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MBS Business School

Variation between true mean value of population of variable of interest & the observed mean value in design. Objective underlying any research project is to provide information as accurate as possible. Maximizing accuracy requires that total study errors be minimized.

MBS Business School

Total Error

Random Sampling errors

Non Sampling errors


Non Response

Researcher Error
Surrogate Information Measurement Population Definition Sampling Frame Cheating Data Analysis

Interviewer Error
Respondent Selection Questioning Recording

Respondent Error
Inability Unwillingness

MBS Business School

Sampling error introduces variability into the precision with which a simple statistic is calculated Non sampling error consists of all the other errors associated with a project.
Such errors are diverse in nature. It is major contributor to the total error in research design.

MBS Business School

Response errors are due to inaccurate and misreported answers. Non Response errors occur when samples do not respond which can be either due to direct refusals and not at home refusals

MBS Business School

Surrogate information error: difference between information required and information sought. Measurement error: It is the difference between information sought and the information obtained. Population definition: It is the difference between actual relevant population and that defined by the researcher

MBS Business School

Sampling Frame error: Variation between the population as defined by the researcher and the list of population members used by the researcher. Data analysis error: This error occurs generally due to the inappropriate statistical procedure.

MBS Business School

Respondent selection error: This is due to wrong choice of the respondent by the interviewer. Questioning error: Not using exact wordings in the questionnaire.

Recording Error: It arises due to errors in hearing, interpreting, and recording the answers given by the respondents. Cheating Error: It arises when the interviewer fabricates answers to a part or whole of the interview.

MBS Business School

Inability error: Fatigue , boredom, Unfamiliarity and forgetfulness. Unwillingness: When the respondents are unwilling to answer because there may be some sensitive questions.

MBS Business School

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