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A AI .....................

amniotic fluid index, aortic

A ......................... assessment, applanation tonometr insufficiency
A 1% ................... atropine 1% AIDS ................ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
aa ....................... of each AIMS................ abnormal involuntary movement scale
AA ....................... Alcoholics Anonymous; Aplastic AION ................ anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
anemia AK ................... actinic keratosis, above knee
A/A ...................... alveolar-arterial oxygen content AKA ................. above the knee amputation
gradient AKN ................. acne keloidalis nuchae
AAA ..................... abdominal aortic aneurysm alb.................... albumin
AAL ..................... anterior axillary line, Allergy Clinic ALD ................. alcoholic liver disease
AAO................. alert, awake and oriented alk .................... alkaline
AAOx3 ............. alert, awake and oriented to time, alk phos, ALKP……. alkaline phosphatase
place & ALL .................. acute lymphocytic leukemia
person ALS ................. Advance Life Support, amyotrophic
AAROM ........... active assistive range of motion lateral
ab .................... abortion sclerosis
AB gap............. air bone gap ALT .................. alanine amino-transaminase, Argon
A/B .................. apnea & bradycardia acid-base laser
abd................... abdomen, abdominal, abduction trabeculoplasty
ABG................. arterial blood gases A.M. ................. before noon
abn................... abnormal A-Mask ............ aerosol mask
ABP ................. arterial blood pressure AMA ................ against medical advice
ABR ................. auditory brainstem response, American amb ................. ambulatory
Board of Ratiology amb care .......... ambulatory care
ABW................ actual body weight, adjusted body AMI .................. acute myocardial infarction
weight Amino .............. amniocentesis
Abx .................. antibiotics AML ................. acute myelogenous leukemia
AC ................... before meals, assist control, anterior amp ................. ampule
chamber amt .................. amount
AC/A ................ accomodative conver-gence/ ANA ................. antinuclear antibody
accommodation ratio ANC ................. Absolute neutrophil count
ACC ................. Ambulatory Care Clinic AND ................. anterior nasal drainage
accom .............. accommodation ANE ................. Anesthesiology
Acid Phos ........ Acid Phosphatase anes ................. Anesthesia
ACLS ............... advance cardiac life support ank. ................. ankle
ACR ................. American College of Radiology ANLL................ acute non-lymphocytic leukemia
ACSW ............. Academy of Certified Social Workers ant ................... anterior
ACT ................. activated clotting time ante ................. before
AD ................... Alzheimer’s Disease, right ear, above Ant Seg............ anterior segment
diaphragm, right ear A/O .................. alert and oriented, anterior oblique
ADA ................. American Diabetes Association, AODM.............. adult onset diabetes mellitus
adenosine deaminase AOM ................ acute otitis media
add................... adduction AOPIP ............. American Optical Psuedolsochromatic
Adeq. ............... adequate Plates Color Vision Test
ADH ................. antidiuretic hormone A&P ................. auscultation & percussion anterior &
ADHD .............. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder posterior, assessment and plans, anterior
ADL ................. activities of daily living posterior
A’Dione ............ androstenedione AP & LAT ......... anteroposterior and lateral
ad lib ................ as often as desired A & P Repair .... anterior and posterior repair
adm ................. admission APD ................. afferent pupillary defect
ADR ................. allergic drug reaction APMPPE ......... Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid
AE ................... above elbow, after evacuation Pigment Epitheliopathy
AEC ................. Atomic Energy Commission APMS .............. Acute Pain Management Service
AEF ................. aryepiglottic fold approx .............. approximately
AF.................... atrial fibrillation appt. ................ appointment
AFB ................. acid fast bacilli APTT ................ activated partial thromboplastin time
AFD ................. anode film distance APUD .............. amine precursor uptake and
AFDC ............... aid to Familes with dependent children decarboxylation
afeb .................. afebrile aq .................... water
AFM................. after fatty meal aq dist .............. distilled water
AFP ................. alpha-fetoprotein AR ................... allergic rhinitis, auto-refraction
AG ................... albumin to globulin ration, argon green ARC ................. AIDS Related Complex
laser ARDS .............. acute respiratory distress syndrome
AGA................. adequate for gestational age ARF ................. acute renal failure
AGN................. acute glomerulonephritis ARMD .............. age related macular degene-ration
AGR................. anus, genitals, rectum AROM.............. active range of motion
A/H .................. auditory hallucinat-ion ART ................. automated Reagin test, arterial
arr .................... arrive
ARRS .............. American Roentgen Ray Society BICU ................ burn intensive care unit
ARRT ............... American Registry of Radiologic bid.................... twice daily
Technologists bilat .................. bilateral
ARS ................. American Radium Society bili .................... bilirubin
art line .............. arterial line BK ................... below the knee
arwy ................. airway BKA ................. below the knee amputation
AS ................... aortic stenosis, left ear (auris sinistra), Blasto .............. blastomycosis
anterior segment bldg .................. bleeding, building
ASAP .............. as soon as possible BLE ................. both lower extremities
ASC ................. anterior subcapsular cataract Bleph ............... blepharoplasty
A-scan ............. A-scan ultrasound BLS ................. Basic Life Support
ASCVD ............ arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease BM................... black male, bone marrow, bilateral
ASD ................. atrial septal defect tympanic membranes, bowel movement
ASH ................. atrial septal hypertrophy bmd ................. bone mineral density
ASHD .............. arteriosclerotic heart disease BMP ................ Basic Metabolic Panel
as tol ................ as tolerated BMR ................ basal metabolic rate
ASO................. antistreptolysin O BMRR .............. bilaterial medical rectus recession
ASRT ............... American Society of Radiologic BMT ................. bone marrow transplant
Technologists BMTT ............... bilateral myringotomy &
AST ................. aspartate amino-transaminase tympanostomy
Astig ................ astigmatism tube placement
ATH.................. adenotonsillar hypertrophy BNC ................. bladder neck contracture
ATN.................. acute tubular necrosis BNI ................... bladder neck incision
ATPS ............... Ambient, Temp and Pressure Saturated BNO................. bladder neck obstruction
atr fib ................ atrial fibrillation BOM ................ bilateral otitis media
AUR ................. acute urinary retention, Association of BOO ................ bladder outlet obstruction
University Radiologist BOT ................. base of tongue
aux................... auxiliary BOW................ bag of water
AV.................... arterioventricular, arteriovenous ration BPD ................. bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Bipolar
avg ................... average Disorder
AVM................. arteriovenous malformation BP ................... blood pressure
AV node ........... atrioventricular node BPH ................. benign prostatic hypertrophy
B bpm ................. beats per minute
Ba .................... barium BPRS .............. brief psychiatric rating scale
bact ................. bacteria BR ................... bed rest
BAL ................. bronchoscopy and lavage brat .................. banana, rice cereal, apple sauce and
baso ................. basophil tea
BaS04 .............. barium sulphate BRB ................. bright red blood
Ba. Swallow ..... barium swallow BRBPR ............ bright red blood per rectum
BBB ................. bundle branch block BRM ................ biological response modifier
BBFF ............... both bone forearm fracture BRP ................. bathroom privileges
BBT ................. basal body temperature BRVO .............. brance retinal vein occlu-sion
BBS ................. bilateral breath sounds BS ................... bowel sounds, bedside breath sounds,
BC ................... blood culture, Blue Cross, bedside blood
commode sugar
BCAA .............. branch chained amino acids B-Scan............. b-Scan ultrasound
BCC ................. basal cell carcinoma BSA ................. body surface area
BCD ................. Board Certified Diplomate BSO................. bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
BCG................. bacilli Calmette-Guerin vaccine BSOM.............. bilateral serous otitis media
BCLS ............... Basic Cardiac Life Support BSP ................. bromosulphthalein
BCNP .............. Board Certified Nuclear Pharmacist BSS ................. balanced salt solution
BCNSP ............ Board Certified Nutritional Support BTFS ............... breast tumor frozen section
Pharmacist BTL .................. Bilateral Tubal Ligation
BCNU .............. Carmustine BTPS ............... Body Temp and Pressure Saturated
BCP ................. birth control pills BUN ................. blood urea nitrogen
BCPS .............. Board Certified Pharmacotherapy BUS ................. Bartholin, urethral, and Skene’s glands
Specialist Bw or Bt.Wt. .... birth weight
BCSW ............. Board Certified Social Worker BW .................. body weight
BD ................... below diaphragm Bx .................... biopsy
BDR ................. background diabetic retino-pathy C
BE ................... barium enema, base excess, below c ...................... with
knee C...................... centigrade, concentration
BEE ................. Basal Energy Expenditure C & F ............... cell and flare
BF.................... black female C & S ............... culture and sensitivity
BFP ................. Biophysical Profile Ca+ .................. calcium
BG ................... blood glucose CaO2 ............... oxygen content of arterial blood
BIPAP .............. Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure CA ................... carcinoma
bicarb ............... bicarbonate CABG .............. coronary artery bypass graft
CaCl2 ............... calcium chloride CNS ................. central nervous system
CAD ................. coronary artery disease CNI, CNII, etc. .. cranial nerve I,II, etc.
