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Calculul static al galeriilor hidrotehnice se conduce avnd la dispoziie:

un studiu al formei geometrice a liniei mediane a seciunii;
definirea parametrilor de variaie a momentului de inerie al structurii;
ncrcrile care acioneaz structura, att ca mrime, ct i ca distribuie a intensitilor;
stabilirea metodei de calcul i a, schemei structurii.

n continuare se vor trata toate aceste elemente.
1. Formele seciunilor galeriilor

1.1. Date de baz

n acest paragraf se analizeaz formele cele mai des folosite n practica construciilor
subterane, att sub aspectul formei liniei mediane, ct i sub aspectul variaiei momentului de
inerie de-a lungul conturului.

Fig. 1. Seciune transversal. Form general.

Se pornete de la un contur trasat sub forma generalizat a unei linii curbe format din mai
multe arce de cerc, fiecare arc avnd definit centrul, unghiul la centru i sensul de msurare a
acestui unghi (fig. 1).
Se ia drept variabil a problemei unghiul u , acesta poate lua pe rnd notaia o sau | dup
zona n care se gsete variabila.
Limitele de variaie a unghiului u sunt:
) , 0 (
e ) , 0 (
o o e ) , 0 (
| | e (1)
n practic se caut pe ct posibil, ca dou centre consecutive 0
, O
s se gseasc pe aceeai
raz vectoare. n acest caz se nltur discontinuitile de tangent care apar la mbinarea arcelor.
Condiiile constructive impun uneori, ns, ca aceste discontinuiti s apar. n zonele de
discontinuitate a tangentei se realizeaz o rigidizare suplimentar a construciei.

Prin studiul geometriei seciunii se va nelege, n cele de mai jos, determinarea
dependenei funcionale dintre parametrii geometrici ai seciunii, indicarea modului de variaie
a parametrilor care apar n calculele statice i de rezisten a acestor seciuni. n acest mod se
pune la ndemna proiectanilor un material concret de care se pot folosi cu minimum de timp
Toate seciunile sunt construite avnd axa vertical drept ax de simetrie.

1.2. Seciunea de form special

n tunelurile hidrotehnice de cale ferat etc., executate n terenuri cu mpingeri mari, att la
partea superioar, ct i la partea inferioar, se folosete raional i cu mult succes, seciunea
din fig. 2, avnd trei centre, dintre care dou pe aceeai raz vectoare 0, 0
i cu unghiul
2 /
t = .
Seciunea se caracterizeaz prin urmtorii parametri:

r= raza arcului de bolt, elementul geometric care definete mrimea unei seciuni dintr-un
grup de seciuni de aceeai form, dar de mrimi diferite;
, k
= coeficienii care definesc razele de trasare a arcelor:
2 /
t = ,
0 0
, | o = unghiurile maxime ale arcelor seciunii.

Fig. 2. Seciune transversal. Form special.

ntre aceti parametri care caracterizeaz seciunea se poate scrie o singur relaie de
dependen, ea se poate obine scriind c segmentul r se compune din valoarea b
i nlimea
segmentului arcului cu centrul n O
i de unghi
o .
) cos 1 (
0 1 0
o + = r k b r (2)
Pentru ca relaia s devin adimensional se exprim i valoarea b
sub forma:

Conform celor artate se poate scrie:
Reunind cele dou relaii se poate simplifica cu r i relaia se pune sub forma:

Relaia (3) leag mrimile
o ,
| ,k
, k
care caracterizeaz seciunea. Numai 3 dintre
acestea sunt independente, ceea ce nseamn c seciunea este perfect determinat dac se dau
3 dintre aceste mrimi.

Fig. 7. Diagram pentru determinarea unghiului
| ; k
Calculele practice sunt uurate de tabelul 1 unde sunt indicate valorile discrete ale acestor
variabile n interdependena dictat de relaia (1).
Datele obinute, n puncte izolate, ale variabilelor pot fi trasate sub form liniarizat dac se
adopt un sistem de axe funcionale:
coso = x
sin| = y (4)
Pentru determinarea rapid, fr interpolri numerice, a unuia din cei patru parametri s-au
construit graficele din fig. 3, fig. 4, fig.5, fig. 6 i fig.7. Pe axele graficelor au fost trasate unghiurile
o i
| la scrile funcionale dictate de relaiile (2) astfel c eventualele interpolri se vor
efectua innd cont de definiiile scrilor.

Tabelul 1. Valorile



0 15 30 45 60 75 90


0, 052




1.3. Seciunea de form special avnd centrul la cheia arcului
Aceast variant a seciunii speciale este des folosit pentru simplitatea trasrii ei, n
acest caz centrul 0
fiind fixat la cheia arcului (fig. 8), valorile
| i k
sunt perfect
determinate dac se cunosc parametrii k
o .

Fig. 8. Seciune special. Centrul bolii inferioare n cheia bolii.

Pentru ca s coincid cu vrful bolii se cere s fie ndeplinit condiia:

nclinarea curbelor la origine se obine fcnd:

Observaiile de mai nainte mpreun cu datele din tabelul 2 permit trasarea graficului din
fig. 9.
Tabelul 2. Valorile tg

K o n grade sexagesimale
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
1 1,000 0,845 0,705 0,573 0,465 0,363 0,267 0,176 0,088 0,000
2 1,000 0,645 0,525 0,366 0,235 0,111 0,000 - - -
3 1,000 0,631 0,400 0,238 0,101 - - - - -
5 1,000 0,495 0,258 0,132 - - - - - -
10 1,000 0,310 0,092 - - - - - - -

Fig. 9. Seciune special. Valorile tg
| .

Valoarea k
, (tabelul 3), care determin mrimea razei r
, se obine din sistemul (4):
0 1 0 1 1 1
sin cos ) 1 ( ) 1 ( 2 / o o k k k k k
+ + + = (7)

Tabelul 3. Valorile 2 /
2 k

o n grade sexagesimale
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
1 1,000 1,174 1,342 1,500 1,643 1,766 1,866 1,940 1,985 2,000

Reprezentarea grafic a relaiei (7), (fig. 10), poate fi uor fcut dac se reprezint valorile:

Fig. 10. Seciune special.

4. Forma special. Perei laterali verticali

Seciunea eu perei laterali verticali se folosete la seciunile galeriilor de c.f. sau a galeriilor
de fug ale centralelor hidrotehnice; n acest caz radierul poate fi soluionat sub forma unei boli
descendente (fig. 11 a), pentru un teren cu tendine de umflare sau sub forma unui radier
orizontal (fig. 11 b).

Fig. 11. Form special. Peretele lateral vertical.

Seciunea se obine prin particularizarea:

n ambele cazuri, centrul 0
al radierului poate fi ales oriunde, iar valoarea unghiului
| rezult
din relaia:

2 0
/ 1 sin k = | (8)

Seciunea se determin dac se cunosc:
r = raza cercului de baz;
r h u /
0 0
= = coeficientul ce definete nlimea pereilor laterali;
= coeficientul ce definete centrul bolii radierului.
Dac se pune condiia :

se obine seciunea mner de co" (fig. 11 b) folosit la tuneluri.
Impunnd punctului 0
s coincid cu cheia bolii se obine o seciune ale crei caracteristici
trebuie s satisfac relaia:
0 0 2
1 cos u k + = | (9)

Relaiile (VII.8) i (VII.9) determin valorile B
i h
sub forma:

Pentru a se manevra mai uor mrimile care intr n relaiile (VII. 10), sunt reprezentate
valorile tg si h, n fig.12 (tabelul4).

Tabelul 4. Valorile tg
| i k

u 0 1 2 3 4 5

1,00 0,50 0,33 0,25 0,20 0,17
1,41 2,23 3,16 4,12 5,09 6,08

Seciunea reprezentat n fig. 11 se folosete adesea i cu particularizarea u
-> 0 (fig. 13) i
se obine n acest mod seciunea clopot, des utilizat n canalizri pentru transportul apelor

Fig. 13. Seciune clopot.

ntre parametrii seciunii exist relaia:

5. Forma special. Radier orizontal

mpingerea lateral a terenului n rocile slabe se preconizeaz a fi preluat nu prin perei
verticali, ci prin arce de cerc. n acest mod fcnd particularizarea:

se ajunge la seciunea din fig. 14. n acest caz trebuie s se in cont c:

Fig. 14. Seciune special. Radier orizontal

Seciunea este determinat de parametrii r, k
i v
(tabelul 5) legai ntre ei prin relaia:

Tabelul 5. Valorile v

o n grade sexagesimale
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Intersecia cu axa absciselor se obine fcnd:

Derivata funciei:

arat c diagramele descresc i pornesc orizontal, deoarece derivata se anuleaz n punctul
= o (fig. 15).
Se poate ajunge i n acest caz la seciunea mner de co'' dac se face:

Intersecia cu axa absciselor se obine fcnd:

Fig. 15. Valorile v

6. Seciuni ncastrate la capete
Terenurile stncoase nu necesit ca radier dect un beton de egalizare de mic grosime. n
acest caz sunt folosite seciuni ca cele din fig. 16.

Fig. 16. Seciuni ncastrate la capete.
n toate cazurile descrise mai nainte se face v
=0 i astfel se neglijeaz toate efectele pe
poriunea radierului.
Seciunea din fig. 16 c este folosit la bolile centralelor hidroelectrice subterane sau la
galerii n stnc foarte bun, unde pereii verticali se realizeaz cu rigiditate foarte mic astfel
nct se poate neglija n calcule efectul lor. Unghiul
poate lua valori cuprinse ntre 0 i 90.
7. Seciunea de form circular
Aceast seciune (fig. 17) se poate obine fcnd t =
i anulnd toate celelalte variabile.
Aceast form se folosete aproape exclusiv n cazul tunelurilor care transport ap sub
presiune sau la tunelurile de orice alt natur cu ncrcri foarte mari.
n rezumat se d un tabel sinoptic al seciunilor folosite mai des n practica construirii galeriilor,
mpreun cu relaiile care intervin ntre parametrii ce caracterizeaz fiecare seciune (tabelul 6).
Toate contururile sunt derivate dintr-unul singur definit sub form general i numit seciune
1. Pornind de la definirea sui forma general a uimi tip de seciune, de baz, se gsete o
prezentare unitar a unei game mari de seciuni care pot satisface toate necesitile practice de
alctuire a seciunilor. Se studiaz n detaliu parametrii care caracterizeaz seciunea.
2. Prin descrierea tuturor seciunilor pornind de la una general se d o metod unitar de
studiu a parametrilor geometrici (de ncrcare) i statici.
3. Diagramele i tabelele date n acest paragraf nlesnesc conducerea calculului i permit
alegerea rapid a parametrilor celor mai potrivii unei situaii date.

2. Variaia momentelor de inerie ale structurii
Cptueala galeriilor trebuie s satisfac urmtoarele deziderate:

- nlturarea posibilitii surprii rocilor muntelui i preluarea presiunii lor;
- n rocile rezistente, unde excavaia se menine fr armtur, nlturarea posibilitii
cderii unor pietre separate; e egalizarea i uniformizarea suprafeei interioare a
tunelului i micorarea rugozitii ei;
- micorarea posibilitii de infiltrare a apei n rocile muntelui (pentru tunelurile care
transport ap) i ptrunderea apelor de infiltraie n galerie;
- preluarea ncrcrilor din presiunea muntelui, presiunea apei etc.
Aceste condiii determin grosimea cptuelii pe fiecare poriune n parte.

Variaia momentelor de inerie este n funcie de natura rocilor n care este construit
galeria, destinaia galeriei i mrimea ncrcrilor utile.

Fig. 17. Seciune circular.

Se vor lua n consideraie tipurile de variaie a momentelor de inerie care se vor descrie n
Tabelul 6. Formele seciunilor galeriilor mai des folosite n practic

2.1. Cptueal cu moment de inerie constant

Aceasta este folosit la galeriile construite n roci rezistente. mpingerea muntelui fiind
relativ mic, grosimea betonului se face pentru a micora rugozitatea la tunelurile hidrotehnice,
pentru a prentmpina cderea bolovanilor i n ultim instan pentru a prelua eforturile din
ncrcare (fig.18).

Fig. 18. Seciune cu grosime constant

Pentru aceste seciuni, variaia momentelor de inerie se poate accepta sub forma:

n calcule statice se poate accepta grosimea pereilor subiri Ia arce pentru care valoarea h= r/d
este mai mare dect 5.
Acest tip de cptueal se foloseste i la ncrcri mijlocii cnd variaia momentelor de
este insensibil n calcule statice sau cnd variaia grosimilor ar conduce la complicaii de
De asemenea pentru seciunile circulare sub presiune se adopt grosime constant pe
ntregul contur.

2.2. Cptueal cu moment de inerie variabil

n cazul n care galeria transversal are roci mai puin rezistente, mpingerile verticale i
laterale pot diferi ca valoare i se manifest diferit asupra cptuelilor n funcie de nlimea i
limea galeriei. Preluarea raional a ncrcrilor se poate face numai prin adoptarea unor
grosimi diferite ale cptuelii (fig. 19).
n calcule se apreciaz apriori raportul momentelor inerie.
Pentru cazul seciunilor de tip miner de co se indic aceeai notaie simbolic:

Fig. 19. Seciune cu grosime variabil.
1. Pentru galerii n roci stncoase, precum i la galeriile sub presiune de form circular
se preconizeaz cmuieli cu grosime constant.
2. n rocile degradate, istoase sau n rocile fr coeziune se preconizeaz cmuieli
avnd grosimi cu variaii discontinue.
3. Galeriile centralelor hidroelectrice subterane i bolile tunelurilor cu mare deschidere se
recomand a fi executate cu variaia continu a grosimii bolii.
3. Distribuia i mrimea ncrcrilor

Pentru o judicioas dimensionare a seciunii Iucrrilor subterane este absolut necesar s se
cunoasc mrimea i modul de distribuie a ncrcrilor. Prezentarea ncrcrilor se face astfel
nct ele s poat fi introduse imediat la calcule statice.
ncrcrile care acioneaz asupra cptuelii tunelurilor se impart, dup caracterul lor i condiiile
n care acioneaz, n 3 grupe:
ncrcri fundamentale;
ncrcri accidentale;
ncrcri extraordinare.
Din grupa ncrcrilor fundamentale fac parte:
presiunea vertical a muntelui;
mpingerea lateral a muntelui;
presiunea pasiv a muntelui asupra galeriei;
greutatea proprie a cptuelii;
presiune apei;
presiunea exercitat de injeciile de lapte de ciment;
aderena betonului cu roca.
Din grupa ncrcrilor accidentale fac parte:
creterea presiunilor peste cea hidrostatic datorit micrii nepermanente intervenit n
urma manevrelor de nchidere sau deschidere a vanelor;
variaiile de temperatur a apei n galerie, contracia i curgerea betonului.
Din grupa ncrcrilor extraordinare fac parte:

cutremulrele pe direciile de cea mai mic rigiditate;
ieirea din funciune a unui element de construcie;
prbuiri de versani.
Ipotezele de verificare a seciunii galeriei trebuie s corespund ipotezelor celor mai
defavorabile de combinaie a ncrcrilor, cu condiia ca acea combinaie s fie posibil.
n continuare se expune modul de apreciere a diferitelor ncrcri cu precizarea legii de
distribuie i se dau tabele i diagrame care s uureze introducerea lor n calcul.
3.1. ncrcri provenite din mpingerea, muntelui
Forele care iau natere ntr-o galerie, n urma deranjrii echilibrului litologic, se manifest
sub forma unor presiuni dinspre exteriorul spre interiorul galeriei.
n afara cauzelor deranjrii echilibrului litologic apar presiuni l datorit altor factori care
intervin odat cu execuia lucrrilor de forare:

ocurile exploziilor provoac dislocri i fisuri n masiv;
curentul de aer care ptrunde n galeria provoac rcirea straturilor i ca urmare apare
fenomenul de contracie a rocilor;
conlucrarea rocii cu cptueala provoac deformaia rocii i apariia unor presiuni pasive.

n calcule practice diagrama intensitii ncrcrii din mpingerea vertical a muntelui se
poate lua sub form parabolic (fig. 20).

