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Tips & strategies answering English Language Paper (UPSR ) PAPER 1 Topics to cover : 1 2 3 ! % ) . / 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 !

! 1 % 1 ) 1 Topics Relationship Animal Buildings Clothing " accessories &vents Food " *everages Tools Things around us eople 0 occupation 1 #ports , activities, ho**( lants, ,lowers " vegetation 3a(, month " (ear Colour, shape arts o, *od( Countries 7eather Transport Description , e a!ples Cousin, nephew , pen-pal Female, male, group arts, name, dome, tower #hirt, nec$lace 'ari Ra(a, Christmas, accident +oodles, mu,,in Ra$e, hammer, shears Classroom, o,,ice, living room #eamstress, orphanage Badminton, pla(er, #tem, root, dais(, au*ergine 4eap (ear, 5une Triangular, indigo +avel, thigh 6ala(sian, east, south Rain, ,lood, *li88ard Re!ar"s

9rammar items : Topics 1 2 3 ! % ) +ouns Articles ronouns Con:unctions repositions Ad:ectives Description , e a!ples Common, proper, gender, numeral, collective, counta*le A, an, the ersonal, ossessive, 3emonstrative For, and, *ecause, i, ;n, in, *ehind, *etween Comparative, superlative Re!ar"s

. / 12 11 12 13 1!

Adver*s Tenses 6odals #u*:ect =er* Agreement ositive " +egative statements >uestions " responses unctuation #entence t(pe

Adver*s o, manner -l( resent, ast, Continuous, Future, articiple

must, have to, <could, <should

Capitali8e, comma, ,ull stop #imple, compound

To score A: Cover all the topic, grammar items a*ove? @ou are advised to spend onl( 1-2 minutes 0suggestion1 ,or eas( Auestion? Read the instructions care,ull(? Read the passage or stud( the stimulus given care,ull(? 9o through each Auestion and all the options given? Choose the *est answer ,rom the options given? Circle A, B, C or 3 to mar$ the correct answer? Answer all the eas( Auestions ,irst? Then go *ac$ to the di,,icult Auestions? 3o not waste time? Cross out the options, one *( one, until (ou get the correct answer? Alwa(s chec$ (our answers? Time is precious? Bse it wisel(?

#&CTC;+ A =;CABB4AR@ 12 multiple choice Auestions D 7ord level : >uestion 1 - ! 0 ! Auestions 1

# # #

TC # " 'C+T# Read the Auestion care,ull(? #pend 2 E 3 minutes ,or each Auestion? Find clues given to help (ou? Bnderlined the clues? 6ar$ 0F1 i, (ou ,ind the option is wrong? ChooseGcircle the *est answer

D hrase level : >uestion % E - 0 3 Auestions 1

TC # " 'C+T# Read the Auestion care,ull(? #pend 2 E 3 minutes ,or each Auestion? #tud( the picture care,ull(? Find clues given to help (ou? Bnderlined the clues? 6ar$ 0F1 i, (ou ,ind the option is wrong? ChooseGcircle the *est answer?

D #entence level : >uestion . E 12 0 3 Auestions 1 Tests pupilHs $nowledge and understanding in voca*ular(?

TC # " 'C+T# Read the Auestion care,ull(? #tud( the picture care,ull(? 9et to $now where it ta$en place? #pend 2 E 3 minutes ,or each Auestion? Find clues given to help (ou? Bnderlined the clues? 6ar$ 0F1 i, (ou ,ind the option is wrong? ChooseGcircle the *est answer?

#&CTC;+ B #;CCA4 &F R&##C;+# % multiple Echoice Auestions? D #ocial eIpressions : >uestion 11 E 1% 0 % Auestions 1 Test on social eIpressions used in various situations?

#ocial eIpressions 0matching1 ictures with various situations 3 to ! responses given in a list as options T(pes o, situations G responses 1- greetings 2- introducing onesel, G others 3- reAuesting o*:ects !- telephone conversations %- other social eIpressions TC # " 'C+T# @ou are advised to spend onl( %E12minutes 0suggestion1? 6a$e sure (ou read through all the options? Choose the most suita*le response ,rom the list given? Answer all the eas( Auestions ,irst? Then go *ac$ to the di,,icult Auestions?

3o not waste time? Cross out the options, one *( one, until (ou get the correct answer?

4oo$ at the people in the pictures and what the( are doing to get clues?

