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Question (2 marks) Name and describe one process of coastal erosion.

Question (/6 marks)


Question (3 marks) Describe the process of longshore drift. You may use a diagram to help your answer.

Explain how a spit is formed. You may draw a diagram to help your answer. OR For a named location, explain the costs and benefits of using hard engineering techniques to protect a coastline from erosion.

The most important feature of a coast is often the type of rock in the area. Some rocks (e.g. granite) are more resistant to erosion than others (e.g. clay).

Longshore drift the movement of sediment down the coast in the direction of the wind.

There are 3 main types of coastal erosion: Hydraulic action water is forced into cracks in the rock and weakens the rock. Abrasion- loose rocks are thrown against the cliff by waves and wear the cliff away. Attrition Loose sediment continually collides with other sediment and gets smaller.

Coastal landforms at hard rock coasts include caves, arches, stacks, stumps, and wave cut platforms.

NAMED EXAMPLE : EROSION AND MANAGEMENT AT CHRISTCHURCH BAY Councils have 4 choices when choosing how to protect the coast: Conflict at the coast Not everyone agrees about how to deal with coastal erosion Local residents and businesses will be in favour of protecting the coastline, however they will not like ugly sea defences. Taxpayers may prefer to use cheaper methods as they do not want their taxes used for something that doesnt benefit them. Environmentalists may prefer to do nothing as they do not want to disrupt natural habitats. People who live downdrift may prefer to do nothing as they rely on sediment for their own beaches.

Christchurch Bay on the Uks coast has a severe problem. Thecoastline is made up of boulder clay, a very soft rock, which means this coastline is eroding at about 2 metres a year. This erosion threatens people and their property. Make sure you know how wave type influences beach profile. Constructive waves help to build up the beach, while destructive waves create steep beaches.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Hold the line Advance the line Strategic Retreat Do Nothing

Concordant coastlines where layers of rock are parallel to the coastline. We find coves and cliffs here. Discordant coastline where the layers of rock are perpendicular to the coastline. We find headlands and bays here.

Managing the coast There are many methods used to try to protect the coast from erosion. Hard Engineering (Traditional) using concrete and steel structures to stop waves e.g. sea walls, gabions, revetments. Hard engineering methods are effective but often costly and ugly. Soft Engineering (Modern) using smaller structures built from natural materials to reduce wave energy e.g. planting vegetation, beach nourishment, off shore breakwaters. These methods usually look more attractive and can be cheaper but they are sometimes not as effective. Dont forget, the issue of coastal erosion is likely to become more important due to sea level rise and increased storms due to climate change.







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