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(Incorporated in Zimbabwe)
P O Box 4351, Harare, 68 Birmingham Road, Southerton, Harare, Zimbabwe, Telephone 662730/9, Facsimile 666397 K C Katsande (Chairman), D G Bain* (Group Managing Director), Mrs. E Fundira, W Matsaira, P De Weerdt (R. G Morris. Alt), P Mujaya, M M Ndubiwa, J Van Gend (A. Howie. Alt) *Execu ve Director

No ce is hereby given that the sixty- third Annual General Mee ng of Shareholders of Hunyani Holdings Limited will be held in the Boardroom, 68 Birmingham Road, Southerton, Harare, on Monday 10 March 2014 at 12:00 hours for the purposes of transac ng the following business: AGENDA 1. To receive, consider and adopt the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 October 2013 together with the Report of the Auditors. 2. To approve the remunera on of the Directors. 3. To elect the following Directors: Mr. P De Weerdt, Mr. K Katsande and Mr. J Van Gend re re in terms of the Company's Ar cles of Associa on, but being eligible oer themselves for re-elec on. 4. To appoint external auditors of the Company un l the conclusion of the next Annual General Mee ng and to approve the remunera on of the current auditors for the past year. A member en tled to a end and vote at the mee ng is en tled to appoint one or more proxies to a end, speak and vote in his/her stead. A proxy need not be a member of the company. All proxies must be lodged at the company's registered oce not less than forty-eight hours before the mee ng.

By Order of the Board

A K Nicholson 68 Birmingham Road Group Company Secretary Southerton P.O. Box 4351 22 January 2014 Harare

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