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Flavius Josephus Against Apion


1. I SUPPOSE that by y boo!s o" the Anti#uity o" the Je$s% ost e&'ellent Epaph(o)itus% (*) have a)e it evi)ent to those $ho pe(use the % that ou( Je$ish nation is o" ve(y g(eat anti#uity% an) ha) a )istin't subsisten'e o" its o$n o(iginally+ as also% I have the(ein )e'la(e) ho$ $e 'a e to inhabit this 'ount(y $he(ein $e no$ live. ,hose Anti#uities 'ontain the histo(y o" "ive thousan) yea(s% an) a(e ta!en out o" ou( sa'(e) boo!s% but a(e t(anslate) by e into the -(ee! tongue. .o$eve(% sin'e I obse(ve a 'onsi)e(able nu be( o" people giving ea( to the (ep(oa'hes that a(e lai) against us by those $ho bea( ill/$ill to us% an) $ill not believe $hat I have $(itten 'on'e(ning the anti#uity o" ou( nation% $hile they ta!e it "o( a plain sign that ou( nation is o" a late )ate% be'ause they a(e not so u'h as vou'hsa"e) a ba(e ention by the ost "a ous histo(iog(aphe(s a ong the -(e'ians. I the(e"o(e have thought ysel" un)e( an obligation to $(ite so e$hat b(ie"ly about these sub0e'ts% in o()e( to 'onvi't those that (ep(oa'h us o" spite an) volunta(y "alsehoo)% an) to 'o((e't the igno(an'e o" othe(s% an) $ithal to inst(u't all those $ho a(e )esi(ous o" !no$ing the t(uth o" $hat g(eat anti#uity $e (eally a(e. As "o( the $itnesses $ho I shall p(o)u'e "o( the p(oo" o" $hat I say% they shall be su'h as a(e estee e) to be o" the g(eatest (eputation "o( t(uth% an) the ost s!ill"ul in the !no$le)ge o" all anti#uity by the -(ee!s the selves. I $ill also sho$% that those $ho have $(itten so (ep(oa'h"ully an) "alsely about us a(e to be 'onvi'te) by $hat they have $(itten the selves to the 'ont(a(y. I shall also en)eavo( to give an a''ount o" the (easons $hy it hath so happene)% that the(e have not been a g(eat nu be( o" -(ee!s $ho have a)e ention o" ou( nation in thei( histo(ies. I $ill% ho$eve(% b(ing those -(e'ians to light $ho have not o itte) su'h ou( histo(y% "o( the sa!e o" those that eithe( )o not !no$ the % o( p(eten) not to !no$ the al(ea)y. *. An) no$% in the "i(st pla'e% I 'annot but g(eatly $on)e( at those en% $ho suppose that $e ust atten) to none but -(e'ians% $hen $e a(e in#ui(ing about the ost an'ient "a'ts% an) ust in"o( ou(selves o" thei( t(uth "(o the only% $hile $e ust not believe ou(selves no( othe( en+ "o( I a 'onvin'e) that the ve(y (eve(se is the t(uth o" the 'ase. I ean this% / i" $e $ill not be le) by vain opinions% but $ill a!e in#ui(y a"te( t(uth "(o "a'ts the selves+ "o( they $ill "in) that al ost all $hi'h 'on'e(ns the -(ee!s happene) not long ago+ nay% one ay say% is o" yeste()ay only. I spea! o" the buil)ing o" thei( 'ities% the inventions o" thei( a(ts% an) the )es'(iption o" thei( la$s+ an) as "o( thei( 'a(e about the $(iting )o$n o" thei( histo(ies% it is ve(y nea( the last thing they set about. .o$eve(% they a'!no$le)ge the selves so "a(% that they $e(e the Egyptians% the 1hal)eans% an) the Phoeni'ians ("o( I $ill not no$ (e'!on ou(selves a ong the ) that have p(ese(ve) the e o(ials o" the ost an'ient an) ost lasting t(a)itions o" an!in)+ "o( al ost all these nations inhabit su'h 'ount(ies as a(e least sub0e't to )est(u'tion "(o the $o(l) about the + an) these also have ta!en espe'ial 'a(e to have nothing o itte) o" $hat $as 2(e a(!ably3 )one a ong the + but thei( histo(y $as estee e) sa'(e)% an) put into publi' tables% as $(itten by en o" the g(eatest $is)o they ha) a ong the . But as "o( the

pla'e $he(e the -(e'ians inhabit% ten thousan) )est(u'tions have ove(ta!en it% an) blotte) out the e o(y o" "o( e( a'tions+ so that they $e(e eve( beginning a ne$ $ay o" living% an) suppose) that eve(y one o" the $as the o(igin o" thei( ne$ state. It $as also late% an) $ith )i""i'ulty% that they 'a e to !no$ the lette(s they no$ use+ "o( those $ho $oul) a)van'e thei( use o" these lette(s to the g(eatest anti#uity p(eten) that they lea(ne) the "(o the Phoeni'ians an) "(o 1a) us+ yet is nobo)y able to )e onst(ate that they have any $(iting p(ese(ve) "(o that ti e% neithe( in thei( te ples% no( in any othe( publi' onu ents. ,his appea(s% be'ause the ti e $hen those live) $ho $ent to the ,(o0an $a(% so any yea(s a"te($a()% is in g(eat )oubt% an) g(eat in#ui(y is a)e% $hethe( the -(ee!s use) thei( lette(s at that ti e+ an) the ost p(evailing opinion% an) that nea(est the t(uth% is% that thei( p(esent $ay o" using those lette(s $as un!no$n at that ti e. .o$eve(% the(e is not any $(iting $hi'h the -(ee!s ag(ee to he genuine a ong the an'iente( than .o e(4s Poe s% $ho ust plainly he 'on"esse) late( than the siege o" ,(oy+ nay% the (epo(t goes% that even he )i) not leave his poe s in $(iting% but that thei( e o(y $as p(ese(ve) in songs% an) they $e(e put togethe( a"te($a()% an) that this is the (eason o" su'h a nu be( o" va(iations as a(e "oun) in the . (5) As "o( those $ho set the selves about $(iting thei( histo(ies% I ean su'h as 1a) us o" 6iletus% an) A'usilaus o" A(gos% an) any othe(s that ay be entione) as su''ee)ing A'usilaus% they live) but a little $hile be"o(e the Pe(sian e&pe)ition into -(ee'e. But then "o( those that "i(st int(o)u'e) philosophy% an) the 'onsi)e(ation o" things 'elestial an) )ivine a ong the % su'h as Phe('ey)es the Sy(ian% an) Pythago(as% an) ,hales% all $ith one 'onsent ag(ee% that they lea(ne) $hat they !ne$ o" the Egyptians an) 1hal)eans% an) $(ote but little An) these a(e the things $hi'h a(e suppose) to be the ol)est o" all a ong the -(ee!s+ an) they have u'h a)o to believe that the $(itings as'(ibe) to those en a(e genuine. 5. .o$ 'an it then be othe( than an absu() thing% "o( the -(ee!s to be so p(ou)% an) to vaunt the selves to be the only people that a(e a'#uainte) $ith anti#uity% an) that have )elive(e) the t(ue a''ounts o" those ea(ly ti es a"te( an a''u(ate anne(7 8ay% $ho is the(e that 'annot easily gathe( "(o the -(ee! $(ite(s the selves% that they !ne$ but little on any goo) "oun)ation $hen they set to $(ite% but (athe( $(ote thei( histo(ies "(o thei( o$n 'on0e'tu(es7 A''o()ingly% they 'on"ute one anothe( in thei( o$n boo!s to pu(pose% an) a(e not asha e). to give us the ost 'ont(a)i'to(y a''ounts o" the sa e things+ an) I shoul) spen) y ti e to little pu(pose% i" I shoul) p(eten) to tea'h the -(ee!s that $hi'h they !no$ bette( than I al(ea)y% $hat a g(eat )isag(ee ent the(e is bet$een .ellani'us an) A'usilaus about thei( genealogies+ in ho$ any eases A'usilaus 'o((e'ts .esio)9 o( a"te( $hat anne( Epho(us )e onst(ates .ellani'us to have tol) lies in the g(eatest pa(t o" his histo(y+ as )oes ,i eus in li!e anne( as to Epho(us% an) the su''ee)ing $(ite(s )o to ,i eus% an) all the late( $(ite(s )o to .e(o)otus (5) no( 'oul) ,i eus ag(ee $ith Antio'hus an) Philistius% o( $ith 1allias% about the Si'ilian .isto(y% no o(e than )o the seve(al $(ite(s o" the Athi)e "ollo$ one anothe( about the Athenian a""ai(s+ no( )o the histo(ians the li!e% that $(ote the A(goli's% about the a""ai(s o" the A(gives. An) no$ $hat nee) I say any o(e about pa(ti'ula( 'ities an) s alle( pla'es% $hile in the ost app(ove) $(ite(s o" the e&pe)ition o" the Pe(sians% an) o" the a'tions $hi'h $e(e the(ein pe("o( e)% the(e a(e so g(eat )i""e(en'es7 8ay% ,hu'y)i)es hi sel" is a''use) o" so e as $(iting $hat is "alse% although he see s to have given us the e&a'test histo(y o" the a""ai(s o" his o$n ti e. (:) :. As "o( the o''asions o" so g(eat )isag(ee ent o" thei(s% the(e ay be assigne) any that a(e ve(y p(obable% i" any have a in) to a!e an in#ui(y about the + but I as'(ibe these

'ont(a)i'tions 'hie"ly to t$o 'auses% $hi'h I $ill no$ ention% an) still thin! $hat I shall ention in the "i(st pla'e to be the p(in'ipal o" all. Fo( i" $e (e e be( that in the beginning the -(ee!s ha) ta!en no 'a(e to have publi' (e'o()s o" thei( seve(al t(ansa'tions p(ese(ve)% this ust "o( 'e(tain have a""o()e) those that $oul) a"te($a() $(ite about those an'ient t(ansa'tions the oppo(tunity o" a!ing ista!es% an) the po$e( o" a!ing lies also+ "o( this o(iginal (e'o()ing o" su'h an'ient t(ansa'tions hath not only been negle'te) by the othe( states o" -(ee'e% but even a ong the Athenians the selves also% $ho p(eten) to be Abo(igines% an) to have applie) the selves to lea(ning% the(e a(e no su'h (e'o()s e&tant+ nay% they say the selves that the la$s o" ;(a'o 'on'e(ning u()e(s% $hi'h a(e no$ e&tant in $(iting% a(e the ost an'ient o" thei( publi' (e'o()s+ $hi'h ;(a'o yet live) but a little be"o(e the ty(ant Pisist(atus. (<) Fo( as to the A('a)ians% $ho a!e su'h boasts o" thei( anti#uity% $hat nee) I spea! o" the in pa(ti'ula(% sin'e it $as still late( be"o(e they got thei( lette(s% an) lea(ne) the % an) that $ith )i""i'ulty also. (=) <. ,he(e ust the(e"o(e natu(ally a(ise g(eat )i""e(en'es a ong $(ite(s% $hen they ha) no o(iginal (e'o()s to lay "o( thei( "oun)ation% $hi'h ight at on'e in"o( those $ho ha) an in'lination to lea(n% an) 'ont(a)i't those that $oul) tell lies. .o$eve(% $e a(e to suppose a se'on) o''asion besi)es the "o( e( o" these 'ont(a)i'tions+ it is this9 ,hat those $ho $e(e the ost >ealous to $(ite histo(y $e(e not soli'itous "o( the )is'ove(y o" t(uth% although it $as ve(y easy "o( the al$ays to a!e su'h a p(o"ession+ but thei( business $as to )e onst(ate that they 'oul) $(ite $ell% an) a!e an i p(ession upon an!in) the(eby+ an) in $hat anne( o" $(iting they thought they $e(e able to e&'ee) othe(s% to that )i) they apply the selves% So e o" the betoo! the selves to the $(iting o" "abulous na((ations+ so e o" the en)eavo(e) to please the 'ities o( the !ings% by $(iting in thei( 'o en)ation+ othe(s o" the "ell to "in)ing "aults $ith t(ansa'tions% o( $ith the $(ite(s o" su'h t(ansa'tions% an) thought to a!e a g(eat "igu(e by so )oing. An) in)ee) these )o $hat is o" all things the ost 'ont(a(y to t(ue histo(y+ "o( it is the g(eat 'ha(a'te( o" t(ue histo(y that all 'on'e(ne) the(ein both spea! an) $(ite the sa e things+ $hile these en% by $(iting )i""e(ently about the sa e things% thin! they shall be believe) to $(ite $ith the g(eatest (ega() to t(uth. ?e the(e"o(e 2$ho a(e Je$s3 ust yiel) to the -(e'ian $(ite(s as to language an) elo#uen'e o" 'o position+ but then $e shall give the no su'h p(e"e(en'e as to the ve(ity o" an'ient histo(y% an) least o" all as to that pa(t $hi'h 'on'e(ns the a""ai(s o" ou( o$n seve(al 'ount(ies. =. As to the 'a(e o" $(iting )o$n the (e'o()s "(o the ea(liest anti#uity a ong the Egyptians an) Babylonians+ that the p(iests $e(e int(uste) the(e$ith% an) e ploye) a philosophi'al 'on'e(n about it+ that they $e(e the 1hal)ean p(iests that )i) so a ong the Babylonians+ an) that the Phoeni'ians% $ho $e(e ingle) a ong the -(ee!s% )i) espe'ially a!e use o" thei( lette(s% both "o( the 'o on a""ai(s o" li"e% an) "o( the )elive(ing )o$n the histo(y o" 'o on t(ansa'tions% I thin! I ay o it any p(oo"% be'ause all en allo$ it so to be. But no$ as to ou( "o(e"athe(s% that they too! no less 'a(e about $(iting su'h (e'o()s% ("o( I $ill not say they too! g(eate( 'a(e than the othe(s I spo!e o"%) an) that they 'o itte) that atte( to thei( high p(iests an) to thei( p(ophets% an) that these (e'o()s have been $(itten all along )o$n to ou( o$n ti es $ith the ut ost a''u(a'y+ nay% i" it be not too bol) "o( e to say it% ou( histo(y $ill be so $(itten he(ea"te(+ / I shall en)eavo( b(ie"ly to in"o( you.

@. Fo( ou( "o(e"athe(s )i) not only appoint the best o" these p(iests% an) those that atten)e) upon the ;ivine $o(ship% "o( that )esign "(o the beginning% but a)e p(ovision that the sto'! o" the p(iests shoul) 'ontinue un i&e) an) pu(e+ "o( he $ho is pa(ta!e( o" the p(iesthoo) ust p(opagate o" a $i"e o" the sa e nation% $ithout having any (ega() to oney% o( any othe( )ignities+ but he is to a!e a s'(utiny% an) ta!e his $i"e4s genealogy "(o the an'ient tables% an) p(o'u(e any $itnesses to it. (@) An) this is ou( p(a'ti'e not only in Ju)ea% but $he(esoeve( any bo)y o" en o" ou( nation )o live+ an) even the(e an e&a't 'atalogue o" ou( p(iests4 a((iages is !ept+ I ean at Egypt an) at Babylon% o( in any othe( pla'e o" the (est o" the habitable ea(th% $hithe(soeve( ou( p(iests a(e s'atte(e)+ "o( they sen) to Je(usale the an'ient na es o" thei( pa(ents in $(iting% as $ell as those o" thei( (e ote( an'esto(s% an) signi"y $ho a(e the $itnesses also. But i" any $a( "alls out% su'h as have "allen out a g(eat any o" the al(ea)y% $hen Antio'hus Epiphanes a)e an invasion upon ou( 'ount(y% as also $hen Po pey the -(eat an) Auintilius Ba(us )i) so also% an) p(in'ipally in the $a(s that have happene) in ou( o$n ti es% those p(iests that su(vive the 'o pose ne$ tables o" genealogy out o" the ol) (e'o()s% an) e&a ine the 'i('u stan'es o" the $o en that (e ain+ "o( still they )o not a) it o" those that have been 'aptives% as suspe'ting that they ha) 'onve(sation $ith so e "o(eigne(s. But $hat is the st(ongest a(gu ent o" ou( e&a't anage ent in this atte( is $hat I a no$ going to say% that $e have the na es o" ou( high p(iests "(o "athe( to son set )o$n in ou( (e'o()s "o( the inte(val o" t$o thousan) yea(s+ an) i" any o" these have been t(ansg(esso(s o" these (ules% they a(e p(ohibite) to p(esent the selves at the alta(% o( to be pa(ta!e(s o" any othe( o" ou( pu(i"i'ations+ an) this is 0ustly% o( (athe( ne'essa(ily )one% be'ause eve(y one is not pe( itte) o" his o$n a''o() to be a $(ite(% no( is the(e any )isag(ee ent in $hat is $(itten+ they being only p(ophets that have $(itten the o(iginal an) ea(liest a''ounts o" things as they lea(ne) the o" -o) hi sel" by inspi(ation+ an) othe(s have $(itten $hat hath happene) in thei( o$n ti es% an) that in a ve(y )istin't anne( also. C. Fo( $e have not an innu e(able ultitu)e o" boo!s a ong us% )isag(eeing "(o an) 'ont(a)i'ting one anothe(% 2as the -(ee!s have%3 but only t$enty/t$o boo!s% (C) $hi'h 'ontain the (e'o()s o" all the past ti es+ $hi'h a(e 0ustly believe) to be )ivine+ an) o" the "ive belong to 6oses% $hi'h 'ontain his la$s an) the t(a)itions o" the o(igin o" an!in) till his )eath. ,his inte(val o" ti e $as little sho(t o" th(ee thousan) yea(s+ but as to the ti e "(o the )eath o" 6oses till the (eign o" A(ta&e(&es !ing o" Pe(sia% $ho (eigne) a"te( De(&es% the p(ophets% $ho $e(e a"te( 6oses% $(ote )o$n $hat $as )one in thei( ti es in thi(teen boo!s. ,he (e aining "ou( boo!s 'ontain hy ns to -o)% an) p(e'epts "o( the 'on)u't o" hu an li"e. It is t(ue% ou( histo(y hath been $(itten sin'e A(ta&e(&es ve(y pa(ti'ula(ly% but hath not been estee e) o" the li!e autho(ity $ith the "o( e( by ou( "o(e"athe(s% be'ause the(e hath not been an e&a't su''ession o" p(ophets sin'e that ti e+ an) ho$ "i( ly $e have given '(e)it to these boo!s o" ou( o$n nation is evi)ent by $hat $e )o+ "o( )u(ing so any ages as have al(ea)y passe)% no one has been so bol) as eithe( to a)) any thing to the % to ta!e any thing "(o the % o( to a!e any 'hange in the + but it is be'o e natu(al to all Je$s i e)iately% an) "(o thei( ve(y bi(th% to estee these boo!s to 'ontain ;ivine )o't(ines% an) to pe(sist in the % an)% i" o''asion be $illingly to )ie "o( the . Fo( it is no ne$ thing "o( ou( 'aptives% any o" the in nu be(% an) "(e#uently in ti e% to be seen to en)u(e (a'!s an) )eaths o" all !in)s upon the theat(es% that they ay not be oblige) to say one $o() against ou( la$s an) the (e'o()s that 'ontain the + $he(eas the(e a(e none at all a ong the -(ee!s $ho $oul) un)e(go the least ha( on that a''ount% no% no( in 'ase all the $(itings that a(e a ong the $e(e to be )est(oye)+ "o( they ta!e the to be

su'h )is'ou(ses as a(e "(a e) ag(eeably to the in'linations o" those that $(ite the + an) they have 0ustly the sa e opinion o" the an'ient $(ite(s% sin'e they see so e o" the p(esent gene(ation bol) enough to $(ite about su'h a""ai(s% $he(ein they $e(e not p(esent% no( ha) 'on'e(n enough to in"o( the selves about the "(o those that !ne$ the + e&a ples o" $hi'h ay be ha) in this late $a( o" ou(s% $he(e so e pe(sons have $(itten histo(ies% an) publishe) the % $ithout having been in the pla'es 'on'e(ne)% o( having been nea( the $hen the a'tions $e(e )one+ but these en put a "e$ things togethe( by hea(say% an) insolently abuse the $o(l)% an) 'all these $(itings by the na e o" .isto(ies. E. As "o( ysel"% I have 'o pose) a t(ue histo(y o" that $hole $a(% an) o" all the pa(ti'ula(s that o''u((e) the(ein% as having been 'on'e(ne) in all its t(ansa'tions+ "o( I a'te) as gene(al o" those a ong us that a(e na e) -alileans% as long as it $as possible "o( us to a!e any opposition. I $as then sei>e) on by the Fo ans% an) be'a e a 'aptive. Bespasian also an) ,itus ha) e !ept un)e( a gua()% an) "o('e) e to atten) the 'ontinually. At the "i(st I $as put into bon)s% but $as set at libe(ty a"te($a()% an) sent to a''o pany ,itus $hen he 'a e "(o Ale&an)(ia to the siege o" Je(usale + )u(ing $hi'h ti e the(e $as nothing )one $hi'h es'ape) y !no$le)ge+ "o( $hat happene) in the Fo an 'a p I sa$% an) $(ote )o$n 'a(e"ully+ an) $hat in"o( ations the )ese(te(s b(ought 2out o" the 'ity3% I $as the only an that un)e(stoo) the . A"te($a() I got leisu(e at Fo e+ an) $hen all y ate(ials $e(e p(epa(e) "o( that $o(!% I a)e use o" so e pe(sons to assist e in lea(ning the -(ee! tongue% an) by these eans I 'o pose) the histo(y o" those t(ansa'tions. An) I $as so $ell assu(e) o" the t(uth o" $hat I (elate)% that I "i(st o" all appeale) to those that ha) the sup(e e 'o an) in that $a(% Bespasian an) ,itus% as $itnesses "o( e% "o( to the I p(esente) those boo!s "i(st o" all% an) a"te( the to any o" the Fo ans $ho ha) been in the $a(. I also sol) the to any o" ou( o$n en $ho un)e(stoo) the -(ee! philosophy+ a ong $ho $e(e Julius A('helaus% .e(o) 2!ing o" 1hal'is3% a pe(son o" g(eat g(avity% an) !ing Ag(ippa hi sel"% a pe(son that )ese(ve) the g(eatest a) i(ation. 8o$ all these en bo(e thei( testi ony to e% that I ha) the st(i'test (ega() to t(uth+ $ho yet $oul) not have )isse ble) the atte(% no( been silent% i" I% out o" igno(an'e% o( out o" "avo( to any si)e% eithe( ha) given "alse 'olo(s to a'tions% o( o itte) any o" the . 1G. ,he(e have been in)ee) so e ba) en% $ho have atte pte) to 'alu niate y histo(y% an) too! it to be a !in) o" s'holasti' pe("o( an'e "o( the e&e('ise o" young en. A st(ange so(t o" a''usation an) 'alu ny thisH sin'e eve(y one that un)e(ta!es to )elive( the histo(y o" a'tions t(uly ought to !no$ the a''u(ately hi sel" in the "i(st pla'e% as eithe( having been 'on'e(ne) in the hi sel"% o( been in"o( e) o" the by su'h as !ne$ the . 8o$ both these etho)s o" !no$le)ge I ay ve(y p(ope(ly p(eten) to in the 'o position o" both y $o(!s+ "o(% as I sai)% I have t(anslate) the Anti#uities out o" ou( sa'(e) boo!s+ $hi'h I easily 'oul) )o% sin'e I $as a p(iest by y bi(th% an) have stu)ie) that philosophy $hi'h is 'ontaine) in those $(itings9 an) "o( the .isto(y o" the ?a(% I $(ote it as having been an a'to( ysel" in any o" its t(ansa'tions% an eye/$itness in the g(eatest pa(t o" the (est% an) $as not una'#uainte) $ith any thing $hatsoeve( that $as eithe( sai) o( )one in it. .o$ i pu)ent then ust those )ese(ve to be estee e) that un)e(ta!e to 'ont(a)i't e about the t(ue state o" those a""ai(sH $ho% although they p(eten) to have a)e use o" both the e pe(o(s4 o$n e oi(s% yet 'oul) not they he a'#uainte) $ith ou( a""ai(s $ho "ought against the .

11. ,his )ig(ession I have been oblige) to a!e out o" ne'essity% as being )esi(ous to e&pose the vanity o" those that p(o"ess to $(ite histo(ies+ an) I suppose I have su""i'iently )e'la(e) that this 'usto o" t(ans itting )o$n the histo(ies o" an'ient ti es hath been bette( p(ese(ve) by those nations $hi'h a(e 'alle) Ba(ba(ians% than by the -(ee!s the selves. I a no$ $illing% in the ne&t pla'e% to say a "e$ things to those that en)eavo( to p(ove that ou( 'onstitution is but o" late ti e% "o( this (eason% as they p(eten)% that the -(ee! $(ite(s have sai) nothing about us+ a"te( $hi'h I shall p(o)u'e testi onies "o( ou( anti#uity out o" the $(itings o" "o(eigne(s+ I shall also )e onst(ate that su'h as 'ast (ep(oa'hes upon ou( nation )o it ve(y un0ustly. 1*. As "o( ou(selves% the(e"o(e% $e neithe( inhabit a a(iti e 'ount(y% no( )o $e )elight in e('han)ise% no( in su'h a i&tu(e $ith othe( en as a(ises "(o it+ but the 'ities $e )$ell in a(e (e ote "(o the sea% an) having a "(uit"ul 'ount(y "o( ou( habitation% $e ta!e pains in 'ultivating that only. Ou( p(in'ipal 'a(e o" all is this% to e)u'ate ou( 'hil)(en $ell+ an) $e thin! it to be the ost ne'essa(y business o" ou( $hole li"e to obse(ve the la$s that have been given us% an) to !eep those (ules o" piety that have been )elive(e) )o$n to us. Sin'e% the(e"o(e% besi)es $hat $e have al(ea)y ta!en noti'e o"% $e have ha) a pe'ulia( $ay o" living o" ou( o$n% the(e $as no o''asion o""e(e) us in an'ient ages "o( inte( i&ing a ong the -(ee!s% as they ha) "o( i&ing a ong the Egyptians% by thei( inte('ou(se o" e&po(ting an) i po(ting thei( seve(al goo)s+ as they also i&e) $ith the Phoeni'ians% $ho live) by the sea/si)e% by eans o" thei( love o" lu'(e in t(a)e an) e('han)ise. 8o( )i) ou( "o(e"athe(s beta!e the selves% as )i) so e othe(s% to (obbe(y+ no( )i) they% in o()e( to gain o(e $ealth% "all into "o(eign $a(s% although ou( 'ount(y 'ontaine) any ten thousan)s o" en o" 'ou(age su""i'ient "o( that pu(pose. Fo( this (eason it $as that the Phoeni'ians the selves 'a e soon by t(a)ing an) navigation to be !no$n to the -(e'ians% an) by thei( eans the Egyptians be'a e !no$n to the -(e'ians also% as )i) all those people $hen'e the Phoeni'ians in long voyages ove( the seas 'a((ie) $a(es to the -(e'ians. ,he 6e)es also an) the Pe(sians% $hen they $e(e lo()s o" Asia% be'a e $ell !no$n to the + an) this $as espe'ially t(ue o" the Pe(sians% $ho le) thei( a( ies as "a( as the othe( 'ontinent 2Eu(ope3. ,he ,h(a'ians $e(e also !no$n to the by the nea(ness o" thei( 'ount(ies% an) the S'ythians by the eans o" those that saile) to Pontus+ "o( it $as so in gene(al that all a(iti e nations% an) those that inhabite) nea( the easte(n o( $este(n seas% be'a e ost !no$n to those that $e(e )esi(ous to be $(ite(s+ but su'h as ha) thei( habitations "u(the( "(o the sea $e(e "o( the ost pa(t un!no$n to the $hi'h things appea( to have happene) as to Eu(ope also% $he(e the 'ity o" Fo e% that hath this long ti e been possesse) o" so u'h po$e(% an) hath pe("o( e) su'h g(eat a'tions in $a(% is yet neve( entione) by .e(o)otus% no( by ,hu'y)i)es% no( by any one o" thei( 'onte po(a(ies+ an) it $as ve(y late% an) $ith g(eat )i""i'ulty% that the Fo ans be'a e !no$n to the -(ee!s. 8ay% those that $e(e (e'!one) the ost e&a't histo(ians (an) Epho(us "o( one) $e(e so ve(y igno(ant o" the -auls an) the Spania()s% that he suppose) the Spania()s% $ho inhabit so g(eat a pa(t o" the $este(n (egions o" the ea(th% to be no o(e than one 'ity. ,hose histo(ians also have ventu(e) to )es'(ibe su'h 'usto s as $e(e a)e use o" by the % $hi'h they neve( ha) eithe( )one o( sai)+ an) the (eason $hy these $(ite(s )i) not !no$ the t(uth o" thei( a""ai(s $as this% that they ha) not any 'o e('e togethe(+ but the (eason $hy they $(ote su'h "alsities $as this% that they ha) a in) to appea( to !no$ things $hi'h othe(s ha) not !no$n. .o$ 'an it then be any $on)e(% i" ou( nation $as no o(e !no$n to any o" the -(ee!s% no( ha) given the any o''asion to ention the in thei( $(itings% $hile they $e(e so (e ote "(o the sea% an) ha) a 'on)u't o" li"e so pe'ulia( to the selves7

15. Iet us no$ put the 'ase% the(e"o(e% that $e a)e use o" this a(gu ent 'on'e(ning the -(e'ians% in o()e( to p(ove that thei( nation $as not an'ient% be'ause nothing is sai) o" the in ou( (e'o()s9 $oul) not they laugh at us all% an) p(obably give the sa e (easons "o( ou( silen'e that I have no$ allege)% an) $oul) p(o)u'e thei( neighbo( nations as $itnesses to thei( o$n anti#uity7 8o$ the ve(y sa e thing $ill I en)eavo( to )o+ "o( I $ill b(ing the Egyptians an) the Phoeni'ians as y p(in'ipal $itnesses% be'ause nobo)y 'an 'o plain O" thei( testi ony as "alse% on a''ount that they a(e !no$n to have bo(ne the g(eatest ill/$ill to$a()s us+ I ean this as to the Egyptians in gene(al all o" the % $hile o" the Phoeni'ians it is !no$n the ,y(ians have been ost o" all in the sa e ill )isposition to$a()s us9 yet )o I 'on"ess that I 'annot say the sa e o" the 1hal)eans% sin'e ou( "i(st lea)e(s an) an'esto(s $e(e )e(ive) "(o the + an) they )o a!e ention o" us Je$s in thei( (e'o()s% on a''ount o" the !in)(e) the(e is bet$een us. 8o$ $hen I shall have a)e y asse(tions goo)% so "a( as 'on'e(ns the othe(s% I $ill )e onst(ate that so e o" the -(ee! $(ite(s have a)e ention o" us Je$s also% that those $ho envy us ay not have even this p(etense "o( 'ont(a)i'ting $hat I have sai) about ou( nation. 1:. I shall begin $ith the $(itings o" the Egyptians+ not in)ee) o" those that have $(itten in the Egyptian language% $hi'h it is i possible "o( e to )o. But 6anetho $as a an $ho $as by bi(th an Egyptian% yet ha) he a)e hi sel" aste( o" the -(ee! lea(ning% as is ve(y evi)ent+ "o( he $(ote the histo(y o" his o$n 'ount(y in the -(ee! tongue% by t(anslating it% as he saith hi sel"% out o" thei( sa'(e) (e'o()s+ he also "in)s g(eat "ault $ith .e(o)otus "o( his igno(an'e an) "alse (elations o" Egyptian a""ai(s. 8o$ this 6anetho% in the se'on) boo! o" his Egyptian .isto(y% $(ites 'on'e(ning us in the "ollo$ing anne(. I $ill set )o$n his ve(y $o()s% as i" I $e(e to b(ing the ve(y an hi sel" into a 'ou(t "o( a $itness9 J,he(e $as a !ing o" ou(s $hose na e $as ,i aus. Un)e( hi it 'a e to pass% I !no$ not ho$% that -o) $as ave(se to us% an) the(e 'a e% a"te( a su(p(ising anne(% en o" ignoble bi(th out o" the easte(n pa(ts% an) ha) bol)ness enough to a!e an e&pe)ition into ou( 'ount(y% an) $ith ease sub)ue) it by "o('e% yet $ithout ou( ha>a()ing a battle $ith the . So $hen they ha) gotten those that gove(ne) us un)e( thei( po$e(% they a"te($a()s bu(nt )o$n ou( 'ities% an) )e olishe) the te ples o" the go)s% an) use) all the inhabitants a"te( a ost ba(ba(ous anne(+ nay% so e they sle$% an) le) thei( 'hil)(en an) thei( $ives into slave(y. At length they a)e one o" the selves !ing% $hose na e $as Salatis+ he also live) at 6e phis% an) a)e both the uppe( an) lo$e( (egions pay t(ibute% an) le"t ga((isons in pla'es that $e(e the ost p(ope( "o( the . .e 'hie"ly ai e) to se'u(e the easte(n pa(ts% as "o(e/ seeing that the Assy(ians% $ho ha) then the g(eatest po$e(% $oul) be )esi(ous o" that !ing)o % an) inva)e the + an) as he "oun) in the Saite 8o os% 2Seth(oite%3 a 'ity ve(y p(ope( "o( this pu(pose% an) $hi'h lay upon the Bubasti' 'hannel% but $ith (ega() to a 'e(tain theologi' notion $as 'alle) Avaris% this he (ebuilt% an) a)e ve(y st(ong by the $alls he built about it% an) by a ost nu e(ous ga((ison o" t$o hun)(e) an) "o(ty thousan) a( e) en $ho he put into it to !eep it. ,hithe( Salatis 'a e in su e( ti e% pa(tly to gathe( his 'o(n% an) pay his sol)ie(s thei( $ages% an) pa(tly to e&e('ise his a( e) en% an) the(eby to te((i"y "o(eigne(s. ?hen this an ha) (eigne) thi(teen yea(s% a"te( hi (eigne) anothe(% $hose na e $as Beon% "o( "o(ty/"ou( yea(s+ a"te( hi (eigne) anothe(% 'alle) Apa'hnas% thi(ty/si& yea(s an) seven onths+ a"te( hi Apophis (eigne) si&ty/one yea(s% an) then Janins "i"ty yea(s an) one onth+ a"te( all these (eigne) Assis "o(ty/nine yea(s an) t$o onths. An) these si& $e(e the "i(st (ule(s a ong the % $ho $e(e all along a!ing $a( $ith the Egyptians% an) $e(e ve(y )esi(ous g(a)ually to )est(oy the to the ve(y (oots. ,his $hole nation $as style) .K1SOS% that is% Shepherd-kings9 "o( the "i(st syllable .K1% a''o()ing to the sa'(e) )iale't% )enotes a king% as is SOS a shepherd+ but this

