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1. Dietary oxalate originates almost exclusively from plant-derived foods. The highest content of oxalate is in A. Spinach B. Ra carot !.

. Steamed hite rice D. Steamed "roccoli #. $hich may cause acute renal failure in patients ith nephrotic syndrome A. Dietary protein restriction B. A!% inhi"itors !. &ipid-lo ering agents D. &oop diuretics '. A patient ith !rohn(s disease passes a )idney stone* the most li)ely composition is A. !alcium phosphate B. +ric acid !. Struvite D. !alcium oxalate ,. -n patients ith chronic renal failure. hich of the follo ing is the most important contri"utor to renal ostodystrophy A. -mpaired renal production of 1.#/dihydroxyvitaminD B. 0ypophosphatemia !. &oss of vitamin D and calcium via dialysis D. The use of calcitriol /. -n acute renal failure. dietary protein should "e restricted in hich of the follo ing A. All patients ith B+1 2133 B. All patients ith creatinine 213 !. 4nly in patients ho are ell nourished on hospital admission D. -f a5otemia is advanced and dialysis is not option 6. 1ephrocalcinosis can "e associated ith A. the routine use of calcium-"ased phosphate "inders B. the routine use of aluminum-"ased phosphate "inders !. calcitoin-related peptide D. !rohn(s disease 7. $hich of the follo ing statement8s9 is:are true concerning calcium:phosphate "alance in chronic rnal renal failure; A. -ncreased circulating level of parathyroid hormone is uncommon in chronic

<idneydisease. B. 0yperphosphatemia is related to Reduced renal excretion and reduces =T0 secretion. !. %xtrarenal production of #/-hydroxyvitamin D is increased in chronic renal failure. D. 1.#/8409 # >itamin D 8calcitriol9 increases gut a"sorption of calcium and phosphorus. ?. $hich of the follo ing is:are true of the nephrotic syndrome; A. =lasma volume is usually increased. B. -t is usually associated ith renal sodium asting. !. The incidence of infection is increased. D. Al"umin infusions are of significant "enefit for treatment of hypoal"uminemia And edema 13. $hich of the follo ing is:are the direct results of chronic. "ut rarely acute. renal failure. %@!%=TA A. %levted al)aline phosphatase from "one B. Radiographic signs of renal osteodystrophy !. Bilaterally small )idneys D. 0ypertension 11. The follo ing is an inhi"itor of crystal and stone formation in the urine A. !itrat B. -norganic pyrophosphate !. Blycoprotein D. All 1#. !ondition )no n to decrease urinary citrate .. A. 0igh sodium dietC B. >itamin D !. !acitonin D. magnesium 1'. !ondition )no n to increase urinary citrate is A. high protein diet B. high sodium diet !. thia5ide D. fumrat 1,. 0igh salt diet in case of neprolithiasis result in. A. Decrease in urinary citrate B. Decrease in urinary cystine !. Decrease in urinary calcium D. Decrease -ncrease in Donosodium +rate

1/. Dietary recommendations in nephrotic syndrome A. Soy protein may "e more "eneficial than Ehigh-Fuality proteinG B. =roportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids less then ?HH of energy !. Iish oil may "e "eneficial for every patient D. -ron for every case of iron deficient 16. Dietary int)e in oxalate-rich foods or excessive ascor"ic acid ingestion can contri"ute to hyperoxaluri through intestinal a"sorption of oxalate. 0o ever. controversy persists regarding the importance of dietary ascor"ic acid. A. 0igh dose of vitamin ! do not increase the ris) of calcium oxalate stone disease. B. 0igh doses of vitamin ! increase the ris) of calcium oxalate stone disease. !. Ascor"ate excretion ill not increases as vitamin ! ingestion is initiated. D. Ascor"ate excretion increases hen vitamin ! ingestion is initiated. "ut ill not level out after #, hours. 17. Treatment patients ith hypocitraturic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis isA A. lo ering the urinary saturation. B. inhi"iting crystalli5ation of calcium salts. !. giving potasium citrate D. all of the a"ove. 1?. !ertain medications 8e.g.. aceta5olamide and lithium9 used to treat other medical conditions are )no n to "e associated ith calcium stone formation. Such medication is A. aceta5olamide B. sulphonamide !. penicillinamide D. none of the a"ove 1J. !ystinuria is an autosomal recessive disease characteri5ed "y defects in renal and intestinal transport of di"asic amino acids. that is A. cystine B. methionine !. leusine D. valine #3. !ystinuria is an autosomal recessive disease characteri5ed "y defects in renal and intestinal transport of di"asic amino acids. that is A. cystine B. methionine !. leusine D. valine

