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Wall Photos If U Lose Your Mobile Phone..! This is how it works! 1. Dial : *#0 # fro! "our !obile. #.

Your !obile shows a uni$ue 1% &i'it. (. )ote &own this no. an"where but e*+e,t "our !obile as this is the no. whi+h will hel, tra+e "our !obile in +ase of a theft. -. .n+e stolen "ou /ust ha0e to !ail this 1% &i'it IM1I no. to +o, %. )o nee& to 'o to ,oli+e. . Your Mobile will be tra+e& within ne*t #- hrs 0ia a +o!,le* s"ste! of 3P45 an& internet. 6. You will fin& where "our han& set is bein' o,erate& e0en in +ase "our no. is bein' +han'e&. P755 .) T8I5 914Y IMP. M155731 T. 7LL Y.U4 :4I1)D5 7)D 41L7TI915. If u lost "our !obile; sen& an e<!ail to +o, =ith the followin' info: Your na!e: 7&&ress: Phone !o&el: Make: Last use& )o.: 1<!ail for +o!!uni+ation: Misse& &ate: IM1I )o.: >ee, all these infor!ation store& for e!er'en+" use.. if u like it /ust share it.......

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