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Spring SEMESTER Second Year 2014 OFFERED Semester



Developmental Psychology II Area Core (Psychology) Assoc Pro! Dr "iran #ertan $!!ice% &04 ' (el% 1)1) ' 22*1 +iran mertan,em- ed- tr (-esdays 10%&0.12%20 / (h-rsdays 10%&0.11%20 $!!ice 0o-rs% (h-rsdays 11%20.12%20 or +y appointment & ECTS VALUE ) PSYC 221 PSYC 101 / "I$2 10* $ne Semester

WEB LINK AIMS & OBJECTIVES (his co-rse e3plores h-man physical4 cognitive4 emotional and social gro5th as +lending in an -nending dynamic process "y e3amining the gro-nd+rea6ing 5or6 o! developmentalists s-ch as Piaget4 7ri6son4 "ron!en+renner etc8the st-dents 5ill -nderstand the comple3 net5or6 o! developmental tas6s that shape -s as 5e move thro-gh the li!e span LEARNING OUTCOMES $n s-ccess!-l completion o! the co-rse4 the st-dent is e3pected to descri+e 5hat is meant +y the st-dy o! h-man development e3plain 5hat is meant +y the nat-re.n-rt-re controversy in terms o! gro5th4 mat-ration and learning identi!y and descri+e the ma9or psychological approaches to development e3plain ho5 developmental psychology !its into a 5ider interdisciplinary conte3t s-mmari:e and eval-ate 6ey theories in developmental psychology Implement ethical principles RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER COURSES (his co-rse is prere;-isite to PSYC221 < Developmental Psychology I LEARNING / TEACHING METHOD (he modes o! delivery incl-de !ormal lect-res4 disc-ssions and presentations In addition4 in. class e3ercises4 literat-re search and short.essays are -sed as learning tools METHOD OF ASSESSMENT #idterm I &0= #idterm II &0= >inal 40= "on-s% In.class assignment *= (-nanno-nced) ATTENDANCE Attendance is re;-ired St-dents 5ho attend less than ?0= o! classes4 and 5hose s-+mission o! re;-ired 5or6 and attendance at e3aminations is minimal may receive an @A grade TEXTBOOK/S Bander Canden4 D E 4 Crandell4 (h 2 / Crandell4 C 0 (most recent 7d ) 0-man Development #cAra5.0ill (Availa+le at the +oo6store) 1

Spring2014 EXTENDED READING LIST >-rther reading materials 5ill +e assigned d-ring the semester TENATATIVE CONTENT & SCHEDULE 2ect-res 5ill +e held on (-esdays (10%&0<12%20) in C2101 and (h-rsdays (10%&0.11%20) at C2102 (he lect-re topics4 e3am and home5or6 sched-les 5ithin the semester are as !ollo5s% WEEK S
1 2 & 4 * ) 7

24.2?'02'2014 0&.0F'0&'2014 10.14'0&'2014 1F.21'0&'2014 24.2?'0&'2014 &1.04'04'2014 0F.11'04'2014

Overview of PSYC 221 Middle Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development Middle Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development Middle childhood: Emotional and Social Development Middle childhood: Emotional and Social Development Adolescence: Physical and Cognitive Development Adolescence: Physical and Cognitive Development MTI



Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 11


10th #arch 2ast Day >or Add'Drop ZONGULDAK

11th .22nd April #idterm 73ams 11th .22nd April #idterm 73ams #$ !" A%#&' N()&*+(' H*'&$(, 1st M(, W*#-.#/ (+$ S%#&+0 D(, H*'&$(, May Spring #estival 1th #ay 2ast Day >or Co-rse Eithdra5al / 2ast Day >or 2eave o! A+sence Application The 8th EMU Psychology Days 12)3 M(, N()&*+(' H*'&$(, ! th"1

14.1?'04'2014 1 10 21.2*'04'2014 2?.02'0*'2014 Adolescence: Emotional and Social Development Early Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development Early Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development Chapter 12 Chapter 1&



Chapter 1&

12 1& 14 1*

12.1)'0*'2014 11.2&'0*'2014 2).&0'0*'2014 02.0)'0)'2014

Early Adulthood: Emotional and Social Development Middle Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development Middle Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development >inal 73ams

Chapter 14 Chapter 1* Chapter 1*

45 )3 J6+. L(/) $(, *7 8'(//./

19 01.1&'0)'2014 >inal 73ams 01th.24th D-ne >inal 73aminations

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty re!ers to any !orm o! misrepresentation o! st-dent a+ilities4 incl-ding4 +-t not limited to4 cheating on e3ams4 plagiarism4 and s-+mitting 5or6 that has +een 5ritten4 translated and'or s-+stantially edited +y someone else Please re!er to the 7astern #editerranean Gniversity 5e+ site !or a complete description o! the Heg-lations !or St-dent Discipline (http%''mev:-at em- ed- tr') PLAGIARISM St-dents sho-ld not -se othersI 5ords or ideas 5itho-t giving credit to the so-rce(s) (e g 4 9o-rnal articles4 +oo6s4 or 5e+sites) in the appropriate !ormat (his r-le applies to +oth p-+lished and -np-+lished so-rces All so-rces -sed !or ;-otes or paraphrasing m-st +e cited -sing in.te3t re!erences in the appropriate !ormat and m-st +e incl-ded in the re!erence list >or e3ample4 copying and pasting any part o! an assignment (even i! it is 9-st a !e5 sentences) !rom electronic or hard copy so-rces 5itho-t indicating ;-oted material and'or 5itho-t proper re!erencing is considered plagiarism MAKE:UP POLICY (here 5ill +e no ma6e.-p options !or the &+:8'(// (//&0+;.+)/ or %*% <6&==./> Eithin a !e5 days a!ter the !inal e3am there 5ill +e a ma6e.-p e3am4 !or people 5ho missed either the ;&$).#; .?(; *# )3. 7&+(' .?(; 5ith legitimate and doc-mented e3c-ses In order to +e a+le to ta6e the c-m-lative ma6e.-p e3am4 valid doc-mentation sho-ld +e provided to the Psychology Department Administration 5ithin & days o! the sched-led e3am that is missed It is st-dentsI responsi+ility to chec6 5ith the Psychology department !or the ma6e.-p sched-le CLASSROOM POLICIES All re;-ests !or grade re.eval-ations on e3ams4 ;-i::es and class assignments m-st +e made 5ithin three days o! grade noti!ication (here are no re.eval-ations o! previo-s 5or6 (i e 4 e3ams4 ;-i::es or class assignments) a!ter !inal point calc-lations are posted at the end o! the semester >inal grades are assigned solely +ased on points earned d-ring the semester Please re!er to the Psychology Department 5e+ site !or a complete description o! classroom policies ASSIGNMENT DEADLINES @o e3tensions 5ill +e granted on assignment deadlines All assignments may +e handed in anytime prior to the deadline given Assignments are d-e at the $eginning of class %ate &or' &ill not $e accepted> You must $e in class at the time assignments are collected 4 other5ise yo-r 5or6 5ill +e considered late and there!ore 5ill not +e accepted

Please get into the ha+it o! !re;-ently navigating on the Psychology Departmental !ace+oo6% https%''555 !ace+oo6 com'gro-ps'7m-PsychologySt-dents'

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