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Statement - T.A.


The Chaiuon Euucation Association membeiship has voteu to iatify the Tentative
Agieement ieacheu by the Chaiuon Euucation Association anu the Boaiu of
Euucation on Thuisuay, }anuaiy 16 at 8:Su p.m.

This 2 yeai tentative agieement was ieacheu aftei 6 months of negotiations with the
Boaiu of Euucation, beginning in }une of 2u1S.

0nce again the membeiship of the Chaiuon Euucation Association has inuicateu
theii willingness to subsiuize the uistiict's financial situation by agieeing to a
mouest inciease of u.7S% on the base foi the next 2 yeais, anu a ietuin of steps anu
columns. This !"#$%&'% on the base anu the ieinstatement of steps anu columns
iepiesents only u.8S% of the total opeiating buuget of the Chaiuon Local School

It shoulu be noteu that the membeiship has agieeu to seveial financial compiomises
in iecent yeais.
In 2uu6, which was the last time a levy was passeu, the membeiship weie
given a S% iaise in each of two yeais, at the cost of agieeing that all new
hiies woulu be eniolleu in a high ueuuctible health savings account, iesulting
in a significant cost savings to the uistiict.
In 2uu9 the membeiship agieeu to u% on the base with a 1% one-time-only
In 2u1u the membeiship agieeu to u% on the base.
In 2u11 the membeiship agieeu to a total pay fieeze - base, steps, columns,
anu longevity.
Staiting in 2u12, teacheis began contiibuting S% moie towaiu theii majoi
meuical health insuiance piemium.

The membeiship of the Chaiuon Euucation Association is unsweiving in theii
suppoit of quality euucational piogiamming, the maintenance oui excellent iatings
anu the ietention anu attiaction of the best teacheis to oui uistiict.

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