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All of u forget something ! its 6th of July Ha! Ha! Today is my birthday, a special day !

Its just for me , Its just for me Today is my birthday & I'm so glad Hey e erybody sing !ith me "y friends !ill come & dance & play And ha e a lots of fun The sun is out & I'm so glad "y day has just begun The sun is out & I'm so glad "y day has just begun### #### $ong %m &aby T#'# (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( )ain *+asmeen A,i,- .rom me to Him

/nce I told you that I !anted to sho! some relati e !ho loo0 do!n upon me I could sho! them 1me1 as 1e2cellence1 &ut that dream !ouldn't come true /nce I too0 my studies as Jihad "y Imam heartiest desire academic e2cellence &ut no! I'm fighting against my o!n ill health reaching the erge !here there is no !ay out nor comes any end to my pain / friends tell my teachers I could ne er be their pet do tell them I could ne er be a star of their eyes / 3od gi e me more trials as Thou*+ou- gi e pain not beyond ones endurance and teach me the path of Al $abiroon as Thou art !ith me *+ou are !ith meThou art 3reat & )erfect *not me1Allah 4o4 A0ber1

O.a 100% All Natural Herbal Hair Color & Conditioner


Making Herbal Hair Dyes

November 20, 2008 Filed under diy, Environmental Detox, Herb Recipes, Natural Beauty, ersonal !are "a##ed colorin#, diy, dyes, $air, $erbs, $omemade, non toxic, recipes, sa%e & 'no( most o% you are a(are o% $erbal $air dyes, mainly because you $ave $eard o% $enna rinses ($ic$ $ave become sort o% t$e commercial standard) Henna is a $erbal rinse and $as all t$e *ualities o% $erbs except ($en it+s manu%actured (it$ added c$emicals and %ra#rances t$at ma'e it toxic and $ars$) ,ou can ma'e your o(n $enna rinse at $ome t$at costs a lot less and is a lot more sa%e) &n %act, any color o% $erbal dye you ma'e yoursel% not only saves you money but puts you in control o% your $air in a (ay you cannot ima#ine) -$en you use a commercial product you are stuc' (it$ %ull t$rottle color all at once t$at leaves your $air in s$oc') Fri..y, burned out $air is o%ten t$e result) "oo muc$ color, too little color, spotty color, are all possible problems t$at can+t be resolved easily) -$o (ants to color over color over color until t$ey #et t$e ri#$t color, ($en t$e cumulative e%%ects o% all t$ese treatments spells disaster %or your $air) But $o( about usin# $erb based dyes you can mix up yoursel% %or very little money and rinsin# as o%ten and as deeply as you li'e, #ainin# $air color as you rinse and only #oin# as %ar as you (ant to/ "$e more you rinse, t$e dar'er t$e rinse becomes so t$at over time you can control your level o% $air color as you (or' (it$ t$e various dyes) 0nd over time t$is does not dama#e, dry out or s$oc' your $air) No more blue %ri..ies or oran#e %rays) No more strea'y $air (it$ #ray t$at didn+t ta'e mixed (it$ $air t$at too' too muc$) ,ou can 1ust rinse and rinse every ni#$t, t(ice a day, as o%ten as you li'e, #ainin# more color as you do so and t$en stoppin# ($en it+s #ood enou#$) -as$in# over time (ill ta'e it bac' out) &ma#ine t$is 'ind o% control) &t+s actually a real pleasure once you try it) 2o & t$ou#$t &+d s$are some o% my %avorite $erbal dye recipes t$at you can mix up and try) Remember, (it$ $erbal dyes, i% you ma'e a mista'e you (on+t need color remover) 3ust (as$ and (ait) &t (ill lessen in color over a s$ort period o% time or you can rinse over rinse until you %ind ($at it is you really (ant) 2o are you ready to try it/

Here are t$e recipes) 0lon# (it$ eac$ are instructions and $ints to $elp you (it$ t$e process) Herbal "i2es to ;ighten &lond Hair

"$is rinse (ill sli#$tly li#$ten blond $air to t$e next li#$ter s$ade or intensi%y blond $i#$li#$ts already present in t$e $air) "$is (ill not li#$ten bro(n s$ades to blond) "$e e%%ects are never dramatic but become more and more apparent ($en used several times) $imple &lond <inse 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp dried !$amomile Flo(ers 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp dried 5ari#old Flo(ers 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp dried 5ullein Flo(ers 2 tbsp %res$ 6emon 3uice

ut t$e %lo(ers to#et$er in a bo(l) Boil 2 cups o% (ater and pour over t$e %lo(ers and cover t$e bo(l) 6eave t$ese to in%use %or 70 minutes) 2rain out t$e $erbs and stir in t$e 6emon 3uice ri#$t be%ore usin#) our over t$e $air and leave as a soa') 8sin# t$is as a daily rinse ($en (as$in# t$e $air (ill dramatically li#$ten t$e blond $i#$li#$ts in your $air, more and more (it$ eac$ use) &lond =ye )aste "$is mix is close to t$e cream on $air color you are used to usin# in t$e commercial products) "$is (ill $ave a stron#er, %aster e%%ect t$an t$e rinse) 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp dried !$amomile Flo(ers 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp dried 5ari#old Flo(ers 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp dried 5ullein Flo(ers 4 tbsp %res$ Holly$oc' Flo(ers 9aolin o(der ut t$ese %lo(ers into a bo(l) Boil 2 cups o% (ater and pour over t$e %lo(ers) !over t$e bo(l and allo( to steep %or 70 minutes) 2train out t$e $erbs %rom t$e (ater and discard) Remove one *uarter cup o% t$e li*uid and mix it to a paste usin# t$e po(dered 9aolin) 3ud#e by t$e eye i% t$ere is enou#$ %or as muc$ $air as you $ave) For lon# $air or very t$ic' $air, you may $ave to ma'e t(ice as muc$) 2imply double t$e in#redients and use 4:2 cup o% (ater instead) ;nce it is a mana#eable paste, ta'e bot$ t$e paste and t$e remainin# li*uid into t$e s$o(er or over t$e sin') 5a'e successive partin#s over your $ead, applyin# t$e paste evenly as you #o) 6eave t$is mix on %or at least 70 minutes t$en rinse o%% (it$ t$e remainin# rinse (ater) Do t$is a %e( times and t$e c$an#e in $air color (ill be dramatic) Herbal "i2es .or =ar0er Hair

