ustice or ?u$!e ( . con$uct he rin! in ch (&ers to $eter(ine the (erit o' the opposition) The (ov nt (ust sho# th t the inspection or$er is necess r. to est &lish the ri!ht o' the !!rieve$ p rt. lle!e$ to &e thre tene$ or viol te$) The inspection or$er sh ll speci'. the person or persons uthoriFe$ to ( <e the inspection n$ the $ te% ti(e% pl ce n$ ( nner o' ( <in! the inspection n$ ( . prescri&e other con$itions to protect the constitution l ri!hts o' ll p rties) The or$er sh ll expire 'ive 5;6 $ .s 'ter the $ te o' its issu nce% unless exten$e$ 'or ?usti'i &le re sons)

PRO>+L/ATE R+LES concernin! the protection n$ en'orce(ent o' constitution l ri!hts% ple $in!% pr ctice n$ proce$ure in ll court% the $(ission to the pr ctice o' l #% the IBP% n$ le! l ssist nce to the un$erprivile!e$)

P(od/&! o" O(d%() MThe court% ?ustice or ?u$!e% upon veri'ie$ (otion n$ 'ter $ue he rin!% ( . or$er n. person in possession% custo$. or control o' n. $esi!n te$ $ocu(ents% p pers% &oo<s% ccounts% letters% photo!r phs% o&?ects or t n!i&le thin!s% or o&?ects in $i!itiFe$ or electronic 'or(% #hich constitute or cont in evi$ence relev nt to the petition or the return% to pro$uce n$ per(it their inspection%! or


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photo!r phin! &. or on &eh l' o' the (ov nt) The (otion ( . &e oppose$ on the !roun$ o' n tion l securit. or o' the privile!e$ n ture o' the in'or( tion% in #hich c se the court% ?ustice or ?u$!e ( . con$uct he rin! in ch (&ers to $eter(ine the (erit o' the opposition) The court% ?ustice or ?u$!e sh ll prescri&e other con$itions to protect the constitution l ri!hts o' ll the p rties) 4 !"%$$ P(o!%&! o" O(d%() MThe court% ?ustice or ?u$!e% upon (otion or (otu proprio% ( . re'er the #itnesses to the "ep rt(ent o' Bustice 'or $(ission to the Witness Protection% Securit. n$ Bene'it Pro!r (% pursu nt to Repu&lic Act No) 98:1) The court% ?ustice or ?u$!e ( . lso re'er the #itnesses to other !overn(ent !encies% or to ccre$ite$ persons or priv te institutions c p &le o' <eepin! n$ securin! their s 'et.)

*orty years o* a%e and" )ust ha#e been *or *$*teen years or )ore a +ud%e o* a 'o,er court or en%a%ed $n the (ract$ce o* 'a, $n the .h$'$(($nes. (0 The Con%ress sha'' (rescr$be the -ua'$*$cat$ons o* +ud%es o* 'o,er courts" but no (erson )ay be a((o$nted +ud%e thereo* un'ess he $s a c$t$3en o* the .h$'$(($nes and a )e)ber o* the .h$'$(($ne Bar. (1 A Me)ber o* the Jud$c$ary )ust be a (erson o* (ro#en co)(etence" $nte%r$ty" (rob$ty" and $nde(endence. Sect$on 8. (/ A Jud$c$a' and Bar Counc$' $s hereby created under the su(er#$s$on o* the Su(re)e Court co)(osed o* the Ch$e* Just$ce as e> o**$c$o Cha$r)an" the Secretary o* Just$ce" and a re(resentat$#e o* the Con%ress as e> o**$c$o Me)bers" a re(resentat$#e o* the Inte%rated Bar" a (ro*essor o* 'a," a ret$red Me)ber o* the Su(re)e Court" and a re(resentat$#e o* the (r$#ate sector. (0 The re%u'ar Me)bers o* the Counc$' sha'' be a((o$nted by the .res$dent *or a ter) o* *our years ,$th the consent o* the Co))$ss$on on A((o$nt)ents. O* the Me)bers *$rst a((o$nted" the re(resentat$#e o* the Inte%rated Bar sha'' ser#e *or *our years" the (ro*essor o* 'a, *or three years" the ret$red Just$ce *or t,o years" and the re(resentat$#e o* the (r$#ate sector *or one year. (1 The C'er; o* the Su(re)e Court sha'' be the Secretary e> o**$c$o o* the Counc$' and sha'' ;ee( a record o* $ts (roceed$n%s. (2 The re%u'ar Me)bers o* the Counc$' sha'' rece$#e such e)o'u)ents as )ay be deter)$ned by the Su(re)e Court. The Su(re)e Court sha'' (ro#$de $n $ts annua' bud%et the a((ro(r$at$ons *or the Counc$'. (4 The Counc$' sha'' ha#e the (r$nc$(a' *unct$on o* reco))end$n% a((o$ntees to the Jud$c$ary. It )ay e>erc$se such other *unct$ons and dut$es as the Su(re)e Court )ay ass$%n to $t. Sect$on 9. The Me)bers o* the Su(re)e Court and +ud%es o* 'o,er courts sha'' be a((o$nted by the .res$dent *ro) a '$st o* at 'east three no)$nees (re(ared by the Jud$c$a' and Bar Counc$' *or e#ery #acancy. Such a((o$nt)ents need no con*$r)at$on. &or the 'o,er courts" the .res$dent sha'' $ssue the a((o$nt)ents ,$th$n n$nety days *ro) the sub)$ss$on o* the '$st. Sect$on /:. The sa'ary o* the Ch$e* Just$ce and o* the Assoc$ate Just$ces o* the Su(re)e Court" and o* +ud%es o* 'o,er courts sha'' be *$>ed by 'a,. Dur$n% the$r cont$nuance $n o**$ce" the$r sa'ary sha'' not be decreased. Sect$on //. The Me)bers o* the Su(re)e Court and +ud%es o* 'o,er courts sha'' ho'd o**$ce dur$n% %ood beha#$or unt$' they reached the a%e o* se#enty years or beco)e $nca(ac$tated to d$schar%e the dut$es o* the$r o**$ce. The Su(re)e Court en banc sha'' ha#e the (o,er to d$sc$('$ne +ud%es o* 'o,er courts" or order the$r d$s)$ssa' by a #ote o* a )a+or$ty o* the Me)bers ,ho actua''y too; (art $n the de'$berat$ons on the $ssues $n the case and #oted thereon. Sect$on /0. The Me)bers o* the Su(re)e Court and o* other courts estab'$shed by 'a, sha'' not be des$%nated to any a%ency (er*or)$n% -uas$7+ud$c$a' or ad)$n$strat$#e *unct$ons.

WRIT OE ,ABEAS "ATA It is re(e$. v il &le to n. person #hose ri!ht to priv c. in li'e% li&ert. or securit. is viol te$ or thre tene$ &. n unl #'ul ct or o(ission o' pu&lic o''ici l or e( or o' priv te in$ivi$u l or entit. en! !e$ in the ! therin!% collectin! or storin! o' $ t or in'or( tion re! r$in! the person% ' (il.% ho(e n$ correspon$ence o' the !!rieve$ p rt.)

Aruelo vs) Court o' Appe ls% 22A SCRA CA;* The CO>ELEC c nnot $opt rule prohi&itin! the 'ilin! o' cert in ple $in!s in the re!ul r courts) The po#er to pro(ul! te rules concernin! ple $in!s% pr ctice n$ proce$ure in ll courts is veste$ on the Supre(e Court)

Repu&lic vs) /in!o.on% /)R) No) 19C28% "ece(&er 18% 233;* Con!ress h s the plen r. le!isl tive po#er) The silence o' the Constitution on the su&?ect c n onl. &e interprete$ s (e nin! there is no intention to $i(inish th t plen r. po#er) RA :8AC #hich reDuires 'ull p .(ent &e'ore the St te ( . exercise propriet r. ri!hts% contr r. to Rule 9A #hich reDuires onl. $eposit # s reco!niFe$ &. the Supre(e Court)

PEOPLE VS) >ATEO% Bul. A% 233C* While the 'un$ (ent l l # reDuires ( n$ tor. revie# &. the Supre(e Court o' c ses #here the pen lt. is reclusion perpetu % li'e i(prison(ent% or $e th% no#here ho#ever% h s it proscri&e$ n inter(e$i te revie#) The Supre(e Court $ee(s it #ise n$ co(pellin! to provi$e in these c ses revie# &. the Court o' Appe ls &e'ore the c se is elev te$ to the Supre(e Court)

Proce$ur l ( tters% 'irst n$ 'ore(ost% ' ll (ore sDu rel. #ithin the rule ( <in! prero! tive o' the Supre(e Court th n the l # ( <in! po#er o' Con!ress) The rule llo#in! n inter(e$i te revie# &. the Court o' Appe ls% su&or$in te ppell te court% &e'ore the c se is elev te$ to the Supre(e Court 'or uto( tic revie#% is such proce$ur l ( tter) Sect$on 5. The Su(re)e Court sha'' ha#e the ad)$n$strat$#e su(er#$s$on o#er a'' courts and the (ersonne' thereo*. Sect$on 6. (/ No (erson sha'' be a((o$nted Me)ber o* the Su(re)e Court or any 'o,er co''e%$ate court un'ess he $s a natura'7born c$t$3en o* the .h$'$(($nes. A Me)ber o* the Su(re)e Court )ust be at 'east


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

Sect$on /1. The conc'us$ons o* the Su(re)e Court $n any case sub)$tted to $t *or dec$s$on en banc or $n d$#$s$on sha'' be reached $n consu'tat$on be*ore the case $s ass$%ned to a Me)ber *or the ,r$t$n% o* the o($n$on o* the Court. A cert$*$cat$on to th$s e**ect s$%ned by the Ch$e* Just$ce sha'' be $ssued and a co(y thereo* attached to the record o* the case and ser#ed u(on the (art$es. Any Me)ber ,ho too; no (art" or d$ssented" or absta$ned *ro) a dec$s$on or reso'ut$on )ust state the reason there*or. The sa)e re-u$re)ents sha'' be obser#ed by a'' 'o,er co''e%$ate courts. Sect$on /2. No dec$s$on sha'' be rendered by any court ,$thout e>(ress$n% there$n c'ear'y and d$st$nct'y the *acts and the 'a, on ,h$ch $t $s based. No (et$t$on *or re#$e, or )ot$on *or recons$derat$on o* a dec$s$on o* the court sha'' be re*used due course or den$ed ,$thout stat$n% the 'e%a' bas$s there*or. >IN+TE RESOL+TION - -o( tsu vs) CA% 2:8 SCRA 93C* $oes not viol te Section 1C) Resolutions re not $ecisions #ithin the constitution l reDuire(ent0 the. (erel. hol$ th t the petition 'or revie# shoul$ not &e entert ine$ n$ the petition to revie# $ecision o' the CA is not ( tter o' ri!ht &ut o' soun$ ?u$ici l $iscretion% hence% there is no nee$ to 'ull. expl in the CourtLs $eni l since% 'or one thin!% the ' cts n$ the l # re lre $. (entione$ in the CA $ecision) or )atter sub)$tted ,$thout *urther de'ay. thereto *or deter)$nat$on"

Sect$on /5. The Su(re)e Court sha''" ,$th$n th$rty days *ro) the o(en$n% o* each re%u'ar sess$on o* the Con%ress" sub)$t to the .res$dent and the Con%ress an annua' re(ort on the o(erat$ons and act$#$t$es o* the Jud$c$ary. ARTICLE I+ CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS A. Co))on .ro#$s$ons Sect$on /. The Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons" ,h$ch sha'' be $nde(endent" are the C$#$' Ser#$ce Co))$ss$on" the Co))$ss$on on E'ect$ons" and the Co))$ss$on on Aud$t. Sect$on 0. No Me)ber o* a Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$on sha''" dur$n% h$s tenure" ho'd any other o**$ce or e)('oy)ent. Ne$ther sha'' he en%a%e $n the (ract$ce o* any (ro*ess$on or $n the act$#e )ana%e)ent or contro' o* any bus$ness ,h$ch $n any ,ay be a**ected by the *unct$ons o* h$s o**$ce" nor sha'' he be *$nanc$a''y $nterested" d$rect'y or $nd$rect'y" $n any contract ,$th" or $n any *ranch$se or (r$#$'e%e %ranted by the Go#ern)ent" any o* $ts subd$#$s$ons" a%enc$es" or $nstru)enta'$t$es" $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$on or the$r subs$d$ar$es. Sect$on 1. The sa'ary o* the Cha$r)an and the Co))$ss$oners sha'' be *$>ed by 'a, and sha'' not be decreased dur$n% the$r tenure. Sect$on 2. The Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons sha'' a((o$nt the$r o**$c$a's and e)('oyees $n accordance ,$th 'a,. Sect$on 4. The Co))$ss$on sha'' en+oy *$sca' autono)y. The$r a((ro#ed annua' a((ro(r$at$ons sha'' be auto)at$ca''y and re%u'ar'y re'eased. Sect$on 5. Each Co))$ss$on en banc )ay (ro)u'%ate $ts o,n ru'es concern$n% ('ead$n%s and (ract$ce be*ore $t or be*ore any o* $ts o**$ces. Such ru'es" ho,e#er" sha'' not d$)$n$sh" $ncrease" or )od$*y substant$#e r$%hts. Sect$on 6. Each Co))$ss$on sha'' dec$de by a )a+or$ty #ote o* a'' $ts Me)bers any case or )atter brou%ht be*ore $t ,$th$n s$>ty days *ro) the date o* $ts sub)$ss$on *or dec$s$on or reso'ut$on. A case or )atter $s dee)ed sub)$tted *or dec$s$on or reso'ut$on u(on the *$'$n% o* the 'ast ('ead$n%" br$e*" or )e)orandu) re-u$red by the ru'es o* the Co))$ss$on or by the Co))$ss$on $tse'*. Un'ess other,$se (ro#$ded by th$s Const$tut$on or by 'a," any dec$s$on" order" or ru'$n% o* each Co))$ss$on )ay be brou%ht to the Su(re)e Court on cert$orar$ by the a%%r$e#ed (arty ,$th$n th$rty days *ro) rece$(t o* a co(y thereo*. Sect$on 8. Each Co))$ss$on sha'' (er*or) such other *unct$ons as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Sect$on /. (/ The C$#$' Ser#$ce sha'' be ad)$n$stered by the C$#$' Ser#$ce Co))$ss$on co)(osed o* a Cha$r)an and t,o Co))$ss$oners ,ho sha'' be natura'7born c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes and" at the t$)e o* the$r a((o$nt)ent" at 'east th$rty7*$#e years o*

/er( n > chineries Corpor tion vs) En$ . % CCCSCRA 728* The ( n$ te un$er Section 1C% Article VIII o' the constitution is pplic &le onl. in c ses Msu&(itte$ 'or $ecisionN% i)e% !iven $ue course n$ 'ter the 'ilin! o' the &rie's or (e(or n$ n$1or other ple $in!s% &ut not #here resolution is issue$ $! $ue course to petition n$ st tin! the le! l & sis thereo')

Oil = N tion l / s Co() vs) CA% 287 SCRA 29* Section 1C $oes not preclu$e the v li$it. o' M>e(or n$u( "ecisionN #hich $opt &. re'erence the 'in$in!s o' ' ct n$ conclusions o' l # cont ine$ in the $ecisions o' in'erior tri&un ls) It is inten$e$ to voi$ cu(&erso(e repro$uction o' the $ecision 5or portions thereo'6 o' the lo#er court) Sect$on /4. (/ A'' cases or )atters *$'ed a*ter the e**ect$#$ty o* th$s Const$tut$on )ust be dec$ded or reso'#ed ,$th$n t,enty7*our )onths *ro) date o* sub)$ss$on *or the Su(re)e Court" and" un'ess reduced by the Su(re)e Court" t,e'#e )onths *or a'' 'o,er co''e%$ate courts" and three )onths *or a'' other 'o,er courts. (0 A case or )atter sha'' be dee)ed sub)$tted *or dec$s$on or reso'ut$on u(on the *$'$n% o* the 'ast (end$n%" br$e*" or )e)orandu) re-u$red by the @u'es o* Court or by the court $tse'*. (1 U(on the e>($rat$on o* the corres(ond$n% (er$od" a cert$*$cat$on to th$s e**ect s$%ned by the Ch$e* Just$ce or the (res$d$n% +ud%e sha'' *orth,$th be $ssued and a co(y thereo* attached to the record o* the case or )atter" and ser#ed u(on the (art$es. The cert$*$cat$on sha'' state ,hy a dec$s$on or reso'ut$on has not been rendered or $ssued ,$th$n sa$d (er$od. (2 Des($te the e>($rat$on o* the a(('$cab'e )andatory (er$od" the court" ,$thout (re+ud$ce to such res(ons$b$'$ty as )ay ha#e been $ncurred $n conse-uence thereo*" sha'' dec$de or reso'#e the case


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a%e" ,$th (ro#en ca(ac$ty *or (ub'$c ad)$n$strat$on" and )ust not ha#e been cand$dates *or any e'ect$#e (os$t$on $n the e'ect$ons $))ed$ate'y (reced$n% the$r a((o$nt)ent. (0 The Cha$r)an and the Co))$ss$oners sha'' be a((o$nted by the .res$dent ,$th the consent o* the Co))$ss$on on A((o$nt)ents *or a ter) o* se#en years ,$thout rea((o$nt)ent. O* those *$rst a((o$nted" the Cha$r)an sha'' ho'd o**$ce *or se#en years" a Co))$ss$oner *or *$#e years" and another Co))$ss$oner *or three years" ,$thout rea((o$nt)ent. A((o$nt)ent to any #acancy sha'' be on'y *or the une>($red ter) o* the (redecessor. In no case sha'' any )e)ber be a((o$nted or des$%nated $n a te)(orary or act$n% ca(ac$ty. Sect$on 0. (/ The c$#$' ser#$ce e)braces a'' branches" subd$#$s$ons" $nstru)enta'$t$es" and a%enc$es o* the Go#ern)ent" $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons ,$th or$%$na' charters. (0 A((o$nt)ents $n the c$#$' ser#$ce sha'' be )ade on'y accord$n% to )er$t and *$tness to be deter)$ned" as *ar as (ract$cab'e" and" e>ce(t to (os$t$ons ,h$ch are (o'$cy7deter)$n$n%" (r$)ar$'y con*$dent$a'" or h$%h'y techn$ca'" by co)(et$t$#e e>a)$nat$on. (1 No o**$cer or e)('oyee o* the c$#$' ser#$ce sha'' be re)o#ed or sus(ended e>ce(t *or cause (ro#$ded by 'a,. (2 No o**$cer or e)('oyee $n the c$#$' ser#$ce sha'' en%a%e" d$rect'y or $nd$rect'y" $n any e'ect$oneer$n% or (art$san (o'$t$ca' ca)(a$%n. (4 The r$%ht to se'*7or%an$3at$on sha'' not be den$ed to %o#ern)ent e)('oyees. (5 Te)(orary e)('oyees o* the Go#ern)ent sha'' be %$#en such (rotect$on as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. Sect$on 1. The C$#$' Ser#$ce Co))$ss$on" as the centra' (ersonne' a%ency o* the Go#ern)ent" sha'' estab'$sh a career ser#$ce and ado(t )easures to (ro)ote )ora'e" e**$c$ency" $nte%r$ty" res(ons$#eness" (ro%ress$#eness" and courtesy $n the c$#$' ser#$ce. It sha'' stren%then the )er$t and re,ards syste)" $nte%rate a'' hu)an resources de#e'o()ent (ro%ra)s *or a'' 'e#e's and ran;s" and $nst$tut$ona'$3e a )ana%e)ent c'$)ate conduc$#e to (ub'$c accountab$'$ty. It sha'' sub)$t to the .res$dent and the Con%ress an annua' re(ort on $ts (ersonne' (ro%ra)s. Sect$on 2. A'' (ub'$c o**$cers and e)('oyees sha'' ta;e an oath or a**$r)at$on to u(ho'd and de*end th$s Const$tut$on. Sect$on 4. The Con%ress sha'' (ro#$de *or the standard$3at$on o* co)(ensat$on o* %o#ern)ent o**$c$a's" $nc'ud$n% those $n %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons ,$th or$%$na' charters" ta;$n% $nto account the nature o* the res(ons$b$'$t$es (erta$n$n% to" and the -ua'$*$cat$ons re-u$red *or the$r (os$t$ons. Sect$on 5. No cand$date ,ho has 'ost $n any e'ect$on sha''" ,$th$n one year a*ter such e'ect$on" be a((o$nted to any o**$ce $n the Go#ern)ent o* any %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons or $n any o* $ts subs$d$ar$es. Sect$on 6. No e'ect$#e o**$c$a' sha'' be e'$%$b'e *or a((o$nt)ent or des$%nat$on $n any ca(ac$ty to any (ub'$c o**$ce or (os$t$on dur$n% h$s tenure. Un'ess other,$se a''o,ed by 'a, or by the (r$)ary *unct$ons o* h$s (os$t$on" no a((o$nt$#e o**$c$a' sha'' ho'd any other o**$ce or e)('oy)ent $n the Go#ern)ent or any subd$#$s$on" a%ency or $nstru)enta'$ty thereo*" $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons or the$r subs$d$ar$es. Sect$on 8. No e'ect$#e or a((o$nt$#e (ub'$c o**$cer or e)('oyee sha'' rece$#e add$t$ona'" doub'e" or $nd$rect co)(ensat$on" un'ess s(ec$*$ca''y author$3ed by 'a," nor acce(t ,$thout the consent o* the Con%ress" any (resent" e)o'u)ent" o**$ce" or t$t'e o* any ;$nd *ro) any *ore$%n %o#ern)ent. .ens$ons or %ratu$t$es sha'' not be cons$dered as add$t$ona'" doub'e" or $nd$rect co)(ensat$on.

/SIS VS) CSC% 232 SCRA A88* The !r nt to the Civil Service Co((ission o' $?u$ic tor. po#er% or the uthorit. to he r n$ $?u$!e c ses% necess ril. inclu$es the po#er to en'orce or or$er execution o' its $ecisions% resolutions% or or$ers) The uthorit. to $eci$e c ses #oul$ &e inutile unless cco(p nie$ &. the uthorit. to see th t #h t h s &een $eci$e$ is c rrie$ out)

CSC vs) So?or% /R No) 19:A99% > . 22% 233:* The Constitution !r nts to the CSC $(inistr tion over the entire civil service) As $e'ine$% the civil service e(&r ces ever. &r nch% !enc.% su&$ivision% n$ instru(ent lit. o' the !overn(ent% inclu$in! ever. !overn(ent-o#ne$ or controlle$ corpor tion) It is 'urther cl ssi'ie$ into c reer n$ non-c reer service positions) Ca(%%( $%(5 &% )o$ ! o"$ re those #here* 516 entr nce is & se$ on (erit n$ 'itness or hi!hl. technic l Du li'ic tions0 526 there is opportunit. 'or $v nce(ent to hi!her c reer positions0 n$ 576 there is securit. o' tenure) A st te universit. presi$ent #ith 'ixe$ ter( o' o''ice ppointe$ &. the !overnin! &o r$ o' trustees o' the universit.% is non-c reer civil service o''icer) ,e # s ppointe$ &. the ch ir( n n$ (e(&ers o' the !overnin! &o r$ o' CVPC) B. cle r provision o' l #% respon$ent is non-c reer civil serv nt #ho is un$er the ?uris$iction o' the CSC)

CSC vs) "B>% /R No) 1;:A81% Bul. 22% 233;* The Mno report% no rele seN polic. ( . not &e v li$l. en'orce$ ! inst o''ices veste$ #ith 'isc l utono(.) Bein! uto( tic connotes so(ethin! (ech nic l% spont neous n$ per'unctor.) It (e ns th t no con$ition to 'un$ rele ses to it ( . &e i(pose$)

N seco vs) NLRC% 9: SCRA 122* E(plo.ees o' /OCCs% s !ener l rule% re !overne$ &. the Civil Service L #) But $istinction o' the ( nner the /OCC # s cre te$ (ust &e ( $e) I' the /OCC # s est &lishe$ throu!h n ori!in l ch rter 5or speci l l #6% then it ' lls un$er the civil service% e)!)% /SIS n$ SSS) ,o#ever% corpor tions #hich re su&si$i ries o' these ch rtere$ !encies% e)!)% > nil ,otel% is exclu$e$ 'ro( the cover !e o' the civil service)

LeveriF vs) IAC% 1;A SCRA 2:2* An !enc. o' !overn(ent re'ers to n. o' the v rious units o' the !overn(ent% inclu$in! $ep rt(ent%


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

&ure u% o''ice% instru(ent lit. or !overn(ento#ne$ or controlle$ corpor tion or loc l !overn(ent or $istinct unit therein) Instru(ent lit. re'ers to n. !enc. o' the n tion l !overn(ent% not inte!r te$ #ithin the $ep rt(ent 'r (e#or<% veste$ #ith speci l 'unctions or ?uris$iction &. l #% en$o#e$ #ith so(e i' not ll corpor te po#ers% $(inisterin! speci l 'un$s% n$ en?! oper tion l utono(.% usu ll. throu!h ch rter) This ter( inclu$es re!ul tor. !encies% institutes n$ !overn(ent-o#ne$ or controlle$ corpor tions% o' 18:A to $ecl re positions in the Civil Service pri( ril. con'i$enti l) 5Re $* S l F r vs) > th .% A7 SCRA 2:;% on t#o inst nces #hen position ( . &e consi$ere$ pri( ril. con'i$enti l* 516 Presi$ent $ecl res the position to &e pri( ril. con'i$enti l upon reco((en$ tion o' o' the CSC0 526 #hen &. the n ture o' the 'unctions% there exists close inti( c. &et#een the ppointee n$ ppointin! uthorit. #hich ensures 'ree$o( o' intercourse #ithout e(& rr ss(ent or 'ree$o( 'ro( (is!ivin! or &etr . ls o' person l trust or con'i$enti l ( tters o' st te)

>WSS vs) ,ern n$eF% 1C7 SCRA 932* I' one is e(plo.e$ in /OCC% #hether re!ul r or not% the civil service l # pplies) It is not true either th t #ith respect to (one. cl i(s% the L &or Co$e pplies) Re! r$less o' the n ture o' e(plo.(ent or cl i(% n e( in /OCC #ith ori!in l ch rter is covere$ &. the Civil Service L #)

,ILARIO VS) CSC% 2C7 SCRA 239* Cit. Le! l O''icer is pri( ril. con'i$enti l) PA/COR VS) RILLORA4A% Bune 2;% 2331* The position o' C sino Oper tions > n !er is not pri( ril. con'i$enti l) RESI/NATION

"i( .u! vs) Bene$icto II% 7A7 SCRA 9;2 523326* The ppoint(ent to the positions in the C reer Executive Service ( . &e consi$ere$ per( nent in #hich the ppointee en?o.s securit. o' tenure)

Ach coso vs) > c r i!% 18; SCRA 27;* per( nent ppoint(ent c n &e issue$ onl. to Mperson #ho (eets ll the reDuire(ents 'or the position to #hich he is &ein! ppointe$% inclu$in! the ppropri te eli!i&ilit. prescri&e$)N The (ere ' ct th t position &elon!s to the C reer Service $oes not uto( tic ll. con'er securit. o' tenure on its occup nt even i' he $oes not possess the reDuire$ Du li'ic tions) Such ri!ht #ill h ve to M$epen$ on the n ture o' ppoint(ent% #hich in turn $epen$s on his eli!i&ilit. or l c< o' it)

Estr $ vs) "esierto% > rch 2% 2331* There (ust intent to resi!n n$ the intent (ust &e couple$ &. cts o' relinDuish(ent) The v li$it. o' resi!n tion is not !overne$ &. n. 'or( l reDuire(ent s to 'or() It c n &e or l) It c n &e #ritten) It c n &e express) It c n i(plie$) As lon! s the resi!n tion is cle r% it (ust &e !iven le! l e''ect)

To constitute co(plete n$ oper tive resi!n tion 'ro( pu&lic o''ice% there (ust &e* 516 n intention to relinDuish p rt o' the ter(0 526 n ct o' relinDuish(ent0 n$ 576 n ccept nce &. the proper uthorit.) The l st one is reDuire$ &. re son o' Article 27: o' the Revise$ Pen l Co$e) 5S n!!uni n! B . n o' S n An$res% C t n$u nes vs) CA% 2:C SCRA 2A9% 188A6)

Eern n$eF vs) "el P F% 193 SCRA A;1* +nconsente$ tr ns'er o' the o''icer% resultin! in $e(otion in r n< or s l r. is viol tion o' the securit. o' tenure cl use in the Constitution)

Ros les% Br) vs) >i? res% CC2 SCRA ;72* A tr ns'er th t i(s &. in$irect (etho$ to ter(in te services or to 'orce resi!n tion constitutes re(ov l)

S ntos vs) CA% 7C; SCRA ;;7% 523336* Rule on $ou&le co(pens tion not pplic &le to pension) A retiree receivin! pension or !r tuit. 'ter retire(ent c n continue to receive such pension or !r tuit. i' he ccepts nother !overn(ent position to #hich nother co(pens tion is tt che$)

Estr $ vs) Escritor% Bune 22% 2339* In the re o' reli!ious exercise s pre'erre$ 'ree$o(% ho#ever% ( n st n$s ccount &le to n uthorit. hi!her th n the st te% n$ so the st te interest sou!ht to &e uphel$ (ust &e so co(pellin! th t its viol tion #ill ero$e the ver. ' &ric o' the st te th t #ill lso protect the 'ree$o() In the &sence o' sho#in! such st te interest exists% ( n (ust &e llo#e$ to su&scri&e to the In'inite)

PILC vs) El( % /)R) No) 17:89;% > rch ;% 233A* PCC/ Ch ir > !$ n! l El( is prohi&ite$ un$er the Constitution 'ro( si(ult neousl. servin! s Chie' Presi$enti l Le! l Counsel) The position o' PCC/ Ch ir n$ CPLC re inco(p ti&le o''ices since the CPLC revie#s ctions o' the PC// Ch ir) It pointe$ out th t the !ener l rule to hol$ (ore th n one o''ice is M llo#e$ &. l # or &. the pri( r. 'unctions o' his positionN)

> teo vs) Court o' Appe ls% 2CA SCRA 2:C* The p rt. !!rieve$ &. $ecision% rulin!% or$er% or ction o' n !enc. o' the !overn(ent involvin! ter(in tion o' services ( . ppe l to the CSC #ithin 1; $ .s) There 'ter% he coul$ !o on certior ri to the Supre(e Court un$er Rule 9; o' the Rules o' Court i' he still 'eels !!rieve$ &. the rulin! o' the CSC) PRI>ARILJ CONEI"ENTIAL

"el C stillo vs) Civil Service Co((ission% Au!ust 21% 188A* When n e( is ille! ll. $is(isse$% n$ his reinst te(ent is l ter or$ere$ &. the Court% 'or ll le! l intents n$ purposes he is consi$ere$ s not h vin! le't his o''ice% n$ not#ithst n$in! the silence o' the $ecision% he is entitle$ to p .(ent o' & c< s l ries)

>ontecillo vs) CSC% Bune 2:% 2331* The CSC is expressl. e(po#ere$ &. the A$(inistr tive Co$e

"OTC vs) CruF% /R No) 1A:2;9% Bul. 27% 233:* The Supre(e Court 'ollo#s s prece$ent% the "OTC $i$ not e''ect CruFQs ter(in tion #ith & $ ' ith n$% conseDuentl.% no & c<# !es c n &e # r$e$ in his ' vor)


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

" vi$ vs) / ni /R No) 1;9373% Au!ust 1C% 2337* A civil service o''icer or e( #ho h s &een 'oun$ ille! ll. $is(isse$ or suspen$e$% is entitle$ to &e reinst te$ n$ to & c< # !es n$ other (onet r. &ene'its 'ro( the ti(e o' his ille! l $is(iss l or suspension up to his reinst te(ent% n$ i' t the ti(e the $ecision o' exoner tion is pro(ul! te$% he is lre $. o' retire(ent !e% he sh ll &e entitle$ not onl. to & c< # !es &ut lso to 'ull retire(ent &ene'its)

(/ En*orce and ad)$n$ster a'' 'a,s and re%u'at$ons re'at$#e to the conduct o* an e'ect$on" ('eb$sc$te" $n$t$at$#e" re*erendu)" and reca''. (0 E>erc$se e>c'us$#e or$%$na' +ur$sd$ct$on o#er a'' contests re'at$n% to the e'ect$ons" returns" and -ua'$*$cat$ons o* a'' e'ect$#e re%$ona'" (ro#$nc$a'" and c$ty o**$c$a's" and a((e''ate +ur$sd$ct$on o#er a'' contests $n#o'#$n% e'ect$#e )un$c$(a' o**$c$a's dec$ded by tr$a' courts o* %enera' +ur$sd$ct$on" or $n#o'#$n% e'ect$#e baran%ay o**$c$a's dec$ded by tr$a' courts o* '$)$ted +ur$sd$ct$on. Dec$s$ons" *$na' orders" or ru'$n%s o* the Co))$ss$on on e'ect$on contests $n#o'#$n% e'ect$#e )un$c$(a' and baran%ay o**$ces sha'' be *$na'" e>ecutory" and not a((ea'ab'e. (1 Dec$de" e>ce(t those $n#o'#$n% the r$%ht to #ote" a'' -uest$ons a**ect$n% e'ect$ons" $nc'ud$n% deter)$nat$on o* the nu)ber and 'ocat$on o* (o''$n% ('aces" a((o$nt)ent o* e'ect$on o**$c$a's and $ns(ectors" and re%$strat$on o* #oters. (2 De(ut$3e" ,$th the concurrence o* the .res$dent" 'a, en*orce)ent a%enc$es and $nstru)enta'$t$es o* the Go#ern)ent" $nc'ud$n% the Ar)ed &orces o* the .h$'$(($nes" *or the e>c'us$#e (ur(ose o* ensur$n% *ree" order'y" honest" (eace*u'" and cred$b'e e'ect$ons. (4 @e%$ster" a*ter su**$c$ent (ub'$cat$on" (o'$t$ca' (art$es" or%an$3at$ons" or coa'$t$ons ,h$ch" $n add$t$on to other re-u$re)ents" )ust (resent the$r ('at*or) or (ro%ra) o* %o#ern)ent= and accred$t c$t$3enCs ar)s o* the Co))$ss$on on E'ect$ons. @e'$%$ous deno)$nat$ons and sects sha'' not be re%$stered. Those ,h$ch see; to ach$e#e the$r %oa's throu%h #$o'ence or un'a,*u' )eans" or re*use to u(ho'd and adhere to th$s Const$tut$on" or ,h$ch are su((orted by any *ore$%n %o#ern)ent sha'' '$;e,$se be re*used re%$strat$on. &$nanc$a' contr$but$ons *ro) *ore$%n %o#ern)ents and the$r a%enc$es to (o'$t$ca' (art$es" or%an$3at$ons" coa'$t$ons" or cand$dates re'ated to e'ect$ons const$tute $nter*erence $n nat$ona' a**a$rs" and" ,hen acce(ted" sha'' be an add$t$ona' %round *or the cance''at$on o* the$r re%$strat$on ,$th the Co))$ss$on" $n add$t$on to other (ena't$es that )ay be (rescr$bed by 'a,. (5 &$'e" u(on a #er$*$ed co)('a$nt" or on $ts o,n $n$t$at$#e" (et$t$ons $n court *or $nc'us$on or e>c'us$on o* #oters= $n#est$%ate and" ,here a((ro(r$ate" (rosecute cases o* #$o'at$ons o* e'ect$on 'a,s" $nc'ud$n% acts or o)$ss$ons const$tut$n% e'ect$on *rauds" o**enses" and )a'(ract$ces. (6 @eco))end to the Con%ress e**ect$#e )easures to )$n$)$3e e'ect$on s(end$n%" $nc'ud$n% '$)$tat$on o* ('aces ,here (ro(a%anda )ater$a's sha'' be (osted" and to (re#ent and (ena'$3e a'' *or)s o* e'ect$on *rauds" o**enses" )a'(ract$ces" and nu$sance cand$dates. (8 @eco))end to the .res$dent the re)o#a' o* any o**$cer or e)('oyer $t has de(ut$3ed" or the $)(os$t$on o* any other d$sc$('$nary act$on" *or #$o'at$on or d$sre%ard o*" or d$sobed$ence to $ts d$rect$#e" order" or dec$s$on. (9 Sub)$t to the .res$dent and the Con%ress a co)(rehens$#e re(ort on the conduct o* each e'ect$on" ('eb$sc$te" $n$t$at$#e" re*erendu)" or reca''.

