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On the 3rd of December last, we attended the opening conference regarding the XVI International congress of the Spanish

Society of didactics for language and literature. The opening speech was presented the retired rofessor V!tor "anuel #guiar e Sil$a, one of the ma%or figures in the teaching of ortuguese literature. &is speech focused on two particular areas' the fusion between the curricular sub%ects on didactics and pedagogy, and the concept of literary style. (egarding the first part of his speech, he clearly stated that he is in fa$or of a fusion between the areas of didactics and pedagogy, as he feels that the two ma%or sub%ects related to teaching and the education of teachers should be taught as one. #s always, education ser$es as man)ind*s* most powerful weapon. +ollowing this part, a definition of style was gi$en, differentiating it from rhetoric. Style is not how writing is organi,ed, but rather the way in which the writer chooses to write for an audience. "any references regarding literary style were made, particularly the importance that, apparently, it has been losing. The importance of the writing style implies that, in order to be able to write well, one has to be able to thin) well and be aware of his )nowledge and limitations, as the ideas behind the te-t form the bac)ground in which the style is presented.

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