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10 aa a2 a3 14 1s “he 7 18 as 20 21 22 un 12 13 aa 1s 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10 al 12 13 la 16 17 18 19 20 a. 22 23 24 10 aa 12 13 1a 1s 19 20 ai 22 23 24 10 14 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 an 22 23 24 14 15 16 17 a8 as 20 aa 22 23 24 MR, O'NEIL: Ladies and gentlemen, this is an inquest into the mannar of death of the late Kathleen Savio, a 40-year-old female, who, on Monday, March 1st, 2004, was found to be deceased. This i# neither a civil nor a criminal hearing, but mezely an inquest to determine the manner of death of the late Kathleen Savio. We have available Susan Savio. Susan, can you step forward, please? {Witness sworn.) SUSAN SAVIO, having been firct duly eworn, wae examined and testified as follows DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. O'NBIL: a. Please state your full name and spell your last mame for the record. A. Susan Savio, S-A-V-I-o. a. Your current address, ma'am? a Q@. What is your relationship to the late Kathleen Savio? A. Sister. @. We have your sister's age listed as 40 - 1 » IL (815) 727-4363 George B. Rydman & Aseoc.,Jolie ie that correct? AL Yes. Q. We have her date of birth listed as June 13, 1963, in Oak Lawn, Illinoie? aA, Yes. , . ‘ . a. Was your sister employed? “ aA. She actually was a student, so she was actually working, too, yeah, part time. Q. Okay. We have for the death certificate, we do have her occupation listed as a student. A. Yea. Q. We have her marital status listed as legally divorced. A. Yes. o. Did she ever serve in the military? AL Mo. @. And we have your sister, Kathleen’s, Social Security number listed as A. ‘I would believe so. @. This is the number that was provided to your funeral director. She completed three years of college? A. Yeo. Q. And we have her residence listed as 392 2 George &. Rydman & Assoc.,Joliet, IL (a15) 727-4363 Pheasant Chase Drive, Bolingbrook, 69490? A. Yes. a. We have hex father listed as Henry J Savio? A. Xi a And her mother’s maiden name is Mary Sepak? A. Yes. Q. $-2-P-A-K? A. Yes. Q. Was your sister in good health? A. Yes. Q. Was ghe seeing a doctor for any condition that youre aware of? AL No. Qo. Taking any medications that you may have been aware of? AL No. @. When was the last time that you or someone in your family had talked to Kathleen prioz to her being found deceased? aA. I actually talked to her Thursday. She called me Saturday and left a message. I believe her boyfriend gpoke to her at midnight. 3 George E. Rydman & Assoc.,Joliet, IL (815) 727-4363 Q. What day would that have been? She was found on Monday? A Saturday. a And you talked to her Saturday, which would have been carly, waybe Sunday, right? AUDIENCE MEMBER: Correct BY MR, O/NEIL: a. Okay. And when did you learn of your sister's death, ma‘am? a. 1:00 ofclock in the morning on -- it would have been Friday, is that correct? AUDIENCE MEMBER: No, Monday night. BY THE WITNESS: A. Sorry, Monday aight, Tuesday morning. BY MR. O' NEIL: a Tuesday morning? AL Actually would have been -- right @. she wag found en Monday, March 1st, in her residence, in her bathtub, is that what you were told? A. yee Q. And you got the call maybe a few hours after that on Tuesday, the 2nd, at about 1:00 in the morning? 4 George E. Rydman & Assoc.,Joliet, IL (815) 727-4363 aA. Yes, Q. What were you told? A. I was told that my sister was dead. I asked her if her xX-husband killed her, and she told me she didn’t know And the reason I ask that is because of -- they haven't eettled -- they were divorced, but they did not settle anything, and that actually was coming up. And she was terrified of that -- him and him threatening her. Q And what was his occupation? Ae A police officer. Q In that same town? A. Yes. Q. Have you been to the residence since your sister's death? A. Yes Q. Anything unusual, find anything unusual? aA. Yes, everything was cleaned out. Before my sistey was even put in the grave everything was cleaned out of the house, everything, pictures, everything. a. And ner and her X-husband were legally diverce Yes. 5 George E. Rydman & Assoc.,Joliet, IL (815) 727-4363 a. ++ at the time? He had since remarried? A. Yes, to an 18-year-old @. Te there anything else you'd like to add, Ratan? A. Yes, I just -- it's very difficult for my family because of my sister telling us all the time, and I can figure, everyone, everything -- one that she has seen that if she would die, it may look like an accident, but it waan‘t She just told me last week, and she wae just terrified of him. He always threatened her. He had her in the basement one time. He did, many, many things to her. He wished only for her to go away. And it's just very hard for me to accept that, what had happened. His reactions after this were a laughing matter. Cleaning everything out, ready to get rid of the house. It’s very hard @ They still owned the house together? A. Yes. Actually he requested for the divorce because he wanted to marry this young girl. When he -- and what had happened was he said he wanted -- to sattle after. And the settlement actually was coming up in April. 6 George B. Rydman & Assoc.,Joliet, IL (815) 727-4363

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