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Written by: Vic Magary

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

Copyright 2008-2010 Gym Junkies LLC. All Rights Reserved. ! "#$ %# &#' AGR(( '# )( )#$&% )" '*(+( '(R,+ A&% C#&% ' #&+- "#$ ,$+' &#' $+( '* + .R#GRA,. Terms and Conditions of Use of this program... All information is provided as is !itho"t any representations or !arranties of any #ind and $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C e+pressly disclaim all e+press and implied !arranties incl"ding those !ith respect to acc"racy completeness timeliness or fitness for a partic"lar p"rpose of the information on this !ebsite or of any prod"ct or service referenced on this !ebsite "nless other!ise e+pressly indicated. $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C ass"me no responsibility for any losses damages !hether direct indirect special or conse,"ential !hich arise o"t of the "se or mis"se of this !ebsite ho!soever ca"sed !hether s"ch damages arise in contract tort negligence e,"ity stat"te or by !ay of any other legal theory regardless of !hether s"ch damages co"ld have been foreseen. The information on this !ebsite is s"b-ect to change !itho"t notice. As !ith all programs techni,"es and materials related to health e+ercise and fitness $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C strongly recommend that yo" not rely "pon or follo! the programs techni,"es or "se any of the prod"cts and services made available by or thro"gh the "se of this !ebsite for decision ma#ing !itho"t obtaining the advice of a physician or other health care professional. The information prod"cts and services made available by or thro"gh the "se of this !ebsite are provided for "se by persons !ho have satisfied themselves as to the appropriateness of its "se for themselves after obtaining the advise of a physician or other health care professional. The n"tritional and other information on this !ebsite is not intended to be and does not constit"te health care or medical advice and m"st not be "sed to ma#e any diagnosis specific to the online "ser. $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C. do not employ dietitians or any other health care professionals. .f yo" have chosen not to obtain a physician/s permission prior to beginning this program !ith $%&ay'at(ossc" and )ym *"n#ies ((C. then yo" are doing so at yo"r o!n ris#. 0y yo"r "se of this !ebsite yo" ac#no!ledge that yo" do hereby !aive release and forever discharge $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C. and their respective heirs directors officers agents employees representatives s"ccessors and assigns administrators e+ec"tors and all others from any and all responsibilities or liability from in-"ries or damages res"lting from or connected !ith yo"r participation in any of the $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C e+ercise programs 1incl"ding any ne!sletters2 !hether arising from the negligence of the $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C its employees heirs directors officers agents employees representatives s"ccessors and Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

assigns administrators e+ec"tors and other parties involved in the creation prod"ction or delivery of the site or other!ise. .ndependent parties develop !ebsites that may be accessed from this !ebsite. $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C. is not responsible for the privacy policies or the acc"racy of the information in s"ch !ebsites nor do !e endorse prod"cts offered in those !ebsites. $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C do not represent or !arrant that "na"thori3ed "se of information from this or other !ebsites does not infringe on the trademar# rights of third parties. 0y yo"r "se of this !ebsite yo" ac#no!ledge that $%&ay'at( and )ym *"n#ies ((C its employees heirs directors officers agents employees representatives s"ccessors and assigns administrators e+ec"tors and other parties involved in the creation prod"ction or delivery of the site !ill not be held liable for any damages s"ffered or inc"rred by yo" or any third person arising o"t of: 1a2 any fa"lt interr"ptions or delays in the provision of this !ebsite4 or 1b2 any inacc"racies errors or omission on this !ebsite or any prod"ct or services referenced on the site ho!ever s"ch fa"lts interr"ptions delays inacc"racies errors or omissions arise. $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C liability if any shall be limited only "p to the amo"nt paid by the "ser for the prod"cts and5or services herein. Copyright n/orm0tion Una"thori3ed do!nloading re6transmission storage in any medi"m copying redistrib"tion or rep"blication for any p"rpose is strictly prohibited !itho"t the !ritten permission of $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C All matters that do or may arise in any !ay relating to the "se of this Web 7ite are s"b-ect to and shall be governed constr"ed and enforced e+cl"sively in accordance !ith the la!s of the state of 8hip as those la!s apply to contracts made in 8hio and !hich are !holly performed in 8hio by persons domiciled in 8hio and yo"r "se of this Web 7ite is and shall be deemed to be yo"r irrevocable agreement to be s"b-ect to the la!s and -"risdiction of the state of 8hio U7A. .f yo" have any ,"estions abo"t the protection of personal information yo" have disclosed on $%&ay'at(ossC" and )ym *"n#ies ((C !ebsite or it/s terms and conditions of "se please send "s an e6mail to help9$%dayfatlossc" so that !e can address yo"r ,"estions as ,"ic#ly and completely as possible .f yo" have any ,"estions abo"t these disclaimers or abo"t testimonials case st"dies and5or e+amples fo"nd at $%dayfatlossc" and5or from )ym *"n#ies ((C please send an e6mail to help :at; $%dayfatlossc"

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

'01le #/ Contents
A. .ntro 0. 're,"ently As#ed <"estions C. Top %= Tips 'rom The Trenches &. Which Wor#o"t 7ho"ld . &o> ?. Warm Up Wor#o"ts 'or 7edentary @ .n-"red .ndivid"als '. 0eginnerAs $% &ay Wor#o"t Blan 10ody!eight 8nly2 ). 0eginnerAs $% &ay Wor#o"t Blan 1)ym Wor#o"t2 C. Advanced $% &ay Wor#o"t Blan 10ody!eight 8nly2 .. Advanced $% &ay Wor#o"t Blan 10ody!eight 8nly2 *. Common 7ense D"trition E. 7"pplements That Wor# (. F &ay Action Blan To )et 7tarted M. What To &o After The $% &ays

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

7ection A

Cey Vic Magary here... . !ant to personally than# yo" for ma#ing a great decision to pic# "p the $% &ay 'at (oss C"re program. There are five different $% day programs in this man"al... and to get the best res"lts . s"ggest yo" pic# one program @ stic# to it for $% days. There is a beginnerAs and advanced version of each program 1one for the gym and one for at home2 G and then also a !or#o"t for active seniors !ho have some in-"ries. .f yo"Are a normal g"y or gal the beginner !ill be more than eno"gh. .f yo"Are already in great shape and -"st loo#ing to lose that last H6F lbs or so then the advanced program !o"ld fit yo" perfectly. .f yo" have been sedentary for a fe! months or years and yo"Are totally o"t of shape .ve provided a I !ee# !arm"p !or#o"t to get yo" on trac# 1see the table of contents2. . C.)C(J s"ggest yo" do this if yo"Are o"t of shape. . added this I !ee# !arm "p specifically at the re,"est of people !ho tried the beginner !or#o"t and said it !as too hard for them. 0esides the H programs . added a fe! very helpf"l g"ides to getting the best res"lts. Many of the ,"estions people have had are ans!ered in the 'A< and . also p"t together my Top %= Tips for getting the best res"lts possible. The res"lts clients and readers have seen from these !or#o"ts have been startling even to me. We had Chris Washington !ho lost $K.H lbs on the beginner program 1home version2 !e had Lay ("dvigson lose IM lbs !e had a !oman in her H=As lose IK lbs -"st follo!ing the n"trition section aloneN And !eAve had h"ndreds of men and !omen lose %=O lbs in -"st $% days follo!ing the program. As a side note please donAt share the do!nload lin# to this man"al... As a former soldier . val"e honesty and integrity. 7elling this program helps pay my rent and feed my p"ppy Coda :2

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

?n-oyN Vic

..+. 6 .f yo"Ave never read any of my st"ff before . am !ell #no!n for my D8 0.7. Tell it li#e it is style. . have a tendency to !rite li#e . tal# and from time to time there !ill be some s!ear !ords in here. . am very passionate abo"t helping people and getting the tr"th o"t abo"t !hat really !or#s for fat loss. .Ave fo"ght tooth and nail against the diet ind"stry and the fitness maga3ines for caring more abo"t selling ad space than helping yo" to get in shape. . g"ess the reason !hy .Am telling yo" this is sometimes my !ords may get heated and . #no! that ir#s some people. 0"t one thing . do #no! G and anyone !ho has "sed this program !ill agree !ith me.... .f yo" follo! this program and p"t in the effort . g"arantee yo"All get the best &AMD res"lts of yo"r life.

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+u22ess +tories
Ale30nder loses 18 l1s...
. started at II% po"nds =H5=% and as of =K5=% i !eighed in at I=$. . my goal !as I==. . so im a little let do!n b"t damn i am close. . &.& cons"me some beers 1b"d select2 b"t st"c# to the plan religio"sly 1even !ith a fe! deaths and an "gly brea# "p. . hey im h"man2 . co"ldnt get to internet access "ntil today so i g"ess i am o"t. b"t thats o# im act"ally going to contin"e on as long as i have to. im shooting for %KH6%FH. )L?AT CCA((?D)? V.CN TC.7 WA7 TC? E.CE .D TC? A77 . D??&?&N 6 Ale+ander

41 "e0r #ld ,other #/ 5 6ho 60s Alre0dy n Gre0t +h0pe Loses 78 )ody !0t
Vic . once again !anted to than# yo" for the !or#o"t man"al. . personally chose the $%6day 'at (oss 0eginner Brogram. . follo!ed this plan to the letter. . did every !or#o"t as prescribed. 8n Arest daysA . rested.. !hich some days !as really hard for me to do beca"se yo" see.... am a tr"e Pgym -"n#ieP in all respects. . even teach I bodysc"lpt classes at my gym on Mon and Wed and a cycle class on th"rsday. . am one of those cra3y people that (8V? TC? )JM. .t is also my Asocial o"tletP... . go to the gym at least K days o"t of the !ee#... and . have for over the past I years. . already am in pretty good shape beca"se of the lifestyle . (8V?.. so . !as not a participant !ho s"ddenly too# "p Ae+ercisingA. i have been faithf"l since the beginning of my -o"rney in 7ept A=K. . am ho!ever al!ays searching and striving to get better stronger leaner healthier toner... !hich is !hy i did this challenge. . !ant yo" to #no! that J8UL BL8)LAM W8LE7... e+actly as prescribed. . added no Ado"ble !or#o"tsA on days.. . did every !or#o"t to my ma+im"m Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

ability -"st as yo" laid o"t. 8n the P8J8P on yo"r o!n days.. . did cardio training for e+ample . !o"ld r"n stairs s!im laps in the pool . teach a spin Class on Th"rsday mornings.. !hich al!ays happened to fall on the 8J8 day so it !as perfectN 0y eating as yo" recommended... doing each !or#o"t e+actly as yo" laid o"t... . !as able to drop 3% body fat in less than 31 days... it !as act"ally only IF beca"se . !as Q days behind in my starting date. . thin# that is incredible.... My starting !eight !as %$M lbs on H5Q... . act"ally dropped I lbs the first !ee# b"t someho! by the end those I lbs act"ally came bac#... b"t . #no! that is -"st ho! o"r body The main thing . !ant to point o"t is that . !as doing the 'AT (877 BL8)LAM and that is !hat i lost $R 08&J 'AT.. '8((8W.D) J8UL BL8)LAM *U7T A7 J8U (A.& 8UT... no e+tra !or#o"ts no starving myself... TC.7 B(AD W8LE7 even for somebody !ho has been e+ercising consistently and eating properly. . can honestly say . !as so 7ULBL.7?& and the comments . have received by others is ama3ing.. they too can see the difference... 7o than# J8U V.C... . -"st tho"ght it !as important to let yo" #no!... TCAT TC? B(AD W8LE7... and . am here to attest to .T. IF6days... that is all it too#. 7imply AMAS.D)N (isa

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion )

!re9uently Asked :uestions

:. #k ;m 2on/used <here do st0rt= A. .f yo"Are a beginner to intermediate . !o"ld s"ggest starting !ith the beginner body!eight !or#o"t. .f yo" find itAs too easy then yo" can al!ays move to the advanced !or#o"t 1or the gym !or#o"t2. The beginner !or#o"ts start easier and then progressively get harder. .f yo"Are totally o"t of shape start !ith the I !ee# !arm "p !or#o"t. . have also added a specific !or#o"t program for people in their K=As F=As and T=As 1or yo"nger people2 !ho have long term injury probems that !ill not allo! them to do even simple body!eight movements s"ch as the s,"at. Jo"All find each of these !or#o"ts listed in the table of contents aboveN