a''o()ing to the o()ina(y )iale't+ an) o" these is 'o poun)e) .K1SOS9 but so e say that these people $e(e A(abians.J 8o$ in anothe( 'opy it is sai) that this $o() )oes not )enote Kings% but% on the 'ont(a(y% )enotes Captive Shepherds% an) this on a''ount o" the pa(ti'le .K1+ "o( that .K1% $ith the aspi(ation% in the Egyptian tongue again )enotes Shephe()s% an) that e&p(essly also+ an) this to e see s the o(e p(obable opinion% an) o(e ag(eeable to an'ient histo(y. 2But 6anetho goes on39 J,hese people% $ho $e have be"o(e na e) !ings% an) 'alle) shephe()s also% an) thei( )es'en)ants%J as he says% J!ept possession o" Egypt "ive hun)(e) an) eleven yea(s.J A"te( these% he says% J,hat the !ings o" ,hebais an) the othe( pa(ts o" Egypt a)e an insu((e'tion against the shephe()s% an) that the(e a te((ible an) long $a( $as a)e bet$een the .J .e says "u(the(% J,hat un)e( a !ing% $hose na e $as Alisph(ag uthosis% the shephe()s $e(e sub)ue) by hi % an) $e(e in)ee) )(iven out o" othe( pa(ts o" Egypt% but $e(e shut up in a pla'e that 'ontaine) ten thousan) a'(es+ this pla'e $as na e) Ava(is.J 6anetho says% J,hat the shephe()s built a $all (oun) all this pla'e% $hi'h $as a la(ge an) a st(ong $all% an) this in o()e( to !eep all thei( possessions an) thei( p(ey $ithin a pla'e o" st(ength% but that ,hu osis the son o" Alisph(ag uthosis a)e an atte pt to ta!e the by "o('e an) by siege% $ith "ou( hun)(e) an) eighty thousan) en to lie (otun) about the % but that% upon his )espai( o" ta!ing the pla'e by that siege% they 'a e to a 'o position $ith the % that they shoul) leave Egypt% an) go% $ithout any ha( to be )one to the % $hithe(soeve( they $oul)+ an) that% a"te( this 'o position $as a)e% they $ent a$ay $ith thei( $hole "a ilies an) e""e'ts% not "e$e( in nu be( than t$o hun)(e) an) "o(ty thousan)% an) too! thei( 0ou(ney "(o Egypt% th(ough the $il)e(ness% "o( Sy(ia+ but that as they $e(e in "ea( o" the Assy(ians% $ho ha) then the )o inion ove( Asia% they built a 'ity in that 'ount(y $hi'h is no$ 'alle) Ju)ea% an) that la(ge enough to 'ontain this g(eat nu be( o" en% an) 'alle) it Je(usale . (E) 8o$ 6anetho% in anothe( boo! o" his% says% J,hat this nation% thus 'alle) Shephe()s% $e(e also 'alle) 1aptives% in thei( sa'(e) boo!s.J An) this a''ount o" his is the t(uth+ "o( "ee)ing o" sheep $as the e ploy ent o" ou( "o(e"athe(s in the ost an'ient ages (1G) an) as they le) su'h a $an)e(ing li"e in "ee)ing sheep% they $e(e 'alle) Shephe()s. 8o( $as it $ithout (eason that they $e(e 'alle) 1aptives by the Egyptians% sin'e one o" ou( an'esto(s% Joseph% tol) the !ing o" Egypt that he $as a 'aptive% an) a"te($a() sent "o( his b(eth(en into Egypt by the !ing4s pe( ission. But as "o( these atte(s% I shall a!e a o(e e&a't in#ui(y about the else$he(e. (11) 1<. But no$ I shall p(o)u'e the Egyptians as $itnesses to the anti#uity o" ou( nation. I shall the(e"o(e he(e b(ing in 6anetho again% an) $hat he $(ites as to the o()e( o" the ti es in this 'ase+ an) thus he spea!s9 J?hen this people o( shephe()s $e(e gone out o" Egypt to Je(usale % ,ethtoosis the !ing o" Egypt% $ho )(ove the out% (eigne) a"te($a() t$enty/"ive yea(s an) "ou( onths% an) then )ie)+ a"te( hi his son 1heb(on too! the !ing)o "o( thi(teen yea(s+ a"te( $ho 'a e A enophis% "o( t$enty yea(s an) seven onths+ then 'a e his siste( A esses% "o( t$enty/one yea(s an) nine onths+ a"te( he( 'a e 6eph(es% "o( t$elve yea(s an) nine onths+ a"te( hi $as 6eph(a uthosis% "o( t$enty/"ive yea(s an) ten onths+ a"te( hi $as ,h osis% "o( nine yea(s an) eight onths+ a"te( hi 'a e A enophis% "o( thi(ty yea(s an) ten onths+ a"te( hi 'a e O(us% "o( thi(ty/si& yea(s an) "ive onths+ then 'a e his )aughte( A'en'h(es% "o( t$elve yea(s an) one onth+ then $as he( b(othe( Fathotis% "o( nine yea(s+ then $as A'en'he(es% "o( t$elve yea(s an) "ive onths+ then 'a e anothe( A'en'he(es% "o( t$elve yea(s an) th(ee onths+ a"te( hi A( ais% "o( "ou( yea(s an) one onth+ a"te( hi $as Fa esses% "o( one yea( an) "ou( onths+ a"te( hi 'a e A( esses 6ia oun% "o( si&ty/si& yea(s an) t$o onths+ a"te( hi A enophis% "o( nineteen yea(s an) si& onths+ a"te( hi 'a e Sethosis% an) Fa esses% $ho

ha) an a( y o" ho(se% an) a naval "o('e. ,his !ing appointe) his b(othe(% A( ais%% to be his )eputy ove( Egypt.J 2In anothe( 'opy it stoo) thus9 A"te( hi 'a e Sethosis% an) Fa esses% t$o b(eth(en% the "o( e( o" $ho ha) a naval "o('e% an) in a hostile anne( )est(oye) those that et hi upon the sea+ but as he sle$ Fa esses in no long ti e a"te($a()% so he appointe) anothe( o" his b(eth(en to be his )eputy ove( Egypt.3 .e also gave hi all the othe( autho(ity o" a !ing% but $ith these only in0un'tions% that he shoul) not $ea( the )ia)e % no( be in0u(ious to the #ueen% the othe( o" his 'hil)(en% an) that he shoul) not e))le $ith the othe( 'on'ubines o" the !ing+ $hile he a)e an e&pe)ition against 1yp(us% an) Phoeni'ia% an) besi)es against the Assy(ians an) the 6e)es. .e then sub)ue) the all% so e by his a( s% so e $ithout "ighting% an) so e by the te((o( o" his g(eat a( y+ an) being pu""e) up by the g(eat su''esses he ha) ha)% he $ent on still the o(e bol)ly% an) ove(th(e$ the 'ities an) 'ount(ies that lay in the easte(n pa(ts. But a"te( so e 'onsi)e(able ti e% A( ais% $ho $as le"t in Egypt% )i) all those ve(y things% by $ay o" opposition% $hi'h his b(othe( ha) "o(bi) hi to )o% $ithout "ea(+ "o( he use) violen'e to the #ueen% an) 'ontinue) to a!e use o" the (est o" the 'on'ubines% $ithout spa(ing any o" the + nay% at the pe(suasion o" his "(ien)s he put on the )ia)e % an) set up to oppose his b(othe(. But then he $ho $as set ove( the p(iests o" Egypt $(ote lette(s to Sethosis% an) in"o( e) hi o" all that ha) happene)% an) ho$ his b(othe( ha) set up to oppose hi 9 he the(e"o(e (etu(ne) ba'! to Pelusiu i e)iately% an) (e'ove(e) his !ing)o again. ,he 'ount(y also $as 'alle) "(o his na e Egypt+ "o( 6anetho says% that Sethosis $as hi sel" 'alle) Egyptus% as $as his b(othe( A( ais 'alle) ;anaus.J 1=. ,his is 6anetho4s a''ount. An) evi)ent it is "(o the nu be( o" yea(s by hi set )o$n belonging to this inte(val% i" they be su e) up togethe(% that these shephe()s% as they a(e he(e 'alle)% $ho $e(e no othe( than ou( "o(e"athe(s% $e(e )elive(e) out o" Egypt% an) 'a e then'e% an) inhabite) this 'ount(y% th(ee hun)(e) an) ninety/th(ee yea(s be"o(e ;anaus 'a e to A(gos+ although the A(gives loo! upon hi (1*) as thei( ost an'ient !ing 6anetho% the(e"o(e% hea(s this testi ony to t$o points o" the g(eatest 'onse#uen'e to ou( pu(pose% an) those "(o the Egyptian (e'o()s the selves. In the "i(st pla'e% that $e 'a e out o" anothe( 'ount(y into Egypt+ an) that $ithal ou( )elive(an'e out o" it $as so an'ient in ti e as to have p(e'e)e) the siege o" ,(oy al ost a thousan) yea(s+ but then% as to those things $hi'h 6anetbo a))s% not "(o the Egyptian (e'o()s% but% as he 'on"esses hi sel"% "(o so e sto(ies o" an un'e(tain o(iginal% I $ill )isp(ove the he(ea"te( pa(ti'ula(ly% an) shall )e onst(ate that they a(e no bette( than in'(e)ible "ables. 1@. I $ill no$% the(e"o(e% pass "(o these (e'o()s% an) 'o e to those that belong to the Phoeni'ians% an) 'on'e(n ou( nation% an) shall p(o)u'e attestations to $hat I have sai) out o" the . ,he(e a(e then (e'o()s a ong the ,y(ians that ta!e in the histo(y o" any yea(s% an) these a(e publi' $(itings% an) a(e !ept $ith g(eat e&a'tness% an) in'lu)e a''ounts o" the "a'ts )one a ong the % an) su'h as 'on'e(n thei( t(ansa'tions $ith othe( nations also% those I ean $hi'h $e(e $o(th (e e be(ing. ,he(ein it $as (e'o()e) that the te ple $as built by !ing Solo on at Je(usale % one hun)(e) "o(ty/th(ee yea(s an) eight onths be"o(e the ,y(ians built 1a(thage+ an) in thei( annals the buil)ing o" ou( te ple is (elate)+ "o( .i(o % the !ing o" ,y(e% $as the "(ien) o" Solo on ou( !ing% an) ha) su'h "(ien)ship t(ans itte) )o$n to hi "(o his "o(e"athe(s. .e the(eupon $as a bitious to 'ont(ibute to the splen)o( o" this e)i"i'e o" Solo on% an) a)e hi a p(esent o" one hun)(e) an) t$enty talents o" gol). .e also 'ut )o$n the ost e&'ellent ti be( out o" that ountain $hi'h is 'alle) Iibanus% an) sent it to hi "o( a)o(ning its (oo". Solo on

also not only a)e hi any othe( p(esents% by $ay o" (e#uital% but gave hi a 'ount(y in -alilee also% that $as 'alle) 1habulon. (15) But the(e $as anothe( passion% a philosophi' in'lination o" thei(s% $hi'h 'e ente) the "(ien)ship that $as bet$i&t the + "o( they sent utual p(oble s to one anothe(% $ith a )esi(e to have the un(i))le) by ea'h othe(+ $he(ein Solo on $as supe(io( to .i(o % as he $as $ise( than he in othe( (espe'ts9 an) any o" the epistles that passe) bet$een the a(e still p(ese(ve) a ong the ,y(ians. 8o$% that this ay not )epen) on y ba(e $o()% I $ill p(o)u'e "o( a $itness ;ius% one that is believe) to have $(itten the Phoeni'ian .isto(y a"te( an a''u(ate anne(. ,his ;ius% the(e"o(e% $(ites thus% in his .isto(ies o" the Phoeni'ians9 JUpon the )eath o" Abibalus% his son .i(o too! the !ing)o . ,his !ing (aise) ban!s at the easte(n pa(ts o" the 'ity% an) enla(ge) it+ he also 0oine) the te ple o" Jupite( Oly pius% $hi'h stoo) be"o(e in an islan) by itsel"% to the 'ity% by (aising a 'ause$ay bet$een the % an) a)o(ne) that te ple $ith )onations o" gol). .e o(eove( $ent up to Iibanus% an) ha) ti be( 'ut )o$n "o( the buil)ing o" te ples. ,hey say "u(the(% that Solo on% $hen he $as !ing o" Je(usale % sent p(oble s to .i(o to be solve)% an) )esi(e) he $oul) sen) othe(s ba'! "o( hi to solve% an) that he $ho 'oul) not solve the p(oble s p(opose) to hi shoul) pay oney to hi that solve) the . An) $hen .i(o ha) ag(ee) to the p(oposals% but $as not able to solve the p(oble s% he $as oblige) to pay a g(eat )eal o" oney% as a penalty "o( the sa e. As also they (elate% that oneLAb)e on% a an o" ,y(e% )i) solve the p(oble s% an) p(opose othe(s $hi'h Solo on 'oul) not solve% upon $hi'h he $as oblige) to (epay a g(eat )eal o" oney to .i(o .J ,hese things a(e atteste) to by ;ius% an) 'on"i( $hat $e have sai) upon the sa e sub0e'ts be"o(e. 1C. An) no$ I shall a)) 6enan)e( the Ephesian% as an a))itional $itness. ,his 6enan)e( $(ote the A'ts that $e(e )one both by the -(ee!s an) Ba(ba(ians% un)e( eve(y one o" the ,y(ian !ings% an) ha) ta!en u'h pains to lea(n thei( histo(y out o" thei( o$n (e'o()s. 8o$ $hen he $as $(iting about those !ings that ha) (eigne) at ,y(e% he 'a e to .i(o % an) says thus9 JUpon the )eath o" Abibalus% his son .i(o too! the !ing)o + he live) "i"ty/th(ee yea(s% an) (eigne) thi(ty/ "ou(. .e (aise) a ban! on that 'alle) the B(oa) Pla'e% an) )e)i'ate) that gol)en pilla( $hi'h is in Jupite(4s te ple+ he also $ent an) 'ut )o$n ti be( "(o the ountain 'alle) Iibanus% an) got ti be( O" 'e)a( "o( the (oo"s o" the te ples. .e also pulle) )o$n the ol) te ples% an) built ne$ ones+ besi)es this% he 'onse'(ate) the te ples o" .e('ules an) o" Asta(te. .e "i(st built .e('ules4s te ple in the onth Pe(itus% an) that o" Asta(te $hen he a)e his e&pe)ition against the ,ityans% $ho $oul) not pay hi thei( t(ibute+ an) $hen he ha) sub)ue) the to hi sel"% he (etu(ne) ho e. Un)e( this !ing the(e $as a younge( son o" Ab)e on% $ho aste(e) the p(oble s $hi'h Solo on !ing o" Je(usale ha) (e'o en)e) to be solve).J 8o$ the ti e "(o this !ing to the buil)ing o" 1a(thage is thus 'al'ulate)9 JUpon the )eath o" .i(o % Balea>a(us his son too! the !ing)o + he live) "o(ty/th(ee yea(s% an) (eigne) seven yea(s9 a"te( hi su''ee)e) his son Ab)asta(tus+ he live) t$enty/nine yea(s% an) (eigne) nine yea(s. 8o$ "ou( sons o" his nu(se plotte) against hi an) sle$ hi % the el)est o" $ho (eigne) t$elve yea(s9 a"te( the 'a e Asta(tus% the son o" ;eleasta(tus+ he live) "i"ty/"ou( yea(s% an) (eigne) t$elve yea(s9 a"te( hi 'a e his b(othe( Ase(y us+ he live) "i"ty/"ou( yea(s% an) (eigne) nine yea(s9 he $as slain by his b(othe( Pheles% $ho too! the !ing)o an) (eigne) but eight onths% though he live) "i"ty yea(s9 he $as slain by Ithobalus% the p(iest o" Asta(te% $ho (eigne) thi(ty/t$o yea(s% an) live) si&ty/eight yea(s9 he $as su''ee)e) by his son Ba)e>o(us% $ho live) "o(ty/"ive yea(s% an) (eigne) si& yea(s9 he $as su''ee)e) by 6atgenus his son+ he live) thi(ty/t$o yea(s% an) (eigne) nine yea(s9 Pyg alion su''ee)e) hi + he live) "i"ty/si& yea(s% an) (eigne) "o(ty/seven yea(s.

8o$ in the seventh yea( o" his (eign% his siste( "le) a$ay "(o hi % an) built the 'ity 1a(thage in Iibya.J So the $hole ti e "(o the (eign o" .i(o % till the buil)ing o" 1a(thage% a ounts to the su o" one hun)(e) "i"ty/"ive yea(s an) eight onths. Sin'e then the te ple $as built at Je(usale in the t$el"th yea( o" the (eign o" .i(o % the(e $e(e "(o the buil)ing o" the te ple% until the buil)ing o" 1a(thage% one hun)(e) "o(ty/th(ee yea(s an) eight onths. ?he(e"o(e% $hat o''asion is the(e "o( alleging any o(e testi onies out o" the Phoeni'ian histo(ies 2on the behal" o" ou( nation3% sin'e $hat I have sai) is so tho(oughly 'on"i( e) al(ea)y7 an) to be su(e ou( an'esto(s 'a e into this 'ount(y long be"o(e the buil)ing o" the te ple+ "o( it $as not till $e ha) gotten possession o" the $hole lan) by $a( that $e built ou( te ple. An) this is the point that I have 'lea(ly p(ove) out o" ou( sa'(e) $(itings in y Anti#uities. 1E. I $ill no$ (elate $hat hath been $(itten 'on'e(ning us in the 1hal)ean histo(ies% $hi'h (e'o()s have a g(eat ag(ee ent $ith ou( boo!s in oilie( things also. Be(osus shall be $itness to $hat I say9 he $as by bi(th a 1hal)ean% $ell !no$n by the lea(ne)% on a''ount o" his publi'ation o" the 1hal)ean boo!s o" ast(ono y an) philosophy a ong the -(ee!s. ,his Be(osus% the(e"o(e% "ollo$ing the ost an'ient (e'o()s o" that nation% gives us a histo(y o" the )eluge o" $ate(s that then happene)% an) o" the )est(u'tion o" an!in) the(eby% an) ag(ees $ith 6oses4s na((ation the(eo". .e also gives us an a''ount o" that a(! $he(ein 8oah% the o(igin o" ou( (a'e% $as p(ese(ve)% $hen it $as b(ought to the highest pa(t o" the A( enian ountains+ a"te( $hi'h he gives us a 'atalogue o" the poste(ity o" 8oah% an) a))s the yea(s o" thei( 'h(onology% an) at length 'o es )o$n to 8abolassa(% $ho $as !ing o" Babylon% an) o" the 1hal)eans. An) $hen he $as (elating the a'ts o" this !ing% he )es'(ibes to us ho$ he sent his son 8abu'ho)onoso( against Egypt% an) against ou( lan)% $ith a g(eat a( y% upon his being in"o( e) that they ha) (evolte) "(o hi + an) ho$% by that eans% he sub)ue) the all% an) set ou( te ple that $as at Je(usale on "i(e+ nay% an) (e ove) ou( people enti(ely out o" thei( o$n 'ount(y% an) t(ans"e((e) the to Babylon+ $hen it so happene) that ou( 'ity $as )esolate )u(ing the inte(val o" seventy yea(s% until the )ays o" 1y(us !ing o" Pe(sia. .e then says% J,hat this Babylonian !ing 'on#ue(e) Egypt% an) Sy(ia% an) Phoeni'ia% an) A(abia% an) e&'ee)e) in his e&ploits all that ha) (eigne) be"o(e hi in Babylon an) 1hal)ea.J A little a"te( $hi'h Be(osus sub0oins $hat "ollo$s in his .isto(y o" An'ient ,i es. I $ill set )o$n Be(osus4s o$n a''ounts% $hi'h a(e these9 J?hen 8abolassa(% "athe( o" 8abu'ho)onoso(% hea() that the gove(no( $ho he ha) set ove( Egypt% an) ove( the pa(ts o" 1elesy(ia an) Phoeni'ia% ha) (evolte) "(o hi % he $as not able to bea( it any longe(+ but 'o itting 'e(tain pa(ts o" his a( y to his son 8abu'ho)onoso(% $ho $as then but young% he sent hi against the (ebel9 8abu'ho)onoso( 0oine) battle $ith hi % an) 'on#ue(e) hi % an) (e)u'e) the 'ount(y un)e( his )o inion again. 8o$ it so "ell out that his "athe( 8abolassa( "ell into a )iste pe( at this ti e% an) )ie) in the 'ity o" Babylon% a"te( he ha) (eigne) t$enty/nine yea(s. But as he un)e(stoo)% in a little ti e% that his "athe( 8abolassa( $as )ea)% he set the a""ai(s o" Egypt an) the othe( 'ount(ies in o()e(% an) 'o itte) the 'aptives he ha) ta!en "(o the Je$s% an) Phoeni'ians% an) Sy(ians% an) o" the nations belonging to Egypt% to so e o" his "(ien)s% that they ight 'on)u't that pa(t o" the "o('es that ha) on heavy a( o(% $ith the (est o" his baggage% to Babylonia+ $hile he $ent in haste% having but a "e$ $ith hi % ove( the )ese(t to Babylon+ $hithe(% $hen he $as 'o e% he "oun) the publi' a""ai(s ha) been anage) by the 1hal)eans% an) that the p(in'ipal pe(son a ong the ha) p(ese(ve) the !ing)o "o( hi . A''o()ingly% he no$ enti(ely obtaine) all his "athe(4s )o inions. .e then 'a e% an) o()e(e) the 'aptives to be pla'e) as 'olonies in the ost p(ope( pla'es o" Babylonia+ but "o( hi sel"% he a)o(ne) the te ple o" Belus% an) the othe( te ples% a"te( an elegant anne(% out o" the spoils he

ha) ta!en in this $a(. .e also (ebuilt the ol) 'ity% an) a))e) anothe( to it on the outsi)e% an) so "a( (esto(e) Babylon% that none $ho shoul) besiege it a"te($a()s ight have it in thei( po$e( to )ive(t the (ive(% so as to "a'ilitate an ent(an'e into it+ an) this he )i) by buil)ing th(ee $alls about the inne( 'ity% an) th(ee about the oute(. So e o" these $alls he built o" bu(nt b(i'! an) bitu en% an) so e o" b(i'! only. So $hen he ha) thus "o(ti"ie) the 'ity $ith $alls% a"te( an e&'ellent anne(% an) ha) a)o(ne) the gates agni"i'ently% he a))e) a ne$ pala'e to that $hi'h his "athe( ha) )$elt in% an) this 'lose by it also% an) that o(e e inent in its height% an) in its g(eat splen)o(. It $oul) pe(haps (e#ui(e too long a na((ation% i" any one $e(e to )es'(ibe it. .o$eve(% as p(o)igiously la(ge an) as agni"i'ent as it $as% it $as "inishe) in "i"teen )ays. 8o$ in this pala'e he e(e'te) ve(y high $al!s% suppo(te) by stone pilla(s% an) by planting $hat $as 'alle) a pensile paradise% an) (eplenishing it $ith all so(ts o" t(ees% he (en)e(e) the p(ospe't an e&a't (ese blan'e o" a ountainous 'ount(y. ,his he )i) to please his #ueen% be'ause she ha) been b(ought up in 6e)ia% an) $as "on) o" a ountainous situation.J *G. ,his is $hat Be(osus (elates 'on'e(ning the "o(e entione) !ing% as he (elates any othe( things about hi also in the thi() boo! o" his 1hal)ean .isto(y+ $he(ein he 'o plains o" the -(e'ian $(ite(s "o( supposing% $ithout any "oun)ation% that Babylon $as built by Se i(a is% (1:) #ueen o" Assy(ia% an) "o( he( "alse p(etense to those $on)e("ul e)i"i'es the(eto buil)ings at Babylon% )o no $ay 'ont(a)i't those an'ient an) (elating% as i" they $e(e he( o$n $o(! anship+ as in)ee) in these a""ai(s the 1hal)ean .isto(y 'annot but be the ost '(e)ible. 6o(eove(% $e eet $ith a 'on"i( ation o" $hat Be(osus says in the a('hives o" the Phoeni'ians% 'on'e(ning this !ing 8abu'ho)onoso(% that he 'on#ue(e) all Sy(ia an) Phoeni'ia+ in $hi'h 'ase Philost(atus ag(ees $ith the othe(s in that histo(y $hi'h he 'o pose)% $he(e he entions the siege o" ,y(e+ as )oes 6egasthenes also% in the "ou(th boo! o" his In)ian .isto(y% $he(ein he p(eten)s to p(ove that the "o(e entione) !ing o" the Babylonians $as supe(io( to .e('ules in st(ength an) the g(eatness o" his e&ploits+ "o( he says that he 'on#ue(e) a g(eat pa(t o" Iibya% an) 'on#ue(e) Ibe(ia also. 8o$ as to $hat I have sai) be"o(e about the te ple at Je(usale % that it $as "ought against by the Babylonians% an) bu(nt by the % but $as opene) again $hen 1y(us ha) ta!en the !ing)o o" Asia% shall no$ be )e onst(ate) "(o $hat Be(osus a))s "u(the( upon that hea)+ "o( thus he says in his thi() boo!9 J8abu'ho)onoso(% a"te( he ha) begun to buil) the "o(e entione) $all% "ell si'!% an) )epa(te) this li"e% $hen he ha) (eigne) "o(ty/th(ee yea(s+ $he(eupon his son Evil e(o)a'h obtaine) the !ing)o . .e gove(ne) publi' a""ai(s a"te( an illegal an) i pu(e anne(% an) ha) a plot lai) against hi by 8e(iglissoo(% his siste(4s husban)% an) $as slain by hi $hen he ha) (eigne) but t$o yea(s. A"te( he $as slain% 8e(iglissoo(% the pe(son $ho plotte) against hi % su''ee)e) hi in the !ing)o % an) (eigne) "ou( yea(s+ his son Iabo(osoa('ho) obtaine) the !ing)o % though he $as but a 'hil)% an) !ept it nine ouths+ but by (eason o" the ve(y ill te pe( an) ill p(a'ti'es he e&hibite) to the $o(l)% a plot $as lai) against hi also by his "(ien)s% an) he $as to( ente) to )eath. A"te( his )eath% the 'onspi(ato(s got togethe(% an) by 'o on 'onsent put the '(o$n upon the hea) o" 8abonne)us% a an o" Babylon% an) one $ho belonge) to that insu((e'tion. In his (eign it $as that the $alls o" the 'ity o" Babylon $e(e 'u(iously built $ith bu(nt b(i'! an) bitu en+ but $hen he $as 'o e to the seventeenth yea( o" his (eign% 1y(us 'a e out o" Pe(sia $ith a g(eat a( y+ an) having al(ea)y 'on#ue(e) all the (est o" Asia% he 'a e hastily to Babylonia. ?hen 8abonne)us pe('eive) he $as 'o ing to atta'! hi % he et hi $ith his "o('es% an) 0oining battle $ith hi $as beaten% an) "le) a$ay $ith a "e$ o" his t(oops $ith hi % an) $as shut up $ithin the 'ity Bo(sippus. .e(eupon 1y(us too! Babylon% an) gave o()e( that the oute( $alls o" the 'ity shoul) be )e olishe)% be'ause the 'ity

ha) p(ove) ve(y t(oubleso e to hi % an) 'ost hi a g(eat )eal o" pains to ta!e it. .e then a('he) a$ay to Bo(sippus% to besiege 8abonne)us+ but as 8abonne)us )i) not sustain the siege% but )elive(e) hi sel" into his han)s% he $as at "i(st !in)ly use) by 1y(us% $ho gave hi 1a( ania% as a pla'e "o( hi to inhabit in% but sent hi out o" Babylonia. A''o()ingly 8abonne)us spent the (est o" his ti e in that 'ount(y% an) the(e )ie).J *1. ,hese a''ounts ag(ee $ith the t(ue histo(ies in ou( boo!s+ "o( in the it is $(itten that 8ebu'ha)ne>>a(% in the eighteenth yea( o" his (eign% lai) ou( te ple )esolate% an) so it lay in that state o" obs'u(ity "o( "i"ty yea(s+ but that in the se'on) yea( o" the (eign o" 1y(us its "oun)ations $e(e lai)% an) it $as "inishe) again in the se'on) yea( o" ;a(ius. I $ill no$ a)) the (e'o()s o" the Phoeni'ians+ "o( it $ill not be supe("luous to give the (ea)e( )e onst(ations o(e than enough on this o''asion. In the $e have this enu e(ation o" the ti es o" thei( seve(al !ings9 J8abu'ho)onoso( besiege) ,y(e "o( thi(teen yea(s in the )ays o" Ithobal% thei( !ing+ a"te( hi (eigne) Baal% ten yea(s+ a"te( hi $e(e 0u)ges appointe)% $ho 0u)ge) the people9 E'nibalus% the son o" Basla'us% t$o onths+ 1helbes% the son o" Ab)eus% ten onths+ Abba(% the high p(iest% th(ee onths+ 6itgonus an) -e(ast(atus% the sons o" Ab)ele us% $e(e 0u)ges si& yea(s+ a"te( $ho Balato(us (eigne) one yea(+ a"te( his )eath they sent an) "et'he) 6e(balus "(o Babylon% $ho (eigne) "ou( yea(s+ a"te( his )eath they sent "o( his b(othe( .i(o % $ho (eigne) t$enty yea(s. Un)e( his (eign 1y(us be'a e !ing o" Pe(sia.J So that the $hole inte(val is "i"ty/"ou( yea(s besi)es th(ee onths+ "o( in the seventh yea( o" the (eign o" 8ebu'ha)ne>>a( he began to besiege ,y(e% an) 1y(us the Pe(sian too! the !ing)o in the "ou(teenth yea( o" .i(o . So that the (e'o()s o" the 1hal)eans an) ,y(ians ag(ee $ith ou( $(itings about this te ple+ an) the testi onies he(e p(o)u'e) a(e an in)isputable an) un)eniable attestation to the anti#uity o" ou( nation. An) I suppose that $hat I have al(ea)y sai) ay be su""i'ient to su'h as a(e not ve(y 'ontentious. **. But no$ it is p(ope( to satis"y the in#ui(y o" those that )isbelieve the (e'o()s o" ba(ba(ians% an) thin! none but -(ee!s to be $o(thy o" '(e)it% an) to p(o)u'e any o" these ve(y -(ee!s $ho $e(e a'#uainte) $ith ou( nation% an) to set be"o(e the su'h as upon o''asion have a)e ention o" us in thei( o$n $(itings. Pythago(as% the(e"o(e% o" Sa os% live) in ve(y an'ient ti es% an) $as estee e) a pe(son supe(io( to all philosophe(s in $is)o an) piety to$a()s -o). 8o$ it is plain that he )i) not only !no$ ou( )o't(ines% but $as in ve(y g(eat easu(e a "ollo$e( an) a) i(e( o" the . ,he(e is not in)ee) e&tant any $(iting that is o$ne) "o( his (1<) but any the(e a(e $ho have $(itten his histo(y% o" $ho .e( ippus is the ost 'eleb(ate)% $ho $as a pe(son ve(y in#uisitive into all so(ts o" histo(y. 8o$ this .e( ippus% in his "i(st boo! 'on'e(ning Pythago(as% spea!s thus9 J,hat Pythago(as% upon the )eath o" one o" his asso'iates% $hose na e $as 1alliphon% a 1(otonlate by bi(th% a""i( e) that this an4s soul 'onve(se) $ith hi both night an) )ay% an) en0oine) hi not to pass ove( a pla'e $he(e an ass ha) "allen )o$n+ as also not to )(in! o" su'h $ate(s as 'ause) thi(st again+ an) to abstain "(o all so(ts o" (ep(oa'hes.J A"te( $hi'h he a))s thus9 J,his he )i) an) sai) in i itation o" the )o't(ines o" the Je$s an) ,h(a'ians% $hi'h he t(ans"e((e) into his o$n philosophy.J Fo( it is ve(y t(uly a""i( e) o" this Pythago(as% that he too! a g(eat any o" the la$s o" the Je$s into his o$n philosophy. 8o( $as ou( nation un!no$n o" ol) to seve(al o" the -(e'ian 'ities% an) in)ee) $as thought $o(thy o" i itation by so e o" the . ,his is )e'la(e) by ,heoph(astus% in his $(itings 'on'e(ning la$s+ "o( he says that Jthe la$s o" the ,y(ians "o(bi) en to s$ea( "o(eign oaths.J A ong $hi'h he enu e(ates so e othe(s% an) pa(ti'ula(ly that 'alle) Corban9 $hi'h oath 'an only be "oun) a ong the Je$s% an)

)e'la(es $hat a an ay 'all JA thing )evote) to -o).J 8o( in)ee) $as .e(o)otus o" .ali'a(nassus una'#uainte) $ith ou( nation% but entions it a"te( a $ay o" his o$n% $hen he saith thus% in the se'on) boo! 'on'e(ning the 1ol'hians. .is $o()s a(e these9 J,he only people $ho $e(e 'i('u 'ise) in thei( p(ivy e be(s o(iginally% $e(e the 1ol'hians% the Egyptians% an) the Ethiopians+ but the Phoeni'ians an) those Sy(ians that a(e in Palestine 'on"ess that they lea(ne) it "(o the Egyptians. An) "o( those Sy(ians $ho live about the (ive(s ,he( o)on an) Pa(thenius% an) thei( neighbo(s the 6a'(ones% they say they have lately lea(ne) it "(o the 1ol'hians+ "o( these a(e the only people that a(e 'i('u 'ise) a ong an!in)% an) appea( to have )one the ve(y sa e thing $ith the Egyptians. But as "o( the Egyptians an) Ethiopians the selves% I a not able to say $hi'h o" the (e'eive) it "(o the othe(.J ,his the(e"o(e is $hat .e(o)otus says% that Jthe Sy(ians that a(e in Palestine a(e 'i('u 'ise).J But the(e a(e no inhabitants o" Palestine that a(e 'i('u 'ise) e&'epting the Je$s+ an) the(e"o(e it ust be his !no$le)ge o" the that enable) hi to spea! so u'h 'on'e(ning the . 1he(ilus also% a still an'iente( $(ite(% an) a poet% (1=) a!es ention o" ou( nation% an) in"o( s us that it 'a e to the assistan'e o" !ing De(&es% in his e&pe)ition against -(ee'e. Fo( in his enu e(ation o" all those nations% he last o" all inse(ts ou(s a ong the (est% $hen he says%J At the last the(e passe) ove( a people% $on)e("ul to be behel)+ "o( they spa!e the Phoeni'ian tongue $ith thei( ouths+ they )$elt in the Soly ean ountains% nea( a b(oa) la!e9 thei( hea)s $e(e sooty+ they ha) (oun) (asu(es on the + thei( hea)s an) "a'es $e(e li!e nasty ho(se/hea)s also% that ha) been ha()ene) in the s o!e.J I thin!% the(e"o(e% that it is evi)ent to eve(y bo)y that 1he(ilus eans us% be'ause the Soly ean ountains a(e in ou( 'ount(y% $he(ein $e inhabit% as is also the la!e 'alle) Asphaltitis+ "o( this is a b(oa)e( an) la(ge( la!e than any othe( that is in Sy(ia9 an) thus )oes 1he(ilus a!e ention o" us. But no$ that not only the lo$est so(t o" the -(e'ians% but those that a(e ha) in the g(eatest a) i(ation "o( thei( philosophi' i p(ove ents a ong the % )i) not only !no$ the Je$s% but $hen they lighte) upon any o" the % a) i(e) the also% it is easy "o( any one to !no$. Fo( 1lea('hus% $ho $as the s'hola( o" A(istotle% an) in"e(io( to no one o" the Pe(ipateti's $ho soeve(% in his "i(st boo! 'on'e(ning sleep% says that JA(istotle his aste( (elate) $hat "ollo$s o" a Je$%J an) sets )o$n A(istotle4s o$n )is'ou(se $ith hi . ,he a''ount is this% as $(itten )o$n by hi 9 J8o$% "o( a g(eat pa(t o" $hat this Je$ sai)% it $oul) be too long to (e'ite it+ but $hat in'lu)es in it both $on)e( an) philosophy it ay not be a iss to )is'ou(se o". 8o$% that I ay be plain $ith thee% .ype(o'hi)es% I shall he(ein see to thee to (elate $on)e(s% an) $hat $ill (ese ble )(ea s the selves. .e(eupon .ype(o'hi)es ans$e(e) o)estly% an) sai)% Fo( that ve(y (eason it is that all o" us a(e ve(y )esi(ous o" hea(ing $hat thou a(t going to say. ,hen (eplie) A(istotle% Fo( this 'ause it $ill be the best $ay to i itate that (ule o" the Fheto(i'ians% $hi'h (e#ui(es us "i(st to give an a''ount o" the an% an) o" $hat nation he $as% that so $e ay not 'ont(a)i't ou( aste(4s )i(e'tions. ,hen sai) .ype(o'hi)es% -o on% i" it so pleases thee. ,his an then% 2ans$e(e) A(istotle%3 $as by bi(th a Je$% an) 'a e "(o 1elesy(ia+ these Je$s a(e )e(ive) "(o the In)ian philosophe(s+ they a(e na e) by the In)ians Calami% an) by the Sy(ians Judaei% an) too! thei( na e "(o the 'ount(y they inhabit% $hi'h is 'alle) Ju)ea+ but "o( the na e o" thei( 'ity% it is a ve(y a$!$a() one% "o( they 'all it Je(usale . 8o$ this an% $hen he $as hospitably t(eate) by a g(eat any% 'a e )o$n "(o the uppe( 'ount(y to the pla'es nea( the sea% an) be'a e a -(e'ian% not only in his language% but in his soul also+ inso u'h that $hen $e ou(selves happene) to be in Asia about the sa e pla'es $hithe( he 'a e% he 'onve(se) $ith us% an) $ith othe( philosophi'al pe(sons% an) a)e a t(ial o" ou( s!ill in philosophy+ an) as he ha) live) $ith any lea(ne) en% he 'o uni'ate) to us o(e in"o( ation than he (e'eive) "(o us.J ,his is A(istotle4s a''ount o" the atte(% as given us by

