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When learning Korean you'll have so

many advantages if you already know
Japanese (or vice versa), both in terms of
grammar and also in terms of the
vocabulary. I have gathered 300 Japanese
words that can be easily memorized in
Korean based on some pronunciation
rules. For those of you who want rapid
progression in your vocabulary learning
this should make the learning process a
lot easier. Although there are exceptions
to the rules here you can apply them to a
wide range of Korean words to get a
deeper understanding of their roots.
Remember that although hanja rarely are
used to write Korean more than 50% of
all Korean words have Chinese origin; so-
called sino-Korean words. The sino-
Korean words can thus be compared to
the sino-Japanese for a rapid increase in
mastered vocabulary.
I have added the symbols (high), (middle) and (low) to
indicate how often the rules can be applied to other kanji with the same

Kanji that end in ei often change their ending to (y)eong in

(ei becomes yeong):
- (sulel suyeong) = swlmmlng
- (elen yeongwon) = eLernal
- (elgo yeongeo) = Lngllsh
- (elga yeonghwa) = movle
- (ely yeongyang) = nuLrlLlon

(kei becomes kyeong):
- (kelken kyeongheom) = experlence
- (kelk kyeonghyang) = Lendency
- (yakel yakyeong) = evenlng vlew
- (kys kyeong[aeng) = compeLe
- (sonkel [ongyeong) = respecL
- (kelkoku kyeonggo) = warnlng
- (hogel ppogyeong) = whale hunLlng
- (kelkyomd kyeonggeo mangdong) = rash

// (sei becomes seong/jeong/ccheong):
- (sel[lLsu seongshll) = slncerlLy
- (selyu seongu) = volce acLor
- (selza seong[wa) = a consLellaLlon
- (selsek seong[eok) = grades
- (selky seonghwang) = success
- (selmel seongmyeong) = full name
- (selsho seongseo) = 8lble
- (kansel kaneungseong) = posslblllLy
- (sel[l [eongcchl) = pollLlcs
- (selshln [eongshln) = mlnd, splrlL
- (selrl [eongrl) = puL ln order, ad[usL
- (Lelsel [eong[eong) = correcLlon, revlslon
- (selshun ccheongcchun) = youLh
- (sel[yun ccheongsun) = pure, lnnocenL

(tei becomes cyeong):
- (Leld cyeongdo) = a degree
- (Lelkl cyeonggl) = a flxed perlod
- (kaLel kacheong) = household
- (LelLal [eongcche) = sLagnaLe, plle up
- !"(kalLel gae[eong) = revlslon, alLeraLlon

/ (hei becomes ppyeong):
- (helwa ppyeonghwa) = peace
- (hel[lLsu ppyeongll) = weekday
- (helryoku pyeongryok) = mlllLary power

(mei becomes myeong):
- (yumel yumyeong) = famous
- (melshl myeongsa) = noun
- (melkaku myeonghwak) = clear
- (elky yeonghyang) = lnfluence
- (elgy yeongeop) = buslness
- (ely yeongyang) = nuLrlLlon
- (kanmel kammyeong) = lmpressed
- (kakumel hyeokmyeong) = revoluLlon
- (hlmel plmyeong) = a scream

(rei becomes ryeong):
- (melrel myeongryeong) = an order
- (krelsha koryeong[a) = an elder

Kanji that end in en often change their ending to (y)eon in

(en becomes yeon):
- (elkal yeonfae) = a banqueL
- (muen muyeon) = wlLhouL connecLlon
- (engl yeongl) = acLlng, performance
- (enkl yeongl) = prospone
- (engan yeonan) = coasL
- (klnen keumyeon) = nonsmoklng

(en becomes won):
- (ken kongwon) = park
- (elen yeongwon) = eLernal
- (shlen sawon) = asslsLance
- (enkel wonhyeong) = clrcular
- (kenen kyeonwon) = llke caLs and dogs (/dog and monkey)
- (enkyorl wongorl) = long-dlsLance relaLlonshlp

(ken becomes kyeon)
- (hakken palkyeon) = dlscover
- (kengo kyeongo) = sLrong
- (kykenby kwangkyeonbyeong) = rables

(ken becomes won):
- (shlgen [awon) = resource
- (dengen [eonwon) = power source
- (genzoku woncchlk = prlnclple

// (sen becomes seon/ccheon):
- (sensel seonsaeng) = Leacher
- (senkyo seonko) = elecLlon
- (shohsen cchopang[eon) = prescrlpLlon
- (shlnsen slnseon) = fresh
- (senk [eongong) = unlverslLy ma[or
- (sens [eon[aeng) = war
- (anzen an[eon) = safeLy
- (sulsen cchuccheon) = recommend
- (senpuukl seonpponggl) = elecLrlc fan

