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for ij, vw, & sloo

11 NrN l(ll-- r L. ne L. r do. EC4P lTl Smu lrnn $l! t ) ubis Ed I lh. Lr SAir , l( ; r r nli zlwosl:islh Sk eel,N. \ L Yo' k NY l( x x ) l H.trtlxlo.) ts t nDlnt ol th. Ltrltr & t.n(r tnaup

i, 2(X)1Jon M{iKeo/ e lvrrs(il iri Br k er s : ns b! M . lt Br oL|1] lr ld, Itrlrr a nd b. ! . di. G r c . lFr r il. Dl) v l, l r lr r r f l( n r r l L l d . P a d s t o \ ! , l l o r r \ 'fI A riqhls ftisd!--d. No p.rt ot this !nn( [ v lx] rct) fled or reprodu(rl.r rl isrrl in rnv frrrr o r lr y i. v . c dr . f ni. N{ hir iic r or !t u r r e ! n s . . o w k f o w n o r h ( r ( i rlLH nlefled ncldinlr DhoJ({ltiv rllr r kird r!1. or if ary nldmr I on :Jltrrq-A o r reL ri-AV. svl s t em . \ ! ilhoul t ) dr ns s ir nr r Nr ili r q l r o n rl h e p u b l s h d s lr Lsh L ibrrfv Cal. olr un. l ir rl' |1l)( iir lr ) r lhh A (irn irl)s!er e( r r d lor lhls book $ ir r ir ii, l ) ! r f n l l r - - B n l s h L b r . n , Lltrrr! o la;o r s r es sCnlao! t f . lif r ) r r I l. iir 1) r l) | l r Pe rlorm o r e s c : lr om d s r r p if , , li, t t r J , nI r , r n - . / J o r M c K c n T [ lrnludes bblioqraohic.l (lrf,.turs m{l rrlr. L Perlonnan@ Pslrhokrtiirlist(\.ls I T le.

1102dc21 00 046014 (p b k l S B N0, 115 2 4 7 6 9 -l s B N0 4152 4 7 6 4 3 (h b k )

302 MC K 251519

'slco.lsuterntlnorajlrr0,st ssarts stuiroo.lo.rd 'ornttnx uorj sl' lsour ,Dol, ol i LlDrrt.j 'ttjnoqr 'rurol elt lo osuos lsapr^\aql LI rrnltno sr lr.Lr)Lurojro(l leqt oas turlno 'tulq3rans ur::) aro lt Luolt tr'(t ot.xFp puu suolec4qns sooltlppc or (iodo st lsll srt1 sluoura^oursros pue suorrrlsrLourspP.rlto.r:suo[rDr.rlr tu.os p!e iHtd sp qrns o]rt ! f'Lrno+ soc[.ci .n.qlsoc :butllot^n4sp(nr ^pplrd^o pu'r saqrodls .)|]qndsr?qcns 'r)rnt'r.It to srol)tol to suo4Frr:sDrpuai sr()]uL .tuuo tuu^u :o.u'jlr I'rlus!.rt.r.dxo puP tur0 :uP ooueu]]o+rad '|e3rss'rtr!'rFdod rst'r^|solpuD sopurrd s! qcns stL,.u''aretnclod :sorr'or'J.rtrJpuu spnru:r.lcoqr ptuourrn|la puB |tnro4rpcit aprtrul aso'lL puoMor punorcpolBrt s sour^t.)r? apr\ ! sapnc! lo ^tau0^ ^rntusr IPq ls'::t.r[ r3^o Forouto suq tuql o]oetlxotrad rrnlnr to pf]!l oql 's.pcinp o^l tseo aqr ro^o urr,LPEreo o' to l!ou.roto^.p puu e3!r.rrd slr 's!r0uo arll puIstopoLr 1:3|l3]oi)ql sll lu loot h o^r'ar)uocrtc sqt ezuooqltlln.ur|lto tulcosto sL"rotpqcflI lo srLral I rtloq a7 rnrc puu a.'{)urotiod tNrnltr lo ptoll str puu u lilurrcd sotpnls .rLr'rurotroddrtt uo sosnrot rorclu'1. srll o!uDrurcJreds| pn7ltBrldn.uor pur,.' raL obot poraqnrl) aru so|lr^||:)P asro^!t) rtr,rtr$ Aq posodLror su^losurorlt oru srlbllnrrPL] uoueT.ioua6 lo slLrollra^otrr l(1 o.u'ruuolod asoql l! osodLror)ol .lpq qtrnt^\ sur'jlperR, ,o qqr(Lt u ti)n4suo. ol luo.roljlP.t]ruDxolsnl o^\'o.!uu!ota(l lo l(nl turoLLoij

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lYtnl LIt:r t0 lJrjlJIl ]] lHl I ulrdvHJ


Given lhe oreat divcrsily ot acrivities how onn we catt lhem atl ''p(xn)rmance?" ldentfyino dilferef t practces and discoursosas,.pedor mirnce lirsl roqu fcs qathcr n! them bgether and conceptuati/ n0 lhem rs a tield of study, a tiekl of objecls, a lotd of pc.fonnanq,_ tr simutirneoLrsty requ es a galhcrntg ol sr|bicrts. a (nmmunily ol practi oners and reseaichers consttrting itsef arolnd nd irtrtccd lhrouqh p.yhrmance. Toddy,lhcrc rr0 sludcnts,torx)hers and practitorrersof perfornrancc, as well ns progrnnrs, deprrtnrcrts, ar protessionat organizarions devotedto ils sludy.Thctuld ol culluratperlornranoe and lhe paradigm ot porlormanco Slu.lles rhus co-creirteand co-teqirinaloonc anolhor ro i.tentity.Jjfereni actvilics as porknmanceito shr.\, and teach such performanoos in tcnns ol IndvidLnls pcoples.gcrrros.tlovomonts. snd peno.ts;ro appty dtlerse nulhdls across Insfitulional .liscjptines; to estabtishpcrtonnan(x) dcp.jrr nlarls and prograrnsito orllrn ze panets.nd conterencesand, ot Inre,a intornatbna prctessona nssocaton-to do a lhis ufLlcr lho ndnj ol ''Pedonnancc Studcs" prosupposes. movemeniot geferatiTnr orr .japrbte ot galheringall these dilterencesundor thc co ccpt ot .pcrtonnanu,_' tl presupposcslh l such questionsaJwhnl is ,Wrar is |rrlornrame?,an(t Perfonnan.eSiti.l es'? if noldcfnirvcy Lrnswcftrd, h vo non.rhot)ss been pflrDoslccl. conloslod.dn.l (x)lsr innunlerlrbte r mes lnd in n!merlrbtesiles. lhe hislory ol culturai pfilonnr'|cc and pcrtormand! Slrrties is proorsclylho histry oi srrch queslioning.To to ow lhe rn|vo,ncnr ot ltefer.liTatiof lhrl has produlrd tho ikr.t .nd piracliqm ol .LriLrra por lor m anc e, l s h a l e n .J .g ea n u m b c r o f l exl s l l l al rol o tv.tcfi ne performance, bul a/soourltrrc irrlel/cclu.rt hist(ries ot th.r paradiqm. What, then, is lhe pertormanceot trerfor,nnrrco Sludics? From lhc perspective ol thc {rcncru th{x)ryun.leroonstruciion herejrh s perfornrance cnn l)est be dlsthguishe(l ftom orhcf porfonnlfo nxxrpts bV iis .)hrl lcDltaol allbacy.Ihat is, at the he.rr ot ts molenlent ot gencraltzaljon, Pcrlormances StLrliesscltl)lnrshave conslrucrcrtcutluratportonnan{xr as an c ngagc nr c n otl s o c i a l n o rms .s a n e rs e m b te oi .di vi ri esw i rhtheporef tial to Lrphokl socielalnfr.ngorllcr)rs or, tt$nativotv to chang.rp(x)pe an.t sociotcs. Whic p(ridmaruts ro reaftirnrexisl fg slructLrrcs ard console or henl |]Ceplcs hl|s consislonltv txrn remgnizert. il is its rrans grossivcor rosislanttxnentit|lthar has come io donrinatelhe sruty ;f cut_ ntrol perlornranoc. tr has lorjg bccn irs cuttin.rodllo Fromrhe hnppentngs, rock n)fdyrs, nnd po r .at denbnsaaiionsof the 1960sro rhe drdg shows, raves,aftl Cullurc Wa6 of tho lgJO-,.julurat pertornhnce ll..s been theo rizrxlas a catalystto person.tand sociattransformatron. Bich.rrdSchcchncr provcles guidancc herc oo|corrr ns thc oliicacv ol ouhfal Dertofinance. Wriiin! in 197tj,he.d.hessed rhe notiof lhat lheaterand orhlrrportorrrnrs arts runctioncdas simplc onbrtainrneni or. ai best, as a re ection of changesmcurnn0 else*herq arsuing i stcad rhal ootcnainmcntand etti, arc hlo slraids ot. brald rhar cross one nnorherthrougho!l hisrorv

''At eaoh period ln cach cullLrreone or the olher is dominanl<trc is ascofdlng while ihc othef s descendingNnturallvihcse changosare parl pedofrnnnccis not a passve of changesin th(] overallso(:irl slrucLurerVoL p.rt a oi the qnnplicated ts-{back chaoges but lhcse social mirror ot prooess that briigs aboul chanse. At dl times a dialeclical lension exisls behlcen o{ficacious nnd eni$Lainmcnt iendcnces' Ffom ihis pcrspective lho enrerqen..rof cut!ral p$lormarce entails tho rensccn dan(n of eiticncyover entc(ahmcnt. oi pcrtonrrnce can The imporlanceot clficacy lo lhe concqtlualizalion John J prolidcd by voriols culiurrrlrh-aorisls be socn in keY d(rirrLlions Mac^kxnr prolklcs onc such detinilionln his r9S4.rnihologvBiio,/Jramr' hvarel a Thea.r'at Culxral Pa onnance' Rehearsals FestivzLSpcLacb: inlroduces his collcction bv ciling ln rche.rsing lhis lheorv Mac.Aloon prcvkled org{na7 perlonn.ncc bv the svrJitrosium ihe dol fiitionof cultural Violor Turner' CLrltural Mvcrlroll an.l B.rfbat! ers, Barbara Babco.rk, are "occasnnrs n \!hch rrs n culture or so.iiv $re rcile.l drnnrattc our collectivo nrvths and historv upon .nd detino orRtrcq presenl ou6(t!os wlh all.xnatives, nnd r)ventuallv ch.nge in some lr"rvs wh c remair)irr0 llrc sarnc in oihcrs. " Th s o tation of a citltion iLlcnities t o cult ! r ! l l hree l ul rctnns which sr ) t r olr r shave r cuu. r v alt r ib! 1e. 1 perlonnancc: 1) sffial arld s(if retlection throo.Jhihe drrrnatizatio. or dnbodimcnr ol synrboliclornN. 2) lhc prescnlatidr ol .llcrnatM) arranse and/or irtrnstomalion Given ments,fn.l 3) the possibiitYot (jonservation tho lniperativeol so.jial effl(iacv ihoorisis hrle l.rruelvconcenlrute.lor polenlial. perlonnanccs lfl rnsformationnl (li P.ionDince: taxls and Cotrcrls. a 1!,93 iln loon Anorhcr delifrition Sl(xn and Hendirsons Stenrand BfuneHonderson. book b\, CarclSLmpson work irrlen.l(xl to irssist lhe telohiig ol Pcrlann.ncc is a tertbook ol per,onmnce sludies.As such, il aso nilosLsto lhc lnstittilionlli/ati(nr pqlonnance study. ro ils courses. cur(xrla. sylliboses, camns, cv.lua_ Slcn h(f,selt sorv-'.j n'anv lrd thoses.SignilicarrllY lons, cranrinatiorls, yeflrs as clhlr ol lhe l)epa(ment ol P(xlffnrance Studiesat Norihwcslern Llf versitv.Th.) ruthoE rffito Lhatthc lorrr p-'ir.rTnrnr)c n.orporari]s a whofc liefd ol hotn.n activilv . . .In nllcascs n p.irlornlatce 4T tttqtclion lie bo.lics. providos o !!av k, ,/ in n.rure and i'NotunJqsyn'l,.tlic fttttir\ ^rl constilr(e ncnninq an.l allirm ndi\rjckraland culturrl vrues '' Lik.) pcrlormance hy cling its social MrcAloon, Slem LrndHefdorson diflrre cite nrearing ond atlimrng values.ThcYslso thosc otoonstitutnrg fr(rclids, Thesclunrlionsand t\{,olornrs.lhosoolhunran symbolsand humanbo.lios. fornrs hale bcef routinelv empoYed by resdr.rhcrs .though .s we wl shortlv see, lhe prccse lurctions lnd lornrs llrve ch.ngxl over llre and Stern and lrenderson demonThe delnftbns proMdod by Nlac.Akxnr strate ho!! .Lr tural pcrfornrrnce has bccn drrceptuili2e.l as social