1lea('hus+ $hi'h A(istotle )is'ou(se) also pa(ti'ula(ly o" the g(eat an) $on)e("ul "o(titu)e o" this Je$ in his )iet% an) 'ontinent $ay o" living% as those that please ay lea(n o(e about hi "(o 1lea('hus4s boo! itsel"+ "o( I avoi) setting )o$n any o(e than is su""i'ient "o( y pu(pose. 8o$ 1lea('hus sai) this by $ay o" )ig(ession% "o( his ain )esign $as o" anothe( natu(e. But "o( .e'ateus o" Ab)e(a% $ho $as both a philosophe(% an) one ve(y use"ul ill an a'tive li"e% he $as 'onte po(a(y $ith !ing Ale&an)e( in his youth% an) a"te($a() $as $ith Ptole y% the son o" Iagus+ he )i) not $(ite about the Je$ish a""ai(s by the by only% but 'o pose) an enti(e boo! 'on'e(ning the Je$s the selves+ out o" $hi'h boo! I a $illing to (un ove( a "e$ things% o" $hi'h I have been t(eating by $ay o" epito e. An)% in the "i(st pla'e% I $ill )e onst(ate the ti e $hen this .e'ateus live)+ "o( he entions the "ight that $as bet$een Ptole y an) ;e et(ius about -a>a% $hi'h $as "ought in the eleventh yea( a"te( the )eath o" Ale&an)e(% an) in the hun)(e) an) seventeenth oly pia)% as 1asto( says in his histo(y. Fo( $hen he ha) set )o$n this oly pia)% he says "u(the(% that Jin this oly pia) Ptole y% the son o" Iagus% beat in battle ;e et(ius% the son o" Antigonus% $ho $as na e) Polio('etes% at -a>a.J 8o$% it is ag(ee) by all% that Ale&an)e( )ie) in the hun)(e) an) "ou(teenth oly pia)+ it is the(e"o(e evi)ent that ou( nation "lou(ishe) in his ti e% an) in the ti e o" Ale&an)e(. Again% .e'ateus says to the sa e pu(pose% as "ollo$s9 JPtole y got possession o" the pla'es in Sy(ia a"te( that battle at -a>a+ an) any% $hen they hea() o" Ptole y4s o)e(ation an) hu anity% $ent along $ith hi to Egypt% an) $e(e $illing to assist hi in his a""ai(s+ one o" $ho (.e'ateus says) $as .e>e!iah (1@) the high p(iest o" the Je$s+ a an o" about si&ty/si& yea(s o" age% an) in g(eat )ignity a ong his o$n people. .e $as a ve(y sensible an% an) 'oul) spea! ve(y ovingly% an) $as ve(y s!ill"ul in the anage ent o" a""ai(s% i" any othe( an eve( $e(e so+ although% as he says% all the p(iests o" the Je$s too! tithes o" the p(o)u'ts o" the ea(th% an) anage) publi' a""ai(s% an) $e(e in nu be( not above "i"teen hun)(e) at the ost.J .e'ateus entions this .e>e!iah a se'on) ti e% an) says% that Jas he $as possesse) o" so g(eat a )ignity% an) $as be'o e "a ilia( $ith us% so )i) he ta!e 'e(tain o" those that $e(e $ith hi % an) e&plaine) to the all the 'i('u stan'es o" thei( people+ "o( he ha) all thei( habitations an) polity )o$n in $(iting.J 6o(eove(% .e'ateus )e'la(es again% J$hat (ega() $e have "o( ou( la$s% an) that $e (esolve to en)u(e any thing (athe( than t(ansg(ess the % be'ause $e thin! it (ight "o( us to )o so.J ?he(eupon he a))s% that Jalthough they a(e in a ba) (eputation a ong thei( neighbo(s% an) a ong all those that 'o e to the % an) have been o"ten t(eate) in0u(iously by the !ings an) gove(no(s o" Pe(sia% yet 'an they not be )issua)e) "(o a'ting $hat they thin! best+ but that $hen they a(e st(ippe) on this a''ount% an) have to( ents in"li'te) upon the % an) they a(e b(ought to the ost te((ible !in)s o" )eath% they eet the a"te( an e&t(ao()ina(y anne(% beyon) all othe( people% an) $ill not (enoun'e the (eligion o" thei( "o(e"athe(s.J .e'ateus also p(o)u'es )e onst(ations not a "e$ o" this thei( (esolute tena'iousness o" thei( la$s% $hen he spea!s thus9 JAle&an)e( $as on'e at Babylon% an) ha) an intention to (ebuil) the te ple o" Belus that $as "allen to )e'ay% an) in o()e( the(eto% he 'o an)e) all his sol)ie(s in gene(al to b(ing ea(th thithe(. But the Je$s% an) they only% $oul) not 'o ply $ith that 'o an)+ nay% they un)e($ent st(ipes an) g(eat losses o" $hat they ha) on this a''ount% till the !ing "o(gave the % an) pe( itte) the to live in #uiet.J .e a))s "u(the(% that J$hen the 6a'e)onians 'a e to the into that 'ount(y% an) )e olishe) the 2ol)3 te ples an) the alta(s% they assiste) the in )e olishing the all (1C) but 2"o( not assisting the in (ebuil)ing the 3 they eithe( un)e($ent losses% o( so eti es obtaine) "o(giveness.J .e a))s "u(the(% that Jthese en )ese(ve to be a) i(e) on that a''ount.J .e also spea!s o" the ighty populousness o" ou( nation% an) says that Jthe Pe(sians "o( e(ly 'a((ie) a$ay any ten thousan)s o" ou( people to Babylon% as also that not a "e$ ten thousan)s $e(e (e ove) a"te(

Ale&an)e(4s )eath into Egypt an) Phoeni'ia% by (eason o" the se)ition that $as a(isen in Sy(ia.J ,he sa e pe(son ta!es noti'e in his histo(y% ho$ la(ge the 'ount(y is $hi'h $e inhabit% as $ell as o" its e&'ellent 'ha(a'te(% an) says% that Jthe lan) in $hi'h the Je$s inhabit 'ontains th(ee illions o" a(ou(ae% (1E) an) is gene(ally o" a ost e&'ellent an) ost "(uit"ul soil+ no( is Ju)ea o" lesse( )i ensions.J ,he sa e an )es'(ibe ou( 'ity Je(usale also itsel" as o" a ost e&'ellent st(u'tu(e% an) ve(y la(ge% an) inhabite) "(o the ost an'ient ti es. .e also )is'ou(ses o" the ultitu)e o" en in it% an) o" the 'onst(u'tion o" ou( te ple% a"te( the "ollo$ing anne(9 J,he(e a(e any st(ong pla'es an) villages (says he) in the 'ount(y o" Ju)ea+ but one st(ong 'ity the(e is% about "i"ty "u(longs in 'i('u "e(en'e% $hi'h is inhabite) by a hun)(e) an) t$enty thousan) en% o( the(eabouts+ they 'all it Je(usale . ,he(e is about the i))le o" the 'ity a $all o" stone% $hose length is "ive hun)(e) "eet% an) the b(ea)th a hun)(e) 'ubits% $ith )ouble 'loiste(s+ $he(ein the(e is a s#ua(e alta(% not a)e o" he$n stone% but 'o pose) o" $hite stones gathe(e) togethe(% having ea'h si)e t$enty 'ubits long% an) its altitu)e ten 'ubits. .a() by it is a la(ge e)i"i'e% $he(ein the(e is an alta( an) a 'an)lesti'!% both o" gol)% an) in $eight t$o talents9 upon these the(e is a light that is neve( e&tinguishe)% eithe( by night o( by )ay. ,he(e is no i age% no( any thing% no( any )onations the(ein+ nothing at all is the(e plante)% neithe( g(ove% no( any thing o" that so(t. ,he p(iests abi)e the(ein both nights an) )ays% pe("o( ing 'e(tain pu(i"i'ations% an) )(in!ing not the least )(op o" $ine $hile they a(e in the te ple.J 6o(eove(% he attests that $e Je$s $ent as au&ilia(ies along $ith !ing Ale&an)e(% an) a"te( hi $ith his su''esso(s. I $ill a)) "u(the( $hat he says he lea(ne) $hen he $as hi sel" $ith the sa e a( y% 'on'e(ning the a'tions o" a an that $as a Je$. .is $o()s a(e these9 JAs I $as ysel" going to the Fe) Sea% the(e "ollo$e) us a an% $hose na e $as 6osolla + he $as one o" the Je$ish ho(se en $ho 'on)u'te) us+ he $as a pe(son o" g(eat 'ou(age% o" a st(ong bo)y% an) by all allo$e) to be the ost s!ill"ul a('he( that $as eithe( a ong the -(ee!s o( ba(ba(ians. 8o$ this an% as people $e(e in g(eat nu be(s passing along the (oa)% an) a 'e(tain augu( $as obse(ving an augu(y by a bi()% an) (e#ui(ing the all to stan) still% in#ui(e) $hat they stai) "o(. .e(eupon the augu( sho$e) hi the bi() "(o $hen'e he too! his augu(y% an) tol) hi that i" the bi() stai) $he(e he $as% they ought all to stan) still+ but that i" he got up% an) "le$ on$a()% they ust go "o($a()+ but that i" he "le$ ba'!$a()% they ust (eti(e again. 6osolla a)e no (eply% but )(e$ his bo$% an) shot at the bi()% an) hit hi % an) !ille) hi + an) as the augu( an) so e othe(s $e(e ve(y ang(y% an) $ishe) i p(e'ations upon hi % he ans$e(e) the thus9 ?hy a(e you so a) as to ta!e this ost unhappy bi() into you( han)s7 "o( ho$ 'an this bi() give us any t(ue in"o( ation 'on'e(ning ou( a('h% $ho 'oul) not "o(esee ho$ to save hi sel"7 "o( ha) he been able to "o(e!no$ $hat $as "utu(e% he $oul) not have 'o e to this pla'e% but $oul) have been a"(ai) lest 6osolla the Je$ shoul) shoot at hi % an) !ill hi .J But o" .e'ateus4s testi onies $e have sai) enough+ "o( as to su'h as )esi(e to !no$ o(e o" the % they ay easily obtain the "(o his boo! itsel". .o$eve(% I shall not thin! it too u'h "o( e to na e Agatha('hi)es% as having a)e ention o" us Je$s% though in $ay o" )e(ision at ou( si pli'ity% as he supposes it to be+ "o( $hen he $as )is'ou(sing o" the a""ai(s o" St(atoni'e% Jho$ she 'a e out o" 6a'e)onia into Sy(ia% an) le"t he( husban) ;e et(ius% $hile yet Seleueus $oul) not a((y he( as she e&pe'te)% but )u(ing the ti e o" his (aising an a( y at Babylon% sti((e) up a se)ition about Antio'h+ an) ho$% a"te( that% the !ing 'a e ba'!% an) upon his ta!ing o" Antio'h% she "le) to Seleu'ia% an) ha) it in he( po$e( to sail a$ay i e)iately yet )i) she 'o ply $ith a )(ea $hi'h "o(ba)e he( so to )o% an) so $as 'aught an) put to )eath.J ?hen Agatha(ehi)es ha) p(e ise) this sto(y% an) ha) 0este) upon St(atoni'e "o( he( supe(stition% he gives a li!e e&a ple o" $hat $as (epo(te) 'on'e(ning us% an) $(ites thus9 J,he(e a(e a people 'alle) Je$s% an) )$ell

in a 'ity the st(ongest o" all othe( 'ities% $hi'h the inhabitants 'all Je(usale % an) a(e a''usto e) to (est on eve(y seventh )ay (*G) on $hi'h ti es they a!e no use o" thei( a( s% no( e))le $ith husban)(y% no( ta!e 'a(e o" any a""ai(s o" li"e% but sp(ea) out thei( han)s in thei( holy pla'es% an) p(ay till the evening. 8o$ it 'a e to pass% that $hen Ptole y% the son o" Iagus% 'a e into this 'ity $ith his a( y% that these en% in obse(ving this a) 'usto o" thei(s% instea) o" gua()ing the 'ity% su""e(e) thei( 'ount(y to sub it itsel" to a bitte( lo()+ an) thei( la$ $as openly p(ove) to have 'o an)e) a "oolish p(a'ti'e. (*1) ,his a''i)ent taught all othe( en but the Je$s to )is(ega() su'h )(ea s as these $e(e% an) not to "ollo$ the li!e i)le suggestions )elive(e) as a la$% $hen% in su'h un'e(tainty o" hu an (easonings% they a(e at a loss $hat they shoul) )o.J 8o$ this ou( p(o'e)u(e see s a (i)i'ulous thing to Agatha(ehi)es% but $ill appea( to su'h as 'onsi)e( it $ithout p(e0u)i'e a g(eat thing% an) $hat )ese(ve) a g(eat any en'o iu s+ I ean% $hen 'e(tain en 'onstantly p(e"e( the obse(vation o" thei( la$s% an) thei( (eligion to$a()s -o)% be"o(e the p(ese(vation o" the selves an) thei( 'ount(y. *5. 8o$ that so e $(ite(s have o itte) to ention ou( nation% not be'ause they !ne$ nothing o" us% but be'ause they envie) us% o( "o( so e othe( un0usti"iable (easons% I thin! I 'an )e onst(ate by pa(ti'ula( instan'es+ "o( .ie(ony us% $ho $(ote the .isto(y o" 2Ale&an)e(4s Su''esso(s% live) at the sa e ti e $ith .e'ateus% an) $as a "(ien) o" !ing Antigonus% an) p(esi)ent o" Sy(ia. 8o$ it is plain that .e'ateus $(ote an enti(e boo! 'on'e(ning us% $hile .ie(ony us neve( entions us in his histo(y% although he $as b(e) up ve(y nea( to the pla'es $he(e $e live. ,hus )i""e(ent "(o one anothe( a(e the in'linations o" en+ $hile the one thought $e )ese(ve) to be 'a(e"ully (e e be(e)% as so e ill/)ispose) passion blin)e) the othe(4s in) so enti(ely% that he 'oul) not )is'e(n the t(uth. An) no$ 'e(tainly the "o(egoing (e'o()s o" the Egyptians% an) 1hal)eans% an) Phoeni'ians% togethe( $ith so any o" the -(ee! $(ite(s% $ill be su""i'ient "o( the )e onst(ation o" ou( anti#uity. 6o(eove(% besi)es those "o(e entione)% ,heophilus% an) ,heo)otus% an) 6naseas% an) A(istophanes% an) .e( ogenes% Euhe e(us also% an) 1onon% an) Mopy(ion% an) pe(haps any othe(s% ("o( I have not lighte) upon all the -(ee! boo!s%) have a)e )istin't ention o" us. It is t(ue% any o" the en be"o(e entione) have a)e g(eat ista!es about the t(ue a''ounts o" ou( nation in the ea(liest ti es% be'ause they ha) not pe(use) ou( sa'(e) boo!s+ yet have they all o" the a""o()e) thei( testi ony to ou( anti#uity% 'on'e(ning $hi'h I a no$ t(eating. .o$eve(% ;e et(ius Phale(eus% an) the el)e( Philo% $ith Eupole us% have not g(eatly isse) the t(uth about ou( a""ai(s+ $hose lesse( ista!es ought the(e"o(e to be "o(given the + "o( it $as not in thei( po$e( to un)e(stan) ou( $(itings $ith the ut ost a''u(a'y. *:. One pa(ti'ula( the(e is still (e aining behin) o" $hat I at "i(st p(opose) to spea! to% an) that is% to )e onst(ate that those 'alu nies an) (ep(oa'hes $hi'h so e have th(o$n upon ou( nation% a(e lies% an) to a!e use o" those $(ite(s4 o$n testi onies against the selves+ an) that in gene(al this sel"/'ont(a)i'tion hath happene) to any othe( autho(s by (eason o" thei( ill/$ill to so e people% I 'on'lu)e% is not un!no$n to su'h as have (ea) histo(ies $ith su""i'ient 'a(e+"o( so e o" the have en)eavo(e) to )isg(a'e the nobility o" 'e(tain nations% an) o" so e o" the ost glo(ious 'ities% an) have 'ast (ep(oa'hes upon 'e(tain "o( s o" gove(n ent. ,hus hath ,heopo pus abuse) the 'ity o" Athens% Poly'(ates that o" Ia'e)e on% as hath he hat $(ote the ,(ipoliti'us ("o( he is not ,heopo pus% as is suppose) bys o e) )one by the 'ity o" ,hebes. ,i eils also hath g(eatly abuse) the "o(egoing people an) othe(s also+ an) this ill/t(eat ent they use 'hie"ly $hen they have a 'ontest $ith en o" the g(eatest (eputation+ so e out o" envy an) ali'e% an) othe(s as supposing that by this "oolish tal!ing o" thei(s they ay be thought $o(thy

o" being (e e be(e) the selves+ an) in)ee) they )o by no eans "ail o" thei( hopes% $ith (ega() to the "oolish pa(t o" an!in)% but en o" sobe( 0u)g ent still 'on)e n the o" g(eat alignity. *<. 8o$ the Egyptians $e(e the "i(st that 'ast (ep(oa'hes upon us+ in o()e( to please $hi'h nation% so e othe(s un)e(too! to pe(ve(t the t(uth% $hile they $oul) neithe( o$n that ou( "o(e"athe(s 'a e into Egypt "(o anothe( 'ount(y% as the "a't $as% no( give a t(ue a''ount o" ou( )epa(tu(e then'e. An) in)ee) the Egyptians too! any o''asions to hate us an) envy us9 in the "i(st pla'e% be'ause ou( an'esto(s ha) ha) the )o inion ove( thei( 'ount(y7 an) $hen they $e(e )elive(e) "(o the % an) gone to thei( o$n 'ount(y again% they live) the(e in p(ospe(ity. In the ne&t pla'e% the )i""e(en'e o" ou( (eligion "(o thei(s hath o''asione) g(eat en ity bet$een us% $hile ou( $ay o" ;ivine $o(ship )i) as u'h e&'ee) that $hi'h thei( la$s appointe)% as )oes the natu(e o" -o) e&'ee) that o" b(ute beasts+ "o( so "a( they all ag(ee th(ough the $hole 'ount(y% to estee su'h ani als as go)s% although they )i""e( one "(o anothe( in the pe'ulia( $o(ship they seve(ally pay to the . An) 'e(tainly en they a(e enti(ely o" vain an) "oolish in)s% $ho have thus a''usto e) the selves "(o the beginning to have su'h ba) notions 'on'e(ning thei( go)s% an) 'oul) not thin! o" i itating that )e'ent "o( o" ;ivine $o(ship $hi'h $e a)e use o"% though% $hen they sa$ ou( institutions app(ove) o" by any othe(s% they 'oul) not but envy us on that a''ount+ "o( so e o" the have p(o'ee)e) to that )eg(ee o" "olly an) eanness in thei( 'on)u't% as not to s'(uple to 'ont(a)i't thei( o$n an'ient (e'o()s% nay% to 'ont(a)i't the selves also in thei( $(itings% an) yet $e(e so blin)e) by thei( passions as not to )is'e(n it. *=. An) no$ I $ill tu(n y )is'ou(se to one o" thei( p(in'ipal $(ite(s% $ho I have a little be"o(e a)e use o" as a $itness to ou( anti#uity+ I ean 6anetho. (**) .e p(o ise) to inte(p(et the Egyptian histo(y out o" thei( sa'(e) $(itings% an) p(e ise) this9 that Jou( people ha) 'o e into Egypt% any ten thousan)s in nu be(% an) sub)ue) its inhabitants+J an) $hen he ha) "u(the( 'on"esse) that J$e $ent out o" that 'ount(y a"te($a()% an) settle) in that 'ount(y $hi'h is no$ 'alle) Ju)ea% an) the(e built Je(usale an) its te ple.J 8o$ thus "a( he "ollo$e) his an'ient (e'o()s+ but a"te( this he pe( its hi sel"% in o()e( to appea( to have $(itten $hat (u o(s an) (epo(ts passe) ab(oa) about the Je$s% an) int(o)u'es in'(e)ible na((ations% as i" he $oul) have the Egyptian ultitu)e% that ha) the lep(osy an) othe( )iste pe(s% to have been i&e) $ith us% as he says they $e(e% an) that they $e(e 'on)e ne) to "ly out o" Egypt togethe(+ "o( he entions A enophis% a "i'titious !ing4s na e% though on that a''ount he )u(st not set )o$n the nu be( o" yea(s o" his (eign% $hi'h yet he ha) a''u(ately )one as to the othe( !ings he entions+ he then as'(ibes 'e(tain "abulous sto(ies to this !ing% as having in a anne( "o(gotten ho$ he ha) al(ea)y (elate) that the )epa(tu(e o" the shephe()s "o( Je(usale ha) been "ive hun)(e) an) eighteen yea(s be"o(e+ "o( ,eth osis $as !ing $hen they $ent a$ay. 8o$% "(o his )ays% the (eigns o" the inte( e)iate !ings% a''o()ing to 6anethe% a ounte) to th(ee hun)(e) an) ninety/th(ee yea(s% as he says hi sel"% till the t$o b(othe(s Sethos an) .e( eus+ the one o" $ho % Sethos% $as 'alle) by that othe( na e o" Egyptus% an) the othe(% .e( eus% by that o" ;anaus. .e also says that Sethos east the othe( out o" Egypt% an) (eigne) "i"ty/nine yea(s% as )i) his el)est son Fha pses (eign a"te( hi si&ty/si& yea(s. ?hen 6anethe the(e"o(e ha) a'!no$le)ge) that ou( "o(e"athe(s $e(e gone out o" Egypt so any yea(s ago% he int(o)u'es his "i'titious !ing A enophis% an) says thus9 J,his !ing $as )esi(ous to be'o e a spe'tato( o" the go)s% as ha) O(us% one o" his p(e)e'esso(s in that !ing)o % )esi(e) the sa e be"o(e hi + he also 'o uni'ate) that his )esi(e to his na esa!e A enophis% $ho $as the son o" Papis% an) one

that see e) to pa(ta!e o" a )ivine natu(e% both as to $is)o an) the !no$le)ge o" "utu(ities.J 6anethe a))s% Jho$ this na esa!e o" his tol) hi that he ight see the go)s% i" he $oul) 'lea( the $hole 'ount(y o" the lepe(s an) o" the othe( i pu(e people+ that the !ing $as please) $ith this in0un'tion% an) got togethe( all that ha) any )e"e't in thei( bo)ies out o" Egypt+ an) that thei( nu be( $as eighty thousan)+ $ho he sent to those #ua((ies $hi'h a(e on the east si)e o" the 8ile% that they ight $o(! in the % an) ight be sepa(ate) "(o the (est o" the Egyptians.J .e says "u(the(% that Jthe(e $e(e so e o" the lea(ne) p(iests that $e(e pollute) $ith the lep(osy+ but that still this A enophis% the $ise an an) the p(ophet% $as a"(ai) that the go)s $oul) be ang(y at hi an) at the !ing% i" the(e shoul) appea( to have been violen'e o""e(e) the + $ho also a))e) this "u(the(% 2out o" his saga'ity about "utu(ities%3 that 'e(tain people $oul) 'o e to the assistan'e o" these pollute) $(et'hes% an) $oul) 'on#ue( Egypt% an) !eep it in thei( possession thi(teen yea(s+ that% ho$eve(% he )u(st not tell the !ing o" these things% but that he le"t a $(iting behin) hi about all those atte(s% an) then sle$ hi sel"% $hi'h a)e the !ing )is'onsolate.J A"te( $hi'h he $(ites thus verbatim9 JA"te( those that $e(e sent to $o(! in the #ua((ies ha) 'ontinue) in that ise(able state "o( a long $hile% the !ing $as )esi(e) that he $oul) set apa(t the 'ity Ava(is% $hi'h $as then le"t )esolate o" the shephe()s% "o( thei( habitation an) p(ote'tion+ $hi'h )esi(e he g(ante) the . 8o$ this 'ity% a''o()ing to the an'ient theology% $as ,ypho4s 'ity. But $hen these en $e(e gotten into it% an) "oun) the pla'e "it "o( a (evolt% they appointe) the selves a (ule( out o" the p(iests o" .ellopolis% $hose na e $as Osa(siph% an) they too! thei( oaths that they $oul) be obe)ient to hi in all things. .e then% in the "i(st pla'e% a)e this la$ "o( the % ,hat they shoul) neithe( $o(ship the Egyptian go)s% no( shoul) abstain "(o any one o" those sa'(e) ani als $hi'h they have in the highest estee % but !ill an) )est(oy the all+ that they shoul) 0oin the selves to nobo)y but to those that $e(e o" this 'on"e)e(a'y. ?hen he ha) a)e su'h la$s as these% an) any o(e su'h as $e(e ainly opposite to the 'usto s o" the Egyptians% (*5) he gave o()e( that they shoul) use the ultitu)e o" the han)s they ha) in buil)ing $alls about thei( 1ity% an) a!e the selves (ea)y "o( a $a( $ith !ing A enophis% $hile he )i) hi sel" ta!e into his "(ien)ship the othe( p(iests% an) those that $e(e pollute) $ith the % an) sent a bassa)o(s to those shephe()s $ho ha) been )(iven out o" the lan) by ,e"il osis to the 'ity 'alle) Je(usale + $he(eby he in"o( e) the o" his o$n a""ai(s% an) o" the state o" those othe(s that ha) been t(eate) a"te( su'h an igno inious anne(% an) )esi(e) that they $oul) 'o e $ith one 'onsent to his assistan'e in this $a( against Egypt. .e also p(o ise) that he $oul)% in the "i(st pla'e% b(ing the ba'! to thei( an'ient 'ity an) 'ount(y Ava(is% an) p(ovi)e a plenti"ul aintenan'e "o( thei( ultitu)e+ that he $oul) p(ote't the an) "ight "o( the as o''asion shoul) (e#ui(e% an) $oul) easily (e)u'e the 'ount(y un)e( thei( )o inion. ,hese shephe()s $e(e all ve(y gla) o" this essage% an) 'a e a$ay $ith ala'(ity all togethe(% being in nu be( t$o hun)(e) thousan) en+ an) in a little ti e they 'a e to Ava(is. An) no$ A enophis the !ing o" Egypt% upon his being in"o( e) o" thei( invasion% $as in g(eat 'on"usion% as 'alling to in) $hat A enophis% the son o" Papis% ha) "o(etol) hi + an)% in the "i(st pla'e% he asse ble) the ultitu)e o" the Egyptians% an) too! 'ounsel $ith thei( lea)e(s% an) sent "o( thei( sa'(e) ani als to hi % espe'ially "o( those that $e(e p(in'ipally $o(shippe) in thei( te ples% an) gave a pa(ti'ula( 'ha(ge to the p(iests )istin'tly% that they shoul) hi)e the i ages o" thei( go)s $ith the ut ost 'a(e he also sent his son Sethos% $ho $as also na e) Fa esses% "(o his "athe( Fha pses% being but "ive yea(s ol)% to a "(ien) o" his. .e then passe) on $ith the (est o" the Egyptians% being th(ee hun)(e) thousan) o" the ost $a(li!e o" the % against the ene y% $ho et the . Ket )i) he not 0oin battle $ith the + but thin!ing that $oul) be to "ight against the go)s% he (etu(ne) ba'! an) 'a e to 6e phis% $he(e he too! Apis an) the othe( sa'(e) ani als

$hi'h he ha) sent "o( to hi % an) p(esently a('he) into Ethiopia% togethe( $ith his $hole a( y an) ultitu)e o" Egyptians+ "o( the !ing o" Ethiopia $as un)e( an obligation to hi % on $hi'h a''ount he (e'eive) hi % an) too! 'a(e o" all the ultitu)e that $as $ith hi % $hile the 'ount(y supplie) all that $as ne'essa(y "o( the "oo) o" the en. .e also allotte) 'ities an) villages "o( this e&ile% that $as to be "(o its beginning )u(ing those "atally )ete( ine) thi(teen yea(s. 6o(eove(% he pit'he) a 'a p "o( his Ethiopian a( y% as a gua() to !ing A enophis% upon the bo()e(s o" Egypt. An) this $as the state o" things in Ethiopia. But "o( the people o" Je(usale % $hen they 'a e )o$n togethe( $ith the pollute) Egyptians% they t(eate) the en in su'h a ba(ba(ous anne(% that those $ho sa$ ho$ they sub)ue) the "o(e entione) 'ount(y% an) the ho((i) $i'!e)ness they $e(e guilty o"% thought it a ost )(ea)"ul thing+ "o( they )i) not only set the 'ities an) villages on "i(e but $e(e not satis"ie) till they ha) been guilty o" sa'(ilege% an) )est(oye) the i ages o" the go)s% an) use) the in (oasting those sa'(e) ani als that use) to be $o(shippe)% an) "o('e) the p(iests an) p(ophets to be the e&e'utione(s an) u()e(e(s o" those ani als% an) then e0e'te) the na!e) out o" the 'ount(y. It $as also (epo(te) that the p(iest% $ho o()aine) thei( polity an) thei( la$s% $as by bi(th o" .ellopolls% an) his na e Osa(siph% "(o Osy(is% $ho $as the go) o" .ellopolls+ but that $hen he $as gone ove( to these people% his na e $as 'hange)% an) he $as 'alle) 6oses.J *@. ,his is $hat the Egyptians (elate about the Je$s% $ith u'h o(e% $hi'h I o it "o( the sa!e o" b(evity. But still 6anetho goes on% that Ja"te( this% A enophis (etu(ne) ba'! "(o Ethiopia $ith a g(eat a( y% as )i) his son Aha pses $ith anothe( a( y also% an) that both o" the 0oine) battle $ith the shephe()s an) the pollute) people% an) beat the % an) sle$ a g(eat any o" the % an) pu(sue) the to the boun)s o" Sy(ia.J ,hese an) the li!e a''ounts a(e $(itten by 6anetho. But I $ill )e onst(ate that he t(i"les% an) tells a((ant lies% a"te( I have a)e a )istin'tion $hi'h $ill (elate to $hat I a going to say about hi + "o( this 6anetho ha) g(ante) an) 'on"esse) that this nation $as not o(iginally Egyptian% but that they ha) 'o e "(o anothe( 'ount(y% an) sub)ue) Egypt% an) then $ent a$ay again out o" it. But that. those Egyptians $ho $e(e thus )isease) in thei( bo)ies $e(e not ingle) $ith us a"te($a()% an) that 6oses $ho b(ought the people out $as not one o" that 'o pany% but live) any gene(ations ea(lie(% I shall en)eavo( to )e onst(ate "(o 6anetho4s o$n a''ounts the selves. *C. 8o$% "o( the "i(st o''asion o" this "i'tion% 6anetho supposes $hat is no bette( than a (i)i'ulous thing+ "o( he says thatJ !ing A enophis )esi(e) to see the go)s.J ?hat go)s% I p(ay% )i) he )esi(e to see7 I" he eant the go)s $ho thei( la$s o()aine) to be $o(shippe)% the o&% the goat% the '(o'o)ile% an) the baboon% he sa$ the al(ea)y+ but "o( the heavenly go)s% ho$ 'oul) he see the % an) $hat shoul) o''asion this his )esi(e7 ,o be su(e7 it $as be'ause anothe( !ing be"o(e hi ha) al(ea)y seen the . .e ha) then been in"o( e) $hat so(t o" go)s they $e(e% an) a"te( $hat anne( they ha) been seen% inso u'h that he )i) not stan) in nee) o" any ne$ a(ti"i'e "o( obtaining this sight. .o$eve(% the p(ophet by $hose eans the !ing thought to 'o pass his )esign $as a $ise an. I" so% ho$ 'a e he not to !no$ that su'h his )esi(e $as i possible to be a''o plishe)7 "o( the event )i) not su''ee). An) $hat p(etense 'oul) the(e be to suppose that the go)s $oul) not be seen by (eason o" the people4s ai s in thei( bo)ies% o( lep(osy7 "o( the go)s a(e not ang(y at the i pe("e'tion o" bo)ies% but at $i'!e) p(a'ti'es+ an) as to eighty thousan) lepe(s% an) those in an ill state also% ho$ is it possible to have the gathe(e) togethe( in one )ay7 nay% ho$ 'a e the !ing not to 'o ply $ith the p(ophet7 "o( his in0un'tion $as% that those that $e(e ai e) shoul) be e&pelle) out o" Egypt% $hile the !ing only sent the

to $o(! in the #ua((ies% as i" he $e(e (athe( in $ant o" labo(e(s% than inten)e) to pu(ge his 'ount(y. .e says "u(the(% thatJ this p(ophet sle$ hi sel"% as "o(eseeing the ange( o" the go)s% an) those events $hi'h $e(e to 'o e upon Egypt a"te($a()+ an) that he le"t this p(e)i'tion "o( the !ing in $(iting.J Besi)es% ho$ 'a e it to pass that this p(ophet )i) not "o(e!no$ his o$n )eath at the "i(st7 nay% ho$ 'a e he not to 'ont(a)i't the !ing in his )esi(e to see the go)s i e)iately7 ho$ 'a e that un(easonable )(ea) upon hi o" 0u)g ents that $e(e not to happen in his li"eti e7 o( $hat $o(se thing 'oul) he su""e(% out o" the "ea( o" $hi'h he a)e haste to !ill hi sel"7 But no$ let us see the silliest thing o" all9 / ,he !ing% although he ha) been in"o( e) o" these things% an) te((i"ie) $ith the "ea( o" $hat $as to 'o e% yet )i) not he even then e0e't these ai e) people out o" his 'ount(y% $hen it ha) been "o(etol) hi that he $as to 'lea( Egypt o" the + but% as 6anetho says% Jhe then% upon thei( (e#uest% gave the that 'ity to inhabit% $hi'h ha) "o( e(ly belonge) to the shephe()s% an) $as 'alle) Ava(is+ $hithe( $hen they $e(e gone in '(o$)s%J he says% Jthey 'hose one that ha) "o( e(ly been p(iest o" .ellopolls+ an) that this p(iest "i(st o()aine) that they shoul) neithe( $o(ship the go)s% no( abstain "(o those ani als that $e(e $o(shippe) by the Egyptians% but shoul) !ill an) eat the all% an) shoul) asso'iate $ith nobo)y but those that ha) 'onspi(e) $ith the + an) that he boun) the ultitu)e by oaths to be su(e to 'ontinue in those la$s+ an) that $hen he ha) built a $all about Ava(is% he a)e $a( against the !ing.J 6anetho a))s also% that Jthis p(iest sent to Je(usale to invite that people to 'o e to his assistan'e% an) p(o ise) to give the Ava(is+ "o( that it ha) belonge) to the "o(e"athe(s o" those that $e(e 'o ing "(o Je(usale % an) that $hen they $e(e 'o e% they a)e a $a( i e)iately against the !ing% an) got possession o" all Egypt.J .e says also that Jthe Egyptians 'a e $ith an a( y o" t$o hun)(e) thousan) en% an) that A enophis% the !ing o" Egypt% not thin!ing that he ought to "ight against the go)s% (an a$ay p(esently into Ethiopia% an) 'o itte) Apis an) 'e(tain othe( o" thei( sa'(e) ani als to the p(iests% an) 'o an)e) the to ta!e 'a(e o" p(ese(ving the .J .e says "u(the(% thatJ the people o" Je(usale 'a e a''o()ingly upon the Egyptians% an) ove(th(e$ thei( 'ities% an) bu(nt thei( te ples% an) sle$ thei( ho(se en% an)% in sho(t% abstaine) "(o no so(t o" $i'!e)ness no( ba(ba(ity+ an) "o( that p(iest $ho settle) thei( polity an) thei( la$s%J he says%J he $as by bi(th o" .ellopolis% an) his na e $as Osa(siph% "(o Osy(is the go) o" .ellopolis% but that he 'hange) his na e% an) 'alle) hi sel" 6oses.J .e then says that Jon the thi(teenth yea( a"te($a()% A enophis% a''o()ing to the "atal ti e o" the )u(ation o" his is"o(tunes% 'a e upon the out o" Ethiopia $ith a g(eat a( y% an) 0oining battle $ith the shephe()s an) $ith the pollute) people% ove('a e the in battle% an) sle$ a g(eat any o" the % an) pu(sue) the as "a( as the boun)s o" Sy(ia.J *E. 8o$ 6anetho )oes not (e"le't upon the i p(obability o" his lie+ "o( the lep(ous people% an) the ultitu)e that $as $ith the % although they ight "o( e(ly have been ang(y at the !ing% an) at those that ha) t(eate) the so 'oa(sely% an) this a''o()ing to the p(e)i'tion o" the p(ophet+ yet 'e(tainly% $hen they $e(e 'o e out o" the ines% an) ha) (e'eive) o" the !ing a 'ity% an) a 'ount(y% they $oul) have g(o$n il)e( to$a()s hi . .o$eve(% ha) they eve( so u'h hate) hi in pa(ti'ula(% they ight have lai) a p(ivate plot against hi sel"% but $oul) ha()ly have a)e $a( against all the Egyptians+ I ean this on the a''ount o" the g(eat !in)(e) they $ho $e(e so nu e(ous ust have ha) a ong the . 8ay still% i" they ha) (esolve) to "ight $ith the en% they $oul) not have ha) i pu)en'e enough to "ight $ith thei( go)s+ no( $oul) they have o()aine) la$s #uite 'ont(a(y to those o" thei( o$n 'ount(y% an) to those in $hi'h they ha) been b(e) up the selves. Ket a(e $e behol)en to 6anethe% that he )oes not lay the p(in'ipal 'ha(ge o" this ho((i) t(ansg(ession upon those that 'a e "(o Je(usale % but says that the Egyptians

