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Warhammer 40K Map Campaign:

Welcome to the Keeps Warhammer 40K map campaign! A Larry McIver production! We will e using the Mighty !mpires map "or this campaign# depending on the num er o" players we may use a second map! $his will e a uild up campaign starting out small and getting igger over the coming wee%s& $he si'e and length o" this campaign will e determined y how long it ta%es some ody to meet the win conditions& (o here is the)

Rules of Engagement:
*or each phase o" the campaign a player will turn in a complete army list+ printed not hand written& $his army list will e %ept y the store so ma%e a copy "or your sel"& !ach attle you play must use this list "or each campaign session+ so ma%e a well alanced list ecause o ,ectives may change "rom wee% to wee%! !ach list must e legal+ - troops+ . /0 re1uired+ etc) !ach session you may completely change your lists composition+ ut your army must remain the same& 2nly 3hapter approved lists may e played) 4emem er W5(IW56 is in e""ect& All armies must e painted+ not well ut with a whole hearted e""ort& I" you have to as%+ its not painted& 3hris $hac%er 76od8 and Larry McIver 76od 9eta8 will ma%e the "inal call on any 1uestiona le models)and we are mean! I dont want to hear :9ut it has ; colors on it!< (o pic% up those rushes! $he map: $he very essence o" the campaign& !ach player will e placed at random on a location on the map& $his is your starting location& 5ou may play a game against any other player on the map at any given time& =layers will agree on whether or not to play a scenario y rolling "or one or having a slug "est :straight >= win condition<& $he winner o" the game may ta%e over an unoccupied section o" the map that is currently ad,acent to one he already owns& !ach game must e a win) ties are ,ust that draws and each side retreats& Invasion: to ta%e a section o" the map that another player already owns you must challenge that player to a game& $he winner gets to ta%e a map tile ad,acent to one he owns "rom the de"eated player& A player is eliminated when he has no more tiles) there"ore %ic%ed o"" the planet) and laughed at in the shop! :3ome on 4e"!<: you must play - games against di""erent people e"ore playing the same person again) no eating up over and over on a guy! $he e?ception to this is i" a player is surrounded completely on the map y . or - players+ then he needs to dig himsel" out& :We dont ta%e %indly)<: I" multiple players would li%e to "ight a attle you may have a multiplayer match& 5ou may call "or allies y getting your neigh ors on the map to "ight with you against players that you each are touching& !ach player must e touching at least one o" the enemy tiles to participate& $he winning team will each get to ta%e . tile "ollowing the normal rules "or ta%ing tiles& $he teams must e e1ual si'e& :I said dont touch that<: 4yan will e %eeper o" the Army Lists+ and will e chec%ing your math) pu lic humiliation and the purchase o" one soda "or the one who usts you will e the punishment i" you "orget to carry the .! 4yan will also e in charge o" changing tiles on the map+ this will help %eep it tidy and organi'ed& Alert 4yan at the conclusion o" the game& !ach session will e roughly ; wee%s long+ each session will increase y @00pts until someone is declared the winner e reaching the designated num er o" tiles which will e announced once we determine how many players there will e and how many tiles we are going to use to ma%e the game "un and challenging&

:I want my three dollars!< each player will pay ; dollars to 4yan when signing up "or the campaign+ this is to help pay "or the map+ primer+ paint etc) needed to ma%e the map&

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