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Michael's Food: Fruit of The Spirit: (9) SELF-CONTROL

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Michael's Food
Friday, 31 January 2014 $i%"e Study Lin&s

Fruit of The Spirit: (9) SELF-CONTROL

SELF-CONTROL is the nineth of the nine arts of Fruit of The S irit! KJV uses the word Temperance, whereas contemporary versions (NKJV, RSV, NIV) use the word Self !ontrol" #avid controlled himself on two occasions, from ven$eance and %illin$ Saul when he had the chance" Jesus controlled himself and remained silent without answerin$ despite &ein$ falsely accused"

1a%er2s 3van$elical #ictionary 3aston2s 1i&le #ictionary 4itchcoc%2s 1i&le Names #ictionary Kin$ James #ictionary 5atthew 4enry !ommentary (!omplete) 5atthew 4enry !ommentary (!oncise)


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,


5atthew 4enry2s !ommentary (1i&le$ateway) Nave2s Topical 1i&le Smith2s 1i&le #ictionary Stron$2s 36haustive !oncordance

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law. ( alatians !"22-23# ($%&'#


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Torrey2s New Topical Te6t&oo% Treasury of Scripture Knowled$e 7esley2s 36planatory Notes

(eekness, te)perance" against such there is no law. ( alatians !"22-23# (%&'#

$ave*s +opical Bi,le.

Sear#h This $"o'


$"o' (r#hi)e

'f Saul ( Samuel ()*+,

8 +)(- (-() 8 January (-() 9ruit of The Spirit* (:) S3;9 !'NTR'; 9ruit of The Spirit* (<) =3NT;3N3SS 9ruit of The Spirit* (,) 9>IT49?;N3SS 9ruit of The Spirit* (0) =''#N3SS 9ruit of The Spirit* (.) KIN#N3SS 9ruit of The Spirit* (-) @>TI3N!3 A ;'N=S?993RIN= """ 9ruit of The Spirit* (B) @3>!3 9ruit of The Spirit* (+) J'C

But the children of Belial said, .ow shall this )an save us/ 0nd they despised hi), and ,rought no presents. But he held his peace. (1 Sa)uel 12"2-# (%&'# Saul also went to his ho)e in i,eah, acco)panied ,y valiant )en whose hearts od had touched. 2- But so)e scoundrels said, 4.ow can this fellow save us/5 +hey despised hi) and ,rought hi) no gifts. But Saul kept silent. (1 Sa)uel 12"23-2-# ($6'#


'f #avid ( Samuel +-*( (. / +0*( +)

7hen Saul returned fro) following the 8hilistines, he was told, 4Behold, 9avid is in the wilderness of :n-ge;di.5 2 +hen Saul took three thousand chosen )en out of all 6srael, and went to seek 9avid and his )en in front of the 7ildgoats< =ocks. 3 0nd he ca)e to the sheepfolds ,y the way, where there was a cave; and Saul went in to relieve hi)self. $ow 9avid and his )en were sitting in the inner)ost parts of the cave. > 0nd the )en of 9avid said to hi), 4.ere is the day of which the ?@=9 said to you, ABehold, 6 will give your ene)y into your hand, and you shall do to hi) as it shall see) good to you.<5 +hen 9avid arose and stealthily cut off the skirt of Saul<s ro,e. ! 0nd afterward 9avid<s heart s)ote hi), ,ecause he had cut off Saul<s skirt. 3 .e said to his )en, 4+he ?@=9 for,id that 6 should do this thing to )y lord, the ?@=9<s anointed, to put forth )y hand against hi), seeing he is the ?@=9<s anointed.5 - So 9avid persuaded his )en with these words, and did not per)it the)

9ruit of The Spirit* (() ;'V3 9ruit of The Spirit an overview @rover&s chapter (+ (part B) #ili$ent hands will""" =ifts of 4oly Spirit, Spiritual =ifts 43>;IN= a &i&le study usin$ Stron$2s (@art +* Ne""" 43>;IN= a &i&le study usin$ Stron$2s (@art (* 'l""" 43>;IN= a topical &i&le study usin$ 1a%er2s @rover&s chapter (+ (part +) The way of a fool is """ @rover&s chapter (+ (part () ;ovin$ #iscipline i""" @rover&s chapter (( (part -) 'ne man $ives free"""