the selves $e(e the ost guilty% an) that they $e(e thei( p(iests that 'ont(ive) these things% an) a)e the ultitu)e ta!e thei( oaths "o( )oing so. But still ho$ absu() is it to suppose that none o" these people4s o$n (elations o( "(ien)s shoul) be p(evaile) $ith to (evolt% no( to un)e(go the ha>a()s o" $a( $ith the % $hile these pollute) people $e(e "o('e) to sen) to Je(usale % an) b(ing thei( au&ilia(ies "(o then'eH ?hat "(ien)ship% I p(ay% o( $hat (elation $as the(e "o( e(ly bet$een the that (e#ui(e) this assistan'e7 On the 'ont(a(y% these people $e(e ene ies% an) g(eatly )i""e(e) "(o the in thei( 'usto s. .e says% in)ee)% that they 'o plie) i e)iately% upon thei( p(aising the that they shoul) 'on#ue( Egypt+ as i" they )i) not the selves ve(y $ell !no$ that 'ount(y out o" $hi'h they ha) been )(iven by "o('e. 8o$ ha) these en been in $ant% o( live) ise(ably% pe(haps they ight have un)e(ta!en so ha>a()ous an ente(p(ise+ but as they )$elt in a happy 'ity% an) ha) a la(ge 'ount(y% an) one bette( than Egypt itsel"% ho$ 'a e it about that% "o( the sa!e o" those that ha) o" ol) been thei( ene ies% o" those that $e(e ai e) in thei( bo)ies% an) o" those $ho none o" thei( o$n (elations $oul) en)u(e% they shoul) (un su'h ha>a()s in assisting the 7 Fo( they 'oul) not "o(esee that the !ing $oul) (un a$ay "(o the 9 on the 'ont(a(y% he saith hi sel" that JA enophis4s son ha) th(ee hun)(e) thousan) en $ith hi % an) et the at Pelusiu .J 8o$% to be su(e% those that 'a e 'oul) not be igno(ant o" this+ but "o( the !ing4s (epentan'e an) "light% ho$ 'oul) they possibly guess at it7 .e then says% that Jthose $ho 'a e "(o Je(usale % an) a)e this invasion% got the g(ana(ies o" Egypt into thei( possession% an) pe(pet(ate) any o" the ost ho((i) a'tions the(e.J An) then'e he (ep(oa'hes the % as though he ha) not hi sel" int(o)u'e) the as ene ies% o( as though he ight a''use su'h as $e(e invite) "(o anothe( pla'e "o( so )oing% $hen the natu(al Egyptians the selves ha) )one the sa e things be"o(e thei( 'o ing% an) ha) ta!en oaths so to )o. .o$eve(% JA enophis% so e ti e a"te($a()% 'a e upon the % an) 'on#ue(e) the in battle% an) sle$ his ene ies% an) )(ove the be"o(e hi as "a( as Sy(ia.J As i" Egypt $e(e so easily ta!en by people that 'a e "(o any pla'e $hatsoeve(% an) as i" those that ha) 'on#ue(e) it by $a(% $hen they $e(e in"o( e) that A enophis $as alive% )i) neithe( "o(ti"y the avenues out o" Ethiopia into it% although they ha) g(eat a)vantages "o( )oing it% no( )i) get thei( othe( "o('es (ea)y "o( thei( )e"enseH but that he "ollo$e) the ove( the san)y )ese(t% an) sle$ the as "a( as Sy(ia+ $hile yet it is (ot an easy thing "o( an a( y to pass ove( that 'ount(y% even $ithout "ighting. 5G. Ou( nation% the(e"o(e% a''o()ing to 6anetho% $as not )e(ive) "(o Egypt% no( $e(e any o" the Egyptians ingle) $ith us. Fo( it is to be suppose) that any o" the lep(ous an) )iste pe(e) people $e(e )ea) in the ines% sin'e they ha) been the(e a long ti e% an) in so ill a 'on)ition+ any othe(s ust be )ea) in the battles that happene) a"te($a()% an) o(e still in the last battle an) "light a"te( it. 51. It no$ (e ains that I )ebate $ith 6anetho about 6oses. 8o$ the Egyptians a'!no$le)ge hi to have been a $on)e("ul an) a )ivine pe(son+ nay% they $oul) $illingly lay 'lai to hi the selves% though a"te( a ost abusive an) in'(e)ible anne(% an) p(eten) that he $as o" .eliopolis% an) one o" the p(iests o" that pla'e% an) $as e0e'te) out o" it a ong the (est% on a''ount o" his lep(osy+ although it ha) been )e onst(ate) out o" thei( (e'o()s that he live) "ive hun)(e) an) eighteen yea(s ea(lie(% an) then b(ought ou( "o(e"athe(s out o" Egypt into the 'ount(y that is no$ inhabite) by us. But no$ that he $as not sub0e't in his bo)y to any su'h 'ala ity% is evi)ent "(o $hat he hi sel" tells us+ "o( he "o(ba)e those that ha) the lep(osy eithe( to 'ontinue in a 'ity% o( to inhabit in a village% but 'o an)e) that they shoul) go about by the selves $ith thei( 'lothes (ent+ an) )e'la(es that su'h as eithe( tou'h the % o( live un)e( the

sa e (oo" $ith the % shoul) be estee e) un'lean+ nay% o(e% i" any one o" thei( )isease be heale)% an) he (e'ove( his natu(al 'onstitution again% he appointe) the 'e(tain pu(i"i'ations% an) $ashings $ith sp(ing $ate(% an) the shaving o"" all thei( hai(% an) en0oins that they shall o""e( any sa'(i"i'es% an) those o" seve(al !in)s% an) then at length to be a) itte) into the holy 'ity+ although it $e(e to be e&pe'te) that% on the 'ont(a(y% i" he ha) been un)e( the sa e 'ala ity% he shoul) have ta!en 'a(e o" su'h pe(sons be"o(ehan)% an) have ha) the t(eate) a"te( a !in)e( anne(% as a""e'te) $ith a 'on'e(n "o( those that $e(e to be un)e( the li!e is"o(tunes $ith hi sel". 8o( +$as it only those lep(ous people "o( $hose sa!e he a)e these la$s% but also "o( su'h as shoul) be ai e) in the s allest pa(t o" thei( bo)y% $ho yet a(e not pe( itte) by hi to o""i'iate as p(iests+ nay% although any p(iest% al(ea)y initiate)% shoul) have su'h a 'ala ity "all upon hi a"te($a()% he o()e(e) hi to be )ep(ive) o" his hono( o" o""i'iating. .o$ 'an it then be suppose) that 6oses shoul) o()ain su'h la$s against hi sel"% to his o$n (ep(oa'h an) )a age $ho so o()aine) the 7 8o( in)ee) is that othe( notion o" 6anetho at all p(obable% $he(ein he (elates the 'hange o" his na e% an) says that Jhe $as "o( e(ly 'alle) Osa(siph+J an) this a na e no $ay ag(eeable to the othe(% $hile his t(ue na e $as 6osses% an) signi"ies a pe(son $ho is p(ese(ve) out o" the $ate(% "o( the Egyptians 'all $ate( 6oil. I thin!% the(e"o(e% I have a)e it su""i'iently evi)ent that 6anetho% $hile he "ollo$e) his an'ient (e'o()s% )i) not u'h ista!e the t(uth o" the histo(y+ but that $hen he ha) (e'ou(se to "abulous sto(ies% $ithout any 'e(tain autho(% he eithe( "o(ge) the hi sel"% $ithout any p(obability% o( else gave '(e)it to so e en $ho spa!e so out o" thei( ill/$ill to us. 5*. An) no$ I have )one $ith 6anetho% I $ill in#ui(e into $hat 1he(e on says. Fo( he also% $hen he p(eten)e) to $(ite the Egyptian histo(y% sets )o$n the sa e na e "o( this !ing that 6anetho )i)% A enophis% as also o" his son Fa esses% an) then goes on thus9 J,he go))ess Isis appea(e) to A enophis in his sleep% an) bla e) hi that he( te ple ha) been )e olishe) in the $a(. But that Ph(itiphantes% the sa'(e) s'(ibe% sai) to hi % that in 'ase he $oul) pu(ge Egypt o" the en that ha) pollutions upon the % he shoul) be no longe( t(ouble). $ith su'h "(ight"ul appa(itions. ,hat A enophis a''o()ingly 'hose out t$o hun)(e) an) "i"ty thousan) o" those that $e(e thus )isease)% an) 'ast the out o" the 'ount(y9 that 6oses an) Joseph $e(e s'(ibes% an) Joseph $as a sa'(e) s'(ibe+ that thei( na es $e(e Egyptian o(iginally+ that o" 6oses ha) been ,isithen% an) that o" Joseph% Peteseph9 that these t$o 'a e to Pelusiu % an) lighte) upon th(ee hun)(e) an) eighty thousan) that ha) been le"t the(e by A enophis% he not being $illing to 'a((y the into Egypt+ that these s'(ibes a)e a league o" "(ien)ship $ith the % an) a)e $ith the an e&pe)ition against Egypt9 that A enophis 'oul) not sustain thei( atta'!s% but "le) into Ethiopia% an) le"t his $i"e $ith 'hil) behin) hi % $ho lay 'on'eale) in 'e(tain 'ave(ns% an) the(e b(ought "o(th a son% $hose na e $as 6essene% an) $ho% $hen he $as g(o$n up to an4s estate% pu(sue) the Je$s into Sy(ia% being about t$o hun)(e) thousan)% an) then (e'eive) his "athe( A enophis out o" Ethiopia.J 55. ,his is the a''ount 1he(e on gives us. 8o$ I ta!e it "o( g(ante) that $hat I have sai) al(ea)y hath plainly p(ove) the "alsity o" both these na((ations+ "o( ha) the(e been any (eal t(uth at the botto % it $as i possible they shoul) so g(eatly )isag(ee about the pa(ti'ula(s. But "o( those that invent lies% $hat they $(ite $ill easily give us ve(y )i""e(ent a''ounts% $hile they "o(ge $hat they please out o" thei( o$n hea)s. 8o$ 6anetho says that the !ing4s )esi(e o" seeing the go)s $as the o(igin o" the e0e'tion o" the pollute) people+ but 1he(e on "eigns that it $as a )(ea o" his o$n% sent upon hi by Isis% that $as the o''asion o" it. 6anetho says that the

pe(son $ho "o(esho$e) this pu(gation o" Egypt to the !ing $as A enophis+ but this an says it $as Ph(itiphantes. As to the nu be(s o" the ultitu)e that $e(e e&pelle)% they ag(ee e&'ee)ingly $ell (*:) the "o( e( (e'!oning the eighty thousan)% an) the latte( about t$o hun)(e) an) "i"ty thousan)H 8o$% "o( 6anetho% he )es'(ibes those pollute) pe(sons as sent "i(st to $o(! in the #ua((ies% an) says that the 'ity Ava(is $as given the "o( thei( habitation. As also he (elates that it $as not till a"te( they ha) a)e $a( $ith the (est o" the Egyptians% that they invite) the people o" Je(usale to 'o e to thei( assistan'e+ $hile 1he(e on says only that they $e(e gone out o" Egypt% an) lighte) upon th(ee hun)(e) an) eighty thousan) en about Pelusiu % $ho ha) been le"t the(e by A enophis% an) so they inva)e) Egypt $ith the again+ that the(eupon A enophis "le) into Ethiopia. But then this 1he(e on 'o its a ost (i)i'ulous blun)e( in not in"o( ing us $ho this a( y o" so any ten thousan)s $e(e% o( $hen'e they 'a e+ $hethe( they $e(e native Egyptians% o( $hethe( they 'a e "(o a "o(eign 'ount(y. 8o( in)ee) has this an% $ho "o(ge) a )(ea "(o Isis about the lep(ous people% assigne) the (eason $hy the !ing $oul) not b(ing the into Egypt. 6o(eove(% 1he(e on sets )o$n Joseph as )(iven a$ay at the sa e ti e $ith 6oses% $ho yet )ie) "ou( gene(ations (*<) be"o(e 6oses% $hi'h "ou( gene(ations a!e al ost one hun)(e) an) seventy yea(s. Besi)es all this% Fa esses% the son o" A enophis% by 6anetho4s a''ount% $as a young an% an) assiste) his "athe( in his $a(% an) le"t the 'ount(y at the sa e ti e $ith hi % an) "le) into Ethiopia. But 1he(e on a!es hi to have been bo(n in a 'e(tain 'ave% a"te( his "athe( $as )ea)% an) that he then ove('a e the Je$s in battle% an) )(ove the into Sy(ia% being in nu be( about t$o hun)(e) thousan). O the levity o" the anH "o( he ha) neithe( tol) us $ho these th(ee hun)(e) an) eighty thousan) $e(e% no( ho$ the "ou( hun)(e) an) thi(ty thousan) pe(ishe)+ $hethe( they "ell in $a(% o( $ent ove( to Fa esses. An)% $hat is the st(angest o" all% it is not possible to lea(n out o" hi $ho they $e(e $ho he 'alls Je$s% o( to $hi'h o" these t$o pa(ties he applies that )eno ination% $hethe( to the t$o hun)(e) an) "i"ty thousan) lep(ous people% o( to the th(ee hun)(e) an) eighty thousan) that $e(e about Pelusiu . But pe(haps it $ill be loo!e) upon as a silly thing in e to a!e any la(ge( 'on"utation o" su'h $(ite(s as su""i'iently 'on"ute the selves+ "o( ha) they been only 'on"ute) by othe( en% it ha) been o(e tole(able. 5:. I shall no$ a)) to these a''ounts about 6anethoan) 1he(e on so e$hat about Iysi a'hus% $ho hath ta!en the sa e topi' o" "alsehoo) $ith those "o(e entione)% but hath gone "a( beyon) the in the in'(e)ible natu(e o" his "o(ge(ies+ $hi'h plainly )e onst(ates that he 'ont(ive) the out o" his vi(ulent hat(e) o" ou( nation. .is $o()s a(e these9 J,he people o" the Je$s being lep(ous an) s'abby% an) sub0e't to 'e(tain othe( !in)s o" )iste pe(s% in the )ays o" Bo''ho(is% !ing o" Egypt% they "le) to the te ples% an) got thei( "oo) the(e by begging9 an) as the nu be(s $e(e ve(y g(eat that $e(e "allen un)e( these )iseases% the(e a(ose a s'a('ity in Egypt. .e(eupon Bo'eho(is% the !ing o" Egypt% sent so e to 'onsult the o(a'le o" 2Jupite(3 .a on about his s'a('ity. ,he go)4s ans$e( $as this% that he ust pu(ge his te ples o" i pu(e an) i pious en% by e&pelling the out o" those te ples into )ese(t pla'es+ but as to the s'abby an) lep(ous people% he ust )(o$n the % an) pu(ge his te ples% the sun having an in)ignation at these en being su""e(e) to live+ an) by this eans the lan) $ill b(ing "o(th its "(uits. Upon Bo''ho(is4s having (e'eive) these o(a'les% he 'alle) "o( thei( p(iests% an) the atten)ants upon thei( alta(s% an) o()e(e) the to a!e a 'olle'tion o" the i pu(e people% an) to )elive( the to the sol)ie(s% to 'a((y the a$ay into the )ese(t+ but to ta!e the lep(ous people% an) $(ap the in sheets o" lea)% an) let the )o$n into the sea. .e(eupon the s'abby an) lep(ous people $e(e )(o$ne)% an) the (est $e(e gotten togethe(% an) sent into )ese(t pla'es% in o()e( to be e&pose) to )est(u'tion. In

this 'ase they asse ble) the selves togethe(% an) too! 'ounsel $hat they shoul) )o% an) )ete( ine) that% as the night $as 'o ing on% they shoul) !in)le "i(es an) la ps% an) !eep $at'h+ that they also shoul) "ast the ne&t night% an) p(opitiate the go)s% in o()e( to obtain )elive(an'e "(o the . ,hat on the ne&t )ay the(e $as one 6oses% $ho a)vise) the that they shoul) ventu(e upon a 0ou(ney% an) go along one (oa) till they shoul) 'o e to pla'es "it "o( habitation9 that he 'ha(ge) the to have no !in) (ega()s "o( any an% no( give goo) 'ounsel to any% but al$ays to a)vise the "o( the $o(st+ an) to ove(tu(n all those te ples an) alta(s o" the go)s they shoul) eet $ith9 that the (est 'o en)e) $hat he ha) sai) $ith one 'onsent% an) )i) $hat they ha) (esolve) on% an) so t(avele) ove( the )ese(t. But that the )i""i'ulties o" the 0ou(ney being ove(% they 'a e to a 'ount(y inhabite)% an) that the(e they abuse) the en% an) plun)e(e) an) bu(nt thei( te ples+ an) then 'a e into that lan) $hi'h is 'alle) Ju)ea% an) the(e they built a 'ity% an) )$elt the(ein% an) that thei( 'ity $as na e) Hierosyla% "(o this thei( (obbing o" the te ples+ but that still% upon the su''ess they ha) a"te($a()s% they in ti e 'hange) its )eno ination% that it ight not be a (ep(oa'h to the % an) 'alle) the 'ity Hierosolyma% an) the selves Hierosolymites.J 5<. 8o$ this an )i) not )is'ove( an) ention the sa e !ing $ith the othe(s% but "eigne) a ne$e( na e% an) passing by the )(ea an) the Egyptian p(ophet% he b(ings hi to 2Jupite(3 .a on% in o()e( to gain o(a'les about the s'abby an) lep(ous people+ "o( he says that the ultitu)e o" Je$s $e(e gathe(e) togethe( at the te ples. 8o$ it is un'e(tain $hethe( he as'(ibes this na e to these lepe(s% o( to those that $e(e sub0e't to su'h )iseases a ong the Je$s only+ "o( he )es'(ibes the as a people o" the Je$s. ?hat people )oes he ean7 "o(eigne(s% o( those o" that 'ount(y7 ?hy then4 )ost thou 'all the Je$s% i" they $e(e Egyptians7 But i" they $e(e "o(eigne(s% $hy )ost thou not tell us $hen'e they 'a e7 An) ho$ 'oul) it be that% a"te( the !ing ha) )(o$ne) any o" the in the sea% an) e0e'te) the (est into )ese(t pla'es% the(e shoul) be still so g(eat a ultitu)e (e aining7 O( a"te( $hat anne( )i) they pass ove( the )ese(t% an) get the lan) $hi'h $e no$ )$ell in% an) buil) ou( 'ity% an) that te ple $hi'h hath been so "a ous a ong all an!in)7 An) besi)es% he ought to have spo!en o(e about ou( legislato( than by giving us his ba(e na e+ an) to have in"o( e) us o" $hat nation he $as% an) $hat pa(ents he $as )e(ive) "(o + an) to have assigne) the (easons $hy he un)e(too! to a!e su'h la$s 'on'e(ning the go)s% an) 'on'e(ning atte(s o" in0usti'e $ith (ega() to en )u(ing that 0ou(ney. Fo( in 'ase the people $e(e by bi(th Egyptians% they $oul) not on the su))en have so easily 'hange) the 'usto s o" thei( 'ount(y+ an) in 'ase they ha) been "o(eigne(s% they ha) "o( 'e(tain so e la$s o( othe( $hi'h ha) been !ept by the "(o long 'usto . It is t(ue% that $ith (ega() to those $ho ha) e0e'te) the % they ight have s$o(n neve( to bea( goo)/$ill to the % an) ight have ha) a plausible (eason "o( so )oing. But i" these en (esolve) to $age an i pla'able $a( against all en% in 'ase they ha) a'te) as $i'!e)ly as he (elates o" the % an) this $hile they $ante) the assistan'e o" all en% this )e onst(ates a !in) o" a) 'on)u't in)ee)+ but not o" the en the selves% but ve(y g(eatly so o" hi that tells su'h lies about the . .e hath also i pu)en'e enough to say that a na e% i plying JFobbe(s o" the te ples%J (*=) $as given to thei( 'ity% an) that this na e $as a"te($a() 'hange). ,he (eason o" $hi'h is plain% that the "o( e( na e b(ought (ep(oa'h an) hat(e) upon the in the ti es o" thei( poste(ity% $hile% it see s% those that built the 'ity thought they )i) hono( to the 'ity by giving it su'h a na e. So $e see that this "ine "ello$ ha) su'h an unboun)e) in'lination to (ep(oa'h us% that he )i) not un)e(stan) that (obbe(y o" te ples is not e&p(esse) By the sa e $o() an) na e a ong the Je$s as it is a ong the -(ee!s. But $hy shoul) a an say any o(e to a pe(son $ho tells su'h i pu)ent lies7 .o$eve(%

sin'e this boo! is a(isen to a 'o petent length% I $ill a!e anothe( beginning% an) en)eavo( to a)) $hat still (e ains to pe("e't y )esign in the "ollo$ing boo!. E8;8O,E (1) ,his "i(st boo! has a $(ong title. It is not $(itten against Apion% as is the "i(st pa(t o" the se'on) boo!% but against those -(ee!s in gene(al $ho $oul) not believe Josephus4s "o( e( a''ounts o" the ve(y an'ient state o" the Je$ish nation% in his *G boo!s o" Anti#uities+ an) pa(ti'ula(ly against Agatha(el))es% 6anetho% 1he(e on% an) Iysi a'hus. it is one o" the ost lea(ne)% e&'ellent% an) use"ul boo!s o" all anti#uity+ an) upon Je(o e4s pe(usal o" this an) the "ollo$ing boo!% he )e'la(es that it see s to hi a i(a'ulous thing Jho$ one that $as a .eb(e$% $ho ha) been "(o his in"an'y inst(u'te) in sa'(e) lea(ning% shoul) be able to p(onoun'e su'h a nu be( o" testi onies out o" p(o"ane autho(s% as i" he ha) (ea) ove( all the -(e'ian lib(a(ies%J Epist. C. a) 6agnu + an) the lea(ne) Je$% 6anasseh/Ben/Is(ael% estee e) these t$o boo!s so e&'ellent% as to t(anslate the into the .eb(e$+ this $e lea(n "(o his o$n 'atalogue o" his $o(!s% $hi'h I have seen. As to the ti e an) pla'e $hen an) $he(e these t$o boo!s $e(e $(itten% the lea(ne) have not hithe(to been able to )ete( ine the any "u(the( than that they $e(e $(itten so e ti e a"te( his Anti#uities% o( so e ti e a"te( A.;. E5+ $hi'h in)ee) is too obvious at thei( ent(an'e to be ove(loo!e) by even a 'a(eless pe(use(% they being )i(e'tly inten)e) against those that $oul) not believe $hat he ha) a)van'e) in those boo!s 'on/the g(eat o" the Je$ish nation As to the pla'e% they all i agine that these t$o boo!s $e(e $(itten $he(e the "o( e( $e(e% I ean at Fo e+ an) I 'on"ess that I ysel" believe) both those )ete( inations% till I 'a e to "inish y notes upon these boo!s% $hen I et $ith plain in)i'ations that they $e(e $(itten not at Fo e% but in Ju)ea% an) this a"te( the thi() o" ,(a0an% o( A.;. 1GG. (*) ,a!e ;(. .u)son4s note he(e% $hi'h as it 0ustly 'ont(a)i'ts the 'o on opinion that Josephus eithe( )ie) un)e( ;o itian% o( at least $(ote nothing late( than his )ays% so )oes it pe("e'tly ag(ee to y o$n )ete( ination% "(o Justus o" ,ibe(ias% that he $(ote o( "inishe) his o$n Ii"e a"te( the thi() o" ,(a0an% o( A.;. 1GG. ,o $hi'h 8ol)ius also ag(ees% )e .e(o)% 8o. 5C5 2Epaph(o)itus3. JSin'e Flo(ius Josephus%J says ;(. .u)son% J$(ote 2o( "inishe)3 his boo!s o" Anti#uities on the thi(teenth o" ;o itian% 2A.;. E5%3 an) a"te( that $(ote the 6e oi(s o" his o$n Ii"e% as an appen)i& to the boo!s o" Anti#uities% an) at last his t$o boo!s against Apion% an) yet )e)i'ate) all those $(itings to Epaph(o)itus+ he 'an ha()ly be that Epaph(o)itus $ho $as "o( e(ly se'(eta(y to 8e(o% an) $as slain on the "ou(teenth 2o( "i"teenth3 o" ;o itian% a"te( he ha) been "o( a goo) $hile in banish ent+ but anothe( Epaph(o)itas% a "(ee)/ an% an) p(o'u(ato( o" ,(a0an% as says -(otius on Iu!e 195. (5) ,he p(ese(vation o" .o e(4s Poe s by e o(y% an) not by his o$n $(iting the )o$n% an) that then'e they $e(e style) Fhapso)ies% as sung by hi % li!e balla)s% by pa(ts% an) not 'o pose) an) 'onne'te) togethe( in 'o plete $o(!s% a(e opinions $ell !no$n "(o the an'ient 'o entato(s+ though su'h supposal see s to ysel"% as $ell as to Fab(i'ius Biblioth. -(a'e. I. p. *=E% an) to othe(s% highly i p(obable. 8o( )oes Josephus say the(e $e(e no an'iente( $(itings a ong the -(ee!s than .o e(4s Poe s% but that they )i) not "ully o$n any an'iente( $(itings p(eten)ing to su'h anti#uity% $hi'h is t(ite.

(:) It $ell )ese(ves to be 'onsi)e(e)% that Josephus he(e says ho$ all the "ollo$ing -(ee! histo(ians loo!e) on .e(o)otus as a "abulous autho(+ an) p(esently% se't. 1:% ho$ 6anetho% the ost authenti' $(ite( o" the Egyptian histo(y% g(eatly 'o plains o" his ista!es in the Egyptian a""ai(s+ as also that St(abo% B. DI. p. <G@% the ost a''u(ate geog(aphe( an) histo(ian% estee e) hi su'h+ that Denophon% the u'h o(e a''u(ate histo(ian in the a""ai(s o" 1y(us% i plies that .e(o)otus4s a''ount o" that g(eat an is al ost enti(ely (o anti'. See the notes on Anti#. B. DI. 'h. *. se't. 1% an) .ut'hinson4s P(olego ena to his e)ition o" Denophon4s% that $e have al(ea)y seen in the note on Anti#. B. BIII. 'h. 1G. se't. 5% ho$ ve(y little .e(o)otus !ne$ about the Je$ish a""ai(s an) 'ount(y% an) that he g(eatly a""e'te) $hat $e 'all the a(velous% as 6onsieu( Follin has lately an) 0ustly )ete( ine)+ $hen'e $e a(e not al$ays to )epen) on the autho(ity o" .e(o)otus% $he(e it is unsuppo(te) by othe( evi)en'e% but ought to 'o pa(e the othe( evi)en'e $ith his% an) i" it p(epon)e(ate% to p(e"e( it be"o(e his. I )o not ean by this that .e(o)otus $ill"ully (elate) $hat he believe) to be "alse% (as 1teeias see s to have )one%) but that he o"ten $ante) evi)en'e% an) so eti es p(e"e((e) $hat $as a(velous to $hat $as best atteste) as (eally t(ue. (<) About the )ays o" 1y(us an) ;aniel. (=) It is he(e $ell $o(th ou( obse(vation% $hat the (easons a(e that su'h an'ient autho(s as .e(o)otus% Josephus% an) othe(s have been (ea) to so little pu(pose by any lea(ne) '(iti's+ vi>. that thei( ain ai has not been 'h(onology o( histo(y% but philology% to !no$ $o()s% an) not things% they not u'h ente(ing o"tenti es into the (eal 'ontents o" thei( autho(s% an) 0u)ging $hi'h $e(e the ost a''u(ate )is'ove(e(s o" t(uth% an) ost to be )epen)e) on in the seve(al histo(ies% but (athe( in#ui(ing $ho $(ote the "inest style% an) ha) the g(eatest elegan'e in thei( e&p(essions+ $hi'h a(e things o" s all 'onse#uen'e in 'o pa(ison o" the othe(. ,hus you $ill so eti es "in) g(eat )ebates a ong the lea(ne)% $hethe( .e(o)otus o( ,hu'y)i)es $e(e the "inest histo(ian in the Ioni' an) Atti' $ays o" $(iting+ $hi'h signi"y little as to the (eal value o" ea'h o" thei( histo(ies+ $hile it $oul) be o" u'h o(e o ent to let the (ea)e( !no$% that as the 'onse#uen'e o" .e(o)otus4s histo(y% $hi'h begins so u'h ea(lie(% an) (ea'hes so u'h $i)e(% than that o" ,hu'y)i)es% is the(e"o(e vastly g(eate(+ so is the ost pa(t o" ,hu'y)i)es% $hi'h belongs to his o$n ti es% an) "ell un)e( his o$n obse(vation% u'h the ost 'e(tain. (@) O" this a''u(a'y o" the Je$s be"o(e an) in ou( Savio(4s ti e% in 'a(e"ully p(ese(ving thei( genealogies all along% pa(ti'ula(ly those o" the p(iests% see Josephus4s Ii"e% se't. 1. ,his a''u(a'y. see s to have en)e) at the )est(u'tion o" Je(usale by ,itus% o(% ho$eve(% at that by A)(ian. (C) ?hi'h $e(e these t$enty/t$o sa'(e) boo!s o" the. Ol) ,esta ent% see the Supple ent to the Essay o" the Ol) ,esta ent% p. *</*E% vi>. those $e 'all 'anoni'al% all e&'epting the 1anti'les+ but still $ith this "u(the( e&'eption% that the boo! o" apo'(yphal Es)(as be ta!en into that nu be( instea) o" ou( 'anoni'al E>(a% $hi'h see s to be no o(e than a late( epito e o" the othe(+ $hi'h t$o boo!s o" 1anti'les an) E>(a it no $ay appea(s that ou( Josephus eve( sa$. (E) .e(e $e have an a''ount o" the "i(st buil)ing o" the 'ity o" Je(usale % a''o()ing to 6anetho% $hen the Phoeni'ian shephe()s $e(e e&pelle) out o" Egypt about thi(ty/seven yea(s be"o(e Ab(aha 'a e out o" .a(sh.

(1G) -enesis :=+5*% 5:+ :@95% :. (11) In ou( 'opies o" the boo! o" -enesis an) o" Joseph% this Joseph neve( 'alls hi sel" Ja 'aptive%J $hen he $as $ith the !ing o" Egypt% though he )oes 'all hi sel" Ja se(vant%J Ja slave%J o( J'aptive%J any ti es in the ,esta ent o" the ,$elve Pat(ia('hs% un)e( Joseph% se't. 1% 11% 15/1=. (1*) O" this Egyptian 'h(onology o" 6anetho% as ista!en by Josephus% an) o" these Phoeni'ian shephe()s% as "alsely suppose) by hi % an) othe(s a"te( hi % to have been the Is(aelites in Egypt% see Essay on the Ol) ,esta ent% Appen)i&% p. 1C*/1CC. An) note he(e% that $hen Josephus tells us that the -(ee!s o( A(gives loo!e) on this ;anaus as Ja ost an'ient%J o( Jthe ost an'ient%J !ing o" A(gos% he nee) not be suppose) to ean% in the st(i'test sense% that they ha) no one !ing so an'ient as he+ "o( it is 'e(tain that they o$ne) nine !ings be"o(e hi % an) Ina'hus at the hea) o" the . See Authenti' Fe'o()s% Pa(t II. p. EC5% as Josephus 'oul) not but !no$ ve(y $ell+ but that he $as estee e) as ve(y an'ient by the % an) that they !ne$ they ha) been "i(st o" all )eno inate) J;anaiJ "(o this ve(y an'ient !ing ;anaus. 8o( )oes this supe(lative )eg(ee al$ays i ply the J ost an'ientJ o" all $ithout e&'eption% but is so eti es to be (en)e(e) Jve(y an'ientJ only% as is the 'ase in the li!e supe(lative )eg(ees o" othe( $o()s also. (15) Authenti' Fe'o()s% Pa(t II. p. EC5% as Josephus 'oul) not but !no$ ve(y $ell+ but that he $as estee e) as ve(y an'ient by the % an) that they !ne$ they ha) been "i(st o" all )eno inate) J;anaiJ "(o this ve(y an'ient !ing ;anaus. 8o( )oes this supe(lative )eg(ee al$ays i ply the J ost an'ientJ o" all $ithout e&'eption% but is so eti es to be (en)e(e) Jve(y an'ientJ only% as is the 'ase in the li!e supe(lative )eg(ees o" othe( $o()s also. (1:) ,his nu be( in Josephus% that 8ebu'ha)ne>>a( )est(oye) the te ple in the eighteenth yea( o" his (eign% is a ista!e in the ni'ety o" 'h(onology+ "o( it $as in the nineteenth. ,he t(ue nu be( he(e "o( the yea( o" ;a(ius% in $hi'h the se'on) te ple $as "inishe)% $hethe( the se'on) $ith ou( p(esent 'opies% o( the si&th $ith that o" Syn'ellus% o( the tenth $ith that o" Eusebius% is ve(y un'e(tain+ so $e ha) best "ollo$ Josephus4s o$n a''ount else$he(e% Anti#. +B. DI. 'h. 5. se't. :% $hi'h sho$s us that a''o()ing to his 'opy o" the Ol) ,esta ent% a"te( the se'on) o" 1y(us% that $o(! $as inte((upte) till the se'on) o" ;a(ius% $hen in seven yea(s it $as "inishe) in the ninth o" ;a(ius. (1<) ,his is a thing $ell !no$n by the lea(ne)% that $e a(e not se'u(e that $e have any genuine $(itings o" Pythago(as+ those -ol)en Be(ses% $hi'h a(e his best (e ains% being gene(ally suppose) to have been $(itten not by hi sel"% but by so e o" his s'hola(s only% in ag(ee ent $ith $hat Josephus he(e a""i( s o" hi . (1=) ?hethe( these ve(ses o" 1he(ilus% the heathen poet% in the )ays o" De(&es% belong to the Soly i in Pisi)ia% that $e(e nea( a s all la!e% o( to the Je$s that )$elt on the Soly ean o( Je(usale ountains% nea( the g(eat an) b(oa) la!e Asphaltitis% that $e(e a st(ange people% an) spa!e the Phoeni'ian tongue% is not ag(ee) on by the lea(ne). I" is yet 'e(tain that Josephus he(e% an) Eusebius% P(ep. ID. E. p. :1*% too! the to be Je$s+ an) I 'on"ess I 'annot but ve(y u'h in'line to the sa e opinion. ,he othe( Soly i $e(e not a st(ange people% but heathen i)olate(s% li!e the othe( pa(ts o" De(&es4s a( y+ an) that these spa!e the Phoeni'ian tongue is ne&t to

i possible% as the Je$s 'e(tainly )i)+ no( is the(e the least evi)en'e "o( it else$he(e. 8o( $as the la!e a)0oining to the ountains o" the Solv i at all la(ge o( b(oa)% in 'o pa(ison o" the Je$ish la!e Asphaltitis+ no( in)ee) $e(e these so 'onsi)e(able a people as the Je$s% no( so li!ely to be )esi(e) by De(&es "o( his a( y as the Je$s% to $ho he $as al$ays ve(y "avo(able. As "o( the (est o" 1he(ilus4s )es'(iption% that Jthei( hea)s $e(e sooty+ that they ha) (oun) (asu(es on thei( hea)s+ that thei( hea)s an) "a'es $e(e li!e nasty ho(se/hea)s% $hi'h ha) been ha()ene) in the s o!e+J these a$!$a() 'ha(a'te(s p(obably "itte) the Soly i o" Pisi)i no bette( than they )i) the Je$s in Ju)ea. An) in)ee) this (ep(oa'h"ul language% he(e given these people% is to e a st(ong in)i'ation that they $e(e the poo( )espi'able Je$s% an) not the Pisi)ian Soly i 'eleb(ate) in .o e(% $ho 1he(ilus he(e )es'(ibes+ no( a(e $e to e&pe't that eithe( 1he(ilus o( .e'ateus% o( any othe( pagan $(ite(s 'ite) by Josephus an) Eusebius% a)e no ista!es in the Je$ish histo(y. I" by 'o pa(ing thei( testi onies $ith the o(e authenti' (e'o()s o" that nation $e "in) the "o( the ain to 'on"i( the sa e% as $e al ost al$ays )o% $e ought to be satis"ie)% an) not e&pe't that they eve( ha) an e&a't !no$le)ge o" all the 'i('u stan'es o" the Je$ish a""ai(s% $hi'h in)ee) it $as al ost al$ays i possible "o( the to have. See se't. *5. (1@) ,his .e>e!iah% $ho is he(e 'alle) a high p(iest% is not na e) in Josephus4s 'atalogue+ the (eal high p(iest at that ti e being (athe( Onias% as A('hbishop Ushe( supposes. .o$eve(% Josephus o"ten uses the $o() high p(iests in the plu(al nu be(% as living any at the sa e ti e. See the note on Anti#. B. DD. 'h. C. se't. C. (1C) So I (ea) the te&t $ith .ave('a p% though the pla'e be )i""i'ult. (1E) ,his nu be( o" a(ou(ae o( Egyptian a'(es% 5%GGG%GGG% ea'h a(ou(a 'ontaining a s#ua(e o" 1GG Egyptian 'ubits% (being about th(ee #ua(te(s o" an English a'(e% an) 0ust t$i'e the a(ea o" the 'ou(t o" the Je$ish tabe(na'le%) as 'ontaine) in the 'ount(y o" Ju)ea% $ill be about one thi() o" the enti(e nu be( o" a(ou(ae in the $hole lan) o" Ju)ea% supposing it 1=G easu(e) iles long an) @G su'h iles b(oa)+ $hi'h esti ation% "o( the "(uit"ul pa(ts o" it% as pe(haps he(e in .e'ateus% is not the(e"o(e ve(y $i)e "(o the t(uth. ,he "i"ty "u(longs in 'o pass "o( the 'ity Je(usale p(esently a(e not ve(y $i)e "(o the t(uth also% as Josephus hi sel" )es'(ibes it% $ho% O" the ?a(% B. B. 'h. :. se't. 5. a!es its $all thi(ty/th(ee "u(longs% besi)es the subu(bs an) ga()ens+ nay% he says% B. B. 'h. 1*. se't. *% that ,itus4s $all about it at so e s all )istan'e% a"te( the ga()ens an) subu(bs $e(e )est(oye)% $as not less than thi(ty/nine "u(longs. 8o( pe(haps $e(e its 'onstant inhabitants% in the )ays o" .e'ateus% any o(e than these 1*G%GGG% be'ause (oo $as al$ays to be le"t "o( vastly g(eate( nu be(s $hi'h 'a e up at the th(ee g(eat "estivals+ to say nothing o" the p(obable in'(ease in thei( nu be( bet$een the )ays o" .e'ateus an) Josephus% $hi'h $as at least th(ee hun)(e) yea(s. But see a o(e authenti' a''ount o" so e o" these easu(es in y ;es'(iption o" the Je$ish ,e ples. .o$eve(% $e a(e not to e&pe't that su'h heathens as 1he(ilus o( .e'ateus% o( the (est that a(e 'ite) by Josephus an) Eusebius% 'oul) avoi) a!ing any ista!es in the Je$ish histo(y% $hile yet they st(ongly 'on"i( the sa e histo(y in the gene(al% an) a(e ost valuable attestations to those o(e authenti' a''ounts $e have in the S'(iptu(es an) Josephus 'on'e(ning the . (*G) A glo(ious testi ony this o" the obse(vation o" the sabbath by the Je$s. See Anti#. B. DBI. 'h. *. se't. :% an) 'h. =. se't. *+ the Ii"e% se't. <:+ an) ?a(% B. IB. 'h. E. se't. 1*.