// (ten/den becomes jeon/cceon):
- (denL [eonLLong) = LradlLlon
- (LenkelLekl [eonhyeong[eok) = Lyplcal
- (kyuden kung[eon) = palace
- (Len[lkal [eonshlfae) = exhlblLlon
- (Lensal [eon[ae) = reprlnL, reproduce
- (haLLen pal[eon) = developmenL
- (Lenshl cceonsa) = angel
- (yuden yu[eon) = an oll fleld

/ (hen becomes pyeon/ppyeon):
- (henLal pyeonLLae) = a perverL
- (benrl pyeonrl) = useful
- (bengoshl pyeonhosa) = lawyer
- (henshu ppyeon[lp) = edlL
- (danpen danppyeon) = fragmenL
- (henken ppyeonkyeon) = pre[udlce
- (henkyo pyeonkyeong) = remoLe reglon

(men becomes myeon):
- (menseLsu myeon[eop) = lnLervlew
- (menkyo myenheo) = llcense
- (ramen ramyeon) = ramen
- (meny myeonyang) = a sheep

(ren becomes yeon):
- (renshuu yeonseup) = pracLlce
- (renraku yeonlak, pronounced yeollak) = conLacL
- (renal yeonae) = love

Kanji that end in tsu often change their ending to (yeo)l in

/ (katsu becomes hal/hwal):
- (selkaLsu saenghwal) = dally llfe
(warlblkl halln) = dlscounL *noLe LhaL Lhe !apanse
word uses !"#$%&'(
- (kaLsud hwaldong) = acLlvlLy

(kutsu becomes kul):
- (hakkuLsu palkul) = excavaLlon
- (kuLsu[yoku kulyok) = humlllaLlon

(ketsu becomes kyeol):
- (keLLel kyeolcyeong) = declslon
- (keLsuron kyeollon) = concluslon
- (kekkon kyeolhon) = marrlage
- (keLsumaLsu kyeolmal) = end
- (keppaku kyeolbaek) = lnnocenL
- (kessekl kyeolseok) = absence

/ (satsu becomes sal/cchal):
- (saLsu[ln salln) = murder
- (kelsaLsu kyeongcchal) = pollce

(shitsu becomes shil):
- (shlLsurel shlllye) = rude
- (shlLsumon shllmun) = quesLlon
- (shln[lLsu [lnshll) = LruLh
- (kyshlLsu kyoshll) = classroom
- (shlLsunal shllnae) = lndoors

(shutsu becomes cchul):
- (shussan cchulsan) = chlldblrLh
- (deguchl cchulgu) = exlL

/ (setsu becomes seol or cyeol):
- (seLsumel seolmyeong) = explaln
- (seLsurlLsu seolllp) = esLabllsh
- (seLsuyaku cyeolyak) = savlng (money eLc)
- (zeLLal cyeolLae) = cerLalnly
- (slnseLsu cchln[eol) = frlendly
- (kseLsu kangseol) = snowfall

(hatsu becomes pal):
- (happyou palpyo) = performance/presenLaLlon
- (shuppaLsu cchulbal) = deparLure
- (haLsuon palum) = pronunclaLlon
- (klnpaLsu keumpal) = blonde halr

(batsu becomes beol):
- (LalbaLsu cchebeol) = fyslcal punlshmenL
- (zalbaLsu [aebeol) = )*'+*,-". a blg company

/ (butsu becomes mul/pul):
- (bukka mulga) = commodlLy prlces
- (doubuLsu dongmul) = anlmal
- (bukkyo pulkyo) = 8uddhlsm

(betsu becomes byeol):
- (sabeLsu cchabyeol) = raclsm
- (selbeLsu seongbyeol) = gender

(matsu become mal):
- (shumaLsu [yumal) = weekend

(metsu become myeol):
- (zenmeLsu [eonmyeol) = annlhllaLe

(mitsu becomes mil):
- (hlmlLsu plmll) = secreL
- (mlsshlLsu mllshll) a closed room

Kanji that end in (y)! often shift their ending to (ya)ng in

(! become wang):
- (fuku wangbok) = round Lrlp
- (kan wangkwan) = crown

(k! becomes kong):
- (selk seongkong) = succeed
- (kshlkl kongshlk) = formal

(k! becomes haeng):
- (hlkkl plhaenggl) = plane
- (kd haengdong) = acLlon
- (kfuku haengbok) = forLunaLe
- (glnk eunhaeng) = bank