= greutatea volumetric a rocii;
= coeficientul lui Protodiaconov.

Valoarea curent a ncrcrii ntr-o seciune x este :

n cazul n care bolta are form circular sin / = b x rezult:

Sunt situaii cnd diagrama parabolic se mediaz pe limea galeriei obinndu-se o diagram cu
o distribuie uniform (fig. 20, b).

Fig. 20. Distribuia presiunii muntelui.

n cazul lucrrilor subterane, spate la o adncime mic de la suprafa nu mai exist condiii
favorabile pentru formarea bolii de echilibru natural. n acest caz, presiunea rocilor se poate
accepta egal cu ntreaga coloan a rocii aflat deasupra, din care se scad forele de frecare pe
suprafeele de rupere considerate verticale (fig. 21), rezultnd valoarea presiunii minime asupra
tavanului P:

Fig. 21. Presiunea rocilor la adncimi mici.

Relaia de mai nainte permite:
1. Determinarea ncrcrii uniform distribuite pe tavan :

2. Adncimea de amplasare a lucrrii subterane pn la care este valabil aceast relaie:

mpingerea orizontal se apreciaz considernd c se formeaz o a doua bolt de surpare n
momentul n care peretele lateral fisureaz (fig.22).

Fig. 22. mpingerea orizontal a muntelui.

Mrimea suprasarcinii q
se poate calcula considernd c ntreaga greutate a masivului
dintre cele dou boli se pred celor dou poriuni de mrime L - b:

Mrimea forei P
(fig. 22):

ncrcarea distribuit la nivelul bolii:

Mrimea suprancrcrii la nivelul superior al bolii:

Intensitatea mpingerii la un nivel curent y msurat de la nivelul superior al (bolii):

Presiunea medie rezult:

Pentru roci stncoase se apreciaz c valoarea presiunii medii q este (1/21/5) din
mpingerea vertical medie a muntelui.
3.2. Presiunea apei
^Galeriile hidrotehnice au ca ncrcare principal valoarea presiunii apei.

Fig. 23. ncrcarea cu presiunea apei la galerii sub presiune.

n cazul galeriilor sub presiune seciunea se adopt de form circular i ncrcarea, la valori
mici ale raportului D/H, poate fi considerat uniform distribuit radial (fig. 23).

Legea de distribuie a presiunii este:
n cazul galeriilor de fug ale centralelor hidrotehnice, cnd nivelul apei nu depete cheia
bolii, nivelul maxim de scurgere fiind egal cu nlimea galeriei, presiunea este considerat
distribuit normal pe axa galeriei (fig. 24) i are urmtoarele legi de distribuie:

Fig. 24. Distribuia presiunii apei care umple galeria.


q ,
q ,
q pot fi luate n punctele extreme din diagramele

A ,
A ,
A dac se
schimb semnul din minus n plus.
3.3. Greutatea proprie
Se vor admite n calcule ncrcrile distribuite de-a lungul liniei mediane a conturului,
avnd direcia vertical (fig. 25):

= greutatea specific a betonului;
| o
d d d , , = grosimea peretelui galeriei n poriunile definite de unghiurile o , i | .

Fig. 25. ncrcarea din greutatea proprie.

3.4. Presiunea pasiv a rocii
ncrcarea apare datorit conlucrrii peretelui de beton cu roca. Deformaia datorit unei
ncrcri care acioneaz pe perete se transmite rocii nconjurtoare, aceasta va fi mpiedicat i
n consecin apar presiuni.

Mrimea presiunilor ntr-un punct conform ipotezei lui Winkler:

k = coeficientul de pat al rocii;
o = deformaia peretelui.

Fjg. 26. ncrcarea din presiunea pasiv a rocii.

n practic se calculeaz deformaia pe diametrul orizontal
o (fig. 26). n acest caz,
presiunea pasiv pe diametrul orizontal dintr-o ncrcare exterioar p este :

Distribuia ncrcrii presiunii pasive se accept ca n fig.26 cu urmtoarele valori:

= unghiul care corespunde punctului de nul al deformaiei; acesta se apreciaz la 4050.
Prezenta lucrare admite
= 45.

Pentru seciunea mner de co" se stabilesc dou puncte de nul; punctul superior este
definit de
=45; punctul inferior se afl la y =0.75h
(fig. 27).

Fig. VII. 27. Presiunea pasiv a rocii.

Distribuia ncrcrii pe prima poriune corespunde relaiei (28); distribuia ncrcrii
pentru poriunea vertical se consider parabolic:

n seciunea de form circular se consider ncrcarea cu distribuia (28) i are forma din

Fig. 28. Presiunea pasiv la o seciune circular.

3.5. Presiunea injeciilor de umplere
Practica execuiei galeriilor impune ca dup turnarea betonului n perete s se lase guri n
bolt pentru injectarea locurilor goale rmase ntre beton i roca. n acest mod se realizeaz o
legtur intim ntre beton i roc.
Presiunile de injecie se execut la o presiune nominal:
h q =
- sarcina presiunii de injecie. (31)
Distribuia ncrcrii datorit injeciilor la presiunea q
se va admite conform distribuiei:
) sin / sin 1 (
0 0

= q q (32)
= unghiul de influen a presiunii de injecie (
= presiunea de injecie.

3.6. Aderena betonului cu roca
Prin ntrirea mortarului, presiunea iniial exercitat pe cptueal se micoreaz datorit
contraciei betonului, respectiv a deformaiilor plastice ale betonului din cptueal i datorit
contraciei rocii nconjurtoare. Lucrrile de injectare n mod normal se execut pe ntreg
perimetrul, cnd s-a ntrit cptueala ndeosebi n partea inferioar a arcului i n dou seciuni
dispuse sub un unghi de 45 de la axul vertical.
n calculul static al cptuelii trebuie luate n consideraie forele de aderen ale betonului
cu roca.
Fora de aderen

q la cptuelile cu seciune circular se va calcula pe prile laterale ale

conturului ntre seciunea 4 / t = i 4 / 3t = (de la verticala care trece prin cheie; fig. 29 a):

q q = i
) 7 , 0 ... 5 , 0 ( q q =

La seciunea special" ncrcarea rezult (fig. 29) :
1) Pentru ) 2 / , (
t e

q q = (34)
2) Pentru ) , 0 (
o o e o
q q = (35)
Seciunea mner de co" se va considera asemntoare celei speciale pn la diametrul
orizontal (fig. 29), iar pe poriunea dreapt se consider o ncrcare parabolic dup legea:

3.7. Reaciunea terenului
Reaciunea terenului se determin din condiia echilibrului global al tuturor ncrcrilor.
Distribuia reaciunii este n funcie de natura i forma radierului galeriei. Pentru galerii cu radier
orizontal sau aproape orizontal, n terenuri stncoase se poate accepta o distribuie constant a
Dac ncrcarea vertical pe jumtatea seciunii este P, se poate deduce valoarea reaciunii:
0 2 0
sin / | r k P q = (VII.37)
Pentru terenuri slabe sau nestncoase distribuia ncrcrii se poate accepta dup forma
hiperbolei sau n alte cazuri dup o distribuie cosinusoidal (figurile 30 i 31).

Distribuia cosinusoidal (fig. 31):

1) Pentru seciunea circular:

3) Pentru seciunea de form special:


Pentru o ncrcare vertical de mrime P pe jumtatea seciunii se poate calcula valoarea q


Fig. 30. Distribuia constant a reaciunii.

Fig. 31. Distribuia reaciunii dup legea cosinusoidal.

n afara ncrcrilor descrise mai nainte, sunt unele fenomene care apar i pot s influeneze
comportarea unui tunel sub presiune, fenomene de care n mod curent nu se ine seama n
- fisuri suplimentare n roc;
- variaia de temperatur;
- neuniformitatea seciunii cptuelii;
- creterea rezistenelor betonului;
- diferena dintre grosimile teoretice ale cptuelii i cele reale;
- permeabilitatea cptuelilor etc.

n continuare se analizeaz foarte pe scurt influena acestor fenomene.
Unul din factorii principali care stau la baza diferenierii valorilor lui K
pe traseul galeriei
este gradul de fisurare a rocii.
Pe traseul unei galerii sub presiune exist motive s apar fisuri, deoarece ca urmarea
executrii galeriei, zona rocii din vecintatea golului excavat este supus la o serie de ncrcri
suplimentare. Astfel:
1) Din cauza executrii excavaiei apare o zon de discontinuitate n masivul muntos, ceea
ce duce la o concentrare a eforturilor produse de presiunea litostatic pe zona din vecintatea
2) Excavarea fcndu-se cu explozivi, ocurile provocate de acetia supun unei solicitri
importante roca din vecintate.
3) Curentul de aer care apare n tunelul strpuns produce o rcire a intradosului excavaiei,
ceea ce are ca urmare apariia unui fenomen de contracie n roc, deci implicit eforturi de
ntindere i tendina apariiei unor fisuri radiale.
4) Dup darea tunelului n funciune, din cauza apei reci care trece prin el, se rcete
suplimentar zona din vecintate, ceea ce accentueaz contracia rocii.
5) Ca o ultim cauz care contribuie la apariia fisurilor n roc este nsi conlucrarea
cptuelii cu roca la preluarea eforturilor produse de presiunea apei.
Fisurile produse de fenomenele care apar nainte de darea tunelului n exploatare sunt
nchise prin lucrrile de injecii, cu condiia ca injeciile s se execute foarte corect i ca roca s
prezinte nu numai fisuri radiale, cum sunt cele cauzate de rcire, ci i fisuri transversale.

Fig. 32. Reaciune hiperbolic.

Dac fisurile radiale se ntind pe o zon corespunztoare unei raze R se constat c
valoarea, coeficientului de rezisten elastic specific scade de la valoarea iniial K
valoarea K'
n funcie de raportul dintre raza zonei pn la care se ntind fisurile i raza
Temperatura rocii n diferite puncte ale traseului unui tunel de aduciune, dac acesta este
situat la suficient deprtare de suprafaa terenului, poate fi considerat practic constant n
timp i funcie numai de gradul geotermic.
n condiiile climatice ale rii noastre exist premisa ca temperatura apei care curge prin
tunel, dup darea lui n exploatare, s difere sensibil fa de temperatura rocii, mai ales iarna.
Aceast situaie va cauza apariia unor deformaii sau, dac deformaiile nu se pot dezvolta liber,
apariia unor eforturi n toate elementele care sufer o variaie de temperatur, adic n

cptueal i n roca din vecintatea tunelului. De exemplu, n caz c apa rcete cptueala si
roca din jur, cptueala se contract i i micoreaz raza extradosului; roca presupus fisurat
se contract i ea, ceea ce are ca efect mrirea razei excavaiei; rezultatul final este apariia unui
spaiu liber ntre cptueal i roc; dac acest spaiu este mai mare dect valoarea deformaiei
extradosului cptuelii produse de presiunea interioar a apei (deformaia calculat
presupunnd cptueala ca un tub n aer liber), eforturile pe care le produce presiunea
interioar n cptueal se dezvolt ca i cnd K
= 0. Situaia mai des ntlnit n realitate arat
c efortul rcirii duce la o micorare a coeficientului K
, analog ca n cazul apariiei fisurilor.
Variaiile de temperatur i alte fenomene care apar la galeriile sub presiune duc la sporirea
important a eforturilor produse de presiunea interioar a apei, n special n cazul cptuelilor
Alt aspect interesant de analizat este neuniformitatea grosimii cptuelii care apare datorit
condiiilor n care se execut tunelul. Din cauza ngrorii, cptueala nu mai lucreaz ca un
cilindru cu pereii de grosime constant, cum se presupune n toate calculele, deoarece
rigiditatea diferit a seciunilor corespunztoare diferitelor unghiuri la centru face ca deforma-
iile cptuelii s nu fie funcie numai de raz, ci i de unghiul la centru, ceea ce implicit duce la
apariia unor momente ncovoietoare i fore tietoare, respectiv la eforturi suplimentare. n
roci dure, n care E
este sensibil egal cu E
efectul ngrorilor n ceea ce privete eforturile
produse de presiunea interioar nceteaz s se mai resimt.
Un avantaj mare pe care l are cptueala unui tunel const n faptul c microclimatul n
care face priza i se ntrete betonul din care este confecionat este foarte prielnic obinerii
unor betoane rezistente. innd seama de condiiile prielnice n care i face priza i se ntrete
betonul i de timpul de dare n funciune, se poate admite c, n acele cazuri cnd exist deplin
siguran c eforturile maxime n cptueal vor fi atinse la mai mult de 6 luni de la betonare se
iau rezistenele de rupere din norme sporite cu 25%. Acest procedeu este utilizat n mai multe
Un alt factor care contribuie la mrirea capacitii de rezisten este faptul c n condiiile
de lucru specifice excavaiilor subterane, volumul excavat real este sensibil mai mare dect cel
teoretic, din cauz c se lucreaz cu explozivi i din cauza sprijinirilor. ngroarea inerent a
cptuelii are ca efect o micorare a eforturilor pe care le produc diferitele ncrcri. Se
calculeaz, grosimea medie real corespunztoare, iar pe baza acestei noi grosimi se poate face
verificarea rezistenelor. Trebuie inut seama ns de influena pe care o are faptul c intradosul
excavaiei prezint multe neregulariti.
Un alt factor care influeneaz rezistena cptuelii este permeabilitatea betonului.
Cptuelile din beton simplu sau beton armat nu pot fi socotite practic impermeabile nici nainte
de apariia fisurilor. Permeabilitatea cptuelilor se explic innd seama de condiiile n care se
execut i de eforturile care apar n ele la punerea sub sarcin.
De o deosebit de mare importan pentru etaneitatea unui tunel este gradul de
permeabilitate a rocilor pe care le strbate.
Un strat de torcret simplu bine executat care nu prezint nici un fel de fisuri reduce simitor
permeabilitatea cptuelii. Apariia fisurilor n torcret duce practic la anihilarea efectului de
nainte de apariia fisurilor permeabilitatea torcretului este foarte mic. Dup apariia
fisurilor, pierderile cptuelii cu torcret slab armat, chiar la presiuni mult mai mici dect cea care
a produs fisurarea, sunt cu mult mai mari dect n situaia cptuelii nefisurate. Prezena unei
armturi puternice limiteaz foarte mult deschiderea fisurilor, ceea ce mpiedic apariia unor
pierderi suplimentare importante.

n general, cptuelile tunelurilor sub presiune nu sunt perfect etane, chiar i cele cu
torcret destul de gros n interior, datorit neuniformitii execuiei torcretului, umflrii fisurilor
capilare etc.
Aceast lips de etaneitate a cptuelilor, nainte chiar de apariia fisurilor n beton,
influeneaz sensibil comportarea static a cptuelii, deoarece contribuie ntr-o msur mai
mult sau mai puin accentuat la micorarea eforturilor de ntindere care apar n cptueal. Cu
ct cptueala este mai permeabil, cu att raportul ntre presiunea interioar i presiunea
exterioar va fi mai apropiat de unitate i deci, eforturile vor fi mai mici.