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efficacv.Pcrformancegives Us an occasion to .onangen some h,ays llhile remainino the samc in olheB;,, [ .prolides a wny lo constitute nreanir\lanLlaltirm Indviduatand cutrlrat va ues.,,Totheorizelhe ways nt which perfornrancc produ(;es ihis efficacy, schotars havc atso clrawn upon spccilicscnrcs of perfon a.ce rrd doptoycdthcm as modeislo lhink abod lhe lransfonnalivc pobntiat ol culurat perlor,nancc in general Slch |ll()dclshaveihus been fiucia ro rho parucliq]m s rnovement of gerer Blizali.,r1, lo thc thooriz!tbn ot its liekt,and to rhe rflio|.ll"rtion ol it$ choIenge challen0n|(j|in lacr, may be one ot lhe mcl ansistcnr gcsrures ol PcrfonnanceSiudles,and lhus my frarnng ot pertorD or E/sens a chat_ lengeh.s bccn rohoarsd manyi mes.Acrossdiffcro lstes, rhe ionatityof rhallcngingcarries . force of officacv ln the generalarlroductio ro thcir anrhology Crlt ?/ Thco! and perfomt.r\a: (t992), Janele r]einel an(t JosophHoa.h arrribule,,anfhcrcn|y potiilcot cha*der lo rhepcrtonrarcc analysls thaL onrerqed trom brilic.t thc.,ryi it rovses .*r//-.4]es, rcwnr{rs. lnterrognres! and so.ll(')timirs d,ndennN receivedmcrnnlgs.,! For his parl. Maruin Ca son, in his perfonna,\b: A Crittu:rt t ro.hnttrn (lgg(j), writes ihat "almostany conrcmporrry perfornrance tnoj.rcl, invotvcsm.ny " lur ' r -s , Li' 1 . l o h rtF l l F c .r,r,.r/,.-r. i IU l , rl htrttl t,.\...,i r,o../rrx-,, rF\ race,,rnd cthnie,tv, l,r rr,mp,,nt!, \ome ot thc Inost vrjibtu.. In .r closelv rclalen houoh sti0hrty(tiflcrcnl nunnor, peggy phetan oDensher unnarked: Th.j Polilbs at P(xt(ttnance (1993) with anolh$ ohrlenge 'U,xrarko./ examines rhe i pticit ass!mt)tions abour the cofnccriofrs between rep.ese tu(ionatvisibtlly and poliftcatpower wn|ch havc txren a clomnu||t lorce in cuth]rat lheory in rhc tasl bn yec. Among the c/irrrc,U.s this poses s how to rckh lhc powerof ihe unnrarkod bVs! rvoying i N thin a lhoo()tio! lrame."/ civer lhc ro/o which chnttengingplnys h pcilormance Sndies, one f shr say thar rrlormanca cha{Lw]cs. it provokes, conresls, stakcs a claim And thorc is some uncanny fecdbrck h(xc: not onty .toes podormance challenele, pertorm J.L.Austif inctudcs,oha cnq{r, chattongos in hrs list of port()rmari@soeech acls. lvords that,..lo somethi;.J.,, Spmilically,Austin lasrs"chatbnqe" .s ll word wirh i ocurionarybre., Challefoesdo sorixrhinEt:they ncie, de und. asscrr,a(xruseanfl oppose. An.l as performanceschoars lrale shnrpenedour cha efqcs ovcr lhe past scvcra/ dinndes, perhaDs we havc w nossed rhe iaunch ol smethlng like "lhc fbrlormanoe Snrdbs cha engo." akin h the one $,hich Lawrencecrossberg Cory Nctsof, an.t pala Treichercte in thc introdLrdlon to iheir 1992anltuogy Crhrl?/ Srro,e.,: Ihrouahthe lastrwod{ades, whenrhcory hassomennes seemed a dec ohr e rtu a l i z scd ene o f p h i to 5 o p h ' < sa p le cutari on cutturat studi es hasf egL a ri y th e o ri z ie nd r s p o n s c ip oa rt(uarsoca,hi srortca an.l

lts th@rieshaveattemPted to .onhectto .eal matenal cohdirions. Now lhat -thory" is more broadlv so.ial and polilicatp,oblems. of and iretrogatng thc so. al cffects returnl.gto matral con.rn5 scsc ar if cdar d I scit at cdbv t f ids r s cit er pr ts ow nd scour ics. challengc thc c!ituralstLdis Pertornranco Slu.lics,lrkeculluifll slLdies,hns challenscdlhmrv lo gct ooncernirg lhe itsell w th ihcoretkjalqLjestions refll, $,hile.rlsochallenging ("real rcal te') Over the es malerkrlitv" bod " 'teal slnhrs of that "reil" pasl half century.lhis para.llgmhas omittedm.nY challenqos and countcr challengesin lls sludy ol cullural perlormancc In lheohzingpertormalivc jts objocl ol sludyi our scholars eltbacv Perlorm.nce Studics hls mLmod the lnsiliufonal norrns ol reseorch have launchedlheir own challengesto and teachnu t)evcloping specilic modcls to lhcodze cultural pertormann) generally, w{) have also dcployed lhem as paradigms ol lhc paradigm ilsel. To ln(kxstand ths pfocess, lei us row turn to Lhe nitalion ol P()rlormafceStudies.

fHE PASSAEE fO PARAO'6M fo conpose a field as divcrse as lhat ol cultural peformance and lo co'nposc ilsell as a paradignFPerlor'rFne Sltdbs has.lrawn upon mAnv di l f()rcft,evcndLspar at e( lisciplincs. Thoscdisciplinesr r ngelr om . "l{r "7": gendor, closs ethnrLtv, dnlhropologvarlhistorv culturalsllKles Grspeckrlly lolk lhc$ry),dnncehlstory, ethnographv, and,ot lrle qoccr and postcolonial loro historv,linguislics, lilorarycrilicism.nrediaslLdies.phlbsophy,polilic.l s.)ck)logy spceoh dnd nofverbal communicatlons, scencc, psyohology, zoology. sludles, afd thcnler Becausclhe lickls t|pon which il draws .rc so divitse" thc intellirctual hiskry ot PorlormanceSludies is quite complot, lhouqh rhorc is gcneral id nsinnce, agrcemcntthal its k)rnrarlonbeg.n in the l950s N4acAbor1, in the 1950s devekrpnrents n(lopendcntlnkrllectLral cilos cert:rinInltialLy an.l coa thal ha! *rvcd as a foundationlor the now r:Qidly expanclins lcscingintereslsin the sludy oI culturallorms."'' He goes on lo discussllrc Viclor Turner's su,ialdrarna MillonSn'!eas lrnportancc ol lour conoopts: IF l "cultural pfflonnnnce,' Koffeth Burkes "dram lislic paniad" and Erving li{e. Thcse th$rists a.e slgnili of ev(xYday Golfman's"s(nial psychology lor their bur oulhorsamporlant also.llscuss for Slcrn and Hendorson canl. ]n.l peiortners Dcsplk their d I'er contribulons l0 defh n0 p'.]-fonnance Sternand llen.lcrsoncile lhreootlhc samc tour orientallon, cnt disciplinory lhco.ists as MacAhDn, n.mct, Tunrcr. Burke, and Gothun. Insteoci ol Slnoer. thoy slress lhe importancc ol Richard Schechner nnd his concepl F: o' "resLoredbehavior' Th. overapplng casls of pertonranco theorists and debotos n thc tleld indicatethal desplte tho diliercfl Dorspeclivcs






la ii

thesc .iiflcrencNsciroutateIn n shnrod ctationat nelwork ot .liscourscs W hile \ , l a -Au ,rn s ,,ti n u In g h /. a .g I C \ .h, ,thr tu,h or , u urp^n4fifirncr rs iI. rs vct. jr 'lf,.n x JLtgnrli,,. 5tJqc,- ,sl trchoer rrrthrFsJ nroro detailedintettrluathistory o, a trit.(cdoed rescarch Fr.dism jusr livc ye:r6 latcr In ,.pAJDistortsthe Brond Spectrunr,.he writes: Theperlo(nan.csrudics paQdighc!mc to the forein rhe frid .ros. Cregory Bareson s ,A Thco.y of ptaydnd Fanrjsy,. was pubtished in i955. ih e s a me year a r , L A l s ti n5 | a .v a ,d cctl res of rhc ,perfor natuc lHo|/ ta Da flnes ||aIls) ?v.e corrnar s rrc Pr.entuft,naf setfi" Evdtd,r ''ith Ly'e wrs plbt shcdin r!59: A/bnB. tatd s Ihe sing.tafral., n 196(); aid Rogcr a, o:tsM.n. ptar a,t1 6an6 i n t9 6 i M y Ap p ro a c h -" -rh (o ry/C fi sn,, t,. w asp!bt shd i os in r 96 6 D .l l H trn e s Mo d c o l L h cl .l cracr on of Lri g!agea..l s oc ial s c tri n gj j g 6 / v (t\{ n e t s fh a R i r,a/p& .r$.ame out I t9ti9 htsDtuna ond Metdthot!. rrl4 Mrron Singeas Vi/tc, d armt Ttdditiat t"4odenri^5 appcrr-pd tn r972 hlkta|: pef.nnnd andCan,tuni.atian (edtr.t.. DJ. Bc. A, 05,.rt (;o dneir) w{ pub sh.d Ln19743s \!rs Errberr t"1yohoff,,Ihepcprt Hunt. sealnt Rnualle.lnedb,/ Myertbff.nd Srly Moo,o)appc,rd In r977. ' lh sanp tar as Ri.hard Baunrn-sVnbat Ai os pefo.nun.e. Tf is txmgraph rlds ns a (tr riturgy ot thc parn(tilrm. an expansivc|lq ol its cilrtionnt nerrork. Thou(,h|)l,rtr Schc\jhnerand MacAtrnn .lnlc the tield's orisins ba.k k) ltx: 1Obos Sitr:chner incorpor.tcs Mro^loon s 'prep! rad omntic, slrq(t i[to ltro para.]igrn.AnLl wilh the oNc opl. nol Bu rk eh , o o i l e s .l to tl h e a u l h rrrs o i rod by Mro^toon. S l cnr,.nd ts{ndorson-.nd thensome. if iel/e c tu .t h i s ro ri c s .i l c d rh u si r)f () qui r. bi ot, l ui rcd as theV are . , h. T hc l, l r Ldn-,q r.rt' rr, rr r.^ \. ., t,r,r,t,.,r,-j -L ,' ' lll ' , , lhl n a ^ ,.u L ..,a J It,n ,r (:.r, .^. t.,trnt, Lt t ' , t t t li t t tt r L -,.,,t tl r. \..r\,\ i r ,r). " ,rt,-,. ., s rt<ti a,,Lt.,. r ul ' r r r \ d' \ c . , 1 J o r, th ,u r.J \ Inrr, ri u, r...,r.,,,,,,d: he provkles.liscussior) ot nlrnosla[ o I rfrom. Nee( css to say,ho c les al rlnr fulhors we hlve cired rbovc anct.beyoi| rhis,.tL,)trhe aurhors ihey cle ()xl, one $spcrts, a[ o, lhe authors th.t /hcy crie) In shorl. Carlson,s R-'d.,rDancc delilcrs thc mosl exlcosive ro:(tirq yet ot thc Frndignrs lor nr , ' r i' r ' d. le v u l o tn rr.n t.rl n .n l o s ti t.t.n t,{ t ,,,t)ttr,ri totrts.i l ;rt!rntrFh{ {)l k. H! s l. r l' . s llt u lrh . i n n c u p t o t p a rtu m.n (,,,< ,tn.,N rt! rrt.btpi Jtu tFn,moto gy aD.lllutretical slnre.JicsdevdoDc(ldurinqrho 1960s.nd j070s,.,, lct irrsodrsixrsscs Liscsot rhe renn dnlin!, blok ro lhe 195{)s an.j earler C.rlson's nte ecluat hisroryot pc.ton)rtrnce tocusoson the con.epr,s !roverL'pmeft in rhc tietdsot anrhrqrotogy llfd oihno!ll.phV, psychotoqy.n.] socktolv, and lin0uistics. I anl Interestedh(ye ll()r o/]lv rn 0r{rthcorislsand