CAH ................. congenital adrenal hyperplasia CNT ................. continuous n
Cal ................... kilocalorie calories, calcium c/o ................... complaining of
CAmP .............. cyclic AMP c/w ................... consistent with
CAP ................. Cancer of the prostate, capsule Co .................... cobalt,cardiac output
CAPD .............. continuous ambulatory peritoneal COA................. Council on Aging
dialysis COAG .............. chronic open angle glaucoma
CAR ................. Cardiology coccidio ........... coccidioidomycosis
carb ................. carbohydrate CODF .............. continuous oral/duodenal feeding
cat ................... cataract COGF .............. continuous oral/gastral feeding
cath ................. catheter, catheterization, catheterized COHb ............... carboxyhemoglobin
CB ................... ciliary body COLD ............... chronic obstructive lung disease
CBB ................. ciliary body band colpo ................ colposcopy
CBC ................. complete blood count comp................ compound
CBD ................. common bile duct conc ................. concentrate
CBG................. corticosteroid binding globulin, capillary conf .................. conference
blood gas conj .................. conjunctiva
CCA ................. calcium channel antagonist cont ................. continued, continuous
CCB ................. calcium channel blocker COPD .............. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CCC ................. Comprehensive Care Clinic CO2 ................. carbon dioxide
CCE ................. clubbing, cyanosis, edema CP ................... chest pain, cerebral palsy
CCL ................. Cardiac Cath Lab C & P ............... cystoscopy & pyelogram
CCMS .............. clear catch midstream CPA ................. costophrenic angle; Child Protection
CCPD .............. continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis Agency
CCRN .............. certified critical care nurse CPAP ............... continuous positive airway pressure
CCU ................. coronary care unit CPC ................. clinicopathologic conference
C/D .................. cup to disc ratio CPD ................. cephalopelvic disproportion
CDC ................. Center for Disease Control CPK ................. creatine phosphokinase
CD & L Spine ... cervical, dorsal and lumbar spine CPL ................. Cariopulmonary
CDE ................. Certified Diabetes Educator CPNP .............. certified pediatric nurse practioner
CDU ................. chemical dependency unit CPP ................. cryopoor plasma
Cdyn ................ Dynamic Compliance CPR ................. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CE ................... continuing education CPS ................. Child Protective Services, Chronic
CEA ................. carcinoembryonic antigen Paronoid Schizophrenia
CEO................. chief executive officer CPT ................. chest physiotherapy
cerv .................. cervical C1,C2,etc. ....... first, second, etc. cervical vertebra
CETN ............... Certified Enterostomal Therapy Nurse CR ................... cardiorespiratory, cycloplegic
CF.................... cystic fibrosis, count fingers refraction,
ch .................... chronic chromium, creatinine
CHD ................. coronary heart disease CRAO .............. central retinal artery occl-usion
chem................ chemistry creat ................ creatinine
CHF ................. congestive heart failure CRF ................. chronic renal failure, corticotropin
chg................... change releasing factor
CHL ................. conductive hearing loss CRH ................. corticotropin releasing hormone
CHO................. carbohydrate CRI ................... chronic renal insufficiency
chol .................. cholesterol CRNA .............. certified registered nurse anesthetist
Chorio .............. chorioamionitis CRNP .............. certified registered nurse practitioner
CHPX ............... chickenpox CRRT ............... continuous renal replacement therapy
chr ................... chronic CRT ................. certified respiratory therapist
CHTN ............... chronic hypertension CRTE ............... Certified Respiratory Therapist, Eligible
CI ..................... cardiac index CRVO .............. central retinal vein occlusion
CIC................... clean intermittent catheterization cryo ................. cryosurgery;cryoprecipitate
CIDC ................ Chronically Ill and Disabled Children Cs .................... cesium,central supply; Christian
CIRC ................ circumcision Services,
CIS................... carcinoma in-situ culture & sensitivity conjuctiva and scle-ra
ck .................... check, creatine kinase C-Sect ............. cesarean section
cl ..................... chloride,clearanc-e, contact lens CSF ................. cerebrospinal fluid, colony-stimulating
CLL .................. chronic lymphocytic leukemia factor
CLSH ............... Central Louisiana State Hospital CSME .............. clinically significant macular edema
cm ................... centimeter,costal margin Cst ................... Static Compliance
CMC ................ carpometacarpal CT .................... computer tomography, chest
CME ................ cystoid macular edema tube,count,
CMG ................ cystometrogram calcitonin
CML ................. chronic myelogenous leukemia CTA.................. clear to auscultation
CMP ................ Comprehensive Metabolic Panel CTB ................. ceased to breathe
CMS ................ Central Medical Supply ctx ................... cervical traction
CMV ................ cytomegalovirus ctxn ................. contractions
CTZ .................. chemoreceptor trigger zone DNKA .............. did not keep appointment
cult ................... culture DNA ................. deoxyribonucleic acid
CV ................... cerebrovascular, cardiovascular DNR ................. do not resuscitate
CVA ................. cerebrovascular accident, costo- DO ................... Doctor of Osteopathy
vertebral DO2 ................. Oxygen Delivery
angle DOA................. dead on arrival date of admission
CVAT................ costovertebral angle tenderness DOB................. date of birth
CVL ................. central venous line DOC................. deoxycorticosterone
CVP ................. central venous pressure DOE................. dyspnea on exertion
CVS ................. chorionic villus sampling doz................... dozen
CVVH .............. continuous venovenous hemofilt-ration DPA ................. dual-photon absorptiometry; Discharge
CVVHD ............ continuous venovenous hemo-filtration Planning Assessment
dialysis DPI ................... Dry Power Inhaler
CVVHDF .......... continuous venovenous hemofiltration DPL ................. diagnostic peritoneal lavage
with D & Q .............. deep and quiet
dialysis and ultra-filtration dr ..................... dram
CWS................ continuous wall suction drng ................. drainage
Cx .................... cervix DRE ................. Digital Rectal Exam
CXR ................. chest x-ray DRG................. diagnostic-related group
cyclo ................ cyclogel DRSG .............. dressing
Cyro ................. cryothera-py DSE ................. Detrusor-sphincter
Cysto ............... cystoscopy/cystoscopic DSST ............... Dyssynergia Denervation
D Supersensitivity
D...................... Distance, dose test
DBE ................. Diabetic Education DT .................... delirium tremens
DABR .............. Diplomate of American Board of DTAD ............... Drain tube adapter device
Radiology DTR ................. deep tendon reflexes
DBP ................. diastolic blood pressure DU ................... duodenal ulcer
DCC ................. direct current cardioversion DUB ................. dysfunctional uterine bleeding
DCE ................. double contrast enema D & V ............... diarrhea and vomiting
DCF ................. Family and Children Services DVT ................. deep vein thrombosis
DCR ................. dacryocystorhinostomy d/w................... dextrose in water
ddl .................... didanosine dx .................... diagnosis
D & D ............... diarrhea and dehydration dxt ................... dextrostick
DDD ................. degenerative disc disease D1ONS ............ 10% dextrose in normal saline
dec................... decubitus D3 .................... distal third
decel ................ deceleration D5NS ............... 5% dextrose in normal saline
decr ................. decreased D5W ................ 5% dextrose in normal water
del .................... delivery, delivered E
Dep .................. depressed E ...................... extubation, erythema, esophoria,
Derm ................ dermatology, dermatitis eosinophils
DES ................. dry eye syndrome E’ ..................... esophoria at near
dev ................... deviation ea .................... each
DFE ................. dilated fundus exam EAC ................. external auditory canal, E.A. Conway
d.h. .................. dermatitis herpetiformis Hospital
DHT ................. dihydrotestosterone EAM ................ external auditory meatus
DI ..................... direct/indirect, diabetes insipidus EB ................... epidermolysis bullosa, epidermolysis
DIC................... disseminated intravascular coagulation bullosa acquisita
diam ................. diameter EBL ................. estimated blood loss
diff .................... differential EBV ................. Epstein-Barr virus
Dil .................... dilate EC ................... enteric-coated
Dils .................. dilutions ECC ................. Emergency Care Center
DIP................... distal interphalangeal ECCE .............. extracapsular cataract extraction
dis .................... disease ECF ................. extend care facility
Disp ................. disposition ECG................. electrocardiogram
Dist .................. distance ECH ................. Echocardiogr-aphy