"$ese mixes can be used eit$er to dar'en bro(n $air, to dar'en li#$t bro(n or blond $air or to en$ance $i#$li#$ts in already dar' $air) "$e e%%ects are pro#ressive, allo(in# you to control 1ust $o( dar' you (is$ your $air to be) $imple =ar0 Hair <inse 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp Dried 2a#e 6ea% 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp Dried Rosemary 6ea% 2 cups o% stron# Blac' "ea ut t$e $erbs into a bo(l) our t$e $ot, boilin# tea over t$e $erbs and cover t$e bo(l) 0llo( to sit %or 70 minutes) 2train out t$e $erbs and pour over your $ead a%ter (as$in#) 6eave it soa' be%ore dryin# o%%) "$is (ill dar'en t$e $air dramatically (it$ a %e( uses) Blond $air (ill eventually turn a very li#$t bro(n) Highlighting <inse .or =ar0 Hair <=40 8nripe -alnuts in 2$ells or crus$ed -alnut 2$ell 2ea 2alt !rus$ t$e -alnut 2$ells in a mortar (it$ a pestle or buy crus$ed s$ells %rom t$e lin' above) &% yu do crus$ t$em yoursel%, be sure to crus$ t$em to dust) 0dd a pinc$ o% t$e 2ea 2alt and soa' t$is (ay %or 7 days) 0%ter 7 days, put t$e (alnut s$ells and salt into a pot and cover (it$ 7 cups o% (ater) 2immer on lo( $eat %or < $ours, addin# more (ater as

necessary to maintain at least 4 cup o% li*uid) 0%ter < $ours, strain out t$e (alnut s$ells) &% t$ere is more t$an 4 cup li*uid remainin#, reduce t$e amount by boilin# until it is exactly one cup) Rinse $air (it$ t$is cup o% li*uid) "$is is ric$ and dar' and (ill $ave a dramatic e%%ect a%ter several applications) But once you $ave t$e color you (ant, it is slo( to (as$ out or %ade) =ar0 Hair )aste "$is is close to t$e commercial $air color mixes you may $ave used) &t (ill ma'e t$e $air very dar', #radually more and more so (it$ eac$ application) &t+s a deep, ric$ color you (ill li'e) Fres$ or dried R$ubarb Root 2c -ater 9aolin o(der &% you $ave %res$ root, mas$ and pulveri.e it to a pulp) &% you $ave dried root, crus$ it to a po(der) 8se 7 tbsp o% eit$er pulp or po(dered root) 5ix it (it$ t$e 2 cups o% (ater in a pot) 2immer t$is over medium $eat, leavin# t$e lid o%%) -$en t$e li*uid $as reduced by $al%, t$ic'en it by addin# 9aolin po(der until it $as t$e consistency o% paste) 2$ampoo t$e $air %irst and t$en part it all over t$e $ead in ro(s) 0pply t$e paste alon# eac$ ro( until t$e entire $ead is covered, to t$e end o% t$e $air) 6eave it on %or about 4< minutes) Rinse o%% a little to c$ec' t$e color) &% it is not dar' enou#$, leave on anot$er 4< minutes and c$ec' a#ain) 0%ter one $our, it (ill not color any lon#er, so i% it+s not dar' enou#$ you (ill 1ust $ave to repeat t$e process) -$en it is t$e color you (is$ it to be, rinse it out) &% you (is$ to repeat t$e process to ac$ieve even dar'er $air, (ait t(o days be%ore doin# it a#ain) &t (on+t dama#e your $air but you s$ould c$ec' to see $o( muc$ (as$es out be%ore #oin# t$rou#$ t$e process a#ain) ,ou can al(ays double t$e stren#t$ by doublin# t$e r$ubarb t$at you use in ma'in# t$e mix) Herbal "i2es for <ed Hair

Everyone is %amiliar (it$ Henna $air dyes) "$ey are sold commercially in every dru#store in t$e country) Here & $ave a $omemade recipe so you can ma'e your o(n)

