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SIMPLE PAST Yesterday my friend Sally and I (find) e"erything #e (go) to the supermarket to buy food !

(#ant)$ e%&ept my fa"orite &ookies (#alk) be&ause it

'ohn usually goes to s&hool by bus$ but yesterday he (be) a beautiful day !hen Mary and 'ake &ouldn(t find him !e My T) time (arri"e) at the party$ they

(look) for Mike but

(see) Star !ars last #eek I (be) broken last #eek$ so I

(like) it a lot$ but my friends didn(t (read) all my maga*ines in my free

'anet (make) three deli&ious dishes for lun&h last Saturday !e the food + there #as nothing left Tony and Tim and piano I it and (play) basketball as &hildren Tim also

(eat) all

(study) ,ren&h

(lose) my #allet yesterday$ but thankfully a girl from my s&hool (gi"e) me a &all (be) &hildren$ they


!here Moni&a and Sandra bird They

(ha"e) three dogs and a (ha"e) a lot of spa&e to play

(li"e) in a farm$ so the dogs

-) .omplete as senten/as usando o Past Simple dos seguintes "erbos (use uma "e* &ada "erbo)0 speak + ha"e + read + dri"e + drink + begin + meet + take a) Sue 111111111111111111 a &up of &offee before &lass this morning b) !e 111111111111111111 a deli&ious dinner at a Me%i&an restaurant last night &) !hen it 111111111111111 to rain yesterday afternoon$ I shut all the #indo#s d) I 11111111111111 an interesting arti&le in the ne#spaper yesterday e) I 11111111111111 'ennifer2s parents #hen they "isited her She introdu&ed me to them f) Yesterday I &alled 'ason on the phone 3e #asn2t home$ so I 1111111111111 to his sister g) Mary #alked to s&hool today 4ebe&&a 11111111 her &ar Sandy 11111111a bus

5) 6se suas pr7prias id8ias para &ompletar as senten/as$ use o Past .ontinuous a) Tom burnt his hand #hen he 11#as &ooking the dinner 11 b) The doorbell rang #hile I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 &) !e sa# an a&&ident #hile #e 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 d) Mary fell asleep #hile she 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 e) The tele"ision #as on but nobody 1111111111111111111111111111111111 .omplete as senten/as usando o Past .ontinuous (Passado &ont9nuo) !hen I phoned my friends$ they 111111111111 monopoly (play) Yesterday at si% I 1111111111111111111 dinner (prepare) The kids 1111111111111111111 in the garden #hen it suddenly began to rain (run) I 111111111111111111111 the guitar #hen he &ame home (pra&tise) !e 11111111111111111111111 all day ( not + .y&le) !hile Aaron 1111111111111111 in his room$ his friends 11111111111111111 in the pool (#ork:s#im) I tried to tell them the truth but they 11111111111111111111 (not + listen) !hat 11111111 you 11111111 yesterday; (do) Most of the time #e 111111111111111111111111 in the park (sit) -< --5 -= -> -@ -B -C -E -F 5< 1111111111Lu&y 111111111 on the &omputer; (#ork) 1111111111 they 1111111111111111 the &ar ; (repair) 111111111 Melissa 1111111111 out a book; (take) 111111111 you 11111111111111 to musi&; (listen) 1111111 ?i&olas 111111111 at a pi&ture; (look) 111111111 Emma and Aertha 1111111111her friend; (phone) 1111111 the girl 111111111the #indo#; (open) 11111111 he 1111111 Dudo; (do) 111111111 the friends 11111111 home from s&hool; (&ome) 1111111 Tyler 111111111111#ith the &ooking; (help) She 11111111111111111111111111111 (not+#ork)

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