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Police Report Writing Test: Quotation Marks

Part I Instructions: Insert quotation marks () into the sentences below. Not every sentence requires quotation marks. (You can view a short instructional PowerPoint about quotation marks at this link: ballroom!" usin#$quotations$in$%olice$re%orts.) &hen you 'inish this test( check your answers at this link: doc )*+)!,,-! .uotin#$in$Police$/e%orts$0nswer$1ey. !. ). -. 8. 5. 2r. 3rankel told me that no one else had a combination to the sa'e. 2rs. 4allahan said( I heard my do# barkin# at about !:!5 this mornin#. 6eave me alone7 shouted Parker when I knocked on his door. Pinkham said the intruder threatened to blow the whole damn %lace u%. 6e#er said the watch was an heirloom that used to belon# to his #rand'ather.

Part II Instructions: 2ark each statement 9rue or 3alse. 4heck your answers at this link when you:re 'inished. ;;;;;; ". You should always use quotation marks when you record what someone told you. ;;;;;; +. In 0merican %unctuation( sometimes the %eriod #oes outside the quotation marks. ;;;;;; ,. <e'ore you write down what someone said at a crime scene( you should clean u% any o''ensive lan#ua#e that the %erson used. Part III Instructions: /ewrite this e=cer%t 'rom an interview to eliminate re%etition. I asked &ilson i' she worked at the bakery. >he said yes. I asked her lon# she had worked there. >he said about seven months. I asked her i' she ever used the cash re#ister. >he said she did.

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