:. >i2- you s0y to elimin0te 0ll 20rdio <hile on the <orkout ?tre0dmill- elipti20l et2...@- does this in2lude my 70-54 minute d0ily <0lk usu0lly t0ke= A. Do as long as yo"r !al#s do not interfere !ith yo"r !or#o"ts those are fine. Ma#e s"re they are spaced o"t thro"gho"t the day. &onAt do one right after the other.... :. ;m pl0nning on pl0ying 10sket10llAtennisA/oot10ll in the morning 7 times 0 <eek- <ould it 1e ok to do your <orkouts 0t night i/ do those in the morning= A. .n an ideal !orld it !o"ld be better if yo" did yo"r !or#o"ts on M6W6' and then did yo"r recreational activities on T6TC67at. .f yo" canAt s!ing that for some reason then yes yo" can do them in the morning -"st space them o"t as m"ch as possible. :. 6ould you re2ommend 0dding 0nything to the 1ody<eight <orkout to use 0ny o/ my dum1ells- kettle1ells or pull up 10r= Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009 love

pr02ti2ing pullups so <ould like to /it those into the <orkout i/ it m0kes sense. A. &efinitely if yo" have access to a p"ll "p bar then it is a !elcome addition to the plan 1.t !as thro"gh gritted teeth that . did not incl"de a lot of p"lling in the !or#o"t b"t . really !anted to #eep the e,"ipment needed to a minim"m2. 7ome #ettlebell and d"mbbell !or# !ill be o# as !ell especially the #ettlebell movements as they typically involve a good deal of posterior chain !or# 1lo! bac# gl"tes and hamstrings2 that is "nfort"nately absent from the body!eight plan. ./d integrate yo"r p"ll "ps and #ettlebell !or# on the normal !or#o"t days and still #eep the rest days for rest. :. >i2- 0m e32ited to try this /or 71 d0ysB #ne 9uestionC <ork out on 0 d0ily 10sis- usu0lly /or 0round 0n hour ?usu0lly doing pD03@ 0nd these <orkouts Eust /eel e3tremely shortC <h0t is the re0soning 1ehind <hy these <ill <ork versus 0n e9u0lly-intense hour long <orkout= A. )reat ,"estion Lachel. . . These !or#o"ts AL? short. .f yo" find them too easy move to the advanced !or#o"ts. 0ottom line is that diet is going to ta#e yo" farther than any !or#o"t . can p"t together. 8r any !or#o"t the mar#eting geni"ses behind BM=+ can p"t together for that matter. :. >i2- Fm 0 veget0ri0n- 0nd typi20lly e0t 2ott0ge 2heese to m0ke up some o/ my protein in the <eek. do e0t /ish /or lun2hAdinner- 1ut pre/er to keep it limited. s this still ok on this dietAe3er2ise pl0n= A. Jo" sho"ld be o#. The only !ay to #no! for s"re is to !eigh yo"rself in at the same day and time each !ee# and trac# yo"r diet and training. Dot seeing !eight loss> Time to t!ea# the program 6 and diet is going to be the first place to start. )ood l"c#. :. *i >i2 - 20n you 0lso give some 0dvi2e A re2ommend0tion /or d0ily 20lories- /0t- 20r1s G protein= h0ve re0d the s0mple diet pl0n 0nd get it- it <ould 1e help/ul to me to h0ve some d0ily r0nges A go0ls /or e02h so th0t 20n su1stitute <hen needed. 'h0nksB A. 7orry b"t . don/t co"nt calories or protein carb or fat grams. ./m serio"s !hen . say this and not trying to be sarcastic or a -er# in any !ay 1!e lose so m"ch comm"nication in !riting li#e facial e+pressions and vocal tone2 yo" need to foc"s on eating L?A( nat"ral foods li#e . have in the Common 7ense D"trition g"ide in this man"al. And that/s the main calc"lation yo" need. Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

Jo"r meat and egg portions sho"ld be abo"t the si3e of the palm of yo"r hand 1and thic#ness for meats2. 'or fr"its and veggies yo" can pretty m"ch fill the rest of yor" plate !ith themN .f yo" are still very h"ngry eat an apple and drin# a large glass of !ater. :. 60s right to drop to knee push-ups in order to get the volume in the l0st sets o/ <orkout A- or <ould 8-10 /ull push-ups h0ve 1een 1etter= A. Jeh if yo" canAt get p"sh"ps yet then do them from yo"r #nees. . s"ggest doing as many as yo" can from yo"r toes then s!itch to the #nees if yo" need to. :. h0d 0 9uestion - do you h0ve 0 s0mple pl0n /or someone <ho <orks out 0t 4H70 in the morning= +hould 0nything 1e e0ten 1e/ore= A. Jo" probably sho"ldnt need to eat anything drin# some !ater if yo" canU.f yo" really need something to eat fr"it li#e a banana !o"ld be the best choiceU :. *ey >i2- 0nother 9ui2k 9uestion - ho< do you /eel 01out supplementing <A protein po<der /or someone <ho is not 0 huge me0t e0ter= A. ./m not a h"ge fan of protein po!der b"t if yo" gotta do it yo" gotta do it. Chec# o"t !hat Q o"nces of meat loo#s li#e before yo" go the po!dered protein ro"te 6 Q o"nces is pretty small. And as a female yo" probably don/t need more than that per meal. .f yo" do go the protein po!der ro"te mi+ !ith !ater and fr"it only. 0y the !ay if yo"Are going to "se protein po!der G only "se nat"ral and organic prod"cts that have D8 7U)AL li#e BrogradeAs protein

:. 20n;t hold my sel/ to e0ting Eust 0 /e< nuts- <h0t should su1stitute= A. Jo" !ill be fine !itho"t the n"ts. A small serving of dairy 1as small as yo" can ta#e2 !ill be a fine s"bstit"te. Also eat a piece of fr"it before the dairy -"st to c"rb the h"nger a bit and red"ce the chance of cons"ming more than a little dairy. :. %o you h0ppen h0ve 0 s0mple d0ys me0l /or <orking out in the morning. +0y 1et<een D0m 0nd noon. Also 0re you opposed to 2 <orkouts in 0 d0y on2e in 0 <hile= <0s thinking your pres2ri1ed Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

0dv0n2ed in the morning 0nd s0y ,tn 1iking in the 0/ternoon. A. Jo"/ll be good eating brea#fast abo"t %.H ho"rs6 I ho"rs before yo"r !or#o"t. Then ma#e s"re yo" get a good mi+ of protein5carbs in after the !or#o"t. :. C0n drink 0ny type o/ diet sod0sAdiet energy drinks during the month= typi20lly st0rt 0 d0y o// <ith 0 Iero sug0rAIero 20r1 energy drink. A. D8888N 7orry b"t most diet drin#s have !orse st"ff in them than s"gar !hich is in a reg"lar drin#. (ay off it for $% days. .ts only $% days . thin# yo"/ll find o"t that yo" !ont need them. at the end of $% days if yo" thin# yo" need it then go bac# to it b"t . have seen time and time again that people !ho !or#o"t !ith intensity have m"ch more energy than people slamming energy drin#sU :. 6h0t 01out /0t /ree d0iry produ2ts like skim milk 0nd i2e 2re0m= Also- <h0t 01out /ruits like gr0pes 0nd <0termelon- should <e st0y 0<0y /rom them= A. )rapes and !atermelon yo" can eat as m"ch as yo" !ant &airy it is best to eliminate. .t/s not the fat ./m !orried abo"t it/s the carbohydrates and the processed nat"re of it. And -"st thin# abo"t it if fat loss is yo"r goal to yo" really thin# eating ice cream 6 fat free or other!ise 6 is going to help> .t/s only $% days. )o bac# to dairy at the end if yo" do not feel removing it from yo"r diet helped in losing yo"r belly fat. The h"ndreds of people !ho have "sed this program before yo" have A(( noticed that eliminating dairy has accelerated their fat loss. :. Are d0tes 0nd /igs ?1oth dried@ #J in the mornings= Also <h0t do you re2ommend post <orkout /or someone on 0 pl0nt 10sed diet ?i.e. no tun0@= A. Eeep the dates and figs to immediately post !or#o"t. Bost !or#o"t on a plant based diet. . . to"gh one. ./ll be honest my personal e+perience has not been great !ith getting strict vegetarians to c"t !eight. There is "s"ally a high carbohydrate inta#e from grain so"rces and a lo! protein inta#e d"e to lac# of animal prod"cts. 7o !eight loss can be challenging b"t not impossible. ./m c"rrently e+perimenting !ith a personal client "sing hemp protein po!der. Cer !eight loss has improved b"t it is still slo!. Also she has started eating Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

,"inoa for protein inta#e. My go6to in these sit"ations is beans and rice. 0"t !ith all of those so"rces it is important to #eep yo"r ,"antity lo! if fat loss is yo"r goal. Use the si3e of yo"r fist g"ideline for the beans and rice 1that/s total for both2 and even a little smaller for the ,"inoa. :. <0s <ondering i/ there 0re 0ny su1stitutions into the diet th0t <ould 0llo< me to drink 0l2ohol. re2ently /inished my 10sement 0nd h0ve 0 ne< pool t01le th0t re0lly 20ll out to drink 1eer. A. .f fat loss is yo"r goal alcohol is the enemy. Do t!o !ays abo"t it. 7orry. . . .Am as#ing yo" not to drin# for only $% days this isnt H months or a year... That being said yo" have to temper yo"r goals !ith a ,"ality of life. What do yo" really !ant for the ne+t $% days> To be as lean as possible> To f"lly en-oy yo"r ne! basement> To c"t it in the middle and try to get a little lean and #ind of en-oy the basement> 8nly yo" can decide. 0"t someone o"t there is going to stic# to this program strict as hell and get incredible res"lts. When they do !ill yo" !ish yo" had done the same> 8nly yo" #no! the ans!er. :. 6h0t 01out /l0vored <0ter- >it0min 60ter 10- G0tor0de or .ropel 20n drink these= 'hey 0re lo< 20lorie 0nd no sug0r... A. The problem !ith these drin#s is that instead of s"gar they have Cigh 'r"ctose Corn 7yr"p 1C'C72 !hich is even !orse for yo"r body than s"gar. .tAs some 0A& st"ff. They !ill inhibit yo"r fat loss goals as m"ch or more than s"gar !ill. 7tay a!ay from these. .f yo" need some flavor !ith yo"r !ater s,"ee3e a lemon or some lemon -"ice into itN :. C0n <e e0t 2orn= A. Consider corn a grain carb so"rce and eat it only post !or#o"t. Bersonally .Am not a big fan of corn it doesnt have m"ch n"tritional val"e to it and !ill only ma#e yo" fat. :. C0n you give me 0n estim0te /or 20loriesA/0tsA20r1sAproteins throughout the d0y= A. 7orry . canAt. . donAt co"nt calories and . dont !ant yo" to have to go thro"gh the C?(( of co"nting calories either. .f yo"Are eating L?A( foods in !ell balanced proportions there is no reason to co"nt calories.

