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A FREE Program for Parents of Children, Ages 8 to 14

WHEN: Tuesda s, !ar"h 11, 18 and #$ %ight &inner is 'ro(ided from $:)* 'm to +:1$ 'm Classes ,ill run from +:1$ 'm to 8:)* 'm WHERE: Hano(er Hos'ital Wellness and Edu"ation Center 4** -or. /treet, Hano(er, PA
Included for participating parents: a family guide, a light dinner, and free babysitting. There is no cost but pre-registration is required and is open from January 6 to March 7, 20 !.

(To register, please call Ann Rinker at 717-632-1211 0 !ar"h 1, #*14.)

Guiding Good Choices is a program geared towards parent of c ildren ages ! to 1". T is works op is aimed at elping parents impro#e famil$ %onding and red&ce t e risk of teenage dr&g &se and ot er adolescent pro%lem %e a#iors. 'arents will learn to set clear famil$ g&idelines on dr&gs( as well as, learn and practice skills to strengt en famil$ comm&nications, met ods to elp t eir c ildren de#elop ealt $ %e a#iors and strategies to increase t eir c ildren)s in#ol#ement in t e famil$. T e Guiding Good Choices program was de#eloped %$ *r. + *a#id ,awkins and *r. Ric ard -. .atalano of t e /ni#ersit$ of 0as ington. T eir researc as s own t at w en c ildren are %onded to t eir parents, sc ool and non-dr&g-&sing peers, t e$ are less likel$ to get in#ol#ed in dr&g &se or ot er %e a#ior pro%lems. 1t&dies of Guiding Good Choices a#e s own t at t e program is effecti#e in strengt ening parent-c ild %onds and pre#enting teenagers from starting to &se alco ol and ot er dr&gs. &id ou .no, that Hano(er Area teenagers feel there is a lo, 'er"ei(ed ris. in using drugs2 T e perception of arm from dr&g &se is related to %ot e2perimentation and reg&lar &se. An a#erage of 34 percent of o&r 6t , !t , 14t , and 12t graders feel t ere is a low percei#ed risk, w ic is one point ig er t an t e state a#erage. "et, nearly half of !#year#olds say their parents ha$e not tal%ed &ith them seriously about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. 'rug use does not discriminate # e$ery family is at ris%. Young people report that the number one reason that they choose not to use drugs is their parents. &id ou also .no, that: 17.25 of t e s&r#e$ed 6t grade st&dents, 32.75 of t e s&r#e$ed !t grade st&dents and 33.35 of 14t grade st&dents in t e 6reater ,ano#er Area reported a#ing &sed alco ol in t eir lifetime7 8$ 12t grade, almost 64.65 of st&dents s&r#e$ed in t e 6reater ,ano#er Area alco ol in t eir lifetime7 According to t e most recent 'enns$l#ania 9o&t alco ol at ages 14 to 1". a#e &sed

1&r#e$, t e$ %egan e2perimenting wit

Guiding Good Choices is a program t at will gi#e $o& and $o&r famil$ t e skills to work toget er and take action now to pre#ent dr&g and alco ol a%&se in t e f&t&re. 'lease take ad#antage of t is important opport&nit$.

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