Concluziile asupra modului cum trebuie s fie tratat problema alegerii i dimensionrii
cptuelii tunelurilor sub presiune se pot rezuma astfel:
n primul rnd, ca o observaie general, roca nu trebuie caracterizat numai prin
caracteristicile ei clasice K
, ci i prin caracteristicile ei n ceea ce privete permeabilitatea i felul
cum se dezvolt mpingerea activ.
Se pot considera urmtoarele cazuri:
1) Galeria strbate, pe o bun parte a traseului, roci foarte dure, nefisurate, cu coeficientul
>1 000 hgf/cm
, practic impermeabile, cu coeficieni de permeabilitate k e (10
.. .10
) cm/s. n
acest caz s-ar putea lsa necptuit dac n-ar interveni problema pierderilor de sarcin. Dac se
prevede cptueal, este indicat ca aceasta s se execute din beton simplu (B 100. . .B 150), ct
mai subire, minimul constructiv, peste care se aplic o tencuial torcretat, sau numai
cptueal simpl de torcret aruncat direct pe roc.
Fisurile care pot aprea n exploatare pe unele zone nu prezint practic nici o importan,
deoarece nu pericliteaz stabilitatea i nu duc la mrirea pierderilor de ap.
2) Tunelul strbate roci dure sau foarte dure (K
> 500), fisurate, cu coeficientul de
permeabiltate k e (10
.. .10
) cm/s. n aceast situaie, funcia principal pe care trebuie s-o
ndeplineasc cptueala este micorarea ct mai mult a pierderilor de ap n exploatare.
3) Tunelul strbate roci fisurate, cu coeficientul de permeabilitate k e (10
.. .10
) cm/s

slabe (k
=100.. .500). n acest caz n afar de funcia de reducere a permeabilitii, cptueala
are i rol de sprijinire a muntelui.
Grosimea cptuelii este indicat s se calculeze punnd condiia clasic ca n exploatare s
nu fisureze, fiind necesar ca armtura s fie dimensionat astfel nct s poat mpiedica
deschiderea fisurilor n cazul n care ele totui s-ar produce. La dimensionarea grosimii cptuelii
se iau n considerare eforturile produse numai de presiunea interioar a apei, mpingerea
muntelui, greutatea proprie, luate dup formule recomandate de diferii autori. Armtura se
dimensioneaz punnd condiia s preia, fr s depeasc rezistena admisibil, fa de
ntindere care ar produce fisurarea betonului.
n cazul acestor roci puternic fisurate, cu toate msurile care se iau, pierderile de ap n
exploatare vor fi mai mari dect n cazul n care tunelul strbate roci practic impermeabile. n
ultimii ani, pentru astfel de situaii, s-a trecut n unele ri la aplicarea unui nou tip de cptueli -
cptueli precomprimate.
4) Galeria strbate roci cu caracter pronunat plastic, roci care au, n general, un coninut
ridicat de material argilos, ceea ce face ca ele s intre n categoria rocilor impermeabile.
Coeficientul de permeabilitate fiind mai mic ca (10
.. .10
) cm/s nu este necesar
dimensionarea cptuelii pe considerentul mpiedicrii fisurilor. Pe de alt parte, presiunile date
de mpingerea muntelui, curgerea lent a betonului, plus umflarea argilei, pot atinge valori
excepional de mari, valori care devin hotrtoare pentru stabilirea grosimii. Ipoteza care
dimensioneaz n mod normal cptueala va fi tunelul golit, iar pe extrados acioneaz

mpingerea muntelui cu valoarea ei maxim probabil. Valoarea ei nu poate fi stabilit precis ca
n cazul apei din interior. Presiunea exterioar a muntelui va fi introdus n calcul sub forma unei
presiuni medii uniforme pe contur. Deoarece vor aprea totui unele momente ncovoietoare
este remarcabil, ca n acest fel de cazuri, cptueala s fie prevzut cu o armare minim. Este
necesar ca armarea s fie continu pe tot conturul i deoarece nu se cunosc semnele
momentelor, deci zona care va fi ntins, este bine ca armtura s fie dubl (la intrados i
extrados), situaie care duce la dublarea coeficientului minim de armare.
n concluzie, ncrcrile care solicit mbrcmintea galeriilor sunt multiple. Introducerea n
calcul a ncrcrilor, trebuie s in cont de conlucrarea rocii cu mbrcmintea; n acest sens,
determinarea presiunii pasive corespunztoare fiecrei ncrcri reprezint un element de baz
al calculului static.
Aprecierea coeficientului de pat, al modulului de elasticitate, al coeficientului mpingerii
active, trebuie fcut cu atenie deosebit. n cele mai multe situaii, aceste caracteristici se
determin pe msur ce se execut excavaiile. n funcie de aceste elemente, calculele trebuie
executate cu maximum de operativitate.


An investigation by calculation rather than graphical construction is not only more accurate
but it also enables the designer to consider other effects within certain limits. Such a method will
be illustrated here for horseshoe sections that are closed all around, i.e. those that are subject to
active lateral pressures and have an inverted arch.

Analysis for horse shoe sections.

In this analysis both arches (top and bottom) are considered fixed at both ends: the walls
are regarded as completely rigid and are assumed to be supported elastically by the ground in a
horizontal and vertical direction. The external loads consist of the self-weight, vertical and
horizontal earth pressure and the reactions such as the bearing pressures under the base, the
passive earth pressure behind the walls and horizontal and vertical forces of friction.
Both methods described below are based on the equilibrium of forces interacting
between members designed as separate units.
In the simpler method all end supports are assumed either to stay in place or not to
affect the reactions by any displacements. This assumption is rather arbitrary and can be
accepted only if the conditions warrant it (e.g. heavy sections surrounded by rock). If the relative
displacements at the springings cannot be neglected, then the effects of the support movements
have to be considered in the arch design (cf. 42.122).
This method, of course, is much simpler than to design the entire section as a
monolithe and will be sufficiently accurate in ground that is capable of developing considerable
A member-by-member design is justified also because all three members are
constructed separately and are divided by construction joints anyway.

This method should be used only in the design of structures with rigid and heavy walls.
Details of the design of each member are given below:

1. The arch at the top is assumed to have fixed ends and the combined load of its
self-weight plus earth pressure is assumed to be distributed in a uniform

The arch represents a statically three times indeterminate structure, the redundants of
which can be determined as known from the theory of structures.
By replacing the rigid

FIG. 4/10. Loads on separated members of a tunnel section

at one of the fixed ends by a moment (X
), a horizontal force (X
) and a vertical force (X
the structure is transformed into a cantilever, i.e. into a statically determinate structure
(Fig. 4/11). The three redundants have to be determined in such a manner that the
resulting relative displacements and rotation shall be zero at the released end. Here are
the three equations of redundancy:

where a
, a
and a
represent the rotational, horizontal and vertical displacements,
respectively, at the released end, due to a unit moment. Similarly a
, a
and a
displacements due to the unit horizontal load and a
, a
and a
denote the respective
displacements due to the unit vertical load. Finally a
, and a
, a
denote the rotational,

FIG. 4/11. Statically determinate structure equivalent to the hingeless arch

and vertical displacements, respectively, at the released end due to the external loads. The
three equations are, in fact, a mathematical expression of the fact that the released end
will not move or rotate in any way under the combined action of the redundant forces and
the external loads. In other words, the redundants X
, X
and X
will cause the cantilever to
act exactly as the indeterminate structure.

Transferring the redundants X
, X
and X
to the elastic centre of the arch (point a) will
make the calculations considerably simpler as each redundant will cause only one movement

and that in its own direction, i.e. the moment will produce rotation only, the horizontal
redundant force will produce a horizontal displacement and, finally, the vertical redundant force
will produce a vertical displacement only.

Here we have assumed that the elastic centre is rigidly connected to the released end
and each redundant, acting at the elastic centre, will cause it to move in its own direction only
(Fig. 4/11). This thesis can be proved mathematically.

While the factors a
denote the relative displacements of the elastic centre under the
external loads, i.e. the rotation (a
) the horizontal displacement (a
) and the vertical deflection
), the other factors with the double suffix: a
, a
and a
denote the corresponding
movements due to X
= 1 tm, X
= 1 ton and X
= 1 ton, respectively.

FIG. 4/12. Moment diagrams of the arch released at one end

Factors a
and a
can be calculated from the equations of virtual work as follows:

and N
= the moment and the axial component of the external load, respectively,
and n
= the moments and axial loads due to the unit loads X
= 1, all of which are
considered as acting on the equivalent determinate structure.
The second member in each formula expresses the effect of the axial loads and can
usually be neglected as insignificant compared with the first member.
The moment diagrams M
, m
, m
and m
are to be established first and the a factors
then calculated as their product.

Fig. 4/12 illustrates the moment diagrams in question. The arch is to be divided into n
segments and the moments calculated at the dividing points.

From the moment diagrams the a factors can be calculated as

where a
= zero if the arch and the loads are symmetrical.

From the above X
and X
can be calculated. If the structure and the loads are
symmetrical about the vertical centre line, X
will be zero and

The moment and the axial load at any point of the statically indeterminate structure is
calculated from

For a circular arch with a constant moment of inertia the bending moments and the
axial loads can be expressed in the form of closed formulae. A derivation for uniformly
distributed loads is given below. In this particular case where the structure and the loads are
symmetrical about the vertical centre line the structure is split through the centre (Fig. 4/13) and
thus becomes a pair of identical and statically determinate cantilevers. This will greatly simplify
the calculations.
In computing the relative displacements the only effect considered will be that due to
the bending moments; both axial load and shear will be neglected.

FIG. 4/13. Statically determinate structure for a circular arch

The location of the elastic centre is

FIG. 4/14. (a) to (c) Moment diagrams on the statically determinate equivalent structure;
( b) Moment diagram on the circular hingeless arch

These formulae have been developed into convenient tables for the design of the
Budapest Subway. The factors in the tables can be applied directly in the calculation of moments
and axial loads at the critical cross-sections under uniformly distributed vertical loads

The notations are illustrated in Figs 4/15 and 4/16. Numerical values for a
and a
listed in Table 4/1 for cross-sections at the springing (1), quarter point (2) and crown (3).

FIG. 4/15. Notations for the circular arch

FIG. 4/16. Tabulated data of the circular arch


What the moments and axial loads determined, the stresses due to the eccentric
conadil be calculated from

and the cross-sections can be designed accordingly. Should the initially assumed
cross-section prove to be inadequate then the calculations have to be repeated because of the
effect of the change in the cross-sectional stiffeners and area I (K) and A on the deflections and
on the reactions.

2. A similar procedure has to be followed in the design of the inverted arch. The
external loads have to be estimated with due consideration to construction procedures. In most
cases the arch at the top and the walls are constructed first and so their self-weight is
transferred to the ground at the wall base.
In the design of the inverted arch the bearing pressures have to be calculated from the
self- weight and from the earth pressure, whether total or partial. These pressures have then to
be reduced by the friction behind the walls (Fig. 4/17).

FIG. 4/17. Loads on the inverted arch

where a denotes that fraction of the pressure that will develop only after the inverted arch has
been completed (40-50% in plastic soils).

Moments and axial loads can be calculated similarly to those of the arch at the top.

3. Design of the walls. Once again the external loads have to be determined first. In
addition to the reactions from the upper arch ( V
, H
, M
) and from the inverted arch (V
, H
), all of which have been obtained previously, the walls are also subject to direct pressure at
their top (P), to their self-weight (G) and to the active earth pressure (E

The resulting reactions will develop below the wall base (W) and behind the vertical
face of the wall. Owing to the friction between the wall and the ground the bearing pressures
along the plane of contact will have perpendicular as well as tangential components. The friction
forces can be calculated as the product of the perpendicular pressures and the coefficient of
friction (tan <j>). Thus, the friction under the wall is

As mentioned earlier, the above methods of calculating the friction forces S
and S, are
not accurate because they result in maximum values which cannot develop without a certain
displacement ( a) taking place. In fact the amount of friction will be limited to that actually
required for the equilibrium and that which is proportional to the displacement of the surface in
question. Such displacements can be calculated with the coefficient of subgrade reaction. The
displacements required to mobilize friction forces S
, S and S
, are

(In our case, illustrated in Fig. 4/18, tan can be taken at its maximum value as even the full S

force has failed to balance the horizontal forces and an additional, passive earth pressure (e
was required to develop in the plane of point O.)
In the calculation of the friction forces the respective coefficients of friction are

FIG. 4/18. Loads on the rigid side wall

where a can be determined from a surface friction test and with the approximation illustrated
in Fig. 4/19. The value of a also depends on the type of soil, on its condition and moisture
content. In most practical cases it can be taken less than 1 cm (1/2 in). Whenever the
displacements exceed this limit, the friction can be taken at its maximum value (tan ).
The unknown quantities to be determined are the passive earth pressure (E
), the
ground reaction under the wall (W) and the respective lines of action, i.e. distances t
and t
Assuming that both passive earth pressure and ground reaction

FIG. 4/19. Relationship between the mobilized friction and displacement

are distributed linearly and in a compatible manner, the four unknowns can be determined from
the three equations of equilibrium plus a fourth one referring to the rotation of a rigid body on
an elastic subgrade.
Because all forces on the wall will have to be in equilibrium, the sum of the horizontal
and vertical components has to be zero as has the sum of the moments about any point, for
example point O (Fig. 4/18).

This equation contains the two further unknowns, t
and t

4. The fourth equation is based on the elastic subgrade and on the proportions
between bearing pressures and displacements. Because the wall is assumed to be infinitely rigid,
the back face will remain a straight plane and will produce linearly distributed bearing pressures
accordingly. From the above assumptions it also follows that vertical and horizontal faces will
remain perpendicular to each other and so the lines of pressure distributions will be at right
angles as well. These proportions can be expressed as

Consider two more relations:

Both w
and e
can be expressed from Eq. 4.27 and then written into Eq. 4.26. This will
result in expressions for t
and t which can be substituted into Eq. 4.24c. The latter combined
with Eq. 4.25 can be solved for w
and e
. Finally w
and e
can now be calculated.

This concludes the determination of the external loads and brings us to the
construction of the thrust line and to the investigation of stresses in the characteristic
These include the spring lines at top and bottom and the section half way in between.
The thrust line has to stay within the inner third of each cross-section and the maximum stresses
shall not exceed the allowable ones. From the point of view of mechanics the use of walls with
straight interior and exterior faces is not recommended because they do not follow the thrust
line and result in awkward construction joints at the base.
42.122. The effects of relative displacements. In the above analysis the interaction
between the members due to relative displacements has not been considered. Of all the
members, the arch at the top is the most sensitive to horizontal displacements of the walls
which, in turn, are the results of the reactions of the arch itself. The horizontal displacements,
added to the a
factors, will increase the redundants X
, X
, X
and the loads on the arch in
general and may result in considerable cverstresses. It is' customary to assume that an arch
constructed of brick, concret; or stone will crack under the increased moments and will work as
a three-hinged arch from then on. For this reason arches supported on walls subject to
displacements should be designed also for a condition with three eccentric hinges, two of which
are located inside (at the springings) and one outside (at the crown) (Fig. 4/20). The
development of these "emergency hinges" will necessarily have to be accompanied by local
crushing of the wall material, resulting in damage to the waterproofing and in potential trouble

FIG. 4/20. Assumed behaviour of tunnei section (as three-hinged arch) after displacement of the
Once the reaction at the springing is known, the displacement of the wall ( A) can be
calculated according to WINKLER as p Cy. With the passive earth pressure and its distribution
length determined (graphically or analytically), the displacement is calculated as

FIG. 4/21. The effect on the arch of horizontal displacements of the lateral support

For a circular arch of constant moment of inertia and subject to uniformly distributed
loads the equations of redundancy, also including the effects of displacements and rotations, can
be written as (see also Eqs 4.15, 4.16 and Fig. 4/21).

The increases due to the displacements become higher as the coefficient of subgrade
reaction (C) becomes smaller. Arches are as a rule very sensitive to horizontal displacement of
the springings.

It should be noted that very thick arches and very low coefficients of sub- grade
reaction (C = 1 3 kg/cm
) may yield excessive values for M
and H
, which cannot be
carried by the arch. It is in these instances that the arch may be assumed to crack and transform
into a three-hinged arch which is indifferent to any further displacements. This, of course, can
only be assumed if the formation of cracks can be tolerated, i.e. if watertightness is not a
requirement (see earlier).