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

Use a !ee#ly !eigh in and a detailed food -o"rnal instead. .f at the end of the !ee# yo" haven/t seen improvement in yo"r fat loss and yo"r !or#o"ts have been intense then yo" #no! the ans!er lies in yo"r diet. C"t bac#N .t/s only $% days. Jo" can do itN :. ;m /eeling <e0k 0nd tired 0/ter s<it2hing to your diet. m 0lso h0ving 2r0vings /or 20r1s 0nd sug0rs like 2r0Iy- is this norm0l= A. The first F6%= days of the n"trition plan are going to be the hardest. Jo"r body !ill need to ad-"st since yo" are probably "sed to eating a lot of processed carbs and a lot of s"gar. .tAll feel li#e going thro"gh !ithdra!al and it might be C?(( for yo". .tAs not easy. 0"t there is a light at the end of the t"nnel. *"st li#e going thro"gh a to"gh brea#"p yo"All get over it and feel normal again. The first F6%= days are !ith o"t a do"bt the hardest. &onAt give in. My best tip for c"ring cravings is to eat more healthy fats 1olive oil avocado n"ts2 and drin# a lot of !ater... Bineapple stra!berries and apples !ith a small amo"nt of pean"t b"tter are also all good foods to help c"rb s!eet cravings... :. dont h0ve 0 pull up 10r- is there 0nything 20n su1stitute /or them= A. Jeh . have a fe! s"ggestions. .f yo" can do p"ll"ps and have a st"rdy door p"t a to!el over the top of that and do p"ll "ps on there. .tAs a little ghetto b"t it !or#s. Jo" can also do body ro!s. 0ody ro!s can be done in a n"mber of !ays. Jo" can hold on to the "nderside of a table and p"ll yo"rself "p. Jo" can p"t a bar5baseball bat across t!o chairs and p"ll yo"rself "p. Jo" can have a partner hold their arms o"t and yo" hold onto them at the !rists and p"ll yo"rself "p. ?ach one of these !o"ld be fine. :. 6hy does this <orkout pl0n 0nd diet produ2e results= &"ring a long slo! cardio session !hether that be !al#ing bi#ing s!imming or r"nning yo"r body "ses calories d"ring the e+ercise. And on a long eno"gh session yo" may b"rn more calories in a long slo! session than in a short intense session. 0"t only d"ring the e+ercise period. 8nce yo" stop r"nning or bi#ing yo"r metabolism !ill not stay elevated and yo"r body !ill no longer b"rn e+tra calories. 0"t !ith the high intensity interval training yo"r metabolism !ill be cran#ed and yo"r body !ill contin"e to "se Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

e+tra calories for long after the e+ercise session is complete. 7o for total caloric e+pendit"re incl"ding d"ring and after the e+ercise session short intense training !ill beat long slo! cardio every time. :. *o< %oes (limin0ting Gr0ins And %0iry Le0d 'o !0t Loss= What !e are dealing !ith here is yo"r body/s ins"lin response to food. When yo" eat foods that are high in carbohydrates s"ch as rice pasta bread oatmeal potatoes and dairy there is a res"lting spi#e in yo"r blood s"gar level. These foods are said to have a high glycemic inde+. Jo"r body "ses gl"cose 1blood s"gar2 for f"el. When there is an e+cess amo"nt of gl"cose present yo"r body releases ins"lin !hich ca"ses the "n"sed f"el to be stored in the liver and m"scles as glycogen. When yo" have this storage s"pply of f"el present yo"r body !ill "se this first !hen it re,"ires an energy so"rce. This means yo"r body !ill "se the stored glycogen for energy .D7T?A& of body fat. To lose body fat yo"r body m"st "se it as energy. And this !ill not happen if yo" have large reserves of a preferred energy so"rce from eating high carbohydrate foods li#e grains and dairy. 7o !hen yo" eat foods !ith a high carbohydrate content yo"r blood s"gar spi#es there is a corresponding ins"lin release !hich res"lts in the storage of f"el that yo"r body prefers over body fat. This is not to say that yo" sho"ld not eat carbohydrates. .t is to say that yo" sho"ld get yo"r carbohydrates from so"rces that do not have the same res"lting blood s"gar spi#e. These foods have a lo! glycemic inde+ and incl"de almost all vegetables. They certainly incl"de my t!o favorite vegetables for fat loss: spinach and broccoli. They also incl"de many fr"its incl"ding apples and berries. To s"mmari3e: ?ating grains and dairy res"lts in yo"r body having reserves of f"el that it !ill "se instead of body fat.

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+u22ess +tories
Loses 4 l1s in 14 d0ys...
. had never serio"sly committed !or#ing o"t before and . didnAt #no! !here to begin. Then one day . !as s"rfing the internet and fo"nd yo"r site. Jo"r no nonsense do!n to earth training philosophy intrig"ed me. ?ven better . fo"nd specific instr"ctions on both diet and e+ercise !ith everything spelled o"t so even . a beginner co"ld follo! it on my o!n. 0efore . began my fitness training . !as al!ays tired str"ggled !ith depression and never felt strong physically. Bhysical activity and !or#ing o"t !ere al!ays a dr"dgery b"t . #ne! that in medical school and as a f"t"re physician . !o"ld need to not only be mentally capable b"t in good physical health as !ell. .t !as time to ma#e a change and Vic gave me the tools to do that. At first . !as s#eptical beca"se . tho"ght there !as no !ay a co"ch potato li#e me co"ld stic# !ith a !or#o"t plan b"t . didN These workouts are fun and intense, not boring like running on an elliptical machine and !atching the cloc#. The !or#o"ts are short so . co"ld fit them into my b"sy sched"le and . never felt li#e . didnAt #no! !hat to do. .n a very short time . have already seen res"lts. . feel m"ch stronger have more energy and in %H days .Ave lost H po"ndsN This is the only !or#o"t program .Ave ever done that . have act"ally en-oyed. This is coming from a tv !atching video game playing reg"lar !oman. Vic changed my life. .f . can do it yo" can do it. 6 name removed 'emale IT years old

,i2h0el .0sses 'he ,0rine Corps !itness 'est $sing

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

'he 71 %0y !0t Loss Cure...

This !as a fantastic e+perience. . did the Advanced Wor#o"t and lost F.I po"nds !hile sim"ltaneo"sly training for an informal Marine Corps Bhysical 'itness test. 'or that . ended "p scoring IQF o"t of $== possible points far e+ceeding my goal of IIH points. )oing for!ard . plan on follo!ing the n"trition g"idelines 1giving myself t!o cheat meals one cheat snac# and one alcoholic drin# per !ee# no rollovers2 The to"ghest thing abo"t the program !as the n"trition. . no! reali3e ho! m"ch crap . !as eating and ho! addicting all that bad food really is. . also learned -"st ho! tasty good foods can be in their "nprocessed forms and act"ally get a #ic# o"t of co"nting the n"mber of almonds that . eat. &"ring the program . !as introd"ced to Tabasco Chipotle pepper sa"ce and fo"nd it to be a!esome !ith hard6boiled eggs and avocados. . also ac,"ainted myself !ith all the different varieties of apples that are available to "s and discovered -"st ho! satisfying a !hole c"c"mber can be !hen yo"/re h"ngry and thirsty. Than#s again Vic for p"tting together a program that !ill contin"e to change my lifeN 6Michael

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion C

>i2;s 'op 10 'ips !rom 'he 'ren2hes

Cere are my top %= m"st follo! la!s for getting the best res"lts possible. This isnAt some 0.7. Cype this is hard hitting info that !ill help yo" finally get real res"lts. After training h"ndreds of people % on % in my gym for the past K years .Ave seen !hat !or#s and !hat doesnAt for fat loss. .ve boiled it do!n to the essentials... and here are my top %= tips that yo" need to follo! if yo" !ant to get res"lts. %. / you negle2t the nutrition0l guidelines K you <ill &#' see results. . canAt emphasi3e this eno"gh. .f . co"ld sho"t this at yo" !ith a b"ll horn right no! . !o"ld. Jo" !ill not see ADJ res"lts if yo" go half assed on the n"trition plan. 'at loss boils do!n to T=R n"trition and I=R !or#ing o"t. There is not a !or#o"t in the !orld that can o"t train a bad diet. 7tic# to the n"trition plan . provide and yo" !ill see res"lts. . g"arantee it. I. %o not skip <orkoutsB 7o"nds simple right> .ts ama3ing ho! many people complain that they donAt have eno"gh time for these !or#o"ts. Leally> Bresident 8bama has time to !or#o"t for QH min"tes per day K days a !ee#. .Am ass"ming his sched"le may be a bit more ta+ing than any of o"rs. Blan yo"r !or#o"ts in advance. Ma#e a specific time each day for the !or#o"t and stic# to it. .f that means getting "p IH min"tes earlier than do itN Jo" m"st devote time to yo"r health if yo" !ant to get rid of yo"r body fat. .f it helps get yo"r spo"se5boyfriend5girlfriend and #ids involved. Ma#e a time to !or#o"t and stic# to itN $. .rep0re your me0ls in 0dv0n2e. This !as the biggest change a lot of my clients and readers of my site made that helped them finally get res"lts. . !or# %I6%H ho"rs everyday so . #no! ho! easy it is to grab something from 7"b!ay or Banera !hen yo"Are in a h"rry. 0"t if yo" #eep that habit "p yo"r res"lts !ill al!ays stay the same. .tAs the tr"th. . li#e to coo# $ days !orth of meals on 7"ndays and then pac#age them "p in the Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

fridge. Things li#e salads vegetables chic#en dishes por# and fish can all be coo#ed ahead of time. Eeep plenty of fr"its n"ts and fro3en vegetables on hand for ,"ic# snac#s that yo" can ta#e on the r"n Q. ,0ke sure you e0t 0 good 1re0k/0st everyd0y. Lemember ho! mom "sed to say brea#fast is the most important meal of the day> Well sheAs right for several reasons. .f yo" start yo"r day off !ith a good healthy meal yo" !ill be MUCC less li#ely to eat li#e crap the rest of the day. The same goes for yo"r !or#o"ts. MenAs Cealth did a st"dy and KFR of people that missed their first !or#o"t of the !ee# ended "p missing another one that !ee#. 0ad food choices "s"ally lead to more bad food choices. Ma#e s"re yo"r brea#fast is a healthy meal and the rest of yo"r day !ill be easy :2 H. +t0y 0<0y /rom the 1ooIe /or 71 d0ys . (isten . love beer and red !ine as m"ch as the ne+t g"y b"t !hen .Am trying to get lean and mean . al!ays c"t the alcohol o"t of my diet. Alcohol lo!ers yo"r inhibitions !hich "s"ally leads to more boo3e and bad food choices. Co! many times have yo" gotten all li,o"red "p and made yo"r friend stop at the drive thr" on the !ay home from the bar> . #no! .Ave been there. .f people ,"estion !hy yo"Are not drin#ing either tell em the tr"th or tell Aem yo"Are the designated driver for the night. ThereAs no shame in ta#ing some time a!ay from the alcohol. Jo"r body !ill love yo" for it. K. !ight through the tough times. Ma#ing a ma-or change in yo"r life is not easy. There !ill be a fe! times !hen yo"All -"st !ant to say scre! it and give "p. These are the times that separate the !inners from the losers. . read this ,"ote a !hile bac# and . thin# it really s"ms this part "p. .n order to e+cel at anything there are al!ays h"rdles obstacles or challenges one m"st get past. .tAs !hat bodyb"ilders call the pain period. Those !ho p"sh themselves and are !illing to face pain e+ha"stion h"miliation re-ection or !orse are the ones !ho become champions. The rest are left on the sidelines ?very time yo" !or#o"t or shove something into yo"r mo"th yo"Are ma#ing a decision to be a !inner or a loser. Lemember that... F. +top 1eing 0 vi2tim. This is the !eird mindset tric# . !as tal#ing Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