##. Salah satu cirri Spironola)ton yaituA A. B. !. D. Be)erKa pada Ansa 0enle %fe) samping hiper)alemia Termasu) diureti)a )uat Derangsang rea"sorpsi 1a pada tu"ulus distal

#'. Salah satu cirri Tia5id yaituA A. B. !. D. Dempunyai efe) E Relative steep dose response curveG Diguna)an untu) Dountain sic)ness acute %fe) antidiureti)a pada dia"etes insipidus %fe)tif "ila BIR L#3 ml:menit

#,. Salah satu ciri Diureti) )uat yaituA A. %fe) samping "erupa hipouri)emia B. Be)erKa dengan mengham"at en5im )ar"oni) anhidrase !. Dempunyai efe) EIlat dose renponse curveG D. Diguna)an Kuga untu) edema paru a)ut #/. Salah satu cirri Amilorid yaituA. A. Denye"a")an hilangnya ion "i)ar"onat B. Termasu) golongan pengham"at )ar"onil anhidrase !. %fe) samping "erupa pem"esaran prostat D. Dapat menim"ul)an hipergli)emia #6. Blu)o)orti)oid )erKa panKangA A. Triamsinolon B. =arametason !. 0idro)ortison D. Detilprednisolon #7. %fe) glu)o)orti)oid terhadap meta"olism yaituA A. Blu)oneogenesis menurunM B. Ana"olisme N !. &ipolisis N D. A"sorpsi <alsium N #?. Oang termasu) efe) samping yang "erhu"ungan efe) KaringanA A. <atara) B. 0ipertensi !. -nsufisiensi )orte)s adrenal D. Bangguan penyem"uhan lu)a

#J. Blu)o)orti)oid menim"ul)an efe) potensiasi "ila di"eri)an "ersamaA A. Tia5id B. Anti)oagulan !. Asam salisilat D. Ienitoin '3. Se"agai imunosupresi. glu)o)orti)oid diindi)asi)an terhadapA A. %dema sere"ral B. Anemia hemoliti) !. =enya)it )olagen. misalnya S&% D. Addison(s disease '1. The most complication can occur in acute <idney inKury patient isA A. 0ypertension B. 0yper)alemia !. -nfection D. Dissiminated intravascular coagulation '#. -n the clinic. BIR can predict "yA A. !reatinine clearance test B. Serum ureum !. Serum creatinine D. Serum creatinine and serum ureum ''. All the follo ing are symptom in 1ephrotic syndrome. except A. 0ypoal"uminemia B. Dassive proteinuria !. +remia D. 0ypercholesterolemia ',. Renal "one disorders in patient ith !<D A A. Renal osteodystrophy B. 4steosclerosis C. 4steomalacia D. 4steitis fi"rosa '/. The first sign of Dia"etic 1ephropathy in Dia"etic patient isA A. Dicroscopic hematuria B. Microalbuminuria !. =roteinuria D. Bacteriuria