Henna Hair =ye > tbsp #round or po(dered Henna Hot (ater ,ou can #et po(dered Henna at most $ealt$ %ood stores or $erbalists) 2ome p$armacies carry it as (ell) "$e best 'ind o% t$e %res$ or#anic po(der %ound in bul') &t+s c$eaper, too) 5a'e a paste (it$ t$e po(der and t$e $ot (ater) ;nce it is a mana#eable consistency, leave it to mature %or 70 minutes) "$e (ater (ill brin# out t$e red in t$e Henna) "est it slo(ly and care%ully, startin# (it$ only a %e( strands o% $air) "$is can be intensely red so use it (it$ care) &% it+s not red enou#$, 1ust add more Henna to it until it+s as red as you (ould li'e) For t$ose o% you ($o (ould li'e a more stra(berry blond color or are loo'in# to 1ust $i#$li#$t red $air and not add more red to it, you can (ater do(n t$e Henna (it$ !$amomile) 5a'e a stron# !$amomile tea and strain out t$e %lo(ers) 5ix t$e !$amomile in (it$ t$e Henna until it+s a li#$ter, blonder s$ade) -$en t$e color is satis%actory, part t$e $air into ro(s) 2pread t$e paste alon# t$e ro(s, ma'in# sure to cover every len#t$ o% your $air) ;nce t$e paste is all over your $air, cover your $ead (it$ a plastic ba#) 0 le%tover plastic #rocery ba# is per%ect) 8se t$e $andles to tie it under your c$in) "$en moisten a to(el and $eat it to steamin# in t$e micro(ave) -rap your $ead (it$ t$e $ot to(el and leave until it+s cooled bac' do(n) ,ou can c$ec' t$e $air at t$is point to see $o( dar' red it actually is) &% you (is$ it to be dar'er, you can (rap it bac' up and leave t$is on overni#$t) &t (ill continue to color your $air %or as lon# as you leave it on and it (on+t destroy your $air) -$en you are ready to (as$ it out, s$ampoo as usual and t$en to(el t$e $air to moist) Rub oil into t$e moist $air and leave it to dry) 8se cosmetic *uality oils li'e 0vocado, ;live, !oconut or ?rapeseed ;il) &n a pinc$, 5ineral ;il is 1ust %ine) "$e oil (ill leave your $air ric$ and #lossy) Really s$iny) "$is color is so intense it (ill last %or as lon# as @ mont$s) <ed Hair <inse "$is is a rinse t$at (ill add reddis$ $i#$li#$ts to blond or bro(n $air) &t (ill also en$ance red $air but it (on+t c$an#e t$e color o% red $air) 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp dried 0l'anet Root 2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp dried !alendula Flo(ers 2 %res$ Red Hibiscus Flo(ers 4 tbsp Dried 2a%%ron ut all o% t$e %lo(ers into a bo(l) Boil 2 cups o% (ater and pour it over t$e %lo(ers) !over t$e bo(l and let sit %or 70 minutes) ;nce t$e (ater $as cooled, use it to rinse t$e

$air) 6eave it on a %e( minutes to soa') "$is is a li#$t reddis$ tint t$at is not oran#e or brassy) &t (ill deepen (it$ every use and can be (as$ed out over time) 3ray Hair .i2es5

<inse to <emo e +ello!ing 2ome #ray $air #ets a yello( tint t$at some %ol' %ind unattractive) &t $appens to people (it$ blond or li#$t bro(n $air) "o #et rid o% yello( in #ray $air, use t$is rinse every ni#$t until t$e yello( $as #one) 4 $and%ul o% purple blue Holly$oc' Flo(ers 2ea 2alt 2oa' t$e %lo(ers in 2 cups o% (ater, tossin# in a pinc$ o% salt) 6et sit %or a $al% $our and t$en put %lo(ers and (ater into a pot) Heat t$e pot over lo( $eat, simmerin# t$is (ay %or an $our) 2train t$e %lo(ers out and replace t$e (ater in t$e pot) Heat to boilin# and reduce t$e (ater to one $al%) ;nce t$e (ater $as been reduced to one cup, rinse t$e $air (it$ it) "$is mix may ta'e a %e( applications to (or' but once it+s a%%ected t$e $air, stop usin# it until t$e yello(in# returns) &% you use t$is day a%ter day, t$ere can be a bluin# e%%ect) 6i'e all yello( removers, t$is can turn t$e $air blue over lon# term use) 8se (it$ care and only use it until t$e yello( is #one) 0nd only use it i% t$e yello(in# returns) <inse to Highlight +ello! 0nd t$en t$ere are t$ose o% you ($o li'e t$e yello( $i#$li#$ts in your blond $air) "$ere is a certain $oney s'in tone t$at ma'es t$is sort o% #ray $air loo' lovely) "o $i#$li#$t t$e #olden or blond tones in your #ray $air, $ere is t$e rinse to use)

