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THE LUSTFUL TURK Or Scenes in the Harum of an Eastern Potentate faithfully and vividly depicting in a series of letters from

a young and eautiful English lady to her friend in England the full particulars of her ravishment and of her complete a andonment to all the salacious tastes of the Tur!s" the #hole eing descri ed #ith that $est and simplicity #hich al#ays gives guarantee of authenticity% & LETTER ' Emily (arlo# to Sylvia )arey Portsmouth" )ro#n Hotel '* +une '*', -earest Sylvia .e arrived here early this morning after a most melancholy /ourney% Time alone can remove the painful impressions #hich the appearance of poor Henry created as #e parted% 0ever shall 1 forget the picture of despair he e2hi ited% -o all you can to comfort him" tell him although 1 o ey my mother3s and my uncle3s #ishes" still my heart in every clime #ill e true to him% Poor Eli$a did everything in her po#er on the road to this place to amuse my #ounded feelings" ut it #as eyond the e2tent of her artless sophistry to remove the #eight that pressed upon my heart% Oh" Sylvia4 ho# cruel is the sacrifice e2acted in our o edience to our parents5 ho# happy had 1 een if this uncle of mine had never e2isted4 6y mother" my friend" my lover7all" all 1 hold dearsacrificed to the prospect of possessing this uncle3s #ealth% Heaven !no#s ho# fondly 1 d#elt upon the hopes of shortly ecoming the happy #ife of your rother" you may guess 8 ut 1 pray that you may never feel9 the anguish caused y such a separation% (ut it is decided% 1 can no# only supplicate heaven for a speedy return% On our arrival #e found the captain of the 1ndiaman an2iously e2pecting us% The #ind having een fair for some hours" if #e had not appeared as #e did" he #ould have sailed #ithout us5 truly happy should 1 have een if he had5 and if 1 had !no#n that a trifling delay on

the road #ould have prevented our departure" 1 most certainly #ould have created it% :dieu" my dear Sylvia" a long adieu% The oat #aits to convey us on oard at the 6omer an!" as the captain calls it Fare#ell" Sylvia" comfort poor Henry" #hen 1 thin! of him 1 feel #hat it is impossi le to descri e% ;our unhappy friend" E61L; (:RLO. < LETTER & :li" -ey of :lgiers" to 6u$ra" (ey of Tunis &= Septem er '*',% 6u$ra" thy friend greets thee" #ith than!s for thy late present 1 allude to the >recian maid 8for so she #as9 you sent me #ith the treasure% The earer of this dispatch has 8 e care of a pair of eautiful stallions #hich 1 lately captured from a tri e of :s!ulites5 they made an inroad into a part of my territories from the desert" ut 1 came upon them y surprise" and properly chastised their presumption? not more than a hundred escaped out of t#o thousand5 indeed 1 #as in no humour to spare them" they having distur ed me in a scene of pleasure" for #hich mere could e no pardon" ut more of this hereafter% The >recian slave" 1 re/oice to say again" 1 found a pure maid5 her virginity 1 sacrificed on the (eiram feast of our Holy Prophet To cull her s#eet flo#er" 1 #as o liged to infuse an opiate in her coffee% :gain" and again" 1 than! you for the present7her eauties are indeed lu2urious5 in her soft em races 1 find a sure solace from my an2ieties of state" ut ho# strange it is" 6u$ra" that these slaves" #hose destinies depend on our #ill" rarely give that fervent return to our pleasure so a solutely necessary to the full voluptuous energy of en/oyment 1t is true nature #ill al#ays e2ert its po#er over the softer se2" and they fre@uently give #ay to its e2citement" ut the pleasure they e2perience is merely animal% Thus it is #ith Aena 8so 1 have named your present9? even in the height of our ecstasies" a cloud seems to hang on her eauteous countenance" clearly indicating that it is nature" not love" that creates her transport% This !no#ledge considera ly diminishes the en/oyment her eauties afford me" yet still she has ecome e2tremely necessary to my pleasures% :lthough the novelty of her charms has gone y" the certainty of having cropped her virgin rose has created a lasting interest in my osom" #hich the dissolving lustre and modest" ashful e2pression of her eyes daily increases7indeed her charms fre@uently entice me from the arms of another eauty" #hom 1 may say for these last t#o months 1 have continually en/oyed #ithout me least a atement of my ardouron the contrary" my appetite seems to increase y #hat 1 feed on% 1t is true #hen 1 thin! of the pensive charms of Aena 1 devote a fe# hours to her arms" ut she only acts li!e the #hetstone to the !nife" and sends

, me ac! to the em races of my English slave #ith redou led vigour and $est% 1n my ne2t dispatch 1 #ill give you an account of my ecoming possessed of this girl" #ho has so enchanted thy friend3s desires% 6ay our Prophet have thee in his holy !eeping% :L1 B LETTER < Sylvia )arey to Emily (arlo# London" 'C +une Fare thee #ell" dear Emily" and a safe voyage is the nightly prayer of your no# lonely friend% 1 received your letter of yesterday" and hope you #ill receive this efore you sail% Poor Henry has only een once out of his room since your departure% 1 #ill not shoc! you #ith an account of his #retchedness" ut e assured nothing #ill e left undone to relieve his sufferings" though 1 trem le for the result5 your mother sa# him today" she #as much shoc!ed at his de/ection5 ut 1 trust time #ill do much" and that you may yet e happy in the possession of each other% The providence that separates may again /oin% 1t is useless to despond% Ta!e every opportunity of #riting to us" y every ship you meet on your passage4 >od less you% S;LD1: ):RE; 8This letter Emily never received" the ship having sailed efore it arrived at Portsmouth%9 E LETTER , Emily (arlo# to Sylvia )arey :lgiers" &, +uly '*', -earest Sylvia71 thin! 1 see the e2pression of surprise you e2perience on perceiving my letter dated from this place% Oh" >od" Sylvia" to #hat a #retched fate has the intended !indness of my uncle devoted your misera le unfortunate friend% Pity me" Sylvia5 pity my #retchedness% ;ou have no dou t heard of the cruel treatment e2perienced y females #ho are unfortunate enough to fall into the po#er of these ar arous Tur!s" particularly those #ho have any pretensions to eauty5 ut it is utterly impossi le for you" Sylvia" to con/ecture anything li!e my sufferings since #e parted% 1 shudder #ith agony #hen 1 loo! ac! to #hat 1 have een forced to undergo% Pity me" my dear friend% 6y tears lot out the #ords nearly as @uic! as 1 #rite them% Oh >od" Sylvia" 1 have no longer any claim to chastity% Surely never #as poor maid so unfeelingly deprived of her virtue% The very day the accursed pirate rought me to this place did the -ey" #ith cruel force" in spite of my entreaties" deprive me of my virginity% 1n vain 1 resisted

#ith all the strength nature had esto#ed on me% 1t #as no use% 1n vain 1 made the harem resound #ith my cries ut no help or assistance came to succour your poor friend5 at length" #earied out y struggling in defence of my innocence" my strength at last completely failed me" and my po#erful ravisher unrelentingly completed my undoing% Oh" Sylvia" your poor friend is no# the polluted concu ine of this most #orthless Tur!% ;ou no dou t are an2ious to hear ho# 1 came into his po#er% The story of my ruin is short% The day after 1 #rote to you from Portsmouth #e sailed do#n the English )hannel #ith most delightful #eather" ut in losing sight of land 1 ecame e2tremely seasic!" so much so that 1 could not even cra#l upon dec!% 1n this state 1 continued a out three #ee!s% One day 1 heard a most unusual noise upon dec!" and #hen 1 sent Eli$a to learn the cause of it" a mate told her that the ship #as li!ely to e attac!ed y 6oorish pirates% ;ou may easily guess our terror at this information" #hich turned out to e all too true" for shortly the discharge of guns #ith the shouts of the com atants informed us the F #or! of destruction #as egun% The firing continued a considera le time #ithout intermission" and #hen the discharge of our guns #as discontinued" the uproar" cries and groans on the dec! ecame too horrid to descri e" or to last long% On a sudden everything ecame @uiet" ut a rush #e heard coming to#ards the ca in too surely #arned us of our approaching captivity% 1n an instant the door #as urst open" and in rushed a cro#d of armed Tur!s covered #ith lood% Una le longer to sustain the various emotions #ith #hich for the last t#o hours 1 had een agitated" and still suffering from the remains of my sic!ness" 1 fainted in the arms of Eli$a% On recovering my senses 1 found myself in my erth attended y Eli$a" from #hom 1 learned #e had een captured y an :lgerine corsair" #ho had ordered every attention to e paid me" and she elieved the corsair #as ma!ing for the Straits of >i raltar% 1n short" a out a #ee! after passing >i raltar" the firing of a salute announced #e #ere under the #alls of :lgiers5 during the passage to this place 1 #as not trou led #ith any visit from the captain" ut immediately the vessel #as safely anchored" he came to the ca in" and ordered us in good English to get ourselves ready to go ashore in the course of half an hour% Hearing him spea! English so #ell" 1 too! this opportunity of en@uiring #hat his intentions #ere respecting us" ut #as struc! speechless y his ans#ering that his intention #as to ma!e a present of us to the -ey4 He added he thought 1 #as particularly #ormy of that honour% So profound #as my horror at this information" that 1 in vain essayed for several minutes to spea!" and had 1 not found relief in a flood of tears" most certainly my emotions #ould have een fatal to me% The rute of a captain o served my tears and coolly

remar!ed" GOh4 oh4 #ater#or!s4 :h4 ah43 he continued" laughing aloud" Gif you should happen to e a maid" the -ey #ill ma!e you cry in another #ay 1 guess%3 He then returned to the dec!% 1 have since learned that this ar arian is an English renegade% Poor Eli$a appeared as much overcome as myself" for in point of personal attractions fe# girls could e more #ell endo#ed% : strong presentiment of my approaching fate had ta!en forci le possession of * my mind% :ll Eli$a could do or say" rought no relief to my apprehensions% The e2piration of this time again rought the captain to the ca in" #ho" covering us #ith thic! veils" conducted us oth on dec!% 1n a fe# minutes #e entered the .atergate of the -ey3s harem% 1t #as a out half7past si2 o3cloc! in the evening of the '&th of this month that 1 entered this palace" so fatal to my modesty% 1 had scarcely een in it half an hour ere my virtue received so severe an insult that the complete loss of chastity only could e2ceed #hat 1 suffered% 1n less than five hours the cruel -ey had thoroughly deprived me of every claim to virginity% (ut you shall !no# all" /ust as it happened% -irectly #e #ere in the harem #e #ere rather dragged than led into a most sumptuous cham er" at the far end of #hich sat the -ey" apparently a out forty7five years of age" smo!ing a peculiar !ind of pipe% The captain immediately prostrated himself" and spo!e to him in the Tur!ish language" pointing at the same time to me and Eli$a% The -ey surveyed us for a fe# moments #ithout rising% He then said something to the captain" #ho rose from his prostrate position" too! Eli$a y the hand" and led her out of the room% 1 #as a out to follo#" ut #as ordered y the captain to remain% Trem ling #ith terror 1 #as forced to o ey% 0o sooner #ere the captain and Eli$a #ithdra#n than the -ey rose from the couch" #al!ed leisurely to#ards me" and laid hold of my hand" #hich trem led in his grasp% :fter considering a fe# moments" he chuc!ed me under the chin and said in good English that 6ahomet had een !ind in lessing him #ith so fair a slave as myself% 1 #as not much surprised to hear the -ey spea! English" the captain having spo!en it so #ell" ut the terror his address gave me cannot e descri ed" and indeed good reason 1 had for my apprehensions% -irectly he had spo!en" he egan leading me to#ards the couch" ut 1 instantaneously dre# ac!" on #hich #ithout further ceremony he caught me around the #aist and in spite of the resistance 1 made" forced me to it5 then" seating himself" he dre# me to him and forced me to seat myself upon his !nees% 1f it had een in my po#er to resist" the C e2cess of my confusion alone #ould have prevented my thro#ing any effectual o stacle in the #ay of his proceedings% -irectly he had got

me thus he thre# one of his arms round my nec!" and dre# my lips to his" closing my mouth #ith his audacious !isses% .hilst his lips #ere as it #ere glued to mine" he forced his tongue into my mouth in a manner #hich created a sensation it is @uite impossi le to descri e% 1t #as the first li erty of the !ind 1 ever sustained% ;ou may guess the shoc! it at first gave me" ut you #ill scarcely credit it #hen 1 o#n that my indignation #as not of long continuance% 0ature" too po#erful nature" had ecome aroused and assisted his lascivious proceedings" conveying his !isses" rutal as they #ere" to the inmost recesses of my heart On a sudden" ne# and #ild sensations lended #ith my shame and rage" #hich e2erted themselves ut faintly" in fact" Sylvia" in a fe# short moments his !isses and his tongue thre# my senses into a complete tumult and an un!no#n fire rushed through every part of me" hurried on7 y a strange pleasure% :ll my loud cries d#indled into gentle sighs" and in spite of my in#ard rage and grief" 1 could not resist5 #anting strength for self7defence" 1 could only e#ail my situation% 1 told you he had me on his !nees" #ith one of his arms round my nec!% Finding ho# little 1 resisted" and having me thus #ith our lips closely /oined" his other hand he suddenly thrust under my petticoats% 1ncensed y this vital insult" 1 strove to rea! from his arms" ut it #as of no use% He held me firm" my cries and reproaches he heeded not4 1f y my struggles 1 contrived to free my lips" they #ere @uic!ly regained again5 thus #ith his hand and his lips he !ept me in the greatest disorder" #hilst in proportion as it increased 1 felt my fury and strength diminish% :t last a di$$y sensation sei$ed on every sense% 1 felt his hand rapidly divide my thighs" and @uic!ly one of his fingers penetrated that place #hich" >od !no#s" no male hand had ever efore touched% 1f anything #as #anting to complete my confusion" it #as the thrilling sensation 1 felt" caused y the touches of his finger% .hat a dreadful moment #as this for my virtue4 #ith all the highest notions of the charms of that dear innocence #hich 1 #as doomed to e so soon deprived of" dreading even in my soul3s disorder nothing so much as losing it" ho# strange then it #as that pleasure should not e '= overcome y such fears% .hy did they not instantly snatch me from the pleasureH 1 #ished some help #ould come to save me from the danger" ut 1 no sooner formed the #ish than a !iss and his finger created a contrary emotion" and each follo#ing !iss gre# more and more pleasing" till at last 1 almost #ished nothing might oppose my a solute defeat 1n lushing at #hat 1 felt" 1 lush to #rite" 1 longed to feel more% .ithout an idea #hat that #hich 1 panted for could e" 1 eagerly a#aited the instruction" until the impetuous ardour egan to e too po#erful for the senses% Finding that 1 made no attempt to #ithdra# my lips from his thrilling pressure" his arm #hich #as around my nec! he removed to my #aist"

thus dra#ing me more strongly to his osom5 his right arm ecame closely confined et#een his ody and mine" my hand eing placed and held firmly et#een his thighs% .hilst in this position" 1 felt something eneath his clothes gradually enlarging and moving against my hand5 from the length 1 felt it against my arm" 1 /udged it to e very long and thic! also% 1f 1 had #ished to remove my hand from its position 1 could not5 and so #onderful #as the fascination 1 felt from the mere touch of this un!no#n o /ect" 1 thin! 1 could not have removed my hand had it een perfectly at li erty% .ithout !no#ing #hat it #as" every thro created in me a tremor unaccounta le% 1 little dreamed the dreadful anguish 1 #as doomed to e2perience y that #hich my hand #as #arming and raising to life% (y this time the -ey had satisfied himself of my eing a virgin% Sun! though 1 #as in sensual lethargy" 1 had not een a le to silence an unfortunate monitor #ithin my reast #ho" though hitherto unsuccessful" #as yet reproaching me for my #ea!ness% The -ey" fully perceiving the impression he had made" resolved to ta!e immediate advantage of it% (ut ho# shall 1 descri e #hat 1 still lush to thin! of" ut it must e done% He #ithdre# his hand from et#een my thighs" forced me on my ac! on the couch" and in an instant turned up my clothes a ove my navel% Thus all my secret charms ecame e2posed to his vie#% E2hausted as 1 #as and lost in desire" 1 could ma!e no further resistance% His hands @uic!ly divided my thighs and he got et#een '' them% -uring my struggles my nec!erchief had ecome loose and disordered% He no# entirely removed it" leaving my nec! and reast @uite are% :lthough 1 could scarcely !eep my eyes open from the tumult of my senses" still 1 could not help o serving as he #as on his !nees et#een my thighs that he #as divesting himself of his lo#er garments% For the first time in my life 1 caught a vie# of that terri le instrument" that fatal foe to virginity% .ith unuttera le sensations 1 felt his na!ed glo#ing ody /oin mine" again my lips #ere glued to his" softening me to ruin #ith his inflamed suctions% 1n a delirium little short of pleasure" panting #ith desire" 1 #aited my coming fate% 81 really thin! if at this moment he had completed my seduction" 1 should not have regretted my loss of virtue5 ut no" it #as decreed that on eing deprived of my innocence 1 should e entirely free of all those soft desires he had so po#erfully e2cited" and that 1 should suffer during my defloration every anguish a maid can feel" personal as #ell as mental% (ut to my unfortunate tale%9 The -ey had properly fi2ed himself to do that #hich 1 ought ut certainly at that moment did not dread% 0o" even as his daring hand fi2ed the head of his terri le instrument #here his lascivious fingers had so potently assisted in reducing me to my then passive state" 1 o#n 1 felt it even #ith pleasure stiffly distending my

until that moment untouched modesty% (ut on the very instant #hen 1 had #illingly resigned everything to #hat 1 then considered my fi2ed destiny" his eyes" #hose lustre and e2pression 1 could scarcely sustain of" on a sudden #ere filled #ith languor% He seemed as it #ere a ashed" and !issing me #ith less violence" he gre# y degrees even #ea!er than myself% Suddenly 1 felt my thighs overflo#ed y something #arm that spurted in torrents from his instrument% :t last he san! in my arms in a !ind of trance% The -ay3s #ea!ness continuing" my confusion egan to dissipate so much that y ma!ing an effort 1 found no difficulty in disengaging myself from his arms% 1 got off the couch% :s 1 gre# composed and capa le of recollection" the more 1 ecame sensi le of my shame" together #ith the dreadful shoc! my modesty had e2perienced% : '& melancholy sei$ed me% 1 shuddered at #hat 1 #as li!ely to encounter /udging y #hat 1 had already e2perienced% Ho#ever" 1 returned than!s to heaven for my present escape% (y this time 1 had ad/usted my dress and the -ey had done the same thing and" coming up to me" he again placed his arm around my #aist Hardly recovered from my first confusion" 1 trem led for fear the same scene #as again commencing" ut fortunately 1 #as deceived% He only !issed my chee! in a manner #hich had nothing displeasing in it" and said" as #ell as 1 can recollect" GLovely )hristian" it is not the pleasure of our Holy prophet that 1 should at present e indulged in the en/oyment of your eauties" ut #hen 1 return from a /ourney 1 am a out to ma!e" 1 shall no dou t e a le to do /ustice to your charms% Until my return 1 shall order everything for your pleasure and amusement% (ut come"3 he continued" G1 #ill conduct you to the apartment 1 intend you shall occupy%3 1 no# summoned up courage to address him" although 1 could scarcely loo! in his face% 1 told him my e2act situation" of my affection for Henry" that no dou t my uncle #ould pay a very high ransom if 1 #as released #ithout any further attempts against my virtue% This 1 thre# out to tempt his cupidity" supposing" as 1 al#ays understood the :lgerines to e a most rapacious set of men" the hopes of gaining a large sum #ould induce him to spare me% He listened very patiently to all 1 advanced% Encouraged y his attention" 1 proceeded to add entreaties and supplications supported y tears" ut on a sudden he dre# me to his osom and !issed a#ay my tears" replying in these decisive #ords731t cannot e5 it is in vain you plead5 your fate is fi2ed% 1 #ould not part #ith you for all the treasure of the com ined #orld" let alone #hat one individual could produce% -o not indulge yourself" lovely one" #ith any vain hopes of ransom" for if the )ommander of the Faithful #as to order it" 1 #ould not part #ith you% The delicious odour of your virgin flo#er is reserved for my en/oyment 1n a fe# days 1 shall return" and then" lovely houri" you must resign yourself #ithout reluctance or

coyness to my fierce desires" and in return 1 #ill teach you such s#eet pleasure that you #ill soon cease to regret having een thro#n in my po#er% Ho# could you for a moment imagine 1 should e foolish enough to resign eauties such as yours to the arms of a rival" tooH to let '< a favoured )hristian pluc! your maiden rose% 0o" s#eet virgin" the soft pleasure is surely reserved for me"3 and he dre# my lips to his5 Git is 1 that am doomed to cull the flo#er% To me elongs the delightful tas! of transforming you into a finished #oman" and cropping that delicate treasure" so much sought after" ut so seldom found%3 6y heart entirely failed me at the decided refusal" and he led me trem ling to the apartments 1 #as to occupy% They consisted of a suite of three rooms" situated at the end of a long gallery% :s #e entered he e2plained to me the use of each room% The first #as me general apartment for eating or receiving company in" the second for dressing" #hilst the third and innermost one #as the edroom5 this last could e approached only through the other t#o rooms7at least so it appeared to me% 1n the edroom #ere three large #indo#s% On e2amination 1 found them to loo! out to the sea" #hich #as eating the #alls underneath at a great depth% There #as no possi ility of any approach or escape on that side% .hilst 1 #as ga$ing at the shipping in the har our" the -ey sei$ed my hand and gently dre# me to#ards the ed" #hich #as in one of the corners of the room" made of large velvet cushions in the most magnificent style" after the Eastern fashion% The t#o sides of the #all #hich formed the angle in #hich the ed #as placed #ere entirely covered #ith loo!ing7glass" as #as the ceiling a ove% : sudden trem ling sei$ed me on vie#ing the fatal ed" #hich the -ey o serving" he too! me in his arms and !issing me said" GOn my return 1 shall soon release you from all these trem lings and fear% He !ept his #ord" ut it #as much sooner than 1 e2pected or than he promised% :fter he had pointed out all the conveniences of the room" together #ith their several uses" he gave me a !ey" informing me it #as the !ey of my sleeping apartment% He then too! me in his arms" covering my lips and nec! #ith !isses" and id me to e2pect his return in a #ee!" y #hich time" he said" he had no dou t of my entire su mission to his desires% The #ay these intimations #ere given #as so peculiar and ne# to me" com ining so much of me authority of a master" that it #as entirely out of my po#er to ma!e any reply" and he left me% The first thing 1 did #hen he #as gone #as to inspect me door of the edroom% To my great /oy 1 found the loc! #as ', on the inside and me !ey eing in my possession 1 felt comparatively safe% 1 ne2t e2amined the room most attentively" and after a strict searching

felt convinced mere #as no other entrance ut the door" it eing entirely impossi le for anyone to approach y the #indo#s% 1 #as much relieved in mind after this inspection% +ust as 1 had finished my e2amination" in came four female slaves #hom the -ey had appointed to attend me% One of them spo!e English% 1 en@uired of her if 1 could have Eli$a" ut #as informed me -ey considered her too handsome to e an attendant% :t present she #as considered one of his mistresses" and #ould remain so if she #as found #orthy of that honour y eing still a maid% This information caused me to sigh for poor Eli$a% The slaves no# rought all !inds of refreshments" of #hich 1 stood much in need% :fter dinner 1 retired to the edroom" and seated myself on a couch in one of the recesses of the #indo#s5 the prospect #as eautiful5 the sun had /ust sun! on me #estern hori$on ehind the #hite terraces of the city ut still there #as sufficient light to discern everything going on in the har our" and on me mole7indeed me scene #as delightful5 for a fe# moments my unfortunate state #as forgotten% 1 #as distur ed y the slave #ho spo!e English ringing in a parcel of English oo!s" #ith a silver ell to ring should 1 #ant anything% .hilst she #as in me room a discharge of guns too! place from the castle and atteries" and she informed me that #henever the -ey left or returned to me city he #as al#ays saluted in that #ay% She further added he #as not e2pected to return for a fortnight% Feeling assured 1 should not e trou led y me -ey for some time" and finding myself much overcome from #hat 1 had undergone" 1 rang for lights" determined to retire to ed% -irectly they understood my intentions" the slaves came round me for the purpose of undressing me" ut 1 commanded them to retire" #hich they did" after placing everything for my service% 1 then loc!ed the door" determined on again searching the room5 still finding nothing to create any fear" 1 proceeded to undress myself" ut at the very moment 1 had ta!en off 'B my chemise" preparatory to putting on night linen" you may guess my terror on hearing a noise y the side of the ed% Ere 1 could have turned my head 1 found myself in the arms of the -ey" #ho #as as na!ed as myself% Oh" >od4 you cannot imagine my terror and despair at this moment% ;ou see ho# 1 #as lulled into security that 1 might ecome an easy victim% 1 felt assured the -ey had left :lgiers7the firing of the guns" the slave3s account" #as all trumped up to lull me to my ruin" all invented to thro# me off my guard5 in short" he allo#ed me no time for reflection% -efenceless and na!ed in his arms" 1 #as carried to the ed and thro#n do#n on it 6y shrie!s must have een heard through the palace ut no help #as nigh to prevent my ruin% .hat could a fee le maid li!e myself effect against so po#erful an antagonistH nothing7for in less time than it ta!es to #rite it" he forci ly e2tended my thighs and placed himself et#een them% Oh" >od4 even no#" #hen it is all over"