'6. 1ot ris) factor to !<D A A. Age B. Dia"etes mellitus !. 0ypertension D. Anemia '7. All the follo ing are treatment of hyper)alemia in !<D. exceptA A. Biven insulin glucose solution B. Biven normal saline solution !. Biven Sodium "icar"onate solution D. Biven )ation exchange resin '?. $hich of these is not a function of the )idneyAA A. 0elp control the rate of red "lood cell production B. Regulated the composition of !. 0elp to regulate "lood pressure D. Deactivate vitamine D and stimulated the activity of osteoclast 'J. $hich force favors filtrationA A. !apsular osmotic pressure B. !apsular hydrostatic pressure !. Blomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure D. Blomerular capillary osmotic pressure ,3. $ichh factors does not affect glomerular filtration rate; A. 4smotic pressure of the glomerular filtrate B. !oncentration of leucocytes in the "lood !. =lasma osmotic pressure D. Blood pressure ,1. $hat is the main factor that causes urine to enter the )idneys; A. 4smosis B. =eristaltic !. Bravity D. Pressure ,#. The main function of the )idney is A A. To control of "lood pressure B. 0elp digestion of food !. To control "ody temperature D. To remove waste product from the body ater volume. and p0 of the "ody

,'. The pathopyisiologic mechanism of reduced glomerular filtration rate isA A. 0ypovolumia B. Decreased relaxation of affrent arterioles !. -ncreased relaxation of efferent arterioles D. Acute tu"ular necrosis ,,. $hich of these is not indication for initiation of hemodyalisis patientA A. !<D ith asterixis on examination and mental status changes B. A<- . anuric ith evidence of pulmonary edema C. !<D ith an estimated creatinine clearance of #3 ml:min per 1.7' m D. A<- ith potassium of ?.3 mmol:& and %!B a"normalities

,/. $hich of the follo ing is true regarding renal "lood flo A A. The BIR is not related to renal "lood flo B. The )idney receive /3H of cardiac output !. The )idneys are highly vascular organs and receive 1-1.# & of "lood perminute D. 1o autoregulations is found in renal "lood flo ,6. -n patients ith !<D. hich of the follo ing is the most important contri"utor to renal

osteodystrophy; A. 0ypophosphatemia B. The use of calcitriol !. -mpaired renal production of 1.#/-dihydroxy vit D' D. 0ypocalcemia ,7. $hat is the appropriate term for capillary plasma; A. Tu"ular secretion B. Tu"ular excretion !. +ltrafiltration D. Tu"ular rea"sorption ,?. $hich su"stance controls final urine concentration; A. Renin B. Anti diuretic hormone !. Angiotensin D. +rea /3. &esi "erupa papul di daerah )onta) se)sual. tim"ul 13-J3 hari 8rerata ' pe)an9 "erupa papul u)uran 3./-1./ cm yang segera menKadi ul)us "ulat atau sedi)it lonKong. diameter 1-# cm. tepi "erindurasi tapi tida) nyeri dengan dasar "ersih dise"ut 7 hen fluid moves from the tu"ular lumen to the peritu"ular