Michael's Food: Fruit of The Spirit: (9) SELF-CONTROL

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to attack Saul. 0nd Saul rose up and left the cave, and went upon his way. B 0fterward 9avid also arose, and went out of the cave, and called after Saul, 4(y lord the kingC5 0nd when Saul looked ,ehind hi), 9avid ,owed with his face to the earth, and did o,eisance. D 0nd 9avid said to Saul, 47hy do you listen to the words of )en who say, ABehold, 9avid seeks your hurt</ 12 ?o, this day your eyes have seen how the ?@=9 gave you today into )y hand in the cave; and so)e ,ade )e kill you, ,ut 6EaF spared you. 6 said, A6 will not put forth )y hand against )y lord; for he is the ?@=9<s anointed.< 11 See, )y father, see the skirt of your ro,e in )y hand; for ,y the fact that 6 cut off the skirt of your ro,e, and did not kill you, you )ay know and see that there is no wrong or treason in )y hands. 6 have not sinned against you, though you hunt )y life to take it. 12 (ay the ?@=9 judge ,etween )e and you, )ay the ?@=9 avenge )e upon you; ,ut )y hand shall not ,e against you. 13 0s the prover, of the ancients says, A@ut of the wicked co)es forth wickedness<; ,ut )y hand shall not ,e against you. 1> 0fter who) has the king of 6srael co)e out/ 0fter who) do you pursue/ 0fter a dead dogC 0fter a fleaC 1! (ay the ?@=9 therefore ,e judge, and give sentence ,etween )e and you, and see to it, and plead )y cause, and deliver )e fro) your hand.5 (1 Sa)uel 2>"1-1!# (=S'# David exercised self-control and restraint, decided not to kill Saul (who wanted to kill David . $ow the Giphites ca)e to Saul at i,eah, saying, 46s 9avid not hiding in the hill of .achilah, opposite &eshi)on/5 2 +hen Saul arose and went down to the 7ilderness of Giph, having three thousand chosen )en of 6srael with hi), to seek 9avid in the 7ilderness of Giph. 3 0nd Saul enca)ped in the hill of .achilah, which is opposite &eshi)on, ,y the road. But 9avid stayed in the wilderness, and he saw that Saul ca)e after hi) into the wilderness. > 9avid therefore sent out spies, and understood that Saul had indeed co)e. ! So 9avid arose and ca)e to the place where Saul had enca)ped. 0nd 9avid saw the place where Saul lay, and 0,ner the son of $er, the co))ander of his ar)y. $ow Saul lay within the ca)p, with the people enca)ped all around hi).3 +hen 9avid answered, and said to 0hi)elech the .ittite and to 0,ishai the son of Geruiah, ,rother of &oa,, saying, 47ho will go down with )e to Saul in the ca)p/5 0nd 0,ishai said, 46 will go down with you.5 - So 9avid and 0,ishai ca)e to the people ,y night; and there Saul lay sleeping within the ca)p, with his spear stuck in the ground ,y his head. 0nd 0,ner and the people lay all around hi). B +hen 0,ishai said to 9avid, 4 od has delivered your ene)y into your hand this day. $ow therefore, please, let )e strike hi) at once with the spear, right to the earth; and 6 will not have to strike hi) a second ti)eC5 D But 9avid said to 0,ishai, 49o not destroy hi); for who can stretch out his hand against the ?@=9<s anointed, and ,e guiltless/5 12 9avid said further)ore, 4As the ?@=9 lives, the ?@=9 shall strike hi), or his day shall co)e to die, or he shall go out to ,attle and perish. 11 +he ?@=9 for,id that 6 should stretch out )y hand against the ?@=9<s anointed. But please, take now the spear and the jug of water that are ,y his head, and let us go.5 12 So 9avid took the spear and the jug of water by Saul<s head, and they got away; and no )an saw or knew it or awoke. Hor they were all asleep, ,ecause a deep sleep fro) the ?@=9 had fallen on the). 13 $ow 9avid went over to the other side, and stood on the top of a hill afar off, a great distance being ,etween the). 1> 0nd