and recompensed as 1 have most certainly een for my sufferings" 1 trem le at the are recollection of the dreadful anguish 1 suffered #hen he reduced my chastity to a leeding ruin% 1 soon found it #as useless to struggle or resist" 1 #as a mere child in his arms5 as to strength" he moved and placed me /ust as #as convenient to his pleasure% 1 @uic!ly felt his finger again introducing the head of that terri le engine 1 had efore felt" and #hich no# felt li!e a pillar of ivory entering me% -irectly he had secured its head #ithin me" he #ithdre# his hand" placed his arm round my nec!" and dre# my lips to his% :t this moment 1 #as nearly insensi le to everything he did" so much #ere my feelings overcome y fear and shame% (ut 1 #as not doomed to remain long in this state" for 1 @uic!ly felt him forcing his #ay into me" #ith a fury that caused me to scream #ith anguish% 6y petitions" supplications and tears #ere of no use% 1 #as on the altar" and" utcher7li!e" he #as determined to complete the sacrifice5 indeed" my cries seemed only to e2cite him to the finishing of my ruin" and suc!ing my lips and reasts #ith fury" he unrelentingly rooted up all o stacles my virginity offered" tearing and cutting me to pieces" until the complete /unction of our odies announced that the #hole of his terri le shaft #as uried 'E #ithin me% 1 could ear the dreadful torment no longer? uttering a piercing cry 1 san! insensi le in the arms of my cruel ravisher% Ho# long 1 continued in this happy state of insensi ility" 1 !no# not" ut 1 #as rought ac! to life feeling the same thrilling agony #hich caused my fainting% Still grasped in his arms" 1 felt him moving up and do#n upon me #ith a force and energy that made me feel every motion of the instrument #hich 1 #as impaled upon li!e the cutting of a !nife% Every thrust he made #as follo#ed y some e/aculation" such as" G-elirious creature" ho# tight she is4 Holy 6ahomet" 1 than! you% Oh4 :h3" #ho #ould e #ithout it There s#eet infidel"3 as he drove himself up to the hilt in me" #ith many other #ords in the Tur!ish language #hich 1 did not understand" until the fury of his thrusts ecame so cruelly savage that 1 a second time fainted% Stretched eyond earing" as 1 may say 1 #as" y the instrument of my martyrdom efore my second fainting" 1 no# in spite of my suffering could not help eing considera ly surprised at the very great alteration 1 e2perienced" although 1 most sensi ly felt it" ut still it had lost most of that fierce stiffness #ith #hich it first tore me to pieces% .hilst my mind #as thus occupied #ith reflections on this novel change" my astonishment #as augmented y feeling it as it #ere" y degrees" assuming all its former strength and erection #ithin me" #hile the -ey #as amusing himself #ith suc!ing my lips" me nipples of my reasts" and arranging my hair over my shoulders and osom" in various #ays to please his fancy" also moving my face into different

positions" as he said" to see #hich #ay it appeared the most lovelyuntil the return of the same cruel distention of the parts painfully informed me his instrument had recovered its fierce condition% The -ey no# #ithdre# it all ut the head" #hich he left et#een the lips of the sheath" #hich it had so lately formed for itself" and having #ith his hand satisfied himself as to its strength for performing the third assault" he #ithdre# his hand and !eeping me firmly to his osom" at one tremendous thrust drove it up into me" distending the tender" #ounded and torn parts" until the mutual mi2ture of our hair 'F stopped his further progress% He no# lay for some time @uiet in my arms" to all appearance from his various e2clamations s#imming in a sea of pleasure" suc!ing my reast and nec!" until they ecame @uite sore5 all the time 1 lay gasping and stretched eyond earing% Soon again 1 felt me commencement of his dreadful thrusts7at first" to e sure" they #ere not @uite so fierce5 ut as his feelings #ere e2cited y en/oyment" so did the fury of his movements increase% 1 could not restrain my cries" and /ust at the moment his lunges #ere creating an anguish intolera le" a loud !noc!ing at his door caused the -ey to /ump from my arms% So dreadful #as the anguish from the sudden #ay in #hich the cause of my suffering #as #ithdra#n from me" that 1 again fainted% .hen 1 recovered" 1 found myself tying in the arms of the -ey" #ho #as an2iously #atching over me% He then informed me that the distur ance #hich had forced him so precipitately to leave my em races #as occasioned y one of his eunuchs coming to inform him of a sudden invasion of part of his territories y some :ra s #hich rendered it necessary he should immediately proceed to /oin his troops5 ut he s#ore y his Prophet severely to chastise them for distur ing him in a scene of pleasure so truly delicious7so he termed my ruin and shame% :fter !issing me over and over again" and esto#ing various other caresses" he arose and retired through a sliding panel y the edside" leaving me in the theatre of my undoing overpo#ered #ith anguish" more dead than alive% 6y sufferings" #ea!ness and agitation soon thre# me into slum er" in #hich my ruin and misery #ere for a time forgotten% -readful" indeed" #ere my sufferings in eing deflo#ered% 0ever #as poor maid so unceremoniously de auched" nor is it possi le for anyone to suffer more cruel anguish than 1 did" in receiving my first lesson from this po#erful Tur!% 1 did not a#a!e from the refreshing sleep 1 so soundly fell into until late ne2t morning% Upon attempting to rise" 1 found 1 #as una le" from the dreadful stiffness of the parts that had een so terri ly and unmercifully stretched% Una le to rise" 1 #as o liged to remain in the scene of my undoing until the slaves came to a#a!e me% .ith their assistance 1 got out of ed% Had you seen the sheets" you #ould indeed

'* have pitied your poor friend% 1 found y the care" tenderness and respect #ith #hich 1 #as treated that the (ey3s orders respecting me must have een very particular% 1 learned that he #as not e2pected to return for some time% This ne#s" eing une2pected on my partI acted as reprieve #ould upon a condemned criminal% 1t" of course" contri uted considera ly to soothe my #ounded feelings5 ut at the end of a #ee!" /ust as the flurry of my spirits had in some measure su sided to a degree of composure" 1 #as again thro#n into a state of alarm on eing informed of his return" as #ell as his intention to pass that very night #ith me% 1 had /ust retired to ed #hen the communication #as made to me" and his orders #ere scarcely delivered ere he #as in my cham er% The ne#s of his arrival had thro#n me into a !ind of stupor" from #hich 1 did not recover until his fierce !isses rought me to a sense of collection" #hen 1 found my second martyrdom #as a out to commence% ;ou may e assured" from #hat 1 have already descri ed of him" that 1 had nothing to e2pect from supplication or entreaties5 still 1 did not fail to use them" supported y torrents of tears% These he paid no regard to" ut too! me in his arms" dra#ing me to his osom and calling me foolish and silly to ma!e such opposition to his pleasures% GReason a little"3 said he" dra#ing my lips to his" Gconsider the indispensa le necessity that all loving creatures li!e yourself are under to lose the s#eet flo#er 1 so lately gathered from you" #hich seems to have een so dear to you5 consider the great end that nature has created you for" give over these unavailing tears" #hich only delay your tasting of the s#eetest /oys% Then you tal! a out your virtue7pray" can you tell me in #hat it consistsH3 cried he" suc!ing my lips% 1 could only ans#er #ith tears% G-o you thin!"3 said he" Gif 1 en/oy you against your #ill" you are a it the less virtuousH Or is it possi le"3 he continued" Gthat you are so simple as to elieve that virtue depends upon any part of your eautiful ody eing a little larger or a little less% Of #hat consideration can it e to :li #hether this part is opened or unopened y manH3 and to ma!e me understand the part he meant" he forced his hand et#een my thighs" #here his fiery touches left me in no dou t as to the part he alluded to% He then #as proceeding to place me in a situation convenient to 'C satisfy his desires" ut ecause 1 resisted his attempts" he fle# upon me li!e a tiger" forci ly turned me on my ac! and divided my thighs5 indeed" 1 found resistance of no avail% The fe# days he had een a sent seemed to have augmented his desires into a !ind of fren$y% 1 cannot give you anything li!e a description of my sufferings as he no# again forced his dreadful engine into me% The pain 1 felt #as as cruel as #hen he first deflo#ered me% The

cham er resounded #ith my shrie!s% (ut he heeded them not5 on the contrary" he increased the fury of his thrusts% Three times in the course of a @uarter of an hour did 1 faint in his arms from the dreadful anguish% On recovering 1 found" during my last insensi ility" he had got off me% 1 cannot tell #hether my tears and cries had made any impression on him" or #hat induced him to get out of ed5 ut he #ent to a closet in the room" #here 1 plainly sa# him anointing his instrument out of the contents of a small /ar% :fter cleansing his hands" he returned to ed% 1t #as not long ere he again got et#een my thighs% 1 lay trem ling" e2pecting the cruel torment5 ut guess my astonishment #hen instead of e2periencing the thrilling pain #hich had efore al#ays accompanied his penetration 1 felt him drive it into me up to the very hilt comparatively #ith no more pain than made me cry out t#o or three GOhs35 ut 1 still felt an e2treme tightness accompanied #ith heated stretching% .hen 1 had received him up to the very @uic!" he tenderly !issed me" and as!ed if he hurt as much as efore% 1 could not ans#er such a @uestion" ut 1 elieve my lushes must have satisfied him on the point% 1ndeed" so great #as the difference 1 no# felt that 1 sustained this assault #ith very little suffering" until nature" una le longer to ear the tumult of pleasure #ith #hich the -ey seemed agitated" assisted him" and 1 for the first time felt #ith indescri a le emotion something #arm flo#ing from him in rapid streams" #hich deliciously cooled the parts he had so potently #armed% :s 1 felt the last drop e/ected from him" he san! on my osom" #ithout the least sign of animation" stretching himself out to his utmost length" #hich #as the means of dra#ing his instrument from #ithin me% 1t hung et#een my &= thighs @uite ereft of all its po#er and erection" apparently as lifeless as its o#ner% The reason of my escape from his first attac!" the night 1 #as rought to the harem" #as no# sufficiently e2plained to me% 1t #as not long ere he recovered from his trance% 1 no# perceived a #onderful attention in his ehaviour% :ll his commanding and imperious loo!s had given #ay to respectful impassioned regards" although he still did /ust #hat he pleased5 ut there #as some change in his manner of acting that 1 could not in any #ay account for% Remar!a le as 1 found his attention" it #as e2ceeded y #hat 1 soon e2perienced% Spite of my love for poor Henry" or the repugnance 1 naturally felt against the -ey as the violator of my chastity7spite of my sufferings in his furious em races the difference of our religion and ages7can you credit #hat 1 felt" even at this early time of my undoingH 1 lush to #rite and confess it" ut 1 am o liged to o#n 1 felt a voluptuous softness in his !isses" #hich acted as a alm" soothing me for the pains 1 had suffered% 1t is true my lips did not as yet return his pressures" ut they su missively received them" inhaling every moment a dissolving poison" #hich @uic!ly spread

through my veins% (y this time 1 #as a#are" from the e2cessive hardness of his instrument" #hich #as no# lying on my elly" that it had recovered its #anton life and vigour" and presently the movement of his right hand gave notice 1 #as again a out to receive it (ut ho# shall 1 descri e my emotion #hen" for the first time" 1 felt it enter me #ithout the smallest particle of pain" #ith no more difficulty than the mere #idening" as he penetrated and stretched each soft furro#" until the #hole #as completely sheathed and #e reached the most complete union #ithout my uttering anything more than a fe# tremulous sighs7#hich 1 could not prevent escaping me in vie# of the unuttera le rapture #hich the fierce suction created" a sensation #hich" from eing entirely ne#" #as so deliriously indefina le% -o not thin! me a #anton for thus stating #hat 1 e2perienced% (elieve me" 1 had not the po#er to resist the soft pleasure he no# caused me to taste y the s#eet to7and7fro friction of his voluptuous engine% &' ;ou" Sylvia" #ho are yet" 1 elieve" an ine2perienced maid" can have no conception of the seductive po#ers of this #onderful instrument of nature7this terror of virgins" ut delight of #omen% 1ndeed there can e no description given of the pure delight" 1 may even say agony of en/oyment" e2cited y the e2cessive friction #hich the rapidity of its thrusts caused% 1 #as soon taught that it #as the uncontrolled master !ey of my feelings% 6y trem ling it @uic!ly anished5 my confusion ecame reathless astonishment" #hich #ith the rapidity of lightning changed to a respect for my en/oyer so su missive in its nature that 1 already loo!ed upon him as the disposer of my future destiny" and my soul ecame completely and securely resigned to him as he en/oyed my soft ody and instructed me in the softest pleasure nature can participate in% 6y heart" my soul" my very eing #as melted y his thrilling thrusts" until at last my recollection failed me% 1 lost sight" and then again san! insensi le in his arms" ut from a very different cause from my other faintness% 1 recovered from this lethargy of pleasure only to e again thro#n into the same dissolving state" for the -ey" charmed #ith my entire su mission" seemed determined that nothing should e #anting on his part to ma!e my liss complete% (eing entirely relieved of pain" 1 s#am in the sea of thrilling delight and en/oyment only !no#n to the young maids /ust released from the pangs of e2piring virginity% .ith these all my pains and fears vanished" together #ith the remains of my virgin ashfulness" the only thing that could thro# any o stacle in the #ay of this lu2urious novelty #hich so ravishingly filled my soul #ith ecstasy and astonishment% :lthough 1 yet had scarcely summed up courage to loo! my en/oyer in the face" the #armth of my caresses and tenderness of my !isses" the voluptuous agitation of my #hole ody" all

sufficiently satisfied him ho# firmly the pleasure had fi2ed its seductive influence on my senses5 and in the midst of our en/oyment" at the very moment he had #or!ed my feelings into a state of delirium indescri a le" he suddenly stopped his ravishing" lu2urious movements" and !issing me #ith a softness that rushed thrilling to my heart" said" GLovely houri" #ill you pardon me for the little respect 1 paid you in teaching you the mysteries of loveH3 0early fainting #ith && the /oy 1 possessed" 1 languishingly" for the first time" ventured to lift my eyes full in the face of my seducer ut" una le to ear the rilliant lustre of his eyes" 1 hid my lushes in his osom" #here he felt his pardon sealed y a urning !iss% This une@uivocal and tender ac!no#ledgement of his po#er over me re!indled all his nearly satisfied desires" and" dra#ing my lips to his #ith a gust of passion time can never o literate the remem rance of" he made me feel him in a manner so e2@uisitely touching" y such lovely and timely degrees" that 1 lessed the happy chance that had thro#n me into his po#erful arms% 1n this manner #as a great part of the night spent" until e2hausted nature re@uiring a truce to our conflicts" #e unconsciously fell asleep in each other3s arms% 1n the morning 1 a#o!e first5 the -ey #as tying on his ac!" #ith one of his arms under his head" the other y his side% There #as not the slightest particle of edclothes on either of us% 1n my sleep the pillo# had got from under my head5 on raising myself to replace it" 1 caught a glimpse of that terri le machine #hich had so furiously agitated me #ith pain and pleasure% 1 assure you" Sylvia" 1 could not loo! at it #ithout considera le remains of terror" ut my alarm #as strongly mi2ed up #ith feelings of tenderness and respect 1 thought my eyes #ould no# e satisfied #ith inspecting it" ut #as much disappointed #ith its present appearance% 1t hung over his thigh shrun! up into a small si$e" seemingly perfectly incapa le of e2citing the various sensations 1 had so potently felt Ho#ever" reduced as it #as in appearance" it had the same po#er of fascination over me #hich is attri uted to the serpent3s eye over the ird% 1 could not #ithdra# mine from it" and so intense #as my survey that 1 did not o serve the -ey had a#o!e" and #as en/oying my a straction of mind% His laughing at me ro!e the spell #hich the sight 1 #as engaged in had #or!ed round my senses% To e caught in this occupation" you may e sure" thre# me into infinite confusion5 every part of me #as covered #ith lushes" #hich 1 strived to hide in the edclothes5 ut he too! me in his arms" still laughing" covering me #ith !isses" and told me 1 had seen everything at a great disadvantage" ut 1 should presently e &< gratified y a vie# #hich #ould please me% This !ind of discourse"

instead of diminishing" added to my confusion% (ut" to cro#n all" he sei$ed my right hand" and" #ith gentle compulsion" forced into it #hat may e termed nature3s grand masterpiece% 1 faintly struggled as 1 received it" ut he #as determined 1 should o serve the effect of my hand on his sensi le part :t first it #as as soft as a piece of sponge" ut immediately it felt the #armth of my pressure" it egan to thro " then to e2pand" and in a fe# moments that #hich at first 1 held #ith ease ecame a column of ivory" #hich 1 declare 1 could not even grasp% :s he dre# my hand up and do#n" it every moment seemed to increase in strength and length" until it attained so magnificent an erection that 1 could scarcely credit my sight 1s it possi le" said 1 to myself" that so tremendous a pillar could have een uried #ithin meH 6y other hand" governed y my thoughts" strayed et#een my thighs to e2amine the possi ility of my entertaining such a guest% This movement of my hand in an instant discovered my thoughts to the -ey" G.hat"3 said he" dra#ing me to his osom" Gdo you dou t the possi ilityH )ome" come" 1 shall soon remove your dou ts5 esides it is /ust you should reap the crop your hand has raised% Saying miss" he softly turned me on my ade" and got et#een my thighs" #hich 1 no# #illingly e2tended to receive him% Seeing my hair #as in considera le confusion from our overnight3s conflict" he leisurely placed it in order" laying the curls on my nec! and reasts in the manner he thought most tempting% Having finished this employment" #ith his light hand he sei$ed my left and" forcing it et#een his thighs" told me to pilot the vessel" as? he called it" safe into port ;ou may guess ho# completely he had su dued and mastered my feelings #hen 1 tell you" Sylvia" that 1 instantly o eyed his directions% .hen he felt 1 had lodged it et#een the lips" he #ithdre# my hand" and 1 @uic!ly felt the fierce insertion up to the @uic!% The narro#ness #as no# no more than #hat heightened the pleasure of me -ey in the strict em races of that tender" #arm sheath round the instrument that had made it fit for that #hich it #as so lu2uriously adapted% :fter three or four thrusts" #hich he made" as it #ere" to satisfy me as to its eing entirely engulfed" he directed me to place my legs over his ac!% 1 instantly did as he re@uested% :s a &, re#ard for my compliance" he dre# out his shaft" all ut the head" then drove it home into me eight or nine times in rapid succession" until 1 #as stirred eyond earing y the furious agitation it caused #ithin me% 1 lay gasping" gorged and crammed to suffocation #ith rapture" till his short reathings" faltering accents" eyes t#in!ling #ith humid fires" and lunges more furious #ith increased stiffness gave me full notice of the approach of the dissolving period% 1t came7he died a#ay on my osom" distilling a flood #ithin me that shot into the innermost recesses of my ody" every conduit of #hich #as upon the flo# to meet and voluptuously to mi2 #ith his melting essence% :s our mutual /uices met

and ecame one fluid" 1 san! insensi le" dro#ned in a sea of delight of #hich #ords can convey no description% Thus passed the second night of my undoing% :fter he had left me in the morning" and reason had resumed its empire" 1 #as Gfully sensi le of my deviation from strict virtue in the return 1 had made to his pleasure% This for a time filled my mind #ith melancholy thoughts" ut 1 reflected it #as the #ill of Heaven that my virginity should e reserved for the -ey% 1t #as a thing settled y fate" that he should possess it" and 1 soon ecame entirety resigned" ceasing to reproach myself a out that #hich 1 had no control over% The ne2t day 1 #as introduced to three of his other ladies7one French" one 1talian" and one >ree!% They #ere all lovely% The >recian is named Aena" and 1 thin! 1 never eheld anything so lovely% She appeared a out seventeen years of age" fair as a lily" #ith all the charms and freshness of her age" #hilst the modest languish of her fine dar! eyes" com ined #ith a settled melancholy" gave an interesting appearance to her countenance #hich made her loo! peculiarly attractive% 1 felt great interest in this young girl" and #ill give you an outline of her history" and also that of the French and 1talian ladies% 1 shall egin #ith the 1talian" #ho spo!e French e@ually as #ell as the French#oman herself" and #ho related to me the short history of her coming into the possession of the -ey% 1 shall relate /ust as she repeated it to me% She #as a most lovely #oman" gracefully formed" #ith fine lac! languishing eyes" capa le of creating the greatest interest5 ut she appeared of delicate health5 her voice #as tender" her mouth #as rather large" ut her admira ly made &B lips #ith regular teeth" @uite hid the defect5 so fine and eautiful a head of hair 1 thin! 1 never sa#5 in fact" her person altogether #as sufficient to create desire in the osom of age itself% She related her story in nearly the follo#ing #ords? The city of >enoa" #here 1 #as orn" has een al#ays famed a ove any to#n in Europe for the refinement of its gallantry% 1t is common there for a gentleman to profess himself the hum le servant of a handsome #oman and to #ait upon her to serve in every pu lic place for t#enty years together #ithout ever seeing her in private or eing entitled to any greater favour than a !ind loo! or a touch of her fair hand% Of all this sighing tri e" the most constant" and the most respectful of all those 1 !ne# #as Signer Ludovico" my lover% 6y name is Honoria >rimaldi" 1 am the only daughter of a senator of that name" and 1 #as esteemed a very great eauty in >enoa" ut at the same time @uite a prude" and most reserved%3 The remar! made me laugh" for she had the loo! of a very great li ertine% G;ou may smile" ut so great #as nicety then" inpoint of love" that although 1 could not e insensi le to the address of Signer Ludovico" yet 1 could not ring myself to thin! of marrying my lover" #hich #ould have admitted him to freedoms #hich 1 thought

entirely inconsistent #ith true modesty7freedoms #hich then" 1 assure you" made me shudder to thin! of%3 1 here as!ed #hether the -ey had not rectified her ideas on that point% She lushed and sighed" G1ndeed" 6adame" he #as not long in effecting that change of opinion% 1n vain" 6adame" did Ludovico spea! of the violence of his passion for me% 1 ans#ered that mine for him #as no less so% (ut it #as his mind 1 loved5 1 en/oyed that #ithout having to go to ed #ith him" the very thought of #hich shoc!ed and alarmed me% 6y lover #as ready to despair at these discourses5 he could not ut admire such fine sentiments" yet he #ished 1 had not een so perfect% He #rote me a long" melancholy letter% 1 returned him one for ans#er in verses" full of su lime e2pressions a out my love" ut not a #ord that tended to satisfy the poor man3s impatience% :t last he applied himself to my father" and to engage him to use his authority" offered to ta!e me &E #ithout a portion% 6y father" #ho #as a plain man" #as mighty pleased #ith this proposal" and made no difficulty to promise him success% :ccordingly he very roughly told me that 1 must e married the ne2t day or go to a nunnery% This dilemma startled me very much% 1n spite of all my repugnance to the marriage ed" 1 found something a out me e2tremely averse to a cloister% :n a solute separation from Ludovico #as #hat 1 could not ear5 it #as even #orse than a solute con/unction% 1n this distress" not !no#ing #hat to do" 1 turned over a out a hundred romances in search for precedents% :fter many struggles #ith myself" 1 resolved to surrender upon terms5 therefore" 1 told my lover 1 consented to e his #ife" provided 1 might e so y degrees" and that after the ceremony #as over he should not pretend at once to all the rights and privileges of a hus and" ut allo# my modesty to ma!e a decent and gradual surrender% Ludovico did not much li!e such a capitulation" ut rather than not have me" he #as content to pay the last compliment to my delicacy% .e #ere united" and at the end of the first month he #as happy to find himself arrived at full en/oyment of my lips% 3.hilst he #as thus gaining ground" inch y inch" his father died" and left him a large estate in )orsica% His presence #as necessary there" ut he could not thin! of parting #ith me" so #e em ar!ed together" and Ludovico had good hopes that he should not ta!e possession of his estate only" ut of my virginity too" at his arrival% .hether it #as that Denus" #ho is said to have een orn out of the sea" #as more po#erful mere than on land" or #hether it #as from the freedom that is usual on oard a ship" ut #hatever the reason it is sure that during the voyage 1 indulged him in greater li erties than he ever presumed to ta!e efore" for my nec! and reasts #ere moulded y his old hand% (ut #hile he #as thus y degrees" as it #ere" reducing me to his #ishes" fortune" #ho too! a pleasure in persecuting him" rought an :frican corsair in our #ay" #ho @uic!ly put an end to our dalliance y ma!ing

us oth slaves% .ho can e2press our affliction and despair at so sudden and ill7timed a captivityH Ludovico sa# himself ereft of his virgin ride on the very point of o taining all his #ishes" and 1 had reason to apprehend from the rough hands 1 had fallen into that my virginity #as li!ely to e ta!en from me" #hether 1 resisted or not (ut the &F martyrdom 1 loo!ed for on the instant #as une2pectedly deferred" for the corsair" seeing 1 #as handsome" thought me #orthy of the em races of the -ey" and to him 1 #as presented on our arrival here7unfortunate end to all my pure and heroic sentiments4 The time #as no# arrived #hen 1 #as doomed to e courted in a" manner opposite to that adopted y Ludovitio% 6y eing a married #oman #as !no#n to my captor" and #as a 8act #hich" of course" he communicated to me -ey% 3He naturally supposed me to e a finished #oman% .hen 1 #as rought to him he appeared much struc! #ith my appearance" and instantly ordered everyone out of the apartment5 then" rising off the couch he #as sitting on" he too! my hand and led me to#ards it% On approaching it to my great astonishment he desired me in good 1talian to e seated% 1 o eyed trem ling" and he seated himself y my side% -irectly he had seated himself he too! hold of one of my hands" and demanded from #hat part of 1taly 1 came" From the mildness of his speech and manner" 1 thought 1 could assume the same authority #ith him as 1 had done #ith Ludovico" so #ould scarcely ans#er any of his @uestions" #hereupon the -ey" seeing the more tender and respectful his ehaviour #as" the more 1 presumed on his for earance" suddenly sei$ed me round the #aist" and dra#ing my lips forci ly to his" continued suc!ing them #ith such force that he nearly made me faint% The suddenness of the attac! thre# me into e2treme confusion% Ere 1 recovered from it" the -ey had uncovered my reasts and #as handling them /ust as he pleased" e2claiming every moment" as he pressed and handled them" J(y 6ahomet" ho# deliciously formed they are4 ho# firm4 ho# delightfully the nipples pout4J and such7li!e o servations" #hich covered me #ith urning lushes% 3(y this time 1 had recovered some#hat from my confusion" o serving #hich the -ey" rising from the coach" said" in a lo#" determined tone" JHo# no#" audacious slave" do you presume to oppose the #ill of thy masterH Sho# again the least opposition to my desires and in an instant 1 shall have thee scourged properly for thy presumption% So mar! me" slave4J :fter this menace he again seated himself and dre# me upon &* his !nees" #ith his arms round my #aist% His determined manner of treating me had such an effect that 1 dared not resist his forcing his hand again into my reasts5 ut after he had sufficiently satisfied himself #ith feeling and moulding them" he suddenly turned his hands

under my petticoats% His threats #ere no# forgotten5 1 again strenuously resisted and struggled" #hereupon he immediately desisted" and getting off the couch" #ith a small #histle #hich hung on his elt" he called in his lac! eunuchs" to one of #hom he gave some orders in the Tur!ish language5 the fello# #ent out" ut @uic!ly returned #ith a #hip" #hich had a out a do$en tails% 1 #as no# sei$ed y the t#o eunuchs" #ho forced me across the couch #ith my face do#n#ards5 each of the eunuchs held me over the couch y the arm" so that 1 could not possi ly get a#ay% Having me thus secure and unmindful of my tears or entreaties" the -ey lifted up my clothes" and thre# them all over my shoulders" leaving everything elo# my #aist as na!ed as #hen 1 #as orn% .ould you elieve it" 6adame" he egan to flog me in so unmerciful a manner that 1 could not retain my screams" of #hich he too! not the least notice until he thought he had sufficiently punished my first offence% He then left off" and demanded if 1 #ould dare to oppose his #ishes again% 1 could not at the moment have ans#ered him" even if death had een the conse@uence% Ho#ever" he allo#ed me very little rime" ut recommenced his flogging again" saying" JOh" you are sullen are youH ut 1 shall soon su due you%J 1ndeed" so painfully did 1 feel his lashes that at last 1 #as a le to cry that 1 #ould e su missive to his desires% 1 #as directly relieved from the position 1 #as in" and the eunuchs #ere dismissed" #hen the -ey" /ust as if nothing had happened" placed himself y my side5 ut" seeing 1 sat e2tremely uneasily from the soreness of the part he had so unmercifully #hipped" he caused me to lie do#n on my side" laying himself eside me% He then dre# me to his osom and after !issing a#ay my tears" suc!ing my lips and forcing his tongue into my mouth 8#hich created great disgust in me9" presently demanded if 1 #as not married" 1 shuddered out an affirmative% J)urses on the )hristian dog" 1 say" that has pluc!ed your virginity4J he replied5 J y :li" 1 #ould have possessed it%J ;ou may e sure" 6adame" this &C made me lush" #hich made him remar! ho# much my lushes increased my eauty% :gain my lips ecame his prey% JHo# long have you een /oined to the )hristian dogHJ demanded he" #ithdra#ing his lips to let me ans#er him% 1 stammered out" JOnly a month%J J: month have thy lushes" then" een polluted% .ell" 1 must e content #ith you as you are% 1ndeed" you are a feast fit for a monarch% Ho# languishingly delicious is the modest cast of your eyes4 Kiss me" trem ler43 1 dared not diso ey" and" covered #ith lushes" +oined my lips to his% He seemed much pleased #ith my o edience" and continued for some time most passionately !issing me% .hilst thus occupied" he slipped his right hand again under my petticoats and shift% : dreadful trem ling sei$ed me" ut my fears prevented the least resistance" #hilst his urning hand travelled over my most secret charms% Here #as a change"