(*1) 8ot thei( la$% but the supe(stitious inte(p(etation o" thei( lea)e(s $hi'h neithe( the 6a''abees no( ou( blesse) Savio( )i) eve( app(ove o". (**) In (ea)ing this an) the (e aining se'tions o" this boo!% an) so e pa(ts o" the ne&t% one ay easily pe('eive that ou( usually 'ool an) 'an)i) autho(% Josephus% $as too highly o""en)e) $ith the i pu)ent 'alu nies o" 6anethe% an) the othe( bitte( ene ies o" the Je$s% $ith $ho he ha) no$ to )eal% an) $as the(eby bet(aye) into a g(eate( heat an) passion than o()ina(y% an) that by 'onse#uen'e he )oes not hea( (eason $ith his usual "ai(ness an) i pa(tiality+ he see s to )epa(t so eti es "(o the b(evity an) sin'e(ity o" a "aith"ul histo(ian% $hi'h is his g(an) 'ha(a'te(% an) in)ulges the p(oli&ity an) 'olo(s o" a plea)e( an) a )isputant9 a''o()ingly% I 'on"ess% I al$ays (ea) these se'tions $ith less pleasu(e than I )o the (est o" his $(itings% though I "ully believe the (ep(oa'hes 'ast on the Je$s% $hi'h he he(e en)eavo(s to 'on"ute an) e&pose% $e(e $holly g(oun)less an) un(easonable. (*5) ,his is a ve(y valuable testi ony o" 6anetho% that the la$s o" Osa(siph% o( 6oses% $e(e not a)e in 'o plian'e $ith% but in opposition to% the 'usto s o" the Egyptians. See the note on Anti#. B. III. 'h. C. se't. E. (*:) By $ay o" i(ony% I suppose. (*<) .e(e $e see that Josephus estee e) a gene(ation bet$een Joseph an) 6oses to be about "o(ty/t$o o( "o(ty/th(ee yea(s+ $hi'h% i" ta!en bet$een the ea(lie( 'hil)(en% $ell ag(ees $ith the )u(ation o" hu an li"e in those ages. See Antheat. Fe'. Pa(t II. pages E==% 1G1E% 1G*G. (*=) ,hat is the eaning o" .ie(osyla in -(ee!% not in .eb(e$.

Flavius Josephus Against Apion BOOK II

1. I8 the "o( e( boo!% ost hono(e) Epaph(o)itus% I have )e onst(ate) ou( anti#uity% an) 'on"i( e) the t(uth o" $hat I have sai)% "(o the $(itings o" the Phoeni'ians% an) 1hal)eans% an) Egyptians. I have% o(eove(% p(o)u'e) any o" the -(e'ian $(ite(s as $itnesses the(eto. I have also a)e a (e"utation o" 6anetho an) 1he(e on% an) o" 'e(tain othe(s o" ou( ene ies. I shall no$ (1) the(e"o(e begin a 'on"utation o" the (e aining autho(s $ho have $(itten any thing against us+ although I 'on"ess I have ha) a )oubt upon e about Apion (*) the g(a a(ian% $hethe( I ought to ta!e the t(ouble o" 'on"uting hi o( not+ "o( so e o" his $(itings 'ontain u'h the sa e a''usations $hi'h the othe(s have lai) against us% so e things that he hath a))e) a(e ve(y "(igi) an) 'onte ptible% an) "o( the g(eatest pa(t o" $hat he says% it is ve(y s'u((ilous% an)% to spea! no o(e than the plain t(uth% it sho$s hi to be a ve(y unlea(ne) pe(son% an) $hat he lays togethe( loo!s li!e the $o(! o" a an o" ve(y ba) o(als% an) o" one no bette( in his $hole li"e than a ounteban!. Ket% be'ause the(e a(e a g(eat any en so ve(y "oolish% that they a(e (athe( 'aught by su'h o(ations than by $hat is $(itten $ith 'a(e% an) ta!e pleasu(e in (ep(oa'hing othe( en% an) 'annot abi)e to hea( the 'o en)e)% I thought it to be ne'essa(y not to let this an go o"" $ithout e&a ination% $ho ha) $(itten su'h an a''usation against us% as i" he $oul) b(ing us to a!e an ans$e( in open 'ou(t. Fo( I also have obse(ve)% that any en a(e ve(y u'h )elighte) $hen they see a an $ho "i(st began to (ep(oa'h anothe(% to be hi sel" e&pose) to 'onte pt on a''ount o" the vi'es he hath hi sel" been guilty o". .o$eve(% it is not a ve(y easy thing to go ove( this an4s )is'ou(se% no( to !no$ plainly $hat he eans+ yet )oes he see % a i)st a g(eat 'on"usion an) )iso()e( in his "alsehoo)s% to p(o)u'e% in the "i(st pla'e% su'h things as (ese ble $hat $e have e&a ine) al(ea)y% an) (elate to the )epa(tu(e o" ou( "o(e"athe(s out o" Egypt+ an)% in the se'on) pla'e% he a''uses those Je$s that a(e inhabitants o" Ale&an)(ia+ as% in the thi() pla'e% he i&es $ith those things su'h a''usations as 'on'e(n the sa'(e) pu(i"i'ations% $ith the othe( legal (ites use) in the te ple. *. 8o$ although I 'annot but thin! that I have al(ea)y )e onst(ate)% an) that abun)antly o(e than $as ne'essa(y% that ou( "athe(s $e(e not o(iginally Egyptians% no( $e(e then'e e&pelle)% eithe( on a''ount o" bo)ily )iseases% o( any othe( 'ala ities o" that so(t+ yet $ill I b(ie"ly ta!e noti'e o" $hat Apion a))s upon that sub0e't+ "o( in his thi() boo!% $hi'h (elates to the a""ai(s o" Egypt% he spea!s thus9 JI have hea() o" the an'ient en o" Egypt% that 6oses $as o" .eliopolis% an) that he thought hi sel" oblige) to "ollo$ the 'usto s o" his "o(e"athe(s% an) o""e(e) his p(aye(s in the open ai(% to$a()s the 'ity $alls+ but that he (e)u'e) the all to be )i(e'te) to$a()s sun/(ising% $hi'h $as ag(eeable to the situation o" .eliopolis+ that he also set up pilla(s instea) o" gno ons% (5) un)e( $hi'h $as (ep(esente) a 'avity li!e that o" a boat% an) the sha)o$ that "ell "(o thei( tops "ell )o$n upon that 'avity% that it ight go (oun) about the li!e 'ou(se as the sun itsel" goes (oun) in the othe(.J ,his is that $on)e("ul (elation $hi'h $e have given us by this g(a a(ian. But that it is a "alse one is so plain% that it stan)s in nee) o" "e$ $o()s to p(ove it% but is ani"est "(o the $o(!s o" 6oses+ "o( $hen he e(e'te) the "i(st tabe(na'le to -o)% he )i)

hi sel" neithe( give o()e( "o( any su'h !in) o" (ep(esentation to be a)e at it% no( o()ain that those that 'a e a"te( hi shoul) a!e su'h a one. 6o(eove(% $hen in a "utu(e age Solo on built his te ple in Je(usale % he avoi)e) all su'h nee)less )e'o(ations as Apion hath he(e )evise). .e says "u(the(% ho$ he ha) Jhea() o" the an'ient en% that 6oses $as o" .ellopolis.J ,o be su(e that $as% be'ause being a younge( an hi sel"% he believe) those that by thei( el)e( age $e(e a'#uainte) an) 'onve(se) $ith hi . 8o$ this g(a a(ian% as he $as% 'oul) not 'e(tainly tell $hi'h $as the poet .o e(4s 'ount(y% no o(e than he 'oul) $hi'h $as the 'ount(y o" Pythago(as% $ho live) 'o pa(atively but a little $hile ago+ yet )oes he thus easily )ete( ine the age o" 6oses% $ho p(e'e)e) the su'h a vast nu be( o" yea(s% as )epen)ing on his an'ient en4s (elation% $hi'h sho$s ho$ noto(ious a lia( he $as. But then as to this 'h(onologi'al )ete( ination o" the ti e $hen he says he b(ought the lep(ous people% the blin)% an) the la e out o" Egypt% see ho$ $ell this ost a''u(ate g(a a(ian o" ou(s ag(ees $ith those that have $(itten be"o(e hi H 6anetho says that the Je$s )epa(te) out o" Egypt% in the (eign o" ,eth osis% th(ee hun)(e) ninety/th(ee yea(s be"o(e ;anaus "le) to A(gos+ Iysi aehus says it $as un)e( !ing Bo''ho(is% that is% one thousan) seven hun)(e) yea(s ago+ 6olo an) so e othe(s )ete( ine) it as eve(y one please)9 but this Apion o" ou(s% as )ese(ving to be believe) be"o(e the % hath )ete( ine) it e&a'tly to have been in the seventh oly pia)% an) the "i(st yea( o" that oly pia)+ the ve(y sa e yea( in $hi'h he says that 1a(thage $as built by the Phoeni'ians. ,he (eason $hy he a))e) this buil)ing o" 1a(thage $as% to be su(e% in o()e(% as he thought% to st(engthen his asse(tion by so evi)ent a 'ha(a'te( o" 'h(onology. But he $as not a$a(e that this 'ha(a'te( 'on"utes his asse(tion+ "o( i" $e ay give '(e)it to the Phoeni'ian (e'o()s as to the ti e o" the "i(st 'o ing o" thei( 'olony to 1a(thage% they (elate that .i(o thei( !ing $as above a hun)(e) an) "i"ty yea(s ea(lie( than the buil)ing o" 1a(thage+ 'on'e(ning $ho I have "o( e(ly p(o)u'e) testi onials out o" those Phoeni'ian (e'o()s% as also that this .i(o $as a "(ien) o" Solo on $hen he $as buil)ing the te ple o" Je(usale % an) gave hi g(eat assistan'e in his buil)ing that te ple+ $hile still Solo on hi sel" built that te ple si& hun)(e) an) t$elve yea(s a"te( the Je$s 'a e out o" Egypt. As "o( the nu be( o" those that $e(e e&pelle) out o" Egypt% he hath 'ont(ive) to have the ve(y sa e nu be( $ith Iysi aehus% an) says they $e(e a hun)(e) an) ten thousan). .e then assigns a 'e(tain $on)e("ul an) plausible o''asion "o( the na e o" Sabbath+ "o( he says that J$hen the Je$s ha) t(avele) a si& )ays4 0ou(ney% they ha) buboes in thei( g(oins+ an) that on this a''ount it $as that they (este) on the seventh )ay% as having got sa"ely to that 'ount(y $hi'h is no$ 'alle) Ju)ea+ that then they p(ese(ve) the language o" the Egyptians% an) 'alle) that )ay the Sabbath% "o( that ala)y o" buboes on thei( g(oin $as na e) Sabbatosis by the Egyptians.J An) $oul) not a an no$ laugh at this "ello$4s t(i"ling% o( (athe( hate his i pu)en'e in $(iting thus7 ?e ust% it see s% "a!e it "o( g(ante) that all these hun)(e) an) ten thousan) en ust have these buboes. But% "o( 'e(tain% i" those en ha) been blin) an) la e% an) ha) all so(ts o" )iste pe(s upon the % as Apion says they ha)% they 'oul) not have gone one single )ay4s 0ou(ney+ but i" they ha) been all able to t(avel ove( a la(ge )ese(t% an)% besi)es that% to "ight an) 'on#ue( those that oppose) the % they ha) not all o" the ha) buboes on thei( g(oins a"te( the si&th )ay $as ove(+ "o( no su'h )iste pe( 'o es natu(ally an) o" ne'essity upon those that t(avel+ but still% $hen the(e a(e any ten thousan)s in a 'a p togethe(% they 'onstantly a('h a settle) spa'e 2in a )ay3. 8o( is it at all p(obable that su'h a thing shoul) happen by 'han'e+ this $oul) be p(o)igiously absu() to be suppose). .o$eve(% ou( a) i(able autho( Apion hath be"o(e tol) us that Jthey 'a e to Ju)ea in si& )ays4 ti e+J an) again% that J6oses $ent up to a ountain that lay bet$een Egypt an) A(abia% $hi'h $as 'alle) Sinai% an) $as 'on'eale) the(e "o(ty )ays% an) that $hen he 'a e )o$n "(o then'e he gave la$s to the

Je$s.J But% then% ho$ $as it possible "o( the to ta((y "o(ty )ays in a )ese(t pla'e $he(e the(e $as no $ate(% an) at the sa e ti e to pass all ove( the 'ount(y bet$een that an) Ju)ea in the si& )ays7 An) as "o( this g(a ati'al t(anslation o" the $o() Sabbath% it eithe( 'ontains an instan'e o" his g(eat i pu)en'e o( g(oss igno(an'e+ "o( the $o()s Sabbo an) Sabbath a(e $i)ely )i""e(ent "(o one anothe(+ "o( the $o() Sabbath in the Je$ish language )enotes (est "(o all so(ts o" $o(!+ but the $o() Sabbo% as he a""i( s% )enotes a ong the Egyptians the ala)y o" a bubo in the g(oin. 5. ,his is that novel a''ount $hi'h the Egyptian Apion gives us 'on'e(ning the Je$s4 )epa(tu(e out o" Egypt% an) is no bette( than a 'ont(ivan'e o" his o$n. But $hy shoul) $e $on)e( at the lies he tells about ou( "o(e"athe(s% $hen he a""i( s the to be o" Egyptian o(iginal% $hen he lies also about hi sel"7 "o( although he $as bo(n at Oasis in Egypt% he p(eten)s to be% as a an ay say% the top an o" all the Egyptians+ yet )oes he "o(s$ea( his (eal 'ount(y an) p(ogenito(s% an) by "alsely p(eten)ing to be bo(n at Ale&an)(ia% 'annot )eny the (:) p(avity o" his "a ily+ "o( you see ho$ 0ustly he 'alls those Egyptians $ho he hates% an) en)eavo(s to (ep(oa'h+ "o( ha) he not )ee e) Egyptians to be a na e o" g(eat (ep(oa'h% he $oul) not have avoi)e) the na e o" an Egyptian hi sel"+ as $e !no$ that those $ho b(ag o" thei( o$n 'ount(ies value the selves upon the )eno ination they a'#ui(e the(eby% an) (ep(ove su'h as un0ustly lay 'lai the(eto. As "o( the Egyptians4 'lai to be o" ou( !in)(e)% they )o it on one o" the "ollo$ing a''ounts+ I ean% eithe( as they value the selves upon it% an) p(eten) to bea( that (elation to us+ o( else as they $oul) )(a$ us in to be pa(ta!e(s o" thei( o$n in"a y. But this "ine "ello$ Apion see s to b(oa'h this (ep(oa'h"ul appellation against us% 2that $e $e(e o(iginally Egyptians%3 in o()e( to besto$ it on the Ale&an)(ians% as a (e$a() "o( the p(ivilege they ha) given hi o" being a "ello$ 'iti>en $ith the 9 he also is app(i>e) o" the ill/$ill the Ale&an)(ians bea( to those Je$s $ho a(e thei( "ello$ 'iti>ens% an) so p(oposes to hi sel" to (ep(oa'h the % although he ust the(eby in'lu)e all the othe( Egyptians also+ $hile in both 'ases he is no bette( than an i pu)ent lia(. :. But let us no$ see $hat those heavy an) $i'!e) '(i es a(e $hi'h Apion 'ha(ges upon the Ale&an)(ian Je$s. J,hey 'a e (says he) out o" Sy(ia% an) inhabite) nea( the te pestuous sea% an) $e(e in the neighbo(hoo) o" the )ashing o" the $aves.J 8o$ i" the pla'e o" habitation in'lu)es any thing that is (ep(oa'he)% this an (ep(oa'hes not his o$n (eal 'ount(y% 2Egypt%3 but $hat he p(eten)s to be his o$n 'ount(y% Ale&an)(ia+ "o( all a(e ag(ee) in this% that the pa(t o" that 'ity $hi'h is nea( the sea is the best pa(t o" all "o( habitation. 8o$ i" the Je$s gaine) that pa(t o" the 'ity by "o('e% an) have !ept it hithe(to $ithout i pea'h ent% this is a a(! o" thei( valo(+ but in (eality it $as Ale&an)e( hi sel" that gave the that pla'e "o( thei( habitation% $hen they obtaine) e#ual p(ivileges the(e $ith the 6a'e)onians. 8o( 'all I )evise $hat Apion $oul) have sai)% ha) thei( habitation been at 8e'(opolis7 an) not been "i&e) ha() by the (oyal pala'e 2as it is3+ no( ha) thei( nation ha) the )eno ination o" 6a'e)onians given the till this ve(y )ay 2as they have3. .a) this an no$ (ea) the epistles o" !ing Ale&an)e(% o( those o" Ptole y the son o" Iagus% o( et $ith the $(itings o" the su''ee)ing !ings% o( that pilla( $hi'h is still stan)ing at Ale&an)(ia% an) 'ontains the p(ivileges $hi'h the g(eat 2Julius3 1aesa( besto$e) upon the Je$s+ ha) this an% I say% !no$n these (e'o()s% an) yet hath the i pu)en'e to $(ite in 'ont(a)i'tion to the % he hath sho$n hi sel" to be a $i'!e) an+ but i" he !ne$ nothing o" these (e'o()s% he hath sho$n hi sel" to be a an ve(y igno(ant9 nay% $hen lie appea(s to $on)e( ho$ Je$s 'oul) be 'alle) Ale&an)(ians% this is anothe( li!e instan'e o" his igno(an'e+ "o( all su'h as a(e 'alle) out to be 'olonies% although they be eve( so "a( (e ote "(o one anothe( in thei( o(iginal% (e'eive

thei( na es "(o those that b(ing the to thei( ne$ habitations. An) $hat o''asion is the(e to spea! o" othe(s% $hen those o" us Je$s that )$ell at Antio'h a(e na e) Antio'hians% be'ause Seleu'ns the "oun)e( o" that 'ity gave the the p(ivileges belonging the(eto7 A"te( the li!e anne( )o those Je$s that inhabit Ephesus% an) the othe( 'ities o" Ionia% en0oy the sa e na e $ith those that $e(e o(iginally bo(n the(e% by the g(ant o" the su''ee)ing p(in'es+ nay% the !in)ness an) hu anity o" the Fo ans hath been so g(eat% that it hath g(ante) leave to al ost all othe(s to ta!e the sa e na e o" Fo ans upon the + I ean not pa(ti'ula( en only% but enti(e an) la(ge nations the selves also+ "o( those an'iently na e) Ibe(i% an) ,y((heni% an) Sabini% a(e no$ 'alle) Fo ani. An) i" Apion (e0e't this $ay o" obtaining the p(ivilege o" a 'iti>en o" Ale&an)(ia% let hi abstain "(o 'alling hi sel" an Ale&an)(ian he(ea"te(+ "o( othe($ise% ho$ 'an he $ho $as bo(n in the ve(y hea(t o" Egypt be an Ale&an)(ian% i" this $ay o" a''epting su'h a p(ivilege% o" $hi'h he $oul) have us )ep(ive)% be on'e ab(ogate)7 although in)ee) these Fo ans% $ho a(e no$ the lo()s o" the habitable ea(th% have "o(bi))en the Egyptians to have the p(ivileges o" any 'ity $hatsoeve(+ $hile this "ine "ello$% $ho is $illing to pa(ta!e o" su'h a p(ivilege hi sel" as he is "o(bi))en to a!e use o"% en)eavo(s by 'alu nies to )ep(ive those o" it that have 0ustly (e'eive) it+ "o( Ale&an)e( )i) not the(e"o(e get so e o" ou( nation to Ale&an)(ia% be'ause he $ante) inhabitants "o( this his 'ity% on $hose buil)ing he ha) besto$e) so u'h pains+ but this $as given to ou( people as a (e$a()% be'ause he ha)% upon a 'a(e"ul t(ial% "oun) the all to have been en o" vi(tue an) "i)elity to hi + "o(% as .e'ateus says 'on'e(ning us% JAle&an)e( hono(e) ou( nation to su'h a )eg(ee% that% "o( the e#uity an) the "i)elity $hi'h the Je$s e&hibite) to hi % he pe( itte) the to hol) the 'ount(y o" Sa a(ia "(ee "(o t(ibute. O" the sa e in) also $as Ptole y the son o" Iagus% as to those Je$s $ho )$elt at Ale&an)(ia.J Fo( he int(uste) the "o(t(esses o" Egypt into thei( han)s% as believing they $oul) !eep the "aith"ully an) valiantly "o( hi + an) $hen he $as )esi(ous to se'u(e the gove(n ent o" 1y(ene% an) the othe( 'ities o" Iibya% to hi sel"% he sent a pa(ty o" Je$s to inhabit in the . An) "o( his su''esso( Ptole y% $ho $as 'alle) Phila)elphus% he )i) not only set all those o" ou( nation "(ee $ho $e(e 'aptives un)e( hi % but )i) "(e#uently give oney 2"o( thei( (anso 3+ an)% $hat $as his g(eatest $o(! o" all% he ha) a g(eat )esi(e o" !no$ing ou( la$s% an) o" obtaining the boo!s o" ou( sa'(e) S'(iptu(es+ a''o()ingly% he )esi(e) that su'h en ight be sent hi as ight inte(p(et ou( la$ to hi + an)% in o()e( to have the $ell 'o pile)% he 'o itte) that 'a(e to no o()ina(y pe(sons% but o()aine) that ;e et(ius Phale(eus% an) An)(eas% an) A(isteas+ the "i(st% ;e et(ius% the ost lea(ne) pe(son o" his age% an) the othe(s% su'h as $e(e int(uste) $ith the gua() o" his bo)y+ shoul) ta!e 'a(e o" this atte(9 no( $oul) he 'e(tainly have been so )esi(ous o" lea(ning ou( la$% an) the philosophy o" ou( nation% ha) he )espise) the en that a)e use o" it% o( ha) he not in)ee) ha) the in g(eat a) i(ation. <. 8o$ this Apion $as una'#uainte) $ith al ost all the !ings o" those 6a'e)onians $ho he p(eten)s to have been his p(ogenito(s% $ho $e(e yet ve(y $ell a""e'te) to$a()s us+ "o( the thi() o" those Ptole ies% $ho $as 'alle) Eue(getes% $hen he ha) gotten possession o" all Sy(ia by "o('e% )i) not o""e( his than!/o""e(ings to the Egyptian go)s "o( his vi'to(y% but 'a e to Je(usale % an) a''o()ing to ou( o$n la$s o""e(e) any sa'(i"i'es to -o)% an) )e)i'ate) to hi su'h gi"ts as $e(e suitable to su'h a vi'to(y9 an) as "o( Ptole y Philo ete( an) his $i"e 1leopat(a% they 'o itte) thei( $hole !ing)o to the Je$s% $hen Onias an) ;ositheus% both Je$s% $hose na es a(e laughe) at by Apion% $e(e the gene(als o" thei( $hole a( y. But 'e(tainly% instea) o" (ep(oa'hing the % he ought to a) i(e thei( a'tions% an) (etu(n the than!s "o( saving Ale&an)(ia% $hose 'iti>en he p(eten)s to be+ "o( $hen these Ale&an)(ians $e(e

a!ing $a( $ith 1leopat(a the #ueen% an) $e(e in )ange( o" being utte(ly (uine)% these Je$s b(ought the to te( s o" ag(ee ent% an) "(ee) the "(o the ise(ies o" a 'ivil $a(. JBut then (says Apion) Onias b(ought a s all a( y a"te($a() upon the 'ity at the ti e $hen ,ho((uns the Fo an a bassa)o( $as the(e p(esent.J Kes% )o I ventu(e to say% an) that he )i) (ightly an) ve(y 0ustly in so )oing+ "o( that Ptole y $ho $as 'alle) Phys'o% upon the )eath o" his b(othe( Philo ete(% 'a e "(o 1y(ene% an) $oul) have e0e'te) 1leopat(a as $ell as he( sons out o" thei( !ing)o % that he ight obtain it "o( hi sel" un0ustly. (<) Fo( this 'ause then it $as that Onias un)e(too! a $a( against hi on 1leopat(a4s a''ount+ no( $oul) he )ese(t that t(ust the (oyal "a ily ha) (epose) in hi in thei( )ist(ess. A''o()ingly% -o) gave a (e a(!able attestation to his (ighteous p(o'e)u(e+ "o( $hen Ptole y Phys'o (=) ha) the p(esu ption to "ight against Onias4s a( y% an) ha) 'aught all the Je$s that $e(e in the 'ity 2Ale&an)(ia3% $ith thei( 'hil)(en an) $ives% an) e&pose) the na!e) an) in bon)s to his elephants% that they ight be t(o))en upon an) )est(oye)% an) $hen he ha) a)e those elephants )(un! "o( that pu(pose% the event p(ove) 'ont(a(y to his p(epa(ations+ "o( these elephants le"t the Je$s $ho $e(e e&pose) to the % an) "ell violently upon Phys'o4s "(ien)s% an) sle$ a g(eat nu be( o" the + nay% a"te( this Ptole y sa$ a te((ible ghost% $hi'h p(ohibite) his hu(ting those en+ his ve(y 'on'ubine% $ho he love) so $ell% (so e 'all he( Itha'a% an) othe(s I(ene%) a!ing suppli'ation to hi % that he $oul) not pe(pet(ate so g(eat a $i'!e)ness. So he 'o plie) $ith he( (e#uest% an) (epente) o" $hat he eithe( ha) al(ea)y )one% o( $as about to )o+ $hen'e it is $ell !no$n that the Ale&an)(ian Je$s )o $ith goo) (eason 'eleb(ate this )ay% on the a''ount that they ha) the(eon been vou'hsa"e) su'h an evi)ent )elive(an'e "(o -o). .o$eve(% Apion% the 'o on 'alu niato( o" en% hath the p(esu ption to a''use the Je$s "o( a!ing this $a( against Phys'o% $hen he ought to have 'o en)e) the "o( the sa e. ,his an also a!es ention o" 1leopat(a% the last #ueen o" Ale&an)(ia% an) abuses us% be'ause she $as ung(ate"ul to us+ $he(eas he ought to have (ep(ove) he(% $ho in)ulge) he(sel" in all !in)s o" in0usti'e an) $i'!e) p(a'ti'es% both $ith (ega() to he( nea(est (elations an) husban)s $ho ha) love) he(% an)% in)ee)% in gene(al $ith (ega() to all the Fo ans% an) those e pe(o(s that $e(e he( bene"a'to(s+ $ho also ha) he( siste( A(sinoe slain in a te ple% $hen she ha) )one he( no ha( 9 o(eove(% she ha) he( b(othe( slain by p(ivate t(ea'he(y% an) she )est(oye) the go)s o" he( 'ount(y an) the sepul'he(s o" he( p(ogenito(s+ an) $hile she ha) (e'eive) he( !ing)o "(o the "i(st 1aesa(% she ha) the i pu)en'e to (ebel against his son9 (@) an) su''esso(+ nay% she 'o((upte) Antony $ith he( love/t(i'!s% an) (en)e(e) hi an ene y to his 'ount(y% an) a)e hi t(ea'he(ous to his "(ien)s% an) 2by his eans3 )espoile) so e o" thei( (oyal autho(ity% an) "o('e) othe(s in he( a)ness to a't $i'!e)ly. But $hat nee) I enla(ge upon this hea) any "u(the(% $hen she le"t Antony in his "ight at sea% though he $e(e he( husban)% an) the "athe( o" thei( 'o on 'hil)(en% an) 'o pelle) hi to (esign up his gove(n ent% $ith the a( y% an) to "ollo$ he( 2into Egypt37 nay% $hen last o" all 1aesa( ha) ta!en Ale&an)(ia% she 'a e to that pit'h o" '(uelty% that she )e'la(e) she ha) so e hope o" p(ese(ving he( a""ai(s still% in 'ase she 'oul) !ill the Je$s% though it $e(e $ith he( o$n han)+ to su'h a )eg(ee o" ba(ba(ity an) pe("i)iousness ha) she a((ive). An) )oth any one thin! that $e 'annot boast ou(selves o" any thing% i"% as Apion says% this #ueen )i) not at a ti e o" "a ine )ist(ibute $heat a ong us7 .o$eve(% she at length et $ith the punish ent she )ese(ve). As "o( us Je$s% $e appeal to the g(eat 1aesa( $hat assistan'e $e b(ought hi % an) $hat "i)elity $e sho$e) to hi against the Egyptians+ as also to the senate an) its )e'(ees% an) the epistles o" Augustus 1aesa(% $he(eby ou( e(its 2to the Fo ans3 a(e 0usti"ie). Apion ought to have loo!e) upon those epistles% an) in pa(ti'ula( to have e&a ine) the testi onies given on ou( behal"% un)e( Ale&an)e( an) all the Ptole ies% an) the )e'(ees o" the senate an) o" the g(eatest Fo an

e pe(o(s. An) i" -e( ani'us $as not able to a!e a )ist(ibution o" 'o(n to all the inhabitants o" Ale&an)(ia% that only sho$s $hat a ba((en ti e it $as% an) ho$ g(eat a $ant the(e $as then o" 'o(n% but ten)s nothing to the a''usation o" the Je$s+ "o( $hat all the e pe(o(s have thought o" the Ale&an)(ian Je$s is $ell !no$n% "o( this )ist(ibution o" $heat $as no othe($ise o itte) $ith (ega() to the Je$s% than it $as $ith (ega() to the othe( inhabitants o" Ale&an)(ia. But they still $e(e )esi(ous to p(ese(ve $hat the !ings ha) "o( e(ly int(uste) to thei( 'a(e% I ean the 'usto)y o" the (ive(+ no( )i) those !ings thin! the un$o(thy o" having the enti(e 'usto)y the(eo"% upon all o''asions. =. But besi)es this% Apion ob0e'ts to us thus9 JI" the Je$s (says he) be 'iti>ens o" Ale&an)(ia% $hy )o they not $o(ship the sa e go)s $ith the Ale&an)(ians7J ,o $hi'h I give this ans$e(9 Sin'e you a(e you(selves Egyptians% $hy )o you "ight it out one against anothe(% an) have i pla'able $a(s about you( (eligion7 At this (ate $e ust not 'all you all Egyptians% no( in)ee) in gene(al en% be'ause you b(ee) up $ith g(eat 'a(e beasts o" a natu(e #uite 'ont(a(y to that o" en% although the natu(e o" all en see s to be one an) the sa e. 8o$ i" the(e be su'h )i""e(en'es in opinion a ong you Egyptians% $hy a(e you su(p(ise) that those $ho 'a e to Ale&an)(ia "(o anothe( 'ount(y% an) ha) o(iginal la$s o" thei( o$n be"o(e% shoul) pe(seve(e in the obse(van'e o" those la$s7 But still he 'ha(ges us $ith being the autho(s o" se)ition+ $hi'h a''usation% i" it be a 0ust one% $hy is it not lai) against us all% sin'e $e a(e !no$n to be all o" one in). 6o(eove(% those that sea('h into su'h atte(s $ill soon )is'ove( that the autho(s o" se)ition have been su'h 'iti>ens o" Ale&an)(ia as Apion is+ "o( $hile they $e(e the -(e'ians an) 6a'e)onians $ho $e(e ill possession o" this 'ity% the(e $as no se)ition (aise) against us% an) $e $e(e pe( itte) to obse(ve ou( an'ient sole nities+ but $hen the nu be( o" the Egyptians the(ein 'a e to be 'onsi)e(able% the ti es g(e$ 'on"use)% an) then these se)itions b(a!e out still o(e an) o(e% $hile ou( people 'ontinue) un'o((upte). ,hese Egyptians% the(e"o(e% $e(e the autho(s o" these t(oubles% $ho having not the 'onstan'y o" 6a'e)onians% no( the p(u)en'e o" -(e'ians% in)ulge) all o" the the evil anne(s o" the Egyptians% an) 'ontinue) thei( an'ient hat(e) against us+ "o( $hat is he(e so p(esu ptuously 'ha(ge) upon us% is o$ing to the )i""e(en'es that a(e a ongst the selves+ $hile any o" the have not obtaine) the p(ivileges o" 'iti>ens in p(ope( ti es% but style those $ho a(e $ell !no$n to have ha) that p(ivilege e&ten)e) to the all no othe( than "o(eigne(s9 "o( it )oes not appea( that any o" the !ings have eve( "o( e(ly besto$e) those p(ivileges o" 'iti>ens upon Egyptians% no o(e than have the e pe(o(s )one it o(e lately+ $hile it $as Ale&an)e( $ho int(o)u'e) us into this 'ity at "i(st% the !ings aug ente) ou( p(ivileges the(ein% an) the Fo ans have been please) to p(ese(ve the al$ays inviolable. 6o(eove(% Apion $oul) lay a blot upon us% be'ause $e )o not e(e't i ages "o( ou( e pe(o(s+ as i" those e pe(o(s )i) not !no$ this be"o(e% o( stoo) in nee) o" Apion as thei( )e"en)e(+ $he(eas he ought (athe( to have a) i(e) the agnani ity an) o)esty o" the Fo ans% $he(eby they )o not 'o pel those that a(e sub0e't to the to t(ansg(ess the la$s o" thei( 'ount(ies% but a(e $illing to (e'eive the hono(s )ue to the a"te( su'h a anne( as those $ho a(e to pay the estee 'onsistent $ith piety an) $ith thei( o$n la$s+ "o( they )o not than! people "o( 'on"e((ing hono(s upon the % ?hen they a(e 'o pelle) by violen'e so to )o. A''o()ingly% sin'e the -(e'ians an) so e othe( nations thin! it a (ight thing to a!e i ages% nay% $hen they have painte) the pi'tu(es o" thei( pa(ents% an) $ives% an) 'hil)(en% they e&ult "o( 0oy+ an) so e the(e a(e $ho ta!e pi'tu(es "o( the selves o" su'h pe(sons as $e(e no $ay (elate) to the + nay% so e ta!e the pi'tu(es o" su'h se(vants as they $e(e "on) o"+ $hat $on)e( is it then i" su'h as these appea( $illing to pay the sa e (espe't to thei( p(in'es an) lo()s7 But then ou( legislato( hath "o(bi))en

