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NBNC2607 Clinical Practice 14 on Renal Nursing course will focus on application of theory from the theoretical course subject NBNS3504 Renal Nursing into practicum. Hence, you are encouraged to read NBNS3504 Renal Nursing for theoretical input for your practicum in addition to this module. Health assessment is an integral part of nursing. You may find it beneficial to revisit and review the module NB S1103 !"#ance" Nursing !ssess$ent to guide you in conducting assessments on clients with renal problems. Additionally, you are also encouraged to apply all the knowledge and skills gained from your previous learning, especially relating to nursing management and professionalism. In order to achieve 7 cre"it %&urs, you would have to undertake B !H the "eneral #racticum and $pecific #racticum as stipulated in the table below% C'INIC!' P'!C()(NT 1+ ,eneral Practicu$ #racticum takes place in your respective area of practice. Your official working hours are considered as the practicum hour. You do not need a preceptor for general practicum. You are self&directed in implementing your learning activities. You are e'pected to apply or practice skills that you have learned from the specific practicum whenever possible. 2+ S.eci/ic Practicu$ #lacement will be in any (enal - .rology setting. You must set aside the practicum hours separately from your official working hours. A /linical #receptor will be assigned for you your group. PR!CTICU) OURS * DUR!TION

324 %&urs (ecommended practicum hours% )* days per semester. At least + hours per day for , days per week.

06 %&urs (ecommended practicum hours% + hours per week ' *0 weeks 1on weekends only2 OR + hours per week ' 3 weeks 1on weekends2 4 + hours per day ' 3 days consecutively 1including week days2 OR + hours per day ' *0 days consecutively 14 2ee3s * 420 %&urs

TOT!' - 7 cre"its 1

OUM Page 1

COURS( OB4(CTI5(S At the end of the ,eneral Practicu$, you should be able to%& *. #erform skills learned from the specific practicum where applicable. 0. 5urse the clients using the nursing process approach. 6. /ommunicate with clients as well as their families and relatives with caring and empathy.

At the end of the S.eci/ic Practicu$, you should be able to%& *. .tilise the nursing process approach in caring for clients with renal disorders and their families - caregiver. 0. Ac7uire skills in (enal 5ursing%& a. /onducting initial health assessments on clients with renal disorders. b. /onducting focused assessments on clients with renal disorders% i. Assessing the renal function ii. Assessing the fluid balance iii. Assessing the electrolyte balance iv. Assessing the acid&base balance v. Assessing the psychosocial responses 8elivering nursing care for client undergoing dialysis treatment% i. 5ursing clients undergoing hemodialysis or continuous replacement therapy. ii. 5ursing clients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. renal


d. e. f.

8elivering nursing care for clients and family-caregiver in undergoing various investigations and treatments. #erforming various nursing procedures common to clients with renal disorders. 8elivering health education to the client and family-caregiver with renal disorders.

6. 8elivering health education to the client and family - caregiver in managing the care of the client.

OUM Page 2



#lease record the summary of your /linical #ractice Hours in the table below. 9ake sure that you have a minimum of 324 %&urs &/ ,eneral Practicu$+ Date Ti$e T&tal &urs Su.eri&r:s Signature 8e+g+ )atr&n*Sister*Direct&r9



Attach with additional paper if necessary. Attach the photocopies of your (oster - (ecords of :orking !ime 1e.g. #unch /ard2 SU))!R6 O7 C'INIC!' PR!CTIC( OURS 8SP(CI7IC PR!CTICU)9

#lease record the summary of your /linical #ractice Hours in the table below. 9ake sure that you have a minimum of 06 %&urs &/ S.eci/ic Practicu$+ Date Ti$e T&tal &urs '&cal Prece.t&r:s * C&&r"inat&r:s Signature

OUM Page 3



!SS(SS)(NT )(T ODS You will be evaluated for the course NBNC 2607 Clinical Practice 14 as follows% SN * ,R!D(D !SS(SS)(NT /ase $tudy & submitted before or on the deadline /linical #ractice (ecords% "eneral #ractice Hours & achieved minimum of 324 %&urs $peciali>ed #ractice Hours & achieved minimum of 06 %&urs Bedside !eaching = attended A?? Bedside !eaching sessions 1) topics2 5ursing #rocedures% 9ajor #rocedures 1*;2 9inor #rocedures 1*;2 !''OC!TION O7 )!R;S );< R()!R;S 8eadline = *, April 0;**

0< )< )< *;<

Attached with verified roster record of working hours

0;< *;<


#erformed under supervision of the ?# and verified

OUM Page 4

ral #resentation of the /ase $tudy TOT!'