abo"t. 8nce yo" get this yo"All "nderstand !hat it ta#es to get res"lts that last forever... ?veryone that has a problem !ith their !eight or ho! their body loo#s al!ays has an irrational reason o"tside of themselves to blame for them being that !ay. .tAs a T8U)C pill to s!allo!. 0asically by not being !here !e !ant to be in life !e rationali3e it to o"rselves by blaming o"r problem on something else. That co"ld be o"r genetics o"r metabolism o"r -ob not having eno"gh time not having eno"gh money....or !hatever. ?veryone does this and sometimes !e !onAt even admit these things to o"rselves beca"se by doing so !e are admitting that !e failed. 0"t by rationali3ing o"r problem !e allo! o"rselves to p"t the blame on something or someone else. (i#e . said this is the harsh reality and a to"gh pill to s!allo!. .t hit me li#e a ton of bric#s !hen . first reali3ed this. &onAt let yo"rself be a victim and donAt rationali3e !hy yo"Are in the spot yo" are in no!. 'oc"s on the positive changes yo"Are ma#ing in yo"r life and the benefits that are coming abo"t beca"se of them. T. Get help /rom other people G .Ave preached this for the last year on my !ebsite and to my clients at the gym... a social s"pport gro"p !ith li#e minded goals is D?C?77ALJ to getting the body yo" !ant. Most people in this !orld donAt have the g"ts li#e yo" and me to ma#e a change in o"r lives. They -"st sit on the sidelines ma#e e+c"ses and spe! negative comments to!ards the action ta#ers li#e "s. .f yo"Are al!ays s"rro"nded by negative people !ho donAt believe in !hat yo"Are doing yo"All probably never get the L?A( res"lts yo" !ant. Whatever ro"te yo" choose ma#e s"re yo" s"rro"nd yo"rself !ith people !ho can help yo" reach yo"r goal. M. .i2ture yoursel/ in your ne< 1ody. That prolly so"nds ne!6agey or something a !eirdo self help a"thor !o"ld tell yo" b"t g"ess !hat> .t !or#s. Jo"r mind has incredible po!er and yo" really need to start thin#ing li#e a lean person if yo" !ant to have lasting res"lts. The mindset difference bet!een a lean person and a fat person is a complete %T=. Bict"re the difference bet!een ho! a a bea"tif"l girl thin#s !hen sheAs at a bar and ho! a g"y !hoAs a virgin thin#s !hen heAs at the bar. .f a g"y approaches the bea"tif"l girl sheAs prolly thin#ing oh gee3 this g"y Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

thin#s he can pic# me "p> .Am !ay o"t of his leag"e Do! letAs ta#e the g"y !hoAs a virgin and p"t him in the same sit"ation. CeAs sitting at the end of the bar and a c"te girl !al#s across the bar ma#es eye contact !ith him and he #no!s sheAs coming to tal# to him. What do yo" thin# is going on in his head> CeAs prolly li#e oh god !hatAs she doing coming over here> 8h god . dont #no! !hat to say man this is gonna s"c# 7ee that> 7ame sit"ation yet t!o completely different o"tloo#s on it. This is the same difference bet!een the fat person mindset and the thin person mindset. Jo" can overcome this mindset by vis"ali3ing the person yo" !ant to be. Ta#e H min"tes each morning and thin# abo"t the person yo" really !ant to be. Ma#e s"re yo" '??( !hat itAs li#e to be that person. Co! !ill yo"r life be different> Will yo" get more attention at the pool> Will yo"r boyfriend5girlfriend5spo"se find yo" more attractive> &o this for H min"tes everyday and yo"All be ama3ed at the brea#thro"gh yo"All have. .f it helps c"t o"t pict"res of ho! yo"Ad li#e to loo# and loo# at them each time yo" do yo"r vis"ali3ations. %=. !ollo< the nutrition0l guidelines G 7o"nd familiar> Well . p"t this one on here t!ice ca"se itAs that important. .f yo" do all of the !or#o"ts and follo! the n"tritional g"idelines yo"All have a smo#ing body in -"st Q !ee#s. Tr"st me yo" !onAt believe the difference. %%. )#&$+ 6 Ta#e a pict"re before yo" start and then one after the $% days. Jo" might not !ant to do that at this point b"t . BL8M.7? yo" after yo"r body has changed yo"All !ant to sho! everyone yo"r old pict"re. .ve seen this time and time again !ith my clients. They CAT? getting that first pict"re ta#en b"t Q !ee#s later they carry that damn thing !ith them every!here they go to sho! everyone ho! m"ch !eight theyAve lost. As yo"r body changes yo" might not recogni3e the changes in the mirror b"t if yo" see them in front of yo" in a pict"re yo"All be shoc#ed at the transformation yo"Ave made. And if yo" !ant to share them !ith me 1. (8V? to see s"ccess stories and Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

pict"res2 -"st shoot them to me in an email vic9gym-" .f yo" send me yo"r before @ after pict"res .All send yo" a shirt from my blog )ym *"n#ies. The shirt says Treadmills are for gerbils. Ta#e a loo# at the shirt belo! @ an e+ample of !hat yo"r before @ after pics sho"ld loo# li#e.

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+u22ess +tories
Lu0n0 loses 10 l1s 0nd in2re0ses her energy...
Ci VicN . got res"lts from this challenge that i !o"ld never have reached in si+ monthsNNN The ne! eating habits gave me more energy and i felt so m"ch better after i c"t the carbs from my meals. And i never loo#ed bac#.. The fe! times i ate something !ith s"gar in it i felt physically bad after a !hile and got even more t"rned off by sodas and ca#es. And the !or#o"t plan gave me a ne! love for !or#o"ts in general after have done the same repetitive !or#o"ts V la gerbil style on the treadmills5ellipticalsN . lost %= po"nds. incredible. Than#s for the helpN 6 ("ana

Andy loses 10L l1s 0nd 7.4 in2hes o// his <0ist...
. did the 0eginner !or#o"t... . !as going to !ait "ntil *"ne to do this challenge 6 b"t . am so glad . didn/t. . have lost %=O po"nds $.H inches off my !aist. Which is really almost all of the !eight . needed to lose. . eat m"ch m"ch healthier 1tho"gh . modified the diet !ith more carbs than allo!ed2. . -"st bo"ght a $==lb 8lympic !eight set and bench5s,"at rac# and today . started the bon"s strength training program. And . !ill be playing bas#etball t!ice a !ee#. This site is ama3ing and . have recommended it to -"st abo"t everyone . #no!. Than#s VicN Andy

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

(ri2 loses D l1s...

Vic . !anted to once again than# yo" for doing this challenge. . lost a total of M po"nds for the month and feel great. &"ring the month . !as able to #ic# my habit of diet soda and energy drin#s. After completing this month . have no desire to have either of these drin#s. . am no! drin#ing !ater or tea and my body feels so m"ch better. My challenge is not yet over as . am hoping to lose another %H po"nds in the ne+t co"ple months. Than#s ?ric

+ue )oosts her Con/iden2eB

Vic 7o en-oyed the challenge. ?nded "p losing a lot of fat aro"nd my !aist !hich !as great. 0"t for me the best part of yo"r challenge !as that it really made me foc"s on the mental side5discipline of stic#ing to a program. .n the beginning doing some of the !or#o"ts at the speed yo" re,"ired !as to"gh b"t . reali3ed my body co"ld do !ay more than my head !as allo!ing. 8nce . got o"t of my o!n !ay everything really clic#ed and !hile it/s not an easy program . #no! . can finish each !or#o"t and loo# to improve in the f"t"re. Than#s so m"ch for all yo"r enco"ragement and no b.s. 7"e

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion %

6hi2h 6orkout +hould %o=

.f yo" are conf"sed abo"t !hich !or#o"t is right for J8U then this page !ill help yo"... . made Q !or#o"ts for yo" I beginner fat loss !or#o"ts I advanced !or#o"ts. The fat loss !or#o"ts have a gym and a body!eight version. 7o no matter !hat e,"ipment 1or lac# there of2 yo" have yo" can do one of these plans. Done of the !or#o"ts in these plans !ill ta#e yo" very long either. Most of them yo" sho"ld finish in %H6IH min"tes... &#'(: .f yo" are o"t of shape and basically sedentary all day even the beginner !or#o"t may be too to"gh for yo" at this point. As an addition . added a I !ee# !arm "p to get yo" ready for the beginnerAs !or#o"t. .f that is still too hard for yo" beca"se of in-"ries or yo" -"st dont move as !ell as yo" "sed to then try the (o! .mpact $% &ay Brogram in this man"al... Many of the people !ho bo"ght this man"al previo"sly have s"ggested that this !o"ld help them to get started. CereAs ho! yo" sho"ld determine !hich !or#o"t is for yo"... Lo< mp02t 6orkout G This !or#o"t !as specifically designed for the K= F= and T= year olds that have emailed me in the past saying that d"e to in-"ries their bodies can not even perform a body!eight s,"at. 7o . created this (o! .mpact $% day program that is perfect for anyone !ho really !ants to get in shape yet their body !onAt let them perform most of the basic body!eight e+ercises. +edent0ry 60rm $p G This is a I !ee# !arm "p for people !ho have either not e+ercised in a long time or for people !ho are "sed to doing long slo! cardio and the 0eginner 0ody!eight program is too to"gh for yo" at this point. 7tart !ith this !arm "p and then progress to the 0eginner 0ody!eight programN

)eginner )ody<eight 6orkout G This !or#o"t is for anyone !ho doesnt have a gym membership or has a limited amo"nt of home e,"ipment. These !or#o"ts re,"ire no e,"ipment at all. .f yo" !ant to lose fat !itho"t a gym then start !ith this !or#o"t. )eginner Gym 6orkout G This !or#o"t is for anyone !ho !ants to Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

lose fat !hile !or#ing o"t at a gym. . s"ggest yo" start !ith this !or#o"t if yo"Are doing the gym plan. The advanced gym !or#o"t is V?LJ hard. .f yo"Are debating bet!een the gym and body!eight !or#o"t . !o"ld recommend the gym !or#o"t it !ill yield better res"lts. 1Jo" can see videos of *ohn @ (yndsey doing this program on the site here2 Adv0n2ed )ody<eight 6orkout G This !or#o"t is for people !ho are already in good shape yet donAt have a gym to "se. This is a very hard !or#o"t so if yo"Are not in great shape already . !o"ld s"ggest starting !ith the beginnerAs !or#o"t. This is intended for someone !ho has lo! bodyfat 1"nder %IR2 and is loo#ing to lose that last bit of bodyfat. Adv0n2ed Gym 6orkout G This is by far the to"ghest !or#o"t in the man"al. The advanced gym !or#o"ts is for people !ho are already in good shape and !ho are loo#ing to lose the last bit of bodyfat. .f yo" have a gym to "se the gym !or#o"t !ill yield better res"lts than the body!eight !or#o"ts !ill.

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion (

Lo< mp02t 6orkouts !or A2tive +eniors 6ith nEury .ro1lems G 2 6eek 60rm $p !or +edent0ry ndividu0ls
This section is split into I different sections. There is a !or#o"t plan for active seniors !ith in-"ry problems and also a sperate !or#o"t plan for sedentary individ"als !ho need a I !ee# !arm "p before the 0eginner 0ody!eight Wor#o"t.

Lo< mp02t 6orkout !or A2tive +eniors 6ith nEury .ro1lems

60rm $p Warm "p before the !or#o"t !ith %6$ min"tes of marching in place. )et yo"r #nees "p !ith each step as high as feels comfortable. Cere are the !or#o"ts. 0elo! the description of all of the !or#o"ts is yo"r $% &ay Wor#o"t BlanN 6orkout AH Lie %o<n- +t0nd $p. 'ind an open space s"ch as yo" living room floor. (ie do!n flat on yo"r bac# !ith yo"r legs straight o"t. Do! stand "p in !hatever manner yo" can do so safely. Loll to yo"r side and "se yo"r hands for s"pport rest !hen yo" get to yo"r #nees p"ll yo"rself "p by the bac# of the co"ch. . . ho!ever yo" can ma#e it to a f"ll standing position from the floor G ma#e it happen. .f the lie do!n stand "p drill is too diffic"lt then do the sit do!n stand "p. 'ind Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

a chair or other st"rdy s"rface to sit on that is -"st slightly challenging to get o"t of. Ta#e a seat on the s"rface and then ret"rn to the standing position in !hatever manner yo" can do so safely. Lepeat the lie do!n stand "p 1or sit do!n stand "p if needed2 as many times as yo" can in H G %= min"tes. 6orkout )H 60ll .ush $ps 6ith .0rti0l +9u0ts.

Wall B"sh Ups H reps. 'or the !all p"sh "p place yo"r hands flat on a !all !ith arms straight. Do! ta#e a fe! small steps a!ay from the !all 6 the farther a!ay yo"r feet are from the !all the more diffic"lt the e+ercise !ill be. With yo"r body straight bend at the elbo! "ntil yo"r nose is almost to"ching the !all. 0ring yo"r feet closer to the !all if yo" cannot get yo"r nose close to the !all !ith the p"sh "p.

