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International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications, ICAIEA2014 January 6-8, 2014, Anna niversity, C!

ennai, India

Analysis of Mixed Model Production Sequencing on the System Performance using Simulation

Abdul Nazar K. P.1, aimini !hattacharyya", #. Madhusudanan Pillai$ Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Calicut 67360 , !erala, In"ia,

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# pull pro"uction system that pro"uces multiple $in"s of pro"ucts re%uires a uniform pro"uction sche"ule for e&ery one of them' (ro"uction of multiple $in"s of pro"ucts on a repetiti&e )asis in a mi*e" fashion is referre" to as Mi*e" Mo"el (ro"uction +MM(,' (ro"uction smoothing is a $ey tool in or"er to implement the lean pro"uction para"igm' (ro"ucing in mi*e", small )atches smoothen the "eman" re%uirements e&ery-here in the process an" also helps to )alance the -or$loa"s at stations in a line' In this paper, a serial pro"uction system using MM( se%uencing is mo"elle" an" analyse" using simulation for the performance measures such as ma$espan, a&erage .o) flo- time, -or$/in/ process, throughput an" ser&ice le&el' The pro"uction system consists of 0 machines an" pro"uces fi&e pro"uct types in MM( se%uence' The assumptions are +i, setup time is small +ii, all the ramaterials re%uire" are a&aila)le at the start of the perio" an" +iii, there is no )rea$ "o-n' 0or the gi&en monthly "eman" of the fi&e pro"ucts, "ifferent possi)le MM( se%uences are generate" ran"omly' The MM( represents the repeating se%uence -hich -hen repeate" -ill meet the total "eman"' 0or each of such se%uence t-o parameters are e&aluate" namely the num)er of setups + ), an" the Milten)urg1s usage rate metric + ,, -hich represents &ariation of pro"uction rates in a pro"uction se%uence' (arts enter the pro"uction system as per the generate" MM( se%uence' The simulation is run for all the generate" se%uences an" the performance measures are calculate"' The results sho- that the se%uencing has significant effects in the performance of the MM( system' Key%ords& *i+ed *odel ,roduction, )e-uencing, )i$ulation, ,erfor$ance $easures

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