In general, arches are also sensitive to vertical displacements but to a lesser extent.
Differential settlement of the walls, resulting in additional slope at the springings, is not
particularly common. If necessary, it can be taken into account similarly to the above.
Assuming that there is sufficient friction to prevent any displacement (i.e. e
= 0), only the
rotation at the springings need be considered in the investigation of the inverted arch. Even if

this were not the case, e
would be considerably less than e
and thus have a lesser effect on
the inverted arch.

42.123. Example. The use of the analytical method will be illustrated in an actual
example of segment design, shown in Figs 4/22a-d.

(a) Investigation of the arch at the top. The vertical loads on the arch consist of a uniformly
distributed pressure (geostatic load), a triangular load G
in the corners and the self-weigth of the
arch (Q). For a cover of 276 m (90 ft) these loads are as follows:

FIG. 4/22. Numerical example for the analytical design of the roof arch and of the inver
arch of a shield chamber


In the next approximation the trapezoidal stress diagram must be evened out and thus

or, when projected to the extrados

The thrust at the springing is calculated from Table 4/1. For

and the thrust and moment at the springing (due to vertical loads)

The vertical reaction is

The thrust and moment at the springing (due to horizontal loads)

The reaction due to combined horizontal and vertical loads is then

The stresses are investigated only at the springing and at the crown, and the relief offered by
the horizontal load is neglected, which is another assumption on the safe side.
The cross-sectional area of the arch (considering a strip of unit width) is

(b) In the investigation of the inverted arch the construction sequence is also to be consid-
ered. Thus the weight of the arch at the top and the weight of the walls - both members having
been completed prior to the inverted arch is transferred to the ground at the base of the
walls. In another assumption on the safe side the entire pressure on the arch at the top and on
the walls is again assumed to be transferred to the ground through the walls and through the
inverted arch and is reduced only by the friction behind the walls. Some of the pressure obvi-
ously must have been transferred to the ground through the walls completed earlier. Because

The components of the horizontal load are

Selecting the appropriate o and | values from Table 4/1 the reactions at the springing of the
inverted arch can be calculated. Owing to vertical loads:

Owing to horizontal loads:

The sum of the forces at the springing:

With a cross-sectional area of

and with a section modulus of

(c) This brings us to the investigation of the walls. Because the base is held firmly in place by the
inverted arch, the wall is assumed to rotate about its lower outer corner.
This will result in passive earth pressures behind the wall being distributed in a triangular form
and with a resultant acting at 2/3 of the height.
As t
is thus known right from the beginning the calculations become considerably simpler (Fig.
Other assumptions are:

1. The ground may be regarded as a homogeneous, isotropic material, in which the strains
can be calculated with a constant coefficient of subgrade reaction in every direction.
2. The wall is infinitely rigid and the back face remains a plane throughout the rotation.
From the equilibrium of vertical forces

42.13. Common Deformations and Composite Action of the Surrounding Ground
(Davidov's Method)

A more accurate design method has been developed by Prof. DAVIDOV
in conjunction with the
experiments and research, especially carried out for the design of the Moscow Subway. This
method is particularly applicable to major underground structures built by classical construction
methods. The members of structures of such proportions, constructed in separate successive
phases, lend themselves to design as separate units.

FIG. 4/24. Structural mechanism of the DAVIDOV'S design method

According to DAVIDOV the arch and the inverted arch are to be designed separately and the
calculated reactions are to be applied to the walls as external loads. However, the displacements
at the springings, common to arch and wall because of the contact between them, will be
included in the calculations. In the design of the walls, on the other hand, the surrouding rock will
be assumend to participate in carrying the loads and supporting the walls.
According to DAVIDOV, the effective depth of the cooperating ground will depend on the
magnitude of transferred stresses and will be defined by the range within which these additional
stresses do not exceed the initial geostatic pressure by more than 20%. Thus, the wall can be

assumed to be elastically supported and surrounded by the "composite ground" the thickness of
which can be calculated as above and will be denoted by H
and H
for behind and under
the wall, respectively. In his treatment of the elastic foundation DAVIDOV also considers the
interaction and accumulation of penetrations in adjacent areas. Instead of a continuous bedding,
the foundation is assumed to consist of a finite number of fictitious elastic rods with hinges at top
and bottom (Fig. 4/24).
The tunnel wall, leaning against the surrounding ground, may then be regarded as a cantilever
with a displacement y
and a rotation
at the fixed end and subject to the external loads, and to
the ground reactions in the form of forces X
, . . . X
exerted by the elastic rods (Fig. 4/25).

FIG. 4/25. The wall acting as a cantilever

The rigidity of the wall is to be taken into consideration as

called the rigidity factor.
For values of 05 . 0 s o a the wall is practically infinitely rigid and the deformation of the
cantilever may be neglected. However, for 10 . 0 > o the wall has to be regarded as flexible and
the deformations considered accordingly.
In the formula, E
is the modulus of elasticity and
is the Poisson's ratio of the ground; EJ
denotes the rigidity and the Poisson's ratio of the wall and c is the spacing of the fictitious bars
which can be taken as 1/5 of the height of the wall h
In order to simplify the calculations and to reduce the volume of computations, a number of tables
have been developed by the author for rigid as well as for flexible walls; these can be found in his
work referred to earlier.

42.131. DAVIDOV'S approximative theory.

An approximate but more practical theory by DAVIDOV can be used for clear spans up to

r k
f = a factor of rock strength (by PROTODYAKONOV, see Table 3/VI),
= | where
f = the rise of the arch. Under these conditions the horizontal resultant of the external
volumetric forces, E
just about balances the thrust at the springings. If E
and the external loads
on the wall are in equilibrium, the rotation of the base is zero ( 0
~ | ) which also eliminates any

rotation at the spring line 0
| and X
= 0. Based on the above formulae, this method can be
used for the following conjugate values:

1. The design of a rigid and fixed wall ( 0
= | ) is simpler because
(a) The elasticity of the surrounding ground need not be considered;
(b) The forces acting in the elastic centre of the arch can be calculated as
1 1
M M = ;
2 2
H H = and
3 3
Q Q =

M ,
H and
Q denote the moment, horizontal and vertical force, respectively, due to
the external loads and acting in the elastic centre of the fixed arch;

(c) The Xi forces, representing the elastic ground resistance, will not be mobilized
and so X
= 0;

(d) The elastic reactions (Y
) under the wall base can be assumed to be uniformly
(e) The forces acting in the elastic centre of the inverted arch can be calculated
similarly from
1 a
M M = ;
H H = and 0
= Q

M and
H denote once again the moment and the horizontal thrust, respectively, due
to the external loads and acting in the elastic centre of the inverted arch. The walls are assumed
to remain undisplaced under the thrusts from the arches. While the diagram of lateral
pressures behind the wall is assumed to be triangular, the bearing pressures under the base can
be taken as uniformly distributed. Finally, the wall is designed as a statically determinate
structure. The unknowns o ,
o and X can be determined from the equations of equilibrium
(Fig. 4/26).

FIG. 4/26. Simplified method for the design of rigid walls

the formulae reduce to

these two equations yield

With these two relations the loads can be computed for any cross-section. For example, at the
centre of the wall base

2. An elastic and flexible wall can be designed for the 0
= =
| | conditions as follows:
(a) The range of the ground in compression is disregarded;
(b) The X
and Y
forces, representing the elastic ground resistance, are also neglected;
(c) The bearing pressure diagrams behind and beneath the wall are assumed to be linear;
(d) The wall is assumed to remain undisplaced (Fig. 4/27).

FIG. 4/27. Simplified method for the design of elastic walls

Because of the flexibility of the wall the pressures due to the external loads are assumed to be
transmitted to the ground only over a certain portion of the height. Furthermore, the horizontal
reaction, X, acting at the bottom of the base, is assumed to b e insignificant and can be neglected.

The forces acting in the elastic centre of the arch are again calculated as they were in the case of
the rigid wall, i.e. assuming the arch to be fully fixed. Once again the wall in itself is a statically
determinate structure for which the unknown quantities o ,
o and y
can be calculated from the
equations of equilibrium:

and thus the loads can be determined for any section of the wall; for example, at the centre of the
wall base

DAVIDOV'S method can also be used to determine the coefficient of subgrade reaction in cases
varies with the depth of the compressed layer (H). Regarding the wall

A numerical example can be found in DAVIDOV'S book, referred to above, on pp. 251-271.
Because of its complexity and limited accuracy the method has not gained general acceptance
and is used only in the design of exceptionally large underground structures built by classical
construction methods.


42.21. Method of Zurabov and Bougayeva

ZURABOV and BOUGAYEVA consider a continuous monolithic structure and take into account the
support offered by the ground in the form of an elastic foundation. This method is considerably
more accurate than the previous one, not only because of its more realistic approach of treating
the horseshoe section as a continuum rather than a composition of arches and walls, but also
because of its treatment of the support offered by the surrounding ground. The latter is
assumed to develop through elastic subgrade reactions consistent with the actual deformations
rather than through passive earth pressures, which would require displacements that may not
materialize at all under the given set of conditions.
More often than not the vertical loads will cause the walls to spread apart. This trend is
resisted by ground reactions developing in proportion to the deformation of the structure and
to its penetration into the ground. On the other hand, the top of the tunnel will deflect without
giving rise to any ground reactions. In this method, then, the ground reaction is assumed to be
proportional to the structural deformation but only at the points of maximum deformations. In
all other points the bearing pressures are assumed to be distributed in an arbitrary, approximate
manner. Also the locations of the initial zero points of the pressure diagrams are assumed
The structure is assumed to have elastically fixed ends. The rotations of the lower corners
can be calculated in proportion to the elastic compression of the ground and the horizontal
displacements are assumed to be zero at these points.
The ground reactions are assumed to be distributed as illustrated in Fig. 4/28.

FIG. 4/28. Load diagram for a monolithic horseshoe section (according to ZURABOV and BOUGAYEVA)

An equation for the diagram is given as a function of the locations of the maximum ordinate
(q) and the zero points. The upper zero point has been observed to vary within narrow limits
and may be taken at

= | .
The maximum lateral pressure is assumed to occur where the section is the widest, but shall
not be taken lower than 1/3 of the total height h. The direction of the reactions is radial.

The maximum ordinate of the pressure diagram is calculated as
C q o = where
o denotes
the maximum horizontal displacement due to the combination of external loads and ground
reactions and C denotes the coefficient of subgrade reaction. For compound circular sections it
is customary to assume the following approximate pressure distribution:

(For the notations see Fig. 4/28.)

From the above equations it will be noted that once the zero points have been assumed, the
only remaining unknown to determine the reactions is q. This is to be obtained from the
displacement which can be calculated with the coefficient of subgrade reaction:

o denotes the structural deformation due to the external loads and
1 h
o is the structural
deformation due to the unit rection: q = 1.

FIG. 4/29. Deformation of the monolithic
FIG. 4/30. The effect of the rotation
of the fixed end

Eq. 4.50 can be rewritten as

If N and M denote the axial load and the moment due to the external loads, respectively, the
rotation of the elastically fixed ends is (Fig. 4/30):

where J = the moment of inertia of the end section.
With the above conditions and assumptions established, the calculation can be carried out in
the following steps:

1. Disregarding the passive earth pressure, the statically indeterminate and elastically fixed
structure is to be solved under the external loads (Fig. 4/31).

FIG. 4/31. Separating the loads into (a) unit upper and (b) unit lateral load

2. The same structure is to be solved for the unit lateral load q= 1 t/m, distributed as above (Fig.
3. The horizontal displacement at the point of maximum lateral pressure shall be determined
under the external loads as well as under the unit lateral load (
1 h
o ) (Fig. 4/31).
4. The maximum ordinate of the lateral pressures is calculated by equating the structural
horizontal deformation to the elastic compression of the ground (Eq. 4.41). Thus all external loads
have been determined and the moments, axial loads aad shear forces can be calculated at any
In the above calculation the same structure is to be solved for various external loads. Because it
is three times redundant it will have to be cut through at an arbitrary section (e.g. in the middle)
and then subjected to the redundants. The latter will consist of a moment (X
), a horizontal force
) and a vertical force (X
) and these will have to be determined in such a way as to eliminate
any discontinuity at the disconnected ends. If X
, X
and X
are the forces acting on one half of the
structure then the other half will have to be subject to -X
, - X
and X
i.e. to a force of the same
size but of opposite direction. Because both the structure and the loads are symmetrical about the
vertical axis in most practical cases, X
is usually zero.
In order to simplify the calculations the structure is split through the centre and the redundants
, X
(and X
and - X
on the other half) are shifted to the elastic centre, which is once
again the centre of gravity of the elastic quanttities
s A

The equations for X
and X

All these factors are to be calculated in relation to the elastic centre.
In calculating the relative movements, the elastic rotations of the supports also have to be

a is the rotation of the structure with fixed ends and
| is the rotation of the
structure with elastically constrained ends. Similarly (Fig. 4/32)

FIG. 4/32. Equivalent determinate
structure of the horseshoe section
FIG. 4/33. Horizontal movement at the
spring line of the cantilever

0 h
o is the horizontal displacement of the cantilevers due to the external loads and
o and
o are those due to X
= 1 and X
= 1, respectively.
It is best to calculate the displacements from the equations of virtual work. For example, a fictitious
force H = 1 can be assumed to act at the point in question and then the exterior and interior
work can be equated (Fig. 4/33):

The value of
1 h
o can be computed in a similar manner.
The use of the above method is illustrated in the following section by a numerical example.

42.22. Numerical Example of the Zurabov Bougayeva Method

Consider the horseshoe section composed of two circular sections as illustrated in Fig. 4/34.
The moment of inertia is throughout constant.
The tunnel is subject to a uniformly distributed vertical load of p = 1 t/m. The ground is
assumed to be elastic and capable of developing lateral support. In the first part of the calcula-
tion the supports are assumed to be rigidly fixed.
The data of the section are:

FIG. 4/34. Numerical example for the design of a monolithic horseshoe section

The ground reactions along the upper part of the section are: (substituting
| , into Eq. 4.37)

FIG. 4/35. Loads and moment diagrams on the equivalent determinate structure

2. In the next step the structure is to be investigated under the external loads without
considering the lateral ground support. Because of symmetry the structure can be regarded as
one with two redundants. Assuming the two redundants X
and X
in the elastic centre and
assuming rigidly fixed supports (Fig. 4/35) with the notations already given

In these expressions M denotes the moment on the equivalent determinate structure due to the
external loads and m
and m
are those due to X
= 1 and X
= 1, respectively. The moment
diagrams on the equivalent determinate structure are illustrated in Figs 4/35b- 4/35d.
As the moment of inertia is constant, the relative rotations may be 'magnified' by EI

This completes the first part of the calculations. The structure has been solved for the
condition of fixed ends and no lateral ground support. The corresponding moment
diagram is illustrated in Fig. 4/36. The bending moments are

3. Turning now to the effects of the assumed lateral load of q = 1 t/m the expression for
the bending moments on the equivalent determinate structure is (Figs 4/37a-b): (a) For
the upper part

FIG. 4/36. Moment diagram for rigidly fixed ends and no lateral ground support

FIG. 4/37. Loads due to the lateral support acting on the equivalent determinate structure

The vertical component is

(b) On the lower part of the structure the bending moments are made up of two parts
M M M q q
02 01
) ( ) sin 83 . 6 1 ( + = = o . While the first member represents the moment
due to load q", the second member denotes the moments due to H, V, and M
(Fig. 4/37b).

