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2/2/2 I hit up Joplin on the Centenary -an eleven count knock out for Langston.

I saw that door and I knocked upon it. I cried, "river, don't watch unconcerned now, I mean it. I prefer Jacaranda in Bloom not as the council has done to their arbors, And as I translated, "El negro quien vio rios, profundos como en Egipto, y puros as de Lorca," Amores, porque sera que Pazes no cuentan? Desde un principio el Son era Sonido, que se yo? Y tu, medio chino, aspero norteado, sin faz, tu te cree' ma negro que un Guillen? Uh Pleese, I've done my time in the south, we Negroes, not yet fully recognized but on our way, SON, "Son," "Hijo" The biographres were allured, even my colleagues, "say, have you published a spanish translation?" one day, I hope to. February First of 2002, Joplin Missouri and Postal Stamp Issue. On the 100th Birthday of the poet, Langston Hughes.

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