0;< 100<

0;&minutes presentation

SN *

NON=,R!D(D !SS(SS)(NT /linical #erformance @valuation 1 by /linical #receptor2% You will receive a non&graded feedback or evaluation from your /linical #receptor for your clinical performance. $tudentAs @valuation of /linical #racticum% You are re7uired to provide feedback by evaluating your clinical e'perience. $tudentAs @valuation of /linical #receptor% You are re7uired to provide an evaluation of your /linical #receptor.

R()IND(R TO C'INIC!' PR(C(PTORS !his /ourse Bit must go hand&in&hand with the module NBNC 2607 Clinical Practice 14+ You )UST !5( BOT COPI(S for your reference in planning and implementing your teaching and learning activities with the students

B(DSID( T(!C IN, TOPICS = R(N!' NURSIN, N&+ * T&.ic #roviding physical, emotional and psychosocial care which includes communicating with clients and family-caregiver !he significant of health assessment in (enal 5ursing Assessing, analysing and planning
OUM Page 5


Prece.t&r:s Signature

Stu"ent:s Signature

individualised care of clients with renal dysfunction ) !he psycho&social effects of renal dysfunction and developing appropriate attitudes toward clients and family-caregiver

T&tal Nu$>er &/ Sessi&n !tten"e" T&tal )ar3s P'(!S( NOT(An attended Bedside !eaching session is entitled for a full mark of 1 !otal 9arks for C.?? attendance of 4 Bedside !eaching sessions is 4

NURSIN, PROC(DUR(S ON R(N!' NURSIN, !+ NO+ *. )!4OR PROC(DUR(S ? 20< PROC(DUR(S 5ursing client on hemodialysis 1H82 or /ontinuous (enal (eplacement !herapy 1/((!2% *.* Initiating H8-/((! *.0 8elivering H8-/((! *.6 !erminating H8-/((! *.) /aring for the Arteriovenous Cistula 1ADC2 - vascular access site 0. 5ursing client on #eritoneal 8ialysis 1#82 ( /ontinuous Ambulatory #eritoneal 8ialysis 1/A#82%
OUM Page 6


STUD(NT:S P(R7OR)!NC( ,&&" P&&r 82<9 81<9



0.* Initiating and delivering I#8-/A#8 0.0 !erminating I#8-/A#8 0.6 /aring for I#8-/A#8 puncture site #erforming dressing of catheter site = double lumens catheter 1Internal Eugular /atheter-$ubclavian /atheter-Cemoral /atheter-/uff /atheter2 #erforming urinary catheteri>ation 5ursing clients undergoing renal procedures 1renal biopsy, contrast media studies, renal transplant and others2

). ,.

TOT!' )!R; !C I(5(D P'(!S( NOT(A correctly 1" 82 performed 9ajor 5ursing #rocedure is entitled for a full mark of 2< !otal 9arks for *; correctly 1" 82 performed 9ajor 5ursing #rocedure is 20<

B+ NO+

)INOR PROC(DUR(S ? 10< PROC(DUR(S D!T( STUD(NT:S P(R7OR)!NC( ,&&" P&&r 81<9 80+5<9 PR(C(PTOR:S SI,N!TUR(


#erforming comprehensive Initial Health Assessment #erforming Cocused Assessment% 0.* Assessing the renal function 0.0 Assessing body fluid balance 0.6 Assessing serum electrolytes balance 0.) Assessing acid&base balance 0., Assessing psychosocial responses #erforming pre&dialysis observations 1blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiration, weight and others2 Administering injection of anti&anemic agent 1@poetin2
OUM Page 7




