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JACKET'S APT - INT: NIGHT The apartment has a hard floor throughout. In Jacket's room there are dirty clothes all over the floor. The only furniture in his bedroom are an uncovered mattress with a blanket and pillow on it, and a tv sitting on a milk crate with an nes plugged into it. Jacket wakes up. Jacket is in his mid twenties, is bald, and is always seen wearing a lettermen jacket with the letter "B" embroidered on it. The jacket itself is of unknown origin. On screen: April 3, 1980 On screen: Miami - Florida Jacket gets up and walks to his living room. Its empty except for a couch, an end table, and a coffee table. There's fast food wrappers, pizza boxes, and trash everywhere. There's a phone and an answering machine on the end table. The answering machine is beeping red. ANSWERING MACHINE Hi, this is 'Tim' from the bakery. The cookies you ordered should be delivered by now... A list of ingredients are included... Make sure that you read them carefully. Jacket goes outside his apartment door to see a crudely taped together cardboard box sitting in the hallway. He opens the box and sees a rubber rooster mask and a typed letter. It reads, "The target is a briefcase. Discretion is of essence. Leave target at point f-32, inside the dumpster. Failure is not an option. We'll be watching you." Jacket then puts the note in his pocket of his jacket without folding it and clutches the mask in his other hand. He walks down one flight of stairs to his old, rusty, car. CUT TO:

BRICKELL METRO STATION - NIGHT Jacket is standing outside staring at the door. He puts on his rooster mask and walks through it. There is a another door behind that one and Jacket pauses for a moment to look at it. He bursts through and knocks the man behind it down. Jacket stands over the man and grabs him by the hair. Jacket slams his head on to the black and white tiled floor over and over again until the man is dead. The man was holding a

baseball bat that he dropped. Jacket sees this and picks it up. He sees the public rest-room door and bursts through it as well. There's a man peeing and somewhat reacts to the presence of the Jacket's entry. Before the man can turn around the Jacket hits him on the side of his head. He falls and hits his head on the urinal, breaking it. Jacket leaves the rest-room and notices some stairs that lead upward. He goes up them. He turns the final corner and sees a another man who he hits in the knees with the bat and again in the face. Another man notices this and charges at Jacket. Jacket throws the bat at him and he falls, unconscious. Jacket stomps on his face until he is presumably dead. Jacket is in a lobby now. He walks down some hallways and finds the door he's supposed to go through. He opens the door and sees two bellicose men and one timid man holding a briefcase. They stomp quickly at Jacket. Jacket swings his bat the chest of one and punches the other. The one he punches he grabs the knife he was holding and stabs him in the throat several times. He then throws the knife at the man he threw the bat at and hits him in the chest. With the knife in his chest, the man clutches at his heart and gasps for air. Jacket takes out the knife and stabs him in the chest a few more times until his body goes limp. The timid man watches all of this without doing much but trembling. Jacket looks at him and walks towards him. With each step Jacket takes the timid man takes one half step away. Jacket reaches up to him and punches him in the stomach. As the timid man is hunched over jacket takes his baseball and hits him in the back of the neck with it. His body falls flat on the ground and Jacket picks up the briefcase. The room shakes from an arriving train. Jacket takes the briefcase out the door, through the lobby and down the stairs. Two men exit the train and see Jacket holding a briefcase. One of them is holding a crowbar and he starts to walk at Jacket with the crowbar cocked back to strike at him. Jacket kicks him in the groin and grabs him crowbar and throws it at the other man's head. Jacket holds the briefcase like a stone tablet and beats the man holding his testicles to death. He walks over the other man who is now at his own two feet again. Jacket picks up the crowbar and hits the man in the face with it. Jacket walks out of the Brickell Metro Station and to his car. CUT TO:

ALLEY - NIGHT It's a very poor part of town. There's trash and old moldy cardboard everywhere. You can smell piss and vomit. Jacket is still wearing his mask and walks down the alley to a dumpster. He throws the briefcase into the dumpster.

HOMELESS MAN Who's there? I can hear you! I know you're there! (Scared but aggressive) Jacket walks around the corner and sees a homeless man holding a bat. He sprints at Jacket. Jacket quickly steps to the side and the homeless man runs past him and falls down. He drops his bat. Jacket picks it up and sits on the homeless man's chest and hit him in the mouth with the bottom of the bat until he's dead. Jacket sees his car and takes four steps towards it and falls to his knees. He takes off his mask, puts his hand on the asphalt and vomits violently on to the ground. He gets up, stares at dead homeless man for a second, walks to and gets into his car. He drives away. On screen: Hotline Miami CUT TO:

CONVENIENCE STORE - NIGHT Jacket walks into the store and is greeted by a man with long read hair, a beard, and glass. CLERK Hi there man! Haven't seen you around. Thought something may have happened to you. You seemed really down over losing your girlfriend. Don't remember seeing you after that... (beat) Maybe we should talk about something else... (beat) Out for a midnight snack huh? Don't worry, it's on the house. Good to see you! Have a nice night! Jacket seems confused by the Clerk's familiarity with him. He walks through an aisle and grabs some food, all while being stared at by the smiling clerk. The jacket walks out the front door and into his car. CUT TO:

DREAM VERSION OF JACKET'S APT The colors all bend and wave at jacket. It's very dark and odd and somehow familiar. Everything has a layer of black grease on it and there are flies everywhere. He walks through a door and sees a woman in a horse mask, a man that looks like him in a rooster mask, and a mobster type man with an owl mask.