A. B. C. D.

Condyloma lata +l)us molle Condyloma acuminata +l)us durum

/1. =ada pemeri)saan sediaan "asah se)ret vagina pasien )andidosis vulvovagina dengan penam"ahan <40 13H didapat)anA A. 0ifa panKang "erca"ang B. =seudohifa !. Bam"aran sphagetty and meat"all D. 0ifa pende) /#. Tes sederhana yang dapat dila)u)an untu) mendete)si )ondiloma a)uminata adalahA A. Tes Thomsom B. Tes aceto hite !. <olpos)opi D. Tes Sniff /'. =engo"atan pilihan pertama untu) uretritis non gonore adalahA A. Do)sisi)lin #x133 mg:hari selama 7 hari B. Siproflo)sasin dosis tunggal /33mg !. Ben5atin penisilin #., Kuta unit D. Amo)silin 'x/33mg:hari selama 7 hari /,. Seorang perempuan dengan "ero"at dengan )eluhan discharge vagina yang "er arna )eputihan )ental dan "er"au amis. 0asil pemeri)saan la"oratori) tampa) p0 vagina2,./ dan ditemu)an sel clue. Terapi yang dapat di"eri)an pada perempuan terse"ut adalah A. Sefi)sim peroral B. Detronida5ol peroral !. <lotrima5ol pervaginam D. Do)sisi)lin peroral //. Seorang la)i-la)i datang dengan )eluhan tim"ul lepuh-lepuh disertai lecet pada )elaminnya. Se"elum tim"ul lesi penderita merasa demam. nyeri otot terasa panas se)itar )elamin. =enderita mela)u)an hu"ungan se)sual )urang le"ih satu pe)an yang lalu dengan =S<. =ada pemeri)saan venereologi)us ditemu)an vesi)el "er)elompo) pada preputium. se"agian tampa) ul)us dang)al. =engo"atan yang dapat di"eri)an pada penderita ini adalah A. >alasi)lovir /33 mg dosis tunggal B. a5itromisin 1 gram dosis tunggal !. asi)lovir /x ?33 mg : hari peroral selama 7-13 hari D. siproflo)sasin # x /33 mg : hari selama tiga hari

/6. <riteria Amsel(s merupa)an )riteria diagnosti) untu) penya)it A. servisitis gonore B. vaginosis "a)terialis C. tri)omoniasis D. )andidosis vulvovaginal /7. Colpitis macularis atau Pstrawberry cervixP mes)i Karang ditemu)an merupa)an gam"aran spesifi) A. Trichomonas vaginalis B. 0erpes Benitalis !. <ondiloma a)uminata D. <ondiloma lata /?. Seorang perempuan dating dengan )eluhan )eputihan )ental. saat pemeri)saan )linis ditemu)an duh tu"uh servi)al mu)opurulen. edema dan e)topi) servi)al. dan servi)s mudah "erdarah. =emeri)saan la"oratori) menunKu))an Kumlah le)osit 2'3:&=. <emung)inan penye"a" penya)it adalah... A. -nfe)si C.trachomatis B. -nfe)si N. gonorrhoeae !. -nfe)si C.albicans D. -nfe)si T.vaginalis /J. BeKala )has pasien uretritis non gonore adalahA A. Se)ret uretra )uning )ehiKauan B. Dorning drops !. Disuria "erat D. +l)us pada glans penis 63. =asien dengan "atu pada saluran )emih dapat diterapi secara )onservatif 8diuretic. Q "loc)er9. )ecualiA a. +)uran "atu ,mm ". <oli) ringan c. Tida) ada episode urosepsis d. Ada hidronefrosis e. Semua "enar 61. =em"erian anti"ioti)a pada penderita "atu saluran )emih tida) "oleh dila)u)an )ecuali A a. +)uran "atu 2 #3 mm ". =enderita tida) mau dioperasi c. Bila akan dilakukan tindakan/ instrumentasi atau pembedahan d. Boleh di"eri)an )apan saKa e. Semua "enar 9

6#. Termasu) dalam tinda)an "edah minimal invasive pada terapi "atu saluran )emih adalahA a. 1efrolitotomi ". =er)utaneus nefrolitolapa)si c. >esi)olitotomi d. +reterolitotomi e. Semua "enar 6'. -ndi)asi untu) dila)u)an tinda)an pem"edahan segera : urgent adalah se"agai "eri)ut A a. Ada urosepsis ". =e)erKaan 8pilot. driver. do)ter "edah9 c. 4"stru)si "ilateral d. a dan " "enar e. Semua diatas 6,. -ndi)asi tinda)an drainase urine segera:urgent pada saluran )emih adalah a. 4"stru)si anuria ". Batu ginKal 2 #3mm c. Dou"le system saluran )emih d. Tumor ginKal e. Semua "enar 6/. Ia)tor predisposisi tumor ganas pada penis adalah pada la)i-la)i yangA a. Berumur tua ". Tida) sir)umsisi c. -stri "anya) d. =ero)o) "erat e. Semua "enar 66. Danfaat pemeri)saan R0!B dan QI= 8tumor mar)er 9 pada penderita tumor testis adalah A a. Diagnose dan Kenis tumor ". Denentu)an stadium tumor c. %valuasi pengo"atan d. =rognosa e. Semua "enar 67. Tumor ganas prostat "anya) mengenai pada la)i-la)i yangA a. +sia muda ". Banya) mela)u)an a)tifitas se)sual c. Dening)at dengan "ertam"ahnya usia d. Telah dila)u)an )astrasi e. >egetarian 6?. Sifat tumor urotelial adalah se"agai "eri)ut. )ecuali A a. Dultifocal 10