Bartial 7,"ats %= reps. 7tand so that yo"r feet are abo"t sho"lder/s !idth apart and yo"r toes are t"rned slightly o"t. 0end at the #nees as if yo" !ere going to sit in a chair as far do!n as feels comfortable. Using an ob-ect s"ch as the arm of a co"ch 1yo"r b"tt sho"ld -"st to"ch it at the bottom of each s,"at2 as a target can be helpf"l in #eeping the depth of yo"r partial s,"at consistent. Lepeat Wall B"sh Ups for H reps Bartial 7,"ats for %= reps as many cycles as possible in I G %= min"tes. Lest as needed d"ring the d"ration of the !or#o"t. 6orkout CH 42 .i2k $p. This is a game my dad "sed to play !ith me !hen . !as a #id. Ce !o"ld ta#e a dec# of cards scatter them across the floor and then . !o"ld try to pic# them "p as fast as . co"ld. Jo" don/t have to "se a dec# of cards and yo" don/t need e+actly HI items to pic# "p. Jo" can "se a handf"l of coins a bo+ of pencils or any n"mber of small items. Ta#e yo"r items and spread them across a lo! s"rface that is slightly challenging to bend to!ards G this might be yo"r coffee table a ro! of chairs yo" set "p or if yo"/re "p to it 6 the floor itself. Do! pic# "p the items one at a time in a s!ift yet safe manner. Try to "se yo"r legs as m"ch as possible in the process bending at the #nee as m"ch as yo"r Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

body allo!s. 8nce yo" have pic#ed "p all of the items lay them bac# o"t and repeat the process for the designated time. &o this drill for Q G %= min"tes. 6orkout %H #ne ,inute %rill. Berform the Wall B"sh Up for as many repetitions as yo" can in % min"te. Jo" may rest as needed b"t get bac# to !or# as soon as yo" feel "p to it. Lecord the n"mber of reps yo" do and try to beat that n"mber each time yo" do Wor#o"t &. After the one min"te of Wall B"sh Ups ta#e a brea# for % G $ min"tes. After the brea# perform the Bartial 7,"at for as many repetitions as yo" can in % min"te. As !ith the Wall B"sh Ups yo" may rest as needed b"t get bac# to !or# as soon as yo" feel "p to it. Lecord the n"mber of reps yo" do and try to beat that n"mber each time yo" do Wor#o"t &. 71 %0y 6orkout .l0n Jo" !ill perform the !or#o"ts in order ta#ing a day off bet!een each !or# o"t. %. Wor#o"t A I. 8'' $. Wor#o"t 0 Q. 8'' H. Wor#o"t C K. 8'' F. Wor#o"t &

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

T. 8ff M. Wor#o"t A %=.8'' %%.Wor#o"t 0 %I.8'' %$.Wor#o"t C %Q.8'' %H.Wor#o"t & %K.8ff %F.Wor#o"t A %T.8'' %M.Wor#o"t 0 I=.8'' I%.Wor#o"t C II.8'' I$.Wor#o"t &

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

IQ.8ff IH.Wor#o"t A IK.8'' IF.Wor#o"t 0 IT.8'' IM.Wor#o"t C $=.8'' $%.Wor#o"t &

2 6eek 60rm $p !or +edent0ry ndividu0ls

This section !as added specifically for people !ho have not !or#ed o"t in a long time and !ho are basically sedentary most of the day at their -ob. After . released the first version of this man"al a fe! people said the beginnerAs !or#o"ts !ere too hard for them and they !ere !ay too sore to even contin"e. 0ased on that . reali3ed there !as a need for a I !ee# !arm6"p to prep people for their $% day !or#o"t plan. &"ring the !arm "p yo" !ill still be able to lose fat as long as yo" follo! the n"trition plan .Ave provided later in this man"al. 7o donAt !orry yo" !onAt have to !ait any longer to see res"lts. This !arm "p !ill get yo" res"lts and transition yo" perfectly into the beginner !or#o"t. 'or the !arm "p .Am going to as# yo" to train Q+ per !ee#. &onAt do any additional cardio or strength !or#o"ts on yo"r o!n. These body!eight !or#o"ts Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

!ill be eno"gh to get yo" ready. (3er2ises +9u0t- .ushup- )urpee K nstru2tion0l videos here &ay % G 7,"ats + %= G Lest for I= seconds Lepeat this cycle for Q times. &ay $ 6 B"sh"ps + %= 1or as many as yo" can do2 G Lest for I= seconds Lepeat this cycle for Q times &ay H G I= baby b"rpees G time ho! long it ta#es yo" to complete all I= baby b"rpees. &ay T G %= s,"ats5H p"sh "ps G this e,"als one s"perset. Lest after each s"perset for $= seconds. Lepeat the s"perset for Q cycles. &ay %= G IH baby b"rpees G time ho! long it ta#es yo" to complete all IH baby b"rpees &ay %I G H s,"ats5$ p"sh "ps5 % baby b"rpee 6 repeat this cycle H times rest !henever yo" need to

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion !

)eginners )ody<eight .rogr0m ?At *ome 6orkout@

(9uipment needed Done. *"st an open area li#e yo"r living room or yo"r la!n 6ho is this /or= This is for anyone !ho !ants to lose the most amo"nt of body fat possible b"t has no access to a gym or e,"ipment. All of these e+ercises can be done in yo"r living room office or a hotel room. ./m not even going to thro! in dips p"ll "ps or body ro!s since !e/re going !ith a complete no e,"ipment mentality. This means !e !ill not be doing any "pper body p"lling movements !hich is far from ideal. Co!ever !ith ma+im"m !eight loss being the goal a month !itho"t p"lls is a calc"lated cas"alty. .f yo" do have a p"ll "p bar feel free to add them to the !or#o"ts. 8h and . don/t !ant to hear a single peep abo"t there being no ab e+ercises. To lose !eight yo" need ma+im"m caloric e+pendit"re and that !ea#6ass cr"nch isn/t going to c"t it. These e+ercises !ill chisel yo"r abs better than any cr"nch ever co"ld. ./m also as#ing yo" to abandon long slo! cardio for the $% days. Unless yo" are finding some mental or spirit"al clarity in yo"r $= min"te treadmill tre#s 7T8B .T D8WN .f yo" are not satisfied !ith yo"r res"lts after follo!ing my $% day plan yo" can al!ays ret"rn to the pretty red lights of the treadmill dashboard. 'or each !or#o"t day yo" sho"ld do D8 8TC?L e+ercises besides the !arm "p and the !or#o"t that day. Do cardio on the treadmill no cr"nches or ab !or#. Dothing... .f yo"Are not tired after these !or#o"ts yo"Are either not p"shing yo"rself hard eno"gh 1go fasterN2 or yo"Are already in great shape and need to move to the advanced program. Cere are the K e+ercises for the 0eginner6.ntermediate Come !or#o"t... M (3er2isesH +9u0t- Lunge- .ush $p- *op +2ot2h- )01y )urpee 0nd +9u0t Jump. .nstr"ctional videos for the e+ercises are here... Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

The p"sh "p may be done from the #nees if yo" can/t do a reg"lar p"sh"p. 60rm up Warm Up before the !or#o"t !ith $6H min"tes of -"mping -ac#s or -ogging in place. 6orkout AH 7,"at: IH reps or as many as possible before a rest is needed 6 !hich ever comes first. Cop 7cotch: $= seconds of ma+ effort. B"sh Up: IH reps or as many as possible before a rest is needed 6 !hich ever comes first. Cop 7cotch: $= seconds of ma+ effort. Lepeat the Q e+ercise cycle for Q 6 T ro"nds. 6orkout )H 0aby 0"rpee.: $= seconds of baby b"rpees 1rest if needed2 then ta#e $= seconds of rest. Lepeat Q 6 %I times. 6orkout CH ("nge: %H reps each leg or as many as possible. Cop 7cotch : $= seconds. B"sh Up: IH reps or as many as possible. Cop 7cotch: $= seconds. Lepeat cycle Q 6 T ro"nds. 6orkout %H 7,"at *"mp : $= seconds of s,"at -"mps 1rest as needed2 then ta#e $= seconds of rest. Lepeat Q 6 %I times. Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

6orkout (H ("nge: %= reps each leg. 0aby 0"rpee: %= reps. Lepeat H 6 F times. 6orkout !H 7,"at *"mp: &o as many reps as yo" can in %= min"tes. Lest as needed and #eep trac# of the reps completed. Try to beat yo"r last rep co"nt each time this !or#o"t comes "p. 6orkout GH Tabata .ntervals of the follo!ing: Cop 7cotch 7,"at 0aby 0"rpee B"sh Up A tabata interval is I= seconds of one e+ercise 1,"ic# pace2 follo!ed by %= seconds of rest. Jo" sho"ld do this for each e+ercise for Q min"tes. Jo"r entire !or#o"t !ill ta#e %K min"tes. 7o one tabata !o"ld loo# li#e this... I= seconds of hop scotch %= seconds of rest 1do this for a f"ll Q min"tes2 And then move on to the s,"at.... I= seconds of s,"ats %= second of rest 1do this for a f"ll Q min"tes2 And then move on to the 0aby 0"rpee I= seconds of baby b"rpees %= seconds of rest 1do this for a f"ll Q min"tes2 And then move on to the p"sh"p I= seconds of p"sh"ps %= seconds of rest 1do this for a f"ll Q min"tes2 ThereAs yo"r entire !or#o"t in -"st %K min"tesN Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

Jo"r !or#o"ts for the $% days !ill be Q days of !or#o"ts follo!ed by one day off follo!ed by $ days of !or#o"ts. 8n yo"r day off ma#e s"re yo" L?7T and try to not do any physical activity. 71 %0y 6orkout .l0n &ay %. Wor#o"t A &ay I. Wor#o"t 0 &ay $. Wor#o"t C &ay Q. Wor#o"t & &ay H. 8'' &ay K. Wor#o"t ? &ay F. Wor#o"t ' &ay T. Wor#o"t ) &ay M. 8'' &ay %=. Wor#o"t A &ay %%. Wor#o"t 0 &ay %I. Wor#o"t C &ay %$. Wor#o"t & &ay %Q. 8'' &ay %H. Wor#o"t ? &ay %K. Wor#o"t ' &ay %F. Wor#o"t ) &ay %T. 8'' &ay %M. Wor#o"t A

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

&ay I=. Wor#o"t 0 &ay I%. Wor#o"t C &ay II. Wor#o"t & &ay I$. 8'' &ay IQ. Wor#o"t ? &ay IH. Wor#o"t ' &ay IK. Wor#o"t ) &ay IF. 8'' &ay IT. Wor#o"t A &ay IM. Wor#o"t 0 &ay $=. Wor#o"t C &ay $%. Wor#o"t &

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion G

)eginner .rogr0m ?Gym .rogr0m@

'or the gym !or#o"t ./m going to as# yo" to train three days per !ee# in the gym6 And get o"t of the gym and train for I 6 $ other days. What yo" do on the days o"t of the gym are "p to yo" b"t . s"ggest they be intense activities that yo" en-oy. ?+amples incl"de r"gby martial arts f"ll co"rt bas#etball and hill sprints. These days are designated by 8J8 !hich stands for 8n Jo"r 8!n. .f yo" are ne! to the gym . strongly enco"rage yo" to get a coach or trainer to sho! yo" the proper techni,"e for each of the designated movements. Jo" can find a ,"alified trainer to sho! yo" ho! to s,"at deadlift sho"lder press clean and bench in abo"t %6%.H ho"rs. .f yo" donAt have access to a trainer 1or the money to pay one2 as#ing someone at yo"r gym !ho reg"larly does s,"ats and deadlifts is a good idea. .f they tell yo" to "se the 7mith Machine !al# slo!ly the other !ay and never tal# to them again. Jo" can also chec# the instr"ctional videos . have filmed b"t nothing is going to beat a live coach. Another idea that a lot of people "se is to get a broomstic# and practice in yo"r living room !hile !atching the instr"ctional videos. This !ill help yo" to practice !itho"t the potential of getting h"rt. That being said the first !or#o"t gives yo" the opport"nity for a little practice and lays the gro"nd!or# for the month to come. 60rm $p )e/ore (02h 6orkout Warm "p by doing $6H min"tes of one of the follo!ingU -"mp rope -"mping -ac#s or "sing a ro!er machine. nstru2tion0l >ideos Cere are the videos for each e+ercise in this !or#o"t plan