DJD.................. degenerative joint disease echo ................. echocardiogram
DKA ................. diabetic ketoacidosis ECHOV ............ enterocytopathogenic human orphan
D/L ................... dislocation, direct larynogoscopy virus
dL .................... deciliter ECMO.............. extracorproreal membrane oxygenation
DLCO ............... diffusing capacity of lung for carbon ECS ................. extracapsular spread
monoxide ECT ................. electroconvulsive therapy
DLE ................. discoid lupus erythematosus ED ................... emergency department
dlnmp ............... date last normal menstrual period EDC ................. estimated date of confinement
DM................... diabetes mellitus EDVI ................ end diastolic volume index
DMARD............ disease modifying antirheumatic drug EEG................. electroencephalogram
DME ................ Durable Medical Equipment, diabetic EENT ............... eyes, ears, nose and throat
macular edema EEP ................. end expiratory pressure
EF.................... ejection fraction exam................ examination
EFAD ............... essential fatty acid deficiency exp................... expiration
EFW ................ estimated fetal weight exp. lap. .......... exploratory laparotomy
e.g. .................. for example ext ................... extract, extension, external exam
EGA................. estimated gestational age extr .................. extremity
EGD................. esophagogastroduodenoscopy Ex’=Ex=0......... Orthophoria (near=far)
EHC ................. Employee Health Clin-ic Ext. Rot ........... external rotation
EKC ................. epidemic keratoconjunctivitis F
EKG................. electrocardiogram f ....................... frequency
elev .................. elevation F ...................... Fahrenheit
ELF .................. elective low forceps FA .................... fluorescein angiogram
ELISA .............. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay FACR ............... Fellow of the American College of
elix ................... elixir Radiology
ELSH ............... East Louisiana State Hospital FAM ................. Family Medicine
EM................... ejection murmur, electromotive FB.................... foreign body, finger-breadth, fibroptic
EMB ................ endometrial biopsy bronchoscopy, followed by
EMF................. electromotive force FBI ................... Federal Bureau of Investigation
EMG ................ electromyogram FBS ................. fasting blood sugar
EMS ................ Emergency Medical Services FC.................... foley catheter, finger count
EMT ................. Emergency Medical Technician FCC ................. Faculty Care Clin-ic
END ................. endoscopy F & D ............... fixed and dilated
ENG................. electronystagmography FDA ................. Food & Drug Administration
ENOG .............. electroneurography FDP ................. fibrin degradation products
ENT ................. ears, nose and throat FDV ................. full duction and versions
ENUC .............. enucleation Fe .................... iron
EOG ................ electra-oculogram FEF ................. florced expiratory flow
EOM ................ extraocular movement Feb .................. febrile
EOMI ............... extraocular movements (or muscles) FEM-POP ........ femoral-popliteal
intact FeSO4 ............. ferrous sulfate
EOG ................ —electro-oculogram FEV1 ............... forced expiratory volume in one second
EOM ................ extraocular movement FF .................... filtration fraction, fat free
EPA ................. erect posteroanterior FFA.................. free fatty acids
EPAP ............... Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure FFD ................. focal film distance
Epith ................ epithelium FFP ................. fresh frozen plasma
EPO................. erythropoietin FH.................... fundal height, family history
EPS ................. extrapyramidal symptoms Fhb .................. fetal hemoglobin
ER ................... emergency room FHR ................. fetal heart rate
ERCP .............. endoscopic retrograde FHS ................. fetal heart sound
cholangiopancreatography FHT .................. fetal heart tone
ERG................. electroretinogram Fhx .................. family history
ERM ................ epiretinal membrane FIF ................... forced inspiratory flow
ERT ................. estrogen replacement therapy FIGO ................ International Federation of Gynecology
ERV ................. expiratory reserve volume and Obstetrics
ESLD ............... end stage liver disease FiO2 ................. fraction of inspired oxygen
ESM ................ exudative senile maculopathy fl ....................... fluid
Esoph .............. esophagus fl dr ................... fluid dram
ESR ................. erythrocyte sedimentation rate fl oz .................. fluid ounce
ESRD .............. end stage renal disease Flex ................. flexion
EST ................. electroshock therapy FM ................... fetal movements, face mask
ESU ................. electrostatic unit FME................. focal macular edema
ESWL .............. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy FML ................. focal macular laser
ET .................... esotropia, endotrache-al, FNS ................. Food and Nutritional Services
E (T) ................. intermittent esot-ropia FOB ................. fiber optic bronchoscopy
E/T ................... Evaluation and Treatment FOB ................. fecal occult blood test
ETCO2 ............. end tidal carbon dioxide FOC ................. fronto-occipital circumference
ETD ................. eustachian tube dysfunction FOM ................ floor of mouth, full ocular motility
ETDRS............. early treatment diabetic retinopathy FPC ................. Family Practice Clinic Family Planning
study Clinic
etc ................... and so forth FRC ................. functional residual capacity
etio ................... etiology FS.................... Food Stamps, focal spot
Etoh ................. ethanol FSH ................. follicle stimulating hormone
ETOH ............... alcohol FTA .................. fluorescent treponemal antibody
ETT .................. endotracheal tube, Enterstomal FTHE ............... foveal threatening hard exudates
Therapy FTN.................. finger-to-nose
EVAP ............... electrovaporization of prostate Ftr .................... Father
EU ................... Excretory Urogram FTT .................. failure to thrive
EUA ................. examination under anesthesia F/U................... follow-up
ex. ................... excision,exercise FUB ................. functional uterine bleeding
FUO ................. fever, unknown origin HCO3 ............... bicarbonate
FVC ................. forced vital capacity; false vocal chord Hct ................... hematocrit
FWB ................ full weight bearing HCV ................. Hepatitis C virus
Fx .................... fracture HCVD .............. hypertensive Cardiovascular disease
5FV.................. 5-fluorouricil HD ................... Hodgkin’s Disease, hemodialysis
G HD ................... high density lipoprotein
G ..................... Gravida,gram H&E ................. hematoxylin & eosin, hemorrhage and
GAD................. generalized anxiety disorder exudate
GB ................... gallbladder HEENT............. head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
GB Series ........ gallbladder series heme................ hemorrhage
GC ................... gonorrhea, gonococcus hemi ................. one side of the body
GCS................. Glasgow Coma Score Hemopt ............ hemoptysis
GCT ................. giant cell tumor HEPA ............... high-efficiency particular air
G ..................... gastroesophageal, gastroenterology Hep-lock .......... heparin lock
gen................... general HF.................... heart failure
GERD .............. gastroesophageal reflux disease HFJC................ high frequency jet ventilation
Gest ................. gestation HFO ................. high frequency oscillator
GFR ................. glomerular filtration rate Hg .................... mercury
GGT ................. gamma glutamyl transferase hgb................... hemoglobin
GGTP .............. gamma glutamyl transpeptidase HGH................. human growth hormone
GH ................... growth hormone HH ................... hiatal hernia; Home Health
GI ..................... gastrointestinal HHC ................. Household Composition
GI Series ......... gastrointestinal tract study HHN ................. hand held nebulizer
glob .................. globulin H&H ................. Hemoglobin & hematocr-it
glu.................... glucose H/I .................... homicidal ideation
gm ................... gram HIAA ................ hydroxy indoleacetic
GN ................... glomerulonephritis, graduate nurse 5HIAA .............. 5 hydroxy indoleacetic
Gonio ............... gonioscopy Hib ................... hemophilus influenza type B
G1,G2 .............. primigravida, secundigravida Histo ................ histoplasmosis
GP ................... General Practitioner HIV................... human immunodeficiency virus
G-P-Ab............. Gravida-para-abortus HJR.................. hepatojugular reflux
g ...................... grain HL .................... heplock; hearling loss
GRH................. growth releasing hormone HLA ................. human leukocyte antigen
GravI ................ primigravida HM................... hand motion
GravII ................ secundigravida HMD ................ hyaline membrane disease
GSW................ gunshot wound HMG-CoA ........ hydrosymethylglutaryl-COA
GT.................... gastric tube HNP ................. herniated nuclease pulposus
GTM................. Gynecology Tumor HO ................... history of, house officer
gtt .................... drops HOB................. head of bed