". Sering residif c. =rogresif d. Sangat efe)tif dengan terapi radiasi e. Transisional sel 6J. Beri)ut ini adalah factor resi)o tumor urotelial )ecuali A a. =ero)o) ". Denderita "atu "uli c. =ema)aian analgesic yang salah 8penacetin9 d. $anita le"ih "anya) e. =ema)aian 5at arna : cat

73. A man is came to the polyclinic isA A. !andida al"icans B. Dycoplasm !. !hlamydia trachomatis D. +rea plasma

ith dysuria and

as diagnosed as non


urethritis. &a"oratorium examination

as found inclusions "odies. %tiology of the infection

71. A urinary tract infection as a result of =roteus mira"ilis fascilitates the formation of )idney stones "ecause organism * A. B. !. D. Destroy "lood vessels in the )idney %xhi"itGs armingG motility Ierments many sugars =roduce a potent urease omen is "rought to the polyclinic ith dysuria. &a"oratorium examination

7#. A 1?- year- old A. B. !. D. %.coli

as found Bram S "acteriae. The most possi"le etiology is * =seudomonas <. pneumoniae Staphylococcus saprophyticus

7'. >irulence factor of %.coli that correlated ith )idney damages is * A. B. !. D. =seudomem"rane 0aemolysine production +rease production =olysacharida


7,. A #-year-old infant is "rought to the %R 8emergency room9 isolated from a stool spacimen * A. B. !. D. Aeromonas species %ntero"acter aerogenes %.coli 31/7:07 S.enteriditis omen is noted to have pyelonephritis

ith hematuria. fever. "loody ould most li)ely "e

diarrhea and )idney failure. $hich one of the follo ing "acteria

7/. //-year-old

ith sha)ing chills and fever. Blood

cultured is o"tained and Bram is read preliminarily as consistent =roteus species. $ith of the follo ing "acteria also may "e the etiology * A. B. !. D. Broup B streptococcus Staphylococcus aureus %.coli Streptococcus pyogenes

76. Acute glomerulonephritis in children often occurs after infection of the throat "yA A. =neumooccocus B. treptococcus ! hemolyticus "roup A !. >iral D. Strepto)o)us viridians %. <lie"siella pneumoni 77. Anti-Streptolysin 4 response is poor in patient A. Acute pharin"itis B. Acute tonsillitis !. Acute pharingitis D. =yodermia 7?. Decreased !' titer can "e found in patient ith A. 0enoch-Schonlein 1ephritis B. Alport Syndrome !. -g A nephropathy D. AP #$ %. D!1S 7J. 4ver / percent of children th A=SB1 can occur a complication fromA A. !hronic renal failure B. Acute renal failure !. Acute congestive heart failure D. 0ypertensive encephalopathy ith A=SB1 associated ith.