8elivering health education to the client and family-caregiver% ,.* !eaching client-family about /A#8 ,.0 !eaching client-family about renal diet and medication

TOT!' )!R; !C I(5(D P'(!S( NOT(A correctly 1" 82 performed 9inor 5ursing #rocedure is entitled for a full mark of 1< !otal 9arks for *; correctly 1" 82 performed 9inor 5ursing #rocedure is 10<

Stu"ent:s Signature-


'&cal Prece.t&r:s Signature@RITT(N !SSI,N)(NT ? ! C!S( STUD6


You are re7uired to write a Case Stu"A &/ a Client 2it% Renal Dis&r"er whom you have nursed during your /linical #ractice. !he !itle of the /ase $tudy should be written as BT%e Nursing Care an" )anage$ent &/ a Client 2it% CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCD !he recommended framework - headings are% i. $ection *% Introduction ii. $ection 0% #resentation of the case% - 8emographic data - "eneral health history - Assessment findings - 9anagement of the client - 5ursing care and management & by utili>ing the nursing process iii. $ection 6% /onclusion - summary iv. $ection )% (eferences v. $ection ,% Appendi'es Your work will be assessed based on the (ubrics provided 1Appendi' *2 Cormat of the /ase $tudy% i. :ords% ,,;;; & *;,;;; words ii. Cont% Arial, $i>e *0 iii. $pacing% *., iv. Binding% combed
OUM Page 8

You are re7uired to perform a 0;&minute ral #resentation on this /ase $tudy before submission to your !utor. !he suggested dates are 3 - F - + April 0;**. !he deadline for submission is on 15 !.ril 2012+

OR!' PR(S(NT!TION O7 T ( C!S( STUD6 9ode = #ower #oint #resentation Allocated !ime = 0, minutes% #resentation & 0; minutes Guestion H Answer = , minutes #rior to #resentation = submit the printed ## $lides to the !utor 10 ## $lides per page2 #resentation /riteria = refer to (ubric Assessment !ool provided 1Appendi' 02

Instructi&n $ubmit your /ase $tudy directly to your !utor after the ral #resentationI unless otherwise the deadline is on *, April 0;*0 if you must improve your work. Beep the copy of JAssignment Acceptance Derification $lipK as evidence of submission. You are encouraged to keep a copy of your /ase $tudy for future reference. C'INIC!' P(R7OR)!NC( (5!'U!TION Instructi&ns t& '&cal Prece.t&r-= !his is a non&graded evaluation on studentAs performance. !ick 1L2 the level of performance for each criteria based on the scale. You may include additional points on the comments provided. #lease complete the form at the end of the clinical placement. #lease inform the student regarding the evaluation of his-her performance to enable them to improve. Have the student to acknowledge his-her performance. !his form is part of the /linical #ractice (ecord and should be given to the student for compilation. Your evaluation is highly appreciated as an important feedback to students as well as to the Caculty. Na$e6ear!rea &/ S.ecialiFe" Practicu$Na$e &/ '&cal Prece.t&rPrece.t&r:s Designati&nScale11 .&&r 21 a#erage
OUM Page 9

)atriE N&Se$esterC&urse C&"e-

31 g&&"

41 eEcellent

N& Per/&r$ance Criteria *. !..earance an" Disci.line-= *.*. 9aintain cleanliness and neatness *.0 Collow dress code of the organi>ation *.6 #unctual *.) 9anage time effectively 0. C&$$unicati&n S3ills-= 0.* /ommunicate in a clear ,concise and fluent manner 0.0 Able to e'press sound opinion 0.6 #roject appropriate non verbal communication !ttitu"e - Res.&nsi>ilities 6.* Adheres to protocol, policies and procedures of the organi>ation 6.0 Collow standard practice and code of conduct 6.6 .nderstand the importance of preserving clientAs privacy and confidentiality !ttitu"e- !sserti#eness ).* 8emonstrate leadership skills ).0 A team player - team participation ).6 Accept constructive comments - criticism ).) (esponsiveness to supervision !ttitu"e- (sta>lis%ing Relati&ns%i. ,.* Able to function with other health care professional. ,.0 "ood rapport with staff, clients and family. ,.6 .nderstanding multicultural issues- individual differences. !ttitu"e- Initiati#es 3.* Able to search for learning activities. 3.0 $earch further information when needed. 3.6 $eek supervision - consultation when needed. ;n&2le"ge an" S3ill-= F.* Apply theory to practice appropriately F.0 Identify clientAs needs or problems. F.6 8emonstrate ability to solve problems. F.) #lan, implement and evaluate care. D&cu$entati&n+.* Accurate documentation +.0 Assess and report abnormal data