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Michael's Food: Fruit of The Spirit: (9) SELF- !"T#!L

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9avid called out to the people and to 0,ner the son of $er, saying, 49o you not answer, 0,ner/5 +hen 0,ner answered and said, 47ho are you, calling out to the king/5 1! So 9avid said to 0,ner, 4Are you not a )an/ 0nd who is like you in 6srael/ 7hy then have you not guarded your lord the king/ Hor one of the people ca)e in to destroy your lord the king. 13 +his thing that you have done is not good. As the ?@=9 lives, you deserve to die, ,ecause you have not guarded your )aster, the ?@=9<s anointed. 0nd now see where the king<s spear is, and the jug of water that was ,y his head.5 1- +hen Saul knew 9avid<s voice, and said, 4Is that your voice, )y son 9avid/5 9avid said, 4It is )y voice, )y lord, @ king.5 1B 0nd he said, 47hy does )y lord thus pursue his servant/ Hor what have 6 done, or what evil is in )y hand/1D $ow therefore, please, let )y lord the king hear the words of his servant" 6f the ?@=9 has stirred you up against )e, let .i) accept an offering. But if it is the children of )en, may they be cursed ,efore the ?@=9, for they have driven )e out this day fro) sharing in the inheritance of the ?@=9, saying, A o, serve other gods.< 22 So now, do not let )y ,lood fall to the earth ,efore the face of the ?@=9. Hor the king of 6srael has co)e out to seek a flea, as when one hunts a partridge in the )ountains.5 21 +hen Saul said, 46 have sinned. =eturn, )y son 9avid. Hor 6 will har) you no )ore, ,ecause )y life was precious in your eyes this day. 6ndeed 6 have played the fool and erred eIceedingly.5 22 0nd 9avid answered and said, 4.ere is the king<s spear. ?et one of the young )en co)e over and get it. 23 (ay the ?@=9 repay every )an for his righteousness and his faithfulness; for the ?@=9 delivered you into my hand today, ,ut 6 would not stretch out )y hand against the ?@=9<s anointed. 2> 0nd indeed, as your life was valued )uch this day in )y eyes, so let )y life ,e valued )uch in the eyes of the ?@=9, and let .i) deliver )e out of all tri,ulation.5 (1 Sa)uel 23"1-2># ($%&'# David had a second chance to kill off Saul. !nstead, he decided to take Saul"s spear and #u$ of water to proof that he had the opportunity to kill him, but did not do it. David had controlled himself from killin$ Saul.

Gifts of Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts Gift of heali ! will "e useful for the #i istry of heali ! a $ $eli%era &e' Gift of heali ! is o e of the !ifts of the Holy Spirit' ( )&ts ''' *ro%er"s &hapter + ,part 1- - ( stru&tio , . owle$!e, /is$o# are "etter tha Sil%er, Gol$, Jewels *ro%er"s &hapter +' Su##ary: /is$o# is pro&lai#e$, propa!ate$ a $ pu"li&i0e$ to e%eryo e at e%erywhere' Si#ple a $ foolish people shoul$ ''' 1ruit of 2he Spirit: ,1- 3O45 3O45 is the first part of the i e parts of the 1ruit of 2he Spirit' 22 6ut the fruit of the Spirit is lo%e, 7oy, pea&e, patie &e, 8i $''' 5sther &hapter 9 - 5sther i %ites the .i ! a $ Ha#a to a "i! $i er 5sther &hapter 9' 5sther ( %ites the .i ! a $ Ha#a to a 6i! :i er 9 O the thir$ $ay 5sther put her royal ro"es o ' She stoo$ i the''' *ro%er"s &hapter 6 ,part 1- - /ar i ! a!ai st Surety, 3a0i ess, /i&8e$ ess, )"o#i a"le Si s *ro%er"s &hapter 6' Su##ary: /e are war e$ a!ai st "e&o#i ! Surety a $ 3oa Guara tee for frie $s, a&;uai ta &es, a $ stra !ers' /e are w''' *ro%er"s &hapter 11 ,part 2- - /ise Sayi !s of Solo#o ' 2he ri!hteous is res&ue$ fro# trou"le, *ro%er"s &hapter 11' Su##ary: Hope a $ a#"itio $ies whe the wi&8e$, !o$less a $ u 7ust perso $ies' 2he ri!hteous will "e a"le to o%er&o#''' 1ruit of 2he Spirit: ,6- GOO:<5SS GOO:<5SS is the si=th of the i e parts of the 1ruit of 2he Spirit' 5asto >s 6i"le :i&tio ary' http:??www'"i"lestu$ytools'&o#?$i&tio'''