?3. Dinimal change nephrotic syndrome generally affects children aged ..8years9 A. L 1 B. % & ' . !. 6 - 13 D. 13 -1# %. 2 13 tahun ?1. Reduced plasma al"umin level in patients A. -ncreased !alcium level B. Decreased Aldosteron !. -ncreased plasma renin activity D. Decreased antidiuretic hormone secretion. %. 4verload intravascular volume ?#. =roteinuria occurs due to increased of A A. glomerular capillary permea"ility B. fixed negative charges !. the proximal tu"ules to rea"sor" all of the filtered proteins. D. the distal tu"ules to rea"sor"si all of the protein ?'. Desi. a / years old girl 1ephroticSyndrome. She<g B$:day9 A. #:' B. 1 !. 1./ D. # as admitted to Department of !hildhealth as treated ith oral prednisone ith a diagnosis of ith 1S leads to

ith the initial dose of A

?,. After #? days of treatment. dose of steroid dose8 A .'3 B ,3 !. /3 D. 63 mg:D#:day9

as decreased into the


?/. The most common cause of primary idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in children isA A. Iocal segmental glomerular sclerosis B. Dem"ranoproliferative glomerulonephritis !. Dem"ranous glomerulopathy D. Dinimal change disease


?6. The common cause of mortality in the primary nephrotic syndrome isA A. Acute renal failure B. hypertensive encephalopathy !. !ongestive heart failure D. Sepsis ?7. The inheritance pattern of primary idiopathic nephrotic syndrome is: areA A. Autosomal recessive B. @-lin)ed recessive !. Autosomal dominant D. Sporadic ??. Reasons for "iopsy in a patient ith nephrotic syndrome includeA A. !ontinued proteinuria after a ee) of prednisone therapy. B. Age at onset of 13 months. !. Relapse 1 year after initial course of therapy. D. !holesterol level greater than ,33 mg:d&.

?J. A 1#-year-old girl presents

ith episodes of dar) cola-colored urine. She reports ith cough and myalgias

having had an upper respiratory tract infection

approximately 1 ee) prior to the hematuria episode. The patient denies having had a sore throat at any time. The upper respiratory infection resolved spontaneously. =hysical examination is normal. +rinalysis sho s many dysmorphic RB!s. $hich of the follo ing is the most li)ely diagnosis; A. Alport(s syndrome B. 0enoch-SchTnlein purpura !. -gA nephropathy D. =oststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
J#. 11-year-old "oy presents ago. he then. the patient has felt ith acute onset of edema and hematuria. Approximately ' ell "ut 1 ee)s as treated for pharyngitis. and exudates on his tonsils ere noted at that time. Since

ee) ago he noted the onset of dar). cola-colored urine

and s elling of his legs. 4n physical examination. "lood pressure is 1,3:J/ mm 0g and there is mar)ed peripheral edema. $hich of the follo ing is the most li)ely diagnosis; A. Alport(s syndrome B. 0enoch-SchTnlein purpura !. -gA nephropathy D. Acute =oststreptococcal glomerulonephritis J'. A 13-year-old oman presents ith a #- ee) history of hematuria. She descri"es her urine as cola-colored in appearance. +rinalysis reveals many red "lood cells 8RB!s9 per high-po er field 8hpf9 and RB! casts. The RB!s appear dysmorphic. $hich of the follo ing is the most li)ely diagnosis; 14

A. !ystitis B. lomerulonephritis !. 1ephrolithiasis D. =yelonephKritis

J,. $hich of the follo ing tests is not used for screening )idney function; A. B. !. D. %. I. B. 0. -. V. <. &. D. 1. 4. uric acid plasma +rine specific gravity #, Uhours urine protein excretion al"umin:creatinine ratio plasma renin activity

J/. All of the follo ing statements are true. except A. Renin is a proteolytic en5yme produced "y the )idney. B. -ncreased "lood flo through the )idney causes an increase in renin secretion. !. <idney dysfunction can result in anemia. D. -ncreased production of epinephrine can result in increase production of rennin secretion. %. -ncrease production of Angiotension #. can result increase production of aldosteron secretion J6. The disease that could cause primer glomerulonephritis isA Dia"etes melitus 0ypertension =haringitis caused "y streptococcus &upus J7. The condition that occur Fuic) deterioration of renal function in glomerulonephritis patient is called "yA A. Rapidly renal failure B. R=B1 15