6adame" from the respect of poor Ludovico4 The smallest favour #as not granted to him until after the most urgent persuasions" #hilst the -ey too! every li erty he thought fit" and 1 elieve thought he #as conferring an honour upon me% He had no# got his hand et#een my thighs and" dra#ing my lips closer to his" he desired me to open them a little #ider" that he might have full command of the shrine of pleasure #here he said he meant presently to sacrifice% 1 did not at the moment o ey him% JHo# no#"J he cried" changing his tone from the soliciting to the commanding" Jdarest thou neglect my ordersHJ Oh" 6adame" the gradual e2tension of my thighs plainly spo!e my fears% 6y tears flo#ed in torrents5 my reasts heaved in convulsive agony% For a moment or so the -ey played #ith the soft do#n that cro#ns the mount of pleasure" and then slipped his finger et#een the lips of the road #hich until then had never een travelled" little dreaming of the discovery he #as a out to ma!e% 1ndeed" on forcing his finger as far as he could into me" #ith great astonishment he found some difficulty in effecting entry" his efforts ma!ing me cry out that he hurt me% Surprised at my cries" he instantly started up" and forcing me on my ac!" e2tended my thighs to their utmost #idth" J.hy" y 6ahomet" you are a maid4J he cried" as he minutely e2amined me% J.hat punishment do you thin! you deserve for thus deceiving me as to your virginityHJ Trem ling and panting #ith shame and fear" 1 replied that 1 had not deceived him" as he had only as!ed ho# long 1 had een <= married" and 1 had told him the truth% JThen ho# is it"J he demanded" Jthat your hus and has not reaped his rightsHJ 1 at last confessed my maiden ashfulness had een the reason% :t this the -ey laughed heartily" saying" J.hatever is the cause" holy 6ahomet" 1 than! you for this une2pected treasure" ut it shall not hang long on the stoc! for #ant of pluc!ing%J He then got off the couch" also assisting me to rise off my ac!5 then applying the #histle to his mouth he summoned the same eunuchs" to #hom he gave some directions as efore% 1n o edience to his instructions they conducted me into a small room" every side of #hich #as covered #ith glass? even the door at #hich 1 entered 1 could not discover #hen shut% 1n the centre of the room #as a lo# dar!7cushioned velvet couch" #ith one large cushion at the head5 it #as nothing ut a plain road couch" in the centre of #hich #as fastened" properly e2tended" a eautiful #hite damas! cloth% 31 #as stripped in an instant y the eunuchs of every particle of my dress5 they even untied the fillets #hich fastened up my hair5 then" having reduced me to a complete state of nature" they retired" ta!ing a#ay my clothes% So much #ere my feelings overcome" that 1 #as o liged to seat myself on the couch" or else 1 must have fallen% 1 #as not doomed to #ait long in suspense" for in a fe# seconds the -ey entered" as na!ed as myself% ;ou" 6adame" no dou t #ell !no# ho# little

ceremony" in cases of this !ind" he uses% He too! me in his arms" after !issing me" and told me he #as no# come to redress the #rongs 1 had suffered in the cruel neglect of my hus and% J(ut"J he said" Jit #ill soon e repaired5 you @uic!ly shall taste such /oys as your eauties so #ell deserve you should parta!e of% (ut #hy these tears and sighsH 1s this the #ay you meet my caresses and !indnessH 1s this the return you ma!e my generosity in preparing to teach you those pleasure #hich your hus and has neglected% )ome" come" let me have no more of this folly4J So dra#ing me to his osom" he gently forced me on my ac!% JThere no#"J he said" Jlie do#n7no" not that #ay"J seeing 1 #as placing myself on my side" Jit is on your ac! you must receive your first instructions% There" that3s right5 no# open your soft thighs4J 1n an instant he #as et#een them% 1 found 1 could not dare diso ey% Finding my thighs #ere not @uite e2tended enough" he soon #idened them to his <' #ish% 1 need not tell you ho# tremendously large the -ey is5 turn in #hich #ay 1 #ould 1 could not help seeing in the glass the terri le pillar #ith #hich he #as preparing to s!e#er me5 @uic!ly discovering the cause of my e2cessive alarm" #hilst he #as fi2ing its head et#een the lips of my virgin sheath" he tried y every !ind of endearment to soothe me" assuring me the pain #ould e nothing7that my fears #ere unfounded5 esides it #as a sacrifice #hich nature had decreed" and once over the s#eetest /oys #ould e my re#ard5 then #hy these foolish fearsH Thus did he soften me to his desires% The head of his instrument #as no sooner fi2ed in the opening than y four or five sudden shoves he contrived to insert the #hole of it entirely" so that 1 could not see any part of it as my face turned to#ards the glass% :t this moment his penetration #as not deep enough to ma!e me e2perience any great pain" ut he" #ell !no#ing #hat #as coming" forci ly secured one of his arms around my ody% 3Everything #as no# prepared and favoura le% 6y legs #ere glued to his" and 1 lay in his arms as it #ere insensi le from despair" shame and confusion% He no# egan to improve his advantage y forci ly deepening his penetration5 his prodigious stiffness and si$e gave me such dreadful anguish" from the separation of the sides of the soft passage y such a hard su stance" that 1 could not refrain from screaming% -elicate as 1 #as" he found great difficulty5 ut his Herculean strength in the end ro!e do#n all my virgin defences% 6y piercing cries spo!e of my sufferings% 1n my agony 1 strove to escape" ut the -ey" perfectly used to such attempts" easily foiled them y his a le thrusts" and @uic!ly uried his tremendous instrument too far #ithin me to leave me any chance of escape% He no# paid no !ind of attention to my sufferings" ut follo#ed up his movements #ith fury" until the tender te2ture altogether gave #ay to his fierce tearing and rending" and one merciless" violent thrust ro!e in and carried all

efore it" sending his #eapon" im ued and ree!ing #ith the lood of my virginity" up to its utmost length in my ody% The piercing shrie! 1 gave proclaimed that 1 felt it up to the very @uic!5 in short" his victory #as complete% <& 3.hat my sufferings at first #ere 1 need not d#ell upon" as no dou t you must have e2perienced them as painfully as myself" from his e2traordinary si$e% 1t #as also increased from the #ant of delicacy he used in su duing me% (ut my suffering did not seem to e any consideration #ith him" for he gave me no respite in his proceedings" ut y en/oyment after en/oyment very soon lunted the sharpness of the pain" and ere he #ithdre# from me 1 had sustained four assaults" #hich from their amorous fury had so stretched and opened me as to ensure 1 need never again complain on the score of suffering% (eing satisfied on this point" he #ithdre# his shaft" and laying himself for a short time y my side" covered every part of me #ith urning !isses and caresses" assuring me that my sufferings #ere ended" and that 1 should shortly en/oy the pleasure of unmi2ed and pure delight in a manner that #ould re#ard me for all the anguish 1 had e2perienced in his fierce em races% :fter reposing a short time on my osom he got up and assisted me off the couch" #hich ore crimson evidence of my late loss% JLoo!"J he cried" Jmy s#eet slave"J fondly pressing me in his arms" J1 shall have your name #or!ed in letters of gold on it" and it #ill then e deposited #ith a num er of others that ornament a room in my harem% (y virtue of this you are entitled to many privileges" #hich #ill e e2plained to you% :mong others you are forever e2empt from any !ind of attendance on my #ives or chief sultanas" unless you choose to amuse yourself% (ut the slaves #ho #ill attend you #ill e2plain all the things #hich the lushing testimony of your chastity entitles you to%J He then placed such a thrilling !iss on my lips that it thre# me into the greatest confusion% 3He no# called some Tur!ish slaves" #ho rought every !ind of female clothing% They #ere not long in completing my toilet% This finished" he conducted me into a magnificent room" #here refreshments #ere laid out -uring the repast the -ey" y the most assiduous attention" strove to render himself agreea le" ut as yet 1 could scarcely venture to loo! on him% 1t #as still early in the morning% .hen #e had finished our repast" he tenderly en@uired if 1 felt inclined to refresh myself y ta!ing some repose alone% He could not have proposed anything more agreea le" #hich must have een evident y the immediate assent 1 << gave to his offer% 1 #as directly supported y him to a sleeping apartment" #here" after again and again tenderly !issing me" he left me #ith a female slave" #ho soon undressed me5 and in a soft slum er"

#hich 1 soon fell into" my misfortunes #ere forgotten% 6y sleep #as long and of course refreshing% 1 #as a#o!en y the slave" #ho informed me that dinner #as nearly ready" 1 got up and #as assisted y her to dress% 1 then too! dinner% :fter dinner the slave dre# my attention to a large @uantity of oo!s" in my o#n language" #hich the -ey had caused to e sent to me% 1 found them to consist of our choicest authors% 1n my sitting7room he had occasioned a grand pianoforte to e placed" also an e2cellent lute" #ith a @uantity of music" that 1 might not #ant amusement% 1 soon found several large portfolios of all !inds of prints" #hich alone #ere an ine2hausti le store of amusement% The time impercepti ly passed in inspecting the various things #hich #ere placed for my recreation" until the slave reminded me that it #as time 1 retired" as it #as the -ey3s intention to pass the night #ith me% .hat could 1 doH Resistance #as no# out of the @uestion5 my virtue and modesty had received their mortal #ounds% 1 had" even if 1 #ished" no resource5 indeed" nothing #as left to me ut to su mit to my fate% Scarcely !no#ing #here 1 #as going" 1 #as conducted to the edcham er" and soon #as reduced to a proper state to meet the -ey3s desires" eing placed in ed in a state of panting" lushing confusion" very little different from that state 1 #as in in the morning" #hen he de auched me% 1 #as not long !ept in suspense% 1 soon found myself in his strong arms% (ut" oh" ho# changed 1 no# found him4 :ll the authority of a master #hich he had so strongly assumed in the morning #as no# lost in the most passionate and tender regards of a most devoted and even su missive lover7even poor Ludovico could not e more so% 1 soon found his present proceedings more fatal to my morality than all the favours he had ravished from me y force under the influence of punishment% 1ndeed" 1 cannot e2plain the feeling he soon created% :s 1 lay on his osom he !issed me in a manner @uite ne#" !eeping my mouth to his several minutes" every no# and then thrusting in his tongue and suc!ing mine% :ll the time he #as doing this his hand #as travelling over every part of my ody #ith urning touches" creating the greatest disorder% The unopposed en/oyment of <, my lips" and feeling every secret eauty 1 possessed had no# so heated his spirits" that to prevent the fluid that #as oiling #ithin him eing improperly lost" it #as a solutely necessary there should e no delay in my resigning to him the possession of the gates of pleasure% So for had his pressures and touches heated and inflamed me" that he found no o stacle in turning me on my ac! and again placing himself et#een my e2tended thighs% 1 scarcely recollect ho# it #as" ut 1 certainly felt at the moment he #as fi2ing his instrument the soft prelude of pleasure illuminating #ithin me% From trem ling and fear 1 already egan to desire5 and" good >od4 ho# can 1 descri e the surprise 1 felt #hen #ith one energetic shove he lodged himself up to the hilt in

me #ithout the smallest sensation of pain% 0ever" oh never shall 1 forget the delicious transports that follo#ed the stiff insertion5 and then" ah me4 y #hat thrilling degrees did he" y his lu2urious movements" fiery !isses" and strange touches of his hand in the most private parts of my ody" reduce me to a voluptuous state of insensi ility% 1 lush to say so po#erfully did his ravishing instrument stir up nature #ithin me" that y mere instinct 1 returned him !iss for !iss" responsively meeting his fierce thrusts" until the fury of the pleasure and ravishment ecame so overpo#ering that" una le longer to support the e2citement 1 so lu2uriously felt" 1 fainted in his arms #ith pleasure" Ludovico" the flogging" and everything else #as entirely driven out of my head% So lively" so repeated #ere the en/oyments that the -ey caused me to participate in #ith him" 1 #ondered ho# nature could have slum ered so long #ithin me% 1 #as lost in astonishment that in all the caresses 1 received from Ludovico he had not contrived to give the slightest alarm or feeling to nature% 1 could not help smiling at my ignorance #hen 1 considered the ridiculous airs 1 had assumed to Ludovico a out my chastity% The -ey" indeed" had soon discovered my folly" and li!e a man of sense" too! the proper method to su due me% 1n this #ay" in one short night" you see" he put to the rout all my pure modest virgin scruples" rapturously teaching me the nature of love3s sacred mysteries" and the great end for #hich #e poor #ea! females are created% 3-uring the first month of my captivity" my senses #ere !ept in such a continual flo# of rapture that #hat #ith sustaining his em races at <B night and refreshing myself #ith sleep during the day" 1 had little else to do% (ut y degrees his visits to my apartment ecame less and less fre@uent" from the numerous eauties that came into his possession it could not e other#ise" ut #hen 1 am honoured #ith em races" so tender" so !ind are his caresses" that 1 feel sufficiently repaid for his long a sence" although 1 cannot ut #ish his visits #ere more fre@uent% (ut 1 am content #ith my lot% 1 have no# een in the harem nearly t#o years% This is my short history% Of Ludovico 1 have never heard anything since #e parted" and under all circumstances 1 thin! it as #ell 1 should not" for it #ould no# e impossi le for me to return to him #ith anything li!e satisfaction to myself" so firmly has the -ey fi2ed himself in my affections%3 1 have no#" dear Sylvia" given you the history of the 1talian eauty% 1 must confess the latter part of her history" #hich related to the gradual decrease of the -ey3s visits" gave me a very uncomforta le sensation at first5 ut 1 #as after#ards angry #ith myself for entertaining it a moment" #hen 1 considered during the #hole time 1 have een in his possession" three nights out of every #ee! have as yet een spent in his arms% 0or have 1 o served the least rela2ation in either his attentions or desires% (ut 1 have een most dreadfully alarmed y something this

1talian has communicated" #hich at first 1 did not give the least credit to% .hen #e had related to each other our histories" of course #e ecame considera ly more intimate and familiar in our conversation% She as!ed me #hether 1 felt any pleasure #hen the -ey en/oyed me ehind% 1 told her 1 did not understand #hat she meant y ehind% She laughed most immoderately at my ignorance" and #ould scarcely credit #hat 1 had asserted" particularly as she !ne# the -ey #as so fond of the other route% 1 re@uested her to e2plain herself% G:re you not a#are"3 said she" Gthat a #oman has t#o maidenheads to ta!eH3 On my replying in the negative" she ans#ered" G;ou have" though% Under the alter of Denus is another grotto" a little more o scure" to e sure5 ut there the -ey #ill offer up his sacrifices #ith characteristic energy%3 1 #as all in a trem le at this discourse" and demanded of her if the -ey had ever en/oyed her in that position% G6ost certainly" many times"3 #as her reply% G1f you dou t #hat 1 say" the ne2t time 1 am favoured #ith a <E morning visit y the -ey" you shall /udge #ith your o#n eyes as to the fact5 it can e easily managed" as our suites of rooms are contiguous%3 31s it possi le"3 cried 1" Gthat you receive any pleasure from a con/unction so eastly and unnaturalH3 3.hat innocence" my dear" #hat childishness43 replied the li ertine% G-o you not !no# that the men consider every part of us formed entirely for their pleasures5 one en/oys us one #ay" one another" each man according to his lechery% ;ou may rely upon it one of these days the -ey #ill instruct you in this #ay and rectify your ideas on the su /ect%3 This conversation" and other matters #hich this 1talian informed me of and #hich 1 could not drive from my thoughts" thre# a considera le gloom over my feelings% 1n the evening the -ey visited me" and immediately sa# y my countenance that something had disordered me% :fter considera le persuasion he contrived to e2tract #hat had caused my distress% 3:nd #hy should this" dearest Aulima" give you any uneasinessH3 said he" tenderly ta!ing me in his arms and !issing me% 31 can see no reason #hy it should have raised a cloud on this lovely face5 nor could 1 for a moment have supposed" if 1 had re@uested my s#eet slave to have administered to my /oys in that #ay" there #ould have een any denial% 1 hid my face in his osom" and told him in our country it #as considered the most degrading crime that could e committed" that it #as punished #ith death% 31 am a#are"3 replied he" Gthat the English nation consider it a crime" ut 1 #as not ac@uainted #ith the magnitude of the punishment% (ut" Aulima3 81 forgot to mention efore that 1 received a ne# name from the -ey" as is customary #ith all captives9" Gyour country is the only one in the #orld that either considers it a crime or punishes it% (esides"

Aulima" you are not in England no#" nor are you li!ely ever to go there <F again% ;ou are mine until one of us shall sha!e off this mortal form5 therefore" you must su mit to everything that 1 conceive #ill e an addition to my pleasures% -oes not the English la# direct that the #ife shall e o edient to the hus and in all la#ful desiresH3 3;es"3 1 replied% 3.ell" then" although you are not my #ife in fact" still you are" according to our la#s" considered the same% To ecome my married #ife you must change your religion% (ut still you are considered my #ife" therefore must su mit to my la#ful desires% (y our la#s #e are permitted to en/oy our #ives or concu ines in any #ay that adds to our lu2uries5 in other #ords it is la#ful that 1 may en/oy" and you must resign" your second virginity #henever 1 re@uire you to do so% :fter all" dear Aulima" ho# can it possi ly e construed into a crimeH 1t is true that the seed #hich 1 have so often distilled #ithin you #ith such dissolving pleasure is given y nature to multiply our species" so to divert its natural course may in some measure e construed as an offence against nature y those #ho do not give it any consideration% Put the case thus? to divert and cast a#ay seed is a crime% 0o# it is clear that the seed" even #hen deposited in its natural receiver" is entirely lost forty7nine times out of fifty% For instance" immediately sufficient seed is in/ected into the #om " the female conceives5 then the mouth of the #om closes" and until the delivery of the child does not open again% 1f the female is fruitful" and properly en/oyed" she #ill conceive to a certainty in three months5 it is si2 months more at least ere she #ill e delivered of her urden5 conse@uently at every em race the female sustains after conception" the seed that is shot #ithin her is entirely lost or misused% 0o# #hat difference can there e as to #here the seed is lost if it e lostH .here is the offence or crimeH .hat difference #hether the seed is uselessly deposited in the grotto of Denus" or in/ected in the temple elo# itH 0one in the #orld" lovely slave4 6y >recian and )orsican slaves su mit to any !ind of en/oyment as a matter of duty and su mission" in #hich they are instructed from their infancy% 1 have t#o 1talians #ho thin! it no !ind of crime5 to my French slave it is a mere agatelle% 1 #as a#are of the pre/udices of your <* nation" and from the /oys 1 found in your em races did not li!e even to roach the su /ect to you%3 3Then"3 cried 1" thro#ing my arms round his nec! and fondly !issing him" Glet the pleasures you confess 1 have afforded you save me from #hat 1 consider #ould e the greatest disgrace 1 could possi ly e2perience%3 3This is folly"3 cried the -ey" G1 can ma!e no promise of the !ind%3

3(ut you must"3 1 replied% 3Ho#H3 demanded he% G;ou have s#orn y your holy Prophet to grant me any favour 1 choose to re@uest5 you recollect your sacred oathH3 31 do certainly%3 3.ell" then" the favour 1 re@uest is that 1 may e spared the pollution #e have een discoursing of%3 3)an Aulima thin! that any act of :li #ould pollute herH3 cried he" rising from the couch #ith great heat and indignation% 1t #as the first un!ind #ord he had used to me since he had me% 6y heart san! #ithin me #hilst he continued" G1t is true 1 made the oath" and must religiously o serve it% 1 shall leave you to reflect" foolish slave" on your childishness in thus attempting to ind my pleasures y an oath made in a moment #hen your deceitful landishments had softened me into a elief that your love and devotion to me #as as sincere as your person is eautiful% .hen you have altered your opinion you can inform the chief eunuch% 1 may" perhaps" then pardon this insult" and restore you to favour%3 He then left me" muttering the #ord Gpollution3" unmindful of my tears" #hich @uic!ly egan to flo# at his angry loo!s% :s he #ent out of the room my spirits failed me entirely% 1 san! on the couch over#helmed #ith grief" railing against the mischance that rought me ac@uaintance #ith this 1talian" #hom 1 considered as the <C cause of my rupture #ith the -ey% 6y tears continued for nearly an hour after his departure" #hich no dou t considera ly relieved me% Ho#ever" 1 egan to comfort myself #ith the hopes that his anger #ould not last% (ut" indeed" 1 did not properly estimate his character% The ne2t day passed #ithout my seeing him5 a second" third" fourth passed in an2ious" 1 may say almost reathless anguish" #atching and listening for the approach of his #ell7!no#n footstep% >uess the cruel suspense 1 suffered% Ha ituated to the s#eet pleasure of his em races" my desires egan rapidly to overpo#er the scruples #hich early precept had instilled in me% 6y unsatisfied feelings ecame every hour stronger and stronger" until on the fifth day 1 #as again visited y Honoria" the 1talian" #ho entertained me #ith a long account of her happiness" having passed t#o nights running #ith the -ey5 her transports #ent li!e daggers to my heart" ut gave the decisive turn to my #avering indecision% 1 instantly resolved to su mit to the (ey3s desires" and #rote him a letter accordingly% ,= LETTER B Emily to the -ey Oh" :li" is it possi le that you" #ho have so often s#orn that it made you unhappy to e for a day a sent from your Aulima" can it e elieved that for a #hole #ee! you #ould thus desert herH ;our

cruelty ma!es me suffer more than #ords can spea!% ;ou !no# 1 had no intention to give offence in #hat 1 uttered at our last intervie#% Ho# could you leave me in the #ay you didH Oh" :li" 1 am #ith child5 hasten to comfort your misera le slave% ;ou cannot dou t my love% Since the day you overpo#ered my innocence 8the day 1 consider the happiest of my e2istence" although truly it #as a painful one9" ho# many proofs have you received of my love and devotionH Hasten then to do me /ustice" 1 con/ure you% Surely 1 need not remind you of #hat 1 lost in ecoming yours7my native country" innumera le friends" virtue% Oh" :li" do not longer punish me5 1 am all devotion to your every desire" your su missive slave" AUL16: ,' LETTER E :li to his slave Aulima 1 have received your letter% 1 #as a#are of your eing #ith child% .ere it possi le to increase my love for you this #ould e the cause" ut lovely as you are" and dote upon you as 1 do" 1 am determined to tear myself from your tempting arms until 1 find your su mission perfect ;ou #rite a out your loss of virtue" country and friends y falling into my po#er% Recollect the pleasure 1 have taught you and caused you to e2perience7have they not sufficiently re#arded you for the virginity you rought meH ;ou say you are all devotion and su mission to my every desire7 e more e2plicit% Have you made up your mind to a solve me from my oathH 6ar! me4 never more #ill these arms enfold you until y resigning your second maidenhead 1 have put it out of your po#er to dispute #ith me on this point .rite to me more e2plicitly7say you meant to a solve and su mit to my em races in the #ay 1 #ish" and then you #ill meet #ith a return of my most ardent affection% :L1 6y veins #ere on fire71 could deny him nothing" and #rote the follo#ing note? ,& LETTER F Emily to the -ey 1 su mit71 a solve you from your oath7fly to the arms of your longing AUL16: -irectly he #as assured of my #ish to a solve him of his oath" he appointed the same day to receive the last proof of my entire su mission% 1n the evening #hen he entered my cham er 1 could not help flying to his arms% Unconsciously my eyes #ere filled #ith tears5 ut 1 did not consider them tears of sorro#" ut rather of the pleasure 1 felt at feeling myself pressed in his arms again% He gave me a long and