CSC vs) " April 28% 1888* The CSC s n !!rieve$ p rt.% ( . ppe l the $ecision o' the Court o' Appe ls to the Supre(e Court) Appe l no# lies 'ro( $ecision exoner tin! civil service e( o' $(inistr tive ch r!es)

CSC vs) Al& o% Octo&er 17% 233;* The present c se p rt <es o' n ct &. petitioner CSC to protect the inte!rit. o' the civil service s.ste(% n$ $oes not ' ll un$er the provision on $isciplin r. ctions un$er Sec) CA) It ' lls un$er the provisions o' Sec) 12% p r) 11% on $(inistr tive c ses institute$ &. it $irectl.) This is n inte!r l p rt o' its $ut.% uthorit. n$ po#er to $(inister the civil service s.ste( n$ protect its inte!rit.% s provi$e$ in Article IG-B% Sec) 7 o' the Constitution% &. re(ovin! 'ro( its list o' eli!i&les those #ho ' lsi'ie$ their Du li'ic tions) This is to &e $istin!uishe$ 'ro( or$in r. procee$in!s inten$e$ to $iscipline &on 'i$e (e(&er o' the s.ste(% 'or cts or o(issions th t constitute viol tions o' the l # or the rules o' the service)

SSS E(plo.ees Ass) vs) CA% 1A; SCRA 9:9* While the Constitution n$ the L &or Co$e re silent s to #hether !overn(ent e(plo.ees ( . stri<e% the. re prohi&ite$ 'ro( stri<in! &. express provision o' >e(or n$u( Circul r No) 9% series o' 188A o' the CSC n$ s i(plie$ in E)O) 1:3) COMELEC C. The Co))$ss$on on E'ect$ons Sect$on /. (/ There sha'' be a Co))$ss$on on E'ect$ons co)(osed o* a Cha$r)an and s$> Co))$ss$oners ,ho sha'' be natura'7born c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes and" at the t$)e o* the$r a((o$nt)ent" at 'east th$rty7*$#e years o* a%e" ho'ders o* a co''e%e de%ree" and )ust not ha#e been cand$dates *or any e'ect$#e (os$t$on $n the $))ed$ate'y (reced$n% e'ect$ons. ?o,e#er" a )a+or$ty thereo*" $nc'ud$n% the Cha$r)an" sha'' be Me)bers o* the .h$'$(($ne Bar ,ho ha#e been en%a%ed $n the (ract$ce o* 'a, *or at 'east ten years. (0 The Cha$r)an and the Co))$ss$oners sha'' be a((o$nted by the .res$dent ,$th the consent o* the Co))$ss$on on A((o$nt)ents *or a ter) o* se#en years ,$thout rea((o$nt)ent. O* those *$rst a((o$nted" three Me)bers sha'' ho'd o**$ce *or se#en years" t,o Me)bers *or *$#e years" and the 'ast Me)bers *or three years" ,$thout rea((o$nt)ent. A((o$nt)ent to a #acancy sha'' be on'y *or the une>($red ter) o* the (redecessor. In no case sha'' any Me)ber be a((o$nted or des$%nated $n a te)(orary or act$n% ca(ac$ty. Sect$on 0. The Co))$ss$on on E'ect$ons e>erc$se the *o''o,$n% (o,ers and *unct$ons< sha''


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REAPPOINT>ENT OE CO>>ISSIONERS - > ti& ! vs) Benip .o% April 2% 2332* The phr se M#ithout re ppoint(entN pplies onl. to one #ho h s &een ppointe$ &. the Presi$ent n$ con'ir(e$ &. the Co((ission on Appoint(ents% #hether or not such person co(pletes his ter( o' o''ice #hich coul$ &e seven% 'ive or three .e rs) There (ust &e con'ir( tion &. the Co((ission on Appoint(ents o' the previous ppoint(ent &e'ore the prohi&ition on re ppoint(ent c n ppl.) ISS+ANCE o' #rits o' certior ri% prohi&ition n$ ( n$ (us onl. in i$ o' its ppell te ?uris$iction) - Rel (p !os vs) Cu(& % 2C7 SCRA 983)

Sect$on 1. The Co))$ss$on on E'ect$ons )ay s$t en banc or $n t,o d$#$s$ons" and sha'' (ro)u'%ate $ts ru'es o* (rocedure $n order to e>(ed$te d$s(os$t$on o* e'ect$on cases" $nc'ud$n% (re7(roc'a)at$on contro#ers$es. A'' such e'ect$on cases sha'' be heard and dec$ded $n d$#$s$on" (ro#$ded that )ot$ons *or recons$derat$on o* dec$s$ons sha'' be dec$ded by the Co))$ss$on en banc. Sect$on 2. The Co))$ss$on )ay" dur$n% the e'ect$on (er$od" su(er#$se or re%u'ate the en+oy)ent or ut$'$3at$on o* a'' *ranch$ses or (er)$ts *or the o(erat$on o* trans(ortat$on and other (ub'$c ut$'$t$es" )ed$a o* co))un$cat$on or $n*or)at$on" a'' %rants" s(ec$a' (r$#$'e%es" or concess$ons %ranted by the Go#ern)ent or any subd$#$s$on" a%ency" or $nstru)enta'$ty thereo*" $nc'ud$n% any %o#ern)ent7 o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$on or $ts subs$d$ary. Such su(er#$s$on or re%u'at$on sha'' a$) to ensure e-ua' o((ortun$ty" t$)e and s(ace" and the r$%ht to re('y" $nc'ud$n% reasonab'e" e-ua' rates there*or" *or (ub'$c $n*or)at$on ca)(a$%ns and *oru)s a)on% cand$dates $n connect$on ,$th the ob+ect$#e o* ho'd$n% *ree" order'y" (eace*u'" and cred$b'e e'ect$ons. Sect$on 4. No (ardon" a)nesty" (aro'e" or sus(ens$on o* sentence *or #$o'at$on o* e'ect$on ru'es" and re%u'at$ons sha'' be %ranted by the .res$dent ,$thout a *a#orab'e reco))endat$on o* the Co))$ss$on. Sect$on 5. A *ree and o(en (arty syste) sha'' be a''o,ed to e#o'#e accord$n% to the *ree cho$ce o* the (eo('e" sub+ect to the (ro#$s$ons o* th$s Art$c'e. Sect$on 6. No #otes cast $n *a#or o* a (o'$t$ca' (arty" or%an$3at$on" or coa'$t$on sha'' be #a'$d" e>ce(t *or those re%$stered under the (arty7'$st syste) as (ro#$ded $n th$s Const$tut$on. Sect$on 8. .o'$t$ca' (art$es" or or%an$3at$ons or coa'$t$ons re%$stered under the (arty7'$st syste)" sha'' not be re(resented $n the #otersC re%$strat$on boards" boards o* e'ect$on $ns(ectors" boards o* can#assers" or other s$)$'ar bod$es. ?o,e#er" they sha'' be ent$t'ed to a((o$nt (o'' ,atchers $n accordance ,$th 'a,. Sect$on 9. Un'ess other,$se *$>ed by the Co))$ss$on $n s(ec$a' cases" the e'ect$on (er$od sha'' co))ence n$nety days be*ore the day o* the e'ect$on and sha'' end th$rty days a*ter. Sect$on /:. Bona *$de cand$dates *or any (ub'$c o**$ce sha'' be *ree *ro) any *or) o* harass)ent and d$scr$)$nat$on. Sect$on //. &unds cert$*$ed by the Co))$ss$on as necessary to de*ray the e>(enses *or ho'd$n% re%u'ar and s(ec$a' e'ect$ons" ('eb$sc$tes" $n$t$at$#es" re*erenda" and reca''s" sha'' be (ro#$ded $n the re%u'ar or s(ec$a' a((ro(r$at$ons and" once a((ro#ed" sha'' be re'eased auto)at$ca''y u(on cert$*$cat$on by the Cha$r)an o* the Co))$ss$on.

L"P vs) CO>ELEC% /R No) 1;129;% Ee&ru r. 2C% 233C* The CO>ELEC correctl. st te$ th t Mthe scert in(ent o' the i$entit. o' H I politic l p rt. n$ its le!iti( te o''icersN is ( tter th t is #ell #ithin its uthorit.) The source o' this uthorit. is no other th n the 'un$ (ent l l # itsel'% #hich vests upon the CO>ELEC the po#er n$ 'unction to en'orce n$ $(inister ll l #s n$ re!ul tions rel tive to the con$uct o' n election) In the exercise o' such po#er n$ in the $isch r!e o' such 'unction% the Co((ission is en$o#e$ #ith (ple M#here#ith lN n$ Mconsi$er &le l titu$e in $optin! (e ns n$ (etho$s th t #ill ensure the cco(plish(ent o' the !re t o&?ectives 'or #hich it # s cre te$ to pro(ote 'ree% or$erl. n$ honest elections)

LP vs) ATIEN4A% ET AL)% /R No) 1AC882- April 1A% 233A* CO>ELEC h s ?uris$iction to $eci$e Duestions o' le $ership #ithin p rt. n$ to scert in its le!iti( te o''icers n$ le $ers) xxx The CO>ELEC is en$o#e$ #ith (ple M#here#ith lN n$ Mconsi$er &le l titu$e in $optin! (e ns n$ (etho$s th t #ill ensure the cco(plish(ent o' the !re t o&?ectives 'or #hich it # s cre te$ to pro(ote 'ree n$ or$erl. honest elections)

B l ?on$ vs) CO>ELEC% /R No) 199372% Ee&ru r. 2:% 233;* "espite the silence o' the CO>ELEC Rules o' Proce$ure s to the proce$ure o' the issu nce o' #rit o' execution pen$in! ppe l% there is no re son to $ispute the CO>ELECLs uthorit. to $o so% consi$erin! th t the suppletor. pplic tion o' the Rules o' Court is expressl. uthoriFe$ &. Section 1% Rule C1 o' the CO>ELEC Rules o' Proce$ure #hich provi$es th t &sent n. pplic &le provisions therein the pertinent provisions o' the Rules o' Court sh ll &e pplic &le &. n lo!. or in suppletor. ch r cter n$ e''ect)

Co$ill vs) "e Veneci % et l)% "ece(&er 13% 2332* Section 7% Article IG-C o' the 18:A Constitution e(po#ers the CO>ELEC en & nc to revie#% on (otion 'or reconsi$er tion% $ecisions or resolutions $eci$e$ &. $ivision) Since the petitioner se son &l. 'ile$ >otion 'or Reconsi$er tion o' the Or$er o' the Secon$ "ivision suspen$in! his procl ( tion n$ $isDu li'.in! hi(% the CO>ELEC en & nc # s not $iveste$ o' its ?uris$iction to revie# the v li$it. o' the s i$ Or$er o' the Secon$ "ivision) The s i$ Or$er o' the Secon$ "ivision # s .et unen'orce &le s it h s not tt ine$ 'in lit.0 the ti(el. 'ilin! o' the (otion 'or reconsi$er tion suspen$s its execution) It c nnot% thus% &e use$


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s the & sis 'or the ssu(ption in o''ice o' the respon$ent s the $ul. electe$ Represent tive o' the Cth le!isl tive $istrict o' Le.te) not envision CO>ELEC th t c nnot count the result o' n election) COMMISSION ON AUDIT Sect$on /. (/ There sha'' be a Co))$ss$on on Aud$t co)(osed o* a Cha$r)an and t,o Co))$ss$oners" ,ho sha'' be natura'7born c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes and" at the t$)e o* the$r a((o$nt)ent" at 'east th$rty7 *$#e years o* a%e" cert$*$ed (ub'$c accountants ,$th not 'ess than ten years o* aud$t$n% e>(er$ence" or )e)bers o* the .h$'$(($ne Bar ,ho ha#e been en%a%ed $n the (ract$ce o* 'a, *or at 'east ten years" and )ust not ha#e been cand$dates *or any e'ect$#e (os$t$on $n the e'ect$on $))ed$ate'y (reced$n% the$r a((o$nt)ent. At no t$)e sha'' a'' Me)bers o* the Co))$ss$on be'on% to the sa)e (ro*ess$on. (0 The Cha$r)an and the Co))$ss$oners sha'' be a((o$nted by the .res$dent ,$th the consent o* the Co))$ss$on on A((o$nt)ents *or a ter) o* se#en years ,$thout rea((o$nt)ent. O* those *$rst a((o$nted" the Cha$r)an sha'' ho'd o**$ce *or se#en years" one Co))$ss$oner *or *$#e years" and the other Co))$ss$oner *or three years" ,$thout rea((o$nt)ent. A((o$nt)ent to any #acancy sha'' be on'y *or the une>($red (ort$on o* the ter) o* the (redecessor. In no case sha'' any Me)ber be a((o$nted or des$%nated $n a te)(orary or act$n% ca(ac$ty. Sect$on 0. (/ The Co))$ss$on on Aud$t sha'' ha#e the (o,er" author$ty and duty to e>a)$ne" aud$t" and sett'e a'' accounts (erta$n$n% to the re#enue and rece$(ts o*" and e>(end$tures or uses o* *unds and (ro(erty" o,ned or he'd $n trust by" or (erta$n$n% to" the Go#ern)ent" or any o* $ts subd$#$s$ons" a%enc$es" or $nstru)enta'$t$es" $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7o,ned and contro''ed cor(orat$ons ,$th or$%$na' charters" and on a (ost7aud$t bas$s< (a const$tut$ona' bod$es" co))$ss$ons and o**$ces that ha#e been %ranted *$sca' autono)y under th$s Const$tut$on= (b autono)ous state co''e%es and un$#ers$t$es= (c other %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons and the$r subs$d$ar$es= and (d such non7%o#ern)enta' ent$t$es rece$#$n% subs$dy or e-u$ty" d$rect'y or $nd$rect'y" *ro) or throu%h the %o#ern)ent" ,h$ch are re-u$red by 'a, o* the %rant$n% $nst$tut$on to sub)$t to such aud$t as a cond$t$on o* subs$dy or e-u$ty. ?o,e#er" ,here the $nterna' contro' syste) o* the aud$ted a%enc$es $s $nade-uate" the Co))$ss$on )ay ado(t such )easures" $nc'ud$n% te)(orary or s(ec$a' (re7aud$t" as are necessary and a((ro(r$ate to correct the de*$c$enc$es. It sha'' ;ee( the %enera' accounts o* the Go#ern)ent and" *or such (er$od as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a," (reser#e the #ouchers and other su((ort$n% (a(ers (erta$n$n% thereto. (0 The Co))$ss$on sha'' ha#e e>c'us$#e author$ty" sub+ect to the '$)$tat$ons $n th$s Art$c'e" to de*$ne the sco(e o* $ts aud$t and e>a)$nat$on" estab'$sh the techn$-ues and )ethods re-u$red there*or" and (ro)u'%ate account$n% and aud$t$n% ru'es and re%u'at$ons" $nc'ud$n% those *or the (re#ent$on and d$sa''o,ance o* $rre%u'ar" unnecessary" $ne>(ens$#e" e>tra#a%ant" or unconsc$onab'e e>(end$tures" or uses o* %o#ern)ent *unds and (ro(ert$es. Sect$on 1. No 'a, sha'' be (assed e>e)(t$n% any ent$ty o* the Go#ern)ent or $ts subs$d$ary $n any %u$se ,hate#er" or any $n#est)ent o* (ub'$c *unds" *ro) the +ur$sd$ct$on o* the Co))$ss$on on Aud$t. Sect$on 2. The Co))$ss$on sha'' sub)$t to the .res$dent and the Con%ress" ,$th$n the t$)e *$>ed by 'a," an annua' re(ort co#er$n% the *$nanc$a' cond$t$on and o(erat$on o* the Go#ern)ent" $ts subd$#$s$ons"

S r(iento vs) CO>ELEC% 212 SCRA 73A* The CO>ELEC en & nc $oes not h ve the uthorit. to he r n$ $eci$e c ses t the 'irst inst nce) +n$er the CO>ELEC Rules% pre-procl ( tion c ses re cl ssi'ie$ s Speci l C ses n$ in co(pli nce #ith the provision o' the Constitution% the t#o $ivisions o' the CO>ELEC re veste$ #ith the uthorit. to he r n$ $eci$e these speci l c ses)

S nti !o vs) CO>ELEC% > rch 18% 188A* CO>ELEC c nnot v li$l. pro(ul! te rules n$ re!ul tions to i(ple(ent the exercise o' the ri!ht o' the people to $irectl. propose (en$(ents to the Constitution throu!h the s.ste( o' initi tive) It $oes not h ve th t po#er un$er R)A) No) 9A7;) Reli nce on the CO>ELECLs po#er un$er Section 2516 o' Article IG-C o' the Constitution is (ispl ce$% 'or the l #s n$ re!ul tions re'erre$ to therein re those pro(ul! te$ &. the CO>ELEC un$er 5 6 Section 7 o' Article IG-C o' the Constitution% or 5&6 l # #here su&or$in te le!isl tion is uthoriFe$ n$ #hich s tis'ies the Mco(pletenessN n$ the Msu''icient st n$ r$N tests)

The CO>ELEC cDuires ?uris$iction over petition 'or initi tive onl. 'ter its 'ilin!) The petition then is the initi tor. ple $in!) Nothin! &e'ore its 'ilin! is co!niF &le &. the CO>ELEC% sittin! en & nc) The onl. p rticip tion o' the CO>ELEC or its personnel &e'ore the 'ilin! o' such petition re 516 to prescri&e the 'or( o' the petition0 526 to issue throu!h its Election Recor$s n$ St tistics O''ice certi'ic te on the tot l nu(&er o' re!istere$ voters in e ch le!isl tive $istrict0 576 to ssist% throu!h its election re!istr rs% in the est &lish(ent o' si!n ture st tions0 n$ 5C6 to veri'.% throu!h its election re!istr rs% the si!n tures on the & sis o' the re!istr. list o' voters% votersL ''i$ vits% n$ votersL i$enti'ic tion c r$s use$ in the i((e$i tel. prece$in! election)

C .et no vs) CO>ELEC% B nu r. 27% 2339* The con$uct o' ple&iscite n$ $eter(in tion o' its result h ve l# .s &een the &usiness o' the CO>ELEC n$ not the re!ul r courts) Such c se involves the ppreci tion o' & llots #hich is &est le't to the CO>ELEC) As n in$epen$ent constitution l &o$. exclusivel. ch r!e$ #ith the po#er o' en'orce(ent n$ $(inistr tion o' ll l #s n$ re!ul tions rel tive to the con$uct o' n election% ple&iscite% initi tive% re'eren$u( n$ rec ll% the CO>ELEC h s the in$isput &le expertise in the 'iel$ o' election n$ rel te$ l #s)N Its cts% there'ore% en?o. the presu(ption o' re!ul rit. in the per'or( nce o' o''ici l $uties)

Alun n III vs) >ir sol% /R No) 13:788% Bul. 71% 188A* Contests involvin! elections o' S- o''ici ls $o not ' ll #ithin the ?uris$iction o' the CO>ELEC)

Loon! vs) CO>ELEC% 73; SCRA :72* The CO>ELEC ( . v li$l. or$er ( nu l count not#ithst n$in! the reDuire$ uto( te$ countin! o' & llots in R) A) :C79% the l # uthoriFin! the co((ission to use n uto( te$ election s.ste(% i' th t is the onl. # . to count votes) It ou!ht to &e sel'-evi$ent th t the Constitution $i$


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

a%enc$es" and $nstru)enta'$t$es" $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons" and non7%o#ern)enta' ent$t$es sub+ect to $ts aud$t" and reco))end )easures necessary to $)(ro#e the$r e**ect$#eness and e**$c$ency. It sha'' sub)$t such other re(orts as )ay be re-u$red by 'a,. COALS A+"ITIN/ POWER autono)ous re%$ons $n Mus'$) M$ndanao and the Cord$''eras as here$na*ter (ro#$ded. Sect$on 0. The terr$tor$a' and (o'$t$ca' subd$#$s$ons sha'' en+oy 'oca' autono)y. Sect$on 1. The Con%ress sha'' enact a 'oca' %o#ern)ent code ,h$ch sha'' (ro#$de *or a )ore res(ons$#e and accountab'e 'oca' %o#ern)ent structure $nst$tuted throu%h a syste) o* decentra'$3at$on ,$th e**ect$#e )echan$s)s o* reca''" $n$t$at$#e" and re*erendu)" a''ocate a)on% the d$**erent 'oca' %o#ern)ent un$ts the$r (o,ers" res(ons$b$'$t$es" and resources" and (ro#$de *or the -ua'$*$cat$ons" e'ect$on" a((o$nt)ent and re)o#a'" ter)" sa'ar$es" (o,ers and *unct$ons and dut$es o* 'oca' o**$c$a's" and a'' other )atters re'at$n% to the or%an$3at$on and o(erat$on o* 'oca' un$ts. TER> OE OEEICIALS OEEICE OE ELECTIVE LOCAL

Blue B r Coconut Phils) vs) T ntuico* Corpor tions covere$ &. the COALs u$itin! po#ers re not li(ite$ to /OCCs) Where priv te corpor tion or entit. h n$les pu&lic 'un$s% it ' lls un$er COA ?uris$iction) +n$er Sec) 2516% ite(% 5$6% non-!overn(ent l entities receivin! su&si$ies or eDuit. $irectl. or in$irectl. 'ro( or throu!h the !overn(ent re reDuire$ to su&(it to post u$it)

"BP vs) COA% B nu r. 19% 2332* The (ere ' ct th t priv te u$itors ( . u$it !overn(ent !encies $oes not $ivest the COA o' its po#er to ex (ine n$ u$it the s (e !overn(ent !encies) The COA is neither &.-p sse$ nor i!nore$ since even #ith priv te u$it the COA #ill still con$uct its usu l ex (in tion n$ u$it% n$ its 'in$in!s n$ conclusions #ill still &in$ !overn(ent !encies n$ their o''ici ls) A concurrent priv te u$it poses no $ n!er #h tsoever o' pu&lic 'un$s or ssets esc pin! the usu l scrutin. o' COA u$it) > ni'estl.% the express l n!u !e o' the Constitution% n$ the cle r intent o' its 'r (ers% point to onl. one in$u&it &le conclusion - the COA $oes not h ve the exclusive po#er to ex (ine n$ u$it !overn(ent !encies) The 'r (ers o' the Constitution #ere 'ull. # re o' the nee$ to llo# in$epen$ent priv te u$it o' cert in !overn(ent !encies in $$ition to the COA u$it% s #hen there is priv te invest(ent in !overn(entcontrolle$ corpor tion% or #hen !overn(ent corpor tion is priv tiFe$ or pu&licl. liste$% or s in the c se t & r #hen the !overn(ent &orro#s (one. 'ro( &ro $)

Sect$on 8. The ter) o* o**$ce o* e'ect$#e 'oca' o**$c$a's" e>ce(t baran%ay o**$c$a's" ,h$ch sha'' be deter)$ned by 'a," sha'' be three years and no such o**$c$a' sha'' ser#e *or )ore than three consecut$#e ter)s. Ao'untary renunc$at$on o* the o**$ce *or any 'en%th o* t$)e sha'' not be cons$dered as an $nterru(t$on $n the cont$nu$ty o* h$s ser#$ce *or the *u'' ter) *or ,h$ch he ,as e'ected.

Socr tes vs) CO>ELEC% Nove(&er 12% 2332* Wh t the Constitution prohi&its is n i((e$i te re-election 'or 'ourth ter( 'ollo#in! three consecutive ter(s) The Constituton% ho#ever% $oes not prohi&it su&seDuent re-election 'or 'ourth ter( s lon! s the reelection is not i((e$i tel. 'ter the en$ o' the thir$ consecutive ter() A rec ll election (i$-# . in the ter( 'ollo#in! the thir$ consecutive ter( is su&seDuent election &ut not n i((e$i te reelection 'ter the thir$ ter()

BSP vs) COA% B nu r. 22% 2339* Retire(ent &ene'its ccruin! to pu&lic o''icer ( . not% #ithout his consent% &e #ithhel$ n$ pplie$ to his in$e&te$ness to the !overn(ent)

>ISON vs) COA% 1:A SCRA CC;* The ch ir( n o' COA% ctin! &. hi(sel'% h s no uthorit. to ren$er or pro(ul! te $ecision 'or the co((ission) The po#er to $eci$e on issues rel tin! to u$it n$ ccountin! is lo$!e$ in the COA ctin! s colle!i l &o$. #hich h s the ?uris$iction to $eci$e n. c se &rou!ht &e'ore it)

A$or(eo vs) CO>ELEC% Ee&ru r. C% 2332* The #inner in the rec ll election c nnot &e ch r!e$ or cre$ite$ #ith the 'ull ter( o' three .e rs 'or purposes o' countin! the consecutiveness o' n elective o''ici lLs ter(s in o''ice) Thus% in situ tion #here c n$i$ te loses in n election to ! in thir$ consecutive ter( &ut l ter #ins in the rec ll election% the rec ll ter( c nnot &e stitche$ #ith his previous t#o consecutive ter(s) The perio$ o' ti(e prior to the rec ll ter(% #hen nother elective o''ici l hol$s o''ice% constitutes n interruption in the continuit. o' service)

P,IL) OPERATIONS% INC) vs Au$itor /ener l% 8C Phil :9:* COALs po#er over the settle(ent o' ccounts is $i''erent 'ro( po#er over unliDui$ te$ cl i(s% the l tter o' #hich is #ithin the (&it o' ?u$ici l po#er)

N,A vs) COA% 229 SCRA ;;* COA c n v li$l. $is llo# the pprov l o' excess or unnecess r. expen$itures) ARTICLE + LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Sect$on /. The terr$tor$a' and (o'$t$ca' subd$#$s$ons o* the @e(ub'$c o* the .h$'$(($nes are the (ro#$nces" c$t$es" )un$c$(a'$t$es" and baran%ays. There sha'' be

LonF ni$ vs CO>ELEC% 711 SCRA 932* Volunt r. renunci tion o' ter( $oes not c ncel the renounce$ ter( in the co(put tion o' the three-ter( li(it) Conversel.% involunt r. sever nce 'ro( o''ice 'or n. len!th o' ti(e short o' the 'ull ter( provi$e$ &. l # (ounts to n interruption o' continuit. o' service) The petitioner v c te$ his post 'e# (onths &e'ore the next ( .or l elections% not &. volunt r. renunci tion &ut in co(pli nce #ith the le! l process o' #rit o' execution issue$ &. the CO>ELEC to th t e''ect) Such involunt r. sever nce 'ro( o''ice is n interruption o' continuit. o' service n$ thus% the petitioner $i$ not 'ull. serve the 188;-188: ( .or l ter()


Bor? vs) CO>ELEC% 28; SCRA 1;A* Eor the three ter(-li(it rule to ppl.% the loc l o''ici l

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

concerne$ (ust serve three consecutive ter(s s result o' election) The ter( serve$ (ust &e one 'or #hich he # s electe$) Thus% i' he ssu(es position &. virtue o' succession% the o''ici l c nnot &e consi$ere$ to h ve 'ull. serve$ the ter() Sect$on 5. Loca' %o#ern)ent un$ts sha'' ha#e a +ust share" as deter)$ned by 'a," $n the nat$ona' ta>es ,h$ch sha'' be auto)at$ca''y re'eased to the). Sect$on 6. Loca' %o#ern)ents sha'' be ent$t'ed to an e-u$tab'e share $n the (roceeds o* the ut$'$3at$on and de#e'o()ent o* the nat$ona' ,ea'th ,$th$n the$r res(ect$#e areas" $n the )anner (ro#$ded by 'a," $nc'ud$n% shar$n% the sa)e ,$th the $nhab$tants by ,ay o* d$rect bene*$ts.

On! vs) Ale!re% et l)% Bune 27% 2339* ssu(ption o' o''ice constitutes% 'or Er ncis On!% Mservice 'or the 'ull ter(N% n$ shoul$ &e counte$ s 'ull ter( serve$ in conte(pl tion o' the three-ter( li(it prescri&e$ &. the constitution l n$ st tutor. provisions% & rrin! loc l elective o''ici ls 'ro( &ein! electe$ n$ servin! 'or (ore th n three consecutive ter(s 'or the s (e position) ,is continuous exercise o' the 'unctions thereo' 'ro( st rt to 'inish o' the ter(% shoul$ le! ll. &e t <en s service 'or 'ull ter( in conte(pl tion o' the three-ter( rule% not#ithst n$in! the su&seDuent nulli'ic tion o' his procl ( tion) There # s ctu ll. no interruption or &re < in the continuit. o' Er ncis On!Ls service respectin! the 188:-2331 ter() >ETROPOLITAN A+T,ORTJ >ANILA "EVELOP>ENT

IRAs re ite(s o' inco(e &ec use the. 'or( p rt o' the !ross ccretion o' the 'un$s o' the loc l !overn(ent unit) 5Alv reF vs) /uin!on % 2;2 SCRA 98;6

Sect$on //. The Con%ress )ay" by 'a," create s(ec$a' )etro(o'$tan (o'$t$ca' subd$#$s$ons" sub+ect to a ('eb$sc$te as set *orth $n Sect$on /: hereo*. The co)(onent c$t$es and )un$c$(a'$t$es sha'' reta$n the$r bas$c autono)y and sha'' be ent$t'ed to the$r o,n 'oca' e>ecut$#es and 'e%$s'at$#e asse)b'$es. The +ur$sd$ct$on o* the )etro(o'$tan author$ty that ,$'' hereby be created sha'' be '$)$ted to bas$c ser#$ces re-u$r$n% coord$nat$on.

L/+SL S,ARE IN T,E IRA S,ALL BE A+TO>ATICALLJ RELEASE" WIT,O+T ANJ CON"ITION OE APPROVAL ERO> ANJ /OVERN>ENTAL BO"J - Section 9% Art) G o' the 18:Aconstitution provi$es th t L/+s sh ll h ve ?ust sh re% s $eter(ine$ &. l #% in the n tion l t xes #hich sh ll &e uto( tic ll. rele se$ to the() When p sse$% it #oul$ &e re $il. see th t such provision ( n$ tes th t 516 the L/+s sh ll h ve M?ust sh reN in the n tion l t xes0 n$ 526 M?ust sh reN sh ll &e $eter(ine$ &. l #0 576 th t M?ust sh reN sh ll &e uto( tic ll. rele se$ to the L/+s) 5PROVINCE OE BATAN/AS VS) RO>+LO% C28 SCRA A79% > . 2A% 233C6

The le!isl tive is & rre$ 'ro( #ithhol$in! the rele se o' the IRA) 5ACOR" vs) 4 (or % Bune :% 233;6

Its 'unction is li(ite$ to the $eliver. o' & sic services) RA A82C $oes not !r nt the >>"A police po#er% let lone le!isl tive po#er) The >>"A is $evelop(ent uthorit.) It is not politic l unit o' !overn(ent) There is no !r nt o' uthorit. to en ct or$in nces n$ re!ul tions 'or the !ener l #el' re o' the inh &it nts o' the (etropolis) It is the loc l !overn(ent units% ctin! throu!h their respective le!isl tive councils% th t possess le!isl tive po#er n$ police po#er) 5>>"A vs) BelAir Vill !e Associ tion% 72: SCRA :796)

AO No) 7A2 o' Presi$ent R (os% Section C #hich provi$es th t Mpen$in! the ssess(ent n$ ev lu tion &. the "evelop(ent Bu$!et Coor$in tin! Co((ittee o' the e(er!in! 'isc l situ tion% the (ount eDuiv lent to 13R o' the intern l revenue llot(ent to loc l !overn(ent units sh ll &e #ithhel$N is $ecl re$ in contr vention o' Section 2:9 o' the L/ Co$e n$ Section 9 o' Art G o' the constitution 5Pi(entel vs) A!uirre% Bul. 18% 23336) LOCAL TAGATION

There'ore% inso' r s Sec) ;5'6 o' Rep) Act No) A82C is un$erstoo$ &. the lo#er court n$ &. the petitioner to !r nt the >>"A the po#er to con'isc te n$ suspen$ or revo<e $riversL licenses #ithout nee$ o' n. other le!isl tive en ct(ent% such is n un uthoriFe$ exercise o' police po#er) The >>"A # s inten$e$ to coor$in te services #ith (etro-#i$e i(p ct th t tr nscen$ loc l politic l &oun$ ries or #oul$ ent il hu!e expen$itures i' provi$e$ &. the in$ivi$u l L/+s% especi ll. #ith re! r$ to tr nsport n$ tr ''ic ( n !e(ent% n$ #e re # re o' the v li nt e''orts o' the petitioner to unt n!le the incre sin!l. tr ''ic-sn rle$ ro $s o' >etro > nil ) But these l u$ &le intentions re li(ite$ &. the >>"ALs en &lin! l #% #hich #e c n &ut interpret% n$ petitioner (ust &e re(in$e$ th t its e''orts in this respect (ust &e uthoriFe$ &. v li$ l #% or or$in nce% or re!ul tion risin! 'ro( le!iti( te source) 5>>"A vs) " nilo / rin% April 1;% 233;6 INTERNAL REVEN+E ALLOT>ENT

Sect$on 4. Each 'oca' %o#ern)ent un$t sha'' ha#e the (o,er to create $ts o,n sources o* re#enues and to 'e#y ta>es" *ees" and char%es sub+ect to such %u$de'$nes and '$)$tat$ons as the Con%ress )ay (ro#$de" cons$stent ,$th the bas$c (o'$cy o* 'oca' autono)y. Such ta>es" *ees" and char%es sha'' accrue e>c'us$#e'y to the 'oca' %o#ern)ents.