The moment diagram on the equivalent determinate structure due to assumed lateral load
of q = 1 t/m is illustrated in Fig. 4/38.
The relative rotation of the elastic centre due to the lateral load is

FIG. 4/38. Moment diagram on the equivalent determinate structure due to the lateral load

The relative horizontal displacement of the elastic centre is

The bending moments due to the assumed lateral load are illustrated in Fig. 4/39. All values
are to be multiplied by r
5. We now have to investigate the horizontal displacements at the points where the section
is widest, due to an assumed vertical load of p = 1 t/m and due to the assumed lateral load of q
= 1 t/m.

(a) The horizontal displacement due to load p is

FIG. 4/39. Moments due to the lateral load

o ,
o and
o are the displacements of the equivalent determinate structure due to the
vertical load p and the redundants X
and X
, respectively.
Once again it is best to compute the displacements with the equations of virtual work.
Assuming a fictitious horizontal force of 1 ton the moment diagram is determined and used in the
above equation (Fig. 4/33).

substituting the above results into

(b) The horizontal displacement due to the lateral load q is

o ,
o and
o are the displacements of the equivalent determinate structure due to the
lateral load q and to the redundants X
and X

5. In the next step we shall now equate the structural deformation to the elastic compression
of the ground, where the section is the widest.

Thus, the magnitude of the lateral pressure has been determined.

The bending moments due to the assumed lateral load are illustrated in Fig.4/39. All values are
to be multiplied by r

FIG. 4/40. Combined moment diagram due to vertical and lateral loads, for a structure with fixed
ends and elastic lateral ground support

The moment diagram due to both vertical and lateral loading on the laterally elastically
supported structure with fixed ends is illustrated in Fig. 4/40. All ordinates are to be multiplied
by r

The calculation is next to be extended to consider the elastic constraint at the ends. The
rotation of the end section due to a moment of 1 tm (7.23 ftk) is

The moment of inertia at the fixed end is

1. Consider the relative movements on the structure with elastically constrained ends and multiply
them by EJ

The moment diagram due to the uniformly distributed vertical load and for elastically con-
strained end conditions, without considering lateral support, is illustrated in Fig. 4/41. All
ordinates are to be multiplied by r
We proceed now to compute the horizontal structural deformation at the points where the
section is widest.
Owing to the vertical load p = 1 t/m (0.672 k/ft)

FIG. 4/41. Moments due to vertical load
for elastically constrained end
FIG. 4/42. Combined moments for
elastically constrained end conditions and
elastic lateral support

With the value of q determined the redundants X
and X

FIG. 4/43. Moments at the crown as a function of structural rigidity and ground elasticity

the same moment is 0.144 r
, i.e. 2.7 times of what it was before. The coefficient of subgrade
reaction and the structural rigidity have only a lesser effect on the moments.
Generally speaking it can be concluded that if
is less than 0.1, the elastic lateral around
support might as well be neglected and the monolithic arch can be treated as if not supported at
all (laterally). For a summary of the above results see Table 4/II.
Table 4/II
Condition Max. moments
Crown Quarter point Springing
Fixed ends, no lateral support + 0.144r
0.131 r
+ 0.228 r

Elastically constrained ends, no
lateral support
+ 0.200 r
- 0.194 r
+ 0.040 r

Fixed ends with lateral support
(1806 lb/in
) (C=50 kg/cm
+ 0-071 r
- 0.061 r
+ 0.078 r

Fixed ends with lateral support
(181 lb/in
) (C=5 kg/cm
+ 0-118 r
- 0.107 r
+ 0.174r

Elastically constrained ends with
lateral support
+ 0-148 r
- 0.129 r
+ 0.027 r


4.31. Graphical investigation

A graphical method for the investigation of circular tunnel sections of arch- type construction is
given below (Fig. 4/44):
The dimensions of the circular section are to be assumed on an empirical basis, followed by the
calculation of the self-weight and the horizontal and vertical external loads. The section is divided
into elementary strips and the components acting on each strip are converted into a resultant.
The problem is one of constructing a funicular polygon with a pole at point O. The location of O is
not known as yet but the total polar distance is known to be equal to H, i.e. to the sum of the
lateral loads. The position of O shall now be varied in such a way as to arrive at a thrust line
running within the inner third and at the same time to result in a set of H
and H
that will satisfy
the equations of equilibrium below. If this proves to be impossible then the wall thicknesses have
to be modified accordingly.

FIG. 4/44. Graphical investigation of a circular tunnel section

Thus, the problem is how to locate pole O since H
and H
are unknown. They can be
calculated, however, from the equations of equilibrium. Taking the moments of the external
loads about point O
for example, (i.e. about a point in line with one of the unknowns, H
) the
other unknown can readily be obtained.
Moments about point O

In Fig. 4/44 the formula for maximum and minimum stress in the wall due to an eccentric
external load is repeated for convenience.
Because of the lengthy, awkward and inaccurate procedure involved, the above graphical
investigation is rarely used today.


43.21. Design by Dividing the Section into Segments

Should the tunnel be constructed in the classical manner, i.e. the roof, wall and bottom
sections are built separately, then their analysis can be performed in a similar way to that
outlined under Section 4.21.
The roof section (i), the walls (ii), and the base (iii), are designed separately assuming fixity at
the connections and considering the reactions as external forces on the supporting member. As a
result of the construction, the shape of such sections is far from being an ideal ring. As the walls
have to transfer the roof loads to the subgrade until the bottom section is formed, their bases
have to be built wider in order not to exceed the bearing capacity of the soil. The connecting base
section itself is seldom a perfect ring segment. Thus, in fact, only the inner surface has a circular
shape (see Fig. 4/45). The finished circular section is then analysed as a monolithic ring. As most
of the external forces will develop and act on the unfinished or rather the not yet continuous
section, it has to be assumed what portion of these forces will also be acting on the finished
structure. This depends mainly on the rate of the consolidation of the surrounding soil and the
rate at which the rock pressures develop. In loose granular soils or soft saturated silty clays, in
practice there will be few, if any, additional forces acting on the final section.

FIG. 4/45. Loads on a circular tunnel section constructed in stages

However, in hard clays or solid rocks, experience indicates that both the vertical and horizontal
forces are steadily increasing even several months after construction. Therefore, depending on
the speed of construction, 20%-40% of the final pressure can be considered to be transferred to
the completed ring section. The analysis of the monolithic ring will be discussed later (Section
If the soil surrounding the section is soft and saturated, in which case the pressures are nearly
hydrostatic, and there is no significant difference between the pressure on the top and the
bottom, then the pressure distribution is assumed to be uniform and acting normal to the
section. This, of course, is the most favourable loading condition as only normal forces are
produced in the ring section. The greater the difference between the vertical and lateral forces,
the less favourable will be the stress distribution in the ring. This is usually the case in hard or
dense soils. However, even under these conditions, if the walls of the ring are built against the
soil without leaving voids between, then the lateral earth pressure will be replaced by the lateral
earth reaction. On the other hand, if voids are left between the structure and the soil, the
moments at the springing and the crown will be considerably increased (Section 63.225).
It is often necessary to provide an independent water-sealing ring on the inside for the
completed tunnel section. This is designed to take the full hydrostatic pressure.
The pressure distribution on this internal ring is illustrated in Fig. 4/45, and is shown to
gradually increase in intensity with depth. The loading diagram acting on the outer section as a
result of the vertical and lateral earth pressures, is also given on the left-hand side of Fig. 4/45.

43.22. Design of a Monolithic Ring Section

The stresses in a tunnel section acting as a closed ring, i.e. an indeterminate structure with
three redundant reactions, can be determined exactly. In the following section, however,
certain approximations will be made, namely, the magnitude of the supporting earth reactions
will be arbitrarily selected and assumed to be independent of the deflection of the ring. In
addition, the ring section will be assumed to remain constant.

FIG. 4/46. Determinate system for a symmetrically loaded ring beam

The first step is to make the structure statically determinate by a Active cut through at the
crown. The ring can be considered now a curved cantilever beam, - fixed at the left and free at
the right side of the cut - which upon the effect of the released internal stresses would tend to
move at its free end. To prevent this displacement, three unknown forces X
and X
applied at the elastic center a which is considered to be connected to the free end by rigid
brackets. Upon the application of these forces, neither rotation nor horizontal or vertical move-
ment at the free end can occur (Fig. 4/46a).
To determine the unknown forces X1, X2 and X
first a unit moment system X1 = +1 tm, then a
unit horizontal force system X2 = 1 t and finally a unit vertical force system X3 = +1 t is applied at
the elastic centre.
As a further step, the rotation as well as the horizontal and vertical displacements a11, a22 and
a33 can be found successively upon the effect of these unit force systems. Further the rotational
a01, horizontal a02, and vertical a03 displacements caused by the external forces at the free end are
determined. Finally, to express the fact that the forces X1, X2 and X
bring the elastic centre back
to its original position, the following expressions can be written:

Where M
designates the moments produced in the statically determinate cantilever
beam by the external forces and similarly m
, m
and m
are the moments caused there

by the Active unit moment and the unit horizontal and vertical forces, respectively. The
moment diagrams caused by these unit forces are illustrated in Figs 4/46b-d.
The moment and axial thrust at any section then follow from structural analysis as
superposition of the above effects:

When considering the external forces acting on the section not only the earth and water
pressures should be taken into account, but consideration must be given to the magnitude
and distribution of the subgrade reactions. The simplest case is when we assume that this
reaction is a simple reflection of the external loading, which in many cases, of course, is
not true. In hard soils the reaction is more concentrated and in loose or soft soils is more
evenly distributed. But in any case, this method enables us to determine the moments on
the statically determinate beam for any reaction distribution and thus to obtain the
displacement factors a
, a
and a
for the given case.
For a closed ring with a uniform cross-section the unit displacement factors are given by
the following equations:

The axial thrust of any section is

The final moment and thrust diagram for the continuous statically indeterminate ring is
illustrated in Fig. 4/49. The same figure gives typical values for moments and thrusts which
could be used in approximate calculations.

FIG. 4/49. Moment and thrust diagram of a continuous ring beam

2. To complete the picture, the stresses caused by the self weight of the ring should also
be investigated. If the unit load on the developed section of the ring is g and if we assume
that the soil reactions are uniformly distributed along the full length of the projection of
the horizontal diameter, then according to MARQUARDT
4 4
in the top section, where
2 / 0 t o < < .

It should be noted here that experience in subway construction in Budapest and other
cities indicates that the greatest stresses are to be found in the top section, as the sides
and bottom of the ring appear to get sufficient elastic support from the surrounding soil, to
counterbalance ring deformation.

FIG. 4/50. The moment he determinate structure triangular loading

3. The analysis of the ring section for the hydrostatic triangular l oadi ng cas e illustrated in
Fig. 4/50 is as follows:

Fig. 4/50 shows the moment diagram of the determinate structure for this loading condition.

The relative movements of the elastic centre o (displacement factors) are as follows:

The moments on the determinate structure are:

The triangular loading as well as the moments and thrusts produced by this loading are
illustrated in Fig. 4/51.

FIG. 4/51. Moment and thrust diagram of the continuous ring beam

4. The stresses due to a trapezoidal earth pressure distribution [with ) ( r t p
+ = ] can be
obtained by the correct summation of cases 1 and 3 (- 1 and + 3). For the sake of simplicity the
end results of this summation are given below: The moment at any point between 0 and t is

5. The stresses in the ring due to water pressure can be calculated by considering first the
stresses caused by the uniform water pressure acting at the top level of the section, and then
considering the crescent water pressure diagram below the crown level.
The water pressure acting at the crown level will be uniformly distributed and radial to the
secionnd from it only normal axial stresses will result. If the height of the water column above
the crown level is h, and
is the unit weight of the water, the axial thrust in the ring will be
hr N
= .
As a result of the crescent pressure distribution of the water pressure below the top of the
ring, as indicated on Fig. 4/52, bending moments will be produced in the section in addition to
the normal forces.

FIG. 4/52. Triangular load balancing the crescent water pressure

Considering this loading case alone the section appears to be labile, as it tends to rise as a result of
the uplift forces. This, in fact, is resisted by the dead weight of the ring and the soil reaction acting
at the top plane, and is indicated by the triangular pressure diagram on Fig. 4/52. However, as the
ratio and distribution of these balancing forces can be quite variable the analysis is carried out first
considering the water pressure acting alone with an imaginary downward pointing reaction at the
invert, and then considering the triangular shaped pressure diagram of the balancing earth
reaction replacing the uplift forces with a single point load at the invert level. The superposition of
these two, or rather three, if the self load condition is included, loading cases will give the correct
answer. In the summation, the vertical reactions assumed to be acting at the invert, will eliminate
each other since they are equal but opposite in direction.
First the crescent loading diagram is considered, assuming a vertical concentrated reaction
acting in the vertical axis.
The section is reduced to a determinate structure by cutting it through at the crown.
The moments and moment diagram of the determinate structure can be calculated as shown in
Fig. 4/53.

FIG. 4/53. Crescent loading with the concentrated reaction acting at the invert and the moment
diagram of the determinate structure

The moment diagram of the determinate structure is illustrated in Fig. 4/53. Having plotted the
moment diagram, the relative displacement of the centre of the annular beam can be determined.
For a ring of constant cross-section the elastic centre o coincides with the geometrical centre of
the ring.

The variation of the moment on the annular beam is illustrated in Fig. 4/54. Returning to
Fig. 4/52, we now assume that the distribution of the soil reaction opposing the uplift
pressure acting on the section, is triangular. To satisfy the requirements of statics, the
equilibrium of the section is temporarily restored by an imaginary reaction-force at the
bottom (Fig. 4/55).

FIG. 4/54. Moment diagram of the ring girder

FIG. 4/55. Triangular loading with the balancing concentrated force (R) and the moment diagram of
the determinate structure

First, the moment diagram for the determinate girder is computed. As the loading is not
continuous, the moments will be expressed separately, for the top section - for values of
0 < o < 90 - for the bottom part where 90 < o < 180 .

The variation of the moments on the determinate annular beam are given in Fig. 4/55.
Next, the relative displacements are determined.

The final moment diagram is shown in Fig. 4/56.

The stressess from the crescent-shaped water pressure are determined by the superposition of
these two loading conditions if p is replaced by r p
t = .

FIG. 4/56. Moment diagram of the annular beam for a crescent loading

43.23. The Hewett Johannesson Method

In the previous paragraphs we have discussed the design of an annular beam which was
considered to be independent of the surrounding soil mass and acted upon by arbitrarily assumed
loads. The following method which was developed for tunnels built by the shield method takes
the lateral support and interaction of the soil into consideration but is quite arbitrary when
assuming its distribution. It assumes that its value and distribution will be such that it will adjust
the centre line of the section to coincide with the thrust line, and thus no moments will be
created in the section. It is obvious that this method, too, can be regarded only as an
approximation and its use is limited to hinged sections composed of segments such as, e.g. liner
Fig. 4/57 illustrates the loading conditions assumed for the long-term case.

FIG. 4/57. The final load acting on the ring (HEWETT-JOHANNESSON)

The loadings shown in the diagram are the full earth and water pressures of which the values
of the lateral earth pressure alone are assumed to be unknown. Upon the effect of the external
loadings the ring will undergo a deformation; it becomes shorter along its vertical diameter and
expands along its horizontal diameter. This elongation, however, is counteracted by the passive
resistance of the earth. The horizontal earth pressure, therefore, will have a value somewhere
between the active and passive cases. The coefficient of horizontal earth pressure k will, thus,

The value of k is chosen to satisfy the condition that there should be no moments, in the
section. Thus, for the long-term case, only normal stresses will be considered. Should the above
condition result in the value of k becoming less than
then it is taken to be equal to

= is used on the calculation if its value is indicated to be greater than

Naturally in these cases the conditions that M = 0 cannot be satisfied.
The validity of such lateral pressures is, of course, not substantiated theoretically and is only
justified by the flexibility of the ring and as a result of experience. However, in case of liner
plates or cast-iron segments there is sufficient reason to make these assumptions, as such
sections tend to act as a truly hinged structure.
In soft and saturated loose soils, the horizontal pressure is considered to be equal to the
vertical pressure k = 1.
Some typical loading conditions and the resulting stresses will be discussed below using the
following nomenclature: (Fig. 4/58)
a = the radius of the extrados (m)
= the radius to the center line of the ring (m)
b = the inside radius (m)
= the unit weight of water (t/m
) .
= the unit weight of soil (t/m
). Below the ground water table the buoyant weight should be
W = the weight of the structure per lineal foot

FIG. 4/58. The position of the liner plate tunnel

P = the uniformly distributed part of the vertical earth and water pressure calculated at
the top level of the tunnel (t/m
Q = the air pressure in the tunnel (above atmospheric) (t/m
= the depth of water above the ground surface (m)
= the thickness of earth cover above the centre line of the tunnel (m)
k = the coefficient of horizontal earth pressure
= the coefficient of active earth pressure.