thrilling !iss" ut seeing 1 #as a out to reproach him for his neglect" he stopped my mouth y informing me that he could not have his /oys dampened y any silly up raidings" ut should instantly proceed" to prevent a repetition of our @uarrel" y at once removing its cause5 and he egan immediately to undress me" #hich from the nature of my Tur!ish attire #as soon accomplished% From the ardent caresses he placed upon my nec! and reasts" and indeed every other part that ecame e2posed" 1 felt assured the po#er of my attractions had not diminished% .hen he had stripped me na!ed he disro ed himself" then ta!ing me in his arms" placed me on the couch" my stomach underneath" on t#o round pillo#s" one of them coming against the lo#er part of my elly" so as to elevate my ottom considera ly% Having placed me thus" he divided my thighs to their utmost e2tension" leaving the route he intended to penetrate fairly open to his attac!% He no# got upon me" and having" as he thought" placed himself securely" he encircled my ody round my loins #ith oth his arms" and strove to penetrate the o stacle nature had placed in his #ay5 ut so largely is he proportioned that his efforts #ere at first #ithout effect% :gain he attempted" ut again failed" and ma!ing a desperate lunge" his arro#" instead of piercing #here he intended it should" slipped into the shrine of Denus" and efore he found out his mista!e" to my ine2pressi le delight it #as nearly uried in its proper sanctuary% (ut he #as not to e foiled in that #ay5 he instantly #ithdre# it and again fi2ing its head proceeded #ith great caution and fierceness5 in short" he ,< soon got the head entirely fi2ed% His efforts then ecame more and more energetic% (ut he #as as happy as the satisfying of his eastly #ill could ma!e him% He regarded me not" ut profiting y his success" soon completed my second undoing5 and then" indeed" #ith mingled emotions of disgust and pain" 1 sensi ly felt the de asement of eing the slave of a lu2urious Tur!% 1 #as no#" indeed" #retched and oppressed #ith mental anguish" until at last my outraged feeling could no longer sustain the shoc! : delirious fever sei$ed me% (ereft of my senses" 1 !no# not #hat further too! place at that time% The -ey has since informed me that a considera le time elapsed ere he found out my loss of reason" ut immediately he ascertained the state 1 #as in" he #as compelled to desist y his religion" for it is sacrilege to touch or in/ure any person" Tur! or )hristian" #ho is deranged% Every advice and medical assistance #ere immediately procured to restore my senses" #hich #as soon effected5 and #hen my health #as again sufficiently reesta lished to ena le me to receive his visits" again #as 1 compelled in silence to resign myself to his infamous desires" until y repeated engagements 1 ecame accustomed to his proceedings% (ut the only result is" if anything" an augmentation of my disgust and horror% (y my

su mission 1 #as reinstated in his affections" and everything proceeds as usual% (ut the charm is ro!en% 1t is true he can" #hen he pleases" e#ilder my senses in the softest confusion5 ut #hen the tumult is over" and my lood cooled from the fermentation he causes7#hen reason resumes its s#ay" 1 feel that the sil!en cords of affection #hich ound me so securely to him have een so much loosened that he #ill never again e a le to dra# them together so closely as they #ere efore he su dued me to his a omina le desires% 6y depression of spirits made me @uite the laughing stoc! of the 1talian #oman and the French #oman" #ho #ere perfectly ac@uainted #ith the cause% They affected to despise my feelings% The only consolation 1 received #as from the >recian girl" #ith #hom 1 had ecome e2tremely intimate and to #hom 1 #as much attached% She #as a eautiful girl" tall and slender5 her face #as rather pale and ,, languid" overcast #ith a melancholy resignation" ut her light7 lue eyes #ere mild and e2pressive as the soft ray of an autumnal moon tingeing a fading evening s!y% .ith the help of oo!s 1 had een a le to teach her the English language" and her progress in attaining it #as almost incredi le% .e could no# converse freely together" and mourn over our misfortunes and captivity% 1 shall narrate her distressing history in nearly the same #ords as she stated it to me% History of :dianti the >recian Slave 6y name is :dianti% 1 #as orn in the delightful island of 6acaria" #here my father #as a merchant" called Theodoricus% 1 am his only child% Li!e all >ree!s or )hristians #ho reside under the po#er of Tur!s" my father #as o liged to live in a style of the utmost simplicity% 1t #as only y stealth he ventured on any little lu2urious indulgence" #ell !no#ing that the governor of the district #as upon the #atch to pounce upon him the moment he made a sho# of property% Slavery" the most po#erful agent in the degradation of man!ind" has given to the modern >ree!s a melancholy propensity to indulge in all !inds of gloomy presages and fore odings% 1 #as not e2empt from the feelings of my countrymen" and my very name" eing that of one of the -anaides" #henever 1 heard it mentioned" al#ays carried an ominous feeling to my heart% 1n our neigh ourhood resided a youth named -emetrius" the only son of an aged and infirm #ido#% He #as orn for a land of freedom" and one might have predicted from his appearance that he #as destined to chafe and struggle not a little under the restraints and mortifications #hich ever fall to the lot of those #ho sho# the least spirit of independence% His stature #as tall5 he carried his head higher than a (asha#5 he #as of easy carriage" and his ody as straight as a palm5 active and graceful in his #al!" clear in his eye" and impatient of insult to the last degree% He #as elo@uent" poetical" romantic" enterprising

and a lover of the arts7he could have achieved great things had his lot een cast in a more happy age and country% .ere he no# living he #ould e foremost among the heroes #ho are defending our religion% ,B :n ancient intimacy had su sisted et#een our families" and #e #ere much together% -emetrius had never e2hi ited any particular mar!s of affection for me" yet 1 cannot deny that 1 had for some time cherished a gro#ing preference for the handsome" high7spirited companion of my youth% 1t #as the superstitious feeling 1 have efore mentioned that induced me to consult the Oracle of the S#eet .aters as to ho# my young passion for -emetrius #ould thrive5 and 1 returned from my en@uiry disconsolate and overpo#ered" as all the ans#ers of the oracle turned out unfavoura le to my hopes% Under the dominion of a long cherished superstition" handed do#n from generation to generation" and sanctioned y the e2amples of all around" 1 #ould as soon have thought of counteracting the declared decrees of providence as of cherishing a hope in opposition to the oracle% ;ou may suppose my agitation on eing informed y my father that he #as going to the governor to re@uest permission for our marriage% .ith trem ling an2iety 1 #aited the result% Our governor #as a (asha# of three tails #ho" although a native of Stampalier and originally a Latin )hristian" had long ago changed the cross for the crescent :li O$man #as the Tur!ish name he assumed% 1t is usual" in as!ing a favour of our governors" to accompany it #ith a present% The one my father carried #ith him in support of his petition did not e2actly please O$man 8for" of course" my father #as afraid of e2citing suspicions of his #ealth y eing too li eral9" and O$man received it #ith contemptuous indifference% Though he had turned Tur!" he had enough of the Latin )hristian in him to hate one of the >ree! church mortally% 6y father prostrated himself three times as he presented his offering% G1s thy daughter handsome" )hristian dogH3 as!ed O$man% :t this" a French renegade" #ho had insinuated himself into the confidence of O$man" #hispered to him that 1 #as the fairest virgin in the isle% O$man considered a fe# moments" and said #ith a smile" G1 accept thy present" and permit thy daughter to #ed the young >ree! on condition that thou grant a feast efore the marriage" and id me e a guest%3 6y father returned home in a melancholy mood" and gave direction for the preparation of the feast and the reception of the cruel O$man% From a sudden recollection of the disastrous omen of the ,E oracle" dar!er and more dreary ecame my thoughts than they had ever een since the hour 1 ecame convinced -emetrius loved me% He also all that day seemed la ouring under a depression" and departed early in the evening oppressed y vague fore odings he could not

define% The feast #as" ho#ever" prepared" the company idden and" after #aiting a considera le time for the arrival of O$man" #ho did not appear" the ceremony proceeded #ith -emetrius and myself each choosing a godfather to attend us% :t the altar #e #ere met y the aged papa" or >ree! priest" #ho" after lessing t#o cro#ns of foliage intert#ined #ith ri ons and laces" placed them on our heads% He then in li!e manner lessed t#o rings" one of silver" the other of gold" placing the former on my finger" the latter on that of -emetrius% :fter these rings had een e2changed and #e had ta!en our vo#s" the old priest #as preparing to distri ute the read and #ine #hich #as to conclude the ceremony #hen a light strain of Tur!ish music at a distance caught our attention% 1n a little #hile O$man #as seen advancing at the head of t#enty or thirty of his guards% -emetrius earnestly esought the priest to finish the ceremony efore the ar arians should arrive to interrupt it" ut the old man trem led so that the #ine #as spilled and the consecrated read fell from his hands% 1n a fe# moments O$man and his train entered the church #ith their scimitars dra#n and scattered the ridal train" leaving me" my father" -emetrius and the priest alone at the altar% 3Stop" dog43 cried O$man% G1 for id the marriage in the name of the prophet%3 31t is too late"3 replied the old priest" mee!ly% 3(e silent" )hristian dog4 or 1 #ill stop thy ho#lings"3 O$man cried% G(ut #hat is this 1 smell7#ineH ;ou have een carousing" you s#ine4 ;ou have een s#illing of that accursed everage a horred y :llah" and denounced y his Prophet% 1t is enough5 sei$e the virgin and trample into dust all that oppose us%3 -uring the #hole of the fateful proceedings my poor father supported himself against the side of the smouldering altar in speechless horror% 1 could not spea!" ut my eyes ,F #ere fi2ed on -emetrius" #hose infle2i le silence 1 ut too #ell understood% The youth #as too indignant to spea!" ut the clenched hands" @uivering lips and la$ing eye spo!e a prologue to opposition and vengeance% 3Sei$e the virgin43 repeated O$man" Gshe #ill e only too honoured and happy to escape the pollution of this laspheming #ine i er%3 O$man advanced as he uttered these insulting #ords% :t that instant -emetrius sprang li!e lightning upon the foremost of the ravishers" and #renched the scimitar from his hand efore he #as a#are of his purpose% He rushed on O$man? the first lo# made his scimitar fly ringing into the air" the second #as arrested y one of the guards" #hich saved the life of the tyrant" #ho e2claimed" almost cho!ing #ith passion" GHe has struc! a 6ussulman5 he has outraged the la# of the Prophet5 he has polluted the person of the representative of the )ommander of the Faithful% He# him to the earth4 cut him into atoms4

scatter his flesh to the easts of the field4 let the dogs feed on the )hristian reptile43 The crisis #as come5 my poor father too! courage from despair" and sei$ing upon O$man3s scimitar" #hich still lay upon the ground" placed himself esides -emetrius" determined to share his fate and the #ith him% >uess my indescri a le anguish% 1 #as sei$ed y several of the guards" #hilst others attac!ed my father and lover% : desperate conflict ensued% 6y father fought ravely" ut soon fell dead y the side of -emetrius" #ho had rushed to#ards the tyrant thin!ing he had him #ithin his po#er" ut a scimitar from ehind had cleaved open his head% He san! on the ground never more to rise% :t this dreadful sight my senses forsoo! me" and 1 do not !no# ho# long 1 continued insensi le" for #hen 1 #as rought ac! to life 1 #as in a state of raving delirium" in #hich 1 have een informed 1 continued for many #ee!s% .hen 1 finally recovered" 1 found myself the property of a slave merchant on oard a Tur!ish vessel #hich #as sailing for Tunis% On arriving there 1 #as sold to the (ey% 1t #as at Tunis 1 learned ho# 1 escaped the rutish lust of the villain O$man% :fter the slaughter of my father and lover he had me conveyed to his harem" no dou t for the purpose of sacrificing my chastity to his a omina le desires5 ut from the state 1 #as in it ecame necessary for a doctor to e sent for" and he" ,* after administering such medicines as rought me to myself" instantly declared me to e in a state of complete insanity% (y the la#s of 6ahomet no one" under penalty of death" can a use or ta!e any li erty #ith the person of one of unsound mind% Thus for the moment 1 escaped ravishment% Shortly after#ards" in conse@uence of some act of peculation the #retch committed" the Sultan caused him to e strangled and his effects to e sold5 eing found among his slaves 1 ecame the property of the slave merchant" #ho @uic!ly conveyed me from my country" home and friends" #ell !no#ing #here my person #ould find a good mar!et% 1t appears such as 1 am 1 did not e2actly stri!e the taste of the (ey" for he shortly after#ards sent me as a gift to our present master" #ho it seems it #as decreed should en/oy the virgin treasures #hich the #ic!ed O$man dared not deprive me of and the (ey of Tunis neglected or did not thin! #orth his time to ta!e from me% :fter my first intervie# #ith the -ey 1 clearly sa# that my chastity #as in considera ly more danger than it had een #hile 1 #as in the po#er of O$man" and that 1 #as no# #ithout the protection 1 then en/oyed% :fter my recovery from the dreadful malady #ith #hich 1 #as sei$ed at the cruel utchery of my lover and father" a fi2ed melancholy settled on me in the place of the disorder% This the -ey on seeing me perceived" and he ecame an2ious to !no# the cause #hy one so young and eautiful 8as he #as pleased to descri e me9 should e afflicted #ith such a determined lo#ness of spirits% 1n compliance #ith

his urgent #ishes" 1 related the history of my misfortunes% -uring my narrative he sat y my side and too! one of my hands in his% 1 could clearly feel and see y his agitation ho# much my story affected him5 The tear of sensi ility stood trem ling in his eye at the relation of my sufferings% .hen 1 had finished he dre# me trem ling to his osom" and tenderly !issing my forehead" said he lushed that such a villain as O$man should disgrace the name of 6ussulman% GHave you no relations that 1 can return you toH3 he demanded% 1 told him 1 !ne# of no relation ut my father" and he and -emetrius #ere dead% G0o #onder"3 he ,C continued" your eauties are clouded5 the misfortunes felt y one so young have een enough to sin! you to the very earth% (ut cheer up" s#eet maid" here you shall e free from all importunity% 1t is true you are my slave" and y our la#s 1 can" if 1 thin! fit" violate your eauties5 ut no% :s yet you have e2perienced nothing ut oppression at our hands% 1 #ill try y !indness to deserve the en/oyment of your charms%3 :gain he pressed me fondly to his osom" ut instead of !issing me as efore" my lips received his pressures until their fierceness thre# me into a confusion indescri a le5 ut on seeing me in tears he immediately desisted" assuring me that my modesty had nothing to fear from him% (ut young and ine2perienced as 1 #as" nature assured me 1 had more to fear from the soft pity and seeming sensi ility of the amorous :li than the villainous proceedings of the ferocious O$man% O$man might have de auched me y force it is true" ut #ith :li 1 had more than force to guard against71 mean nature" #hich the persuasive :li" even on my first intervie#" had contrived to alarm y his !isses" #hich 81 !no# not #hy9 1 scarcely dared to refuse him" particularly as he al#ays desisted #hen the fervency of his proceedings gave my modesty reason to complain% (ut 1 soon ecame conscious that at each ne# intervie# the li erties he too! ecame more daring" so much so that 1 had determined to re@uest he #ould send me home to my native isle as he had offered to do% The very evening 1 had come to this resolution he sent #ord y one of his eunuchs that he #ould ta!e his coffee #ith me% He came accordingly% :fter coffee #as served 8as #as his usual custom9 he reclined on the sofa" directing me to place myself y his side% 1 o eyed" as he never had refused to permit my rising #hen the fear of his proceedings had alarmed me% This evening 1 though he seemed particularly tender" ut some#hat thoughtful% :s usual" my lips ecame his prey% .ithout my !no#ledge he contrived to un utton my odice at the osom" and ere 1 could oppose it his urning hand had invaded and #as moulding one of my reasts% This ne# proceeding thre# me into considera le agitation% 1 re@uested him to desist5 to ta!e his hand a#ay% He immediately complied" merely demanding #hether

his caresses gave me uneasiness% 1ndeed so very !ind did he appear B= that evening" 1 at last summoned up courage to ma!e my re@uest of eing sent home% His !indness 1 confessed 1 should never forget 1 supported my petition #ith all the artless sophistry 1 #as capa le of% :h" 1 little !ne# the value of the favour 1 #as soliciting% :t first he seemed much astonished" and 1 thought affected" ut #ith pleasure 1 sa# the fro#n fade from his ro#% He called me un!ind" ungenerous" to #ish to desert him at the very moment he had nearly persuaded himself that his attention and for earance had created a sentiment in my osom favoura le to his hopes% GSay" s#eet maid"3 he cried" fondly !issing me" Gyou cannot" #ill not a andon me%3 1 hardly !no# ho# 1 resisted his pressure and importunities" ut 1 did" and at last received the /oyful assurance from him that 1 should return to my country7home 1 had none% (ut his promise #as all deception" for even at the very moment he made it" his plans for my ruin #ere ta!ing effect% -etermined on my en/oyment" he had caused to e infused in the coffee #hich had een handed to me" a strong sleeping draught% Thus at the very moment 1 #as soliciting for the safety of my virtue" my virgin hour #as rapidly e2piring" and my eyes #ere gro#ing heavy #ith the effect of the opium% 1n fact" sleep overtoo! me in his arms" and 1 did not recover from the stupefying @uality of the narcotic drug efore my virginity and all hopes of escape #ere destroyed% 1 #as no sooner asleep than the -ey had me undressed and conveyed to ed" #hereupon he @uic!ly follo#ed% 1 ecame his unresisting prey% The acuteness of the painful sensations #hich 1 am told al#ays accompany the transformation of the maid into the finished #oman are un!no#n to me" for so po#erful #as the medicine that 1 continued uried all the night in the most profound insensi ility7in fact" during all the time the -ey #as in uncontrolled possession of my person5 indeed so thoroughly had he prepared me to meet his pleasures #hen 1 should recover my senses" that during his first en/oyment of me" #hen perfectly a#a!e" 1 felt not the least sensation that could e possi ly called painful% ;ou may guess my astonishment and sorro#" on a#a!ening from my deathli!e stupor" to find myself na!ed in the arms of the -ey" #ho #as fast asleep" his head reclining on my osom% From a certain stiffness 1 felt in a particular part" the truth crashed upon my mind instantly% 1 B' could not refrain from crying aloud" #hich a#o!e the -ey% He #as not slo# in pleading an e2cuse for #hat he had done" stating that" urning for my en/oyment" and plainly seeing my invinci le modesty #ould oppose the most strenuous resistance to the completion of his desires" he determined" y rendering me insensi le to my seduction" to spare my feelings and lushes%

3Ho# could you suppose" lovely creature"3 he cried" passionately" Gthat it #as possi le 1 could part #ith charms li!e yoursH .here #ould you fly toH no one to protect you7no home4 your eauties are too great to suffer you long to escape the snares #hich some rutal renegade li!e O$man #ould set to trap you% Then" s#eet slave" pardon my offence5 in me you #ill al#ays find a !ind and faithful protector% )ome" dry those lovely eyes"3 he continued5 Gno longer rend my heart #ith those agonising loo!s%3 1n this manner" /oined #ith the softest caresses" did :li strive to soothe me after giving my first urst of passion its free vent% .hat he said #as very true% 1 had no home or friend% .here #as 1 to fly toH 6y state of #retchedness #as too apparent% 1t re@uired very little reflection to convince me the grand ordeal #as past" my virginity eing his% 1n short" he soothed me #ith the soft asseverations of the tenderest love" giving his persuasions #ith the most lively caresses" until at last y degrees he stemmed the tide of sorro# that flo#ed over my feelings% Seeing my grief #as some#hat pacified" he considered this a fit opportunity to egin to prepare me to su mit to his desires% 1 #as entirely unconscious of his intentions% He suddenly turned me on my ac!" forci ly e2tended my thighs #ith one of his !nees and in an instant #as secure et#een them5 #ithout further ceremony he fi2ed himself in me" and vigorously ma!ing play" his @uic! thrusts soon sent him in fierce erection to his utmost length into me5 indeed" 1 felt him up to the very @uic!5 1 #as literally gorged y him% ;ou may suppose my astonishment at finding the insertion of his instrument unaccompanied y the least particle of pain% K1 interrupted her y en@uiring if she felt not the least suffering%L 0one #hatever" and 1 can only attri ute it to the num er of times he must have en/oyed me #hile 1 #as under the influence of the opiate" for 1 assure you the pains accompanying the loss of virginity are entirely un!no#n to me% 0ay" on the contrary" 1 felt B& not the least inconvenience% So you may guess my emotions at the a#ful moment #hen he had driven himself into me" /oining as it #ere our odies into one y the close /unction of the parts% 6y hands #ere clenched7my #hole ody immova le7my teeth" fi2ed% 1 #as lost to everything ut the #onderful instrument that #as sheathed #ithin me% 1 call it #onderful" and 1 thin! not improperly5 for #onderful must that thing e that in the midst of the most poignant grief can so rapidly dissolve our senses #ith the softest sensations" spite of inclination" so @uic!ly cause us to forget our early impressions" our first affections" and in the most forlorn and #retched moments of our e2istence ma!e us taste such voluptuous delight and lustful pleasure4 This #as my case% :t the very moment 1 thought myself the most #retched of all human eings did the -ey" y his lu2urious movements" cause me to e2perience the most sensual of all en/oyments" #hich every instant ecame more and more poignant and dissolving" until 1 #as

completely ravished #ith unuttera le delight% 1 unconsciously grasped him in my arms" una le to conceal the /oys 1 #as convulsed #ith5 and soon in my agony of liss" amounting to little less than delirium" did 1 feel spouting from him the mil! of life" #hich rushed in delicious streams into my #om " and @uic!ly dre# do#n from me #ith shuddering ecstasy my maiden tri ute of the melting essence% :fter the first ecstasy" as he lay in my arms" #hilst 1 #as still languishing from the /oy 1 had e2perienced" did he e2tract from me an un@ualified !iss of forgiveness for his deceit and treachery" and on my lips did he seal an oath to :llah never to desert me% 1 no# ecame passive if not resigned to my fate% -ra#ing his shaft out of me" and removing himself from et#een my thighs" he informed me that in the evening #hen his strength #as sufficiently recruited" it #as his intention to give me my finishing instructions in love3s mysteries5 for as yet" though it #as evident to him 1 had en/oyed the pleasure" yet 1 had much to learn and to do ere 8as he said9 1 could en/oy the ecstasy properly% He then left me% 1 shall not tire you #ith an account of ho# 1 passed the day5 it is sufficient to say that to#ards evening the female slaves" after having conducted me to the ath" and properly ornamented my hair" and every #ay prepared me" helped me into ed B< to a#ait the (ey3s coming% He came covered only y a ro e" #hich thro#n off left him entirely na!ed" and he came to ed to me% 1f 1 had any repugnance left" this might certainly have removed it entirely% -irectly he #as laid y my side he first thre# off me edclothes" then untying the ri ons #hich closed my dress in front" he thre# it open" leaving my person na!ed to his vie#% He then e2amined every part of me" covering me as he did so #ith num erless !isses% Having satisfied his curiosity as to my person" he dre# me to his osom" and desired me to place my lips to his% He then taught me several #ays of !issing% The first #as merely dra#ing my lips softly across his" #hich he called dove7!issing% The second #as !eeping my lips glued to his" returning his suction until he #ithdre# his lips? this he called the !iss of en/oyment5 and the third #as the same #ith the difference of thrusting his tongue into my mouth7this #as descri ed y him as the !iss of desire% .hen he thought he had sufficiently taught me the manner of !issing #hich pleased him" he desired me particularly to remem er that #henever he got et#een my thighs 1 must immediately e2tend them to their utmost #idth" and #hen 1 found he had completely entered me" then" and not till then" 1 #as to em race his ody #ith my arms" and pass my lips softly over his #hen 1 felt him eginning to thrust5 as he #ithdre# out of me" 1 #as also to #ithdra# from him" ut not so much as to thro# him out5 and as he thrust home again" + #as also to meet him #ith all my force" my arms all the time encircling him firmly7all

my !isses to e entirely governed y his manner of !issing" and immediately 1 felt him eginning to discharge himself #ithin me" 1 #as instantly to thro# my legs over his ac! and !eep myself immova ly fi2ed in the closest /unction #ith him" until the very last drop #as e/ected from him5 ut" a ove all" he particularly pressed upon me to o ey him in everything he directed implicitly" assuring me 1 should find my re#ard in o edience% .ith lushes 1 promised to o ey his desires in every particular% He then got et#een my thighs" #hich 1 e2tended to his #ishes5 this 1 sa# gratified him5 then" on his !nees et#een them" he desired me to ta!e hold of his instrument" and pass my hand up and do#n it t#o or three times% 1 did as he directed" ut B, could not loo! him in the face% :h" 1 could scarcely grasp the stately pillar4 :s my hand slipped up and do#n it" 1 felt it thro and leap freely% 1 #as struc! #ith astonishment at ho# 1 could have entertained so super and magnificent a shaft4 1 #as not given long to consider a out it% He laid himself do#n on me5 #ith his left hand he unclosed the luscious lips of the mouth of nature" #hile #ith the right he ent his mighty instrument7so stiff #as its erection that he appeared #ith difficulty to force it do#n to the opening7and presently 1 felt its road shelving head entering et#een the lips #hich the fingers !ept e2tended% .hen he got in" as if he meant to spin out his pleasure and give it more play" he passed his instrument up so slo#ly that it appeared an age to me until 1 had fairly received it into the soft la oratory of love% :t last our mossy mounts fairly ru ed against each other% (ut ah4 ho# silly #ere the directions he had given me as to not em racing him until this moment4 it #as out of my po#er to resist the impulse 1 felt% 1f my life had depended upon it 1 could not have for orne from grasping him to my reast% :s to his other directions" 1 elieve 1 gave him perfect satisfaction% :t first 1 #as passive y force" ut as he made play" the in7and7out friction soon a#a!ened" touched and roused me to the @uic!" so that" una le to contain myself" 1 could not ut comply #ith his motions as @uic!ly as the delicacy of my ma!e and my ine2perience #ould admit of" until the pleasure rose to such a height that it made me #ild #ith ravishing sensations" in fact 1 thre# my legs a out at random" entirely lost in the s#eet agitation% :s to the -ey" his ecstasy declared itself y the increasing @uic!ness and fierceness of his thrusts" his rough grasping of my ody" his urning !isses and eyes darting humid fires% :s the last moment" the critical moment came" 1 had arely sufficient recollection to follo# my instructions% 1 instantly ent#ined my legs over his loins" every part of us #as strictly /oined" and" oh >od4 he distilled into me a flood of rapture #hich #as met y me" 1 scarcely !no# ho#" for the transport #as so great that 1 actually fainted in his arms% .hen 1 recovered" the endearing language and tender caresses of the

