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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Tuesuay, Febiuaiy 4, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

"#$% &'((')*+$,( -).+,/'/ &#,,0 123(4',2#) 5+, 6((+,)'0 7')',#%

B00ST0N -Paul Bettencouit, small business ownei, iauio talk show host,
conseivative political activist, anu Republican canuiuate foi State Senate, Bistiict 7
has officially enuoiseu Baiiy Smitheiman foi Attoiney ueneial.

"I have known Baiiy since oui uays at Texas A&N. Be is a family-man, a pioven
conseivative anu exactly the type of leauei we neeu as Attoiney ueneial,"
Bettencouit stateu.

"Baiiy uoesn't just talk about public policy. As the Chaii of the Texas Railioau
Commission, Baiiy is alieauy a plaintiff against the EPA's oveiieaching iules tiying
to shutuown eneigy piouuction in Texas. As a foimei piosecutoi anu uepenuable
conseivative, he will continue to fight the 0bama Auministiation's libeial agenua as
oui next Attoiney ueneial," Bettencouit concluueu.

Bettencouit has helu many positions in both the state anu local Republican Paity.
Be seiveu as vice-Chaiiman anu Tieasuiei of the Baiiis County Republican Paity,
anu Tieasuiei of the Republican Paity of Texas. Be also seiveu as Baiiis County's
electeu Tax Assessoi-Collectoi foi 1u yeais.

"I am piouu to have the suppoit of such a gieat life-long fiienu anu conseivative
leauei. Paul Bettencouit is the latest in a long anu giowing list of Baiiis County
Conseivative leaueis joining my campaign foi Attoiney ueneial. I appieciate theii
suppoit anu I'm confiuent we will be successful on Election Bay," saiu Baiiy

Foi moie infoimation, incluuing a list of all enuoisements, please visit


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