2 tbsp %res$ or 4 tbsp dried Betony Flo(ers, 6eaves and Root -ater 5a'e t$is up as you (ould a stron# tea) 8se about 2 cups o% (ater and simmer it until t$e li*uid is dar'er and reduced in *uantity) "$e stron#er you ma'e it, t$e more yello( it (ill add to your $air) ?o li#$tly at %irst and add stren#t$ in %uture mixes until it+s ($at you li'e) "oo muc$ and it mi#$t loo' brassy) 2imply rinse your $air (it$ t$e li*uid a%ter s$ampooin#) ;n ni#$ts you don+t s$ampoo, it+s o' to 1ust rinse your $air (it$ t$is) &% you can, leave it in as a soa' %or as lon# as you can be%ore to(elin# your $air) "$is rinse can be used inde%initely and (ill not $arm your $air) &t (ill simply 'eep bri#$tenin# and li#$tenin# t$e yello( in #ray $air) &% it #ets brassy, stop use %or a($ile and allo( it to tone do(n) &% it+s not bri#$t enou#$, add more Betony in eac$ tea you ma'e until it+s e%%ective) <inse to =ar0en 3ray Hair 0nd t$en t$ere are t$ose o% us ($o li'e our #ray $air dar'er rat$er t$an li#$ter) 2ome people don+t loo' so #ood (it$ silver loc's) 2teel #ray can be %latterin# on (omen (it$ porcelain or blue based complexions) For t$ose o% you ($o (ant to dar'en t$e #ray in your $air, t$is is t$e rinse %or you) Fres$ or Dried 2a#e 6ea% Hot -ater 8se a $and%ul o% %res$ 2a#e or a %e( tbsp o% dried 2a#e) 0dd it to (ater and ma'e a really stron# tea) Boil it until t$e (ater is very dar' and strain out t$e sa#e) our it over your $air anytime, eit$er a%ter s$ampooin# or 1ust to rinse) "$is (ill ma'e #ray $air very dar' and $o(ever o%ten you use it t$e dar'er it (ill #et) &t (ill not leave strea'y patc$es or %ade out in areas li'e some colors do) &% you (ant to, you can ta'e it all t$e (ay bac' to dar' bro(n) &t+s up to you) 3ust remember to use it as o%ten as you li'e and stop usin# it ($en your $air is ($ere you (ant it) ,ou can al(ays %res$en up, at any time, ($en t$e color %ades or isn+t ric$ enou#$) "$is (ill not $arm or dry out your $air) &n %act, it+s #ood %or itA


01/28/2008: Jackie from Grand Rapids, Minnesota writes: "since introduced to this site, i have e iminated chemica s wherever possi! e" first, i stopped a anti#a$in$ products on face and $ot rid of f uoride toothpaste" i c eanse with !k$ soda and use %a!o!a oi or ve$eta! e $&cerine with drop of essentia oi for moisturi'er sometimes castor oi around the e&es"use minima amt of non anima tested pressed powder ! ush and e&e iner" i indeed ook &oun$er and soft and m& e&esi$ht has improved" i think the antia$in$ products mi$ht !e a!sor!ed into the e&e itse f or into the ! ood vesse s" an& thou$hts on this( m& skin is much !etter" ne)t i found this we!site, ! ack hair media hair forum" $ives recipes for co orin$ hair usin$ her!s" i wish i had known a!out this from teena$e &ears" i invented m& own recipe that works ver& we and is ver& eas& to do" i have chin en$th white hair with darker $re& at the neck ine" 1 tsp $round $in$er, i tsp dr& mustard, 1 tsp curr& powder and a pinch of tumeric" *!e carefu with tumeric, hair can turn c own &e ow if &ou use too much" a of these in$redients are spices that can !e !ou$ht in an& $rocer& store" i put the spices in a !ow , pour one cup of !oi in$ water over them, cover ti$ht & and et coo " ne)t strain savin$ the i+uid" pour over washed and dried hair a!out ,#- times" i use a !asin in the sink or tu! to catch the mi)ture then pour !ack into the cup and repeat ,#times" don.t rinse,s+uee'e out e)cess water cover with shower cap and eave on a!out /0 minutes" rinse with coo water ast & i add a dash of vine$ar to cup of coo water and pour over and eave in" acts ike a conditioner and keeps the co or in !etter" the mi)ture doesn.t stain m& skin,sink or hands" there is some drippin$ under the shower cap so have a towe hand&" this $ives me a natura i$ht $o den ! onde hair co or, and m& darker hair ! ends in nice &"it washes out with each shampoo so has to !e done each time" the $ra& is com ete & covered usin$ this method, even !etter than hair d&e which often won.t cover the temp es or the sides" the spices and the vine$ar condition it and idon.t have to use a conditioner"it.s recommended to a patch test with her!s and spices first"" HENNA AND INDIGO

0YEA1 0//12/2003: 4m!er from 5ort and, 6re$on writes: "Man& peop e *inc udin$ m&se f7 use natura p ants to co or thier hair, such as 8enna *for 6ran$e/Red co or, and adds !ri iant shine to hair7, 8enna with 9ndi$o *to achieve !runette to ! ack co ors7, and :assia; a p ant that can !e used to add shine or add a !it of $o den co or to ver& pa e ! ond or white hair" <here are other p ants and spices that can enhance tone as we " *for more on this, read on7 4!out the resu ts: 9 am a dark ! onde who used to i$hten m& hair" 9 have co ored m& hair a t&pes of wa&s, and most recent & 9 decided to .$o dark." =e , 9 can te &ou that nothin$ co ors and stren$thens m& hair ike the henna" 4nd 9 now use the henna > indi$o mi) to achieve a ver& e)otic dark co or, that fu & saturates *d&es used to wash out easi &7, shines, and is actua & hea th& for m& hair? <he shine &ou can achieve with the use of henna is head#turnin$ and ike no other" 8enna !inds with &our hair, so it is much different than a d&e" @ou can a so use chemica i$hteners or d&es over it, or app & it over chemica & d&ed/ i$htened hair, and as on$ as &ou are usin$ 5ARB henna, &ou wi $et nice resu ts" <he horror stories &ou