HORSE And who do we have here? Oh, you don't know who you are..? Maybe we should leave it that way. (Thoughtful and concerned) ROOSTER But I know you. Look at my face. We've met before... Haven't we? (Cryptic and teasing) OWL I don't know you! Why are you here? You're no guest of mine! (Angry) HORSE Do you really want me to reveal who you are? Knowing oneself means acknowledging ones actions. As of lately you've done some terrible things... ROOSTER You don't remember? I'll give you a clue. Does April the third mean anything to you? I believe that was the day of our first encounter. You look like you might be remembering something. CUT TO:

JACKET'S APT On screen: April 25th, 1989 Miami - Florida Jacket gets out of bed and walks into his hallway. His apartment is noticeably neglected. More trash. Bugs. He walks into his living and presses the button on his answering machine. ANSWERING MACHINE Hi, it's 'kate' from hotline miami's dating service. We have set up a date for you this evening. She'll be waiting for you at southwest 53rd place. As usual, make sure you wear something fancy. CUT TO:

SOUTH WEST 53RD PLACE Jacket puts on a pig mask and walks in through the front door

of the expensive, cheesy, home. Jacket bursts through the second door and throws a knife at the lone man standing in the foyer. The man drops a pistol. Jacket quickly spots a man standing at the end of the hallway and shoots him with the pistol he just found. Jacket hears footsteps rushing towards the hallway. He hides behind a corner. THUG #1 Holy shit! Jacket turns around his corner and shoots two men. He walks over to their dead bodies and picks up a shotgun dropped by one of them. CUT TO:

THE BEDROOM OF SOUTHWEST 53RD PLACE There's a girl lying on the bed recovering or coming down from a speed binge and a large black man still high on his playing video games with the volume turned up all the way. He is Dealer. Girl thinks she hears gunshots but doesn't have the energy to react normally. The camera follows her eyes across the ceiling of where Jacket is and she winces with each perceived gunshot or scream. Dealer doesn't react still. Suddenly everything goes quiet when Dealer turns off his game. He looks infuriated. He turns and looks at girl for a moment then kicks open his bedroom door. He finds all of his dead henchmen and starts shouting inaudibly. Just then, we see Jacket walk down the stairs. Dealer sprints towards him. Jacket, back against the wall, fires his shotgun at Dealer. He hits dealer in the stomach. Dealer is only stopped for a moment and lunges at Jacket again. Jacket tries to fire once more but is out of shells. Jacket throws the empty shotgun at Dealer and runs at Dealer. Dealer, bleeding out, has lost half his speed. Jacket knocks him over and stands over him. Jacket pushes in Dealer's eyes and kills him. Jacket turns to girl and looks at her the open doorway. GIRL Go ahead. (beat) Somehow I knew this would happen to me. She passes out. Jacket picks her up and carries her past all of the dead bodies and out of Dealer's house and into his car. CUT TO:

BAR Jacket walks in without his mask on and visibly upset. The bar is not very busy. It's poorly lit and there's a cloud of smoke that reaches to every corner of the bar. Behind the bar is a bartender that looks exactly like the man from the convenience store. BAR TENDER Hi there! Welcome. (beat) You don't look well, sir. Are you alright? Are you sure it is alright for you to be drinking? Jacket looks confused. BAR TENDER (CONT'D) Alright... I'll get you something special. He starts to make a drink. BAR TENDER (CONT'D) Do you like sweet and sour? Maybe you want it bitter? (beat) I think I know what you want... one moment. Bar Tender places a glass on the corner and motions towards Jacket. Jacket looks at it and takes a drink and reacts the same way he'd take a drink of water. Jacket walks to the bathroom. There's a man passed out next to puddle of vomit on the floor. This startles Jacket and he quickly walks out the front door. CUT TO:

DREAM VERSION OF JACKET'S APT Jacket walks through a door and the Horse, Rooster, and Owl are all sitting on his dream furniture in his dream apartment, staring at him. HORSE Oh, it's you again... It looks like you've been busy since we last met. ROOSTER I see that you remember me now. Don't you? But you still don't know who I am. You don't even know who introduced us, do you? OWL Why did you come back here? You're not a nice person, are you? You

make me sick! HORSE A picture is starting to take form here... I wonder if it's accurate. Some pieces don't quite seem to fit. Or maybe I just don't like the way it looks. ROOSTER I think our time is up... But we'll meet again. Before you go though, here's four questions to ponder. Number one, you do you like hurting other people? Two, who is leaving those messages on your answering machine. Where are you right now? And why are we having these conversations? (beat) see you soon. CUT TO:

JACKET'S APT On Screen: May 5th, 1989 Miami - Florida Jacket wakes up alone. More trash than before. He walks into his living room. Girl is asleep on the sofa. ANSWERING MACHINE Good evening! This is 'Blake' speaking. We have a job for you. There's a power outage over on 24th Northeast street. We want you to take care of it. We already sent someone over a while ago but, he didn't do a very good job. They're expecting you. Keep it quick and clean... Jacket walks towards his door. He puts his hand on the knob and looks at girl with a worried expression. He leaves. CUT TO:

24TH NE ST We see an exhausted, sweaty, man about Jacket's age with duct tape over his mouth, tied to a chair, alone in a room. There are several wires connected to the chair and to the two doors for the room. Beyond the next room is two armed men crouched behind tipped over wooden tables and machine guns, they look nervous. In another room we see a man pacing anxiously, boiling water comes at his face from off screen. Jacket steps into frame wearing a horse mask and beats him with large black pot. Jacket picks up the machine gun the man was

holding and stares at the door with a knowing look on his face. He shoots the door handle and the room explodes, killing the man inside and sending Jacket on his back. He shrugs off the pain and stumbles into the room. He empties the clip into the wall and we hear two bodies fall. Jacket leaves the room. We watch him walk past the 40 something dead bodies on the second and first floor. CUT TO:

CONVENIENCE STORE Jacket walks in and towards the front counter. The Clerk is the same man as before. CLERK Hi there! Good to see you! I was worried about you. The city don't seem so safe anymore, y'know? With all the killings and all I mean. Don't worry about paying. You're my friend. Jacket listens to the Clerk his full attention grabs something off the shelf and leaves. CUT TO:

JACKET'S APT Jacket walks in the door holding the food he was given for free and puts it on the counter in the kitchen. Girl is standing behind him. GIRL Hey, I just wanted to say something. Jacket turns around to face Girl. GIRL (CONT'D) I really appreciate everything you've done for me so far. (beat) I would have said something sooner but, I had to sleep it all first you know? Jacket nods. GIRL (CONT'D) Anyway... My name's Casey. She extends her hand out to shake. Jacket looks down and walks past her to the bathroom.

CASEY Ok... We follow Jacket into the bathroom. He turns on the shower and steps into with all of his clothes on. Around the drain is a red circle from all of the blood on Jacket's clothes. He stares at it with empty eyes. He doesn't know why he's going on these mass killings of mobsters and drug dealers and infuriates him. He stares at the drain until the red circle of blood fades. CUT TO:

JACKET'S APT - MORNING On Screen: May 23rd, 1989 The apartment is noticeably cleaner. Jacket wakes up to Casey walking into his apartment. He can see her through his open doorway. CASEY Man, living on the 3rd floor is fun until you have to take out the garbage, which you had a lot of (chuckles). She walks into the living room. CASEY (CONT'D) I think you had a message. Jacket gets out of bed and walks to the answering machine. ANSWERING MACHINE It's 'Harry' from management. We have a problem! There's a big mess over by the condos on 122nd South East street! One of the resident's water pipe burst, wet all over! The whole building is gonna be flooded soon... Hope you can get on this shit asap. Don't go easy on the mop! CASEY Who was that? Are you like handyman? Jackets nods. CASEY (CONT'D) Well you better go. Sounds like an emergency. Jacket grabs his coat and leaves.

On the ground floor of his apartment building there is a janitor mopping one spot and is openly staring at Jacket with a smirk. Jacket scowls and rushes past him. CUT TO:

122ND SE ST We see a tired, heavy-breathing, Jacket wearing a giraffe's mask standing over several dead bodies holding a crowbar. He starts to walk out of the building when he hears the phone ringing. He's caught off guard. He waits for it to stop but it doesn't. Jacket picks up the phone. PHONE There's been a small change of plans. We have a prank caller at the telephone company. Why don't you go there and see if you can... 'talk some sense' into him. You know what I mean. 342nd Northwest street. Go there now! Floor it. CUT TO:

THE STREET Jacket speeding down Miami city street. The skyline wooshing past him. CUT TO:

342ND NE ST Jacket walks in to the lobby of a telephone company. There's fluorescent lighting and a white marble floor. There's a man behind the counter with his head chopped off. There's a man hunched over on the opposite wall holding his guts. Jacket walks to the elevator, inside is a man laying down with a knife in his eye. Upstairs is a long hallway with several bodies with missing limbs. The floor is wet and shines red with the white florescent light. Jacket looks past all of this to an office. There's a man in a suit with his chest cut open and another man typing nervously on his computer. He's wearing a similar jacket to Jacket's and a full face motorcycle helmet. He is Biker. Biker notices Jacket and throws a knife at him. Jacket dodges and reaches for one of the golf clubs sitting on the expensive sofa. Biker winds up to punch Jacket but Jacket swings the club a second faster and knocks the glass out of his helmet. Biker tries to grab Jacket's throat but Jacket

kicks him off of himself. He spears Biker in the eyes with golf club through the helmet. He sits on his chest and takes off his helmet and hits him in the face with the helmet over and over again. Biker yells and pleads for help but Jacket kills him anyway. Jacket walks into the elevator and watches the numbers count backwards on his way down. He reflects and folds. Jacket takes off his mask and holds his face. He looks tired. CUT TO:


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