Constitution itsel' pro(otes the principles o' loc l utono(. s e(&o$ie$ in the Loc l /overn(ent Co$e) The St te is ( n$ te$ to ensure the utono(. o' loc l !overn(ents% n$ loc l !overn(ents re e(po#ere$ to lev. t xes% 'ees n$ ch r!es th t ccrue exclusivel. to the(% su&?ect to con!ression l !ui$elines n$ li(it tions) The principle o' loc l utono(. is no (ere p ssin! $ lli nce &ut constitution ll. enshrine$ precept th t $eserves respect n$ ppropri te en'orce(ent &. this Court) The /SISLs t x-exe(pt st tus% in su(% # s #ith$r #n in 1882 &. the Loc l /overn(ent Co$e &ut restore$ &. the /overn(ent Service Insur nce S.ste( Act o' 188A% the oper tive provision o' #hich is Section 78) The su&?ect re l propert. t xes 'or the .e rs 1882 to 188C #ere ssesse$


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

! inst /SIS #hile the Loc l /overn(ent Co$e provisions prev ile$ n$% thus% ( . &e collecte$ &. the Cit. o' " v o) 5Cit. o' " v o vs) RTC% Br) 12% Au!ust 1:% 233;6 Airport L n$s n$ Buil$in!s re outsi$e the co((erce o' ( n) Re l Propert. O#ne$ &. the Repu&lic is Not T x &le

/)R) No) 19;:2A% N tion l Po#er Corpor tion vs) Province o' Is &el % represente$ &. ,on) Ben? (in /) ".% Provinci l /overnor% Bune 19% 23396* The NAPOCOR is not exe(pt 'ro( p .in! 'r nchise t x) Thou!h its ch rter exe(pte$ it 'ro( the t x% the en ct(ent o' the Loc l /overn(ent Co$e 5L/C6 h s #ith$r # such exe(ption% the Court s i$% citin! its previous rulin! in N tion l Po#er Corpor tion vs) Cit. o' C & n tu n)

When loc l !overn(ents invo<e the po#er to t x on n tion l !overn(ent instru(ent lities% such po#er is construe$ strictl. ! inst loc l !overn(ents) The rule is th t t x is never presu(e$ n$ there (ust &e cle r l n!u !e in the l # i(posin! the t x) An. $ou&t #hether person% rticle or ctivit. is t x &le is resolve$ ! inst t x tion) This rule pplies #ith !re ter 'orce #hen loc l !overn(ents see< to t x n tion l !overn(ent instru(ent lities) Another rule is th t t x exe(ption is strictl. construe$ ! inst the t xp .er cl i(in! the exe(ption) ,o#ever% #hen Con!ress !r nts n exe(ption to n tion l !overn(ent instru(ent lit. 'ro( loc l t x tion% such exe(ption is construe$ li&er ll. in ' vor o' the n tion l !overn(ent instru(ent lit.) Sect$on 9. Le%$s'at$#e bod$es o* 'oca' %o#ern)ents sha'' ha#e sectora' re(resentat$on as )ay be (rescr$bed by 'a,. Sect$on /:. No (ro#$nce" c$ty" )un$c$(a'$ty" or baran%ay )ay be created" d$#$ded" )er%ed" abo'$shed" or $ts boundary substant$a''y a'tered" e>ce(t $n accordance ,$th the cr$ter$a estab'$shed $n the 'oca' %o#ern)ent code and sub+ect to a((ro#a' by a )a+or$ty o* the #otes cast $n a ('eb$sc$te $n the (o'$t$ca' un$ts d$rect'y a**ected. PRESI"ENTLS S+PERVISION

>CCIA vs) > rcos% Septe(&er 11% 1889* The po#er to t x is pri( ril. veste$ in the Con!ress0 ho#ever% in our ?uris$iction% it ( . &e exercise$ &. loc l le!isl tive &o$ies% no lon!er (erel. &. virtue o' v li$ $ele! tion s &e'ore% &ut pursu nt to $irect uthorit. con'erre$ &. Section ;% Article G o' the Constitution) An M !enc.N o' the /overn(ent re'ers to M n. o' the v rious units o' the /overn(ent% inclu$in! $ep rt(ent% &ure u% o''ice% instru(ent lit.% or !overn(ento#ne$ or controlle$ corpor tion% or loc l !overn(ent or $istinct unit therein0N #hile n Minstru(ent lit.N re'ers to M n. !enc. o' the N tion l /overn(ent% not inte!r te$ #ithin the $ep rt(ent 'r (e#or<% veste$ #ith speci l 'unctions or ?uris$iction &. l #% en$o#e$ #ith so(e i' not ll corpor te po#ers% $(inisterin! speci l 'un$s% n$ en?! oper tion l utono(.% usu ll. throu!h ch rter) This ter( inclu$es re!ul tor. !encies% ch rtere$ institutions n$ !overn(ent-o#ne$ n$ controlle$ corpor tions)N It h $ lre $. &eco(e% even i' it &e conce$e$ to &e n M !enc.N or Minstru(ent lit.N o' the /overn(ent% t x &le person 'or such purpose in vie# o' the #ith$r # l in the l st p r !r ph o' Section 27C o' exe(ptions 'ro( the p .(ent o' re l propert. t xes% #hich% s e rlier $verte$ to% pplies to >CIAA)

Sect$on 2. The .res$dent o* the .h$'$(($nes sha'' e>erc$se %enera' su(er#$s$on o#er 'oca' %o#ern)ents. .ro#$nces ,$th res(ect to co)(onent c$t$es and )un$c$(a'$t$es" and c$t$es and )un$c$(a'$t$es ,$th res(ect to co)(onent baran%ays sha'' ensure that the acts o* the$r co)(onent un$ts are ,$th$n the sco(e o* the$r (rescr$bed (o,ers and *unct$ons. Sect$on /5. The .res$dent sha'' e>erc$se %enera' su(er#$s$on o#er autono)ous re%$ons to ensure that the 'a,s are *a$th*u''y e>ecuted.

PPA vs) Iloilo Cit.% Nove(&er 11% 233C* The & re ' ct th t the port n$ its ' cilities n$ ppurten nces re ccessi&le to the !ener l pu&lic $oes not exe(pt it 'ro( the p .(ent o' re l propert. t xes) It (ust &e stresse$ th t the s i$ port ' cilities n$ ppurten nces re the petitionerLs corpor te p tri(oni l properties% not 'or pu&lic use% n$ th t the oper tion o' the port n$ its ' cilities n$ the $(inistr tion o' its &uil$in!s re in the n ture o' or$in r. &usiness)

N tion l Li! vs) P re$es% Septe(&er 2A% 233C* Li<e the loc l !overn(ent units% the Li! n! (! B r n! . is not su&?ect to control &. the Chie' Executive or his lter e!o)

>IAA vs) CA% et l)% Bul. 23% 2339* >IAALs Airport L n$s n$ Buil$in!s re exe(pt 'ro( re l est te t x i(pose$ &. loc l !overn(ents) >IAA is not !overn(ent-o#ne$ or controlle$ corpor tion &ut n instru(ent lit. o' the N tion l /overn(ent n$ thus exe(pt 'ro( loc l t x tion) Secon$% the re l properties o' >IAA re o#ne$ &. the Repu&lic o' the Philippines n$ thus exe(pt 'ro( re l est te t x) The Airport L n$s n$ Buil$in!s o' >IAA re propert. o' pu&lic $o(inion n$ there'ore o#ne$ &. the St te or the Repu&lic o' the Philippines) The Airport L n$s n$ Buil$in!s re $evote$ to pu&lic use &ec use the. re use$ &. the pu&lic 'or intern tion l n$ $o(estic tr vel n$ tr nsport tion) The Airport L n$s n$ Buil$in!s o' >IAA re $evote$ to pu&lic use n$ thus re properties o' pu&lic $o(inion) As properties o' pu&lic $o(inion% the

The Presi$ent c n onl. inter'ere in the '' irs n$ ctivities o' loc l !overn(ent unit i' he or she 'in$s th t the l tter h s cte$ contr r. to l #) This is the scope o' the Presi$entLs supervisor. po#ers over loc l !overn(ent units) ,ence% the Presi$ent or n. o' his or her lter e!os c nnot inter'ere in loc l '' irs s lon! s the concerne$ loc l !overn(ent unit cts #ithin the p r (eters o' the l # n$ the Constitution) An. $irective there'ore &. the Presi$ent or n. o' his or her lter e!os see<in! to lter the #is$o( o' l #-con'or(in! ?u$!(ent on loc l '' irs o' loc l !overn(ent unit is p tent nullit. &ec use it viol tes the principle o' loc l utono(. n$ sep r tion o' po#ers o' the executive n$ le!isl tive $ep rt(ents in !overnin! (unicip l corpor tions) 5" $ole vs) COA% "ece(&er 7% 23326)


Le.nes vs) COA% C1: SCRA 1:3* B. uphol$in! the po#er o' L/+s to !r nt llo# nces to ?u$!es

BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

n$ le vin! to their $iscretion the (ount o' llo# nces the. ( . # nt to !r nt% $epen$in! on the v il &ilit. o' loc l 'un$s% the !enuine n$ (e nin!'ul loc l utono(. is ensure$) B t n! s CATV Inc) vs) CA% C78 SCRA 729* In the &sence o' constitution l or le!isl tive uthoriF tion% (unicip lities h ve no po#er to !r nt 'r nchises) Sect$on /0. C$t$es that are h$%h'y urban$3ed" as deter)$ned by 'a," and co)(onent c$t$es ,hose charters (roh$b$t the$r #oters *ro) #ot$n% *or (ro#$nc$a' e'ect$#e o**$c$a's" sha'' be $nde(endent o* the (ro#$nce. The #oters o* co)(onent c$t$es ,$th$n a (ro#$nce" ,hose charters conta$n no such (roh$b$t$on" sha'' not be de(r$#ed o* the$r r$%ht to #ote *or e'ect$#e (ro#$nc$a' o**$c$a's. Sect$on /1. Loca' %o#ern)ent un$ts )ay %rou( the)se'#es" conso'$date or coord$nate the$r e**orts" ser#$ces" and resources *or (ur(oses co))on'y bene*$c$a' to the) $n accordance ,$th 'a,. Sect$on /2. The .res$dent sha'' (ro#$de *or re%$ona' de#e'o()ent counc$'s and other s$)$'ar bod$es co)(osed o* 'oca' %o#ern)ent o**$c$a's" re%$ona' heads o* de(art)ents and other %o#ern)ent o**$ces" and re(resentat$#es *ro) non7%o#ern)enta' or%an$3at$ons ,$th$n the re%$on *or (ur(oses o* ad)$n$strat$#e decentra'$3at$on to stren%then the autono)y o* the un$ts there$n and to acce'erate the econo)$c and soc$a' %ro,th and de#e'o()ent o* the un$ts $n the re%$on. Sect$on /4. There sha'' be created autono)ous re%$ons $n Mus'$) M$ndanao and $n the Cord$''eras cons$st$n% o* (ro#$nces" c$t$es" )un$c$(a'$t$es" and %eo%ra(h$ca' areas shar$n% co))on and d$st$nct$#e h$stor$ca' and cu'tura' her$ta%e" econo)$c and soc$a' structures" and other re'e#ant character$st$cs ,$th$n the *ra)e,or; o* th$s Const$tut$on and the nat$ona' so#ere$%nty as ,e'' as terr$tor$a' $nte%r$ty o* the @e(ub'$c o* the .h$'$(($nes. Sect$on /6. A'' (o,ers" *unct$ons" and res(ons$b$'$t$es not %ranted by th$s Const$tut$on or by 'a, to the autono)ous re%$ons sha'' be #ested $n the Nat$ona' Go#ern)ent. Sect$on /8. The Con%ress sha'' enact an or%an$c act *or each autono)ous re%$on ,$th the ass$stance and (art$c$(at$on o* the re%$ona' consu'tat$#e co))$ss$on co)(osed o* re(resentat$#es a((o$nted by the .res$dent *ro) a '$st o* no)$nees *ro) )u't$sectora' bod$es. The or%an$c act sha'' de*$ne the bas$c structure o* %o#ern)ent *ro) the re%$on cons$st$n% o* the e>ecut$#e de(art)ent and 'e%$s'at$#e asse)b'y" both o* ,h$ch sha'' be re*'ect$#e and re(resentat$#e o* the const$tuent (o'$t$ca' un$ts. The or%an$c acts sha'' '$;e,$se (ro#$de *or s(ec$a' courts ,$th (ersona'" *a)$'y" and (ro(erty 'a, +ur$sd$ct$on cons$stent ,$th the (ro#$s$ons o* th$s Const$tut$on and nat$ona' 'a,s. The creat$on o* the autono)ous re%$on sha'' be e**ect$#e ,hen a((ro#ed by )a+or$ty o* the #otes cast by the const$tuent un$ts $n a ('eb$sc$te ca''ed *or the (ur(ose" (ro#$ded that on'y (ro#$nces" c$t$es" and %eo%ra(h$c areas #ot$n% *a#orab'y $n such ('eb$sc$te sha'' be $nc'uded $n the autono)ous re%$on. Sect$on /9. The *$rst Con%ress e'ected under th$s Const$tut$on sha''" ,$th$n e$%hteen )onths *ro) the t$)e o* or%an$3at$on o* both ?ouses" (ass the or%an$c acts *or the autono)ous re%$ons $n Mus'$) M$ndanao and the Cord$''eras. Sect$on 0:. !$th$n $ts terr$tor$a' +ur$sd$ct$on and sub+ect to the (ro#$s$ons o* th$s Const$tut$on and nat$ona' 'a,s" the or%an$c act o* autono)ous re%$ons sha'' (ro#$de *or 'e%$s'at$#e (o,ers o#er< (/ Ad)$n$strat$#e or%an$3at$on= (0 Creat$on o* sources o* re#enues= (1 Ancestra' do)a$n and natura' resources= (2 .ersona'" *a)$'y" and (ro(erty re'at$ons= (4 @e%$ona' urban and rura' ('ann$n% de#e'o()ent= (5 Econo)$c" soc$a'" and tour$s) de#e'o()ent= (6 Educat$ona' (o'$c$es= (8 .reser#at$on and de#e'o()ent o* the cu'tura' her$ta%e= and (9 Such other )atters as )ay be author$3ed by 'a, *or the (ro)ot$on o* the %enera' ,e'*are o* the (eo('e o* the re%$on. Sect$on 0/. The (reser#at$on o* (eace and order ,$th$n the re%$ons sha'' be the res(ons$b$'$ty o* the 'oca' (o'$ce a%enc$es ,h$ch sha'' be or%an$3ed" )a$nta$ned" su(er#$sed" and ut$'$3ed $n accordance ,$th a(('$cab'e 'a,s. The de*ense and secur$ty o* the re%$ons sha'' be the res(ons$b$'$ty o* the Nat$ona' Go#ern)ent. ARTICLE +I ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS Sect$on /. .ub'$c o**$ce $s a (ub'$c trust. .ub'$c o**$cers and e)('oyees )ust at a'' t$)es be accountab'e to the (eo('e" ser#e the) ,$th ut)ost res(ons$b$'$ty" $nte%r$ty" 'oya'ty" and e**$c$ency" act ,$th (atr$ot$s) and +ust$ce" and 'ead )odest '$#es. I>PEAC,>ENT

Sect$on 0. The .res$dent" A$ce7.res$dent" the Me)bers o* the Su(re)e Court" the Me)bers o* the Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons" and the O)buds)an )ay be re)o#ed *ro) o**$ce" on $)(each)ent *or" and con#$ct$on o*" cu'(ab'e #$o'at$on o* the Const$tut$on" treason" br$bery" %ra*t and corru(t$on" other h$%h cr$)es" or betraya' o* (ub'$c trust. A'' other (ub'$c o**$cers and e)('oyees )ay be re)o#ed *ro) o**$ce as (ro#$ded by 'a," but not by $)(each)ent. Sect$on 1. (/ The ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es sha'' ha#e the e>c'us$#e (o,er to $n$t$ate a'' cases o* $)(each)ent. (0 A #er$*$ed co)('a$nt )ay be *$'ed by any Me)ber o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es or by any c$t$3en u(on a reso'ut$on o* endorse)ent by any Me)ber thereo*" ,h$ch sha'' be $nc'uded $n the Order o* Bus$ness ,$th$n ten sess$on days" and re*erred to the (ro(er Co))$ttee ,$th$n three sess$on days therea*ter. The Co))$ttee" a*ter hear$n%" and by a )a+or$ty #ote o* a'' $ts Me)bers" sha'' sub)$t $ts re(ort to the ?ouse ,$th$n s$>ty sess$on days *ro) such re*erra'" to%ether ,$th the corres(ond$n% reso'ut$on. The reso'ut$on sha'' be ca'endared *or cons$derat$on by the ?ouse ,$th$n ten sess$on days *ro) rece$(t thereo*. (1 A #ote o* at 'east one7th$rd o* a'' the Me)bers o* the ?ouse sha'' be necessary e$ther to a**$r) a *a#orab'e reso'ut$on ,$th the Art$c'es o* I)(each)ent


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

o* the Co))$ttee" or o#err$de $ts contrary reso'ut$on. The #ote o* each Me)ber sha'' be recorded. (2 In case the #er$*$ed co)('a$nt or reso'ut$on o* $)(each)ent $s *$'ed by at 'east one7th$rd o* a'' the Me)bers o* the ?ouse" the sa)e sha'' const$tute the Art$c'es o* I)(each)ent" and tr$a' by the Senate sha'' *orth,$th (roceed. (4 No $)(each)ent (roceed$n%s sha'' be $n$t$ated a%a$nst the sa)e o**$c$a' )ore than once ,$th$n a (er$od o* one year. (5 The Senate sha'' ha#e the so'e (o,er to try and dec$de a'' cases o* $)(each)ent. !hen s$tt$n% *or that (ur(ose" the Senators sha'' be on oath or a**$r)at$on. !hen the .res$dent o* the .h$'$(($nes $s on tr$a'" the Ch$e* Just$ce o* the Su(re)e Court sha'' (res$de" but sha'' not #ote. No (erson sha'' be con#$cted ,$thout the concurrence o* t,o7th$rds o* a'' the Me)bers o* the Senate. (6 Jud%)ent $n cases o* $)(each)ent sha'' not e>tend *urther than re)o#a' *ro) o**$ce and d$s-ua'$*$cat$on to ho'd any o**$ce under the @e(ub'$c o* the .h$'$(($nes" but the (arty con#$cted sha'' ne#erthe'ess be '$ab'e and sub+ect to (rosecut$on" tr$a'" and (un$sh)ent accord$n% to 'a,. (8 The Con%ress sha'' (ro)u'%ate $ts ru'es on $)(each)ent to e**ect$#e'y carry out the (ur(ose o* th$s sect$on. Sect$on 4. There $s hereby created the $nde(endent O**$ce o* the O)buds)an" co)(osed o* the O)buds)an to be ;no,n as Tanodbayan" one o#era'' De(uty" and at 'east one De(uty each *or Lu3on" A$sayas" and M$ndanao. A se(arate De(uty *or the )$'$tary estab'$sh)ent )ay '$;e,$se be a((o$nted. O>BLS POWER TO PROSEC+TE S n$i! n& . n% > rch 23% 2331* The prosecute !r nte$ &. l # to the n is plen r. n$ unDu li'ie$) The l # ( <e $istinction &et#een c ses &. the S n$i! n& . n n$ those &. re!ul r courts)

+. vs) po#er to O(&u$s( $oes not co!niF &le co!niF &le

O(&u$s( n vs) V ler % Septe(&er 73% 233;* The Court h s consistentl. hel$ th t the O''ice o' the Speci l Prosecutor is (erel. co(ponent o' the O''ice o' the O(&u$s( n n$ ( . onl. ct un$er the supervision n$ control n$ upon uthorit. o' the O(&u$s( n) xxx ,o#ever% #ith respect to the !r nt o' the po#er to preventivel. suspen$% Section 2C o' R)A) No 9AA3 ( <es no (ention o' the Speci l Prosecutor) The o&vious i(port o' this exclusion is to #ithhol$ 'ro( the Speci l Prosecutor the po#er to preventivel. suspen$)

Estr $ vs) "esierto% April 7% 2331* Section 75A6 o' Article GI provi$es 'or the li(it n$ the conseDuence o' n i(pe ch(ent ?u$!(ent) Conviction in the i(pe ch(ent procee$in! is not reDuire$ &e'ore the pu&lic o''icer su&?ect o' i(pe ch(ent ( . &e prosecute$% trie$ n$ punishe$ 'or cri(in l o''enses co((itte$)

REA"* Er ncisco% et l) vs) ,ouse o' Represent tives% Nove(&er 13% 2337* $e'inition o' MTO INITIATE I>PEAC,>ENTN- procee$in! is initi te$ or &e!ins% #hen veri'ie$ co(pl int is 'ile$ n$ re'erre$ to the Co((ittee on Bustice)

,on s n II vs) P nel o' Investi! tin! Prosecutors o' "OB% April 17% 233C* The po#er o' the O(&u$s( n to investi! te o''enses involvin! pu&lic o''icers or e(plo.ees is not exclusive &ut is concurrent #ith other si(il rl. uthoriFe$ !encies o' the !overn(ent such s the provinci l% cit. n$ st te prosecutors) "OB P nel is not preclu$e$ 'ro( con$uctin! n. investi! tion o' c ses ! inst pu&lic o''icers involvin! viol tions o' pen l l #s &ut i' the c ses ' ll un$er the exclusive ?uris$iction o' the S n$i! n& . n% then respon$ent O(&u$s( n ( .% in the exercise o' its pri( r. ?uris$iction t <e over t n. st !e)

A vote o' 117 o' ll the (e(&ers o' the ,ouse sh ll &e necess r. either to ''ir( ' vor &le resolution #ith the Articles o' I(pe ch(ent o' the Co((ittee or overri$e its contr r. resolution) 5"e C stro vs) Co((ittee on Bustice% B t s n P (& ns % Septe(&er 7% 188;6

Le$es( vs) CA% Bul. 28% 233;* O(&u$s( n h s the uthorit. to $eter(ine the $(inistr tive li &ilit. o' pu&lic o''ici l or e( t ' ult% n$ $irect n$ co(pel the he $ o' the o''ice or !enc. concerne$ to i(ple(ent the pen lt. i(pose$) In other #or$s% it (erel. concerns the proce$ur l spect o' the O(&u$s( nLs 'unctions n$ not its ?uris$iction)

Resi!n tion &. n i(pe ch &le o''ici l $oes not pl ce hi( &e.on$ the re ch o' i(pe ch(ent procee$in!s0 he c n still &e i(pe che$)

The 18:A Constitution% the $eli&er tions thereon% n$ the opinions o' constitution l l # experts ll in$ic te th t the "eput. O(&u$s( n is not n i(pe ch &le o''icer) 5O''ice o' the O(&u$s( n vs) CA = 'or(er "eput. O(&u$s( n Arturo C) >o?ic % > rch C% 233;6

> rDueF vs) "esierto% Bune 2A% 2331* there (ust &e pen$in! c se &e'ore court o' co(petent ?uris$iction &e'ore inspection o' & n< ccounts &. O(&u$s( n ( . &e llo#e$) Sect$on 2. The (resent ant$7%ra*t court ;no,n as the Sand$%anbayan sha'' cont$nue to *unct$on and e>erc$se $ts +ur$sd$ct$on as no, or herea*ter )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,.

O''ice o' the O(&u$s( n vs) CA % /R No) 1939A;% Bune 19% 2339* the Court si(il rl. uphol$s the O''ice o' the O(&u$s( nLs po#er to i(pose the pen lt. o' re(ov l% suspension% $e(otion% 'ine% censure% or prosecution o' pu&lic o''icer or e( 'oun$ to &e t ' ult% in the exercise o' its $(inistr tive $isciplin r. uthorit.) The exercise o' such po#er is #ell 'oun$e$ in the Constitution n$ Repu&lic Act No) 9AA3) xxx The le!isl tive histor. o' Repu&lic Act No) 9AA3 thus &e rs out the conclusion th t the O''ice o' the O(&u$s( n # s inten$e$ to possess 'ull $(inistr tive $isciplin r. uthorit.% inclu$in! the po#er to i(pose the pen lt. o' re(ov l% suspension% $e(otion% 'ine% censure% or prosecution o' pu&lic o''icer or e( 'oun$ to &e t ' ult) The l #( <ers envisione$ the O''ice o' the O(&u$s( n to &e M n ctivist # tch( n%N not (erel. p ssive one


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

U+I>PO vs) TANO"BAJAN* It is not ( teri l th t /OCC is ori!in ll. cre te$ &. ch rter or not) Wh t is $ecisive is th t it h s &een cDuire$ &. the !overn(ent to per'or( 'unctions rel te$ to !overn(ent pro!r (s n$ policies) Sect$on 5. The o**$c$a's and e)('oyees o* the O**$ce o* the O)buds)an" other than the De(ut$es" sha'' be a((o$nted by the O)buds)an accord$n% to the C$#$' Ser#$ce La,. Sect$on 6. The e>$st$n% Tanodbayan sha'' herea*ter be ;no,n as the O**$ce o* the S(ec$a' .rosecutor. It sha'' cont$nue to *unct$on and e>erc$se $ts (o,ers as no, or herea*ter )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a," e>ce(t those con*erred on the O**$ce o* the O)buds)an created under th$s Const$tut$on. Sect$on 8. The O)buds)an and h$s De(ut$es sha'' be natura'7born c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes" and at the t$)e o* the$r a((o$nt)ent" at 'east *orty years o'd" o* reco%n$3ed (rob$ty and $nde(endence" and )e)bers o* the .h$'$(($ne Bar" and )ust not ha#e been cand$dates *or any e'ect$#e o**$ce $n the $))ed$ate'y (reced$n% e'ect$on. The O)buds)an )ust ha#e *or ten years or )ore been a +ud%e or en%a%ed $n the (ract$ce o* 'a, $n the .h$'$(($nes. Dur$n% the$r tenure" they sha'' be sub+ect to the sa)e d$s-ua'$*$cat$ons and (roh$b$t$ons as (ro#$ded *or $n Sect$on 0 o* Art$c'e ID7A o* th$s Const$tut$on. Sect$on 9. The O)buds)an and h$s De(ut$es sha'' be a((o$nted by the .res$dent *ro) a '$st o* at 'east s$> no)$nees (re(ared by the Jud$c$a' and Bar Counc$'" and *ro) a '$st o* three no)$nees *or e#ery #acancy therea*ter. Such a((o$nt)ents sha'' re-u$re no con*$r)at$on. A'' #acanc$es sha'' be *$''ed ,$th$n three )onths a*ter they occur. Sect$on /:. The O)buds)an and h$s De(ut$es sha'' ha#e the ran; o* Cha$r)an and Me)bers" res(ect$#e'y" o* the Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons" and they sha'' rece$#e the sa)e sa'ary" ,h$ch sha'' not be decreased dur$n% the$r ter) o* o**$ce. Sect$on //. The O)buds)an and h$s De(ut$es sha'' ser#e *or a ter) o* se#en years ,$thout rea((o$nt)ent. They sha'' not be -ua'$*$ed to run *or any o**$ce $n the e'ect$on $))ed$ate'y succeed$n% the$r cessat$on *ro) o**$ce. B+RIS"ICTION OVER /OCC

(/ In#est$%ate on $ts o,n" or on co)('a$nt by any (erson" any act or o)$ss$on o* any (ub'$c o**$c$a'" e)('oyee" o**$ce or a%ency" ,hen such act or o)$ss$on a((ears to be $''e%a'" un+ust" $)(ro(er" or $ne**$c$ent. (0 D$rect" u(on co)('a$nt or at $ts o,n $nstance" any (ub'$c o**$c$a' or e)('oyee o* the Go#ern)ent" or any subd$#$s$on" a%ency or $nstru)enta'$ty thereo*" as ,e'' as o* any %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$on ,$th or$%$na' charter" to (er*or) and e>(ed$te any act or duty re-u$red by 'a," or to sto(" (re#ent" and correct any abuse or $)(ro(r$ety $n the (er*or)ance o* dut$es. (1 D$rect the o**$cer concerned to ta;e a((ro(r$ate act$on a%a$nst a (ub'$c o**$c$a' or e)('oyee at *au't" and reco))end h$s re)o#a'" sus(ens$on" de)ot$on" *$ne" censure" or (rosecut$on" and ensure co)('$ance there,$th. (2 D$rect the o**$cer concerned" $n any a((ro(r$ate case" and sub+ect to such '$)$tat$ons as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a," to *urn$sh $t ,$th co($es o* docu)ents re'at$n% to contracts and transact$ons entered $nto by h$s o**$ce $n#o'#$n% the d$sburse)ent or use o* (ub'$c *unds or (ro(ert$es" and re(ort any $rre%u'ar$ty to the Co))$ss$on on Aud$t *or a((ro(r$ate act$on. (4 @e-uest any and $n*or)at$on res(ons$b$'$t$es" (ert$nent records %o#ern)ent a%ency *or ass$stance necessary $n the d$schar%e o* $ts and to e>a)$ne" $* necessary" and docu)ents.

(5 .ub'$c$3e )atters co#ered by $ts $n#est$%at$on ,hen c$rcu)stances so ,arrant and ,$th due (rudence. (6 Deter)$ne the causes o* $ne**$c$ency" red ta(e" )$s)ana%e)ent" *raud" and corru(t$on $n the Go#ern)ent and )a;e reco))endat$ons *or the$r e'$)$nat$on and the obser#ance o* h$%h standards o* eth$cs and e**$c$ency. (8 .ro)u'%ate $ts ru'es and (rocedure and e>erc$se such other (o,ers or (er*or) such *unct$ons or dut$es as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. Sect$on /2. The O**$ce o* the O)buds)an sha'' en+oy *$sca' autono)y. Its a((ro#ed annua' a((ro(r$at$ons sha'' be auto)at$ca''y and re%u'ar'y re'eased. PRESCRIPTION

Sect$on /0. The O)buds)an and h$s De(ut$es" as (rotectors o* the (eo('e" sha'' act (ro)(t'y on co)('a$nts *$'ed $n any *or) or )anner a%a$nst (ub'$c o**$c$a's or e)('oyees o* the Go#ern)ent" or any a%ency" subd$#$s$on or $nstru)enta'$ty thereo*" including government-owned or controlled corporations" and sha''" $n a((ro(r$ate cases" not$*y the co)('a$nants o* the act$ons ta;en and the resu't thereo*.

Sect$on /4. The r$%ht o* the State to reco#er (ro(ert$es un'a,*u''y ac-u$red by (ub'$c o**$c$a's and e)('oyees" *ro) the) or *ro) the$r no)$nees or trans*erees" sha'' not be barred by (rescr$(t$on" 'aches" or esto((e'.

> c lino vs) S n$i! n& . n% 7A9 SCRA C;2* Section 17% Article GI o' the Constitution n$ Section 1; o' RA 9AA3 !r nte$ the O(&u$s( n the po#er to $irect n. o''icer or e( o' !overn(ent-o#ne$ or controlle$ corpor tions #ith ori!in l ch rters to per'or( n. ct or $ut. reDuire$ &. l # or to stop n. &use or i(propriet. in the per'or( nce o' $uties) Sect$on /1. The O**$ce o* the O)buds)an sha'' ha#e the *o''o,$n% (o,ers" *unct$ons" and dut$es <

Presi$enti l A$-hoc E ct-'in$in! Co((ittee on Behest Lo ns vs) "esierto% 71A SCRA 2A2* Section 1; o' Article GI pplies onl. to civil ctions 'or recover. o' ill-!otten #e lth n$ not to cri(in l c ses) Sect$on /5. No 'oan" %uaranty" or other *or) o* *$nanc$a' acco))odat$on *or any bus$ness (ur(ose )ay be %ranted" d$rect'y or $nd$rect'y" by any %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed ban; or *$nanc$a' $nst$tut$on to the .res$dent" the A$ce7.res$dent" the Me)bers o* the Cab$net" the Con%ress" the Su(re)e Court" and the Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons" the O)buds)an" or to any *$r) or ent$ty $n ,h$ch they ha#e contro''$n% $nterest" dur$n% the$r tenure.


