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APPSCCE-2011, Sociology Paper I

Full Marks: 200 Time: 3 Hours Note: Attempt five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Question No: 1. Attempt any 10 (Ten) (10X4=40) a) August Comtes conception of Science of Society. b) Emile Durkheims conception of Organic Solidarity. c) Sociologys relationship with History. d) Concept of Gender. e) Characteristics of Science. f) Necessity of Theory of Sociological Research. g) Case Study. h) Role Conflict. i) Concept of Social Movement. j) Concept of Caste. k) Concept of Class. l) Social Policy. Questions No: 2. Attempt any 8 (Eight) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Donyi-Polo Movement Pattern Variables Anomie Charismatic Leadership Horizontal Mobility Sampling in Sociological Research Case Study Monistic Religion Pressure Group Limitations of Participant Observation (5X8=40) (8X5=40)

Question No: 3. Attempt any 5 (Five)

a) Describe the symbiotic relationship between the Sociology and Political Science. b) Write a short note on Marxian theory of Historical Materialism. c) Describe the contribution of Science and Technology towards Social Change. d) Point out the different forms and functions of social stratification. e) Discuss the role of Planned Development in Social Change. f) What do you mean by objectivity in sociological research? What are the problems of objectivity? Discuss. g) What are the means of Social Mobility in modern society? Elucidate.

APPSCCE-2011, Sociology Paper I

Question No: 4. Attempt any 4 (Four) a) b) c) d) e) (4X10=40)

Critically describe the Weberian theory of Protestant Ethics and Capitalism. Point out the functions and dysfunctions of religion in modern society. Describe the Social System theory as propounded by Talcott Parsons? Discuss the nature and characteristics of Pre-Industrial economic system. What are the social determinants of economic development? Explain. (2X20=40)

Question No: 5. Attempt any 2 (Two)

a) Trace the history of emergence of sociology. b) Locate the modes of political participation in democratic and authoritarian forms of governance. c) What are the major types of social movements? How is social movement related to social change? Question No: 6. Attempt any 4 (Four) (4X10=40)

a) Evaluate the role of education as an agent of modernization. b) What is Robert K. Mertons conception of function? How does he classify the function? c) What is hypothesis? What are the characteristics of good hypotheses? d) Discuss the linkages among power, authority and legitimacy. e) Write a note on hurdles in Universalization of Primary education. Question No: 7. Attempt any 2 (Two) (2X20=40)

a) Critically assess the changes that are taking place in the institutions of family and marriage in modern society. b) Write note social movements in Arunachal Pradesh. c) Distinguish between caste and class. Describe the different conceptions of class in modern society. Question No: 8 (40)

What is culture? Find out the symbiotic relationship between education and culture. Question No: 9 (40)

What is social change? Critically describe the major sociological theories of social change? Question No: 10 (40)

Describe and evaluate critically the contributions of Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber towards the emergence of classical sociological theories.


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