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Read the sentences and choose the best option: 1.

John always goes to his friends when he has a in his bonnet. Find the correct idiom and label the pictures: a. wasp b. butterfly c. bee 11.2efore taking my driving e)am I had lots of in my d. bird stomach. 2. I have never met anybody more sociable than a. bees Jack, he knows how to break the . b. flies a. ice c. bugs b. glass d. butterflies c. iron 11. 3randfather Joshua loves you a lot, immy, you are d. cube of hisbonnet. eye. 1. John always goes to his friends when he has the a in his 3. ry this medicine, it should work with your a. apple c. bee headache. b. Jack, orange he knows how to break the . a. craft 2. I have never met anybody more sociable than c. lemon a. ice b. better d. berry headache. c. well 3. ry this medicine, it should work with your 12. (verybody in my family has a sweet , that4s why d. wonders d. wonders nobody is thin. !. I like people,people, not those who beat around !.honest I like honest not those who beat around the all the time. a. finger the all time. d.the bush b. toe a. tree ". #y aunt #ary $uit her %ob two months ago and she has been a couch ever since. c. tongue b. grass d. tooth a. potato c. lemon 13. he 5ever let my younger brother &. 'ur (nglish teacher wants us to be all when e)plains something to us. fi) your car, he is all d. bush fingers and . a. ears ". #y aunt #ary $uit her %ob two months ago and +top acting as if you were the big here, a. tongues she has*. been a couch ever since. b. toes c. cheese a. potato c. teeth -. #ust you have a in every pie. b. tomato d. hands b. finger c. mos$uito 1!. It was raining and dogs, so we had to postpone the /. 0hen I met your brother everybody said that he was the sheep of the family. d. piano meeting. &. 'ur (nglish c. blackteacher wants us to be all when he a. elephants e)plains something to us. my driving e)am I had lots of b. 11.2efore taking mice in my stomach. a. ears d. butterflies c. cats b. fingers d. ducks 11. 3randfather Joshua loves you a lot, immy, you are the of his eye. c. toes a. apple 1". +tuart never loses his calm no matter what happens, d. hands he is as cool as a 12. (verybody in my family has a sweet , that4s why nobody is .thin. *. +top acting as if you were the big here, a. lemon d. tooth a. mouse b. tomato is all fingers and . b. %am 13. 5ever let my younger brother fi) your car, he c. cucumber b. toes c. cheese d. potato the meeting. d. head1!. It was raining and dogs, so we had to postpone 1&. 6atherine has ever had an for valuable paintings, c. cats -. #ust you have a in every pie. which helps her a lot in her work. a. tongue 1". +tuart never loses his calm no matter what a. happens, he is as cool as a . eye b. finger c. cucumber b. ear c. toe 1&. 6atherine has ever had an for valuable c.paintings, orange which helps her a lot in her d. word d. eggplant work. /. 0hen met your brother everybody said that he 1*. #y mother doesn4t like my friend 6evin, she says he a. I eye was the sheep of the family. is a for attention compliments. 1*. #y mother doesn4t like my friend 6evin, she says he is and a for attention and a. pink a. pig compliments. b. white b. lion c. blackd. fish c. dolphin ANSWERS d. green d. fish

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