.lis.iplinesthat contr b!led lo lhc oarV fonnaion ot Pertorm.nceSnldies, but also I the ways that schoors hnvesinceiheorizedthis Ionnatofi tsclf. we lind i'r Ca sons trtrodoclion a tollinq dos.xirtion ot the pnradigm s movomenlot generalization. with perlormance the metaphor ofth as a k'nd of (nl'cil wcdge, atri.rlity has moved out of the arrs almosl cvcryaspcctof 'nt. modern.tlenpls to undcrsllndo!r condiiion.nd activities, Into almoslevery bEnch oithe h sociolo$1 anthropolo gl. ethnograplrt pstchoogy, nltust cs N4.ivnrg o!t ol tlrcalcr,out ol.r lo(linken by manylo be its properhonrc. pdtdmance becomesthe c!llifo cdtc o{ a crilicd wcdqe.S o ig inlo the lr! trranor socia sciendrs,perknmnnoe hefe brif.Jswllh t thc mctaphor thc ligrre ol theftricn tV .rnd,at tlrc sflrx) lirx) ins{f,ibes its own movemenlol Cf r sans Par lam ant x] lar l cnrra/zaton.lh s r e. ding. lls ils wr y llir ( t r r Uh i n hi s concl usiof as a nr et . phor or . n. yli. al he desnibcs por ionr *r nli) i{nt suqclesling th.t perlornr.nff) lir$l llrc scicnccs as ar lnfulJsr ) br , lir nes. cr ilic. t oolollr nayss. ar nretap hor ! r r d.r llcr cxkxr dod aul he .lso siressesa ieedbn.l ,tl{rol: rs pcrlonulilrty and lhoalrcalily I'nre lFen devclopcdin thcsc lickls.l)olh.s DolaDhors .n.l analylicnl knls. lhq)rists.nd pmclilionersol DerlonnoDcenrl ha!,cnt lunr llromc avfa(r ol i,rspirn lhesc dcvclopncnts and ft)utrdin thonrno!! ol stimulalion. lion, and nrsighl lor thetr olvn crqrlivc work .n.i tho theoreftjal !!ork ol urdcrstandioct it. lheater thus t)rovkles lhe humarr scicncos lyith .relaphors ard lrotres N r ch itrc dolc'btrxl inlo corr.eDt!.| tools lff anayzi rrq otfrff.r livt es, . n. l t heselooLsr r r y lhef pass b: r cklo hunianilbs soholars nnd bccomc app iql .rxxv Ff(nr) thester to rnet.phorto anal\rtca rxrj eD t.nd b ack t o lhe. t er . nd olhorpcr iof r nanccs such s t hc ! on( x! trrovonrcnt ol Pirlornnn(r) Sttxlkjs i(xnrdin!.tlo ofrjson A l l hol ghlhe d scit ) . ! r y r ir ' f ix i) l P( r lor f r ncc St udics cor laif r s rmfy tickls ofsludv Uxrpassr.r{)wrys lx)l!\i(nnlherler .nd . nlhropoogv arc lhc ones mosi often c led .rs .Jcf{rrrt vo ol llrc para.liqnr. Dur n.Jlhe 196os.n.l l 9/0s, tho te edb. ckhet ween lhe. t ar sr u( lLcs r nd. r lhnoqhphvqor cr alcd po(erl! .nd nlhcft! trrodclsol r)ult!ral p.rrtonnance. rheater Drovkled arthropololtsts and elhnogrnDhers wrlh n lodel for sludyiiq how pcoplc and socieliescrrbody symbolb skuolur.rsi'l livingbehilior Socialnclors. (to plnyi'rg, the scdplino and rehearsn( ol irlcr&lions. lhc imporlanrjo ol in nrni'rtii'In! and trnnsloft selting,and dramallTalion lcsturc. costumc'. in!, strial relations all ol lhcso colcqrls woo cxplicitlvde.!bped trom ol .erenronies, lesl.vnls, lhe st(dy ol tlcatcr .nd applidllo lhennnlys.s nnd riluals. Over these sane Mo duc dos, liowovor conc{ipts .ldc oped by cthfo!raphic slud es of Dertornlance were used bv lheater and h!maniLcs tr? q scholarslo theorizelhc social dirn(xrsonsot iheaier an.l other emerlifg perlonnance y Lrenres ot Th,. Nork ofV(lor Tunrcrwas cspcca influontial









herc.n particularhjs conceptsol socld drama and trminalrites of passdgL,_ In his essay, 'Lnninrlily and lhe Perfoanativo Genres, rurner llrites rhar tim i.rality is a complexphascor mn.lition. lt is oftcn the s@ne and rame lor the enrergencc oi a society's creepcsl valuos in the lorm ot sacred dmmas and obimts. . . . Bul il rnnv also bc lhe venoe and occasion tor the most rddical timinalrites ure lirsl lheorlzedby Arnokl v.n cennep al the bcsinninq ol the last ccntury.' ThroughTurnols ortltc.l datoglc wnh Schechnerin irooks such as From Ritual ta Thaalrc aid Bctween lhaatrc and AntlnpL,loa\,,limnal IGs of passagoprovkle.tperfofinanccschoars wilh anolher imporlant one used lo llrcoizc lhe wiys in whtch thcarer and other arts can helpto trnnsforrnindivdualsard sociolvai larlle.peggy Phe.n poses the "fcc!nd collaboraliofi botw(x)rTrmer.nd Schcchner n this way: 'ln brinllin! lhe:tcf !nd flnihrohology logcrhcr,both mef snw rhc cxtraordinarily decp questi.ns these porspootives on c! tlral exprcssion raised. ll the diversilv ol h!nran oulture showed pcrsisrenriheatricatirV ooul.J pedormanco be a universol oxprcssbr ot hunran sgnilkrarion.? lf performance commurrrticsconiinually remadc lhcmsetves iDio nrincultwal ensenrblcs. how dkl thei. rulos nnd responses rcftel targer cullu'xl rmperalives l '' Bbtueen thcalcr .nd anlhropology eme.ges the paradigm ol Perlormance StLdies. Thealcrp(wided.nthropotogislsand erhnographcrs wilh a tonnal model lor "seeing porlorm.nce, tor reco(nizing irs lorms nr sdiie,ty.lor co|lccplualizinglhe ways i|| whn]h sociat meanings and virLiesbecomc .mbodied ,n behaviorsand cvenrs.trr (irnr.ftrinat rles ol prsslqe gave lheater scholarsa / rcrior.t/r odcl lor theorizingthe rranspotentia ol iheater and othor pe ornr.tivegcnrcs. Ltkerheater, lormational limnality wolld beconroa pervasive rodol ot ouhtrat pertormancc tset: seprratcd hom socielv bolh l(mpornlly and spatia v timinat activites a ow participantsto rctioct, tnkc rp rl ancl rcass.rmblesvmbots an.t Dehaviors and, possiblv lo lransk)nn themselvesa|d soc ety. And even more than thentef, minaliiy$,oukl bccorro kov to theoriztngperformance Drawng upon lhe rellexivltvtound in riies ot passage,cutruratperior |rr.rnoc scholais havedlso thcorizcdour own activttics in terms ot timina ]lv arguing that lvc opcrate in lhe ntcrst|ccs ot acndemia as rett as rhe marqinsol social slructurcs and seek to rellcor upon and transtormbolh the academy and society at lar0c. Porlormance schotars havc ben inrer eslc.l. in other lvords, in thc ollicacy ot our own pcrtormance. and we h:,vc used hnirlal rilc ol passage as a motamoctet of rhe very lomation ol Perlorrnance StLdies.MacAloon.lor cxsmple,lhcorncs its earty devetopmenl as a brkthroughj a passagc Del NI m e sfa s c o i n c d th ep h E s e,b re a k rl fough i nroperfofmar.e'

to descr ibe t h passage of hum an agent snt o a dr nr r ct vc 'm odc ol existen.eand rea|luatron."Breakth.ough into perlorman.e' quallywell configuresceftain initialltindependentintell{rual dvel opncnts in thc rgtos that hiivc scrvcdas a foundation for the now rapidly expanding and (oalescing intcr.rtl in thc studyofcul Whal is PerlonnanceStudies?Casltro llymes "breakthrol{h" within tho orbi tot I4a cAoon's anao! cal r cadng w0 qcl lhisr cspof sc: ilis: Ldr amatic riie and rtualiTed.lrama ot passnge n rehearse.lmovementihat carries theory brilders into r distl clive mode olexislence .ncl realization. Thcory b.conrcs porlomlrfcc (andporfofrnl|nco lJccomcstheorzed)as af ol limnal pro.esses relectbn rnd (leliniti(nr alternativo embodimenL, transgressive trans{ormili!)rl.I inrlfal riles of passagelhus hav(:playodscvinalf! n(ikrns I Podo nfln(x)Studcs. First,rs thcorizodby Turner,they have been an inrlfanl ,b/(x, r)/ r-lody.S{xxrnd. throlqh lho work ol SchechnerTLrrner, arrd manv olhers, the .on.ept ol lim na ty has bccn app cd Lod llcrcnl clltural roliviles, lhcroby conlributng lo the lerl eralization ol the concepl ot pertormailve dtro?x)V Limrnal riles havoihcrclore lmclioned as an exernplaroltheerlke lieldotobiects,guidingnotonly thc dcscriptiveanalysisbul also llrc lheorelic.l .nd tnacticalconstruction ol olher pertomances. Over lhc 6orso ol scvcral dcradcs, Fjrlorrnancc scholnrs have downplayed lhe |x)lenlinl lor riles ol passage to conserve possibililies social slructurcs and cmph.sizcd lhoir transgrcssivc instead. And lin.lly. as MacAloon demonslrAles, liminal rikrs have bccn usctl lo lheorizethe very emergence oi Pe ormnnn) Snr.lies. Thery havebemme an crrb/cm of the paradillm ilsef. Tur'rer hmsef wrote thnt the universiiy functiond asa " minoi.l"sk) in nduskia z(Xlsocictcs Pcrlormancc schof .rs have not only extendedth s iranstornlatona poieni al to other cultura acliv tics, wc hrvo Lhcorizcd orr own dclivilicsds nrinally effcacious. As objcci, oxcmplar,.ndctrrbcm lirnfa ity has scrvcd rs a pnradismof lhe paradiltm. Even more lhan theakr rtus ol p.ssaqe have providcd P crl ormarrce S Ludies a nr eL: nr odel f or ils own iniliat on. s. discipline, it s passaselo paradigm.Th s passagocanb0 u dcrstoodin folalionto a scics ot conceptuashfts. shilrsdeliDedIn d tlereni lerrns hy .litferentclsc plines, bul now ciled as formalve ol the concept.nd st!.ly oi cuhra pertor E.q rnancc.? Wilh rcspcrt to lhcatcf, thc movollront korn cntcrh ment to effi cacy came !4aa shilt in emphasistrom lho physcnpt b the adG's tDdv: in dance.-attention nDved horn fonnal choreography to mo\r'emenlsof every day lilc: and in blh dancc and cxp(xtrnc||tal thcalcr,thcrc was a shilt away lrom thealrical to environmenlal spa(!s. In lhr)visualarls,artistsand crilics hrnerl lrom the an ouecl lo lhc arl-m.kino prcxress ilselt lrr anthmrFlogy, cthnographcrs shi{tcdtheirrtlcnlion k!'ri nrylhicslruclureslo theirembod t! q ment in r tlals. Sim arly,in lolk ore slud es, aitentionmovedhom thc tcxt ol a lale lo the context of its tellin0. l|r lirlouisUcsand comnnrnic.uotr,