1. Dead load condition:
The calculations consider the stresses produced by the weight of the top half only, as the
bottom section is supported directly by the soil and therefore the moments due to the
weight of this part can be neglected.
The final moments in the indeterminate structure will be (Fig. 4/59)

The reaction (5) at the bottom is assumed to be uniformly distributed. The moment due to the
uniformly distributed earth pressure is given by

The stresses due to the weight of the earth between the crown and the springing are as follows
(Fig. 4/61a):
In the top section

3. The lateral earth and water pressure diagram is assumed to have a trapezoidal shape. It is
further dissolved into a uniformly distributed and triangular-shaped pressure diagram. The
moment diagram for the triangular loading case is given in Fig. 4/50.
The magnitude of the moment is:

The variation of the normal forces is also the same as given in Fig. 4/50.
The moments and thrusts due to the uniformly distributed part of the lateral pressure are
calculated in the same way as for the vertical pressure except that the values of the diagrams will
have to be rotated by 90.

FIG. 4/61. Moment and thrust diagrams

Considering all the loading conditions previously discussed, the final moments are given by the

In this equation the first expression on the right-hand side represents the moment due to the
triangular lateral earth pressure, the second expression the uniformly distributed lateral pressure.

The third and fourth expressions are the triangularly and uniformly distributed parts of the lateral
water pressure. The fifth expression gives the moments set up by the horizontal components of
the internal air pressure; the sixth and seventh expressions yield the moments produced by the
weight of earth and water below the top level of the tunnel. The eighth expression represents the
effect of the self weight and the ninth gives the moments due to the vertical earth, water and air
pressure components. Values of n
, n
, n
, n
and n
can be obtained from Table 4/III. In the
calculations the value of k is assumed to lie between the active and passive cases, so that, as
discussed before, there will be no moment in the structure.
From this point of view soils are divided into three categories:
1. dry soils, where

30 > | where k lies between 1/3 and 3.0

2. dense permeable soils: 30 > | > 19,
< k < 2
3. soft, saturated soils:

0 ~ | and k = 1.0.

For these main soil types the following expressions can be developed.
1. For dry soils no water pressure need be considered. The expression for the moment will be:

If the value of k lies between 1/3 and 3 then for the long-term case no moments will have to
be considered. If k is less than 1/3 or more than 3.0 it is taken to be equal to 1/3 or 3,
The following expressions will give the thrust: at the crown:

The exact values for the thrust for circular sections differ from those given by HEWETT and
JOHANNESSON; they are:

In this case the moments can be neglected for the long-term case if 1/2 < k < 2.0.
3. In soft or loose saturated soils with k = 1.0 the moment is given by Eq. 4.55. Using this
value for k

Table 4/IV

Crown moment

Spinging moment

Bottom moment


0.70 -0.05 0.05 0.12 0.06 -0.06 -0.14 -0.06 0.05 0.12
0.75 -0.06 0.05 0.11 0.08 -0.06 - 0.11 -0.08 0.05 0.11
0.80 -0.08 0.05 0.09 0.10 -0.06 -0.09 -0.11 0.05 0.09
0.85 -0.10 0.05 0.07 0.12 -0.06 -0.07 -0.14 0.06 0.07
0.90 -0.12 0.05 0.05 0.14 -0.06 -0.05 -0.17 0.06 0.05
0.95 -0.15 0.05 0.03 0.17 -0.06 -0.02 -0.21 0.06 0.03
1.00 -0.18 0.05 0.00 0.21 -0.06 0.00 -0.25 0.06 0.00

For a circular section the above equation can be further simplified, since

HEWETT and JOHANNESSON express the moment in terms of the diameter

where d is the diameter measured to the neutral axis of the section and D is the outside

The thrust for this case: at the crown:

and writing similar expressions for N, and N
, N can be written as:

The values of n'
and n'
can be determined from Fig. 4/62.

In the design the construction stage or short-term case should also be considered. The stresses
created by the dead weight of the structure are then likely to be the most serious since the ring is
not yet receiving lateral support. The heavy weight of the erecting equipment could also cause
considerable stresses.

FIG. 4/62. Values of n'
and n'

FIG. 4/63. Dead load moments for two knife-edge supports

HEWETT and JOHANNESSON analyse the stresses due to the dead weight during the construction by
assuming that an isolated ring is supported only on two knife-edges each of which enclose 20
with the vertical axis. This loading stage is illustrated in Fig. 4/63.

The maximum moment for both the positive and negative values is approximately

For most practical cases the maximum values can be obtained from this equation.


The designers of the Subway in the City of Moscow developed the theory of the design of
circular sections further. Their more accurate methods take the elastic embedding of the tunnel
into the subsoil into full account.
It is assumed that the embedding soil material is elastic and in it the reactions are proportional
to penetrations, that is, the equation of WINKLER-SCHWEDLER is valid, i.e.


p = the pressure acting at right angles on the perimeter face
y = the radial deformation of the circular section
C = the coefficient of the subgrade reaction.

A further condition is that at any point of the subsoil the deformation is the result of embedding
pressure. The reaction provided by the soil is taken as a series of independently acting elastic
These are the two basic assumptions of elastically embedded tunnel design.
The inaccuracies resulting from the first assumption are, in general, smaller than those resulting
from the second one.
Three of the design methods will be treated in the next paragraphs. The first is that of
BODROV-GORELIK, the second is the polygonal method, and the third is that developed by BOUGAYEVA.


An alternative method for the analysis of an elastically embedded continuous ring is to replace
it by a polygon with a fixed pole and by replacing the elastic bedding by elastic rods connected to
the corner points of the polygon. The polygon is then considered a statically indeterminate
The external forces are considered to act as concentrated loads at the corner points of the
polygon. The elastic earth support is replaced by radial rods with hinge connections at the corner
points. The elastic properties of these rods are assumed to be equivalent to the elastic behaviour
of the soil which they replace.
It is not difficult to see that the more sides the polygon has, the closer it will approach the
shape o fa circle, and hence the calculations will also be more accurate. Generally a polygon with
16 sides is considered to give sufficiently accurate results.

FIG. 4/70. The polygon replacing the ring beam

(a) Fig. 4/70 illustrates the polygon replacing the circular ring. The polygon is considered to be
supported along its entire perimeter. However, the analysis of this structure will indicate tension
in some of the supporting rods but since the soil cannot take any tension, the analysis must be
modified to the extent that in the revised calculations support is assumed only along that part of
the polygon where the first analysis indicated compression. Thus, the design must be carried out
in two steps and the second should yield the correct answer. This somewhat lengthy method can
be simplified where the length of perimeter along which the polygonal section is not supported by
the ground can be estimated with reasonable accuracy in advance. However, in this case the end
results have to be checked and if the boundaries of the support were not assumed correctly, the
analysis must be repeated. To illustrate the calculations both methods will be demonstrated.
The first step of the first method is to determine the stresses in all the members of the
polygonal ring which is assumed to be elastically supported along its full perimeter. For an
arbitrary loading the stability of the regular polygon illustrated in Fig. 4/70 is secured only if at
one of its points a tangential force (Y) is also applied. With symmetrical loading, however, there
will be no stresses on this rod Y, and therefore in the analysis of most of the tunnel sections it can
be ignored. The n-sided polygonal ring is a statically indeterminate structure with (n + 1)
redundant forces. We start the analysis by cutting the structure back to a statically determinate
state. Each corner point is substituted by a hinge and also one of the supporting rods is cut
through (Fig. 4/71).

FIG. 4/71. Determinate system of
the polygonal ring
FIG. 4/72. Symbols used in the

The magnitude of the moments
1 1
M M ,
2 2
M M ...
n n
M M applied at the hinges, and the
axial force X
- X[ acting on the supporting rod which was cut through, have to be such that no
relative movement should take place at the points 1,2, . . . n as a result of these and all external
forces, n + 1 equations can thus be established from which the force X
and the moments
, M
, . . . M
can be computed. The uniformly distributed external forces, of course, will
have to be replaced by concentrated forces acting at the corner points.
The problem is usually solved in two steps. First, the stresses caused by the force X
in the
statically indeterminate hinged polygon are determined, and only then is the analysis extended
to the solution of the statically indeterminate structure with n + 1 redundant forces.
The calculations usually ignore the elastic deformations in the bars of the polygonal ring but
the deformations of the supporting bars, since they represent the elastic earth support, must, of
course, be taken into consideration.
The symbols and notations used in the calculations are shown in Fig. 4/72.
The axial forces on the bars of the polygon and in the supporting members of the
indeterminate structure are designated by the letters S
, . . .,S
and R
, . . . , R
respectively. The
index 0 is used to designate the stresses in the cutback or statically determinate structure due to
external forces, e.g. S
, S
, R
, whereas the stresses created by the arbitrary force X
are noted
with the index 1, e.g. S
, S
, R
. The second index refers to the location and the first one
indicates the force responsible for the stresses.
On the other hand, the stresses in the indeterminate structure with one redundant force
only, are designated by a bar drawn above the letters: 10
S , 11 R . . .

FIG. 4/73. Stresses in the polygon with one redundant force

A is the cross-sectional area of the individual bars, and E is the modulus of elasticity. The
elastic properties of the supporting members are designated by the letter D, and since they
represent a strip of soil of length S

where C = the coefficient of subgrade reaction.
The usual symbols a
, a
, a
are used to indicate the relative displacements.
The redundant force X
is given by the following equation:


The stresses called forth by the unit force X
= 1 ton are as follows (Fig. 4/73): At point 1 the
force X
= 1 ton is balanced by the internal forces S
and S

Extending the investigation to points 2 and i, generally, it becomes evident thai because of
the constant value of | the thrust
will be equal in each rod, and that because of the
equilibrium of each joint the axial force in each supporting link must be equal to 1 ton.

and neglecting the deformations due to the axial forces in the polygon:

The forces called forth by the external loading P are determined, starting the analysis
similarly at joint 1. If the external loading is vertical the thrust is

and at joint i the axial forces are as follows: The tangential and radial component of all the
forces acting at joint i are determined and because of the equilibrium they are equal to zero.
The radial components (Fig. 4/74b) are

and the tangential components are

from where

This equation is then used to compute all the other forces. The expression for the axial forces in
the supporting members is:

The displacement factor can now be calculated.

and the value of X
is obtained from Eq. 4.74.

The forces in the structure with the one redundant force will then be:

Next the indeterminate structure with the n + 1 redundant forces will be considered.
The M
, M
, . . . , M
moments are calculated from the following equations:

To determine the unit displacement factors a
one has to know the internal forces due to the
unit moment which is applied at the joint of the indeterminate structure to the first degree.
But first the stresses in the determinate structure must be determined.
A unit moment applied at joint i will produce the following bar stresses in the statically
determinate structure (Fig. 4/74).

FIG. 4/74. Reactions caused by a unit moment applied at a joint

The stresses in the bars S
,.. . , S
of the polygon will be equal to zero since the rotation of the
joint will be balanced by two reactions at the adjacent hinges. Considering the individual bars as
simply supported beams the reactions due to the 1 tm moment applied at the joint i.

There will be no stresses produced in the other members by this moment.
From the stresses called forth by the M
- = 1 tm moment in the structure which is
indeterminate of the first degree, first the force X
has to be determined:

Substituting the expressions given by Eqs 4.89 and 4.90

Having determined X
, the stresses in the supports of the indeterminate structure are:

in the other supports only X
will induce stresses

Irrespective of the particular joint at which the unit moment is applied, the stresses aroused by
it will always be the same (Fig. 4/74).

Of the factors a
for those for which m = k + 2 or m = k 2 the second part of Eq. 4.88 will be
equal to zero, since the angle change taking place is caused only by the rotation due to the
displacement of the support called forth by the reactive forces at joints k + 1 and k 1 (Fig. 4/75).

The displacement factors a
as a result of the loading P are as follows (Fig. 4/79):

With the aid of the above expressions the factors aok and aik can be calculated and by solving
Eqs 4.86, also the moments in the structure.
All the above calculations represent only the first step. So far, it has been assumed that the
ring is elastically supported around its entire perimeter, but since the support cannot resist
tensile forces, in the second step the calculations will have to be revised so that there should
be no tensile forces in any of the supporting bars.
To achieve this, concentrated loads
' '
, , | | o are applied successively at the
points 1, 2, 3, 2', 3', etc. where tensile forces have been demonstrated in the first analysis.
The magnitude of the forces is so chosen that at points 1, 2, 3, . . etc. the reactions should be
equal to zero (Fig. 4/76).

FIG. 4/75. Reactions due to the external forces, and to the elastic displacement of the

This condition will yield the same number of equations as there were supports in tension. From
these equations the forces | o , , etc. can be computed. Returning with these values to the
solution of the fully supported ring the correct answer is obtained. The equations expressing the
condition of zero reaction are

In the above equations R
, R
, R
represent the reaction in bars 1, 2 and 3, respectively,
for the case of the fully supported ring.
3 2 1
, ,
o o o
R R R . . . are the reactions due to the
1 = o t load, and similarly
3 2 1
, ,
| | |
R R R and
3 2 1
, ,

R R R are reactions caused by the unit
loads 1
= = | | t and 1
= = t, respectively.
The values of | o, and are determined from Eqs 4.99 and 4.100.
Another remark remains to be made. For the last supporting bar, which is still in
compression, the value of D has to be modified since in the expression for D = Cs the value
of s is smaller owing to the fact that the ring is not fully supported along this section.
Usually this value of D is assumed to be 1/2D.

Fig. 4/76. Virtual forces to eliminate reactions along the roof section

(b) It is common practice to assume from the beginning the length of perimeter along which the
ring will move away from its bedding and analyze only this partially supported ring. In this case
the calculations can be carried out in one step. However, if the assumptions prove to be wrong,
the computations will have to be repeated.

FIG. 4/77. Partially embedded polygonal ring beam and its determinate structure

A polygon with 16 sides, and which replaces a circular ring loaded by a uniformly distributed
vertical load, is shown in Fig. 4/77. This structure is statically indeterminate to the 14th degree.
However, as both the loading and the structure are symmetrical only 8 of the unknowns have to
be determined. It can be reduced to a statically determinate structure by replacing 14 joints with
hinges. Then the moments
1 1
M M ,
2 2
M M ...
9 9
M M are applied at the joints so that as a
result of these moments there will be no movement at the Active hinges. (See left-hand side of
Fig. 4/77). Writing the condition of no movement for each joint we obtain 8 equations from which
the 8 unknowns can be calculated. In the calculations for the exterior panel the value of D is taken
as D/2.
The solution of the problem is demonstrated by a numerical example illustrated in Fig. 4/77.
It is assumed that as a result of the deformation of the structure, the ring is not supported
along the top quarter of the ring segment. The ring is then transformed to a determinate
structure by installing hinges at joints 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and at the corresponding symmetrical
joints (1', 3', etc.). To determine the relative movements at these points one has to calculate the
internal stresses of the structure as a result of both the external forces and the phantom unit
moments applied at the hinges.

the width of the investigated ring = 1 m;

By reducing the uniformly distributed loading to single concentrated forces acting at the corner
points we obtain:

The calculation of the stresses is started with the analysis of the 3-hinged arch, forming the top
part of the ring (Fig. 4/78).