(s! becomes sang):
- (sdan sangdan) = consulLaLlon
- (ss sangsang) = lmaglnaLlon
- (kans kamsang) = lmpresslon

/ (s! becomes jang/chang):
- (bess pyeol[ang) = coLLage
- (sko [anggo) = sLorage room
- (kas ka[ang) = dlsgulse
- (sLsu [angryeol) = a funeral processlon
- (ss sangsang) = lmaglne
(shhln sangppum) = a commodlLy
- (madoguchl changgu) = a wlndow *Lhe !apanse word
uses !"#$%&'(

(jy! sometimes becomes sang):
- (hl[y plsang) = exLreme
- (l[y lsang) = more Lhan

/ (sh!/jy! becomes jang):
- (shral [angrae) = fuLure
- (shgakukln [anghakkeum) = scholarshlp
- (bunsh mun[ang) = senLence
- (kosh ko[ang) = ouL of order
- (chusha[ [uccha[ang) = parklng loL
- (basho [angso) = place (Lhe !apanese uses kunyoml)

(ch! becomes jang):
- (klnch kln[ang) = Lo be nervous
- (ryuch yu[ang) = fluenL
- (shach sa[ang) = presldenL of a company
- (Lsu[ang LLong[ang) = bank book

/ / (d! becomes dong/ttong):
- (und undong) = exerclse
- (dry dongryo) = colleague
- (dwa donghwa) = falry Lall
- (dalLry daeLLongryeong) = presldenL
- (hlgashl-A[la dong-Ashla) = LasL Asla
- ([ldhanbalkl [adong ppanmaegl) =
vendlng machlne

(t! becomes ttang):
- (saL saLLang) = sugar

/ (m!/b! becomes mang):
- (ms mangsang) = deluslon
- (klb hwlmang) = hope

(h! becomes pang):
- (hh pangpop) = meLhod
- (hk hhyang) = dlrecLlon
- (bzal pang[e) = dlsasLer prevenLlon
- (bsekl pang[eok) = splnnlng

/ (hy! becomes pyeong):
- (byln byeongwon) = hosplLal
- (hyka ppyeong) = value

(y! becomes yang):
- (sely seoyang) = Lhe WesL
- (ym yangmo) = wool
- (Lay Layang) = many
- (yokuy ogyang) = lnLonaLlon
- (ylkuln yangyukwon) = orphanage

(y! becomes yong):
- (shly sayong) = use
- (naly naeyong) = conLenL

Kanji that end in ai often shift their ending to ae in Korean

(ai becomes ae):
- (al[y ae[eong) = affecLlon
- (almal aemae) = vague

(kai becomes hae):
- (kalgal haeue) = overseas
- (rlkal eulhae) = undersLand

/ (sai becomes jae/cchae):
- (yasal yacchae) = vegeLables
- (salkuLsu cchaegul) = mlnlng
- (salk [aeko) = reconslder
- (zaldan [aedan) = foundaLlon
- (salgal [aehae) = a dlsasLer
- (genzal hyeon[ae) = Lhe presenL Llme
- (Lensal ccheon[ae) = a genlus
- (kelsal kye[ae) = Lo publlsh/lnserL (ln magazlne eLc)

/ (tai becomes dae/ttae):
- (Laly LLaeyang) = Lhe sun
- (Lal daeeung) = correspondence
- (Lalkal daefae) = a mass meeLlng
- (gunLal gundae) = Lhe mlllLary
- (Lalb daemang) = walL eagerly for someLhlng
- (chlnLal lmdae) = lease, renL
- (bLal bungLae) = bandage
- (Lalkanshlkl daekwanshlk) = coronaLlon ceremony
- (anLal anLLae) = peace, well-belng
- (Lalfu LLaeppung) = Lyphoon
- (Laldo LLaedo) = a manner

(nai becomes nae):
- (annal annae) = gulde

/ / (hai/bai/pai becomes pae/bae/mae):
- (halshln baeshln) = beLrayer
- (halLaLsu baedal) = dellvery
- (halyu baeu) = acLor
- (nlbal Lu bae) = Lwlce
- (baly baeyang) = culLlvaLe
- (balshln baeshlm) = a [ury
- (kanpal keonbae) = cheers!
- (suhal sungbae) = Lo worshlp
- (senpal seonbae) = -0#1*' (person wlLh more
- (hanbal ppanmae) = sales, selllng
- (balkal maegae) = LransmlL

(mai becomes mae):
- (malnlchl maell) = every day
- (mmal mongmae) = lgnorance
- (mals mae[ang) = a burlal
- (shlmel [amae) = slsLers