!. %ndstage renal failure D. Acute progresive nephritic syndrom J?. The pathogenesis of hemodynamic glomerulonephritisA A. -mmune complex deposition in )idney B. glomerular hypertension !. Advance Blicosylation end-products D. Bacterial deposition in glomerulus JJ. 1ephrotic syndromA A. %dema anasarca S hypoal"uminemiaS hyperuricemiaS nephrotic proteinuria B. %dema anasarca S hypoal"uminemiaS hypertension S massive proteinuria !. !ould caused "y Dia"etes Delitus D. !ould not cause lipid a"normalities Dr. 1ano . /3 years old. complained the edema in his legs since several days ago. 0e had history of dia"etes since 1/ years ago. $hen he came to doctor. the doctor found the B=W 163:133 mm0g. non pitting edema in his legs. The fasting and post prandial "lood glucose ere 163 and #7/ gH* ureum 63.1 mg:dl* creeatinin #., mg:dl. and protein urine as 8S9. 133. The most possi"le diagnosis of this case isA A. 1ephrotic syndrom caused "y DD B. Acute nephritic syndrom caused "y DD !. !<D caused "y dia"etic nephropathy D. !<D caused "y 0ypertension 131. To support the diagnosis. doctor shouid examineA A. !T scan B. !alculate the creatinin clereance !. %xamine 0"A1c D. Renal Biopsy 13#. The renal function of this caseA A. A"normal. "ecause proteinuria B. 1ormal. "ecause the patient as not dispnoe !. A"normal. "ecause the creatinine cleareance is high D. A"norfmal. "ecause the creatinene serum is higher than normal 13'. The treatment of the disease isA A. 4ral hypoglicemic drugs B. -mmunosupressive !. Antidiuretic D. 0emodialysis 16

13,. 0igh "lood pressure in this patientA A. !ould not influence the renal function B. !. The best treatment is A() inhibitor Stage 1 hypertension

D. Should "e decreased until 163:J3 mm0g 13/. $ater is importance component in the "odyA A. %xtracellular aterA ,3H "ody eight B. The kidney plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of water homeostasis !. Iemale has more total "ody ater than male D. -ntracellular aterA #3H "ody eight 136. 0ypovolemiaA A. 4ne of the sign hypovolemia is increase "lood pressure B. 0ypovolemia could cause tissue hyperperfusion !. -n hipovolemia. hemoglo"in is usually lo D. !ould cause acute )idney inKury 137. DehydrationA A. *s water decreases without the electrolytes B. !ould caused "y the use of diuretics !. The level of plasma sodium is normal D. The difference "et een volume depletion and dehydration is level of potassium

13?. -n 1ephrotic syndromA A. +ater and sodium retention B. %dema anasarca is cause "y decrease of hydrostatic pressure !. 0ypernatremia is common condition D. Diuretics could cause hyper)alemia 13J. The condition -n renal failureA A. Respiratory acidosis B. Metabolic acidosis !. Respiratory al)alosis D. Deta"olic al)alosis 113. 0ypernatremiaA A. There is an E+G ave in %!B pattern B. Serum sodium level a"ove 1'3 meF:& !. (ould happens when water excreation passes beyond the sodium excretion 17

D. Drin) a lot of sodium 'H solution 111. =otassium is importance electolyte in the "odyA A. !oncentrantion in extracell more than intracellular B. -nsulin can not stimulate potassium enter into the cell !. 0igh T ave in %!B pattern means hypo)alemia D. +sually high in endstage renal failure 11#. 0ypo)alemiaA A. !ould caused "y administration of sprinolacton diuretic B. erum potassium , -.'.mmol/. is life threatenin" symptoms !. %!B examination could detect the a"normality D. The treatment of mild hypo)alemia is -> potassium inKection 11'. !linical manifestations of hyper)alemia isA A. Duscle cramp B. !onstipation !. Bladder dysfunction D. #lucose intolerance


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