#&CTC;+ C 9RA66AR 12 multiple-choice Auestions Test pupilJs $nowledge and understanding in grammar, spelling and punctuation? D 9rammar : >uestion 1) E 21 0 ) Auestions 1 Test pupilJs $nowledge and understanding in grammar?

TC # " 'C+T# Read the Auestion care,ull(? #tud( the picture care,ull( 0i, given1? #pend 2 E 3 minutes ,or each Auestion? Find clues given to help (ou? Bnderlined the clues?

6ar$ 0F1 i, (ou ,ind the option is wrong? ChooseGcircle the *est answer?

Read the grammar item ta*le, ma$e sure (ou cover all the topics?

D unctuation : >uestion 22 E 23 0 2 Auestions 1 Test pupilJs $nowledge and understanding in punctuation?

TC # " 'C+T# Read the Auestion care,ull(? #tud( the picture care,ull( 0i, given1? #pend 2 E 3 minutes ,or each Auestion? Cnstead ,inding the answer, ,ind errors ,or each option given ,irst? Bnderlined the errors? 6ar$ 0F1 i, (ou ,ind the option is wrong? ChooseGcircle the *est answer?

3onJt lose mar$s 02 mar$s1 ,or these Auestions? 4evel o, Auestion : &as(, moderate?

D #pelling : >uestion 2! E 2% 0 2 Auestions 1 Test pupilJs $nowledge and understanding in spelling?

TC # " 'C+T# Read the Auestion care,ull(? #tud( the picture care,ull( 0i, given1? #pend 2 E 3 minutes ,or each Auestion? Find clues given to help (ou? Bnderlined the clues? 6ar$ 0F1 i, (ou ,ind the option is wrong? ChooseGcircle the *est answer?

3onJt lose mar$s 02 mar$s1 ,or these Auestions? 4evel o, Auestion : &as(, moderate?

#&CTC;+ 3 9RA66AR T&FT C;6 4&TC;+ 1 passage which descri*es a picture % multiple choice Auestions D TeIt Completion : >uestion 2) E 32 0 % Auestions 1 Test on language items such as nouns, tenses, ad:ectives, con:unctions etc?

TC # " 'C+T# Read the Auestion care,ull(?

#tud( the picture care,ull( ? #pend 2 E 3 minutes ,or each Auestion? Find clues given to help (ou? Bnderlined the clues? 6ar$ 0F1 i, (ou ,ind the option is wrong? ChooseGcircle the *est answer?

Read the grammar item ta*le, ma$e sure (ou cover all the topics? 4evel o, Auestion : 6oderate, di,,icult #&CTC;+ & C;6 R&'&+#C;+ 2 passages o,linear and non-linear teIts? % multiple choice Auestions are set ,or each passage? 6ultiple choice Auestions 0comprehension Auestions1

Interesting buildings in Malacca 1 Many people visit Malacca to see the old buildings there. The most famous building is called A Formosa. The Portugese built it in 1511. Another old building is called The tadhuys. !t "as built by the #utch in 1$5%. !t is a big building "ith many rooms and halls& stairs and corridors. 2 Places of "orship are also interesting places to visit. A very old mos'ue is the (ampung (ling Mos'ue. !t loo)s beautiful "ith its three*tiered roof. The +heng ,oon Teng Temple& built in 1$-$& is the oldest +hinese temple in Malaysia. There are beautiful carvings inside the temple. 3 The aint Paul +hurch is situated on top of a hill. .nly its stone "alls and floor can be seen today. Another interesting church is the aint /avier0s +hurch& built in 11-2. !t has t"o to"ers by the side of the entrance. 4 There are also many different types of traditional Malay buildings in Malacca. Most of these are "ooden buildings. The roofs are made of attap. The rooms are cool and airy because of the numerous "indo"s.

3ivide the passage accordingl( to their paragraph? 3raw line to separate them? Read the Auestions ,irst? #$im and scan the passage to ,ind the answer? +o need to go through all the passage? First 3 Auestions alwa(s re,erring to ,irst, second and third paragraph? 4oo$ at the *olded words

T(pes o, Auestions 123!%)-understanding main ideas locating details seAuencing ideasGevents understanding meaning o, words recogni8ing cause and e,,ect relationships predicting outcomes drawing conclusions

#timulus 1- notice 2- advertisement 3- timeta*le !- diar( %- report )- letter -- narrative .- dialogue /- ,actual passage 12- speech 3 or ! multiple choice answers 0o*:ective1 A,B,C or A,B,C,3







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