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researchers turned thoir locls konr /rngue to prronr, ho r sludv ng gram malcalstructffes 10analyzns lho praqmalicsof ulter.n()es.And I potiticn scienceand s(reralactrvism. therewas an athmpt to rnovetls cuttureBltV korn se^/ing lhe Establrshnrcnt" and loward rhe deatron oI nuthenlic lor n ol s oc ll re a ri o n s g o n d c rsra , r rrs .fo .rnsses beiween h genffrl, bclNcen 1955and 1975 and loross a widc rangeot cr rural praclrce and research. therc was an allernpt ro trom pr(Xtucr ro process lrom nredalod orpressiorlto direci (x)nlad. Iro l rcpresent.tion io p|( , ! s dr t ! lio I l ro m c l s c o !rs e i o b o d y l r onr nbsence kr prosdrcc. P,)rlonnanceStldies possalc to pl]r3dtgnrNas intrialtydrvrs by rhjs llcr|cral movcnrent.tnl by the i)a y 198{+ rl had bccome clidsrl lhat sonrethnlt hrd happdrlx|.someth11!had allefe.tthis oovcment sub y yei r.d{ially. Tlic rcpercussionsot this cvcrr \foutd rerorlre rhe prssaso ro paradigm,enoen.lerolh(x nrcdcls oI perfonnativeeitioncy,and brin! the ilsoll rrto disis. Paradigm IEE THEOEY EXPLOI'ON A prr..ji.rm is corr nll to pass: . lrrherinlr ol subjccts slaking orr . tiekt ootrrposedol . q.thoring ot objoot$ P(tr1{)rnr.fce enrcrcres horo rs lhe erl cacr,, ot cofhirr nclivilcs, octiviir)sc.p! bk)ot c|l.l cnu ig ol so.ii t norms and symbolic struchtr.$. To col(:q)lunlize this eltnia(:y.sctotnrs sludv a verse culirrrfilpractcos, lener. 7ing,d tky(xrtiatnr(r lrjd ,s porfoi'Jranoe. This nnvement ol gcncr! zolon depen(ls flrn l t)rocoss ol sclcction,onc thal rul odly delrnits ih. ficld ot c!I!ri'l pcrt ,inlnce" bul dso sclecls D.radiqnrsol th{r paradig|n,$,.rcitic nrdtds ot lho scrlcral nrffle. In its lirst Lwoclocndes, the lonnati(nrot thc forf.rrmn|ce Snr.lies pr r r |dqnrwa s !!d e d b y tw o d o m n a n t trro dos, theai erB nd rtu t Thcso w-rrenol rhe ()nlvonr)sl,V rny rnoins, but betlleen thq . iI thcn lirnen,the challcnqc ol cllicrcy r(!rk on . rrarlicuhr lornr ttre thealricatbocty, thc physi..l presoftxj ot aoLorand rdience-.nd . p!rtkxrtar function the if.nsbrn[liofr of socLclvlhroL].Jh limina transllfessiorr. Throughthis tdm and lunction,Perloman(x)Studicslashionedits tietdand itsctt lletlecling back or lhe efficncy attrbut(xl b lhc lrody if rhe 19ms lr er ren Blauwrites thai ihcrc !!rs i I liber!Ln! enerltv n lhc bntnLrthink ing which s()oki ! a tody lllthout org.ns! or trslilulcd power-srbverre.l Uu rcpressivetextand disruplcd,alonslvilh rhe Liniversaties. lhc instilulio s of lirer.hrre nnd lhc.tor, which wffe expose(ttn thoir rb usjon wirh other fslfumcnls 0|d agefcles ol po$,(x',/ Tho irrlned n.V ot Nhar Bh! catts _Ldve s tsody oticrcd bolh the oleaos .n.l thc cnds. lho p6s..Je .nd the clcslirJatiorJ of those workinqto mnnccl rhc arts wilh sociatsl.lqgtcs ovcr c v ilr i! his , lhe Vi e tn a trr Wa r a fd w o n re n ,sb e r.ti on. A ti ts mosl potemi cat, porlormanceoDDosed oullLrral ihe phlsica Lvnnd passionot bodv lo rhc ralionnliTedalienation ol modcnr society. fronr lhe Livnrg nrnter lo

Woodstock trom Birmifgham to the strccts ol Chioaqo, bodles performod .nd transgftisscd the Do$,cr ofthe tslablishmort, the Sysicnr.theMachine. Peno.manceStudics emergeil as wiln6s and Frlicpanl ot lhis pertoF m ncc and ils mcnrcrystill haunls us. Commcnlnu on lhe conver0emic of hislory.nd lheorv Suc-F-en Casc remarks,"l hale bocome aware thii sornclhinglik(j a faraiiv'r keeps hljlnLfg my discusson cJlthis (xnNer qence.ll's ns il somcthiru h.ppcned in thc lgOos and is nErchino lhrough Somethir( has happ.jnedaong lhs march, howevor the pfl$sagelo h.s been redirectcd.Beg inrn! rn lhe mid-1970s. thffc has been D^rodisrn r Drotoundshill in lhc ways in which perlonnancesrtulnrs adnjulatelhe .ha d\le ot ethcacv. lls turm and its beennllercd ls modols mrl0ted, its liod blownwkle open as neN sit{)$of culturrl pcrfonnanceand researctiemerged.schechne. marked rhis Irnnsiormdl/on in 1989: siocc lho orkJ Tos lh('e has bcen an innflensebody ol Derlonr.nce sludies work. lt is noi possibe io even . hacliorl ot tho scholars-some wc kr'()wr, somo jlst enr()rging curronty worki'rg the liold.' Blt pcrhaps Belneltand tlo:rch pul ( lBt nt 1992!r,hcr'lhey wdc: Therc has been a lhqrv explosion . . Docunrcnlsand anrlysis ol th s expbson iran be [(n]fd in noirret anil Ro.lchs anfhoog\,,P.lbnnan.e ! td Critk:tl l/,cofy. Ihc c.tegorics inlo whhh lhc ediloB slructure lhcir nntholo(ryindicalc some ol llle na! .pproach* lhat haveem(yscd in tho .rst two docades: Cullurn Siud cs," x 'F. r m if isnr ( s) " S cl ni otbsl fd Dednr slr lct on, "'Af ler N4ar" ' ,'Theat er Hislorv.n.l Hislorj.qrnphy, "lIermeDcuti.rsand Phenomcnoloov"and .Psychoanalysis." Discussinglhc consequcncesot lho lheory oxplosion. Itoinclt and noach llrile that "the now theory has provld(xla rethodoloqv lnd an impclus to spqr fy the mornin.Jot aI okl clichdr.r text is dilferenl on lhc stale lhan it is on thc r).19e^ Tlrc.Jryh.s done so priic4)allv by r.dcnlly qu.slbJinq the nlclr ot what r lexl is. .. . Perh ps mosr imporlanl, perlonfance oan bc nrtkxrlatcd n terms ol politios:reDresentalion, ideolo resislanoc lf a wav theory giles theatro back lgain lo !lV, hegemony, thc bdy poliiic"'" The ihmry explosior-in parlicular,the lronslatidr. publifiton, nnd rea.linltof Oonlinontal phibsophv by nrlisls.idivisls. and .cnclemo n:se.rchcfs-t!rther .xpanclod the concopl ot p$kYmaiiv(l tiJlicncywhib nso subioclin0 lt lo I rigo(nrs philosolhical exanrinaLion. one whose rnerhodolooic.l ldius on lexturlilv has had lhe ettcl ol returnn! lhcater h thc body polilic or, k) put things dilfcrenily,to an embodicd ,,)ci .l i scursve polt ics. For lho f allout lr om t h( i lheor y blasl h. s enl.|ilcd i raclicdlyrerelvcd nlerest h ,nlrny of lh.: sites lcll behind jn PerjormanceSludios nri[.] passage to paradigm.cspe.ially lhc lopics ol d scourse rLl lext. Fl perlornEncedevooped in tho 1950sflrd 1900s The corocDtol culLural had dnphasiTedlhc presencco{ lhe thcalricallDdv. The th@ry exploson



-s.$ s



lfl !J ot the 1970s and 1980s challengedlho eltica.y of rhs bodv rhrough n radlcal quesiioning ol prcsonce ttselt Amonq lhe mosl imporLut lexis n this regnrd arc Jacques Derrda's readingsof Arraud in .The Thenrfc oi Cruoty and lhe Cosure of Fleprescntation"and of Lavisrrauss gn/Plavin the lliscoursc ot the Hlinan Scioroos., Between in Structure/S iheatef and anthropoolv these deconstruclive readifgs nfque rhat presen.e an.l alrsonce are irscrbod within a systcm ol conceptuj hicfarchies,an evalurtvc netuork lhat llso inctudes such opposrons as trLrlh/ln silV science/.rt, sp.cch/wr i rrg, renlity/rcpresentation, ard body/ tn Of cnnnatobgy (1974), DijriLla delines lhis sysrem and its histofv as 'bgocentrsm," lho dominanceol rhc spokenor wriLrcn wofd Nhich he charrctixizes as lrorh f.r but rhe mosl oriqina and powerrul ethfo{rcntr.ism, in thc process of imposfg itsett upof the wod. J . " rT he c rtq u o o l p re s e fc e , a n d the reeval uaron ol vares r eniails, hnvc bccome a sgriatufti evenr oJ Frerch poststrLrclura snr, tscli a slgnpost bcaring righUy or ilfonay the names ol Batatte, BaLrdrllard, Barthes, Bolrdicu Cxous Clemenr, dc Cerr-4u Dct.uzo, Dcri.]!, l'oucault, Girad. GLrattari,lrsaray, Krsteva, Lacan Levinas, Lyotrr(1, af.l Setres. I n t he w. k e o f l h o th (x try e x p o s i o r,a m.l st rhe dec i nc ot 1s6osand' 1970sac Liv s m a n .l l h e s ta rtl n rq ri s e o t 1 9 80sB oaql ni sm..ri tcat thcory qru.luallytook on th. etlicacyth.L artists,..tivisis, and schotarshad tong altr bulcd to the body.Blau ftxvds th s sh fl I his essry. ,(Re)cyctinq ihe Sixlies, argunrqlhal when the ra.lical activismol rhc sxties abated or we.L surfacc.lin rheort as n rroworotics of d scoursc.. . . The ltestyle desircsand polymoehousp.nverstywhich wcrc.jetebratedal Woodstock an.l seemedto bo s.v.ged alAlLanbntalso wenl undcr rorrear inlt .cross lho Atlantic and e|tcfoLl the high nte ecrlal lradirionsof conri nent! thoughi,given tho r./eologfthevwcro charqedwilh ,ot havinqin rhe sixies, and nrc bcinq recycled,bio.lcqrailablyas ar assautron rhe phn ooocentic slruclure ol bourqeois powcr, i!th its tnvsible .lcokrqy.,. Th s iheory was not restricLcd lo Frcnch sirucluruism .nd posisirlctura , ism, ior the worl$ ol thc Fr.nktLtrt Schooland the Centre for Conbmporary Cullural Studies al Birnringhamalso conlribul..t to rhe e\posion ol ne\! appo.ches. Al slakc in lhis recyclingwas not the si'nptohtrodlction ot theoreticaldisrnrrse for slch discoLrrse had obvblsty been emptolcLl by c ar ler p e rl o n n rn i x r th e o ri s ts -b u l th e hei ghl enod ctement of philosophcalcrtique Beinclt an.l ttoach commcnt rha|the trew, rheory has retuned lhc humanties to phik)sophy:performlncc hsrory and criticism,alonq wirh olher humanties discttincs such as Eng sh, modcnr lanquages and hisiorv have returncd lo a tundamerral cxaminationof the undcrlving.ssunptons ,nd their undersland nq ot objects of inqury if' general." In shorl, io lhe criliquc ol dominanl socral nonnsj rhe new tlreofy lLlcleda critqle of pstormnce rcscarch. B l aus re.ylingol t he sixt ics'andRenellnnd Roach s lheor y, . r plo son" hclp us mark an importantsh fl here,one I wll call "from l/rcaicr to the mpact ot iheory " Over the course ol the past tNo afd a h: f decades, ixiiicalthoorv has hclpcd tfarsfonn lhe "what and the how" ol perlormalive efticacy wh!e also iDntributifq to ts rnovenreft ol ge.eralizaton. This shfl kom lheaLerlo theory however, tsell marks an evcr nrore) prolound passage,tor there has bdln a passagt iu the passageits-.ff.' pedormancehas itscll The effcacy thc transformntvepolentia ol cLrltural Ths translormntion c.n be siiuaredlry knking at thc nDdcls ol pcrfor maiive ellicacv the paracligmsof thc Pcfformance Strdies paradigm. Theater, wh ch had sefved performancescholarsas the most pro.llctivc cut!ral perlormafcc, hls !,raduallv ceded this fonna model lor analyzing role to theory itsell ll thcltcf helped pedormancescholars see" pedor firance as embodied Dra.tices,criti(jalthcory chalcnljed this \risionand vis bility.its lorm as prs.rncc.In indeed,lhii v$! licld of iLs Lheorelical posing the chr efge ot how to trame the unmarkcdwilhif theorv Phelan .nd lhe lawi t writes that "Visib tv s a lrap. . . I I sunrmonssurveillance provokesvoyeurism. fetshism, lhe.xtonia st/impcral appetile lor posses sion. " Bccausc practiLiorrcrs afd reserrchersalike ha.l originall!locatc.l olpcrlorm ns bodies,the posi rhe elfcacv ol performan.ein the presen(xr structuralst criuquof prcsoncccontr buled lo a whole new seriesol oncoptu, shLfls withif the sludy ot cu hrral pertorm.n.e. Among ihe most evidentdcvoloprricnls: Lhe nflt]enceof Winncott and wh ch, Piagels psychoollieshas beeneclipse.lbyL.canianpsychoafalysis dspac-.s with its slress on the structu! rchton ol desire and iangLrage chanrs. tho prcscncc of the sublect inlo the insstent deletralol siqniiynrg Simibrly,the impodan.e ot Gotfman'swork rnd. lor lhal mntler,ol socolo gy in gen$al, has slcadily declinedas ihe notion ol the social has bccn fragmenle.l and disperse.l ,mong muLtiple and conpetng voices. Even m, ro onlcf phys a nthfopoogy,so cssenlial to lhe lormationot the paradis ln larqc p!ft to the criliquesof ts own cul the same role il once di.l, owincr ntra .Dnstrldcdncss rrd lo lhe increasn! lmportance ol an aray ol with c! hrr.lst!dies, includingclhnic sitdies,lheo appronches associnted rkrs ol gcn.lor rf.l soxualily, nfd postcoonial siLrdes Obvbuslv clch ol posed al dilferent lhese deveopmenls has nvolveddilt$onl ch! cn-clcs limes and paccs. bui ! havo also beerriiformed by the poslstruduralist critiqueol presence past dccado onc ol the mosi signifcant .hallenqesto pertoF Ovei_the matve presence has come thrcugh dcconstrlctvc readingsot Austin's speeohact thcorv Throlgh lhe work of JLrdithButler and others,Austif's analVsis of pedormative ulieranceshas povid.d scholafsa igorous nreans ol siudyinghow pedonnancccmbodiessymbolicsysiems.and more radi callv how such sysiemshelp to constructantl constitutethc body:s such.