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

,ore >ideos Jo" can !atch me p"t *ohn @ (yndsey thro"gh this Q !ee# program on video here 6orkout N &o three sets of T 6 %= reps of each of the follo!ing movements: Deadlift, Bench Press, !uat, Body "o# , Lunge, Push Press. Use a barbell for s,"ats and deadlifts. Use a barbell or d"mbbells for bench press l"nges and p"sh press. Use a !eight that !ill allo! at least T reps b"t not %%. 'or the body ro!s do as many reps as possible for three sets. &on/t rest more than % min"te bet!een sets. Consider this laying the gro"nd!or# for the month ahead. 6orkout A Deadlift: %= reps Ba$y Burpee I= reps Lepeat Q times as fast as possible. Lest !here needed. Use KHR of % rep ma+ for deadlift if #no!n. .f not #no!n "se !eight that !o"ld allo! %I 6 %H reps for one set. 6orkout ) s!uat: ma+ reps or I= 6 !hich ever comes first. push press: ma+ reps. 7et a bar "p !ith a !eight that yo" co"ld p"sh press for abo"t T reps. Use that same !eight for s,"ats and the p"sh press. Lerac# the bar bet!een movements b"t get to !or# on the ne+t e+ercise as soon as yo" can. Lepeat for H sets resting % min"te after each p"sh press set. 6orkout C $ench press, $ody#eight !uat, Body "o#, !uat Jump. 7et the 0ench Bress bar "p !ith a !eight yo" can do abo"t %= reps !ith on yo"r Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

first set. &o ma+ repetitions !ith each movement. 7top at IH for the body!eight s,"ats if fatig"e not reached by then. 7top at I= for the s,"at -"mps. Ta#e a % min"te brea# after 7,"at *"mps. Lepeat Q times. 6orkout % deadlift %= reps !uat Jump I= reps Lepeat Q times as fast as possible. Lest !here needed. Use KHR of yo"r % rep ma+ 1the most yo" can lift for % rep2 for deadlift if #no!n. .f not #no!n "se !eight that !o"ld allo! %I 6 %H reps for one set. 6orkout ( Po#er Clean and Press% Use a d"mbbell !eight that allo!s K 6 T reps for one set. Complete as many reps as possible in %I min"tes. 6orkout ! $ench press, Lunge, Body "o#, Ba$y Burpee. 7et the 0ench Bress bar "p !ith a !eight yo" can do abo"t %= reps !ith on yo"r first set. Use d"mbells for the l"nges that yo" can do T 6 %= reps each leg on the first set. Using body !eight only is acceptable if that/s !hat it ta#es to get to T reps. &o ma+ repetitions !ith each movement. 7top at I= for the baby b"rpees if fatig"e not reached by then. Ta#e a % min"te brea# after baby b"rpees. Lepeat Q times. 71 %0y 6orkout +2hedule %. Wor#o"t W I. 8J8

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

$. 8'' Q. Wor#o"t A H. 8J8 K. Wor#o"t 0 F. 8J8 T. Wor#o"t C M. 8J8 %=. 8'' %%. Wor#o"t & %I. 8J8 %$. Wor#o"t ? %Q. 8J8 %H. Wor#o"t ' %K. 8J8 %F. 8'' %T. Wor#o"t A %M. 8J8 I=. Wor#o"t 0 I%. 8J8 II. Wor#o"t C I$. 8J8 IQ. 8'' IH. Wor#o"t & IK. 8J8 Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

IF. Wor#o"t ? IT. 8J8 IM. Wor#o"t ' $=. 8J8 $%. Wor#o"t W or 8'' 6 "p to yo"N

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion *

Adv0n2ed !0t Loss 6orkout ?)ody<eight #nly@

(9uipment needed Done 6ho is this /or= This is for all of yo" g"ys @ )als !ho are already pretty lo! on the body fat percentage b"t !anted to get that last bit of fat gone to p"t yo" in the single digits. Jo" m"st be metic"lo"s !ith yo"r diet and br"tal !ith yo"r !or#o"ts to get the res"lts yo" see# in $% days. 0"t it can be doneN ./ve laid o"t the !or#o"ts ass"ming yo"/re already in pretty good shape so some of the e+ercises are pretty advanced. ./m also ass"ming yo" have no e,"ipment 6 not even a p"ll "p bar. .f yo" have a p"ll "p bar feel free to add p"ll"ps to yo"r !or#o"ts once or t!ice per !ee#. Accordingly these !or#o"ts are "nfort"nately a bit heavy in the "pper body p"shing movements. .f yo" feel any signs of over"se in yo"r sho"lders s#ip the "pper body movement for a day or t!o b"t maintain the lo!er body movements at f"ll intensity. 60rm $p )e/ore (02h 6orkout Jo" sho"ld !arm "p each day !ith $6H min"tes of -"mping -ac#s or -ogging in place. nstru2tion0l >ideos !or 'his 6orkout Cere are the instr"ctional videos to the e+ercises in this !or#o"t 6orkout A H p"sh "ps %= l"nge -"mps 1H each leg2 %H s,"ats. Lepeat as many times as possible in %H min"tes. Use a stop!atch so yo" can calc"late yo"r time and try to beat it the ne+t time. Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

6orkout ) % dec# s,"at5I l"nges5% handstand p"sh"p combo Lepeat as many times as possible in %H min"tes. 6orkout C H divebombers %= t"c# -"mps. Lepeat as many times as possible in %H min"tes. 6orkout % Tabata: 0"rpee s,"ats l"nge -"mps p"sh "ps. Cere is ho! this tabata !or#sU I= seconds of b"rpees then %= seconds of rest 1repeat this for Q min"tes total2 I= seconds of s,"ats then %= seconds of rest 1repeat this for Q min"tes total2 I= seconds of l"nge -"mps then %= seconds of rest 1repeat this for Q min"tes total2 I= seconds of p"sh"ps then %= seconds of rest 1repeat for Q min"tes total2 This !or#o"t sho"ld ta#e yo" %K min"tes total to completeU 6orkout ( handstand p"sh "p ma+ reps or I= reps 6 !hich ever comes first. Cop 7cotch: QH seconds. &ec# s,"at ma+ reps or I= reps. Cop 7cotch: QH seconds. Lepeat H 6 T times. 6orkout ! H divebombers %= l"nge -"mps 1H each leg2. Lepeat as many times as possible in %H min"tes. Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

6orkout G1 B"sh @ 0"rp 1video @ e+planation on the video page at the lin# above2 6orkout G2 dec# s,"at6b"rpee combo. As many as possible in %= min"tes. 6orkout G7 %== 0"rpees for time. Complete in the least amo"nt of time possible rest !here needed. 0rea#s do!n over $% days li#e this. . . 'ollo! a Q days on one day off $ days on one day off cycle as follo!s:

71 %0y 6orkout +2hedule &ay %. Wor#o"t A &ay I. Wor#o"t 0 &ay $. Wor#o"t C &ay Q. Wor#o"t & &ay H. 8'' &ay K. Wor#o"t ? &ay F. Wor#o"t ' &ay T. Wor#o"t )% &ay M. 8'' &ay %=. Wor#o"t A &ay %%. Wor#o"t 0 &ay %I. Wor#o"t C &ay %$. Wor#o"t & Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

&ay %Q. 8'' &ay %H. Wor#o"t ? &ay %K. Wor#o"t ' &ay %F. Wor#o"t )I &ay %T. 8'' &ay %M. Wor#o"t A &ay I=. Wor#o"t 0 &ay I%. Wor#o"t C &ay II. Wor#o"t & &ay I$. 8'' &ay IQ. Wor#o"t ? &ay IH. Wor#o"t ' &ay IK. Wor#o"t )$ &ay IF. 8'' &ay IT. Wor#o"t A &ay IM. Wor#o"t 0 &ay $=. Wor#o"t C &ay $%. Wor#o"t &

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009


Adv0n2ed 6orkout ?!or the gym@

6ho is this /or= 'or the advanced !or#o"t ./m going to as# yo" to train three days per !ee# in the gym. And get o"t of the gym for I 6 $ other days and do !or#o"ts on yo"r o!n. The advanced !or#o"t re,"ires yo" have a gym 1or a f"ll s,"at rac# barbell and plates at home2 What yo" do on the days o"t of the gym are "p to yo" b"t . s"ggest they be intense activities that yo" en-oy. ?+amples incl"de r"gby martial arts f"ll co"rt bas#etball hill sprints intense s!imming or bi#e sprints. Ma#e s"re !hatever it is that yo" do that itAs .DT?D7? and ,"ic#. Do long slo! cardioNNN These days are designated by 8J8 on the !or#o"t plan !hich stands for 8n Jo"r 8!n. As far as the gym !or#o"ts go they are intense. This is the advanced program after all. This is for all of yo" trying to get that last bit of fat off the belly. And ./m ass"ming yo" #no! yo"r !ay aro"nd the gym. 0"t in case yo" need to get reac,"ainted ./ve designated Wor#o"t W -"st for that p"rpose. Jo" can !atch me coach Arvin thro"gh this !or#o"t program for Q !ee#s at this lin# on my site... Cere are the !or#o"ts the !or#o"t sched"le follo!s belo!... nstru2tion0l >ideos Cere are the instr"ctional videos for this !or#o"t ,ore >ideos Jo" can !atch me p"t Arvin thro"gh this !or#o"t for Q !ee#s on the site here 6orkout N &o three sets of T 6 %= reps of each of the follo!ing movements: Deadlift, Bench Press, !uat, Pull &p, Lunge, Push Press% Use a barbell for s,"ats and deadlifts. Use a barbell or d"mbbells for bench press l"nges and p"sh press. Use a !eight that !ill allo! at least T reps b"t not %%. 'or the p"ll "ps do as many reps as possible for three sets. &on/t rest more than % min"te bet!een sets. Consider this laying Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

the gro"nd!or# for the month ahead. 6orkout A Deadlift %= reps Burpee I= reps Lepeat Q times as fast as possible. Lest !here needed. Use KHR of yo"r % rep ma+ for deadlift if #no!n. .f not #no!n "se !eight that !o"ld allo! %I 6 %H reps for one set. 6orkout ) !uat: ma+ reps or I= 6 !hich ever comes first. Push Press: ma+ reps. Lunge: ma+ reps or %= each leg 6 !hich ever comes first. dips: ma+ reps. Lepeat Q times resting % min"te after the dips. 7et a bar "p !ith a !eight that yo" co"ld p"sh press for abo"t T reps. Use that same !eight for s,"ats p"sh press and l"nges. Lerac# the bar bet!een movements b"t get to !or# on the ne+t e+ercise as soon as yo" can. 6orkout C 'an 'aker Use a set of I= 6 $= lb d"mbbells and complete as many ro"nds as possible in %= min"tes. Jo" sho"ld try to hit aro"nd $H6Q= reps. .f yo"Are getting H=O reps yo"All need to "p yo"r !eight the ne+t time yo" do this !or#o"t. 6orkout % Deadlift (0 reps, )ang Po#er Clean * reps, +ront !uat (0 reps, Push Press H reps. 7et a bar "p !ith a !eight yo" can hang po!er clean for abo"t T reps. Complete as many ro"nds as possible in %H min"tes. Lesting and setting the bar do!n as needed. 6orkout ( Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

Bench Press, Lunge , pull ups, tuck ,umps% 7et the 0ench Bress bar "p !ith a !eight yo" can do abo"t %= reps !ith on yo"r first set. Use d"mbells for the l"nges that yo" can do T 6 %= reps !ith on the first set. &o ma+ repetitions !ith each movement. 7top at I= for the t"c# -"mps if fatig"e not reached by then. Ta#e a % min"te brea# after T"c# *"mps. Lepeat Q times. 6orkout ! Po#er Clean and Press 7et a bar "p !ith a !eight that allo!s K 6 T reps for one set. Complete as many reps as possible in %I min"tes. 71 %0y <orkout s2hedule %. Wor#o"t W I. 8J8 $. 8'' Q. Wor#o"t A H. 8J8 K. Wor#o"t 0 F. 8J8 T. Wor#o"t C M. 8J8 %=. 8'' %%. Wor#o"t & %I. 8J8 %$. Wor#o"t ? Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

%Q. 8J8 %H. Wor#o"t ' %K. 8J8 %F. 8'' %T. Wor#o"t A %M. 8J8 I=. Wor#o"t 0 I%. 8J8 II. Wor#o"t C I$. 8J8 IQ. 8'' IH. Wor#o"t & IK. 8J8 IF. Wor#o"t ? IT. 8J8 IM. Wor#o"t ' $=. 8J8 $%. Wor#o"t W or 8'' 6 "p to yo"N

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion J

Common +ense &utrition

What we eat has changed more in the past 50 years, than in the previous 10,000 6 Michael Bollan DJT 0est 7elling A"thor 8f 8mnivoreAs &ilemma &rill this into yo"r head right no!... 'at loss boils do!n to T=R n"trition and I=R !or#o"ts. .f yo" -"st do yo"r !or#o"ts and neglect yo"r diet yo" !ill D?V?L see res"lts. D?V?L. No matter what you do, you can not out train a bad diet. Tattoo it on yo"r forehead if it helps. *"st ma#e s"re yo" reali3e ho! important yo"r n"trition is if yo" !ant to lose body fat and get a flat stomach.