C&$$entsOUM Page 10

$tudentAs $ignature% MMMMMMMMM.. 8ate%

?ocal #receptorAs $ignature% MMMMMMMMMMMMM 8ate%

C'INIC!' (GP(RI(NC( (5!'U!TION Clinical Practice 14 S.ecialiFati&n ? Renal Nursing Instructi&ns t& Stu"ent You need to evaluate your learning e'perience in the SP(CI!'IH(D PR!CTICU). !ick 1L2 your level of agreement for each statements based on the scale. You may e'press your opinion or suggestions in the comments. #lease complete the form at the end of the clinical placement. !his form must be collated from the whole group of students and hand&in to the Prece.t&r C&&r"inat&r, whom should return back to the Caculty. Your evaluation is highly appreciated. It is crucial for continuous improvement of our program and to enable us to provide the best for you. )atriE N&Se$ester-

Na$e6ear!rea &/ S.ecialiFe" Practicu$-

Scale- 11str&nglA "isagree 21 "isagree 31 in"i//erent 41 agree

OUM Page 11

51 str&nglA agree

N& State$ent 1+ I have ade7uate opportunities to enhance my clinical skills and knowledge. 0. I have ade7uate opportunities to strengthen my communication skills. 6. I have ade7uate opportunities to achieve my learning outcomes. ). !he length of clinical placement was ade7uate. ,. !he staff members were supportive of my learning needs. 3. !he $chool was able to address my concerns - problems 7uestions. C&$$ents-

(5!'U!TION O7 'OC!' PR(C(PTOR Clinical Practice 14 S.ecialiFati&n ? Renal Nursing Instructi&ns t& Stu"ent !ick 1L2 your level of agreement for each statements based on the scale. You may e'press your opinion or suggestions in the comments. #lease complete the form at the end of the clinical placement. !his form must be collated from the whole group of students and hand&in to the Prece.t&r C&&r"inat&r, whom should return back to the Caculty. Your evaluation is highly appreciated. It is crucial for continuous improvement of our program and to enable us to provide the best for you Na$e6ear!rea &/ S.ecialiFe" Practicu$Na$e &/ '&cal Prece.t&rNO CRIT(RI!
OUM Page 12

)atriE N&Se$ester-




* 0 6 ) , 3 F + N *; ** *0 *6 *) *, *3

Impart knowledge to students effectively. 9otivated to conduct bedside teaching. Have good clinical skills. @stablish good rapport with ward-hospital staff and client. $peak and give clear instructions. (esponsible. "ive regular and prompt feedback constructively. $ensitive and responsive to studentAs needs. "ive supervision when needed. 8emonstrate procedure as necessary. /heck studentAs records H attendance regularly. $upportive, approachable and available. Helpful in guiding student to achieve learning outcomes. Appear pleasant and presentable. "ive fair and objective evaluation. Always punctual

Stu"ent:s SignatureDate-

I)PORT!NT INSTRUCTION TO STUD(NTS /ompile the following documents for submission%& *. /linical #ractice (ecords%


(ecord of "eneral #ractice Hours (ecord of $peciali>ed #ractice Hours (ecord of Bedside !eaching sessions attended

5ursing #rocedures% ?ist of 9ajor #rocedures performed ?ist of 9inor #rocedures performed ral #resentation% #rinted ## $lides = 0 slides per page /linical #erformance @valuation Corm & by the /linical #receptor .se the Cormat for Cront #age as provided in Appendi' 6

6. ). ,.