-ey fully spo!e his entire satisfaction" and from that moment 1 ecame his favourite slave5 so 1 continued until you #ere rought into the BB harem% (ut pray" 6adame Kshe said" tenderly thro#ing herself into my arms and !issing meL" do not thin! me /ealous of your superior attractions" for although in our unfortunate situations the pleasures of the -ey3s em races are an e2treme source of consolation as #ell as gratification" yet 1 assure you Kher eautiful eyes filled #ith tears as she spo!eL no one ut -emetrius could ever ma!e me /ealous% -emetrius #as my true" my only love% BE LETTER * Emily (arlo# to Sylvia )arey 8continued9 1 had forgot to mention efore the unhappy fate of my companion Eli$a" #hom 1 never sa# after my first introduction to the -ey5 she #as presented y the -ey to the (ey of Tunis" #hose shoc!ing ar arity to his female slaves #as the common gossip of our harem% One day the -ey came into my room" and thro#ing do#n a letter" told me it contained all the particulars of the ravishment of my friend" adding" GShe has had a little #orse treatment than my slaves generally meet #ith%3 1 sei$ed the letter" and you may /udge my feelings on reading the follo#ing? BF LETTER C The (ey of Tunis to the -ey of :lgiers : pretty tric! you have played me% (y 6ahomet3s eard" it is a omina le4 to loo! at her" #ho #ould have credited itH such a mee!eyed" timid7loo!ing thing4 (y :llah" :li" merely for thrusting my hands into her reasts did she fly at me li!e a tiger" and my face #as instantly furro#ed y her cursed nails li!e unto a field ne# ploughed% (ut 1 #rong you to suppose you could have !no#n #hat a termagant she #as5 if you had" you certainly #ould have communicated the character of your present% 1 may properly say she #as a termagant for she is no# tamed% .hen some#hat recovered from the surprise her sudden attac! created" 1 summoned some of the eunuchs" into #hose care 1 delivered her" determined to defer my revenge until the #ounds of my face #ere healed7and you shall hear ho# then this vi2en #as su dued% 1n a fe# days my face #as #ell5 my directions that she should e treated #ith every possi le respect in the meantime had @uite put her off her guard% One morning the eunuchs conveyed her to my e2periment room" #here" efore she could tell #hat they #ere a out"

her hands #ere securely fastened together and dra#n a ove her head" through a pulley fi2ed in the ceiling% 1 directed her to e pulled up so as not to lift her off the ground" ut that she should not e a le to thro# herself do#n% .hen this #as effected 1 entered the room and dismissed the eunuchs% There she stood trem ling #ith rage" ut una le to help herself% 1 no# dre# a couch to#ards her" and having seated myself close to her" placed one arm around her #aist" and #ith the other #as a out to lift up her clothes% 1t is impossi le to descri e the e2ertions she made to prevent my proceedings" she t#isted herself a out and #rithed and !ic!ed until 1 #as o liged to a andon my attempt for a moment and call in the eunuchs" #ho @uic!ly 8in spite of her !ic!ing9 secured each of her feet to a ring placed in the floor" a out t#o feet and a half from each other% This" of course" considera ly e2tended her legs and thighs% She #as then secure every #ay% :fter dismissing the eunuchs" 1 again dre# the B* couch close to her" and #ithout further ceremony lifted up her clothes% Oh" :li" #hat delicious transport shot through my veins at the voluptuous charms e2hi ited to my ardent ga$e4 Ho# lovely #as her round mount of love" /ust a ove the temple of Denus" super ly covered #ith eautiful lac! hair" ho# soft and smooth as ivory her elly and her s#elling" delicately formed thighs4 The cygnet do#n instantly disclosed that she #as a maid" for #here the odies have een properly /oined in the fierce encounter" the hair 8particularly of the female9 loses that slee! do#ny appearance" and y the constant friction the smooth hair ecomes ru ed into delightful little curls% (ut" to put the fact eyond dispute" 1 thrust my forefinger into the little hole elo#% Her loud cries" and the difficulty of entering #hich #as found" set the fact eyond dispute% 1mmediately dropping on my !nees" grasping in each hand one of her uttoc!s" 1 placed on her virgin toy a most delicious !iss% 1 then got up and egan to undress her% She appeared nearly cho!ed #ith passion5 her tears flo#ed do#n her eautiful face in torrents% (ut her rage #as of no use% Proceeding leisurely" first ta!ing off one thing" then another" and #ith the help of scissors" 1 @uic!ly rid her of every covering% Holy 6ahomet4 .hat a glorious sight she e2hi ited? eautiful reasts7finely placed" sufficiently firm to support themselvesshoulders" elly" thighs" legs" everything #as deliriously voluptuous4 (ut #hat most struc! my fancy #as the eautiful #hiteness" roundness and voluptuous s#ell of firm flesh of her lovely uttoc!s and thighs% GSoon"3 1 said to myself" handling her delicious um" Gsoon shall this lovely #hiteness e mi2ed #ith a crimson lush43 1 placed urning !isses upon every part of her5 #herever my lips travelled instantly the part #as covered #ith scarlet lushes% Having directed t#o rods to e placed on the couch" also a leather #hip #ith road lashes" 1 too! one

of the rods and 8shoving the couch out of the #ay9 egan gently to lay it on the eautiful posterior of my so ing captive% :t first 1 did it gently enough7it could have no other effect than /ust to tic!le her5 ut shortly 1 egan every no# and then to lay on a smart lash" #hich made her #ince and cry out% This tic!ling and cutting 1 !ept up for some time7until the ala aster chee!s of her um had ecome suffused #ith BC a slight lush7then suddenly 1 egan to give the rod #ith all my might5 then indeed #as every lash follo#ed y a cry" or an e2clamation for pity" such as GOh4 spare me" for >od3s sa!e4 have pity on me4 you cut me in pieces43 3:h" 1 cannot ear it4 1 shall die43 Her #inces and the delicious #iggling of her ac!side increased in proportion to the increase of the force of my lashes and these continued" heedless of her cries" entreaties and complaints" until oth the rods and myself #ere e2hausted% To recover reath 1 dre# the couch close to her and seated myself5 the entire surface of her eautiful uttoc!s #as covered #ith #elts5 every here and there" #here the stem of the leaves had caught her" appeared a little spot of crimson lood" #hich #ent tric!ling do#n the lily thighs% :gain and again did 1 slide my hand over her numerous eauties% :gain and again did my forefinger intrude itself into her delicate little hole of pleasure% She could not avoid anything 1 thought fit to do% Her thighs #ere stretched #ide enough for me to have en/oyed her if 1 had thought fit" ut that #as not my immediate intention% 1 had settled she #as to receive the @uantity of punishment allotted her efore she #as deflo#ered% Having recovered my reath" 1 stripped myself" and" sei$ing the leather #hip" egan to flog her #ith such effect that the lood follo#ed every lash% Dain #ere her cries and supplications7still lash follo#ed lash in rapid succession% 1 #as no# in so princely a state of erection that 1 could have made a hole #here there had een none efore" let alone drive myself into a place #hich nature had een so ountiful as to form of stretching material% Muic!ly summoning the eunuchs" 1 directed them to lay her on her ac! on the couch" properly securing an arm on each side to one of the legs of the couch% 1t #as accomplished as @uic!ly as ordered% They retired" leaving me #ith my e2hausted victim to complete the sacrifice% 1 #as not long in rooting up her modesty" deprived as she #as of the use of her arms and e2hausted y her sufferings% : pillo# having een placed under her sufficiently to raise her ottom so as to leave a fair mar! for my engine" 1 thre# her legs over my shoulders" and softly 8as a tender mother playing #ith her E= infant9 opened the lips of paradise and love to reveal its coral hue and mossy little grotto7and each fold closed upon the intruding finger"

repelling the un#elcome guest% 1nconceiva le is the delight one feels in these transporting situations4 There is nothing on earth so much enhances the /oy #ith me as to !no# the o /ect that affords me the pleasure detests me" ut cannot help from satisfying my desires7her tears and loo!s of anguish are sources of unuttera le /oy to me4 (eing satisfied in every #ay" y sight" y touch" y every sense" that 1 #as the first possessor" 1 placed the head of my instrument et#een the distended lips" grasping her thighs #ith her legs over my shoulders" then ma!ing a formida le thrust" lodged the head entirely in her5 she turned her eautiful eyes up to heaven as if loo!ing there for assistance7her e2haustion precluded any opposition5 another fierce thrust deepened the insertion5 tears in torrents follo#ed my efforts" ut she disdained to spea!5 still 1 thrust" ut no complaint5 ut gro#ing fiercer" one formida le plunge proved too mighty for her for earanceshe not only screamed" ut struggled% Ho#ever" 1 #as safely in her% :nother thrust finished the /o 5 it #as done" and no ly done" y 6ahomet4 Europa #as never half so #ell unvirgined" although love might have had the strength of a ull% :fter having cooled my urning passion y a copious discharge" 1 #ithdre# myself% )rimson tears follo#ed my e2it5 #ith a hand!erchief 1 #iped a#ay the precious drops" and falling on my !nees et#een her thighs" placed on the torn and #ounded lips a delicious !iss7delicious eyond measure% Only consider" :li" to !no# eyond dispute that no one ut myself had divided these pouting" fresh" #arm" clasping and gaping gates of pleasure4 1ndeed it #as rapturous eyond description% 1 no# thought it time to untie the sil!en cord that confined the arms of this young vi2en% On feeling her arms released" her only motion #as to cover her eyes #ith her hands5 there she lay on her ac! immova le7 ut for her so s 1 could not have told #hether she e2isted% 1 left her" ut ordered the eunuchs to convey her to her apartments" directing the greatest care to e ta!en of her until my return from an e2cursion 1 #as a out to ma!e to (ona% E' 1 #as gone t#elve days% -uring my /ourney" 1 had refrained from #omen" conse@uently on my return 1 felt myself in an e2tremely amorous mood% 0ot intending to give her modesty 8if she had any left9 an e2cuse for resistance" 1 directed her to e again secured" ut this time 1 had her fastened face do#n#ards to a curious couch made on purpose" at the end of #hich" y means of a handle" the positions may e elevated or lo#ered to any height convenient On lifting up her clothes" to my great /oy 1 found there #as not the least remains of the flagellation so li erally administered to her% Her s#elling ivory thighs and voluptuous firm uttoc!s had perfectly recovered their eautiful freshness% 1 thin! it is utterly impossi le for anyone to possess charms e2ceeding in eauty the rising plumpness of her lovely lim s4 Ho#

delightful the touch and s@uee$e of her um4 :fter tuc!ing her clothes securely up as high as the small of her ac!" so that her t#isting could not unloosen them" 1 undressed myself" and arming myself #ith a magnificent rod" commenced giving her a second lesson in irch discipline% 0ot intending this out to ma!e her suffer much" having 8as 1 said9 completely ro!en her spirit #hen 1 deflo#ered her" all that 1 no# intended #as to en/oy the lu2urious #riggling" plunging and !ic!ing #hich usually attends a smart flagellation% From the tears that already filled her eautiful eyes" 1 plainly perceived she e2pected the same treatment she had efore e2perienced5 ut she #as deceived for this time 1 did not lay into her #ith more strength than #as necessary to cover her posterior #ith a slight carnation lush% (ut still the delicious struggles and #rithes" as the e2pected cat fell upon her round uttoc!s" thre# me into so lu2urious a fren$y that it caused me soon to a andon the rod% (y means of the #heel and handle 1 raised her uttoc!s until her delicate little hole of pleasure #as properly placed to receive me% 1 directed myself to the entrance% Having thoroughly stretched her on my first attac!" three or four thrusts #ere enough to engulf my fullest length into her5 in fact she sustained the insertion #ithout ma!ing any great complaint" only a little cry or so% 0othing adds to the en/oyment so much as the active reciprocation of the female #hen she returns the transport5 #hen that return is not #illingly given" its place must e supplied in the est #ay availa le% 1t could hardly e e2pected that any return #ould e made y my E& captive" conse@uently 1 #as o liged to ma!e the est su stitute 1 could5 so" sei$ing her round the loins as 1 drove myself into her" grasping her close and dra#ing her to#ards me" 1 made her meet the coming thrusts" thus famously supplying the #ant of her o#n free #ill in the e2ertions of my pleasures% 6aster of the place" 1 gave #ay #ith all my energy to the voluptuous /oys #ith #hich my senses #ere surrounded% :t every fierce insertion my stones slapped against the soft lips of her delicate slit% Everything conspired to e2cite" to gratify my senses% -riving close into her" 1 for a moment stopped my furious thrusts to play #ith the soft silly hair #hich covered her mount of love5 then slipping my hand over her ivory elly up to her reasts" 1 made her rosy nipples my ne2t prey% Then" :ll" 1 again commenced my ravishing in7and7out stro!es% Oh" ho# eautiful #as the sight in the mirror y my side" as 1 dre# myself out of her" of the rosy lips of her sheath protruding out clasping my instrument as if fearing to lose it4 then again" as the column returned up to the @uic!" to see the crimson edging that surrounded me gradually retreating in#ards" until it #as entirely lost in the lac! circles of her mossy hair4 1n short" :ll" overcome #ith voluptuous sensations" the crisis sei$ed me% 1 distilled" as it #ere" my very soul into her4 Satisfied" 1 no# #ithdre# myself" then releasing her hands" 1 stripped her of her clothes

8all ut her shift9 and carried her to a more commodious couch" on #hich 1 thre# her" and placed myself y her side% She had no# nothing to lose% Fear" no dou t" prevented her ma!ing resistance to my proceedings% The vie# and touch of so many eauties again fired my lood% 1 sei$ed her" thre# myself upon her" divided her thighs" @uic!ly uried myself in her" and again and again dro#ned myself in a sea of sensual delight" in #hich it must e confessed the s#eet girl did not to appearances participate% (ut in my ne2t 1 hope to give a etter account of her% 6UAR: This letter you may e assured made me feel @uite unhappy% .hile on this su /ect 1 #ill give you the contents of the su se@uent letter" #ritten a out a #ee! after#ards% E< LETTER '= 6u$ra to :li :h" :li" the English slave has indeed een a fatal present to your friend% ;ou #ill scarcely credit the dreadful recompense she has ta!en for her lost virginity% ;es" :li" nothing ut my life #ould satisfy her% -ou tless her #ishes #ill e gratified" for 1 feel life e ing fast from me% :s 1 informed you in my last" 1 supposed that her spirit #as @uite su dued5 ut 1 little !ne# the mind 1 had to contend #ith" or ho# terri le a retri ution she #ould e2act for my trespass on her charms4 (ut 1 must @uic!ly finish% Several times 1 had en/oyed her in the daytime" ut had not slept #ith her% One night" truly fatal for me" 1 ordered the eunuchs to ring her to my sleeping apartment% Oh" :li" nothing could e2ceed the docility" mi2ed #ith the timid ashfulness of her ehaviour% 1n the midst of my /oys she clasped me in her arms" returning my !isses as ardently as they #ere given" and appearing to receive as much ecstatic pleasure as she herself gave% (ut it #as all deceit" to lull me to my destruction% .earied y liss" 1 san! y her side into a delightful slum er" from #hich 1 #as a#o!en y the piercing of a !nife through my osom% 1t #as daylight5 she #as leaning over me #ith a savage /oy" randishing the fatal instrument that had already pierced me% :gain it fell on my defenceless osom% GThat3s for my lost virtue43 she cried% :gain she struc! me" GThat3s for my cruel scourging43 :nd again flourishing it efore my eyes" she cried" GReceive that for the many times you have forced my poor ody to su mit to your loathsome pollutions%3 :gain it fell unerring on my reast% 1 shrie!ed aloud for help% T#o of the eunuchs rushed in% She had sprung out of ed% The first 8#ho attempted to sei$e her9 paid #ith his life the forfeit of temerity" ut the other overpo#ered her% .ea! from the loss of lood" 1 had still strength enough to order she should not e hurt% 6y orders #ere o eyed% To prevent any ill usage to her in case 1 should not recover" 1 have sent her

ac! to you% 1 can dictate no more at present% 1f 1 should depart to Paradise" as you respect your friend" let no one in/ure her% Fare#ell% 6ay happiness attend you% 6UAR: E, 1 can hardly descri e my feelings on reading this last letter% 1 #as pleased to thin! Eli$a has returned" for 1 am in hopes no# of having some of her company% 1 have as!ed the -ey to permit her to visit me" and he has promised me that 1 shall e gratified% The (ey of Tunis is recovering from his #ounds" ut #ill not" 1 presume" #ant Eli$a ac! again" for fear of her ta!ing further vengeance on him% :dieu" dearest Sylvia% E61L; (:RLO. EB LETTER '' Sylvia )arey to Emily (arlo# Toulon" France Emily71t is impossi le at once to sha!e off our earliest ac@uaintance5 if it had een you ought not to have e2pected that 1 should have ta!en any notice of your disgusting letters% .hat offence have 1 ever given that you should insult me y #riting in the language you haveH .hy annoy me #ith an account of the li idinous scenes acted et#een you and the east #hose infamous and lustful acts you so particularly descri eH -id 1 not !no# the character of your #riting #ell" 1 should e in hopes 1 #as deceived y some #retch% (ut no" every part of your #riting carries conviction% 1 have to than! >od the letters fell into my hands" else your infamy #ould have dragged another crime on your guilty head y the death of my unfortunate rother #ho most certainly #ould have fallen under the dreadful discovery if he had y accident gone 8#hich he most usually does9 to the post office for our letters% :lthough the letters #ere directed to me" he #ould assuredly have opened them had he seen your #riting% (ut than! >od this pang has at present een spared him% :fter you sailed from Portsmouth" Henry3s health ecame daily #orse" and the physicians declared that nothing ut a #armer climate #ould save his life% 1 #as therefore determined to pass the summer in the South of France and the neigh ourhood of this place #as fi2ed upon for our residence% ;our mother determined to accompany us% .e made the /ourney y stages" and on arriving here hired a most delightful cottage" a short #al! outside the fortifications of the to#n" opposite the sea% Here Henry3s health has daily improved" and oth our parents are in hopes of his entire recovery% The time #hen he e2pects to hear from you in 1ndia is not yet e2pired" so at present he is easy on this point% >od !no#s #hat the result #ill e #hen he hears of your de ased situation" and the

infamous satisfaction it gives you4 ;our mother is the only person 1 have dared to communicate the sad tidings to" and #e have given particular direction to the postmaster at Toulon not to permit Henry to have any letters directed to either of us% .e therefore feel sure that none of your letters can fall into his hands% 1 cannot descri e your mother3s grief" #hich she is o liged to hide from my rother5 it is EE evidently ma!ing rapid inroads on her constitution% 1 am ena led to #rite to you direct as a vessel is no# leaving for the port of :lgiers #ith some missionaries on oard for the redemption of slaves5 ut the nature of your letters has so distracted your mother that she does not !no# ho# to proceed" or #hether it is your #ish to e released from the infamous su /ection in #hich your eastly ravisher seems to hold oth your person and senses% 1f there is a spar! of feeling" on your mother3s account 8or modesty on your o#n9 left" ma!e no delay in letting me !no# if you #ish to escape from the #retch #ho thus holds you in his thraldom% 1 su scri e myself still your friend 8if you deserve it9" S;LD1: ):RE; This letter #as #ritten efore the receipt of Emily3s last letter% EF LETTER '& The -ey to : dallah : dallah7: short time ac! several missionaries arrived here from the South of France since their arrival they have een employed in redeeming several #orn7out old male slaves" mostly Frenchmen% They have petitioned me to grant them a passage home in the first ship that leaves for the port of Toulon% For the reason herein e2plained" 1 have appointed you to carry them to France% :s these holy hypocrites have great influence in their o#n country" e careful you treat them #ith the proper respect and attention during their voyage" as their countenance may e servicea le" particularly Father :ngelo" #ho #ill supply you #ith every information you #ant respecting an English family no# residing in the neigh ourhood of Toulon% 1n this family is a young #oman named Sylvia )arey%73This girl" : dallah" you must contrive to secure and ring ac! #ith you to :lgiers% The eunuch #ho delivers this #ill give you a private signet" #hich you may sho# as soon as you thin! proper to Father :ngelo5 it #ill command his services" and you may rely implicitly upon everything the )hristian dog says or does% 6ind" : dallah" 1 have set my mind on having possession of the girl5 do not return #ithout her% 0ame your o#n re#ard" ut e careful she is mine% :L1 E*

LETTER '< Pedro to :ngelo :ngelo7;ou remem er my informing you of the young and lovely daughter of the 6ar@uis of 6e$$ia having een forced to ta!e the veil in our neigh ouring Ursuline )onvent% 1t no# appears this eautiful creature has ecome a sacrifice to the pride of the family5 its revenue eing comparatively eggarly" no fortune could e given #ith her in marriage" so there #as no choice% Either the rother must have een reduced to the necessity of see!ing a support y some profession 8or other means e@ually disgusting to the pride of the old 6ar@uis9" or this young innocent must e sacrificed% 1 need not e2plain to you" #ho #as so long the confessor of the late 6ar@uis" the poverty and pride of oth him and young 6e$$ia% Paternal feeling or any other social tie #hich should have protected and supported the eauteous flo#er" all san! efore the imaginary stain that might e inflicted on the honour of the house y curtailing the means of one of its descendants% This @uic!ly decided the proud" unfeeling father and cruel rother" so at the age of seventeen" all her young eauties /ust ripening into perfection" #as the almost ro!en7hearted +ulia 6e$$ia forced to utter oaths her heart a horred" devoting her voluptuous charms to the service of religioncharms" :ngelina" only fit for the service of vigorous man% :s 1 efore gave you the full particulars of the distressing ceremony" 1 need not revert to it% (ut although eauty may e strictly confined y #alls and ars" nature #ill still assume its mighty empire% This lovely virgin has een caught in an attempt to escape from the horrors of a cell for life% She #as ta!en in the act of descending the #all" eing etrayed y a sister of the convent" to #hom in youthful confidence she had imparted her design% The penalty is death" unless mercy can e purchased for her5 ut such means as is necessary 1 do not thin! the 6e$$ia family can command" and if they could 1 shall ta!e care #ith his Holiness that it has no effect% ;ou see" :ngelo" this lushing rose must e mine% She #ill e shortly rought to her trial and condemned y the a ess to e uried alive% : report #ill then e for#arded to the grand vicar" #ho #ill procure his EC Holiness3s fiat% 1t #ill e my duty to prevent any petitions in her favour eing heard% Fare thee #ell4 you #ill soon hear of my success% PE-RO" :((OT OF ST FR:0)1S F= LETTER ', Pedro to :ngelo She is mine" soul and ody mine% 1 have the delicious angel safe in my secret apartments in the convent" #here uncontrolled 1 revel and feed

upon her thrilling eauties% She came to my fierce em race a lushing" timid maid% Oh" :ngelo" ho# delicious #ere the moments spent in unravelling the >ordian !not of her coy chastity4 Ho# s#eet to the ear #as the soft cry that announced the e2piration of her virginity% :ngelo 8 elieve me #hen 1 #rite it9" the very moment 1 sa# the parlour grating close upon the lovely 6e$$ia on the afternoon she received the veil" a prophetic spirit #hispered in mine ear" GShe is mine%3 She is mine7only mine7#holly mine% 0early the #hole of last night #as 1 voluptuously encircled y her #ary lim s" her young udding reasts rapturously eating against my manly osom" her glo#ing chee! fondly pressed to mine" and only removed to resign her almy lips to my urning !isses% 0ight of e2@uisite rapture4 6ay it never e #ea!ened in the ta let of memory4 :s 1 predicted" :ngelo" for her attempt to escape from the convent" the austere : ess of St Ursuline immediately called a chapter to try this lovely disgrace to our holy religion% Her friends #ere notified of her infamous attempt" and in due time the trial too! place" in the presence of her father" rother and friends% Sister Sophia" the nun in #hom my young pupil had misplaced her confidence" #as the principal evidence against her% 1t appears efore she #as e2cluded from the #orld an attachment had su sisted et#een her and a young no leman" #hose name #as the only thing +ulia had not ac@uainted Sister Sophia #ith% :s he luc!ily escaped in the confusion of securing +ulia" he has nothing to fear% The poor girl had no defence% The detection #as too pu lic% .hat she urged in mitigation of her fault not only incensed the a ess more and more against her" ut a solutely caused her father and rother to deny and a andon her to her fate altogether% She pu licly avo#ed that she #as compelled to ta!e the veil y her father and rother" and called on heaven to #itness the truth of her assertion and protect her in her distress% Her father and rother fled the convent venting curses on her" and she #as condemned y the F' chapter to e uried alive% Oh" :ngelo" ho# great #as my /oy at hearing this sentence% ;ou are the only one of the order to #hom 1 have communicated the fact of the e2istence of a su terraneous passage from my dormitory to the tom of death in the convent of St Ursuline% >uess #ith #hat impatience 1 #aited the result of the case from Rome% The sentence of the chapter eing confirmed" the follo#ing day #as appointed for depositing the victim in the dreadful sepulchre% 1n the meantime" 1 descended and conveyed y our su terraneous entrance a comforta le mattress and other conveniences" and 1 also cleaned out the dungeon of the filth and vermin" so that the tender girl should e a le at least to sleep #ithout interruption during the time 1 intended she should stay there5 that you may e sure #ould e no longer than to ma!e her than!ful to surrender her person to my desires #hen 1

afforded her an opportunity to escape from death y starvation% 1 shall not disgust you #ith an account of the ceremony of forcing this young creature do#n the mar le /a#s of the tom opened in the Ursuline church% Suffice it to say that a rope of sufficient length #as fi2ed firmly round her #aist" and" in spite of her struggles and screams" she #as carried and held over the dreadful opening and then gradually lo#ered into the frightful a yss" her cries ma!ing the church echo" until the mar le sla enclosed her" as it #as supposed" from the #orld forever% 1 had placed y the side of the mattress sufficient provisions to last her for a day" intending to leave her to reflection for a out t#o or three days5 y that time 1 had no dou t hunger and fear #ould have so reduced her that to escape from her horrid prison she #ould @uic!ly su mit to any terms 1 should propose% On the third day of the incarceration" after vespers" 1 too! my dar! lantern and again trod the su terraneous passage% On arriving at the secret entrance of the tom " 1 #aited a considera le time ere 1 could ascertain #hether she #as a#a!e% :t last 1 #as assured she slept% .ith caution 1 opened the door and silently approached the unconscious sleeper% Removing the shade off the light y degrees" 1 turned it on her face" fearing to a#a!en her y letting it flash instantly on her% Poor girl4 ho# evident #as the inroad of care and despair on her lovely countenance% She lay her full length on the mattress" her head resting F& on her right arm" her eautiful tresses playing in confusion over her ivory nec!" #hile the disorder of her veil only half concealed her young" delicious reasts% Her chee!s still retained the traces of recent tears" and her slum ers #ere distur ed #ith the horrors of her situation" for un!no#ingly she uttered" GOh" Father" save me43 her #hole frame ecoming convulsed #ith the agony even in her dream% 1 could ear this no longer" ut shading my light" coughed loud enough to rea! the onds of sleep% 3.hat noise #as thatH3 e2claimed the poor sufferer% G1 thought 1 heard someone move% Oh" no" it #as the deception of my giddy rain% :las" there is no hope for a #retch li!e me43 1 sei$ed this opportunity and slo#ly uttered the #ord GHope%3 : faint scream" evidently mi2ed #ith pleasure" follo#ed my response% :fter a fe# second3s silence she e2claimed" GOh" pray do not play #ith my #retchedness4 1f there is anyone near do not drive to despair a misera le girl43 3Help is nigh"3 #as my reply% G(ut let not /oy deceive you #ith hopes that may not e fulfilled" your release from death depends entirely upon your su mission to certain terms%3 3Oh" for heaven3s sa!e name them"3 she cried5 G!eep me not thus in agonising suspense4 say #hat 1 am to do to save myself from the dreadful lingering anguish of famine 1 no# so po#erfully feel%3