(rai becomes nae):
- (ralnen naenyeon) = nexL year

(sha becomes sa):
- (kansha kamsa) = Lhanks, appreclaLe
- (kalsha faesa) = company
- (shashln sa[ln) = plcLure
- (shamen samyeon) = slope
- (ksha kyosa) = school bulldlng
- (chusha [usa) = ln[ecLlon

/ /// (shi/ji becomes sa/shi/ja/ji):
- (shl[you shl[ang) = markeL
- ([l[lLsu sashll) = LruLh
- (shlshl sa[a) = llon
- (reklshl yoksa) = hlsLory
- ([lLen sa[eon) = dlcLlonary
- ([lshosago) = accldenL
- (kakushl haksa) = bachelor degree
- () (shushl seoksa) = masLer degree
- ([lshln [l[ln) = earLhquake
- (fukushl pok[l) = welfare
- (shlzen[ayeon) = naLural
- (kashl kwa[a) = confecLlonary
- (shlshu [a[u) = embroldery
- ([lhelsh[yapyeceung) = auLlsm

(sh" becomes su):
- (shunyu sulp) = lncome
- (shurl surl) = repalr
- (shury suryo) = compleLlon

(sh" becomes seup):
- (rensyu yeonseup) = pracLlce
- (shugekl seupgyeok) = a surprlse aLLack
- (shuLoku seupLeuk) = Lo flnd

(ky" becomes ku):
- (chlkyu [lku) = Lhe LarLh
- (kenkyu yeongu) = research
- (kyushlkl kushlk) = old-fashloned

(ky" becomes keup):
- (kyukyusha kukeupccha) = ambulance
- (kyury keupryo) = lncome
- (kkyu kokeup) = hlgh level

/ (shoku becomes shik/jik):
- (shokumlnchl shlkmln[l) = a colony
- (shokuy shlkyong) = edlble
- (shokurelkl [lkryeok) = work experlence

// (seki becomes seok/jeok/ccheok):
- (ksekl kong[eok) = achlevemenLs
- (sekkyokuLekl cyeokkeukcyeok) = proacLlve
- (seklgalsen [eokoeseon) = lnfrared
- (lsekl yu[eok) = remalns/rulns
- (kokusekl kuk[eok) = naLlonallLy
- (shussekl cchulseok) = aLLendance
- (sekl[lLsu seokll) = former Llmes
- (bunsekl punseok) = Lo analyze
- (shlnsekl cchlnccheok) = relaLlves

(shiki becomes shik):
- ([yshlkl [angshlk) = common sense
- (soLsugyoushlkl [oleopshlk) = graduaLlon

/ (hi becomes bi/ppi):
- (hlman plman) = obeslLy
- (hlhan plppan) = crlLlclze
- (hlkaku plkyo) = compare
- (hlgekl plgeuk) = a Lragedy
- (hlk plhaeng) = mlsconducL
- (shlnpl shlnbl) = mysLery
- (mahl mabl) = paralysls
- (gakuhl hakbl) = LulLlon fees
- (hlnan pplnan) = evacuaLe
- (hlgal pplhae) = ln[ury
- (hlfu pplbu) = skln
- (hlkkl plhaenggl) = alrplane

These words are more or the same in both Japanese and Korean.

- () (kabankabang) = bag
- (klrln klrln) = glraffe
- (sankaku samkak) = a Lrlangle
- ([umbl[unbl) = preparaLlon
- (Lchaku Loccak) = arrlve
- (chulchueul) = careful
- (murymuryo) = free
- (murl murl) = lmposslble
- (ryrl yorl) = food

The Korean weekdays are also based on the Chinese characters, and
are thus quite easy to learn if you know Japanese.

- (geLsuybl wolyoll) = Monday
- (kaybl fwayoll) = 1uesday
- (sulyoubl suyoll) = Wednesday
- (mokuoubl mokyoll) = 1hursday
- (klnybl keumyoll) = lrlday
- (doybl LLoyoll) = SaLurday
- (nlchlybl llyoll) = Sunday

Final Note:
kan[l LhaL beglns wlLh k/g usually have many posslble readlngs ln korean, and
ofLen change Lo h.
: (gka hohwa) = luxurlous
kan[l LhaL beglns wlLh r ofLen change Lhls sound Lo n/y
: (rakkasan nakhasan) = parachuLe
: (reigai yeue) = exception
1he han[a usually have only one posslble readlng ln korean, so lf you know Lhe
readlng of a han[a you can apply Lhe same readlng Lo all words where LhaL
han[a ls used (wlLh some excepLlons, such as &)

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