ma& have heard on & re ate to peop e usin$ .compound. hennas, a$ain, ike &ou wou d !u& in the store, mi)ed with other in$redients" 8ow it !asica & works: 8enna can !e com!ined with an acid * emon %uice, app e cider vine$ar7 and eft to sit for 12 hours to re ease the d&e" 9t can then !e added to co or the hair *usua & for 2 hours7 or it can !e di uted and/or app ied for a esser duration, to add %ust a touch of tint and $ oss to the hair" 9ndi$o can !e mi)ed with water and mi)ed into the 8enna, or app ied seperate & after a 8enna treatment" :assia can !e app ied a one, or added to the aforementioned mi)es" <hese p ants shou d !e purchased in a pure form *not in mi)es from the !eaut& supp &7" =here &ou can find out more: @ou can find a wea th of information at this we!site: www"hennaforhair"com a!out how to co or &our hair with these p ants, and a ver& interestin$ histor&" <here are a so persona mi)es, techni+ues, forums where &ou can ask +uestions a!out &our specific hair t&pe/$oa s, and order the products" @ou can a so order sma samp es ver& ine)pensive & so that &ou can e)periment on .!rush harvested. hair" 9 can.t sa& enou$h $reat thin$s a!out the women who run this we!site" 9f &ou are curious, and check it out, the& offer a the info and he p &ou need to !ecome confident a!out tr&in$ this" 9 have a so since read on man& natura hea th and hair sites that 8one& can !e used as a natura i$htener" Co if &ou are a ! onde, perhaps that wi work for &ou, as we as emon %uice" 6ne cou d a so use the cassia to $et the !ri iant shine that henna $ives, without turnin$ into a redhead? 9f 9 ever $row m& natura hair out a$ain, this is what 9 wi do? 6ne ast thin$ 9 want to sa&, is that it fee s ver& $ood to $et off of the chemica #d&e train, to find natura p ant d&es that achieve co ors and resu ts so !eauteous that nature cou d on & provide" 9t ma& seem time#consumin$ at first, !ut after earnin$ and !ecomin$ e)perienced with the use of these d&es *and it doesn.t take on$?7 it has !ecome a nice !eaut& ritua ; it fee s more natura and persona """and has !ecome somethin$ 9 ook forward to doin$, takin$ time to re a) whi e the mi) does it.s ma$ic, and the hair is a wa&s more !eautifu each time? 9t has !een a!out 2 &ears that 9 have !een usin$ these p ant d&es, and 9 am $ ad to !e a! e to share this info on earth c inic, so that perhaps others can start usin$ this too""

How To Make Your Own Herbal Hair Color

By 0my 3eanroy, 0bout)com ?uide Have you ever (anted to try a ne( $air color, but (orried about dama#e/ "$is $erbal $air color is not permanent, but (ill provide a c$an#e o% color t$at %ades #ently) =ifficulty5 0vera#e Time <e?uired5 70 minutes

What You Need

4 !up o% (ater 4 ounce o% $erb 9aolin clay 5edical type #loves %or applyin# paste lastic ba# or (rap %or coverin# $air

Here's How
4) 2) 7) >) <) @) C) !reate an in%usion t$at is extremely stron#) 0dd enou#$ clay to create a smoot$ paste) 0pply to $air in small sections, startin# at t$e scalp and (or'in# to(ards t$e ends) !over your $air (it$ plastic to retain $eat) 6eave on $air %or 70 minutes) Rinse (it$ tepid (ater and let air dry) Repeat as needed)

4) For red $air, use 0l'anet root or Hibiscus 2) For blac' $air, use Elderberry 7) For #rey $air, $elp cover yello( tones (it$ Holly$oc') 8se 2a#e to dar'en #rey $air) >) "o li#$ten $air, use 5ullein %lo(ers or !$amomile %lo(ers <) "o dar'en $air, try 2a#e, Rosemary, Red raspberry leaves)

Herbal Hair Colorin" to #e$o%e &ra'

ostedB "uesday, 0u#ust 0C, 200C

by Angela @arter !oastal Healt$ &n%ormation 2ervices 5y %amily and %riends as (ell as my $usband and & $ave been usin# t$is %ormula %or over %our years) "$is %ormula (ill brin# your $air bac' to itDs natural color as (ell as #et rid o% t$e #ray) IA3<>=I>AT$ 2 !) Distilled bottled (ater 4 c) Rosemarry Ecan be %ound in most #rocery stores in t$e produced department) !omes in small pac'a#es and you (ill need t(o o% t$emF

4 6# or med bottle o% baby s$ampoo EDollar 2tore brand o'F) ut t$e (ater and rosemary Estems and allF in a micro(ave sa%e bo(l E& use a plastic 42 c) measurin# cupF and nu'e %or about < minutes or until (ater boils) Remove %rom micro(ave and cover and allo( to steep %or < minutes) Remove rosemary and dis#ard) 0dd s$ampoo and mix t$rou#$ly) -ill ma'e t(o bottles o% s$ampoo) "$e s$ampoo (ill be t$in and (ill not suds up on t$e %irst time o% use because o% t$e previous $air products you $ave used and also i% your $air is dirty or oily) But ($en you s$ampoo a#ain it (ill $ave more suds t$en you can ima#ine) "$e s$ampoo strips all t$e residue %rom products and enviornment (it$out strippin# t$e natural oils %ound in your $air) ,ou (ill notice a%ter about a (ee' t$at your $air (ill stay cleaner and i% you $ave #ray in your $air it (ill be #one) ,ou may also $ave to $ave your $air cut more o%ten because it also ma'es your $air #ro() & $ave to #et my $air cut once a mont$ ($ere as be%ore it (as every t$ree mont$s) 5y mot$er, ($o is 87, uses t$is s$ampoo and $as no #ray $air) 2ome close %riends o% our also use it, $e is bald on top and $as notice $air startin# to #ro( bac') 0not$er one is i% you (is$ to $ave blond $air %or t$e summer you can use c$amomile tea) 2imply ma'e a tea and (et your $air (it$ it and #o out in t$e sun) ,ou (ill notice a #radual c$an#e in your color) ,ou can also use t$e same recipe as above but substitute c$amomile tea %or t$e rosemary)