us to a!e i ages% not by $ay o" )enun'iation be"o(ehan)% that the Fo an autho(ity $as not to be hono(e)% but as )espising a thing that $as neithe( ne'essa(y no( use"ul "o( eithe( -o) o( an+ an) he "o(ba)e the % as $e shall p(ove he(ea"te(% to a!e these i ages "o( any pa(t o" the ani al '(eation% an) u'h less "o( -o) hi sel"% $ho is no pa(t o" su'h ani al '(eation. Ket hath ou( legislato( no $he(e "o(bi))en us to pay hono(s to $o(thy en% p(ovi)e) they be o" anothe( !in)% an) in"e(io( to those $e pay to -o)+ $ith $hi'h hono(s $e $illingly testi"y ou( (espe't to ou( e pe(o(s% an) to the people o" Fo e+ $e also o""e( pe(petual sa'(i"i'es "o( the + no( )o $e only o""e( the eve(y )ay at the 'o on e&penses o" all the Je$s% but although $e o""e( no othe( su'h sa'(i"i'es out o" ou( 'o on e&penses% no% not "o( ou( o$n 'hil)(en% yet )o $e this as a pe'ulia( hono( to the e pe(o(s% an) to the alone% $hile $e )o the sa e to no othe( pe(son $ho soeve(. An) let this su""i'e "o( an ans$e( in gene(al to Apion% as to $hat he says $ith (elation to the Ale&an)(ian Je$s. @. .o$eve(% I 'annot but a) i(e those othe( autho(s $ho "u(nishe) this an $ith su'h his ate(ials+ I ean Possi)onius an) Apollonius 2the son o"3 6olo% (C) $ho% $hile they a''use us "o( not $o(shipping the sa e go)s $ho othe(s $o(ship% they thin! the selves not guilty o" i piety $hen they tell lies o" us% an) "(a e absu() an) (ep(oa'h"ul sto(ies about ou( te ple+ $he(eas it is a ost sha e"ul thing "o( "(ee en to "o(ge lies on any o''asion% an) u'h o(e so to "o(ge the about ou( te ple% $hi'h $as so "a ous ove( all the $o(l)% an) $as p(ese(ve) so sa'(e) by us+ "o( Apion hath the i pu)en'e to p(eten) thatJ the Je$s pla'e) an ass4s hea) in thei( holy pla'e+J an) he a""i( s that this $as )is'ove(e) $hen Antio'hus Epiphanes spoile) ou( te ple% an) "oun) that ass4s hea) the(e a)e o" gol)% an) $o(th a g(eat )eal o" oney. ,o this y "i(st ans$e( shall be this% that ha) the(e been any su'h thing a ong us% an Egyptian ought by no eans to have th(o$n it in ou( teeth% sin'e an ass is not a o(e 'onte ptible ani al than / (E) an) goats% an) othe( su'h '(eatu(es% $hi'h a ong the a(e go)s. But besi)es this ans$e(% I say "u(the(% ho$ 'o es it about that Apion )oes not un)e(stan) this to be no othe( than a palpable lie% an) to be 'on"ute) by the thing itsel" as utte(ly in'(e)ible7 Fo( $e Je$s a(e al$ays gove(ne) by the sa e la$s% in $hi'h $e 'onstantly pe(seve(e+ an) although any is"o(tunes have be"allen ou( 'ity% as the li!e have be"allen othe(s% an) although ,heos 2Epiphanes3% an) Po pey the -(eat% an) Ii'inius 1(assus% an) last o" all ,itus 1aesa(% have 'on#ue(e) us in $a(% an) gotten possession o" ou( te ple+ yet have they none o" the "oun) any su'h thing the(e% no( in)ee) any thing but $hat $as ag(eeable to the st(i'test piety+ although $hat they "oun) $e a(e not at libe(ty to (eveal to othe( nations. But "o( Antio'hus 2Epiphanes3% he ha) no 0ust 'ause "o( that (avage in ou( te ple that he a)e+ he only 'a e to it $hen he $ante) oney% $ithout )e'la(ing hi sel" ou( ene y% an) atta'!e) us $hile $e $e(e his asso'iates an) his "(ien)s+ no( )i) he "in) any thing the(e that $as (i)i'ulous. ,his is atteste) by any $o(thy $(ite(s+ Polybius o" 6egalopolis% St(abo o" 1appa)o'ia% 8i'olaus o" ;a as'us% ,i agenes% 1asto( the 'h(onotoge(% an) Apollo)o(us+ (1G) $ho all say that it $as out o" Antio'hus4s $ant o" oney that he b(o!e his league $ith the Je$s% an) )espoile) thei( te ple $hen it $as "ull o" gol) an) silve(. Apion ought to have ha) a (ega() to these "a'ts% unless he ha) hi sel" ha) eithe( an ass4s hea(t o( a )og4s i pu)en'e+ o" su'h a )og I ean as they $o(ship+ "o( he ha) no othe( e&te(nal (eason "o( the lies he tells o" us. As "o( us Je$s% $e as'(ibe no hono( o( po$e( to asses% as )o the Egyptians to '(o'o)iles an) asps% $hen they estee su'h as a(e sei>e) upon by the "o( e(% o( bitten by the latte(% to be happy pe(sons% an) pe(sons $o(thy o" -o). Asses a(e the sa e $ith us $hi'h they a(e $ith othe( $ise en% vi>. '(eatu(es that bea( the bu()ens that $e lay upon the + but i" they 'o e to ou( th(ashing/"loo(s an) eat ou( 'o(n% o( )o not pe("o( $hat $e i pose upon the % $e

beat the $ith a g(eat any st(ipes% be'ause it is thei( business to iniste( to us in ou( husban)(y a""ai(s. But this Apion o" ou(s $as eithe( pe("e'tly uns!ill"ul in the 'o position o" su'h "alla'ious )is'ou(ses% o( ho$eve(% $hen he begun 2so e$hat bette(3% he $as not able to pe(seve(e in $hat he ha) un)e(ta!en% sin'e he hath no anne( o" su''ess in those (ep(oa'hes he 'asts upon us. C. .e a))s anothe( -(e'ian "able% in o()e( to (ep(oa'h us. In (eply to $hi'h% it $oul) be enough to say% that they $ho p(esu e to spea! about ;ivine $o(ship ought not to be igno(ant o" this plain t(uth% that it is a )eg(ee o" less i pu(ity to pass th(ough te ples% than to "o(ge $i'!e) 'alu nies o" its p(iests. 8o$ su'h en as he a(e o(e >ealous to 0usti"y a sa'(ilegious !ing% than to $(ite $hat is 0ust an) $hat is t(ue about us% an) about ou( te ple+ "o( $hen they a(e )esi(ous o" g(ati"ying Antio'hus% an) o" 'on'ealing that pe("i)iousness an) sa'(ilege $hi'h he $as guilty o"% $ith (ega() to ou( nation% $hen he $ante) oney% they en)eavo( to )isg(a'e us% an) tell lies even (elating to "utu(ities. Apion be'o es othe( en4s p(ophet upon this o''asion% an) says that JAntio'hus "oun) in ou( te ple a be)% an) a an lying upon it% $ith a s all table be"o(e hi % "ull o" )ainties% "(o the 2"ishes o" the3 sea% an) the "o$ls o" the )(y lan)+ that this an $as a a>e) at these )ainties thus set be"o(e hi + that he i e)iately a)o(e) the !ing% upon his 'o ing in% as hoping that he $oul) a""o() hi all possible assistan'e+ that he "ell )o$n upon his !nees% an) st(et'he) out to hi his (ight han)% an) begge) to be (elease)+ an) that $hen the !ing bi) hi sit )o$n% an) tell hi $ho he $as% an) $hy he )$elt the(e% an) $hat $as the eaning o" those va(ious so(ts o" "oo) that $e(e set be"o(e hi the an a)e a la entable 'o plaint% an) $ith sighs% an) tea(s in his eyes% gave hi this a''ount o" the )ist(ess he $as in+ an) sai) that he $as a -(ee! an) that as he $ent ove( this p(ovin'e% in o()e( to get his living% he $as sei>e) upon by "o(eigne(s% on a su))en% an) b(ought to this te ple% an) shut up the(ein% an) $as seen by nobo)y% but $as "attene) by these 'u(ious p(ovisions thus set be"o(e hi + an) that t(uly at the "i(st su'h une&pe'te) a)vantages see e) to hi atte( o" g(eat 0oy+ that a"te( a $hile% they b(ought a suspi'ion hi % an) at length astonish ent% $hat thei( eaning shoul) be+ that at last he in#ui(e) o" the se(vants that 'a e to hi an) $as by the in"o( e) that it $as in o()e( to the "ul"illing a la$ o" the Je$s% $hi'h they ust not tell hi % that he $as thus "e)+ an) that they )i) the sa e at a set ti e eve(y yea(9 that they use) to 'at'h a -(ee! "o(eigne(% an) "at hi thus up eve(y yea(% an) then lea) hi to a 'e(tain $oo)% an) !ill hi % an) sa'(i"i'e $ith thei( a''usto e) sole nities% an) taste o" his ent(ails% an) ta!e an oath upon this sa'(i"i'ing a -(ee!% that they $oul) eve( be at en ity $ith the -(ee!s+ an) that then they th(e$ the (e aining pa(ts o" the ise(able $(et'h into a 'e(tain pit.J Apion a))s "u(the(% thatJ the an sai) the(e $e(e but a "e$ )ays to 'o e e(e he $as to be slain% an) i plo(e) o" Antio'hus that% out o" the (eve(en'e he bo(e to the -(e'ian go)s% he $oul) )isappoint the sna(es the Je$s lai) "o( his bloo)% an) $oul) )elive( hi "(o the ise(ies $ith $hi'h he $as en'o passe).J 8o$ this is su'h a ost t(agi'al "able as is "ull o" nothing but '(uelty an) i pu)en'e+ yet )oes it not e&'use Antio'hus o" his sa'(ilegious atte pt% as those $ho $(ite it in his vin)i'ation a(e $illing to suppose+ "o( he 'oul) not p(esu e be"o(ehan) that he shoul) eet $ith any su'h thing in 'o ing to the te ple% but ust have "oun) it une&pe'te)ly. .e $as the(e"o(e still an i pious pe(son% that $as given to unla$"ul pleasu(es% an) ha) no (ega() to -o) in his a'tions. But 2as "o( Apion3% he hath )one $hateve( his e&t(avagant love o" lying hath )i'tate) to hi % as it is ost easy to )is'ove( by a 'onsi)e(ation o" his $(itings+ "o( the )i""e(en'e o" ou( la$s is !no$n not to (ega() the -(e'ians only% but they a(e p(in'ipally opposite to the Egyptians% an) to so e othe( nations also "o( $hile it so "alls out that en o" all 'ount(ies 'o e so eti es an) so0ou(n a ong us% ho$ 'o es it

about that $e ta!e an oath% an) 'onspi(e only against the -(e'ians% an) that by the e""usion o" thei( bloo) also7 O( ho$ is it possible that all the Je$s shoul) get togethe( to these sa'(i"i'es% an) the ent(ails o" one an shoul) be su""i'ient "o( so any thousan)s to taste o" the % as Apion p(eten)s7 O( $hy )i) not the !ing 'a((y this an% $hosoeve( he $as% an) $hatsoeve( $as his na e% ($hi'h is not set )o$n in Apion4s boo!%) $ith g(eat po p ba'! into his o$n 'ount(y7 $hen he ight the(eby have been estee e) a (eligious pe(son hi sel"% an) a ighty love( o" the -(ee!s% an) ight the(eby have p(o'u(e) hi sel" g(eat assistan'e "(o all en against that hat(e) the Je$s bo(e to hi . But I leave this atte(+ "o( the p(ope( $ay o" 'on"uting "ools is not to use ba(e $o()s% but to appeal to the things the selves that a!e against the . 8o$% then% all su'h as eve( sa$ the 'onst(u'tion o" ou( te ple% o" $hat natu(e it $as% !no$ $ell enough ho$ the pu(ity o" it $as neve( to be p(o"ane)+ "o( it ha) "ou( seve(al 'ou(ts (11) en'o passe) $ith 'loiste(s (oun) about% eve(y one o" $hi'h ha) by ou( la$ a pe'ulia( )eg(ee o" sepa(ation "(o the (est. Into the "i(st 'ou(t eve(y bo)y $as allo$e) to go% even "o(eigne(s% an) none but $o en% )u(ing thei( 'ou(ses% $e(e p(ohibite) to pass th(ough it+ all the Je$s $ent into the se'on) 'ou(t% as $ell as thei( $ives% $hen they $e(e "(ee "(o all un'leanness+ into the thi() 'ou(t $ent in the Je$ish en% $hen they $e(e 'lean an) pu(i"ie)+ into the "ou(th $ent the p(iests% having on thei( sa'e()otal ga( ents+ but "o( the ost sa'(e) pla'e% none $ent in but the high p(iests% 'lothe) in thei( pe'ulia( ga( ents. 8o$ the(e is so g(eat 'aution use) about these o""i'es o" (eligion% that the p(iests a(e appointe) to go into the te ple but at 'e(tain hou(s+ "o( in the o(ning% at the opening o" the inne( te ple% those that a(e to o""i'iate (e'eive the sa'(i"i'es% as they )o again at noon% till the )oo(s a(e shut. Iastly% it is not so u'h as la$"ul to 'a((y any vessel into the holy house+ no( is the(e any thing the(ein% but the alta( 2o" in'ense3% the table 2o" she$/b(ea)3% the 'ense(% an) the 'an)lesti'!% $hi'h a(e all $(itten in the la$+ "o( the(e is nothing "u(the( the(e% no( a(e the(e any yste(ies pe("o( e) that ay not be spo!en o"+ no( is the(e any "easting $ithin the pla'e. Fo( $hat I have no$ sai) is publi'ly !no$n% an) suppo(te) by the testi ony o" the $hole people% an) thei( ope(ations a(e ve(y ani"est+ "o( although the(e be "ou( 'ou(ses o" the p(iests% an) eve(y one o" the have above "ive thousan) en in the % yet )o they o""i'iate on 'e(tain )ays only+ an) $hen those )ays a(e ove(% othe( p(iests su''ee) in the pe("o( an'e o" thei( sa'(i"i'es% an) asse ble togethe( at i)/)ay% an) (e'eive the !eys o" the te ple% an) the vessels by tale% $ithout any thing (elating to "oo) o( )(in! being 'a((ie) into the te ple+ nay% $e a(e not allo$e) to o""e( su'h things at the alta(% e&'epting $hat is p(epa(e) "o( the sa'(i"i'es. E. ?hat then 'an $e say o" Apion% but that he e&a ine) nothing that 'on'e(ne) these things% $hile still he utte(e) in'(e)ible $o()s about the 7 but it is a g(eat sha e "o( a g(a a(ian not to be able to $(ite t(ue histo(y. 8o$ i" he !ne$ the pu(ity o" ou( te ple% he hath enti(ely o itte) to ta!e noti'e o" it+ but he "o(ges a sto(y about the sei>ing o" a -(e'ian% about ine""able "oo)% an) the ost )eli'ious p(epa(ation o" )ainties+ an) p(eten)s that st(ange(s 'oul) go into a pla'e $he(einto the noblest en a ong the Je$s a(e not allo$e) to ente(% unless they be p(iests. ,his% the(e"o(e% is the ut ost )eg(ee o" i piety% an) a volunta(y lie% in o()e( to the )elusion o" those $ho $ill not e&a ine into the t(uth o" atte(s+ $he(eas su'h unspea!able is'hie"s as a(e above (elate) have been o''asione) by su'h 'alu nies that a(e (aise) upon us. 1G. 8ay% this i(a'le o( piety )e(i)es us "u(the(% an) a))s the "ollo$ing p(eten)e) "a'ts to his "o( e( "able+ "o( be says that this an (elate) ho$% J$hile the Je$s $e(e on'e in a long $a( $ith the I)u eans% the(e 'a e a an out o" one o" the 'ities o" the I)u eans% $ho the(e ha) $o(shippe) Apollo. ,his an% $hose na e is sai) to have been Mabi)us% 'a e to the Je$s% an)

p(o ise) that he $oul) )elive( Apollo% the go) o" ;o(a% into thei( han)s% an) that he $oul) 'o e to ou( te ple% i" they $oul) all 'o e up $ith hi % an) b(ing the $hole ultitu)e o" the Je$s $ith the + that Mabi)us a)e hi a 'e(tain $oo)en inst(u ent% an) put it (oun) about hi % an) set th(ee (o$s o" la ps the(ein% an) $al!e) a"te( su'h a anne(% that he appea(e) to those that stoo) a g(eat $ay o"" hi to be a !in) o" sta(% $al!ing upon the ea(th+ that the Je$s $e(e te((ibly a""(ighte) at so su(p(ising an appea(an'e% an) stoo) ve(y #uiet at a )istan'e+ an) that Mabi)us% $hile they 'ontinue) so ve(y #uiet% $ent into the holy house% an) 'a((ie) o"" that gol)en hea) o" an ass% ("o( so "a'etiously )oes he $(ite%) an) then $ent his $ay ba'! again to ;o(a in g(eat haste.J An) say you so% si(H as I ay (eply+ then )oes Apion loa) the ass% that is% hi sel"% an) lays on hi a bu()en o" "oole(ies an) lies+ "o( he $(ites o" pla'es that have no being% an) not !no$ing the 'ities he spea!s o"% he 'hanges thei( situation+ "o( I)u ea bo()e(s upon ou( 'ount(y% an) is nea( to -a>a% in $hi'h the(e is no su'h 'ity as ;o(a+ although the(e be% it is t(ue% a 'ity na e) ;o(a in Phoeni'ia% nea( 6ount 1a( el% but it is "ou( )ays4 0ou(ney "(o I)u ea. (1*) 8o$% then% $hy )oes this an a''use us% be'ause $e have not go)s in 'o on $ith othe( nations% i" ou( "athe(s $e(e so easily p(evaile) upon to have Apollo 'o e to the % an) thought they sa$ hi $al!ing upon the ea(th% an) the sta(s $ith hi 7 "o( 'e(tainly those $ho have so any "estivals% $he(ein they light la ps% ust yet% at this (ate% have neve( seen a 'an)lesti'!H But still it see s that $hile Mabi)us too! his 0ou(ney ove( the 'ount(y% $he(e $e(e so any ten thousan)s o" people% nobo)y et hi . .e also% it see s% even in a ti e o" $a(% "oun) the $alls o" Je(usale )estitute o" gua()s. I o it the (est. 8o$ the )oo(s o" the holy house $e(e seventy (15) 'ubits high% an) t$enty 'ubits b(oa)+ they $e(e all plate) ove( $ith gol)% an) al ost o" soli) gol) itsel"% an) the(e $e(e no "e$e( than t$enty (1:) en (e#ui(e) to shut the eve(y )ay+ no( $as it la$"ul eve( to leave the open% though it see s this la p/bea(e( o" ou(s opene) the easily% o( thought he opene) the % as he thought he ha) the ass4s hea) in his han). ?hethe(% the(e"o(e% he (etu(ne) it to us again% o( $hethe( Apion too! it% an) b(ought it into the te ple again% that Antio'hus ight "in) it% an) a""o() a han)le "o( a se'on) "able o" Apion4s% is un'e(tain. 11. Apion also tells a "alse sto(y% $hen he entions an oath o" ou(s% as i" $e Js$o(e by -o)% the 6a!e( o" the heaven% an) ea(th% an) sea% to bea( no goo) $ill to any "o(eigne(% an) pa(ti'ula(ly to none o" the -(ee!s.J 8o$ this lia( ought to have sai) )i(e'tly thatJ $e $oul) bea( no goo)/$ill to any "o(eigne(% an) pa(ti'ula(ly to none o" the Egyptians.J Fo( then his sto(y about the oath $oul) have s#ua(e) $ith the (est o" his o(iginal "o(ge(ies% in 'ase ou( "o(e"athe(s ha) been )(iven a$ay by thei( !ins en% the Egyptians% not on a''ount o" any $i'!e)ness they ha) been guilty o"% but on a''ount o" the 'ala ities they $e(e un)e(+ "o( as to the -(e'ians% $e $e(e (athe( (e ote "(o the in pla'e% than )i""e(ent "(o the in ou( institutions% inso u'h that $e have no en ity $ith the % no( any 0ealousy o" the . On the 'ont(a(y% it hath so happene) that any o" the have 'o e ove( to ou( la$s% an) so e o" the have 'ontinue) in thei( obse(vation% although othe(s o" the ha) not 'ou(age enough to pe(seve(e% an) so )epa(te) "(o the again+ no( )i) any bo)y eve( hea( this oath s$o(n by us9 Apion% it see s% $as the only pe(son that hea() it% "o( he in)ee) $as the "i(st 'o pose( o" it. 1*. .o$eve(% Apion )ese(ves to be a) i(e) "o( his g(eat p(u)en'e% as to $hat I a going to say% $hi'h is this%J ,hat the(e is a plain a(! a ong us% that $e neithe( have 0ust la$s% no( $o(ship -o) as $e ought to )o% be'ause $e a(e not gove(no(s% but a(e (athe( in sub0e'tion to -entiles% so eti es to one nation% an) so eti es to anothe(+ an) that ou( 'ity hath been liable to seve(al

'ala ities% $hile thei( 'ity 2Ale&an)(ia3 hath been o" ol) ti e an i pe(ial 'ity% an) not use) to be in sub0e'tion to the Fo ans.J But no$ this an ha) bette( leave o"" this b(agging% "o( eve(y bo)y but hi sel" $oul) thin! that Apion sai) $hat he hath sai) against hi sel"+ "o( the(e a(e ve(y "e$ nations that have ha) the goo) "o(tune to 'ontinue any gene(ations in the p(in'ipality% but still the utations in hu an a""ai(s have put the into sub0e'tion un)e( othe(s+ an) ost nations have been o"ten sub)ue)% an) b(ought into sub0e'tion by othe(s. 8o$ "o( the Egyptians% pe(haps they a(e the only nation that have ha) this e&t(ao()ina(y p(ivilege% to have neve( se(ve) any o" those ona('hs $ho sub)ue) Asia an) Eu(ope% an) this on a''ount% as they p(eten)% that the go)s "le) into thei( 'ount(y% an) save) the selves by being 'hange) into the shapes o" $il) beastsH ?he(eas these Egyptians (1<) a(e the ve(y people that appea( to have neve(% in all the past ages% ha) one )ay o" "(ee)o % no% not so u'h as "(o thei( o$n lo()s. Fo( I $ill not (ep(oa'h the $ith (elating the anne( ho$ the Pe(sians use) the % an) this not on'e only% but any ti es% $hen they lai) thei( 'ities $aste% )e olishe) thei( te ples% an) 'ut the th(oats o" those ani als $ho they estee e) to be go)s+ "o( it is not (easonable to i itate the 'lo$nish igno(an'e o" Apion% $ho hath no (ega() to the is"o(tunes o" the Athenians% o( o" the Ia'e)e onians% the latte( o" $ho $e(e style) by all en the ost 'ou(ageous% an) the "o( e( the ost (eligious o" the -(e'ians. I say nothing o" su'h !ings as have been "a ous "o( piety% pa(ti'ula(ly o" one o" the % $hose na e $as 1(esus% no( $hat 'ala ities he et $ith in his li"e+ I say nothing o" the 'ita)el o" Athens% o" the te ple at Ephesus% o" that at ;elphi% no( o" ten thousan) othe(s $hi'h have been bu(nt )o$n% $hile nobo)y 'ast (ep(oa'hes on those that $e(e the su""e(e(s% but on those that $e(e the a'to(s the(ein. But no$ $e have et $ith Apion% an a''use( o" ou( nation% though one that still "o(gets the ise(ies o" his o$n people% the Egptians+ but it is that Sesost(is $ho $as on'e so 'eleb(ate) a !ing o" Egypt that hath blin)e) hi . 8o$ $e $ill not b(ag o" ou( !ings% ;avi) an) Solo on% though they 'on#ue(e) any nations+ a''o()ingly $e $ill let the alone. .o$eve(% Apion is igno(ant o" $hat eve(y bo)y !no$s% that the Egyptians $e(e se(vants to the Pe(sians% an) a"te($a()s to the 6a'e)onians% $hen they $e(e lo()s o" Asia% an) $e(e no bette( than slaves% $hile $e have en0oye) libe(ty "o( e(ly+ nay% o(e than that% have ha) the )o inion o" the 'ities that lie (oun) about us% an) this nea(ly "o( a hun)(e) an) t$enty yea(s togethe(% until Po peius 6agnus. An) $hen all the !ings eve(y $he(e $e(e 'on#ue(e) by the Fo ans% ou( an'esto(s $e(e the only people $ho 'ontinue) to be estee e) thei( 'on"e)e(ates an) "(ien)s% on a''ount o" thei( "i)elity to the .(1=) 15. JBut%J says Apion% J$e Je$s have not ha) any $on)e("ul en a ongst us% not any invento(s o" a(ts% no( any e inent "o( $is)o .J .e then enu e(ates So'(ates% an) Meno% an) 1leanthes% an) so e othe(s o" the sa e so(t+ an)% a"te( all% he a))s hi sel" to the % $hi'h is the ost $on)e("ul thing o" all that he says% an) p(onoun'es Ale&an)(ia to be happy% be'ause it hath su'h a 'iti>en as he is in it+ "o( he $as the "ittest an to be a $itness to his o$n )ese(ts% although he hath appea(e) to all othe(s no bette( than a $i'!e) ounteban!% o" a 'o((upt li"e an) ill )is'ou(ses+ on $hi'h a''ount one ay 0ustly pity Ale&an)(ia% i" it shoul) value itsel" upon su'h a 'iti>en as he is. But as to ou( o$n en% $e have ha) those $ho have been as )ese(ving o" 'o en)ation as any othe( $hosoeve(% an) su'h as have pe(use) ou( Anti#uities 'annot be igno(ant o" the . 1:. As to the othe( things $hi'h he sets )o$n as bla e$o(thy% it ay pe(haps be the best $ay to let the pass $ithout apology% that he ay be allo$e) to be his o$n a''use(% an) the a''use( o" the (est o" the Egyptians. .o$eve(% he a''uses us "o( sa'(i"i'ing ani als% an) "o( abstaining "(o

s$ine4s "lesh% an) laughs at us "o( the 'i('u 'ision o" ou( p(ivy e be(s. 8o$ as "o( ou( slaughte( o" ta e ani als "o( sa'(i"i'es% it is 'o on to us an) to all othe( en+ but this Apion% by a!ing it a '(i e to sa'(i"i'e the % )e onst(ates hi sel" to be an Egyptian+ "o( ha) he been eithe( a -(e'ian o( a 6a'e)onian% 2as he p(eten)s to be%3 he ha) not sho$n any uneasiness at it+ "o( those people glo(y in sa'(i"i'ing $hole he'ato bs to the go)s% an) a!e use o" those sa'(i"i'es "o( "easting+ an) yet is not the $o(l) the(eby (en)e(e) )estitute o" 'attle% as Apion $as a"(ai) $oul) 'o e to pass. Ket i" all en ha) "ollo$e) the anne(s o" the Egyptians% the $o(l) ha) 'e(tainly been a)e )esolate as to an!in)% but ha) been "ille) "ull o" the $il)est so(t o" b(ute beasts% $hi'h% be'ause they suppose the to be go)s% they 'a(e"ully nou(ish. .o$eve(% i" any one shoul) as! Apion $hi'h o" the Egyptians he thin!s to he the ost $ise an) ost pious o" the all% he $oul) 'e(tainly a'!no$le)ge the p(iests to be so+ "o( the histo(ies say that t$o things $e(e o(iginally 'o itte) to thei( 'a(e by thei( !ings4 in0un'tions% the $o(ship o" the go)s% an) the suppo(t o" $is)o an) philosophy. A''o()ingly% these p(iests a(e all 'i('u 'ise)% an) abstain "(o s$ine4s "lesh+ no( )oes any one o" the othe( Egyptians assist the in slaying those sa'(i"i'es they o""e( to the go)s. Apion $as the(e"o(e #uite blin)e) in his in)% $hen% "o( the sa!e o" the Egyptians% he 'ont(ive) to (ep(oa'h us% an) to a''use su'h othe(s as not only a!e use o" that 'on)u't o" li"e $hi'h he so u'h abuses% but have also taught othe( en to be 'i('u 'ise)% as says .e(o)otus+ $hi'h a!es e thin! that Apion is he(eby 0ustly punishe) "o( his 'asting su'h (ep(oa'hes on the la$s o" his o$n 'ount(y+ "o( he $as 'i('u 'ise) hi sel" o" ne'essity% on a''ount o" an ul'e( in his p(ivy e be(+ an) $hen he (e'eive) no bene"it by su'h 'i('u 'ision% but his e be( be'a e put(i)% he )ie) in g(eat to( ent. 8o$ en o" goo) te pe(s ought to obse(ve thei( o$n la$s 'on'e(ning (eligion a''u(ately% an) to pe(seve(e the(ein% but not p(esently to abuse the la$s o" othe( nations% $hile this Apion )ese(te) his o$n la$s% an) tol) lies about ou(s. An) this $as the en) o" Apion4s li"e% an) this shall be the 'on'lusion o" ou( )is'ou(se about hi . 1<. But no$% sin'e Apollonius 6olo% an) Iysi a'hus% an) so e othe(s% $(ite t(eatises about ou( la$give( 6oses% an) about ou( la$s% $hi'h a(e neithe( 0ust no( t(ue% an) this pa(tly out o" igno(an'e% but 'hie"ly out o" ill/$ill to us% $hile they 'alu niate 6oses as an i posto( an) )e'eive(% an) p(eten) that ou( la$s tea'h us $i'!e)ness% but nothing that is vi(tuous% I have a in) to )is'ou(se b(ie"ly% a''o()ing to y ability% about ou( $hole 'onstitution o" gove(n ent% an) about the pa(ti'ula( b(an'hes o" it. Fo( I suppose it $ill then'e be'o e evi)ent% that the la$s $e have given us a(e )ispose) a"te( the best anne( "o( the a)van'e ent o" piety% "o( utual 'o union $ith one anothe(% "o( a gene(al love o" an!in)% as also "o( 0usti'e% an) "o( sustaining labo(s $ith "o(titu)e% an) "o( a 'onte pt o" )eath. An) I beg o" those that shall pe(use this $(iting o" ine% to (ea) it $ithout pa(tiality+ "o( it is not y pu(pose to $(ite an en'o iu upon ou(selves% but I shall estee this as a ost 0ust apology "o( us% an) ta!en "(o those ou( la$s% a''o()ing to $hi'h $e lea) ou( lives% against the any an) the lying ob0e'tions that have been a)e against us. 6o(eove(% sin'e this Apollonius )oes not )o li!e Apion% an) lay a 'ontinue) a''usation against us% but )oes it only by sta(ts% an) up an) 'lo$n his )is'ou(se% $hile he so eti es (ep(oa'hes us as atheists% an) an/hate(s% an) so eti es hits us in the teeth $ith ou( $ant o" 'ou(age% an) yet so eti es% on the 'ont(a(y% a''uses us o" too g(eat bol)ness an) a)ness in ou( 'on)u't+ nay% he says that $e a(e the $ea!est o" all the ba(ba(ians% an) that this is the (eason $hy $e a(e the only people $ho have a)e no i p(ove ents in hu an li"e+ no$ I thin! I shall have then su""i'iently )isp(ove) all these his allegations% $hen it shall appea( that ou( la$s en0oin the ve(y (eve(se o" $hat he says% an) that $e ve(y 'a(e"ully obse(ve those la$s

ou(selves. An) i" I he 'o pelle) to a!e ention o" the la$s o" othe( nations% that a(e 'ont(a(y to ou(s% those ought )ese(ve)ly to than! the selves "o( it% $ho have p(eten)e) to )ep(e'iate ou( la$s in 'o pa(ison o" thei( o$n+ no( $ill the(e% I thin!% be any (oo a"te( that "o( the to p(eten) eithe( that $e have no su'h la$s ou(selves% an epito e o" $hi'h I $ill p(esent to the (ea)e(% o( that $e )o not% above all en% 'ontinue in the obse(vation o" the . 1=. ,o begin then a goo) $ay ba'!$a()% I $oul) a)van'e this% in the "i(st pla'e% that those $ho have been a) i(e(s o" goo) o()e(% an) o" living un)e( 'o on la$s% an) $ho began to int(o)u'e the % ay $ell have this testi ony that they a(e bette( than othe( en% both "o( o)e(ation an) su'h vi(tue as is ag(eeable to natu(e. In)ee) thei( en)eavo( $as to have eve(y thing they o()aine) believe) to be ve(y an'ient% that they ight not be thought to i itate othe(s% but ight appea( to have )elive(e) a (egula( $ay o" living to othe(s a"te( the . Sin'e then this is the 'ase% the e&'ellen'y o" a legislato( is seen in p(ovi)ing "o( the people4s living a"te( the best anne(% an) in p(evailing $ith those that a(e to use the la$s he o()ains "o( the % to have a goo) opinion o" the % an) in obliging the ultitu)e to pe(seve(e in the % an) to a!e no 'hanges in the % neithe( in p(ospe(ity no( a)ve(sity. 8o$ I ventu(e to say% that ou( legislato( is the ost an'ient o" all the legislato(s $ho $e have ally $he(e hea() o"+ "o( as "o( the Iy'u(guses% an) Solons% an) Maleu'us Io'(ensis% an) all those legislato(s $ho a(e so a) i(e) by the -(ee!s% they see to be o" yeste()ay% i" 'o pa(e) $ith ou( legislato(% inso u'h as the ve(y na e o" a la$ $as not so u'h as !no$n in ol) ti es a ong the -(e'ians. .o e( is a $itness to the t(uth o" this obse(vation% $ho neve( uses that te( in all his poe s+ "o( in)ee) the(e $as then no su'h thing a ong the % but the ultitu)e $as gove(ne) by $ise a&i s% an) by the in0un'tions o" thei( !ing. It $as also a long ti e that they 'ontinue) in the use o" these un$(itten 'usto s% although they $e(e al$ays 'hanging the upon seve(al o''asions. But "o( ou( legislato(% $ho $as o" so u'h g(eate( anti#uity than the (est% (as even those that spea! against us upon all o''asions )o al$ays 'on"ess%) he e&hibite) hi sel" to the people as thei( best gove(no( an) 'ounselo(% an) in'lu)e) in his legislation the enti(e 'on)u't o" thei( lives% an) p(evaile) $ith the to (e'eive it% an) b(ought it so to pass% that those that $e(e a)e a'#uainte) $ith his la$s )i) ost 'a(e"ully obse(ve the . 1@. But let us 'onsi)e( his "i(st an) g(eatest $o(!+ "o( $hen it $as (esolve) on by ou( "o(e"athe(s to leave Egypt% an) (etu(n to thei( o$n 'ount(y% this 6oses too! the any tell thousan)s that $e(e o" the people% an) save) the out o" any )espe(ate )ist(esses% an) b(ought the ho e in sa"ety. An) 'e(tainly it $as he(e ne'essa(y to t(avel ove( a 'ount(y $ithout $ate(% an) "ull o" san)% to ove('o e thei( ene ies% an)% )u(ing these battles% to p(ese(ve thei( 'hil)(en% an) thei( $ives% an) thei( p(ey+ on all $hi'h o''asions he be'a e an e&'ellent gene(al o" an a( y% an) a ost p(u)ent 'ounselo(% an) one that too! the t(uest 'a(e o" the all+ he also so b(ought it about% that the $hole ultitu)e )epen)e) upon hi . An) $hile he ha) the al$ays obe)ient to $hat he en0oine)% he a)e no anne( o" use o" his autho(ity "o( his o$n p(ivate a)vantage% $hi'h is the usual ti e $hen gove(no(s gain g(eat po$e(s to the selves% an) pave the $ay "o( ty(anny% an) a''usto the ultitu)e to live ve(y )issolutely+ $he(eas% $hen ou( legislato( $as in so g(eat autho(ity% he% on the 'ont(a(y% thought he ought to have (ega() to piety% an) to sho$ his g(eat goo)/$ill to the people+ an) by this eans he thought he ight sho$ the g(eat )eg(ee o" vi(tue that $as in hi % an) ight p(o'u(e the ost lasting se'u(ity to those $ho ha) a)e hi thei( gove(no(. ?hen he ha) the(e"o(e 'o e to su'h a goo) (esolution% an) ha) pe("o( e) su'h $on)e("ul e&ploits% $e ha) 0ust (eason to loo! upon ou(selves as having hi "o( a )ivine