GTT .................. glucose tolerance test HP ................... hot packs
GU ................... genitourinary HPA ................. hypothalamic-pituitary axis
GVF ................. Goldmann visual fields hpf .................... high power field
GVH................. graft versus host (reaction) HP ................... history of present illness
GVHD .............. graft versus host disease HPL ................. human placental lactogen
GVL ................. graft versus leukemia hr ..................... hour, heart rate
GYN................. Gynecology HRC ................. high resk characteristics
G6PD ............... Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase HRT ................. hormone replacement therapy
G6PH ............... glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase h.s. .................. at bedtime; hour of sleep
H HSA ................. human serum albumin
h ...................... height, heart HSC ................. hysteroscopy
H & D............... characteristic curve of film HSG................. hysterosalpingogram
HA ................... hearing aide,headache hydroxapatite HSM ................ hepatosplenomegaly
implants HSN ................. Hansen Street Nail
HA .1% ............ hematropine 0.1% HSV ................. herpes simplex virus
HAA ................. hepatitis associated antigen HSW................ Hospital Social Worker
hal .................... hallucinations ht ..................... height,Hubbard Tub
HAL ................. hyper-alimentation HTLV-III.........human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3
H&P ................. history and physical HTN ................. hypertensive, hypertension
HAV ................. Hepatitis A virus HVF ................. Humphrey visual vields
Hb, Hgb............ hemoglobin HVUF ............... high volume ultra-filtration
HBIG ................ Hepatitis B immune globulin hx .................... history
HBP ................. high blood pressure HVL ................. half value layer
HbsAg .............. hepatitis B surface antigen HZ .................... herpes zoster
HBV ................. Hepatitis B virus HZV ................. herpes zoster virus
HC ................... head circumference, hydrocortisone, H2O ................. water
home care I
HCG................. Human chorionic gonadotropin I ....................... intubation, iodine, iris
HCIG ................ Home Care Instructions Given I&D................... incision & drainage
I & A................. irrigation and aspiration- ISA................... intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
I&O .................. intake & output ISC................... intercostal space
IABP ................ intra-aortic balloon pump ISH................... solated systolic hypertension
IACR ................ Inter American College of Radi-ology ISMN................ isosorbide mononitrate
IBD................... inflammatory bowel disease ISOL ................ isolation
IBW ................. ideal body weight IT ..................... industrial therapy
ICBG ................ iliac crest bone graft ITP ................... idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura
ICCE ................ intraocular cataract extraction IUD................... intrauterine device
ICD-9-CM ......... In-ternational Classification of IUFD ................ intrauterine fetal demise
Diseases, IUGR ................ intrauterine growth retardation
9th Edition, Clinical Modification IUP................... intrauterine pregnancy
ICF ................... intermediate care facility IUPM................ intrauterine pressure monitor
ICF-I .............. insulin-like growth factor I (somatomedin IV ..................... intravenous
C) IVC................... inspiratory vital capacity, inferior vena
ICF-II ............ insulin-like growth factor II (somatomedin cava, intravenous cholangiogram
A) IVDA ................ intravenous drug abuse
ICH................... intracranial hemorrhage IVF ................... intravenous fluids
ICP................... intracranial pressure J
ICR................... International Commission on Radiation J....................... juice
Units and Measurements JODM .............. juvenile onset diabetes mellitus
ICS................... intercostal space JP .................... Jackson-Pratt
ICU................... intensive care unit Jr ..................... junior
I.D. ................... Infectious Diseases JRA.................. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
I & D ................ incision and drainage Juv ................... juvenile
IDDM................ insulin dependent diabetes mellitus JVD.................. jugular venous distention
IDL ................... intermediate density lipoprotein, JVP.................. jugular venous pressure
indirect K
laryngoscopy K ...................... cornea
IDNP ................ indirect nasopharyngoscopy K+.................... potassium
IDV................... intermittent demand ventilation KA ................... keratoacanthoma
IEP................... immunoelectrophoresis kcal .................. kilocalorie
Ig ..................... immunoglobulin KCL ................. potassium chloride
IgG................... Immunoglobulin G Kel ................... elimination rate constant
IHD................... ischemic heart disease KG ................... kilogram
IICP .................. increased intracranial pressure KJ .................... knee jerk
IJ ...................... internal jugular k ...................... kilometer
IM .................... intramuscular KKK ................. cold knife conization
IMP .................. impression KP ................... keratic precipitates
IMV .................. intermittent mandatory ventilation KP04................ potassium phosphate
In ..................... indium KR ................... krypton laser
IncAb ............... incomplete abortion K-sicca ............ keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Incr ................... increased 17KS................ 17 ketosteroid
INF ................... interferon KUB ................. kidney, ureter, bladder
Inj ..................... injection Kv .................... kilovolt
Inorg Phos ....... inorganic phosphorus KVP ................. kilovolts peak
INR................... international normalized ratio KVO................. keep vein open
INS................... insurance, inspiration L
Instr. ................. instructions L ...................... liter, lower, left
insuff ................ insufficient LA .................... left atri-um, left arm,
int .................... inter-nal lymphadenopathy
Int Med ............. internal medicine L & A................ light and accommodation
IO..................... inferior oblique L & D ............... Labor and Delivery
IOL ................... intraocular lens lab.................... laboratory
I & O ................ intake and output lac .................... laceration
IOP .................. intraocular pressure LAD ................. left axis deviation
IOT ................... intraocular tension LADC ............... left anterior descending coronary
IP ..................... inpatient, interphalangeal, LAE ................. left atrial enlargement
intraperitoneal LAL .................. left atrial line
IPAP ................ Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure LAO ................. left anterior oblique
IPG .................. impedance plethysmography LAP ................. leukocyte alkaline phosphatase,
IPN................... interstitial pneumonia laporatory
IPPB ................ intermittent positive Pressure breathing lat .................... lateral,Latisimus dorsi
IQ..................... intelligence quotient LAVH ............... laparoscopic assisted vaginal
IR ..................... inferior rectus, internal rotation hysterectomy
IRMA................ intraretinal microvascular anomaly lb ..................... pound
IROU ................ inferior rectus OU (both eyes) LBBB ............... left bundle branch block
IRP................... incus replacement prothesis LBP ................. low back pain
IRV................... inspiratory reserve volume LBW ................ low birth weight
LC .................... living children LST .................. left sacrum transverse*
LCAT ................ lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase LSUHSC .......... Louisiana State University Health
LCL .................. lateral collateral ligament of knee Sciences Center
LCM ................. left costal margin lt ...................... left
LD .................... lethal dose LTCF ................ long term care facility
LDH ................. lactic dehydrogenase LTR .................. laryngotracheal reconstruction
LDL .................. low density lipoprotein LUE ................. left upper extremity
LDN ................. Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist LUL .................. left upper lobe, left lower lid
L-EMG ............. laryngeal electromyography LUQ ................. left upper quadrant
LE .................... lupus erythematosus, lower extremity M
LES ................. lower esophageal sphincter m ..................... murmur
LET .................. left esotropia M ..................... meter, manifest refraction
LFA .................. left fronto transverse* MA................... millamperes
LFP.................. left fronto posterior* MAA ................ macro-aggregate albumin
LFT .................. left fronto transverse*liver function mac ................. macular, midarm circumference
tests MAM................ midarm muscle circumference
lg ..................... large MAO ................ monamine oxidase
LGA ................. large for gestational age MAP ................ mean arterial pressure; Medical
LH .................... luteinizing hormone Assistance Program
LHC ................. left heart catheterization MAR ................ medication administration record
LHRH ............... luteinizing hormone releasing hormone MAS ................ meconium aspiration syndrome,