The (eaut' and Makeu! (lo"

Beauty and 5a'eup tips at your %in#er tips

Applying Eye Shadow Step By Step

&t #oes (it$out sayin# t$at you are #oin# to need a ma'eup brus$ set, an eyes$ado( set, and a ma'eup 'it to apply eyes$ado( properly) &% you do not $ave t$e material needed or t$ey are too expensive %or you, you can al(ays practice (it$ %ree ma'eup samples) Re#ular synt$etic eye s$ado( is %ine and sa%e, but (e do pre%er mineral products suc$ as #lo minerals eye s$ado( and bare minerals eye s$ado(s) Be%ore #oin# t$rou#$ t$e steps, & (ould li'e to remind you t$at you can become a %an o% our %aceboo' pa#e Eclic' t$e li'e button on t$e le%tF to #et updates on your %aceboo' (all) 4= 0l(ays start by applyin# %oundation ) Foundation #ives you a #ood base to (or' (it$) Do not over do it $o(everG 'eep it li#$t and #entle) 2= "$en, start applyin# an eye s$ado( primer over your eye %rom t$e las$ to t$e eyebro() 0 primer (ill $elp t$e s$ado( last lon#er and minimi.e t$e number o% applications daily)

7= 8se an eye s$ado( to apply t$e 5ED&85 s$ade %rom your eye las$es to your eyelid+s outer corner) >= 8se a pencil eyeliner to mar' t$e eye 1ust above your upper las$) 5ove %rom t$e inner corner to t$e outer corner slo(ly <= 8se t$e brus$ and #o over t$e area ($ere you applied t$e eye liner to di%%use t$e color 1ust a little bit @= "o ma'e your eyes loo' deep, apply t$e dar' eye s$ado( on t$e outer corner o% t$e eye lids) C= ;n t$e eyebro( bone use t$e li#$t color to $i#$li#$t your eyes and ma'e t$em s$iny and beauti%ul) 8= 0lso apply t$e li#$t eye s$ado( %rom your eye las$es to t$e outer corner o% t$e eye at t$e center o% t$e eye lids) H= Blend t$e color a little bit so t$at t$ere are no $ard lines 40= 0pply 5ascara to your upper and lo(er eye las$es to %inis$ t$e #reat loo'

VIDEO: How To Smear Proof Your Eye Liner

Cpencer Darnes, ce e!rit& makeup artist, shows &ou how to smear proof &our e&e iner

video !& Ci$natureCeries

5osted in Deaut&, B&e Einer, B&es, <ips

VIDEO: Lipstick Colors T at !ake Teet

Fovem!er 2,th, 2011 " 1 :omment G

Look " iter

Makeup 4rtiest, <a& or Da!ian, shows &ou which ipstick co or make &our teeth ook whiter"

video !& Ci$nature Ceries

5osted in Ancate$ori'ed

How to C oose t e Perfect "e##in$ Hair

Fovem!er 2Hth, 2011 " Fo :omments G

9t is ever& !rideIs wish to make ever&thin$ perfect durin$ the !i$ da&" 4nd if &ou are a soon#to#!e !ride, one of the top thin$s on &our check ist is choosin$ the perfect weddin$ hair" 8ere are a few tips that wi make &our choice easier: Jetermine what t&pe of hairst& e wi comp ement the shape of &our face" <he trick here is to tr& a hairdo which is appropriate for &ou then check whether &ou ook and fee $reat in such hairst& e" Match &our hair with the theme and st& e of &our weddin$" 9f &ou and &our $room have decided to make it a forma event, it wi !e !est to wear &our hair in an updo" Dut if &ou prefer a more casua and re a)ed weddin$ theme, &ou can wear &our hair down or whatever st& e &ou are comforta! e with" @ou shou d have &our dress in mind when choosin$ &our weddin$ hair" Come wisps and cur s wi ook sp endid on &our naked shou ders if &ou wi !e wearin$ a strap ess !a $own" 4nd if

&our dress has an intricate neck ine, wearin$ &our hair up wi make the desi$n more visi! e"
5osted in Deaut&, 8air, =eddin$

Tips for Home Hair Colorin$

Fovem!er 12th, 2011 " 1 :omment G

9nstead of $oin$ to the sa on to $et &our desired hair co or, &ou can do the process on &our own" 9t is not as comp icated as it ma& seem if &ou wi fo ow these home hair co orin$ tips:

:hoose a hair co or that is not more than 2 shades darker or i$hter than the present co or of &our hair"

Make sure that &our hair is c ean !& shampooin$ it thorou$h & !efore &ou start"

=ear ru!!er $ oves to avoid $ettin$ &our hands and fin$ernai s stained"

Ctart app &in$ the hair co or at the roots then s ow & work outward" 5i e &our hair ike a mound on top of &our head whi e waitin$ for the d&e to set"

Rinse &our hair thorou$h & and use conditioner to make &our hair fee softer after the process"

:o orin$ &our hair at home is fair & eas& once &ou $et the fee of it" 4n&wa&, &ou can use the packa$e instructions as &our $uide"
5osted in 8air, 8air :o orin$, <ips