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

subs$stence *$sher)en and *$sh,or;ers $n r$#ers" 'a;es" bays" and 'a%oons. The .res$dent )ay enter $nto a%ree)ents ,$th *ore$%n7o,ned cor(orat$ons $n#o'#$n% e$ther techn$ca' o* *$nanc$a' ass$stance *or 'ar%e7sca'e e>('orat$on" de#e'o()ent" and ut$'$3at$on o* )$nera's" (etro'eu)" and other )$nera' o$'s accord$n% to the %enera' ter)s and cond$t$ons (ro#$ded by 'a," based on rea' contr$but$ons to the econo)$c %ro,th and %enera' ,e'*are o* the country. In such a%ree)ents" the State sha'' (ro)ote the de#e'o()ent and use o* 'oca' sc$ent$*$c and techn$ca' resources. The .res$dent sha'' not$*y the Con%ress o* e#ery contract entered $nto $n accordance ,$th th$s (ro#$s$on" ,$th$n th$rty days *ro) $ts e>ecut$on. Sect$on 1. Lands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n are c'ass$*$ed $nto a%r$cu'tura'" *orest or t$)ber" )$nera' 'ands" and nat$ona' (ar;s. A%r$cu'tura' 'ands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n )ay be *urther c'ass$*$ed by 'a, accord$n% to the uses ,h$ch they )ay be de#oted. A'$enab'e 'ands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n sha'' be '$)$ted to a%r$cu'tura' 'ands. .r$#ate cor(orat$ons or assoc$at$ons )ay not ho'd such a'$enab'e 'ands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n e>ce(t by 'ease" *or a (er$od not e>ceed$n% t,enty7*$#e years" rene,ab'e *or not )ore than t,enty7*$#e years" and not to e>ceed one thousand hectares $n area. C$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes )ay 'ease not )ore than *$#e hundred hectares" or ac-u$re not )ore than t,e'#e hectares thereo* by (urchase" ho)estead" or %rant. Ta;$n% $nto account the re-u$re)ents o* conser#at$on" eco'o%y" and de#e'o()ent" and sub+ect to the re-u$re)ents o* a%rar$an re*or)" the Con%ress sha'' deter)$ne" by 'a," the s$3e o* 'ands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n ,h$ch )ay be ac-u$red" de#e'o(ed" he'd" or 'eased and the cond$t$ons there*or. Sect$on 2. The Con%ress sha''" as soon as (oss$b'e" deter)$ne by 'a, the s(ec$*$c '$)$ts o* *orest 'ands and nat$ona' (ar;s" )ar;$n% c'ear'y the$r boundar$es on the %round. Therea*ter" such *orest 'ands and nat$ona' (ar;s sha'' be conser#ed and )ay not be $ncreased nor d$)$n$shed" e>ce(t by 'a,. The Con%ress sha'' (ro#$de" *or such (er$od as $t )ay deter)$ne" )easures to (roh$b$t 'o%%$n% $n endan%ered *orests and ,atershed areas. ANCESTRAL "O>AIN

Sect$on /6. A (ub'$c o**$cer or e)('oyee sha''" u(on assu)(t$on o* o**$ce and as o*ten therea*ter as )ay be re-u$red by 'a," sub)$t a dec'arat$on under oath o* h$s assets" '$ab$'$t$es" and net ,orth. In the case o* the .res$dent" the A$ce7.res$dent" the Me)bers o* the Cab$net" the Con%ress" the Su(re)e Court" the Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons and other const$tut$ona' o**$ces" and o**$cers o* the ar)ed *orces ,$th %enera' or *'a% ran;" the dec'arat$on sha'' be d$sc'osed to the (ub'$c $n the )anner (ro#$ded by 'a,. Sect$on /8. .ub'$c o**$cers and e)('oyees o,e the State and th$s Const$tut$on a''e%$ance at a'' t$)es" and any (ub'$c o**$cer or e)('oyee ,ho see;s to chan%e h$s c$t$3ensh$( or ac-u$re the status o* an $))$%rant o* another country dur$n% h$s tenure sha'' be dea't ,$th by 'a,. ARTICLE +II NATIONAL ECONOMY 6 PATRIMONY Sect$on /. The %oa's o* the nat$ona' econo)y are a )ore e-u$tab'e d$str$but$on o* o((ortun$t$es" $nco)e" and ,ea'th= a susta$ned $ncrease $n the a)ount o* %oods and ser#$ces (roduced by the nat$on *or the bene*$t o* the (eo('e= and an e>(and$n% (roduct$#$ty as the ;ey ra$s$n% the -ua'$ty o* '$*e *or a''" es(ec$a''y the under(r$#$'e%ed. The State sha'' (ro)ote $ndustr$a'$3at$on and *u'' e)('oy)ent based on sound a%r$cu'tura' de#e'o()ent and a%rar$an re*or)" throu%h $ndustr$es that )a;e *u'' and e**$c$ent use o* hu)an and natura' resources" and ,h$ch are co)(et$t$#e $n both do)est$c and *ore$%n )ar;ets. ?o,e#er" the State sha'' (rotect &$'$($no enter(r$ses a%a$nst un*a$r *ore$%n co)(et$t$on and trade (ract$ces. In the (ursu$t o* these %oa's" a'' sectors o* the econo)y and a'' re%$ons o* the country sha'' be %$#en o(t$)u) o((ortun$ty to de#e'o(. .r$#ate enter(r$ses" $nc'ud$n% cor(orat$ons" coo(erat$#es" and s$)$'ar co''ect$#e or%an$3at$ons" sha'' be encoura%ed to broaden the base o* the$r o,nersh$(. Sect$on 0. A'' 'ands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n" ,aters" )$nera's" coa'" (etro'eu)" and other )$nera' o$'s" a'' *orces o* (otent$a' ener%y" *$sher$es" *orests or t$)ber" ,$'d'$*e" *'ora and *auna" and other natura' resources are o,ned by the State. !$th the e>ce(t$on o* a%r$cu'tura' 'ands" a'' other natura' resources sha'' not be a'$enated. The e>('orat$on" de#e'o()ent" and ut$'$3at$on o* natura' resources sha'' be under the *u'' contro' and su(er#$s$on o* the State. The State )ay d$rect'y underta;e such act$#$t$es" or $t )ay enter $nto co7(roduct$on" +o$nt #enture" or (roduct$on7shar$n% a%ree)ents ,$th &$'$($no c$t$3ens" or cor(orat$ons or assoc$at$ons at 'east s$>ty (er centu) o* ,hose ca($ta' $s o,ned by such c$t$3ens. Such a%ree)ents )ay be *or a (er$od not e>ceed$n% t,enty7*$#e years" rene,ab'e *or not )ore than t,enty7*$#e years" and under such ter)s and cond$t$ons as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. In cases o* ,ater r$%hts *or $rr$%at$on" ,ater su(('y" *$sher$es" or $ndustr$a' uses other than the de#e'o()ent o* ,ater (o,er" bene*$c$a' use )ay be the )easure and '$)$t o* the %rant. The State sha'' (rotect the nat$onCs )ar$ne ,ea'th $n $ts arch$(e'a%$c ,aters" terr$tor$a' sea" and e>c'us$#e econo)$c 3one" and reser#e $ts use and en+oy)ent e>c'us$#e'y to &$'$($no c$t$3ens. The Con%ress )ay" by 'a," a''o, s)a''7sca'e ut$'$3at$on o* natura' resources by &$'$($no c$t$3ens" as ,e'' as coo(erat$#e *$sh *ar)$n%" ,$th (r$or$ty to

Sect$on 4. The State" sub+ect to the (ro#$s$ons o* th$s Const$tut$on and nat$ona' de#e'o()ent (o'$c$es and (ro%ra)s" sha'' (rotect the r$%hts o* $nd$%enous cu'tura' co))un$t$es to the$r ancestra' 'ands to ensure the$r econo)$c" soc$a'" and cu'tura' ,e''7 be$n%. The Con%ress )ay (ro#$de *or the a(('$cab$'$ty o* custo)ary 'a,s %o#ern$n% (ro(erty r$%hts and re'at$ons $n deter)$n$n% the o,nersh$( and e>tent o* ancestra' do)a$n.

Alc nt r vs) "ENR% /R No) 191::1% Bul. 71% 233:* It (ust &e e(ph siFe$ th t EL/LA No) ;C2 is (ere license or privile!e !r nte$ &. the St te to petitioner 'or the use or exploit tion o' n tur l resources n$ pu&lic l n$s over #hich the St te h s soverei!n o#nership un$er the Re! li n "octrine) Li<e ti(&er or (inin! licenses% 'orest l n$ !r Fin! le se !ree(ent is (ere per(it #hich% &. executive ction% c n &e revo<e$% rescin$e$% c ncelle$% (en$e$ or (o$i'ie$% #henever pu&lic #el' re or pu&lic interest so reDuires) The $eter(in tion o' #h t is in the pu&lic


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

interest is necess ril. veste$ in the St te s o#ner o' the countr.Qs n tur l resources) Thus% privile!e or license is not in the n ture o' contr ct th t en?o.s protection un$er the $ue process n$ non-i(p ir(ent cl uses o' the Constitution) In c ses in #hich the license or privile!e is in con'lict #ith the peopleQs #el' re% the license or privile!e (ust .iel$ to the supre( c. o' the l tter% s #ell s to the police po#er o' the St te) Such privile!e or license is not even propert. or propert. ri!ht% nor $oes it cre te veste$ ri!ht0 s such% no irrevoc &le ri!hts re cre te$ in its issu nce) xxx The Supre(e Court reco!niFe$ the inherent ri!ht o' ICCs1IPs to recover their ncestr l l n$ 'ro( outsi$ers n$ usurpers) Seen &. ( n. s victor. tt ine$ &. the priv te respon$ents onl. 'ter lon! n$ costl. e''ort% the Court% s !u r$i n n$ instru(ent o' soci l ?ustice% &hors 'urther $el . in the resolution o' this controvers. n$ &rin!s it to its 'ittin! conclusion &. $! the petition) priv te p rties% #hether Eilipino citiFens or Du li'ie$ priv te corpor tions) Thus% the so-c lle$ Eri r L n$s cDuire$ &. the !overn(ent un$er Act No) 1123 re p tri(oni l propert. #hich even priv te corpor tions c n cDuire &. purch se) Li<e#ise% recl i(e$ lien &le l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in i' sol$ or tr ns'erre$ to pu&lic or (unicip l corpor tion 'or (onet r. consi$er tion &eco(e p tri(oni l propert. in the h n$s o' the pu&lic or (unicip l corpor tion) Once converte$ to p tri(oni l propert.% the l n$ ( . &e sol$ &. the pu&lic or (unicip l corpor tion to priv te p rties% #hether Eilipino citiFens or Du li'ie$ priv te corpor tions)

CR+4 VS) SEC) OE "ENR% 7CA SCRA 12:* RA :7A1 c te!oric ll. $ecl res ncestr l l n$s n$ $o( ins hel$ &. n tive title s never to h ve &een pu&lic l n$) "o( ins n$ l n$s un$er n tive title re% there'ore% in$isput &l. presu(e$ to h ve never &een pu&lic l n$s n$ re priv te)

Ch veF vs) Pu&lic Est tes Authorit.% Bul. 8% 2332* Eoreshore n$ su&(er!e$ re s 'or( p rt o' the pu&lic $o( in n$ re in lien &le) L n$s recl i(e$ 'ro( 'oreshore n$ su&(er!e$ re s re lso 'or( p rt o' the pu&lic $o( in n$ re lso in lien &le% unless converte$ into lien &le or $ispos &le l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in)

The prev ilin! rule is th t recl i(e$ $ispos &le l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in ( . onl. &e le se$ n$ not sol$ to priv te p rties) These l n$s re( ine$ sui !eneris% s the onl. lien &le or $ispos &le l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in #hich the !overn(ent coul$ not sell to priv te p rties except i' the le!isl ture p sses l # uthoriFin! such s le) Recl i(e$ l n$s ret in their inherent potenti l s re s 'or pu&lic use or pu&lic service) xxx The o#nership o' l n$s recl i(e$ 'ro( 'oreshore re s is roote$ in the Re! li n "octrine% #hich $ecl res th t ll l n$s n$ # ters o' the pu&lic $o( in &elon! to the St te

But not#ithst n$in! the conversion o' recl i(e$ l n$s to lien &le l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in% the. ( . not &e sol$ to priv te corpor tions #hich c n onl. le se the s (e) The St te ( . onl. sell lien &le pu&lic l n$ to Eilipino citiFens)

Ch veF vs) N,A% et l)% Au!ust 1;% 233A* To l n$s recl i(e$ &. PEA or throu!h contr ct #ith priv te person or entit.% such recl i(e$ l n$s still re( in lien &le l n$s o' pu&lic $o( in #hich c n &e tr ns'erre$ onl. to Eilipino citiFens &ut not to priv te corpor tion) This is &ec use PEA un$er P" 13:C n$ EO ;2; is t s<e$ to hol$ n$ $ispose o' lien &le l n$s o' pu&lic $o( in n$ it is onl. #hen it is tr ns'erre$ to Eilipino citiFens th t it &eco(es p tri(oni l propert.) On the other h n$% the N,A is !overn(ent !enc. not t s<e$ to $ispose o' pu&lic l n$s un$er its ch rterWThe Revise$ A$(inistr tive Co$e o' 18:A) The N,A is n Men$-user !enc.N uthoriFe$ &. l # to $(inister n$ $ispose o' recl i(e$ l n$s) The (o(ent titles over recl i(e$ l n$s & se$ on the speci l p tents re tr ns'erre$ to the N,A &. the Re!ister o' "ee$s% the. re uto( tic ll. converte$ to p tri(oni l properties o' the St te #hich c n &e sol$ to Eilipino citiFens n$ priv te corpor tions% 93R o' #hich re o#ne$ &. Eilipinos) The re son is o&vious* i' the recl i(e$ l n$ is not converte$ to p tri(oni l l n$ once tr ns'erre$ to N,A% then it #oul$ &e useless to tr ns'er it to the N,A since it c nnot le! ll. tr ns'er or lien te l n$s o' pu&lic $o( in) >ore i(port ntl.% it c nnot tt in its vo#e$ purposes n$ !o ls since it c n onl. tr ns'er p tri(oni l l n$s to Du li'ie$ &ene'ici ries n$ prospective &u.ers to r ise 'un$s 'or the S>"RP) Ero( the 'ore!oin! consi$er tions% #e 'in$ th t the A8-hect re recl i(e$ l n$ h s &een $ecl re$ lien &le n$ $ispos &le l n$ o' the pu&lic $o( in0 n$ in the h n$s o' N,A% it h s &een recl ssi'ie$ s p tri(oni l propert.)

Ch veF vs) PEA = A( ri% > . 9% 2337* "ecision $oes not & r priv te corpor tions 'ro( p rticip tin! in recl ( tion pro?ects n$ &ein! p i$ 'or their services in recl i(in! l n$s) Wh t the "ecision prohi&its% 'ollo#in! the explicit constitution l ( n$ te% is 'or priv te corpor tions to cDuire recl i(e$ l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in) There is no prohi&ition on the $irectors% o''icers n$ stoc<hol$ers o' priv te corpor tions% i' the. re Eilipino citiFens% 'ro( cDuirin! t pu&lic uction recl i(e$ lien &le l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in) The. c n cDuire not (ore th n 12 hect res per in$ivi$u l% n$ the l n$ thus cDuire$ &eco(es priv te l n$)

B/ Su((it ,ol$in!s Inc) vs) CA% B nu r. 71% 233;* the prohi&ition in the Constitution pplies onl. to o#nership o' l n$) It $oes not exten$ to i((ov &le or re l propert. s $e'ine$ un$er Article C1; o' the Civil Co$e) Other#ise% #e #oul$ h ve str n!e situ tion #here the o#nership o' i((ov &le propert. such s trees% pl nts n$ !ro#in! 'ruit tt che$ to the l n$ #oul$ &e li(ite$ to Eilipinos n$ Eilipino corpor tions onl.)

Eree$o( Isl n$s re in lien &le l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in) /overn(ent o#ne$ l n$s% s lon! the. re p tri(oni l propert.% c n &e sol$ to

R (os-Bul lio vs) R (os% B nu r. 27% 2339* +n$er the Re! li n $octrine% ll l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in &elon! to the St te n$ those l n$s not ppe rin! to &e cle rl. #ithin priv te o#nership re presu(e$ to &elon! to the St te) L n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in re cl ssi'ie$ into !ricultur l% 'orest or ti(&er% (iner l l n$s% n$ n tion l p r<s) Alien &le l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in sh ll &e li(ite$ to !ricultur l l n$s) A ho(este $ p tent% such s the su&?ect o' the inst nt c se% is one o' the (o$es to cDuire title to pu&lic l n$s suit &le 'or !ricultur l purposes)


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

estab'$sh" and o(erate econo)$c enter(r$ses" sub+ect to the duty o* the State to (ro)ote d$str$but$#e +ust$ce and to $nter#ene ,hen the co))on %ood so de)ands. Sect$on 6. Sa#e $n cases o* hered$tary success$on" no (r$#ate 'ands sha'' be trans*erred or con#eyed e>ce(t to $nd$#$dua's" cor(orat$ons" or assoc$at$ons -ua'$*$ed to ac-u$re or ho'd 'ands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n. Sect$on 8. Not,$thstand$n% the (ro#$s$ons o* Sect$on 6 o* th$s Art$c'e" a natura'7born c$t$3en o* the .h$'$(($nes ,ho has 'ost $ts .h$'$(($ne c$t$3ensh$( )ay be a trans*eree o* (r$#ate 'ands" sub+ect to '$)$tat$ons (ro#$ded by 'a,. Sect$on 9. The Con%ress )ay estab'$sh an $nde(endent econo)$c and ('ann$n% a%ency headed by the .res$dent" ,h$ch sha''" a*ter consu'tat$ons ,$th the a((ro(r$ate (ub'$c a%enc$es" #ar$ous (ub'$c sectors" and 'oca' %o#ern)ent un$ts" reco))end to Con%ress" and $)('e)ent cont$nu$n% $nte%rated and coord$nated (ro%ra)s and (o'$c$es *or nat$ona' de#e'o()ent. Unt$' the Con%ress (ro#$des other,$se" the Nat$ona' Econo)$c and De#e'o()ent Author$ty sha'' *unct$on as the $nde(endent ('ann$n% a%ency o* the %o#ern)ent. Sect$on /:. The Con%ress sha''" u(on reco))endat$on o* the econo)$c and ('ann$n% a%ency" ,hen the nat$ona' $nterest d$ctates" reser#e to c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes or to cor(orat$ons or assoc$at$ons at 'east s$>ty (er centu) o* ,hose ca($ta' $s o,ned by such c$t$3ens" or such h$%her (ercenta%e as Con%ress )ay (rescr$be" certa$n areas o* $n#est)ents. The Con%ress sha'' enact )easures that ,$'' encoura%e the *or)at$on and o(erat$on o* enter(r$ses ,hose ca($ta' $s ,ho''y o,ned by &$'$($nos. In the %rant o* r$%hts" (r$#$'e%es" and concess$ons co#er$n% the nat$ona' econo)y and (atr$)ony" the State sha'' %$#e (re*erence to -ua'$*$ed &$'$($nos. The State sha'' re%u'ate and e>erc$se author$ty o#er *ore$%n $n#est)ents ,$th$n $ts nat$ona' +ur$sd$ct$on and $n accordance ,$th $ts nat$ona' %oa's and (r$or$t$es. P+BLIC +TILITIES

L Bu! l-BLl n Tri& l Ass)% Inc) vs) R (os% "ece(&er 1% 233C* Eorei!n corpor tions re con'ine$ to technic l n$ 'in nci l ssist nce) The St te itsel' ( . explore% $evelop or utiliFe the countr.Ls n tur l resources &. enterin! into the necess r. !ree(ents #ith in$ivi$u ls or entities in the pursuit o' visi&le oper tions) Service contr cts #ith 'orei!n corpor tions s contr ctors #ho invest in n$ oper te n$ ( n !e extr ctive enterprises% su&?ect to the 'ull control n$ supervision o' the St te) Control &. the st te (ust &e on the ( cro level% throu!h the est &lish(ent o' policies% !ui$elines% re!ul tions% in$ustr. st n$ r$s n$ si(il r (e sures th t #oul$ en &le the !overn(ent to control the con$uct o' the '' irs in v rious enterprises n$ restr in ctivities $ee(e$ not $esir &le or &ene'ici l)

/R No) 1;A::2% "i$ipio E rth-S versL >ultiPurpose Associ tion% Incorpor te$% et l) v) "ENR Sec) /oFun% et l)% > rch 73% 2339* The Constitution expressl. llo#s service contr cts in the l r!e-sc le explor tion% $evelop(ent% n$ utiliF tion o' (iner ls% petroleu(% n$ (iner l oils vi M !ree(ents #ith 'orei!n-o#ne$ corpor tions involvin! either technic l or 'in nci l ssist nceN s provi$e$ &. l #) The Court s i$ th t these !ree(ents #ith 'orei!n corpor tions re not li(ite$ to (ere 'in nci l or technic l ssist nce) The 18:A Constitution llo#s the continue$ use o' service contr cts #ith 'orei!n corpor tions s contr ctors #ho #oul$ invest in n$ oper te n$ ( n !e extr ctive enterprises% su&?ect to the 'ull control n$ supervision o' the St te)

/R Nos) 1;2917 = 1;292:% Apex >inin! Co)% Inc) v) Southe st >in$ n o /ol$ >inin! Corp)% et l)0 /R No) 1;2918-23% B lite Co((un l Port l >inin! Cooper tive v) Southe st >in$ n o /ol$ >inin! Corp)% et l)0 n$ /R No) 1;2:A3-A1% The >ines A$?u$ic tion Bo r$ n$ its >e(&ers% et l) v) Southe st >in$ n o /ol$ >inin! Corp)% et l)% Bune 27% 2339- >inin! oper tions in the "i# l# l >iner l Reserv tion Are lies #ithin the 'ull control o' the executive &r nch o' the st te) xxx >inin! oper tions in the "i# l# l >iner l Reserv tion re no#% there'ore% #ithin the 'ull control o' the St te throu!h the executive &r nch) Pursu nt to sec) ; o' RA A8C2% the St te c n either $irectl. un$ert <e the explor tion% $evelop(ent% n$ utiliF tion o' the re or it c n enter into !ree(ent #ith Du li'ie$ entities)

Repu&lic vs) Rose(oor >inin! = "evelop(ent Corp)% C29 SCRA ;1A* Section 2% Article GII o' the 18:A constitution $oes not ppl. retro ctivel. to Mlicense% concession or le seN !r nte$ &. the !overn(ent un$er the 18A7 constitution or &e'ore the e''ectivit. o' the 18:A constitution)

Sect$on /6. In t$)es o* nat$ona' e)er%ency" ,hen the (ub'$c $nterest so re-u$res" the State )ay" dur$n% the e)er%ency and under reasonab'e ter)s (rescr$bed by $t" te)(orar$'y ta;e o#er or d$rect the o(erat$on o* any (r$#ate'y o,ned (ub'$c ut$'$ty or bus$ness a**ected ,$th (ub'$c $nterest. Sect$on /8. The State )ay" $n the $nterest o* nat$ona' ,e'*are or de*ense" estab'$sh and o(erate #$ta' $ndustr$es and" u(on (ay)ent o* +ust co)(ensat$on" trans*er to (ub'$c o,nersh$( ut$'$t$es and other (r$#ate enter(r$ses to be o(erated by the Go#ern)ent.

4 r te vs) "irector o' L n$s% C7C SCRA 722* It is the rule o' l # th t possession% ho#ever lon!% c nnot ripen into priv te o#nership) Sect$on 5. The use o* (ro(erty bears a soc$a' *unct$on" and a'' econo)$c a%ents sha'' contr$bute to the co))on %ood. Ind$#$dua's and (r$#ate %rou(s" $nc'ud$n% cor(orat$ons" coo(erat$#es" and s$)$'ar co''ect$#e or%an$3at$ons" sha'' ha#e the r$%ht to o,n"

Repu&lic vs) EGTELCO>% 7A7 SCRA 719* The oper tion o' pu&lic utilit. sh ll not &e exclusive) ERANC,ISE

Sect$on //. No *ranch$se" cert$*$cate" or any other *or) o* author$3at$on *or the o(erat$on o* a (ub'$c ut$'$ty sha'' be %ranted e>ce(t to c$t$3ens o* the


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

.h$'$(($nes or to cor(orat$ons or assoc$at$ons or%an$3ed under the 'a,s o* the .h$'$(($nes at 'east s$>ty (er centu) o* ,hose ca($ta' $s o,ned by such c$t$3ens" nor sha'' such *ranch$se" cert$*$cate" or author$3at$on be e>c'us$#e $n character or *or a 'on%er (er$od than *$*ty years. Ne$ther sha'' any such *ranch$se or r$%ht be %ranted e>ce(t under the cond$t$on that $t sha'' be sub+ect to a)end)ent" a'terat$on" or re(ea' by the Con%ress ,hen the co))on %ood so re-u$res. The State sha'' encoura%e e-u$ty (art$c$(at$on $n (ub'$c ut$'$t$es by the %enera' (ub'$c. The (art$c$(at$on o* *ore$%n $n#estors $n the %o#ern$n% body o* any (ub'$c ut$'$ty enter(r$se sha'' be '$)$ted to the$r (ro(ort$onate share $n $ts ca($ta'" and a'' the e>ecut$#e and )ana%$n% o**$cers o* such cor(orat$on or assoc$at$on )ust be c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes.

Sect$on /5. The Con%ress sha'' not" e>ce(t by %enera' 'a," (ro#$de *or the *or)at$on" or%an$3at$on" or re%u'at$on o* (r$#ate cor(orat$ons. Go#ern)ent7 o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons )ay be created or estab'$shed by s(ec$a' charters $n the $nterest o* the co))on %ood and sub+ect to the test o* econo)$c #$ab$'$ty. Sect$on /9. The State sha'' re%u'ate or (roh$b$t )ono(o'$es ,hen the (ub'$c $nterest so re-u$res. No co)b$nat$ons $n restra$nt o* trade or un*a$r co)(et$t$on sha'' be a''o,ed. Sect$on 0:. The Con%ress sha'' estab'$sh an $nde(endent centra' )onetary author$ty" the )e)bers o* ,hose %o#ern$n% board )ust be natura'7 born &$'$($no c$t$3ens" o* ;no,n $nte%r$ty" and (atr$ot$s)" the )a+or$ty o* ,ho) sha'' co)e *ro) the (r$#ate sector. They sha'' a'so be sub+ect to such other -ua'$*$cat$ons and d$sab$'$t$es as )ay be (rescr$bed by 'a,. The author$ty sha'' (ro#$de (o'$cy d$rect$on $n the areas o* )oney" ban;$n%" and cred$t. It sha'' ha#e su(er#$s$on o#er the o(erat$ons o* ban;s and e>erc$se such re%u'atory (o,ers as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a, o#er the o(erat$ons o* *$nance co)(an$es and other $nst$tut$ons (er*or)$n% s$)$'ar *unct$ons. Unt$' the Con%ress other,$se (ro#$des" the Centra' Ban; o* the .h$'$(($nes" o(erat$n% under e>$st$n% 'a,s" sha'' *unct$on as the centra' )onetary author$ty. Sect$on 0/. &ore$%n 'oans )ay on'y be $ncurred $n accordance ,$th 'a, and the re%u'at$on o* the )onetary author$ty. In*or)at$on on *ore$%n 'oans obta$ned or %uaranteed by the Go#ern)ent sha'' be )ade a#a$'ab'e to the (ub'$c. Sect$on 00. Acts ,h$ch c$rcu)#ent or ne%ate any o* the (ro#$s$ons o* th$s Art$c'e sha'' be cons$dered $n$)$ca' to the nat$ona' $nterest and sub+ect to cr$)$na' and c$#$' sanct$ons" as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. ARTICLE +III SOCIAL 1USTICE 6 HUMAN RIGHTS SOCIAL B+STICE

PL"T vs) B colo$ Cit.% Bul. 1;% 233;* In su(% it $oes not ppe r th t% in pprovin! Z27 o' R)A) No) A82;% Con!ress inten$e$ it to oper te s &l n<et t x exe(ption to ll teleco((unic tions entities)! the rule o' strict construction o' l #s !r ntin! t x exe(ptions n$ the rule th t $ou&ts shoul$ &e resolve$ in ' vor o' (unicip l corpor tions in interpretin! st tutor. provisions on (unicip l t xin! po#ers% #e hol$ th t Z27 o' R)A) No) A82; c nnot &e consi$ere$ s h vin! (en$e$ petitionerQs 'r nchise so s to entitle it to exe(ption 'ro( the i(position o' loc l 'r nchise t xes)

Cit. /overn(ent o' S n P &lo vs) 73; SCRA 7;7* +n$er the Constitution% no 'r nchise sh ll &e !r nte$ un$er the con$ition th t it sh ll &e su&?ect to (en$(ent or repe l #hen the pu&lic interest so reDuires) Er nchises re lso su&?ect to lter tion &. the po#er to t x% #hich c nnot &e contr cte$ # .)

Pilipino Telephone Corp) vs) NTC% C13 SCRA :2* The constitution is e(ph tic th t the oper tion o' pu&lic utilit. sh ll not &e exclusive)

E stern Assur nce = Suret. Corp) vs) LTERB% Octo&er A% 2337* The constitution $oes not tot ll. prohi&it (onopolies) It ( n$ tes the St te to re!ul te the( #hen pu&lic interest so reDuires) Sect$on /0. The State sha'' (ro)ote the (re*erent$a' use o* &$'$($no 'abor" do)est$c )ater$a's and 'oca''y (roduced %oods" and ado(t )easures that he'( the) co)(et$t$#e. Sect$on /1. The State sha'' (ursue a trade (o'$cy that ser#es the %enera' ,e'*are and ut$'$3es a'' *or)s and arran%e)ents o* e>chan%e on the bas$s o* e-ua'$ty and rec$(roc$ty. Sect$on /2. The susta$ned de#e'o()ent o* a reser#o$r o* nat$ona' ta'ents cons$st$n% o* &$'$($no sc$ent$sts" entre(reneurs" (ro*ess$ona's" )ana%ers" h$%h7'e#e' techn$ca' )an(o,er and s;$''ed ,or;ers and cra*ts)en $n a'' *$e'ds sha'' be (ro)oted by the State. The State sha'' encoura%e a((ro(r$ate techno'o%y and re%u'ate $ts trans*er *or the nat$ona' bene*$t. The (ract$ce o* a'' (ro*ess$ons $n the .h$'$(($nes sha'' be '$)$ted to &$'$($no c$t$3ens" sa#e $n cases (rescr$bed by 'a,. Sect$on /4. The Con%ress sha'' create an a%ency to (ro)ote the #$ab$'$ty and %ro,th o* coo(erat$#es as $nstru)ents *or soc$a' +ust$ce and econo)$c de#e'o()ent.

Sect$on /. The Con%ress sha'' %$#e h$%hest (r$or$ty to the enact)ent o* )easures that (rotect and enhance the r$%ht o* a'' the (eo('e to hu)an d$%n$ty" reduce soc$a'" econo)$c" and (o'$t$ca' $ne-ua'$t$es" and re)o#e cu'tura' $ne-u$t$es by e-u$tab'y d$**us$n% ,ea'th and (o'$t$ca' (o,er *or the co))on %ood. To th$s end" the State sha'' re%u'ate the ac-u$s$t$on" o,nersh$(" use" and d$s(os$t$on o* (ro(erty and $ts $ncre)ents. Sect$on 0. The (ro)ot$on o* soc$a' +ust$ce sha'' $nc'ude the co))$t)ent to create econo)$c o((ortun$t$es based on *reedo) o* $n$t$at$#e and se'*7 re'$ance.

While the pursuit o' soci l ?ustice c n h ve revolution r. e''ect% it c nnot ?usti'. &re <in! the l #) 5Astu$illo v) Bo r$ o' "irectors% P,,C% A7 SCRA 1;6 Labor


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

Sect$on 1. The State sha'' a**ord *u'' (rotect$on to 'abor" 'oca' and o#erseas" or%an$3ed and unor%an$3ed" and (ro)ote *u'' e)('oy)ent and e-ua'$ty o* e)('oy)ent o((ortun$t$es *or a''. It sha'' %uarantee the r$%hts o* a'' ,or;ers to se'*7 or%an$3at$ons" and (eace*u' concerted act$#$t$es" $nc'ud$n% the r$%ht to str$;e $n accordance ,$th 'a,. They sha'' be ent$t'ed to secur$ty o* tenure" hu)ane cond$t$ons o* ,or;" and a '$#$n% ,a%e. They sha'' a'so (art$c$(ate $n (o'$cy and dec$s$on7)a;$n% (rocesses a**ect$n% the$r r$%hts and bene*$ts as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. The State sha'' (ro)ote the (r$nc$('e o* shared res(ons$b$'$ty bet,een ,or;ers and e)('oyers and the (re*erent$a' use o* #o'untary )odes $n sett'$n% d$s(utes" $nc'ud$n% conc$'$at$on" and sha'' en*orce the$r )utua' co)('$ance there,$th to *oster $ndustr$a' (eace. The State sha'' re%u'ate the re'at$ons bet,een ,or;ers and e)('oyers" reco%n$3$n% the r$%ht o* 'abor to $ts +ust share $n the *ru$ts o* (roduct$on and the r$%ht o* enter(r$ses to reasonab'e returns on $n#est)ents" and to e>(ans$on and %ro,th. A%rar$an and Natura' @esources @e*or) Sect$on 2. The State sha''" by 'a," underta;e an a%rar$an re*or) (ro%ra) *ounded on the r$%ht o* *ar)ers and re%u'ar *ar),or;ers" ,ho are 'and'ess" to o,n d$rect'y or co''ect$#e'y the 'ands they t$'' or" $n the case o* other *ar),or;ers" to rece$#e a +ust share o* the *ru$ts thereo*. To th$s end" the State sha'' encoura%e and underta;e the +ust d$str$but$on o* a'' a%r$cu'tura' 'ands" sub+ect to such (r$or$t$es and reasonab'e retent$on '$)$ts as the Con%ress )ay (rescr$be" ta;$n% $nto account eco'o%$ca'" de#e'o()enta'" or e-u$ty cons$derat$ons" and sub+ect to the (ay)ent o* +ust co)(ensat$on. In deter)$n$n% retent$on '$)$ts" the State sha'' res(ect the r$%hts o* s)a'' 'ando,ners. The State sha'' *urther (ro#$de $ncent$#es *or #o'untary 'and7shar$n%. Sect$on 4. The State sha'' reco%n$3e the r$%ht o* *ar)ers" *ar),or;ers" and 'ando,ners" as ,e'' as coo(erat$#es" and other $nde(endent *ar)ersC or%an$3at$ons to (art$c$(ate $n the ('ann$n%" or%an$3at$on" and )ana%e)ent o* the (ro%ra)" and sha'' (ro#$de su((ort to a%r$cu'ture throu%h a((ro(r$ate techno'o%y and research" and ade-uate *$nanc$a'" (roduct$on" )ar;et$n%" and other su((ort ser#$ces. Sect$on 5. The State sha'' a(('y the (r$nc$('es o* a%rar$an re*or) or ste,ardsh$(" ,hene#er a(('$cab'e $n accordance ,$th 'a," $n the d$s(os$t$on or ut$'$3at$on o* other natura' resources" $nc'ud$n% 'ands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n under 'ease or concess$on su$tab'e to a%r$cu'ture" sub+ect to (r$or r$%hts" ho)estead r$%hts o* s)a'' sett'ers" and the r$%hts o* $nd$%enous co))un$t$es to the$r ancestra' 'ands. The State )ay resett'e 'and'ess *ar)ers and *ar),or;ers $n $ts o,n a%r$cu'tura' estates ,h$ch sha'' be d$str$buted to the) $n the )anner (ro#$ded by 'a,. Sect$on 6. The State sha'' (rotect the r$%hts o* subs$stence *$sher)en" es(ec$a''y o* 'oca' co))un$t$es" to the (re*erent$a' use o* 'oca' )ar$ne and *$sh$n% resources" both $n'and and o**shore. It sha'' (ro#$de su((ort to such *$sher)en throu%h a((ro(r$ate techno'o%y and research" ade-uate *$nanc$a'" (roduct$on" and )ar;et$n% ass$stance" and other ser#$ces. The State sha'' a'so (rotect" de#e'o(" and conser#e such resources. The (rotect$on sha'' e>tend to o**shore *$sh$n% %rounds o* subs$stence *$sher)en a%a$nst *ore$%n $ntrus$on. &$sh,or;ers sha'' rece$#e a +ust share *ro) the$r 'abor $n the ut$'$3at$on o* )ar$ne and *$sh$n% resources. Sect$on 8. The State sha'' (ro#$de $ncent$#es to 'ando,ners to $n#est the (roceeds o* the a%rar$an re*or) (ro%ra) to (ro)ote $ndustr$a'$3at$on" e)('oy)ent creat$on" and (r$#at$3at$on o* (ub'$c sector enter(r$ses. &$nanc$a' $nstru)ents used as (ay)ent *or the$r 'ands sha'' be honored as e-u$ty $n enter(r$ses o* the$r cho$ce. Urban Land @e*or) and ?ous$n% Sect$on 9. The State sha''" by 'a," and *or the co))on %ood" underta;e" $n coo(erat$on ,$th the (ub'$c sector" a cont$nu$n% (ro%ra) o* urban 'and re*or) and hous$n% ,h$ch ,$'' )a;e a#a$'ab'e at a**ordab'e cost decent hous$n% and bas$c ser#$ces to under(r$#$'e%ed and ho)e'ess c$t$3ens $n urban centers and resett'e)ent areas. It sha'' a'so (ro)ote ade-uate e)('oy)ent o((ortun$t$es to such c$t$3ens. In the $)('e)entat$on o* such (ro%ra) the State sha'' res(ect the r$%hts o* s)a'' (ro(erty o,ners. Sect$on /:. Urban or rura' (oor d,e''ers sha'' not be e#$cted nor the$r d,e''$n%s de)o'$shed" e>ce(t $n accordance ,$th 'a, and $n a +ust and hu)ane )anner. No resett'e)ent o* urban and rura' d,e''ers sha'' be underta;en ,$thout ade-uate consu'tat$on ,$th the) and the co))un$t$es ,here they are to be re'ocated.