gove(no( an) 'ounselo(. An) $hen he ha) "i(st pe(sua)e) hi sel" (1@) that his a'tions an) )esigns $e(e ag(eeable to -o)4s $ill% he thought it his )uty to i p(ess% above all things% that notion upon the ultitu)e+ "o( those $ho have on'e believe) that -o) is the inspe'to( o" thei( lives% $ill not pe( it the selves in any sin. An) this is the 'ha(a'te( o" ou( legislato(9 he $as no i posto(% no )e'eive(% as his (evile(s say% though un0ustly% but su'h a one as they b(ag 6inos (1C) to have been a ong the -(ee!s% an) othe( legislato(s a"te( hi + "o( so e o" the suppose that they ha) thei( la$s "(o Jupite(% $hile 6inos sai) that the (evelation o" his la$s $as to be (e"e((e) to Apollo% an) his o(a'le at ;elphi% $hethe( they (eally thought they $e(e so )e(ive)% o( suppose)% ho$eve(% that they 'oul) pe(sua)e the people easily that so it $as. But $hi'h o" these it $as $ho a)e the best la$s% an) $hi'h ha) the g(eatest (eason to believe that -o) $as thei( autho(% it $ill be easy% upon 'o pa(ing those la$s the selves togethe(% to )ete( ine+ "o( it is ti e that $e 'o e to that point. (1E) 8o$ the(e a(e innu e(able )i""e(en'es in the pa(ti'ula( 'usto s an) la$s that a(e a ong all an!in)% $hi'h a an ay b(ie"ly (e)u'e un)e( the "ollo$ing hea)s9 So e legislato(s have pe( itte) thei( gove(n ents to be un)e( ona('hies% othe(s put the un)e( oliga('hies% an) othe(s un)e( a (epubli'an "o( + but ou( legislato( ha) no (ega() to any o" these "o( s% but he o()aine) ou( gove(n ent to be $hat% by a st(aine) e&p(ession% ay be te( e) a ,heo'(a'y% (*G) by as'(ibing the autho(ity an) the po$e( to -o)% an) by pe(sua)ing all the people to have a (ega() to hi % as the autho( o" all the goo) things that $e(e en0oye) eithe( in 'o on by all an!in)% o( by ea'h one in pa(ti'ula(% an) o" all that they the selves obtaine) by p(aying to hi in thei( g(eatest )i""i'ulties. .e in"o( e) the that it $as i possible to es'ape -o)4s obse(vation% even in any o" ou( out$a() a'tions% o( in any o" ou( in$a() thoughts. 6o(eove(% he (ep(esente) -o) as unbegotten% (*1) an) i utable% th(ough all ete(nity% supe(io( to all o(tal 'on'eptions in pul'h(itu)e+ an)% though !no$n to us by his po$e(% yet un!no$n to us as to his essen'e. I )o not no$ e&plain ho$ these notions o" -o) a(e the senti ents o" the $isest a ong the -(e'ians% an) ho$ they $e(e taught the upon the p(in'iples that he a""o()e) the . .o$eve(% they testi"y% $ith g(eat assu(an'e% that these notions a(e 0ust% an) ag(eeable to the natu(e o" -o)% an) to his a0esty+ "o( Pythago(as% an) Ana&ago(as% an) Plato% an) the Stoi' philosophe(s that su''ee)e) the % an) al ost all the (est% a(e o" the sa e senti ents% an) ha) the sa e notions o" the natu(e o" -o)+ yet )u(st not these en )is'lose those t(ue notions to o(e than a "e$% be'ause the bo)y o" the people $e(e p(e0u)i'e) $ith othe( opinions be"o(ehan). But ou( legislato(% $ho a)e his a'tions ag(ee to his la$s% )i) not only p(evail $ith those that $e(e his 'onte po(a(ies to ag(ee $ith these his notions% but so "i( ly i p(inte) this "aith in -o) upon all thei( poste(ity% that it neve( 'oul) be (e ove). ,he (eason $hy the 'onstitution o" this legislation $as eve( bette( )i(e'te) to the utility o" all than othe( legislations $e(e% is this% that 6oses )i) not a!e (eligion a pa(t o" vi(tue% but he sa$ an) he o()aine) othe( vi(tues to be pa(ts o" (eligion+ I ean 0usti'e% an) "o(titu)e% an) te pe(an'e% an) a unive(sal ag(ee ent o" the e be(s o" the 'o unity $ith one anothe(+ "o( all ou( a'tions an) stu)ies% an) all ou( $o()s% 2in 6oses4s settle ent%3 have a (e"e(en'e to piety to$a()s -o)+ "o( he hath le"t none o" these in suspense% o( un)ete( ine). Fo( the(e a(e t$o $ays o" 'oining at any so(t o" lea(ning an) a o(al 'on)u't o" li"e+ the one is by inst(u'tion in $o()s% the othe( by p(a'ti'al e&e('ises. 8o$ othe( la$give(s have sepa(ate) these t$o $ays in thei( opinions% an) 'hoosing one o" those $ays o" inst(u'tion% o( that $hi'h best please) eve(y one o" the % negle'te) the othe(. ,hus )i) the Ia'e)e onians an) the 1(etians tea'h by p(a'ti'al e&e('ises% but not by $o()s+ $hile the Athenians% an) al ost all the othe( -(e'ians% a)e la$s about $hat $as to be )one% o( le"t un)one% but ha) no (ega() to the e&e('ising the the(eto in p(a'ti'e.

1C. But "o( ou( legislato(% he ve(y 'a(e"ully 0oine) these t$o etho)s o" inst(u'tion togethe(+ "o( he neithe( le"t these p(a'ti'al e&e('ises to go on $ithout ve(bal inst(u'tion% no( )i) he pe( it the hea(ing o" the la$ to p(o'ee) $ithout the e&e('ises "o( p(a'ti'e+ but beginning i e)iately "(o the ea(liest in"an'y% an) the appoint ent o" eve(y one4s )iet% he le"t nothing o" the ve(y s allest 'onse#uen'e to be )one at the pleasu(e an) )isposal o" the pe(son hi sel". A''o()ingly% he a)e a "i&e) (ule o" la$ $hat so(ts o" "oo) they shoul) abstain "(o % an) $hat so(ts they shoul) a!e use o"+ as also% $hat 'o union they shoul) have $ith othe(s $hat g(eat )iligen'e they shoul) use in thei( o''upations% an) $hat ti es o" (est shoul) be inte(pose)% that% by living un)e( that la$ as un)e( a "athe( an) a aste(% $e ight be guilty o" no sin% neithe( volunta(y no( out o" igno(an'e+ "o( he )i) not su""e( the guilt o" igno(an'e to go on $ithout punish ent% but )e onst(ate) the la$ to be the best an) the ost ne'essa(y inst(u'tion o" all othe(s% pe( itting the people to leave o"" thei( othe( e ploy ents% an) to asse ble togethe( "o( the hea(ing o" the la$% an) lea(ning it e&a'tly% an) this not on'e o( t$i'e% o( o"tene(% but eve(y $ee!+ $hi'h thing all the othe( legislato(s see to have negle'te). 1E. An) in)ee) the g(eatest pa(t o" an!in) a(e so "a( "(o living a''o()ing to thei( o$n la$s% that they ha()ly !no$ the + but $hen they have sinne)% they lea(n "(o othe(s that they have t(ansg(esse) the la$. ,hose also $ho a(e in the highest an) p(in'ipal posts o" the gove(n ent% 'on"ess they a(e not a'#uainte) $ith those la$s% an) a(e oblige) to ta!e su'h pe(sons "o( thei( assesso(s in publi' a) inist(ations as p(o"ess to have s!ill in those la$s+ but "o( ou( people% i" any bo)y )o but as! any one o" the about ou( la$s% he $ill o(e (ea)ily tell the all than he $ill tell his o$n na e% an) this in 'onse#uen'e o" ou( having lea(ne) the i e)iately as soon as eve( $e be'a e sensible o" any thing% an) o" ou( having the as it $e(e eng(aven on ou( souls. Ou( t(ansg(esso(s o" the a(e but "e$% an) it is i possible% $hen any )o o""en)% to es'ape punish ent. *G. An) this ve(y thing it is that p(in'ipally '(eates su'h a $on)e("ul ag(ee ent o" in)s a ongst us all+ "o( this enti(e ag(ee ent o" ou(s in all ou( notions 'on'e(ning -o)% an) ou( having no )i""e(en'e in ou( 'ou(se o" li"e an) anne(s% p(o'u(es a ong us the ost e&'ellent 'on'o() o" these ou( anne(s that is any $he(e a ong an!in)+ "o( no othe( people but the Je$s have avoi)e) all )is'ou(ses about -o) that any $ay 'ont(a)i't one anothe(% $hi'h yet a(e "(e#uent a ong othe( nations+ an) this is t(ue not only a ong o()ina(y pe(sons% a''o()ing as eve(y one is a""e'te)% but so e o" the philosophe(s have been insolent enough to in)ulge su'h 'ont(a)i'tions% $hile so e o" the have un)e(ta!en to use su'h $o()s as enti(ely ta!e a$ay the natu(e o" -o)% as othe(s o" the have ta!en a$ay his p(ovi)en'e ove( an!in). 8o( 'an any one pe('eive a ongst us any )i""e(en'e in the 'on)u't o" ou( lives% but all ou( $o(!s a(e 'o on to us all. ?e have one so(t o" )is'ou(se 'on'e(ning -o)% $hi'h is 'on"o( able to ou( la$% an) a""i( s that he sees all things+ as also $e have but one $ay o" spea!ing 'on'e(ning the 'on)u't o" ou( lives% that all othe( things ought to have piety "o( thei( en)+ an) this any bo)y ay hea( "(o ou( $o en% an) se(vants the selves. *1. An)% in)ee)% hen'e hath a(isen that a''usation $hi'h so e a!e against us% that $e have not p(o)u'e) en that have been the invento(s o" ne$ ope(ations% o( o" ne$ $ays o" spea!ing+ "o( othe(s thin! it a "ine thing to pe(seve(e in nothing that has been )elive(e) )o$n "(o thei( "o(e"athe(s% an) these testi"y it to be an instan'e o" the sha(pest $is)o $hen these en ventu(e to t(ansg(ess those t(a)itions+ $he(eas $e% on the 'ont(a(y% suppose it to be ou( only $is)o an)

vi(tue to a) it no a'tions no( supposals that a(e 'ont(a(y to ou( o(iginal la$s+ $hi'h p(o'e)u(e o" ou(s is a 0ust an) su(e sign that ou( la$ is a) i(ably 'onstitute)+ "o( su'h la$s as a(e not thus $ell a)e a(e 'onvi'te) upon t(ial to $ant a en) ent. **. But $hile $e a(e ou(selves pe(sua)e) that ou( la$ $as a)e ag(eeably to the $ill o" -o)% it $oul) be i pious "o( us not to obse(ve the sa e+ "o( $hat is the(e in it that any bo)y $oul) 'hange7 an) $hat 'an be invente) that is bette(7 o( $hat 'an $e ta!e out o" othe( people4s la$s that $ill e&'ee) it7 Pe(haps so e $oul) have the enti(e settle ent o" ou( gove(n ent alte(e). An) $he(e shall $e "in) a bette( o( o(e (ighteous 'onstitution than ou(s% $hile this a!es us estee -o) to be the -ove(no( o" the unive(se% an) pe( its the p(iests in gene(al to be the a) inist(ato(s o" the p(in'ipal a""ai(s% an) $ithal int(usts the gove(n ent ove( the othe( p(iests to the 'hie" high p(iest hi sel"7 $hi'h p(iests ou( legislato(% at thei( "i(st appoint ent% )i) not a)van'e to that )ignity "o( thei( (i'hes% o( any abun)an'e o" othe( possessions% o( any plenty they ha) as the gi"ts o" "o(tune+ but he int(uste) the p(in'ipal anage ent o" ;ivine $o(ship to those that e&'ee)e) othe(s in an ability to pe(sua)e en% an) in p(u)en'e o" 'on)u't. ,hese en ha) the ain 'a(e o" the la$ an) o" the othe( pa(ts o" the people4s 'on)u't 'o itte) to the + "o( they $e(e the p(iests $ho $e(e o()aine) to be the inspe'to(s o" all% an) the 0u)ges in )oubt"ul 'ases% an) the punishe(s o" those that $e(e 'on)e ne) to su""e( punish ent. *5. ?hat "o( o" gove(n ent then 'an be o(e holy than this7 $hat o(e $o(thy !in) o" $o(ship 'an be pai) to -o) than $e pay% $he(e the enti(e bo)y o" the people a(e p(epa(e) "o( (eligion% $he(e an e&t(ao()ina(y )eg(ee o" 'a(e is (e#ui(e) in the p(iests% an) $he(e the $hole polity is so o()e(e) as i" it $e(e a 'e(tain (eligious sole nity7 Fo( $hat things "o(eigne(s% $hen they sole ni>e su'h "estivals% a(e not able to obse(ve "o( a "e$ )ays4 ti e% an) 'all the 6yste(ies an) Sa'(e) 1e(e onies% $e obse(ve $ith g(eat pleasu(e an) an unsha!en (esolution )u(ing ou( $hole lives. ?hat a(e the things then that $e a(e 'o an)e) o( "o(bi))en7 ,hey a(e si ple% an) easily !no$n. ,he "i(st 'o an) is 'on'e(ning -o)% an) a""i( s that -o) 'ontains all things% an) is a Being eve(y $ay pe("e't an) happy% sel"/su""i'ient% an) supplying all othe( beings+ the beginning% the i))le% an) the en) o" all things. .e is ani"est in his $o(!s an) bene"its% an) o(e 'onspi'uous than any othe( being $hatsoeve(+ but as to his "o( an) agnitu)e% he is ost obs'u(e. All ate(ials% let the be eve( so 'ostly% a(e un$o(thy to 'o pose an i age "o( hi % an) all a(ts a(e una(t"ul to e&p(ess the notion $e ought to have o" hi . ?e 'an neithe( see no( thin! o" any thing li!e hi % no( is it ag(eeable to piety to "o( a (ese blan'e o" hi . ?e see his $o(!s% the light% the heaven% the ea(th% the sun an) the oon% the $ate(s% the gene(ations o" ani als% the p(o)u'tions o" "(uits. ,hese things hath -o) a)e% not $ith han)s% no( $ith labo(% no( as $anting the assistan'e o" any to 'oope(ate $ith hi + but as his $ill (esolve) they shoul) be a)e an) be goo) also% they $e(e a)e an) be'a e goo) i e)iately. All en ought to "ollo$ this Being% an) to $o(ship hi in the e&e('ise o" vi(tue+ "o( this $ay o" $o(ship o" -o) is the ost holy o" all othe(s. *:. ,he(e ought also to be but one te ple "o( one -o)+ "o( li!eness is the 'onstant "oun)ation o" ag(ee ent. ,his te ple ought to be 'o on to all en% be'ause he is the 'o on -o) o" all en. .igh p(iests a(e to be 'ontinually about his $o(ship% ove( $ho he that is the "i(st by his bi(th is to be thei( (ule( pe(petually. .is business ust be to o""e( sa'(i"i'es to -o)% togethe( $ith those p(iests that a(e 0oine) $ith hi % to see that the la$s be obse(ve)% to )ete( ine 'ont(ove(sies% an) to punish those that a(e 'onvi'te) o" in0usti'e+ $hile he that )oes not sub it to

hi shall be sub0e't to the sa e punish ent% as i" he ha) been guilty o" i piety to$a()s -o) hi sel". ?hen $e o""e( sa'(i"i'es to hi % $e )o it not in o()e( to su("eit ou(selves% o( to be )(un!en+ "o( su'h e&'esses a(e against the $ill o" -o)% an) $oul) be an o''asion o" in0u(ies an) o" lu&u(y+ but by !eeping ou(selves sobe(% o()e(ly% an) (ea)y "o( ou( othe( o''upations% an) being o(e te pe(ate than othe(s. An) "o( ou( )uty at the sa'(i"i'es (**) the selves% $e ought% in the "i(st pla'e% to p(ay "o( the 'o on $el"a(e o" all% an) a"te( that "o( ou( o$n+ "o( $e a(e a)e "o( "ello$ship one $ith anothe(% an) he $ho p(e"e(s the 'o on goo) be"o(e $hat is pe'ulia( to hi sel" is above all a''eptable to -o). An) let ou( p(aye(s an) suppli'ations be a)e hu bly to -o)% not 2so u'h3 that he $oul) give us $hat is goo)% ("o( he hath al(ea)y given that o" his o$n a''o()% an) hath p(opose) the sa e publi'ly to all%) as that $e ay )uly (e'eive it% an) $hen $e have (e'eive) it% ay p(ese(ve it. 8o$ the la$ has appointe) seve(al pu(i"i'ations at ou( sa'(i"i'es% $he(eby $e a(e 'leanse) a"te( a "une(al% a"te( $hat so eti es happens to us in be)% an) a"te( a''o panying $ith ou( $ives% an) upon any othe( o''asions% $hi'h it $oul) be too long no$ to set )o$n. An) this is ou( )o't(ine 'on'e(ning -o) an) his $o(ship% an) is the sa e that the la$ appoints "o( ou( p(a'ti'e. *<. But% then% $hat a(e ou( la$s about a((iage7 ,hat la$ o$ns no othe( i&tu(e o" se&es but that $hi'h natu(e hath appointe)% o" a an $ith his $i"e% an) that this be use) only "o( the p(o'(eation o" 'hil)(en. But it abho(s the i&tu(e o" a ale $ith a ale+ an) i" any one )o that% )eath is its punish ent. It 'o an)s us also% $hen $e a((y% not to have (ega() to po(tion% no( to ta!e a $o an by violen'e% no( to pe(sua)e he( )e'eit"ully an) !navishly+ but to )e an) he( in a((iage o" hi $ho hath po$e( to )ispose o" he(% an) is "it to give he( a$ay by the nea(ness o" his !in)(e)+ "o(% says the S'(iptu(e% JA $o an is in"e(io( to he( husban) in all things.J (*5) Iet he(% the(e"o(e% be obe)ient to hi + not so that he shoul) abuse he(% but that she ay a'!no$le)ge he( )uty to he( husban)+ "o( -o) hath given the autho(ity to the husban). A husban)% the(e"o(e% is to lie only $ith his $i"e $ho he hath a((ie)+ but to have to )o $ith anothe( an4s $i"e is a $i'!e) thing% $hi'h% i" any one ventu(es upon% )eath is inevitably his punish ent9 no o(e 'an he avoi) the sa e $ho "o('es a vi(gin bet(othe) to anothe( an% o( enti'es anothe( an4s $i"e. ,he la$% o(eove(% en0oins us to b(ing up all ou( o""sp(ing% an) "o(bi)s $o en to 'ause abo(tion o" $hat is begotten% o( to )est(oy it a"te($a()+ an) i" any $o an appea(s to have so )one% she $ill be a u()e(e( o" he( 'hil)% by )est(oying a living '(eatu(e% an) )i inishing hu an !in)+ i" any one% the(e"o(e% p(o'ee)s to su'h "o(ni'ation o( u()e(% he 'annot be 'lean. 6o(eove(% the la$ en0oins% that a"te( the an an) $i"e have lain togethe( in a (egula( $ay% they shall bathe the selves+ "o( the(e is a )e"ile ent 'ont(a'te) the(eby% both in soul an) bo)y% as i" they ha) gone into anothe( 'ount(y+ "o( in)ee) the soul% by being unite) to the bo)y% is sub0e't to ise(ies% an) is not "(ee) the(e"(o again but by )eath+ on $hi'h a''ount the la$ (e#ui(es this pu(i"i'ation to be enti(ely pe("o( e). *=. 8ay% in)ee)% the la$ )oes not pe( it us to a!e "estivals at the bi(ths o" ou( 'hil)(en% an) the(eby a""o() o''asion o" )(in!ing to e&'ess+ but it o()ains that the ve(y beginning o" ou( e)u'ation shoul) be i e)iately )i(e'te) to sob(iety. It also 'o an)s us to b(ing those 'hil)(en up in lea(ning% an) to e&e('ise the in the la$s% an) a!e the a'#uainte) $ith the a'ts o" thei( p(e)e'esso(s% in o()e( to thei( i itation o" the % an) that they ight be nou(ishe) up in the la$s "(o thei( in"an'y% an) ight neithe( t(ansg(ess the % no( have any p(etense "o( thei( igno(an'e o" the .

*@. Ou( la$ hath also ta!en 'a(e o" the )e'ent bu(ial o" the )ea)% but $ithout any e&t(avagant e&penses "o( thei( "une(als% an) $ithout the e(e'tion o" any illust(ious onu ents "o( the + but hath o()e(e) that thei( nea(est (elations shoul) pe("o( thei( obse#uies+ an) hath sho$e) it to be (egula(% that all $ho pass by $hen any one is bu(ie) shoul) a''o pany the "une(al% an) 0oin in the la entation. It also o()ains that the house an) its inhabitants shoul) be pu(i"ie) a"te( the "une(al is ove(% that eve(y one ay then'e lea(n to !eep at a g(eat )istan'e "(o the thoughts o" being pu(e% i" he hath been on'e guilty o" u()e(. *C. ,he la$ o()ains also% that pa(ents shoul) be hono(e) i e)iately a"te( -o) hi sel"% an) )elive(s that son $ho )oes not (e#uite the "o( the bene"its he hath (e'eive) "(o the % but is )e"i'ient on any su'h o''asion% to be stone). It also says that the young en shoul) pay )ue (espe't to eve(y el)e(% sin'e -o) is the el)est o" all beings. It )oes not give leave to 'on'eal any thing "(o ou( "(ien)s% be'ause that is not t(ue "(ien)ship $hi'h $ill not 'o it all things to thei( "i)elity9 it also "o(bi)s the (evelation o" se'(ets% even though an en ity a(ise bet$een the . I" any 0u)ge ta!es b(ibes% his punish ent is )eath9 he that ove(loo!s one that o""e(s hi a petition% an) this $hen he is able to (elieve hi % he is a guilty pe(son. ?hat is not by any one int(uste) to anothe( ought not to be (e#ui(e) ba'! again. 8o one is to tou'h anothe(4s goo)s. .e that len)s oney ust not )e an) usu(y "o( its loan. ,hese% an) any o(e o" the li!e so(t% a(e the (ules that unite us in the ban)s o" so'iety one $ith anothe(. *E. It $ill be also $o(th ou( $hile to see $hat e#uity ou( legislato( $oul) have us e&e('ise in ou( inte('ou(se $ith st(ange(s+ "o( it $ill then'e appea( that he a)e the best p(ovision he possibly 'oul)% both that $e shoul) not )issolve ou( o$n 'onstitution% no( sho$ any envious in) to$a()s those that $oul) 'ultivate a "(ien)ship $ith us. A''o()ingly% ou( legislato( a) its all those that have a in) to obse(ve ou( la$s so to )o+ an) this a"te( a "(ien)ly anne(% as estee ing that a t(ue union $hi'h not only e&ten)s to ou( o$n sto'!% but to those that $oul) live a"te( the sa e anne( $ith us+ yet )oes he not allo$ those that 'o e to us by a''i)ent only to be a) itte) into 'o union $ith us. 5G. .o$eve(% the(e a(e othe( things $hi'h ou( legislato( o()aine) "o( us be"o(ehan)% $hi'h o" ne'essity $e ought to )o in 'o on to all en+ as to a""o() "i(e% an) $ate(% an) "oo) to su'h as $ant it+ to sho$ the the (oa)s+ not to let any one lie unbu(ie). .e also $oul) have us t(eat those that a(e estee e) ou( ene ies $ith o)e(ation+ "o( he )oth not allo$ us to set thei( 'ount(y on "i(e% no( pe( it us to 'ut )o$n those t(ees that bea( "(uit+ nay% "u(the(% he "o(bi)s us to spoil those that have been slain in $a(. .e hath also p(ovi)e) "o( su'h as a(e ta!en 'aptive% that they ay not be in0u(e)% an) espe'ially that the $o en ay not be abuse). In)ee) he hath taught us gentleness an) hu anity so e""e'tually% that he hath not )espise) the 'a(e o" b(ute beasts% by pe( itting no othe( than a (egula( use o" the % an) "o(bi))ing any othe(+ an) i" any o" the 'o e to ou( houses% li!e suppli'ants% $e a(e "o(bi))en to slay the + no( ay $e !ill the )a s% togethe( $ith thei( young ones+ but $e a(e oblige)% even in an ene y4s 'ount(y% to spa(e an) not !ill those '(eatu(es that labo( "o( an!in). ,hus hath ou( la$give( 'ont(ive) to tea'h us an e#uitable 'on)u't eve(y $ay% by using us to su'h la$s as inst(u't us the(ein+ $hile at the sa e ti e he hath o()aine) that su'h as b(ea! these la$s shoul) be punishe)% $ithout the allo$an'e o" any e&'use $hatsoeve(.

51. 8o$ the g(eatest pa(t o" o""enses $ith us a(e 'apital+ as i" any one be guilty o" a)ulte(y+ i" any one "o('e a vi(gin+ i" any one be so i pu)ent as to atte pt so)o y $ith a ale+ o( i"% upon anothe(4s a!ing an atte pt upon hi % he sub its to be so use). ,he(e is also a la$ "o( slaves o" the li!e natu(e% that 'an neve( be avoi)e). 6o(eove(% i" any one 'heats anothe( in easu(es o( $eights% o( a!es a !navish ba(gain an) sale% in o()e( to 'heat anothe(+ i" any one steals $hat belongs to anothe(% an) ta!es $hat he neve( )eposite)+ all these have punish ents allotte) the + not su'h as a(e et $ith a ong othe( nations% but o(e seve(e ones. An) as "o( atte pts o" un0ust behavio( to$a()s pa(ents% o( "o( i piety against -o)% though they be not a'tually a''o plishe)% the o""en)e(s a(e )est(oye) i e)iately. .o$eve(% the (e$a() "o( su'h as live e&a'tly a''o()ing to the la$s is not silve( o( gol)+ it is not a ga(lan) o" olive b(an'hes o( o" s all age% no( any su'h publi' sign o" 'o en)ation+ but eve(y goo) an hath his o$n 'ons'ien'e bea(ing $itness to hi sel"% an) by vi(tue o" ou( legislato(4s p(opheti' spi(it% an) o" the "i( se'u(ity -o) hi sel" a""o()s su'h a one% he believes that -o) hath a)e this g(ant to those that obse(ve these la$s% even though they be oblige) (ea)ily to )ie "o( the % that they shall 'o e into being again% an) at a 'e(tain (evolution o" things shall (e'eive a bette( li"e than they ha) en0oye) be"o(e. 8o( $oul) I ventu(e to $(ite thus at this ti e% $e(e it not $ell !no$n to all by ou( a'tions that any o" ou( people have any a ti e b(avely (esolve) to en)u(e any su""e(ings% (athe( than spea! one $o() against ou( la$. 5*. 8ay% in)ee)% in 'ase it ha) so "allen out% that ou( nation ha) not been so tho(oughly !no$n a ong all en as they a(e% an) ou( volunta(y sub ission to ou( la$s ha) not been so open an) ani"est as it is% but that so ebo)y ha) p(eten)e) to have $(itten these la$s hi sel"% an) ha) (ea) the to the -(ee!s% o( ha) p(eten)e) that he ha) et $ith en out o" the li its o" the !no$n $o(l)% that ha) su'h (eve(ent notions o" -o)% an) ha) 'ontinue) a long ti e in the "i( obse(van'e o" su'h la$s as ou(s% I 'annot but suppose that all en $oul) a) i(e the on a (e"le'tion upon the "(e#uent 'hanges they ha) the(ein been the selves sub0e't to+ an) this $hile those that have atte pte) to $(ite so e$hat o" the sa e !in) "o( politi' gove(n ent% an) "o( la$s% a(e a''use) as 'o posing onst(ous things% an) a(e sai) to have un)e(ta!en an i possible tas! upon the . An) he(e I $ill say nothing o" those othe( philosophe(s $ho have un)e(ta!en any thing o" this natu(e in thei( $(itings. But even Plato hi sel"% $ho is so a) i(e) by the -(ee!s on a''ount o" that g(avity in his anne(s% an) "o('e in his $o()s% an) that ability he ha) to pe(sua)e en beyon) all othe( philosophe(s% is little bette( than laughe) at an) e&pose) to (i)i'ule on that a''ount% by those that p(eten) to saga'ity in politi'al a""ai(s+ although he that shall )iligently pe(use his $(itings $ill "in) his p(e'epts to be so e$hat gentle% an) p(etty nea( to the 'usto s o" the gene(ality o" an!in). 8ay% Plato hi sel" 'on"esseth that it is not sa"e to publish the t(ue notion 'on'e(ning -o) a ong the igno(ant ultitu)e. Ket )o so e en loo! upon Plato4s )is'ou(ses as no bette( than 'e(tain i)le $o()s set o"" $ith g(eat a(ti"i'e. .o$eve(% they a) i(e Iy'u(gus as the p(in'ipal la$give(% an) all en 'eleb(ate Spa(ta "o( having 'ontinue) in the "i( obse(van'e o" his la$s "o( a ve(y long ti e. So "a( then $e have gaine)% that it is to be 'on"esse) a a(! o" vi(tue to sub it to la$s. (*:) But then let su'h as a) i(e this in the Ia'e)e onians 'o pa(e that )u(ation o" thei(s $ith o(e than t$o thousan) yea(s $hi'h ou( politi'al gove(n ent hath 'ontinue)+ an) let the "u(the( 'onsi)e(% that though the Ia'e)e onians )i) see to obse(ve thei( la$s e&a'tly $hile they en0oye) thei( libe(ty% yet that $hen they un)e($ent a 'hange o" thei( "o(tune% they "o(got al ost all those la$s+ $hile $e% having been un)e( ten thousan) 'hanges in ou( "o(tune by the 'hanges that happene) a ong the !ings o" Asia% have neve( bet(aye) ou( la$s un)e( the ost p(essing )ist(esses $e have been in+

no( have $e negle'te) the eithe( out o" sloth o( "o( a livelihoo). (*<) i" any one $ill 'onsi)e( it% the )i""i'ulties an) labo(s lai) upon us have been g(eate( than $hat appea(s to have been bo(ne by the Ia'e)e onian "o(titu)e% $hile they neithe( ploughe) thei( lan)% no( e&e('ise) any t(a)es% but live) in thei( o$n 'ity% "(ee "(o all su'h pains/ta!ing% in the en0oy ent o" plenty% an) using su'h e&e('ises as ight i p(ove thei( bo)ies% $hile they a)e use o" othe( en as thei( se(vants "o( all the ne'essa(ies o" li"e% an) ha) thei( "oo) p(epa(e) "o( the by the othe(s+ an) these goo) an) hu ane a'tions they )o "o( no othe( pu(pose but this% that by thei( a'tions an) thei( su""e(ings they ay be able to 'on#ue( all those against $ho they a!e $a(. I nee) not a)) this% that they have not been "ully able to obse(ve thei( la$s+ "o( not only a "e$ single pe(sons% but ultitu)es o" the % have in heaps negle'te) those la$s% an) have )elive(e) the selves% togethe( $ith thei( a( s% into the han)s o" thei( ene ies. 55. 8o$ as "o( ou(selves% I ventu(e to say that no one 'an tell o" so any+ nay% not o" o(e than one o( t$o that have bet(aye) ou( la$s% no% not out o" "ea( o" )eath itsel"+ I )o not ean su'h an easy )eath as happens in battles% but that $hi'h 'o es $ith bo)ily to( ents% an) see s to be the seve(est !in) o" )eath o" all othe(s. 8o$ I thin! those that have 'on#ue(e) us have put us to su'h )eaths% not out o" thei( hat(e) to us $hen they ha) sub)ue) us% but (athe( out o" thei( )esi(e o" seeing a su(p(ising sight% $hi'h is this% $hethe( the(e be su'h en in the $o(l) $ho believe that no evil is to the so g(eat as to be 'o pelle) to )o o( to spea! any thing 'ont(a(y to thei( o$n la$s. 8o( ought en to $on)e( at us% i" $e a(e o(e 'ou(ageous in )ying "o( ou( la$s than all othe( en a(e+ "o( othe( en )o not easily sub it to the easie( things in $hi'h $e a(e institute)+ I ean $o(!ing $ith ou( han)s% an) eating but little% an) being 'ontente) to eat an) )(in!% not at (an)o % o( at eve(y one4s pleasu(e% o( being un)e( inviolable (ules in lying $ith ou( $ives% in agni"i'ent "u(nitu(e% an) again in the obse(vation o" ou( ti es o" (est+ $hile those that 'an use thei( s$o()s in $a(% an) 'an put thei( ene ies to "light $hen they atta'! the % 'annot bea( to sub it to su'h la$s about thei( $ay o" living9 $he(eas ou( being a''usto e) $illingly to sub it to la$s in these instan'es% (en)e(s us "it to sho$ ou( "o(titu)e upon othe( o''asions also. 5:. Ket )o the Iysi a'hi an) the 6olones% an) so e othe( $(ite(s% (uns!ill"ul sophists as they a(e% an) the )e'eive(s o" young en%) (ep(oa'h us as the vilest o" all an!in). 8o$ I have no in) to a!e an in#ui(y into the la$s o" othe( nations+ "o( the 'usto o" ou( 'ount(y is to !eep ou( o$n la$s% but not to b(ing a''usations against the la$s o" othe(s. An) in)ee) ou( legislato( hath e&p(essly "o(bi))en us to laugh at an) (evile those that a(e estee e) go)s by othe( people7 on a''ount o" the ve(y na e o" -o) as'(ibe) to the . But sin'e ou( antagonists thin! to (un us )o$n upon the 'o pa(ison o" thei( (eligion an) ou(s% it is not possible to !eep silen'e he(e% espe'ially $hile $hat I shall say to 'on"ute these en $ill not be no$ "i(st sai)% but hath been al(ea)y sai) by any% an) these o" the highest (eputation also+ "o( $ho is the(e a ong those that have been a) i(e) a ong the -(ee!s "o( $is)o % $ho hath not g(eatly bla e) both the ost "a ous poets% an) ost 'eleb(ate) legislato(s% "o( sp(ea)ing su'h notions o(iginally a ong the bo)y o" the people 'on'e(ning the go)s7 su'h as these% that they ay be allo$e) to be as nu e(ous as they have a in) to have the + that they a(e begotten one by anothe(% an) that a"te( all the !in)s o" gene(ation you 'an i agine. ,hey also )istinguish the in thei( pla'es an) $ays o" living as they $oul) )istinguish seve(al so(ts o" ani als+ as so e to be un)e( the ea(th+ as so e to be in the sea+ an) the an'ientest o" the all to be boun) in hell+ an) "o( those to $ho they have allotte) heaven% they have set ove( the one% $ho in title is thei( "athe(% but in his a'tions a ty(ant an) a lo()+ $hen'e it 'a e to pass that his $i"e% an) b(othe(% an) )aughte(

