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I put this piece together in July 2007 and, since then, our Prime Minister/Taoiseach Bertie Ahern
has appeared on a number of occasions before the Mahon Tribunal, which has been dragging on
for over 10 years, to explain how he received - in today's terms - around 300,000 in the early 90s.
Each time he was questioned by the Tribunal or the media, he had a different version of events to
relate and it now appears that even he has lost track of what really happened. Almost on a daily
basis we, the Irish people, have to listen to a load of embarressing tripe from a leader who has
become an embarressment himself.
Most of the corruption referred to in this article refers to our biggest political party Fianna Fail
but, hundreds of TDs/MPs and Councillors from all parties were in on the act too.

Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern 'involved' in political corruption

Our Great Leader's personal finances have come under the spotlight of the Mahon Tribunal and now his
opportunity the 'make everything clear', which was scheduled to take place yesterday, has been
postponed until September.
It now appears that Bertie Ahern and his ex girl friend Celia Larkin were inspired to go trawling around
the banks where they had lodged and withdrawn large amounts of money in the early 90's when they
discovered that the Mahon Tribunal was asking questions concerning sculduggery/corruption in the
construction industry where planning decisions were paid for by developers.
It has now been revealed that Our Great Leader changed his story - not for the first time - regarding
IR£50,000 which went through his bank account.
This all smells of 'groundhog day' all over again for Fianna Fail and it's cronies. Ahern is constantly
whinging about a 'conspiricy to get him out of office'.
It's not long ago that he got up in the Dail/House of Parliament and castigated the opposition for trying to
'hound a decent man out of office' when referring to Ray Burke who subsequently got six months in jail
for fiddling his taxes. He was also involved in taking money from developers. This crook had held the
portfolios of Minister for Foreign affairs and Justice and Environment at different times in his 20 years as
a Fianna Fail TD/MP.
While Ray Burke was the 'Bugs Moran' of the nothside of Dublin, another great stalworth of Fianna Fail
Liam Lawlor was the 'Al Capone' of the the rest. Every time this crook saw a cement mixer he almost
had an orgasm. He stuck his nose in every developement project that he saw taking place and even
muscled in uninvited to meetings if he thought that there was the smell of 'payola'. He eventually
resigned from Fianna Fail while, at the same time, there were clouds hanging over another Fianna Fail
TD G. V. Wright. This great example of political virtue seriously injured a woman who was crossing the
road while he was driving by...full up to his thick, hard neck of alcohol.
Beverly Flynn was found to have encouraged clients to evade tax while working as an official of
National Irish Bank. She was later 'encouraged' to resign from Fianna Fail.
She then took the National Broadcaster RTE to court for reporting her tax evasion antics and eventually
lost her case owing nearly 3m to RTE in legal costs. She then 'fiddled' RTE out of more than half of the
money while, at the same time, 'Shifty' Ahern invited her back into Fianna Fail.
Beverly Flynn's father, the infamous Padraig Flynn was found to be taking money from developers and
others left, right and center while being a sitting TD and, later, EU Commissioner.
Michael J. Collins was a Fianna Fail TD up until this year and his court case for tax evasion is coming up
Galway Fianna Fail Councillor Michael Fahy is presently serving a jail sentence for screwing the Galway
County Council out of fencing which he used on his own land.
Patrick O'Donoghue who is a Fianna Fail Councillor in Killarney is being investigated by Standards in
Public Office Commission over planning irregularities.
And we musn't forget the Godfather of Corruption in Irish Politics Charles J Haughey out and out
usurper of power for whom 'Shifty' Ahern signed blank cheques and swears that he didn't know what
they were for...YEAH!
'Slimey' Haughey collected money from his 'business cronies' to pay for medical treatment for his 'friend'
Brian Lenihan but some of this money went to buy Charvet shirts and other tacky trinkets for himself.
Ahern said of Haughey at his funeral that "He was a patriot to his fingertips".
If that's the case, all the people mentioned in this article are also PATRIOTS!
And all the lawyers who are becoming millionaires at the taxpayers expense while trying to expose more
patriots must be the greatest patriots of all.
You can find lots more on this subject by searching for 'Irish political corruption' and visiting my

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