?ea'th Sect$on //. The State sha'' ado(t an $nte%rated and co)(rehens$#e a((roach to hea'th de#e'o()ent ,h$ch sha'' endea#or to )a;e essent$a' %oods" hea'th and other soc$a' ser#$ces a#a$'ab'e to a'' (eo('e at a**ordab'e cost. There sha'' be (r$or$ty *or the needs o* the under(r$#$'e%ed s$c;" e'der'y" d$sab'ed" ,o)en" and ch$'dren. The State sha'' endea#or to (ro#$de *ree )ed$ca' care to (au(ers. Sect$on /0. The State sha'' estab'$sh and )a$nta$n an e**ect$#e *ood and dru% re%u'atory syste) and underta;e a((ro(r$ate hea'th )an(o,er de#e'o()ent and research" res(ons$#e to the countryCs hea'th needs and (rob'e)s. Sect$on /1. The State sha'' estab'$sh a s(ec$a' a%ency *or d$sab'ed (ersons *or rehab$'$tat$on" se'*7 de#e'o()ent and se'*7re'$ance" and the$r $nte%rat$on $nto the )a$nstrea) o* soc$ety.

!o)en Sect$on /2. The State sha'' (rotect ,or;$n% ,o)en by (ro#$d$n% sa*e and hea'th*u' ,or;$n% cond$t$ons" ta;$n% $nto account the$r )aterna' *unct$ons" and such *ac$'$t$es and o((ortun$t$es that ,$'' enhance the$r ,e'*are and enab'e the) to rea'$3e the$r *u'' (otent$a' $n the ser#$ce o* the nat$on.

@o'e and @$%hts o* .eo('eCs Or%an$3at$ons Sect$on /4. The State sha'' res(ect the ro'e o* $nde(endent (eo('eCs or%an$3at$ons to enab'e the


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

(eo('e to (ursue and (rotect" ,$th$n the de)ocrat$c *ra)e,or;" the$r 'e%$t$)ate and co''ect$#e $nterests and as($rat$ons throu%h (eace*u' and 'a,*u' )eans. People's organizations are bona *$de assoc$at$ons o* c$t$3ens ,$th de)onstrated ca(ac$ty to (ro)ote the (ub'$c $nterest and ,$th $dent$*$ab'e 'eadersh$(" )e)bersh$(" and structure. Sect$on /5. The r$%ht o* the (eo('e and the$r or%an$3at$ons to e**ect$#e and reasonab'e (art$c$(at$on at a'' 'e#e's o* soc$a'" (o'$t$ca'" and econo)$c dec$s$on7)a;$n% sha'' not be abr$d%ed. The State sha''" by 'a," *ac$'$tate the estab'$sh)ent o* ade-uate consu'tat$on )echan$s)s. ,+>AN RI/,TS (9 @e-uest the ass$stance o* any de(art)ent" bureau" o**$ce" or a%ency $n the (er*or)ance o* $ts *unct$ons= (/: A((o$nt $ts o**$cers and e)('oyees $n accordance ,$th 'a,= and (// .er*or) such other dut$es and *unct$ons as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. Sect$on /9. The Con%ress )ay (ro#$de *or other cases o* #$o'at$ons o* hu)an r$%hts that shou'd *a'' ,$th$n the author$ty o* the Co))$ss$on" ta;$n% $nto account $ts reco))endat$ons.

Sect$on /6. (/ There $s hereby created an $nde(endent o**$ce ca''ed Co))$ss$on on ?u)an @$%hts. (0 The Co))$ss$on sha'' be co)(osed o* a Cha$r)an and *our Me)bers ,ho )ust be natura'7born c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes and a )a+or$ty o* ,ho) sha'' be )e)bers o* the Bar. The ter) o* o**$ce and other -ua'$*$cat$ons and d$sab$'$t$es o* the Me)bers o* the Co))$ss$on sha'' be (ro#$ded by 'a,. (1 Unt$' th$s Co))$ss$on $s const$tuted" the e>$st$n% .res$dent$a' Co))$ttee on ?u)an @$%hts sha'' cont$nue to e>erc$se $ts (resent *unct$ons and (o,ers. (2 The a((ro#ed annua' a((ro(r$at$ons o* the Co))$ss$on sha'' be auto)at$ca''y and re%u'ar'y re'eased. Sect$on /8. The Co))$ss$on on ?u)an @$%hts sha'' ha#e the *o''o,$n% (o,ers and *unct$ons< (/ In#est$%ate" on $ts o,n or on co)('a$nt by any (arty" a'' *or)s o* hu)an r$%hts #$o'at$ons $n#o'#$n% c$#$' and (o'$t$ca' r$%hts= (0 Ado(t $ts o(erat$ona' %u$de'$nes and ru'es o* (rocedure" and c$te *or conte)(t *or #$o'at$ons thereo* $n accordance ,$th the @u'es o* Court= (1 .ro#$de a((ro(r$ate 'e%a' )easures *or the (rotect$on o* hu)an r$%hts o* a'' (ersons ,$th$n the .h$'$(($nes" as ,e'' as &$'$($nos res$d$n% abroad" and (ro#$de *or (re#ent$#e )easures and 'e%a' a$d ser#$ces to the under(r$#$'e%ed ,hose hu)an r$%hts ha#e been #$o'ated or need (rotect$on= (2 E>erc$se #$s$tor$a' (o,ers o#er +a$'s" (r$sons" or detent$on *ac$'$t$es= (4 Estab'$sh a cont$nu$n% (ro%ra) o* research" educat$on" ad $n*or)at$on to enhance res(ect *or the (r$)acy o* hu)an r$%hts= (5 @eco))end to the Con%ress e**ect$#e )easures to (ro)ote hu)an r$%hts and to (ro#$de *or co)(ensat$on to #$ct$)s o* #$o'at$ons o* hu)an r$%hts" or the$r *a)$'$es= (6 Mon$tor the .h$'$(($ne Go#ern)entCs co)('$ance ,$th $nternat$ona' treaty ob'$%at$ons on hu)an r$%hts= (8 Grant $))un$ty *ro) (rosecut$on to any (erson ,hose test$)ony or ,hose (ossess$on o* docu)ents or other e#$dence $s necessary or con#en$ent to deter)$ne the truth $n any $n#est$%at$on conducted by $t or under $ts author$ty=

Re $ EP4A VS% ,R0 Si(on vs) Co() on ,u( n Ri!hts% 228 SCRA 11A3* li(ite$ to viol tions o' civil n$ politic l ri!hts onl. either &. !overn(ent o''ici l or priv te in$ivi$u l)

,u( n Securit. Act* !r ntin! n$ prosecutori l po#ers to the C,R o' hu( n ri!hts - re'er to Section such other 'unctions n$ $uties provi$e$ &. l #)

$?u$ic tor. re viol tions ; - per'or( s ( . &e

C,REA vs) C,R% Nove(&er 2;% 233C* The C,R% lthou!h $(itte$l. constitution l cre tion is% nonetheless% not inclu$e$ in the !enus o' o''ices ccor$e$ 'isc l utono(. &. constitution l or le!isl tive 'i t)

People vs) Le chon% 188:* The constitution l reDuire(ent th t the eviction n$ $e(olition &e in ccor$ nce #ith l # n$ con$ucte$ in ?ust n$ hu( ne ( nner $oes not (e n v li$it. or le! lit. o' the $e(olition or eviction is hin!e$ on the existence o' resettle(ent re $esi!n te$ or e r( r<e$ &. the !overn(ent) ARTICLE +IV ESTACS Educat$on" Sc$ence and Techno'o%y" Arts" Cu'ture" and S(orts ACA"E>IC EREE"O>

Sect$on /. The State sha'' (rotect and (ro)ote the r$%ht o* a'' c$t$3ens to -ua'$ty educat$on at a'' 'e#e's and sha'' ta;e a((ro(r$ate ste(s to )a;e such educat$on access$b'e to a''. Sect$on 0. The State sha''< (/ Estab'$sh" )a$nta$n" and su((ort a co)('ete" ade-uate" and $nte%rated syste) o* educat$on re'e#ant to the needs o* the (eo('e and soc$ety= (0 Estab'$sh and )a$nta$n a syste) o* *ree (ub'$c educat$on $n the e'e)entary and h$%h schoo' 'e#e's. !$thout '$)$t$n% the natura' r$%ht o* (arents to rear the$r ch$'dren" e'e)entary educat$on $s co)(u'sory *or a'' ch$'dren o* schoo' a%e= (1 Estab'$sh and )a$nta$n a syste) o* scho'arsh$( %rants" student 'oan (ro%ra)s" subs$d$es" and other $ncent$#es ,h$ch sha'' be a#a$'ab'e to deser#$n% students $n both (ub'$c and (r$#ate schoo's" es(ec$a''y to the under(r$#$'e%ed= (2 Encoura%e non7*or)a'" $n*or)a'" and $nd$%enous 'earn$n% syste)s" as ,e'' as se'*7'earn$n%"


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$nde(endent" and out7o*7schoo' study (ro%ra)s (art$cu'ar'y those that res(ond to co))un$ty needs= and (4 .ro#$de adu't c$t$3ens" the d$sab'ed" and out7o*7 schoo' youth ,$th tra$n$n% $n c$#$cs" #ocat$ona' e**$c$ency" and other s;$''s. Sect$on 1. (/ A'' educat$ona' $nst$tut$ons sha'' $nc'ude the study o* the Const$tut$on as (art o* the curr$cu'a. (0 They sha'' $ncu'cate (atr$ot$s) and nat$ona'$s)" *oster 'o#e o* hu)an$ty" res(ect *or hu)an r$%hts" a((rec$at$on o* the ro'e o* nat$ona' heroes $n the h$stor$ca' de#e'o()ent o* the country" teach the r$%hts and dut$es o* c$t$3ensh$(" stren%then eth$ca' and s($r$tua' #a'ues" de#e'o( )ora' character and (ersona' d$sc$('$ne" encoura%e cr$t$ca' and creat$#e th$n;$n%" broaden sc$ent$*$c and techno'o%$ca' ;no,'ed%e" and (ro)ote #ocat$ona' e**$c$ency. (1 At the o(t$on e>(ressed $n ,r$t$n% by the (arents or %uard$ans" re'$%$on sha'' be a''o,ed to be tau%ht to the$r ch$'dren or ,ards $n (ub'$c e'e)entary and h$%h schoo's ,$th$n the re%u'ar c'ass hours by $nstructors des$%nated or a((ro#ed by the re'$%$ous author$t$es o* the re'$%$on to ,h$ch the ch$'dren or ,ards be'on%" ,$thout add$t$ona' cost to the Go#ern)ent. Sect$on 2. (/ The State reco%n$3es the co)('e)entary ro'es o* (ub'$c and (r$#ate $nst$tut$ons $n the educat$ona' syste) and sha'' e>erc$se reasonab'e su(er#$s$on and re%u'at$on o* a'' educat$ona' $nst$tut$ons. (0 Educat$ona' $nst$tut$ons" other than those estab'$shed by re'$%$ous %rou(s and )$ss$on boards" sha'' be o,ned so'e'y by c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes or cor(orat$ons or assoc$at$ons at 'east s$>ty (er centu) o* the ca($ta' o* ,h$ch $s o,ned by such c$t$3ens. The Con%ress )ay" ho,e#er" re-u$re $ncreased &$'$($no e-u$ty (art$c$(at$on $n a'' educat$ona' $nst$tut$ons. The contro' and ad)$n$strat$on o* educat$ona' $nst$tut$ons sha'' be #ested $n c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes. No educat$ona' $nst$tut$on sha'' be estab'$shed e>c'us$#e'y *or a'$ens and no %rou( o* a'$ens sha'' co)(r$se )ore than one7th$rd o* the enro'')ent $n any schoo'. The (ro#$s$ons o* th$s subsect$on sha'' not a(('y to schoo's estab'$shed *or *ore$%n d$('o)at$c (ersonne' and the$r de(endents and" un'ess other,$se (ro#$ded by 'a," *or other *ore$%n te)(orary res$dents. (1 A'' re#enues and assets o* non7stoc;" non7(ro*$t educat$ona' $nst$tut$ons used actua''y" d$rect'y" and e>c'us$#e'y *or educat$ona' (ur(oses sha'' be e>e)(t *ro) ta>es and dut$es. U(on the d$sso'ut$on or cessat$on o* the cor(orate e>$stence o* such $nst$tut$ons" the$r assets sha'' be d$s(osed o* $n the )anner (ro#$ded by 'a,. .ro(r$ety educat$ona' $nst$tut$ons" $nc'ud$n% those coo(erat$#e'y o,ned" )ay '$;e,$se be ent$t'ed to such e>e)(t$ons sub+ect to the '$)$tat$ons (ro#$ded by 'a, $nc'ud$n% restr$ct$ons on d$#$dends and (ro#$s$ons *or re$n#est)ent. (2 Sub+ect to cond$t$ons (rescr$bed by 'a," a'' %rants" endo,)ents" donat$ons" or contr$but$ons used actua''y" d$rect'y" and e>c'us$#e'y *or educat$ona' (ur(oses sha'' be e>e)(t *ro) ta>. Sect$on 4. (/ The State sha'' ta;e $nto account re%$ona' and sectora' needs and cond$t$ons and sha'' encoura%e 'oca' ('ann$n% $n the de#e'o()ent o* educat$ona' (o'$c$es and (ro%ra)s. (2) Academic freedom shall be enjo ed in all institutions of higher learning. (1 E#ery c$t$3en has a r$%ht to se'ect a (ro*ess$on or course o* study" sub+ect to *a$r" reasonab'e" and e-u$tab'e ad)$ss$on and acade)$c re-u$re)ents. (2 The State sha'' enhance the r$%ht o* teachers to (ro*ess$ona' ad#ance)ent. Non7teach$n% acade)$c and non7acade)$c (ersonne' sha'' en+oy the (rotect$on o* the State. (4 The State sha'' ass$%n the h$%hest bud%etary (r$or$ty to educat$on and ensure that teach$n% ,$'' attract and reta$n $ts r$%ht*u' share o* the best a#a$'ab'e ta'ents throu%h ade-uate re)unerat$on and other )eans o* +ob sat$s*act$on and *u'*$'')ent.

Ero( st n$point o' the e$uc tion l institution n$ the (e(&ers o' the c $e(e) The Supre(e Court sust ine$ the pri( c. o' c $e(ic 'ree$o( over Civil service rules on AWOL% stressin! #hen +P opte$ to ret in priv te petitioner n$ even pro(ote$ hi( $espite his &sence% the +niversit. # s exercisin! its 'ree$o( to choose #ho ( . te ch or #ho ( . continue to te ch its ' cult. 5+P% et l) vs) CSC% April 7% 23316)

>or les vs) +P Bo r$ o' Re!ents% "ece(&er 17% 233C* As enunci te$ &. this Court in the c se o' +niversit. o' S n C rlos v) Court o' Appe ls% the $iscretion o' schools o' le rnin! to 'or(ul te rules n$ !ui$elines in the !r ntin! o' honors 'or purposes o' !r $u tion 'or(s p rt o' c $e(ic 'ree$o() An$ such $iscretion ( . not &e $istur&e$ (uch less controlle$ &. the courts% unless there is !r ve &use o' $iscretion in its exercise) There'ore% &sent n. sho#in! o' !r ve &use o' $iscretion% the courts ( . not $istur& the +niversit.Ls $ecision not to con'er honors to petitioner)

L cuest vs) Ateneo% "ece(&er 8% 233;* Consistent #ith c $e(ic 'ree$o( n$ constitution l utono(.% n institution o' hi!her le rnin! h s the prero! tive to provi$e st n$ r$s 'or its te chers n$ $eter(ine #hether these st n$ r$s h ve &een (et) At the en$ o' the pro& tion perio$% the $ecision to re-hire n e( on pro& tion% &elon!s to the universit. s the e( lone)

+P vs) CSC% April 7% 2331* The +niversit. h s the c $e(ic 'ree$o( to $eter(ine 'or itsel' on c $e(ic !roun$s #ho ( . te ch% #h t ( . &e t u!ht% ho# it sh ll &e t u!ht% n$ #ho ( . &e $(itte$ to stu$.)N Cle rl.% this 'ree$o( enco(p sses the utono(. to choose #ho shoul$ te ch n$% conco(it nt there#ith% #ho shoul$ &e ret ine$ in its rolls o' pro'essors n$ other c $e(ic personnel) This Court $ecl re$ in Ateneo $e > nil +niversit. v) C pulon!* MAs corpor te entities% e$uc tion l institutions o' hi!her le rnin! re inherentl. en$o#e$ #ith the ri!ht to est &lish their policies% c $e(ic n$ other#ise% unh (pere$ &. extern l controls or pressure)N Lan%ua%e


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Sect$on /4. Arts and 'etters sha'' en+oy the (atrona%e o* the State. The State sha'' conser#e" (ro)ote" and (o(u'ar$3e the nat$onCs h$stor$ca' and cu'tura' her$ta%e and resources" as ,e'' as art$st$c creat$ons. Sect$on /5. A'' the countryCs art$st$c and h$stor$c ,ea'th const$tutes the cu'tura' treasure o* the nat$on and sha'' be under the (rotect$on o* the State ,h$ch )ay re%u'ate $ts d$s(os$t$on. Sect$on /6. The State sha'' reco%n$3e" res(ect" and (rotect the r$%hts o* $nd$%enous cu'tura' co))un$t$es to (reser#e and de#e'o( the$r cu'tures" trad$t$ons" and $nst$tut$ons. It sha'' cons$der these r$%hts $n the *or)u'at$on o* nat$ona' ('ans and (o'$c$es. Sect$on /8. (/ The State sha'' ensure e-ua' access to cu'tura' o((ortun$t$es throu%h the educat$ona' syste)" (ub'$c or (r$#ate cu'tura' ent$t$es" scho'arsh$(s" %rants and other $ncent$#es" and co))un$ty cu'tura' centers" and other (ub'$c #enues. (0 The State sha'' encoura%e and su((ort researches and stud$es on the arts and cu'ture. S(orts Sect$on /9. (/ The State sha'' (ro)ote (hys$ca' educat$on and encoura%e s(orts (ro%ra)s" 'ea%ue co)(et$t$ons" and a)ateur s(orts" $nc'ud$n% tra$n$n% *or $nternat$ona' co)(et$t$ons" to *oster se'*7 d$sc$('$ne" tea),or;" and e>ce''ence *or the de#e'o()ent o* a hea'thy and a'ert c$t$3enry. (0 A'' educat$ona' $nst$tut$ons sha'' underta;e re%u'ar s(orts act$#$t$es throu%hout the country $n coo(erat$on ,$th ath'et$c c'ubs and other sectors. ARTICLE +V FAMILY

Sect$on 5. The nat$ona' 'an%ua%e o* the .h$'$(($nes $s &$'$($no. As $t e#o'#es" $t sha'' be *urther de#e'o(ed and enr$ched on the bas$s o* e>$st$n% .h$'$(($ne and other 'an%ua%es. Sub+ect to (ro#$s$ons o* 'a, and as the Con%ress )ay dee) a((ro(r$ate" the Go#ern)ent sha'' ta;e ste(s to $n$t$ate and susta$n the use o* &$'$($no as a )ed$u) o* o**$c$a' co))un$cat$on and as 'an%ua%e o* $nstruct$on $n the educat$ona' syste). Sect$on 6. &or (ur(oses o* co))un$cat$on and $nstruct$on" the o**$c$a' 'an%ua%es o* the .h$'$(($nes are &$'$($no and" unt$' other,$se (ro#$ded by 'a," En%'$sh. The re%$ona' 'an%ua%es are the au>$'$ary o**$c$a' 'an%ua%es $n the re%$ons and sha'' ser#e as au>$'$ary )ed$a o* $nstruct$on there$n. S(an$sh and Arab$c sha'' be (ro)oted on a #o'untary and o(t$ona' bas$s. Sect$on 8. Th$s Const$tut$on sha'' be (ro)u'%ated $n &$'$($no and En%'$sh and sha'' be trans'ated $nto )a+or re%$ona' 'an%ua%es" Arab$c" and S(an$sh. Sect$on 9. The Con%ress sha'' estab'$sh a nat$ona' 'an%ua%e co))$ss$on co)(osed o* re(resentat$#es o* #ar$ous re%$ons and d$sc$('$nes ,h$ch sha'' underta;e" coord$nate" and (ro)ote researches *or the de#e'o()ent" (ro(a%at$on" and (reser#at$on o* &$'$($no and other 'an%ua%es. Sc$ence and Techno'o%y Sect$on /:. Sc$ence and techno'o%y are essent$a' *or nat$ona' de#e'o()ent and (ro%ress. The State sha'' %$#e (r$or$ty to research and de#e'o()ent" $n#ent$on" $nno#at$on" and the$r ut$'$3at$on= and to sc$ence and techno'o%y educat$on" tra$n$n%" and ser#$ces. It sha'' su((ort $nd$%enous" a((ro(r$ate" and se'*7re'$ant sc$ent$*$c and techno'o%$ca' ca(ab$'$t$es" and the$r a(('$cat$on to the countryCs (roduct$#e syste)s and nat$ona' '$*e. Sect$on //. The Con%ress )ay (ro#$de *or $ncent$#es" $nc'ud$n% ta> deduct$ons" to encoura%e (r$#ate (art$c$(at$on $n (ro%ra)s o* bas$c and a(('$ed sc$ent$*$c research. Scho'arsh$(s" %rants7$n7a$d" or other *or)s o* $ncent$#es sha'' be (ro#$ded to deser#$n% sc$ence students" researchers" sc$ent$sts" $n#entors" techno'o%$sts" and s(ec$a''y %$*ted c$t$3ens. Sect$on /0. The State sha'' re%u'ate the trans*er and (ro)ote the ada(tat$on o* techno'o%y *ro) a'' sources *or the nat$ona' bene*$t. It sha'' encoura%e the ,$dest (art$c$(at$on o* (r$#ate %rou(s" 'oca' %o#ern)ents" and co))un$ty7based or%an$3at$ons $n the %enerat$on and ut$'$3at$on o* sc$ence and techno'o%y. Sect$on /1. The State sha'' (rotect and secure the e>c'us$#e r$%hts o* sc$ent$sts" $n#entors" art$sts" and other %$*ted c$t$3ens to the$r $nte''ectua' (ro(erty and creat$ons" (art$cu'ar'y ,hen bene*$c$a' to the (eo('e" *or such (er$od as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. Arts and Cu'ture Sect$on /2. The State sha'' *oster the (reser#at$on" enr$ch)ent" and dyna)$c e#o'ut$on o* a &$'$($no nat$ona' cu'ture based on the (r$nc$('e o* un$ty $n d$#ers$ty $n a c'$)ate o* *ree art$st$c and $nte''ectua' e>(ress$on.

Re $ in rel tion t#o-chil$ polic. n$ $ivorce)

Sect$on /. The State reco%n$3es the &$'$($no *a)$'y as the *oundat$on o* the nat$on. Accord$n%'y" $t sha'' stren%then $ts so'$dar$ty and act$#e'y (ro)ote $ts tota' de#e'o()ent. Sect$on 0. Marr$a%e" as an $n#$o'ab'e soc$a' $nst$tut$on" $s the *oundat$on o* the *a)$'y and sha'' be (rotected by the State. Sect$on 1. The State sha'' de*end< (/ The r$%ht o* s(ouses to *ound a *a)$'y $n accordance ,$th the$r re'$%$ous con#$ct$ons and the de)ands o* res(ons$b'e (arenthood= (0 The r$%ht o* ch$'dren to ass$stance" $nc'ud$n% (ro(er care and nutr$t$on" and s(ec$a' (rotect$on *ro) a'' *or)s o* ne%'ect" abuse" crue'ty" e>('o$tat$on" and other cond$t$ons (re+ud$c$a' to the$r de#e'o()ent= (1 The r$%ht o* the *a)$'y to a *a)$'y '$#$n% ,a%e and $nco)e= and (2 The r$%ht o* *a)$'$es or *a)$'y assoc$at$ons to (art$c$(ate $n the ('ann$n% and $)('e)entat$on o* (o'$c$es and (ro%ra)s that a**ect the). Sect$on 2. The *a)$'y has the duty to care *or $ts e'der'y )e)bers but the State )ay a'so do so throu%h +ust (ro%ra)s o* soc$a' secur$ty.


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ARTICLE +VI GENERAL PROVISIONS Sect$on /. The *'a% o* the .h$'$(($nes sha'' be red" ,h$te" and b'ue" ,$th a sun an three stars" as consecrated and honored by the (eo('e and reco%n$3ed by 'a,. Sect$on 0. The Con%ress )ay" by 'a," ado(t a ne, na)e *or the country" a nat$ona' anthe)" or a nat$ona' sea'" ,h$ch sha'' be tru'y re*'ect$#e and sy)bo'$c o* the $dea's" h$story" and trad$t$ons o* the (eo('e. Such 'a, sha'' ta;e e**ect on'y u(on $ts rat$*$cat$on by the (eo('e $n a nat$ona' re*erendu). I>>+NITJ OE T,E STATE ERO> S+IT 5Re $ !ener l principles6 Sect$on 1. The State )ay not be sued ,$thout $ts consent. Sect$on 2. The Ar)ed &orces o* the .h$'$(($nes sha'' be co)(osed o* a c$t$3en ar)ed *orce ,h$ch sha'' under%o )$'$tary tra$n$n% and ser#e" as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. It sha'' ;ee( a re%u'ar *orce necessary *or the secur$ty o* the State. Sect$on 4. (/ A'' )e)bers o* the ar)ed *orces sha'' ta;e an oath or a**$r)at$on to u(ho'd and de*end th$s Const$tut$on. (0 The State sha'' stren%then the (atr$ot$c s($r$t and nat$ona'$st consc$ousness o* the )$'$tary" and res(ect *or (eo('eCs r$%hts $n the (er*or)ance o* the$r duty. (1 .ro*ess$ona'$s) $n the ar)ed *orces and ade-uate re)unerat$on and bene*$ts o* $ts )e)bers sha'' be a (r$)e concern o* the State. The ar)ed *orces sha'' be $nsu'ated *ro) (art$san (o'$t$cs. No )e)ber o* the )$'$tary sha'' en%a%e d$rect'y or $nd$rect'y $n any (art$san (o'$t$ca' act$#$ty" e>ce(t to #ote. (2 No )e)ber o* the ar)ed *orces $n the act$#e ser#$ce sha''" at any t$)e" be a((o$nted or des$%nated $n any ca(ac$ty to a c$#$'$an (os$t$on $n the Go#ern)ent $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons or any o* the$r subs$d$ar$es. (4 La,s on ret$re)ent o* )$'$tary o**$cers sha'' not a''o, e>tens$on o* the$r ser#$ce. (5 The o**$cers and )en o* the re%u'ar *orce o* the ar)ed *orces sha'' be recru$ted (ro(ort$onate'y *ro) a'' (ro#$nces and c$t$es as *ar as (ract$cab'e. (6 The tour o* duty o* the Ch$e* o* Sta** o* the Ar)ed *orces sha'' not e>ceed three years. ?o,e#er" $n t$)es o* ,ar or other nat$ona' e)er%ency dec'ared by the Con%ress" the .res$dent )ay e>tend such tour o* duty. NATIONAL POLICE EORCE

Alun n vs) Asuncion% B nu r. 2:% 2333* The ne# PNP &sor&e$ the (e(&ers o' the 'or(er NAPOLCO>% PC n$ INP% ll three o' #hich ccor$in!l. &olishe$)

Pro'ession lis( o' the AEP c nnot en! !e% $irectl. or in$irectl.% in n. p rtis n politic l ctivit.% except to vote) The. c nnot &e ppointe$ to civili n position in the !overn(ent% inclu$in! /OCCs or their su&si$i ries) IBP vs) 4 (or * Since none o' the ( rines #ere incorpor te$ or enliste$ s (e(&ers o' the PNP% there c n &e no ppoint(ent to civili n position to spe < o') Sect$on 6. The State sha'' (ro#$de $))ed$ate and ade-uate care" bene*$ts" and other *or)s o* ass$stance to ,ar #eterans and #eterans o* )$'$tary ca)(a$%ns" the$r sur#$#$n% s(ouses and or(hans. &unds sha'' be (ro#$ded there*or and due cons$derat$on sha'' be %$#en the) $n the d$s(os$t$on o* a%r$cu'tura' 'ands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n and" $n a((ro(r$ate cases" $n the ut$'$3at$on o* natura' resources. Sect$on 8. The State sha''" *ro) t$)e to t$)e" re#$e, to u(%rade the (ens$ons and other bene*$ts due to ret$rees o* both the %o#ern)ent and the (r$#ate sectors. Sect$on 9. The State sha'' (rotect consu)ers *ro) trade )a'(ract$ces and *ro) substandard or ha3ardous (roducts. Sect$on /:. The State sha'' (ro#$de the (o'$cy en#$ron)ent *or the *u'' de#e'o()ent o* &$'$($no ca(ab$'$ty and the e)er%ence o* co))un$cat$on structures su$tab'e to the needs and as($rat$ons o* the nat$on and the ba'anced *'o, o* $n*or)at$on $nto" out o*" and across the country" $n accordance ,$th a (o'$cy that res(ects the *reedo) o* s(eech and o* the (ress. Sect$on //. (/ The o,nersh$( and )ana%e)ent o* )ass )ed$a sha'' be '$)$ted to c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes" or to cor(orat$ons" coo(erat$#es or assoc$at$ons" ,ho''y7o,ned and )ana%ed by such c$t$3ens. The Con%ress sha'' re%u'ate or (roh$b$t )ono(o'$es $n co))erc$a' )ass )ed$a ,hen the (ub'$c $nterest so re-u$res. No co)b$nat$ons $n restra$nt o* trade or un*a$r co)(et$t$on there$n sha'' be a''o,ed. (0 The ad#ert$s$n% $ndustry $s $)(ressed ,$th (ub'$c $nterest" and sha'' be re%u'ated by 'a, *or the (rotect$on o* consu)ers and the (ro)ot$on o* the %enera' ,e'*are. On'y &$'$($no c$t$3ens or cor(orat$ons or assoc$at$ons at 'east se#enty (er centu) o* the ca($ta' o* ,h$ch $s o,ned by such c$t$3ens sha'' be a''o,ed to en%a%e $n the ad#ert$s$n% $ndustry. The (art$c$(at$on o* *ore$%n $n#estors $n the %o#ern$n% body o* ent$t$es $n such $ndustry sha'' be '$)$ted to the$r (ro(ort$onate share $n the ca($ta' thereo*" and a'' the e>ecut$#e and )ana%$n% o**$cers o* such ent$t$es )ust be c$t$3ens o* the .h$'$(($nes.

Sect$on 5. The State sha'' estab'$sh and )a$nta$n one (o'$ce *orce" ,h$ch sha'' be nat$ona' $n sco(e and c$#$'$an $n character" to be ad)$n$stered and contro''ed by a nat$ona' (o'$ce co))$ss$on. The author$ty o* 'oca' e>ecut$#es o#er the (o'$ce un$ts $n the$r +ur$sd$ct$on sha'' be (ro#$ded by 'a,.