Writing the moments about point 1:

Next the stresses in the hinged polygon are determined. The tangential components of all forces
acting at joint 3 (Fig. 4/78) are:

FIG. 4/78. The three-hinged top section of polygonal ring

FIG. 4/80. Stresses and reactions caused by unit moments applied at difierent joints

The internal stresses produced by the unit moments applied at joints 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 az.: 9 can be
found in a similar manner. The results are indicated in Figs 4/80a-d. The stress due to M
, M
are identical with that produced by M
. Next, the factors a
and a
are calculated:

The strains due to the axial forces are neglected and for simplicity the EJa
terms ars calculated.

FIG. 4/81. Work diagram due to the rotational displacement of the three-hinged arch (for the
calculation of a

The value of D' is assumed to be D/2 at the first 45 support and hence

The calculation of a
1 1
(see the moments and axial forces indicated in Fig. 4/79; the moment
diagram for
m m\ is illustrated in Fig. 4/81):

The m
and m
moment diagrams used for the calculation of a
are given in Fig. 4/82.
Determining the areas of the moment diagrams and adding to them the products

FIG. 4/82. Moment diagrams of a mixed displacement factor (a

The final moment diagram is shown superimposed on the ring in Fig. 4/83. These results are no-
tably different from those obtained by the BODROV-GORELIK method. Only the shape of the two

diagrams is similar and also the maximum values of the positive moment at the crown are in good
agreement (see Fig. 4/69).

FIG. 4/83. Moment diagram

The presented numerical examples have well demonstrated the extensive and elaborate
computation work necessary for the application of these dimensioning methods. Bearing in mind
that good results may be expected by successive approximation, i.e. by repeated computations
only, when the rigidity of lining (EJ) a coefficient of elastic subgrade (C) are gradually refined, we
may find the reason why the application of these methods was rather restricted.
But as it was pointed out by DUDECK (cf. 43.391), the variation of these basic parameters
(coefficient of subgrade reactions, flexibility of lining ratio, of lateral pressures, etc.) may have a
much more marked influence on the magnitude of bending moments, than any refinement of
computation methods. Therefore it is advisable to carry out the computations with several
alternating parameters varying within assumable limits. The burden of this repeated calculation
work was now essentially reduced by the advent of digital computers. The polygonal method is
very well suited to matrix calculation programming. Prof. DAUSVILI has worked out a matrix
solution for the problem in which not only hinged but rigid joints and the effect of inserted pads
may be also considered.


For the design of the elastically embedded ring, BOUGAYEVA developed a simple method which
provides an approximate but quick solution.
The method takes the elastic embedment into account by determining the approximate values
of the elastic reactions so that they satisfy both the condition of equilibrium and the condition
which states that the displacements of the structure and of the embedment at the springing line
are equal. Thus, only at these two diametrically opposite points is the magnitude of the elastic
reaction correct. At any other point the magnitude and distribution of the reaction are arbitrarily
assumed values, which, however, are close to their real values.

The distribution of the sub- grade reaction as a result of a uniformly distributed vertical
loading is illustrated in Fig. 4/84.

FIG. 4/84. The distribution of soil reactions according to BOUGAYEVA

Typical values of this diagram are given by the following expressions:

The structure is analyzed as a statically indeterminate structure to the third degree and,
therefore, further two equations are required to determine the unknown values of
Co and
Co . These are: the equation expressing the equilibrium of the forces, and the equation in
which the horizontal deflection of the ring is equated to the compression of the soil at this
The analysis for a symmetrical and uniformly distributed vertical load (Fig. 4/85) is carried out
in the usual manner. First the ring is reduced to a determinate structure by cutting it through at
the crown. Then by the application of the moment X
and forces X
and X
at the elastic centre,
the reduced structure is made to act as the continuous, indeterminate structure.
Because of symmetry the force X
will be equal to zero. X
and X
are determined from the
condition of zero displacement at the crown.

FIG. 4/85. Determinate structure of the ring girder

Because of the symmetry the displacement factors are calculated for the half section only:

The coefficients a
, a
are expressed as functions of
C o , and
o .

The moment diagram is determined first for the statically determinate girder from the
external loading. The half ring is divided into three sections and the moments for each are
determined separately (Fig. 4/86a). There are no reactions within the zone where:
4 / 0 t | < < .

FIG. 4/86. The calculation of stresses in the
ring beam at typical sections

and in the third section where t | t < < 2 / the moment can be computed m follows:

The forces transmitted from the upper sections are represented by the resultant of their vertical
and horizontal components and a moment

In this expression

In Eq. 4.108 the value
v 0
o is the displacement of a point of the statically determinate structure
located at the horizontal diameter and caused by the external loadings on the structure. Similarly
v 1
o and
v 2
o , represent the displacement of the same point owing to the action of the unit
moment X
= 1 tm and of the unit force X
= 1 t, respectively.

Knowing X
and X
the stresses at any point of the ring can be calculated

Writing into these equations the values of X
and X
BOUGAYEVA derived for the moments and
normal forces at an arbitrary point of the ring the following expressions:

She also gave tabulated values for A, B, C
D, F and G:

A B c
0 = | 0.1628 0.0872 -0.0070 0.2122 -0.2122 0.02100
4 / t -0.0250 0.0250 -0.00084 0.1500 0.3500 0.01485
2 / t -0.1250 -0.1250 0.00825 0.0000 1.0000 0.00575
2 / 3t 0.0250 -0.0250 0.00022 -0.1500 0.9000 0.01380
t 0.0872 0.1628 -0.00837 -0.2122 0.7122 0.02240
If we now calculate the moments for the previously solved numerical example, we obtain the
moment diagram indicated in Fig. 4/87:

These results indicate that the approximate values of this method are in good agreement with
those obtained earlier. The character of the moment diagram is identical with those determined
by either the polygon or by the BODROV-GORELIK method (see Figs 4/83 and 4/69). The values for
the moment at the crown and the upper quadrants are within 10% of the moments calculated by
the BODROV- GORELIK method, and become negligible in the lower half section of the ring.

FIG. 4/87. Moment diagram

FIG. 4/88. Variation of the crown moment
as a function of subgrade reaction

The above values, and the diagrammatic representation in Fig. 4/88 both illustrate that even a
small value of subgrade reaction considerably decreases the moments and stresses in the
structure as compared with the case of no lateral support.
The maximum value of the moment is

when neglecting the difference between inside and outside diameters.
By substituting the constants we get

The variation of the term inside the brackets as a function of m is illustrated in Fig. 4/89. (For
comparison the values obtained by DAVIDOV'S method, as will be discussed in the next section, are
also shown in the same figure.)

FIG. 4/89. Variation of the crown moment as a function of the rigidity of the ring and the subgrade
An inspection of Fig. 4/89 also indicates that the maximum moment increases from 0.032 pr
0.25 pr
i.e. about 7 or 8 times while the degree of lateral support ranges from full restraint to no
support. When the value of
m = is increasing from 0 to 1, the moment is also considerably
increasing. This increase of the moment is quite rapid for small values of m, then tapers off
gradually and becomes unimportant for m values greater than 1.0, and while the value of m
changes from 1.0 to the moment increases only from 0.237 to 0.25. That is, even a small lateral
support can considerably reduce bending stresses in the structure. However, the beneficial effect
of the subgrade section is felt only up to a certain point, beyond which a further increase in the
coefficient of subgrade reaction will have no practical effect on the magnitude of the moment (see
also Fig. 4/88).
For all practical purposes one can say that if the value of m is greater than 1.0 then the
effect of lateral support can be regarded as insignificant. However, for cast-iron segments and
liner plates even if C = 20 kg/cm
the value of m is less than 0.05, i.e. it is in the range where
the moment varies rapidly with a small change of the subgrade reaction (see Figs 4/88 and
4/89). According to the foregoing calculations the moment will range between 0.03pr
It may be mentioned here, that according to the experience gained with the dimensioning of
the various circular sections of the Budapest subway it is always the top section without

subgrades where the maximum B.M. values are acting. These B.M. values will act on the
crown section and its value may be computed with sufficient approximation in the following

FIG. 4/90. Scheme of equivalent arches for rapid determination of max. B.M.

Let us substitute the circular ring either by a hingeless arch with a central angle of 120 or
by a two-hinged arch with a central angle of 90 (Fig. 4/90). When these equivalent girders are
of the same radius and loaded by the same uniformly distributed external load p, then the
computed B.M. values will be about 0.03 pr
and will correspond well with the B.M. values
acting in the case of an entirely rigid embedment. Should the section be elastically embedded
and characterized by an elastic subgrade coefficient C, the upper limit of which cannot be
more than 20 kg/cm
, then

where the value of m is taken according to BOUGAYEVA'S method (cf. Eqs 4.111 and 4.112).
It must be noted that in both methods (43.32 and 43.33) any effect of the potentially present
active lateral earth pressure is not considered and provide thus for an overdue safety, when the
mobilization of this active pressure can be also reasonably expected.


For the analysis of circular tunnel sections DAVIDOV also developed an approximate method in
which his assumption as to the distribution of the ground reaction is similar to those made by
ZURABOV and BOUGAYEVA for horseshoe sections (Section 42.21).
The variation of the ground reaction is expressed as a second degree trigonometrical function,
so that the condition of elastic embedment is satisfied only at the points of the horizontal
For the case of a uniformly distributed vertical load the external forces acting on a circular ring
section are shown in Fig. 4/91. For simplicity the lateral active earth pressure diagram, e
assumed to have a similar shape to the distribution of the lateral earth resistance, e
The calculation is carried out in the following steps:

1. The stresses in the ring are determined, neglecting the effect of the lateral earth reaction

FIG. 4/91. Forces acting on a ring beam (DAVIDOV)

and also the deflection at the horizontal diameter

where M
= the moment due to external load
= the moment caused by the load H = 1 t .

2. The stresses, due to the horizontal load e
are calculated, and the horizontal deflection u
, of
the structure is determined for this load condition:

3. Next the compression of the soil u
caused by the initial horizontal pressure e, is calculated at
the line of the horizontal diameter:

The value of e is that value of the horizontal loading by which the compression of the soil just

Substituting the values of u
and u
we get

4. Then e
is determined, utilizing the expression that the deflection of the structure must be equal
to the compression of the soil:

Having determined e
, all external loads are known and thus both the moments and the axial forces
in the structure can be calculated.
Another noted difference between DAVIDOV'S and other methods considering the elastic
embedment of the tunnel section is that he does not use the coefficient of subgrade reaction to
determine the compression of the soil but calculates it in the way as settlement analyses are
carried out.
The compression of the soil

where e is the loading, H
is the thickness of the earth column considered to be compressed and E

is the modulus of compressibility of the soil.
When determining r H
q = , he assumes an active zone limited by the condition that there
the maximum value of soil stresses due to lateral pressure just attains 120% of the
overburden pressure

The corresponding values of q and A are tabulated by him. Thus DAVIDOV eliminates the use
of the coefficient of subgrade reaction.
Substituting the numerical values of the previous example (see Fig. 4/67),

Comparing the results with those calculated by BOUGAYEVA'S method we obtain:

The values calculated by DAVIDOV'S method are consistently lower, because he considers the
lateral support to be acting along the full height of the section, while BOUGAYEVA neglects the
support on the upper quadrant. The deviation between the results becomes increasingly
larger with the rigidity of the support.
The moment diagram is symmetrical about both axes, and thus it does not reflect what
experience and observation indicates, namely, that the moments in the top part are larger
than in the bottom part. Therefore BOUGAYEVA'S method is considered to be more accurate.

Varga's Development

By developing and simplifying DAVIDOV'S assumptions, L. VARGA arrived at a very simple
approximate method for the solution of an elastically supported ring section.
He assumed the distribution of the subgrade reaction to be triangular as indicated in Fig.
4/92, which would result in about 3% - 4% inaccuracy only according to his numerical

FIG. 4/92. The lateral support of a ring beam, according to VARGA

When calculating lateral displacements, instead of considering the coefficient of subgrade
reaction, he computes with the compression of the soil. He does this by considering the two
triangular loadings acting on the vertical tangent of the ring, as uniformly distributed vertical
pressures, from where he calculates the horizontal stresses and the compression of an
=3.5r thick layer, using the modulus of compressibility of the soil.
The derived values for the double triangular loading are:
Bougayeva Davidov
C r

0.237 r

1 . 0
C r

0.165 r

01 . 0
C r

0.062 r

C r

0.032 r

the reduced moment is

the reduced thrust is

In the lower half
the reduced moment is

the reduced thrust is

the horizontal displacement is

the displacement factor is

(where v = the wall thickness). The approximate value for the compression of the soil is

where E
= the modulus of compressibility of the soil.
The method enables one to take into consideration the initial void h, left : eA tween the
structure and the surrounding ground due to improper grouting. Or. - c basis of the identity of
displacements we get

where p
is the external loading on the ring, and
o is the corresponding displacement factor at
the springing, which are either known or can be calculated. Thus, from the equation for a
given value of p, q can be calculated and the design a the ring completed. To facilitate the
calculations, in his paper the author is giving tables for the values of M and N.


A further simplification in this method is that both vertical and lateral pressures are
considered as uniformly distributed. The author is on the safe side, when considering that the
original vertical pressure acting upon the flexible tunnel with an articulated segment lining is
equal to the overburden pressure, whereas the lateral pressure is equal to the earth pressure at
rest. As the coefficient of lateral earth pressure < 1, the horizontal diameter of the
articulated circular ring will elongate under the combined action of these original loadings. This
displacement will mobilize lateral subgrade reactions and in turn decrease the vertical loading.
It is assumed that this pressure change is entirely symmetrical and the distribution of additional
pressures is also uniform (which assumption is highly debatable). This additional loading due to
the interaction of soil and ring deformation is determined from the condition that soil
deformation due to the reacting pressures of the loading p
is equal to ring deformation due
to the original earth pressure and to additional loadings. Thus, the assumed loading scheme is
shown in Fig. 4/93.

FIG. 4/93. Assumed loading figure of circular ring after MEISSNER

On the basis of the theory of elasticity he is deriving that the soil displacement at the crown
invert and at the springings will be of the same absolute magnitude:

On the other hand, the elastic deformation of the ring under the action of the above
mentioned composite loading :

will be

From the equality of the two displacements
a s
A = A it may be derived that

and the coefficient of lateral pressure decisive for the dimensioning of the lining ring

= external radius of ring,
r = radius of the line of gravity the other annotations being indicated in the figure.
The bending moment in any section x

and the maximum bending moment at the crown with 0 = o

and for an infinitely rigid lining, where

substituting this value to Eq. (4.130e) we arrive indeed at the FORCHHEIMER equation (cf. Eq.
(4.50a)) derived for a rigid circular section.



For simplicity it is assumed that the stiffness ( J ) of the roof and base slabs of the rectangular
frame depicted in Fig. 4/123A is the same and the stiffness of the two walls (J
)differs from that
value. The elastic weights which play an important role in the deformation of the sections can be
reduced by the factor

Because of the symmetrical arrangement of the relative stiffnesses, the elastic centre of the
frame a is located at the point of intersection of the axes of symmetry which, especially with
symmetrical loading, greatly simplifies the calculations. Using the well-known method of analyzing
statically indeterminate structures, the frame is cut at the centre line of the roof slab, and the
movement of the elastic centre a is investigated while assuming it rigidly connected to the end of
the frame. The movements caused by the external and internal forces should be zero.
In the determination of the moment diagrams for the loading conditions shown in Fig. 4/123A,
both the unit displacement factors a
and the movements due to

FIG. 4/123 A. Loading and moment diagrams of a single-bay rigidly supported closed frame and its
static structure

the loading a
are obtained from the work equations.