&utrition (ssenti0ls
My n"trition philosophy is simple and based on the res"lts of h"ndreds of my clients and readers of my !ebsite. This n"tritional g"ide has been proven to !or# over and over again. Most people see res"lts in the first F days. .Ave had clients lose as m"ch as %% lbs in the first !ee#. .Ave had men and !omen !ho !ere in decent shape already lose F lbs in the first !ee#. This has been proven to !or# h"ndreds of times over and over again. Again itAs simple to follo! b"t not necessarily easy. There !ill be times yo"All !ant to say scre! it and -"st give "p. .All be honest !ith yo" if yo"Ave been eating li#e crap yo"All probably have carb and s"gar cravings for the first $6F days that may drive yo" bon#ers. 0"t in -"st a fe! days yo"r body !ill ad-"st and yo"All see the best res"lts of yo"r life 1side note: if yo" do have cravings try eating more healthy fats s"ch as olive oil n"ts and avocados2 Willpo!er is yo"r best friend !hen it comes to n"trition. With this g"ide yo"All #no! !hat to do yo"All -"st have to ma#e s"re yo" &8 .TN Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

,y 10si2 philosophy
The h"man body has not evolved m"ch in the last fe! h"ndred years. Co!ever o"r food and the ingredients in o"r food has evolved at !arp speed. ?verything is s"persi3ed s!eetened preserved and pre pac#aged. Many of o"r health problems over the past H= years 1especially obesity2 can be attrib"ted to the fact that !eAre getting la3ier and eating !hatever is convenient. .Am not above this either tr"st me. .Ave gone thro"gh some incredibly ro"gh periods !here . let my n"trition slip and . !ent from loo#ing li#e a MenAs Cealth cover model to an o"t of shape acco"ntant !ho hasnAt seen a gym in %= years. .tAs not hard to to eat !hatever is in front of yo". (osing fat is an all o"t !ar and yo" have to be prepared to fight some battles in to"gh sit"ations. (i#e !hen yo"Are o"t !ith friends at night or if yo"Are o"t to dinner !ith yo"r family. .tAs incredibly to"gh to s#ip over the fresh ba#ed bread or the ice cold beers that are -"st a ,"arter tonight. . #no! the feeling. .Ave been there many times... 0"t -"st remember each time yo" cheat yo"Are only cheating yo"rself. ?very piece of bread or pasta yo" st"ff in yo"r mo"th is p"shing yo" one step f"rther a!ay from losing yo"r body fat and getting the body yo"Ave al!ays !anted. My friend Tom Ven"to li#es to say $ seconds on the lips e,"als %KQ ho"rs on the hips. Thin# abo"t it... ThatAs some po!erf"l st"ff.

*o< you should e0t

My n"tritional philosophy boils do!n to this. .f a caveman co"ldnAt have eaten it then neither sho"ld yo". Chic#en> Jes yo" can eat that. 7tea#> Jes yo" can eat that too. Cheeseb"rger> Dope sorry . dont thin# a caveman co"ld have fo"nd a b"n to eat his b"rger on. .f it doesnAt come from an animal or the gro"nd yo" sho"ld probably stay a!ay from it. The reasoning for this is t!o fold. Most of the prod"cts that !ere created by man s"ch as pasta and bread are very to"gh on o"r bodies. 8"r body !as not designed to eat these things in s"ch large ,"antities li#e most people do today. These foods also have a high amo"nt of simple carbohydrates and calories in them. A bo!l of pasta !ith some creamy sa"ce can r"n yo" %H== calories if Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

yo"Are not caref"l. .Am not a calorie co"nting type g"y by any means b"t . have a good sense of !hat is going to #eep me from losing !eight and pasta O bread are t!o of the biggest c"lprits !hen it comes to !eight gain.

*ere;s <h0t you should e0t

.f at anytime yo" are conf"sed abo"t !hat to eat then have a piece of protein some fr"it and a green vegetable. ?+ample... 0a#ed chic#en !ith asparag"s and a side of stra!berries. )o ahead and eat and drin# the follo!ing !ith rec#less abandon: These foods in this list are some of my favorites that really amp "p yo"r fat b"rning 1especially aro"nd yo"r stomach2 7pinach 0roccoli )reen Led or Jello! Bepper C"c"mber Apples Asparag"s Ca"liflo!er )reen 0eans Eale Celery Bretty m"ch any green leafy vegetable !ith the e+ception of iceberg lett"ce Water 1yo" can also do blac# coffee and tea I6$ times per day2

?at I 6 Q servings of the follo!ing thro"gho"t the day: Carrots 0ananas 0erries Beaches Bl"ms 8ranges Bretty m"ch any fresh fr"it yo" li#e

?at one Q 6 K o"nce 1si3e and thic#ness of yo"r palm2 lean serving of the follo!ing protein so"rces !ith each meal. Breparation sho"ld be grilled steamed ba#ed or stir fried 6 no breaded and fried foodsN: T"r#ey breast Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

Chic#en breast 7tea# Bor# 'ish ?ggs 1I or $2 0acon 1-"st donAt eat %= pieces in a day :2 T"r#ey 0acon Wild )ame 8r 'o!l 1goose d"c# deer etc...2

?at one serving of the follo!ing each day 1 the first fe! are good snac#s2. Waln"ts Cashe!s Dat"ral pean"t b"tter 1no s"gar added2 Almonds 0"tter 8live 8il Come Made 7alad &ressing 1 I parts olive oil one part balsamic vinegar...add in spices li#e oregano and garlic if yo" !ish2 ?at starchy carbs s"ch as oatmeal bro!n rice leg"mes and potatoes only !ith yo"r meal that follo!s yo"r !or#o"t and only in limited portion 1yo" dont have to eat this post !or#o"t b"t if yo" !ant to this is the 8D(J time . allo! it2 8atmeal 0ro!n rice (eg"mes Botatoes 8ther !hole grain food items

What yo" sho"ld drin#... Water 1add some lemon for flavor2 Come made "ns!eetened .ced Tea 1"se lemon for flavor2 0lac# Coffee 1no cream no s"gar2

!oods 0nd drinks you A)+#L$'(L" must st0y 0<0y /rom

.n this section there are a fe! foods that yo" absol"tley positively m"st not eat d"ring yo"r $% day program. &airy !hole grains and s"gar are the $ biggest c"lprits of !eight gain b"t .Am Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

also gonna go over a fe! more that yo" might not be a!are of. 6hole Gr0ins K .f yo"Ave ever seen a feed lot 1a gigantic corporate farm2 yo"All #no! that in order to ma#e the co!s as fat as possible so they can get more meat o"t of them they feed them !hole grains for the last $= days before the sla"ghter. Most of the co!s gain any!here from %==6%H= lbs in -"st those final $= days beca"se of the grains. Do! if a co! can gain that m"ch !eight in $= days -"st thin# ho! m"ch !eight yo" can gain in a year... or H years by eating !hole grains. .m !illing to bet most people gain at least H6%= lbs a year from !hole grains alone. 7ome of the main c"lprits that yo" m"st stay a!ay from are bread pasta cereal pi33a and rice. .f yo"Are "sing something !ith a label on it ma#e s"re it does not have !heat in the prod"ct. %0iry G Most people thin# dairy is good for yo" and promotes strong healthy bones. Well .Am here to tell yo" most of it is b"llshXt and a lot of it is -"st mar#eting hype by the American &airy Association. .n ?V?LJ client .Ave ever coached theyAve seen significant fat loss and gained more energy !hen they c"t dairy o"t of their diets. .f yo"Are !orried abo"t calci"m inta#e . recommend eating more almonds !aln"ts spinach broccoli salmon shrimp #ale and carrot -"ice. That !ill ma#e "p for the calci"m yo"Are missing from dairy. . "s"ally have to tell this to clients so .All say it here as !ell. ?ggs are D8T dairy. Jes theyAre in the dairy section at the grocery store b"t eggs come from a chic#en and not a co!. *"st !anted to clear that "p as a lot of people get that !rongN Also be on the loo#o"t for dairy in foods yo" !o"ldnAt normally thin# of li#e salad dressings 1Lanch is big one and itAs terrible for yo"2 +od0s G (nergy %rinks 6 This incl"des diet sodas lo! calorie sodas or any other #ind of soda. ?ven if they have no calories they !ill still ma#e yo" fat !ith all of the artificial s!eeteners and processed crap. 7oda and energy drin#s are not needed !hen yo"Are eating and !or#ing o"t !ith this program. Jo"All have all the energy in the !orld. Al2ohol G .Am not as#ing yo" to never drin# again. . certainly en-oy some beers and !ine on the !ee#ends. Co!ever for yo"r $% day fat loss blit3 . say no Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

alcohol for $% days. Alcohol has empty calories and "s"ally leads to bad food choices. Bl"s it !ill affect yo"r recovery time and !ill set yo" bac# for the follo!ing !ee#. *"st stay a!ay from it. !0st !ood G 'ast food is flat o"t horrible for yo". .ts f"ll of -"n# preservatives and !ill -"st ma#e yo" feel li#e shit. &isabling yo"r driverAs side !indo! sho"ld ta#e care of this 42 Cre0my s0l0d dressings 1Lanch %=== .sland etc.2

. #no! this may so"nd a bit e+treme if yo"Are eating a lot of this st"ff right no! b"t it is very easy to ma#e the s!itch. .t might ta#e yo" $= more min"tes at night to prepare a fe! meals b"t this is !hat !or#s and !or#s for every man or !oman .ve coached in person or !ho have bo"ght this man"al.

.ost 6orkout ,e0l

The post !or#o"t meal is incredibly important. Jo" have a QH min"te !indo! after yo"r !or#o"t to get in a $:% ratio of carbs to protein. Jo"r post !or#o"t meal is #ind of the place yo" can spl"rge a bit on yo"r eating. Jo" can add a fe! more carbs or eat some of the foods that arenAt allo!ed in the reg"lar n"trition plan. Do! this &8?7 D8T mean yo" can eat a !hole large pi33a from &ominoAs post !or#o"tN Cere are a fe! of my favorite post !or#o"t meals... Lice @ 0eans Chic#en @ Lice

*o< to re0d 0 /ood l01el

'or the n"trition plan yo" sho"ld be eating foods that donAt even re,"ire a food label. Things li#e bananas broccoli chic#en and stea# donAt re,"ire labels beca"se they donAt contain any added ingredients. This is !hat yo" really !ant to strive for G 'oods that are nat"ral !ith no added Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

preservatives and ingredients. .f yo"Are b"ying something that is prepac#aged s"ch as iced tea or m"stard here are a fe! things yo" !ant to loo# for... 7"gar

Many condiments snac#s and drin#s are loaded !ith s"gar. Things li#e pean"t b"tter sho"ld be nat"ral pean"t b"tter !ith no s"gar added. 7taying a!ay from s"gar is one of the best !ays to lose fat. .t does nothing for yo"r body e+cept ma#e yo" fat. Anything labeled fr"ctose or !ith a cose ending to the !ord is bad ne!s. Cigh 'r"ctose Corn 7yr"p

This is one of the !orst ingredients in food that !ill sabotage yo"r fat loss. Jo"All see this in all #inds of condiments and drin#s 1especially bottled tea2. Ma#e s"re yo" stay a!ay from C'C7 at all costsN Artificial 7!eeteners

Thin#s li#e &iet 7oda have = calories b"t they are loaded !ith artificial s!eeteners that !ill ma#e yo" fat. Most people thin# = calories means = calories b"t not all calories are e,"al. 7ome calories li#e artificial s!eeteners are act"ally !orse for yo" than s"garN .f yo"Are drin#ing something that is s!eetened ma#e s"re the label says nat"ral s!eetener.