+n$er the "IL/ 5C rpio Secret r.% 239 SCRA 2836)




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OPERATION OE P+BLIC +TILITIES 93R Eilipino o#nership >ASS >E"IA 133R Eilipino o#nership A"VERSTISIN/ IN"+STRJ

SANTIA/O VS) CO>ELEC% 2A3 SCRA 139* RA 9A7; is insu''icient in provi$in! 'or (ech nis( to !overn initi tives 'or constitution l (en$(ents) While the Constitution reco!niFes the ri!ht o' citiFens to propose (en$(ents% the people c nnot exercise such until Con!ress provi$es 'or its i(ple(ent tion)

A3R Eilipino o#nership

E"+CATIONAL INSTIT+TION 93R% except* Schools est &lishe$ &. reli!ious !roups n$ (ission &o r$s) Sect$on /0. The Con%ress )ay create a consu'tat$#e body to ad#$se the .res$dent on (o'$c$es a**ect$n% $nd$%enous cu'tura' co))un$t$es" the )a+or$ty o* the )e)bers o* ,h$ch sha'' co)e *ro) such co))un$t$es. ARTICLE +VII AMENDMENTS OR REVISIONS Sect$on /. Any a)end)ent to" or re#$s$on o*" th$s Const$tut$on )ay be (ro(osed by< (/ The Con%ress" u(on a #ote o* three7*ourths o* a'' $ts Me)bers= or (0 A const$tut$ona' con#ent$on.

LA>BINO VS)% ET AL) VS) CO>ELEC% Octo&er 2;% 2339* Cle rl.% the 'r (ers o' the Constitution inten$e$ th t the M$r 't o' the propose$ constitution l (en$(entN shoul$ &e Mre $. n$ sho#nN to the people M&e'oreN the. si!n such propos l) The 'r (ers pl inl. st te$ th t M&e'ore the. si!n there is lre $. $r 't sho#n to the()N The 'r (ers lso Menvisione$N th t the people shoul$ si!n on the propos l itsel' &ec use the proponents (ust Mprep re th t propos l n$ p ss it roun$ 'or si!n ture)N The essence o' (en$(ents M$irectl. propose$ &. the people throu!h initi tive upon petitionN is th t the entire propos l on its ' ce is petition &. the people) This (e ns t#o essenti l ele(ents (ust &e present) Eirst% the people (ust uthor n$ thus si!n the entire propos l) No !ent or represent tive c n si!n on their &eh l') Secon$% s n initi tive upon petition% the propos l (ust &e e(&o$ie$ in petition) "OCTRINE OE PROPER S+B>ISSION

Sect$on 0. A)end)ents to th$s Const$tut$on )ay '$;e,$se be d$rect'y (ro(osed by the (eo('e throu%h $n$t$at$#e u(on a (et$t$on o* at 'east t,e'#e (er centu) o* the tota' nu)ber o* re%$stered #oters" o* ,h$ch e#ery 'e%$s'at$#e d$str$ct )ust be re(resented by at 'east three (er centu) o* the re%$stered #oters there$n. No a)end)ent under th$s sect$on sha'' be author$3ed ,$th$n *$#e years *o''o,$n% the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on nor o*tener than once e#ery *$#e years therea*ter. The Con%ress sha'' (ro#$de *or the $)('e)entat$on o* the e>erc$se o* th$s r$%ht. Sect$on 1. The Con%ress )ay" by a #ote o* t,o7th$rds o* a'' $ts Me)bers" ca'' a const$tut$ona' con#ent$on" or by a )a+or$ty #ote o* a'' $ts Me)bers" sub)$t to the e'ectorate the -uest$on o* ca''$n% such a con#ent$on. Sect$on 2. Any a)end)ent to" or re#$s$on o*" th$s Const$tut$on under Sect$on / hereo* sha'' be #a'$d ,hen rat$*$ed by a )a+or$ty o* the #otes cast $n a ('eb$sc$te ,h$ch sha'' be he'd not ear'$er than s$>ty days nor 'ater than n$nety days a*ter the a((ro#a' o* such a)end)ent or re#$s$on. Any a)end)ent under Sect$on 0 hereo* sha'' be #a'$d ,hen rat$*$ed by a )a+or$ty o* the #otes cast $n a ('eb$sc$te ,h$ch sha'' be he'd not ear'$er than s$>ty days nor 'ater than n$nety days a*ter the cert$*$cat$on by the Co))$ss$on on E'ect$ons o* the su**$c$ency o* the (et$t$on.

/ON4ALES VS) CO>ELEC% 21 SCRA AAC* The po#er to (en$ the Constitution or to propose (en$(ents is not inclu$e$ in the !ener l !r nt o' le!isl tive po#er to Con!ress) It is p rt o' the inherent po#ers o' the people s the repositor. o' soverei!nt. in repu&lic n st te) Con!ress ( . propose (en$(ents to the Constitution (erel. &ec use the s (e explicitl. !r nts such po#er) ,ence% #hen exercisin! the s (e% it is s i$ th t Sen tors n$ >e(&ers o' the ,ouse o' Represent tives ct% not s (e(&ers o' Con!ress% &ut s co(ponent ele(ents o' Constituent Asse(&l.)

When Con!ress% ctin! s Constituent Asse(&l.% ( <es propos ls 'or (en$(ents% it $oes not h ve the 'in l s . on #hether or not its cts re #ithin constitution l li(its- n issue #hich is cle rl. su&?ect to ?u$ici l revie#)

There is nothin! to in$ic te th t speci l election is ll ti(es necess r. in the r ti'ic tion o' (en$(ents) A ple&iscite ( . &e v li$l. hel$ to!ether #ith !ener l elections)

TOLENTINO VS) CO>ELEC% C1 SCRA A32* There c n &e no piece (e l r ti'ic tion) Presi$enti l procl ( tion is not reDuire$ 'or e''ectivit. o' (en$(ent1revisions) +NLESS% the propose$ (en$(ents1revisions so provi$e) ARTICLE +VIII TRANSITORY PROVISIONS Sect$on /. The *$rst e'ect$ons o* the Me)bers o* the Con%ress under th$s Const$tut$on sha'' be he'd on the second Monday o* May" /986.

I>BON/ VS) CO>ELEC% 7; SCRA 2:* Con!ress #hen ctin! s Constituent Asse(&l. h s 'ull n$ plen r. po#ers to propose (en$(ents or to c ll convention) The !r nt to Con!ress s Constituent Asse(&l. o' such plen r. uthorit. inclu$es% &. virtue o' the $octrine o' necess r. i(plic tion% ll po#ers necess r. to the e''ective exercise o' princip l po#er !r nte$% such s the po#er to 'ix Du li'ic tions% pportion(ent% etc)


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The *$rst 'oca' e'ect$ons sha'' be he'd on a date to be deter)$ned by the .res$dent" ,h$ch )ay be s$)u'taneous ,$th the e'ect$on o* the Me)bers o* the Con%ress. It sha'' $nc'ude the e'ect$on o* a'' Me)bers o* the c$ty or )un$c$(a' counc$'s $n the Metro(o'$tan Man$'a area. Sect$on 0. The Senators" Me)bers o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" and the 'oca' o**$c$a's *$rst e'ected under th$s Const$tut$on sha'' ser#e unt$' noon o* June 1:" /990. O* the Senators e'ected $n the e'ect$on o* /990" the *$rst t,e'#e obta$n$n% the h$%hest nu)ber o* #otes sha'' ser#e s$> years and the re)a$n$n% t,e'#e *or three years. Sect$on 1. A'' e>$st$n% 'a,s" decrees" e>ecut$#e orders" (roc'a)at$ons" 'etters o* $nstruct$ons" and other e>ecut$#e $ssuances not $ncons$stent ,$th th$s Const$tut$on sha'' re)a$n o(erat$#e unt$' a)ended" re(ea'ed" or re#o;ed. Sect$on 2. A'' e>$st$n% treat$es or $nternat$ona' a%ree)ents ,h$ch ha#e not been rat$*$ed sha'' not be rene,ed or e>tended ,$thout the concurrence o* at 'east t,o7th$rds o* a'' the Me)bers o* the Senate. Sect$on 4. The s$>7year ter) o* the $ncu)bent .res$dent and A$ce7.res$dent e'ected $n the &ebruary 6" /985 e'ect$on $s" *or (ur(oses o* synchron$3at$on o* e'ect$ons" hereby e>tended to noon o* June 1:" /990. The *$rst re%u'ar e'ect$ons *or the .res$dent and A$ce7 .res$dent under th$s Const$tut$on sha'' be he'd on the second Monday o* May" /990. Sect$on 5. The $ncu)bent .res$dent sha'' cont$nue to e>erc$se 'e%$s'at$#e (o,ers unt$' the *$rst Con%ress $s con#ened. Sect$on 6. Unt$' a 'a, $s (assed" the .res$dent )ay *$'' by a((o$nt)ent *ro) a '$st o* no)$nees by the res(ect$#e sectors the seats reser#ed *or sectora' re(resentat$on $n (ara%ra(h (0 " Sect$on 4 o* Art$c'e AI o* th$s Const$tut$on. Sect$on 8. Unt$' other,$se (ro#$ded by the Con%ress" the .res$dent )ay const$tute the Metro(o'$tan Author$ty to be co)(osed o* the heads o* a'' 'oca' %o#ern)ent un$ts co)(r$s$n% the Metro(o'$tan Man$'a area. Sect$on 9. A sub7(ro#$nce sha'' cont$nue to e>$st and o(erate unt$' $t $s con#erted $nto a re%u'ar (ro#$nce or unt$' $ts co)(onent )un$c$(a'$t$es are re#erted to the )other (ro#$nce. Sect$on /:. A'' courts e>$st$n% at the t$)e o* the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on sha'' cont$nue to e>erc$se the$r +ur$sd$ct$on" unt$' other,$se (ro#$ded by 'a,. The (ro#$s$ons o* the e>$st$n% @u'es o* Court" +ud$c$ary acts" and (rocedura' 'a,s not $ncons$stent ,$th th$s Const$tut$on sha'' re)a$n o(erat$#e un'ess a)ended or re(ea'ed by the Su(re)e Court or the Con%ress. Sect$on //. The $ncu)bent Me)bers o* the Jud$c$ary sha'' cont$nue $n o**$ce unt$' they reach the a%e o* se#enty years or beco)e $nca(ac$tated to d$schar%e the dut$es o* the$r o**$ce or are re)o#ed *or cause. Sect$on /0. The Su(re)e Court sha''" ,$th$n one year a*ter the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on" ado(t a syste)at$c ('an to e>(ed$te the dec$s$on or reso'ut$on o* cases or )atters (end$n% $n the Su(re)e Court or the 'o,er courts (r$or to the e**ect$#$ty o* th$s Const$tut$on. A s$)$'ar ('an sha'' be ado(ted *or a'' s(ec$a' courts and -uas$7+ud$c$a' bod$es. Sect$on /1. The 'e%a' e**ect o* the 'a(se" be*ore the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on" o* the a(('$cab'e (er$od *or the dec$s$on or reso'ut$on o* the cases or )atters sub)$tted *or ad+ud$cat$on by the courts" sha'' be deter)$ned by the Su(re)e Court as soon as (ract$cab'e. Sect$on /2. The (ro#$s$ons o* (ara%ra(hs (1 and (2 " Sect$on /4 o* Art$c'e AIII o* th$s Const$tut$on sha'' a(('y to cases or )atters *$'ed be*ore the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on" ,hen the a(('$cab'e (er$od 'a(ses a*ter such rat$*$cat$on. Sect$on /4. The $ncu)bent Me)bers o* the C$#$' Ser#$ce Co))$ss$on" the Co))$ss$on on E'ect$ons" and the Co))$ss$on on Aud$t sha'' cont$nue $n o**$ce *or one year a*ter the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on" un'ess they are sooner re)o#ed *or cause or beco)e $nca(ac$tated to d$schar%e the dut$es o* the$r o**$ce or a((o$nted to a ne, ter) thereunder. In no case sha'' any Me)ber ser#e 'on%er than se#en years $nc'ud$n% ser#$ce be*ore the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on. Sect$on /5. Career c$#$' ser#$ce e)('oyees se(arated *ro) the ser#$ce not *or cause but as a resu't o* the reor%an$3at$on (ursuant to .roc'a)at$on No. 1 dated March 04" /985 and the reor%an$3at$on *o''o,$n% the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on sha'' be ent$t'ed to a((ro(r$ate se(arat$on (ay and to ret$re)ent and other bene*$ts accru$n% to the) under the 'a,s o* %enera' a(('$cat$on $n *orce at the t$)e o* the$r se(arat$on. In '$eu thereo*" at the o(t$on o* the e)('oyees" they )ay be cons$dered *or e)('oy)ent $n the Go#ern)ent or $n any o* $ts subd$#$s$ons" $nstru)enta'$t$es" or a%enc$es" $nc'ud$n% %o#ern)ent7 o,ned or contro''ed cor(orat$ons and the$r subs$d$ar$es. Th$s (ro#$s$on a'so a(('$es to career o**$cers ,hose res$%nat$on" tendered $n '$ne ,$th the e>$st$n% (o'$cy" had been acce(ted. Sect$on /6. Unt$' the Con%ress (ro#$des other,$se" the .res$dent sha'' rece$#e an annua' sa'ary o* three hundred thousand (esos= the A$ce7.res$dent" the .res$dent o* the Senate" the S(ea;er o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" and the Ch$e* Just$ce o* the Su(re)e Court" t,o hundred *orty thousand (esos each= the Senators" the Me)bers o* the ?ouse o* @e(resentat$#es" the Assoc$ate Just$ces o* the Su(re)e Court" and the Cha$r)en o* the Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons" t,o hundred *our thousand (esos each= and the Me)bers o* the Const$tut$ona' Co))$ss$ons" one hundred e$%hty thousand (esos each. Sect$on /8. At the ear'$est (oss$b'e t$)e" the Go#ern)ent sha'' $ncrease the sa'ary sca'es o* other o**$c$a's and e)('oyees o* the Nat$ona' Go#ern)ent. Sect$on /9. A'' (ro(ert$es" records" e-u$()ent" bu$'d$n%s" *ac$'$t$es" and other assets o* any o**$ce or body abo'$shed or reor%an$3ed under .roc'a)at$on No. 1 dated March 04" /985 or th$s Const$tut$on sha'' be trans*erred to the o**$ce or body to ,h$ch $ts (o,ers" *unct$ons" and res(ons$b$'$t$es substant$a''y (erta$n. Sect$on 0:. The *$rst Con%ress sha'' %$#e (r$or$ty to the deter)$nat$on o* the (er$od *or the *u'' $)('e)entat$on o* *ree (ub'$c secondary educat$on. Sect$on 0/. The Con%ress sha'' (ro#$de e**$cac$ous (rocedures and ade-uate re)ed$es *or the re#ers$on to the State o* a'' 'ands o* the (ub'$c do)a$n and rea'


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r$%hts connected there,$th ,h$ch ,ere ac-u$red $n #$o'at$on o* the Const$tut$on or the (ub'$c 'and 'a,s" or throu%h corru(t (ract$ces. No trans*er or d$s(os$t$on o* such 'ands or rea' r$%hts sha'' be a''o,ed unt$' a*ter the 'a(se o* one year *ro) the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on. Sect$on 00. At the ear'$est (oss$b'e t$)e" the Go#ern)ent sha'' e>(ro(r$ate $d'e or abandoned 'ands as )ay be de*$ned by 'a," *or d$str$but$on to the bene*$c$ar$es o* the a%rar$an re*or) (ro%ra). Sect$on 01. Ad#ert$s$n% ent$t$es a**ected by (ara%ra(h (0 " Sect$on // o* Art$c'e DAI o* th$s Const$tut$on sha'' ha#e *$#e years *ro) $ts rat$*$cat$on to co)('y on a %raduated or (ro(ort$onate bas$s ,$th the )$n$)u) &$'$($no o,nersh$( re-u$re)ent there$n. Sect$on 02. .r$#ate ar)$es and other ar)ed %rou(s not reco%n$3ed by du'y const$tuted author$ty sha'' be d$s)ant'ed. A'' (ara)$'$tary *orces $nc'ud$n% C$#$'$an ?o)e De*ense &orces not cons$stent ,$th the c$t$3en ar)ed *orce estab'$shed $n th$s Const$tut$on" sha'' be d$sso'#ed or" ,here a((ro(r$ate" con#erted $nto the re%u'ar *orce. Sect$on 04. A*ter the e>($rat$on $n /99/ o* the A%ree)ent bet,een the @e(ub'$c o* the .h$'$(($nes and the Un$ted States o* A)er$ca concern$n% M$'$tary Bases" *ore$%n )$'$tary bases" troo(s" or *ac$'$t$es sha'' not be a''o,ed $n the .h$'$(($nes e>ce(t under a treaty du'y concurred $n by the Senate and" ,hen the Con%ress so re-u$res" rat$*$ed by a )a+or$ty o* the #otes cast by the (eo('e $n a nat$ona' re*erendu) he'd *or that (ur(ose" and reco%n$3ed as a treaty by the other contract$n% State. Sect$on 05. The author$ty to $ssue se-uestrat$on or *ree3e orders under .roc'a)at$on No. 1 dated March 04" /985 $n re'at$on to the reco#ery o* $''7%otten ,ea'th sha'' re)a$n o(erat$#e *or not )ore than e$%hteen )onths a*ter the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on. ?o,e#er" $n the nat$ona' $nterest" as cert$*$ed by the .res$dent" the Con%ress )ay e>tend sa$d (er$od. A se-uestrat$on or *ree3e order sha'' be $ssued on'y u(on sho,$n% o* a (r$)a *ac$e case. The order and the '$st o* the se-uestered or *ro3en (ro(ert$es sha'' *orth,$th be re%$stered ,$th the (ro(er court. &or orders $ssued be*ore the rat$*$cat$on o* th$s Const$tut$on" the corres(ond$n% +ud$c$a' act$on or (roceed$n% sha'' be *$'ed ,$th$n s$> )onths *ro) $ts rat$*$cat$on. &or those $ssued a*ter such rat$*$cat$on" the +ud$c$a' act$on or (roceed$n% sha'' be co))enced ,$th$n s$> )onths *ro) the $ssuance thereo*. The se-uestrat$on or *ree3e order $s dee)ed auto)at$ca''y '$*ted $* no +ud$c$a' act$on or (roceed$n% $s co))enced as here$n (ro#$ded. Sect$on 06. Th$s Const$tut$on sha'' ta;e e**ect $))ed$ate'y u(on $ts rat$*$cat$on by a )a+or$ty o* the #otes cast $n a ('eb$sc$te he'd *or the (ur(ose and sha'' su(ersede a'' (re#$ous Const$tut$ons.

+n$er the Constitution% the +S 'orces re prohi&ite$ 'ro( en! !in! in n o''ensive # r on Philippine territor.) The Supre(e Court% ho#ever% c nnot ccept the & re lle! tions th t the Arro.o $(inistr tion is en! !e$ in $ou&le spe < in! to p ss o'' s (ere tr inin! exercise n o''ensive e''ort &. 'orei!n troops on n tive soil)

@at$*$ed< !ebruar

2" #$%&.

ARTICLE III 7BILL OF RIGHTS8 S%&! o" 19 P(o&%d/(a# D/% P(o&%$$B nco Esp Tol-Eilipino vs) P l nc Sect$on /. No (erson sha'' be de(r$#ed o* '$*e" '$berty" or (ro(erty ,$thout due (rocess o* 'a," nor sha'' any (erson be den$ed the e-ua' (rotect$on o* the 'a,s. S%((a"o 5$ NLRC% 727 SCRA CC;- "ue process cl use o' the constitution is li(it tion on !overn(ent po#ers) It $oes not ppl. to the exercise o' priv te po#er% such s the ter(in tion o' e(plo.(ent un$er the L &or Co$e) M%(&/(* D(/- Co(). 5$. S%((a"o% > rch 13% 2339In $is(issin! n e( the e( (ust serve the e( t#o notices* 516 the 'irst to in'or( the e( o' the p rticul r cts or o(issions 'or #hich the e( see<s his $is(iss l% n$ 526 the secon$ to in'or( the e( o' his e(plo.erLs $ecision to ter(in te hi() The 'irst notice (ust st te th t the e( see<s $is(iss l 'or the ct or o(ission ch r!e$ ! inst the e( other#ise% the notice $oes not co(pl. #ith the rules) Ma& a$ 5$. Ma& a$% Septe(&er 7% 2337- "eni l o' $ue process su''ices to c st on the o''ici l ct t <en &. #h tever &r nch o' the !overn(ent the i(press o' nullit.) E$!(ada 5$. D%$ %(!o% April 7% 2331- Alle!e$ viol tions o' the ri!ht to i(p rti lit. $ue to $verse pu&licit. (ust &e su&st nti te$ &. proo' o' ctu l pre?u$ice) A#a/*a 5$. COMELEC% 78; SCRA AC2- $ue process is s tis'ie$ even i' there # s no or l r!u(ent i' p rt. # s &le to 'ile ple $in!s) INSTANCES 4HEN HEARINGS ARE NOT NECESSARY0 1) When $(inistr tive !encies re exercisin! their Du si-le!isl tive 'unctions0 2) A& te(ent o' nuis nce per se0 7) /r ntin! &. courts o' provision l re(e$ies0 C) Preventive suspension0 ;) Re(ov l o' te(por r. e(plo.ees in the !overn(ent service0 9) Issu nce o' # rr nts o' $istr int n$1or lev. &. the BIR Co((issioner0 A) C ncell tion o' p ssport o' person ch r!e$ #ith cri(e0

LI> VS) EGEC SEC)% April 11% 2332* Section 2; o' the Tr nsitor. Provisions sho# ( r<e$ ntip th. to# r$s 'orei!n (ilit r. presence in the countr.% or o' 'orei!n in'luence in !ener l) ,ence% 'orei!n troops re llo#e$ entr. into the Philippines onl. &e # . o' $irect exception)


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:) Issu nce o' seDuestr tion or$ers 8) Bu$ici l or$er #hich prevents n ccuse$ 'ro( tr velin! &ro $ 13) Suspension o' & n<Ls oper tions &. the >onet r. Bo r$ upon pri( ' cie 'in$in! o' liDui$it. pro&le(s in such & n<) A"- T :a* 5$. CIR% A$(inistr tive "ue Process CARDINAL RE;UIREMENTS OF DUE PROCESS IN ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS0 1) Ri!ht to he rin! #hich inclu$es the ri!ht to present oneLs c se n$ su&(it evi$ence in support thereo' 2) Tri&un l (ust consi$er the evi$ence presente$ 7) "ecision (ust h ve so(ethin! to support itsel' C) Evi$ence (ust &e su&st nti l ;) "ecision (ust &e & se$ on the evi$ence presente$ t the he rin!% or t le st cont ine$ in the recor$ n$ $isclose$ to the p rties ''ecte$ 9) Tri&un l or &o$. or n. o' its ?u$!es (ust ct on its o#n or his o#n in$epen$ent consi$er tion o' the l # n$ ' cts o' the controvers. n$ not si(pl. ccept the vie#s o' su&or$in te A) Bo r$ or &o$. shoul$ in ll controversi l Duestions ren$er its $ecision in such ( nner th t the p rties to the procee$in! c n <no# the v rious issues involve$ n$ the re sons 'or the $ecision ren$ere$ :) O''icer or tri&un l con$uctin! the investi! tion (ust &e veste$ #ith co(petent ?uris$iction n$ so constitute$ s to ''or$ person ch r!e$ $(inistr tivel. re son &le !u r ntee o' honest. n$ i(p rti lit.) E./a# P(o!%&! o" of !'% La<9 T( ##a"%$ IV 5$. P ,%"!%#% /R No) 1A8:1A% Bune 2A% 233: Election to Con!ress is not re son &le cl ssi'ic tion in cri(in l l # en'orce(ent s the 'unctions n$ $uties o' the o''ice re not su&st nti l $istinctions #hich li't one 'ro( the cl ss o' prisoners interrupte$ in their 'ree$o( n$ restricte$ in li&ert. o' (ove(ent) P%o)#% 5$. 1a#o$=o$% 72C SCRA 9:8% Election to the position o' Con!ress( n is not re son &le cl ssi'ic tion in cri(in l l# en'orce(ent) The 'unctions n$ $uties o' the o''ice re not su&st nti l $istinctions #hich li't hi( 'ro( the cl ss o' prisoners interrupte$ in their 'ree$o( n$ restricte$ in li&ert. o' (ove(ent) USA 5$. P/(-a"a"% Septe(&er 7% 2332- The position o' Con!ress( n is not re son &le cl ssi'ic tion in cri(in l l # en'orce(ent) The 'unctions n$ $uties o' the o''ice re not su&st nti l $istinctions #hich li't hi( 'ro( the cl ss o' prisoners interrupte$ in their 'ree$o( n$ restricte$ in li&ert. o' (ove(ent) L #'ul rrest n$ con'ine(ent re !er( ne to the purposes o' the l # n$ ppl. to ll those &elon!in! to the s (e cl ss Fa( >a$ 5$. E?%&/! 5% S%&(%!a(*% C1A SCRA ;37% "ece(&er 13% 2337% Su&st ntive $istinctions exist &et#een elective o''ici ls n$ ppointive o''ici ls) The 'or(er occup. their o''ice &. virtue o' the ( n$ te o' the people #hile the l tter hol$ their o''ice &. virtue o' their $esi!n tion &. n ppointin! uthorit.) S%&! o" @+nre son &le se rches = seiFures Sect$on 0. The r$%ht o* the (eo('e to be secure $n the$r (ersons" houses" (a(ers" and e**ects a%a$nst unreasonab'e searches and se$3ures o* ,hate#er nature and *or any (ur(ose sha'' be $n#$o'ab'e" and no search ,arrant or ,arrant o* arrest sha'' $ssue e>ce(t u(on (robab'e cause to be deter)$ned (ersona''y by the +ud%e a*ter e>a)$nat$on under oath or a**$r)at$on o* the co)('a$nant and the ,$tnesses he )ay (roduce" and (art$cu'ar'y descr$b$n% the ('ace to be searched and the (ersons or th$n%s to be se$3ed. PROBABLE CAUSE- Re $* Stone,ill vs) "io<no0 Li( vs) Eelix0 We&& vs) $e Leon0 Ro n vs) /onF les0 P p vs) > !o0 Ani ! vs) CO>ELEC) D%# Ro$a( o 5$. P%o)#%% > . 71% 2331- SeiFure o' evi$ence in pl in vie# is ?usti'ie$ onl. #hen* 1) there is prior v li$ intrusion & se$ on v li$ # rr ntless rrest in #hich the police re le! ll. present in the pursuit o' their o''ici l $uties0 2) the evi$ence # s in $vertentl. $iscovere$ &. the police #ho h $ the ri!ht to &e there #here the. re0 7) the evi$ence (ust &e i((e$i tel. pp rent0 n$ C) pl in vie# ?usti'ie$ the seiFure #ithout 'urther se rch con$ucte$) Ma"a# # 5$. CA% 2:3 SCRA C33- The 'ollo#in! re v li$ # rr ntless se rches n$ seiFures* 1) Se rch inci$ent l to l #'ul rrest 5PP vs) Tiu Won Chu % C3; SCRA 2:30 PP vs) Estell % 78; SCRA ;;760 2) se rch o' (ovin! vehicle 5PP vs) T (pis% C3A SCRA ;:260 7) seiFure in pl in vie# 5PP vs) /o% C11 SCRA :1% The counter'eit n ture o' the se ls n$ st (ps # s not pp rent n$ est &lishe$ until 'ter the. h ve &een turne$ over to the Chinese e(& ss. n$ the Bure u o' I((i!r tion 'or veri'ic tion) ,ence% not consi$ere$ s evi$ence in pl in vie#60 C) custo(s se rch 5S lv $or vs) PP% Bul. 1;% 233;60 ;) # iver &. the ccuse$5 1) ri!ht to &e # ive$ exists0 2) person # ivin! h s <no#le$!e o' such ri!ht% ctu ll. or constructivel.0 n$ 7) he1she h s ctu l intention to relinDuish the ri!ht)6 Sil his IntLl ,otel vs) Solut % Ee&) 23% 23390 9) stop = 'ris< 5li(ite$ protective se rch60 A) Ar(e$ con'lict 5# r ti(e6 :) Chec< points 5li(ite$ to visu l se rch60 8) Exi!ent n$ e(er!enc. circu(st nces 5PP vs) "e /r ci % 277 SCRA A196% #here # rr ntless se rch # s llo#e$ #here there # s prev ilin! !ener l ch os n$ $isor$er &ec use o' n on!oin! coup0 13) Con$uct o' MAre T r!et 4oneN n$ MS tur tion "rivesN in the exercise o' (ilit r. po#ers o' the Presi$ent 5/u nFon vs) Vill % 1:1 SCRA 92760 11) Routine Airport Securit. Proce$ure 5PP vs) SuFu<i% Octo&er 27% 23376) 4ARRANTLESS ARREST HOT PURSUIT9 R%./ $ !%$0 1) The pursuit o' the o''en$er &. the rrestin! o''icer (ust &e continuous 'ro( the ti(e o' the co((ission o' the o''ense to the ti(e o' the rrest) 2) There (ust &e no supervenin! event #hich &re <s the continuit. o' the ch se) Lad#adAB%#!(a"B %! a#. 5$. Go"Ca#%$AV%#a$&o% Bune 1% 233A- InDuest procee$in!s re proper onl. #hen


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the ccuse$ h s &een l #'ull. # rr nt) rreste$ #ithout I" !'% ,a!!%( of )%! ! o" fo( 'a:%a$ &o()/$ of Ca)!. G. A#%=a"oB %! a#. 5$. Ca:/a*% /)R) No) 193A82% Au!ust 2;% 233;- The letters lle!e$ to h ve &een re $ &. the ISAEP uthorities #ere not con'i$enti l letters &et#een the $et inees n$ their l #.ers) The petitioner #ho receive$ the letters 'ro( $et inees Trill nes n$ > estrec (po # s (erel. ctin! s the $et ineesL person l courier n$ not s their counsel #hen he receive$ the letters 'or ( ilin!) In the present c se% since the letters #ere not con'i$enti l co((unic tion &et#een the $et inees n$ their l #.ers% the o''ici ls o' the ISAEP "etention Center coul$ re $ the letters) I' the letters re ( r<e$ con'i$enti l co((unic tion &et#een the $et inees n$ their l #.ers% the $etention o''ici ls shoul$ not re $ the letters &ut onl. open the envelopes 'or inspection in the presence o' the $et inees) Th t l # is reDuire$ &e'ore n executive o''icer coul$ intru$e on citiFenLs priv c. ri!hts is !u r ntee th t is v il &le onl. to the pu&lic t l r!e &ut not to persons #ho re $et ine$ or i(prisone$) The ri!ht to priv c. o' those $et ine$ is su&?ect to Section C o' RA AC7:% s #ell s to the li(it tions inherent in l #'ul $etention or i(prison(ent) B. the ver. ' ct o' their $etention% pre-tri l $et inees n$ convicte$ prisoners h ve $i(inishe$ expect tion o' priv c. ri!hts) Ro?a$ 5$. Z/C/a((%-% % Bune 12% 233A- To prevent li &ilit. 'ro( tt chin! on ccount o' his letter% he invo<es his ri!hts to 'ree speech n$ priv c. o' co((unic tion) The invoc tion o' these ri!hts #ill not% ho#ever% 'ree hi( 'ro( li &ilit.) As lre $. st te$% his letter cont ine$ $e' ( tor. st te(ents th t i(p ire$ pu&lic con'i$ence in the inte!rit. o' the ?u$ici r.) The ( <in! o' conte(ptuous st te(ents $irecte$ ! inst the Court is not n exercise o' 'ree speech0 r ther% it is n &use o' such ri!ht) +n# rr nte$ tt c<s on the $i!nit. o' the courts c nnot &e $is!uise$ s 'ree speech% 'or the exercise o' s i$ ri!ht c nnot &e use$ to i(p ir the in$epen$ence n$ e''icienc. o' courts or pu&lic respect !'%(%fo( n$ con'i$ence therein) Eree expression (ust not &e use$ s vehicle to s tis'. oneLs irr tion l o&session to $e(e n% ri$icule% $e!r $e n$ even $estro. this Court n$ its ( !istr tes) Ri!ht to Priv c. K Re I!!. Arro.oLs ri!ht to priv c. 5the ri!ht to &e let lone6 Re $* PP vs) >olin % et l)% ri!ht to priv c. ( . &e # ive$ &. the $e'en$ nt6) B sis* It is expressl. reco!niFe$ in Section 7516 o' the Bill o' Ri!hts* Other ' cets o' the ri!ht to priv c. re protecte$ in v rious provisions o' the Bill o' Ri!hts% viF* Sections10 20 90 :0 n$ 1A) 4ones o' priv c. re li<e#ise reco!niFe$ n$ protecte$ in our l #s) The Civil Co$e provi$es th t PHeIver. person sh ll respect the $i!nit.% person lit.% priv c. n$ pe ce o' (in$ o' his nei!h&ors n$ other personsP n$ punishes s ction &le torts sever l cts &. person o' (e$$lin! n$! into the priv c. o' nother) It lso hol$s pu&lic o''icer or e( or n. priv te in$ivi$u l li &le 'or $ ( !es 'or n. viol tion o' the ri!hts n$ li&erties o' nother person% n$ reco!niFes the priv c. o' letters n$ other priv te co((unic tions) The Revise$ Pen l Co$e ( <es cri(e the viol tion o' secrets &. n o''icer% the revel tion o' tr $e n$ in$ustri l secrets% n$ tresp ss to $#ellin!) Inv sion o' priv c. is n o''ense in speci l l #s li<e the AntiWiret ppin! L #% the Secrec. o' B n< "eposit Act n$ the Intellectu l Propert. Co$e) The Rules o' Court on privile!e$ co((unic tion li<e#ise reco!niFe the priv c. o' cert in in'or( tion) 5Ople vs) Torres% Bul. 27% 188:) I" !'% ,a!!%( of )%! ! o" fo( 'a:%a$ &o()/$ of

PP 5$. D%# Ro$a( o% 73; SCRA AC3% There (ust &e l r!e (e sure o' i((e$i c. &et#een the ti(e o' the o''ense # s co((itte$ n$ the ti(e o' the # rr ntless rrest) I' there # s n ppre ci &le l pse o' ti(e &et#een the rrest n$ the co((ission o' the cri(e% # rr nt o' rrest (ust &e secure$) Pad ##a 5$. CA% 298 SCRA C32% When the l # spe <s o' cri(e co((itte$ in the presence o' n rrestin! o''icer% it is not li(ite$ to ctu ll. seein! the co((ission o' the cri(e) The reDuire(ent o' the l # is co(plie$ #here the rrestin! o''icer # s #ithin n e rshot 'ro( the scene lthou!h he $i$ not person ll. #itness the co((ission o' the cri(e) PP 5$. Ma(! "% 187 SCRA ;A% The Bill o' Ri!hts is protection ! inst the St te) The protection ! inst unre son &le se rches n$ seiFures c nnot &e exten$e$ to cts co((itte$ &. priv te in$ivi$u ls so s to &rin! it #ithin the (&it o' lle!e$ unl #'ul intrusion &. the !overn(ent) Ri!ht pplies onl. ! inst the !overn(ent n$ !encies t s<e$ #ith the en'orce(ent o' the l #) Onl. ?u$!e ( . v li$l. issue # rr nt- EGCEPT* B. $(inistr tive uthorities 5CI"0 BOC6 onl. 'or the purpose o' c! out 'in l 'in$in! o' viol tion o' l #) 1a&D$o" 5$. Ma&a# "o% Nove(&er 2C% 2337- the Co((issioner o' the I((i!r tion c n issue # rr nt o' rrest ! inst 'orei!ner #ho h s &een or$ere$ to &e $eporte$) SCATTER SHOT 4ARRANT- is # rr nt h vin! &een issue$ to (ore th n one o''ense) PRECISE AND MINUTE DETAIL AS TO THE PLACE TO BE SEARCHED AND THINGS OR PERSONS TO BE SEIZED NOT RE;UIRED- the constitution $oes not reDuire th t the thin!s to &e seiFe$ (ust &e $escri&e$ in precise n$ (inute $et il s to no roo( 'or $ou&t on the p rt o' the se rchin! uthorities0 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT RE;UIRED - It is onl. necess r. th t there &e re son &le cert int. or p rticul rit. s to the i$entit. o' the propert. to &e se rche$ 'or n$ seiFe$ so th t the # rr nt sh ll not &e (ere rovin! co((ission) THE TEST s #oul$ &e s to #h t is to &e t <en% nothin! is le't to the $iscretion o' the o''icer executin! the # rr nt) VALLE1O VS. CA% C2A SCRA 9;:% April 1C% 233C) S%&! o" E9 Priv c. o' co((unic tion = correspon$ence Sect$on 1. (/ The (r$#acy o* co))un$cat$on and corres(ondence sha'' be $n#$o'ab'e e>ce(t u(on 'a,*u' order o* the court" or ,hen (ub'$c sa*ety or order re-u$res other,$se as (rescr$bed by 'a,. (0 Any e#$dence obta$ned $n #$o'at$on o* th$s or the (reced$n% sect$on sha'' be $nad)$ss$b'e *or any (ur(ose $n any (roceed$n%.