LHT .................. left hypertrop-ia millampere seconds
LH(T) ................ intermittent left hypertropia MATS ............... Military Air Transport Service
Li—.................. lithium max ................. maximum
LIH ................... left inguinal hernia mc ................... millicurie
liq ..................... liquid MCD ................ Medicine Cardiac Clinic
LIS ................... left interspace mcg or ug ........ micrograms
LKS ................. liver, kidneys, spleen MCH ................ mean corpuscular hemoglobin
L/L ................... lids and lashes MCHC .............. mean corpuscular hemoglobin
LLE .................. left lower extremity concentration
LLL................... left lower lobe, left lower lid MCL ................. mid-clavicular line
LLQ.................. left lower quadrant MCP ................ metacarpophalangeal
LLSB................ left lower sternal border MC................... medium chain triglyceride
LLWC............... long leg walking cast MCV ................ mean corpuscular volume
LMA ................. left mentoanterior MD................... medical doctor, Murphy Drip
LMD ................. last/local medical doctor MDA ................ Muscular Dystrophy Association
LML ................. left mediolateral MDI .................. metered dose inhaler
LMP ................. last menstrual period MDB ................ Medicine Diabetes Clin-ic
LMT ................. left mentotransverse* MDE ................ Major Depressive Episode
LN .................... lymph node MDI .................. metered dose inhaler
LNMP .............. last normal menstrual period MDR ................ Medicine Dermatology Clinic
LOA ................. left occiput anterior* mech................ mechanical
LOC ................. loss of consciousness Mev .................. million electron volts
LOP ................. left occiput posterior* MED ................ medication, medical, Medicine
Lord ................. lordotic MEFR .............. maximum expiratory flow rate
LOS ................. length of stay MEN ................ multiple endo-crine neoplasia, Medicine
LOT .................. left occiput transverse* Endocrinology
lp ..................... light perception, lumbar puncture, mEq ................. milliequivalent
lichen mEq/L .............. milliequivalent per liter
planus MetHb .............. meth hemoglobin
Lp(a) ................ lipoprotein a MFB................. metallic foreign body
LP & P ............. light perception and project-ion mg ................... milligram
LPF .................. low power field MG................... Magnesium Marcus-Gunn response
LPL .................. lipoprotein lipase MGE ................ Medicine Gastroenterology
LPN ................. licensed practical nurse MGP ................ Marcus Gunn Pupil
LPO ................. left posterior oblique MHB ................ maximum hospital benefit
LPT .................. licensed physical therapist MHC ................ Mental Health Clinic, major
LR .................... lactated ringers, lateral rectus histocompatibility complex, Mental Health Center
LRT .................. Licensed Respiratory Technician MHM................ Medicine Hematology
LS .................... lumbosacral MI .................... myocardial infarction, mitral
L/S ratio ........... lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio insufficiency
LSA ................. left sacrum anterior*, lichen sclerosus MIC .................. minimum inhibitory concentration
et micro ................ microcytosis
atrophieus MIC. ................. medical intensive care unit
LSC ................. laparoscopy min................... minimum
LSD ................. lysergic acid diethylamide ml .................... milliliter
LSO ................. left salpingo-oophorectomy ML ................... midline,microlaryngoscopy
LSP ................. left sacrum posterior* MLEpis ............ midline episiotomy
MM .................. multiple myeloma cannula
mm .................. millimeter NC/AT .............. normocephalic, atraumatic
mM .................. millimolar NCPAP ............ nasal CPAP
mm/hr .............. millimeters per hour NEC ................. necrotizing enterocolitis
MM-C ............... mitomycin-C NED ................. no evidence of disease
MMEFR ........... maximal midexpiratory flow rate neg................... negative
mmr ................. cardiac murmur NEO................. neosynephrine
MMRI ............... Minnesota Multiphasic Personality NEU ................. neurology, neurologic
Inventory NGT ................. nasogastric tube
MMR ................ measles, mumps and rubella NH ................... Nursing Home
MMS................ moler micrographic surgery NHL ................. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
MMT ................ manual muscle test NHP ................. Nursing Home Placement
M & N .............. mydriacyl and neosynephrine NI ..................... no improvement
MN................... midnight NIA................... niacin,niacinamide
MNP ................ Medicine Nephrology NICU ................ Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
mod ................. moderate NIDDM ............. non-insulin dependent diabetes
MOE ................ malignant otitis externa mellitus
mono................ monocyte NIF ................... negative inspiratory force
MP................... metacarpophalangeal NIP................... negative inspiratory pressure
MPC ................ maximum permissible concentr-ation N/K Table ......... quadriceps
MPD ................ maximum permissible dose NKA ................. no known allergies
MPV ................ mean platelet volume NKDA .............. no known drug allergies
m/r/g ................ murmur/rub/gallop nl ..................... normal
MR................... medical rectus NLP ................. no light perception
MRH ................ Medicine Rheuma-tology NM................... neuromuscular, nanometer
MRI .................. magnetic resonance imaging NMI .................. no middle initial
MRM................ modified radical mastoidectomy NNP ................. neonatal nurse practioner
MRND .............. modified radical neck dissection noct ................. night
MROU.............. medial rectus OU(both eyes) NMSC .............. non-melanoma skin cancer
MRSA .............. methicillin resistant staph aureus Norepi .............. norepinephrine
MS................... musculoskeletal, multiple sclerosis, NOS................. not otherwise specified
medical student NP ................... neuropsychiatry nurse practitioner
MSAFP ............ maternal serum alpha feto protein NPA ................. no previous admission
MSE ................ mental status exam NPC ................. nasopharyngeal carcinoma,
MSL ................. midsternal line nonproductive
MSW ............... Master’s of Social Work cough, near point of convergene
M.T. ................. medical technologist NPC@N ........... near point of convrgence to nose
MTD ................. maximum tolerated dose NPH ................. neutral protamine hagedorn
MTP ................. metatarsophalangeal NPN ................. nonprotein nitrogen
Mtr ................... Mother NPO................. nothing by mouth
MTX ................. Medicine Toxicology NPS ................. nasopharyngoscopy
MUD ................ matched unrelated donor NP & T ............. nasopharynx and throat
MUGA.............. multiple gated acquisition NR ................... nonreactive
MV................... minute ventilation NRBC .............. nucleated red blood cell
mva .................. motor vehicle accident NRI ................... nutritional risk index
MVI .................. multivitamin NS ................... nuclear sclerosis normal saline
MVR ................ mitral valve replacement NSA ................. no significant abnormality
MVV ................ maximum voluntary ventilation NSAIDS ........... nonsteroidal antiflammatory drug
mx ................... maxilla NSC ................. nuclear sclerotic cataract
myelo ............... myelocyte NSD ................. normal spontaneous delivery
m/3 .................. middle third NSR ................. normal sinus rhythm; nasal spetal
N reconstruction
N...................... nitrogen NSS ................. Nephrology Surgery Service, normal
N&V ................. nausea & vomiting saline
Na .................... sodium solution
NA ................... Nursing Assistant, narrow angle, no NST ................. non-stress test
answer NSU ................. Neurosurgery Service
Na Window ...... nasal antral window NSVD .............. normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
NAAC .............. No Apparent Anesthesia Complications NT/ND .............. non-distended/non-tender
NaCl ................. sodium chloride NTS ................. nasotracheal suction
NAD ................. no acute distress NV ................... neurovascular
NAG................. narrow angle glaucoma NVD ................. neovascularizaiton of the disc (optic
NaK Glucose ... 3.5% glucose with 26 meg Na/liter, 25 nerve)
meg K/liter nvd ................... neck venous distention, nausea,
NaHCO3 .......... sodium bicarbonate vomiting,
NAO................. nasal airway obstruction diarrhea
NB ................... newborn NVE ................. neovascularization elsewhere
N/C .................. no complaints, non-contributory, nasal
NVFCD ............ nausea, vomiting, fever, chills and P
diarrhea p ...................... after, pulse
NWB................ non-weight bearing P ...................... pain, para, pulse, percussion, plan,
NWRADAC ...... Northwest Regional Alcohol & Drug pressure
Abuse P 0 .1%............ propine 0.1%
Center P1,P2 .............. primipara, secundipara
O P50 .................. P02 at 50% saturation
O ..................... objective/observation P&A ................. percussion and auscultation
OA ................... occiput anterior osteoarthriti-s, P&T ................. peak and trough
observation PA.................... posteroanterio-r, physician’s assistant,