How to %alance Hair Style "it

Fovem!er 1-th, 2011 " 1 :omment G

T e !akeup Look

Kor most !eaut& fanatics, $oin$ a out on hair and make#up is a common ! under that often defeats the purpose of makin$ onese f ookin$ more !eautifu " 9n order to !a ance hair st& e with makeup ook, it is important to choose on & one to amp up so as to create a more powerfu effect without overdoin$ it"

=hen &ou have set &our make#up to ook more sophisticated, it is !etter to $o with a more su!t e hairst& e" <he make#up &ou wear durin$ the da& shou d !e i$hter and more carefree" =ith this kind of ook, &ou can et &our hair f ow free & and have a p a&fu !ounce" 4nd if &ou decide to part& after work, &ou can create dramatic smok& e&es effect and wear &our hair up to emphasi'e the ook"

Make it a point to watch the imits" 6n some occasions, it is !etter to eave make#up and hairdo uncomp icated especia & if &ou are p annin$ to wear an a read& e&e#catchin$ outfit" Bven a simp e pon&tai cou d a read& !rin$ out a more $or$eous &ou if &ou strike the ri$ht !a ance"
5osted in Deaut&, 8air, Makeup, <ips

Li&ui# an# Pow#er 'oun#ation Tips

Fovem!er 1,th, 2011 " 2 :omments G

4side from the name and composition, there are man& differences !etween i+uid and powder foundation particu ar & in the wa& the& are app ied to the face" 4 thou$h !oth are used to enhance the skinIs appearance, the& differ si$nificant & in their app ication and the effect the& wi have once app ied"

Liquid Foundation

Man& peop e find it harder to use i+uid foundation !ecause of its inconsistenc&" <he app ication a one can !e a chore and it often takes severa minutes to set" Come parts of the face ma& show o!vious creases where e)cess i+uid foundation was co ected" Dut the trick in makin$ the ook even and we ! ended is to app & oose powder usin$ a puff to create a smooth, porce ain effect" Powde Foundation :ompared to i+uid foundation, a $ood num!er of women and make#up artists prefer powder foundation !ecause app ication is a cinch" Come women ike to use make#up spon$e whi e others $o for !rushes or even their fin$ers" <he on & trick& part is keepin$ the skin h&drated and this can !e done !& app &in$ a i$ht facia sprit'" <his wi a so a ow the foundation to sett e we on the face"
5osted in Koundation, Makeup, <ips

Effecti(e "ays to )c ie(e Hair Volume

Fovem!er 1Hth, 2011 " Fo :omments G

More often than not, peop e turn their heads to appreciate someone with a !eautifu crownin$ $ or& that !ounce with ever& movement" 9f &ou were not $ifted with hair vo ume, there are man& natura wa&s on how to achieve hair vo ume and &ou can even use products that &ou can find in &our ver& own kitchen" 8ere are some of the most effective wa&s: Ase natura vo umi'in$ wash ike e$$s or !eer" Join$ so wi he p revita i'e &our sca p and improve hair vo ume" =hen ! ow#dr&in$ &our hair, it is !etter to f ip &our hair upside down !ecause it can +uick & add vo ume to the roots" Ase i$ht shampoo and conditioner" :hoosin$ a heav& conditioner often tends to wei$h down hair and decrease its natura vo ume" =ash &our hair ess fre+uent & as this wi a ow the hair strands to re a) and achieve potentia for fu vo ume" Ase &our fin$ers to scrunch &our hair and that wi instant & make &our hair appear fu of vo ume"
5osted in 8air, <ips

How to )c ie(e Youn$er Lookin$ Eyes

Fovem!er 11th, 2011 " 2 :omments G

4s the& sa&, the e&es are the windows to the sou " 4nd if &ou want to appear &oun$er than &our rea a$e, the secret is to keep &our e&es !ri$hter and to mimic the innocence of a chi dIs e&es" @oun$ e&es secrets are eas& to app & if &ou on & know where to start and how to $o a!out it" 8ere are some he pfu tips: Leep the skin around &our e&es proper & h&drated in order to avoid wrink es from appearin$ premature & and to minimi'e the e)istin$ ones" @ou can do this !& app &in$ ni$ht cream or moisturi'er around the e&e area" Maintain &our e&e!rows !& keepin$ them we #shaped and $roomed at a times" Get rid of stra& hairs and trim those which are too on$" =e #shaped e&e!rows can work their ma$ic in makin$ &our e&es ook &oun$er" :ur &our e&e ashes to make &our e&es ook wider and !ri$hter" Ase i$ht e&e make#up and $o for the natura ook" Get a $ood ni$htIs s eep" Fothin$ can improve the ook of &our e&es !etter than a restfu snoo'e"
5osted in B&es, 8ea th, <ips

*eepin$ Your Skin Lookin$ Youn$ an# Vi+rant

Fovem!er -th, 2011 " 1 :omment G

4 most a wa&s, &our skin is the te #ta e si$n of how &oun$ or o d &ou are" Dut there are some uck& few who def& a$in$ !& keepin$ their skin in !est shape" 8ere are some anti#a$in$ skin tips that can he p maintain a &outhfu ook: Kacia :are Make it a ha!it to wash &our face dai &" Ase $ent e soap and c eansers that do not dr& the skin" Cteam or hot wash c oth can he p open pores and remove impurities that ma& cause ! ackheads and pimp es" B)fo iate Decause the skin is e)posed to harsh e ements ike the sunIs ra&s, po ution and even stress, it is important to e)fo iate re$u ar & to remove dead ce s and create a fresh $ ow"

