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Human Beings are Complex Organisms

1.The human body is made up of billion of cells. It is a complex organism. Cell specialization is very important in complex multicellular organisms like human beings.

2.The process in which each type of cell is specialized to perform a specific functions is known as division of labour.

3.Division of labour among cells, tissues, organs and systems ensures a smooth and efficient functioning of the human body.

4. The human body is made up of many systems. Every system is specialized systems too.

5. Without the digestive system, the body will not be able to digest food. Food is the main source of energy for human beings. Cells and body system would not be able to function without energy

6. Although specialized cells and body systems do different work, they all work together. This ensures that the organism functions efficiently.

7. Humans are different from other organisms because of the complexity of their brains. The well-developed brain enables human beings to speak, reason, create and perform many specialized functions.

8. Humans are unique in that we are able to distinguish between right and wrong.

9. The human body is made up of many systems. Every system is specialized to carry out a certain life process.

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