and assessment pulmonary artery,alveolar pressure, posterior
OAD................. other administrative discharge anterior
PAC ................. premature atrial contraction
OB, OB/GYN ......... Obstetrics and Gynecology Pa0 .................. arterial oxygen tension
obj .................... objective PA02 ................ alveolar oxygen tension
obl .................... oblique PaC02 .............. arterial carbon dioxide tension
OBS................. organic brain syndrome PACO2............. alveolar carbon dioxide tension
OCA................. oral contraceptive agent PACU............... post anesthesia care unit
occ................... occasional, occiput palp .................. palpable, palpations
OCD................. obsessive-compulsive disorder P.A.P. ............... Prostatic Acid Phosphatase
OCG ................ oral cholecystogram Pap .................. pananicoaou smear
OCP................. ova, cysts, parasites para ................. paraplegic, paralysis
OCS................. Office of Community Service Para I ............... Primipara
OCT ................. oxytocin challenge test Para II .............. women with > 1 child
OCTOR ............ on call to the operating room PAS ................. para-aminosalicylic acid, peripheral
OE ................... otitis externa anterior aymechiae
OFS ................. Office of Family Services PAT .................. paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
OH ................... Occupational Health path ................. pathology
OI ..................... oxygen index paw .................. airway pressure
OKN................. opokinetic nystagmus PAWP.............. pulmonary artery wedge pressure
17 OHCS ......... 17 hydroxycorticosteroids PBD ................. post burn day
17 OHP ............ 17 hydroxy progesterone PBI ................... protein bound iodine
OHTx ............... Orthotopic heart transplant PBL ................. pre-term birth living child
OLTx ................ Orthotopic liver transplant PBSCT............. peripheral blood stem cell
OM................... otitis media transplantation
OMH ................ Office of Mental Health PC ................... packed cells, post cast, pressure
OMR ................ Office of Mental Retardation control
ON ................... optic nerve,oral-nasal, optic nerve after meals, posterior chamber
OOB ................ out of bed PCA ................. patient controlled analgesic
op .................... outpatient, operation, occiput PCC ................. Primary Care Clin-ic
posterior, PCCG .............. perichondrial cutaneous graft
operation, outpatient PCD ................. Pediatric Cardiac Clinic
OP/OC ............. oropharynx/oral cavity PCIOL .............. posterior chamber intraocul-ar lens
O & P .............. ova and parasites PCH ................. Pediatric Chest Clinic
OPC................. Order for protective custody PCM ................ protein calorie malnutrition
OPD................. Outpatient department PCN ................. penicillin,
OPG ................ ocular plethysmography PCO................. polycystic ovarian disease, posterior
OPS................. outpatient surgery capsule opacification
OPT ................. ophthalmology PCO2 .............. partial pressure of carbon dioxide
OPV................. oral polio vaccine PCP ................. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia,
O.R. ................. operating room phencyclidine
Orient ............... oriented, orientation PCT ................. porphyria cutanea tarda
ORIF ................ open reduction/internal fixation PCV ................. packed cell volume, polycythemia vera
ORT ................. orthopaedic PCWP ............. pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
os .................... mouth, left eye PD ................... postural drainage, pharmocodynamics
OSA................. obstructive sleep apena PDA ................. patent ductus arteriosus
OSHA .............. Occupational Safety and Health PDR ................. Physician’s Desk Reference,
Administration proliferative
OSU................. Oral Surgery diabetic retinopathy
O.T. .................. occupational therapy PE ................... physical examination, pulmonary
otc ................... over the counter embolism
OTO ................. Otolaryngology PEC ................. physician’s emergency
OTT .................. orotracheal tube certificate,Pediatric
O.U. ................. each eye, both eyes Endocrine
oz .................... ounce Ped .................. pediatric
O2.................... oxygen PEEP .............. positive end expiratory pressure
O2Ct ................ oxygen content PEF ................. peak expiratory flow
O2 sat .............. oxygen saturation PEFR ............... peak expiratory flow rate
PEG................. pneumoencephalogram, Percutaneous POD................. post operative day
endoscopic gastrostomy POI .................. post operative instructions
perf ................... perforations POL ................. premature onset of labor
P.E. tube .......... polyethylene tube polys ................ polymorphonuclear leukocytes
PERLA............. pupils equal, reactive to light and pos................... positive
accommodations poss ................. possible
PERRLA .......... pupils equal, round, reactive to light Post. ................ posterior
and post op ............. postoperative
Accommodations po2................... partial pressure of oxygen
PET ................. positron emission tomography; po4................... phosphate
pressure POX ................. pulse oximetry
equalization tube PP ................... postpartum, pancreatic polypeptide,
pH .................... hydrogen ion concentration, acid/base postprandial
index PPBG .............. postprandial blood glucose
PH ................... past history,pin hole PPBP .............. postpartum blood pressure
PHEO .............. pheochromocytoma ppd................... packs per day
pharm .............. pharmacy PPD ................. purified protein derivative (tuberculin)
PharmD............ Doctor of Pharmacy PPDR .............. pre-proliferative sickle retinopathy
PHC ................. post hospital care PPN ................. peripheral parenteral nutrition
PHM ................ Pediatric Hematol-ogy PPROM ........... preterm premature rupture of
phos ................. phosphatase membranes
PHP ................. phosphorus PPS ................. postpartum sterilization
PHN ................. public health nurse PPTL................ postpartum tubal ligation
PHNI ................ pin hole not improved PPV ................. pars plana vitrectomy
PHPV .............. perisistent hyperplastic primary pr ..................... per rectum, pityriasis rosea,
vitreous photoentgen
PHR ................. Pediatric High Risk PRA ................. panel-reactive antibody, plasma renin
PHU ................. public health unit activity
P ...................... present illness, principal investigator, PRBC .............. packed red blood cells
performance improvement, peripheral iridectomy PRE ................. progressive resistance exercise
PICU ................ pediatric intensive care unit preop................ preoperative
PID................... pelvic inflammatory disease prep ................. prepare
PIH................... pregnancy induced hypertension PRL ................. prolactin
PIP................... proximal interphalangeal, peak prn ................... as often as necessary
inspiratory procto .............. proctoscopic
pressure Pro ................... protein
PIPP ................ premature infant pain profile PRO................. Peer Review Organization
PIV................... peripheral intravenous PROM.............. premature rupture of membranes,
PK ................... pharmacokineti-cs passive
PKP ................. penetrating keratoplasty range of motion
PKU ................. phenylketonuria PRP ................. pityriasis rubra pilaris, panretinal
PLEVA ............. prtyrias lichenordes et varoliformis photocoagulation
p.m. ................. afternoon PRVC .............. pressure regulated volume control
PMA ................ Pediatric Metabolic Assessment Ps .................... psoriasis,pressure support
PMB ................ post menopausal bleeding PSA ................. prostate specific antigen, Poly-
PMD ................ private medical doctor, Pediatric Substance
Medicine Abuse
PMFF .............. paramedian forehead flap PSC ................. posterior subcapsular cataract
PM Flap ........... pectoralis major flap PSE ................. portal systemic encephalopathy
PMH ................ past medical history PSG................. polysomnogram
PMI .................. point of maximum impulse past PSH ................. past surgical history
medical PSP ................. phenolsulfonphthalein
illness PSO................. polysporim ointment
PMN ................ polymorphonuclear neutrophil PSOM.............. persistent serous otitis media
PMP ................ previous menstrual period PSP ................. phenolsulfonphthalein test
PMR ................ physical medicine and rehabilitation PSR ................. proliferative sickle retino-pathy
PMS ................ premenstrual syndrome PSVT ............... paroxysmal supraventricular
PNC-E ............. postnecrotic cirrhosis - ethanol tachycardia
PND ................. post nasal drainage, paroxysmal PSY ................. Psychiatry
nocturnal pt ..................... patient
dyspnea pt. ed. .............. patient education
PNH ................. paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria P.T. ................... physical therapy, pharyngeal toilet
PNP ................. Pediatric Nephrolo-gy (suction),
PNR ................. Pediatric Neurology PTA.................. prior to admission
po .................... by mouth PTCA ............... percutaneous transluminal coronary
Post op ............ post operative angioplasty
POA................. pancreatic onofetal antigen PTH ................. parathyroid hormone