3Listen"3 1 replied" Gthe only terms upon #hich you can e released from this den of horrors and certain lingering death is the entire su mission of your person to en/oyment5 this is the only #ay you can e saved%3 :t this moment 1 unshaded my lamp" and let it reflect full on my face% She covered her eyes #ith her hands" ut she did not ans#er% G)ome"3 1 cried" Gtime #ears apace" you must e @uic! in your resolve" if 1 leave this dungeon your fate is fi2ed for ever%3 Still there #as no ans#er% 1 again F< covered the lamp and solemnly said" G.ell then" fare#ell"3 and moved from her as if 1 #ere leaving the tom % 3Oh" save me"3 she cried" elieving 1 #as going% 3.ell then" you consent to su mit to my desires7to every desire or re@uest 1 choose to ma!eH3 3Oh" yes" everything5 save me from death" 1 #ill su mit to anything%3 3Then you are saved"3 1 replied" approaching and ta!ing her in my arms% Her soft lips 1 dre# to mine" and suc!ing her perfumed reath" 1 sealed our contract% 1 no# told her it #as sometimes the case that the a ess #ould cause the mar le covering to e removed from the tom to point out to any diso edient nuns the punishment that might a#ait them" therefore her clothes must e laid immediately under the opening that they might e seen% Should such event occur" the depth of the tom #ould prevent any possi ility of ascertaining #hether she #as in them" else an immediate search might e made in the tom " and perhaps her retreat eventually discovered" in #hich case the po#er of the church #ould drag her ac! to her punishment% 1 again uncovered my lantern and could clearly see her modesty struggling #ith her fears% Therefore 1 told her there must e no delay made% G)ome" come"3 1 cried5 G#e must depart this moment" you must yield to the necessity of pluc!ing off your ha it%3 She trem led" and said she could not thin! of eing na!ed" #ith a confusion #hich made her loo! on the escape as scarcely a recompense for the shame she must undergo% 0o dou t she #ould have de ated the proprietary of it" ut 1 peremptorily cut her short y eginning to get rid of her dress y degrees" getting off one thing" then another" until she #as #holly stripped of everything% For the trou le 1 too! in her toilet 1 re#arded myself as 1 proceeded% 1 laid her dress at full length on the ground immediately under the opening of the vault" so that it could plainly e perceived from a ove earing the appearance of covering a ody% 1 then fi2ed a hand!erchief over the eyes of +ulia" and ta!ing her round the #aist" led her out of the vault% 1n a fe# minutes she #as safe in my private apartments" #here a ta le F, #ell laid out #ith every !ind of refreshment a#aited her% )arrying her to the sofa y the side of the ta le" 1 gently laid her on it" and ta!ing off the andage from her eyes" #ith a loving !iss assured her of her safety%

:lthough 1 #ell !ne# she must have een suffering considera ly from hunger at the time" still 1 could not refrain from indulging myself #ith a fe# moments3 toying #ith her young eauties ere 1 permitted her to satisfy nature3s #ants% 1t is true as 1 conducted her through the su terraneous passage" every part of her delicate ody had een felt y my eager hands" ut that you !no#" :ngelo" #as in the dar!% 0o# 1 had her in my arms" every charm #as e2posed to the road glare of day% The unrivalled #hiteness of her s!in #as emphasised y the lac! velvet of the sofa on #hich she #as laid% Muic!ly my daring hand sei$ed her most secret treasure" regardless of her soft complaints" #hich my urning !isses reduced to mere murmurs" #hile my fingers penetrated into the covered #ay of love% Ho# transporting is the com at et#een coy modesty and ne# orn pleasure% Ho# delicious appears the first lushes of shame on the sno#y purity of the virgin3s osom% :h4 :ngelo" do you not envy my /oysH >uess ho# 1 dissolved as my lips #andered over her s#eet ody4 Ho# soft #ere her cries of G:h43 and GFie43 1 discerned a right falling tear" ut it #as the tear of pleasure% Then she tried 8 ut in vain9 to remove my hand" #hilst her closed eyes clearly told the soft languor #as gently creeping on her senses% 1 scarcely !no# ho# to account for my not at that moment e2acting my recompense for saving her from the /a#s of death% (ut 1 did not% 1 suddenly desisted" and raising her from the position 1 held her in" dre# the ta le to#ards the couch" desired she #ould assist herself to #hat she thought fit and left the apartment% 1n my edroom 1 had some fine chemises" one of #hich 1 rought her and assisted her to put on5 it #as @uite large enough" ut of course it #as no defence to my curious hands" #hich 1 could easily slip to any part of her 1 pleased% Ho#ever" 1 did not interrupt her during her repast" ut attended to her #ants #ith the greatest care" forcing her to ta!e t#o or three glasses of mulled #ine" #hich #as already prepared% :s the cravings of her appetite #ere assuaged" mine #ere every minute gro#ing more furious% Seeing she had finished" although she pretended still to e eating" 1 gently encircled my arm around her nec!5 1 dre# this soft" languishing" FB sighing and nearly fainting eauty to my osom" then fi2ing upon her humid lips a long" urning !iss" 1 nearly suc!ed her life a#ay% .hilst occupied in this s#eet employment" 1 unloosened the cord #hich !ept my go#n tight around me" and told her 1 then intended to reap the re#ard for the service 1 had rendered her% The poor affrighted maid pleaded hard for a moment3s pause and" #eeping" strove to persuade me to spare her innocence7a to!en defence of virtue3s la#s% (ut 1 too! her into my arms" and then egan the soft contention preparatory to the fiercer fight Ho# delicious #as the glo# upon her eauteous nec! and are ivory shoulders" as 1 forced her on her ac! on the couch4 .ith #hat voluptuous modesty did she

hang her head as in the full tide of vigour 1 divided her s#elling thighs% Muic!ly #as the unspotted maid placed in that position #hich 1 did not permit her to rise from until she had forfeited every claim on that name% Ho# lu2uriously did her sno#y hilloc!s rise against my osom in #ild confusion% Luc!ily she did not !no# #hat she #as a out to suffer% The confusion #hich sei$ed her on my fingers again entering the cell of Denus for the purpose of introducing myself considera ly favoured my proceedings% 1 felt the head of my #eapon et#een her lips" and #ith a vigorous thrust strove to penetrate" ut so cruelly tore her delicate little entrance that she screamed" tried to escape" and effectually thre# me out% 1nflamed #ith lechery and rage at this repulse" 1 s#ore y heaven if she again resisted 1 #ould convey her ac! to the tom % :gain 1 forci ly fi2ed myself et#een the lips of her yet untasted first fruits% 1 sa# she #as much alarmed at my rage and threats% 1t had a good effect? her fears lessened her defence% 1 then too! every care to ma!e my attac! @uite certain" and 1 egan the fight of fierce delight" of pleasure mi2ed #ith pain% Ho#ever enormous the disproportion et#een the place assailed and the attac!ing instrument" 1 soon found it piercing in#ard5 her loud cries announced its victorious progress% 0othing no# could appease my fury5 the more she implored grace the more 1 pressed on #ith vigour% (ut never #as con@uest more difficult% Oh" ho# 1 #as o liged to tear her up in forcing her virgin defences4 .ith #hat delicious tightness she clasped my rod of :aron" as it entered the inmost recesses of her till then virgin sanctuary% Ho# FE voluptuous #as the heat of her young ody4 1 #as mad #ith en/oyment4 Her young reasts rising and falling in #ild confusion attracted my caresses% >uess my state of e2citement% 1 suc!ed them" and at last it them #ith delight% :lthough +ulia #as much overcome #ith her suffering" still she reproachfully turned her lovely eyes s#imming #ith pain and languor on me% :t this instant" #ith a final energetic thrust" 1 uried myself up to the very hair in her% : shrie! proclaimed the change in her state5 the ecstasy sei$ed me and 1 shot into the inmost recesses of the #om of this innocent and eautiful child as copious a flood of urning sperm as ever #as fermented under the cloa! of a mon!5 #hereupon" oh" marvellous effects of nature" the lovely 6e$$ia" spite of her cruel sufferings" ceded to my vigorous impressments% The pleasure overcame the pain" and the stretching of her ivory lim s" the @uivering of her ody" the eager clasping of her delicate arms" clearly spo!e that nature3s first effusion #as distilling #ithin her% .hen some#hat recovered from my ecstasy" #ithout giving up possession of my pri$e" 1 lay on her soft osom contemplating the numerous eauties fate had thro#n into my possession% : profusion of dar! ro#n tresses flo#ed negligently in lu2urious curls to elo# her slender #aist5 under her fine7formed ro#s eamed the rightest eyes

of ethereal lue ever created5 her nose is Roman5 her soft lushing chee!s imitate the rose5 her teeth are li!e oriental pearls" #hilst her yielding" pouting lips are most admira ly turned% (ut at that moment these delicious inhalers of our fondest impressments #ere terri ly #ounded" so oisterous had een my en/oyment of them% Her face is decidedly >recian" her osom" shoulders" and nec! resem le the purest ivory% On turning my eyes lo#er" on her young sno#y hilloc!s" 1 lushed to see the crimson mar!s #hich my teeth had left on those lovely or s% Softly insinuating my arms round her nec!" 1 dre# her lushing face to mine" and after impressing a fe# soft !isses on her yet leeding lips" an2iously entreated the s#eet girl to pardon my cruelty" assuring her #ith the tenderest oaths that 1 !ne# not #hat 1 #as a out" so much had the maddening transports overpo#ered me% She replied not 1 placed one of her eautiful arms around my nec!% She suffered it to remain% :gain from her pouting lips did 1 inhale lu2urious s#eets% FF :lthough 1 thought 1 had distilled my very e2istence into her" the lifeinspiring suction completely reanimated my #hole frame% 1 felt myself in as proud a state of erection #ithin her as #hen 1 commenced her defloration5 her young reasts heaving @uic!ly" soft sighs" lushes and trem lings" sufficiently told that my prey also felt the return of my vigour% 1 determined the second en/oyment should amply repay her for all she had suffered" and egan my movements #ith a caution and slo#ness #hich made her sigh #ith voluptuous ecstasy% 1t #as no# indeed that 1 leisurely en/oyed the lingering liss" as y tender and ravishing degrees 1 forced myself up to the very @uic! #ithin her% Scarcely mistress of her feelings" her yielding lips #ith delicious !isses /oined more and more close to mine" lushes deeper and deeper covered her nec! and looming chee!s" her arms closely grasped me% (y degrees my thrusts ecame @uic!er" ut no complaint interrupted my /oys% She panted #ith rapture5 her lim s encircled me5 she voluptuously heaved to my thrusts" #hilst the #anton movements of her ody and lim s" her ardent transports" her soft !isses" gave ample testimony of ho# @uic! the transition is from coy chastity to unrestrained lu2urious en/oyment% 1n short" 1 #as as lessed as youth and voluptuous eauty could ma!e me" until forced to retire from her arms to attend to my monastery duties% They #ere @uic!ly dispatched" and after refreshing myself #ith a fe# hours3 rest" 1 returned to my captive #ith recruited strength for the night3s soft en/oyment% : smile of #elcome #as on her lovely countenance5 she #as dressed from a #ardro e 1 had pointed out to her" containing everything fit for her se2" #ith grateful pleasure 1 instantly perceived that her toilet had not een made for the mere purpose of covering her person" ut every attention had een paid to setting off her numerous charms% The most care had een given to the disposing of

her hair" #hilst the la#n #hich covered her road voluptuous reasts #as so temptingly disposed that it #as impossi le to loo! upon her #ithout urning desire% She sprang off the couch to meet me5 for a moment 1 held her from me in an ecstasy of astonishment" then dra#ing her to my osom" planted on her lips a !iss so long and so thrilling it #as some moments ere #e recovered from its effects% 6y passions #ere F* instantly in a la$e% 1 carried her to the side of the couch" placed her on it" and #hilst suc!ing her delicious lips" uncovered her nec! and reasts" then sei$ing her legs lifted them up" and thre# up her clothes% : dissolving sentiment struggled #ith my more amorous desires% 1 stooped do#n to e2amine the voluptuous" glorious vie#% Ho# luscious #as the sight4 Every part of her ody #as ivory #hiteness" firmness and delicacy5 the #hole #as perfect" everything charming5 the #hite interspersed #ith small lue veins sho#ed the transparency of the s!in" #hilst the dar!ness of the hair" softer than velvet" formed most eautiful shades" ma!ing a delicious contrast #ith the vermilion lips of her ne#7stretched love sheath" the rilliant vermilion of the shell evidently heightened #ith the lood of her defunct virginity% Tired of admiring #ithout en/oyment" 1 carried my mouth and hand to everything efore me" until 1 could no longer ear myself% Raising myself from my stooping position" 1 e2tended her thighs to the utmost" and placed myself standing et#een them" then letting loose my rod of :aron" #hich #as no sooner at li erty ut it fle# up #ith the same impetuosity #ith #hich a tree straightens itself #hen the cord that !eeps it ent to#ards the ground comes to e cut" #ith my right hand 1 directed it to#ards the pouting slit so that the head #as soon in% Laying myself do#n on her" 1 dre# her lips to mine5 again 1 thrust" 1 entered% :nother thrust uried it deeper5 she closed her eyes" ut tenderly s@uee$ed me to her osom5 again 1 pushed5 her soft lips re#arded me% :nother shove caused her to sigh deliciously7another push made our /unction complete% 1 scarcely !ne# #hat 1 #as a out5 everything no# #as in active e2ertion7tongues" lips" ellies" arms" thighs" legs" ottoms" every part in voluptuous motion until our spirits completely a andoned every part of our odies to convey themselves into the place #here pleasures reigned #ith so furious ut still #ith so delicious a sentiment% 1 dissolved myself into her at the very moment nature had caused her to give do#n her tri ute to the into2icating /oy% 6y lovely prey soon came to herself" ut it #as only to invite me y her num erless charms to plunge her into the same condition% She passed her arms round my nec! and suc!ed my lips #ith doveli!e !isses% 1 opened my eyes and fi2ed them on hers5 they #ere filled #ith FC dissolving languor5 1 moved #ithin her" her eyes closed instantly% The

tender s@uee$e of her love sheath round my instrument satisfied me as to the state she #as in% :gain 1 thrust% G:h43 she sighed" Gthe pleasure suffocates me%3 1 thrust furiously5 her lim s gradually stiffened" she gave one more movement in response to the fierce thrusts made into her organ5 #e oth discharged together% 1t #ill e no use" :ngelo" to give you any further description of my en/oyment of this adora le child" ut the agonising reflection that 1 must part #ith my delicious pri$e nearly drives me to distraction% -uring cooler moments 1 have e2plained to her the necessity of a separation" and pointed out to her the danger of her remaining in this country% The solemn assurance 1 have given her of her safety from the fangs of the church has tendered to comfort her% (ut then" :ngelo" ho# can 1 force myself to part #ith so voluptuous a creatureH :dvise and counsel your friend% PE-RO *= LETTER 'B :ngela to Pedro Holy St Peter" spare me4 .hat in the name of (eel$e u has ta!en possession of youH Ho# can you force yourself to part #ith this voluptuous creatureH Ho# did your reverence contrive to force yourself from the arms of )amilla" Rosa St Peter" the poor fisherman3s daughter (ianca" and the half a do$en other young eauties #hom 1 have conveyed over the sea to the great gratification of the Tur!s in :lgiers and Tunis" ut to the much greater gratification of ourselves" y #ell lining our o#n poc!ets #ith :frican goldH .rite to me again in a out a fortnight5 let me !no# if the fever is still hot upon you% 1 guess a out that time you #ill e some#hat cooler5 at all events a month is the utmost time 1 can afford you for your amusement #ith your ne#7found charmer% 1n si2 #ee!s 1 shall e ready to depart #ith the cartel for :lgiers% ;ou !no# that under our agreement 1 ought to have at least a fortnight3s en/oyment of the girl on shore% The time spent on the voyage to :lgiers is so very short that these young creatures" from sic!ness" very rarely afford me any pleasure% 1 #ish you could contrive to get a pure maid or t#o for the -ey of :lgiers% 1 could get almost any price for one" so fond is he of cutting off maidenheads% (ut 1 forget myself" you are e@ually as ad as the -ey himself in that respect" so 1 must try to procure one myself% Let me !no# at your earliest leisure #hen 1 may e2pect the young 6e$$ia% *' LETTER 'E Pedro to :ngela ;ou are correct in your o servation" :ngelo7uncontrolled possession" in time" surely a ates the fiercest passions% 1t is no# three #ee!s since 1

relieved the youthful 6e$$ia of her virginity" every su se@uent night having een passed in her delicious arms" the novelty of her eauties egins 1 find to lose its invigorating effect% (ut still" :ngelo" 1 dread the arrival of the day 1 must part #ith her% She has een particularly in@uisitive as to #here she is to e sent% 1 have pacified her y stating she is going to 1reland" part of the !ingdom of >reat (ritain" #here the great mass of the population are )atholic% .hen she heard they #ere )atholic her fears at first resumed their s#ay" ut #ere removed #hen she #as solemnly assured that it #as out of the po#er of the clergy there to contemn or punish anyone" convents and incarceration of females eing no part of the la# of that !ingdom% This day #ee! is appointed for our separation% She has egun to amuse herself y sorting the clothes 1 have given her in trun!s previous to her departure% 1 have een e2tremely li eral in my gifts" particularly in the old /e#els and ornaments #hich you !no# have served for the same purpose so many times% She is very lovely" :ngelo" and #ill fetch a magnificent price" maid or no maid% 1 suppose it #ould e of no use attempting to pass her off at :lgiers as a virginH 1 am afraid the eunuchs elonging to the -ey3s seraglio are too #ell e2perienced in these matters% Fare#ell% (ut 1 forgot 1 have informed her that she #ill e consigned to my sister" the Lady : ess at the )onvent of St Theresa% So you must for a fe# hours assume your old disguise of the a ess" #hich #ill deliver her to your en/oyment #ithout trou le% 6ay the saint you most approve of have you in his holy !eeping% PE-RO *& LETTER 'F :ngela to Pedro 1 do not #onder at your regret at parting #ith the young" eautiful 6e$$ia% She is indeed a i/ou% Happy Pedro4 indeed 1 envy you the /oys supreme7/oys you must have tasted in her arms #hen #ith amorous fury you pluc!ed the virgin rose% She arrived here in safety% 1 had her conveyed unseen into our un!no#n and private retreat% Of course 1 assumed the disguise of the lady a ess" your sister" #hich 1 thin! 1 acted e2tremely #ell% The poor innocent had no suspicion of the deception" although the !iss 1 gave her in receiving her from your messenger #as #arm enough% 1 gave her to understand that 1 #as a#are of her escape from the tom " ut made not the least hint of any !no#ledge as to #hat had passed et#een you% She appeared e2tremely lo# and de/ected% 1 did everything to comfort her% (ut 1 must leave off until tomorro#" #hen you shall hear ho# 1 get on #ith her% :fter supper 1 told her" as it #as a very lonely part of the convent" #e #ould pass the night together" ut that for a short time 1 should leave her to get the !ey of the convent from the porter sister5 during my a sence she might get into ed" #hich" you !no#" is @uite large enough

for t#o% 1n seven or eight minutes 1 returned #ith a !ey in my hand" #hich 1 laid on the ta le% She #as nearly undressed% 1 sat do#n pretending to read a missal" ut in fact #as #andering over the numerous charms she disclosed at every turn to my ardent 8 ut to her unseen9 ga$e% :t last she got into ed" upon #hich 1 dre# the curtains and got undressed myself% This 1 despatched as #ell as the a#!#ardness of the dress #ould let me" and having put on a proper female nightdress" 1 got into ed" intending to lie still until she #as asleep" and then to ma!e myself master of her person #hilst she #as unconscious of #hat 1 #as a out% (ut accident gave her up to my en/oyment sooner than 1 e2pected% ;ou may suppose the state 1 #as in" placed y the side of such a delicious creature% 1n fact 1 #as in the most fierce erection possi le #hen" in turning herself" the unsuspecting girl placed her hand upon my thro ing instrument% ;ou had too #ell cultivated her to leave her in dou t as to #hat she had felt% : faint scream satisfied me as to the *< discovery% 1t #as no use to carry on the deception further #ith her% 1 therefore sei$ed her in my arms and stopped her cries #ith my !isses5 in fact she screamed so loud at eing suddenly grasped y me that 1 #as almost afraid she might e heard y someone% 1 @uic!ly reminded her of ho# much depended on her silence7her life might e the forfeit of her folly" you may rely upon it that #hilst trying to @uiet her screams 1 #as not other#ise idle% 1 thre# myself on her7her thighs #ere @uic!ly divided% Her cries su sided ut tears flo#ed% 1 gave her very little time to reflect #hether it #as est to alarm the convent" or to suffer in peace% 1t #as not more than fourteen or fifteen seconds from the time of her discovering my se2 ere #hat she had laid her hand on #as safely lodged to its full e2tent in its natural receiver% There can e no dou t she gained y its discovery% Ho# magical is the influence of the distinction of our se2 over the feelings of the softer one% Shrie!s" cries" tears and resistance accompanied the discovery and my sei$ing of her" ut directly she felt its head dividing her lips of life her resistance ceased" and her cries ecame hushed5 as it penetrated her tears ecame dried5 ut #hen it pierced her up to the @uic!" soft e2clamations" tremulous sighs and a general trem ling of the lim s and ody only accompanied our complete /unction% 0ature had already assumed its s#ay7a fe# rapid thrusts gave a fillip to pleasure and as my movements ecame @uic!er" so did the seduction overpo#er the little remains of modesty you had left her% 1n short" she @uic!ly received as much pleasure as she esto#ed" if 1 may /udge from the s#eetness of her !isses" the ardency of her pressures" #ith a thousand other little etceteras #hich cannot e descri ed and are only felt in the high en/oyment% 1n short" so mutually had the ecstasy operated on us that the dissolving moment sei$ed us at the same time% Oh" Pedro"

ho# ecstatic #as her /oy as the essence of life #as shot up to her vitals4 Her delicate arms closely encircled my ody" her legs #ere crossed over my loins holding me as strongly as if grasped y a vice" nor did she loosen her hold until she had e2tracted the very last drop from me% Then the gradual unclasping of her arms and legs" the conclusive stretching of her ody" the delicious trem ling shudder" all feelingly spo!e ho# much her senses had een gratified% This #as indeed a night of /oy for me4 1 had for a month refrained from se2ual intercourse and *, conse@uently #as in a state to give as #ell as taste myself the most lu2urious transports% 1f eauty is necessary to rene# the vigour after repeated en/oyment" 6e$$ia possesses every charm to e2cite the desires en/oyment has cooled% .e did not close our eyes during the night" #hich #as spent in a continued round of varied pleasure of the most delicious nature% The sun had risen in the east ere 6orpheus placed his heavy finger on our eyelids% She has as!ed me the reason for your deceiving her a out your sister% 1 put the est face on it" and informed her it arose from your #ish not to alarm her y letting her !no# she #as to e consigned to a friar% 1 also gave her to understand that 1 #as perfectly ac@uainted #ith all that had passed et#een you and her" and as an e2cuse for myself oldly told her it #as utterly impossi le to resist the temptation thro#n in my #ay y fortune of ma!ing myself as happy #ith her as you had een% 1 only regretted that the time she #as doomed to e mine #as so short% :fter three or four days passed #ith her she ecame e2tremely curious in her en@uiries as to #hat !ind of place 1reland #as% 1 parried her en@uiries y informing her that so much had her charms affected me that 1 had determined to a andon 1taly altogether" and should marry her #hen #e arrived in 1reland 8#hen #e do" perhaps 1 may9% The child elieved me% 1ndeed her charms do provo!e me e2ceedingly% :lthough every night is spent in her soft em races" there is not a day passes ut 1 gratify my senses of seeing" feeling and en/oying her #ith every e2citement the sight and touch are capa le of giving% 1n fact 1 do not recollect a female #ho had the po#er of so strongly e2citing my passions" nor do 1 thin! 1 ever en/oyed a girl #ith half the assiduity or rapidity 1 have her% 1 consider her superior in her motions to any #oman 1 ever en/oyed" and the heat and tightness of her love sheath give an indescri a le voluptuousness to the rapture% :dieu" Pedro% 1f 1 do not #rite to you again efore 1 sail for :lgiers" you may not e2pect to hear from me until 1 return% :0>ELO *B LETTER '* Emily (arlo# to 6aria .illiams

London" * 6ay '*'E -earest 6aria7;ou re@uested me in your last letter to #rite you an account of my life #hile at :lgiers% 1 thought 1 could not do etter than send you a copy of my letter to Sylvia )arey% 1 have also sent #ith them a parcel of letters elonging to Father :ngelo" a Roman )atholic priest" #ho left them y accident on oard : dallah3s ship #hile at Toulon% This priest #as employed y the -ey in concert #ith : dallah to secure my friend Sylvia" as you #ill see y the (ey3s letter to : dallah% 1 #ill no# continue my history from the time that 1 received Sylvia3s last letter% 1 had een #ith child a out si2 months" #hen the (ey3s neglect assured me some fresh #orthy engaged his amorous moments% : rumour ran that it #as a country#oman of mine% The -ey #as immova le5 neither myself nor any of my companions could get the secret out of him" until one day the chief eunuch told me in a confidential manner that if 1 chose 1 could see my rival% :lthough 1 hated her in my heart for ro ing me of that #hich #as dear to me" my curiosity got the etter of my feelings" and 1 accepted his offer% He led me through several rooms 1 had never een in efore" until #e came to a large cham er parted in the middle y a curtain% 6y guide motioned me to loo! as he dre# the curtain apart% The first o /ect that met my eyes #as a na!ed female leaning on a couch" face do#n#ard" and the -ey #ith his no le shaft plunged up to the hilt in her% :t this moment the -ey turned his head and discovered me% Surprise nailed me to the spot% He clasped his hands around his lady" raised her from the recum ent position" still !eeping his #eapon in her" #heeled round and rought her full to my vie#% 1magine to yourself" dearest 6aria" #hat must have een my emotions on my eholding in his arms my friend Sylvia" she #ho had added to my an2iety y her unfeeling letter% 1 uttered a hurried e2clamation and fainted% On my recovery 1 found myself in ed and Sylvia ending over me% GForgive me" dearest Emily"3 she e2claimed" Gfor the harsh letter 1 #rote *E you% Little did 1 then thin! that 1 too should fall a sacrifice to the dear #ic!ed -ey% 1 no# #onder ho# you could have so elo@uently descri ed the very things that have occurred to me% (ut compose yourself" my dear" the -ey has for id me giving you any account of myself" as he #ishes to narrate it himself%3 The ne2t day 1 #as sitting on the sofa #hen the -ey entered my apartment% 1 tried to fro#n on him" ut could not" for he dre# his ro e on one side and disclosed that delightful instrument that attunes my heart to harmony% 1 thre# myself on my ac!" and in a moment his highness #as in the pinnacle of liss% Thrice did he return my em races ere he #ithdre#5 then" seating himself eside me on the couch" he egan as follo#s%