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Ca, #o Sa: o% Octo&er 1A% 2339- In ev lu tin! cl i( 'or viol tion o' the ri!ht to priv c.% court (ust $eter(ine #hether person h s exhi&ite$ re son &le expect tion o' priv c. n$% i' so% #hether th t expect tion h s &een viol te$ &. unre son &le !overn(ent intrusion) Ad, " $!(a! 5% O(d%( No. EF8 entitle$ MA$option o' N tion l Co(puteriFe$ I$enti'ic tion Re'erence S.ste(P $ecl re$ null n$ voi$ 'or &ein! unconstitution l% viol tive o' the personLs ri!ht to priv c.) Re $* A*%( P(od/&! o"$ 5$. Ca)/#o"-- The ri!ht o' priv c. or the ri!ht to &e let lone is not n &solute ri!ht #here the person is pu&lic 'i!ure n$ the in'or( tion sou!ht to &e elicite$ 'ro( hi( or to &e pu&lishe$ &out hi( constitute ( tters o' pu&lic ch r cter) Z/#/%!a 5$. CA% 2;7 SCRA 988- The onl. exception to the prohi&ition in the constitution is i' there is Ml #'ul or$er 'ro( court or #hen pu&lic s 'et. or or$er reDuires other#ise% s prescri&e$ &. l #N) Rel te to e( ils n$ other # .s o' co((unic tion) RA G@FF 7A"! 94 (%!a)) "- A&!8- A viol tion o' the Anti Wire T ppin! L # 5R)A) C2336 #hich prohi&its not onl. the un uthoriFe$ t pin! o' priv te convers tions% &ut lso* 5 6 the possession o' such t pes #ith the <no#le$!e o' their n ture s ille! l #iret ps0 5&6 the repl .in! o' the t pes to n. person0 n$ 5c6 to co((unic te the contents thereo' either ver& ll. or in #ritin!% such s the provision o' tr nscripts) The potenti l ? il ter(% i' convicte$% r n!es 'ro( six (onths to six .e rs) S%&! o" G9 Eree$o( o' expression Sect$on 2. No 'a, sha'' be (assed abr$d%$n% the *reedo) o* s(eech" o* e>(ress$on" or o* the (ress" or the r$%ht o* the (eo('e (eaceab'y to asse)b'e and (et$t$on the Go#ern)ent *or redress o* %r$e#ances. Ba*a" 5$ E(, !a% April 2;% 2339 - The provisions o' B)P) No) ::3 pr ctic ll. co$i'. the rulin! in* R%*%$ 5. Ba-a!$ "/)R) No) L-9;799% Nov) 8% 18:7% 12; SCRA ;;7% ;986 :) B. # . o' su(( r.) The pplic nts 'or per(it to hol$ n sse(&l. shoul$ in'or( the licensin! uthorit. o' the $ te% the pu&lic pl ce #here n$ the ti(e ,hen it #ill t <e pl ce) I' it #ere priv te pl ce% onl. the consent o' the o#ner or the one entitle$ to its le! l possession is reDuire$) Such pplic tion shoul$ &e 'ile$ #ell he $ in ti(e to en &le the pu&lic o''ici l concerne$ to ppr ise #hether there ( . &e v li$ o&?ections to the !r nt o' the per(it or to its !r nt &ut t nother pu&lic pl ce) It is n in$ispens &le con$ition to such re'us l or (o$i'ic tion th t the cle r n$ present $ n!er test &e the st n$ r$ 'or the $ecision re che$) I' he is o' the vie# th t there is such n i((inent n$ !r ve $ n!er o' su&st ntive evil% the pplic nts (ust &e he r$ on the ( tter) There 'ter% his $ecision% #hether ' vor &le or $verse% (ust &e tr ns(itte$ to the( t the e rliest opportunit.) Thus i' so (in$e$% the. c n h ve recourse to the proper ?u$ici l uthorit.) B.P. No. 88F SEC) C) .er)$t ,hen re-u$red and ,hen not re-u$red)-- A #ritten per(it sh ll &e reDuire$ 'or n. person or persons to or! niFe n$ hol$ pu&lic sse(&l. in pu&lic pl ce) ,o#ever% no per(it sh ll &e reDuire$ i' the pu&lic sse(&l. sh ll &e $one or ( $e in 'ree$o( p r< $ul. est &lishe$ &. l # or or$in nce or in priv te propert.% in #hich c se onl. the consent o' the o#ner or the one entitle$ to its le! l possession is reDuire$% or in the c (pus o' !overn(ent-o#ne$ n$ oper te$ e$uc tion l institution #hich sh ll &e su&?ect to the rules n$ re!ul tions o' s i$ e$uc tion l institution) Politic l (eetin!s or r llies hel$ $urin! n. election c (p i!n perio$ s provi$e$ 'or &. l # re not covere$ &. this Act) SEC) ;) A(('$cat$on re-u$re)ents)-All pplic tions 'or per(it sh ll co(pl. #ith the 'ollo#in! !ui$elines* 5 6 The pplic tions sh ll &e in #ritin! n$ sh ll inclu$e the n (es o' the le $ers or or! niFers0 the purpose o' such pu&lic sse(&l.0 the $ te% ti(e n$ $ur tion thereo'% n$ pl ce or streets to &e use$ 'or the inten$e$ ctivit.0 n$ the pro& &le nu(&er o' persons p rticip tin!% the tr nsport n$ the pu&lic $$ress s.ste(s to &e use$) 5&6 The pplic tion sh ll incorpor te the $ut. n$ responsi&ilit. o' pplic nt un$er Section : hereo') 5c6 The pplic tion sh ll &e 'ile$ #ith the o''ice o' the ( .or o' the cit. or (unicip lit. in #hose ?uris$iction the inten$e$ ctivit. is to &e hel$% t le st 'ive 5;6 #or<in! $ .s &e'ore the sche$ule$ pu&lic sse(&l.) 5$6 +pon receipt o' the pplic tion% #hich (ust &e $ul. c<no#le$!e$ in #ritin!% the o''ice o' the cit. or (unicip l ( .or sh ll c use the s (e to i((e$i tel. &e poste$ t conspicuous pl ce in the cit. or (unicip l &uil$in!) SEC) 9) Act$on to be ta;en on the a(('$cat$on) K 5 6 It sh ll &e the $ut. o' the ( .or or n. o''ici l ctin! in his &eh l' to issue or !r nt per(it unless there is cle r n$ convincin! evi$ence th t the pu&lic sse(&l. #ill cre te cle r n$ present $ n!er to pu&lic or$er% pu&lic s 'et.% pu&lic convenience% pu&lic (or ls or pu&lic he lth) 5&6 The ( .or or n. o''ici l ctin! in his &eh l' sh ll ct on the pplic tion #ithin t#o 526 #or<in! $ .s 'ro( the $ te the pplic tion # s 'ile$% ' ilin! #hich% the per(it sh ll &e $ee(e$ !r nte$) Shoul$ 'or n. re son the ( .or or n. o''ici l ctin! in his &eh l' re'use to ccept the pplic tion 'or per(it% s i$ pplic tion sh ll &e poste$ &. the pplic nt on the pre(ises o' the o''ice o' the ( .or n$ sh ll &e $ee(e$ to h ve &een 'ile$) 5c6 I' the ( .or is o' the vie# th t there is i((inent n$ !r ve $ n!er o' su&st ntive evil # rr ntin! the $eni l or (o$i'ic tion o' the per(it% he sh ll i((e$i tel. in'or( the pplic nt #ho (ust &e he r$ on the ( tter) 5$6 The ction on the per(it sh ll &e in #ritin! n$ serve$ on the pplic HntI #ithin t#ent.-'our hours) 5e6 I' the ( .or or n. o''ici l ctin! in his &eh l' $enies the pplic tion or (o$i'ies the ter(s thereo' in his per(it% the pplic nt ( . contest the $ecision in n ppropri te court o' l #) 5'6 In c se suit is &rou!ht &e'ore the >etropolit n Tri l Court% the >unicip l Tri l Court% the >unicip l Circuit Tri l Court% the Re!ion l Tri l Court% or the Inter(e$i te Appell te Court% its $ecisions ( . &e ppe le$ to the ppropri te court #ithin 'ort.-ei!ht 5C:6 hours 'ter receipt o' the s (e) No ppe l &on$ n$ recor$ on ppe l sh ll &e reDuire$) A $ecision !r ntin! such per(it or (o$i'.in! it in ter(s s tis' ctor. to the pplic nt sh ll &e i((e$i tel. executor.)


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5!6 All c ses 'ile$ in court un$er this section sh ll &e $eci$e$ #ithin t#ent.-'our 52C6 hours 'ro( $ te o' 'ilin!) C ses 'ile$ hereun$er sh ll &e i((e$i tel. en$orse$ to the executive ?u$!e 'or $isposition or% in his &sence% to the next in r n<) 5h6 In ll c ses% n. $ecision ( . &e ppe le$ to the Supre(e Court) 5i6 Tele!r phic ppe ls to &e 'ollo#e$ &. 'or( l ppe ls re here&. llo#e$) It is ver. cle r% there'ore% th t B)P) No) ::3 is not n &solute & n o' pu&lic sse(&lies &ut restriction th t si(pl. re!ul tes the ti(e% pl ce n$ ( nner o' the sse(&lies) In su(% this Court reiter tes its & sic polic. o' uphol$in! the 'un$ (ent l ri!hts o' our people% especi ll. 'ree$o( o' expression n$ 'ree$o( o' sse(&l.) In sever l polic. $$resses% Chie' Bustice Arte(io V) P n! ni& n h s repe te$l. vo#e$ to uphol$ the li&ert. o' our people n$ to nurture their prosperit.) ,e s i$ th t Min c ses involvin! li&ert.% the sc les o' ?ustice shoul$ #ei!h he vil. ! inst the !overn(ent n$ in ' vor o' the poor% the oppresse$% the ( r!in liFe$% the $ispossesse$ n$ the #e <) In$ee$% l #s n$ ctions th t restrict 'un$ (ent l ri!hts co(e to the courts #ith he v. presu(ption ! inst their v li$it.) These l #s n$ ctions re su&?ecte$ to hei!htene$ scrutin.)N Eor this re son% the so-c lle$ c li&r te$ pree(ptive response polic. h s no pl ce in our le! l 'ir( (ent n$ (ust &e struc< $o#n s $ r<ness th t shrou$s 'ree$o() It (erel. con'uses our people n$ is use$ &. so(e police !ents to ?usti'. &uses) On the other h n$% B)P) No) ::3 c nnot &e con$e(ne$ s unconstitution l0 it $oes not curt il or un$ul. restrict 'ree$o(s0 it (erel. re!ul tes the use o' pu&lic pl ces s to the ti(e% pl ce n$ ( nner o' sse(&lies) E r 'ro( &ein! insi$ious% M( xi(u( toler nceN is 'or the &ene'it o' r ll.ists% not the !overn(ent) The $ele! tion to the ( .ors o' the po#er to issue r ll. Mper(itsN is v li$ &ec use it is su&?ect to the constitution ll.-soun$ Mcle r n$ present $ n!erN st n$ r$) So& a# 4%a!'%( S!a! o"$ 5$. COMELEC% > . ;% 2331- Election surve.s re covere$ &. the protection to 'ree$o( o' expression s the. re'er to the (e sure(ent o' opinions n$ perception o' voters s re! r$s to c n$i$ teLs popul rit.% Du li'ic tions% pl t'or(s or ( tter o' pu&lic $iscussion in rel tion to the election% inclu$in! the voterLs pre'erence 'or c n$i$ tes pr pu&licl. $iscusse$ issues $urin! the c (p i!n perio$) The prohi&ition i(pose$ &. Section ;)C o' RA 8339 5E ir Election Act6 is inv li$ &ec use* 16 it i(poses prior restr int on the 'ree$o( o' expression0 26 it is $irect n$ tot l suppression o' c te!or. o' expression even thou!h such suppression is onl. 'or li(ite$ perio$0 n$ 76 the !overn(ent interest sou!ht to &e pro(ote$ c n &e chieve$ &. (e ns other th n the suppression o' 'ree$o( o' expression) TESTS 1) 2) 7) of Va# d Go5%(",%"! I"!%(f%(%"&%0 Cle r = Present " n!er B l ncin! o' Interests " n!erous Ten$enc. Rule MTRCB 5$. ABS9CBNB %! a#.% B nu r. 1A% 233;- P)") No) 18:9 !ives petitioner Mthe po#er to screen% revie# n$ ex (ine M ll television pro!r (s%N e(ph siFin! the phr se M ll television pro!r (sN) Thus% #hen the l # s .s M ll television pro!r (s%N the #or$ M llN covers ll television pro!r (s% #hether reli!ious% pu&lic '' irs% ne#s $ocu(ent r.% etc) The principle ssu(es th t the le!isl tive &o$. ( $e no Du li'ic tion in the use o' !ener l #or$ or expression) It then 'ollo#s th t since MThe Insi$e Stor.N is television pro!r (% it is #ithin the ?uris$iction o' the >TRCB over #hich it h s po#er o' revie#) Bo(=a# 5$. CA% 731 SCRA 1% In or$er to ( int in li&el suit% it is essenti l th t the victi( is i$enti'i &le lthou!h it is not necess r. th t he &e n (e$) It (ust lso &e sho#n th t thir$ p rt. coul$ i$enti'. hi( s the o&?ect o' the li&elous rticle) Ever. $e' ( tor. i(put tion is presu(e$ to &e ( licious% even i' it &e true% i' no !oo$ intention n$ ?usti'i &le (otive 'or ( <in! it is sho#n% except in the 'ollo#in!* 1) priv te co((unic tion ( $e &. n. person to nother in the per'or( nce o' n. le! l% (or l or soci l $ut.0 2) ' ir n$ true report% ( $e in !oo$ ' ith% #ithout re( r<s% o' n. ?u$ici l% le!isl tive or other o''ici l procee$in! #hich re not con'i$enti l in n ture inclu$in! n. st te(ent ( $e therein or ct per'or(e$ &. pu&lic o''icer) A privile!e$ co((unic tion ( . either &e &solutel. privile!e$ 5those #hich re not ction &le or even i' uthor cte$ in & $ ' ith% e)!) speech &. (e(&er o' Con!ress therein or n. co((ittee thereo'6 or Du li'ie$ privile!e$ 5those cont inin! $e' ( tor. i(put tions #hich re not ction &le unless 'oun$ to h ve &een ( $e #ithout !oo$ intention or ?usti'i &le (otive% e)!)% priv te co((unic tions n$ ' ir n$ true reports #ithout n. co((ents1re( r<s6) E ir co((ent ries on ( tters o' pu&lic interest re privile!e$ n$ constitute v li$ $e'ense in n ction 'or li&el or sl n$er) The $octrine o' ' ir co((ent (e ns th t #hile in !ener l ever. $iscre$it &le i(put tion pu&licl. ( $e is $ee(e$ ' lse% &ec use ever. ( n is presu(e$ innocent until his !uilt is ?u$ici ll. prove$) S%&! o" H9 Eree$o( o' Reli!ion Sect$on 4. No 'a, sha'' be )ade res(ect$n% an estab'$sh)ent o* re'$%$on" or (roh$b$t$n% the *ree e>erc$se thereo*. The *ree e>erc$se and en+oy)ent o* re'$%$ous (ro*ess$on and ,orsh$(" ,$thout d$scr$)$nat$on or (re*erence" sha'' *ore#er be a''o,ed. No re'$%$ous test sha'' be re-u$red *or the e>erc$se o* c$#$' or (o'$t$ca' r$%hts. E:(a# "a- 5$. D 5. S/)%( "!%"d%"! of S&'oo#$ of C%:/B 218 SCRA 2;9% - (e(&ers o' Behov hLs #itnesses ( . v li$l. re'use p rticip tin! in 'l ! cere(onies 5sin!in! the n tion l nthe(% s lutin! the 'l !% etc)6 on ccount o' their reli!ious &elie's) I-#%$ a " C( $!o 5$. CA% 2;8 SCRA ;28- The exercise o' reli!ious 'ree$o( c n &e re!ul te$ #hen it #ill &rin! &out cle r n$ present $ n!er o' su&st ntive evil #hich the St te h s $ut. to prevent) ,o#ever% criticis( on cert in c tholic tenets n$ $o!( s $oes not constitute cle r n$ present $ n!er) To#%"! "o 5$. S%&. of F "a"&%% 27; SCRA 973 K Eree$o( o' reli!ion $oes not prohi&it i(position o'

ABS9CBN 5$. COMELEC% 727 SCRA :11- The prohi&ition o' pu&lic tion o' exit poll or elector l surve. #oul$ &e unre son &l. restrictive &ec use it e''ectivel. prevents the use o' exit poll $ t not onl. 'or election $ . pro?ections% &ut lso 'or lon! ter( rese rch)


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!ener ll. pplic &le s les n$ use t x on the s le o' reli!ious ( teri ls &. reli!ious or! niF tion) Eor the purpose o' $e'r .in! cost o' re!istr tion) I$#a, & DaI<a' Co/"& # of !'% P' # )) "%$ 5$. E?%&/! 5% S%&(%!a(*% C3; SCRA C8A% Cl ssi'.in! 'oo$ pro$uct s h l l is reli!ious 'unction &ec use the st n$ r$s re $r #n 'ro( the UurL n n$ Isl (ic &elie's) B. !ivin! the O''ice o' the >usli( A'' irs exclusive po#er to cl ssi'. 'oo$ pro$ucts s h l l% E) O) No) C9 encro che$ on the reli!ious 'ree$o( o' >usli( or! niF tion to interpret #h t 'oo$ pro$ucts re 'it 'or >usli( consu(ption) The St te h s in e''ect 'orce$ >usli( to ccept its o#n interpret tion o' the UurL n n$ Sunn h on h l l 'oo$) S%&! o" J9 Li&ert. o' &o$e = Ri!ht to tr vel Sect$on 5. The '$berty o* abode and o* chan%$n% the sa)e ,$th$n the '$)$ts (rescr$bed by 'a, sha'' not be $)(a$red e>ce(t u(on 'a,*u' order o* the court. Ne$ther sha'' the r$%ht to tra#e' be $)(a$red e>ce(t $n the $nterest o* nat$ona' secur$ty" (ub'$c sa*ety" or (ub'$c hea'th" as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. Re $* Vill vicencio vs) Lu<& n0 > notoc vs) CA0 Silverio vs CA) Rel te to suspension o' $eplo.(ent o' OEWs to SARs in'ecte$ countries) In rel tion to & il 5> notoc vs) CA0 S nti !o vs) V sDueF6- v li$ restriction on his ri!ht to tr vel) S%&! o" 79 Ri!ht to In'or( tion Sect$on 6. The r$%ht o* the (eo('e to $n*or)at$on on )atters o* (ub'$c concern sha'' be reco%n$3ed. Access to o**$c$a' records" and to docu)ents" and (a(ers (erta$n$n% to o**$c$a' acts" transact$ons" or dec$s$ons" as ,e'' as to %o#ern)ent research data used as bas$s *or (o'$cy de#e'o()ent" sha'' be a**orded the c$t$3en" sub+ect to such '$)$tat$ons as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. C'a5%C 5$. P/:# & E$!a!%$ A/!'o( !*% Bul. 8% 2332The constitution l ri!ht to in'or( tion inclu$es o''ici l in'or( tion on on-!oin! ne!oti tions &e'ore 'in l contr ct is consu(( te$) The in'or( tion% ho#ever% (ust constitute $e'inite propositions &. the !overn(ent n$ shoul$ not cover reco!niFe$ exceptions li<e$ privile!e$ in'or( tion% (ilit r. n$ $iplo( tic secrets n$ si(il r ( tters ''ectin! n tion l securit. n$ pu&lic or$er) Le! Fpi vs) CSC0 V l(onte vs) Bel(onte S%&! o" 89 Ri!ht to 'or( +nions o' pu&lic sector Sect$on 8. The r$%ht o* the (eo('e" $nc'ud$n% those e)('oyed $n the (ub'$c and (r$#ate sectors" to *or) un$ons" assoc$at$ons" or soc$et$es *or (ur(oses not contrary to 'a, sha'' not be abr$d%ed. U" !%d P%)$ Co#a S/)%(5 $o(* U" o" 5$. La-/%$,a% 2:: SCRA 1;- Con!ress% vi Art) 12; o' the L &or Co$e% v li$l. prohi&ite$ supervisors 'ro( 'or(in! l &or unions) The ri!ht to stri<e $oes 'or( n inte!r l p rt o' the Ri!ht to Associ tion) S%&! o" 99 Expropri tion Sect$on 9. .r$#ate (ro(erty sha'' not be ta;en *or (ub'$c use ,$thout +ust co)(ensat$on. R%)/:# & 5$. G "-o*o"% "ece(&er 18% 233;- Rule 9A outlines the proce$ure un$er #hich e(inent $o( in ( . &e exercise$ &. the /overn(ent) Jet &. no (e ns $oes it serve t present s the solit r. !ui$eline throu!h #hich the St te ( . expropri te priv te propert.) Eor ex (ple% Section 18 o' the Loc l /overn(ent Co$e !overns s to the exercise &. loc l !overn(ent units o' the po#er o' e(inent $o( in throu!h n en &lin! or$in nce) An$ then there is Rep) Act No) :8AC% #hich covers expropri tion procee$in!s inten$e$ 'or n tion l !overn(ent in'r structure pro?ects) R%). A&! No. 897G% #hich provi$es 'or proce$ure e(inentl. (ore ' vor &le to the propert. o#ner th n Rule 9A% inesc p &l. pplies in inst nces #hen the n tion l !overn(ent expropri tes propert. M'or n tion l !overn(ent in'r structure pro?ectsN) R%)/:# & 5$. L ,% Bune 28% 233;- Section 8% Article III o' the Constitution is not !r nt &ut li(it tion o' po#er) This li(itin! 'unction is in <eepin! #ith the philosoph. o' the Bill o' Ri!hts ! inst the r&itr r. exercise o' !overn(ent l po#ers to the $etri(ent o' the in$ivi$u lLs ri!hts) /iven this 'unction% the provision shoul$ there'ore &e strictl. interprete$ ! inst the expropri tor% the !overn(ent% n$ li&er ll. in ' vor o' the propert. o#ner) While the prev ilin! $octrine is th t Mthe nonp .(ent o' ?ust co(pens tion $oes not entitle the priv te l n$o#ner to recover possession o' the expropri te$ lots% ho#ever% in c ses #here the !overn(ent ' ile$ to p . ?ust co(pens tion #ithin 'ive 5;6 .e rs 'ro( the 'in lit. o' the ?u$!(ent in the expropri tion procee$in!s% the o#ners concerne$ sh ll h ve the ri!ht to recover possession o' their propert.) This is in conson nce #ith the principle th t Mthe !overn(ent c nnot <eep the propert. n$ $ishonor the ?u$!(ent)N To &e sure% the 'ive-.e r perio$ li(it tion #ill encour !e the !overn(ent to p . ?ust co(pens tion punctu ll.) This is in <eepin! #ith ?ustice n$ eDuit.) A'ter ll% it is the $ut. o' the !overn(ent% #henever it t <es propert. 'ro( priv te persons ! inst their #ill% to ' cilit te the p .(ent o' ?ust co(pens tion) Loc l !overn(ent units possesse$ the $ele! te$ po#er o' e(inent $o( in% su&?ect to ?u$ici l revie# 5C !* of Ma" #a 5$. C' "%$% Co,,/" !*6) An. propert. o#ne$ &. (unicip l corpor tion in its priv te c p cit. 5p tri(oni l6% in n. expropri tion procee$in!% (ust &e p i$ ?ust co(pens tion) I' the propert. o#ne$ is pu&lic or other#ise hel$ in trust then no co(pens tion nee$ &e p i$ 5 C !* of Ba-/ o 5$. NA4ASA6) To set ?ust co(pens tion is 5EPZA 5$. D/#a*6) ?u$ici l prero! tive

Pu&lic use $oes not (e n use &. the pu&lic) As lon! s the purpose o' the t <in! is pu&lic% then po#er o' e(inent $o( in co(es into pl .) It is inconseDuenti l th t priv te entities ( . &ene'it s lon! s in the en$% pu&lic interest is serve$ 5A(do"a 5$. R%*%$6) R%*%$ 5. Na! o"a# Ho/$ "- A/!'o( !*% 78; SCRA C8C% T <in! o' propert. 'or soci liFe$ housin! is 'or pu&lic use)


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In$ee$ counsel shoul$ not prevent n 'reel. n$ volunt ril. tellin! the truth) ccuse$ 'ro(

L n$s 'or soci liFe$ housin! re to &e cDuire$ n the 'ollo#in! or$er* 16 !overn(ent l n$s0 26 lien &le l n$s o' the pu&lic $o( in0 76 unre!istere$ or & n$one$ or i$le l n$s0 C6 l n$s #ithin the $ecl re$ re s 'or priorit. $evelop(ent% Fon l i(prove(ent pro!r ( sites% slu( i(prove(ent n$ resettle(ent sites #hich h ve not .et &een cDuire$0 ;6 BLISS sites #hich h ve not .et &een cDuire$0 n$ 96 priv tel.o#ne$ l n$s 5C !* of Ma"da#/*o"- 5$. A-/ #a(% 7;3SCRA C:A 23316) S%&! o" 1F9 Non-i(p ir(ent cl use Sect$on /:. No 'a, $)(a$r$n% the ob'$%at$on o* contracts sha'' be (assed. There is no i(p ir(ent in the i(position o' the VAT ! inst re l est te tr ns ctions entere$ or per'ecte$ even prior to its i(position) The contr ct cl use is not li(it tion on the exercise o' the St teLs po#er o' t x tion s ve onl. #here t x exe(ption h s &een !r nte$ 'or v li$ consi$er tion) 5To#%"! "o 5$. S%&. of F "a"&%6 The non-i(p ir(ent cl use inclu$es prohi&ition on ?u$ici l cts th t i(p ir contr ct) 5Ga"Co" 5$. I"$%(!o% 127 SCRA 17;6 S%&! o"$ 11 6 1@9 Custo$i l Investi! tion Ri!hts Sect$on //. &ree access to the courts and -uas$7 +ud$c$a' bod$es and ade-uate 'e%a' ass$stance sha'' not be den$ed to any (erson by reason o* (o#erty. Sect$on /0. (/ Any (erson under $n#est$%at$on *or the co))$ss$on o* an o**ense sha'' ha#e the r$%ht to be $n*or)ed o* h$s r$%ht to re)a$n s$'ent and to ha#e co)(etent and $nde(endent counse' (re*erab'y o* h$s o,n cho$ce. I* the (erson cannot a**ord the ser#$ces o* counse'" he )ust be (ro#$ded ,$th one. These r$%hts cannot be ,a$#ed e>ce(t $n ,r$t$n% and $n the (resence o* counse'. (0 No torture" *orce" #$o'ence" threat" $nt$)$dat$on" or any other )eans ,h$ch #$t$ate the *ree ,$'' sha'' be used a%a$nst h$). Secret detent$on ('aces" so'$tary" $nco))un$cado" or other s$)$'ar *or)s o* detent$on are (roh$b$ted. (1 Any con*ess$on or ad)$ss$on obta$ned $n #$o'at$on o* th$s or Sect$on /6 hereo* sha'' be $nad)$ss$b'e $n e#$dence a%a$nst h$). (2 The 'a, sha'' (ro#$de *or (ena' and c$#$' sanct$ons *or #$o'at$ons o* th$s sect$on as ,e'' as co)(ensat$on to and rehab$'$tat$on o* #$ct$)s o* torture or s$)$'ar (ract$ces" and the$r *a)$'$es. Re $* >ir n$ vs) Esco&e$o vs) Illinois) AriFon % / (&o vs) CruF%

PP 5$. Do,a"!a*% 73A SCRA 1- RA AC7: h s exten$e$ the constitution l !u r ntee to situ tions in #hich n in$ivi$u l h s not &een 'or( ll. rreste$ &ut h s (erel. &een Minvite$N 'or Duestionin!) PP 5$. Ga(& a% C33 SCRA 228% A con'ession ( $e to priv te person is $(ission in evi$ence) PP 5$. LoCada% C39 SCRA C8C% An un#ritten con'ession is in $(issi&le) S%&! o" 1E9 B il Sect$on /1. A'' (ersons" e>ce(t those char%ed ,$th o**enses (un$shab'e by rec'us$on (er(etua ,hen e#$dence o* %u$'t $s stron%" sha''" be*ore con#$ct$on" be ba$'ab'e by su**$c$ent suret$es" or be re'eased on reco%n$3ance as )ay be (ro#$ded by 'a,. The r$%ht to ba$' sha'' not be $)(a$red e#en ,hen the (r$#$'e%e o* the ,r$t o* habeas cor(us $s sus(ended. E>cess$#e ba$' sha'' not be re-u$red. Where the ccuse$ # s ori!in ll. ch r!e$ #ith c pit l o''ense &ut l ter convicte$ o' non-c pit l n$ #hich he ppe ls% & il c nnot &e !r nte$ s ( tter ri!ht 5O:o$a 5$. CA% 299 SCRA 2:16) The constitution l ri!ht to & il is v il &le onl. in cri(in l procee$in!s) The ri!ht is not v il &le in extr $ition procee$in!s th t re not cri(in l in n ture) In the &sence o' n. provision in the constitution% the l # or the tre t.% $optin! the pr ctice o' not !r ntin! & il% s !ener l rule% #oul$ &e step to# r$s $eterrin! 'u!itives 'ro( co(in! to the Philippines to hi$e 'ro( or ev $e their prosecutors) Not#ithst n$in! the rule th t & il is not ( tter o' ri!ht in extr $ition c ses% & il ( . &e pplie$ 'or n$ !r nte$ s n exception% onl. upon cle r n$ convincin! sho#in!* 16 th t% once !r nte$ & il% the pplic nt #ill not &e 'li!ht ris< or $ n!er to the co((unit.0 n$ 26 th t there exist speci l% hu( nit ri n n$ co(pellin! re sons 5Go5I!. of USA 5$. P/(-a"a"% Septe(&er 2C% 23326) Go5%(",%"! of Ho"-Do"- S)%& a# Ad, " $!(a!o( R%- o" 5$. 1/d-% O#a# aB 1(.% April 18% 233A K Potenti l extr $ite ( . &e !r nte$ & il on the & sis o' Mcle r n$ convincin! evi$enceN th t the person is not 'li!ht ris< n$ #ill &i$e #ith ll the or$ers n$ processes o' the extr $ition court) S%&! o" 1G9 Ri!hts o' ccuse$ Sect$on /2. (/ No (erson sha'' be he'd to ans,er *or a cr$)$na' o**ense ,$thout due (rocess o* 'a,. (0 In a'' cr$)$na' (rosecut$ons" the accused sha'' be (resu)ed $nnocent unt$' the contrary $s (ro#ed" and sha'' en+oy the r$%ht to be heard by h$)se'* and counse'" to be $n*or)ed o* the nature and cause o* the accusat$on a%a$nst h$)" to ha#e a s(eedy" $)(art$a'" and (ub'$c tr$a'" to )eet the ,$tnesses *ace to *ace" and to ha#e co)(u'sory (rocess to secure the attendance o* ,$tnesses and the (roduct$on o* e#$dence $n h$s beha'*. ?o,e#er" a*ter arra$%n)ent" tr$a' )ay (roceed not,$thstand$n% the absence o* the

Applies to preli(in r. investi! tion% PP vs) Sun! % 788 SCRA 92C PP 5$. Va##%=o% > . 8% 2332- To &e n e''ective counsel% l nee$ not ch llen!e ll the Duestions &ein! propoun$e$ to his client) The presence o' counsel to preclu$e the sli!htest coercion s #oul$ le $ the ccuse$ to $(it so(ethin! ' lse)