($hi'h )aughte( he b(ought "o(th "(o his o$n hea)) a)e a 'onspi(a'y against hi to sei>e upon hi an) 'on"ine hint% as he ha) hi sel" sei>e) upon an) 'on"ine) his o$n "athe( be"o(e. 5<. An) 0ustly have the $isest en thought these notions )ese(ve) seve(e (ebu!es+ they also laugh at the "o( )ete( ining that $e ought to believe so e o" the go)s to be bea()less an) young% an) othe(s o" the to be ol)% an) to have bea()s a''o()ingly+ that so e a(e set to t(a)es+ that one go) is a s ith% an) anothe( go))ess is a $eave(+ that one go) is a $a((io(% an) "ights $ith en+ that so e o" the a(e ha(pe(s% o( )elight in a('he(y+ an) besi)es% that utual se)itions a(ise a ong the % an) that they #ua((el about en% an) this so "a(% that they not only lay han)s upon one anothe(% but that they a(e $oun)e) by en% an) la ent% an) ta!e on "o( su'h thei( a""li'tions. But $hat is the g(ossest o" all in point o" las'iviousness% a(e those unboun)e) lusts as'(ibe) to al ost all o" the % an) thei( a ou(s+ $hi'h ho$ 'an it be othe( than a ost absu() supposal% espe'ially $hen it (ea'hes to the ale go)s% an) to the "e ale go))esses also7 6o(eove(% the 'hie" o" all thei( go)s% an) thei( "i(st "athe( hi sel"% ove(loo!s those go))esses $ho he hath )elu)e) an) begotten $ith 'hil)% an) su""e(s the to be !ept in p(ison% o( )(o$ne) in the sea. .e is also so boun) up by "ate% that he 'annot save his o$n o""sp(ing% no( 'an he bea( thei( )eaths $ithout she))ing o" tea(s. ,hese a(e "ine things in)ee)H as a(e the (est that "ollo$. A)ulte(ies t(uly a(e so i pu)ently loo!e) on in heaven by the go)s% that so e o" the have 'on"esse) they envie) those that $e(e "oun) in the ve(y a't. An) $hy shoul) they not )o so% $hen the el)est o" the % $ho is thei( !ing also% hath not been able to (est(ain hi sel" in the violen'e o" his lust% "(o lying $ith his $i"e% so long as they ight get into thei( be)'ha be(7 8o$ so e o" the go)s a(e se(vants to en% an) $ill so eti es be buil)e(s "o( a (e$a()% an) so eti es $ill be shephe()s+ $hile othe(s o" the % li!e ale"a'to(s% a(e boun) in a p(ison o" b(ass. An) $hat sobe( pe(son is the(e $ho $oul) not be p(ovo!e) at su'h sto(ies% an) (ebu!e those that "o(ge) the % an) 'on)e n the g(eat silliness o" those that a) it the "o( t(ue7 8ay% othe(s the(e a(e that have a)van'e) a 'e(tain ti o(ousness an) "ea(% as also a)ness an) "(au)% an) any othe( o" the vilest passions% into the natu(e an) "o( o" go)s% an) have pe(sua)e) $hole 'ities to o""e( sa'(i"i'es to the bette( so(t o" the + on $hi'h a''ount they have been absolutely "o('e) to estee so e go)s as the give(s o" goo) things% an) to 'all othe(s o" the ave(te(s o" evil. ,hey also en)eavo( to ove the % as they $oul) the vilest o" en% by gi"ts an) p(esents% as loo!ing "o( nothing else than to (e'eive so e g(eat is'hie" "(o the % unless they pay the su'h $ages. 5=. ?he(e"o(e it )ese(ves ou( in#ui(y $hat shoul) be the o''asion o" this un0ust anage ent% an) o" these s'an)als about the ;eity. An) t(uly I suppose it to be )e(ive) "(o the i pe("e't !no$le)ge the heathen legislato(s ha) at "i(st o" the t(ue natu(e o" -o)+ no( )i) they e&plain to the people even so "a( as they )i) 'o p(ehen) o" it9 no( )i) they 'o pose the othe( pa(ts o" thei( politi'al settle ents a''o()ing to it% but o itte) it as a thing o" ve(y little 'onse#uen'e% an) gave leave both to the poets to int(o)u'e $hat go)s they please)% an) those sub0e't to all so(ts o" passions% an) to the o(ato(s to p(o'u(e politi'al )e'(ees "(o the people "o( the a) ission o" su'h "o(eign go)s as they thought p(ope(. ,he painte(s also% an) statua(ies o" -(ee'e% ha) he(ein g(eat po$e(% as ea'h o" the 'oul) 'ont(ive a shape 2p(ope( "o( a go)3+ the one to be "o( e) out o" 'lay% an) the othe( by a!ing a ba(e pi'tu(e o" su'h a one. But those $o(! en that $e(e p(in'ipally a) i(e)% ha) the use o" ivo(y an) o" gol) as the 'onstant ate(ials "o( thei( ne$ statues 2$he(eby it 'o es to pass that so e te ples a(e #uite )ese(te)% $hile othe(s a(e in g(eat estee % an) a)o(ne) $ith all the (ites o" all !in)s o" pu(i"i'ation3. Besi)es this% the "i(st go)s%

$ho have long "lou(ishe) in the hono(s )one the % a(e no$ g(o$n ol) 2$hile those that "lou(ishe) a"te( the a(e 'o e in thei( (oo as a se'on) (an!% that I ay spea! the ost hono(ably o" the I 'an39 nay% 'e(tain othe( go)s the(e a(e $ho a(e ne$ly int(o)u'e)% an) ne$ly $o(shippe) 2as $e% by $ay o" )ig(ession% have sai) al(ea)y% an) yet have le"t thei( pla'es o" $o(ship )esolate3+ an) "o( thei( te ples% so e o" the a(e al(ea)y le"t )esolate% an) othe(s a(e built ane$% a''o()ing to the pleasu(e o" en+ $he(eas they ought to have thei( opinion about -o)% an) that $o(ship $hi'h is )ue to hi % al$ays an) i utably the sa e. 5@. But no$% this Apollonius 6olo $as one o" these "oolish an) p(ou) en. .o$eve(% nothing that I have sai) $as un!no$n to those that $e(e (eal philosophe(s a ong the -(ee!s% no( $e(e they una'#uainte) $ith those "(igi) p(etensions o" allego(ies 2$hi'h ha) been allege) "o( su'h things3+ on $hi'h a''ount they 0ustly )espise) the % but have still ag(ee) $ith us as to the t(ue an) be'o ing notions o" -o)+ $hen'e it $as that Plato $oul) not have politi'al settle ents a) it to o" any one o" the othe( poets% an) )is isses even .o e( hi sel"% $ith a ga(lan) on his hea)% an) $ith oint ent pou(e) upon hi % an) this be'ause he shoul) not )est(oy the (ight notions o" -o) $ith his "ables. 8ay% Plato p(in'ipally i itate) ou( legislato( in this point% that he en0oine) his 'iti>ens to have he ain (ega() to this p(e'ept% J,hat eve(y one o" the shoul) lea(n thei( la$s a''u(ately.J .e also o()aine)% that they shoul) not a) it o" "o(eigne(s inte( i&ing $ith thei( o$n people at (an)o + an) p(ovi)e) that the 'o on$ealth shoul) !eep itsel" pu(e% an) 'onsist o" su'h only as pe(seve(e) in thei( o$n la$s. Apollonius 6olo )i) no $ay 'onsi)e( this% $hen he a)e it one b(an'h o" his a''usation against us% that $e )o not a) it o" su'h as have )i""e(ent notions about -o)% no( $ill $e have "ello$ship $ith those that 'hoose to obse(ve a $ay o" living )i""e(ent "(o ou(selves% yet is not this etho) pe'ulia( to us% but 'o on to all othe( en+ not a ong the o()ina(y -(e'ians only% but a ong su'h o" those -(e'ians as a(e o" the g(eatest (eputation a ong the . 6o(eove(% the Ia'e)e onians 'ontinue) in thei( $ay o" e&pelling "o(eigne(s% an) $oul) not in)ee) give leave to thei( o$n people to t(avel ab(oa)% as suspe'ting that those t$o things $oul) int(o)u'e a )issolution o" thei( o$n la$s9 an) pe(haps the(e ay be so e (eason to bla e the (igi) seve(ity o" the Ia'e)e onians% "o( they besto$e) the p(ivilege o" thei( 'ity on no "o(eigne(s% no( in)ee) $oul) give leave to the to stay a ong the + $he(eas $e% though $e )o not thin! "it to i itate othe( institutions% yet )o $e $illingly a) it o" those that )esi(e to pa(ta!e o" ou(s% $hi'h% I thin!% I ay (e'!on to be a plain in)i'ation o" ou( hu anity% an) at the sa e ti e o" ou( agnani ity also. 5C. But I shall say no o(e o" the Ia'e)e onians. As "o( the Athenians% $ho glo(y in having a)e thei( 'ity to be 'o on to all en% $hat thei( behavio( $as Apollonius )i) not !no$% $hile they punishe) those that )i) but spea! one $o() 'ont(a(y to the la$s about the go)s% $ithout any e('y+ "o( on $hat othe( a''ount $as it that So'(ates $as put to )eath by the 7 Fo( 'e(tainly he neithe( bet(aye) thei( 'ity to its ene ies% no( $as he guilty o" any sa'(ilege $ith (ega() to any o" thei( te ples+ but it $as on this a''ount% that he s$o(e 'e(tain ne$ oaths (*=) an) that he a""i( e) eithe( in ea(nest% o(% as so e say% only in 0est% that a 'e(tain )e on use) to a!e signs to hi 2$hat he shoul) not )o3. Fo( these (easons he $as 'on)e ne) to )(in! poison% an) !ill hi sel". .is a''use( also 'o plaine) that he 'o((upte) the young en% by in)u'ing the to )espise the politi'al settle ent an) la$s o" thei( 'ity9 an) thus $as So'(ates% the 'iti>en o" Athens% punishe). ,he(e $as also Ana&ago(as% $ho% although he $as o" 1la>o ente% $as $ithin a "e$ su""(ages o" being 'on)e ne) to )ie% be'ause he sai) the sun% $hi'h the Athenians thought to be a go)% $as a ball o" "i(e. ,hey also a)e this publi' p(o'la ation%J ,hat they $oul) give a

talent to any one $ho $oul) !ill ;iago(as o" 6elos%J be'ause it $as (epo(te) o" hi that he laughe) at thei( yste(ies. P(otago(as also% $ho $as thought to have $(itten so e$hat that $as not o$ne) "o( t(uth by the Athenians about the go)s% ha) been sei>e) upon% an) put to )eath% i" he ha) not "le) a$ay i e)iately. 8o( nee) $e at all $on)e( that they thus t(eate) su'h 'onsi)e(able en% $hen they )i) not spa(e even $o en also+ "o( they ve(y lately sle$ a 'e(tain p(iestess% be'ause she $as a''use) by so ebo)y that she initiate) people into the $o(ship o" st(ange go)s% it having been "o(bi))en so to )o by one o" thei( la$s+ an) a 'apital punish ent ha) been )e'(ee) to su'h as int(o)u'e) a st(ange go)+ it being ani"est% that they $ho a!e use o" su'h a la$ )o not believe those o" othe( nations to be (eally go)s% othe($ise they ha) not envie) the selves the a)vantage o" o(e go)s than they al(ea)y ha). An) this $as the happy a) inist(ation o" the a""ai(s o" the AtheniansH 8o$ as to the S'ythians% they ta!e a pleasu(e in !illing en% an) )i""e( but little "(o b(ute beasts+ yet )o they thin! it (easonable to have thei( institutions obse(ve). ,hey also sle$ Ana'ha(sis% a pe(son g(eatly a) i(e) "o( his $is)o a ong the -(ee!s% $hen he (etu(ne) to the % be'ause he appea(e) to 'o e "(aught $ith -(e'ian 'usto s. One ay also "in) any to have been punishe) a ong the Pe(sians% on the ve(y sa e a''ount. An) to be su(e Apollonius $as g(eatly please) $ith the la$s o" the Pe(sians% an) $as an a) i(e( o" the % be'ause the -(ee!s en0oye) the a)vantage o" thei( 'ou(age% an) ha) the ve(y sa e opinion about the go)s $hi'h they ha). ,his last $as e&e pli"ie) in the te ples $hi'h they bu(nt% an) thei( 'ou(age in 'o ing% an) al ost enti(ely enslaving the -(e'ians. .o$eve(% Apollonius has i itate) all the Pe(sian institutions% an) that by his o""e(ing violen'e to othe( en4s $ives% an) gel)ing his o$n sons. 8o$% $ith us% it is a 'apital '(i e% i" any one )oes thus abuse even a b(ute beast+ an) as "o( us% neithe( hath the "ea( o" ou( gove(no(s% no( a )esi(e o" "ollo$ing $hat othe( nations have in so g(eat estee % been able to $ith)(a$ us "(o ou( o$n la$s+ no( have $e e&e(te) ou( 'ou(age in (aising up $a(s to in'(ease ou( $ealth% but only "o( the obse(vation o" ou( la$s+ an) $hen $e $ith patien'e bea( othe( losses% yet $hen any pe(sons $oul) 'o pel us to b(ea! ou( la$s% then it is that $e 'hoose to go to $a(% though it be beyon) ou( ability to pu(sue it% an) bea( the g(eatest 'ala ities to the last $ith u'h "o(titu)e. An)% in)ee)% $hat (eason 'an the(e be $hy $e shoul) )esi(e to i itate the la$s o" othe( nations% $hile $e see they a(e not obse(ve) by thei( o$n legislato(s (*@) An) $hy )o not the Ia'e)e onians thin! o" abolishing that "o( o" thei( gove(n ent $hi'h su""e(s the not to asso'iate $ith any othe(s% as $ell as thei( 'onte pt o" at(i ony7 An) $hy )o not the Eleans an) ,hebans abolish that unnatu(al an) i pu)ent lust% $hi'h a!es the lie $ith ales7 Fo( they $ill not sho$ a su""i'ient sign o" thei( (epentan'e o" $hat they o" ol) thought to be ve(y e&'ellent% an) ve(y a)vantageous in thei( p(a'ti'es% unless they enti(ely avoi) all su'h a'tions "o( the ti e to 'o e9 nay% su'h things a(e inse(te) into the bo)y o" thei( la$s% an) ha) on'e su'h a po$e( a ong the -(ee!s% that they as'(ibe) these so)o iti'al p(a'ti'es to the go)s the selves% as a pa(t o" thei( goo) 'ha(a'te(+ an) in)ee) it $as a''o()ing to the sa e anne( that the go)s a((ie) thei( o$n siste(s. ,his the -(ee!s 'ont(ive) as an apology "o( thei( o$n absu() an) unnatu(al pleasu(es. 5E. I o it to spea! 'on'e(ning punish ents% an) ho$ any $ays o" es'aping the the g(eatest pa(t o" the legislato(s have a""o()e) ale"a'to(s% by o()aining that% "o( a)ulte(ies% "ines in oney shoul) be allo$e)% an) "o( 'o((upting (*C) 2vi(gins3 they nee) only a((y the as also $hat e&'uses they ay have in )enying the "a'ts% i" any one atte pts to in#ui(e into the + "o( a ongst ost othe( nations it is a stu)ie) a(t ho$ en ay t(ansg(ess thei( la$s+ but no su'h thing is pe( itte) a ongst us+ "o( though $e be )ep(ive) o" ou( $ealth% o" ou( 'ities% o( o" the othe( a)vantages $e have% ou( la$ 'ontinues i o(tal+ no( 'an any Je$ go so "a( "(o his o$n

'ount(y% no( be so a"t(ighte) at the seve(est lo()% as not to be o(e a"t(ighte) at the la$ than at hi . I"% the(e"o(e% this be the )isposition $e a(e un)e(% $ith (ega() to the e&'ellen'y o" ou( la$s% let ou( ene ies a!e us this 'on'ession% that ou( la$s a(e ost e&'ellent+ an) i" still they i agine% that though $e so "i( ly a)he(e to the % yet a(e they ba) la$s not$ithstan)ing% $hat penalties then )o they )ese(ve to un)e(go $ho )o not obse(ve thei( o$n la$s% $hi'h they estee so "a( supe(io( to the 7 ?he(eas% the(e"o(e% length o" ti e is estee e) to be the t(uest tou'hstone in all 'ases% I $oul) a!e that a testi onial o" the e&'ellen'y o" ou( la$s% an) o" that belie" the(eby )elive(e) to us 'on'e(ning -o). Fo( as the(e hath been a ve(y long ti e "o( this 'o pa(ison% i" any one $ill but 'o pa(e its )u(ation $ith the )u(ation o" the la$s a)e by othe( legislato(s% he $ill "in) ou( legislato( to have been the an'ientest o" the all. :G. ?e have al(ea)y )e onst(ate) that ou( la$s have been su'h as have al$ays inspi(e) a) i(ation an) i itation into all othe( en+ nay% the ea(liest -(e'ian philosophe(s% though in appea(an'e they obse(ve) the la$s o" thei( o$n 'ount(ies% yet )i) they% in thei( a'tions% an) thei( philosophi' )o't(ines% "ollo$ ou( legislato(% an) inst(u'te) en to live spa(ingly% an) to have "(ien)ly 'o uni'ation one $ith anothe(. 8ay% "u(the(% the ultitu)e o" an!in) itsel" have ha) a g(eat in'lination o" a long ti e to "ollo$ ou( (eligious obse(van'es+ "o( the(e is not any 'ity o" the -(e'ians% no( any o" the ba(ba(ians% no( any nation $hatsoeve(% $hithe( ou( 'usto o" (esting on the seventh )ay hath not 'o e% an) by $hi'h ou( "asts an) lighting up la ps% an) any o" ou( p(ohibitions as to ou( "oo)% a(e not obse(ve)+ they also en)eavo( to i itate ou( utual 'on'o() $ith one anothe(% an) the 'ha(itable )ist(ibution o" ou( goo)s% an) ou( )iligen'e in ou( t(a)es% an) ou( "o(titu)e in un)e(going the )ist(esses $e a(e in% on a''ount o" ou( la$s+ an)% $hat is he(e atte( o" the g(eatest a) i(ation% ou( la$ hath no bait o" pleasu(e to allu(e en to it% but it p(evails by its o$n "o('e+ an) as -o) hi sel" pe(va)es all the $o(l)% so hath ou( la$ passe) th(ough all the $o(l) also. So that i" any one $ill but (e"le't on his o$n 'ount(y% an) his o$n "a ily% he $ill have (eason to give '(e)it to $hat I say. It is the(e"o(e but 0ust% eithe( to 'on)e n all an!in) o" in)ulging a $i'!e) )isposition% $hen they have been so )esi(ous o" i itating la$s that a(e to the "o(eign an) evil in the selves% (athe( than "ollo$ing la$s o" thei( o$n that a(e o" a bette( 'ha(a'te(% o( else ou( a''use(s ust leave o"" thei( spite against us. 8o( a(e $e guilty o" any envious behavio( to$a()s the % $hen $e hono( ou( o$n legislato(% an) believe $hat he% by his p(opheti' autho(ity% hath taught us 'on'e(ning -o). Fo( though $e shoul) not be able ou(selves to un)e(stan) the e&'ellen'y o" ou( o$n la$s% yet $oul) the g(eat ultitu)e o" those that )esi(e to i itate the % 0usti"y us% in g(eatly valuing ou(selves upon the . :1. But as "o( the 2)istin't3 politi'al la$s by $hi'h $e a(e gove(ne)% I have )elive(e) the a''u(ately in y boo!s o" Anti#uities+ an) have only entione) the no$% so "a( as $as ne'essa(y to y p(esent pu(pose% $ithout p(oposing to ysel" eithe( to bla e the la$s o" othe( nations% o( to a!e an en'o iu upon ou( o$n+ but in o()e( to 'onvi't those that have $(itten about us un0ustly% an) in an i pu)ent a""e'tation o" )isguising the t(uth. An) no$ I thin! I have su""i'iently 'o plete) $hat I p(opose) in $(iting these boo!s. Fo( $he(eas ou( a''use(s have p(eten)e) that ou( nation a(e a people o" ve(y late o(iginal% I have )e onst(ate) that they a(e e&'ee)ing an'ient+ "o( I have p(o)u'e) as $itnesses the(eto any an'ient $(ite(s% $ho have a)e ention o" us in thei( boo!s% $hile they ha) sai) that no su'h $(ite( ha) so )one. 6o(eove(% they ha) sai) that $e $e(e sp(ung "(o the Egyptians% $hile I have p(ove) that $e 'a e "(o anothe( 'ount(y into Egypt9 $hile they ha) tol) lies o" us% as i" $e $e(e e&pelle) then'e on a''ount o" )iseases on ou( bo)ies% it has appea(e)% on the 'ont(a(y% that $e (etu(ne) to

ou( 'ount(y by ou( o$n 'hoi'e% an) $ith soun) an) st(ong bo)ies. ,hose a''use(s (ep(oa'he) ou( legislato( as a vile "ello$+ $he(eas -o) in ol) ti e ba(e $itness to his vi(tuous 'on)u't+ an) sin'e that testi ony o" -o)% ti e itsel" hath been )is'ove(e) to have bo(ne $itness to the sa e thing. :*. As to the la$s the selves% o(e $o()s a(e unne'essa(y% "o( they a(e visible in thei( o$n natu(e% an) appea( to tea'h not i piety% but the t(uest piety in the $o(l). ,hey )o not a!e en hate one anothe(% but en'ou(age people to 'o uni'ate $hat they have to one anothe( "(eely+ they a(e ene ies to in0usti'e% they ta!e 'a(e o" (ighteousness% they banish i)leness an) e&pensive living% an) inst(u't en to be 'ontent $ith $hat they have% an) to be labo(ious in thei( 'alling+ they "o(bi) en to a!e $a( "(o a )esi(e o" getting o(e% but a!e en 'ou(ageous in )e"en)ing the la$s+ they a(e ine&o(able in punishing ale"a'to(s+ they a) it no sophist(y o" $o()s% but a(e al$ays establishe) by a'tions the selves% $hi'h a'tions $e eve( p(opose as su(e( )e onst(ations than $hat is 'ontaine) in $(iting only9 on $hi'h a''ount I a so bol) as to say that $e a(e be'o e the tea'he(s o" othe( en% in the g(eatest nu be( o" things% an) those o" the ost e&'ellent natu(e only+ "o( $hat is o(e e&'ellent than inviolable piety7 $hat is o(e 0ust than sub ission to la$s7 an) $hat is o(e a)vantageous than utual love an) 'on'o()7 an) this so "a( that $e a(e to be neithe( )ivi)e) by 'ala ities% no( to be'o e in0u(ious an) se)itious in p(ospe(ity+ but to 'onte n )eath $hen $e a(e in $a(% an) in pea'e to apply ou(selves to ou( e'hani'al o''upations% o( to ou( tillage o" the g(oun)+ $hile $e in all things an) all $ays a(e satis"ie) that -o) is the inspe'to( an) gove(no( o" ou( a'tions. I" these p(e'epts ha) eithe( been $(itten at "i(st% o( o(e e&a'tly !ept by any othe(s be"o(e us% $e shoul) have o$e) the than!s as )is'iples o$e to thei( aste(s+ but i" it be visible that $e have a)e use o" the o(e than any othe( en% an) i" $e have )e onst(ate) that the o(iginal invention o" the is ou( o$n% let the Apions% an) the 6olons% $ith all the (est o" those that )elight in lies an) (ep(oa'hes% stan) 'on"ute)+ but let this an) the "o(egoing boo! be )e)i'ate) to thee% Epaph(o)itus% $ho a(t so g(eat a love( o" t(uth% an) by thy eans to those that have been in li!e anne( )esi(ous to be a'#uainte) $ith the a""ai(s o" ou( nation. E8;8O,E (1) ,he "o( e( pa(t o" this se'on) boo! is $(itten against the 'alu nies o" Apion% an) then% o(e b(ie"ly% against the li!e 'alu nies o" Apollonius 6olo. But a"te( that% Josephus leaves o"" any o(e pa(ti'ula( (eply to those a)ve(sa(ies o" the Je$s% an) gives us a la(ge an) e&'ellent )es'(iption an) vin)i'ation o" that theo'(a'y $hi'h $as settle) "o( the Je$ish nation by 6oses% thei( g(eat legislato(. (*) 1alle) by ,ibe(ius 1y balu 6un)i% ,he )(u o" the $o(l).

(5) ,his see s to have been the "i(st )ial that ha) been a)e in Egypt% an) $as a little be"o(e the ti e that Aha> a)e his 2"i(st3 )ial in Ju)ea% an) about anno @<<% in the "i(st yea( o" the seventh oly pia)% as $e shall see p(esently. See * Kings *G911+ Isaiah 5C9C. (:) ,he bu(ial/pla'e "o( )ea) bo)ies% as I suppose.

(<) .e(e begins a g(eat )e"e't in the -(ee! 'opy+ but the ol) Iatin ve(sion "ully supplies that )e"e't. (=) ?hat e((o( is he(e gene(ally believe) to have been 'o itte) by ou( Josephus in as'(ibing a )elive(an'e o" the Je$s to the (eign o" Ptole y Phys'o% the seventh o" those Ptole us% $hi'h has been unive(sally suppose) to have happene) un)e( Ptole y Philopate(% the "ou(th o" the % is no bette( than a g(oss e((o( o" the o)e(ns% an) not o" Josephus% as I have "ully p(ove) in the Authenti'. Fe'. Pa(t I. p. *GG/*G1% $hithe( I (e"e( the in#uisitive (ea)e(. (@) Siste(4s son% an) a)opte) son. (C) 1alle) o(e p(ope(ly 6olo% o( Apollonius 6olo% as he(ea"te(+ "o( Apollonins% the son o" 6olo% $as anothe( pe(son% as St(abo in"o( s us% lib. &iv. (E) Fu(ones in the Iatin% $hi'h $hat ani al it )enotes )oes not no$ appea(. (1G) It is g(eat pity that these si& pagan autho(s% he(e entione) to have )es'(ibe) the "a ous p(o"anation o" the Je$ish te ple by Antio'hus Epiphanes% shoul) be all lost+ I ean so "a( o" thei( $(itings as 'ontaine) that )es'(iption+ though it is plain Josephus pe(use) the all as e&tant in his ti e. (11) It is (e a(!able that Josephus he(e% an)% I thin!% no $he(e else% (e'!ons up "ou( )istin't 'ou(ts o" the te ple+ that o" the -entiles% that o" the $o en o" Is(ael% that o" the en o" Is(ael% an) that o" the p(iests+ as also that the 'ou(t o" the $o en a) itte) o" the en% (I suppose only o" the husban)s o" those $ives that $e(e the(ein%) $hile the 'ou(t o" the en )i) not a) it any $o en into it at all. (1*) Ju)ea% in the -(ee!% by a g(oss ista!e o" the t(ans'(ibe(s. ista!e o" the t(ans'(ibe(s. See o" the ?a(% B. B. 'h. <.

(15) Seven in the -(ee!% by a li!e g(oss se't. :.

(1:) ,$o hun)(e) in the -(ee!% 'ont(a(y to the t$enty in the ?a(% B. BII. 'h% <. se't. 5. (1<) ,his noto(ious )isg(a'e belonging pe'ulia(ly to the people o" Egypt% eve( sin'e the ti es o" the ol) p(ophets o" the Je$s% note) both se't. : al(ea)y% an) he(e% ay be 'on"i( e) by the testi ony o" Isi)o(us% an Egyptian o" Pelusiu % Epist. lib. i. Ep. :CE. An) this is a (e a(!able 'o pletion o" the an'ient p(e)i'tion o" -o) by E>e!iel *E91:% 1<% that the Egyptians shoul) be a base !ing)o % the basest o" the !ing)o s%J an) that Jit shoul) not e&alt itsel" any o(e above the nations.J (1=) ,he t(uth o" $hi'h still "u(the( appea(s by the p(esent obse(vation o" Josephus% that these Egyptians ha) neve(% in all the past ages sin'e Sesost(is% ha) one )ay o" libe(ty% no% not so u'h as to have been "(ee "(o )espoti' po$e( un)e( any o" the ona('hies to that )ay. An) all this bas been "oun) e#ually t(ue in the latte( ages% un)e( the Fo ans% Sa(a'ens% 6a elu!es% an) ,u(!s% "(o the )ays o" Josephus till the p(esent ago also.

(1@) ,his language% that 6oses% Jpe(sua)e) hi sel"J that $hat he )i) $as a''o()ing to -o)4s $ill% 'an ean no o(e% by Josephus4s o$n 'onstant notions else$he(e% than that he $as J"i( ly pe(sua)e)%J that he ha) J"ully satis"ie) hi sel"J that so it $as% vi>. by the any (evelations he ha) (e'eive) "(o -o)% an) the nu e(ous i(a'les -o) ha) enable) hi to $o(!% as he both in these ve(y t$o boo!s against Apion% an) in his Anti#uities% ost 'lea(ly an) "(e#uently assu(es us. ,his is "u(the( evi)ent "(o seve(al passages lo$e(% $he(e he a""i( s that 6oses $as no i posto( no( )e'eive(% an) $he(e he assu(es that 6oses4s 'onstitution o" gove(n ent $as no othe( than a theo'(a'y+ an) $he(e he says they a(e to hope "o( )elive(an'e out o" thei( )ist(esses by p(aye( to -o)% an) that $ithal it $as o$ing in pa(t to this p(opheti' spi(it o" 6oses that the Je$s e&pe'te) a (esu((e'tion "(o the )ea). See al ost as st(ange a use o" the li!e $o()s% Jto pe(sua)e -o)%J Anti#. B. BI. 'h. <. se't. =. (1C) ,hat is% 6oses (eally $as% $hat the heathen legislato(s p(eten)e) to be% un)e( a ;ivine )i(e'tion+ no( )oes it yet appea( that these p(etensions to a supe(natu(al 'on)u't% eithe( in these legislato(s o( o(a'les% $e(e e(e )elusions o" en $ithout any )e onia'al i p(essions% no( that Josephus too! the so to be+ as the an'ientest an) 'onte po(a(y autho(s )i) still believe the to be supe(natu(al. (1E) ,his $hole ve(y la(ge passage is 'o((e'te) by ;(. .u)son "(o Eusebius4s 'itation o" it% P(ep. Evangel. viii. C% $hi'h is he(e not a little )i""e(ent "(o the p(esent 6SS. o" Josephus. (*G) ,his e&p(ession itsel"% that J6oses o()aine) the Je$ish gove(n ent to be a theo'(a'y%J ay be illust(ate) by that pa(allel e&p(ession in the Anti#uities% B. III. 'h. C. se't. E% that J6oses le"t it to -o) to be p(esent at his sa'(i"i'es $hen he please)+ an) $hen he please)% to be absent.J Both $ays o" spea!ing soun) ha(sh in the ea(s o" Je$s an) 1h(istians% as )o seve(al othe(s $hi'h Josephus uses to the heathens+ but still they $e(e not ve(y i p(ope( in hi % $hen he all along thought "it to a''o o)ate hi sel"% both in his Anti#uities% an) in these his boo!s against Apion% all $(itten "o( the use o" the -(ee!s an) Fo ans% to thei( notions an) language% an) this as "a( as eve( t(uth $oul) give hi leave. ,hough it be ve(y obse(vable $ithal% that he neve( uses su'h e&p(essions in his boo!s o" the ?a(% $(itten o(iginally "o( the Je$s beyon) Euph(ates% an) in thei( language% in all these 'ases. .o$eve(% Josephus )i(e'tly supposes the Je$ish settle ent% un)e( 6oses% to be a ;ivine settle ent% an) in)ee) no othe( than a (eal theo'(a'y. (*1) ,hese e&'ellent a''ounts o" the ;ivine att(ibutes% an) that -o) is not to be at all !no$n in his essen'e% as also so e othe( 'lea( e&p(essions about the (esu((e'tion o" the )ea)% an) the state o" )epa(te) souls% et'.% in this late $o(! o" Josephus% loo! o(e li!e the e&alte) notions o" the Essens% o( (athe( Ebionite 1h(istians% than those o" a e(e Je$ o( Pha(isee. ,he "ollo$ing la(ge a''ounts also o" the la$s o" 6oses% see to e to sho$ a (ega() to the highe( inte(p(etations an) i p(ove ents o" 6oses4s la$s% )e(ive) "(o Jesus 1h(ist% than to the ba(e lette( o" the in the Ol) ,esta ent% $hen'e alone Josephus too! the $hen he $(ote his Anti#uities+ no(% as I thin!% 'an so e o" these la$s% though gene(ally e&'ellent in thei( !in)% be p(ope(ly no$ "oun) eithe( in the 'opies o" the Je$ish Pentateu'h% o( in Philo% o( in Josephus hi sel"% be"o(e he be'a e a 8a>a(ene o( Ebionite 1h(istian+ no( even all o" the a ong the la$s o" 'atholi' 1h(istianity the selves. I )esi(e% the(e"o(e% the lea(ne) (ea)e( to 'onsi)e(% $hethe( so e o" these i p(ove ents o( inte(p(etations ight not be pe'ulia( to the Essens a ong the Je$s% o( (athe( to

the 8a>a(enes o( Ebionites a ong the 1h(istians% though $e have in)ee) but i pe("e't a''ounts o" those 8a>a(enes o( Ebionite 1h(istians t(ans itte) )o$n to us at this )ay. (**) ?e ay he(e obse(ve ho$ !no$n a thing it $as a ong the Je$s an) heathens% in this an) any othe( instan'es% that sa'(i"i'es $e(e still a''o panie) $ith p(aye(s+ $hen'e ost p(obably 'a e those ph(ases o" Jthe sa'(i"i'e o" p(aye(% the sa'(i"i'e o" p(aise% the sa'(i"i'e o" than!sgiving.J .o$eve(% those an'ient "o( s use) at sa'(i"i'es a(e no$ gene(ally lost% to the no s all )a age o" t(ue (eligion. It is he(e also e&'ee)ing (e a(!able% that although the te ple at Je(usale $as built as the only pla'e $he(e the $hole nation o" the Je$s $e(e to o""e( thei( sa'(i"i'es% yet is the(e no ention o" the Jsa'(i"i'esJ the selves% but o" Jp(aye(sJ only% in Solo on4s long an) "a ous "o( o" )evotion at its )e)i'ation% 1 Kings C.+ * 1h(oni'les =. See also any passages 'ite) in the Apostoli'al 1onstitutions% BII. 5@% an) O" the ?a(% above% B. BII. 'h. <. se't. =. (*5) ,his te&t is no $he(e in ou( p(esent 'opies o" the Ol) ,esta ent. (*:) It ay not be a iss to set )o$n he(e a ve(y (e a(!able testi ony o" the g(eat philosophe( 1i'e(o% as to the p(e"e(en'e o" Jla$s to philosophy9 I $ill%J says he% Jbol)ly )e'la(e y opinion% though the $hole $o(l) be o""en)e) at it. I p(e"e( this little boo! o" the ,$elve ,ables alone to all the volu es o" the philosophe(s. I "in) it to be not only o" o(e $eight%4 but also u'h o(e use"ul.J O(ato(e. (*<) $e have obse(ve) ou( ti es o" (est% an) so(ts o" "oo) allo$e) us 2)u(ing ou( )ist(esses3. (*=) See $hat those novel oaths $e(e in ;(. .u)son4s note% vi>. to s$ea( by an oa!% by a goat% an) by a )og% as also by a gan)e(% as say Philost(atus an) othe(s. ,his s$ea(ing st(ange oaths $as also "o(bi))en by the ,y(ians% B. I. se't. **% as Spanhei he(e notes. (*@) ?hy Josephus he(e shoul) bla e so e heathen legislato(s% $hen they allo$e) so easy a 'o position "o( si ple "o(ni'ation% as an obligation to a((y the vi(gin that $as 'o((upte)% is ha() to say% seeing he ha) hi sel" t(uly in"o( e) us that it $as a la$ o" the Je$s% Anti#. B. IB. 'h. C. se't. *5% as it is the la$ o" 1h(istianity also9 see .o(eb 1ovenant% p. =1. I a al ost (ea)y to suspe't that% "o(% $e shoul) he(e (ea)% an) that 'o((upting $e)lo'!% o( othe( en4s $ives% is the '(i e "o( $hi'h these heathens $i'!e)ly allo$e) this 'o position in oney. (*C) O( J"o( 'o((upting othe( en4s $ives the sa e allo$an'e.J

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