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Satan’s Web

Materials needed: pictures of a spider and a web, fake spider web (I used the cheap webs you can get
at Halloween time), fake spider or use the clipart included, word strips (included),

Preparation: Before the lesson choose a wall in your home to hang the spider web on. Gather
ingredients for Spider Pretzels: round crackers, peanut butter, pretzel sticks, raisins.

Opening Song: Choose the Right Hymns 239

Opening Prayer:

Lesson: Hold up the picture of the spider. Ask, “What is this?” (spider) “What does it do?” (spins webs
to catch it’s prey) Hold up the picture of the web. Webs are sticky and sometimes hard to see. When
an insect flies into one it gets caught and the spider is able to eat it.

Read the following quote: “Now, a word of caution to all—both young and old, both male and female.
We live at a time when the adversary is using every means possible to ensnare us in his web of deceit,
trying desperately to take us down with him. . . . (Thomas S. Monson, “Until We Meet Again,” Ensign,
May 2009, 113).

What are some ways that Satan tries to “ensnare us in his web of deceit?” Let every one answer.
Answers can include: drugs, pornography, dishonesty, smoking, immodesty, etc. As each answer is
given talk about the dangers of each and let the person who gave the answer put the word strip on the
spider web. At the end of the discussion label the web with the “Satan’s Web” word strip. Not all word
strips need to be used. Personalize this for what your family needs to work on. Leave the web up all

Close by reading this quote from Pres. Hinckley: “We cannot say it frequently enough. Turn away from
youthful lusts. Stay away from drugs. They can absolutely destroy you. Avoid them as you would a
terrible disease, for that is what they become. Avoid foul and filthy talk. It can lead to destruction. Be
absolutely honest. Dishonesty can corrupt and destroy. Observe the Word of Wisdom. You cannot
smoke; you must not smoke. You must not chew tobacco. You cannot drink liquor. You must rise above
these things which beckon with a seductive call. Be prayerful. Call on the Lord in faith, and He will
hear your prayers. He loves you. He wishes to bless you. He will do so if you live worthy of His

Game: “Spiders & Flies” Establish a home line or lines. Some distance away, place one person sitting on
the ground as a spider. The others, the flies, skip about the spider in a circle clapping hands and
buzzing. The spider sits still and waits, then suddenly leaps up and chases the flies who run for the
home lines. Any flies caught become spiders. Continue until all are caught.

Closing Song: Choose the Right Way Children’s Songbook pg160

Closing Prayer:

Refreshments: Spider Pretzels (recipe included)

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Spider Pretzels:

For each:
2 round crackers
2 teaspoons smooth peanut butter
8 small pretzel sticks
2 raisins

With the peanut butter, make a cracker sandwich. Insert eight pretzel "legs" into the filling. With a dab of
peanut butter, set two raisin "eyes" on top. Makes 1

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