Good Jiet =hat &ou eat affects &our skin in more wa&s than one" <he kind of food &ou take in re$u ar & has a hu$e impact in &our skinIs appearance" Make it a point to eat hea th& foods and have more of those foods rich in antio)idants !ecause the& can he p protect the ce s from dama$e and promote hea th& ! ood f ow" =ater a so he ps nourish the skin so drink at east ei$ht $ asses ever& da&"
5osted in Deaut&, Ckin, <ips

How to )pply 'renc

Fovem!er Hth, 2011 " 2 :omments G

!anicure Like a Pro

=hen it comes to po ish %o!s, nothin$ is more versati e than app &in$ Krench manicure" <he popu ar white#tip ook $oes we with an& outfit, !e it casua or c ass&, and &ou can match it with an& co or &ou want to dress &ourse f in for the da&" 4pp &in$ Krench manicure on &our own is not that comp icated" Just have a the essentia supp ies on hand and &ou can do it an&time" @ou ma& $et a convenient kit containin$ white po ish, neutra po ish, !ase or top coat and tip $uide strips" :onsiderin$ that &ou have a read& c ipped, fi ed and shaped &our nai s with the cutic es done, first thin$ to app & is the !ase coat then a ow it to dr&" Ki) a $uide strip %ust !e ow the tip of ever& nai and make sure to fo ow the natura curve" De consistent in the en$th of the tips and take note that on$er nai s re+uire on$er white tips" <his wi serve as &our $uide in paintin$ a precise white tip effort ess &" 4pp & white po ish and !e carefu not to paint !e ow the $uide" Eet dr& then remove the $uides" 4pp & two coats of the neutra po ish and finish with !ase coat"

;u u mom

Ball )hotos 0 $uman body can bear only >< del EunitF o% pain) But at t$e time o% #ivin# birt$,a mot$er %eels upto <C delEunitF o% pain))) "$is is similar to 20 bones #ettin# %ractured, all at t$e same timeAA "$is is 1ust to tell you t$e extent to ($ic$ a mot$er loves $er c$ildA D6ove your mom till t$e end o% your li%e)"$e lady (it$ ($om you %i#$t almost everyday,su%%ered so muc$ pain 1ust to #ive you a beauti%ul li%eA Ho( many people (ill you %or(ard $is to/ & (onDt mind i% & #et it a#ain)) & passed it co. i love my mot$er ByB Dipayan Baner1ee
Alishan Jaffer shared ;earn to appreciate !hat u ha e## before time ma0es u reali,e !hat u hadC's photo#

Ball )hotos 0 6etter %rom I5om n DadI))) 5y c$ild, -$en & #et old, & $ope you understand Dn $ave patience (it$ me &n case & brea' t$e plate, or spill soup on t$e table because &+m losin# my eyesi#$t, & $ope you don+t yell at me) ;lder people are sensitive, al(ays $avin# sel% pity ($en you yell) -$en my $earin# #ets (orse Dn & can+t $ear ($at you+re sayin#, & $ope you don+t call me JDea%A+

lease repeat ($at you said or (rite it do(n) &+m sorry, my c$ild) &+m #ettin# older) -$en my 'nees #et (ea'er, & $ope you $ave t$e patience to $elp me #et up) 6i'e $o( & used to $elp you ($ile you (ere little, learnin# $o( to (al') lease bear (it$ me, ($en & 'eep repeatin# mysel% li'e a bro'en record, & $ope you 1ust 'eep listenin# to me) lease don+t ma'e %un o% me, or #et sic' o% listenin# to me) Do you remember ($en you (ere little Dn you (anted a ballon/ ,ou repeated yoursel% over Dn over until you #et ($at you (anted) lease also pardon my smell) & smell li'e an old person) lease don+t %orce me to s$o(er) 5y body is (ea') ;ld people #et sic' easily ($en t$ey+re cold) & $ope & don+t #ross you out) Do you remember ($en you (ere little/ & used to c$ase you around because you didn+t (ant to s$o(er) & $ope you can be patient (it$ me ($en &+m al(ays cran'y) &t+s all part o% #ettin# old) ,ou+ll understand ($en you+re older) Dn i% you $ave spare time, & $ope (e can tal' even %or a %e( minutes) &+m al(ays all by mysel% all t$e time, Dn $ave no one to tal' to) & 'no( you+re busy (it$ (or') Even i% you+re not interested in my stories, please $ave time %or me) Do you remember ($en you (ere little/ & used to listen to your stories about your teddy bear) -$en t$e time comes, Dn & #et ill Dn bedridden, & $ope you $ave t$e patience to ta'e care o% me) &+m sorry i% & accidentally (et t$e bed or ma'e a mess) & $ope you $ave t$e patience to ta'e care o% me durin# t$e last %e( moments o% my li%e) &+m not #oin# to last muc$ lon#er, any(ay) -$en t$e time o% my deat$ comes, & $ope you $old my $and Dn #ive me stren#t$ to %ace deat$) Dn don+t (orry)) -$en & %inally meet our creator, & (ill ($isper in $is ear to bless you) Because you loved your 5om Dn Dad) "$an' you so muc$ %or your care) -e love you) A K I3ust 6i'e "$is 2tatus &% ,ou 6ove &t L ,ou -ill Never 6eave ,our arents 0t 0ny !ostI ByB 6earn to appreciate ($at u $ave)) be%ore time ma'es u reali.e ($at u $ad/

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