POAG .............. primary open-angle glaucoma PTHrP .............. parathyroid hormone-related protein
P.T.L ................. pre-term labor REM ................ rapid eye movements, roentgen
PT/PTT............. prothrombin time/partial equivalent
thromboplastin time man
PUBS .............. percutaneous umbilical artery sampling rep ................... repeat
PU ................... pressure ulcer req ................... request
PUD ................. peptic ulcer disease RES ................. reticuloendothelial system
Pulm ................ pulmonary Resp. ............... respiration
Pulv .................. powder RET ................. right estropia
PVC ................. premature ventricular contractions Retic ................ reticulocyte
PVD ................. peripheral vascular disease, posterior RF.................... rheumatoid factor, renal failure,
vitreous detachment rheumatic
PVOD .............. peripheral vascular occlusive disease fever
PWB ................ partial weight bearing RFA ................. right fronto anterior*
Pyelo ............... pyelonephritis RFFF ............... radial forearm free flap
PVR ................. proliferative vitreoretinopathy RFP ................. right fronto posterior*
PZI ................... protamine zinc insulin RFT .................. right fronto transverse*
p ...................... pulmonary second sound RGP................. retrograde pyelogram-
p/3 ................... proximal third Rh .................... Rhesus blood factor
Q RHD ................. rheumatic heart disease
q ...................... every RH ................... right heart failure
qam ................. every morning RHT ................. right hypertrop-ia
qh .................... every hour RH (T) .............. intermittent right hype-rtrophia
q2h,q3h ............ every 2 hours, every 3 hours Rh neg ............. Rhesus factor negative
qid.................... four times a day Rh pos ............. Rhesus factor positive
QM................... Quality Management RIA................... radioimmunoassay
QNS................. quantity not sufficient RID................... radial immune diffusion radio immune
QL. ................... quality of life diffusion
qpm ................. every evening RIH................... right inguinal hernia
qs .................... every shift, sufficient quantity RIS................... radiology information system
qt ..................... quart RISA ................ radio-iodinated serum albumin
quad ................. quadripegic, paralysis of all four RHC ................. right heart catheterization
extremities RK ................... radial keratomy
qual .................. qualitative RLE ................. right lower extremity
quant ................ quantitative RLF .................. retrolental fibroplasia
R RLL .................. right lower lobe, rig-ht lower lid
R...................... right,retinoscopy, roentgen- RLQ ................. right lower quadrant
R&M ................ routine & microscopic RLR ................. right lateral rectus
R & R ............... recess-rese-ct RMA ................ right mentoanterior*
RA ................... rheumatoid rthritis, right arm, right RML ................. right middle lobe
atrium, RMP ................ right mentoposterior*
room air RMR ................ right medial rectus, red mattox rod
RABG .............. room air blood gas RMT ................. right mentotransverse*; retromolar
rad ................... radium, reactive airway trigone
disease,Radiolo-gy RN ................... Registered Nurse
RAE ................. right atrial enlargement RNA ................. ribonucleic acid
RAIU ................ radioactive iodine uptake RN,App ............ Registered Nurse, applicant
RAO................. right anterior oblique RND ................. radical neck dissection
Raw ................. airway resis-tance RNP ................. Registered Nurse Practitioner
RBBB .............. right bundle branch block R/O .................. rule out
RBC ................. red blood cells ROA................. right occiput anterior*
RBCX ............... Red Blood Cell Exchange ROM ................ range of motion
RBE ................. relative biologic effectiveness ROP................. right occiput posterior,*retinopathy of
RCA ................. right coronary artery prematurity
RCM ................ right costal margin ROS................. review of systems
RD ................... retinal detachment ROT ................. right occiput transverse*
RDA ................. recommended daily allowance RP ................... retropubic, retinitis pigmentosa-
RDP ................. random donor platelets RPE ................. retinal pigment epithelium
RDS ................. respiratory distress syndrome RPG................. retrograde pyelogram
RDW................ red cell distribution width RPGN .............. rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
re ..................... regarding, concerning R.Ph. ............... Registered Pharmacist
readm .............. readmission RPM ................ revolutions per minute
rec’d ................. received RPO................. right posterior obliq-ue
REE ................. Resting Energy Expenditure RPR ................. rapid plasma reag-in
ref .................... referred RPT ................. Registered Physical Therapist
refrax ................ refraction RQ ................... respiratory quotient
reg. .................. regular RR ................... recovery room, respiratory rate
REH ................. rehabilitation RRR ................. regular rate and rhythm
RRT ................. Registered Respiratory Therapist
RRTE ............... Registered Respiratory Therapist, SHP ................. Surgery Plastic
Eligible SK ................... seborrheic keratosis
RRP ................. radical retropubic prostatectomy SLP ................. Speech and Language
SMHC .............. Shreveport Mental Health Center
RSO................. right salpingo-oophorectomy
S/I .................... supervision/instruction, suicidal ideation,
RSA ................. right sacrum anterior* sector irredectomy
RSMA .............. Radiologic Society of North America SIADH .............. syndrome of inappropriate secretion of
RSR ................. regular sinus rhythm antidiuretic hormone
RST ................. right sacrum transverse* Sib ................... Siblings
RT .................... recreational therapy, radiation SIC................... self-intermittent catheterization
therapy, SICU ................ surgical intensive care unit
Respiratory Therapy, Registered SIDS ................ sudden infant death syndrome
sig .................... label (prescriptions)
Technologist SIJ ................... sacroiliac joint
RTA.................. renal tubular acidosis SIMV................ synchronized intermittent mandatory
RTC ................. return to clinic ventilation
RU ................... residual urine SIRS ................ systematic inflammatory response
RUE ................. right upper extremity syndrome
RUG................. retrograde urethrogram SJS.................. Stevens-Johnson syndrome
RUL ................. right upper lobe, lid SK ................... seborrheic keratosis
rupt. ................. ruptured SL .................... sublingual, Schwalbe’s line
SLE ................. systemic lupus erythematosus, slit lamp
RUQ................. right upper quadrant examination
RV ................... rectovaginal, right ventricle, residual SLR ................. straight leg raise
volume SMA ................ sequential multiple
RVH ................. right ventricle hypertrophy Smd ................. somatomedin
RVSWI............. right vertricular stroke work index SMHC .............. Shreveport Mental Health Clinic
Rx .................... prescription SMR ................ submucous resection
RXT .................. right exotropia SNHL ............... sensorineural hearling loss
SO ................... superior oblique, salpingo-oophorectomy
SOAP .............. subjective, objective data, assessment
s ...................... without and plan
s ...................... sensitive,scale SOB................. shortness of breath
S ...................... subjective SOM ................ serous otitis media
S2 .................... second heart sound sol .................... solution
SA ................... sinoatrial; Salvation Army solv .................. dissolve
SAGA .............. small appropriate for gestational age sono. ................ sonogram
SAH ................. subarachnoid hemorrhage s.o.s. ............... if necessary
S/P .................. suprapubic, status post, species
SAO2 ............... arterial oxygen saturation
SPEP .............. serum protein electrophoresis
SB ................... stillborn SPF ................. sun protection factor
SBE ................. subacute bacterial endocarditis Sp fl ................. spindal fluid
SBFT ............... small bowel follow-through SP Nail ............ Smith-Peterson Nail
SBJ .................. skin, bones and joints SPOE .............. Single Point of Entry
SBO................. small bowel obstruction SPD ................. Shreveport Police Department, Surgery
SBP ................. systolic blood pressure Pediatric
SBR ................. Surgery Burn SPE ................. serum protein electrophoresis
spec ................. specimen
SBS ................. small bowel study Spec. Ed .......... Special Education
SCAN .............. suspected child abuse and/or neglect SPG................. specific gravity
SCAT ............... sheep cell agglutination test T
SCC ................. sickle cell crisis T or temp ......... temperature
SCCA .............. squamous cell carcinoma T&A ................. tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
SCD ................. Surgery Cadaver Donor T&C ................. type & cross match
SCID ................ severe combined immunodeficiency T. Bili ................ total bilirubin
SCLC ............... small cell lung cancer Ta ..................... applanation tonometry
scop ................. scopolamine tab ................... tablet
