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Scavenger Hunt

Each team will have 45 minutes outside, and then 15 minutes in the lab to find & prepare presentations for as
many items as possible on this list. You will be awarded points by judging teams made up of your
classmates. Chose one person to defend your specimens and the rest of your group will be a judging team.

1. A flower with actinomorphic symmetry

2. pentaploid tissue
3. a unisexual flower from a dioescious plant
4. monosulcate pollen (not from lab specimens)
5. seeds from 3 species of animal dispersed plants
6. stomata (under dissection microscope - can use lab specimens)
7. a sticky bud
8. a leaf with an clasping leaf base
9. 3 species with acuminate leaf apices
10. leaf from a plant with defenses against dinosaurs
11. Dicot ovules (under dissection scope - can use lab specimens)
12. fresh vascular bundles (under a microscope - can use lab specimens)
13. part of a plant with flagellated sperm
14. genetically modified plant tissue
15. drupe fruit of a monocot (hint: palm)
16. 5 carpels
17. leaves from 2 species with sagittate leaves
18. 3 species of flowers likely to be pollinated by insects
19. A wind pollinated flower
20. The stigma of a monocot
21. A samara
22. A papilionaceous flower
23. Adventitious roots (cannot use lab specimen!)
24. A taproot
25. Pith (parenchyma tissue)
26. A tendril
27. 3 characteristics of monocots (examples with live plant materials)
28. A bipinnately compound leaf
29. 5 species with opposite leaves
30. a spadix & spathe
31. Flower dissection showing a superior ovary (can use lab specimens)
32. an immature nut
33. a flower pollinated by birds
34. a stem modified for carbohydrate storage
35. root hairs of a dicot
36. woody dicot cambium tissue (not from lab specimen)
37. xylem tissue with annual rings (not from lab specimen)
38. terminal bud scars
39. a bird dispersed seed
40. fusion of flower petals

TOTAL POINTS: ____________

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