OUM Page 13

You must submit the compilation of your work on 5B5/03;F /linical #ractice *) to your course !utor immediately after the ral #resentation of your /ase $tudy on 3 - F - + April 0;**I ( unless otherwise you are advised to improve your workI then the deadline is on 15 !.ril 2012

Appendi' *



NBNC 2607
L"# ($) Fair (2) A%"&e A&era e (') E()e**e+t (,) S)"r e

Wei !t -a e


OUM Page 14



There is no introduction on the topic of discussion.

The introduction on the topic of discussion is poor; ideas to be discussed are very vague and disorganized.

The introduction on the topic of discussion is fair; ideas to be discussed are vague and disorganized.

The introduction on the topic of discussion is good; ideas to be discussed are relatively clear and organized but inadequate explanation.

The introduction on the topic of discussion is excellent; ideas to be discussed are very clear and well organized. The intent of the work is explicitly explained. !ll infor ation and presentation of work is excellently and creatively organized in logical sequence; follows acceptable for at Thoroughly docu ents all pertinent infor ation on patient#s de ographic data and general health history; includes critical as well as supportive infor ation

2Or a+i0ati"+ "1 Write-/2


Infor ation and organization of work presentation is disorganized

Infor ation and organization of work presentation is occasionally organized

Infor ation and organization of work presentation is partially organized

Infor ation and presentation of work is generally organized in logical sequence; follows acceptable for at

'I+1"r3ati"+ "+ Patie+t45 De3" ra2!i) Data a+. 6e+era* 7ea*t! 7i5t"r8


There is no infor ation on patient#s de ographic data and general health history

$ocu ents ini al infor ation on patient#s de ographic data and general health history; critical infor ation is issing

%ails to docu ent ost pertinent infor ation on patient#s de ographic data and general health history; lacks of so e critical infor ation or ra bling in history $ocu ents so e pertinent exa ination ' assess ent findings

$ocu ents ost pertinent infor ation on patient#s de ographic data and general health history; includes critical infor ation

,D")/3e+tati" + "+ A55e553e+t Fi+.i+ 5


&hysical exa ination ' assess ent finding is not docu ented

&hysical exa ination ' assess ent findings are superficial; isses several pertinent co ponents

$ocu ents ost pertinent exa ination ' assess ent findings

Thoroughly docu ents all pertinent exa ination ' assess ent findings; includes analytical infor ation of the co ponents

OUM Page 15

9- Di5)/55i"+ "+ t!e :e.i)a* ; S/r i)a* :a+a e3e+t "1 t!e Patie+t

$oes not address on the anage ent of the patient

$e onstrate s insignificant anage ent of the patient; anage ent fails to address ost issues raised by the diagnosis

$e onstrates reasonable anage ent of the patient; anage ent addresses only parts of the issues raised by the diagnosis

$e onstrates considerable anage ent of the patient; anage ent addresses ost issues raised by the diagnosis

$e onstrates excellent anage ent of the patient; anage ent addresses all issues raised by the diagnosis; excellent insight into patient#s needs. $e onstrates considerable identification of nursing diagnoses with thorough and insightful discussion on nursing interventions for the patient; indicates 5 or ore nursing diagnoses !n excellent conclusion which is concisely and precisely written. It provides concluding re arks that shows an analysis and synthesis of ideas relating to the case study !ll citations are included in the discussion and references atch the citations according to the !&! for at.


6I.e+ti1i)ati"+ "1 N/r5i+ Dia +"5e5 a+. I+ter&e+ti"+5 1"r t!e Patie+t


$oes not identify any nursing diagnosis and interventions for the patient

$e onstrate s insignificant identification of nursing diagnoses and interventions for the patient

$e onstrates reasonable identification of nursing diagnoses and interventions for the patient; indicates only ) or less nursing diagnoses

$e onstrates reasonable identification of nursing diagnoses and interventions for the patient; indicates only ( or * nursing diagnoses


7- C"+)*/5i"+


There is no conclusion to su arize the case study

! poor conclusion which does not indicate an atte pt to synthesize the case study

! fair conclusion which indicates reasonable analysis and synthesis of ideas relating to the case study

! good conclusion which indicates considerable analysis and synthesis of ideas relating to the case study

<- Re1ere+)e5 a+. )itati"+5 a))"r.i+ t" t!e APA F"r3at


There is no reference or citation.