E d






rt rn
The body has in no \rvny dsappearcd trom periormanijeSrLrdies ln.lee.t bodnishile nrultip(Xl and dtvoft fie.tas nrorornLl more pcqJkrhave inkon up culturalperlorn)ancc as a nlea|ls lo chaltenoe s@ial norms. A second and more proloun.ttr.nstonnarionot pertoiinalivepreson(x) E has lrcon the hyp.rnlcdiaton ol $ociatpro(luclio. via .omp|lcr !nd in,or nraln)nnelllorks In terms ot (xrtirtratperfonn0nce, this has enraite.tthc in or ' ) ( , . ,,1 r.r F o t . u J i . r- , .,. ttu ri c .,r In ,trc D u1. , . i rer.< a " ..Fc i r,t \ MH.jr,' h.rvelonir hepnLonrrunptii 4In pdt,nmince strci.\ hut Iot! x,se spacos rre lherrsotv{)s beiD0nnppe.t try arJdinro .tiqiht rJlcdia. Wilh proqranrs sL|chas LileTonns,choreogr.phcrs cnn gerrcrato indivt.lLnt Inovcm enr s lU e n c e s a rj d(x )mp o s e o ftrc .ta n c e D cocson corrrt rcfsan.ti hen '.lowDloid Lhcmir the studb tnlo da|cDs borties Oorvi)^i{rv.Drovcor(xrr sensorscin track l portonnets gosrrtresso llnl rhe nDvcrncnrscan bc cliqitally, s tor(rl and Droccss-A.t to crcalc {nnpLrrcr rrjmarons. conndrting lhomselves to and lrotweenoktcf med. s!ctj r$ tilm, .udio, vi.tco sy|llrrs r z er sr,r c c o m D u rr_ ys rc n rs .n n sy b rc rk u p.fd recorrbi n) eements,l ti slribuliiU" or rnthcr fixtistributn|otprtorDntavep.csence-Wods an.t d;ls bFik Nn, cmbodiftt |arld m.n, xjs can bo recasl In rcr.tion to ctis{xtrsivc porktrnllrtives. :rs bolh perfoanrrr(xrs .fd pcrtonnaNes rrc rnmerset rl neh{.n(s ot ctaiionrlilV ll llx) shilt lrollr tlx)arerio ltroory(Fn be ud{)rsr@d as orcurrnq nton(] . seriesol lrcnts. il hns ntso bee lccomD.nted by a rranst,rnrariori irr rhe l! nct onr)lnro.lclol (jl]ihm pcrlornraice.As \\rl) seor, rtlr.t procoss_ es provcl(xlear y p{j1ofln.nce sdrohrs with r nrollot ot eflrnc y one Nh ,c h l h c y !j (r,c ra i z (x i a (j ro s s thc enti .j ti otd ot.!tturnt perloanirne-tn thc sooat.n.t politicd mnlert ot lhc 196osnnd lg/os. rhis Ino.lelhel|x{l lo antr nlc slratr{ies d enfuo(Js||ransqrcssion. srrnrc(i(js deplovd in perfonnnrxxrs r.n! nlt ironr Grolu/sk to Spd0rworn.n.In thc 1980s r |d 1 9 9 0 sh , owovor l h e m tc o t ri l u a l s a gcncrrtmoctetofcl tcaoy h.s doc ne.l. or tulhc,r, r tlat hrs ilsctt bedn,rj lhc ra!!,hlc.i!t tor an.llrr nbdeliTtliqr p(xxiss, orc ccnkxe(t nround Dorlorm.ncc it. tsDecia[V in ts nosl lgrogf zab o tnm a bodv an.t sonrcsl( pertorrnance,rl lr|s qner.J.r(lrs.n incrediby if,iticf ld fcrtitesiro tor rcs{)archers thcoriznll lhc m.xlnled p.V ol emboLlic(tDrn,liccs irn.t rtiscufsvo sr.remcnls. lhroush thc work ol I {uric An(tersoo. Karcn rnrtey. :rnd qit|dnD Gdnx,z_ Pcrla (lo naDe bur ii tew ot tho innumeratrto indivictunts atxl groups wtx, ha,e lufircd to perforrran.e irrl lo ongage c! r!rar refrescnlation), rhe la{rt.s ol appn)prati r prftxty, anrt crcss-cutlurn Llctournement hlvc becorroccntralio llxi artid)laltonc,idticncious pcrtorm.ncc OlhL-rqenres. mGt nol:rDly dmg. vo(,utrrg, and r^p, haveatsoconlributcdto this theonla_ tion, but over the plsl two .tecndospe onna|cc arr h.s been lhij nrosl prod!ctive silo ol pr;.xrricat!fdtheorelical o\r)erlmefraliof. Cartsof,in Iaot, devotostwo thirds ot tls sLrrvev to the hislory and theory ot pcrformafce ari. And lor many in lhc c4Frimentat nrts,pertorDanc\) /s penonnancoar!. Ihs transfonnlrtonol perfonn.rve eificacy has b xl .tisclssod m!nv lnncs oltcf h rcl(xcnce ro ihe dflerences hehreennloclern afd postuod ern De.tornrance a(t tn Prascnd) an<t Rasisrntx:. phitip Aushnder doscribesposlmodernperlornrance as invotving a shitl trorr lrnnsgrcssion io res sla..e, wh dr cnn be !fderslood horc as rwo ditforcnrsrratogt.sof porformdtiu) tlioacy. Trrnsltressve elticllcy posits tsetf ns a prcscnce o(]lscle an aliennlfg powcr, trkntg its posiiion in opl)osttion to dominant s(xxal slrudures and lornrs. Uy contrast, resislnrrlcllicacy ariscs from ilrllin, ncccssarly inscribc.l$rithin tho v.ry fdces ot po$,erwhose arrange m()n ot prcscrlcc an.l absence it seeks lo cha eIge. The ditforcnoc lheso stralogics corrospondsnso lo a dittcrence in rhe ways rlv()r is conceive.l:shile rransgressireetticacy secks (o ovcrthrow rirc loli'hlarianism ol lhc Eslablishmcnr. resisttnl etticacyseeks ro sobverl lhe heqemof es ol erhnophalloqocefrricisnr. Austandcra(,ucs that postmodcrn Porrormanco docs not.ltcrnpt to opt)useso.jat rror'|ns n.d nrstitutio.s bLrtlnsteadint trales them throoghslbto oriLiqlesaId/or parodicsot icp_ ros(xrlntunal m(xlia. The title ol one ch:rpter succinc y a.ticutatoslhis chanle: in Fronrthe Polircs of tcsrrsy b Ijc tcsiasy ot Communioilron, hc wriles that lhe so. al srbleor can no tonter tnke !p I p,rsilionin Lrsucial dr.rLr buLis a[!|ys rlreac]yrlJsorbcd rjlo $ociol! as oloclronkr {rnr[)uri Thc shill koor lranssrcssrvr) b rcsislantrfbacies r( eds rhe qowing re L(J.n.e ot.rrlsts, activisrs, nnd theoristslo ground p{jrfornr:rivo olftcacv n o lh$ an .loa or a m.t.xifll pr.rsen*r.Dot)ares over ihese modetsot effi cacv been ntensified by the ncre.sin0ty diverge t cu rlrat ditiororrces al rvork in prxlormance tho(ry and prncrice. In ..perfornrancennd conremporaryfheory."Patr lll oI his t dddcs his trnal -\rtonn!!kL,C.rlso (irapters to two strategiesol potiicat perlornrafce a(, ofe base(l I the cl oftty po ti c s oi lhc 1960s, r id oar t yt 9/ 0s, an. l ihe or her n r he Dost mrxk)rn cdi4le ol presence. The .lifferences beh{,een rhese |wo strnrelies ganoratcda sublk)ycl p(tound chanqcin portormalM)In{fi)s. l i steado f pr ovding r esslanrpo r . ! t m elsagcsor r cpr cs. . Lir . t ons,!s d d t he po r . al per f or m an. es of t he r r 6( x. post m oder n pe.tormancc prov,dcs.csisrrnccprcci5ct,not by otfcnng mcs. rrBes.' posirivor negJtive.rhar fit comforrabty inlo poputar represeit at 0nsol po it ca t hought bui , bI chJ cngngt hc pr o. . ss. esot fep r ese lt aron ir se il m usL. ar y | . vcn f r ouSh or t r hispf ol. cl D fncansor r cP. csenron nt


At,anr, lhc'so ch.nges can be situated in retarion to thc reJmting o, cril cal v:r ues thai has occufied since rhe thoory cxptoso . Onc otfcrq has ctu cnlccl anolhor The critique ot presefce has chr enoed the very core E+* or dentity po tics, Lhepositionof lhc subju:I, lhc auth(xrlio presenq) trcm c which opposilional transgression Grn take Dlrce Givenlhe potiricat slakes,




I co res as fo suririsc lhar rhe enrercrenoc ot postmo.ternpcrtonnaice nas generalod thd heated dcbales wtrhinpertotrna ce St{dies over 'nost thc past twn decades. Thls is not to say thal ntonrirypotiths havo been eclipse.l as Carlson points out th()ro has been a prodlclive lensioJr "bc'lM[n rho des're lo providoa groun.tinqkr clrive action by Dotithat attirmng a spcc fic dentttyand sutcor position,nnLtthc des re ro un.ter mnrc lhe essentialast assuntplions ol culural coDstruclions.,V)l lho very space betwo(inthosc desiresatiests lo rhcir dfterclxxr, thc r I tcrily Thorc hns ber-'n . l}$e(,o i,r rhe Dassaoe irsotf_ The theory e{tosio nr ar k s n t hr e s h o dl )c l w (n rn th re s h o k l sa , r i t expenen(x) w | orc onc l mi nalrtychailenges anothcr.whcrc paradiqmsot clticacy are retftxtc.t upon, laken opart, r.assombed,.nd transbrnrcd The teedback botweef ritLral and lhclrler so pftrludivc lor nn errtier (jencfltiorr ol Derform{ysal scholnfs.hns its.ll beei spproprralr)d, p!rodie(I,an.t reoyctcd I rhe reverb ot lheory and De.lormanco ad. Whrtr the i,rlUnt p.radjsr!1<rlic i.otrr Dass.cto (riscorfse lo body was olt,anDosoLt a$ a nj.jdior or oxctusion of lhe li6r lffm !rrLIa .orrespondingvaloriznrioD ot the presrxrccfoLrnd in the s{xrond, lhe larerp.ssallc l)as rendedtr) inctlrdclx,lh ler rs whito Ltiq)tacing rhenr w thin i) nroroleneral ol i|lquny. Ihe post oxp os()| pnssalJe rhus s l)v M ore.ns . sinlrlc rcv.jret or ret|'|rn: il tr,s ntn,rtrj the verv silc ot Dr_ k)rnrancc Displacerl brft not rcptaced, rhe ofli{)lol', ot c bodiedhansgrcssion his ber)n rL\!o ed ns rhc oflnjac!,ot discursile r()sish,lcq passtr\,,pcrlor'nalivepresen(x) !,iv.s wav t0 pertorrrralivir Lerabltity. PAE DE PARAO'GM Tfrc lrrnsfonnilion olcflioi,cv trom rrjrnsqrcssiorto resist3n.r), ro slr trs in mo.lels lrom lhcator lo thery anLl korn ri\jat to perlofinancearl,. ol lhcsc chafges nru$tb. unllcrst(ff] i retaronto arr)lher inrrrortanr pnlrcss lhat \,!t$ Mll undetuy anPcrti)rm.'Dc Shr.li6 by lho talc t970s. t.ekr hc r c Loit s ir s i tu to n a z a to n a s o d i s c i p i n c rrn dprotessonThoprssLr!,c lo in shon, hasled trom thcstrccrs and barrimdcs lo llrcclassroonr r).1rndaqnr, in c oller er rc e h f .l n 1 9 8 0 ,l h e c fr.l u a rc Dral rl ] prooram r N (\{ ,yofk lntve.sity $,as rcnr'nred the Ueparrrrcnt ot pe.tonnancc Sr(dies. smn irllcr, NorthwcsternUnivlxsirylranstornred tts Orr hrrerprer.ti(nr p(\,ranr nlo r se.irxl Pcrl('n nce dcpnrlorent Other r)roqranrs ot srdy h.v. siricc (nnerltcd .t ArizonirSrate, South(f,n tnros Norih C.r()tn[qhnrlolle aD(]. o(rrscas in creat tsrtr in lrd Ausu!rn. W h. l l. ) n r.k e o l l h e l a o t th .t rh e l o rmal i nstrturi onnti z.ti on ot l)ertornrandr Stldios hns r)ccurrecl ov()rrhe same perir)d.s rs 1rlnstonna, li(rr lro r lrnDsgressive b rcsist rr srrntegies ol olticacy.lone milrhtars(o lhat lheores ot 'rosisl.ncc tronl \dirhid arc utrimarety seff-scrvin!.beclruse lhoe ol us who nniculato lhsl are rrcrety legitinanngour o!!n aclN.lrcs

