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El experimento de la higiene

The Hygiene Experiment

Jesse dejaba vagar su imaginacin cuando su mam empez a hablarle sobre los beneficios de mantenerse limpio, hasta que las palabras experimento de la higiene le llamaron la atencin. A Jesse le encantaban los experimentos y jams poda rechazar la oportunidad de llevarlos a cabo. Prest mucha atencin hasta que su mam termin de explicrselo. Jesse permaneci en su asiento, estupefacto ante lo que acababa de escuchar. Dir en serio mi mam que puedo pasar toda una semana sin limpiar ni lavar nada, incluido yo?, Jesse pens. Bueno, me encanta la idea! Va a ser un lindo descanso de toda la limpieza y la organizacin que siempre tengo que hacer. Tal vez mam se va a dar cuenta de que todo este asunto de la higiene no vale tanto la pena, y ya no tendr que limpiar nunca ms. Jesse's mind wandered as his mother began to talk about the benefits of keeping clean until the words "hygiene experiment" caught his attention. Experiments were something that Jesse enjoyed and could never turn down. He readily listened as his mother finished her explanation. Afterwards Jesse remained in his seat, bewildered by what he'd heard. Did Mom really mean that I can actually have a full week without cleaning anything, including myself? Jesse thought.Well, I like the sound of that! It'll be a nice break from all that cleaning and tidying Im always having to do. Maybe once it's over Mom will realize all this hygiene stuff is not worth fussing over, and I won't have to clean up ever again!

On the first day, Jesse was excitedhe skipped his chores and cleaning up after himself. He didn't seem to mind his untidy room or his unkempt hair.

Jesse estaba emocionado el primer da: no tuvo que hacer los trabajos diarios ni tuvo que limpiar lo que ensuciaba. No pareca molestarle el desorden de su habitacin ni su cabello revuelto.

El segundo da fue an mejor! Y para cuando lleg el tercer da, aunque Jesse empezaba a sentir cierta comezn e incomodidad, se alegr de no tener que hacer el esfuerzo de ducharse y lavarse el cabello.

Day two was even better! And by day three, while Jesse found himself a little itchy and uncomfortable, he was glad he didn't have to bother with showering or washing his hair.

However, by the fourth day, when there were no clean dishes for Jesse to eat from, he began to wonder about his new way of living. It seemed there were inconveniences with this lifestyle too, but Jesse shrugged the thought away.

Sin embargo, el cuarto da, cuando ya no quedaban platos limpios para comer, Jesse empez a cuestionar este nuevo estilo de vida. Pareca que haba algunos inconvenientes con ese estilo de vida tambin, pero Jesse no le dio mucha cabida a ese pensamiento.

Cuando volvi de un vigoroso partido de ftbol el quinto da, Jesse not que l y su dormitorio olan mal. Sus dientes ya se sentan bastante pegajosos, y hasta sinti el deseo de cepillarlos, pero decidi que poda esperar un poquito ms. No pudo evitar notar, sin embargo, que sus amigos ya no demostraban tanto entusiasmo en estar con l. Nos da vergenza estar contigo; apestas, le dijeron.

Coming back from a vigorous game of soccer on day five, Jesse noticed that both he and his bedroom stank. His teeth were feeling pretty yucky, and he actually wanted to brush them, but he decided he could put up with it a little longer. He couldn't help but notice, however, that his friends weren't keen on hanging around him. "Youre embarrassing to be around and you smell bad," they said.

El sexto da, las moscas revoloteaban alrededor de Jesse y lo seguan a todas partes, lo que se estaba tornando insoportable. Haba pensado que no preocuparse sobre la higiene personal y no lavarse cada da iba a ser genial, pero ahora empezaba a molestarle. Su panza le dola, se vea y se senta terrible, sus amigos dejaron de visitarlo, y hasta le costaba dormir por las noches por lo sucio que se senta y por la comezn que tena todo el tiempo.

By day six, the flies that followed Jesse wherever he went were becoming unbearable. He had thought that not having to worry about personal hygiene or cleaning up after himself would be great, but now it was turning into a bother. His stomach hurt, he looked and felt terrible, his friends had stopped coming around, and he even had trouble sleeping at night because he felt so dirty and gross and was always itchy.

Al final del sptimo da, Jesse ya se haba hartado de la suciedad y el desorden. Termin el experimento tomando una ducha por voluntad propia, seguida de un bao de inmersin, para poder mojarse bien y pasarse bien la esponja. Se cepill los dientes tres veces seguidas. Con gran entusiasmo lav la vajilla y luego limpi a fondo su habitacin. Sorprendentemente, estaba agradecido por lavadora, el detergente, el cepillo de dientes y la pasta dental, el jabn de tocador, el champ, y todas las dems cosas asociadas a la limpieza. A Jesse le qued claro lo importante que es la higiene diaria.

By the end of the seventh day, Jesse was sick and tired of the filth and mess. He ended the experiment by voluntarily taking a shower, followed by a bath, so that he could soak and scrub himself. He brushed his teeth three times in a row. He eagerly and cheerfully washed the dishes and did an in-depth tidying-up of his bedroom. He was surprisingly thankful for washing machines, dish soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and a host of other items associated with cleaning and cleanliness. It was now clear to Jesse just how important daily hygiene was.

La mam de Jesse lleg a la conclusin de que todo el sufrimiento de esa semana vali la pena! Su anterior tarea de estar constantemente recordando y persuadiendo a Jesse para que cuidara sus cosas y su higiene personal y para que colaborara con las tareas de la casa haba llegado a su fin... para siempre.

Jesse's mom concluded that the week of suffering was worth it! Her previously continual job of reminding and coaxing Jesse to take care of himself and his things and to help out around the house was now overforever.

Cuentos bilinges para nios

Art and text courtesy of My Wonder Studio.

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