+itations for state ents included in the discussion are not present, or references which are included are not found in

-o e citations for state ents included in the discussion or references which are included are not found in the text.

.ost citations are included in the discussion and ost references atch with the citations according to the !&! for at.

OUM Page 16

the text.





000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000

-tudent#s 1a e/ 00000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000

.atrix 1o/

!ssessor#s -ignature/ 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 2 3


OUM Page 17

Appendi' 0


Criteria CONTENT: $- S/%=e)t >+"#*e. e ".5 -tudent does not have grasp of infor ation; cannot answer questions about the sub4ect -tudent de onstrates superficial knowledge; cannot answer questions about the sub4ect -tudent does not present infor ation in logical sequence; 4u ps around; audience has difficulty following the presentation -tudent de onstrate s reasonable knowledge; able to answer only rudi entary questions -hows inconsistent presentation ; at ti es ideas are cluttered audience has difficulty following the presentation -tudent de onstrates considerable knowledge; able to answer to all questions but without elaboration -tudent de onstrates excellent knowledge by answering all questions with explanations and elaboration -tudent presents infor ation in logical, interesting and creative sequence which audience can follow easily 6

NBNC 2607
L"# ($) Fair (2) A%"&e A&era e (') E()e**e+t (,) S)"re

Wei !ta e


2Or a+i0ati" +


!bsolutely shows disorganized presentation

-tudent presents infor ation in logical sequence which audience can follow

?ERBAL S>ILLS: $E+t!/5ia53 0.5 -hows absolutely no interest in the topic presented -eldo shows interest in the topic presented 5ccasionally shows so e interest in the topic presented %requently shows interest with positive feeling about the topic $e onstrate a very strong interest with positive feeling about the topic during entire presentation -tudent uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of ter s so that all audience 2

2- E*")/ti"+


-tudent u bles, incorrectly pronounces ter s, and speaks too quietly for a

-tudent#s voice is low. -tudent incorrectly pronounces ter s. !udience

Inter ittently student#s voice is clear and soft. 5ccasionally pronounces

-tudent#s voice is clear; pronounces ost words correctly. .ost audience e bers can

a4ority of audience to hear

e bers have difficulty hearing the presentation

words incorrectly. 5nly so e audience e bers can hear the presentation

hear the presentation

e bers can hear the presentation

NON?ERBAL S>ILLS: $- E8e C"+ta)t 0.5 1o eye contact with audience, as entire report is read fro the notes $isplayed ini al eye contact with audience, while reading ostly fro the notes +onsistent use of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes +onsistently hold attention of entire audience with the use of eye contact, seldo looking at notes Totally hold attention of entire audience with the use of eye contact, without looking at notes .ade proper ove ents or gestures during the entire presentation that see excellently flowing and help the audience visualize 2

2- B".8 La+ /a e


1o ove ent or descriptive gestures

6ery little ove ent or descriptive gestures

5ccasionally ade proper ove ents or gestures

.ade proper ove ents or gestures during the entire presentation that enhances articulation




00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000 -tudent#s 1a e/ 000000000000000000000000000 .atrix 1o/ 00000000000000000000000000000000

OUM Page 19

!ssessor/ 0000000000000000000000000000000000 $ate/ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000

Appendi' 6

C'INIC!' PR!CTIC( R(CORD NBNC2607 Clinical Practice 14 8R(N!' NURSIN,9

STUD(NT:S P!RTICU'!RS-= Na$e)atriE N&Se$ester I 6ear@ar" * !rea &/ Practice-= i+ ii+ ,eneral Practicu$S.eci/ic Practicu$-

PR(C(PTOR COORDIN!TORNa$eC&rres.&n"ing e=$ail * Tel-

'OC!' PR(C(PTORNa$eDesignati&n% C&rres.&n"ing e=$ail * Tel%


OUM Page 19

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