withif ihc academy. Tlre vnlorizaliofot p(xtofinan*j thcon/ (x)!ld be atso ideereled llr a snnlhr nranner of course lheory tlas displacodlhe.ier rs n Sludicsitheoryis wh.tsdrotars producclunling modolol Perlonirance not lheatc( etc Su(jh argunrentscannot bc dismisscd arogoltrcr Hl]r rhc impacl ot lhoorv and lho enrerqenccot iosislant enbacy have not been limitodtb schoars n riisls and nctivsis havea so rosponcted to Coni ncnrl]l lhcory .nd put reslslant str.teltcs nno prrctice One coutd thus counrer lhat pslonn.n(xr scholars have m..xc! blow l lhe tend ol lhose lhoy sludy nnd lhal. to l.cillllc the re*'arch and rcactjng ot pertormance, the par.dlr ha.l nr nslitutbnalirc tsei Slch nr{]!trrenls atso cannot bo rciecredoul ol hnn.l. nalhor thnnchoosebehlccn tlresohlo readinlts, we mighi insrea.tdruw thcrr logelhlx nnd |ndorsland lhc pirrndiljlr,srecvahla on ot eiticacyaDd ils own nrsl lurionnlization aslwo unrdh,rcir loroinqdavelopmcnrs. t h.l is, prlornancr) schonrs h vc respondodsimutrlrcously lo chafges in lhe pertormanccs lh{)y shrly and in rhcn own pcrtormandrs ot slu.ty A.rain, both ol lhcse doveopm{xrls must bo sitLrarxl wilhin a broarler sffbtx)lilicnl cont( us rccall til.u's nrcnDry ol rhe l060s tibi.tinrl thnrkinowhoh 'subverl{xl the rcprossve texl rnd .tisftrpred .t(nN Nth lhe Linitcrsities, lhc instihniors ol lrreralureand lhonter' pcrtonnanq) sdroars sLrspicion ol iist it ut onsar d d scr r svclybr s. r dnr et hods an( t t her lheorizatonot embodrcrl krns!,rcssionscro resDonscs lo norrrtive torccs nl work bolh oulsue an(l insidcthe hllls ol thc rr)r(temv.N4ore snx)ti.jaLV they were diredly {ronocrte.l to lhe civil ri.Jhts movcment.lo :rrri war demonsrrnrbns, arrd to tho o r.nltentlcminisrnbvcrnent,lllotwhktr posi lionedlhorse\s. both mnurllually nnd physnltty,j| oDposlionio esrablishcdro.ial institulions. In ninrs ot lho lniverstV sLudyifs c!lttraL por'onn.n(x) slrusglcd ro dclirrc its dishrtilemss as an obiect ot rosean)h and loachlng. Roinelland Roachrr!]uc lh,rt the h srory of r he dt s. pt ne or r heat er! t udie5 I n r ijr m I m a.ti vcl y re:d , ns hcr cas Pef lof na. c sludier lsoncof f ghr nef or a!tonony fron Englr sh andspeech depar henr s, inr t sr r ng on , kind of sparat lon f r omolherar eas ol st Ldyll wasne. essarpo y t .a ty (raim rhis disrinclvcnets, evcn al rhe exponse of be.omng s om ewhltns! ! r and hr f t ict ica r r uI r hatuhf of t u. nately becamc lrue for mrny departmcnts ofrhcalei.


Howovct the dovobr)meniol tesisldn.e trom{ithin sifltcgcs and rh{rcxpansir}n ol rese.iirr to imhrlo bolh cmbo(tiedpr rlices and discurs!e slaLcnrents havccontribuLod to a rcthrnkn9 ot lhis separaLsL appft)ach. Inslitdaonallv if pre-expbsiondi$iplinary t tics vis n,vis Enotish, speech, t;l g l]nd trfld t ona the)a lcr departrronls hrd boen ro brcak aw.y and sea up, rDslcxplosiontaclics havc sought to rclirrkand lorge atfiancos. Heinctran(t

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IA wr te lhai " t|losr t is evenmore necess!ry ro rocolln zo a nd insistof the inlordcpendoncy ola rclaldl scncs oldasciptines and atsoor therote ol perlornrance in the prodlctlon ol cutlLrre in rhe widesl sense."",Asin the r 9O 0snn. le a ry 1 9 7 0 s th , s i n s ttu ti o n arrpcrusl l ]()rgcs w rh krger soci al I of c c s . lnt hc 1 9 8 0 s a n d l 9 9 0 s ,l h ee m b ra c ng ot dtscourse.nd theoryand the pradi@s ot ()sistanl havccut acrossanastc,activisl.and acade ric comnr!nilres, com !nites workif! undera .lilterenrselot normariv.), such as lhose revovns a(rnd obortiof righrs, rho tforhefr ot AIDS, aparthcd, fcderalfund n0 of the arls, gay and tesbianrighis,ind m!lliculturalism. This wider smiopotirit conrert alows us to undorsland how changcs in slratcgies of ellicacy and clisciptinary lormarion srnptenrenl eachoiher:from th s perspectve, the stronsrhening of nrsrr!rionata i:rccs is itsolfa tactic ol fcssranr c'fioacv. Two models ol elticacy, an ext)losive kanslorma|on in tErw()cn: one can r ea. l her e t ra i l s o l w h a i Ku h n w o u td c att a parndi gm shtr w i rhn Perror'n. nce Slud es.The mnlensebo.tyot ne\! rese rch,lho thmrycxpkr son! lho rccyc fg of Lovc's Bodv rhcsostrikingIigureslrace lhe reroutiro and detourin0 ol PertormanceStLdies p.ssage h paradism. yet lhis read,ngolPerlonnancc Studbs is hauntcdbyanortrcrparn.tig r shifl.As we. readin SLern aid l.lendersof's1992rexrbook, the flektoi orat nterpretarknr has oonlributc.lio thc loflnaiior ol Pcrloflirafcc Srldies and ls conceprr! aliznlion olperfonnance ThouohStem and Henderson cite mGtot lheeany theorislsmentionodby MacAkxrn, anoth(xpai.ot thoorisrsoflor I difierclrt pcrspootivcon llrij rclation bolwecn or0l inlerpretalionand pertormance Studles in do nq so, they trace an alierfariveparadismshilt. In a 'rnd, l9a7 estny entilled "A Paradigm tor pertormance Srudtes..nonatd J. Pellns.n.l James Vanoosttngdepkn portormancoSructicsnor ns rhc cmorgdrcc or a rcvotuliolrry ncN p:fad gm, bur ralher as a pnr.d gm sh h occurring rlith I nn establishecl d sc p ne. pos ng thts shfl as a srarlinu hypolh()sis. th(jv sct out to nuasurc ,rhc c\ptanaroryDowerot the Daracliq, malic pr*uDplion. "' P er f or n ra n cu d .s sc L a rs c rts d L h c o rc cta o ri e.rar or tramed square ly withrnthe dis.ip|lneof humancommuni.ation and enriched by suchfildsas JnthropoloS, lhrrrc, fotktorc, and popurar cutrure. F r omw th n s p e .h .o m n u ri .a ti o n , p rformance nl d 5 dcri vcs lr oh t hei n tc rp rc l a ti o i l : r.ra ru rc u d l o cutes perfofnati ve or Lhe add aesthetic natrre oahufrar discouBe it rs basedin all. cliris epistemological.lrims, porit5methodotogicat proccdurcs. andcaIs f oric w p .d a g o g c a a p p fo a c h e "s Pc irs and Vnnoosling corlc|]de th6t it is too earty to s.ty,,wheth{, lhere has been a paradigm shth. We can sec howcvor rhar rharr h!.porhesis tramosil as a paradigmshrll lo PerlornJonce Sludles,whereasthe reacling lhave been deveoDingsog0ests lhere hns been n Fradsm shifr hrlrrr Pertormance SludiesTher h story ropeatsand Vold flers from lhe thenlff n'ools anlhrcpology pasJi<)gc I have lrackdl here; it rehearscs .nother palh Hnv ng ph(rd PerfonnnncoSlud es squarcy within spooch commu| callon, Polidsond VanoostingconcludoLheirtext bV sntherlngup dilferent qonres eilh lhis round tigurc: 'the para.liqmrticrelationship beh{en or.l interprctalion sludics displllylhe peflorm{nceol llln'r.l perlornrance 'righl li0ure widorifo oLrh(ardto .rrature as tho c.nlrnL clrcle in a conoenlric nc trb socialdramas.ri1ulrls, storyic ling,jokes,orsunzati.rnnmctaphors e(ryday convorsalions, irrded any communicalonirct mmling the crikrir ot aesthcticdrscours-.."" lam temptcd to saylhat this liourq e.vocative ot a laruo tarqet, rnarks lhe slle whore orol ntdprctnlioi met a|lhropobgy I s le ocatcd sornewhere in I Linois {Pelirsn nd Vanoost ns s I 9ll7 ! rlicle llsts thnn as assisl.nt prolessors of pertormancc studiB i|| lhe S|}xxll Co nnLmicalions depadm(rrl at Soolhrn llli|loisL,nivcrsily; Norlh$oslern tlnivorsityis ooalcd if Fvnnston, no(h ol Chicaljo). The (inrlftlsls bet$(nn whnt we mqhlca the MidwL:stem .n( | fastern pflssagcsare manv bll lhe most signilicanl involvcslhe ditlcronl givrls lo discorsivc pracliees.For rese.rch{rs wilh presumplionsinlomrcd Drinnd emboLlic{l mnrilvbv tlre ornl nkypretni on ot liLcrirlure d soursivepr.oliocs hnvelons tnken.nal vl i cllpr ecedoloc lheir p f t r digm shllt lo Pcr lor m anoo Sldies hc( rtcned lhe imporlance ol cn rodid praclircs whik) s|lnullaneolsly ncw bodiesloinalyzeanrl n{)wmclhods{,ilh whichto doso. ny conirrst, for resmrchtrs hoklinqprcs!nr ons nlornredbVlhoatcf s tud es thc emergeni)o of PerfonnanccStudklscmphasi/edemboded rathff lhaf .lisoursiveprndices. This diflerencoonn be (!.d in lhe conltust betw(x)n Schechnei who ollen exr)ludcs literarybxts korn lhe liold ol Derlomancc anclPclias andVanooslirlg, who.wh(xrgnlheringlogolherlhe gcnrcs ol perpcrionnrnce art, rrgwbly lh. gcnre that h s not 'Jre.ton nrosi testdl lhe body's lirrils uut as fast meels Mid{esl, lheatcrbased seholarshavo shitled moro ol lhet allenlion lo discoureclvhileihe hlorahrre-bascdscholarshavo tLrrned loward embodim('rt.' The convergcnce ol lhese two pnssaltesto pdrndigmhas been lonrlali/cd over thc course ol tho 199Os. ln 1990 gradrinh studctrlsat NYUoroi nizodPSI (whhh originally slood lor "Perlo.manco SludiesInliirnalional), a mnlor conlcrcnce and tostval co hoslcd by ther NYU afd Norlhwcslenr .loprrhenis. Boqinnng n 1995, lhe two cbparl'nents hrvo m hosk:d, series ot {rnlorcnces, hl/o h Nes Yorft(rrc of whlch was also co hoslcd by lho Cily Udversllyot New York)and one in tvaDslotrand Atlanla(rx! hosted by Cooryia InsututoofTechnok)gv). Oul of lhe 1997 conlercnccif Allanla cnme iho Iofmatlonol lhc lirsl proiessio | organiz!liorr of rhe ti(ld, lrt'ich somcwh.l coincidontallytmk lhc nanre ol thc 1990 conlcrcnce, P lormance Slu.lics trlernfllionalor PSi. SubsoqaeDl con'crcnces havc been held ai lho Ur vers ty of Wnes nnd ArizonaSirle Llnivcrsitv