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accused (ro#$ded that he has been du'y not$*$ed and h$s *a$'ure to a((ear $s un+ust$*$ab'e. P(%$/,)! o" of ""o&%"&%s ! inst presu(ption o' l # The ri!ht to &e he r$ The v !ueness $octrine (erel. reDuires re son &le $e!ree o' cert int. 'or the l # to &e uphel$- not &solute precision or ( the( tic l ex ctitu$e 5E$!(ada 5$. D%$ %(!o% Nove(&er 18% 23316) "espite the lle! tion o' (inorit. o' the victi(% n ccuse$ ppell nt ( . not &e sentence$ to $e th un$er RA A9;8 $ue to the ' ilure o' the in'or( tion to lle!e rel tionship to the victi() It #oul$ &e $eni l o' the ri!ht o' the ccuse$ to &e in'or(e$ o' the ch r!es ! inst hi( n$% conseDuentl.% $eni l o' $ue process 5PP 5$. Sa"do5a#% 7C: SCRA CA96) A person su&?ect o' n extr $ition reDuest 'ro( nother soverei!n St te is &ere't o' the ri!ht to notice n$ he rin! $urin! the ev lu tion st !e o' the extr $ition process) An extr $ition procee$in! is sui !eneris) It is not cri(in l procee$in! #hich #ill c ll into oper tions ll the ri!hts o' n ccuse$ s !u r ntee$ &. the Bill o' Ri!hts) The extr $iteeLs ri!ht to notice n$ he rin! is present onl. #hen the petition 'or extr $ition is 'ile$ in court- it is onl. then #hen he h s the opportunit. to (eet the evi$ence ! inst hi( 5S%&(%!a(* of 1/$! &% 5$. La"! o"% 7C7 SCRA 7AA% 23336) R -'! !o )/:# & !( a# A pu&lic tri l is not s.non.(ous #ith pu&liciFe$ tri l0 it onl. i(plies th t the court $oors (ust &e open to those #ho #ish to co(e% sit in the v il &le se ts% con$uct the(selves #ith $ecoru( n$ o&serve tri l 5S%& of 1/$! &% 5$. E$!(ada% Bune 28% 23316) R -'! !o fa&% !o fa&% &o"f(o"!a! o" The &sence o' cross-ex (in tion &. the $e'ense $ue to the supervenin! $e th o' pl inti''1#itness $oes not necess ril. ren$er the $ece se$Ls testi(on. in $(issi&le) Where no ' ult c n &e ttri&ute$ to pl inti''1#itness% it #oul$ &e h rsh (e sure to stri<e out ll th t h s &een o&t ine$ in the $irect ex (in tion 5PP 5$. Na(&a% 2A; SCRA 9896) S%&! o" 1H9 , &e s Corpus Sect$on /4. The (r$#$'e%e o* the ,r$t o* habeas cor(us sha'' not be sus(ended e>ce(t $n cases o* $n#as$on or rebe''$on ,hen the (ub'$c sa*ety re-u$res $t. investi! tions) 5Ta!ad 5$. Sa"d -a":a*a"% 1;8 SCRA A36) S%&! o" 179 A! inst Sel'-incri(in tion Sect$on /6. No (erson sha'' be co)(e''ed to be a ,$tness a%a$nst h$)se'*. The ri!ht ! inst sel'-incri(in tion is v il &le in $(inistr tive he rin!s #hen the n ture o' the pen lt. is pen l in n ture 5li<e 'or'eiture o' propert. or $is(iss l 'ro( e(plo.(ent6 n$ the he rin! p rt <es the n ture o' cri(in l procee$in! 5Ca:a# 5$. Ka)/"a"% 9 SCRA 13;86) Applic &le to procee$in! th t coul$ possi&l. result in the loss o' the privile!e to pr ctice (e$ic l pro'ession) 5Pa$&/a# 5$. Boa(d of M%d &a# E?a, "%($6 The ri!ht ! inst sel'-incri(in tion is $e'e te$ &. the pu&lic n ture o' $ocu(ents sou!ht to &e ccesse$) 5A#,o"!% 5$. Va$./%C6 In the recent c se o' PEOPLE 5$. YATAR% /)R) No) 1;322C% > . 18% 233C% the Supre(e Court ''ir(e$ the $(issi&ilit. n$ pro& tive v lue o' "NA 5$eox.ri&onucleic ci$6) Citin! the 'irst ever Supre(e Court $ecision on the $(issi&ilit. o' "NA evi$ence% i)e)% People v) V lle?o% /)R) No) 1CC9;9% 8 > . 2332% 7:2 SCRA 182% 238% the Court% in J t r% hel$ th t in ssessin! the pro& tive v lue o' "NA evi$ence% courts shoul$ consi$er% inter li % the 'ollo#in! ' ctors* Mho# the s (ples #ere collecte$% ho# the. #ere h n$le$% the possi&ilit. o' cont (in tion o' the s (ples% the proce$ure 'ollo#e$ in n l.Fin! the s (ples% #hether the proper st n$ r$s n$ proce$ures #ere 'ollo#e$ in con$uctin! the tests% n$ the Du li'ic tion o' the n #ho con$ucte$ the testsN) In J t r% in n tte(pt to exclu$e the "NA evi$ence% the ppell nt conten$e$ Mth t the &loo$ s (ple t <en 'ro( hi( s #ell s the "NA tests #ere con$ucte$ in viol tion o' his ri!ht to re( in silent s #ell s his ri!ht ! inst sel'-incri(in tion un$er Secs) 12 n$ 1A o' Art) III o' the ConstitutionN) The Court re?ecte$ the r!u(ent) It hel$ th t Mthe <ernel o' the ri!ht is not ! inst ll co(pulsion% &ut ! inst testi(oni l co(pulsionN% citin! A# ' 5. Ca$!(o% /)R) No) 98C31% 27 Bune 18:A% 1;1 SCRA 2A8) It hel$ th t Mthe ri!ht ! inst sel'- incri(in tion is si(pl. ! inst the le! l process o' extr ctin! 'ro( the lips o' the ccuse$ n $(ission o' !uiltN n$ th t Mit $oes not ppl. #here the evi$ence sou!ht to &e exclu$e$ is not n incri(in tion &ut s p rt o' o&?ect evi$enceN) Citin! P%o)#% 5. Ro"d%(o% /)R) No) 12;9:A% 8 "ece(&er 1888% 723 SCRA 7:7% the Court hel$ th t M lthou!h ccuse$- ppell nt insiste$ th t h ir s (ples #ere 'orci&l. t <en 'ro( hi( n$ su&(itte$ to the N tion l Bure u o' Investi! tion 'or 'orensic ex (in tion% the h ir s (ples ( . &e $(itte$ in evi$ence ! inst hi(% 'or #h t is proscri&e$ is the use o' testi(oni l co(pulsion or n. evi$ence co((unic tive in n ture cDuire$ 'ro( the ccuse$ un$er $uress)N ,ence% ccor$in! to the Court% M person ( . &e co(pelle$ to su&(it to 'in!erprintin!% photo!r phin!% p r ''in% &loo$ n$ "NA% s there is no testi(oni l co(pulsion involve$N) It cite$ P%o)#% 5. Ga##a(d%% /)R) No) 17732;% 2A Ee&ru r. 2333% 72; SCRA :7;%

S%&! o" 1J9 Spee$. $isposition Sect$on /5. A'' (ersons sha'' ha#e the r$%ht to a s(eedy d$s(os$t$on o* the$r cases be*ore a'' +ud$c$a'" -uas$7+ud$c$a'" or ad)$n$strat$#e bod$es. Where the c se 'or viol tion o' the Anti-/r 't L # # s pen$in! 'or preli(in r. investi! tion #ith the O''ice o' the T no$& . n 'or 7 .e rs n$ it is in$ic te$ th t the c se is o' si(ple n ture n$ # s prosecute$ 'or politic l re sons% it is hel$ th t there # s viol tion o' the ccuse$Ls ri!ht to spee$. $isposition o' c se) Ri!ht to spee$. $isposition exten$s to preli(in r.


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#here i((e$i tel. 'ter the inci$ent% Mthe police uthorities too< pictures o' the ccuse$ #ithout the presence o' counselN) In th t c se% the Court rule$ th t Mthere # s no viol tion o' the ri!ht ! inst sel'incri(in tionN) It 'urther st te$ th t Mthe ccuse$ ( . &e co(pelle$ to su&(it to ph.sic l ex (in tion to $eter(ine his involve(ent in n o''ense o' #hich he is ccuse$N) S%&! o" 189 Politic l &elie's 1 Involunt r. Servitu$e Sect$on /8. (/ No (erson sha'' be deta$ned so'e'y by reason o* h$s (o'$t$ca' be'$e*s and as($rat$ons. (0 No $n#o'untary ser#$tude $n any *ro) sha'' e>$st e>ce(t as (un$sh)ent *or a cr$)e ,hereo* the (arty sha'' be du'y con#$cted. S%&! o" 199 "e th pen lt. Sect$on /9. (/ E>cess$#e *$nes sha'' not be $)(osed" nor crue'" de%rad$n% or $nhu)an (un$sh)ent $n*'$cted. Ne$ther sha'' death (ena'ty be $)(osed" un'ess" *or co)(e''$n% reasons $n#o'#$n% he$nous cr$)es" the Con%ress herea*ter (ro#$des *or $t. Any death (ena'ty a'ready $)(osed sha'' be reduced to rec'us$on (er(etua. (0 The e)('oy)ent o* (hys$ca'" (sycho'o%$ca'" or de%rad$n% (un$sh)ent a%a$nst any (r$soner or deta$nee or the use o* substandard or $nade-uate (ena' *ac$'$t$es under subhu)an cond$t$ons sha'' be dea't ,$th by 'a,. The $e th pen lt. is not cruel punish(ent) There # s no tot l &olition o' the $e th pen lt.) The ConCo( h $ $ee(e$ it proper 'or Con!ress to $eter(ine its rei(position &ec use o' co(pellin! re sons involvin! heinous cri(es) 5PP 5B E&'%-a(a*% 29A SCRA 9:26) S%&! o" @F9 Non-i(prison(ent 'or "e&t Sect$on 0:. No (erson sha'' be $)(r$soned *or debt or non7(ay)ent o* a (o'' ta>. The civil li &ilit. 'ro( cri(e is not M$e&tN #ithin the purvie# o' the constitution l provision ! inst i(prison(ent 'or non p .(ent o' M$e&tN) V%(-a(a 5$. G%do( o% C32 SCRA ;23- "e&t% s use$ in the Constitution% re'ers to civil $e&t or one not risin! 'ro( cri(in l o''ense) Cle rl.% the p .(ent o' rent ls is covere$ &. the constitution l !u r ntee ! inst i(prison(ent) S%&! o" @19 "ou&le Beop r$. Sect$on 0/. No (erson sha'' be t,$ce (ut $n +eo(ardy o* (un$sh)ent *or the sa)e o**ense. I* an act $s (un$shed by a 'a, and an ord$nance" con#$ct$on or ac-u$tta' under e$ther sha'' const$tute a bar to another (rosecut$on *or the sa)e act. The i(pe ch(ent procee$in!s ! inst petitioner Estr $ # s not conclu$e$ s series o' events pro(pte$ the Sen te to $ecl re the i(pe ch(ent 'unctus o''icio- thus% he # s neither cDuitte$ nor # s the i(pe ch(ent procee$in! $is(isse$ #ithout his express consent) Neither # s there conviction1 It 'ollo#s then th t the cl i( o' $ou&le ?eop r$. (ust ' il) 5E$!(ada 5$. D%$ %(!o% April 7% 23316) +n$er Sec) :% Rule 11A o' the Rules o' Court% provision l $is(iss l o' c se &eco(es per( nent 'ter the l pse o' one .e r 'or o''enses punish &le &. i(prison(ent o' not excee$in! six .e rs or l pse o' t#o .e rs 'or o''enses punish &le &. i(prison(ent o' (ore th n six .e rs) Eor this rule to & r the su&seDuent 'ilin! o' si(il r c se ! inst the ccuse$% the 'ollo#in! (ust &e est &lishe$* 16 the provision l $is(iss l h $ express consent o' the ccuse$0 26 the provision l $is(iss l # s or$ere$ &. the court 'ter notice to the o''en$e$ p rt.0 76 the 1 .r) or 2-.r) perio$ to revive h $ l pse$0 C6 there is no ?usti'ic tion to 'ile su&seDuent c se &e.on$ the perio$ o' one or t#o .e rs) 5PP 5$. La&$o"% > . 2:% 23326) The or$er pprovin! the ple o' !uilt. to ho(ici$e # s not ?u$!(ent o' conviction) It (erel. pprove$ the !ree(ent &et#een the p rties on the ple to lesser o''ense &. the ccuse$ n$ the con$ition tt che$ to it) 5PP 5$. Ro,%(o% 788 SCRA 7:96 S%&! o" @@9 Ex post ' cto l #1&ill o' tt in$er Sect$on 00. No e> (ost *acto 'a, or b$'' o* atta$nder sha'' be enacted. RA :2C8% n ct #hich 'urther $e'ines the ?uris$iction o' the S n$i! n& . n% is not pen l l # &ut su&st ntive l # on ?uris$iction #hose retro ctive pplic tion is constitution l 5La&$o" 5$. E?%&. S%&(%!a(*% 731 SCRA 28:6) The prohi&ition o' ex post ' cto l #s n$ &ill o' tt in$er pplies to court $octrines pursu nt to the ( xi( Mle!is interpret tio le!is vi( o&tinetN- the interpret tion pl ce$ upon the #ritten l # &. co(petent court h s the 'orce o' l # PP vs) B &in l% ;; SCRA 9326) The l # ( <in! the use o' n unlicense$ 'ire r( Du li'.in! circu(st nce in (ur$er c nnot ppl. retro ctivel.) 5PP 5$. Pa!o&% 78: SCRA 926) Re "NA tests con$ucte$ &. the prosecution ! inst ccuse$ &ein! unconstitution l on the !roun$ th t resort thereto # s t nt (ount to the pplic tion o' n ex-post ' cto l #- "escri&in! the r!u(ent s specious% the Supre(e Court hel$ Mno ex-post ' cto l # # s involve$ in the c se t & rN) It $$e$ th t Mthe science o' "NA! involve$ the $(issi&ilit.% relev nce n$ reli &ilit. o' the evi$ence o&t ine$ un$er the Rules o' CourtN) Where s% M n ex-post ' cto l # re'erre$ pri( ril. to Duestion o' l #% "NA pro'ilin! reDuires ' ctu l $eter(in tion o' the pro& tive #ei!ht o' the evi$ence presente$N) 5PP 5$. Ya!a(% > . 18% 233C6

ELECTION LA4 B%" !o 5$. COMELEC% 7C8 SCRA A3;- It is the CO>ELEC en & nc #hich h s the exclusive po#er to postpone% to $ecl re ' ilure o' election% or to c ll speci l election) T#o precon$itions (ust &e (et &e'ore ' ilure o' election ( . &e $ecl re$* 16 no votin! h s &een hel$ in n. precinct $ue to 'orce ( ?eure% violence or terroris(0 n$ 26 the votes not c st therein re su''icient to ''ect the results o' the election)


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7) C) ;) 9) Con!ress( n- ,RET Re!ion l1Provinci l1Cit. O''ices- CO>ELEC >unicip l O''ices- RTC B r n! . O''ices- >TC

Ta" 5$. COMELEC% C1A SCRA ;72- Inst nces #hen ' ilure o' election ( . &e $ecl re$* 16 the election in n. pollin! pl ce h s not &een hel$ on the $ te 'ixe$ on ccount o' 'orce ( ?eure% violence% terroris(% 'r u$ n$ other n lo!ous c ses 5EVTEA60 26 the election in n. pollin! pl ce h s &een suspen$e$ &e'ore the hour 'ixe$ &. l # o' the closin! o' the votin! on ccount o' EVTEA0 or 76 'ter votin! n$ closin! the prep r tion n$ tr ns(ission or the election returns in custo$. or c nv ss thereo'% such election results in ' ilure to elect on ccount o' EVTEA) CHU 5$. COMELEC% 718 SCRA C:2- In preprocl ( tion controvers.% the &o r$ o' c nv ssers n$ the CO>ELEC c nnot loo< &e.on$ the returns% #hich re on their ' ce re!ul r n$ uthentic) A p rt. see<in! to r ise issues the resolution o' #hich #oul$ necessit te the CO>ELEC to pierce the veil o' election returns (ust 'ile re!ul r election protest) A-:a*a" 5$. COMELEC% 1:9 SCRA C:C- The procl ( tion o' the #innin! c n$i$ te ( <es the pre procl ( tion controvers. no lon!er vi &le) ,o#ever% this is true onl. #here the procl ( tion is & se$ on co(plete c nv ss) Where it is cl i(e$ th t cert in returns shoul$ h ve &een o(itte$ &ec use the. #ere ( nu' cture n$ other returns c nnot &e inclu$e$ &ec use the. h ve &een irretriev &l. lost% the preprocl ( tion controvers. #oul$ still &e continue$ $espite the procl ( tion o' the suppose$ #inner) Also% re $ LorenFo vs) CO>ELEC% "ece(&er 11% 2337) M ##a 5$. Ba#,o(%$9La?a% C39 SCRA 9A8% +n$er Section ;% Rule 2A o' the CO>ELEC Rules o' Proce$ure% petition to correct the st te(ent o' votes shoul$ &e 'ile$ 'ive $ .s 'ter the procl ( tion o' the #inner) ,o#ever% the CO>ELEC c n suspen$ its o#n Rules so s not to $e'e t the #ill o' the elector te) Ga!&'a# a" 5$. CA% 2C; SCRA 23:- It is the p .(ent o' the 'ilin! 'ees th t vests ?uris$iction o' the court over the election protest% not the p .(ent o' the $oc<et 'ees 'or the cl i( o' $ ( !es n$ ttorne.Ls 'ees) M%#%"d(%$ 5$B COMELEC% 2C; SCRA 23:- The $ te o' p .(ent o' the 'ilin! 'ee is $ee(e$ the ctu l $ te o' the 'ilin! o' the election protest) The rule prescri&in! the ten-$ . perio$ is >AN"ATORJ n$ B+RIS"ICTIONAL n$ the 'ilin! o' n election protest &e.on$ the perio$ $eprives the court o' ?uris$iction over the protest) "ue to petitionerLs ctive p rticip tion in the procee$in!% estoppel h s set in preclu$in! petitioner 'ro( Duestionin! the inco(plete p .(ent o' the 'ilin! 'ee) 5Na5a(o$a 5$. COMELEC% C11 SCRA 7986 I' the #inner in n election is ineli!i&le% the one #ho 'inishe$ secon$ c nnot &e procl i(e$ 5La!a$a 5$. COMELEC% "ece(&er 13% 23376 EGEC+TION PEN"IN/ APPEAL- A co(&in tion o' t#o or (ore o' the 'ollo#in! re sons su''ice to !r nt execution pen$in! ppe l* 16 pu&lic interest or #ill o' the elector te0 526 the shortness o' the re( inin! portion o' the ter( o' the conteste$ o''ice% n$ 576 the len!th o' ti(e th t the election contest h s &een pen$in!) 5Sa"!o$ 5$. COMELEC% 788 SCRA 9116 1/( $d &! o" of E#%&! o" Co"!%$!0 1) Presi$ent1Vice Presi$ent K Supre(e Court 2) Sen tor K SET

Once #innin! c n$i$ te h s &een procl i(e$% t <en his o th% n$ ssu(e$ o''ice s (e(&er o' the ,ouse o' represent tives% CO>ELECLs ?uris$iction over election contests rel tin! to his election returns% Du li'ic tion en$s% n$ the ,RETLs ?uris$iction &e!ins) The ?uris$iction o' ,RET is not li(ite$ to the Du li'ic tions prescri&e$ un$er section9% Art) VI o' the constitution) Uuestions on st tutor. $isDu li'ic tions% inclu$in! v li$it. o' su&stitution ' ll #ithin the re l( o' the ,RET) 5G/%((%(o 5$. COMELEC% 779 SCRA C;:6 In n election contest #here #h t is involve$ is the correctness o' the nu(&er o' votes o' e ch c n$i$ te% the &est n$ (ost conclusive evi$ence re the & llots the(selves) But #here the & llots c nnot &e pro$uce$ or re not v il &le% the election returns #oul$ &e the &est evi$ence) 5L%( a$ 5$. HRET% 232 SCRA :3:6 The rule th t the 'ilin! o' n election protest or petition 'or Duo # rr nto preclu$es the su&seDuent 'ilin! o' pre-procl ( tion c se $(its o' exceptions s #here* 16 the &o r$ o' c nv ssers # s i(properl. constitute$0 26 Duo # rr nto # s not the proper re(e$.0 76 #h t # s 'ile$ # s not re ll. petition 'or Duo # rr nto or n election protest &ut petition to nnul procl ( tion0 C6 the 'ilin! o' Duo # rr nto petition or n election protest # s expressl. ( $e #ithout pre?u$ice to the pre-procl ( tion controvers. or # s ( $e $ c utel (0 n$ ;6 the procl ( tion # s null n$ voi$) 5Sa,ad 5$. COMELEC% 22C SCRA 9716 With respect to Du li'ic tions o' loc l elective o''ici ls% the rec<onin! ti(e 'or co(pli nce o' resi$enc. is one .e r prece$in! the $ . o' election n$ the (ini(u( !e is co(pute$ t the $ te o' election) As ' r s Eilipino citiFenship is concerne$% it is hel$ th t shoul$ &e rec<one$ t the $ te o' procl ( tion or st rt o' the ter(% not necess ril. the $ te o' election or $ te o' 'ilin! o' certi'ic te o' c n$i$ c.) 5F( 5a#do 5$. COMELEC% 2:A SCRA A2A6 Sa(, %"!o 5$. COMELEC% 7CA SCRA 73A- The CO>ELEC% sittin! en & nc% $oes not h ve the reDuisite uthorit. to he r n$ $eci$e election c ses inclu$in! pre-procl ( tion controversies in the 'irst inst nce) This po#er pert ins to the $ivisions o' the Co((ission) An. $ecision &. the Co((ission en & n s re! r$s election c ses $eci$e$ &. it in the 'irst inst nce is null n$ voi$) A"-%# a 5$. COMELEC% 772 SCRA A;A- A resolution o' the CO>ELEC en & nc is not su&?ect to reconsi$er tion n$% there'ore% n. p rt. #ho $is !rees #ith it h s onl. one recourse n$ th t is to 'ile petition 'or certior ri un$er Rule 9;) Eor hi( to # it until the CO>ELEC $enie$ his (otion #oul$ &e llo#e$ the re!l (ent r. perio$ 'or 'ilin! petition 'or certior ri run n$ expire) A,: # 5$. COMELEC% 7CC SCRA 7;:- An or$er settin! the pro(ul! tion o' $r 't $ecision o' CO>ELEC $ivision is not proper su&?ect 'or certior ri &e'ore the Supre(e Court) The $ecision su&?ect to revie# &. the Supre(e Court re'er to 'in l or$ers% rulin!s n$ $ecisions o' the CO>ELEC ren$ere$ in the exercise o' its $?u$ic tor. or Du si-?u$ici l po#ers) The $ecision (ust &e 'in l $ecision or resolution o' the CO>ELEC en & nc% not o' $ivision% n$ cert inl.


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

not n interlocutor. or$er o' $ivision) The prereDuisite 'ilin! o' (otion 'or reconsi$er tion is ( n$ tor.) COMELEC 5$. No*"a*% 282 SCRA 2;C- The RTCs h ve exclusive ?uri$iction over election o''enses% except ' ilure to re!ister or to vote #hich ' ll un$er the ?uris$iction o' the >TC% re! r$less o' the $ur tion o' the pen lties pursu nt to Section 29: o' the O(ni&us Election Co$e) p rt.( te o' s i$ s n!!uni n (e(&er) The re son &ehin$ the ri!ht !iven to politic l p rt. to no(in te repl ce(ent is to ( int in the p rt. represent tion s #ille$ &. the people in election) 5Na5a((o 5$. CA% Nove(&er 2:% 23316 There is nothin! in the Constitution th t #ill re(otel. su!!est th t the people h ve the sole n$ exclusive ri!ht to $eci$e on #hether to initi te rec ll procee$in!) The Constitution $i$ not provi$e 'or n. (o$e% let lone sin!le (o$e% o' initi tin! rec ll elections) Neither $i$ it prohi&it the $option o' (ultiple (o$es o' initi tin! rec ll elections) Initi tion &. the prep r tor. rec ll sse(&l. is lso initi tion &. the people% l&eit $one in$irectl. throu!h their represent tives) It is not constitution ll. i(per(issi&le 'or the people to ct throu!h their electe$ represent tives) 5Ga(& a 5$. COMELEC% 22A SCRA 1336 Ma-!a=a$ 5$. P(*&%% 27C SCRA 2;;% An or$in nce% s pro$uct o' $ele! te$ po#er% c nnot rise &ove st tute) Eor n or$in nce to &e v li$* 16 it (ust not contr vene the Constitution or n. st tute% 26 it (ust not &e un' ir or oppressive% 76 it (ust not &e p rti l or $iscri(in tor.% C6 it (ust not prohi&it &ut ( . re!ul te tr $e% ;6 it (ust &e !ener l n$ consistent #ith pu&lic polic.% n$ 96 it (ust not &e unre son &le) H% ($ of A#:%(!o S/-/ !a" 5$. C !* of Ma"da#/*o"-% 72: SCRA 17A% The po#er o' e(inent $o( in% s $ele! te$ po#er 'ro( the le!isl ture% ( . onl. &e exercise$ in strict co(pli nce #ith the ter(s o' the $ele! tin! l #) An or$in nce pro(ul! te$ &. the le!isl tive &o$. uthoriFin! its loc l chie' executive to exercise the po#er o' e(inent $o( in is necess r. prior to the 'ilin! &. the l tter o' the co(pl int #ith the proper court)

PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LA4 A tre t. o&li! tion h s the 'orce n$ e''ect o' st tute n$ is !iven eDu l tre t(ent #ith the l tter) But the constitution ( . inv li$ te tre t. inconsistent #ith it% s it $oes in c se o' n unconstitution l st tute) In the c se o' con'lict &et#een tre t. n$ st tute% the principle o' lex posterior $ero! t priori pplies- tre t. ( . repe l prior st tute% n$ l ter st tute ( . repe l n existin! tre t.) 5S%&. of 1/$! &% 5$. La"! o"% 722 SCRA 193% 23336 Extr $ition is the re(ov l o' n ccuse$ 'ro( the Philippines #ith the o&?ect o' pl cin! hi( t the $ispos l o' 'orei!n uthorities to en &le the reDuestin! st te or !overn(ent to hol$ hi( in connection #ith n. cri(in l investi! tion $irecte$ ! inst hi( or the execution o' pen lt. i(pose$ on hi( un$er the pen l or cri(in l l # o' the reDuestin! st te or !overn(ent 5see S%&. @B PD 1FJ96) REA"* /ovLt) o' +SA vs) Pur! n n% Septe(&er 2C% 23320 Secret r. o' Bustice vs) L ntion% 7C7 SCRA 7AA6) A person su&?ect o' n extr $ition reDuest ( . &e extr $ite$ 'or o''ense co((itte$ prior to the entr. or e''ectivit. o' the extr $ition tre t.) 54( -'! 5$. CA% 27; SCRA 7C16 W r ( . exist #ithout procl ( tion to th t e''ect) Actu l hostilities ( . $eter(ine the $ te o' the co((ence(ent o' # r% thou!h no procl ( tion ( . h ve &een issue$% no$ ecl r tion ( $e% n$ no ction o' the executive or le!isl tive &r nches o' the !overn(ent h $) 5US 5$. La-"a$o"% 7 Phil CA26 "iplo( tic i((unit. is essenti ll. politic l Duestion n$ courts shoul$ re'use to loo< &e.on$ $eter(in tion &. the executive &r nch o' the !overn(ent) 54HO 5$. A./ "o% C: SCRA 2C26 Consul is not entitle$ to the privile!es n$ i((unities o' n (& ss $or or (inister% &ut is su&?ect to the l #s n$ re!ul tions o' the countr. to #hich he is ccre$ite$) ,e ( .% there'ore% &e su&?ect o' cri(in l prosecution) 5S&'"%&D%":%(-%( 5$. Mo(a"% 97 Phil 2C86 The sl n$er o' person c nnot &e tre te$ s ' llin! un$er the purvie# o' the i((unit. !r nte$ to intern tion l o''ici ls #ho ( . onl. en?o. i((unit. #ith respect to cts per'or(e$ &. the( in their o''ici l c p cit.) ,o#ever% the intern tion l or! niF tions the. represent en?o. &solute i((unit.) 5L a"- 5$. P%o)#%% 7;; SCRA 12; 5233166

ADMINSTRATIVE LA4 Civil Serv nts ( . &e re(ove$ 'ro( o''ice on cts o' $ishonest. n$ !r ve (iscon$uct even i' it is not #or<-rel te$) The priv te li'e o' n e( c nnot &e se!re! te$ 'ro( his pu&lic li'e) 5B%("a(do 5$. CA% C28 SCRA 2:;% > . 2A% 233C6 Re $ "octrine o' Pri( r. Buris$iction- Si(pl. ( n$ tes th t the re!ul r courts% in controversies involvin! speci liFe$ $isputes% $e'er to the 'in$in!s or resolutions o' $(inistr tive tri&un ls on cert in technic l ( tters) 5Co"(ad 6 Co.B I"&. 5$. CA% 2C9 SCRA 9816 The precise 'unction o' the $octrine o' pri( r. ?uris$iction is to !ui$e court in $eter(inin! #hether the court shoul$ re'r in 'ro( exercisin! its ?uris$iction until% 'ter n $(inistr tive !enc. h s $eter(ine$ so(e Duestion or so(e spect o' so(e Duestion risin! in the procee$in! &e'ore the court) 5;/ "!o$ 5$. Na! o"a# S!/d Fa(,% ;C SCRA 2136 E ctu l 'in$in!s o' Du si-?u$ici l !encies #hich h ve cDuire$ expertise in ( tters entruste$ to their ?uris$ictions re ccor$e$ &. the courts not onl. respect &ut 'in lit. is supporte$ &. su&st nti l evi$ence) 5Ka! )/"a" "- M-a Ma"--a-a<a $a Da/"-a" 5$. Ca##%=a% 2A: SCRA ;716 Exh ustion o' A$(inistr tive Re(e$ies- Be'ore resorts to the courts o' ?ustice% such $(inistr re(e$ies s ( . &e v il &le shoul$ 'irst exh uste$) 55da. D% V #a"/%5a 5. O(! C% 137 :A;6 one tive &e Phil

LOCAL GOVERNMENT Where the hi!hest r n<in! (e(&er o' the s n!!uni n # s elev te$ to the position o' vice( .or% the resultin! v c nc. shoul$ &e 'ille$ &.


BB exclusive on POLI Consti 1

The pre( ture invoc tion o' the intervention o' the court is ' t l to oneLs c use o' ction) 5R%)/:# & 5$. E?!%#&o,% B nu r. 1;% 23326 EGCEPTIONS* 516 issues re purel. le! l in n ture% 526 pu&lic interest is involve$0 576 extre(e ur!enc. is o&vious0 or 5C6 speci l circu(st nces # rr nt i((e$i te or (ore $irect ction) 5In$i n Aerosp ce +niversit. vs) C,E"% April C% 2331)6 5;6 #here the controverte$ ct is p tentl. ille! l or # s per'or(e$ #ithout ?uris$iction0 596 #here the respon$ent is $ep rt(ent secret r. #hose cts s n lter e!o o' the Presi$ent &e r the i(plie$ or ssu(e$ pprov l o' the l tter0 5A6 #here there re circu(st nces in$ic tin! the ur!enc. o' ?u$ici l intervention 5M !(a 5$. S/: do% 21 SCRA 12A6 5:6 #hen such re(e$. is per(issive onl.% # rr ntin! the conclusion th t the le!isl ture inten$e$ to llo# the ?u$ici l re(e$. even thou!h the $(inistr tive re(e$. h s not &een exh uste$ 5Co()/$ 5$. C/ad%("o% C SCRA AC86

L!o !'% BARL

PUBLIC OFFICERS P+BLIC OEEICIALS- La/(%# 5$. D%$ %(!o% April 12% 2332- The N tion l Centenni l Co((ission #hich is t s<e$ to spe rhe $ the cele&r tions o' the centenn r. o' the Philippine In$epen$ence per'or(e$ executive 'unctions n$ is% there'ore% pu&lic o''ice) "EEACTO AN" "EB+RE OEEICERS "ISTIN/+IS,E"* The $i''erence &et#een the & sis o' uthorit. o' $e?ure o''icer n$ th t o' $e' cto o''icer is th t one rests on ri!ht% the other on reput tion) A $e' cto o''icer is one #ho is in possession o' the o''ice n$ $isch r!in! its $uties un$er color o' uthorit.) B. color o' uthorit. is (e nt th t $erive$ 'ro( n election or ppoint(ent% ho#ever irre!ul r or in'or( l% so th t the incu(&ent is not (ere volunteer) 5CSC 5$. 1o$o"% C28 SCRA AA7% > . 2A% 233C6 Next in r n< rule- There is neither ( n$ tor. nor pree(ptor. reDuire(ent in the Civil Service L # th t persons next-in-r n< re entitle$ to pre'erence in ppoint(ent) 5Sa"! a-o 5$. CSC% 1A: SCRA A776 There is v li$ restriction to the exercise &. !overn(ent #or<ers o' their ri!ht to pe ce &l. sse(&le n$ petition the !overn(ent 'or re$ress o' !riev nces) , $ the te chers v ile$ o' their 'ree ti(e to $r ( tiFe their !riev nces n$ to $i lo!ue #ith the proper uthorities #ithin the &oun$s o' l #% no one% not the "ECS% the CSC or even the Supre(e Court coul$ h ve hel$ the( li &le 'or their p rticip tion in the ( ss ctions) RESI/NATION- to constitute co(plete n$ oper tive resi!n tion o' pu&lic o''ice% there (ust &e n intention to relinDuish p rt o' the ter(% cco(p nie$ &. the ct o' relinDuish(ent) A resi!n tion i(plies n expression o' the incu(&ent in so(e 'or(% express or i(plie$% o' the intention to surren$er% renounce n$ relinDuish the o''ice n$ the ccept nce &. co(petent n$ l #'ul uthorit.) 5Ga,:oa 5$. CAB 13: SCRA 16)


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