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Abraham Maslow, in 1970, made a pyramid describing our needs.

He kept the domino

theory in mind while thinking of how he should set up the pyramid. We must feel that we
are satisfied with our physiological needs before we can think of getting a roof. Having
the feeling of being secured motivates us to seek love. Once we have accomplished the
need for belongingness then we seek for a better future which motivates us to set goals
and achieve something honorable in life. Once we have accomplished a settled life with
love and respect, we might then look to reach our full potential. Most people involved in
the hurricane Katrina went from higher-level needs to seeking lower-level satisfaction.
Most people around that time cared about nothing but physiological needs, such as water,
air, and food. After the storm left its horrific effects and people surviving started to be
satisfied with physiological needs, they got motivated to climb the ladder once more and
go from lower-levels of needs to higher-levels of needs as described by Maslow.

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