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l)espite such reguhr mnl$cncos iDd or(,anizalionat devetopnrenl. the nstitltbfraL zr tio o I PcrformnfceStudes s a hisroryoi conhslat ons an.l rconcilintion. PertorDanceschotarshllve for dccdilos lssoncd fte socint e.ticacyol our own rcsr)arch and rcachingactiviries. not onty.aling tor brn rlso pa(ic patinq I chaltenges ro rhe norms ot sc|ltorstrip nd p;ch!,oqv From this pcrspcclilc, lhc vcrv nolion ot a pe,Jormance Stu.li6 Fr;ig,n s paradoxic.l, I fot nr s0!.jed. Scheohner wribs rhat ,,anvo tor or work t(nlarl 0 unilkrd1c d' is, ir thisl vicw m sundersiardingot the very I ! d rly .nd playfulness furdarnenrrtro pertormanrx) sludcs.,,. Joscptr Boach n.s sugfleste.lthat Pfflonnancc Sludcs cofrsrituLes nor a.liscptine, bur ftrher an intrdiscil ne , or "posi.tisciptin..,,,For pcrto.,nrnce Slurties mys.t' includod.rhcso ar!:lurcnls are lamitiaran.t imporhnl. as thcy lorm prfl of olr lmage as n lietd ot rndkja rcsoarc|. ycl sofijoon. researching the tietdfr(nn rhc oursidc nnshl disagree. Citii!, our genres ot Dqlon|ancc and crnons of lilerarure,our nreiho.tsancl dscptinos, orr courses 3nd (jurrc!.. our proqrrtrrs and dopnrhrenrs, olr Drotession.l organir l|ors aDd inrellectuat histories, and e_ven ou (lnlcsts and ltuntiry, t his ot her re s e n i c h e lrfo m th o o u l s i d O Ini gl rlconnncnt:ti t w rks ti kea Thc trlisling an.l cterourins ol portoftnancc Studies,Dassa0e lo Braci srr, thc dcbatesover wherherii ts or is nol a !ts{r ptnn, Lhcsorcsu r lrom a tensionbehvd)n lBr) d(jsircs:lhc dcsirc lo crcale r)ertor r n! nc oas a l i o k l o f s L d y , o n c w i l h i n s ri n r toni ti n.t protessona teqti r nd lhe de s i re l o .v o d re .re .i n g rh e n o rmsoj l hc acl dcnj y, fofi ns th| l are lhcmsclvcsticd lo cxtr nElitulndat l) As re hnve nrv(Ilin!, penonnonceas an ohi(xi ot outiurati ratvsis nd oursovcs t|s subic.jts ol knowkida.. rrrlor.n.occ scholars hnve rnken rwo diifei)r1t srr:rbqics rcgardnlginstihrtionaliTnrion: breakilith ka.titk)nat tioktsot lhoarcf,spo;ch, on.l Englishand,! tonutivclv solrkI rnces wilh these sane tiektsns wetl i$ othors.But lo rhe.h.[ena,e ot ettioacy!!hch wo havca ribul (xlboth k) ouroblccls afd o!rsclves,\!e havenlso invenie.t paraitigm n thal chn engcs lhe Establshment, rhe vory Towor, lho !rvorsL!, tcclure mnchinc.nnd .ll lhe para.tiotrrs thrl shilt alx)ut in them. This tensionhas bocf and conli ues ro be al o|ce pro.lucr!e, repro.ti()rve!n(tinurtorpfoductive-it noi destructtve and decoflstrucrivc Thereis no one in ot PcrlonnanceShdies, bur inste.d an expbsk)n ot paradigms,a gathcring nn.l.lisporson ol mo.lols!nd rrodcttcr$, a c.,nD ex nrxtsomet mes conrra (l(tory proccssol.nnlysis. nro.letiTl]rior), and bt.srinqot paradqms.ZF.rc Step (an.l stot, ot prrrad qrrr.Thcro is rjo pLfndign fo passagei DaradtgDr. lhcrc rro on y nrffc p.rrdigdrs, more r).ssaqes.

T''E L'N''NAL.NONM Lei us nga n asscnrblei$'o paradoms of cl{caoy, hvo rnodcls oI cutiural pcrlormanoelegiblelrorr our re.dirrgs.h lhe Insl. etticacygrormdsirseltin entnrdioclVansqrcssions, ln practices ho cd by ihcire( riru!, afd oih(n trainingsol lhe ho(ly.Performancohere is bcls,eenihoaler and rirunl.its limen s the thealncirl Talionof ritual.n.l th. ritLraliz! rior ol ihearcr.Face'toIlcc encouftcrs. slte'spocilic ev(rrts,the nrprcsencinlt ol indtvtdlal .rnd socirl tmdics thrlsc nstanliatc lhe lranshrnrative pot4crot perlormance in thc flrsl deoadcsol Pedornrance Studies,priff ov,Jrto its appellrton.The se.x)nLl rnodelo1 offcacy.thlt ol resstarcc, takes oll kom tho discoursos oldiricalthcory an.l lhc oxperinxrrlsof pertonDnnceart: ils cu hg cdge is the lhcory of nr.olice nnd thc pracu.c of theory. Ntcdnted orcoLrnrrxs, p.rodic.fl)ropflalions. bodies (xnrstructedbV ond throlgh dis@u.sej (thouqhnot exclusivoly) incre.sinqry lheso have como to make up rhe eflicrcy ol p.xlormafce if llrc llrst lwo bcrwecn thc Lwo modds. lho ch.llengc ol elli{lcy lunrs itsolfoulstcto nr:lrom krnsgressins . blnlitnri n powff from L|lrolts(b sile to rcsisli'r! a hcllcn nio power lroJnu'ithir thal very power arrdf$.rneDi, Thealernnd rilual hnvo rr no w.v bodr tett b(trirxl in lhis Dassage ho l lr.nsqrcssiveto ro$shfl dlicrcv They ()rnai. t$ro (n the mosl i'npon nr obiocls ot sludy, whilc thek rolc ns mdlcls has dnnin,shed, ir has 'ln.l Todny, thc lield nor been clmin.t(xJ. ol cullurnl D{rlormanc(i and rhe parrrdism oi P(xlonnnn.e Slud es r).nfol l)e rhrr(y', $riihoutc lifg tho lcr nrrd dtu.l. Thev remnnr,ns it !rq0. specilr; ar historicnlrouchslonestor .ny llcfernl lhcory ot .u 1!ral perlotrr:lrce. iho tcr .ontrucs ro otkx Lln ntporlani lonnnl rolcrcrrcc t(tr conceniuii znri, rltur! perlonlanriei tn a.ltliliu), lhcaterdcpartmorls and orqanircrions soch.s theAssociarkrrtor Tho,rrre in H sher Edu{ratiof and lho AnrercanSocietylor The.tre Rcscarch provilc rntFrtanl lfses n)r s lo:rchn]!, lnd resoarch.Simihrlv the .lis(ji pline of rnthropok)qy coniinu.s lo prcvidc p.rtormNnce s.hotlrs with mt)()rtanlnrethodolo.Jic.lppronches, cspec.llv thos. ftralcd 1o ethrr0 Furthcnnore,lxdween ihcory if.l t)oflornrnn(xr an, liminalilV renr ins ono of the rnostkcquenllvcite.l allrib! les of porlonnativi i c l|cacy Carlson. lor inslrnco, ck)scs his 11)96 surve.y wiUr n se.iii(n"0onclusi(r): W hrt i s P o f lor 'nance?', whichef ( ls wilh t ho I oll ! nlt clclnilon,onc lhar lornhG upoo bolh lir inalltv.nd (heatri(,riaty. s a spccif c \ ! it h t r m r oidnat ur ct or cBr ound l P erfo r nr aiccl - . vent cd,.l ' rosr r nvlr ir bi/ <iea. l/ scpar f at edLhe. esr oiiil. r od pr esent cd s r lr ended br pcr r o, m e,and br ar den. es bor h of whom , egr r d thc.rPer encc asm ade upol r t o be nt er pr ct cd, t o ber cllect 'nat r ed !pon. lo be engaBed in-chotionally, ncnrally,dnd perhrps

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c a y .T h s p a rt.u l a r s e i s eo f o ccas on nndfo.usas l vel ev ehp h y s cai ty of w rh the P hys se o c i a.n l v eo p e c o n bi ne ir r t hc o v c ra r.i ri n ard to m a k i o n e of th mon pow rful t heat,.a p e rfo rm a r.e fof the s a t h u ma ns o cctyhas dcveopea c f c , r c o u sp ro c c d u rcth 5f.refx on g p ro . s s o f c ! tu ra landpeE onai - . id . s d y fa s .i n ai t ano crpc4men'aron Solxtars also conlnuc to slross lhc lirntr'rhlvor "rn bclwcenness ol lhc Slu.liesAnta!a\/1, a 1994 essay. wfint b Perlormance Dnr.rcli0nr studios is 'irrt$ h bctrccn. lt is nrtorSoh(xhnir lsiles: 'Pertorman{)e g(nrrr!), olrrdisc4ji^nry. irl.r.rrllurnl-ind th.rlilor.i nrherentlyunsl.bte PS cafnol sllclios rcsisls or rLrcds dojnrl on. As l .llsc plnro. P(xioftnrrndr bound.ries,it goes where il l)c nloDped elleclilelv becn!se I trnnsgressos is not oxprlid lo be lt is nh{nrnlly n bolw(xrr nd lhcrclorc crnnol bc p nn(j(]down .,r locrted crrctv"" Lim falilV,lhorr,rcnr ns key 1'] articul.l Ing iho ot both culturai pe ornrnn(n rnd Po ormlncc Slttrlics or resislaft. whclhff lhat etlcacv be conceived.s lranselresslve poopcs, bordir rrf(l nxr Crft nrfe.lqe pr.iik)es, trinqr !rcuDs ruirralizc.l {jrossngs, translfcssiofs of bolndirrics and rnils these can and hnle been theorze.l in ierms ol nrin.litv Whrt is ptYl(rmaniD? Wh.t is Polonmnco Sludics? 'Lnninrlily' 6 |rerl|.ps lhc Inosl ootrcisennd irccu lhc rrreislcnl usc l'?rra(k)ti(ialv ralo rostxrrse lo both ol these quesli{)ns. ht,tititlilvito soniethilq ot a Donn rhc field h.s fi|llLla ol rlrisoofrccptwithit| lhil is, vte haveconreto deline the etlimcy olperlormaDceand otourolm (r tcrrnsol kritulitv tt[t, il nol c\clusivclv thcr lcrv irrclt|srv(l!. s, . morle ol rctlrv whose sp.t.]. lemt)ornl.nn.l symbolic in behleen pl.ved wilh,nnd rioss' rliows Ior socialfoflns lo bc slspul(kxl, olrallcrrgctl, perh ps eventrrnstorme.l. The con.ept has nolsinply been.pp e.l to per lonnan(x)siit has also hclpcd us b dr)s1ft/(;/obj(xitsol nrquirvby quidnr! rn.l their polit of a,rtivties to be stud ed lho r lonnnl analysis, lhe s{rleclirnr rralovoluaion And as wc sccn, lho limiD rtc ot passrsc . so lunc tons ns. strik fg emblemof ihe p.rad 0m is.lll both ol ils d{rvitopmcnt. ts subs(xtucnt To urderscore the nornratiledimensiof ol rinalry | haveconrelo c. ollialos inanysiiuation hminal-norm il tho /inr,Dt roD. Moregenerally.lhe where l[e vnlo./alion ol Innnral lraDsgfesskrior resislanceilsell LPmnres normxliv.-al whbh point theonzalbn ol su(lr i! norm may tLtomc subvcrsilc. I n de up the tenn "lirninalnonD ool lono atler readinganother this one by MichelI oucault.In an interviertentioilillon ol rites ot passage, Lled Biluals ol txclusiorr. Foucaulldisclssos how cnpilalist nonns are insoribedpedasooicav: outot.l r T t ef ei s th efrs r f!n c to no fL h e !.i v e rsl /:l o P rLs!ude.ts soreof . c uat o n rs s .o n d fu n .ro nh o w e v e r s t a ss p c .t s r o f s c v c i tc .6 o fh s i fc w Lhn ths artfi ca