An e30mple o/ one d0y;s <orth o/ me0ls...

K:$=am Wor#o"t F:$=am I eggs scrambled in non6stic# pan !ith chopped green pepper and onion potatoes small fr"it c"p of berries melon and pineapple % c"p of coffee blac#. 1this is the post !or#o"t meal so the potatoes are 8E2 %=:$=am K6T almonds % apple. %:==pm (arge spinach salad !ith c"c"mber celery grilled chic#en breast and %5I table spoon of homemade dressing 1olive oil5balsamic vinegar2. Q:==pm K6T !aln"ts % orange. K:$=pm )rilled flan# stea# large portion of steamed asparag"s small side salad !ith Lomaine lett"ce tomato and small amo"nt of vinaigrette dressing.

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

M:==pm Q celery stic#s !ith small amo"nt of nat"ral pean"t b"tter. CereAs a fe! pict"res of delicio"s meals yo" can ma#e !hile "sing this programN

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

#rg0ni2 vs. &on #rg0ni2 !oods

ThereAs a big debate bet!een a lot of people as to !hether or not organic foods are act"ally better for yo"... When it comes to fat loss in $% days . really donAt thin# there is m"ch of a difference. 0"t !hen it comes to overall health yo"Are going to see m"ch better res"lts !hen yo" eat organic. .f yo" can afford to eat organic yo" sho"ld definitely do it. .f yo" canAt then donAt s!eat it and -"st foc"s on eating real nat"ral foods. 8ne of the biggest benefits to eating organic 1and local2 is that the food is "s"ally MUCC more flavorf"l. The difference bet!een an all nat"ral organic chic#en and the st"ff yo" b"y at a grocery store is CU)?. Jo"All get m"ch more flavor !ith the organic chic#en. 8ther than organic fr"its and veggies yo" can also eat... grass fed meats chic#en !ith no hormones or antibiotics nitrate free bacon

Also a big tip for eating organic on the cheap is to shop at yo"r local farmerAs mar#et or b"y directly from a local organic farmer. My local farmerAs mar#et has meats @ chic#en that are act"ally cheaper than a reg"lar grocery store. And not to mention they have a (8T more flavorN

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion J

+upplements K 6h0t A2tu0lly 6orks...

.f yo"Ave made it this far congratsN Do! .Am going to -"mp into the 0.) ,"estion everyone has... What s"pplements sho"ld . be ta#ing to help me o"t> 'irst off . !ant to stress that s"pplements are not the magic b"llet that most companies and maga3ines ma#e them o"t to be. Witho"t good n"trition in place no s"pplement in the !orld is going to help yo". %rill th0t into your 1r0in . .f yo" eat li#e crap yo" co"ld be ta#ing YH === !orth of s"pplements a month and they !ont do shit to help yo" lose fat. Lelying on s"pplements !o"ld be li#e relying on the oil in yo"r car to ma#e the car move. .tAs not gonna happen. 0"t if yo" have the gas tan# already f"ll then the oil act"ally helps the car get from point a to b. ThatAs #ind of ho! s"pplements !or#. .f yo"r n"trition is in place they can provide a nice boost to yo"r recovery and aide in yo"r fat loss. Alright so !hat s"pplements do . act"ally recommend>

O1 K (ssenti0l !0tty A2id .ills ?Also kno< 0s /ish oil@

?'AAs are incredibly helpf"l for getting rid of m"scle soreness and aiding in yo"r fat loss. . "s"ally ta#e one in the morning and one at night and it !or#s !onders !ith helping me recover after a to"gh !or#o"t. The biggest mista#e most people ma#e !hen getting fish oil pills is b"ying them from a store li#e ErogerAs Walgreens or Wal Mart. A general store that doesnAt speciali3e in n"trition "s"ally has very lo! ,"ality fish oil 1and yo" !ont see m"ch benefit2 My friend and e+pert n"tritionist *oel Marion told me that yo" !o"ld have to ta#e "p!ards of IK fish oil pills B?L &AJ to see any benefit if yo"Are b"ying them from a reg"lar grocery store. ThatAs insane.

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

7o !hat . recommend is getting a high ,"ality fish oil pill that act"ally !or#s and yo"All see the benefits !ith -"st % or I a day. Dot only are they great for getting rid of soreness b"t fish oil is incredibly good for yo"r s#in @ hair 1ta#e note ladies :2 .Ave e+perimented !ith a fe! different ?'AAs already and my favorite by far are the pills from Brograde D"trition 1online orders or by phone2. Brograde is act"ally r"n by n"tritionists 1"nli#e most s"pplement companies2 and "ses the best ingredients .Ave seen of any company. .f yo"Are interested in getting a ,"ality ?'A chec# o"t Brograde....

O2 K A :u0lity ,ulti->it0min ?#ne /or men G !omen@

A ,"ality m"lti6vitamin is helpf"l for ma#ing s"re yo"Are not missing any n"trients and vitamins in yo"r diet. A ,"ality m"lti6vitamin is "s"ally made from real foods fr"its and vegetables. 0e caref"l not to b"y the cheap synthetic vitamins that "se fillers and ingredients that arenAt real food. A good m"lti vitamin !ill cost a bit more than the cheap ones at the grocery store b"t yo"All be able to act"ally see the benefits. *"st li#e my fish oil . pic# "p my m"lti vitamins thro"gh Brograde as !ell. They have the best organic ingredients in everything they ma#e. . really canAt recommend them eno"gh. They also have specific pills for men and !omen.

O7 K .rotein .o<der ?/or 2ert0in people@

.f yo"Ave read my Common 7ense D"trition g"ide yo"All #no! .Am a h"ge fan of real nat"ral foods for fat loss @ b"ilding m"scle. . tend to not be a h"ge fan of protein po!ders beca"se . really donAt thin# they are that beneficial e+cept for certain people. 8ver the years from !or#ing !ith clients % on % there have been a fe! clients !ho . have fo"nd need to "se protein sha#es to get the necessary protein in their diet. Mostly this is vegetarians and vegans. .f yo" donAt eat any animal prod"cts at all yo"All need to "se something li#e hemp protein to s"pplement yo"r protein inta#e from yo"r reg"lar diet.

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

.f yo"Are a vegetarian and yo" still do dairy and eggs then . recommend a high ,"ality protein sha#e 1stay a!ay from artificial s!eeteners2 Brotein po!ders can really help yo"r fat loss and m"scle b"ilding if yo"Are not getting eno"gh protein from yo"r diet. . al!ays recommend my clients b"y from Brograde since they "se all organic ingredients and no artificial s!eeteners 1pl"s it tastes pretty damn goodN2

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion L

P %0y A2tion .l0n

(etAs get started the right !ay !ith a F day plan. CereAs !hat yo" need to do T8&AJ...

Gro2ery +hopping
)o pic# "p the groceries yo" need from the list . have above. Brint this o"t and ta#e it !ith yo" to the store if yo" need to. )et plenty of fr"its veggies lean meats fish spinach for salads and some n"ts. )rab bottled !ater 1if yo" li#e Aem2 or tea bags if yo" dont have any. . also recommend grabbing some containers to precoo# yo"r meals and p"t them in. .f yo" can plan o"t yo"r l"nches !hile at !or# and some of yo"r snac#s it !ill help yo" 78 MUCC. . "s"ally plan o"t l"nches on 7"nday and then pac#age them for mon6t"es6!eds l"nch. 8n Wednesday night . pac#age l"nch for Th"rs and 'riday.

Cle0r #ut "our Cup1o0rds

)et rid of any -"n# food or any foods that !ill tempt yo" !hile yo"Are on yo"r $% day fat loss challenge. This means chips candy and processed foods. . also recommend getting rid of anything !ith a b"nch of carbs and dairy since yo" sho"ld not be cons"ming these d"ring the $% days 1e+cept post !or#o"t2

+et 0 time /or your <orkouts

This one is cr"cial and its something a lot of people donAt do. .f yo" can set a predetermined time for every !or#o"t yo"All be m"ch more li#ely to stic# to it. And donAt give me any CLAB abo"t not having eno"gh time. These !or#o"ts ta#e less than %H min"tesN Most of the people !ho have done this program have fo"nd that morning !or#o"ts are the best for them for a fe! reasons. 'irst it gives yo" a lot more Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

energy thro"gho"t the day. 7econd itAs m"ch easier to do it in the morning !hen yo" have nothing going on. The longer yo" !ait to do a !or#o"t the more li#ely it is that yo" !onAt do itN

Get 0 &ote1ook 'o Re2ord "our ,e0ls G 6orkouts

.f yo" !ere to train !ith me at my gym in Col"mb"s 8hio !e !o"ld record every one of yo"r !or#o"ts and yo"Ad be re,"ired to fill o"t a food -o"rnal every day as !ell. 0oth of these are cr"cial if yo" !ant to see res"lts. .tAs easy to say .Am not eating anything bad b"t if yo" record everything yo" eat and go bac# and loo# at it yo"All be able to see e+actly !here yo"Are messing "p and !here !e can improve to get the res"lts yo" !ant. . sometimes "se a little hand held recorder instead of !riting everything do!n at once. Ma#e s"re yo" are !riting do!n every single bite of food and drin#s that go into yo"r mo"th. And also !rite do!n ho! yo"r !or#o"t !ent that day and if yo" completed the !hole thing.

'0ke A2tion &o<

.f yo" can do yo"r first !or#o"t todayN )et the !or#o"t done and then hit the grocery store and start shopping for yo"r groceries. .t so"nds clichZ b"t the longer yo" p"t it off the less li#ely yo"All be to ta#e action and start losing that fat... 7tart todayN . !ant J8U to be the ne+t big s"ccess story 6 Vic

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

+e2tion ,

6h0t 'o %o A/ter the 71 %0ys=

After the $% days is "p itAs a good idea to go into a maintenance phase "nless yo" have more fat to lose. .f yo" !ant to lose more fat then by all means move on to the advanced !or#o"t or do a different $% day !or#o"t plan. 0asically . loo# at fat loss li#e a sports season. When an athlete is training for a sport they are in their hardcore no 07 mode. All they care abo"t is getting ready for the season. Then !hen the season comes aro"nd they are in maintenance mode. This means they arenAt in the !eight room H days per !ee# trying to get stronger theyAre -"st trying to maintain !hat they accomplished over the s"mmer. After yo"r initial $% day program yo" can loosen "p on the diet a bit if yo" thin# it !ill help yo". This doesnAt mean go hog !ild and eat everything "nder the s"n. This means yo" can add a cheat day to yo"r sched"le !here yo" can eat !hatever yo" !ant. 8r yo" can allo! yo"rself to drin# alcohol and eat a fe! more carbs than yo" "s"ally do. 8r yo" can c"t the 8J8 days o"t and -"st do $ !or#o"ts per !ee#.... Jo" can stay in maintenance mode for as long as yo"Are happy !ith yo"r res"lts. Then if yo" feel li#e yo"Are getting a little p"dgy again do another $% day program and get do!n to the !eight or loo# yo" !ant. ThatAs pretty m"ch my philosophy on staying in shape year ro"nd. .tAs !or#ed for h"ndreds of my clients and it can !or# for yo" as !ell. )et started no! on yo"r F day action plan stay committed for $% days and let me #no! yo"r res"lts !hen yo"Are doneN . thin# yo"All be more than happy !ith the res"ltsN Vic

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

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