3;ou no dou t are dying #ith curiosity to !no# ho# your friend came into my possession" ut #hat a silly child you must have een to suppose that 1 #ould have permitted you to #rite letters and receive ans#ers #ithout myself !no#ing the contents% 1 had a hearty laugh over #hat you told your friend" and 1 assure you 1 e@ually en/oyed the ans#er you received from her" ut #as determined to pay the min2 for calling me a east if it lay in my po#er% ;ou recollect she stated she #as at Toulon% One of my ships #as a out to sail for that port% 1 sent for )aptain : dallah and offered him a li eral re#ard to a duct the young lady% He found little difficulty in effecting his purpose" and a out a month since he returned #ith this coy lady to :lgiers% .hilst he #as gone 1 #as much pu$$led ho# 1 should proceed #ith her% :fter canvassing t#enty different modes of su duing her to my pleasure" 1 determined on the follo#ing as the most li!ely to add to my gratification in de auching her% 1 determined on her arrival to represent a French physician" and ma!e her fly into my arms in that character to avoid me in my real one% 31n pursuance of this scheme 1 fitted up the slave driver3s house at the ottom of the palace gardens in every #ay proper to represent the house of a medical man of some eminence% For a purpose #hich 1 shall y and y e2plain 1 caused to e made in the principal sitting7room a *F secret recess or cup oard" so #ell contrived that no one could discover it" although at the same time those inside could see and hear @uite plainly everything passing in the room% 6y arrangements #ere @uite finished efore she arrived% 1 had an intervie# #ith : dallah prior to her eing rought on shore% .hen he had received his instructions for his little part in the drama of deception" his description of her gratified me much% 1 longed for the moment to arrive #hen her na!ed eauties #ere to e offered to my inspection% 31f there is anything that tends to the su /ection of a haughty #oman" it is the attac!ing of her modesty at once in the most sensi le part% 0othing tends to hum le coy chastity so much as our system of the slave mar!et #here captives are e2posed" na!ed" and left unreservedly to the sight and feel of #hoever chooses to id for them% The most stu orn eauty #ill in time inevita ly fall under its su duing influence% 0e2t morning she #as rought on shore and placed in one of the slave a$aars" under the direction of : dallah% She #as stripped entirely na!ed" then a sil! cloa! #as given her to #rap herself in" until my eunuch came to e2amine #hether she #as #orthy of eing sent to my serail" as 1 had first choice% This : dallah informed her of in her o#n language% ;ou may guess her state of alarm% 1n the course of the morning one of my eunuchs" attended y four lac! slaves" #ent to the a$aar in state% : dallah re@uested her to thro# off her cloa!5 this she refused to do5 conse@uently they #ere o liged to ta!e it from her y

force" as they #ere also o liged to lay her on her ac! on a couch so that the eunuch might e2amine her properly as to her virginity% The four slaves #ith difficulty held her do#n #hilst the eunuch performed his duty% 3She struggled and screamed #ithout intermission #hilst Hassan" the eunuch" made his survey% .hen he had finished he as!ed : dallah" in French" #hat #as demanded for her5 he ans#ered 8in the same language9" t#elve purses% Hassan replied that he dou ted #hether she #as a virgin" and that he did not thin! she #ould suit the -ey% J(ut"J as!ed he" Jof #hat country is sheHJ3 ** 3On eing informed she #as English" JOh"J he replied" Jthe -ey has s#orn never to have another English#oman" since he #as o liged to strangle Aulima a fe# days ago%J Theodora 8the name 1 had ordered for her9" #ho understood perfectly every #ord that #as spo!en" on hearing of your supposed death" forgot her o#n trou les and feinted% (y proper remedies she #as @uic!ly restored to her senses" ut every precaution #as ta!en to ma!e her elieve no one cared a out her s#ooning% Hassan refused to purchase her and left the a$aar% This farce #as repeated y several of my eunuchs during the day" some o /ecting to the price" some finding fault #ith her person7all declining to purchase her" ut all e2amining her and feeling her parts as to her fitness for the station she #as doomed to e placed in% 1t #as evident to : dallah that she egan to su mit to her destiny" she plainly sa#" ho#ever it might outrage her modesty" there #as no evading the e2aminations #hich #ere scrupulously attended to in that most secret part for #hich to e touched y man is nearly a death lo# to chastity% Of course" 1 did not permit her to e seen y anyone ut my o#n slaves" in various disguises5 all the #hile the poor girl thought she #as in the pu lic mar!et for sale% 3: dallah no#" in her o#n language" egan to a use her for #ant of attraction in not finding a @uic! sale% This #as the moment appointed for the performance of my part of the play% 1 accordingly entered the room li!e the others" and made her undergo the necessary e2aminations" first feeling her eautiful ivory reasts" then slipping my hand do#n over her smooth satin elly till" descending" my fingers mi2ed #ith the soft do#n #hich covered and eautifully shaded her grotto of love% 3The poor girl 1 thought #ould have sun! to the ground #hilst undergoing this touching ceremony7indeed she #ould have had 1 not supported her5 ut 1 proceeded in my search" heedless of her tears% Softly 1 sei$ed on the delicious lips of her virgin opening" and forced my forefinger half in% 1 finished my search and as!ed : dallah her price% He treated me as if 1 had een a person of no conse@uence" and lo#ered his demand from t#elve to eight purses% 1 id him seven purses for her"

*C #hich he refused to ta!e% 1 told him 1 could not afford to give more" and then en@uired #hat country she came from% He then informed me from France" at #hich" pretending to e much astonished" 1 as!ed her in French 8in #hich #e had een tal!ing all along9 #hether she had understood #hat #e said if she #as a French#omanH :s #ell as her feeling #ould permit her" she ans#ered in good French that she #as English% 0early cho!ed #ith tears" she informed me of the manner in #hich she had een torn from her friends" and su missively entreated me to give the price demanded for her" assuring me 1 should have it and much more for ransom% 1 pretended to ta!e great interest in #hat she said5 as!ed her many @uestions as to the ran! and property of her friends" #hich she represented" there is no dou t" in their true light% On my e2pressing dou ts if 1 should get the sum ac! if 1 ought her" she assured me over and over again there #as no occasion to have the least mistrust" and again and again piteously entreated me to save her from further shame% 1 at last pretended to e overcome y her tears and supplications and therefore told : dallah he should have his demand% He appeared @uite glad to get rid of her% Under the pretence of ordering a palan@uin to convey her to my home" and purchasing some dresses" 1 #ent out% .hilst 1 #as a sent : dallah informed her 1 #as a Frenchman" and first physician in :lgiers" also deputy consul for that nation" and that she could not have fallen into etter hands% On returning 1 o served #ith pleasure a considera le alteration for the etter in her loo!s% .hen she had attired herself in the ro es and veil 1 had rought her" she #as conducted to the palan@uin" and the maid #as soon in the house at the ottom of the garden% The large room had een fitted up in a very handsome style" suita le to a man of my supposed ran!% :mong the necessaries" you may suppose convenient couches #ere not omitted% :d/oining #as a smaller room" only partitioned off y a fine sil! curtain5 this #as arranged for sleeping or 8more properly spea!ing9 for the purpose of en/oyment% 1n introducing her to the oudoir 1 plainly felt the hand of Theodora trem le5 no dou t the appearance of the place strongly indicated its use% Ho#ever" 1 too! no notice of her fears" ut told her at present they #ere the apartments she #as to occupy% 1 pointed out to C= her #here she #ould find every article of dress" and also informed her 1 #ould send one of my #omen to attend and help her at her toilet" as she might e in some difficulty as to ho# the garments #ere #orn% She timidly as!ed me #hat 1 meant y one of my #omen% 1 e2plained to her the custom of the country7that it #as usual to have as many #omen here as #e could support" #ho #ere ought in the same manner as 1 had purchased her" that 1 had t#o slaves of the !ind" one of #hom

should attend and assist her5 that it #as impossi le for me to marry a 6ahometan" eing myself a Protestant )hristian% She loo!ed at me fearfully" and said she hoped no advantage #ould e ta!en of her unhappy condition and #aited #ith reathless an2iety my ans#er% 1 approached her" and ta!ing one of her hands in mine and encircling her #aist #ith the other" solemnly assured her that her modesty or virtue had nothing to fear from me% J1 have ought you for the purpose of returning you to your country and friends" and y this !iss of friendship"J said 1" dra#ing her soft lips to mine" Jyou have nothing to fear%J She lushingly su mitted her lips to my pressure% 1 did not encroach upon her good nature" ut re@uested she #ould ma!e herself as happy as possi le and assured her that no time should e lost in communicating #ith her friends% 31 left her and sent a handsome )ircassian girl to assist her in dressing% :s the slave could not spea! a #ord e2cept in her native language" there #as no fear of her etraying #ho 1 #as% 1 told her #hat she #as to do" and to return #hen she had finished% 1n a out an hour the slave came ac!" and 1 returned to the apartment of Theodora% 1 #as indeed struc! y the la$e of eauty she e2hi ited #hen dressed after our fashion" her coal7 lac! hair" eautifully parted over her no le ivory forehead" peeping out from eneath her headdress% J6y >od"J 1 cried" Jho# is it possi le the chief eunuch of the -ey could have passed over charms such as you possessHJ The name of the -ey rought the recollection of him to her" and she dropped on a couch overcome y her feelings% She entreated me #ith tears not to name the -ey again to her% Of course" 1 promised to comply #ith her #ishes" ut demanded ho# it #as the name of the -ey affected her so much" a person she could !no# nothing of% J:h"J she replied" J1 !no# more of him than you C' are a#are" of%J On my e2pressing my surprise and incredulity" she #as induced to enter into the history of your falling into my hands% Every no# and then 1 interrupted her revelations #ith e2pressions of astonishment" ut she did not mention the last letter she had #ritten to you% Then she related #hat she had heard et#een : dallah and Hassan in the morning" and en@uired #hether 1 elieved there #as any truth in it% 1 assured her it #as impossi le to tell" ut such things the -ey #as particular in% 1t #as nothing to him to order a female to e strangled in conse@uence of the slightest offence% The poor girl #as much affected at my corro oration of Hassan3s assertion% 6y respectful ehaviour #as evidently every moment esta lishing me in her confidence% :fter #e had dined 1 informed her that the greater part of the morning #as devoted to attending my patients" ut tomorro# afternoon should e spent in preparing the necessary correspondence #ith her friends in France% To#ards the evening 1 as!ed her if she #ould #al! in the garden to#ards the sea% 1 had ta!en care to give

very particular orders that no one should e permitted in there" or on the sea each at the ac! of the harem% She too! hold of my arm during our #al!" and seemed to gain courage and spirits as her fears evidently decreased at my seeming respect% :fter #al!ing until #e #ere tired" #e returned to the house7 : lushing lovely maid she entered it" (ut ere she left #as @uite another thing% 31 did not accompany her to her apartments" ut too! leave elo#" respectfully !issing her hand" and assuring her that on the morro# 1 #ould get ac! from my professional pursuits as early as possi le" and the remainder of the day should e devoted to her service% She little dreamt of the service 1 meant% 31 had selected a slave to attend on her #ho spo!e French" so there #as no difficulty as to anything she might #ant 0e2t day" in the afternoon" on eing announced to her 1 found her comparatively easy in her mind% :fter the usual compliments 1 proceeded to usiness% The #riting C& materials #ere rought and #e set to #or! opposite the #indo# #hich commanded a vie# of the garden and the long #al! ut left us entirely screened ourselves% .hilst usy on the letter" on a signal given y one of my attendants" #hich #as merely the imitation of the chirping of a ird" 1 pretended to loo! accidentally out of the #indo#" and started up #ith astonishment" saying" J.hat can he #ant hereHJ >etting up so suddenly alarmed Theodora" #ho #ith horror instantly recognised Hassan coming up the long #al! J6y >od"J said 1 aloud to myself" #ithout paying any attention to her" ut alive to her state of mind% Her fears immediately acted /ust as 1 #ished% She sprang for#ard and clung round my nec!" saying" JOh" save me" save me4 1t is me he #ants5 1 fear it5 1 feel it% Oh" in the name of >od save me%J J1 dare not7my life" everything is at sta!e"J 1 replied% J(ut stop" perhaps you are alarmed #ithout cause%J 1 rang the ell% The servant #ho ans#ered #as directed to meet Hassan" and if he as!ed for me to say 1 #as gone to my country house #ith a female slave% The papers #ere @uic!ly carried to the private recess ready provided" in #hich #e also hid ourselves% .e had not een concealed long ere a considera le noise #as heard et#een Hassan and my servant% Presently they oth entered the room #rangling% The servant said" GJ;ou see" he is not here%J Hassan replied" J(ut my orders are peremptory% 1 am to search for the English slave and ring her to the -ey3s harem% 1 have nearly lost my life for not purchasing her yesterday%J 3Here Theodora had sun! on my osom5 it #as only #ith the greatest difficulty 1 could stop her so s% (ut there #as no fear of Hassan hearing her" even had she made more noise than she did% Ho#ever" 1 too! the opportunity of closing her mouth #ith my lips" softly encouraging her not to give #ay to her fears" assuring her she #ould e protected at the

ris! of my life% Hassan proceeded to search the sleeping apartments" ut did not find #hat he sought% He told my servant that he must proceed after me to my country seat" for his life depended on his success% .hen he #as gone #e emerged from our confinement% 1t #as no# necessary something should e done% To escape from :lgiers #as utterly impossi le% 1n the course of five or si2 hours Hassan #ould surely return% For some time 1 appeared utterly lost% Ho# to act 1 !ne# C< not% She still clung to me" athing me #ith tears" entreating me to !ill her rather than deliver her up to the cruel -ey% Time rapidly slipped a#ay7three hours had already passed7nothing decided on% Every moment her despair #as gro#ing stronger% She #as in my arms" her head resting on my osom" my #aistcoat moistened #ith her tears% Suddenly" starting up" 1 summoned the attendant and demanded if he #as a true eliever% He replied he #as% J1s it #ritten"J said 1 an2iously" Jin your Koran" and e2pressly for idden y 6ahomet" that no true eliever should meddle #ith the #ife of another" #hether 6ussulman or other#iseHJ 1t #as his reply" JSo has the Prophet #ritten%J JFetch me a Koran%J 1t #as rought% The attendant pointed out a verse #hich 1 pretended to translate to her% J1t is your only chance of escape"J 1 cried% J(ecome my #ife and you escape pollution" and perhaps something more5 there is no other #ay of avoiding the tyrant%J Her fears of the -ey @uic!ly decided her fate5 she consented% 31 instantly pretended to #rite a letter to the Protestant minister of the English consul3s family" #hich #e oth signed71 told her he #ould not attend unless #e oth re@uested it% Everything had een fully prepared% She sa# me direct the letter to the English )onsul% Everything tended to lull her into security" in a out an hour more (en 1$ac!s" the English +e# diamond merchant #hom 1 had directed to perfect himself in the part of an English priest for the completion of my scheme" arrived #ith all the assurance of his sect" cleverly disguised to perform the ceremony% The ring #as ready" the contract made out" #hen my ride re@uested to spea! a fe# #ords to the clergyman in private% 1 immediately #ithdre# #ith the #itnesses #ho #ere of course my o#n slaves" in a fe# minutes 1 #as summoned y the +e#% 1 after#ards learned from him that the only @uestion she as!ed of him #as #hether he #as certain 1 #as a )hristian% ;ou may suppose he perfectly satisfied her on that point% .ithout further delay the ceremony proceeded% 1$ac!s performed his part #ith proper solemnity% She had /ust sufficient strength left to pronounce the mystic oath" and at the very instant the ceremony #as finished she san! fainting in my arms" una le longer to support the flurry and disorder of her feelings% 1 instantly dismissed 1$ac!s and the attendants% :lone 1 supported her C,

into the oudoir" #here 1 intended the consummation should directly ta!e place% 3:ssuming no# the privileges of a hus and" 1 placed her on the couch" and tenderly clasping her to my osom soon reaped a rich harvest of soft thrilling !isses% .ith a trem ling sigh the languishing maid opened her heavenly lac! eyes" ut una le to ear my ga$e @uic!ly shut them again% 1 no# oldly e2plained to her the a solute and immediate necessity of her resigning to me the lessing 1 #as entitled to in the en/oyment of her person" for in this country a marriage is a nullity until the hus and has consummated it% Should the #retch Hassan return and find #e had omitted any part of the ceremony" instant advantage #ould e ta!en of it" therefore all #e had done #ould e of no use% .hilst 1 #as thus e2plaining myself" 1 #as also usily un uttoning the odice #hich covered the eauties of her osom" every no# and then placing on her soft rosy lips the most delicious !isses% She ut fee ly resisted% Ho# shall 1 descri e her delightful confusion #hen my hand oldly slid over her panting glo esH 1t is impossi le5 #ords cannot do /ustice to the situation% :lthough 1 #as using the a solute authority of a hus and over her you #ill recollect that her su mission to my proceedings #as entirely from fear created y the dread of myself" only in another shape% Ours #as not a union of love" ut one hastily su mitted to y her to save herself from the em races of an imaginary rutal monster created y her fears and false information alone% Under such circumstances there could of course e very little love on her side" although there might e some little respect for the service 1 had rendered her7in the supposed ris! 1 #as running in offending the -ey y marrying her% Thus" although she had no prete2t left on #hich to oppose every li erty 1 no# too! #ith her eautiful person" still 1 could plainly see" as 1 #as divesting her voluptuous ody of its coverings" ho# dreadful #as the shoc! her modesty sustained in eing o liged to resign herself even to a hus and% 6odesty may struggle" ut it very seldom struggles successfully #ith me% 1t #as evident from her agitation that her ashfulness #ould have struggled against my proceedings had she not een fettered y the oath of o edience she had /ust s#orn on the altar of >od% 1f she had CB even found out the deception #hich had een practised on her" any opposition #ould have no# een fruitless% Her hour of instruction #as arrived% 1 had determined she should receive her lesson% :lthough not assisted y any tie on her affections" 1 of course #as perfectly a#are ho# @uic! is the influence of pleasure on the softer se2% 1f the land is properly cultivated" it #ill al#ays produce its crops% So it is #ith lovely #omen% Rid them of their virginity" en/oy them properly" and it is #onderful to o serve the rapidity #ith #hich the seed of pleasure #ill thrive and yield a rich harvest to the happy cultivator%

;ou may guess 1 #as not long preparing myself or my trem ling victim for the mighty usiness% )lasping my lovely eauty in my arms 1 easily laid her on the cushion and myself y her side% Her s#elling sno#y reasts heaved #ith her la oured reathing" #ith one arm round her nec!" the other hand unresistedly traversed all her eauties" until suddenly forcing my hand et#een her smooth" polished thighs" 1 too! possession of the port of love% Her trem lings" her sighs" increased rapidly5 #ith ashful modesty she entreated" she prayed me to remove my hand% 1 promised everything for a !iss% Ho#ever" the !iss ta!en" 1 did not !eep my #ord% 6y reasons #ere good% 1t had not een agreed #hether it should e given or ta!en% (y dint of argaining #e agreed on a second" #hich #as to e received y me% Then #ith my unoccupied hand guiding her trem ling delicate arms around my nec!" and leaning over her to receive it" the soft" thrilling" delicious !iss #as not only received" ut perfectly given" in such a manner that love could not have done it etter% So much good faith deserved to e re#arded% 1 immediately #ithdre# my hand" ut 1 do not !no# y #hat accident one of my !nees occupied the place 1 had /ust vacated% : soft struggle ensued" during #hich half7 reathed #ords and sighs escaped her7every no# and then" J:hJ" and Jyou must notJ" Jpray do notJ" and so on until 1 had securely placed myself et#een her soft s#elling thighs% This effected" 1 found not the smallest difficulty in stretching them at pleasure to their utmost spread% Shame and surprise had no# @uite overpo#ered my charming" panting" lushing pri$e% CE 31 #as not very eager or in great haste to finish my tas!% 1 delight in delays #hen 1 am certain of coming to the end of the /ourney% 1 clearly sa#" in spite of her modesty" that my !isses and touches had considera ly inflamed her senses" so sei$ing her left hand #ith my right" #ith gentle force 1 conducted it to the !ey #hich 1 told her #as to open the road to the s#eetest en/oyments% 1 entreated her to ta!e it in her hand% She did not reply" ut re@uested me to spare her modesty% J1n the name of >od"J she cried" Jhave pity on me%J Her tears egan to flo#" ut they only added to her eauty" and inflamed me more strongly" so pretending to e much astonished" 1 reminded her that she #as on the con/ugal ed" and therefore it #as necessary to our common pleasure she should not no# sho# any opposition to my #ishes% (ut it #as of no use5 she #ould not e persuaded to ta!e it in her hand% -uring this contention my mem er had ecome furious" and #as eating his head against the lips of the port shortly doomed to receive it% 3Finding her modesty #as not to e overcome on this point" 1 desisted" and ta!ing my instrument in my hand" placed the head et#een the lips and #ith my finger and thum contrived to stretch the delicate little opening sufficiently #ide to insert the head entirely% :s the moment of her martyrdom approached" so y degrees did her

confusion and agitation increase% The insertion of the head of my stiff virgin7stretcher caused her delicious ivory reasts to eat against my osom #ith the rapidity of lightning" #hilst her mil!7#hite nec! and shoulders #ere covered #ith urning lushes% She #ould have spo!en" ut could not give utterance to the #ords% Ho#ever" tal!ing /ust then #as of no great conse@uence" so ma!ing a furious thrust 1 strove to penetrate her virgin sanctuary" ut the avenue #as too tight to give #ay to a first attempt% : second thrust" made #ith circumspection" #as a little more successful5 a third and fourth deepened my penetration5 at last" as 1 follo#ed up my success #ith strength and rapidity" the s#eet o stacle egan to give #ay" until 1 had pierced myself half#ay into her% Ho# delicious #ere the varying e2pressions #hich her s#eet countenance no# e2hi ited% .hen she first felt the penetration her confusion #as so great she could not !eep her eyes open" ut as ground #as gained the confusion egan to dissipate" her eyes lost their CF unconsciousness" astonishment mi2ed #ith pain ecame clearly mar!ed on her lovely countenance and soft cries egan to find vent in spite of my fierce !isses% 1 no# made a desperate effort to rea! through the remaining defences of her coy chastity" ut #as prevented y the ecstasy sei$ing me5 the seed of life distilled from me li!e a deluge% 3This stopped my proceedings for some moments" ut did not force me to #ithdra# from her% 1n fact" though 1 @uite overflo#ed the part penetrated" still very little of my stiffness or vigour #as lost% Her soft lips" the nipples of her #ell7formed reasts" soon rene#ed my strength% -uring the cessation of hostilities she entreated me" if 1 loved her" to #ithdra# my furious instrument% J;ou #ill !ill me"J she cried in a most piteous voice% J1 certainly shall die5 it is impossi le to sustain your cruel tearing%J J1f 1 love youH )an you dou t itH Have 1 not ris!ed my life for youHJ replied 1" tenderly suc!ing her lips" and thrusting my tongue into her mouth% J0o dou t" delicious love" the pain you suffer is cruel" ut it is entailed upon your se2 and it #ill @uic!ly su side5 nor can you participate in the soft /oys of love #ithout undergoing the ordeal5 therefore" dear maid" su mit #ith courage" the most voluptuous /oys #ill e your re#ard%3 :t this moment 1 egan to pierce again #ith all my force5 the overflo#ing of my seed #ithin her considera ly assisted" having oiled the road so much that 1 felt myself gradually stretching her" ut still it must have hurt her dreadfully" as her loud cries testified% Pity for her sufferings caused me to stop a moment" to assure her that it #as nearly over% JFeel"J 1 cried" Jmy s#eet life" it is nearly all entered%J :gitation #ith her sufferings" or fear of further anguish" 1 !no# not #hich" induced her to o ey% She found the truth of my assertion" my instrument #as three parts #ithin her" ut there it stuc! as if it #ere too thic! to enter further% .hilst her hand #as upon it" 1 made a furious

effort7again it penetrated% J:h4J she cried" Jstay your cruel thrusts" you murder me4J ut collecting all my strength" and ma!ing one tremendous lunge" 1 sent it gloriously and triumphantly into her to the utmost length% The couch #hich #as the field of attle trem led under the shoc! ;ou may /udge of my vigour for the very curtains of the C* apartment shoo! 1n vain she entreated me to #ithdra# the arro# #hich #as pierced up to her very entrails% 3J0o"J 1 replied" Jit is no# all over5 you have nothing further to apprehend5 from a pure virgin you have ecome a chaste #ife and all that remains to e done is to ma!e the travelling easy to me and pleasura le to you% This" s#eet love" can only e effected y /udicious and fre@uent en/oyments% (elieve me" from the moment the close union of our odies proclaimed your maidenhead ta!en" your sufferings must ecome less and less acute%J 6y #ords #ere supported y actions% 6aster of the citadel" 1 assumed all the con@ueror3s rights% -ra#ing myself nearly out of her" #ith one vigorous thrust 1 plunged ac! :gain and again #as the e2periment repeated% Her tears flo#ed" intermi2ed #ith cries" so s and sighs% 1 desisted not" ut #hispered" J)ourage" courage" my dear love" soon you #ill feel the softest pleasure%J :t every fresh thrust the difficulty of entry decreased% 0o# lost in ravishment indefina le" 1 grasped her strongly in my arms" and thrust #ith fury and #ithout care% 3Her cries had su sided% The ecstatic moment again approaching" 1 drove myself up to the very hilt5 it #as impossi le to en/oy a more voluptuous con/unction" a copious discharge filled the recesses of her #om 5 her virginity #as gone% 1 san! insensi le in her arms" entirely overcome #ith the most delicious the most perfect of all earthly en/oyments% 3On recovering my senses 1 #as still uried securely in my lovely Theodora5 her head #as reclining on her right shoulder5 #ith gentle respiration her ivory reasts deliriously heaved against my osom5 her eyes #ere closed" ut the pearly de# still glistened in her dar! sil!en eyelashes% Tenderly encircling her nec! #ith my arms" 1 !issed off the trem ling drops% Ho# e2@uisite #as the gratification of my senses at this moment4 Still trem ling #ith the ecstasy of having deflo#ered as pure and lovely a virgin as ever #as stretched on the altar of Denus" ho# thrilling #as the /oy #hen 1 again dre# her soft lips to mine" feeding my senses #ith the lu2urious inhalement of her almy reath" CC amidst a sho#er of dove7li!e !isses4 One of her arms" #hich lay y my side" 1 gently placed around my nec!% She #ithdre# it not% >radually her lovely eyes opened and although 1 could clearly read in their dissolving e2pression ho# great #as the pain she felt from the

