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This week try to take something

that you are good at and use it GPS

It to bless another person. That is
ow one way to minister to others. Grow
Sh Are you a great artist? Draw a
picture and give it to a neighbor
3rd—5th grade Pray
or friend. Do you love to read?
Offer to read to a younger sib-
ling or neighbor child. Can you
help your parent carry in gro-
ceries or help around the

“Whom shall I send?

And who will go for us?”
And I said,
“Here I am. Send me!”

Isaiah 6:8

Check the box to the left

if you learned this
week’s memory verse!

I, _________________________________________________
(Student Name)
have completed this week’s activities.

Parent Signature __________________________________________

I t
n ow Ministry is not just something that one person has to do alone. Your family can serve
K and minister to others together. The church has a lot of opportunities to minister as a
family. Ask your parents to consider getting involved in a family ministry project. Some
you can consider are:

• upcoming Faithworks events on October 17th and November 7th

• serving at the children’s Christmas Eve worship
• filling a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child which kicks off October 25th
• Getting involved in the monthly Hunger Stoppers project

Check the KiDSCOR blog at for more family ministry ideas.

Write down five things 1. SCRIPTURE READING:

that you would like to see MONDAY: Acts 9:1-3
changed in the world. It TUESDAY; Acts 9:4-6
What caused Saul to fall to the
can be in your school, 2. ground?
neighborhood, town or in WEDNESDAY: Acts 9:17
the world. Once you have What did Saul regain when Ananias
written those things down, laid hands on him?
3. THURSDAY: Acts 9:18
take five minutes each day
FRIDAY: Acts 9:19
to pray about how God could
use you to help make those
changes. 4. Kno
Gr w I
ow t-

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