Accordingly, the unit displacement coefficients are, see Fig. 4/123c:

see Fig. 4/123d.

see Fig. 4/123e:

For simplicity, only one loading condition will be discussed; the case of a uniformly distributed
load p , on the roof slab and an equally uniformly distributed reaction of the same magnitude on
the base slab (Fig. 4/123A). The displacement factors from the above loading conditions are:

As the areas of the m
moment diagram are symmetrical and opposite in sign their sum will be
Similarly, for the above reasons

And from the condition of no displacement

FIG. 4/123B. Statically determinate system and KLEINLOGEL'S annotations of the rectangular closed

The moments at the points A, B, C and D can then be determined

as a clockwise rotating moment, by convention, M
has a negative sign.

The second, most common loading condition is the case of lateral earth pressure which, strictly
speaking, would give a trapezoidal loading diagram, in which case neither a
nor X
would be
equal to zero.
However, no serious error is made if one assumes a uniformly distributed pressure diagram
based on the average pressure intensity, in which case the analysis would be similar to the one
just discussed.
On the other hand, it is a more frequent case that the rigidity of a roof slab and that of the
bottom slab are different. Consequently, X
will not be zero, as point o will not be in the
horizontal axis of symmetry. The displacement coefficients a
, a
, a
and a
must be calculated
again from the energy equations for the determination of the unknown X
and X
With the following annotations


The section shown in Fig. 4/124a is the most commonly used section in practice. The
support at the centre line can either be a row of columns or a continuous wall.
In view of the relatively thin sections as compared with the overall dimensions of the
structure, the individual members should be regarded as flexible and the structure designed
as one on elastic foundations. In the calculations it is assumed that the structure is
supported on independent elastic subgrades.

FIG. 4/124. Elastically embedded two-bay tunnel structure

The elasticity of the soil is represented by WINKLER'S coefficient of subgrade reaction
according to the equation

The ideal frame used in the design is shown in Figure 4/124b).
The calculations are complicated by the fact that the base slab is supported on elastic
foundations. Before discussing the design of the whole frame the case of a simple beam on
elastic supports will be investigated as derived by PASTERNAK.
The principal equation for elastically embedded beams is

and where
E = the modulus of elasticity
J = the moment of inertia
C = the coefficient of subgrade reaction
M = the momsnt at point x
b = the width of the section.
The solution of the differential equation sounds:

and C
, C
, C
and C
, are constants, depending on the boundary conditions.
The shear can be expressed as the derivative of the moment

Forming the third derivative, the external rotates are obtained as being proportional with the
loading q.

FIG. 4/125. Elastically supported beam loaded at its end

Substituting the boundary conditions and the loads of the beam into Eqs4.172 t ,4 175 we obtain:
At point 0 from the condition that M = 0 it follows that C
= 0 and from the condition that Q = 0
we obtain C
+ C
= 0. By introducing the symbols C
= A
and C
= -C
= A
, Eqs from 4.172 to
4.175 become

The value of A
and A
can be determined from the boundary conditions y
and y
can be
calculated as functions of . These values can also be obtained from Table 4/XI.
The moment at
= should be equal to M
and similarly Q = P
. If
is replaced by we can
write the following equation:

sinh sin
cosh sin
sinh cos
+ cosh sin
sinh cos +
cosh cos

0.00 0.0000 25 0.0000 0 0.0000 1000 1.0000 0
0.05 0.0025 75 0.0000 6 0.1000 1000 1.0000 0
0.10 0.0100 125 0.0006 16 0.2000 1000 1.0000 1
0.15 0.0225 175 0.0022 32 0.3000 1000 0.9999 2
0.20 0.0400 225 0.0054 50 0.4000 1000 0.9997 4
0.25 0.0625 275 0.0104 76 0.5000 998 0.9993 6
0.30 0.0900 325 0.0180 106 0.5998 998 0.9987 12
0.35 0.1225 375 0.0286 141 0.6996 997 0.9975 18
0.40 0.1600 424 0.0427 181 0.7993 995 0.9957 25
0.45 0.2024 474 0.0608 225 0.8988 991 0.9932 37
0.50 0.2498 524 0.0833 276 0.9979 988 0.9895 48
0.55 0.3022 573 0.1109 330 1.0967 982 0.9847 63
0.60 0.3595 622 0.1439 390 1.1949 974 0.9784 81
0.65 0.4217 670 0.1829 445 1.2923 965 0.9703 103
0.70 0.4887 718 0.2284 524 1.3888 954 0.9600 127
0.75 0.5606 766 0.2808 598 1.4842 940 0.9473 155
0.80 0.6371 812 0.3406 678 1.5782 922 0.9318 187
0.85 0.7183 858 0.4084 761 1.6704 903 0.9131 223
0.90 0.8041 902 0.4845 849 1.7607 877 0.8908 263
0.95 0.8943 946 0.5694 941 1.8484 851 0.8645 308
1.00 0.9889 987 0.6635 1038 1.9335 816 0.8337 357
1.05 1.0876 1027 0.7673 1138 2.0151 778 0.7980 412
1.10 1.1903 1065 0.8811 1243 2.0929 733 0.7568 471
1.15 1.2968 1101 1.0054 1352 2.1662 648 0.7097 536
1.20 1.4096 1133 1.1406 1464 2.2346 626 0.6561 606
1.25 1.5202 1163 1.2870 1578 2.2972 562 0.5955 683
1.30 1.6365 1189 1.4448 1696 2.3534 490 0.5272 764
1.35 1.7554 1212 1.6144 1815 2.4024 409 0.4508 852
1.40 1.8766 1230 1.7959 1938 2.4423 318 0.3646 946
1.45 1.9996 1243 1.9897 2062 2.4751 220 0.2710 1064
1.50 2.1239 1252 2.1959 2186 2.4971 110 0.1664 1152

sinh sin
cosh sin
sinh cos
+ cosh sin
sinh cos +
cosh cos

1.55 2.2491 1254 2.4145 2313 2.508 11 0.0512 1265
1.60 2.3745 1251 2.6458 2437 2.5070 143 -0.0735 1383
1.65 2.4996 1240 2.8895 2561 2.4927 289 -0.2136 1508
1.70 2.6236 1221 3.1456 2685 2.4638 445 -0.3644 1640
1.75 2.7457 1195 3.4141 2806 2.4198 606 -0.5284 1776
1.80 2.8652 1160 3.6947 2924 2.3577 800 -0.7060 1920
1.85 2.9812 1115 3.9871 3037 2.2777 1001 -0.8980 2069
1.90 3.0927 1059 4.2908 3146 2.1776 1214 -1.1049 2224
1.95 3.1986 993 4.6054 3247 2.0562 1457 -1.3273 2383
2.00 3.2979 914 4.9301 3346 1.9115 1690 -1.5656 2549
2.05 3.3893 824 5.2647 3431 1.7425 1955 -1.8205 2718
2.10 3.4717 719 5.6078 3509 1.5470 2225 -2.0923 2891
2.15 3.5436 600 5.9587 3585 1.3245 2543 -2.3814 3068
2.20 3.6036 465 6.3162 3638 1.0702 2850 -2.6882 3249
2.25 3.6501 314 6.6790 3667 0.7852 3183 -3.0131 3431
2.30 3.6815 147 7.0457 3689 0.4669 3535 -3.3562 3615
2.35 3.6962 40 7.4146 3696 0.1134 3906 -3.7177 3799
2.40 3.6922 244 7.7842 3682 -0.2772 4296 -4.0976 3985
2.45 3.6678 469 8.4524 3646 -0.7068 4702 -4.4961 4167
2.50 3.6209 715 8.5170 3587 -1.1770 5130 -4.9128 4349
2.55 3.5494 983 8.8757 3503 -1.6900 5572 -5.3477 4526
2.60 3.4511 1272 9.2260 3390 -2.2472 6034 -5.8003 4698
2.65 3.3239 1586 9.5650 3248 -2.8506 6512 - 6.2701 4864
2.50 3.1653 1924 9.8898 3072 -3.5018 7006 -6.7565 5023
2.75 2.9729 2287 10.1970 2862 -4.2024 7516 -7.2588 5271
2.80 2.7442 2676 10.4832 2614 -4.9540 8040 -7.7759 5308
2.85 2.4766 3091 10.7446 2326 -5.7580 8578 - 8.3067 5404
2.90 2.1675 3524 10.9772 1994 -6.6158 9126 -8.8471 5568
2.95 1.8141 4004 11.1766 1617 -7.5284 9685 -9.4039 5630
3.00 1.4137 11.3383 -8.4969 -9.9669

The rotation and the soil reaction at the two edges of the beam are

PASTERNAK has tabulated values for
5 4 3 2 1
, , , , and
as functions of . With the aid of these
tables (Table 4/XII) Eqs 4.177-4.181 can be solved. The tables contain values only for
the range of between 0.5 and 2.75. Namely, if
< , the deformation of the girder is
negligible and it can be considered a rigid beam; if t
< <
the beam beIongs to the
category of short beams for which Tables 4/XI and 4/XII can be used t > , the beam can be
considered infinitely long.

Returning to the investigation of the so-called short beams, let us consider the case where he
load is applied somewhere around the middle of the beam (Fig. 4/126) By cutting through he
beam at the line where the load is applied, one obtains two beams which could be analyzed in
the way discussed before. The value of the imaginary forces Q and M applied at the cut could be
determined from the condition that the displacements and the rotation s at the ends of both
beams should be equal.

on solving these equations for M and Q the problem becomes analogous with the case of beams
acted upon by forces applied at one end only.

FIG. 4/126. Elastically embedded beam loaded at its midpoint and the equivalent loading condition

In the analysis of the frame one has to know the magnitude of the angle change and
displacement at the two ends of the beam caused by the unit moment (M
= 1 tm) and force
= 1 t) (Fig. 4/125). Denoting the angle changes by a
, a
, and the displacements by a

then from Eqs 4.180 and 4.181

The calculations will be demonstrated by a numerical example: Determine the moments in
the frame shown in Fig. 4/127. The frame is loaded on the top by a uniformly distributed load
and on the sides by trapezoidal earth pressure diagrams.

The bottom slab of the frame belongs to the category of short beams. In view of the
symmetry, the frame can be analyzed as a statically indeterminate structure with three
redundant forces (Fig. 4/127b).
The section can be modified to become a statically determinate structure by cutting it
through at the top centre.
The condition of no movement can be expressed by the following equations:

FIG. 4/127. The two-bay, elastically embedded frame, analyzed in the numerical example: (a) its
loading diagram; (b) its static structure

from which X
, X
and X
can be calculated. When calculating the unit displacement factors, the
displacements resulting from the elastic bedding should also be taken into consideration:

where the second part of the right- hand side of the equation is the product of the pressure (q)
on the bottom slab and the displacement (y) caused by a unit force acting in the same direction.

First, the bottom slab will be considered, regarding it as a beam on an elastic foundation acted
upon by the loading diagram illustrated in Fig. 4/128.

FIG. 4/128. Loading cases on the elastically embedded beam

Taking the centre of the slab as origin, then, because of the symmetrical arrangement of
loadings, the constants C
and C
will be equal to 0. Taking this into account

(the values of y, y
, y
, ,y
are taken from Table 4/XI). Substituting the y values at the eighth
points (Fig. 4/128d), we obtain the moment diagram illustrated in Fig. 4/129a. The moment

FIG. 4/129. Moment diagrams due to unit concentrated loads and moments applied at the two
edges of the beam (PASTERNAK)

FIG. 4/130. Diagrams of the moment effect at the section below the centre column

The moment diagram for the two concentrated unit loads acting on the two edges can be
obtained similarly. In this case

and by substituting the appropriate tabulated y values the moment diagram shown in Fig.
4/129b can be drawn up.
The influence diagram for the mid section can be plotted as the sum of the moment diagrams of
a 0.5 t load acting at the end points of the two half sections and from that resulting from the end
moment (Fig. 4/130).

In general:

Combining the two cases we shall get the influence diagram shown in Fig. 4/130.
Let us calculate now the displacement of the frame, taking the elastic nature of the
bottom ;_rport into consideration. First the unit displacement factors are calculated for the
loads: X1 = 1 t, X
= 1 tm and X
= 1 t, then the displacement due to the uniformly distributed
asternal load p. The moment diagram for the load X
= 1 t is shown in Fig. 4/131. The
moment diagram in the bottom slab was calculated by multiplying the influence diagram
values of Fig. 4/129a by the 5.05 tm corner moment. As E is constant and only the value of J
is variable, t can be determined from the expression
and the area of the moment
diagram is calculated from the expression a
ds m

FIG. 4/131. Unit moment diagrams of the static structure

Fig. 4/131 b illustrates the moment diagram for the X
= 1 tm loading case, utilizing the influence
diagram of Fig. 4/129a to calculate the moments in the bottom slab. From the figure the unit
displacement factor
ds m
can be directly determined, and by multiplying with the
corresponding ordinates of the m
diagram, the value of
ds m m
2 1

may be obtained. Without giving the details:
= +3.233; a
= +6.889.

The moment diagram from the load X
= 1 t is also given in Fig. 4/131. The moment on the
bottom slab is the resultant of the three forces illustrated (see Figs 4/129a-b and 4/130a-b).
Knowing m
we can calculate the unit displacement factors a
, a
and a

Fig- 4/132- Moment diagram of the static structure





The moment diagram of the reduced, statically determinate frame, from the loading condition
given in Fig. 4 127 is illustrated in Fig. 4/132. The moments in the bottom slab are calculated
again from the combined cases of the vertical wall reaction and moments (see Fig- 4/132a-b).
The loading factors can then be computed from the moment diagram whose ordinates are the
products of the respective moment diagram ordinates M
and m, using the general

The diagrams, indicating these products of M
are illustrated in Fig. 4 133, and from the
summation of the areas the required values are obtained:

The equations expressing the condition of no displacement:

From these equations the values of X
, X
and X
can be determined

FIG. 4/134. Moment diagram of the closed frame

With the aid of the known X
, X
and X
values the moment and axial force at any point of the
frame can be computed using the expressions

or in the horizontal members

and in the vertical columns

The final BM values are given in Fig. 4/134.

As shown the presented method of PASTERNAK in which the distribution of contact pressures
is based on the theory of elastic subgrade reactions requires a rather extebsive and elaborate
computation work and is not devoid of the inherent defects of Winkler's basic theory. As the
factor of elastic subgrade reaction (C) depends not on soil characteristics only but is a function
of the dimensions of the superimposed structure as well M. KANY has worked out a
computation method for beams on elastic foundation in which the modulus of elasticity
(Young's modulus( or the modulus of compressibility (E
) of soil govern soil deformations and
the deformations of the surroundings are also taken into account. In a recent study he has
worked out the dimensioning of elastically supported two-bay subway frames on this basis
and made it suitable also for electronic digital computers. The computation program is
composed of 4 sections because of its great extensivity.
In the first phase the external loadings will be fed into the computer and with assumed
dimensions the model of the load bearing girder system and the maximum average contact
pressure defined, which latter is decisive for the determination of settlements.

In the second phase the deformations of the statistically determinate ground system will be
determined under the given loads (a
and a
values) on the basis of the canonical equation
system based on 0 displacements.
In the third phase the deformations of the bottom slab will be defined through the solution of
the equation system. (It is possible to consider non-uniformity of soil stratification and the
variations of rigidity in the various members,)
In the last phase the results of the previous phase will be utilized and the sectional forces due
to various loading effects determined.
On hand of a numerical examples Kany demonstrates that no practical difference is shown in
the roof slab, but owing to the more exact determination of contract-pressures, a considerable
saving may be obtained in the dimensions of the bottom slab.

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