enormous machine uried #ithin her" ut still #ith /oy 1 sa# y the e2pression of her eyes that complete possession of her lovely ody had reared the ud of tenderness in the senses of my victim% :lthough at present its lossom #as a painful one" the s#eetness of her !isses" the voluptuous heaving of her reasts" that indescri a le loo! #hich true modesty surely sho#s at the moment it has received its irrepara le shoc! from po#erful man" all tended @uic!ly to rene# the vigour 1 had lost in unloosening her virgin $one% The urning lushes #hich #ith rapidity covered her nec! and shoulders" the increasing heaving of her reasts" the trem ling of her lim s and ody" all proclaimed the distention she internally felt" caused y her e2ternal eauties% To e in this state and e @uiet et#een the s#elling thighs of such a eauty #as impossi le% 1 gradually #ithdre# myself nearly out of her% : loud sigh follo#ed my motion7then in li!e gradual manner 1 sheathed myself up to the hair7 ut again on our close /unction a cry escaped her% J1dol of my soul"J 1 cried" Jdoes it hurt youH Fear not5 ear up ut a short time5 your sufferings #ill cease forever%J J1ndeed" dear sir"J she so ed" Jyou hurt me cruelly% 1 shall the7pray spare me%J :gain 1 slo#ly and gradually #ithdre# myself and returned my instrument into its delirious sheath5 ut" instead of driving it up to the hilt until our hair mi2ed as efore" #hen it #as all ut an inch and a half in 1 stopped% Finding the insertion accompanied y a deep sigh only" again and again 1 repeated the movement" tremulous agitation eing the only response% Satisfied as 1 #as that this manner of en/oying her did not hurt her much" still it #as impossi le to continue it long% The en/oyment of her #as too e2citing to permit me to have complete command of my feelings from the eginning to the end of en/oyment" conse@uently her eauties soon #or!ed me up into a fury" an agony of delight" my thrusts !eeping pace and ecoming fiercer as the e2citement increased% The strength of my furious shoc!s made everything around us trem le y their violence% 1n the intervals et#een lunges" as 1 #ithdre# myself from her" she rene#ed her painful cries" loudly vociferating" JOh" pray" '== sir" spare me7for heaven3s sa!e stop% 1 cannot ear it7indeed you tear me to pieces7cruel% :h4 oh" 1 shall die%J Then" JOh" my >od%J Then again 8her voice su duing into softer supplication9" JOh" dear sir" for pity3s sa!e spare me4 dear sir" pray for ear%J 1 murmured it #as impossi le to desist" 1 could only stop her complaints y closing her mouth #ith !isses% She sa# from my agitation it #as in vain to supplicate" so ecame resigned to her fate% 0o dou t she felt some consolation as every moment lessened the pain5 sighs egan to usurp the place of cries and #hen she #ithdre# her lips from mine it #as only to regain the reath 1 had nearly suc!ed a#ay% :t this moment 1 plainly sa# that her nature #as touched y my energetic proceedings% The ecstasy again sei$ed me" and for the third time 1 dissolved myself a#ay #ithin

her% 3Thus did 1 consummate my marriage" and thus did the tender girl forfeit her virginity for her prudery in attac!ing your feelings% 1t is true the Ru icon #as no# passed #ith her" ut 1 had made up my mind not to undeceive her as to #ho possessed her maidenhead until she had en/oyed the soft pleasures of coition sufficiently to re#ard her for the loss" and to ma!e the discovery a matter of no great conse@uence% T#ice more thereafter 8ma!ing five in the #hole9 did 1 ma!e play and force the defunct maid to sustain the assault" each time piercing her up to the @uic! #ith the most redou ta le and lively thrusts" and ede#ing her urning receiver #ith the de# of life5 then thin!ing 1 had effected sufficient for her first instruction" 1 got up for the purpose of meeting Hassan on his return 8as 1 assured her9 ut desired she #ould not distur herself% :fter a fe# more caresses 1 resigned her to the >od of sleep" the only arms ut my o#n or a female3s 1 intend she shall ever repose in% 3Hassan came at the appointed time% Theodora had fallen into a refreshing slum er" out of #hich 1 #as o liged to distur her" ut desired her not to e alarmed" assuring her no one should in/ure her% 1 e2plained as @uic!ly as possi le that the (ey3s eunuch #as not satisfied #ith the assertion that our marriage had een consummated" #hich rendered it necessary she should again su mit to e e2amined% 1 '=' pacified her as #ell as 1 could" assuring her there #as no help for it" ut this #as the last e2posure her modesty #ould suffer% : pearly tear or t#o dropped from her lovely eyes" ut she su mitted% 1 #ithdre# the clothes #hilst Hassan laid hold of her legs y the an!les" gently dividing them5 the ottom of her lily thighs and the sheet #ere covered #ith crimson drops5 the delicious entrance in the grove of Denus" #hich efore she had received my lu2urious stretches had so much the appearance of the ud of the rose" no# hung fla y" loose and inflamed y the tremendous friction it had suffered" satisfying the eholder in a moment that the hymen had een ro!en and the deflo#ering completed% Hassan immediately o#ed his head as satisfied and 1 conducted him out of the oudoir% On my return to her she #as still in tears" ut 1 soon dried them% Having ordered dinner" 1 told her a slave #ould attend to help her dress" and y the time her toilet #as finished the meal #ould e ready% 1 sent y the slave a eautiful #hite satin dress" #ith diamond eardrops and pearl nec!lace and #ith a letter stating it #as my #ish she #ould #ear these ornaments as a marriage gift% 31 #aited her approach in the outer room% She came leaning on a slave% Her appearing to e scarcely a le to #al! caused me to fly to her support and her head san! on my shoulder unresistingly% 1 carried her to a couch" #here thro#ing my arms around her" 1 dre# her to my

osom and placing numerous soft !isses on her lips and nec!" esto#ed on her every endearing tide 1 could give utterance to% (ut although she trem led" lushed and sighed" and could hardly !eep her eyes open" still" to my great gratification" her lips returned my soft pressures" and altogether there #as something in her ehaviour that satisfied me 1 had created an interest in her feelings that #as tantamount to reciprocation5 indeed every moment had the effect of removing the natural coyness #hich every girl must feel in the company of the happy possessor of her virginity so shortly after the loss% -inner #as served" of #hich she partoo! #ith apparent satisfaction% -uring our repast 1 caught her e2amining me #hen she thought 1 #as engaged or did not o serve her5 her chee!s" nec! and shoulders #ere instantly suffused #ith lushes on her discovering 1 had remar!ed #hat she #as '=& a out% 1 tenderly dre# her to my osom" assuring her there #as no reason for her lushes% 1n short the repast #as en/oyed #ith dou le $est y me from the numerous nameless delicate pleasures 1 received from the maidenly confusion caused y the novelty of the situation in the lovely girl% :fter the an@uet #as removed it #as past sunset% :s she lay in my arms her eyes seemed heavy" #hich induced me to as! if she #ould retire and snatch an hour or t#o of repose efore 1 came to pass the night #ith her" at the same time telling her she must not e2pect to get much sleep that night She agreed to avail herself of my offer" on #hich" summoning the slave to assist her to undress" 1 supported her to the entrance of the oudoir" there resigning her into the slave3s hands and giving instructions to leave all the lamps urning and properly supplied #ith oil% 3:fter reposing on a couch for a out t#o hours 1 undressed myself% On entering the oudoir" 1 sa# that Theodora slept na!ed from the heat of the #eather5 in her sleep she had removed nearly all the edclothes% Her head lay on one of her arms on the pillo#" her other arm lying carelessly y her side" #hilst the treasures of her lovely reasts and shoulders #ere unprotected y the slightest covering% .ithout distur ing her" 1 laid myself y her side" ringing my mouth as nearly as possi ly to hers% Our lips at last touched for a moment% 1 suc!ed her almy reath% Lying thus e2amining the eauties of her delicate lim s" suddenly 1 perceived a strange confusion seem to sei$e upon her% She appeared as if struggling #ith someone5 then she sighed% 1 caught the flying ream and gave her another soft !iss5 still she slept% Her s#eet disorder and struggles seemed to increase5 she uttered some #ords" ro!en and inarticulate% : lush spread itself on her face and osom5 she turned upon her ac! as if impelled y the agency of someone" her lovely thighs spread of themselves" her reasts heaved rapidly" her #hole ody #as agitated" her arms spread then of a sudden fell" and then she ecame motionless as death% )ertainly she had tasted in a

dream all those /oys #hich the #a!ing sense can !no#% : soft emotion succeed the calm in #hich she had een a sor ed% J;es" thou lovest me"J she sighed" in the most tender accents5 then sighed" reathed short" and again said" JOh" 1 cannot dou t it%J '=< 36ore lost in transport even than she" 1 had not po#er to move% : moment after#ards she ecame no less confounded than myself5 her soul seemed to give itself up to an ecstasy5 again she trem led and seemed convulsed #ith pleasure% 6ahomet" ho# eautiful she appeared4 ho# infinitely did this confusion ecome her4 1 could ear it no longer" ut sei$ed her in my arms and thus ro!e in upon her /oys y a#a!ening her7thereafter there remained no more of the illusion that had engrossed her faculties than that tender languishment to #hich she had a andoned herself #ith a #armth that rendered her #orthy of the pleasures she had possessed% .hen she opened her eyes" #here love itself reigned" the glances she darted appeared still full of the fire that #as diffused through her veins5 she had not yet lost the impression that had een made in her sleeping fancy% Oh" ho# touching #as her very loo!% JTheodora"J 1 cried" #ith rapture" pressing her to my osom" Jlovely" amia le Theodora" ho# eautiful you appeared /ust no#"J !issing her #ith all the ardour 1 #as capa le of e2pressing% The dream still retained some influence over her #a!ing mind" the memory of her late impulse insensi ly increased upon her" and desires to #hich she had hitherto een a stranger thrilled in her veins% 3E2perienced as 1 am in #oman!ind" my passion for Theodora no# not only made me attentive to all her motions ut also ena led me to ma!e true con/ectures as to their meaning% 1 sa# @uite enough to convince me 1 #as not an o /ect of indifference to her" and that no# more than ever she regarded me #ith pleasure% The charming girl" altogether artless and sincere y nature" !ne# not ho# to disguise her thoughts5 so if she did not tell me all she felt in my favour" it #as only ecause of a shamefacedness% Ho#ever" 1 discovered everything 1 #ished to !no#" since 1 #as alive to a consciousness of something more than her modesty #ould let her spea!% (ut my !isses and touches" com ined #ith her dream" no# egan to #arm her% She no# lushed less at every li erty 1 too! than she had done efore at those she apprehended 1 should ta!e% 1n fact" in spite of herself she #as eginning to parta!e of my transport% .hilst 1 #as suc!ing her soft lips my hand slipped et#een her thighs ut although it #as et#een them still she !ept them closed% JHo# is this"J 1 cried" Jlovely Theodora5 do you refuse to '=, ma!e me happy againHJ J:h"J she replied" unthin!ingly" Jyou #ere ut too much so /ust no#" and efore you a#o!e me had all the advantage you could #ish%J On pressure to e2plain the seeming

mystery her #ords contained" she held out against my entreaties longer than 1 e2pected she #ould% Kisses and caresses" ho#ever" got the etter of her in the end" and her reluctance to spea! of the su /ect vanished y degrees% J1f 1 should tell you"J she said in a trem ling voice" Jdo not a use me%J 1 s#ore 1 #ould not" ut #ith transports #hich instead of removing her apprehension might have assured her it #ould e impossi le for me to !eep my promise% Too little s!illed in man!ind to e sensi le of the effect of #hat she #as a out to reveal" she at least confessed to me that eing in a slum er the moment efore 1 spo!e to her" she had seen me in a dream" and through my agency she felt a rapture #hich efore she had notice of% 1 et#een your thighsH3 cried 1" pressing her strenuously in my arms% )overed #ith lushes ut loo!ing on me #ith eyes s#imming #ith languor" she trem lingly replied" J;es%J J:h" then"J re/oined 1" more inflamed" J;ou love me more in the idea than you do in my real personHJ JThat"J she said" J#ould e impossi le71 could not love you more5 ut it is certain 1 #as less ashamed to tell you so%J J(ut #hat moreHJ impatiently demanded 1% JOh" as! me not"J replied she" hiding her lushes on my osom5 J1 cannot enter in particulars5 ut 1 #as indeed happy #ithout regret%J Here she paused for a moment" and then added" Jor pain%J 3.hilst she #as thus e2plaining the effect of her dream 1 had e2tended her thighs" and #ith my forefinger for a fe# moments had een tic!ling the inside of her delicious love7sheath% Her eyes #ere turned full on me" charged #ith all the fires of love and soft desire" plainly intimating #hat her thoughts #ere% 1t #as impossi le longer to restrain my urning impatience" so turning her on her ac!" 1 got et#een her thighs" and laying myself on her" entreated her to say she loved me% She only ans#ered #ith sighs" more impressive than #ords% 1 read in every loo! and motion #hat she #ould have said if not restrained y shame% One arm held her lips to mine" the other hand directed the instrument #hich in her dream had made her so happy% Faint murmurings and half7stifled sighs com ating #ith the remains of modesty rendered her '=B if possi le more eautiful than ever" #hilst #ith energy my vigorous instrument #as driven up till it #as at the end of its penetration" its progress sending up through her eyes the spar!s of the love fire that no# la$ed in every vein7aye" in every pore in her% She had no# ta!en in love3s arro# 8from the point to the feather9 in that part #here" no# causing no pain" the lips" #hich o#ed their first reathing to my potent instrument" clung as if sensi le of gratitude in eager suction around it #ith a #armth of $est" a compressive energy that gave it in its #ay the most delicious #elcome in nature" every part of her sheath gathering tight around me" and straining as it #ere to come in for its lissful touch% (uried in her this #ay" #e #ere oth lost in an ecstasy and forgetfulness of ourselves or of #hat further #as re@uisite to satisfy the

demands of nature% .e seemed to reathe out our #hole souls upon each other3s lips% 3.e lay motionless through e2cess of liss% :fter languishing for some moments on her osom" 1 at length recovered" ut the lovely girl could not ear the fierceness of my glances" and moved her head a little on one side" #ith a sigh reathing nothing ut love% J:h" Theodora"J 1 softly e2claimed" Jsurely you did not in your dream turn a#ay those s#imming eyes" those soft lipsHJ at the same time trying if it #ere possi le to strain myself further into her% Suddenly her arms encircled my nec!" her lips /oined mine #ith soft thrilling pressures" #hilst #ith voluptuous activity she moved her young ody to receive my thrusts" murmuring #ith tenderness" J-oes that content you" dear sirH7is it thusH7ho# else can 1 act to satisfy youH3 1 had no# no command of myself% Holy 6ahomet" ho# #ild #as ecstasy% The soft /oy had sei$ed upon her senses" her trem lings" heaving" soft shudders" the active movements of her arms and legs" @uic! reathings" graspings" return of my !isses" all espo!e her dream realised% (ut nature" una le to support the torrent of pleasure" deserted us oth? #e san! insensi le in each other3s arms% 31 need not trou le you or e2cite your /ealousy #ith any further account of the amorous scenes #hich too! place et#een us% Long efore morn she ecame 8if anything9 more su missive to my #ishes '=E than you #ere on your education% 1n the morning as she lay on my osom" half asleep" moaning from the lassitude #hich a fierce en/oyment had /ust thro#n her into" she suddenly sighed out" JPoor Emily4J 1 instantly comprehended the su /ect her thoughts #ere #andering on" particularly as a tear escaped from eneath her eautiful eyelid" rolled over her chee! and fell on my osom% Pretending great alarm" 1 an2iously en@uired the cause of her sorro#" #hen in the fullness of her grief she related the #hole circumstances of the letter she had received from you" nor did she conceal 8as she did in her first relation9 the un!ind reply she had #ritten" #hich she no# much regretted% JHo# could 1"J said she fondly" hiding her face in my osom" Ja poor silly maid as 1 #as then" have any imagination of the transports 1 have tasted in your arms tonightH (ut it #as very cruel to #rite to her as 1 did% :re you sure that the -ey ordered her to e strangledHJ J.hy"J 1 replied" Jthere #as a report that an English slave had een strangled5 ut there is no relying on anything #e hear as to #hat ta!es place in the seraglio" even if it comes from the eunuchs themselves5 there is so much deception carried on in respect of the -ey3s #omen%J J1ndeedHJ she sighed% J;es"J 1 continued" Jif y any chance the letter you mention should have fallen into the -ey3s hands" there is no danger" trou le or e2pense that #ould have deterred him from getting possession of your lovely person" and every artifice #ould

have een used until he had en/oyed your virginity5 and if he could not have en/oyed you y your o#n consent or deceit" he #ould not scruple in using force for the satisfying of his desires%J JHo# can he e2pect anyone to love himHJ she tenderly en@uired% J1t is reported"J said 1" Jthat very fe# #omen can resist him long" so #ell does he !no# ho# to please them% (esides" you do not form a true estimate of the po#er of man over the passions of #omen% ;esterday you #ere an ignorant maid #ho scarcely !ne# me4 0o# ho# many times during the night have your lips #ith the s#eetest caresses called on your >od as a #itness to your love of me" #hom a fe# short hours ago you had never seen eforeH 1s it not true"H said 1 fondly !issing her% J1t is"J she replied" thro#ing her arms around my nec! J(ut though at our marriage there #as no reason for love on my side" either my gratitude or #hat you have taught me since yesterday have engendered it" and certainly the '=F -ey #ould not have made me feel as 1 do to#ards you no#%J This tender avo#al again forced my almost un ounded passions5 1 clasped her #ith transport to my osom" our lips /oined" our reaths mingled5 #hen gently 1 turned her on her ac!" her s#elling thighs" no# o edient to the intimations of love and nature" #illingly e2tended" resigning up the gate#ay to the entrance of pleasure% -ividing the pouting lips and entering its velvet tip" the mem er #as @uic!ly #edged into her to its e2tremity7she had it no# to her heart3s contentravished to its utmost capacity y eing so% Stretched as she #as almost to suffocation on a rac! of pleasure" its point stung her so much that catching at length the rage from my furious driving" she #ent #holly out of her mind" her sense concentrating in that favourite part of her ody" the #hole of #hich #as so lu2uriously filled and employed% There alone she e2isted" all lost in those delicious transports" those ecstasies of the senses" #hich her #in!ing eyes" the rightened vermilion of her lips and sighs of pleasure deeply fetched so pathetically e2pressed% 1n short she #as a machine 8li!e any other piece of machinery9 o eying the impulses of the !ey that so potently set her in motion" till the sense of pleasure foaming to a height triggered the sho#er that #as to allay this hurricane% She !ept me faithful company" going off #ith the old symptoms7a delicious delirium" a tremulous shudder" an J:h" me" #here am 1HJ and t#o or three long sighs" follo#ed y the critical" dying" JOh" oh4J .hen 1 got off her" she lay motionless" pleasure7filled7stretched and drenched@uite spent and gasping for reath" #ithout any other sensations of life than in those e2@uisite vi rations that trem led yet on the strings of delight #hich had een so ravishingly touched and #hich nature had too intensely striven #ith for the senses to e @uic!ly at peace from% 31n this manner did 1 gratify my senses and ta!e my revenge on the lovely Theodora for the insult paid to me% Thus she ecame the slave of

my pleasures% She little !ne# the effect of the storm she #as raising and ho# potently she #ould feel it #hen it e2ploded% Having deposited in her #om my urning revenge" 1 #as satisfied" and all that no# remained #as to undeceive her and to introduce you% 1t did not re@uire much ingenuity to ring this a out Foreseeing clearly there '=* #ould e a fe# pearly tears shed et#een you" also that 1 should have to listen to a fe# tender reproaches from Theodora" this also #as no great matter% Having devoted nearly three #ee!s to the en/oyment of Theodora" yesterday 1 intended to #ithdra# the curtain #hich hung efore her eyes% 1 desired Hassan at a particular hour to ring you to the apartments of Theodora" and #hen he heard me use a particular e2pression to let you enter the oudoir% 1t is scarcely necessary to e2plain that Theodora #as no# rought to su mit to every" indeed any" #ish 1 could form% On this occasion 1 had stripped her entirely na!ed" having nothing ut a loose ro e on myself% 1n this state 1 directed her to lean on the couch #ith her face do#n#ards" raising her a little y placing a footstool for each foot to stand on at some distance from each other" so that her thighs #ere properly e2tended" and the entrance perfectly e2posed% The head of my instrument #as then fi2ed in her% :t this moment you entered according to my directions" ut dress disguised you so much that she did not !no# you" and Hassan caught you as you fainted% 1 motioned for him to ta!e you a#ay" then immediately resheathed the #eapon in her hungry gap" as 1 #ell !ne# that #ould suppress all en@uiry regarding you for the present% 1 sei$ed her round the loins and demanded of her if she should li!e to e placed in that situation #ith the -ey% She turned round her head" #ith evident fear of some un!no#n danger mar!ed in her lovely face" and replied" J:h" sir" you ma!e me trem le%J J.hy should you trem le" s#eet oneH He has een often near you during the last #ee!s and is at this moment nearer than you suppose%J JOh" #here"J cried the visi ly alarmed girl" J#here is heHJ J.hy up to your very @uic!"J #as my reply" and 1 forced myself into her as far as 1 could go% J1t is the -ey #ho has en/oyed your virginity" #hose #ife you suppose yourself to e" and #hom you no# feel up to the hilt in your vitals%J She fainted" ut my violent thrusts soon rought her to life% The ecstasy sei$ed me" 1 discharged myself into her" and #ithdra#ing from her e2claimed" JThere" my child" the deception is finished" you no# !no# the east in all his eastliness% Kno#" s#eet charmer"J 1 e2claimed" Jit #as that letter of yours that has procured the pleasure you have received in my em races5 the female that /ust no# interrupted us is your friend Emily%J To this she uttered a faint scream and fainted again% :s 1 #as ready for '=C action 1 #as soon in her again" and a fe# fierce thrusts @uic!ly rought

her to% To e rief" #hile my instrument #as in her 1 had no difficulty in o taining her pardon% She entreated permission to fly to you" and 1 granted her re@uest% The rest you !no#%3 :s the -ey ceased spea!ing his rampant tool 8#hich 1 must confess 1 #as handling during his confession9 gave to!ens of preparation and soon 1 had the delicious morsel #here 1 fain #ould have !ept it forever% :fter this the -ey #ould often amuse himself #ith us alternately" compelling one of us to guide into the other his instrument and handle his pendant /e#els5 then he #ould thro# his hand ac! and insert his finger into the gaping place that a#aited its turn% 1n this #ay #e #ere fre@uently 8all three9 dissolved at the same time in a flood of liss% This had continued for several #ee!s" #hen an a#ful catastrophe put an end to our en/oyments% The -ey had received a >ree! girl from one of his captains% She passively su mitted to his em races" and uttered no complaint until he commenced the attac! upon her second maidenhead5 then did she seem inspired #ith the strength of a Hercules% She suddenly sei$ed a !nife" #hich she had concealed under a cushion" grasped his pinnacle of strength" and in less than a thought dre# the !nife across it and severed it from his ody" she then plunged it into her o#n heart and e2pired immediately% :id #as immediately summoned to stop the -ey3s leeding to death" and #ith the fortitude that ever characterises greatness" he ordered his physician to relieve him of his no# useless remaining appendages" his receptacles of the soul7stirring /uice" remar!ing at the same time that life #ould e hell if he retained the desire after the po#er #as dead% .hen the -ey had nearly recovered he sent for us" and disclosed to our vie# the lost mem ers preserved in spirits of #ine in glass vases% He affectionately ade us fare#ell" telling us that a ship #ould sail for England in a fe# days" and as he had no further use for us" he #ould send us ac! to our native land% His !indness had such an effect on my feelings as to cause a miscarriage% 1 lay dangerously ill for t#o #ee!s" ''= during #hich time Sylvia attended me #ith the care of a mother% :t length the time of departure arrived% The -ey sent for us" and presented one of his valua le vases to Sylvia and the other to me% 1t fell to my lot to have the shaft% He also made us several other valua le presents" and ade us fare#ell" hoping that in our o#n country #e should find partners to supply him% .e left him #ith a heavy heart% .e em ar!ed on oard the ship and arrived here #ithout accident% Our friends here hushed up matters and reported that #e had een at a oarding school in France" instead of the oarding school of the -ey of :lgiers% Sylvia after#ards married a aronet" #ho lost his charge efore he effected his entrance" so #ell did she play the prude% :s for myself" you #ell !no# #hat my sentiments are% 1 #ill never marry until 1 am assured that the chosen one possesses sufficient charm

and #eight not only to erase the -ey3s impression from my heart" ut also from a more sensitive part 1 have a young #illing maid #ho possesses #iles enough to catch any man" and sufficient e2perience to ans#er my purpose5 out of ten suitors" seven have passed through her ordeal and een found #anting% 6y hopes at present are centred on an 1rish earl" #ho 1 have a presentiment #ill e found #orthy of acceptance% .hen 1 have changed my name" rest assured you shall !no# the particulars% ;ou no dou t #ish to !no# #hat ecame of the vases" therefore 1 must ease your mind on that score% Sylvia has a female friend #ho !eeps a fashiona le oarding school in London" and she persuaded me to leave mine #ith hers in the !eeping of this lady" #ho sho#s them as a re#ard for good ehaviour to the little lady scholars% Poor girls" ho# their little mousetraps must gape at the sight4 E61L; (:RLO. THE E0'''

Last revised: 12 November 2011. )onditions of Use. Kno#n (ugs. Copyright 2001-2012 by The +ac! Horntip )ollection% All rights reserved.

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