"i"le ,44- "i"le rea$i ! ,44-

Of Jesus Matthew 26:62 Matthew 26:63 ; 27:12-14


0nd the high priest arose and said to .i), 49o Jou answer nothing/ 7hat is it these )en testify against Jou/5 33 But &esus kept silent. 0nd the high priest answered and said to .i), 46 put Jou under oath ,y the living od" +ell us if Jou are the Khrist, the Son of odC5 ((atthew 23"32-33# ($%&'#

+hen the high priest stood up and said to &esus, 40re you not going to answer/ 7hat is this testi)ony that these )en are ,ringing against you/5 33 But &esus re)ained silent. +he high priest said to hi), 46 charge you under oath ,y the living od" +ell us if you are the (essiah, the Son of od.5 ((atthew 23"32-33# ($6'#
12 0nd while .e was ,eing accused ,y the chief priests and elders, .e answered nothing. 13

+hen 8ilate said to .i), 49o Jou not hear how )any things they testify against Jou/5 1> But .e answered hi) not one



Michael's Food: Fr it of !he "#irit: $%& "'(F)*+,!-+(

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word, so that the governor )arveled greatly. ((atthew 2-"121># ($%&'#

12 7hen he was accused ,y the chief priests and the elders, he gave no answer.13 +hen 8ilate asked hi), 49on<t you hear the testi)ony they are ,ringing against you/5 1> But &esus )ade no reply, not even to a single chargeLto the great a)aMe)ent of the governor. ((atthew 2-"12-1># ($6'#

6ing Ahase!r!s 748

6ing 9er&es

Despite the false accusation, %esus controlled himself and remained silent without answerin$. &o be able to remain silent when falsely accused is no easy feat.

1orde$ai 7:8

Pro+er's 7-58

ri$hes 748 righ eo!s 798

Stong*s :Ihaustive Koncordance.'()temperance*t)k#v*s)+ibles

Acts 24:25 KJV

And as he reasoned of righ eo!sness, temperance , and "!dg#en o $o#e , %eli& re#'led , and ans(ered , Go h) (a) for his i#e* (hen I ha+e a $on+enien season, I (ill $all for hee,
Read A$ s -4 . /ie( in 0arallel . Co#0are Transla ions. In erlinear +ie(

25 As Paul discoursed on righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and said, "That's enough for now !ou ma" lea#e$ %hen & find it con#enient, & will send for "ou$" 'Acts 2()25* '+&,*
2! $ow as he reasoned a,out righteousness, self-control, and the judg)ent to co)e, HeliI was afraid and answered, 4 o away for now; when 6 have a convenient ti)e 6 will call for you.5 (0cts 2>"2!# ($%&'#

!nders anding 748 (eal h 748 7;8 (i$2ed


Galatians 5:23 KJV

1ee2ness, temperance 3 agains s!$h here is no la(,
Read Gala ians 4 . /ie( in 0arallel . Co#0are Transla ions. In erlinear +ie(

2- gentleness and self-control$ Against such things there is no law$ '.alatians 5)2-* '+&,*

gentleness, self-control. 0gainst such there is no law. ( alatians !"23# ($%&'#

2 Peter 1:6 KJV

And o 2no(ledge temperance * and o temperance 0a ien$e* and o 0a ien$e godliness*
Read - Pe er 5 . /ie( in 0arallel . Co#0are Transla ions. In erlinear +ie(

/ and to 0nowledge, self-control1 and to self-control, perse#erance1 and to perse#erance, godliness1 '2 Peter 2)/* '+&,*

to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, (2 8eter 1"3# ($%&'#

&uesday-,ednesday, -eb .-/, 012.. 3ichael 4eap.

htt#:..0icfood12logs#ot1co0.2/14./ it)of)s#irit)%)self)control1ht0l


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