so. ety. he bc. ones 'absof babe so. et y. ai. ons! m c hini l .si doust he wi I have / ccc vcdt he values oat h t t oc et r .Fle! vI hal e be ei g vei soc! y d- . sir ab. nr odc s of behav of so t hJt t lr is r tunlofe x. lsion w I na/ yt nleor t heva! e or nclsr onandf e. uperati oi or r Jbsor pt on. I nr hk sense, t heuniver sit is ) nodoubt lit t le jn whi.h ditrercnt fromthoscaysrcms pimirives@ieiies in so-.alled theyoungmenare keptollside lhe village duing thenadolescen<, undergoing ritualsof initiationwhi.h $parate them and we. all contact betwn them .nd real. active so.iety- At the end of lhe specified time,rheycanbe e.ttely re.uperated or rcabso$ed.., ln olhorwords,the very srrirc rilu s which DerfonMrrccschoBrshavciong c lod nr theorizifolhc ctlioroy ol ped.nna|co. Foucault ctes b exph I lho !n vorsty s nor'ralivc lun(tkn w llrln 00rlctrutrnry socielyl Turnerhimsct reco! l zed tho o(n's(rv.uve luncton Lh!t lim nal rites ol p,ssfi l c !ti nr at . l\ ] pr y if a$nt dr f , Dr enr llslr al sociiii. s. wher e 1r cy I nlosl rwavs reflorcc cxislirU sooi.l strL,l:1!fcs. T!rning to.Lrlrtr.r poron" toundt r indusr r irsooiel rl es, lic c. m it o . lisr ingush lhc lir r r f ll trom rhe i nrnod. lho l. r r r r cf cr r ir q io cult Lr r nacli! ilnr s i( nr n( l in ''idvnrrcccl so(retiesnrnrko(lbv llnr shnr! 3etr.rntiorr oi labor.n.l .risLrru. llowcwcr.there is lirl|r rk,(i, lhll lurncr's xnerest.nd Fssion L'y i tl!) nrrlislrurtural ele ents hc llxx)n/fl in bolh liminnlan.l linrinoiddlivitn)s, a|'d il !t?s thesc clsnurls whi{;h h. slrcssc.l in his critical di{krsuo with SclFchner and other |Frl(trnrirrri schohrs {ele e ls Fou(:nult does nol nrenl0n ir lho t.rxt.iled nlrov(i llh('r{th elseNhcrcho does enrDlrnslrc llx) nrtrrtrnce ot limil cxp(r'Lrn)os lo hi.! r)wnlhcorctic.lwork). Th(i mi na lf on is t r r t x) r t nnl hcr clor so\ qa inler eat edf cr so|ls. Flr sl. I domonslr.tcs how l(njes ol noflrirliv lV o.n be.ome muLrlio|al anrl vioo versa o his clhnographic r']sourc h,Trrrnerre.o0nizc.llh.t th.r lminalpr.!cl i ccs ol N tl .rm brsoccLycou( l k) r d T. relhcr siihsm or r einkt r , ion r l ol crstnq so..l slnr clur cs. wllh n) i|{{t r ccnr ont being t h. r nx) sl lonnnon o!hnme Howevcr as limini iy wns .lcfcralized across lhc cnxf,s n( lir)ld ol .xrli'lrn perfoflr.n(r) thnt is |s t w.s re cted. dcconloxtur rzed,. nrl reconte\l u! i z ed t he r ei, livr lyr a( ) inst nn. es of schsm . n. lr . dic. lr liisIonnalionquicklycnmc lo lh,) l(r,) is Derfonnand,$holnrs sou! t l() th{! orizc the ejli.acy ol cdtrtr.l pcrkrnrttrn* rlurinqthe socinlurcst knnd tn Norlh Amehca arrd Wsleln tur('r)o dtring lhe 196Osa carly 197(Is Liminalilv nhnostcxrjhrsivelv bccltr'ror sp.ce and limc ol transgression itnd sul)lcrsion:thus, a co.cqrl i[ld Drn.lice prnnanlvas$cinled with Inrnnlt, livc lours had beco nc lhc (:mhod nrrl ol nrui.ton.ltorces. Howovor, the !E ldv s!..ess.r lrrs qcnitr.lizalior Drocoss prcdu{icdthe nonnnl- S!* inevilably rzfq etlects . fotffl the conccpl ol lim n. ly hns hclpodi{) au de Ihe i'-{' selection.nd constructionol obi ls as well ns lhcrr rfa ysis .nd evaluLr- E;j q tion,and ir aild tion, it has sh txxl Pe omrincc St!(lies' mlroeof ilso l llx) sell-rcprsent.lionol lho pirnd0m n rchton b both the acrLl(rfy rn(l

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socbly rtlarge A(,ain, ccilation. decontext!alizat on, and recontextualizalon only h{rrclim n. eltic.c! has beconrea nrinfll-form. S.rcorcl,the lhnral{r.}rm also su.rcloslsthdL .ny Etven conccptual and dcpoyed to theorizc translression or nrode! ev(xr o o constrLrcted rcsistancc,s necessarilv lirrited in terms ol bolh ts fonnal an.l lts tuncliof al rspe(;i$.Tlls does not mpl! that one rnust-or ovof cnn avoid nrod c|z.tun or 0enera|zrLion nltogether As ln.Ioaled eorlier,lhe brnralion .'1 n'ove||Enls ot aoncruliznlionas does lheoreticil (xnrocpls thc cnrroence ol a rcscarch paradigmsu.ih as Pcrlonnane Studics.Thc but ralher lo challenoe. lh([ is nol lo abandon mnctplui modellzalion, inscrilralhis movemcntwillt|l one s sDecili{j silu tion,lo lold gencralizalion to lny one model,be on ltso I i'r oftler lo avoi.l rcLlucin!porlonrtnnce t thc!tcr or ritr|.l or p{rfornunce arl or surjh lhmfo lical nrodes as toflnal snr.psycho n?rLyss, fcm nism,.le.r)nslrlo liorr,queerih(x)rv or poslc,rlofa theorvThosonrodelshavcallbocn cxkeme y t)(xlu(lvc to the studyot{rul own linrts Ihe 1!ral tredonlrll()c vcl nll havethc r owf pcrspo(illves,lhcir is Lhusalso to multiplr thc nrodels.t on{ts disposrl wh e .t thc sanrc tinre or)eningut) lhcsc nrodelsto thc r 'own rlllrritv To citc ar)otheryel nnnl): Fa r Guallar destr bcs sch roanslysisrs n pru:r:issol tnetamodclisalion, one lhal, 'ruther than nnvinq n lh{- directk ol rLductionisl modo|srlons $lhichsimplilvlhc cornpler,lvill\'t()rklo\$.d ils compbxilicrto\rr.l lhc consislenlov ol ils lirlunl Inresol lion, ils t)(lr)ssual cnrichrnent. trilurijalnrrro(l dilhrcntialbn, nr shorl lowads ils (rnoblJicalhelercsone ol not onc but sc\cral itv" I rlliimpkid hcrc lo an.lyTeth{i worktrr{ts nrodes (ir'toirlto lhc enrerqenmand dcveoDnront oi Pcrbrdrfnce Snr.lkrs. n doin0 s o , l h rv c l o ,j u s c ds p e c .l .l l u rl i on on mi nnlri l .s ol passno-A s be. j. us o ri c hrn d p r. drntv(:rrro.l c of thepara.l i qm t h o yu rc . p a rti .ri l .rl ! novcnrclrl ol 0efffalizalior. This nrode 2 lon prucess I h.v.i nickfarncd lhe possrgo lo parrdign ln othdwords, lirrnfrl riios provde us with :r (andrDLl/,c)rrlelarnoil(l olthc parndilnr,onr)lh l liave lri-.dlo ffauk opcn by.jilinq ils rmr ml!e and mllalional (l n.rns(,rls rs lvcll as other nnnlos ihlnl, as a rrcl.rnnxlel. lhe lirrinrloornr c:n h(ilp us resilrate the bo crs .'rl(l limits ot F\rktrnnrrce Sl(dbs ilsoll. Tltis resinFldr or displa.erncnt,)r boi(lcrs is crucialto lhc ch.llon!,c lNidnrq our orlire Droiect. lhc rclb.rsri rt n qirnral theory ol D(tltriruroc This t)rcjtxil cnlails p(xtunnnnceStLrdies, thdt is chalkinoing oursclvcs.Ry challengin{t inq on lillr n l i]clivites, on transgrcssive nfd ()sistarrl prnclices,or moro genern v Lrtxnr we hrvc ovcrooked rhe socrllv cflirracous pertonrlncr:rs, inrporlaroor)l rth., perlonn.nccs, pcflonnonn)s \\/lros. lornraliz.tbn rnd slldy nlso t(x)k off i|l lhe lrn te.l Strbs rr)d wh ch hrvo snrccgone oloh.l. ol thcatri cal T hos o ot lro r)e rfo rma n .l s a rc n o l n re l a p h oronl $pucements d or.iullurn n(tivtcs, tlioullh they ce.lanr! !|rrd rrristaken v can bc reduce.l 10 them. Nor woukl Ne destribc lhcse olher tx)rlonmnces ns primaril!

rransllressive or resislant,tnf trom r As wc shal sco, iheir tun(ron s fd the most part highlvnonnalivo, so normative tI froritrar ono nrtlht justitia bl\' alignthem !! lh the Estabtishnroft, rhe Syst{rmthe t4.chtn{Fjn shorl Nirh lhe very nslilltons afd forces rgarnsr whch .Lri,rfat pertornrnce has rlroded nruchol ils ottioacious efions ovcr rhe pasr ha (rntlrv Bur roc ogni Tnrg ones o\ ! n involvdnenl wit h r hese r ur nar v0 t x) r r or nll|r x) es s. pnra.joxically. ossentiallonraki q such eftods more ctiverse, nn)roconcrole. more clln:acious. lt is .ls0 ossentirl b our gencmt theorv The dcvcbpmeol ot such l theory is hishtyproblemalic. Cartsonwrit6 lhal il !r " perlorm.nce !s an cdnlcsted concept,lhis willhelp us to utrderstand thc I rty ot scckingsorncovernrching setrranlic iielcl lo mver such seerlrir rgty .j sparareLrsnqcs.s rho prytorrrj.rn(je of .n ack)r ot a schoolchikl,ot ,rn auromobitc. I a1lro. Blr rt stlke i'r such usaijcs is nor simplydifloftxrrmclninqs of rlrc rernr ,porlornrLrn0o, bLrlatso ( irely dilldenl scls ol .lsooursesaird pra.tnls dilfercnt inlrrstructures .nd histifies, lJ(|ftr(lhms ol pedorman(je. fi4orcDrotr)!]rrdty whnL.s rr in olr ltelofirl ih(n:ry is nol rn oleradrnra senrN,rloicd ot per iornraDe but rlther rI un(tervoddtyslrarum or pcrom.trvr) trower n|LI krowledlrc.. . prngmrtic lorrillk)n Lrpon which rlt th s .ronlcstino ot potor mn.rcc lhe quostion ,v|mt is Ertonn.nco?, Btrhlr)s .en) i. especarllv when surveyin!, a p.radigrr or .letft lilV n tiekt,trul lo 'csrFpnblc'. nrap dilterenl brrri|]s ot this stratum llhich is tess a met.Dlrysio.ttouf dalion lhan.n onto.historient sslinre,rtation ol lorces rnorour0c, ques lion becoircs rvhnJ) pcrtonnrn()?.. Philosophkin v spenkn\l ro Brsrj rhe q!.rshon ,Whrr s?,,p()supposes . unilied'for'n white!r(nnisln0 a s ngte corecr n|s!!{)r. rlh tc Ux)qLreslbn "Whch urc?' assumesn rnuttipcily ot torces thar musl trc r,rirciy inrer Ircl(rj 3nd ov.llarcd.i lhis wi be mV assumpron.nchenrsi g n lofs.l theory ol perfonn.fce, wo Inusr |or on y usc .Jilterenr drDcepls, ror ontlt' contesl irn.i.xitquo lh.inti w) Inust.tso.jrernr c.lrcepts, /i,tllrr. nrodo/s, /,ronchnx^,-anrents ol g(rn)ftr ?ation.perloilanoe Slu.tos scholrs hive obvously croded rrllipte nfd diverse concepts an.t conlirnl()to do so. Howclcr this fiultiFli.:itvlnd davcGiry is rrsctttargetv.ietenr rxxt bv ou. pnradigrnalic perqxlitivF. wh(h I hnvc ca ed hcrc rhe chdtoqlc ot cflica cV Dirq)i. or rather nrtrrnilt,annlysisot this peFpeclile ..n LrtV prmeed so lar. tor lve cannot ellsity g(, n Dersp(jtive oD our Dfisp{x)lve, on lhe o,licalan.l alaoctive inv'rsh xrs i r tet.l wc haveconshurrrxt ln(l b somc cxtenr Dconcofstrricte.l opcn an anotrj! \{mr lnm(nrs lo our p.rao.rnranc p(isuppositk)ns Ljr)dprejudiccs we nj!sr tull| 0tse!!herc Id prejldices uni tdrnd by oontrrst. noi by !n.yss.,, OUr fttlcars.l ot a gcner. lhcory nrust thus scck out olhcr sres, othor prenrsos,olhcf




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