Scr ................... serum creatinine 3TC .................. lamivudine (Epivir)
SCT ................. Surgery Cardiothorac-ic tachy ................ tachycardia
SCUF ............... slow continuous ultra-filtra-tion TAGA ............... term appropriate for gestational age
SDP ................. single donor platelets TAH.................. total abdominal hysterectomy
Se .................... selenium TAH BSO ........ total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral
seb derm .......... seborrheic dermatitis salpingo oophorectomy
sec................... seconds (exposure time) TANG ............... tangential
sed................... sedimentation TAPVR ............. total anomalous pulmonary venous rectum
sed rate............ sedimentation rate TB,TBC ............ tuberculosis
segs ................. segments TBG ................. thyroxine binding globulin
SEM ................ systolic ejection murmur TBII .................. thyrotropin binding inhibitory
sens ................. sensitivity immunoglobulin
serv .................. service TBLC................ term birth, living child
sfb.................... sulf hemoglobin TBPA ............... thyroxine prealbumin
SG ................... specific gravity TBSE ............... total body skin exam
SGA................. small for gestational age tbsp ................. tablespoon
SGOT .............. serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase T/C................... to consider, Technetium
SGPT ............... serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase TCA ................. tricyclic antidepressant
SH ................... social history, suicidal/homicidal ideation TCC ................. Transitional cell cancer
SHBG .............. sex hormone binding globulin TCN ................. tetracycline
TCollar ............. trach collar tvc .................... true vocal cord
TCC02 .............. transcutaneous carbon dioxide TVH ................. transvaginal hysterectomy
TCM ................. Transcutaneous monitoring Tx .................... treatment,traction
TCP02 .............. transcutaneous oxygen TYMP/MAST.... tympanotomy & mastoidectomy
TE .................... tracheoespophageal T1/2 ................. half life
TED ................. thromboembolic disease T3 .................... 3, 5, 3 triiodothyronine
temp ................ temperature T3U .................. T3- resin uptake
TEN ................. toxic epidermal necrolysis T4 .................... thyroxine
TENS ............... transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation rT3 ................... reverse T3
TFD.................. target film distance U
TFT .................. thyroid function test U/A .................. Urinarlysis
TG.................... triglyceride UE ................... upper extremity
Tg .................... thyroglobulin UGI .................. upper gastrointestinal
TGV ................. transposition of great vessel ULQ ................. upper left quadrant
THBR ............... thyroid hormone binding ratio Ung .................. ointment
THC ................. tetrahydrocannabinol unilat ................ unilateral
THR ................. total hip replacement UOQ ................ upper outer quadrant
TIA ................... transient ischemia attack UOP................. urine output
TIBC ................. total iron binding capacity UP ................... upright
tid .................... three times a day UPJ .................. uteropelvic junction
TIPS ................. transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic UPP ................. urethral pressure profilo
shunt UPPP .............. uvulopalatal pharynogoplasty
TKA ................. total knee arthroplasty UPT ................. urine pregnancy test
tko ................... to keep open UR ................... Utilization Review,urine
TKR ................. total knee replacement URI ................... upper respiratory infection
TL .................... total larynegectomy URO................. Urology
TLC .................. total lung capacity URQ................. upper right quadrant
TLI .................... total lymphoid irradiation US ................... ultrasound
TLP .................. total laryngophayngectomey USD ................. urethral stricture disease
TLS .................. tumor lysis syndrome USG................. ultrasonography
TLV .................. total lung volume USI ................... urinary stress incontinence
TM ................... tympanic membrane;thyromegaly, USP ................. United States Pharmacopeia
trabecular meshwork UTD ................. up to date
TMJ .................. temporomandibular joint Ut dic ............... as directed
TMPSMX.......... trimethoprim sulfamethoxazide UTI ................... Urinary Tract Infection
TMTC ............... too many to count UV ................... ultraviolet, umbilical vein
TNTC................ too numerous to count UVC ................. umbilical venous catheter
TO.................... telephone order UVJ .................. ureterovesical junction
TOA ................. tuboovarian. abscess V
TOD ................. target organ damage V ...................... volts, vesicle
Tol .................... tolerated va ..................... visual acuity
TORCH ............ toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis, hepatitis, Vacc ................ vaccine, vaccination
Zoster), rubella, cytomegalovirus, VAH ................. Veteran’s Administration Hospital
and herpes simplex (maternal infections) VAMC .............. Veteran’s Administration Medical Center
TP .................... total protein VBAC .............. vaginal birth after c-section
TPA.................. tissue plasminogen activator (Alteplase) VC ................... vocal cord, vital capacity
TPE ................. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange VC02................ carbon dioxide production ml/min
TPGD ............... thought processes goal directed VCUG .............. voiding cystourethrogram
TPN ................. total parenteral nutrition VD ................... venereal disease, volume of dead space,
TP & P ............. time, place and person dead volume
TRD ................. Therapeutic Radiology VDC ................. Viral Disease Clinic
TPR ................. temperature, pulse and respiration VDRL ............... Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
tr ...................... tincture VE ................... expired minute volume
Trab ................. trabeculectomy vent .................. ventilation, ventilator, ventricular
trach ................ tracheostomy VER ................. visual evoked response
TRAM .............. Transverse Rectus Abdominous Myocutaneous vet .................... veteran
Flap VF.................... visual fields
TRD ................. traction retinal detachment V-fib ................. ventricular fibrillation
TRH ................. thyrotrophin releasing hormone V-flutter ............ ventricular flutter
trich ................. trichomonas V/H .................. visual hallucinations, vitreous
TRNBP............. transrectal needle biopsy of the prostate hemorrhage
TRUS ............... transrectal ultrasound VIP................... vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
TSD ................. target skin distance vit ..................... vitamin,vitreous
TSH ................. thyroid stimulating hormone VHLA ............... vaginal hysterectomy laparoscopically
TSI ................... thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin assisted
tsp ................... teaspoon VKH ................. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome
TSP ................. total serum protein VMA ................ vanillymandelic acid
TSS ................. toxic shock syndrome V-mask ............ venturi-mask
TT .................... tilt table VLDL................ very low density lipoprotein
TT lateral .......... trans table lateral VO ................... verbal order
TTN .................. transient tachypnea newborn v02 ................... oxygen consumption m/min
TTP .................. thrombolytic thrombocytopenia VOD................. veno-occlusive disease
TUMT ............... transurethral microwave thermotherapy vol .................... volume
TUR ................. transurethral resection vp ..................... venous pressure
TURBT ............. Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor VP ................... ventricular peritoneal
TURP ............... Transurethral Resection of Prostate V/Q .................. ventilation/perfusion
TV .................... television, tidal volume VSD ................. Ventricular Septal Defect
VS ................... vital signs, volume support
VSD ................. ventricular septal defect
VSS ................. vital signs stable
VT .................... ventricular tachycardia
VUR ................. Vesioureteral Reflux
w/ ..................... with
WA .................. while awake
Wass ............... Wassermann
WBAT .............. weight bearing as tolerated
WBC................ White Blood Count
WBD ................ weeks to date
W/C ................. wheelchair
W/D ................. warm and dry
WD & WN ........ well developed & well nourished
weak ................ weakness
WF................... white female
WFL ................. within functional limits
Whp ................. whirlpool
WIC ................. Women’s, Infants & Children Program
wk .................... week, weak
WKMC ............. Willis Knighton Medical Center
WKMC-S .........Willis Knighton South
WM.................. white male
x ...................... except,exophoria
x’ ..................... exophoria at near
Xe .................... Xenon
x-rays .............. roentgen rays
XRT .................. radiation therapy
XT .................... exotropia
X (T) ................. intermittent exotr-opia
XT’ .................... exotropia at near
YAG ................. yttrium aluminum garnet laser
y/o ................... years old
yr ..................... year
Zn0................... zinc oxide

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